
The Jake Monaco Interview: Composer of Be Cool Scooby Doo and Gourmet Ghost! 

JayBee & Milly
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@JayBeeMilly 3 месяца назад
Thanks for watching! For more Scooby Doo please Subscribe 💜
@Jeannie873 3 месяца назад
Be Cool has some of the best music of all the Scooby shows up there with Where Are You and What's New
@thefantasticretroreviewer3941 3 месяца назад
More Interviews on the way
@seankidwell8208 3 месяца назад
Gourmet Ghost is a good Scooby-Doo movie.
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(at a military base) (a hooded person is sneaking around) (he looks around) (he hides against a wall) (some soldiers walk away) (the hooded person takes a lock pick) (he unlocks a window) (he opens it) (he climbs in and sneaks around) (cuts to a room) (the hooded person climbs on the wall above the door) (the door opens) (a soldier walks away) (the hooded person goes in the room) (he opens a drawer) (he pulls out a file that says super top secret) (he runs out) (the solider walks back in) (he sees the drawer open) (he runs over) (he sees the super top secret file gone) (he runs over to a large button) (he presses a button) (an alarm goes off) (army soldiers run around) (in the woods near the base) (the hooded person runs off) (he laughs evil) (cuts to the intro) (music) (Mitchell leaves a grocery store) (he walks around and sees a bottle on the ground near an alleyway) (he picks it up and walks away with it) (in an apartment) (he opens it and Jeannie comes out of it) (she magically makes money appear and sends them both to a fancy beach house) (they travel through Paris Hawaii Italy Space and even the digital world) (they go back to the beach house and sit in chairs at the deck) Jeannie's Magic Adventures (intro ends) Secret Agent Magic (Episode 111) (Special) (at the beach house) (Jeannie & Mitchell walk downstairs) Jeannie: i had an amazing night sleep master Mitchell: me too Jeannie Jeannie: so what do you wanna do today after breakfast?? Mitchell: maybe we can hang out at the mall Jeannie: sounds like a plan to me master Mitchell: let's have us some breakfast Jeannie: i'll take some eggs and bacon Mitchell: you've got it Jeannie Jeannie: thank you master Mitchell: no problem (they both go in the kitchen) Jeannie: i know today will be amazing Mitchell: me too Jeannie i can't wait (they both high five) (later at the mall) (Jeannie & Mitchell walk around) Mitchell: i love going to the mall with you Jeannie: me too it's always relaxing to me Mitchell: yeah it is pretty relaxing Jeannie (they both walk around) (they notice something weird) Jeannie: hey look over there Mitchell: what is it Jeannie?? (Jeannie walks over to something) (Mitchell follows her) (they get to a closed store) (they see a weird glowing arrow on the wall inside pointing down) Jeannie: is that an arrow?? Mitchell: i think so Jeannie: should we check that out? Mitchell: yeah i guess (they both look around) (no one is around and no cameras are watching them) Mitchell: ok Jeannie it's clear (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they both magically end up in the store) (they walk over to the arrow) (they stand at it) Mitchell: what does this even mean Jeannie?? Jeannie: i do not know master (the floor opens under them) (they look down) (they look at each other) (they hold onto each other and start falling) (the floor closes up) (Jeannie & Mitchell scream and fall down a large tube)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: WHERE IS THIS TAKING US?? Mitchell: I DON'T KNOW (in a cage) (Jeannie & Mitchell fall into it) (it closes) (they both look) Mitchell: where are we?? (they try to get out) Jeannie: Mitchell i am scared Mitchell: i know Jeannie (they hear walking) Mitchell: wait what is that noise?? (they both look over) (Jeannie holds onto Mitchell) (three silhouettes walk up) Jeannie: who are you people?? Mitchell: where are we at??? (the silhouettes reveal to be secret agents) Jeannie: what is happening?? Mitchell: you think this is a dream Jeannie? Jeannie: i don't think so Mitchell: yeah Secret Agent 1: state your names and business Mitchell: i'm Mitchell Jeannie: and i'm Jeannie Mitchell: we were hanging out and we saw some weird arrow and the floor opened and we ended up here Secret Agent 2: hmmm i don't know (someone walks over) Secret Agent 3: hello Mr. Adam Mr. Adam: we got culprits?? Secret Agent 2: no citizens Mr. Adam: DRAT Jeannie: what is going on?? Secret Agent 1: oh someone stole a file from the army last night Mr. Adam: YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT Secret Agent 1: oops (Mr. Adam sighs) Jeannie: really?? Mr. Adam: yep now you all have a choice you two can help or we erase your memories (Jeannie & Mitchell look at each other) Mitchell: our memories of this?? Mr. Adam: everything we need to work on our memory erasing devices Jeannie & Mitchell: we'll help Mr. Adam: alright i guess (he opens the cage) (Jeannie & Mitchell step out) Mr. Adam: come with us (they all go) (Jeannie & Mitchell look at each other) (they decide to go with it) (later) (Jeannie Mitchell and a bunch of agents are at a table) Mr. Adam: ok everyone we have some people helping us (Jeannie & Mitchell wave) (all the agents look at them) Secret Agent 4: this is weird to me Secret Agent 5: me too man Secret Agent 3: oh well i'm sure they're nice Mr. Adam: a super top secret file from the army has been stolen last night by someone Secret Agent 6: do you know who it could be boss?? Mr. Adam: my theory is that because of how no clues were left behind it had to be that sneaky Russian guy named Mikhail (he presses a button) (a picture of him is shown) Secret Agent 1: HIM Secret Agent 4: he's never been caught Mr. Adam: it keeps me awake every night Secret Agent 3: what about last night when you were asleep?? Mr. Adam: i got knocked out by a frying pan Jeannie: so where should we find him?? Mr. Adam: there's his mansion three towns away from here he's throwing a party it seems Mitchell: probably for his stolen file Mr. Adam: exactly my thoughts Jeannie: what do we do? Mr. Adam: you two go to that party in disguises Jeannie: but he doesn't know who we are Mr. Adam: but still a good idea to disguise yourselves as a married couple or something Jeannie & Mitchell: we''ll do it (Jeannie & Mitchell look at each other) Mr. Adam: ok Agent 5 get them dressed up (they get up and go) Mr. Adam: Agent 3 you drive the limo Agent 3: we have a limo?? (Mr. Adam takes a remote) (he aims it at fast agent car) (he presses the button) (it turns into a limo) Mr. Adam: we have every vehicle Agent 2: awesome (later) (the limo drives down a road) (Jeannie & Mitchell are in the back dressed up fancy) Mitchell: this is cool to do a secret agent mission Jeannie Jeannie: it sure is Mitchell this will be interesting for us (Jeannie sits closer to Mitchell) (she parts her arm around him) Mitchell: what's up Jeannie?? Jeannie: well we're pretending to be a married couple might as well make it look realistic Mitchell: ah good call Jeannie (Mitchell puts his arm around Jeannie) (they are both happy) (they're both about to kiss on the lips) Agent 3: we're almost there (Jeannie & Mitchell look) (they see they're almost there) Jeannie: there it is Mitchell: we'll have to stay sharp Jeannie Jeannie: i know and we should watch this Mikhail guy closely Mitchell: ok Jeannie you nervous Jeannie: a little bit Mitchell: me too we don't know what this guy is capable of Jeannie: yeah we don't Agent 3: he's sneaky Jeannie: never caught?? Agent 3: not even once Mitchell: man this is crazy (the limo parks outside the mansion) (Jeannie & Mitchell get out) Agent 3: i'll wait out here for you guys Mitchell: thanks man Jeannie: you ready to go in there in our married couple disguises?? Mitchell: let's do it honey (Jeannie & Mitchell hold hands) (they walk over to the mansion) (Agent 3 watches them) (they both head inside)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(they step in) (they see a huge party going on) (there are lots of people) (Jeannie & Mitchell look at each other) Jeannie: this is a huge party Mitchell: no kidding Jeannie Jeannie: let's go around looking for Mikhail Mitchell: after you sweetheart Jeannie: thanks sweetheart (they keep walking) (they smile pretending to be a married couple) (cuts to Mikhail talking to some people) Mikhail: thanks for coming to my party Rich Woman 1: indeed it is quite fun so far Rich Man 1: yes agreed (Mikhail whistles) (a butler walks over) Butler: yes sir?? Mikhail: Smithers bring some more food over to these people Smithers: yes sir (Smithers walks away) (Jeannie & Mitchell keep walking around) (they both look over) (they see Mikhail) Mitchell: there he is Jeannie: let's go get him Mitchell: let's act cool Jeannie: ok can't be suspicious you're right Mitchell: let's talk to him i guess Jeannie: ok Mitchell let's go to him (Jeannie & Mitchell go to talk to Mikhail) (the rich people walk away from Mikhail) Mikhail: ah good people (he looks over) (he sees Jeannie & Mitchell) Mikhail: oh hi there (Jeannie & Mitchell get to him) Jeannie: hello there Mikhail: i don't recognize you guys are you new?? Mitchell: uh yeah i'm Mitchell and this is my wife Jeannie Jeannie: that's us Mikhail: welcome to my party Mitchell: thank you Jeannie: this is a huge mansion you got you can hide all sorts of things Mikhail: yes you can i can't even find the kitchen half the time Mitchell: what about the bathroom?? Mikhail: there's ten in this place five are upstairs Jeannie: we'll go upstairs Mikhail: you both have to go??? Jeannie: yes we do Mikhail: ok than (Jeannie & Mitchell go) Mikhail: interesting couple (Smithers walks over) Smithers: what's up sir?? Mikhail: not much Smithers: who were those two??? Mikhail: new people at the party Smithers: hmmmm i'll have to get more snacks Mikhail: there's plenty to go around Smithers: if you say so sir (upstairs) (Jeannie & Mitchell walk around) Mitchell: ok Jeannie no one is up here it seems Jeannie: that's good now we can check out this place for the secret file Mitchell: exactly (Mitchell puts something in his ear) Mr. Adam: Agent Mitchell is that you?? Mitchell: Jeannie and i are upstairs looking for the file Mr. Adam: good to know stay sharp you never know what can happen Mitchell: roger that sir (Jeannie sees a door opened) Jeannie: hey look (Mitchell looks) (they walk over to it) (they see it's a bedroom) Jeannie: this must be Mikhail's bedroom Mitchell: let's look around and see what we can find Jeannie: i hope we can find something (Mitchell sees a painting of Mikhail) Mitchell: maybe it's in a secret safe (he moves the painting) (he sees a safe) (Jeannie sees it too) (they go over to it) Jeannie: oh wow Mitchell smart work Mitchell: let's find a code (they look around for a code) Jeannie: this is really good (Mitchell grabs something) Mitchell: what's this?? (he turns it on) (it's a black light) Jeannie: oh cool master a black light Mitchell: maybe we can find a code with this Jeannie: you're a genius (they look around)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Mitchell: this job will be great Jeannie: i hope we find some code soon Mitchell: me too (Mitchell pans the black light across) (Jeannie spots something) Jeannie: hey master go back to that wall (Mitchell shines the black light on the spot) (they see the code that is 1235) (they go back to the safe) (Jeannie enters 1235) (the safe unlocks) Mitchell: alright it worked Jeannie: let's take a look in (Jeannie opens the safe) (they both look in) (they see a bag of cookies) Mitchell: cookies in here?? Jeannie: maybe the file is behind the cookies (Jeannie moves the bag) (they don't see anything else in there) Jeannie: nothing else?? (Mitchell gets an idea) Mitchell: check the cookie bag (Jeannie opens it) (they look in it) (nothing but cookies in there) (they put them back and close the safe) (they look at each other) Jeannie: now what?? Mitchell: no idea Jeannie (Mitchell walks up to a small statue of Mikhail) (he turns the head) (a bookshelf raises up) (they both see stairs) Jeannie: oh here we go Mitchell: come on Jeannie (they both go down the stairs) (a silhouette watches them) (cuts to the bottom of the stairs) (Jeannie & Mitchell make it down) (they're in a large lab) Mitchell: woah Jeannie Jeannie: holy beard of Haji this is a huge lab (Mitchell uses head headset thing) Mitchell: Agent 3 we have found a lab i repeat we have found a lab check Mikhail's bedroom Agent 3: ok i will be right there (Jeannie & Mitchell walk around) (Jeannie notices something) (she walks to a table) (she grabs some blueprints) (she gasps) Jeannie: Mitchell (Mitchell walks over) Mitchell: what's up Jeannie??? Jeannie: check this out (they look over) (they see it's a plan to take over the world) Mitchell: ah take over the world Jeannie: we need to stop him Mitchell: yes we do (laughing is heard behind them) (they look) (they see Mikhail) Mikhail: welcome Mitchell: you're doomed now Mikhail hand over the file and turn yourself in Mikhail: НЕТ, Я НЕ СДАЮСЬ (NO I WILL NOT SURRENDER) Jeannie: we'll see about that Mitchell: GET HIM (Jeannie takes out a smoke bomb) (she throws it at Mikhail) (smoke gets all around Mikhail) (he coughs violently) (Jeannie jumps on Mikhail) (Mitchell grabs Mikhail) Mitchell: we've got you (Mikhail breaks free) (he runs to a button) Mikhail: i'm afraid the party is over (he presses a button) (a tube surrounds him) (he goes up) Mitchell: come on Jeannie (they both go) (they bump into Agent 3) Mitchell: Mikhail went up in a tube Agent 3: ok let's go get him (they all go) (cuts outside) (they run out) (the roof of the house opens) Jeannie: look (a helicopter comes out) Mitchell: oh no Agent 3: quick in the limo we'll turn it into a helicopter (they all get in the limo) (Agent 3 presses a button)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(the limo transforms into a helicopter) Jeannie: this is awesome Mitchell: let's go catch this guy Agent 3: right there with you (Agent 3 starts flying) (they go after Mikhail) (in Mikhail's helicopter) (he laughs evil) Mikhail: they will never get me (he looks) (he sees them following him) (he laughs evil) Mikhail: this will be easy (he turns on auto pilot) (he gets up and walks over to a large crate) Mikhail: let's see if it's here (he opens the crate) Mikhail: brilliant it is (he takes out a rocket launcher) Mikhail: this is gonna be so cool (Jeannie Mitchell and Agent 3 keep chasing) (they see the back of the helicopter opening) Jeannie: why is the back opening?? Mitchell: i have no idea (Agent 3 sees something) (he gulps) Agent 3: i think i see why (the back completely opens) (they see Mikhail with a rocket launcher) (he aims it at them and fires) (Jeannie Mitchell & Agent 3 scream) (Agent 3 tries to turn) (the rocket hits the back of the helicopter) (they spin out of control) (Jeannie & Mitchell hold onto each other) Agent 3: HANG ON (Mikhail watches them go out of control) Mikhail: mmmmm good (he closes the back of the helicopter) (he flies far away from them) (Jeannie Mitchell & Agent 3 keep spinning) Agent 3: I CAN'T CONTROL THE HELICOPTER (Jeannie & Mitchell start shaking) Agent 3: WE'RE GOING DOWN (they head towards an island) (Jeannie & Mitchell hold onto each other tighter) (the helicopter crashes) (later) (Mitchell is laying on the ground of the island) (he gets up) Mitchell: Jeannie?? Agent 3?? (Mitchell looks around) (he sees Jeannie on top of a bush) (she gets up) Jeannie: oh man (Mitchell runs over to her) Mitchell: Jeannie are you ok??? Jeannie: yes i am master are you ok?? Mitchell: yeah i am (Jeannie & Mitchell hug) Jeannie: what happened to us?? Mitchell: Mikhail fired a rocket at us Jeannie: oh yeah i remember now (they both look) (they see the crashed helicopter) Mitchell: come on we need to find Agent 3 Jeannie: right master (they both look around) (they check inside the destroyed helicopter) (they see Agent 3) (he's not moving or anything) (Jeannie reaches in and shakes his shoulder) Jeannie: Agent 3??? (no response) Mitchell: i don't think he made it Jeannie: me neither what do we do now?? Mitchell: we have to defeat Mikhail and make him pay for what he did Jeannie: you're right Mitchell (Mitchell reaches in the helicopter) (he takes out a communicator) (he tries to turn it on) (it doesn't work) Jeannie: allow me master (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (it magically gets all fixed) Mitchell: great job Jeannie Jeannie: thank you very much master (Mitchell turns it on) Mr. Adam: hello?? Agent Mitchell is that you?? Mitchell: yes t's me and Jeannie is here too Mr. Adam: what's happening Jeannie: we were chasing down Mikhail and he fired a rocket at our helicopter Mitchell: we're on a random island Mr. Adam: are you all ok?? Mitchell: Jeannie and i survived but sadly Agent 3 wasn't that lucky Mr. Adam: oh no (sigh) ok i'll sand agents 1 and 2 to get you both Mitchell: ok sir we'll wait here (Mitchell turns off the communicator) (him and Jeannie look around the place) (they walk over and look off at the sea) Mitchell: this stinks Jeannie Jeannie: i know right?? Mitchell: we will make Mikhail pay for all of this Jeannie: yes we sure will Mitchell: after this we're not checking out random arrows again Jeannie: no we're not master cause we got dragged into this mess Mitchell: we'll wait here for agents 1 and 2 to get here Jeannie: ok master Mitchell: hope it won't be too long
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: me too i wanna take this guy down Mitchell: me too Jeannie Jeannie: we've stopped a bunch of evil people in the past we can stop this guy Mitchell: yes we sure can Jeannie Jeannie: how should we defeat him?? Mitchell: we'll figure that out later Jeannie: this mission has been fun Mitchell: yeah it has but crazy Jeannie: i feel bad for Agent 3 Mitchell: we will take down Mikhail for him Jeannie: oh man i can't wait Mitchell: hope we succeed (Jeannie & Mitchell fist bump) (later) (Jeannie & Mitchell are sitting on a log) (they both look over) (they see a helicopter coming to them) Mitchell: that must be agents one and two Jeannie: finally (they both wave their arms) (the helicopter stops) (it drops a ladder) (Jeannie climbs up the ladder) (Mitchell climbs up after her) (they both get in the helicopter) Agent 2: are you guys ok?? Mitchell: we're fine Jeannie: we must find Mikhail Agent 1: don't worry we will i promise Agent 2: we need to figure out where he could be (Jeannie & Mitchell try to think) Mitchell: can you guys think of where he could be Agent 1: well he did have a lab in a desert twelve years ago Jeannie: maybe he's there??? Agent 1: he could be Mitchell: i guess it's worth a shot Jeannie: i'm in Agent 2: ok everyone let's go (Jeannie & Mitchell sit down) (they both buckle up) (they look at each other) (Jeannie puts her hand on Mitchell's hand) (they both smile at each other) (the helicopter flies away) (later) (the helicopter approaches a desert) Agent 2: almost there (Jeannie & Mitchell both look over) (they see the place) (Agent 1 is looking on a screen) Agent 1: according to my calculations the lab should be here Jeannie: is it underground?? Agent 2: i believe so Mitchell: well i guess we can do this Jeannie: yep (the helicopter lands) Agent 1: ok should we do this Mitchell: Jeannie and i should find a way in ourselves Agent 1: seriously?? Mitchell: we're gonna do this for Agent Three Jeannie: and to save the world too Agent 1: well if you guys need backup we're right here Agent 2: we'll even call the others Mitchell: you ready to do this Jeannie?? (Jeannie gulps) Jeannie: i think so Mitchell Mitchell: let's do this Jeannie Jeannie: right behind you (they both leave the helicopter) (Agents 1 and 2 watch them go) (Jeannie & Mitchell walk around the desert) Mitchell: ok Jeannie we need to keep an eye out Jeannie: hope we find a secret lever soon Mitchell: i hope so too Jeannie (they both look around) (Jeannie looks) (they're out of sight from Agents 1 and 2) Jeannie: ok (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (a device magically appears in her hands) Mitchell: what's that?? Jeannie: a device to find secret levers Mitchell: oh cool Jeannie Jeannie: i like to think so (Jeannie scans around) (she looks at a cactus) (the device says that the cactus is a lever) Jeannie: over there Mitchell: man that is the best device ever
