
The Housing Crisis is Even Worse Than You Think | Aaron Bastani meets Vicky Spratt | Downstream 

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Vicky Spratt is a London-based journalist and campaigner who writes on housing and the rental crisis. Her book Tenants is out now with Profile Books.
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@africanboi4542 Год назад
I was at the gas station and noticed a car full of belongings and a lady with her dog. I gave her $20 and she just started bawling and was extremely grateful. When I was in my 20’s I was homeless for 2 months and lived in my car. I know how it feels to be in that situation.
@selenajack2036 Год назад
I always wonder how can the typical family with average income afford a higher rate+ more expensive home? in my area multi generational home is becoming the norm . Don’t forget to add the inflation which just this week was 9.1 on the CPI , producers index 11.3, it’s going to be a rough ride for sure
@bsetdays6784 Год назад
This is why being informed pays off. I see any financial market condition as a plethora to make wealth. I had my $80k diversified and it has grown by 3x in the past 7 months with compounding, venturing doesn’t necessarily boil down to funds but you also have to be informed, be patient and back it up with good guidance
@evitasmith6218 Год назад
@@bsetdays6784 Not a good time to brag while people are hurting tho im keen to know how are you able to achieve all that given that the market has being a mess most of the year?
@bsetdays6784 Год назад
@@evitasmith6218 Eleanor Annette Eckhaus " a fiduciary Finacial Advisor i employed in order to reduce my risk of a permanent loss of capital and portfolio's overall volatility. Her approach and strategies are top notch. You can lookher up for more info she's well renowned
@cloudyblaze7916 Год назад
I just looked up this person out of curiosity, and surprisingly she seems really proficient. I thought this was just some overrated BS, I appreciate this.
@neiltimms9380 Год назад
As a renter in my late 50s this is depressing
@melaniehodgson4093 Год назад
Me too
@italianstallion9170 Год назад
for me also.
@call_in_sick Год назад
@scottlucas8190 Год назад
The situation is very similar here in the U.S. I, too, am a renter in my late 50s whose single, and there's virtually no chance I'll be able to buy a house at this point in my life. As one who has far less in retirement savings than I'll need to maintain the modest lifestyle I've lived so far, I feel a lot of anxiety and uncertainty about what the future will bring. There are many people here in the U.S. in the same situation.
@missseeingthesights Год назад
Not quite in my 50s but me too...
@anonnymous4684 Год назад
I could listen to Vicky Spratt for hours; didn't want this discussion to end. Please invite her back before too long
@sardav160479 Год назад
I'm disabled and have no choice but to claim housing benefit it hasn't go up in my council area since at least 2010 yet rents where I live have skyrocketed
@rosathomas3574 Год назад
Same, apart from this year. Plus it’s really hard to find landlords who’ll accept people who receive HB when there’s such fierce competition.
@AutisticAwakeActivist Год назад
Same . I need a bungalow and less than 1 showing a week in Newcastle upon Tyne. They are selling them the housing associations.
@do7696 10 месяцев назад
Excellent,comprehensive and insightful discussion.The corruption in favour of private landlords,vulture funds and politicians is so alarming.
@kamilareeder1493 10 месяцев назад
Yes 🙌 im sick of having to live like Charlie Bucket's grandparents when I work full time 💀✋
@gertrudewest4535 Год назад
The same in America. I am a veteran, six years of college and work six days a week and live in a tiny run down travel trailer = camping. My landlords have all lied to me about the agreement being long term and have been evicted 4 times in the last 3 years because they decided to sell. It has cost me over $25,000 in the last twelve years in moving and fixing up expenses ( in America the landlord expects you to spend your own money to make a place livable and then jacks up the rent because it’s nice). The point, it’s how the working class stays poor. You just can’t save to build equity.
@brandonaboua2489 Год назад
This was so sobering. I got chills. This is a worldwide issue for developed countries. Homes have stopped being homes and become engines for income. In the end, no one really wins.
@אריק-צ5ר Год назад
I have been homeless and I have been a home owner. 3 times. I have lived in 8 different states in the USA. I am now a late middle aged man with health problems and struggling to make it on $1200 per month. THIS IS BY DESIGN!!!! WHY? because in order to keep their wealth the rich MUST keep the poor as poor as they can and exact as much as possible from them. This is not a problem in the UK, or the USA.... its a GLOBAL problem and it is BY DESIGN!
@zuzanazuscinova5209 Год назад
The poor will always struggle. There have been countless revolutions in the past yet it always reverses to the landlord - setf model.
@DavidMorris1984 Год назад
Incredible amount of knowledge about a subject that puts those who work in parliament to shame. Great conversation!
@marianhunt8899 Год назад
I don't think they feel any shame. Many of them are wealthy landlords!
@carletonchristensen9971 Год назад
Excellent video! It is crucial to recognise that this is a global problem. Many of the things Vicky Spratt describes can be found here in Australia. Even Germany, whose housing and rental market is much better regulated, is suffering a crisis.
@kellyedey8573 Год назад
I spent two years homeless, having to live with three men who are doing up different houses As they were in the building trade they come over from Poland, and in order for me to stay there I had to make all of them happy. I ended up in a different bed every night As well as cooking and cleaning for them, I had to rely on my looks to stay with them. When I was caught in so cold bed and breakfast it was horrendous, absolutely disgusting. In fact there were lots of bed and breakfasts, full of people who are in desperation to be housed, I spent nearly 11 months there, jumping through hoops. I am now housed in a tiny village where I know, no one and I’m desperate to leave, but I am grateful to actually have a roof over my head now but for sure.
@stevenwatsham5973 Год назад
At least you can trade on your looks.. Blokes don't have that luxury..
@harrypike731 Год назад
@@stevenwatsham5973 certainly not desirable for women, but always a fall-out option. There's a reason why it's men who are the majority % of homeless, and also suicides.
@kamilareeder1493 9 месяцев назад
​@@stevenwatsham5973doesn't sound all that luxurious to me
@annapachaclarke2392 8 месяцев назад
​@@harrypike731No, it is not in the least desirable. She was in a desperate situation!!
@peacehope7365 Год назад
This makes me weep 😢. Ours is not a civilised society. God help us
@classicjaglover7438 Год назад
the taking away of legal aid was a big turning point for all the services falling apart there is no democracy without equality before the law and there can be no equality before the law when you have no access to representation or appeal to the authority of the court. its a massive story and no-one talks about it.
Vicky is the type of Progressive we should support in getting to where she can make the most difference
This is an incredible conversation. Two incredible people discussing something close to my heart cohesively and easy to follow. Thank you
@chrislambert9435 Год назад
ACCORDING TO A RECENT STORY in the Eastern Evening News, there is “a crisis in affordable housing” in the UK. As in so many other contexts, the word “crisis” is political Newspeak for: “The government wants more money and power.” In this case, it is the Department of Housing and Development that wants housing subsidize, needless to say. This whole story is all too symptomatic of the Alice-in Wonderland world of contemporary liberalism in the UK. In that world, prices are just unfortunate barriers to be overcome by having the government make things “affordable.” There is seldom a thought that prices are conveying an underlying reality about costs and scarcity-a reality that is not going to be changed by throwing the UK taxpayers’ money around to make things “affordable.” Obviously, the more money you take away from taxpayers, the fewer things they will be able to afford, like having a one-income family, so that children can be raised at home instead of in day-care centers. But of course extreme Socialists would throw more money at day care too. Where all this money is coming from or at the sacrifice of what else is not a subject that interests them very much. Free-spending Labour party liberalism is like a dog chasing his tail and speeding up when he fails to catch it. Those who have for decades blithely loaded new costs onto housing in Norfolk-whether in the name of environmentalism, a Deer Park, zoning or other policies dear to the heart of Environmental-liberals-equally blithely ignore those costs as they ask taxpayers in the rest of the country to pick up the tab. Scare tactics are a standard part of this political exercise. We are told, for example, that home prices in the East of England may reach the point where they will be “well beyond the means of even much of the middle class.” Let’s do something revolutionary: Stop and think. If housing in Norwich rises well beyond the means of middle-class people, who is going to live in this City. Either new-and richer-people are going to move in to replace those who can no longer afford to live in Norwich or there are going to be a lot of vacancies. Anyone who has taken Economics 1 and remembers supply and demand knows that a high vacancy rate and rising rents do not go together. If the dire scenario of skyrocketing rents is to play out, somebody has to come in and replace those people who can no longer afford to live in Norwich-and the replacements have to be able to pay housing prices that are beyond what the middle class can afford. Are there enough rich people out there waiting to replace the current 136 thousand Norwichens And where are these rich people being housed today? Surely they are not living out on the streets or in pup tents. And if they vacate their current digs to move to Norwich, will that not create lots of vacancies elsewhere? Like much that appears in the liberal media, this Eastern Evening News is not news reporting. It is disguised advertising for government programs-and false advertising at that. Just a couple of years ago, my friend rented a two-bedroom apartment in a modern apartment complex with its own tennis courts and swimming pools. His rent was £450 a month. Was this a government-subsidized development? No. The freemarket price for such an apartment in the community where he lived just happened to be £450 a month. It was in one of many smaller towns around the country where liberals either haven’t gotten control or haven’t yet had time to drive up housing costs with heavy-handed environmental laws, zoning restrictions and the innumerable other ways that liberals blithely pile on costs for others to pay. A study of homelessness-The Excluded British by William Tucker-detailed the ways in which housing prices have been forced up by artificially created scarcities, many under pious political labels. In one of the hotbeds of environmentalism (thats Norwich) and other forms of liberalism-In Norfolk-the average price of a house rose five-fold in just one decade. Real estate agents say that housing prices depend on three factors-location, location and location. Perhaps they need to add: liberals, liberals and liberals.
