
The German Synod's Awful Gender Document 

The Counsel of Trent
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In this episode Trent breaks down the German Synod's recent document supporting transgender ideology and shares what the Church can really do to help people with sexual identity disorders.




28 сен 2024




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@beautybearswitness Год назад
As a catholic, raising my daughters with my wife in Germany, I feel sad and angry because of these developments in the local church… deeply worried about the future - Please pray for the German bishops and the Church of Christ here.
@terezka5340 Год назад
Many prayers to your and your family and all faithful laity and clergy in Germany🙏
@johnnotrealname8168 Год назад
That one Bishop who voted No, you my friend are a hero. We need to hold him up!
@Crusader33ad Год назад
Amazingly we are now cheering. Bishops for actually being Catholic. How low can the bar go??
@johnnotrealname8168 Год назад
@@Crusader33ad That is as low as it can go.
@illyrian9976 Год назад
@@Crusader33ad Cheering Bishops for only beeing partialy heretical
@Crusader33ad Год назад
@@johnnotrealname8168 - sure hope so
@Crusader33ad Год назад
@@illyrian9976 - that’s about right. Very low expectations
@diannalaubenberg7532 Год назад
There is something seriously wrong in Germany.
@alqoshgirl Год назад
It’s all over Europe. There aren’t really faithful Catholics. It’s more of a socializing club for old people now that don’t care about the truth
@andytheawesome7592 Год назад
They gave us Protestantism, Nazism, and now this. Has the Church considered performing a mass exorcism of the entire nation?
@ninjason57 Год назад
The leadership is twisted. There’s many Germans who do not agree with this.
@Crusader33ad Год назад
Francia could stop it in five seconds, but he won’t
@pop6997 Год назад
Don't think there is anything at all wrong with German Catholics, lay people, Priests etc. etc. You are every bit our brothers and sisters. The problem seems to be 'who' is being heard. To be honest the German Church is not alone in this, it's been festering, and it's best we see it clearly in daylight. Dont worry..have peace, don't let anybody take your peace. There's only one person at the helm!
@duartedias5096 Год назад
As a protestant, I feel compasionate towards my catholic siblings. I hope this situation sorts itself out and it doesn't escalate into a schism
@andrefouche9682 Год назад
No schism needed, German bishops just need to be excommunicated and replaced with other orthodox ones, hopefully from Nigeria.
@Crusader33ad Год назад
2 Thel 2:2ff. The great apostasy occurs in the true church. That’s what we’re seeing in real time
@brianfarley926 Год назад
They’re are already in schism
@nightyew2160 Год назад
It touches my heart to see a protestant not want a schism.
@maxmaximus2608 Год назад
@@andrefouche9682 great idea! Also replace the 75% of German Catholics who are in support with Nigerians 😂😂😂
@MariChambers Год назад
My sister (lapsed Catholic and active participant in a local Baptist church) recently got her hair cut short for the specific reason of being disgusted by being referred to as a lady with she/her pronouns. She experiences same-sex attraction but has a boyfriend, so she has identity issues on the sexuality and gender identity fronts. I ask all who view this comment to please pray for her that she may accept that she is a daughter of God, not a son, not a non-binary child, a daughter. Pray for her to grow in the virtue of chastity and that she will be able to act on her desires in a healthy way in the context of marriage, God willing.
@Christina00nline 10 месяцев назад
I will pray for her. It is very hard. My dear niece going through gender crisis as well. Did you ask her what gender she thinks her body will be in the resurrection. Likely different for your sister, but at least for my knees and even myself when I was struggling with things about the modern woman that I dislike, there's often something their perceiving about what a woman should be in the culture. They greatly rebel against that. And the case of my niece, she was so beautiful as a young child that everybody would tease her about if she had a crush yet. Everybody was waiting and waiting to see who would be her first boyfriend and they really pressured that to her so much that it's very sad that they oversexualized a child like that. She was not interested in romance at all and she began to really rebel against her gender. If a female was just somebody who is constantly pressured into liking boys and dressing up and acting slutty in this way she wanted nothing to do with it and so she decided she was a boy so that she could dress and conservative clothes and feel more comfortable. In my case, when I was a kid, my stepmother greatly abused me emotionally and used the biblical verses about women's submission out of context to make me believe that women were second class citizens. Of course I don't want to be a second class citizen, so for a while I really didn't like my gender. Of course back then nobody was saying that you could switch your gender. So I think God every day that was never an option for me because I probably would have wanted to be a boy as well. At any rate, May God bless you and your sister! One of the things I have been doing is going to different ministry sites, there are some convent sites at the site for the American shrine of the Divine Mercy where you can put your dear family on prayer lists as well.
@socratesandstorybooks1109 Год назад
I'm always so confused about synods. Like do we have to hold everything they teach? Do we have to hold anything they teach? If the answer to these questions is no then what is their purpose?
@turkey3gwiddle Год назад
I might recommend a book by Jimmy Akin: Teaching with Authority. I think it'd help a lot with that. Cheers!
@shawnjackson4458 Год назад
The Blank Baptismal Certificate Dispensation seems rather imprudent if there's no limit to how long it can be left blank. Still great video however, thank you! Pray that Papa Francis shows zero tolerance for such defiance of the Church and pray for the reversion/reconciliation of the German people!