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(at the exit of town) (Mitchell's car drives out) Jeannie: this road trip is going to be amazing master Mitchell: always good to go somewhere with you Jeannie Jeannie: it sure is master hey if you want me to take over the driving let me know Mitchell: sure Jeannie i think that can be good Jeannie: so where are we going exactly?? Mitchell: it's a surprise for you Jeannie Jeannie: oh ok master (Jeannie looks out the window) Jeannie (thinking): please be a date PLEASE BE A DATE (Jeannie looks back at Mitchell) Mitchell: so Jeannie did you sleep good last night??? Jeannie: yes i did master really good how about you??? Mitchell: pretty good myself Jeannie: that's good to hear Mitchell: i think this trip will be really good Jeannie: can't wait for this surprise Mitchell: i know you'll love it Jeannie (Jeannie gets really excited) Jeannie: oh master i can't wait Mitchell: i can tell you're really excited Jeannie Jeannie: how could i not be?? Mitchell: haha we still got like a seven hour drive Jeannie: seven hours?? Mitchell: don't worry when we go home i'll have you just teleport us back Jeannie: that sounds good to me master Mitchell: we'll have fun on this trip Jeannie Jeannie: yes we sure will you wanna play a game?? Mitchell: sure Jeannie what do you want to play?? Jeannie: i was thinking i spy Mitchell: ah why not Jeannie that sounds pretty fun to me Jeannie: awesome master let's get started (cuts to the intro) (music) (Mitchell leaves a grocery store) (he walks around and sees a bottle on the ground near an alleyway) (he picks it up and walks away with it) (in an apartment) (he opens it and Jeannie comes out of it) (she magically makes money appear and sends them both to a fancy beach house) (they travel through Paris Hawaii Italy Space and even the digital world) (they go back to the beach house and sit in chairs at the deck) Jeannie's Magic Adventures (intro ends) Stranded In The Middle Of Nowhere (Episode 113) (later) (Mitchell's car keeps driving down the street) Jeannie: i spy with my little eye something round Mitchell: uh... the steering wheel?? Jeannie: nope (Mitchell sees a stop sign) (they stop at it) Mitchell: the O in stop?? Jeannie: that is correct master Mitchell: YEAH Jeannie: your turn master Mitchell: ok i spy with my eye something beautiful and green Jeannie: my eyes?? Mitchell: uh... yeah (Jeannie giggles and blushes) Jeannie: thank you master Mitchell: no problem Jeannie Jeannie: this is really fun Mitchell: it really is Jeannie i am loving this trip with you Jeannie: i love it too master it is incredible Mitchell: it sure is Jeannie i'm glad we went on a road trip together Jeannie: me too master i just love being alone with you Mitchell: yeah i do too Jeannie it's great to just be alone together (Jeannie puts her hand on Mitchell's shoulder) Jeannie: we're best friends (thinking) hopefully more than best friends soon Mitchell: yeah Jeannie we sure are (thinking) why am i so nervous to ask her out and kiss her??? UGH (Jeannie yawns a little bit) Jeannie: i'm getting a little tired Mitchell: you wanna go to sleep Jeannie?? Jeannie: i'm having so much fun though Mitchell: it's up to you Jeannie Jeannie: i'll stay up i'm not too tired Mitchell: ok Jeannie Jeannie: i really love this master Mitchell: me too Jeannie Jeannie: there is something i wanna do sometime Mitchell: what would you like to do Jeannie?? Jeannie: i was thinking maybe sometime we can take a cruise to Hawaii Mitchell: that can be amazing Jeannie Jeannie: you know when we get home later on i wanna relax in the hot tub Mitchell: i need to relax in that again Jeannie: i love that hot tub on the deck Mitchell: me too thanks for magically making that appear Jeannie: no problem (they see a rock in the road) (Mitchell turns the car) Jeannie & Mitchell: WOAH (Mitchell crashes the car into a tree) Jeannie & Mitchell: are you ok?? yeah i'm fine! phew that's good to hear
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: that was crazy Mitchell: saying the same things at the same time?? Jeannie: well that Mitchell: well better check the damage on the car (they both get out) (Mitchell opens the hood of the car) (he sees the engine is damaged) Mitchell: oh boy Jeannie: you want me to fix that for you master?? Mitchell: might be a good idea Jeannie (a tow truck drives over) Mitchell: oh hold on a second Jeannie: that figures (a Mechanic steps out) Mechanic: hey you two ok?? Mitchell: yeah we're fine Jeannie: the engine is damaged though (Mechanic checks it out) Mechanic: yeah that looks bad Jeannie: we were avoiding a rock in the road Mechanic: that was a huge rock Mitchell: i better move that out of the road Mechanic: tell you what i'll repair your car Jeannie: you will?? Mechanic: yeah i'll even do it for free Mitchell: really?? Mechanic: yeah i will (he gets some tools out of his truck) (he walks over to the car) Mitchell: i better move that rock Jeannie: i'll help you with that (they go to the rock) (start pushing it out of the way) (Jeannie sighs) Mitchell: you ok Jeannie?? Jeannie: yeah just annoyed Mitchell: what's wrong?? Jeannie: a mechanic showed up i could've fixed the car by now and we'd be on our way Mitchell: don't worry about it Jeannie Jeannie: i know but it annoys me Mitchell: we can still hang out while he fixes the car Jeannie: i guess we can hang out but i was enjoying the drive (they get the rock completely out of the road and in between two trees) Mitchell: that looks good Jeannie: good enough to me Mitchell: anyway Jeannie maybe we can explore a little Jeannie: should we tell that mechanic?? Mitchell: he'll be fine Jeannie: oh ok let's go (they both walk around) (the mechanic keeps fixing their car) Mechanic: did they go in the forest?? oh well that's fine (he keeps working) (Jeannie & Mitchell walk around) Jeannie: i don't fully trust this Mitchell: you don't?? Jeannie: nope every time we enter a forest we always encounter weird stuff Mitchell: i'm sure we'll see nothing this time (they hear something a little far away) Mitchell: you hear that? Jeannie: what is that noise?? Mitchell: i don't know?? (Jeannie & Mitchell listen) (they hear what sounds like a water fall) Mitchell: that sounds like a water fall Jeannie: sounds like that to me too Mitchell: you wanna go check that out?? Jeannie: sure let's go follow the noise (they both go to follow the noise) (they keep listening) (they hear it getting louder) Jeannie: we're getting closer and closer Mitchell: i can't wait to see this water fall Jeannie: me neither master i do love those (they get to the source of the sound) (they see the water fall) Jeannie: that's a beautiful water fall Mitchell: yeah it is Jeannie: let's get a closer look at it Mitchell: ok Jeannie (they get to the water fall) (they see how nice the water is) (Jeannie gets on her knees) (she dips her hand in the water) Jeannie: this water is amazing Mitchell: wanna go for a little swim in there???
