
The Hebrew word that PROVED that the Quran is from Allah. | Arabic101 

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The main idea of this lesson is majorly depending on a research done by Dr. Ali At-Taie, who is a scholar of biblical hermeneutics with field specialties in Sacred Languages, Comparative Theology, and Comparative Literature.
The information and translations of words in Hebrew have been verified using Hebrew dictionaries and other websites that you translate the Torah.
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27 июн 2024




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@reemaboobaid5497 3 дня назад
Subhan Allah, I'm an Arab and a hebrew speaker (palestinian from the occupied territories) and when I saw the first example I started guessing what he was about to say and was fascinated even more by the Quran , alhamduillah for the blessings and grace of Islam ❤️❤️ , it really needs someone to not only know hebrew but to open his mind to be able to see these miracles in the Quran . Thank you very much for opening our eyes to this beautiful detail in the Quran
@MetatronsRevenge613 3 дня назад
I am glad this shows our common origins and Jews and Muslims
@muslimresponse103 3 дня назад
may Allah ﷻ bless and protect you and your family 🤲🏻 ameen. greetings of peace from your British Muslim revert brother.
@reemaboobaid5497 3 дня назад
@@MetatronsRevenge613 when you look at it from a Muslim point of view it makes sense because all of these messengers were sent by Allah
@reemaboobaid5497 3 дня назад
@@muslimresponse103 May Allah bless you 🌸 and welcome to Islam, May Allah strengthen our faith 🙏
@MetatronsRevenge613 3 дня назад
@@reemaboobaid5497 I am jewish
@bakarynjie5093 3 дня назад
Please let's gather and say La ilaha ila Allah ☝️
@stepstojannah8173 3 дня назад
Why gather brother ? This is not from.the sunnah please be careful my brother this is Bid’ah innovation We should do our dhikr in our own time alone May Allah bless you and guide us all
@animalsandnatureofbosnia5360 3 дня назад
Illa* not ila. Ila means towards.
@BloodyHand29 3 дня назад
Stop making innovations in the deen
@harundeeq953 3 дня назад
Bidaah you do not understand or comprehension skills are down bad when your khateeb on the pulpit says every friday!!!!!! “……و كل محدثة بدعة و كل بدعة ضلالة و كل ضلالة في النار".
@imamburphy1514 3 дня назад
La ilaha ilaha Without lies Islam dies😅😅😅
@ccsz888 3 дня назад
There is another interesting linguistic feature that I noticed In Arabic, there is type of plural that has singular form with *"ta marbuta"* (ة) at the end: An-naḥlu (النَّحْلُ the bees)→an-naḥlatu (النَّحْلَةُ the bee) An-namlu (النَّمْلُ the ants)→an-namlatu (النَّمْلَةُ the ant) As-saḥabu (السَّحَابُ the clouds)→as-saḥabatu (السَّحَابَةُ the cloud) They are usually masculine: *1. Cows* "Indeed, *cows (الْبَقَرَ)* *look alike (تَشَابَهَ)* to us" (2/70) Plural: الْبَقَرَ (al-baqara) ✔ Singular: الْبَقَرَةَ (al-baqarata) Masculine: تَشَابَهَ (tashabaha) ✔ Feminine: تَشَابَهَتْ (tashabahat) *2. Moths* "It is a Day whereon men will be *like moths (كَالفَرَاشِ)* *scattered about (المَبْثُوثِ)"* (101/4) Plural: كَالفَرَاشِ (kal-farashi) ✔ Singular: كَالفَرَاشَةِ (kal-farashati) Masculine: المَبْثُوثِ (al-mabthuthi) ✔ Feminine: المَبْثُوثَةِ (al-mabthuthati) *3. Locusts* "They will come forth,- their eyes humbled - from (their) graves, (torpid) like *locusts (جَرَادٌ)* *scattered abroad (مُنْتَشِرٌ)"* (54/7) Plural: جَرَادٌ (jaradun) ✔ Singular: جَرَادَةٌ (jaradatun) Masculine: مُنْتَشِرٌ (muntashirun) ✔ Feminine: مُنْتَشِرَةٌ (muntashiratun) *4. Clouds* ".. and *the clouds (السَّحَابِ) controlled (المُسَخَّرِ)* between the heaven and the earth..." (2/164) Plural: السَّحَابِ (as-saḥabi) ✔ Singular: السَّحَابَةِ (as-saḥabati) Masculine: المُسَخَّرِ (al-musakhkhari) ✔ Feminine: المُسَخَّرَةِ (al-musakhkharati) See also: 30/48, 24/43, 35/9, 52/44 *5. Ants* "..an ant exclaimed: *O (يَا أَيُّهَا) ants (النَّمْلُ), enter (ادْخُلُوا) your dwellings (مَسَاكِنَكُمْ).."* (27/18) Plural: النَّمْلُ (an-namlu) ✔ Singular: النَّمْلَةُ (an-namlatu) Masculine: يَا أَيُّهَا (ya ayyuha) ادْخُلُوا (udkhulu) مَسَاكِنَكُمْ (masakinakum) ✔ Feminine: يَا أَيَّتُهَا (ya ayyatuha) ادْخُلْنَ (udkhulna) مَسَاكِنَكُنَّ (masakinakunna) *6. Dates* "And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, *fresh (جَنِيًّا) dates (رُطَبًا)"* (19/25) Plural: رُطَبًا (rutaban) ✔ Singular: رُطَبَةً (rutabatan) Masculine: جَنِيًّا (janiyyan) ✔ Feminine: جَنِيَّةً (janiyyatan) *7. Words* "...unto Him *good (الطَّيِّبُ) words (الْكَلِمُ)* ascend..." (35/10) Plural: الْكَلِمُ (al-kalimu) ✔ Singular: الْكَلِمَةُ (al-kalimatu) Masculine: الطَّيِّبُ (at-tayyibu) ✔ Feminine: الطَّيِّبَةُ (at-tayyibatu) See also: 4/46, 5/41, 5/13 *8. Pearls* "The likenesses of *well-protected (الْمَكْنُونِ) pearls (اللُّؤْلُؤِ)"* (56/23) Plural: اللُّؤْلُؤِ (al-lului) ✔ Singular: اللُّؤْلُؤَةِ (al-luluati) Masculine: الْمَكْنُونِ (al-maknuni) ✔ Feminine: الْمَكْنُونَةِ (al-maknunati) See also: 76/19, 52/24 *9. Grains* "...we produce from it greenery from which We produce *grains (حَبًّا) arranged in layers (مُّتَرَاكِبًا)..."