@andrefouche9682 Год назад
This whole thing is a very sly attack from Satan, he somehow got it right to got many otherwise normal Christians to believe that homosexuality is the one special sin, the one where your sin becomes your identity. The one sin you cannot be reformed from, the one sin you are born to do and you can't do anything about it, the one sin given a special flag, a special month and the one sin that we are constantly reminded that we need to affirm there lifestyle. This sin became so special that even the Vatican can't treat it like any other. If these Bishops approved of racists (a sin less popular in the world these days) they would have been excommunicated long ago with the world cheering. So what I learned is that sins popular in the world is popular in the Church, sins scoffed at by the world is scoffed at by the church.
@RabidLeech. 3 месяца назад
“The church should be a place where everyone is welcomed, AND ENCOURAGED TO SEEK HOLINESS.” That second part is what a lot of progressive Christians (if you can even call them that) miss out on. They fundamentally miss the one of the big points of the church. You don’t go to church to be “accepted” You go to Worship GOD and encourage one another to be holier. And to transform yourself and your life and ideas about life.
@Luka-lf2cz Год назад
Trent you made a mistake at 2:20 the Haiga Sophia was built in Constantinople modern day Istanbul not Antioch.
@bellanegrin3915 Год назад
Very good video! I will need to watch it again, maybe a couple of times. My granddaughter, a PhD. in psychology, attended one of the most widely recognized "woke" universities in the U.S., obtaining her undergrad, do I dare say, indoctrination. Her post-grad has come from a more traditional, very good, private university, FIT. She has very well exercised arguments for this whole gender / sex issue. Although she has chosen not to practice any faith, she is not an atheist, and therefore, I feel I may still have a way to reach her. At least, give her some very philosophical and theological alternatives to consider. Thank you for yet another educational and enlightening video.
@petersonnenberg9526 Год назад
96% of 197... Does that mean only the 7 bishops voted against it... No lay people voting against? What kind of assembly is that.... 😢
@petersonnenberg9526 Год назад
Furthermore... How can you count the abstaining votes into the excepting croud?
@d.a.tsun5104 Год назад
This kind of happenings within the Church is what causes many people to quit the Church (remember your previous video "Bad Reasons to leave the Church", Trent?). It's like riding on a bus heading to, say, Yosemite ("J" = Jesus, the focus). But somewhere along the way, people in the bus told the driver to take this way and that way and at the end the bus is not heading to but away from J. So the other passengers who still want to go to J would hop off the bus. I'm sorry if I make a bad analogy. I'm just tired. Recently Ascencion Press posted a poll: Are you a Catholic? I can't even answer that. Not because "or non-Catholic?" but because "what does 'Catholic' here/now mean anyway, to us/me?"
@Mauroval1977 Год назад
The catholic follows the catholic doctrine, exposed in the cathecism, under the magisterium , and under the leadership of Pope. It is easy.
@matthewp9839 Год назад
Really appreciate your charity Trent but as you said yourself these people are disingenuous and although we cannot judge their hearts, we can certainly affirm their fruits are bad. Not worried about my own faith but concerned for those who fall away from the Church over this.
@PipingPsalmist Год назад
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!
@snokehusk223 Год назад
And what is pope and other bishops doing? Where is the critisizing of these heretical movements? This is why a strong hand is needed.
@Crusader33ad Год назад
Francis is all in with this mess
@brianfarley926 Год назад
@@Crusader33ad hopefully not. Pope Francis already told them Bishops can’t bless sin. If the Pope let’s this go I think it’ll invalidate the faith. It violates Scripture in that the Holy Spirit will lead the Church into all truth
@Crusader33ad Год назад
@@brianfarley926 - watching Francis operate makes me uneasy. He may be influenced by Peronism, a political tactic from Argentina. One tries to placate both sides while having a leftist agenda. On abortion, Francis says it’s wrong, then praises and greets warmly Italy’s most notorious abortionist, Emma Bonino. Francis’s silence speaks volumes. After all he is the one who set up this ridiculous synod which had no authority until his pontificate
@brianfarley926 Год назад
@@Crusader33ad we shall watch and see what happens. I think regarding that he speaks vehemently against abortion but was polite when meeting someone who is pro abortion isn’t wrong. I disagree with many people who are pro abortion doctor but I can’t get anywhere if I’m an ass to them either for them to recognize they’re on the wrong side of history. Being polite creates an opportunity for dialogue as well
@Crusader33ad Год назад
@@brianfarley926 - brian, Francis didn’t invite the most egregious pro abort in Italy’s history to convert her. He PRAISED her! She developed a method to kill babies using a pump so it could circumvent italys abortion ban. She is pure evil and Francis warmly lauded her Not “politeness”. Just as he has invited transvestites and sodomite couples and warmly embraced them with cameras clicking. Classic Peronism
@lawrencefox9225 Год назад
The German Synod is little more than an unclean bathroom. The stench is so bad that one has to wear a mask while bleaching the facility.
