
The Gamete Delusion 

PZ Myers
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Dawkins lazy article in the New Statesman:
Here's a good review of the cost of reproduction by Grazyna Jasienska. Dawkins whould have read it before making his simplistic pronouncement.
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16 окт 2023




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@mearacat 8 месяцев назад
Thank you as always for being a voice of reason. As a trans person, I feel deeply disappointed in this sort of unscientific pablum.
@Alex_Deam 8 месяцев назад
Weird how Dawkins says that trans people have a right to politeness, but simultaneously "militant supporters" don't have a right to demand, er, that same politeness. Also especially ironic given he spent half his career saying that religious people shouldn't whine about atheists being strident and militant in defence of their rights and beliefs.
@calasia7896 8 месяцев назад
Absolutist and reductionist thinking is the bane of science imo.
@PennyDreadful2024 8 месяцев назад
There are women who are born with a vagina and breasts, who have an y chromosome. Dawkins should know this. There are not a lot of these women, but they exist.
@CanalPSG 5 месяцев назад
True, and if all kids feeling wronggendered can refer to this fact as the cause of their troubles, Dawkins should agree that their problems are valid. However, I haven't heard that as the main argument for using puberty blockers. I would say: show your test results on how your genes do not match with your general appearance. Then work to match your body with your genes, and then you can transition with scientifically sound arguments.
@FR0STBL0D 5 месяцев назад
@@CanalPSG Well ... ist's more complicated ... see: Legato, Marianne (Ed.)(2020): The plasticity of sex.
@CanalPSG 4 месяца назад
@@FR0STBL0D More complicated than genes? That's very complicated indeed. But to give it a try: which hormones must have risen to above certain levels before a child qualifies for transitioning? I'll look up what they do myself, so I'll save you the time from explaining.
@r.v.9005 4 месяца назад
There are some people born without the ability to see. Yet we still acknowledge the fact most humans have eyes and can see with them...
@AdamSpaczynski7436 3 месяца назад
Bro Just a Males, still not trans. SRY gene endup in on one of the X chromosomes. Mostly due to a genetic mutation or error during egg or sperm formation. If a mutated X chromosome has combined with a Y chromosome from (XX male), this result in the transfer of mutated genetic material from the X chromosome to the Y chromosome during crossing over, this is well know so basically its just works as Y chromosome if the material fully transferred. XY females are obvious. In XY females, one of the two X chromosomes is randomly and permanently inactivated in each cell during early development. X-chromosome does the rest. Overall, Y inactivation = expression and cellular function in XY females. Lot of this happens during the crossing over phase of meiosis. Also maybe the genderists are the ones who don't understand in detail how sex, autosomes/sexchromos, genetics work and how they develop organisms and why some animals can and other cant change sex. Instead of them doxxing, harassing or attacking the people who have been tolerating their BS for 15+ years or more, why don't they better re-valuate their positions and learn. Also No "trans kids" should not "transition" and highly unlikely to be DSD, and female cant develop in to males at all and most "trans youth" , males cant develop in to females but they do and already have female characteristics (inactivated or turned off sexX) it is not possible for the fetus to switch to female development after it develops (12 weeks) because the signaling pathways and gene expression patterns have already been established, blame the sex determination system. the examples from fish and other animals, work so different genetically and physiologically and dont apply to us and wont if you know how their chromosomes and physiology, in simple but i could go in detail about anything about genetics,biology... they have wacked genes: They have genetic sex determination GSD, presence of specific genes on their sex chromosomes. In clownfish, the sex chromosomes are Z and W, males have two Z chromosomes (ZZ) and females have one Z and one W chromosome (ZW). W determines the development of a female clownfish. sex change regulation of certain genes are what control sex determination and development of them . males cant change sex but female can change sex to male, 2 sexes... occurs at the genetic level. While trans adults? ???? what does a female or male brain even means, specially since most of the trans trends occours in NOT intersex, females (the only sex that cannot transition, and doesnt at least have DSD condition that could excuse it), males trans cant because of the above mention, still all males have female "atavism like" parts (Müllerian ducts, degenerated and only remnants of them may be present in the form of small structures). All this gender craze should be stopped, specially on kids, and never should be enabled in female children at all. All this is the problem. Also hormones alone dont change sex, trans that were females are just male like (think of hyenas), not the oposite sex and wont/cant, this ideology that feminism/gender stuff drives me nutz.