* (6/99) Plural: حَبًّا (ḥabban) ✔ Singular: حَبَّةً (ḥabbatan) Masculine: مُّتَرَاكِبًا (mutarakiban) ✔ Feminine: مُّتَرَاكِبَةً (mutarakibatan) *10. Lote trees* "...and something of *sparse (قَلِيلٍ) lote trees (سِدْرٍ)"* (34/16) Plural: سِدْرٍ (sidrin) ✔ Singular: سِدْرَةٍ (sidratin) Masculine: قَلِيلٍ (qalilin) ✔ Feminine: قَلِيلَةٍ (qalilatin) *11. Palm trees* "Extracting the people as if they were trunks of *palm trees (نَخْلٍ) uprooted (مُّنقَعِرٍ)"* (54/20) Plural: نَخْلٍ (nakhlin) ✔ Singular: نَخْلَةٍ (nakhlatin) Masculine: مُّنقَعِرٍ (munqaʕirin) ✔ Feminine: مُّنقَعِرَةٍ (munqaʕiratin) *12. Trees* "He it is Who sendeth down water from the sky, whence ye have drink, and whence are *trees (شَجَرٌ) on which (فِيهِ)* you send your beasts to pasture" (16/10) Plural: شَجَرٌ (shajarun) ✔ Singular: شَجَرَةٌ (shajaratun) Masculine: فِيهِ (fihi) ✔ Feminine: فِيهَا (fiha) See also: 36/80 *13. Banana trees* *"And [banana] trees (طَلْحٍ) layered (مَنْضُودٍ)* [with fruit]" (56/29) Plural: طَلْحٍ (talḥin) ✔ Singular: طَلْحَةٍ (talḥatin) Masculine: مَنْضُودٍ (mandudin) ✔ Feminine: مَنْضُودَةٍ (mandudatin) Word for fruit (ثمر or طلع) is not mentioned in the verse. It is added by the translator in the brackets Exceptions are bees and trees with fruit which are feminine (except banana trees): *1. Bees* "And your Lord inspired to *the bee (النَّحْلِ), "Take (اتَّخِذِي)* for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct. Then *eat (كُلِي)* from all the fruits and *follow (فَاسْلُكِي)* the ways of your Lord laid down [for you]." There emerges from *their bellies (بُطُونِهَا)* a drink, varying in colors..." (16/68) Plural: النَّحْلِ (an-naḥli) ✔ Singular: النَّحْلَةِ (an-naḥlati) Masculine: اتَّخِذ (ittakhith) كُل (kul) فَاسْلُك (fasluk) بُطُونِهِ (butunihi) Feminine: اتَّخِذِي (ittakhithee) كُلِي (kulee) فَاسْلُكِي (faslukee) بُطُونِهَا (butuniha) ✔ *2. Palm trees* (with fruit) "...and from *the palm trees (النَّخْلِ) - of its emerging fruit (طَلْعِهَا)* are clusters hanging low..." (6/99) Plural: النَّخْلِ (an-nakhli) ✔ Singular: النَّخْلَةِ (an-nakhlati) Masculine: طَلْعِهِ (talʕihi) Feminine: طَلْعِهَا (talʕiha) ✔ See also: 50/10, 55/11, 24/148 *3. Trees* (with fruit) "You will be eating from *trees (شَجَرٍ)* of zaqqum, and filling *with it (مِنْهَا)* your bellies" (56/52) Plural: شَجَرٍ (shajarin) ✔ Singular: شَجَرَةٍ (shajaratin) Masculine: مِنْهُ (minhu) Feminine: مِنْهَا (minha) ✔ Zaqqum is hell-trees with fruit as it is said in 37/62-65: "the tree of zaqqum...its emerging fruit as if it was heads of the devils". منها (minha) can be translated as "from them" Exceptional usage of feminine for bees that make honey ("there emerges from their bellies a drink") and trees with fruit coincides with the fact that female bees make honey and female trees produce fruit: *"The female worker bees do all the hard work when it comes to making the honey.* Once their honey stomach is full, the bees return to their hive" ("How do Bees make Honey?", on justbeehoney) "Female flowers and *female trees produce fruit* and seeds. Male flowers and trees produce pollen. Making the correct choice of tree gender can be important. Anyone who has ever smelled putrid ginkgo fruit, washed mulberries off their car or sneezed at tree pollen should understand" ("Are your trees boys or girls - or both?" by Kim D. Coder) "Being a dioecious species in character, date palm sexes are borne by separate individuals. The unisexual flowers are pistillate (female) and staminate (male) in character. The male palm produces the pollen and *the female palm produces the fruit.* The flower stalks are produced from the axils of the leaves in similar positions to those in which offshoots are produced" (Date Palm Cultivation. CHAPTER VIII: POLLINATION AND BUNCH MANAGEMENT) As for banana trees, they are monoecious plants, i.e. the same plant is male and female simultaneously "Banana plants are monoecious meaning separate male and female flowers are produced on the same inflorescence" ("Ornamental bananas", Vikaspedia) "All known bananas are monoecious and possess both male and female flowers" ("Banana (S/F)", Jurassic Pedia) So use of masculine for banana trees in 56/29 makes sense, even if it means banana trees with fruit because feminine was used for exclusively female ones
@ccsz888 3 дня назад
There is one verse that seem to be problematic for this argument: 1) "...if they were *hollow (khawiyatin خَاوِيَةٍ)* trunks of *palm trees (نَخْلٍ)"* (69/7) Plural: نَخْلٍ (nakhlin) ✔ Singular: نٍَخْلَة (nakhlatin) Masculine: خَاوٍِ (khawin) Feminine: خَاوِيَةٍ (khawiyatin) ✔ This verse uses feminine adjective for palm trees, but without mentioning fruit. Although it should be masculine as in 54/20, if this argument was correct. Such translation "hollow trunks of palm trees" (Sahih International) isn't correct. It should be "trunks of hollow palm trees" because it is pronounced as "khawiyatin", not "khawiyatun" A possible explanation is that the reason behind خاوية being feminine is that the Quran is making rhyme with nearby verses that have the same endins: عَاتِيَةٍ (ʕatiyatin) بَاقِيَةٍ (baqiyatin). This "tin" is pronounced as "h" during recitation: khawiyah, ʕatiyah, baqiyah. The masculine word "khawin" would be pronounced as "khaw", which wouldn't make it rhythmical. We know that the Quran sometimes uses unusual forms for making rhyme. For example, the verse 21/33 uses the verb يَسْبَحُونَ for celestial objects although verbs and adjectives for non-living objects usually don't have plural masculine endings (ينَ ونَ and وا), as in the verse 13/2: كُلٌّ يَجْرِي لِأَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّى (not كُلٌّ يَجْرُونَ لِأَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّى). The form يَسْبَحُونَ was used instead of يَسْبَحُ obviously to make rhyme with nearby verses that have the same ending: مُعْرِضُونَ الْخَالِدُونَ يَهْتَدُونَ. Another example is masculine plural word طائعِينَ for Earth and heaven in 41/11 instead of dual feminine طائِعَتَيْنِ, although Earth and Heaven are usually treated as feminine in the Quran and for two objects usually dual number is used. It was also used to make rhyme with other verses that have the similar endings: الْعَلِيمِ لِّلسَّائِلِينَ Another example is singular participle مُّنتَصِرٌ after plural pronoun نَحْنُ in 54/44 which was used because other verses end with letter ر as well: أَكُفَّارُكُمْ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أُولَٰئِكُمْ أَمْ لَكُم بَرَاءَةٌ فِي الزُّبُرِ أَمْ يَقُولُونَ نَحْنُ جَمِيعٌ مُّنتَصِرٌ سَيُهْزَمُ الْجَمْعُ وَيُوَلُّونَ الدُّبُرَ If it used plural participle مُّنتَصِرُونَ it would be more usual grammatically but wouldn't make rhyme
@ebrahimi44 3 дня назад
​@@ccsz888We need proof and sources. Islam is a religion of proof and evidence we just can't accept every claim people might bring forth. Please, provide your sources.