Hell is empty and all the Devils are here
Great point on The Hagia Sophia and Antioch
@bigdogboos1 11 месяцев назад
these modern abominations are literally preventing me from committing to a conversion to the Catholic church. the level of worldliness oozing into the church in the recent decade is mind boggling. what is going on? it is shaking my recent acceptance that Christ was guiding this church by His Spirit. :|
@theien5929 Год назад
This is what happens when the pope and bishops no longer believe or teach the apostolic faith
@allopez8563 Год назад
Ok what about all the buildings? Do the rebels get to keep it? BTW abstaining wass pure cowardice
@max7369 Год назад
the hagia sofia is in constantinople/istanbul
@matthewvelazquez2013 Год назад
Perfect subject for Trent to cover.
@Olivier1 Год назад
This document can’t be taken seriously. The wordings used indicate that a choice had already been made before trying to back it up by shallow science. Starting a sentence by “However, it can by no means” entails that a precise statement based on solid science would follow. Instead, the person follows with a loose usage of the terms hormones and epigenetics. Hormone production doesn’t determine the genetics, but it’s the other way around. I’ve never heard of a hormone “oestradistol”. I find it weird for a biological scientist to use typology to explain the obvious fact of genetic variability. The logic seems forced in many ways. I doubt the author of this excerpt is a scientist. Whether he’s Christian, I’ll leave it for a more experienced person to say..
@Joker22593 Год назад
This document may be one of the Gold Standard Examples of what James Lindsay calls the "Iron Law of Woke Projection". Pray for the church, that God will depose these bishops.
Please pray for those few German bishops who publically and at great personal risk opposed the heretical notions put forth by their colleagues: His Excellency the Most Reverend Rudolf Vorderholzer, Bishop of Regensburg His Excellency the Most Reverend Gregor Maria Hanke, Bishop of Eichstätt His Excellency the Most Reverend Stefan Oster, Bishop of Passau His Excellency the Most Reverend Dominikus Schwaderlapp, auxilary Bishop of Köln His Excellency the Most Reverend Florian Wörner, auxilary Bishop of Augsburg as well as everyone who opposed at least some of the texts and voted "yes" or "neutral" on others. That too took great bravery given the circumstances.
@clarkkent5442 5 месяцев назад
this is so very disappointing. I truly hope America doesn't follow suit. my parish has a come as you are campaign. I haven't been to it, but I really hope they aren't giving a blanket acceptance of gay and trans ideologies
@miroslavpendelj9685 6 месяцев назад
Do not forget that East Germany was in communism and it was religious desert.
@michaelhaywood8262 Год назад
We must pray for the faithful Catholics in Germany, both clergy and laity. They do exist. I hope they will rally behind Mueller and Ganswein. I feel sure that Pope Benedict XVI would be shocked at what is happening in his land. The Pope has repeatedly stated that the Church cannot and will not bless sinful unions [same sex unions]. Still the German want to go ahead.
Excellent job.
@ironymatt Год назад
Matters of principle aren't determined by vote
@Meteor_pending Год назад
Oh I know, we have a phrase for this: anathema sit!
@HodgePodgeVids1 Год назад
Trent is always based
@myrddingwynedd2751 Год назад
To say that the church has often shrunk and contracted down the centuries in various areas is a false equivalence, and somewhat disingenuous. It might be so that the church does not exist in prominence in certain areas of the world any more, such as Turkey and North Africa, but for the almost entire corruption of the clergy as we have today is a first. It's not just the German bishops, it's most of the clergy these days. Like in my own parish, a priest told me in confession the sin I was confessing wasn't really a sin, and I know it's a sin since it's in the bible. And again another priest, off the altar put into doubt the veracity of the old testament simply because it seems cruel to modern sensitivities. He said that God's will had been misinterpreted for things like the the command to kill the Canaanites. We also have Bishop Barron espousing the same lies and nonsense to placate a world that has become so far removed from nature and reality, they think eating an animal is wrong. We have a huge level of corruption of the clergy, and cardinal Pell said as much before he died. Stop making excuses Trent and call it for what it is, an ecclesial mess. Okay, let's see Pope Francis stand up as chief pastor of the catholic church and condemn and anathematize these bishops.
@vaderkurt7848 Год назад
"Is a first" Not really. 90% of bishops used to be Arians. The point trent was making is that while the gates of hell will not prevail this does not mean the Catholic church will not struggle. In fact there has been moments in time where it looked bleaked. The church it's self was sold out accusations of a pope being an anti pope or the criticisms of the clergy makes ours look like an utter inconvenience in. comparison.
@amala8487 Год назад
Please Leaders the Priesters in peace ,why women spoild the Priesters?
@junacebedo888 Год назад
Jesus, the Nazarene stumbled three times on the way to His crucifixion. BUT, He stand up and continued!! Church will fell to the ground but will RISE UP to it's feet to finish the journey.
@mitromney Год назад
I'm a protestant, and I just can't understand what is even the point. I've heard so many times from Trent when he debated for the necessity of Papacy that Church needs it to safeguard the orthodoxy but now, it seems to me that when Catholic Church breaks in half you're going through the exact same thing we protestants go. Your elders go in both directions leaving lay people scared, disoriented and confused and your leader is silent when he should be excluding the heretics immediately and declaring truth from the rooftops to preserve as much of the floch as he can. It seems to me it was all talk. There really isn't any gatekeeping in Vatican, just an abstract idea of it.