@jenjones90 Год назад
Vicky graduated from Oxford University in 2010, and began her degree in 2006. So she is currently 34? She spent years in fairly well-paid jobs, so my question is why did she only have a 5% deposit? I'm similar age and finally bought a flat a couple of years ago in London, and I earn far less than she does, but my deposit was over 20%. Can never understand why people with decent jobs don't seem to save their money. Also, re Kelly's story, whilst it is absolutely awful what happened to her son, is the reason they couldn't afford a car that they had so many children? Having 5/6 kids is going to eat away at your money, and you'd need a fairly large car to accommodate them all. Additonally, you don't need to own a car, they could have called an Uber or got a taxi, which is what most of us have to do if we have to get to the hospital urgently. I had to get myself to hospital in a medical emergency as I couldn't get an ambulance. I can't drive, none of my housemates had a car, we got an uber. They had been living in the area for 6 weeks when he had the asthma attack, that's plenty of time to learn where the hospital is. She says in the i-news article that you know these things when you have kids, all the reason why they ought to have learnt it when they had to move. We all have to deal with change, even as a homeowner, there's always the possibility that you will lose your job and your home and have to move to an area you're unfamiliar with. He likely did develop asthma as a result of the temporary accommodation, but he died due to a medical error and the parents not knowing where the hospital was. Furthermore, I don't think the GP not knowing the family has any bearing on an incorrect prescription. Any relevant medical history would have been on his records.
@leonie7754 Год назад
lots of reasons why people fail to save a lot of money - have you seen the first 10 minutes of the film Up? I'm the same age as this woman and my husband and I have saved money for the past decade, but random unforeseeable events slashed our savings time and time again. I have saved all my life, but still have to dip into savings when unexpected things occur. We have had to move back in with parents three times because of just blind bad luck. My husband was in university for 7 years, so it was just me on a low income, thankfully his degree was a good one and landed him a job straight away, which is why we could move out and save more, but we lost 3k just rebuying all the things we had to sell or had to give up in the previous moves - we didn't even have plates or chairs when we moved in three years ago! We got ourselves sorted, and a house might be on the horizon now. I know people better off and people worse off than me, but everyone's personal circumstances are different and random things just happen to you. We're all just a series of unpredictable, uncontrollable bad events away from being homeless.
@jenjones90 Год назад
​​​​​​​​​@@leonie7754 both of my parents died before I was 21, I ended up "homeless" for 2 years as I was living in backpackers hostels, the income I had at that time meant I couldn't afford to rent a room. I also have a disability which means the jobs available to me are rather limited. I have also been single my entire life, largely due to this disability. I never had the luxury of HAVING to move back in with my parents as I didn't have parents. My father died from Alzsheimers and my mum from cancer. The equity in the house went to my dad's care and when my mum got ill she had to give up work and was declared bankrupt as there was nothing to pay off the mortgage with, which meant I got nothing when they died. My grandparents had both passed away when I was under 10, on both sides. My father was an only child and my mother's only sibling lived in Australia. So, no wider family network. But I still saved once I had a job and a roof over my head and I can guarantee you that Vicky's circumstances were far better than mine in the 10 years leading up to her house purchase. She even bought her 1 bed flat with her partner...so, I get what you mean, but I'm not buying it. Her latest article reveals that she not only had parents but also grandparents when she bought her flat, her grandad helped her buy a sofa. She also grew up in Oxted which is commutable distance from London and she has said herself she is middle class, but also south east middle class. so worst case scenario she had parents to go and live with if she couldn't afford rent or had an unexpected expense. She wasn't even in London most of the time for her job, but was travelling around the UK, presumably on company expenses. I would love to know what uncontrollable circumstances this white, pretty, Oxford graduate, gallivanting around the UK in a journalism role, who grew up in a commuter town in Surrey with her middle class family, who had a partner to buy with, I would love to know what uncontrollable expenses she had that meant she only put down 5% at most. Her flat was a 1 bed, she mentions 500k value in the video. So, that's £25k for 5%. She mentions that she was looking at properties in her early 20s and I think she bought 2 years ago, at circa 33 or 32. She also bought with a partner, so, assuming there is an equal split, she put down £12.5. Which means she saved just over a grand a year. Look at the jobs she's done over the years, those are not low paying jobs. I could understand someone only being able to save £100 a month or less on an average salary, but she was not on an average wage. And we know she definitely isn't now, cause the article also says she's buying out her ex, which means that she must have earnings high enough to make up for his. I have friends in London who are in their mid to late 20s, who are very much like Vicky. Earning £60k plus. They don't budget at all. Their idea of "hard times" is not being able to go on holiday. They go out for bottomless brunch every week, pay £120 for their gym membership, go to gigs all the time, buy the best make up, pay £150 for their hair every 2 months, and own designer handbags, and then complain that their rent has increased from £800 to £900 pcm, which has largely been done by landlords trying to cover THEIR uncontrollable expenses. These people are spending 2k a month on excess, but blame that £100pcm for them being unable to save. £60k is a good salary in London if you don't have kids and make the effort to save in some areas of your life. I know one woman who came to London on an opening salary of £37k - not bad for a 22 year old!! Her parents even gave her £12k to help her out until she was earning more. By 26, she was on £62k. That £12k was depleted, she had no savings, her parents had to help her with a deposit for a new room. She blamed it on the landlord raising her rent from £750 to £860 over the years. I was living in the same house, working 2 jobs at the time with a combined income of £35k. My room cost the same as hers and I still saved £500 a month. EDIT: take a look at her Instagram. Two trips to Mexico and one to Canada and I've only looked back over 2 years. I have one word for Vicky: "waagh".
@henrymichael13 Год назад
Totally agree
@redfox4929 Год назад
Student loan repayments take many years to pay off too before you can save up for a house. Rents go up every year. It is hard for many.
@terrybullock3140 Год назад
I wish I could talk to Vicky Spratt. Her brain is just awesomely spot-on, all throughout this video. Hidden homelessness and mould-ridden 'temporary' fixes are just toxic. I've lived this way much of the last ten years, and starting to pay attention to my physical/mental health.
@hg82met Год назад
When the property developers are amongst the biggest donors to the Tory party, what do you expect? They're in charge of policy.
@samrc8350 Год назад
This will be the title of a RU-vid video in 5 years time, in 10 years time, in 20 years time. I’ve rented for the last 13 years, it’s always been bad and exploitative, it’s just worse now. Nothing will be done about it.
@stevo728822 Год назад
1:10:11 Landlords say black mold is so common because tenants dry their wet clothes indoors without ventilating or heating the room. And I've seen two cases of this.
@DeathToMockingBirds Год назад
I recommend the book "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City", for a small glimpse of how this crisis looks like in America. Pre-pandemic. Otherwise, the youtube serie "Cities After", from the channel "Democracy at Work", explores the subject of housing in our current Capitalist context. I really want to read Viky's book, I did not knew about her before this interview.
@carylhalfwassen8555 Год назад
I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin which is the city the book covers. The population which is highlighted in this book struggle to make their way in all ways not just the housing situation. The pandemic and Wisconsin’s insistence on business and agencies’ closures and restricted student attendance in school for an academic year have doubled the economic impact of housing instability in these poor communities.
@Tamarind525 Год назад
Interesting to learn how different British housing landscape is from US. Both have problems but UK info is crazy to learn. Also reflective of a greater classicism inherent in UK culture, imo.
@scottbridge9391 Год назад
Here in the United States, the housing crisis is probably even worse, even MORE serious and sadly, there are people in power who WANT it to be this way. They WANT to see a lot of people broke and homeless on the street. They have a vested interest in never seeing this problem solved. Here in the US, even when you have "useful" academic credentials, even when you have marketable job skills, even when you work both hard and smart, even when you have no substance abuse or mental health issues, even when you have no criminal record, you could STILL end up broke and homeless on the street with no way out, no way to get back on your feet. Also, it doesn't matter where you move, which part of the US you move to, rents and home prices are skyrocketing everywhere. This is how bad things have gotten here in the US.
@zuzanazuscinova5209 Год назад
Yep. If you didn't buy before covid you're dead meat.
@AWEdio 7 месяцев назад
Extremely interesting conversation, not heard of Vicky Spratt so thanks for the introduction :)
@samdegoeij6576 Год назад
Our housing crisis is an absolute disaster too. We have a shortage of 1 million homes and it's rising with 330k/year. I'm from the Netherlands fyi.