@ccsz888 2 дня назад
@@ebrahimi44 evidence for which one of my claims? You should clarify that
@ArhamaBatool- 2 дня назад
سبحان اللہ ❤
@eseow8638 2 дня назад
@@ebrahimi44 its a linguistic claim? Why dyu need evidence for smth that requires knowledge of the language, not scholarly evidence
@Doctor_Raad 3 дня назад
I liked the سمعنا وعصينا example most
@Newton988 3 дня назад
The fact that my name is Isaac and most of the time all I do is laugh😂
@gigatrooper5098 3 дня назад
Same lol
@linitist 3 дня назад
@@gigatrooper5098 "laughing out loud"
@araftamim-mx3dw 3 дня назад
@mk4_supra339 3 дня назад
May Allāh reward you for making muslims smile
@jawad9757 3 дня назад
May Allah keep you smiling
@User-xh5zu 3 дня назад
These examples of linguists miracules are my favourite piece of trivia to share with people
@JC.Realm7 2 дня назад
This is absolutely remarkable. Alhamdulillah! I knew about some of these subtle references to the Hebrew scriptures - and it was awesome to learn more. It's a shame that most people, even most Muslims, aren't interested in learning deeper.
@syedhasan8181 3 дня назад
Brother, why don't you write an English book describing all the linguistic miracles of the Qur'an? That would certainly help with the Dawah to the English speaking people and they are indeed a lot all over the world. Surely, Allah willing, you will be rewarded immensely for this work. May Allah give you the tawfik, Amen :)
@kadircaae3938 23 часа назад
@DinoBryce 5 часов назад
And make it easier to disprove 😂
@User-xh5zu 3 дня назад
There Ayah { إِنَّهُۥ لَقَوۡلُ رَسُولࣲ كَرِیمࣲ } appears twice in the Qur'an once refering to Muhammad ﷺ and once refering to Jibreel عليه السلام In the instance it is refering to Jibreel عليه السلام the Ayah after it says { ذِی قُوَّةٍ عِندَ ذِی ٱلۡعَرۡشِ مَكِینࣲ } "[Who is] possessing power and with the Owner of the Throne, secure [in position]," The Hebrew name for Jibreel is גַּבְרִיאֵל with גַּבְרִ meaning "strength/power" and אֵל meaning "God" so the name could be translated as "Strength from God" which is indirectly referred to in this Ayah
@kresil. 3 дня назад
@victoremman4639 3 дня назад
The suffix AL in hebrew and YL in arabic doesn't mean God, you took from christians and jews. AL is about a Purpose, a mission from God. And root JBR doesn't really means Strenght, but "to be charged", and it implie the strengh, which is a semantical derivation. Ok youtube erased my answer to you, again : AL and YL doesn't mean god, you take from broken jew and christian creed and mistakes. AL and YL is about a PURPOSE, from Allah, so the meaning of all Angels names => Dedication to Allah, thus the Angels are, obediant fully. We can go deeper if you want. I made a long morphosemantical analysis, and theological aswell. I don't beleive the ignorant jews and christians when it's about meaning of semitic languages, broken creed from unknowledge of linguistic aplly to hebrew language and origin. "You should not call your God in vain", jews and christians are deep in problems. We can't insult God spliting His Name. And YHWH is another problem, a name invented by jews around Ezra's times. . I live in Europa, and yutub harrass me particulary with censorship, we can't critize the s.o.n.ste state nor our government. D.ctatorsh.p is coming in europa. I will come back to answer if yutb let me.
@User-xh5zu 3 дня назад
@@victoremman4639 el is from eloh/elohim and it means God Yah/Jah is from Yahweh and it also means God Elijah(Elyas in Arabic) is "el" + "yah" "Yahweh is God" for example Also ofc I'm gonna take the language that Jews speak from jews, who else speaks it to provide the info??????
@victoremman4639 3 дня назад
@@User-xh5zu You take from broken jews and christians, I take from a long semantical analysis and theological, morphosemantic features. It's an insult toward God to split His name, "you should not call your God in vain", the jews and christians are in a deep very deep sins. AL or YL is about a PURPOSE, from God because it's Angel names, the Angels are fully dedicated to Allah's will. We can go deeper in the morphosemantic analyse if you want.
@victoremman4639 3 дня назад
@@User-xh5zu Yutub issue. Read my previous com for my answer. Aswell for the 2 christians following, I can't answer them. Seems the owner of this chanel banned my coms. Toka doesn't understand arabic, it's obvious and Syed trust the christians and jews wandering. Sorry to @elmajraz6019 the owner of this chanel ban all my coms now. I can't answer to anyone now. Probaly because I point all the linguistic errors he did in his videos, misleading people.
@RexoryByzaboo 2 дня назад
I'm a Muslim who speaks Arabic and is learning Hebrew. This video is very interesting and it makes me appreciate the miracles of the Qur'an, thank you.
@Shalom-gu7zz День назад
Ayatollah in Christianity is used in Isaiah 7:11 for the Birth of Christ. Let me know if you need more information. So Christmas links with the word Ayatollah.
@Shalom-gu7zz День назад
The word ""Hamas" is an acronym from three Arabic and which are also Biblical Hebrew and words. Hebrew חָרַךְ, (Movement), מֵקִ֛ים (establishment) , and ישלם (peace/love/friendship).
@user-gm3lg8gp3m День назад
@@Shalom-gu7zzwrong, Hamas is an abbreviation.
@user-gm3lg8gp3m День назад
Why would you learn their language?
@Shalom-gu7zz День назад
@@user-gm3lg8gp3m "Hamas" is abbreviation. That is why I said. So why you say wrong?
@AayaatulQuran 3 дня назад
Who loves the Quran, attendance here by hitting thumbs-up...
@Eserimumin 3 дня назад
I know one more thing like this: Allah uses the word “zayyana” to describe the universe/samaa al-dunyaa in surah al-Mulk. this word means adorning. we use the term cosmos to refer to the universe. cosmos comes from the word kosmos in ancient greeks which also means adorning.