@IrvingNestorRandom Год назад
I would reply that the only way you have perfect unity is with perfect leadership (Jesus) which only happens in the church's glorified state in heaven. Instead, we can only *begin* to replicate that here on earth with our popes and bishops as Jesus desired to begin to imitate the eternal reality. The only way you can even start grasping at that reality, though, is by having a church leader with the ability to bind and loose in a unique and singular way. Without that, unity under one or a few leaders is truly abstract as authority is derived from consent of the governed instead of authority from heaven. That's how I see it at least.
@Poland805 Год назад
There have been many schisms and heresies in the history of the Church. This wouldn't be the first episode of it. There are many assumptions in your comment such as "When" the Church breaks...which is not a forgone conclusion- by any means. The Holy Father has already declared that this is an error from the German Bishops so he is guarding orthodoxy. It is just not as forceful as some of us would like. There is a segment of baby boomer generation of leaders in the Church who are desperate to lead it astray but they, like all their predecessors, will not succeed. Your argument seems to cut against all Christian churches and how they will fracture into heterodoxy, tread lightly, friend. Jesus is with us till the end of the age.
@FavianShields Год назад
"Breaks in half" is a bit strong when you consider this is only one country and the majority of faithful Catholics across the globe are opposed to this. Just because Francis hasn't spoken yet doesn't mean he won't and even if he never does, at the end of the day, Catholics DO have a means to settle these disputes and Protestants don't. If the German bishops are truly in schism it is because they left the Catholic Church who hasn't changed her teachings on the matter.
@PrimeTimePaulyRat Год назад
I think there are many more reasons for the necessity of the papacy. However, in regard to the point you're making, I have a few points: 1) I understand your frustration with the Pope not taking a greater stand against the German heretics. I agree that he should. 2) Despite that, the Pope clearly has the authority to "gatekeep" as you mentioned, and other popes in the past have used that authority to do so. It just so happens that in this instance, the pope isn't using his authority to do so when we think he should. 3) Think of a father, who clearly has authority to reprimand his children. He might fail to do so in some instances when he should. Does that mean there's no point in him having that authority? Of course not! It just means that he should be using it. 4) Therefore, there is a point in having a pope to safeguard orthodox Christianity.
@Joker22593 Год назад
The difference is that the Catholic Church has already ruled on all these issues. These German bishops are teaching otherwise after the fact, making them manifest heretics according to a pre-established objective standard. When Protestants split up in the same way, new denominations are formed by the relative heretics, but the relative orthodox believers of the original group don't change their name. Now, the other way protestants split up is on Undecided matters. In those instances, the Catholic Church follows Jesus' system: Try to work it out, if not, try to work it out with more people, if not, take it to the church. Whomever hears fails to hear the church is anathema (Matthew 18:17).
@christiankuethe9425 Год назад
Its not a German synod, its only the 'synodal way'.
I am sure that any minute now Papa Francis will step in and excommunicate these heretic bishops and put the house in order. Unless of course he is a heretic himself and thus an Antipope.
@Subeffulgent Год назад
Good job keep up the good 👍👉✝️✝️✝️
@nathanngumi8467 Год назад
@candyclews4047 Год назад
Well, they'll stand before God one day.
@johncopper5128 Год назад
Thank you.
@MikeOrtego Год назад
God help us!
@jacktracy8356 Год назад
Hebrews 10:10 By which we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ ONCE for all 11 And every priest (Jewish priest) stands daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices (according to the law), which can never take away sins: *12 But this man (Jesus Christ), after "He had offered ONE sacrifice for sins FOR EVER" sat down on the right hand of God; (ONE sacrifice of actually giving His blood and body once for all for the forgiveness of all sins on the cross) *14 For by "ONE offering" He has perfected FOR EVER them that are sanctified (true believers forgiven of all sins for ever and set apart). *18 Now where remission of these (sins) is, "there is NO MORE OFFERING for sin" (no more offering for sin such as masses, confessions through popes, priests, or sacramental works administered by the RCC).
@Crusader33ad Год назад
You’re interpretation of scripture is both false and lacking any authority. Both Catholics//orthodox for 2000 years follow Christ. You follow a man made religion started by Luther Christ is the high priest, so by logic there are less higher priests. Jesus NEVER abolished the priesthood but your founding Protestants did. 2peter 1:20- Protestants like you have NO authority to interpret scripture. None. You are false and thus are opposed to the truth of Christ. Why would you think that your private interpretation means anything?? It doesn’t. Oh and Jesus’s sacrifice IS once for all TIME. So as He said “do this in remembrance of Me” remembrance in Greek is anamnesis which means present in the now Protestantism is a false religion started by Luther and Calvin and even they opposed each other as heretics
@aleguitarra Год назад
I thought that Catholic Church has monolithic unity... Not like the Protestant... But seems like I was wrong! There are so many types of Catholic practices that looks pretty the same than Protestant churches... Even all are under de papacy umbrella
@Crusader33ad Год назад
No, there is one teaching on every issue. That’s why Saint Paul wrote all the epistles to correct errors in the early church, the official teaching of the Catholic Church remains the same for 2000 years. The heretics will lose this battle as well. The spirit of Martin Luther lives on in these heretical bishops.
