
The Jeff Brennan Interview: Artist and Designer on Courage the Cowardly Dog & Scooby Doo Toys! 

JayBee & Milly
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@JayBeeMilly 3 месяца назад
Thanks for watching! For more Scooby Doo please Subscribe 💜
@Jeannie873 3 месяца назад
a Courage related interview this will be extra fun
@seankidwell8208 3 месяца назад
And Scooby-Doo toys
@jonathanvo7991 3 месяца назад
Tomorrow is Will Forte’s 54th birthday and Michael Kovach’s 29th birthday.
@seankidwell8208 3 месяца назад
Must be fun making Scooby-Doo toys
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(at a construction area) (Jeannie & Mitchell walk around it) Jeannie: so no one has been here in five years?? Mitchell: nope didn't even finish that building Jeannie: why did they never finish it?? Mitchell: cause they were lazy Jeannie: really?? Mitchell: yep Jeannie that's right Jeannie: man watch this (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (the building fully gets built) Jeannie: boom Mitchell: wow Jeannie awesome work Jeannie: thank you master Mitchell: you can do that in one second Jeannie: i can do anything in one second Mitchell: yes you sure can Jeannie (Jeannie & Mitchell fist bump) Mitchell: you should be a construction worker Jeannie: you think so master?? Mitchell: yeah i mean you literally have the magic you just get a building done in one second and you're done Jeannie: so what do i get a job as a construction worker Mitchell: maybe we can do our own construction business Jeannie: i guess that can be good Mitchell: you wanna do it Jeannie?? Jeannie: could i invite my sister to help too Mitchell: sure Jeannie Jeannie: so how many would we do a day?? Mitchell: as much you want to do you can be in charge of this Jeannie: oh ok master that sound great i know i want you there to support me maybe hugs after every building Mitchell: sure Jeannie let's go home and discuss this Jeannie: i'll invite my sister (they both go home) (cuts to the intro) (music) (Mitchell leaves a grocery store) (he walks around and sees a bottle on the ground near an alleyway) (he picks it up and walks away with it) (in an apartment) (he opens it and Jeannie comes out of it) (she magically makes money appear and sends them both to a fancy beach house) (they travel through Paris Hawaii Italy Space and even the digital world) (they go back to the beach house and sit in chairs at the deck) Jeannie's Magic Adventures (intro ends) Magic Construction Workers (Episode 114) (at the beach house) Jeannie: ok master my sister will be here soon Mitchell: cool Jeannie i'm excited to do this with you Jeannie: it'll be really fun and easy Mitchell: it sure will Jeannie: you know something master Mitchell: what's that Jeannie Jeannie: why do buildings continue to be called buildings when they're fully built Mitchell: that is weird Jeannie Jeannie: yeah like they couldn't call them something when they're done?? Mitchell: man you're speaking the truth like crazy Jeannie: crazy is my middle name Mitchell: hey mine too (they both laugh) Jeannie: how about when we finish the buildings we call them builts Mitchell: yeah that sounds good to me (SparkLia magically appears) Jeannie & Mitchell: hi SparkLia SparkLia: hi guys hugs all around (SparkLia hugs both of them) (Jeannie & Mitchell hug SparkLia back) (their hands touch while hugging SparkLia) (Jeannie & Mitchell's hands hold onto each other) (they all stop hugging) Jeannie: so you excited for this construction thing SparkLia: you bet i am you and me finishing construction Jeannie: yep and Mitchell will be helping by being support for me SparkLia: ah ok Jeannie that sounds cool Mitchell: still fun for me Jeannie: and me too (Jeannie & Mitchell high five) SparkLia: so we going to get started?? Jeannie: let's go find an unfinished building SparkLia: here we go (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they all magically disappear) (at another abandoned construction sight) Jeannie: looks like no one is around Mitchell: look at this they did like twenty five percent and stopped SparkLia: mind if i do this one?? Jeannie: go for it SparkLia SparkLia: ok here we go (SparkLia does some magic) (the building gets finished and all decorated) SparkLia: here we go Jeannie: great work sister Mitchell: yeah that looks great SparkLia: well thank you
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: this will be a fun job SparkLia: i agree i can't wait for this Mitchell: should we go to another construction site?? Jeannie: yeah we should master Mitchell: awesome Jeannie SparkLia: where should we go next Mitchell: there is a construction site for a neighborhood Jeannie: really?? Mitchell: yep they only finished one house SparkLia: well i guess that's where we're going next Jeannie: let's go there SparkLia: i'll teleport us there now (SparkLia does some magic) (they all teleport) (at the construction site neighborhood) (they magically end up there) Jeannie: wow Mitchell: insane isn't it?? Jeannie: it's a miracle any place got finished with construction Mitchell: ain't that the truth SparkLia: all of them at once?? Jeannie: you handle half i'll handle half SparkLia: ok Jeannie (SparkLia does some magic) (half the house get finished and are all different colors) (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (the other half get finished) (they also become different colors) Jeannie: great purple house SparkLia: thanks i love the blue one Jeannie: yep Mitchell: awesome all the houses are finished Jeannie: electric and water SparkLia: you bet sister Jeannie: i say we make these for sale SparkLia: let's do that (Jeannie & SparkLia do some magic) (for sale signs magically appear outside each built house) Jeannie: there we go Mitchell: people should be ready to move in tight about NOW (a bunch of cars drive over) (Jeannie Mitchell & SparkLia get out of the way) (they all watch) (all the cars park at each house) (people take out boxes from their cars) (they all go in the houses) Jeannie: that was fast SparkLia: not only are we construction workers we're good at