@Worgenmen 3 дня назад
It maybe has something to do with the world being an illusion, but in a positive sense, it is the adornment for what is behind it?
@_k.t_ 3 дня назад
​@@Worgenmen [Quran] 67:5 وَلَقَدْ زَيَّنَّا ٱلسَّمَآءَ ٱلدُّنْيَا بِمَصَـٰبِيحَ وَجَعَلْنَـٰهَا رُجُومًا لِّلشَّيَـٰطِينِ ۖ وَأَعْتَدْنَا لَهُمْ عَذَابَ ٱلسَّعِيرِ And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with stars and have made [from] them what is thrown at the devils and have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.
@LJ-jd5yy 2 дня назад
@samimas4343 2 дня назад
Same with recent term "fabric of space". In many Ayat, the universe or the worldly heaven is alluded to be as fabric. It's mentioned that the sky will be ripped at the end of time. That it was unseemed (ripped) when it was created. The two arabic terms used in the ayat are very descriptive of a fabric like substance. Also, in another aya it is mentioned that the sky (universe) was built. As we know now space isn't empty. It has building blocks.
@intoxiwhasty День назад
​@@samimas4343 وَإِلَى ٱلسَّمَآءِ كَيْفَ رُفِعَتْ ١٨ and the sky-how it was raised ˹high˺; Here is the ayah you are talking about it's from surah ghashiya But if you look at another ayah from the surah which talks about how the throne are ‘raised high’ it used another arabic word not the same word that used for raising sky فِيهَا سُرُرٌۭ مَّرْفُوعَةٌۭ ١٣ along with thrones raised high,
@alifiamd9963 День назад
It helps that Arabic and Hebrew are both Semitic languages.
@ukhtiphatymah5539 3 дня назад
Alhamdulillah for the day I stomped upon your channel. Alhamdulillah for being guided to your channel. ALHAMDULILLAH.
@violetm8110 2 дня назад
Alhamdulillah. Sister I just wanted to let you know I think you meant to say “stumbled* upon”. Stomped means to like crush into the ground with one’s foot, from above.
@HaramainRecites 3 дня назад
Subhan Allah, look at all these logistical miracles in the Quran, proves the divinity of the Holy Quran
@almeu433 День назад
Fake story...demonic inspired book
@hezamhumaidan122 2 дня назад
Jazak Allahu Khaira ! This is a mind blowing video. Please keep it up.
@gigatrooper5098 3 дня назад
My name is in this video, never knew what it meant in arabic subhanallah
@onemessageclips9786 3 дня назад
You mean Hebrew right?
@ahmadmanga 3 дня назад
Which name?
@ChannelCustomization. 3 дня назад
@@ahmadmanga probably abraham, it's a very common name
@z4k1r 2 дня назад
his name is isaac​@@ChannelCustomization.
@DanSM-ij9fk 12 часов назад
Muslims, Important questions to ponder on recent Bakrid ? When it comes to mortal sins like murders, adultery, violences, original sin goat's (or animal) blood or Blood of Christ sets humans free ? Bible says "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free INDEED." If elite wanted to marry many times / women would they not start their own religion or bring out a religious book (called Quran) to suit their needs / appetite ? So allah is not real but man made God for elite's divide and rule policy using man made religion / book mostly copying from Bible. That's why single book / witness, Whereas mainly 6, 4 appostles Saints Peter, John, Matthew, Paul and 2 Disciples, Sts Luke and Mark wrote Bible as separate witnesses and through Divine inspiration! Now so many paid agents needed to lie after lies to keep quran lies floating? Will they succeed against The Living God Trinity in Unity The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit ?
@abd_kh_ 3 дня назад
thank you very much for all of this, you really teach me something new every time, but the problem is that my English in not very good I just hope if there was an Arabic version of your channel. all the love brother, keep up the hard work.
@Rizwan-sb4pl 3 дня назад
You missed one example, رَبِّ هَبۡ لِی مِنَ ٱلصَّـٰلِحِینَ﴿ ١٠٠ ﴾ فَبَشَّرۡنَـٰهُ بِغُلَـٰمٍ حَلِیمࣲ﴿ ١٠١ ﴾ • Aṣ-Ṣāffāt, Ayah 100 - 101 اسمعيل Means Allah hears
@KnoriaMC 3 дня назад
@kresil. 3 дня назад
ismail in hebrew is ישמעאל (yishma'el) comprised of two words the first word is ישמע (yishma') which means "hears" the second word is אל (El) which means god, in turn, yishmael means "god hears"
@aaliboyev 3 дня назад
@@kresil. Thanks for confirming!
@kresil. 3 дня назад
@@aaliboyev no problem!
@BloodyHand29 3 дня назад
Subhanallah, what a video. I had no idea about this. How can they then disbelieve? May Allah guide us all.
@Batyalas 3 дня назад
Mashallah the Quran is truly from a genius unmatched.
@ayangjibrut 18 часов назад
not from a genius, but truly from god, to prove whether god exist, it's in the quran..
@soussosarabasenga157 3 дня назад
استغفر الله العظيم الذي لا اله الا هو الحي القيوم واتوب اليه
@ahmedabouchair8062 3 дня назад
Amazing work brother جزاك الله خيراً
@SlaveofAllah-io7cp День назад
One of the miracles of the qur'an is that its miracles doesn't end. سبحان الله
@amr-sh 2 дня назад
جزاكم الله خيرا
@ibrahimn.606 3 дня назад
Dr Ali Ataie introduced me to this aspect of the Quran and my mind has remained blown since. Jazakallahu khairan.
@Shalom-gu7zz 4 часа назад
Thank you. If you can make a video on Arabic and Biblical Hebrew that will be very interesting. Ayatollah, Abdullah, Bismillah, Bait Ullah, Rouh allah, Quran, Muslim, Hajj, Muhammed are all Biblical Hebrew words.
@MaskedGuyCh 2 дня назад
Subhan Allah, this is mind blowing stuff! Even the part at 7:50, I've read that Ayah so many times and I never noticed that كلٌّ في فلك could be read in reverse, much like an orbit. Amazing!
@diinwadunya 3 дня назад
This is new knowledge to me. JazakAllaah khayr.
@Snapdragon8Gen4 3 дня назад
انا عربي تعجبت جدا من هذا واو مذهل
@Elhassan86 2 дня назад
سبحان الله! بارك الله في أهل العراق السنة ❤
@Khaled_Alghamdi 2 дня назад
نعم ، قناة ممتازة والله
@StormXXII 3 дня назад
Best video I've seen in a long time, keep up the great work brother.
@user-qt5gc7sj3y 2 дня назад
@mxy7699 21 час назад
Alhamdulillah, I have come to realise that, this brother with his RU-vid channel Quran 101 does a lot work to wake up a lot of people's minds may ALLAH reward him the best for his good hard work. Aameen
@muslim10170 3 дня назад
لا إله إلا الله سبحان الله الحمد لله الله أكبر سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم (إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي يايها الذين ءامنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما)
@Zarathustraa. 2 дня назад
My name is Ishaque and I am probably the most laughing guy ever😂.