@tinnagigja3723 8 месяцев назад
Have you ever watched a game show contestant who gets sooo close to the right answer but then just... doesn't? That's what reading that first quote feels like.
@jkfecke 8 месяцев назад
Dawkins: Biology clearly doesn't have binaries, except for this binary that fits with my priors. Incidentally, one of my testicles had to be removed because it started making an embryonic carcinoma -- in short, it was attempting, and failing at, parthenogenesis. Because nobody told my testicle that it was supposed to only ever make gametes.
@AdamSpaczynski7436 3 месяца назад
COPIUM, females cant develop in to males. males cant develop in to females after 12 weeks and just Müllerian ducts remain. XX males develop as males because of an Y combined with a X, XY females is because of Y inactivation, Lyonization and other processes regulates the expression of duplicated sex chromosmes 2 sexes and DSD's develop in to the 2 sexes that have varieties inbetween both only sexes, hermaphroditic = both sexes, each DSD actually debunks alot of transgenderism claims. Allot of sex specific changes trans claim are autosomal, a lot of their "gendered" claims of behaviours to transition are expressed by both genders, they learned them form stereotypes or dont know better. there is sexbased parthogenesis; Automixis,Apomixis,Gynogenesis,Hybridogenesis,Clonal parthenogenesis (still develop female if it cames from female), learn biology,biochemistry,chemistry... sir. Children should not "transition" and female child specifically dont make sense to transition at all, NO DSD = NO surgery or hormones. No evidence = no waste of resource.
@qwertyuiopgarth 8 месяцев назад
The same assertion that personal experience ('looks like a binary to most people most of the time') overrides actual biology ('sex and gender are a spectrum') that transphobes make causes me to wonder if they are on the verge of claiming that the Sun goes around the Earth because 'that is what it looks like'.
@pandora8610 8 месяцев назад
I don't know about geocentrists, but I know bigotry is rampant among flat earthers, especially homophobia and transphobia.
@inpugnaveritaas 2 месяца назад
actual biology of sex is not on a spectrum.
@brianstevens3858 8 месяцев назад
One would think anyone who has studied biology at all knows that when you refer to humans, nothing at all ever in their behavior or even their biology is p not p level, has the fact drugs affect different people differently/etc/etc/etc/etc taught them nothing?
@turingtestflunker 8 месяцев назад
Unsurprising that the way that Dawkins conceptualizes the sexes also reinforces the idea that human women exist for reproduction.
@kospandx 8 месяцев назад
The whole gametes argument is rather ridiculous, for the simple reason that gender was lived by countless people before the discovery of the first gamete in 1677. If gender is to somehow reflect lived lives, then gametes quite simply cannot be the answer. Neither, for that reason, can genitals: they are generally possible to see on an undressed person, but how many of the people that you gender effortlessly on a day-to-day basis have you seen undressed? The answer must lie closer to life as lived: it must be more essential to what it means to live in human society and at the same time simple enough that a tacit knowledge of it at the very least,predates all known cases of gendering.
@millerstation92 4 месяца назад
rather ridiculous? and how did humans reproduce? Do you think ancient humans did not know the difference between those supposedly very prevalent prehistoric third-sex people and male/female? lmaoo holy shit the mental gymnastics you guys go thru just because some mfs threaten to kill themselves if you don't partake in their delusion. Also, the same anti-science argument you use of ancient lived experiences can also apply to all kinds of stuff like homeopathy, genital mutilation, etc.
@latheofheaven1017 8 месяцев назад
I'm so disappointed in Dawkins. As a layman, I read The Selfish Gene, The Extended Phenotype and a couple of other books by him. He seemed so sensible and also such a good explainer of ideas. But on this subject, he's clearly off the mark, and belligerently so.
@thomasneal9291 8 месяцев назад
He was wrong about the selfish gene as well. Selection does not happen at the gene level except in very rare circumstances. in fact, it is those very exceptions that prove the rule that selection happens at the level of the individual. Dawkins knows this, but still chose to muddle it in his works.
@inpugnaveritaas 2 месяца назад
@@thomasneal9291 You're spitting hairs. Dawkins used a simlpe analogy in a pop-science book for a purpose.
