
The Hasidic Music Scene is Exploding | Top 16 Must Watch Videos 

Frieda Vizel
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30 сен 2024




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@Shulem 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for including me for making content that reflects positively on the community!
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
Really appreciate the comment!
@jaysantos8429 9 месяцев назад
You’re a huge talent. Much appreciate your music!
@Sara88890 5 месяцев назад
Wow didn't see this comment, thank you for your music and Frieda for showcasing it to the world.
@RickWe-kt1dx 2 месяца назад
For what we love you, that you are not only talented. You are always friendly, polite, friendly and grateful. With huge hugs from New York family.
@bonniekellyromeo9073 9 месяцев назад
Me and my sister just bought a menorah to display in our window to show our support for Israel. Stay safe, my jewsh friends. Just wanted to add that our dear lifelong friend has chosen not to display a menorah for the first time in her 60 years for fear of hate mongers retaliating against her and her families. This saddens me beyond imagination. I can't even imagine not putting up a Christmas tree because of fear.
@igorkreep 9 месяцев назад
Thank you very much from Israel, Haifa 🇮🇱 תודה רבה, תבורך חבר😊
@traviskrueger598 9 месяцев назад
That is sad. My reaction has been to light an extra chanukiya this year. This problem will not go away by us hiding our Jewishness. We have a purpose in this world, and when we're not doing it, that's when we have trouble. I can't fault your friend for her caution, tho, and hope your strength will be a source of encouragement for her.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for this comment and for your kindness to the Jewish people. I think many of us feel very isolated.
@bf423 9 месяцев назад
Thank you! Your support warms my heart! People like you are a beacon of light in our world!
@kamrantabib9019 6 месяцев назад
Thank You and may God bless you and people like you.
@thoman1458 10 месяцев назад
You are,indeed, THE tour guide, providing a loving path for the non Jewish into the mysterious and usually closed world of some of the various Jewish sects. The many aspects you share and explain are so appreciated. You are a gem.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for coming on these “tours” with me! It’s a joy to share with you all.
@bonniekellyromeo9073 10 месяцев назад
I am not Jewish but i live in West Rogers Park in Chicago which has a HUGE hasidic population. I love watching these videos to get more of an understanding of my neighbors. And that song Different, wow...so touching. These songs prove that we are ALL people with the same emotions and humanity, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim. And the Dreidel song!!! We sang that song in my grammar school along with Christmas Carols.
@traviskrueger598 9 месяцев назад
Hi down there, from Wisconsin. I probably know some of your neighbors. 🙂
@mindysilver5465 10 месяцев назад
As a chasidish jew, I love this!! There are so so many more beautiful hit music videos for ya'all to check out ❤
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
True… So true.
@Yoel-Roth 10 месяцев назад
גיי א טענצל מיט דיינע קינדער: בעזרת ה' יתברך יום ד' פרשת נשא א', ד' סיון, מ"ח לעומר, ערב חג השבועות, שנת תשפ"ג לפרט קטן לכבוד מיין טייערער ליבער ... נרו יאיר, קרית ברסלב שטארק זיך און זיי פרייליך. עס וואלט געווען א גוטע זאך זאלסט אלע טאג טאנצן; גיי א טענצל מיט דיינע קינדער, יעדן פארנאכטס און אינדערפרי טאנץ מיט זיי מיט שמחה; עס איז זייער געזונט, סיי פאר אונז און זיכער פאר קינדער - צו טאנצן און זיין פרייליך. מען קען אסאך גרינגער מחנך זיין די קינדער ווען עס הערשט א שמחה אין שטוב, ווען מען זינגט און טאנצט מיט גוטע לעבעדיגע מוזיק; עס עפנט זיך דער מח און די הארץ, עס איז גרינגער אלעס צו מקבל זיין. איך שרייב דיר נאר די זאכן וואס איך אליינס טו, עס איז בדוק ומנוסה. = = = = = = וואס מיידלעך קענען טון אין די ליידיגע צייט: בעזרת ה' יתברך יום ג' פרשת ויחי, עשרה בטבת, שנת תש"פ לפרט קטן ... תחי', תלמידה בית פיגא ברסלב. איך