@snokehusk223 Год назад
There is one doctrine. If you follow it you are a Catholic. If you don't you are a heretic. Simple as that. So when you see these bishops they aren't Catholics and are excommunicated in their hearts for now. That is same as saying I thought scientists agree Earth is spherical and than some crazy guy comes saying it is flat despite the evidence. Science isn't wrong. That person is.
@GarthDomokos Год назад
this is the exact divisions that occurred in Paul's letters. It's almost impossible possible to have a agreeable universal Church for many reasons. However , dividing the church is unbiblical, so what does one do?
@Crusader33ad Год назад
@@GarthDomokos - stay with the church started by Christ and his apostles
@wheatandtares-xk4lp Год назад
@@GarthDomokos Excommunicating these schismatics isn't "dividing the Church". It's dividing the Church from Satan's worldly corruption.
@laurants Год назад
Well, if you allow for one lie to prevail, more will follow. So many gay clergy in the Church right now. They believe wrong, they live wrong.
@ninjason57 Год назад
Isn't the church supposed to be the people? Not a building or a location? Isn't the new temple the holy spirit in followers of Christ and when they commune together considered the church?
@brianfarley926 Год назад
Yes and a physical structure of authority that Jesus left. Same as God did with the Jews in the OT. The people are as lay priests, deacons, priests and bishops
@haydongonzalez-dyer2727 Год назад
Comment and sub
@Jehusafec Год назад
If the pope does not use his authority granted to him by Jesus to direct the church according to His teachings, the pope does not deserve his authority.
@snokehusk223 Год назад
The pope doesn't deserve to be the pope. Papacy is here to stay. But who will be the pope is the question.
@veryexciteddog963 Год назад
did this guy forget what happened to Joan of Arc
@hunivan7672 Год назад
She went to Heaven?
@jjmthree Год назад
And the false Roman Church begins to reap the fruits of the Heresy of Ecumenism. May Rome continue to push others away from itself.
@bornbranded29 Год назад
Francis created this.
@georgwagner937 Год назад
Scripture is the only infallible rule of faith.
@Justas399 Год назад
Who is to say that the Holy Spirit is not leading the German bishops?
@samueljennings4809 Год назад
The Holy Spirit will not lead into confusion, and definitely not to contradict the biblical and apostolic teaching on gender and on marriage.
@Justas399 Год назад
@@samueljennings4809 You don't know that. The development of doctrine can also help your church leaders change things. It did that with Mary and the papacy.
@brianfarley926 Год назад
The Holy Spirit doesn’t lead Bishops to teach heresy. So there’s that. It’s heretical to bless sin. Pretty much any Christian should understand that concept So if it’s your position that homosexual marriage should be blessed that’s never been taught in the Catholic Church because it directly contradicts scripture, and the sacred tradition of the Church. The Pope has also been very clear that Bishops can’t bless sin
@samueljennings4809 Год назад
@@Justas399 I’m not even Catholic and your points about doctrinal development don’t apply anyway. The same standard goes for those also. If it doesn’t line up with Scripture and apostolic tradition of the Fathers in line with said Scripture, it isn’t from the Holy Spirit. The Bible itself says that the Holy Spirit doesn’t lead into confusion about topics like this. God does not change His mind on what He calls abominable behaviour and will not tolerate sin. He extends mercy for the penitent but He does not condone sin or encourage people to stay in their sin but to be redeemed from the law of sin and death and reborn into the royal law of Christ and live a life pleasing to God. Our sanctification from our sin by following Jesus Christ by picking up our cross daily, and loving others is the will of Zhou (John 6, 1 John 3). The Book of Hebrews states that God has made His ultimate and final revelation of Himself in Jesus Christ. There is no future “revision” to come. That is it, until Jesus comes back.
@Justas399 Год назад
@@brianfarley926 Your bishops taught heresy at the council of Trent when they denied the gospel in its canons. Your church is in the process of affirming homosexuality. They will find a way to bless and marry homosexuals. Many bishops already are talking about changing your catechism on homosexuality. Over 50% of catholics approve of gay "marriage". Couple with this with so many priests and bishops being homosexuals. In fact, fr James Martin who promotes homosexuality is never rebuked by your pope.
@St_Pablo298 Год назад
Not the first time Germany has given rise to a protesting church..
@deutschermichel5807 5 месяцев назад
But this is the first time bishops are getting involved
@danvankouwenberg7234 Год назад
Is this a church document, or a Teen Vogue article?
@garysibio4195 Год назад
You said that gender is assigned at birth. I've heard a lot of people say that but it is simply not true. Gender is assigned at conception, not birth.
@RyanOConnellcomedy Год назад
Gender isn't "assigned".
@garysibio4195 Год назад
@@RyanOConnellcomedy Sure it is. God assigns it.
@thatdude_93 Год назад
I am from germany and i had no idea that this was going on. I think it's time for the church to take a clear and definitive stance on this whole gender and lgbt nonsense; to call out and condemn heresy when it tries to sneak its way into our sacred tradition.
@skippy8696 Год назад
The rosary was initially given by Our Lady to combat heresy. How many Catholics today truly believe this and how many will pray it everyday for the situation in Germany? I'm not sure tbh but it's a great place to start 👍
@terezka5340 Год назад
I think many do. This situation is bringing both the worst and the best in the people. Many catholics are waking to their faith and pray and fast.