@areum9968 14 часов назад
I'm crying cuz l read the Quran my whole life and this is the first time i hear this!! it's very impressing 😭😭 محتواكم نافع وغني جزاكم الله خيرا على مجهوداتكم!!
@muslimresponse103 3 дня назад
more of these videos please! insha’Allah
@ashfaquei.k.426 3 дня назад
Thanks for sharing
@Palestiniangaza 3 дня назад
From Palestine, Gaza City call from Gaza from the midst of war death, hunger, destruction and pain. To the lovers of goodness, a kind greeting to every Muslim from a Palestinian mother from Gaza. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “We will never diminish the money you have given in charity.” narrated by Muslim ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"""""""""""""""""""💔 """"""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""" """" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "'" ""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''🤲 I have four orphan children, and we are in the midst of a war of extermination, displacement, hunger, pain, wounds, and deprivation. They were martyred in this war. My family and now I'm alone without a father. Today, I make this appeal to you from among the rubble and destruction, my brothers. I live under difficult circumstances, an unjust siege, and a blind war that destroyed my city in which I live, and my home that houses my children’s dreams. Today, I found myself living on top of the ruins of my home in a tent no more than a few meters long, with me and my four children. This is a very difficult thing that no human being can bear. I live in very difficult conditions without food, water, and flour due to the siege, and we drink water. Polluted due to lack of money and my children’s fear of war, and now I am asking for help and assistance in order to restore the smile of life to my children, and I am in dire need of your contribution in order to rebuild my house that was demolished, and I ask (WhatsApp me to donate 00970592511969)I wrote to you these short words that do not express a little of the pain and wounds that we are experiencing in Gaza, and I write these words to you while tears do not leave my eyes from the pain and cruelty of life. I hope that you will be supporters of my cause in all parts of the world and the ugliness of the injustice that we live in every day, but every minute. We lose loved ones every day. And do not forget the difficulty of life in a small tent that does not exceed a few meters. God was a protector for us from the heat of summer and the cold of winter in the tent, and today all my dreams are to drink a drop of cold, clean water in the summer and feed my children. Praise be to God in any case, this is God’s command. Note: I have a child who is sick in the eye, and he is forbidden by the doctor’s prescription from high heat and sunlight. How can he be in a very hot tent? Therefore, I ask you to help me in maintaining my house. "" "" *"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""“""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" _________♡♡__&»»»»»»» ♕♕♕###؛؛:: "**"؟!!؛؛'*'::-::؛--___" "" "" "" "" "💔💔🎉🎉 يارب قد دقت الدنيا بنا وانت ارحم الراحمين نداء من فلسطين من وسط الحرب والموت والجوع والدمار والم ارجو من كل إنسان ان يقرأ ندائي بتأمل وان يضع نفسه في نفس الالم. الى من يحب فعل الخير ويحب الصدقة هذا الطريقه الوحيده الذي يمكن ان يصل صوتي لكم ان شاءالله وارجو منكم المسامحة على الازعاج تحيه طيبه الى كل مسلم من أم فلسطينية من غزة وقال النبي صل الله عليه وسلم (ما نقص مال من صدقه) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''🤲 انا عندي اربع طفال ايتام ونحن فى ظل حرب الاباده والتهجير والتجويع والالم والجراح والحرمان لقد استشهدوا في هذا الحرب اسرتي وانا الان وحيدة بلا اب واليوم ارسل ندائي هذا من بين الركام والدمار لكم يا إخوتي انا اعيش في ظل ظروف صعبة و حصار ظالم وحرب عمياء ولقد دمرت مدينتي التي اعيش فيها و دمر بيتي الذي يؤوي احلام اطفالي واليوم لقد وجدت نفسي اعيش فوق ركام بيتي في خيمه لا تتجاوز عدت امتار انا واطفالي الاربعه هذا امر صعب جداً لا يتحمله إنسان واعيش ظروف صعبه جداً بدون طعام وماء و طحين بسبب الحصار ونشرب الماء الملوث بسبب قلت الاموال وخوف اطفالي من الحرب والان اطلب يد العون والمساعدة لكي اعيد بسمة الحياة الي اطفالي وانا في امس الحاجه الي المساهمه لكي اعيد بناء بيتي الذي هدم و ارجو منكم المساهمة كتبت لكم هذي الكلمات القصيرة التي لا تعبر الى القليل من الالم والجراح الذي نعيشه فى غزة واكتب لكم كلماتي هذه والدموع لا تفارق عيني من الالم وقسوة الحياة ارجو منكم ان تكونو مناصرين إلى قضيتي في جميع انحاء العالم وقبح الظلم الذي نعيشه في كل يوم بل كل دقيقه ونحن نفقد الاحبه كل يوم. ولا تنسو صعوبة الحياة في خيمة صغيرة لا تتعدى بعض الامتار كان الله لنا معين من حم الصيف والبرد الشتاء فى الخيمة واليوم كل احلامي ان اشرب نقطة ماء باردة ونظيفه في الصيف وطعام اطفالي. الحمدلله على كل حال هذا امر الله. ملاحظه يوجد عندي طفل مريض في العين وهوا ممنوع بوصف الطبيب من الحراره العاليه و اشعة الشمس فكيف يكون في خيمة شديدة الحرارة لذلك ارجو منكم ان تكونو لي عون في صيانة بيتي والحمدلله حمد الشاكرين ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم ♕♡♡♡♡٪٪٪»»««««««««««««~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♕♕♕♕
@gamerforever9168 3 дня назад
صورتك مش صورة المسجد الاقصي هاي صورة قبة الصغرة
@SoulCure777 День назад
@exarquazowexa7247 День назад
May Allah grant you companionship of the teacher and our prophet salla Llahu 3alayhi wa sallam in janna.
@RaqxMile День назад
جزاک اللّٰهُ خیراً کثیراً
@laizerwoolf 3 дня назад
The "Yah" in Zechari(Yah) and (Yah)ya, refers to the the shortened version of Yahweh, the God's name that is revealed to the Israelites. Zechariah translates to Yahweh remembers, Yahya translates to Yahweh is gracious, and Ilyas -> Eli(Yah) translates to Yahweh is my God. The fact that Quran still uses the name means that it somewhat acknowledge Yahweh as God.
@light9205 3 дня назад
I thought it's forbidden to write that name and say it
@yh.99999 3 дня назад
​@light9205 Allahu alam Yahweh could've been a name given to the hebrew Israelites. Allah says there are names of him we know of and names we dont know of.
@Khaled_Alghamdi 2 дня назад
Except , Allah said “ يحي" yahya not Yahweh .
