
The Hypochondriac Anomaly 

Doc Schmidt
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10 мар 2022




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@MagnakayViolet 2 года назад
"I need a MRI." "You don't need a MRI." "I said get me a MRI!" "That will be $1000..."
@xAlbel 2 года назад
Only 1k?? I thought it was way more
@simplesimply3753 2 года назад
I was wondering if the guy was rich cause dang just CT scans are sooo expensive
@emily4gov922 2 года назад
Oh snap, $1000? Did you have coupon?
@maxwellguillory405 2 года назад
@@emily4gov922 some people only have to pay their deductible, which I usually see at around $1000
@emily4gov922 2 года назад
@@maxwellguillory405 Fair enough. Some people have crappy insurance through their jobs and end up getting bills with lots of zeros followed by whatever the number of the day is. I have severe epilepsy. Between ambulances and imaging once I get to the ER, it seems like “7” is the magic number. It’s always $7000 plus something plus something.
@catbox1677 2 года назад
Got told i was experiencing"growing pains" when i was about 14 and the right side of my chest hurt. I eventually felt a lump there and my mom told me it was "probably just a cyst". I never got it checked out. Everytime i mentioned it to a nurse or doctor during check ups (very rare, my family is poor), they would tell my it was likely just growth pains and wouldnt check it. At 19 years old,.I finally stood my ground and scheduled a doctor's appointment for a breast exam. Turns out, I have had 2 tumors on the right side of my chest for several years. Unfortunately, I am now a bit of a hypochondriac due to this. Anytime i experience pain or discomfort, I am terrified it will be something like this again, and I won't know until it's too late. Hey parents? Please listen to your children. Take them to the doctor if they say they need to go.
@nikkistephens4990 2 года назад
I, too, was told it is just growing pains. No other kid in my family had "growing pains". Turns out all my pain was Fibromyalgia. Taking three different prescriptions to control my pain. It never goes away.
@trishaferrand1395 2 года назад
@@nikkistephens4990 Sovery sorry for your pain but glad you found relief with medications.. I also have fibromyalgia, and had same but much milder symptoms starting very young. May I ask what Rxes you have for this? Because mine are not working very well.l
@kairos-049 2 года назад
And for every case like yours where it turns out to be something, there are probably tens of thousands of people going on WebMD and catastrophizing.
@CheekieCharlie 2 года назад
I thought I found a lump on my breast at around nine and my mum immediately felt it...and looked down my shirt and goes "....it's your nipple. Jesus Christ..."
@tambrabonds950 2 года назад
@@kairos-049 ok? And that means? What, that people should ignore very real, present symptoms that do not go away because it could be nothing?
@Eve0127 2 года назад
I was told I was a hypochondriac my whole life. So I was 23 before I got diagnosed with a rare heart condition that I've now had 2 surgeries for 🙃
@patriciaobrien6600 2 года назад
Hell of a way to get validation 😟 I sincerely hope you are living well now after the surgeries 🤞
@dstinnettmusic 2 года назад
Broken clocks are right twice a day. I hope your health gets better, but you shouldn’t use your misfortune to justify not living your life to the fullest and living in fear of disease.
@lapislazarus8899 2 года назад
@@dstinnettmusic right... The true definition of hypochondria
@egalitarian2207 2 года назад
@@dstinnettmusic odd response. @Lauren GL on your heart condition Lauren, I’m so glad you were eventually able to get diagnosed. I have been in a similar situation
@hunnybee7785 2 года назад
@@dstinnettmusic hell of a jump and assumption right there bud jeez Some people get called a hypochondriac for feeling something is wrong and since no one can find the source immediately they seem healthy. I don't know this person but they never said they live their life in fear or justify it because they were right about having something wrong medically so you sorta j assumed and hit them with it which is a lil rude...