real estate Jeannie: haha yeah Mitchell: this is really cool to see girls Jeannie: glad you agree master Mitchell: i do kinda wish i was actually helping build Jeannie: maybe from now on you can decide what the building can be Mitchell: that can be good Jeannie Jeannie: that's the spirit master (Jeannie hugs Mitchell) (they both stop hugging) SparkLia: i'm glad i was invited along to this Jeannie: let's take five Mitchell: wanna go get some lunch?? Jeannie: we'll have a picnic in the park Mitchell: ok let's go SparkLia: could we have peanut butter sandwiches?? Jeannie: sure (they all go to have a picnic) (meanwhile) (a bunch of construction workers are together) (a man in a suit walks up to them) (all the construction workers start shaking) Man: boys Construction Workers (nervous): yes Mr. Construct??? Mr. Construct: have any of you heard or seen?? Construction Workers (nervous): what sir???? Mr. Construct: buildings you all never finished have been finished Construction Worker 1: wait what??? Construction Worker 2: how is this even possible Mr. Construct: i don't know the latest one was that neighborhood Construction Worker 3: this seems weird Construction Worker 4: yeah boss has anyone been seen doing it?? Mr. Construct: not that i am aware of Construction Worker 5: what do we do boss?? Mr. Construct: a building we never finished is a bowling alley i want one of you to go there and see who's doing this Construction Worker 1: i'll do it Mr. Construct: good to hear Richard (Mr. Construct laughs evil) (all the construction workers laugh evil too) Mr. Construction: DON'T LAUGH EVIL UNLESS I TELL YOU ALL TOO (all the construction workers start shaking again) (they all gulp)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(at the park) (Jeannie Mitchell & SparkLia finish up their picnic) (Jeannie looks around) (no one is watching them) Jeannie: ok it's clear (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (the picnic stuff goes away) Jeannie: there we go Mitchell: that was fun SparkLia: the sandwiches were great too Jeannie: i had lots of fun Mitchell: so what now Jeannie: we'll do another building Mitchell: ok Jeannie Jeannie: so what's next?? Mitchell: there's an unfinished bowling alley SparkLia: fun Jeannie: i love bowling but we don't need a fourth bowling alley Mitchell: i agree Jeannie: well let's go to it (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they magically disappear) (at the unfinished bowling alley) (Jeannie Mitchell & SparkLia appear) SparkLia: well here we are Jeannie: man this is wild (driving is heard) Mitchell: hold on someone's coming (a car parks behind them) (Richard steps out) Richard: hello Jeannie: hi Richard: what are you all doing SparkLia: we're uh.... just checking out this unfinished bowling alley Jeannie: yeah we are Richard: really? you like bowling?? Mitchell: yep we do Jeannie: we're not too upset about this not being finished we have three in this town already so not a very huge loss Mitchell: she's right Richard: well we are going to make this something else Mitchell: ok cool Jeannie: well we better get going now SparkLia: yep let's go (all three of them go) (Richard stays to keep an eye out) (Jeannie Mitchell & SparkLia are quite a bit away) Mitchell: well so much for that Jeannie: maybe we can come back tonight SparkLia: should we go to another one Jeannie: yeah we should Mitchell: i think there's a mechanic garage they didn't finish Jeannie: that's where we'll go than (Jeannie looks back) (they see they're far out of Richard's sight) Jeannie: ok here we go (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they all magically disappear) (at an unfished garage) (they magically appear) Mitchell: yep this is it Jeannie: SparkLia would you like to SparkLia: sure sis i can do this one (SparkLia does some magic) (the garage becomes complete and its huge) SparkLia: there we go Jeannie: great job sis SparkLia: thank you Mitchell: this garage is huge SparkLia: yes it is they can have twenty five cars to work on in here Jeannie: that's a lot of space SparkLia: it sure is Jeannie: let's all go back to the beach house Mitchell: sounds great Jeannie (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they magically disappear) (back at the beach house) (they appear) Mitchell: you done for the day Jeannie?? Jeannie: for now master SparkLia: that was so fun Jeannie: i still wanna do that unfinished bowling alley Mitchell: we'll do it tonight when no one is there Jeannie: that does sound good master Mitchell: we'll wait until ten tonight Jeannie: that sounds good to me (Jeannie Mitchell & SparkLia all high five) SparkLia: so what should we do while we wait?? Jeannie: we'll just have fun on the beach SparkLia: WOO HOO Mitchell: i'm up for that (later that night) (Richard is still at the unfinished bowling alley) (he yawns) Richard: no one is coming here
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(he makes a call) (ringing is heard) Mr. Construct: what's the word?? Richard: no one here Mr. Construct: no one at all came to build?? Richard: nope no one came to build this Mr. Construct: alright well you can go home i'll visit this place in the morning Richard: thank you boss (Richard get in the car) Mr. Construct: good night Richard: good night (Richard hangs up) (he starts up the car) (he drives off) Richard: the construction business is nuts why is this a problem?? let someone else do the work (back at the beach house) (Mitchell yawns) Mitchell: man i'm tired tonight Jeannie: you can go to sleep master Mitchell: you sure Jeannie?? Jeannie: of course i'm sure what do you want that bowling alley to be??? (Mitchell yawns) Mitchell: i don't know a mattress store Jeannie: i can do that Mitchell: i'm going to bed Jeannie: good night master SparkLia: good night Mitchell Mitchell: good night girls (Mitchell goes upstairs) (Jeannie smiles at him) (SparkLia sees Jeannie smiling) Jeannie: wanna come with me sis?? SparkLia: sure why not (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they both magically disappear) (back at the unfinished