@servantofgod3058 День назад
Yes it’s not something we oppose. Yhwh means (I’m who I’m) Also Allah refers to himself in third person “howa” which has similar pronunciation to “yhwh”
@Internut1985 22 часа назад
Yahweh to me sounds like the “hayyeh “ which means ever lasting or ever living lord
@ismailbakr2496 3 дня назад
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ﴿قُولُوا آمَنَّا بِاللَّهِ وَمَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْنَا وَمَا أُنزِلَ إِلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْمَاعِيلَ وَإِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَالْأَسْبَاطِ وَمَا أُوتِيَ مُوسَىٰ وَعِيسَىٰ وَمَا أُوتِيَ النَّبِيُّونَ مِن رَّبِّهِمْ لَا نُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍ مِّنْهُمْ وَنَحْنُ لَهُ مُسْلِمُونَ﴾ [ البقرة: 136] ﴿فَإِنْ آمَنُوا بِمِثْلِ مَا آمَنتُم بِهِ فَقَدِ اهْتَدَوا ۖ وَّإِن تَوَلَّوْا فَإِنَّمَا هُمْ فِي شِقَاقٍ ۖ فَسَيَكْفِيكَهُمُ اللَّهُ ۚ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ﴾ [ البقرة: 137] ﴿صِبْغَةَ اللَّهِ ۖ وَمَنْ أَحْسَنُ مِنَ اللَّهِ صِبْغَةً ۖ وَنَحْنُ لَهُ عَابِدُونَ﴾ [ البقرة: 138] ﴿قُلْ أَتُحَاجُّونَنَا فِي اللَّهِ وَهُوَ رَبُّنَا وَرَبُّكُمْ وَلَنَا أَعْمَالُنَا وَلَكُمْ أَعْمَالُكُمْ وَنَحْنُ لَهُ مُخْلِصُونَ﴾ [ البقرة: 139] ﴿أَمْ تَقُولُونَ إِنَّ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْمَاعِيلَ وَإِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَالْأَسْبَاطَ كَانُوا هُودًا أَوْ نَصَارَىٰ ۗ قُلْ أَأَنتُمْ أَعْلَمُ أَمِ اللَّهُ ۗ وَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِمَّن كَتَمَ شَهَادَةً عِندَهُ مِنَ اللَّهِ ۗ وَمَا اللَّهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ﴾ [ البقرة: 140] ﴿تِلْكَ أُمَّةٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ ۖ لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَلَكُم مَّا كَسَبْتُمْ ۖ وَلَا تُسْأَلُونَ عَمَّا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ﴾ [ البقرة: 141]
@user-rg8yb1mv6q 2 дня назад
Keep going brother jezakillah kheyr
@Islamic.remembrance.prayers 3 дня назад
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم. جزاكم الله خير الجزاء على هذه المعلومات عن القرآن وكلام رب العالمين.
@Bash_r 2 дня назад
اتمنى ترجمة هذا الفيديو خصوصا
@adambashaxd420 3 дня назад
@aquaisnotades 3 дня назад
Wa alaikumussalaam wa rahmatullah
@aishahakinade7021 2 дня назад
Alhamdulillahi, I have never regretted subscribing to your channel. The way you explain everything is very eye-opening. Sometimes I already know what you are talking about, but your explanation makes me understand it in ways I didn't even think of and make see it in a new perspective. May ALLAH bless you and preserve you for the ummah. May he set you and all of us on his straight path and never let us go astray. Everyone has to see this video. I also wish I could help people understand the way of the truth. Baarakallahu feek.
@ryu7red 2 дня назад
جزاكم الله خيرا على هذه الأعمال
@syedzeeshanmuhibshah5518 3 дня назад
سبحان اللّٰه وبحمدہ سبحان اللّٰه العظیم
@theSayad 3 дня назад
Alhamdulillah that ALLAH Azwajal Gave me Qadr to Watch this video My iman Got Boosted From Watching This Video Alhamdulillah
@Amine._126 2 дня назад
I couldn't find this type of information in Arabic content thank u Very much ❤
@neilcastro836 3 дня назад
What a beautiful chapter this was indeed‼️ jazak Allahu Khayran Katheeran ‼️
@frasenp8411 3 дня назад
As much as the examples are nice and show a beautiful connection between the words and the names, it is not necessary to have known Hebrew. The meaning of the names are very well known from The Bible/Tanakh and word lf mouth even among non-Hebrew speakers so people back then of a Judeo/Christian background would also have known of the meanings which is also how they can appreciate the subtle references.
@laputa4825 3 дня назад
Quraysh were not familiar with most of Abrahamic traditions, as can be noted with their lack of awareness of Noah's story. So, do you think the hebrew names of abrahamic figures were circulating well when they didn't even know the most of the stories involving these figures?
@user-sk1vd4ng7h 3 дня назад
Totally agree! It's nice to know these examples, but they are definitely not convincing evidence to argue that Quran is divinely bestowed.
@muhammadhakim-st5nd 2 дня назад
Was there a complete translation of the bible at the time Quran was revealed ?