האב ערהאלטן דיין בריוו. דו שרייבסט אינעם בריוו אז אסאך מאל שפירסטו זיך אליינס אויף די וועלט, דו פרעגסט וואס דו קענסט טון. די גרעסטע זאך וואס דו קענסט טון איז העלפן דיין מאמע, דו קענסט זיך נישט פארשטעלן דאס גרויסקייט פון העלפן די מאמע מיט די שטוב ווירטשאפט, נאך אביסל וועסטו חתונה האבן און דו וועסט אויך האבן קינדער, ערשט דעמאלט וועסטו כאפן וואס איז א מאמע, דעמאלט וועסטו פארשטיין ווי אויסגעמוטשעט א מאמע איז מיט די שטוב ארבעט. דעריבער זאלסטו שטענדיג העלפן דיין מאמע; ווען דו שפירסט זיך ליידיג און אומעטיג פרעג דיין מאמע: "וואס קען איך טון?" מאך די וועש, אדער די געשיר, אדער רוים צוזאם די שטוב, אדער קאך און באק וכו' וכו'. אויך זאלסטו זאגן אביסל תהילים; פרוביר צו זאגן דעם יום תהילים און זיי זיך מתבודד, בעט דעם אייבערשטן יעדע זאך וואס דו דארפסט, בעיקר זאלסטו אסאך בעטן פאר דיין שידוך און פאר דיינע קומענדיגע דורות. אויך קענסטו רעדן מיט חבר'טעס; היינט איז זייער גרינג צו זיין פארבינדן מיט גוטע חבר'טעס דורך רעדן אויפן טעלעפאן, זיי מחזק אנדערע וועסטו אליינס ווערן מחוזק. בנוגע הערן מוזיק בשעת מען ליינט קריאת שמע; דו קענסט הערן מוזיק בשעת דו ליינסט קריאת שמע. געב אכטונג צו הערן נאר מוזיק פון ערליכע בעלי מנגנים, דער הייליגער רבי זאגט (ליקוטי מוהר"ן, חלק א', סימן ג): "מִי שֶׁשּׁוֹמֵעַ נְגִינָה מִמְּנַגֵּן רָשָׁע קָשֶׁה לוֹ לַעֲבוֹדַת הַבּוֹרֵא", ווער עס הערט ניגונים פון נישט אן ערליכער זינגער וועט אים אנקומען שווער צו דינען דעם אייבערשטן, "וּכְשֶׁשּׁוֹמֵעַ מִמְּנַגֵּן כָּשֵׁר וְהָגוּן, אֲזַי טוֹב לוֹ", ווידער אויב מען הערט ניגונים פון אן ערליכן זינגער וועט עס אים צוהעלפן צו עבודת השם. דער אייבערשטער זאל העלפן זאלסט האבן הצלחה אין אלע ענינים.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 10 месяцев назад
Crowdsourcing request! Do you love watching Hasidic music videos but you often scratch your head over some of the rituals you are seeing in the videos? Well, I'd love to explain! Please leave a comment with things you notice in Hasidic music videos that you don't understand. I'm working on a video where I'll explain some of the rituals, so I'd love to include some of the things you were wondering about.
@CH-bb3zh 10 месяцев назад
This collection is so so so well diversified. You did an incredible job selecting the songs. I’m sure you really worked hard on this one.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
I tried to pick songs that will collectively tell a larger story. I kept adding and removing songs!
@coribellanoche 7 месяцев назад
The video brought back a deluge of memories and tears. When I told my grandparents that I was going to the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia their response was epic - I paraphrase - "Oy vey, vhy are you going to a goyishe school in MY Villiamsburg?" Bubbe I said, "The College of William and Mary is a reputable state school that is not in YOUR Williamsburg but in the Williamsburg in Virginia." Even though I became a successful doctor, she could not understand where in Her Williamsburg there was this goyishe college. Until her last breath, she could not understand the difference of Her and MY Williamsburg. I miss her dearly and I love your videos - please keep them coming. Greetings (again) from Rapid City, South Dakota
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 7 месяцев назад
Aww that's beautiful. I remember when back in the day, the only Williamsburg people knew of was Williamsburg Virginia. The Hipsters put the other Williamsburg on the map. Guess it was the other way for your bubbe... Thanks for your comment :)
@jacovawernett3077 5 месяцев назад
That really put a smile on my face and heart. One of my favorite sayings is Blusen Krachen Tookis. It means blow chalk up your butt. It keeps me humble and learning. L'chaim. ❤😂❤
@jacovawernett3077 5 месяцев назад
​@FriedaVizelBrooklyn I will tell you a funny one. In about 1993, I climbed with a friend to the top of the Williamsburg Bridge one night. ❤😂❤. I lived a few months in a apartment with the train passing by from that bridge. I'm 61 now. I'm brave in other ways now.
@moonviolet27 10 месяцев назад
I loved this! Such beautiful voices! I am not Jewish but recently discovered Mordechai Shapiro and play his songs everyday.