bowling alley) (they both appear) (they look around) Jeannie: you see anyone??? SparkLia: nope you?? Jeannie: nope nothing at all SparkLia: ok let's do this (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (it magically becomes a mattress store) Jeannie: there we go SparkLia: is that it?? Jeannie: yeah let's go back to the beach house (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they both disappear) (back at the beach house) (they both appear) Jeannie: ok that is done SparkLia: well good night Jeannie Jeannie: good night SparkLia (Jeannie goes upstairs) (SparkLia lays down on the couch) (she goes to sleep) (meanwhile) (Richard is driving back) Richard: i almost forgot my hat (he looks over) (he gasps) Richard: no way (he sees the unfinished bowling alley is now a mattress store) Richard: this can't be real (he takes back out his phone) Richard: i gotta call the boss about this (he waits) (ringing is heard) Mr. Construct: what is it now?? Richard: boss the unfinished bowling alley is now a complete mattress store Mr. Construct: WHAT HOW DID THAT HAPPEN SO FAST???? Richard: are we dealing with lightning faster construction works??? Mr. Construction: we'll do something tomorrow (Richard gulps)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(the next day) (at another construction sight with three buildings that were being made) (Jeanie Mitchell & SparkLia appear) SparkLia: more construction work Jeannie: yep so master what do you want us to make these??? Mitchell: make the first building a gym Jeannie: you got it master (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (the first building becomes a gym) SparkLia: awesome Jeannie: that looks great Mitchell: yeah it does Jeannie SparkLia: time for the next building Mitchell: this one can be a library (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (it becomes a library) Jeannie: there we go a library SparkLia: can i do the next one?? Mitchell: sure SparkLia this one can be an apartment building SparkLia: i'm on it (SparkLia does some magic) (it becomes an apartment building) SparkLia: there we go Jeannie: man i love doing this job Mitchell: me too it is pretty fun SparkLia: i'm glad to be part of it Jeannie: good to have you sister Mitchell: let's go to another place Jeannie: let's go to more construction sites Mitchell: right behind you Jeannie (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they magically disappear) (a car drives around) (Mr. Construct is in the car) (he looks and sees the buildings) Mr. Construct: are you kidding??? whoever is building these this fast needs to stop i know where to go (he makes a sharp turn) (later) (Jeannie Mitchell & SparkLia look) SparkLia: now this is a work of art Jeannie: i agree with you sister (they made an office building look like a cheeseburger) Mitchell: a cheeseburger office building Jeannie: i'm so proud about this Mitchell: me too Jeannie SparkLia: this is really cool Jeannie: yeah it is (driving is heard) Mitchell: oh for crying out loud (a car pulls over) (Mr. Construct gets out) SparkLia: who are you Mr. Construct: AH HA SparkLia: nice to meet you AH HA Mr. Construct: you're the mystery construction workers
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: so what Mr. Construct: stop it you're ruining my business Mitchell: dude your workers never finished some of these buildings SparkLia: yeah and there's PLENTY of construction teams everywhere around the world Mr. Construct: i'm warning you all Jeannie: oh really Mr. Construct: yes really Jeannie: you're not gonna do anything Mitchell: yeah so leave us alone (Mr. Construct gets angry) Mr. Construct: you all have by the end of the day to stop (he gets back in his car) (he drives away) (they all look at each other) SparkLia: should we stop?? Mitchell: no we shouldn't Jeannie: we're doing a good thing here Mitchell: exactly Jeannie making homes for people and more work places so they can live Jeannie: exactly SparkLia: you guys are right Mitchell: of course we are Jeannie: what do you guys say we do more construction Mitchell: let's all do it (Jeannie & Mitchell high five) SparkLia: right behind you guys (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they all disappear) (later back at the beach house) Jeannie: that was so cool Mitchell: i think we're almost done with all the construction in town Jeannie: yeah this might be one of my favorite things we've done SparkLia: so what do you guys wanna do now Jeannie: well we'll hang out here for the rest of the day Mitchell: what do you girls wanna do??? SparkLia: i'm up for anything Jeannie: me too so you pick master Mitchell: how about blindfolded rock paper scissors Jeannie: oh yes master SparkLia: what is that?? Jeannie: it's rock paper scissors except we're blindfolded Mitchell: and we don't know what we each get someone else has to tell Jeannie: we'll get started (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (Jeannie & Mitchell magically get blindfolds on) Mitchell: ok SparkLia you have to tell us what we each got SparkLia: this is an interesting game Jeannie: ready?? Mitchell: i am ready Jeannie (Jeannie & Mitchell do rock paper scissors) (Jeannie gets rock) (Mitchell gets scissors) (SparkLia looks) SparkLia: Mitchell got scissors and Jeannie got rock Mitchell: great work Jeannie (later) (Jeannie & Mitchell both get paper) SparkLia: you both got paper Jeannie: this is so fun (banging on the door) (Jeannie & Mitchell take off their blindfolds) Jeannie: what is that about?? Mitchell: i don't know (they all go to the door) (Mitchell opens the door) (they see Mr. Construct) Jeannie: what are you doing here Mr. Construct: i warned you all Mitchell: how did you find my house?? (Mr. Construct whistles) (SparkLia goes to the window) (she see a wrecking ball) (it is about to swing at the house) (SparkLia does some quick magic) (the ball flies off) (it goes over the house) (it lands in the ocean) Mr. Construct: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BALL??? Richard: no idea Jeannie: YOU GET OUT OF HERE ALL OF YOU (Mr. Construct gets in a bulldozer) (he presses a button) (the bulldozer becomes a giant robot) (Jeannie Mitchell & SparkLia gasp) Jeannie Mitchell & SparkLia: oh my goodness