@tinootnoot2725 Год назад
Shortage of homes is the brainwash for importing too many people
@chrislambert9435 Год назад
ACCORDING TO A RECENT STORY in the Eastern Evening News, there is “a crisis in affordable housing” in the UK. As in so many other contexts, the word “crisis” is political Newspeak for: “The government wants more money and power.” In this case, it is the Department of Housing and Development that wants housing subsidize, needless to say. This whole story is all too symptomatic of the Alice-in Wonderland world of contemporary liberalism in the UK. In that world, prices are just unfortunate barriers to be overcome by having the government make things “affordable.” There is seldom a thought that prices are conveying an underlying reality about costs and scarcity-a reality that is not going to be changed by throwing the UK taxpayers’ money around to make things “affordable.” Obviously, the more money you take away from taxpayers, the fewer things they will be able to afford, like having a one-income family, so that children can be raised at home instead of in day-care centers. But of course extreme Socialists would throw more money at day care too. Where all this money is coming from or at the sacrifice of what else is not a subject that interests them very much. Free-spending Labour party liberalism is like a dog chasing his tail and speeding up when he fails to catch it. Those who have for decades blithely loaded new costs onto housing in Norfolk-whether in the name of environmentalism, a Deer Park, zoning or other policies dear to the heart of Environmental-liberals-equally blithely ignore those costs as they ask taxpayers in the rest of the country to pick up the tab. Scare tactics are a standard part of this political exercise. We are told, for example, that home prices in the East of England may reach the point where they will be “well beyond the means of even much of the middle class.” Let’s do something revolutionary: Stop and think. If housing in Norwich rises well beyond the means of middle-class people, who is going to live in this City. Either new-and richer-people are going to move in to replace those who can no longer afford to live in Norwich or there are going to be a lot of vacancies. Anyone who has taken Economics 1 and remembers supply and demand knows that a high vacancy rate and rising rents do not go together. If the dire scenario of skyrocketing rents is to play out, somebody has to come in and replace those people who can no longer afford to live in Norwich-and the replacements have to be able to pay housing prices that are beyond what the middle class can afford. Are there enough rich people out there waiting to replace the current 136 thousand Norwichens And where are these rich people being housed today? Surely they are not living out on the streets or in pup tents. And if they vacate their current digs to move to Norwich, will that not create lots of vacancies elsewhere? Like much that appears in the liberal media, this Eastern Evening News is not news reporting. It is disguised advertising for government programs-and false advertising at that. Just a couple of years ago, my friend rented a two-bedroom apartment in a modern apartment complex with its own tennis courts and swimming pools. His rent was £450 a month. Was this a government-subsidized development? No. The freemarket price for such an apartment in the community where he lived just happened to be £450 a month. It was in one of many smaller towns around the country where liberals either haven’t gotten control or haven’t yet had time to drive up housing costs with heavy-handed environmental laws, zoning restrictions and the innumerable other ways that liberals blithely pile on costs for others to pay. A study of homelessness-The Excluded British by William Tucker-detailed the ways in which housing prices have been forced up by artificially created scarcities, many under pious political labels. In one of the hotbeds of environmentalism (thats Norwich) and other forms of liberalism-In Norfolk-the average price of a house rose five-fold in just one decade. Real estate agents say that housing prices depend on three factors-location, location and location. Perhaps they need to add: liberals, liberals and liberals.
@SURENITY Год назад
Here in many parts of Dallas, homes have tripped in price since 2013….
@davidwright5967 Год назад
I think that the lack of Pension provision had a major impact on the numbers of by-2-let...plus it was a sure investment with portfolio's being a popular way of life. No surprise that a certain generation exploited this opportunity...it is a tragic policy for a lot of young and low income people.
@Loundsify Год назад
Yup, pension and financial planners would be advising BTL.
@thumps786 Год назад
I bet no-one at nm wants to talk about stopping the 500,000 net immigration we have or the high birth rates of foreign nationals. If you aren't going to address the massive demand pressure from non-native people then there isn't any point moaning about the supply side.
@jamescrump6356 Год назад
36% of the office towers in London are actually empty. Convert office space into apartments.
@kyleinpa5285 Год назад
Bleeding hearts, trying to fight against the immutable law of supply and demand
@MrSebastianBlake Год назад
This hit me hard
@robmthe1st Год назад
Greed has and always will dictate government policy. They are as corrupt as they get.
@hotstitch1 Год назад
NRLA statistics show that 95% of UK landlords only own one rental property.
@JakeLDS 7 месяцев назад
My Grandad was a campaigner against right to buy back when it was introduced because it was obvious to many people what problem it would cause.
@cdean2789 Год назад
Aaron, it's Class War.
@richardcrook2112 Год назад
@MrLph427 Год назад
House price acceleration really began in the late 1960’s/ early 70’s. Internationally speaking America came off the gold standard. This allowed western politicians to print money without regard to its equivalency in gold. OPEC (oil producers of the Middle East) panicked and had to put up oil prices. Inflation kicked off, prices/wages rose - at least on paper - and off we all went. Then there was an almost full stop on house building exactly when the baby boomers(1950’s born) started buying houses en-masse in the late70’searly80’s. Ever since the late 90’s we’ve had cheap mortgage rates and chronically low house building rates. The only people that really benefit from high house prices are banks and governments- they earn in %. The government that fixes the problem will never be voted on again…..😢
@Threemore650 Год назад
Maybe some should leave. We WILL NOT tolerate our beautiful island covered in concrete to house people who hate us.
@creolelady182 Год назад
Very strange that people now are questioning home ownerships while the 1 Percent completely own all real-estate in Great Britain making certain people who are the wealthy 1 percent continue to own 98 percent of the real estate. Wake up people- it is designed that way.
@williamyoung9401 Год назад
It's not just Great Britain... America has a 9 MILLION housing unit shortage BY DESIGN. The fewer houses there are, the higher the Corporations can jack up the prices on us. Because what are our options? Live with our crazy parents, or live on our own in whatever is provided for us? A one (1) bedroom apartment for $1,300 a month, making $15 bucks an hour? o_O
@2525Hudson 10 месяцев назад
As a landlord i found her very engaging and understood the whole issue, the one thing i do not agree with though is the RTB, it has been a total disaster from day one, selling off local authority properties at a knock down price was never going to work out, financially its bankrupt worthy.......... it should stop right now. If those renting want a house then buy one like the rest of us, not at a discount on the back of my taxes.
@gwynsea8162 5 месяцев назад
I'm not sure you actually get it
@2525Hudson 5 месяцев назад
A little more explanation may be needed ?
@dazzk9635 Год назад
I’d love to chat with Vicky about this subject…. A few things I’d like to mention. 1 about the expansion of credit in the 90’s…. Greed, it wasn’t an experiment. It was planned to increase the money velocity within the system.. too increase the expansion of credit for the banks and shareholders ie to make more money and increase house values which in turn makes more value….. knowingly this would happen.
@brykmann Год назад
''Happy was the time which preceded that of the architects, that of the builders.'' - Seneca
@marcielynn4886 Год назад
I live off the grid for free. No muck, no sewage, no social housing. I rent out a place for $400 A month in Hawaii. I now own 3 properties.
@stormcup2920 Год назад
Without a rent freeze minimum wages is an illusion...
@timphillips3969 Год назад
This was excellent! Thank you Vicky and Novara Media.
@kevinevans8505 Год назад
In the world I grew up in, a spirit of disinterested, enquiry was something that everybody agreed, was something that the working class was not entitled to ; one mob would call you a ' bounder ' the other a ' class traitor ' if you were caught telling the truth because it was the truth. It is so good to see that fading. You darling, darling people.
@bojack40 Год назад
The assumption that everyone should walk into their own home age 18 is peculiar to the UK and this generation. and believe me, for every bad landlord story there is an equivalent bad tenant story.
@Larkinchance Год назад
In the US, the drugged out people living on the pavement are actually the minority, Many more have moved into their vehicles and they work, sometimes more than one job. I see them in library parking lots changing their clothes out of the trunk of their cars. The smartest thing a young person can do to get out on their own with no send off is to buy a van.
@monopalle5768 Год назад
LEAVE THE CITY..... The REAL crisis is that you think you have a RIGHT to live in the MOST desired locations. -AND have open borders too..... I mean honestly.
@barrydaly7174 Год назад
Been saying this since the 80s. I was bought up in a council home and didn't know anyone who's parents owned their house until Thatchers, Wide Boy, Divide and conquer, ("They can't strike with a mortgage to pay, Bribe one generation of working class at the expensive all future generations, Council housing is communism anyway, it will create more Tory voters, Development companies will love the Tories and financially sustain them) Charter. Until then all kinds of families lived in council houses, Skilled and semi skilled workers and professionals along side each other it was not seen as accommodation merely for the "Lower Classes" There were Lidos, adventure playgrounds, several youth clubs in most towns and council run parks, pools and Leisure centers (Outsourcing is another Rotten legacy of Tory Ideology) It has now starting to have a massive impact on, dare I say the Middle classes' children. That is the only reason I can think of that it has taken this long to become an important issue on TV and Radio and some Serious papers reporting agenda.
@5ynthesizerpatel Год назад
I don't know about everyone else, but over the last year or so I keep coming across social media memes which amount to "I'm paying £X per month in rent for a property which would cost me £X-Y in mortgage payments - why won't the bank give me a mortgage to buy it because I can obviously afford the mortgage" as if this is what will solve the housing / home ownership crisis. Explaining to perfecly nice people, who have nothing but the best intentions for themselves and everyone else, that what they are actually suggesting is that they try to solve the housing / home ownership crisis by doing more of what caused it in the first place but now do it even harder and faster is in fact NOT a solution at all and will only make things worse ..... well it's quite a painful thing to do
@elrevesyelderecho Год назад
20:10 that's why we had the Financial Crisis back in 2008...remember. What a surprise that over the previous 10 years a Labour government helped to grow up the housing bubble, right? ...so, the Landlord are the greedy bastards, right?