@R.YoelRoth 10 месяцев назад
זיך לערנען שפילן מוזיק: בעזרת ה' יתברך ערב שבת קודש פרשת נח, ג' חשון, שנת תש"פ לפרט קטן ... תחי'. איך האב ערהאלטן דיין בריוו. בנוגע זיך לערנען שפילן מוזיק וכו'; דאס ערשטע דארפסטו פרעגן דיינע עלטערן אויב זיי זענען מסכים, דעמאלט קענסטו זיך לערנען מוזיק. אבער נאר ביי אן ערליכע פרוי וואס האט ריינע השקפות וכו', ווייל אפילו מען לערנט נאר מוזיק וכדומה, אויב איז די פרוי נישט קיין יראת שמים, קען ארויסקומען גרויסע פראבלעמען, ממילא דארף מען מברר זיין אויב די טיטשער איז אן ערליכע פרוי, דעמאלט איז נישט קיין פראבלעם זיך צו לערנען ביי איר. זע צו זאגן יעדן טאג אביסל תהלים; דער רבי זאגט (עיין ליקוטי מוהר"ן, חלק ב', סימן עג) אז אלע ישועות און רפואות ליגט אין תהלים, דורכדעם וועסטו זוכה זיין צו שיינע זאכן אין לעבן. חבר זיך נאר מיט איידעלע מיידלעך, מיט מיידלעך וואס האבן א געפיל צו אנדערע; אויך זאלסטו שטענדיג מקרב זיין די מיידלעך וואס קיינער וויל נישט שפילן מיט זיי. :: :: : :: : קיינער ווייסט נישט וויפיל א מלמד מוטשעט זיך טאג טעגליך: בעזרת ה' יתברך יום א' פרשת תצוה, ה' אדר א', שנת תשפ"ב לפרט קטן לכבוד דער טייערע חשוב'ער מלמד ... נרו יאיר, מלמד ברסלב ליבערטי שטארק זיך מיט דיין הייליגע ארבעט, נישטא העכערס און גרעסערס פון א מלמד. מיר זאגן יעדן טאג ביי ברכת התורה דעם טיטל "מלמד" - אויפ'ן אייבערשטן: "ברוך אתה' ה', המלמד תורה לעמו ישראל". א מלמד איז זייער חשוב אין הימל; קיינער ווייסט נישט וואס א מלמד גייט אריבער טאג טעגליך, וויפיל ער מוטשעט זיך, יעדע מינוט מיט אן אנדערע קינד; מען דארף אזויפיל חכמה, סבלנות און כח צו קענען לערנען נאך אביסל; אבער אויבן אין הימל ווייסט מען אלעס, מען זעט יעדע ריר פונעם מלמד. רעד צו די קינדער פון קדושה, רעד צו זיי אז חס ושלום אראפציען די הויזן זיך שפילן מיט א צווייטן, דאס איז זייער א גרויסע עבירה, דער אייבערשטער געבט א שטראף אויף דעם. זאג זיי די ווערטער: "מען קען זיך נישט באהאלטן פונעם אייבערשטן!" זאג זיי די ווערטער: "דער אייבערשטער איז איבעראל!" זאג זיי: אויב א צווייטער רופט דיר אין א זייט און וויל דיך אנרירן ביים אות ברית קודש, זאלסטו שרייען: "ח - ז - ר ! ! !" שריי: "ר - א - ט - וו - ע ! ! !" האב נישט מורא פון קיינעם. איך בעט דיר זייער, רעד צו די קינדער דיבורי אמונה, זינג מיט זיי: "דער אייבערשטער איז דא"; ווי שטערקער די אמונה איז - אלץ מער פאלן אוועק אלע פראבלעמען. טאנץ מיט די קינדער. ביי די מיידלעך טאנצט מען יעדן טאג; פאר מען עסט מיטאג טאנצן אלע קינדער פון קליין ביז גרויס, מיט די טיטשער, מיט די פרינציפל. א שאד מען טוט דאס נישט ביי די אינגלעך; שמחה איז קדושה, אז עס איז פרייליך איז דא קדושה.
@JJ-iu6jp 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing!! I'm an orthodox jew and grew up in Brooklyn listening to Avraham Fried and MBD of course who both of them reside in Brooklyn. Nowadays there are so many others with different tastes for all. Jewish music never gets old
@kathym5307 10 месяцев назад
I love the heartfelt music you have shared with us. I am just discovering the Hasidic culture and it is truly fascinating.
@ToBeAyid 10 месяцев назад
גרייט צו היימישע חסידישע מוזיק פאר די חתונות: בעזרת ה' יתברך יום ד' פרשת ויגש, ח' טבת, שנת תשפ"א לפרט קטן, פארנדיג אויפ'ן עראפלאן קיין אומאן לכבוד מיין טייערער ... נרו יאיר איך וויל דיר בעטן דו זאלסט ווייטער מאכן די מוזיק פאר די חתונות אין ישיבה; ווען דו פלעגסט אנגרייטן די ניגונים האט עס געהאט עפעס א שטיקל טעם, דו האסט צאמגעשטעלט שיינע חסידישע געשמאקע ניגונים. ביי די לעצטע חתונות גרייט מען אן ניגונים אן קיין טעם, פון זינגערס וואס איך ווייס נישט און זיי ווייסן נישט די פשט פון די ניגונים. איך בעט דיר זייער דו זאלסט נישט אפלאזן די זאך; בלייב שמש, בלייב באדינען דעם רבי'ן מיט דעם זאך. לייג ניגונים וואס איז אידיש, היימיש, חסידיש, ערליך און אין די זעלבע צייט קנאקעדיג לעבעדיג; ווייז פאר די יונגט אז פאר היימישע ניגונים פעלט גארנישט, עס איז מער לעבעדיג וכו'.
@BreslevYeshiva 10 месяцев назад
ממשיך זיין ארויסצוגעבן נאך סידי'ס: בעזרת ה' יתברך יום ב' פרשת וישב, י"ח כסליו, שנת תשע"ט לפרט קטן... איך האף אז דו וועסט ממשיך זיין מיר צו העלפן ארויסגעבן נאך סידי'ס; די היינטיגע יוגנט האבן נישט אזא געפיל אין ליינען און וועלן ענדערש הערן מוזיק, דערפאר דארפן מיר נעמען אלע קונטרסים פון מוהרא"ש און פון יעדע קונטרס אויס געבן א סידי. די פריערדיגע סידי "קום צוריק" האט אלע טעמים; אלע זאגן אז דאס איז שענער פון די ערשטע צוויי "טאנץ מיט אמונה", נאר ווייל דו האסט עס שיין געמאכט. דעריבער וויל איך דיר מחזק זיין אויב דו קענסט העלפן האברך ... נרו יאיר מיטן ארויסגעבן נאך סידי'ס; ער וויל זייער שטארק ארבעטן דערויף, דורכדעם וועסטו מצליח זיין. יעצט קומט חנוכה, זאלסטו זען צו צינדן די הייליגע מנורה בשמחה! דו האסט דאך קליינע קינדער, זאלסטו זען צו טאנצן מיט זיי. לאז אפ "וויינען"; וויינען וועסטו ווען קיינער זעט נישט. אז דו וועסט וויינען ביי די ליכט וועלן דיין ווייב און קינדער נישט וועלן עס זאל זיין חנוכה; טאנץ און זינג מיט זיי וועלן זיי אויסוואקסן ערליכע אידן..