@thefantasticretroreviewer3941 3 месяца назад
I know this will be great to watch
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(in Arabia) (Jeannie & Mitchell are hanging around) Jeannie: isn't this nice master?? spending time in my old home place Mitchell: yeah glad you brought me here Jeannie (Jeannie giggles) Jeannie: thank you master Mitchell: so what do you want to do here?? Jeannie: oh there's lots of fun things to do here Mitchell: can't wait for all of that (Mitchell steps on something) (he looks and sees it) Mitchell: what the?? (he grabs it) (Jeannie sees) Jeannie: what do you have there master?? Mitchell: looks like some map (he hands it to Jeannie) (Jeannie looks at it) Jeannie: hmmm (she realizes what it is) Jeannie: WOAH Mitchell: what's up?? Jeannie: this is a map to the giant gold cobra statue Mitchell: really??? Jeannie: yes it is Mitchell: what does it do?? Jeannie: if you go to it it will let you live out a dream of yours by putting you in a hypnotic state Mitchell: that sounds super cool Jeannie Jeannie: you wanna go do it master?? Mitchell: this sounds like a fun treasure hunt Jeannie: oh yeah let's do this Mitchell: yep let's go (Jeannie & Mitchell go) (two women see them walk away with the map) Woman 1: was that what i think it was?? Woman 2: the map to the golden cobra you know what this means Mandy Mandy: we've got to get that map from them Patricia Patricia: you got that right let's go Mandy: alright (they both follow Jeannie & Mitchell) (cuts to the intro) (music) (Mitchell leaves a grocery store) (he walks around and sees a bottle on the ground near an alleyway) (he picks it up and walks away with it) (in an apartment) (he opens it and Jeannie comes out of it) (she magically makes money appear and sends them both to a fancy beach house) (they travel through Paris Hawaii Italy Space and even the digital world) (they go back to the beach house and sit in chairs at the deck) Jeannie's Magic Adventures (intro ends) Gold Cobra Hunt (Episode 116) (Jeannie & Mitchell walk across a bridge) Mitchell: i can't wait to do this Jeannie: me neither i'm glad we're doing this Mitchell: have you seen the gold cobra?? Jeannie: nope i haven't Mitchell: really?? Jeannie: no genie has ever seen it Mitchell: any human?? Jeannie: only one human ever saw it the one who made it Mitchell: this sounds really cool Jeannie Jeannie: you bet it will take a while we have to get across this bridge go up and down a mountain through a desert and look for a large tent Mitchell: i hope we don't run into anything during this Jeannie: i doubt it no one has come down here in a hundred years Mitchell: wonder why Jeannie: hard to tell (they get across the bridge) Jeannie: ok made it across the bridge Mitchell: now the mountain?? Jeannie: the mountain is that way Mitchell: let's head over to it Jeannie: alright (they head for the mountain) (back on the bridge) (Mandy & Patricia keep walking) Patricia: how do we get that map from them?? Mandy: we'll figure out a way maybe they will get super tired and sleep somewhere Patricia: you think that will actually happen?? Mandy: it could and we steal the map Patricia: i don't know Mandy Mandy: trust me cousin (Patricia sighs) Patricia: ok fine (they get across the bridge too) (Mandy sees them heading for the mountain) Mandy: over there Patricia: ok let's get them (they head for the mountain too) (on the mountain) (Jeannie & Mitchell climb up it)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: we'll get up this mountain as fast as we can Mitchell: i hope so Jeannie Jeannie: i'm glad we're having this adventure Mitchell: that part i love too Jeannie: this will be worth it to have the gold cobra to make us live out our dreams Mitchell: what dream do you want him to make him live out?? Jeannie (blushing): i don't know exactly hahaha Mitchell (blushing): uh yeah me neither Jeannie Jeannie: it will be fun to see though Mitchell: how long does that hypnotic state to make us live out our dreams last? Jeannie: only a few minutes Mitchell: oh ok Jeannie: i don't know if we'll get to remember it after though Mitchell: that kinda stinks Jeannie: yeah but who knows maybe we will remember Mitchell: i hope so if not guess it won't be a huge problem Jeannie: exactly my thoughts master (they keep climbing) (they get closer to the top) Mitchell: almost there Jeannie: yep (closer to the bottom of the mountain) (Patricia & Mandy are climbing) (Patricia is sweating like crazy) Patricia: oh man Mandy: why are you sweating so much??? Patricia: cause i'm not good at climbing Mandy: well pull through Patricia: i'm trying Mandy: try harder (they keep climbing) (Patricia breathes) (Mandy sighs) Mandy: you really need to get in shape Patricia: you're not a coach Mandy: whatever come on Patricia: do you know if this cobra is even real?? Mandy: of course it's real Patricia: you ever seen it?? Mandy: no Patricia: than how do you know it's real??? Mandy: why else would there be a map for it??? Patricia: i really can't answer that maybe fake Mandy: don't be a downer (on top of the mountain) (Jeannie & Mitchell make it to the top) (Mitchell tries to catch his breath) Jeannie: you ok master?? Mitchell: yeah i think so thanks Jeannie Jeannie: you were kinda losing breath towards the end Mitchell: i'm good now Jeannie: ok master (Jeannie pats Mitchell on the back) Jeannie: there you go Mitchell: so we have to go down now?? Jeannie: yep this way (they go to a part of the mountain) (they see a large slide at the bottom) Mitchell: a slide down?? Jeannie: yep Mitchell: that sounds really good Jeannie: you ready to go down it?? Mitchell: let's go down together Jeannie (Jeannie & Mitchell hold hands) (they go down the slide together) (Patricia & Mandy make it to the top) (Patricia is out of breath) Patricia: if there's more climbing i'm done (Mandy walks over) Mandy: hey they went down this slide Patricia: a slide on a mountain??