@splottcardiff3993 Год назад
I think you have missed a fundamental aspect here. Stats suggest 33% of small 2nd homeowners have left the rental market completely in the past 12 months. Many of these landlords were both responsible and empathetic to their tenants. Losing this PRS property has simply increased pressure on the in the market as a whole. Increased taxes, regulations, media landlord bashing has only served to amplify this issue. I cannot see why any small homeowner using the second home as a pension would even consider this investment anymore. You reap what you sow 🤦‍♂️
@marychristmas4911 Год назад
Human habitation should be a right for everyone and not a money making scam for the wealthy.
@tonivaripati5951 Год назад
Forget working hard 9 to 5 in the UK, one has to understand and play the system and get the best out of it , be it avoiding low paid employment, or avoiding paying tax, after all there will always be enough mugs to meet market demand, there coming over in boat loads!
@andrewtitcombe8378 Год назад
Social housing is provided by councils not private landlords. This is due to the government reducing money to councils but a legal requirements they have to house people. Buying a buy to let is definitely not a winner .ok you won't own it but renting has no financial risk . The government is the issue , but rather get the renters resenting the landlords.
@jursi30 Год назад
Im from the US but this was so informative i love it!
@valuetraveler2026 Год назад
good discussion - she has done her research and so I will read her book.
@crimsonpirate1710 Год назад
I bought my home on 1997, best thing i ever did.
@sally180 Год назад
In Australia living in a truck with my special needs child due to no rentals in our area
@djack915 Год назад
Same in America 😢
@JWHarris........ Год назад
Another point which is rarely brought up, is the fact there are so many people living alone in 3-bed council and private housing, whilst families are all living in ridiculous conditions. These same people refuse to move from their large council house, with single occupants, and are the same people who wanted space for their children but are being a bit selfish. But I'm not sure how that can be remedied. I've been homeless with my child and pregnant wife. It's a horrible experience that nearly cost my relationship. Words cannot describe the detrimental effects of all this.
@AutisticAwakeActivist Год назад
People in them are old peoples who kids grew up. But there 1 bedders is in slummy tiny flats and when we singles get disabled there’s no bungalows. Families get spaces they can live in. singles get coffins with no bench room. I cook with energy saving equipment, meaning I need a bigger kitchen to put them on. Cookers are too expensive to ruin, we can’t split the energy bills like families.
@AutisticAwakeActivist Год назад
Yup totally agree Vicky . HAs are selling off properties.
@AutisticAwakeActivist Год назад
People can’t afford to move
@Amerikiwi. Год назад
Agree. Single people should downsize. Sure it's nice to have a 'spare room' or whatever, but it's unfair on the likes of families living in sheds. I have a friend like that...3 bedroom rental, lives alone, refuses to downsize because she likes the space. Yeah, don't we all?
@AutisticAwakeActivist Год назад
@@Amerikiwi. it costs at least a k to downsize there is 276 single people ( in 2013) per every one available home. But we still need room to cook like families, we still need bench room. Space too move . I’ve been in a flat with 3 tiny benches . I use ninja cooking to save energy a microwave a kettle. Where do I cook. Then we have the rich telling us to cook from scratch. We got no space nowhere to put our kitchen stuff. No storage space in some flats. I’m in a 1 bedder now. . When you lit find moving costs and build the one bedders that we can downsize too. That have suitable facilities to cook and live in that’s not chlostrophobic and detrimental to our health and there are another 275 flats for all the singles seeking them . Then and only then do you have a right to lecture us on down sizing. I’m in a 1 bedder now, I’m disabled and need to move as I’m upstairs but can’t because there is literally 1 bungalow or less in the whole of Newcastle which is a city for at least 1k seeming them. When the facilities is there then you have the right to bully us singles . Ok
@superficialwannabe Год назад
I actually love her! MORE Vicky Spratt!
@JohnBowman-ut4dz Год назад
I'm a landlord I'm fed up of every time I watch these debates it's all about landlord bashing most of my tenants have been with me for many years and on lower than average rental prices (even cheaper than social houseing ) so if you Cary on bringing new regulations in me and other landlords will leave the market (as they are now 70000 in the last year)how do you think this will effect the price for rent .
@gwynsea8162 5 месяцев назад
If 70,000 people sell their rentals then 70,000 could buy their homes. Same number of people housed. A rental that is sold is not lost.
@jamesagerholm2034 Год назад
Too many people in this country. As a landlord due to a hospital infection made me disabled I increase rent by British Bank interest rate however I’m getting screwed by service charges and heating charges which were much higher than the British Bank interest rate (~ 50%).
@jasonbaxter3658 Год назад
600,000 houses listed on airbnb :)
@BiblicalBasics Год назад
House prices are basically a religion in the UK. It is so sad how people invest the bulk of their financial assets in housing, which is unproductive & restricts labour mobility. It would be better to invest in businesses which create jobs & wealth. My 2p.
@gemmapeter7173 Год назад
"Whilst living in a slum was often seen as proof of criminality, owning a street of them merely got you invited to the best social occasions." -- Feet of Clay, Terry Pratchett
@robertwinslade3104 Год назад
I am not joking when I say that I think spending so much of my teenage years reading Terry Pratchett is a big part of why I grew up to be as left-wing as I am. GNU Terry Pratchett
@martinhammett8121 Год назад
Steal a little your a criminal, steal a lot & they make you a king !
@beth1979 Год назад
Love Terry Pratchett.
@mel8517 Год назад
Only most Slumlords have the privilege of visiting such "projects" inorder to purchase various key properties.Yet still hate with a passion,the very same people,who they purchase to claim such properties,or even socalled tend to assist them.And of course still outsource, to attend or even get invited to all the best, of such proper social occasions!
@lenadahling Год назад
Foreign oligarchs & money laundering. Your own selling you out.
@freedomisEexpensive-08 Год назад
I started stacking to SAVE wealth. I've always been the type of person to spend my entire paycheck. I hate having money just sit in the bank. I am under pressure to grow my reserve of $950k. before I turn 60, I would appreciate any advice on potential investments.
@devereauxjnr Год назад
I can feel your pains. New guys need to realize the risks that come with all of this. You could lose it all and you could win it all. It goes both ways. Second, what works for A may not necessarily work for B and you should not be a bandwagon investor. A good number of folks are raking in huge 6 figure gains in this downtrend, but such strategies are mostly successfully executed by folks with in depth market knowledge.
@MrGravity304 Год назад
@@devereauxjnr Factos!! Since the market became extremely volatile and pressure increased (I should be retiring in 17 months), I took the decision to work closely with a financial advisor. It has already been 9 months and counting, and I have made approximately 600K net from all of my holdings.
@NotyourBusiness-urto6 Год назад
@@MrGravity304 That's impressive, my portfolio have been tanking all year, tried learning new strategies to gain in the current market but all of that flew right over head, please would you mind recommending the Adviser you're using.
@MrGravity304 Год назад
@@NotyourBusiness-urto6 My advisor is the quite famous NICOLE DESIREE SIMON She has been making a fortune online worth millions of dollars in digital assets for a select few for years. Lately, these types of services have appeared that allow you to copy the results of the experts. She demonstrates how to copy it automatically using that system.
@NotyourBusiness-urto6 Год назад
@@MrGravity304 Thanks for the info, i found her website and sent a message hopefully she replies soon.
@cdean2789 Год назад
With this rentier class we've gone back to feudalism.
@queenvagabond8787 Год назад
In many ways worse, at least back then it wasn't too hard to find a scrap of land to build a house on the sly. There were no planning regulations outside of most big towns. There also were often laws enshrining the right to occupy empty properties.
@queenvagabond8787 Год назад
obviously, if you were a Serf it sucked, but even then the Lord had obligations to provide you with a home or a place to build one and land sufficient to feed your family. Your obligations of how many days you had to work on the Lord's land were limited too. You just couldn't leave the land voluntarily. But now you can work more days than a medieval peasant ever did and still might lose your home....
@paulheydarian1281 Год назад
​​​@@queenvagabond8787 The British people have themselves to blame for this situation. If they don't like it, then change it.
@tahliamobile Год назад
Land "Lords"
@damienmorrison7226 Год назад
@@paulheydarian1281 but...but...we like being subservient to our masters
@auroradyz391 Год назад
I’ve worked in local authorities all over the country as a Housing Officer for over 20 years. It’s always been super busy throughout that time but I’ve truly never seen anything like what’s happening right now. The spike in homelessness is off the scale. Even people who work hard in full time jobs can’t afford privately rented property so their only option is social housing. The wait for social housing just gets longer and longer and longer and people are stuck in substandard temporary accommodation for longer and longer, often outside of their own local authority area making life impossible for those caught up in all of this! Right to buy was the worst thing to EVER happen to housing in the UK.