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
פון וועם צו וועם איז די בריוו?
@zissyz427 10 месяцев назад
Your hard work shows! This is a beautiful ode to the Jewish musical world. Loved and found myself nodding along to your choices and commentary.
@chayastoll1046 10 месяцев назад
I loved this so much❤ all very very talented but my all time favorite is Shulem Lemmer Thank you for this phenomenal video. Also just asking any more Pearl and Frieda interviews coming up soon?
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
I’m really tickled that Shulem Lemmer left a comment! He’s the only one of the lot to leave a comment! I am thinking it’s really time I get Pearl on board with a new segment! We’ve been talking about it but nothing concrete.
@kindnessmatters604 10 месяцев назад
So many of these songs/voices touched my heart. Beautiful! Thank you, Frieda for another great learning opportunity :)
@topten2828 10 месяцев назад
This video is a masterpiece.
@yvonnetitus2 10 месяцев назад
I understand almost no Hebrew or Yiddish, but I get the message because it truly is soulful. I love the lyrics are fashioned from prayers or sentiments of Scripture. I think that is why it is so pure and soulful. The men only is such a sense of comradary (sp?). I hope you do a rerun of some of the songs you couldn’t include.
@SIR46661 10 месяцев назад
My favorite was the Hazzan -Moishe Oysher from Bessarabia. He later moved to Canada, Philadelphia, & Brooklyn to act and sing. His voice was spectacular !
@Sharon181818 10 месяцев назад
As usual, a tantalizing peek into the world of Hasidic life- the lovely tradition of music. I was happy to see that you included a short bit of Reb Shlomo at the end. Keep up the great work !
@derpnasty3557 8 месяцев назад
This was so enjoyable. I have been getting into listening to Hasidic/ Jewish music for the past 12 months and I LOVE and THIRST for content like this!!! Hopefully there will be more to come in terms of other artists or maybe even Hasidic music history. Love your channel. Thank you!
@aaronteitelbaum8401 10 месяцев назад
We actually do have love songs. Love for Hashem, The Torah, The Mitzvohs, Love for Every Jew, and the love of helping others. May we always love each other and bring the ultimate redemption very soon.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
@_yiddishkeit 9 месяцев назад
This is so good! I love how it's historic and insightful and a total throwback to so many songs. Words are honestly failing me to describe how good this is
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
Thank you my friend!
@heatherhoutz4136 10 месяцев назад
I know he has left the Hasidic community (although still an observant Jew) but can we give a special Honorable Mention to crossover attist Matisyahu
@Sara88890 10 месяцев назад
In high school his "Live at Stubbs" performances were favorites of mine. That version of Warrior meant a lot to me.
@errkab 9 месяцев назад
I would add a Michoel Schnitzler ztl song to this list, RIP. He was definitely one of them ones!
@barbelgeomuc1349 9 месяцев назад
very much agree!
@tzvi3660 10 месяцев назад
You left out 2 leaders of Jewish Music, Moshe Goldman was King in the 1990s and Michoel Shnitzler was the most popular singer in 30 years,
@pereleloffler9014 10 месяцев назад
What a beautiful compilation! And you did an amazing job explaining each one! Job well done 🎉❤
@Zelde-M 10 месяцев назад
Some heavy hitters from YomTov Erlich to Avrohom Balti, super clarinetist!!
@tamark3860 9 месяцев назад
Can I just say, I really admire and appreciate what you do. I’m not chassidish, more on the Yeshivish side of the spectrum, so I’m not familiar with all the ins and outs of the chassidish world. But I think you’re doing a tremendous job showing the richness, the multifaceted beauty of it to the world. There’s something very mature and admirable about being able to say: it’s not for me, but it’s still good. Thank you!
@faygiefellig9983 10 месяцев назад
What a wonderful video. You are so easy to listen to Keep up the good work.
@asyalazarardova4299 10 месяцев назад
It's so enthralling to travel with Frieda along Hasidic music, such a pleasure to meet our favourite singers and the masters yet unknown to us. Great spiritual and researching work of Motty Steinmetz ─ his album «Atik Yomim» (2022)! This is a magic gift of Motty Steinmetz to the world, his spiritual connection with true Hasidic wisdom, when reality (the space) is nourished with hope, when the sacred words of Torah are felt on the sensual level filled with ancient Vizhnitz melodies. Ancient Vizhnitz became the birthplace of Hasidic philosophy due to Rabbi Israel Ben Eliezer (Baal Shem Tov). These songs miraculously survived during the Holocaust and were brought to life by Motty Steinmetz and his family. We cherish the memory of those, who suffered during that evil time and join Motty’s ancient-days songs, which are now also living in our hearts forever.