@deutschermichel5807 5 месяцев назад
Wasnʼt the rosary given to St. Dominique? Was he a German?
@fritzimperial9210 Год назад
The problem is that it's a waste of time deconstructing these documents, we know their complete nonsense. What we should focus on is what rot has affected the Church that documents like this are even taken seriously. We have to call out heresy
@thebitterrootranger4405 Год назад
I disagree. Of course we know they're full of nonsense, that's not in debate. However it IS a fruitful endeavor to deconstruct these documents because by doing so it shows us where the nonsense is ripest, and can give us a clearer idea of how to combat 'the rot' as you say. Also, keep in mind, there are a lot of people out there that don't have the logical capacity to see the nonsense, or that just accept whatever is thrown at them because they have no will to fight; the sheeple, if you will. For their sake, at the very least, this kind of deconstruction is very valuable. This is the first step of many
@chasnikisher7006 Год назад
​@@mkd1113 Why do you say that?
@nightyew2160 Год назад
The reason they have to be taken seriously is that unfortunately many people do not see this view as nonsense.
@jackieo8693 Год назад
And make the five first Saturdays 🙏
@Zxymr Год назад
I'd argue that this is not a waste of time. Heresy should not be combated with heresy but with truth. Without a clear delineation as to where these documents have fallen short, the impression it gives to the unsure faithful is that there are just two sides arguing, trying to shout over each other. To be clear, I am not saying that we should not focus on the root cause either, but my argument is simply that we should not dismiss this as a waste of time. We ought to be cognisant of the vice of wrath.
@delbert372 Год назад
I don’t understand why these German bishops, and folks like James Martin, still have a job. Why are they not sternly warned, and then fired if they do not heed the warning? Like, what does the pope do all day?
@Gooey1000 Год назад
As a German Protestant strongly considering Catholicism I feel I'm back to square one. Nowhere to go.
Musst du nicht Bruder. Es ist ja nicht das 1. Mal, dass sich eine Gruppe abspaltet. Die Kirche hat es 2000 Jahre erlebt und immer überlebt Gottes Segen
@@ReverendDr.Thomas lol which one?
@thebitterrootranger4405 Год назад
I'm a catholic convert. It was difficult for me to reconcile a lot of this theological and political upheaval when I was considering. I don't want to minimize your concern and say, just go for it, it'll be clearer on the other side, I don't want to do that. But the one thing that helped me to make the decision was to remember who the true head of the church is. We follow the bishops, as they follow Christ. We follow the Pope, as he follows Christ. When earthly authorities fail us, we fall back on Christ. He is the Rock, He is the Healer, He is the Guide. When nothing else makes sense, look to Christ. That's what helped me bridge the gap. If what Jesus says about Himself is true, then I can follow Him. The Eucharist is the place to start. Things will begin to fall into place after that. May God bless you, I wish you all the best
@danvankouwenberg7234 Год назад
The Church needs you obviously.
@ninjason57 Год назад
You belong to Jesus.
@maciejpieczula631 Год назад
Thankfully Pope Francis through this ill-defined process of Synod on Synodality, whether wittingly or unwittingly, has allowed many Bad Shepperds to finally reveal themselves. Matter of fact, it has been said that this Synod on Synodality is the movement of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps this is the way the Holy Spirit has decided to cleanse the Church.
@chinrys06 Год назад
Praying for the German Church 🙏
@ChrisDaGroyper Год назад
Thank you from Germany! 🙏 We need your prayers, fam! 🙏❤️ God bless you all!
@snokehusk223 Год назад
Church in Germany. Not German Church.
@brianfarley926 Год назад
That CC is done in Germany unless Pope Francis goes in a defrocks all these Bishops for teaching heresy. These bishops can’t hid from being ignorant of Catholic teaching they are Bishops so if they are ignorant they deserve to be defrocked and by teaching heresy they deserve to be defrocked Only way to shut this down is the church slamming the door on it otherwise it’ll keep coming up
@bernardevillaw3410 Год назад
Hilarious. The german church, like every other catholic church, is destined for eternal damnation. 330,000 little boys in France were raped by 3,000 catholic pedophile priests, and it barely made the news, because people EXPECT that from catholics. Jesus said child rape was UNFORGIVABLE (Matt 18:6-14), and everyone who supported it will get eternal damnation. That means every catholic.
@myrddingwynedd2751 Год назад
You should praying that God, unless they repent, will wipe it from the face of the earth.
@stanleyigboanugo1245 Год назад
What a Shame! Thank you for all you do, Trent. ❤
@carolynkimberly4021 Год назад
Male/female siblings quickly see the characteristics that distinguish each other.
@nightyew2160 Год назад
​@@Link25 I read it all. ;)
@augustineufoegbune2358 Год назад
This is really true. Thanks C. Kimberly!
@sneed3529 Год назад
If only we had an individual, dare I say, a Successor to Peter, that could declare Church teaching on this issue and punish dissenters. Oh wait, we do; why hasn't he? Why has he taken concrete measures against the Traditional Latin Mass, but used only words that have gone unheeded on matters of Church teaching such as in this situation? It's extremely troubling.