@TheTinyOtter 2 года назад
Omg this reminds me of our back pain patient who had no signs for a herniated disk or anything else than some localized back pain. (It wasn’t even bad enough to keep him from walking 2 floors downstairs to go smoking every Hour) he insisted he needs an MRI and got very loud until my senior doc was tired of discussing with him. Turns out he did have a herniated disc and ended up needing surgery to fix it…. Ups
@ashley_smith 2 года назад
I've had back pain for four years+ after a small weight lifting accident , but because I can still do normal activities, although more slowly, and with pain that fluctuates from mild to burning searing wanna curl in a ball, well, people don't think I have a real problem. If it was a REAL problem, you wouldn't be able to move.....
@Ellie-qq9zm 2 года назад
Dealing with this too and unsure of how much to push for imaging. I wish the docs could see me at my worst when the pain keeps me up at night because I wonder if they believe me
@TheTinyOtter 2 года назад
@@ashley_smith hey i totally get it. back pain can be so limiting in quality of life and of course it should be taken seriously. it is bothering you so of course it's a real problem. in the case i describe here the patient was rude, demanding and refused to even try to approach his problem with physical therapy, lifestyle changes and proper pain management. His case just goes to show sometimes things don't show textbook signs and symptoms.
@TheTinyOtter 2 года назад
@@Ellie-qq9zm don't be scared to seek a diagnosis and treatment because you think they won't believe you. please don't let the description of this case discourage you. find a doctor you're comfortable with and tell them how it affects you, i'm sure you'll figure out a treatment that works for you. just maybe don't be like my patient who went to the emergency room for first onset back pain and then behaved like he owns the place. ;)
@suzbone 2 года назад
Laminectomy X 2 at L4/S1 back in 2002 myself, and I'm super curious which disk his was, if you can remember?
@vijaykaul4227 Год назад
Omg stop guys I have serious hypocondria and it triggered it even more after reading the comments.
@blacksilver09 2 года назад
I am a diagnosed hypochondriac. It helps I have medical practitioners in the family and that I am seeing a psych. The medical bills I wracked up and panic attacks thinking I was dying on every onset of pain before I had help was really hard.
@pysduckfanforever 2 года назад
Yes I can definitely relate. Any sort of pain I feel, I always think it's a form of cancer and I'm afraid I'm actually going to manifest it one day because I'm constantly thinking about it
@Bpt_chino203 2 года назад
You’re not alone it really sucks
@micheleparker3780 Год назад
​@RedRedWine ...you will...
@laurietown7773 11 месяцев назад
I get that ... I literally want to be super rich to have a dr on call for the periods of time when it gets bad . ...just a like live in dr lol
@Stormy990 11 месяцев назад
@@pysduckfanforever fr it got me anxious reading that lol
@Sarah-lk3ys 2 года назад
I had migraines often as a kid and my mom would always tell me “you’re too young for headaches” and played them off. I am now 26 and as it turns out I have Lupus😆
@maddym8795 2 года назад
Makes me think. I have a relative with lupus, and my mother has fibro (possibly lupus bc rashes but undiagnosed). She also had migraines starting around 18yrs old which caused her to stop all her sports. I had to stop gymnastics in 2nd grade bc I had too many headaches (not migraines, ive never had those ever thankfully). I also had daily headaches since middle school, but they stopped when I started naturally medicating (if ya get what I mean 🍃) back in highschool. I don't get heaches anymore really but I do easily get shooting nerve pains randomly throughout my body (and especially my knees!) I'm 21, and have expressed my concerns but my Dr has found no reason to diagnose me with anything. I know lupus can be hard to diagnose, and personally I'm not too worried, but it would be nice to know what's been causing these unexplainable things!!! Not to mention chronic IBS, daily fatigue, and brain fog all the time (not bc of the herbs, ive stopped for the most part, but it does practically cure my insomnia and headaches!). Anyways, just sharing my experiences 🙃 Edit: I've also had very rosy cheeks since the day I was born (: similar to my mom. this could all be random things, but who knows
@uwubro8911 2 года назад
@@maddym8795 definitely go to another doc if you can, you shouldn't be having these pains at 21, I'm 20 and it took 3 doctors later for one to take me seriously and do all the testing cause like you I was having shooting pains, severe joint pain and even having them give out and falling or fainting, my first 2 docs claimed it was from me being over weight and anxious but my 3rd doc did all the blood work I asked for and the heart tests and finally I was diagnosed with lupus and pots. Definitely look into it more, it could even be ms, they sometimes have similar symptoms.