@spottdro55el18 9 месяцев назад
Although not Hasidic but in Yiddish, there's the troop The Brothers Nazaroff. It would be cool a video on understanding of the Yiddish dialects, which one is more prevalent and less spoken, by which communities Satmar and Chabad, from where they came and so on (like Hungarian/Polish dialect vs Lithuanian one).
@_wesleyhome_ 10 месяцев назад
No Miami Boys Choir?! My kids were raised on their videos (whether they liked it or not lol). I really think you should interview Lipa!
@UriSteiff 9 месяцев назад
Miami Boys Choir are Modern Orthodox, not Hassidic.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
I’ve asked Lipa. So far no reply :(
@annavdb5808 10 месяцев назад
Hello Frida, thank you for your wonderful videos! I have been a long time fan & came on your lovely tour in september ❤ would it be possible to make a youtube or spotify playlist? I really like jewish music, but it's sometimes hard to know where to start. Thank you in advance and keep up the great work ❤❤❤ warm greetings from Belgium
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
Oh great idea. Maybe I can think of something! Regards to Belgium!
@hadassastrahl7794 10 месяцев назад
Such a beautiful video! I don't know most of these singers because I live in Israel. Here, religious singers enjoy a huge following of all types of Jews, and their concerts are hugely successful. To name a few: Yishai Ribo, the Razel brothers, and Yaakov Shwekey.
@gamerbktroll 10 месяцев назад
As someone who grew up another variation of Haredi of the Sephardic Syrian variety (although certainly not as reactionary a version of how you grew up) it's cool to see the similarities in culture we've adopted just by being tangential to Ashkenazi Haredim.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
Wow, cool, can you tell me more?
@gamerbktroll 9 месяцев назад
​@@FriedaVizelBrooklyn Well, since we became Haredi in the first place by way of the influence of the Litvaks (in the case of the Syrians, because of the Litvish in Jerusalem and because of the students of the Chofez Chaim and Meir making their own Kollels by way of Haham Raful Harari which is a really convuluted story with basically no historical research on the whole story besides from a Hamodia article talking about it but it's okay) We adopted the Litvish-Yeshivish religious culture without really the Yiddish culture itself. Well, there is a certain familiarity with Yiddish here, particularly when it comes to music, do you know Abie Rotenberg? people here have at least enough of familiarity with Yiddish to sing the Yiddish parts of Mame Rochelle on Shabaht generally. Syrian Jewish music basically just adopted the same modality of Ashkenazi Jewish American pop music without really any Sephardic influences, if you want a good example I'd recommend checking out Ya'akov Shwecky, some of his music takes a more Arabic Sephardic style but most of his music is sung in the Ashkenazic general American Jewish pronunciation and when he doesn't, he relies on the standard israeli hebrew pronunciation because our community has a pretty different relationship with Zionism than yours, for the most part of course. We have our fully Yeshivishized end with the typical Rav Shachian concerns against Zionism but we mostly relate more with Israeli Jews than with American Jews as a whole.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
@@gamerbktrollThis was so interesting. I learned so much! Thanks for taking the time to share!
@gamerbktroll 8 месяцев назад
@@FriedaVizelBrooklyn The only people who basically still produce music in the Arabic Sephardic style are our Minhag purists who oppose the Haredicization happening in the community, there are a couple really good videos on youtube ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-2SYxTzpEle4.html - A wonderful playlist of the greatest Pizmonim (folk songs/poetry of Aram Tzoba-what Jews always called Allepo) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-hO10i9Z2J7s.html (a video which explores the history of Syrian Jewish pizmonim)
@gamerbktroll 8 месяцев назад
@@FriedaVizelBrooklyn What's most ironic is that our Minhag purists typically have been in America for far longer, and have quite American accents and mannerisms. While our Haredi end is for obvious reasons the least Americanized.
@renatafriedenberg4292 5 месяцев назад
I love Jewish music. Thank you for the beautiful video.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 5 месяцев назад
Thank you!
@tamaratamtammorris8151 9 месяцев назад
Very cool! Thank you for sharing this unique aspect of your community.
@TBD613 4 месяца назад
Abba by Avraham Fried personally I think it's one of the best songs out there
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 4 месяца назад
Gorgeous song!!
@antoniajane5442 9 месяцев назад
The Man From Vilna - sung by brothers Shulem and Yanky Lemmer - so moving (sung in English)
@ariebrons7976 10 месяцев назад
To people like me who are confused by Jewish music being a thing: Reactionary Sephardic Judaism =/= Chasidic Judaism. In fact: both groups are frequently at each other's throats, especially during elections. We litteraly don't speak each other's languages. That's why this comment is in English. Both Amnon Yitzhaq and his teacher Rabbi Benzion Mutzafi are against all forms of music. This is due to several laws forbidding the act of making music. (See KSA: Mourning the Temple) Rabbi Ben Tzion Mutzafi who is a prominent Rabbi going against music, grew up in Iraq. Which is a Muslim country. Under Islamic law Jews and Christians are denied certain privelieges. Playing music is one of said privelieges, blowing the shofar is another. Trauma plays a huge role in how Halakha is being interpreted.
@marshallblr 10 месяцев назад
Hi Frieda! Are you planning to start a WhatsApp channel sometime? Best Regards, Marshall
@RudydeGroot Месяц назад
I don't know if Ishay Ribo falls in the category of chassidic music, but at least his lyrics are spiritual. Check: ישי ריבו - אני שייך לעם
@neonred7594 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much, Frieda! Although I already knew all of these superstars, I still had a huge smile on my face throughout the whole video. :)
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 6 месяцев назад
This video was the most joyous project. So happy others are singing along so to speak.