@a-auslim-girl-from-yemen. 3 дня назад
اللهم سخر لنا من عبادك الصادقين المصلحين من يكونوا عوناً لنا في طريقنا ندائي إلي كل مسلم قال عزوجل (قُلْ إِنَّ رَبِّي يَبْسُطُ الرِّزْقَ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ وَيَقْدِرُ لَهُ وَمَا أَنْفَقْتُمْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ فَهُوَ يُخْلِفُهُ وَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ) وقال النبى ﷺ(ما نقص مال من صدقة ) رواه مسلم وقال ﷺ ( أنفق يابن آدم ينفق الله عليك) متفق عليه وقال ﷺ:( مَا مِنْ يَوْمٍ يُصبِحُ العِبادُفِيهِ إِلَّا مَلَكَانِ يَنْزِلانِ، فَيَقُولُ أَحَدُهُمَا: اللَّهُمَّ أَعْطِ مُنْفِقًا خَلَفًا، وَيَقُولُ الآخَرُ: اللَّهُمَّ أَعْطِ مُمْسِكًا تَلَفًا سِالُتتكِ بّالُلُُه 💔الُجْلُيَلُ الُجْبّارَ انَ تْنَقًذَنَا قًبّلُ انَ نَمٌوَتْ مٌنَ شِدِتْ الُجْوَع انَتٌْخيَكِ انَيَ دٌِخلُةِ ْعلُى الُلُُه تْمٌ ْعلُيَكِ انَيَ فَيَ وَجُْهك انَـيَ اخـتْكِ انَـيَ اتْرَجْـاكِ اتْـوَسِـلُ الُـيَـكِ انَـقًـذَنَا لُـوَجُْـه الُـلُُـه. يَــشِــُهدِ الُــلُــُه يَاٌخـيَ انَ مٌنَ الُــصّــبّاحُ حُـتْا الُـانَ يَــحُــرَمٌ ْعـــلُيَـنَـا الاكل غير الماء ( ('''''''''''''''' اخي اول كلامي انا اقسم بالله على كتاب الله اني لااكذب عليك ولا انصب ولا احتال اني بنت يمنيه نازحين منالحرب انا واسرتي بيتنا اجار الشهرب 20 الف يمني والان علينا 60 الف حق 3 شهور وصاحب البيت من الناس الي ماترحم والله يا اخي انه يجي كل يوم يبهدلنا ويتكلم علينا ويريد من البيت للشارع لانناماقدرنا ندفعله الأجار شافونا الجيران نبكي ورجعو تكلمو الجيران ومهلنالاخره الأسبوع معادفعنا له حلف يمين بالله هذا بيخرجنا إلى الشارع رحمه واحنا. بلادنا بسبب هذا الحرب ولانجد قوت يومنا وعايشين اناوامي واخواتي سفار والدنا متوفي الله يرحمه ومامعنا أحد في هذا الدنيا جاانبنا في هذه الظروف القاسيه اخوتي الصغار خرجو للشارع وشافو الجيران ياكلو واوقفو عند بابهم لجل يعطوهم ولو كسره خبز والله الذي له ملك السموات والارض انهم غلفو الباب وطردوهم ورجعو یبکو ایموتو من الجوع ما احد رحمهم وعطلة ردها لقمت عیش والان لوما احدنا ساعدنا في إيكيلو دقيق اقسم بالله انموت من الجوع فيا اخي انا دخيله على الله ثم عليك واريد منك المساعده لوجه الله انشدك بالله تحب الخير واتساعدني ولو ---بـــحق إيجار البيت مع تراسلي واتساب على هذا الرقم 00967716649494 وتطلب اسم بطاقتي وترسلي ولاتتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير اخواني سغار شوف كيف حالتهم وساعدنا وأنقذنا قبل أن يطردونا في الشارع تتبهدل أو نموت من الجوع وانا واسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره على مساعد لاتتاخر علينا وجزاك الله خيرا،-.@.،@:^@:؛>»≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋^°>,,,_\},_\|`,_\;_\-ا¯|>•°¶ا;ا،،،،،،،ا،،،ا,,........،،،،،،،،،--ا...،،،π_:_π••_π_•√_√|🎉🎉😢😢•\√|°\\|√|\
@dresdi 3 дня назад
scam scam
@carimaelfarrah7800 День назад
This is amazing, mashaAllah, thank you for sharing. Love your content, your videos are top-notch.
@meenha1976 3 дня назад
Maashallah so much for me to learn on this channel ❤❤❤
@a-auslim-girl-from-yemen. 3 дня назад
am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who brought us to this situation. By Allah Almighty, I did not write this appeal out of distress and distress. Poverty, O world, they have felt it So, I hope for you. By Allah Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, he ate what I had in the house. By Allah, my brothers, he is my brothers by sitting in the house. Who has no food? By God, we are in a very difficult situation. We have 4 people entering the house, and my father has died, and there is no one who can depend on us and who lives in it.We live in a rented house because we cannot pay the rent we owe. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' My brother, my first words are: I swear to God that I will not lie to you or deceive you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced from the war. My family and I live in a rented house in Al-Shahrab 20,000 Yemenis amongs, and now we owe 60,000 for 3 months. The owner of the house is one of the people who does not have mercy, by God, my brother. He comes every day, insulting us, talking about us, and moving from the house to the street because we were unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and came back.They came back to talk to the neighbors and we were given the weekend. So we made him swear by God. He will take us out into the street. Have mercy on him and us. Our country is due to this war and we do not find food for our day, and my brothers and I live in a difficult life. Our father died, may God have mercy on him, and we have no one in this world who was with us in these harsh circumstances. My younger brothers went out into the street and saw...The neighbors eat and stand at their door in order to give them bread even if they break it. By God, to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, they closed the door and expelled them and came back crying. They are dying of hunger. No one has mercy on them and a holiday is returned. I have made a living, and now if us helps us with a kilo of flour, I swear to God, I am dying of hunger. My brother, I am an alien to God. Then, I ask you to help me for the sake of God. I ask you, by God, to love goodness and to help me, even if you can, by messaging me on WhatsApp.On this number 00967716649494 and ask for the name of my card and send it and do not be late and may God reward you with all the best, my brothers Sagar, see how they are and help us and save us before they throw us out in the street, you will be lost or we will die of hunger. My family and I ask you, by God, if you are able to help us, do not be late and may God reward you well..`/--~««............>
@spiritofobserver 3 дня назад
I am tired of seeing your messages under many videos! You don't have money to buy food but you have a device and internet to enter RU-vid. You look like a scammer.
@dresdi 3 дня назад
scam scam
@victoremman4639 3 дня назад
Very interesting investigation you make, but with some errors. In hebrew, the graphem Z can be either a ز or a ذ in arabic, so if you don't know hebrew and its morphosemantic, you miss important linguistic features. Note the verse and its sentence starts with ذكر and means "Remember" and this is the name in hebrew of Dhakarya and meaning, while in arabic it's not a ذ but a ز , so the arabic Zakarya can't means "remember" as in hebrew. The semantical value a the ذ is about extacting (from something or somewhere), and the semantic value of the ز it's separation. So Zakarya in arabic means he was apart, and etyma hebrew-arabic KR means to Copy, a replication, so the meaning accurate of Dhakara = extract from, and a Copy, this is the very meaning of the arabic and hebrew word ذكر. The word "Remember" is english word, doesn't reflect perfectly the arabic and hebrew word ذكر. The same modulation of the word Itzhaq in hebrew and Ishaq in arabic, originally, it's a ص and not a س but due to the following consonnat ح the ص becomes a س. The meaning it's about "smile" in hebrew, a form a pleasure and agreement. This is very technic, few could understand, but you make effort, thank for your educative videos. And no, Ya'qub doens't mean 'who came after", it means "the heel", and if we go deepe A'qb, the root, it's about Articulation. Hope you get the deep point, theological one, 12 sons, and its articulation, Ya'qub. And no, Yahya doesn't mean compassion, nor in hebrew nor in arabic, but from root Hayy, Life, so according what you are interpreting, Life = compassion, this is hebrew semantical error, the rabbis say the previous prefixed Ya- of Yahya means compassion by its own. No, Yahya is linked to the miracle birth of Yahya (as), and in arabic means Ya- (divin Sign) like the arabic Ayat, and Hay (life). And no, Yohanan got the suffixed -AN, added to a previos N to link the root to the semitic emphasis -AN, means an emphasis, like in Rahm-an, ALL, Global. Another huge error you made : Ibrahim is not related to a meaning of Father, which is a hebrew mistake. You really don't know hebrew and the Torah : the H was infixed by Allah himself to the first name Abram, like in Saraï and Ajjar, all of them was added the H by Allah, Abraham, Sarah, and Hajjar. The real meaning of Abraham is dewlled in the Etyma BR = transmission, Tradition, milah Ibrahim. The H is the Ideation inserted by Allah himself in the torah, and it's Allah mark on Abraham, a duty. So Ibrahim and Abraham have a nuance : the A means First, and the I means a Principle. Arabic is much more refined in meaning than hebrew.