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Mandy: it appears so Patricia: why is that here?? Mandy: i don't know Patricia: well should we go down there? Mandy: hurry we got to catch up to them (Patricia sighs) Patricia: oh brother here we go Mandy: come on (they both go down the slide) (at the bottom of the slide) (Jeannie & Mitchel get down the slide) (they both laugh) Mitchell: that was really fun there Jeannie Jeannie: yeah it was master Mitchell: ok what's next?? (Jeannie takes out the map) (she looks at it) Jeannie: now we got to go through the desert Mitchell: where is it?? Jeannie: not sure master i think it's up ahead Mitchell: you ready? Jeannie: let's go it might be a huge desert Mitchell: that's ok Jeannie Jeannie: we might take a rest at some point Mitchell: let's keep on going (they go try to find the desert) (Mitchell sees it up ahead) Mitchell: there's the desert Jeannie: good eye master Mitchell: thank you Jeannie (Jeannie & Mitchell go to the desert) (they rush to it) (Patricia & Mandy make it down the slide) (they both get up) Patricia: that was pretty fun Mandy: yeah i guess so (Patricia sees Jeannie & Mitchell go to the desert) Patricia: hey over there Mandy: was that them?? Patricia: i think so Mandy: good looking out Patricia: well let's go after them Mandy: yeah that's the spirit (they go to follow them) (Jeannie & Mitchell are now in the desert) (they look around) (they don't see an end to the desert for a little bit) Jeannie: yeah this will take a while Mitchell: we'll get through this Jeannie Jeannie: the adventure is worth it Mitchell: so what do you want to do after this adventure Jeannie: i was thinking we'd visit my parents Mitchell: sure Jeannie we can do that Jeannie: glad you're up for that Mitchell: are we going to tell them about the adventure?? Jeannie: we can it'd make interesting dinner conversation Mitchell: yeah it will haha Jeannie: well we do have a long walk Mitchell: if you want me to carry you let me know Jeannie: aw thank you master that would be great Mitchell: let's see Jeannie should we go a specific way?? Jeannie: we'll keep going forwards Mitchell: ok Jeannie Jeannie: i love our adventures Mitchell: me too Jeannie they're fun and this one is a fun quest
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: it sure is master Mitchell: maybe you can make like a dirt bike appear if it takes too long Jeannie: i might do that in an hour master Mitchell: we'll still have tons of fun Jeannie: can't wait to see the golden cobra Mitchell: i hope it doesn't turn out to be evil Jeannie: i'm sure it's not Mitchell: still sometimes that is always the case Jeannie: i know (back with Patricia & Mandy) Mandy: ugh i don't like deserts Patricia: just keep following those two Mandy: we need to get that map Patricia: come on we better not lose them (they try to catch up a little) Mandy: can't get too close Patricia: why? Mandy: cause we don't want them to hear us Patricia: oh i get it Mandy: do you really?? Patricia: nope (Mandy sighs) Patricia: just kidding Mandy: i swear you are helpless Patricia: whatever (back with Jeannie & Mitchell) (Mitchell turns around) (he sees them in the distance) Mitchell: Jeannie Jeannie: yes master?? Mitchell: i think someone is following us (Jeannie looks back) (she sees them) Jeannie: what the?? who are those people?? Mitchell: i have no idea Jeannie Jeannie: we better run fast Mitchell: right (Jeannie & Mitchell make a run for it) Jeannie: i don't know why those two are following us Mitchell: i just hope we lose them Jeannie: me too master (they both see them run) Patricia: are they running?? Mandy: i think they noticed us Patricia: now what?? Mandy: AFTER THEM (they both run fast too)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(Jeannie & Mitchell both keep running) (Jeannie looks back) (she sees them running too) Jeannie: master they're after us Mitchell: seriously? Jeannie: we should probably hide (Mitchell looks around) (he sees a bunch of rocks to hide behind) Mitchell: over there Jeannie (Jeannie sees the rocks) Jeannie: ok master (they both get over to the rocks) (they hide behind them) (they both wait quietly) (a few minutes later) (Mandy & Patricia run over) (they look around) (they don't see Jeannie or Mitchell anywhere) Patricia: did we lose them Mandy: there's no way Patricia: uh yes there is a way Mandy: what do you mean?? Patricia: we were pretty far from them Mandy: SO???? Patricia: so of course they lost us easily Mandy: well we need to find them (they go to find them) (Mitchell peeks over) (he sees them running) Jeannie: are we good?? Mitchell: we might wanna wait here a bit Jeannie: i could use a little rest (they both relax) (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (some shade magically appears) Jeannie: there we go master Mitchell: i could use five minutes Jeannie: me too Mitchell: this has been a very fun trip Jeannie: it sure has love our trips Mitchell: me too Jeannie always crazy too Jeannie: maybe next week we can go pull pranks on people in Paris Mitchell: sounds great i do have a great prank idea Jeannie: can't wait to hear it soon master (they both yawn) Jeannie: oh man pretty tired Mitchell: should we take a short nap?? Jeannie: are you sure that's a good idea master?? (Mitchell looks over) (he doesn't see Patricia or Mandy) Mitchell: i think it's good Jeannie: well i guess for a few minutes master Mitchell: can you make an alarm clock appear?? (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (a clock magically appears) (Jeannie sets an alarm) (she set it for 25 minutes) Jeannie: there you go master Mitchell: ok let's nap (they both close their