@vsibirsky 10 месяцев назад
This is an amazing video.Good explanation re as to why the performers are all men. For sure women have place in music and they have found their place. Do the research, listen and you will find your way to present women in Jewish music and bring it to us. I love this music and your choices on this video are SPECTACULAR.
@ebr4748 10 месяцев назад
Magnificent video. I have some new options for my Yiddish music playlist! It’s one area that closes the gaps between different Chasidic sects. How about adding Benny Friedman to your next music compilation? Matisyahu? I think Lipa’s Hang Up the Phone video is fabulous and very culturally interesting. Would love to hear more about his story. Thanks again for all you do to illuminate the Yiddishe Veld.
@tracyking4518 10 месяцев назад
Lovely, thank you
@musimages23 9 дней назад
I offer on my ch original klezmer yiddish 60s isr folk chassidic moditzer rabbis cantorial swing bdway bundist material so please try and tune into that as well ok? I think its terribly unfortunate that THIS style gets so much attention its just pop music and leaves much of its original roots behind people need to be exposed to the history thats what I offer
@zacharyjones7616 3 месяца назад
Huge fan of Motty. Thanks for the great overview
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 3 месяца назад
Motty is an incredible voice
@joemoore9066 10 месяцев назад
Another great video ! I was surprised to see that I follow a few of these talented singers. I enjoy your videos very much. Thank you for the many hours you put into your videos. We see such a small % of the time spent. I appreciate your dedication to the content of your youtube channel.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
You have been so supportive of my work here and it has really at times kept me going.
@donnamarcum8160 10 месяцев назад
Wonderful video! You put so much work into it! And how interesting that you were recognized on the street by a celebrity!
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
I know! I never ran into a non-Hasidic celebrity in NYC yet though!
@Yakovolf 10 месяцев назад
Nice video. Light em up and Dreidel were questionable choices.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
They might not be the catchiest numbers but I thought they showed some things. Weber has way better numbers. Also Unger.
@martinelanglois3158 10 месяцев назад
Thank you!! I love listening to klezmer music.😍 I will search RU-vid more to widen my musical horizons. 💙
@Sara88890 10 месяцев назад
Yes, I've been trying to re-learn piano and clarinet, instruments I had learnt how to play as a child, but then I got "too busy" to practice after high school which was many years ago. I want to get back into learning at least one of them, and listening to klezmer music is helping me make time to re-learn and practice.
@leahzeldes 10 месяцев назад
Very nice selection of songs. As a non-Hasidic Jew, among the hardest things for me to understand are all the different sects, what distinguishes them and how much they interact with one another. You and many others who comment on Hasidic culture tend to lump them all together, as if they were one community, which is very confusing. Given that the groups don’t even speak the same dialect of Yiddish, and have strongly divergent views on liturgy, Zionism, education, dress, roles of women, interaction with outsiders and much more, you do both your subjects and your audience a disservice whenever you say “Hasidic” when you mean “Satmar.” (And I would love for you to do a video on what now distinguishes the Satmars of Williamsburg from those of Kiryas Joel and the history of their schism.) Avraham Fried, I know, is a Lubavitcher (as are his nephews Benny Friedman and the Marcuses of 8th Day, popular performers you didn’t mention). Since this is the most outreaching and worldly Hasidic group, often disapproved of by other Hasids (and some other Jewish factions), that may be a reason more insular sects would not accept Fried’s music. What kinds of Hasids are the other performers you describe and how does that affect their popularity? Meanwhile, since you didn’t mention it, you may not know that Lipa Schmeltzer’s “Abi m’bleibt” is a flat-out parody of a very famous secular song first recorded in Zulu in 1939 by Solomon Linda as “Mbube,” which was a top-10 hit by The Weavers as “Wimoweh” in 1951. The English language-version, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight," was a number-one hit in the U.S. and Canada by The Tokens in 1961 and in the UK by Tight Fit in 1982. It was further popularized as part of the soundtrack track of the Disney film "The Lion King" in 1994, and has been extensively covered in many languages. Schmeltzer’s lyrics are also a nod to the well-known Yiddish song, "Abi gezunt" ("As Long As You’re Healthy"), introduced by Molly Picon in the 1938 Yiddish film "Mamale," and widely covered ever since.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
The issue with sects is very complicated. I cover, mostly, Williamsburg Hasidim. Only some 60% are Satmar. It would not be fair to describe them as a Satmar community. Williamsburg has a very large contingent of Klausenberg, Pupa, Viznitz, Skver and more. Williamsburg does not have a Chabad, Belz, Bobov or sizeable Rachmistrivsk community. So the issue is that I don’t cover ALL sects but I also can’t say I cover any particular sect. For instance, I often put up “Hasidic ads” I don’t know which sect they are from. There is no way to know. They are probably actors from several sects. So because some sects are so similar they practically mesh into one, I have to lump them together (because I can’t describe a ad with some Pupa Hasidim as a Satmar ad) I have no choice but to use the word Hasidic, even though it causes a lot of confusion. I am working on a video to try to clarify a bit of this but I don’t know if it will be helpful because in the end of the day, the lines between groups is extremely blurred and gets complicated by location of the sect. As for the Schmeltzer song, thanks so much for the comment. Very interesting!