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: a swim master? Mitchell: if you want to Jeannie: i can make our swimsuits magically appear Mitchell: nah we can just swim with our outfits on Jeannie: oh ok master Mitchell: you go in first (Jeannie gets in the water) Jeannie: oh man that feels really good (Mitchell gets in with her) Mitchell: wow Jeannie that is nice Jeannie: kinda glad we did crash our car near here Mitchell: me too Jeannie Jeannie: i am glad we're in a good middle of nowhere Mitchell: yeah me too Jeannie: i could swim in this all day Mitchell: i probably couldn't but i could watch you all day (Jeannie & Mitchell fist bump) (they both relax in the water) Jeannie: this water is kinda making me sleepy Mitchell: it's having that effect on me too Jeannie: we better not fall sleep Mitchell: yeah don't wanna sleep in water Jeannie: that would end badly Mitchell: we'll continue to swim in here a little bit Jeannie: i'm so glad we're still having fun master Mitchell: i am sorry you have to wait for your surprise Jeannie: that's ok i don't mind waiting could i have a little hint about what it is?? Mitchell: ha nice try Jeannie you're so smart that you would figure it out from the smallest hint Jeannie: guess you're right Mitchell: but i know you'll be happy Jeannie: i know i will be too especially if it's from you Mitchell: yep that's right Jeannie (Jeannie & Mitchell hug in the water) Jeannie: i wonder how the car is coming along Mitchell: hopefully pretty good (a little later) (they both get out of the water) Mitchell: ah there we go Jeannie: that was really fun Mitchell: it sure was Jeannie Jeannie: i feel really relaxed from that water Mitchell: so do i Jeannie that was the best water i even took a swim in Jeannie: we'll have to come back here someday Mitchell: yeah so should we go back to the mechanic fixing our car Jeannie: sure master (they're both about to leave) (they can't remember which way they came from) Jeannie: uh oh Mitchell: we forgot where we came from didn't we?? Jeannie: i think so master Mitchell: oh no this isn't good Jeannie: i could teleport us back but i don't want that mechanic seeing i'm a genie Mitchell: me neither i don't want anyone finding out your a genie Jeannie: yeah only you can enjoy my magic Mitchell: come on let's go find our way back Jeannie: i'll make some food appear (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (a backpack magically appears on her back) Jeannie: there we go Mitchell: there's food in there?? Jeannie: yep goldfish crackers normal crackers pretzels and some cheeseburgers in their wrappers Mitchell: want a cheeseburger?? Jeannie: sure get a couple out (Mitchell reaches in the backpack) (he takes out two cheeseburgers) (he hands one to Jeannie) (Jeannie takes it) Jeannie: thank you master Mitchell: you're welcome Jeannie (they both get their burgers out of the wrappers) (they start eating) Mitchell: ah these are good Jeannie Jeannie: you said it master (they keep eating) Mitchell: i hope this is the right path Jeannie: me too Mitchell: i wasn't paying attention while we were listening to the water fall Jeannie: me neither master but i suppose it's ok Mitchell: i know we'll get back we always get out of these messes Jeannie: i really wish i could teleport us back without the mechanic knowing Mitchell: me too Jeannie Jeannie: i guess at least we're together master Mitchell: that is really good Jeannie (they both keep eating their burgers) Jeannie: i am worried something will jump out at us Mitchell: let's hope nothing comes out at us Jeannie: still nervous about that (they hear something walking) (Jeannie hides behind Mitchell) Jeannie: what is that noise????
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Mitchell: i don't know Jeannie Jeannie: should we look?? Mitchell: we'll take a quick one (they both walk over) (they look) (they see a deer) (the deer looks at them) (it walks away) (Jeannie wipes sweat off her forehead) Jeannie: phew Mitchell: just a deer Jeannie: i got scared there a little Mitchell: yeah me too to be honest (they both keep eating their burgers) (they finish eating) (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (the burger wrappers magically disappear) Jeannie: there we go master Mitchell: that was good Jeannie Jeannie: i love burgers Mitchell: ready to go back to finding our way back?? Jeannie: yeah let's get back to walking (they both walk more) (they run into two paths) Jeannie: which way should we go?? Mitchell: i'll let you pick Jeannie (Jeannie looks down each path) (she scratches the top of her head) Jeannie: hmm let's try left Mitchell: right behind you Jeannie Jeannie: how about you stay right next to me instead of behind?? Mitchell: ok Jeannie i can do that Jeannie: take my hand?? Mitchell: sure (Mitchell takes Jeannie's hand) (Jeannie smiles) Jeannie: oh yes master Mitchell: feeling better?? Jeannie: more than better master Mitchell: ok let's walk this path Jeannie: hopefully it's the right path back (they both keep walking) (they try to look through the trees) (they see nothing but trees) Jeannie: man this will take a long time Mitchell: yeah it will Jeannie: wanna play eye spy again while we walk?? Mitchell: i doubt there's that much to see Jeannie: good point so much for that Mitchell: i guess we can each do eye spy to one thing Jeannie: ok you go first (Mitchell thinks) (he looks at Jeannie) Mitchell: i spy with my eye something i want more than anything (Jeannie thinks) Jeannie: wonder what that could be master Mitchell: you can figure it out Jeannie: hmmm OH (she reaches in the backpack) (she takes some chocolate milk) Jeannie: is it chocolate milk master??? Mitchell: actually it's you....ARE right... yes (Jeannie gives the chocolate milk to Mitchell) Jeannie: there you go master (Mitchell takes it) Mitchell: thanks Jeannie (Mitchell starts drinking it) Jeannie (thinking) (in love): i knew he meant me Mitchell: now let's see there has to be something to help us get back (Jeannie gets an idea) Jeannie: wait master i think i got it Mitchell: what do you have Jeannie?? Jeannie: maybe we can follow our footprints back Mitchell: that's a great idea Jeannie Jeannie: thank you let's do it