@piotrwojdelko1150 Год назад
I have never seen that it is so bad in the pharmacy right now ,lloyds was busted ,closing store in Asda ,Tesco ,Boots is thinking of selling .It is so bad in the pharmacy and we can't strike like NHS just bureaucratic people try to overload pharmacy job
@GreatSageSunWukong Год назад
Even the right to buy lot got screwed over in the end, when councils do compulsory purchase orders to bulldoze estates to make way for luxury apartment blocks, they look for any excuse to pay below market rate.
@chrislambert9435 Год назад
ACCORDING TO A RECENT STORY in the Eastern Evening News, there is “a crisis in affordable housing” in the UK. As in so many other contexts, the word “crisis” is political Newspeak for: “The government wants more money and power.” In this case, it is the Department of Housing and Development that wants housing subsidize, needless to say. This whole story is all too symptomatic of the Alice-in Wonderland world of contemporary liberalism in the UK. In that world, prices are just unfortunate barriers to be overcome by having the government make things “affordable.” There is seldom a thought that prices are conveying an underlying reality about costs and scarcity-a reality that is not going to be changed by throwing the UK taxpayers’ money around to make things “affordable.” Obviously, the more money you take away from taxpayers, the fewer things they will be able to afford, like having a one-income family, so that children can be raised at home instead of in day-care centers. But of course extreme Socialists would throw more money at day care too. Where all this money is coming from or at the sacrifice of what else is not a subject that interests them very much. Free-spending Labour party liberalism is like a dog chasing his tail and speeding up when he fails to catch it. Those who have for decades blithely loaded new costs onto housing in Norfolk-whether in the name of environmentalism, a Deer Park, zoning or other policies dear to the heart of Environmental-liberals-equally blithely ignore those costs as they ask taxpayers in the rest of the country to pick up the tab. Scare tactics are a standard part of this political exercise. We are told, for example, that home prices in the East of England may reach the point where they will be “well beyond the means of even much of the middle class.” Let’s do something revolutionary: Stop and think. If housing in Norwich rises well beyond the means of middle-class people, who is going to live in this City. Either new-and richer-people are going to move in to replace those who can no longer afford to live in Norwich or there are going to be a lot of vacancies. Anyone who has taken Economics 1 and remembers supply and demand knows that a high vacancy rate and rising rents do not go together. If the dire scenario of skyrocketing rents is to play out, somebody has to come in and replace those people who can no longer afford to live in Norwich-and the replacements have to be able to pay housing prices that are beyond what the middle class can afford. Are there enough rich people out there waiting to replace the current 136 thousand Norwichens And where are these rich people being housed today? Surely they are not living out on the streets or in pup tents. And if they vacate their current digs to move to Norwich, will that not create lots of vacancies elsewhere? Like much that appears in the liberal media, this Eastern Evening News is not news reporting. It is disguised advertising for government programs-and false advertising at that. Just a couple of years ago, my friend rented a two-bedroom apartment in a modern apartment complex with its own tennis courts and swimming pools. His rent was £450 a month. Was this a government-subsidized development? No. The freemarket price for such an apartment in the community where he lived just happened to be £450 a month. It was in one of many smaller towns around the country where liberals either haven’t gotten control or haven’t yet had time to drive up housing costs with heavy-handed environmental laws, zoning restrictions and the innumerable other ways that liberals blithely pile on costs for others to pay. A study of homelessness-The Excluded British by William Tucker-detailed the ways in which housing prices have been forced up by artificially created scarcities, many under pious political labels. In one of the hotbeds of environmentalism (thats Norwich) and other forms of liberalism-In Norfolk-the average price of a house rose five-fold in just one decade. Real estate agents say that housing prices depend on three factors-location, location and location. Perhaps they need to add: liberals, liberals and liberals.
@Teddokrato Год назад
@@piotrwojdelko1150 whole fabric of Britain is decaying like old cloth frayed . That's the eletist plan Make ordinary life so dire and insecure that the popular is happy with their burgers and booze
@sapps851 Год назад
@@GreatSageSunWukong Or HS2
@dragonwright8913 Год назад
In the USA individuals/families are living in motels, cars/RVs, or on the street .. working full time jobs but can't afford the rent .. this is happening all over the country and steadily getting worse but nobody on the federal level is even talking about it .. the masses need to take inspiration from the French people and take back the power
@beth1979 Год назад
Maybe all the homeless workers could strike at once?
@dragonwright8913 Год назад
Maybe all the workers strike at once and bring the system down. Workers Strike Back!
@domcizek Год назад
@Civil_Ian 10 месяцев назад
La Terreur?
@TheInternetIsDeadToMe Год назад
Her knowledge is so impressive as well as her understanding of the complexity of all these interacting systems. We need more voices like these in mainstream politics to guide new policy otherwise we’re doomed.
@paulmetcalfe6855 Год назад
No, we need someone who researches the WHOLE country rather than espousing assumptions.
@shiner8375 Год назад
She is a college grad with thoughts. You can’t say we need more socialized housing with out saying where the money is coming from.
@LilySaintSin Год назад
​@@shiner8375 exactly! Otherwise you won't be taken seriously.
@stephenmurphy9676 Год назад
@shiner8375 Год назад
From taxes? We are 31 trillion in debt. I’m sure the Uk is similar. One homeless guy where I live has destroyed 3 public housing units. Until you fix that, no solutions possible. Just like children, give a toy and they will not take care of it. I want my taxes spent on my police, roads, education, and yes a helping hand.
@leecoulbeck Год назад
I feel so lucky that at the age of 50 I was able to buy a house two years ago. It was my brother's house, so I had fortunate circumstances. The area I live in isn't the best, and my house needs a bit of work doing to it, but I'm just thankful that I'm not having to be ripped off by rogue landlords anymore.
@SmithWhite-pf9kq Год назад
The fact that this is considered lucky..is a telling sign of where we're at in society. Lucky to have your own place at the age of 50
@TheMrgrafixable Год назад
oi mate give me a house mate would you
@ep1929 Год назад
​@@SmithWhite-pf9kq indeed - I'd paid mine off at age 49.
@recyclespinning9839 Год назад
Building cost has gone through tge roof. Also the dollar is constantly being devalued. Any home is a decent investment . At least the value is still there.
@hayleyanna2625 Год назад
I live in a hostel. It really is exhausting and disheartening to live each day with this kind of instability. I'm 40 this year and I work in healthcare. Very dismal and people are in far worse situations than I. I loathe this corrupt greedy system.
@Theother1089 Год назад
It's a population problem, not a system one, the system worked well when the population was far fewer.
@harrypike731 Год назад
@@Theother1089 This is the elephant in the room tbh, and it's one that leftists and anti-capitalists - either wittingly or unwittingly - ignore. Britain is not a large country. Much of our land-mass that is not yet built upon, is not built upon for good reason. The answer is not to simply just "build more houses!" until our entire landscape goes from green to grey and we become the Hong Kong of Europe. Don't get me wrong, I've not love for the Conservatives, and in terms of actually *conserving* anything in this country, they've been about as useful as a chocolate teapot. However, the crux of the housing/property crisis is not caused by Tory incompetence. It's caused by the sharp, significant rise in our country's population, predominantly via immigration, over the past 20 - 30 years. Local infrastructure, including the housing market, gets completely skewed by this shift, and can't cope with the demand. The housing crisis is worse in the areas that, surprise surprise, have seen the most influx of immigration and overall population increase (London, Manchester, Bristol, etc). What's worse, recent data released by agricultural and food companies in the UK estimate that the population is actually far higher than the Government's purported £67m. It's more like £80m. The populations of numerous areas of London for example, have more than doubled since 2000. That just isn't sustainable in any way shape or form, regardless of your political leanings on immigration from an ethics standpoint. Sure, but to let and portfolio landlords *are* a problem, and the UK doesn't have as much support for renters from a regulatory perspective as alot of other countries in Europe do, but at the end of the day, all of this is akin to us being in a sinking boat and pointing at our shipmate scooping in extra water from the sea with a cup as the reason for us sinking, when in actuality we're ignoring the gigantic hole in the bottom of the boat...
@Theother1089 Год назад
@@harrypike731 were all products of our environment, and although most people think they're free thinkers, they're not. We in the UK are brain washed to think we should subsidise the rest of the world.
@wavydavy9816 Год назад
@@harrypike731 The population make-up has changed and the system has failed to keep up. It's not the 1960's anymore. We should have more apartments and small properties for people to rent and that would take some of the pressure off the actual housing market. I don't want a house and I don't need a house and (judging by the amount of competition for even the most abyssmal properties) there must be quite a lot of people in the same boat). And speaking of boats, I know that there has also been a steady increase of pressure on the type of people who live on boats (or in vehicles) over the past 10 or so years which has also been driving those people onto the council housing lists. It's played right into the hands of landlords (MPs and their friends for example).
@5688gamble Год назад
@@Theother1089 The system requires growth to function- without more labour you can't have more growth so you either need more people or you need to replace them and in that case you are challenging the right of people to exist. It is all well and good to say that the population is too large- what are you going to do? Allow people to starve so you can lower the population? Perhaps the problem is increased life expectancy as old people on pensions are no longer contributing. Again, you can't very well euthanize them! Or better- billionaires and millionaires get way more than they have contributed and waste more resources as a group than poor people do, we could just deal with our wealth accumulation problem. Stop allowing them to have yachts and private jets and other things that are unsustainable!