@Aliona136 2 дня назад
Jazak Allahu Khairun for all that you do for all of us who are in great need of this very important knowledge for us Muslims. May Allah reward you and bless you with all the best in both Dunia and Akhira for all the work you have done.
@mardah1 День назад
لا ننفك نرى المزيد والمزيد من المعجزات في بلاغة القرآن الكريم سبحان الله
@a_thinkerr 3 дня назад
That's a great content keep going may allah bless you 🙏
@mohammedalbatati5529 День назад
Suhan Allah That was mind blowing information , barak Allah in all your work brothers
@tejdiprifti7670 2 дня назад
SubhanAllah This video changed the way I see the ayat that were mentioned
@mertensiaflo 3 дня назад
MashaAllah, thank you very much for sharing this knowledge.
@ahmedulislamarif 2 дня назад
Wow brother this video was amazing. JazakAllah khair
@AhmedulAttar 2 дня назад
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم " أنا أفصح العرب .... "
@abdalla_abdalla 3 дня назад
جزاك الله خيرا
@mohamedyoussef8835 2 дня назад
Wow... awesome lecture... mind bending information
@adlaasma8953 3 дня назад
Alhamdhulillah. May Allah open the path of our quran journey widely
@imadmezigheche4414 2 дня назад
Great video, brother.
@Hassankhan-qc9id 9 часов назад
Marvelous explanation Summa Summa ALHAMDULLILAH.. MASHALLAH.. ALLAH REWARS YOU ❤ AAMMEENN...!🌹🤲
@antiriba 2 дня назад
Maasha Allah, you are Marvellous. May Allah bless your work. This is top notch Research. How do you get into topic like these. This is simply incredible
@SunnahSurvivalPMC 3 дня назад
Walhamdulillah. Masha Allah great video. JazakAllah khair.
@Amins762 3 дня назад
Allahuma barik i have this video have benefited me so much. It would be useful if you could do a series about all the type of miracles that are in the Qur’ān.
@meagain7669 2 дня назад
I kept pausing and taking in each sentence subhana Allah may Allah bless you
@lhlh4026 2 дня назад
JazaakAllaah Khair Allaahummaa baarik , all your explanations are valuable and informative. Do you have recordings on translation and/or tafseer of the Quran.
@VandalIO 2 дня назад
Subhanallah ! These videos give a weird kind of calmness and divine spark to the soul ! It’s as if heart craves for prophecies about our beloved prophet Muhammad , may peace and blessings be with him
@doctormgm1812 2 дня назад
We need more of this❤
@KSR 2 дня назад
Very informative, shows again the endless perfection of the revelations. SubhanAllah!
@teardrop720 2 дня назад
Truly remarkable 👏 ❤❤ I cant wait to be fluent in Arabic
@sharifanamutebi7579 День назад
Subhaana Allah! Subhaana Allah! Jazaak’Allaahu khaira brother
@MuddassirJamalRazSalafi 2 дня назад
Taken from Shaikh Dr. Ali Ataie's Lecture "Sacred Narratives in The Quran❤
@Servant_of_Allah_956 2 дня назад
أحمدك يا ربي على نعمة الإسلام .❤ اللهم لك الحمد والشكر و توفنا على دينك
@jamilabagash149 3 дня назад
SubhanAllah. Marvellous!
@taliahcampbell3796 2 дня назад
Alhamdulilah! JazakAllahu khair
@jullanaradnan3887 2 дня назад
God bless you you are doing great
@azzamain8145 6 часов назад
‏‪9:26‬‏ يا سبحان الله لا إله إلا الله جزاك الله خيرا اخي
@Reda-hg9fn 3 дня назад
SubhanAllah this just amazing, Alhamdulillah for the Guidance
@AereForst 9 часов назад
Professor Ali Ataie has mentioned these exact examples in one of his lectures. He is professor of ancient Hebrew and Greek
@OmnipotentPotato 2 дня назад
2:45, it is only the application to a specific person that occurs once throughout the Quran. Otherwise, the general action of laughing (usually collectively by a group of people) is referred to multiple times in the Quran using the same root dh-7-k.
@bintesarwat7556 2 дня назад
Awesome. Totally speachless. Thank you immensely for providing the non arabic speaking population wirh these marvellous gems.
@sarfrazmollik6129 День назад
I gasped at the orbit one. Truly amazing
@sultanharbi3630 2 дня назад
بارك الله فيكم
@sinner916 День назад
سبحان الله it's just incredible جزاكم الله خيرا
@salahouldaya4958 3 дня назад
Very miraculous Great,teacher may Allah grant you very Well
@MuhammadAnsKhan-i5i 3 дня назад
There is an amazing book written on this: ''The onomastic miracle in the Koran'' by Raouf Abu Seida The author mentions up to 70+ examples of such subtleties including the ones mentioned in the video. One thing to note is that I don't completely agree with everything the author mentions but 90% of the content is simply Pure Miraculousness.
@aaliboyev 3 дня назад
Thanks for sharing. Are there any misleading opinions or what? Let us know for readers to be careful when reading.
@hahdgdgherfhx 3 дня назад
Let us know what’s up with the 10%
@MuhammadAnsKhan-i5i 3 дня назад
​@@aaliboyev There are some things that the author 'suggests' which seem to go against established tradition. For example, he mentions that the Quranic use of the term 'ummi' in 'an-nabiyyu-ul-ummi' which is translated as 'unlettered Prophet' from the arabic is actually a reference to the hebrew use of the word 'ummi' meaning gentile. Thus, this would refer to a gentile prophet. This view is completely correct. However, he uses this to imply that the prophet following revelation was no longer unletterred but could read and write which is something muslim scholars would disagree with. My opinion is that the Quran uses this word in both meanings since this is an actual word in Arabic and if the Quran strictly wanted to refer to gentiles then it would use the hebrew word 'Goyim' instead which is the proper and more often used word to refer to gentiles by the jews.
@aaliboyev 3 дня назад
@@MuhammadAnsKhan-i5i thank you very much will consider that
@alibaba40thvs 8 часов назад
Amazing references. Yes, if they try to accept the challenge of Quran and try to write something like that it would be dumb and missing a lot of meaning that Quran does not miss.
@deeneditor 2 дня назад
teacher! can you please explain why in the quran, in most cases, verbs are conjugated in the past tense in arabic, but when translated in english, or any other language, verbs are conjugated in present tense?
@moncef0147 3 дня назад
Great job brother.
@MrNagios 2 дня назад
may Allah reward you my brother
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