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(they turn around) (they can barely see footprints in the ground) Jeannie: oh wow Mitchell: those are hard to see Jeannie: i guess we should keep following them Mitchell: but they're hard to see Jeannie: yeah but hope we can continue to follow them Mitchell: ok Jeannie Jeannie: ready master Mitchell: ready Jeannie (Jeannie & Mitchell shake hands) Mitchell: let's go Jeannie Jeannie: here we go (they both keep walking) Mitchell: i am glad we're together Jeannie Jeannie: yeah we may be lost but at least we're not separated (they keep following their footprints) (the footprints get more and more harder to see) Jeannie: jeez what is with this ground?? Mitchell: yeah you can barely make footprints on it Jeannie: no kidding master (they completely lose them) (they look around) (they don't see anymore to follow) Jeannie: all gone??? Mitchell: oh man Jeannie: this is not going well for us Mitchell: don't worry Jeannie Jeannie: man i'm about ready to magically appear by the car not caring if the mechanic sees it Mitchell: still don't want to risk it Jeannie Jeannie: oh you always looking out for me master Mitchell: how could i not Jeannie Jeannie: thank you so much (they both fist bump) Mitchell: i always have your back Jeannie: and i have your back as well master Mitchell: i wonder how the mechanic is doing Jeannie: hopefully doing good (meanwhile) (the mechanic keeps fixing the car) (he wipes sweat off his forehead) Mechanic: phew halfway done (he looks around) Mechanic: those two still in the forest?? oh well (he gets back to work) Mechanic: ok get this car done (back with Jeannie & Mitchell) (they keep walking around) (Jeannie is getting tired of walking) (Mitchell looks at Jeannie) (he sees that she's tired of walking in the forest) (he picks her up and carries her) Jeannie: woah master Mitchell: you looked tired from walking Jeannie: aw well thank you master this is awesome Mitchell: you're welcome Jeannie Jeannie: even though this road trip hasn't gone as planned i am having lots of fun with you Mitchell: i'm having fun with you too Jeannie Jeannie: this is really great master i am excited for my surprise when we're back on the road Mitchell: i know you're so excited Jeannie Jeannie: still no hint? Mitchell: nope Jeannie: oh ok hahaha Mitchell: you can try to get a hint all you want Jeannie: i could use my magic to make you tell me Mitchell: silly Jeannie that'd be cheating (Jeannie laughs) Jeannie: ok you win master (Jeannie gives Mitchell a hug) Jeannie: this is super fun Mitchell: yes it is Jeannie i really am enjoying this so much Jeannie: i would love to get back on the road (Mitchell sees the water fall up ahead) Mitchell: Jeannie look (Jeannie sees the water fall too) Jeannie: the water fall Mitchell: this is good we're closer to going back to where we came from Jeannie: yeah (they get to it) Mitchell: ok now which way Jeannie: i wanna say that way Mitchell: you think so?? Jeannie: i'm not too sure Mitchell: i don't wanna split up so we have to think Jeannie: wait master Mitchell: what's up Jeannie: let's find moss Mitchell: oh to help us find the way back Jeannie: exactly
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Mitchell: that's a good idea Jeannie: let's go find some moss (thunder happens) Mitchell: tell me that wasn't what i think it was (Jeannie & Mitchell look up) (a storm starts to happen) Jeannie: hold on master (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (an umbrella magically appears) Mitchell: good thinking Jeannie (Jeannie opens the umbrella) (she holds it up) (it starts raining) Mitchell: we better hurry back fast Jeannie: which way do we go??? (Mitchell chooses) Mitchell: hmmmm let's see Jeannie: take your time master Mitchell: let's go right Jeannie: ok master let's do this (they both go right) Mitchell: we're probably closer than we think Jeannie: i think so too master Mitchell: hope it won't rain for too long Jeannie: good thing i have this umbrella Mitchell: glad you did too Jeannie: you nervous master? Mitchell: no not really Jeannie: me neither Mitchell: i do wanna get out of here so we can go back to driving Jeannie: i'm super excited for my surprise Mitchell: yeah i do wish we were there right now Jeannie: oh it's ok it's worth the wait Mitchell: i'm glad you're patient Jeannie Jeannie: anytime master you arranged whatever it is just for me Mitchell: yes i did you do a lot for me Jeannie: you're forever going to be the best master ever Mitchell: i'm glad to be (Jeannie & Mitchell fist bump) (THUNDER) (wind starts blowing) Jeannie: ok we need a proper shelter for a bit (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (a tent magically appears) Jeannie: get in master (Mitchell opens the tent) (Jeannie closes the umbrella) (they both get in) (Jeannie closes the tent up) Jeannie: there we go Mitchell: hope this isn't too long Jeannie: i hope so too master Mitchell: this will help keep us dry Jeannie: tents made by genies are great at protecting whoever is inside Mitchell: they really are Jeannie: this does feel like camping out again Mitchell: we should do another camp trip some time Jeannie: i'm up for that anytime master Mitchell: great to hear Jeannie (they both high five) Mitchell: we've had so much fun since we've known each other Jeannie: yes we have master even when we're in weird places we still have fun Mitchell: you know Jeannie when we're separated i get really bored i prefer to be with you (Jeannie starts blushing)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(at the beach house) (Jeannie & Mitchell are in the kitchen) Mitchell: so Jeannie what do you wanna do today?? Jeannie: actually master i have a plan today Mitchell: what plan?? Jeannie: i'm hanging out with my sister today Mitchell: you are?? Jeannie: yep that's right Mitchell: aw man can i hang out with you two?? Jeannie: i'd love for you to master but we just wanna hang out do some sister bonding i guess Mitchell: i'll still miss hanging out with you Jeannie: aw i know you will master Mitchell: i guess i will hang out with some of my friends Jeannie: i'm really sorry master Mitchell: it's ok Jeannie we can hang out tomorrow Jeannie: yes we sure will i'll even handcuff myself to you tomorrow so we don't leave each others side Mitchell: mmm that's hot Jeannie: you think so master?? Mitchell: uh... i'll see you later Jeannie (Jeannie giggles) Jeannie: see you later master have fun Mitchell: you too Jeannie (Mitchell leaves) (Jeannie waves) (her heart beats) (she sighs) Jeannie: well i better wait for my sister (cuts to the intro) (music) (Mitchell leaves a grocery store) (he walks around and sees a bottle on the ground near an alleyway) (he picks it up and walks away with it) (in an apartment) (he opens it and Jeannie comes out of it) (she magically makes money appear and sends them both to a fancy beach house) (they travel through Paris Hawaii Italy Space and even the digital world) (they go back to the beach house and sit in chairs at the deck) Jeannie's Magic Adventures (intro ends) Sister Bonding (Episode 112) (Jeannie is on the couch) (SparkLia magically appears) (Jeannie looks at her) SparkLia: hi Jeannie Jeannie: hi SparkLia how are you?? SparkLia: i'm good how about you??? Jeannie: doing good sister SparkLia: that's good how's Mitchell?? you and him dating yet?? Jeannie: he's great but we're not dating yet SparkLia: what's taking so long?? Jeannie: we're nervous to admit our feelings for each other SparkLia: come on sis it shouldn't be that hard Jeannie: no it shouldn't but still SparkLia: oh well you guys at least getting closer?? Jeannie: we are closer and we honestly have kissed a few times SparkLia: good stuff to hear Jeannie: yeah and it's amazing so we'll see what happens soon SparkLia: sounds great Jeannie so what should we do now??? Jeannie: i don't know what do you wanna do?? SparkLia: maybe we can go around town and have fun Jeannie: i guess so sis SparkLia: you ok Jeannie?? Jeannie: my master wanted to hang out today SparkLia: don't feel bad Jeannie i know he still loves you Jeannie: yeah i guess maybe later i'll give him a giant hug (Jeannie & SparkLia magically disappear) (cuts to downtown)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(Jeannie & SparkLia magically appear by a dumpster) (they both walk away) SparkLia: this will be super fun Jeannie Jeannie: you know it sis i can't wait for a fun day SparkLia: maybe we can find men Jeannie: excuse me i'm sort of taken SparkLia: i meant a man for me Jeannie: maybe you can get a master to eventually date SparkLia: maybe someday we will see Jeannie: anyway what looks fun to you?? (SparkLia sees a dance club) SparkLia: hey check that out Jeannie: a dance club?? SparkLia: you wanna go to it?? Jeannie: sure i guess but i won't dance SparkLia: i thought you loved dancing Jeannie: i do SparkLia: how come you don't want to dance?? Jeannie: cause i only dance with Mitchell now SparkLia: not surprised to be honest Jeannie: we have danced a few times SparkLia: i swear you two are a couple Jeannie: pretty much at this point SparkLia: well you still wanna go and hang out? Jeannie: sure maybe watch people embarrass themselves while they dance (SparkLia laughs) SparkLia: that would be funny Jeannie: let's go (they both go to the dance club) (meanwhile) (Mitchell Zach & Kimberly are at a lake) Mitchell: glad we could hang out Zach: yeah bro it's good to hang out Kimberly: so Jeannie's hanging out with her sister today?? Mitchell: yep she is Kimberly: you miss hanging out with her it seems Mitchell: of course i do Zach: yeah bro at this point you know her more than you know us Mitchell: that's true guys Kimberly: oh well it's cute (Mitchell grabs a rock) (he throws it) (it hops in the lake a few times) (it sinks) Mitchell: that went decently far Kimberly: yeah it did bro Mitchell: who's next?? Zach: i am Mitchell: go for it (Zach grabs a rock) (he throws it) (Mitchell keeps thinking about Jeannie) (meanwhile) (Jeannie & SparkLia are at the dance club) (SparkLia is dancing) (Jeannie is watching her) Jeannie: jeez sis you're a crazy dancer SparkLia: thank you Jeannie (SparkLia spins around) (she does the splits) (she gets up) (she sits next to Jeannie) SparkLia: all done Jeannie: great job sis SparkLia: thanks Jeannie Jeannie: you're welcome (a man dances) (he slips and falls on a table) (Jeannie & SparkLia laugh a little bit) Jeannie: ok that was kinda funny SparkLia: yeah it was (the man heard them laugh at him) (he gets angry)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(he walks over to them) Man: what is so funny Jeannie: that's our business only SparkLia: yeah this is a private conversation Man: you were laughing at my mess up WEREN'T YOU (Jeannie & SparkLia walk away) SparkLia: ain't dealing with that psycho Jeannie: he needs to mind his own business Man: DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME ME (the manager walks over) Manager: sir leave those ladies alone Man: make me Manager: BRUNO (a large strong guy walks over) Bruno: yes boss? Manager: this guy has become banned from this place Bruno: yes boss (he grabs the man) Man: DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??? I'M EARL Bruno: big deal (he opens a window) (he throws Earl out) (he closes the window) Bruno: all gone boss (outside) (Jeannie & SparkLia walk out the door) SparkLia: that was fun for a few minutes Jeannie: sorry we had to leave sis SparkLia: that's ok that place was crowded anyway and had bright flashing lights Jeannie: i guess that's true (they both walk away) (Earl watches them leave) (he's super angry at them both) Earl: those two will pay for laughing at me dancing (he goes to follow them) SparkLia: you wanna go get a smoothie sis?? Jeannie: sure that sounds yummy SparkLia: terrific (they both go to a malt shop) (Earl walks over to the malt shop) Earl: those two won't see what's coming (he waits outside looking in through the window) (Jeannie & SparkLia sit down) Jeannie: can't wait for our smoothies SparkLia: me too Jeannie Jeannie: so what's new for you?? SparkLia: not too much just about the same Jeannie: same for me SparkLia: you and Mitchell still having wild adventures?? Jeannie: yes we are somedays we just hang around the house and relax SparkLia: that sounds like fun Jeannie: yeah we love relaxing together SparkLia: have you ever fallen asleep together?? Jeannie: like together on the same couch or something?? SparkLia: yes Jeannie quite a bit actually wish i had a picture SparkLia: that's adorable Jeannie Jeannie: yes it is (a woman brings them their smoothies) Woman: here you go girls (she places them down) SparkLia: these look so good (the woman walks away) (Jeannie & SparkLia start drinking their smoothies) (SparkLia notices Earl watching them through the window) (she sits her smoothie down)
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(Jeannie sits her smoothie down) Jeannie: what's wrong Lia?? (SparkLia points at the window) SparkLia: isn't that the weird dude from the dance club?? (Jeannie sees him too) Jeannie: what is he doing?? SparkLia: i have no idea sis Jeannie: let's ignore him SparkLia: should we tell an employee?? Jeannie: sure hey you (an Employee walks over) Employee: yes ma'am?? Jeannie: there's a creep watching us through the window (Employee looks at him) Employee: i'll get him away SparkLia: thank you kindly (Employee goes outside) (he takes out a squirt bottle of water) (he squirts Earl) Employee: BE GONE (Earl runs away) (he goes back inside) Employee: ok he's gone Jeannie: thanks for that Employee: you're welcome ma'am (Employee go back to work) (Jeannie & SparkLia high five) (Earl is in an alleyway) (he growls in anger) Earl: i'll get them one way or another (he sits back in the alleyway) Earl: now i must wait for those two (Jeannie & SparkLia keep drinking their smoothies) Jeannie: oh man these are so good SparkLia: yeah i agree sister Jeannie: and we can enjoy them in peace SparkLia: knock on wood (Jeannie knocks on the wooden table) Jeannie: i wonder how Mitchell is doing SparkLia: i bet he's thinking about you right now Jeannie: most likely Lia SparkLia: well let's enjoy the smoothies (meanwhile) (Mitchell throws another rock in the lake) Kimberly: not too far that time Mitchell: we've been doing this for a bit now Zach: i'm a little bored by it Kimberly: me too Zach: so what now?? Kimberly: how about we go back to my place?? Zach: oh for sure Kimberly Mitchell: sure why not (they all go) (Mitchell keeps thinking about Jeannie) Mitchell: ah Kimberly: you ok Mitchell?? Mitchell: what?? Kimberly: you good?? Mitchell: yeah yeah i am Zach: we were just curious bro Mitchell: i'm fine guys Kimberly: ok Mitchell Mitchell: it is cool to hang out Zach: yeah it is Mitchell: i am hoping Jeannie and her sister are having fun Kimberly: don't you worry Zach: yeah they're most likely having a great time Mitchell: yeah exactly Zach: we gonna play video games?? Kimberly: if you guys want to Mitchell: sure Kimberly Kimberly: awesome we'll have fun with that Zach: WOO HOO Kimberly: you said it Zach (later) (Jeannie & SparkLia finish) (they burp) SparkLia: i think i have a milkshake problem Jeannie: you had more than me SparkLia: well what should we do now? Jeannie: maybe go back to my house and have some fun on the beach SparkLia: that sounds good (they both get up) (Jeannie leaves some money on the table) Jeannie: there we go (they both leave the malt shop) (they walk away from it) (they walk to the alleyway) (Earl knocks them both out with glass bottles) (Jeannie & SparkLia pass out) (he grabs them both) Earl: better take them to my home (he takes them away before anyone notices him) (back with Mitchell Kimberly & Zach) (they all play their video game) (Mitchell's heart does a beat) (he stops playing) (Zach & Kimberly notice)
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Kimberly: what's the matter Mitchell?? Mitchell: something's not right Zach: what do you mean?? (Mitchell gets up) Kimberly: dude (Kimberly pauses the game) Zach: where are you going?? Mitchell: i need to check on Jeannie Kimberly: why?? Mitchell: i sense she's in trouble Zach: how do you know Mitchell: my heart told me Kimberly: really? Mitchell: yes guess me and Jeannie's hearts are connected Kimberly: aw that's sweet Zach: will you be back soon Mitchell: i don't know i gotta go get Jeannie (Mitchell leaves) (Zach & Kimberly run to the window) (they both look out) (Mitchell gets in his car) (he drives away) Zach: there he goes Kimberly: should we go help him Zach: i feel like this is more his thing to do Kimberly: you sure Zach?? Zach: yeah he cares so much about Jeannie Kimberly: i guess so hope they're ok Zach: me too Kimberly: i guess we'll play games and wait to hear something Zach: let's give it until tomorrow Kimberly: ok bro (Zach & Kimberly go play games) (a little later) (Jeannie is tied to a chair) (she wakes up) (she sees she's tied up) Jeannie: oh come on this again SparkLia: hey Jeannie (Jeannie looks) (she gasps) (SparkLia is hanging upside down) Jeannie: SparkLia what is going on?? SparkLia: you're tied to a chair and blood is rushing to my head Jeannie: who did this to us?? SparkLia: i think it was that Earl guy Jeannie: i think you may be right SparkLia: i tried to magically get free but this is magic proof rope Jeannie: let me try my magic (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (her rope magically comes off) (she gets up off the chair) Jeannie: ok sis i'll get you free SparkLia: thank you Jeannie (SparkLia floats up) (she starts untying the rope from around SparkLia's ankles) Jeannie: hold on almost there (walking is heard upstairs) SparkLia: i hear him (Jeannie starts to hurry) (she gets SparkLia untied) (the door opens) (Earl comes down with a lasso) (he waves it around) (he catches Jeannie and SparkLia) (they both scream) (Earl drags them over) Earl: GOT YOU NOW SparkLia: LET US GO (Earl laughs evil) Earl: you shouldn't have laughed at my dance fail Jeannie: all this cause we laughed at your fail?? Earl: YES YOU FOOLS Jeannie: you're sad Earl: SILENCE now you two will never be free and see your friends and family ever again (Jeannie & SparkLia try to get free) Earl: you girls can fight all you want you'll never get free Jeannie: YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS Earl: oh yes i will come with me (he takes them upstairs) (Jeannie tries wiggling her ponytail while he isn't looking) (the lasso is magic proof) (Jeannie sighs) (they get to a couch in the living room) (Earl ties them to it) Earl: this way i can keep an eye on you (Jeannie & SparkLia look at him) Earl: now don't move i'll get some food (he goes into the kitchen) (Jeannie & SparkLia look at each other) (they both try to get free)
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Jeannie & SparkLia: COME ON (they keep struggling) Earl (in the kitchen): quit fighting (Jeannie & SparkLia look at each other) (they both sigh) Jeannie: we have to get free SparkLia: i know right? Jeannie: i hope we can get saved soon SparkLia: me too sis we can keep trying Jeannie: yeah we can (they keep moving a little) SparkLia: i hate being tied up Jeannie: man me too sister SparkLia: maybe if we wiggle enough the rope will slide off Jeannie: that might work (they keep wiggling a little) (they watch the rope) (it doesn't move very much) (Jeannie & SparkLia look at each other) (Earl steps back out with a plate) (he sits it on the couch with them) Earl: here have some sandwiches (Jeannie & SparkLia see the sandwiches are rotten) (they both get sick) Earl: what is the problem Jeannie: THESE ARE ROTTEN SparkLia: we're not eating those Earl: oh yes you are Jeannie: no we're not (Jeannie kicks the sandwiches) (they get in Earl's face) (he wipes them off) (he gets angry) Earl: i have to clean myself up (Earl walks away) (Jeannie & SparkLia watch him leave) (they get back to wiggling a bit faster) Jeannie: we need to hurry SparkLia: roger that sis (they keep wiggling) (the rope slowly slides off a little) (they both see it) (they keep wiggling) Jeannie: it's working SparkLia: we've got this Jeannie: just keep going sis SparkLia: i will Jeannie i will Jeannie: this is really good so far SparkLia: yeah it is Jeannie: we better wiggle a little faster (they both wiggle faster) Jeannie: come on SparkLia SparkLia: i'm wiggling as fast as i can (Earl walks back out) (he sees them wiggling) (he sees the rope sliding off) Earl: HEY Jeannie: uh oh SparkLia: busted (Earl rushes over to them) (he ties them up tighter) Jeannie & SparkLia: AH (they look at the rope on them tighter) Earl: there we go
@zack6283 3 месяца назад
Good video
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