@mariekatherine5238 4 месяца назад
Favorites discovered online: Shulem Lemmer + Shira, What a beautiful voice!, Beri Weber, Like his lyrics, Eighth Day, Just Fun, Like their story style videos as well.
@nechamagoodman8445 10 месяцев назад
people might be interested to know that Ari Hill is a grandson of the late hollywood actor Steve Hill of mission impossible fame.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
WHAT. How?
@futureson3235 7 месяцев назад
His was a בעל תשובה And had chasidish grandchildren
@calmbeforethestorm9498 10 месяцев назад
This video was wonderful. I could watch the videos with your commentary every week. Such a treat. Please do not laugh at me, but I loved Uncle Moishy and the Mitzvah Men. So fun.
@beans4853 10 месяцев назад
Uncle moishy is a true legend
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
I’m sorry but I laughed. In the best possible way!!
@RasMajnouni 9 месяцев назад
B"H True! Chasidic music has gone from "Raising the Sparks" of East European Gentile music to ,today the singers and musicians are really Torah teachers, Shulem one of them (Shira Choir is full of them) who are more like the talmidim of the Ba'al Shem Tov. The musicians are teaching inner Torah
@karengeary9526 10 месяцев назад
This touched me. Loved the description and music. Thank you for sharing.
@efraimgoldberger6670 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for this great selection of songs, You missed 2 singers. 1: Shlomo Carlibach who greatly influenced Jewish music. 2: Benny Friedman who has the most youtube views on his videos. Otherwise you nailed it.
@knavishlassie 10 месяцев назад
I discovered Hassidic music through Israeli Folkdancing at the 92nd Street Y. I love it!
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
I want to do Israeli Folkdancing at the Y. I’ve been hearing amazing things.
@lcs8967 9 месяцев назад
Great video as always. Im wondering why you think its hard to find the women singers. They're all over the internet these days. Bracha Jaffe, Devorah Schwartz, Shaindy Plotzker, Chaya Kogan, Dobbie Baum, Chanala Felig. Also worth mentioning there are plenty of women composers that even the men use for their albums. Chayala Neuhaus, Miriam Israeli come to mind.
@duddyrosenberg5701 8 месяцев назад
It’s ironic that the most popular “Jewish music” video (5) doesn’t contain music because it’s sfira
@ChildlessCatLady 6 месяцев назад
I love listening to Motty Steinmetz in Israel.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 6 месяцев назад
He's pure heart.
@johndean7370 10 месяцев назад
Really interesting and well made video. Thank you
@kellymcgrew9949 8 месяцев назад
Nicely done, sh'koach! Mention should be made for those pioneers who've passed. Dedi, a'h and Yossi Piamenta, a'h, both come to mind. At a simcha in Monsey I was once asked if I was Dedi, as I evidently resembled him. Fortunately I was familiar with him so laughed and said 'no'.
@debrahudson3334 6 месяцев назад
How do Hasidic Jews hear secular music? Isn’t it forbidden? Organized religion is so strange as Southern Baptists aren’t allowed to drink or dance and it appears the Jews haVe no problems doing so
@janicemattos6326 9 месяцев назад
No mention of my favorite Matisyahu ❤❤❤
@silencesays228 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video. I love hearing other's music. I am curious about the eyeglassess. Most everyone seems to be wearing round frameless or wireframe glasses. Is there a cultural preference for this style? I've noticed a similar choice among Buddhist monastics. They choose the frame because it is seen as more modest.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
Interesting. There are some nuances involving men’s glasses. There are traditional styles and some more funky styles. It seems the latest trend is to wear round wire frames. I think it’s a style. Lipa loves to experiment with glasses.
@thestudentat101 10 месяцев назад
☮️🙂Thanks Frieda, for sharing.
@tijanamiljovska8395 10 месяцев назад
This is a complete discovery for me. I had no idea. So sad I can’t understand what they are singing
@zaharabardavid 10 месяцев назад
Great video. I think 8th Day puts out great music!
@Fyrst-kk2ff 10 месяцев назад
Please* not* to* much* talking !!! Lets hear the wonderful MUSIC 🎵🎶 🎶🎶 👋🇩🇰 Denmark.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
All the songs are linked! You can listen to the whole thing directly!
@Fyrst-kk2ff 9 месяцев назад
@@FriedaVizelBrooklyn Thank yoyo 😃👍
@Zelde-M 10 месяцев назад
One of my favorite videos. Thoughtful and sensitive comments. Lovely production with your words not overpowering but complementing the music. ײשר כח
@ccziv 9 месяцев назад
Lin Manuel Miranda must have some Jewish branches in his family tree. 😊
@nancyc5472 10 месяцев назад
This was interesting and so enjoyable!
@karenavey2183 10 месяцев назад
Stunning voices!
@markring40 10 месяцев назад
Great job 👏. I loved this. Thank you
@Serendipity-gj2me 9 месяцев назад
Frieda this was awesome. I love Yiddish music and songs. Thank you beautiful lady. I love you too.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
Aw, thanks!
@nibor110 10 месяцев назад
I’ve learned so much from you and your RU-vid videos. I feel like I’m returning to my roots!
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
I’m so glad to hear this. Music especially can connect us to deep roots.