eyes) (they start to fall asleep)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(ten minutes later) (Mandy & Patricia walk around) Patricia: i don't know where they went Mandy: i want that map so we can find the gold cobra Patricia: maybe we should go back Mandy: are you serious?? Patricia: yeah i mean come on this is nuts Mandy: well i don't care what you have to say Patricia: come on i'm tired (Mandy looks over) Mandy: wait Patricia: what?? (Mandy points) (they both see Jeannie & Mitchell napping) Patricia: is that them??? Mandy: yeah ssshhh (they sneak over to them) (they both keep sleeping) (they see the map) (Mandy reaches for the map) (Jeannie yawns in her sleep) (Mandy sweats a little bit) (she grabs the map) (she sneaks away) (she shows it to Patricia) (Patricia checks it out) (she holds a thumbs up) (Mandy & Patricia sneak away) (Mitchell starts to wake up a little) Mitchell: what the?? (they both look) (Mitchell fully wakes up and sees them) (he sees they have the map) Mitchell: HEY (Jeannie gets spooked and wakes up) Jeannie: what now??? Mitchell: those two have the map Jeannie: THEY WHAT Mandy: RUN (Mandy & Patricia run away) (Jeannie & Mitchell get up) Jeannie: YOU GIVE US BACK THAT MAP Mitchell: AFTER THEM (Jeannie & Mitchell run after them) Mitchell: i thought taking a nap would be a great idea Jeannie: don't feel bad Mitchell: well we better catch them Jeannie: i know we will Mitchell: GIVE US BACK THAT MAP Mandy: NO WE'RE GONNA FIND THAT GOLD COBRA Jeannie: NOT ON OUR WATCHES Patricia: I TRIED TO TALK HER OUT OF THIS Mandy: SILENCE PATRICIA Mitchell: WE'LL GET THAT MAP BACK Jeannie: we have to do something to slow them down (Mitchell tries to think) Jeannie: hold on we're catching up to them
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(at the beach house) (Jeannie & Mitchell are watching TV together) Jeannie: this is fun master Mitchell: it sure is i love watching stuff with you (a commercial come on) (they both sigh) Jeannie: i can't stand commercials Mitchell: literally no one likes them Jeannie: oh wait hold on a second (they keep watching) (they see it's a commercial for tours at a candy factory) Jeannie: a new candy factory Mitchell: that sounds interesting (Jeannie licks her lips) Jeannie: my sweet tooth is going nuts right now Mitchell: we'll have to go there sometime Jeannie: why not today master?? Mitchell: you wanna go now?? Jeannie: can we? PLEASE??? Mitchell: oh why not Jeannie let's go Jeannie: YAY Mitchell: this will be a good idea Jeannie: hope we get some candy (they both leave the house) (cuts to the intro) (music) (Mitchell leaves a grocery store) (he walks around and sees a bottle on the ground near an alleyway) (he picks it up and walks away with it) (in an apartment) (he opens it and Jeannie comes out of it) (she magically makes money appear and sends them both to a fancy beach house) (they travel through Paris Hawaii Italy Space and even the digital world) (they go back to the beach house and sit in chairs at the deck) Jeannie's Magic Adventures (intro ends) Candy Factory (Episode 115) (at the candy factory) (Mitchell's car drives over to it) Mitchell: this is the place Jeannie Jeannie: i'm really excited for this Mitchell: i know you love candy Jeannie Jeannie: there are things i love more Mitchell: you ready to join this tour?? Jeannie: i think so Mitchell: ok let's go (they both get out of the car) (they close the doors) (Mitchell locks the car) (they walk to the factory) Jeannie: i'm glad we're doing this together master Mitchell: me too Jeannie i'm looking forward to this Jeannie: i can't stop thinking about candy Mitchell: me neither now i have a craving for some and i was planning to have ice cream later Jeannie: don't get my sweet tooth even more excited Mitchell: sorry Jeannie (they walk in the factory) (they see all kinds of candy themed decorations) Jeannie: oh my goodness Mitchell: oh hey Jeannie look (they see the tour group) Jeannie: ok let's do this (they join the group) (a man walks over) Man: greetings all i'm Doctor Lollipop Everyone: hello Doctor Lollipop Doctor Lollipop: welcome to my candy factory who's ready for the tour?? Jeannie: we are Mitchell: we sure are Jeannie: and we can't wait to have some candy Doctor Lollipop: well candy will be at the end of the tour (a TV is playing) News Man: BREAKING NEWS a man has escaped prison and he's very dangerous and will kidnap you News Woman: his name is Parker News Man: you know i was gonna say that News Woman: you talk slower than a snail in slow motion News Man: at least i don't have strangers in my house every single night News Woman: i take Saturdays off for your information Jeannie: i hope they catch that guy soon Mitchell: yeah me too Jeannie Doctor Lollipop: the tour shall begin (Doctor Lollipop walks off) (the others follow him)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Mitchell: i can't wait for this tour Jeannie: me neither Mitchell Mitchell: i can taste the candy already (Jeannie licks her lips) Jeannie: so can i Doctor Lollipop: ok over here is the chocolate section of the factory (Jeannie & Mitchell start drooling) (they look at each other) (the other people in the tour look at them) Mitchell: this chocolate looks so good Jeannie Jeannie: yes it does i really want some now Mitchell: like he said we'll get candy after the tour Doctor Lollipop: you seem to love candy don't you? Jeannie: yes we do Mitchell: quite a bit Doctor Lollipop: well it will be worth the wait this candy is super good Jeannie: can't wait Doctor Lollipop: let us continue (they keep going the tour) (all the people in the tour look around) (Jeannie & Mitchell both keep looking