@keedee3104 Год назад
Well said and my exact thoughts. They have excommunicated themselves but it would be nice to have a strong leader to publicly denounce their heresy.
@Poland805 Год назад
This is the sentiment that many of feel, it becomes disheartening at times. Cardinal Roche just declared the TLM represents an "Old Theology". I was unaware that the Novus was ushering in a new theology, hopefully what is happening in Germany is not an off-shoot of this. Regardless, we need to continue to pray for the Church & the Holy Father.
@mitromney Год назад
I'm a protestant, and I just can't understand what is even the point. I've heard so many times from Trent when he debated for the necessity of Papacy that Church needs it to safeguard the orthodoxy but now, it seems to me that when Catholic Church breaks in half you're going through the exact same thing we protestants go. Your elders go in both directions leaving lay people scared, disoriented and confused and your leader is silent when he should be excluding the heretics immediately and declaring truth from the rooftops to preserve as much of the floch as he can. It seems to me it was all talk. There really isn't any gatekeeping in Vatican, just an abstract idea of it.
@IM-tl7qv Год назад
He has already made plenty statements against them and warning them. It hasn't been that long since the release of this document, so he may take action now that they have went through despite his warning. Also, as you will know, popes have the disciplinary authority to reform missals, whether it is prudentially right or wrong, and we shouldn't dissent from that. Ironically, traditionalists rebelling against the pope is why he is trying to limit the so called "Latin mass", which has been weaponised against reform. Let's be charitable to Francis and assume the best motive, as we must as Catholics, who himself said he has trouble with patience and may just have been trying to be patient with them previously to this statement.
@sneed3529 Год назад
@@mitromney Thank you! Indeed, Catholics mock Protestants relentlessly for their inner division on these topics, yet our own Pope will take action on these same issues. It's gravely scandalous, because one can reasonable interpret silence as consent - especially when the Pope is very vocal on other issues much less pressing. Talk is cheap, and actions speak louder than words, as they say. Thus, look who Pope Francis elevates: men who outright deny homosexual relationships to be sinful; men who are open to female ordination. Personnel is policy. Look who Pope Francis rebukes: not Catholic Biden and Pelosi, who use their faith to further abortion, but traditionalists who attend the Traditional Latin Mass.
@alqoshgirl Год назад
Can we just excommunicate all of them? Why are they not taking steps
@ghostapostle7225 Год назад
Because it would be very disruptive to the Universal Church to excommunicate almost a whole episcopate. But probably the Church will have no other choice if they don't accept the Pope's final position at the Synod.
@cherubintambwe6177 Год назад
@@ghostapostle7225 exactly, people think that it's just easy to excommunicate them and replace them with new bishops. it's way more complicated than that
@alqoshgirl Год назад
@@cherubintambwe6177 no one is saying it isn’t complicated. But this is disgusting and bad. Don’t replace them. As if there are actually faithful Catholics left in Europe. Grew up in the Netherlands and the local church was filled with unfaithful people, that clearly were just going there to socialize because they aged. Not even confessions were available. I didn’t have my first confession until I got married in the US at age 25! Didn’t even know it was a sacrament.
@Joker22593 Год назад
Pope Francis already warned them that he will excommunicate them when they cross certain lines. They are inching right up to those lines right now.
@sneed3529 Год назад
@@ghostapostle7225 But it's not disruptive to the Church to have 88 Successors of the Apostles actively blessing sin and leading countless people to Hell? Come on now.
@jlj2138 Год назад
Thank you for talking about this Trent and sharing your thoughts!
@Mari_Oh 11 месяцев назад
Gen&er "assigned at birth" feels forced, agenda-driven and "compulsory or else you're a phobe." It certainly doesn't appear to be an expression based on reason. It connotes an eeevil doctor randomly deciding what each child will be, possibly laughing maniacally and twirling his moustache as he does so. Why not just "sex observed at birth" ? Or, just "sex"? This was the first weird expression I heard in popular culture, and it always bugged me as illogical and political. It was soon followed by "pregnant people", "chest feeders", and "people who menstruate". Anything but the offensive W - word!
@postscriptum3038 Год назад
Something is rotten in the state of Germany.
@DeannaWillistonOFS Год назад
Science does not prove anything, but supports or does not support hypotheses; hypotheses that are dependent on definitions, assumptions, methodology, evaluations, …
@iggyantioch Год назад
Germany again. Really Again. Pray.
@wheatandtares-xk4lp Год назад
With respect to his conclusion, I agree that we MUST show compassion and dispense appropriate accomodations for those with unresolved intersex disorders. But I completely disagree with Trent: we are under NO reasonable compulsion to relax proper sex roles even the slightest. We can acknowledge that there are feminine men and masculine women, without telling feminine men that they are not required to fulfil the duties of a man, and without telling masculine women that they are not required to fulfil the duties of a woman. We must self-sacrificially serve each other in accordance with our complementary strengths, or our society will continue its degredation.
@sikobaya9298 Год назад
Do you think we mistranslated Jesus' words to Peter? After looking at Church history until today, maybe Jesus actually meant the gates of GERMANY will never prevail over the Church.