@tuuurtles 10 месяцев назад
not sure how it is in other communities, but women's music scene is quite active in Chabad. Perhaps it's because there are many baal teshuvah's who come into religion with formal musical education, or maybe it's because I just happen to have friends who are musicians. Therefore female only gatherings to play and sing private concerts at someone's house would not be uncommon. I wish I were more interested in popular music to know more, the only two popular female performers that I know of are Bulletproof Stockings band and Morah Music =)
@donnashimshi4093 9 месяцев назад
I was wondering about Bulletproof Stockings too, wasn’t sure if they were still around. They would sometimes play to mixed audiences too.
@tuuurtles 9 месяцев назад
@@donnashimshi4093 haha, spelled stockings wrong... but yeah, I think they fell apart a while ago, but I'm pretty sure that Pearl still writes music, maybe not for public
@strrts5135 10 месяцев назад
Would love to see what you say on Shulem Lemmer video “unity” very nice song about the Jews not being different and us coming together as people Good message in the times of war now
@harmonygabriel3250 9 месяцев назад
❤. I had a great deal of smiles why listening. Thank You very much
@PhilipSalen 10 месяцев назад
Motty Steinmetz and Avraham Fried; my favorites. This is one of your best videos; you are amazing Ms. Vizel. I'm sorry that I cannot write it in Hebrew but Simonei Yisroel by Avraham Fried is amazing. Also, any song by Motty Steinmetz is amazing.
@Hi-how-are-you-today. 10 месяцев назад
Mitty stileinmetz voice sounds like a child!😮! WOW
@VioletACordy 9 месяцев назад
🌳💜🌳💜🌳FRIEDA ~ HAPPY HANUKKAH 💜😃💜🌈🔆LOV THIS ~ “The Hasidic Jewish Music Scene: 16 Must-watch Videos”🌺😎🌺HAPPY PEACEFUL NEW YEAR 2024 🦋🦋SHALOM🌷🌷v🌳🌳
@FutureofGoodnessKindness 9 месяцев назад
Thank you frieda for writing such a well thought out introduction for each song you picked giving each tune its meaning and its chime.
@yvonnetitus2 10 месяцев назад
Please do more, more and more music.
@SuzanneBaruch 5 месяцев назад
These are some very good picks. And yes, I'm going to give you a hard time for picking "Light 'Em Up" over "Yachad"! I would definitely include Ben Snof on my list; Tehilim 121 and 'Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim' make me tear up every time I hear them. Ari Goldwag's 'Am Echad' always brings a huge smile to my face. Yosef Karduner's 'Shir Lamaalot' is a classic I listen to very often, as is 'V'afilu B'hastara.' (Although to be honest, I love everything he sings). If you ever do a video on female Haredi singers, please include Victoria Hanna! 'The Aleph Bet Song,' 'Ani Yeshena' and 'Orayta' are amazing -- although I acknowledge her music isn't for everyone. It's really "performance art," in a way.
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 5 месяцев назад
I've been listening to your recommendations. Love them. Thanks for turning me on to them. They are not part of the Yiddish Hasidic music scene, so they are outside of the scope of this video, but they are absolutely breathtaking Jewish music. I am planning to try to do something on Hasidic female singers but not sure about casting the net as wide as haredi. LOVE Victoria Hanna. Is she Haredi? I wouldn't have guessed she is.
@dorisporch2733 10 месяцев назад
Lovely Frieda ... Thank you
@frumamohrer9863 10 месяцев назад
Very nicely done! Thank you! Regarding Motti Ilowitz I see him as a gifted poet, selecting his words with subtlety and nuance and art. Gramen are very nice but I feel he is closer to being an actual poet, a natural poet who thinks for himself and addresses social and political issues. Actually developing and dipping into the Yiddish language and turning it slowly into a more literary form ( always heart), despite his occasional use of English.( that's his independence as a poet -- poetic licence). Thank you!
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
Great way of putting it.
@T_WC123 9 месяцев назад
So fascinating!! Thank you for sharing!!!
@Poolwhisperer911 9 месяцев назад
Little disappointed country Yossi didn’t make it!
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
Oh my goodness, Country Yossi!
@jacovawernett3077 5 месяцев назад
Ahava Adonai Ahava Israel Elehenu Hashem.
@dlday7821 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for another video ❤
@Berele252 9 месяцев назад
Please bring up shauly grossman on the show.
@aoiseodwyer 9 месяцев назад
Hi Frieda, this is such a cool and interesting compilation, thank you! I noticed that there are women playing in the orchestra with Avraham Fried, and I was wondering if kol isha also applies to women playing instruments in public? Would this contribute to it being considered not kosher in a Hasidic context, along with the mixed audience? And do women in the Hasidic community play instruments for their own pleasure or at women-only gatherings? Thanks again for all your wonderful and informative research and videos!
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 9 месяцев назад
Wow, great catch. I don’t think instruments is the same as the singing voice. There’s a famous biblical story of Miriam of the Bible playing instruments because she wasn’t allowed to sing. I am still surprised to see women in the orchestra. You’ll never see it at a Yiddish speaking Hasidic wedding.
@rivkagurevitz9019 9 месяцев назад
My grandmother knew Yom Tov Ehrlich from a certain point. She says that some of his lyrics were taken from people like Bialik and Y.L Peretz
@FriedaVizelBrooklyn 7 месяцев назад
Really… never heard this before!
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