@jvalfin3359 8 месяцев назад
I think Dawkins is only interacting with people that enforce these strange absolutist ideas he's been having. He's even equating trans identity to the Catholics' practice of transubstantiation, which sounds truly wild and is not backed by any sort of valid reasoning.
@baynemacgregor8441 8 месяцев назад
He’s choosing who he interacts with though. When he first started on about Trans on Twitter a lot of people, myself included, tweeted him with some of the numerous genetic studies finding genetic links to Trans. I never saw him reply to any.
@jvalfin3359 8 месяцев назад
@@baynemacgregor8441 That's true, he COULD bring on knowledgeable people (scientists, not ideologues) who would be able to explain it to him but he chooses to not interact with them at all. It's saddening to see.
@FR0STBL0D 5 месяцев назад
Well ... I guess those folks reflect his own "strange absolutist ideas" ...
@r.v.9005 4 месяца назад
To be fair, so are gender cultists...
@cripdyke 8 месяцев назад
What if you used the money to feed kittens... ... to spiders?
@rozamakamaka 8 месяцев назад
Thank you, Professor, for affirming my multucellularity.
@lost_boy 8 месяцев назад
Great video, thanks PZ. Would love to see a video from you about the intersection between the environment and embryos!
@ExtantFrodo2 14 дней назад
We know of animals that change sex roles in mid-life. Dawkins should know this.
@per-bjarnemikalsen3996 7 месяцев назад
We should not take that thing from The Bible Revelation 20:4, if they ask us to do that, then something is off!
@Leszek.Rzepecki 8 месяцев назад
How are the mighty fallen. I used to have great respect for Dawkins. I can only hope his leaving the rails to become a Dark Side pundit doesn’t fatally undermine his contributions in his previous career as a scientist.
@DevilTravels 8 месяцев назад
There's a certain philosophy that, in order to interest the general public in science, one needs to dumb down science to the level of the undereducated. I suspect Dawkins (among others) has decided to follow that philosophy. But it seems to me, that perpetuating this philosophy results in a general public remaining in that same dumbed down science. Dawkins doesn't seem interested in advancing the education of general public above that level. It also seems to me that, perhaps, Dawkins has become the victim of his philosophy. Perhaps he has found benefit in addressing an undereducated society and less benefit in advancing science in the general public.
@ixdrums 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for always sharing the truth of these topics.
@b991228 7 месяцев назад
Are the workers contributing to the ant society?
@8DX 8 месяцев назад
@soyborne.bornmadeandundone1342 8 месяцев назад
My good childhood friend, Kristin Miller. She lost her grandfather a lil while ago. He was really into insect science and LOVED YOU PZ Myers. She says he met you a few times actually : ) I wanna be just like you PZ Myers. PS. South park was right to make fun of dawkins lololol
@r.v.9005 4 месяца назад
A scientist that doesn't understand the difference between male and female... 😂
@hypercortical7772 8 месяцев назад
great video.
@shlockofgod 7 месяцев назад
What is a woman?
@CanalPSG 5 месяцев назад
An adult female, free of Y chromosomes.