at candy themed stuff) Jeannie: look at the lollipop balloons they look so real Mitchell: yeah they do Jeannie Jeannie: you might have to stop me from eating decorations Mitchell: HA you're very silly Jeannie Jeannie: thank you Mitchell you are silly too (Jeannie & Mitchell high five) (they hold hands) (they keep following the tour) (they see the next section) (they see it's cotton candy) Jeannie: cotton candy?? Mitchell: man this is candy paradise Jeannie: no kidding Doctor Lollipop: all the cotton candy we make contains so much sugar Jeannie: oh man i love cotton candy Mitchell: not one of my favorites but it's good Jeannie: honestly my least favorite candy is jawbreakers Mitchell: what about licorice?? Jeannie: that's not candy that's just gross Mitchell: yeah i agree with you Doctor Lollipop: we don't have any of those two at this factory Jeannie & Mitchell: that's good
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Doctor Lollipop: yes yes it is (they keep walking) Mitchell: oh Jeannie: you ok Mitchell?? Mitchell: i need to use the bathroom Doctor Lollipop: there's some that way Jeannie: come on Mitchell (they both go to find the bathroom) Doctor Lollipop: we'll wait for you guys to come back (Jeannie & Mitchell walk around) Jeannie: man i can't wait for candy Mitchell: me neither Jeannie it will be so good Jeannie: Doctor Lollipop seems to love this place Mitchell: yeah he has a weird tone in his voice Jeannie: agreed (a woman cleaning the wall looks at them) Woman: you mean Doctor Lollipop?? Mitchell: yeah? Woman: he's been weird the past couple days Jeannie: weird how??? Woman: i don't know he also looks a little different Mitchell: really?? Woman: yeah but who knows his car did get damaged the other day so maybe that's it Jeannie: well thanks for letting us know Woman: no problem now i got to clean up some more (she walks away) Mitchell: ok i gotta use the bathroom i'll be back out Jeannie Jeannie: ok Mitchell (Mitchell goes in the bathroom) (Jeannie waits for him) Jeannie: Doctor Lollipop doesn't seem too weird right now (a few minutes later) (Mitchell walks back out) Mitchell: ok all done Jeannie: should we go back to the tour Mitchell: yes but we should keep an eye on Doctor Lollipop Jeannie: ok let's go (they go back to the tour) (everyone keep waiting) (Jeannie & Mitchell walk over) Doctor Lollipop: welcome back Mitchell: yeah we're here Jeannie: ready for more tour Doctor Lollipop: alright let's go Girl 1: this is great Guy 1: yeah it is Girl 2: i love candy Doctor Lollipop: well come with me (they continue the tour) (Jeannie & Mitchell look at each other) (they look back at Doctor Lollipop) Doctor Lollipop: and if you look to the left you can see candy canes being made (Jeannie starts drooling looking at the candy canes) (Mitchell looks at Jeannie drooling) Mitchell: Jeannie?? Jeannie: sorry got to focus (they keep following the tour) (they get to a door) Doctor Lollipop: oh yeah this thing uh.. (he presses a button) (a door opens) (they see what looks like a large candy and sweets themed playground) Everyone: woah Doctor Lollipop: this is the candy playground (they all go in) Jeannie: man i know we should focus but i want to enjoy this (they all look around) Doctor Lollipop: playing around here isn't part of the tour
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: seriously?? Mitchell: oh well i guess it might be fine Jeannie: i guess so Mitchell Doctor Lollipop: you all can look around (everyone goes around the room) (Jeannie walks over to giant candy canes) (she touches one of them) Jeannie: this feels real Mitchell: it does?? Jeannie: yeah it's really hard for me not to take it (Mitchell notices something) Mitchell: hey Jeannie look over there (Jeannie looks over) (they both see Doctor Lollipop doing something) Jeannie: what's he doing??? Mitchell: no idea Jeannie: let's check it out (they both sneak after him) (Doctor Lollipop opens a secret door) (he walks in) (he closes it quietly) Jeannie: where does this go??? (they get to the door) Mitchell: no idea Jeannie Jeannie: something is really weird Mitchell: should we go in?? Jeannie: yeah let's go in Mitchell: ok is everyone distracted?? (they look over) (they see everyone is distracted) Jeannie: they look distracted to me Mitchell: ok let's do this (they both open the door) (they walk in) (they close the door quietly) Jeannie: ok here we go Mitchell: now let's see where Doctor Lollipop goes Jeannie: roger that master (they both go to find him) Jeannie: this is weird for a candy factory Mitchell: yeah i agree Jeannie Jeannie: now let's see (they get to some stairs going down) Mitchell: i guess we should go downstairs Jeannie: alright let's go (they both go downstairs) Jeannie: not too many candy themed things down here Mitchell: guess that way we can't get distracted Jeannie: i'm still thinking about candy Mitchell: me too honestly (they see a door at the bottom) Mitchell: hey look Jeannie: where does that door lead??? Mitchell: guess we'll find out (they get to the bottom of the stairs) (they see a glass window on the door) (they both look in) (they see Doctor Lollipop go in another section) Jeannie: did you see that?? Mitchell: we better get in (Jeannie tries to open the door but it's locked) Jeannie: locked master Mitchell: good thing we have your magic Jeannie: my thoughts exactly (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they both magically teleport in the room) Mitchell: ok he went this way (Jeannie & Mitchell go to find him) Jeannie: yeah that cleaning lady was right he is a bit weird Mitchell: what do you think he's planning?? Jeannie: i don't know (they hear talking up