@cjh0751 Год назад
I'm now 53 and have been in private rented property for most of my adult life because I couldn't afford a mortgage as a single person. I've lived in properties with mold, rats and leaking roofs. Private landlords do not care as long as they're getting rent. I've complained to the council but nothing is ever followed up. After 5 years after falling out with my landlord and having to go back to my fathers I finally got a nice little flat from the council. I've been here for 3 months and I couldn't be happier. I agree successful governments have done nothing about the housing crisis.
@AutisticAwakeActivist Год назад
@gore1089 Год назад
Just like in Australia, the UK population has close to wall to wall corporate media so you get permanent right wing governments that always screw over the people. So the elites want us back to a feudal system where the few have it all .... and the rest of us... Own nothing and be 😅🎉 ....
@petrpalecka5932 Год назад
I am afraid there were no successful governments. There have been a bunch of incompetent governments in succession.
@kingchamed Год назад
I read 'Tenants' earlier this year and it was a real eye-opener on the cruelty and hardship tenants face. I'm a millennial and this resonates with the experiences of my peers and colleagues. Well done to Vicky in exposing these crimes. Glad she mentioned Kwajo who is a legend for his work on this.
@Padraigp 8 месяцев назад
It's a real pain in the hole to not have the basic stability of a home.
@liamhickey359 Год назад
This is a global problem. International investment banks are the ones jacking cheap credit , bailouts , and hedge funds into economies, in that order. Social housing is anathema to the banks and their profiteering.
@NeoFreshair Год назад
Global problem because they're all on it together! If the government stop selling council properties and force housing developers to build more social housings instead of building properties to sell privately at higher prices then we wouldn't see huge problems!!!
@liamhickey359 Год назад
@@NeoFreshair it's not a problem for oligarchy. Rentier capitalism. It's the whole point of it.
@lukemclellan2141 Год назад
​@@NeoFreshair not sure how the government can force developers to build anything.
@toby81tube Год назад
@@lukemclellan2141 They could threaten them, in not allowing them to build anything?
@chrislambert9435 Год назад
Liam, ACCORDING TO A RECENT STORY in the Eastern Evening News, there is “a crisis in affordable housing” in the UK. As in so many other contexts, the word “crisis” is political Newspeak for: “The government wants more money and power.” In this case, it is the Department of Housing and Development that wants housing subsidize, needless to say. This whole story is all too symptomatic of the Alice-in Wonderland world of contemporary liberalism in the UK. In that world, prices are just unfortunate barriers to be overcome by having the government make things “affordable.” There is seldom a thought that prices are conveying an underlying reality about costs and scarcity-a reality that is not going to be changed by throwing the UK taxpayers’ money around to make things “affordable.” Obviously, the more money you take away from taxpayers, the fewer things they will be able to afford, like having a one-income family, so that children can be raised at home instead of in day-care centers. But of course extreme Socialists would throw more money at day care too. Where all this money is coming from or at the sacrifice of what else is not a subject that interests them very much. Free-spending Labour party liberalism is like a dog chasing his tail and speeding up when he fails to catch it. Those who have for decades blithely loaded new costs onto housing in Norfolk-whether in the name of environmentalism, a Deer Park, zoning or other policies dear to the heart of Environmental-liberals-equally blithely ignore those costs as they ask taxpayers in the rest of the country to pick up the tab. Scare tactics are a standard part of this political exercise. We are told, for example, that home prices in the East of England may reach the point where they will be “well beyond the means of even much of the middle class.” Let’s do something revolutionary: Stop and think. If housing in Norwich rises well beyond the means of middle-class people, who is going to live in this City. Either new-and richer-people are going to move in to replace those who can no longer afford to live in Norwich or there are going to be a lot of vacancies. Anyone who has taken Economics 1 and remembers supply and demand knows that a high vacancy rate and rising rents do not go together. If the dire scenario of skyrocketing rents is to play out, somebody has to come in and replace those people who can no longer afford to live in Norwich-and the replacements have to be able to pay housing prices that are beyond what the middle class can afford. Are there enough rich people out there waiting to replace the current 136 thousand Norwichens And where are these rich people being housed today? Surely they are not living out on the streets or in pup tents. And if they vacate their current digs to move to Norwich, will that not create lots of vacancies elsewhere? Like much that appears in the liberal media, this Eastern Evening News is not news reporting. It is disguised advertising for government programs-and false advertising at that. Just a couple of years ago, my friend rented a two-bedroom apartment in a modern apartment complex with its own tennis courts and swimming pools. His rent was £450 a month. Was this a government-subsidized development? No. The freemarket price for such an apartment in the community where he lived just happened to be £450 a month. It was in one of many smaller towns around the country where liberals either haven’t gotten control or haven’t yet had time to drive up housing costs with heavy-handed environmental laws, zoning restrictions and the innumerable other ways that liberals blithely pile on costs for others to pay. A study of homelessness-The Excluded British by William Tucker-detailed the ways in which housing prices have been forced up by artificially created scarcities, many under pious political labels. In one of the hotbeds of environmentalism (thats Norwich) and other forms of liberalism-In Norfolk-the average price of a house rose five-fold in just one decade. Real estate agents say that housing prices depend on three factors-location, location and location. Perhaps they need to add: liberals, liberals and liberals.
@CAM-fq8lv Год назад
A true journalist is a rare thing
@markbuchanan5990 Год назад
I’m 45 mins in and probably will stop because it’s so depressing the situation this country is in. I’m a homeowner with two young children and I despair at what it will be like when they’re older
@tonychorley4936 Год назад
It is worth watching Gary Stevenson to see how unequal wealth continues to drive this.
@markbuchanan5990 Год назад
@@tonychorley4936 Gary is someone I subscribe to and is fantastic at explaining the problem with wealth distribution and where things are heading. I hope he starts to get a larger following, he is brilliant.
@justinshore5566 Год назад
Same, I'm shocked the rapid population influx hasn't been mentioned, as if it isn't happening and a factor!
@johnnybgood3909 Год назад
Why despair? They will be living with you until you croak it, then takeover ownership.
@markbuchanan5990 Год назад
@@johnnybgood3909 I’ll sell up and live in a box before that happens! 😂
@moskyzz0 Год назад
We want to see these videos on public tv channels! This deserves huge visibility.
@tobiastobias2419 Год назад
what you can do, is share it with everyone you know
@neiltimms9380 Год назад
This is a wonderful discussion. Vicky please keep doing what you’re doing
@JoshScotty135 Год назад
She absolutely blew me away and this interview was absolutely fantastic. So impressed by her knowledge and compassion, truly inspiring.
@sulekhaprasannan4093 Год назад
Complicated with no end in sight.
@manjeetgill1 Год назад
Sensationalism in the highest
@farazvfx Год назад
Great talk. But disappointing that they did NOT mention how world banks colluded to artificially boost the value of houses by pushing the house ownership with big mortgages. And how record house prices was a direct result "inflation" but flooding the housing market with lots of money printing disguised as mortgage products This is a well recorded fact that came in light of the 2008 crisis.. Most of the millionaires in the UK made their millions in property.
@Kevin6805 Год назад
It's very hard to get people to stop looking at the effects of problems (which is always the quick (mentally lazy?) option) and get them to try to find the root cause of them instead. As well-meaning as this young lady is, she is making the same mistake. While you are correct in saying that the banks have been the ones forcing governments to lower interest rates, lending many multiples of income, bundling, repackaging, hypothecating, selling and re-selling the same loans to investors (read:Pension funds) etc. that is also the result of the problem rather the 'real' cause. Once you've been conditioned to believe that you MUST relinquish control over much of your life and your assets to a bunch of strangers, it is only a question of time before these kinds of calamities will occur. The only unknown, is how deep and for how long the disaster will continue as such a system of nanny-state infantilization guarantees that the very worst in society will be attracted to positions in the entity being given the control.
@Theother1089 Год назад
It's supply and demand that controls house prices, huge population rise in Britain = sky high prices, huge population decrease like Italy = homes selling for 1 euro.
@Kevin6805 Год назад
@@Theother1089 Price increases in anything, when due to supply and demand, are relatively small and/or short-lived as long as government and banks don't intervene to maintain the increase. However, price 'booms' are NOT the result of supply and demand. They are entirely the result of artificially induced inflation via increased money supply and credit expansion - as Faraz said. House price booms are no different. i.e. The population of the UK has not increased 10 fold+ since the low of 1983 to account for the 10x increase in average house price since then. So, that increase is not due to supply and demand. As can be seen by the homeless on the streets, more people needed a place to live in 2022 than ever before. So the 'demand' was very high, the supply didn't change much but the prices dropped. The reason for the drop was not supply/demand but interest rate increases after a long period of artificially low rates. If you could only borrow 3x salary, the average price wouldn't - couldn't increase as much as if buyers are able to borrow 10x their salary because their maximum bid size is 3 times lower - no matter how much they liked the property. Then, to enable 10x (and more) borrowing, interest rates had to be artificially held down to keep the monthly payments at around the same level for the average salary to pay it. The Italy example is not a good one. Those houses are in very remote, unpopulated areas with poor infrastructure, services and they're derelict. e.g Liverpool (and some other parts of the UK) have £1 houses for sale that are not in remote areas and where populations have increased.