@AdamSpaczynski7436 3 месяца назад
this balloony wont make an answer, gender: it just means develops as sex. woman = adult female. female XX (noDSD) will always develop females, XX males(dsd) means mutant Xthat combined in to 1 Ywith developing male (basically Y) but if the Xmutant chromo is inactive-underexpressed develops female, sex change to female cant accour in males (not DSD) after 12 weeks because of Lyonization&other processes, Alot of procceses also disable the dupicated sex chromosomes from expressing, hormones dont change the sex alone there is a lot more going on than just that, there is a lot of expression-silencing and changes that would take a lot to explain (short still 2 sexes), hermaphrodites=2 sexes, 2 sexes (normally expressed) have variations inbetween each single sex and are not homologous inthe way plenty people think, female cant develop in to males cant and wont ever in their lifetime because ofsex genetics in mammals,birds,crocodiles develop so pushing this to female children(not dsd) is evil and will never make them males, parthogenesis could come from sex or asexual creatyres depending of the organisms and what kind of one of the 5 parthogenesis types is. females cant become males because of the sex determination system. males can but only before the 12 weeks as fetuses after that a lot happens (genetics), adult males cant change even with all the hormones and surgeries (i could explain in detail what all they do), with females is even worse basically think of impants for3rection with a pseudophalusClithoSkingraph (also no true male anything;tissue,glands,production,fluids...alotmore) and nochest, the hrt just make them hairy and agressive or fussy & alot more depressed or the moodswings go rampant (with both sexes since synthetic hormones that are similar but not quite what plenty think)(hyenas still female), Clownfish have very different sex determination system ZWmale WWfemale only femaleWWcan change and their genetics work so wacked(sequential hermaphroditism) compared to human gender (fixed sex system determined) dont fall for what a lot of these channels are spewing about "NEWsexes or genders" that all ideology or not quite understanding how genetics and how expression works, there is a lot of ways to determine the sex of an individual (there is no such thing as "assigned at birth"), just be observant of primary expressed characteristics + secondary +- other characteristics and tadan (99+% youll get the sex/gender of the person most of the time), fakedongsginas, wickyicki & other offputings will also give a sign, dont let your self be harassed, manipulated, dont fall for peerpresure, protect the undevelop children and yes who cares if they want to backmail,dox or do whatever, you let them once they will continue with their BS..... Dont attack people with DSD(intersex), but dont trust the lgbt+,gendertheology,CRTorfeministWooWoo they basically created the words "Assigned at birth", "gender as whatever" to delegitimize DR's,MediScientists and biologists... all this comes from the softsciences hemisphere since most of that got infected with the WOO. They went so farleft they think everyone is a Neo-whitenazi flyingbigotsadwitch hillybilly far-alt-right religiousApologetic who denies science while also not know jack and messing everything, they are in their bubbles.
@ColleenVR 7 месяцев назад
Great content as always ❤
@aaronpolichar7936 8 месяцев назад
Great, informed commentary
@bengreen171 8 месяцев назад
wonderful video - just one minor gripe. I wish you hadn't filmed it in front of what looks, even superficially, like the skeleton of a human infant. I don't think the optics are very good. This might not be about gametes, but it certainly is about hearts and minds.
8 месяцев назад
And a Happy Halloween to you too! ☠🎃🩻
@bengreen171 8 месяцев назад
@ I get that I might seem like a killjoy, but I'm trying to see the bigger picture here. It's not always going to be Halloween, and since the big rhetorical device of the other side is that 'transgenderism is hurting the kids', I don't think it's a good idea for a trans ally to have the literal ghost of a child hanging over him.
@dylanschmidt9056 8 месяцев назад
It's a very anatomically-incorrect spider skeleton.
@krymz1 8 месяцев назад
a woman or a man is not a collection of stereotypes to play pretend as and expect random people to be acquiescent.
@baynemacgregor8441 8 месяцев назад
Then why not look at the biological science research? The first indication that Trans people aren’t pretending was of course the failure of John Money’s horrendous experiment trying to prove that Trans was psychological not biological. Indicating that it was likely biological. Then there were the brain dissection studies of Zhou, Swaab and others comparing specific brain regions that show the most sex dimorphism in humans where Trans women’s brains more closely match non-Trans women’s brains than men’s both Gay and Straight. By 2005 the first genetic links started being found in sex hormone receptor genes involved in cellular Virilisation processes. By 2019 there was a very large number of these genetic links found especially after 20 years of study on the embryonic development of sex dimorphic characteristics of rodent brains including being able to replicate the same effects seen in the human brain dissections under laboratory conditions and when the genetic pathways of neurological sex development found through these animal studies were checked in Trans people 21 variants of 19 genes in those pathways were discovered.
@andrewgreen5574 8 месяцев назад
they are a bunch of cultural signifier qnd roles that becomes typified within society. Culture changes and acceptance does, as well. Otherwise women would be nothing more than baby makers and home makers.
@krymz1 8 месяцев назад
@@andrewgreen5574 if that's what you reduce women to that's your thing.
@andrewgreen5574 8 месяцев назад
@@krymz1 that's what society does, including you. Or else it wouldn't matter what people identify as.
@krymz1 8 месяцев назад
@@andrewgreen5574no and no. that's just your opinion.
@5driedgrams 8 месяцев назад
Hey, PZ!
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