ahead) Mitchell: ssshhh (they sneak over to another door) (they look in the glass window) (Doctor Lollipop laughs evil) (he has someone tied to a chair) (Jeannie & Mitchell look at each other) (they both look back in)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Doctor Lollipop: HAHAHA (the tied up person tries to speak but it's muffled by tape) Doctor Lollipop: don't bother tying (the person tries to get free) (Doctor Lollipop grabs an electric rod) (he shocks him) (the person screams muffled) (Jeannie & Mitchell look at each other) (they both move away) (back in the main room) (they both step out) Jeannie: what was that about??? Mitchell: i have no idea Jeannie Jeannie: there's no way this is happening Mitchell: Doctor Lollipop has someone trapped Jeannie: that doesn't seem like him Mitchell: we have to save whoever that is (they hear the door opening) (they both gulp) (Jeannie takes Mitchell's hand) (they both go hiding) (Doctor Lollipop steps out) (he adjusts his jacket collar) Doctor Lollipop: well better get back to the tour (he goes back upstairs) (Jeannie & Mitchell peek out) (they hear the door close) (Jeannie & Mitchell both come out of hiding) Jeannie: is he gone?? Mitchell: he seems to be Jeannie (Jeannie wipes sweat off her forehead) Jeannie: that was close Mitchell: come on let's go help that man (they both go to help the man) (Jeannie & Mitchell get back to the room) Jeannie: i don't think i should do magic to free him Mitchell: yeah but we can still get him out (Mitchell tries to open the door) (the man looks in the window) (he sees them) Jeannie: is it locked?? Mitchell: sadly yes Jeannie: where's the key?? Mitchell: he might've taken it Jeannie: we have to steal that key and come back Mitchell: come on let's go back to the tour (Jeannie & Mitchell make a run for it) (back at the tour) (Jeannie & Mitchell manage to catch up with everyone) Jeannie & Mitchell: phew (Doctor Lollipop points) Doctor Lollipop: and here is where we make the lollipops Jeannie (whispering): how do we get the key??? Mitchell (whispering): follow my lead Jeannie (they both walk ahead of the rest of the crowd) (they try to get close to Doctor Lollipop) (he moves just a bit quick) (Jeannie & Mitchell look at each other) (Mitchell whispers in Jeannie's ear) (Jeannie listens) (she nods her head) (Jeannie holds a thumbs up) (they all look off) Doctor Lollipop: look at that some of the employees are packing up candy to send to stores Everyone: wow (Jeannie & Mitchell see everyone distracted) (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (the key flies out of Doctor Lollipop's pocket) (Mitchell catches it) (they both smile) (they sneak away) (Doctor Lollipop sees them) Doctor Lollipop: hey where are you two going??? Jeannie: bathroom Doctor Lollipop: seriously??? Jeannie: yep Mitchell: we'll be back (Jeannie & Mitchell speed off a little) (Doctor Lollipop watches them) Doctor Lollipop: hmm... wait here everyone (Doctor Lollipop follows them slowly) (the cleaning woman sees them) (she scratches the top of her head) (back at the secret door) (Jeannie & Mitchell open the door) (they go down the stairs)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: we will soon find out what is happening Mitchell: yeah none of this is right Jeannie: we better hurry fast Mitchell: roger that Jeannie (they both keep going) Jeannie: i think it was this way (they both go to where the dude is tied up) Jeannie: i think it's just here Mitchell: here we go (Mitchell takes out the key) (they get to door) (he puts the key in) (the door gets unlocked) Mitchell: here we go Jeannie: perfect (the door opens) (they walk in) (the man looks at them) Jeannie: don't worry we're getting you free Mitchell: yep we got you (they start to untie him) (Jeannie removes the tape) Man: PHEW Jeannie: what even happened?? Mitchell: why did Doctor Lollipop trap you??? Man: Doctor Lollipop??? Jeannie: yeah Man: i am Doctor Lollipop Jeannie & Mitchell: WHAT??? Mitchell: are you serious??? Real Doctor Lollipop: yes i am serious Jeannie: than who is the fake one?? Real Doctor Lollipop: it's that crazy guy Parker Jeannie: oh no that dude who left prison?? Real Doctor Lollipop: yep that's him Mitchell: what does he want Real Doctor Lollipop: i have no clue he just took my place (they finish getting him untied) Mitchell: there you go Doctor Lollipop: we need to get the people out of here Mitchell: right Jeannie: let's go warn them all (they all get ready to leave) (clapping is heard) (they all stop) Mitchell: what's that?? Jeannie: i don't know (Parker steps out) Doctor Lollipop: YOU Parker: you two save him eh Jeannie: yes we did Mitchell: we're gonna get you out of here Parker: NOT ON MY WATCH (Doctor Lollipop grabs a large candy cane) (he pulls Parker with it) (Parker falls) Parker: OUCH (the others run away) (Parker gets back up) (he growls) Parker: I'LL GET YOU ALL (he runs after them) (Jeannie Mitchell & Doctor Lollipop run out the secret door) (they close it) (they run off) (Doctor Lollipop runs to somewhere else) (Parker comes out) Jeannie: PARKER Mitchell: uh oh DOCTOR LOLLIPOP LOOK OUT (Doctor Lollipop keeps running) (he looks back) (Parker jumps on him) Parker: GOT YOU Jeannie: he's got him Mitchell: we got to do something to help him Jeannie: what do we do?? (the tour group walks in) (they all gasp) (all the employees walk in) (they gasp too) Jeannie: we have got to stop Parker Mitchell: yes we do Jeannie you have any ideas???
@alyssanicholson4312 3 месяца назад
Amazing video!!
@zack6283 3 месяца назад
Good video
@theresastone5160 3 месяца назад
KoriAlonso de las 🎉😂❤ 0:00
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