@Theother1089 Год назад
@@Kevin6805 I disagree, if something remains short of supply, it will be expensive until more is produced or demand falls.
@do7696 10 месяцев назад
There's 'poor' Donald Trump(former US) president in the dock for asset appreciation, and what about other individuals doing the same...so corrupt.😀😀😀
@tobymaltby6036 Год назад
There is a simple phrase which describes this process.... *TERMINAL STAGE CAPITALISM*
@SmithWhite-pf9kq Год назад
@katywim5418 Год назад
I live in rented accommodation and have been subject to a no fault evictions seven times in twenty years, courtesy of landlords selling their ‘asset’. It is happening again and I suspect my present landlord wants to get me out to get someone else in who will pay far more rent (even though my rent has gone up £50pcm for the last two years). I didn’t know Thatcher was responsible for making my housing experience hellish through Section 21 evictions.
@jackmills6947 Год назад
This recent run of Sunday interviews really has been so brilliant. Letting them run past an hour and allowing the slower more considered pace seems to allow a much more effective discussion than most podcasts etc
@ianwigmore2675 Год назад
I was a young teenager in London in the 80's. I remember the conservatives claimed "Right to buy" would liberate housing and people. Thatcher even claimed they would copy the Singapore model (My friend Mr Lee she claimed!). I looked at the prices jump, I looked at my parents income in East London and I was concerned. With respect to Singapore as a Model, Thatchers team conveniently missed some key points. Firstly Singapore, since independence has constantly purchased back freehold property to place it under government control in perpetuity. Fairly easy for small island but it does mean the Government gains control. In Singapore as a citizen you can obtain a Government subsidized mortgage on a 99 year lease from your Government landlord. The Government manage the housing stock, with over 80% of citizens in ownership. Government makes sure no one can buy multiple social housing apartments (one per family, with allowances for multi-generation families). Additionally, ghettos are prohibited, so each apartment tower has a balanced mix of the ethnic profiles of Singapore. Each township has all the amenities, staple shopping, clinics, sports halls and tracks, car parking, police station, etc. etc. Private housing is a segment of the market in Singapore where the "Free Market" is allowed to rule, with a lot of the consequences stated by Ms Spratt, BUT it's a small percentage and again the majority of it is also 99 year leasehold and of course ultimately owned by the Government in the long run. *There is no perfect system*, but Singapore demonstrates capitalism can work, but it only works with key baseline controls on fundamentals with a socially conscious throttle.
@zwarst Год назад
Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founding father, he led from 1959 to 1990 is the world’s most successful post-colonial nation.
@gore1089 Год назад
Just like in Australia, the UK population has close to wall to wall corporate media so you get permanent right wing governments that always screw over the people. So the elites want us back to a feudal system where the few have it all .... and the rest of us... Own nothing and be 😅🎉 ....
@JWHarris........ Год назад
"Humanitarian emergency " perfectly put. Our poor housing attributes to so many bad things in our society. Children growing up in cramped conditions, parents tryna bring up kids in those same conditions. Everyone suffers. It's absolutely disgusting.
@JWHarris........ Год назад
Well done Novara for constantly banging the housing drum. If we improved the housing situation, we'd improve so many other things in our society. The housing situation is one of, if not the biggest problem in this country.
@chrislambert9435 Год назад
Joe, ACCORDING TO A RECENT STORY in the Eastern Evening News, there is “a crisis in affordable housing” in the UK. As in so many other contexts, the word “crisis” is political Newspeak for: “The government wants more money and power.” In this case, it is the Department of Housing and Development that wants housing subsidize, needless to say. This whole story is all too symptomatic of the Alice-in Wonderland world of contemporary liberalism in the UK. In that world, prices are just unfortunate barriers to be overcome by having the government make things “affordable.” There is seldom a thought that prices are conveying an underlying reality about costs and scarcity-a reality that is not going to be changed by throwing the UK taxpayers’ money around to make things “affordable.” Obviously, the more money you take away from taxpayers, the fewer things they will be able to afford, like having a one-income family, so that children can be raised at home instead of in day-care centers. But of course extreme Socialists would throw more money at day care too. Where all this money is coming from or at the sacrifice of what else is not a subject that interests them very much. Free-spending Labour party liberalism is like a dog chasing his tail and speeding up when he fails to catch it. Those who have for decades blithely loaded new costs onto housing in Norfolk-whether in the name of environmentalism, a Deer Park, zoning or other policies dear to the heart of Environmental-liberals-equally blithely ignore those costs as they ask taxpayers in the rest of the country to pick up the tab. Scare tactics are a standard part of this political exercise. We are told, for example, that home prices in the East of England may reach the point where they will be “well beyond the means of even much of the middle class.” Let’s do something revolutionary: Stop and think. If housing in Norwich rises well beyond the means of middle-class people, who is going to live in this City. Either new-and richer-people are going to move in to replace those who can no longer afford to live in Norwich or there are going to be a lot of vacancies. Anyone who has taken Economics 1 and remembers supply and demand knows that a high vacancy rate and rising rents do not go together. If the dire scenario of skyrocketing rents is to play out, somebody has to come in and replace those people who can no longer afford to live in Norwich-and the replacements have to be able to pay housing prices that are beyond what the middle class can afford. Are there enough rich people out there waiting to replace the current 136 thousand Norwichens And where are these rich people being housed today? Surely they are not living out on the streets or in pup tents. And if they vacate their current digs to move to Norwich, will that not create lots of vacancies elsewhere? Like much that appears in the liberal media, this Eastern Evening News is not news reporting. It is disguised advertising for government programs-and false advertising at that. Just a couple of years ago, my friend rented a two-bedroom apartment in a modern apartment complex with its own tennis courts and swimming pools. His rent was £450 a month. Was this a government-subsidized development? No. The freemarket price for such an apartment in the community where he lived just happened to be £450 a month. It was in one of many smaller towns around the country where liberals either haven’t gotten control or haven’t yet had time to drive up housing costs with heavy-handed environmental laws, zoning restrictions and the innumerable other ways that liberals blithely pile on costs for others to pay. A study of homelessness-The Excluded British by William Tucker-detailed the ways in which housing prices have been forced up by artificially created scarcities, many under pious political labels. In one of the hotbeds of environmentalism (thats Norwich) and other forms of liberalism-In Norfolk-the average price of a house rose five-fold in just one decade. Real estate agents say that housing prices depend on three factors-location, location and location. Perhaps they need to add: liberals, liberals and liberals.
@diabolicalartificer Год назад
I live in a village in Lincolnshire, the vast majority of homeowners are retiree's, very few family's, there are about four council houses, most have been sold off. If you were brought up in a seaside town it's impossible to buy or rent a house, again the majority of house owners are well off second home owners or retiree's. I'm a single Dad, aged 58 with a teenage daughter There is no work here, no public transport, there's no way we can move as benefits pay less than the rent is on our house. When my daughter moves out in the next year or two I will be homeless. I've been homeless before, but now I'm older with mobility issue's: I'm dreading the future. Can't get a job, can't move, can't afford to rent, we're fucked.
@AutisticAwakeActivist Год назад
Same in Newcastle the outer villAges I’m disabled and I live in absolute fear as a single woman
@misslady0075 Год назад
This destruction has been happening since the eighties, but no one's been listening. Now people are in shock. Little nightmare America that's what Britain's become.
@cdean2789 Год назад
We're heading toward an L.A. future with thousands living in tents and cars.
@ads2903 Год назад
An interview that make me proud to be a Novara supporter. You will not find an interview of such importance to so many people across the current media landscape.
@chrislambert9435 Год назад
ACCORDING TO A RECENT STORY in the Eastern Evening News, there is “a crisis in affordable housing” in the UK. As in so many other contexts, the word “crisis” is political Newspeak for: “The government wants more money and power.” In this case, it is the Department of Housing and Development that wants housing subsidize, needless to say. This whole story is all too symptomatic of the Alice-in Wonderland world of contemporary liberalism in the UK. In that world, prices are just unfortunate barriers to be overcome by having the government make things “affordable.” There is seldom a thought that prices are conveying an underlying reality about costs and scarcity-a reality that is not going to be changed by throwing the UK taxpayers’ money around to make things “affordable.” Obviously, the more money you take away from taxpayers, the fewer things they will be able to afford, like having a one-income family, so that children can be raised at home instead of in day-care centers. But of course extreme Socialists would throw more money at day care too. Where all this money is coming from or at the sacrifice of what else is not a subject that interests them very much. Free-spending Labour party liberalism is like a dog chasing his tail and speeding up when he fails to catch it. Those who have for decades blithely loaded new costs onto housing in Norfolk-whether in the name of environmentalism, a Deer Park, zoning or other policies dear to the heart of Environmental-liberals-equally blithely ignore those costs as they ask taxpayers in the rest of the country to pick up the tab. Scare tactics are a standard part of this political exercise. We are told, for example, that home prices in the East of England may reach the point where they will be “well beyond the means of even much of the middle class.” Let’s do something revolutionary: Stop and think. If housing in Norwich rises well beyond the means of middle-class people, who is going to live in this City. Either new-and richer-people are going to move in to replace those who can no longer afford to live in Norwich or there are going to be a lot of vacancies. Anyone who has taken Economics 1 and remembers supply and demand knows that a high vacancy rate and rising rents do not go together. If the dire scenario of skyrocketing rents is to play out, somebody has to come in and replace those people who can no longer afford to live in Norwich-and the replacements have to be able to pay housing prices that are beyond what the middle class can afford. Are there enough rich people out there waiting to replace the current 136 thousand Norwichens And where are these rich people being housed today? Surely they are not living out on the streets or in pup tents. And if they vacate their current digs to move to Norwich, will that not create lots of vacancies elsewhere? Like much that appears in the liberal media, this Eastern Evening News is not news reporting. It is disguised advertising for government programs-and false advertising at that. Just a couple of years ago, my friend rented a two-bedroom apartment in a modern apartment complex with its own tennis courts and swimming pools. His rent was £450 a month. Was this a government-subsidized development? No. The freemarket price for such an apartment in the community where he lived just happened to be £450 a month. It was in one of many smaller towns around the country where liberals either haven’t gotten control or haven’t yet had time to drive up housing costs with heavy-handed environmental laws, zoning restrictions and the innumerable other ways that liberals blithely pile on costs for others to pay. A study of homelessness-The Excluded British by William Tucker-detailed the ways in which housing prices have been forced up by artificially created scarcities, many under pious political labels. In one of the hotbeds of environmentalism (thats Norwich) and other forms of liberalism-In Norfolk-the average price of a house rose five-fold in just one decade. Real estate agents say that housing prices depend on three factors-location, location and location. Perhaps they need to add: liberals, liberals and liberals.