@brianfarley926 Год назад
@rosjierhall1997 Год назад
"...Should not be done with the Gostapo suggestion from the German Synod..." 61k views in 2 hours is impressive and 100 comments, well done. Good video. Thanks.
@lesmen4 Год назад
Give those Bishops Fr Pavone's medicine .
@danielbanovic511 Год назад
He’s been laicized, don’t refer to him as father.
@lois2997 Год назад
@@danielbanovic511 Father Pavone deal with it. One of the only priests with any guts
@BlueMarbleApeMan Год назад
Can these bishops be excommunicated for this nonsense?
@brianfarley926 Год назад
Yes 100 they should be excommunicated AND then defrocked
@richardcraig599 Год назад
Yes but they won't be, too much money and the pope privately agrees with everything they're pushing
@Mish844 Год назад
@@richardcraig599 wtf Franics is based
@petersonnenberg9526 Год назад
Saint Boniface apostle of Germany, pray to Christ our God to save our souls! S. O. S.! 😎🙏
@adiesumpermariam4111 Год назад
The thought of the implications if the Pope does nothing about this scares me
@richardcraig599 Год назад
He won't do anything, except maybe set up one of these German bishops to be the next pontiff
@MrCheesywaffles Год назад
Dark days in Germany, and in many other places. Our God is merciful and patient, but this madness cannot be taught alongside the truth. Perhaps that is the goal, to divert as many faithful as possible to "rad-trad" groups to make the main body more moldable in their image. God alone knows their hearts, let's pray they repent before they destroy any more lives.
@joshuadaniels4034 Год назад
I glad Catholic Amswer is against this statement. My concern is will your Pope take any action?
@Obsidian-fn7wj 2 месяца назад
I think it would be interesting if you talked to Richard Ackerman about this. Or really about anything; you two and Scott Hahn are my three favorite 21st-century apologists
@janetbolden597 Год назад
I don't necessarily believe in strict gender roles- I'm not terribly feminine myself, although I have been called to motherhood- but do you think that men and women should strive toward masculinity and femininity, respectively? Obviously some gender roles are indeed biologically determined- only women are going to gestate and breastfeed- but how much further than that do you think gender roles should go, if you believe in them at all?
@egilskallagrimsson2941 Год назад
The burning question is: When Francis does nothing about this, how will Michael Lofton justify it? Can’t wait.
@sneed3529 Год назад
I'm no fan of Lofton, but to give credit where it's due, Lofton did say that Pope Francis has been overly indulgent and patient with the German Bishops. That said, he seems to think that Pope Francis is going to do something about it soon, and the evidence doesn't seem to support this claim.
@richardcraig599 Год назад
@@sneed3529 oh he will do something about it, he'll lightly condemn them for being too fast in their "progress" then issue a quiet decree agreeing with it and permitting it.
@vaderkurt7848 Год назад
Lofton says there is a difference between thinking the pope is bad at his job to straight up slandering the papacy.
@jeremysmith7176 Год назад
The Pope has said "We don't need another evangelical church in Germany" to the German bishops referring to a protestant group that has all these liberalizations. The Pope has approved Vatican documents starting the Germans are limited in changes to governance. Curial heads were hostile to these ideas at the german ad limina visit. You can hold that Francis hasn't done enough or his actions have been insufficient but you can't say he has done nothing.
@TheThreatenedSwan Год назад
Don't expect someone with trad derangement syndrome to call out the actual problems. He'll be to busy arguing why miscegenation is actually a really good thing.
@gilcostello3316 Год назад
In the opening of the Introduciton to the document, I sense clearly a recommendation to worship self, not God.
@deucedawg01 Год назад
This is the worst kind of wokeness when it comes from the so-called Church leaders. Pray that they see the error of their ways.
@Gio-ce8ob Месяц назад
Germany. Always a problem
@nymgrace1227 Год назад
Permanent winter in Deutschland
@deutschesvaterlandfankanal Год назад
Stasi spies
@barelyprotestant5365 Год назад
Thanks for not blaming us Protestants for this one! ;)
@SaintCharbelMiracleworker Год назад
German bishops/priests receive approx 80,000 pounds in salary from the German government. Like Judas they act on behalf of and preach the gospel of those who pay them.
@michaelschudel6706 Год назад
The question remains how can the Church be pastoral and compassionate to these individuals in a way which is true to the Catholic faith and which perceived pastoral and compassionate by transgender individuals as well. After all reminding them of their biological sex usually merely increases their suffering.
@AC_S007 Год назад
Didn't Christ say something about teachers leading the little ones astray. Or something about being lukewarm. I am starting to get the feeling that people are afraid to share the gospel because if it is not received then they have condemned their interlocutor. This fear seems to lead people to believe it would be better not to share the gospel thereby preserving their interlocutor from being condemned. And alleviate their own personal guilt.
@delvaassante5699 Год назад
And where’s Pope Francis when he’s needed? **crickets chirping** Doesn’t surprise me. 🤨
@leaverus Год назад
"oestradistol" is a mis-spelling. should be "oestradiol," aka estrogen.
@hunivan7672 Год назад
Christianity is not liberalism. I think people just don't get this.
@leaverus Год назад
to deny Truth is to deny God. "I Am the Way, The Truth and The Life"
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