@mrhappyendland Год назад
Odd the increase in population didn't come up when it is a key factor. 10m extra people over 20 years will certainly increase house prices.
@Adamb87 Год назад
Ban anyone owing 2nd property until all are housed , invest in mass housing programme & either put min/wage £35 p/h or force house prices down to 1980's levels
@jonny9071 Год назад
@@cujimmi The only way to solve this is for house prices and wages to come closer together. Either you massively reduce the price of houses, or you raise wages. You aren't going to win much political capital by reducing the value of baby boomers' primary asset, so wages must rise.
@italianstallion9170 Год назад
great, now wake up and have your muesli..
@5ynthesizerpatel Год назад
@@cujimmi simple solution - constrict the money supply by taxing wealth
@arun_arutchelvan Год назад
Wealth redistribution is now inevitable because inequalities have destroyed societal cohesion. What is the purpose of being wealthy if the community you reside in and the society you are part of is in crisis? It will be detrimental to everyone, not just for those who are poor.
@therealrobertbirchall Год назад
@@arun_arutchelvan 'There is no such thing as society.'
@stephengreen2626 Год назад
This is a masterclass in interviewing. They almost interview each other and they are listening and learning as they go. We get so used to egos, people talking at each other, La La headphones and so much reasoned, considered and balanced thought. Instead of “thought” I nearly said argument but there was little need for argument.
@justinshore5566 Год назад
No one mentioned the population increasing, I looked at stats while listening to this. The most obvious factor but never mentioned, why?
@toby81tube Год назад
@@justinshore5566 Maybe because that's been happening for last five thousand years?
@justinshore5566 Год назад
@@toby81tube the video is about a housing crisis and the population is vastly increasing but no biggie?? Unreal!
@chrislambert9435 Год назад
ACCORDING TO A RECENT STORY in the Eastern Evening News, there is “a crisis in affordable housing” in the UK. As in so many other contexts, the word “crisis” is political Newspeak for: “The government wants more money and power.” In this case, it is the Department of Housing and Development that wants housing subsidize, needless to say. This whole story is all too symptomatic of the Alice-in Wonderland world of contemporary liberalism in the UK. In that world, prices are just unfortunate barriers to be overcome by having the government make things “affordable.” There is seldom a thought that prices are conveying an underlying reality about costs and scarcity-a reality that is not going to be changed by throwing the UK taxpayers’ money around to make things “affordable.” Obviously, the more money you take away from taxpayers, the fewer things they will be able to afford, like having a one-income family, so that children can be raised at home instead of in day-care centers. But of course extreme Socialists would throw more money at day care too. Where all this money is coming from or at the sacrifice of what else is not a subject that interests them very much. Free-spending Labour party liberalism is like a dog chasing his tail and speeding up when he fails to catch it. Those who have for decades blithely loaded new costs onto housing in Norfolk-whether in the name of environmentalism, a Deer Park, zoning or other policies dear to the heart of Environmental-liberals-equally blithely ignore those costs as they ask taxpayers in the rest of the country to pick up the tab. Scare tactics are a standard part of this political exercise. We are told, for example, that home prices in the East of England may reach the point where they will be “well beyond the means of even much of the middle class.” Let’s do something revolutionary: Stop and think. If housing in Norwich rises well beyond the means of middle-class people, who is going to live in this City. Either new-and richer-people are going to move in to replace those who can no longer afford to live in Norwich or there are going to be a lot of vacancies. Anyone who has taken Economics 1 and remembers supply and demand knows that a high vacancy rate and rising rents do not go together. If the dire scenario of skyrocketing rents is to play out, somebody has to come in and replace those people who can no longer afford to live in Norwich-and the replacements have to be able to pay housing prices that are beyond what the middle class can afford. Are there enough rich people out there waiting to replace the current 136 thousand Norwichens And where are these rich people being housed today? Surely they are not living out on the streets or in pup tents. And if they vacate their current digs to move to Norwich, will that not create lots of vacancies elsewhere? Like much that appears in the liberal media, this Eastern Evening News is not news reporting. It is disguised advertising for government programs-and false advertising at that. Just a couple of years ago, my friend rented a two-bedroom apartment in a modern apartment complex with its own tennis courts and swimming pools. His rent was £450 a month. Was this a government-subsidized development? No. The freemarket price for such an apartment in the community where he lived just happened to be £450 a month. It was in one of many smaller towns around the country where liberals either haven’t gotten control or haven’t yet had time to drive up housing costs with heavy-handed environmental laws, zoning restrictions and the innumerable other ways that liberals blithely pile on costs for others to pay. A study of homelessness-The Excluded British by William Tucker-detailed the ways in which housing prices have been forced up by artificially created scarcities, many under pious political labels. In one of the hotbeds of environmentalism (thats Norwich) and other forms of liberalism-In Norfolk-the average price of a house rose five-fold in just one decade. Real estate agents say that housing prices depend on three factors-location, location and location. Perhaps they need to add: liberals, liberals and liberals.
@justinshore5566 Год назад
@@toby81tube You and your brain made contact yet?
@royloveday4350 Год назад
Moving people out of their communities and the networks that support them based on a bedroom count seemed to me to be a vile price of social engineering.
@lordsummerisle852 4 месяца назад
Didn't save the taxpayer a penny ( whatever savings were made were spent on beaurocracy)
@royloveday4350 4 месяца назад
@@lordsummerisle852 From memory i think it was made very clear, in advance, it would cost more than doing nothing. At the same time IDS was crying and telling people he had no problem living on a benefit level income on his daddy's estate...
@Gold-E-Music Год назад
The longest NHS waiting times on record. The highest tax rates in over 70 years, Predicted lower growth than Russia in 2023 and the worst housing crisis since ww2 This Tory government is record-breaking!
@lizabrown6458 Год назад
I’m 60 and renting - and there are many many of us - one bad bit of luck in 2008 and we had to move out of our house (which we had only owned for four years anyway)…. It is a huge problem!!!!
@Ophis1984 Год назад
This aint ever getting fixed while parliment is full to the brim with landlords.
@coupleofbeers31 Год назад
I grew up in Miami Beach for some time and I remember my parents paying $200 a month in 1988 for a spacious one bedroom apartment. That same apartment today is $3000 a month. Literally a 1500% increase in 35 years. Yet the federal minimum wage and wages in general have barely budged.
@zuzanazuscinova5209 Год назад
Wages and housing have nothing in common. They are two completely different markets.
@waltonsmith7210 9 месяцев назад
​@@zuzanazuscinova5209Theyre connected for people in the real world.
@Padraigp 8 месяцев назад
I worked in california in about 2001 when 9 11 happened ... I was getting paid about 15 dollars an hour at that time. We stayed with friends I dont know what their rent was tbh ... I think their parents paid their rent bit I was amazed to find out the minimum wage is only recently gone up to 16 dollars an hour when one of my jobs back then I was getting 20 dollars for being a hostess and lots of cocain if I wanted it from my boss ugh! And another job was 15 dollars for making sandwiches and another was a dollar a wrap to make sage bundles on the beach. 😂 no you can't smoke it! Lol! But it blew my mind I was getting more then than people today in some states.
@Padraigp 8 месяцев назад
​@@zuzanazuscinova5209they have one thing in common. People need wages to pay rent. 😂
@Snytcnikov 7 месяцев назад
⁠​⁠​⁠@@zuzanazuscinova5209what a silly thing to say - don’t know about you .. but I use my wages to pay rent
@DG_musician Год назад
I'm a Gen Xer who, because of various reasons, has missed the boat on being able to buy a place. As someone who is self employed and at the age of 45, I'm just not an interesting option for any bank and I couldn't afford it now even if they did accept me.
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