@uwubro8911 2 года назад
@@maddym8795 and you don't even need a malar rash to have lupus, my cheeks are a verrrry light pink, only I think 50% of lupus patients have it but so many docs think it's a requirement 🙄 anywho keep pushing because if I is lupus, going undiagnosed could be bad because it can effect organs, my left kidney has been inflamed for 2 years cause of it but I'm starting immunosupptrssants soon
@bananabro1010 2 года назад
“Yeah, take that mom!”
@micheleparker3780 Год назад
That's not funny...
@Amarianee 2 года назад
So...I was going to laugh...but then the ending just made me smh and sigh, because I literally went through this. To be fair, my headaches were ongoing for over 6months, and the 4diff docs who told me it was nothing, were all advised of that, the vomiting, and various other symptoms as well. I _knew_ it was a tumour and by the time we had an emergency MRI done (CT looked like intracranial swelling) there it was, bright as a damn sun in the middle of the film. 😩 Still a funny skit...just ended up hitting closer to home then expected lol
@2Bad4YOUuu 2 года назад
What did they ultimately do for you?
@Amarianee 2 года назад
@@2Bad4YOUuu After the emergency admittal to the hospital from urgent care (all of the docs that said I was a hypochondriac were e.r. docs) for the CT and the MRI the next morning (MRI team was gone for the night) the neurosurgeon had me in surgery for a drain (third ventriculostomy) and scheduled for tumour removal about 4 days later. Didn't have enough time for a biopsy since it was about 2in (5cm) but wanted to make sure his surgery plan was the best option and let me spend Thanksgiving at home. Found out it was gelatinous when he got in there, so was able to suction it out and, after mostly healing, I spent 3 months doing radiation therapy to make sure there were no leftover cancer cells. It was one of the rarest brain tumours in the world, but my symptoms were pretty textbook 🚩 brain tumour. Just kept getting docs in the e.r. that were lazy, overworked, or both. Only reason I'm alive is because of the urgent care doc. My neurosurgeon was very up front and said the CSF build up was so bad, that I'd have been dead in a couple of days from the pressure if they hadn't caught it this time.
@2Bad4YOUuu 2 года назад
@@Amarianee Oh myyy, that is aweful --This must have been during COVID-19 pandemic, I wonder. So sorry you went through all that suffering. I do hope you don't have many residual symptoms to cope with 🙏
@Amarianee 2 года назад
@@2Bad4YOUuu No, no, it was in Nov 2008 through April 2009. My symptoms and the e.r. visits were earlier, but the surgery was the day after Thanksgiving 2008. Then I had follow up MRIs every month for about a year, and tapered down from there, just to be sure it didn't come back. I appreciate your sympathies, everything is pretty great now. I did end up with epilepsy (first seizure was about a month after radiation had finished and I was tapered off the steroids) but that's under control with medication, so all in all, I'm good. Very minor brain damage from the surgery (that's what caused the epilepsy) and everything still functions 100% and, most importantly, I'm still alive. 18/19 (b-day was in the hospital) when it happened and 32 now, and happily married to the man who was by my side through it all - and cancer free 😁 ...just gotta make sure to take my anti-convulsant meds lol
@suzbone 2 года назад
@@Amarianee gahhhhhh, thank you so much for sharing ❤️ Your perspective is so inspiring. I had a severe lumbar disk herniation in 2002 that partially paralyzed me and kept me in unremitting agony for months because wait times were so long (yay American health care freedumb). I lived by myself out in the country and had a mortgage to pay, and I was *terrified* that I'd become one more medical bankruptcy, unable to work. I developed a compulsive thought in the back of my mind constantly, "What will become of me? What will become of me?" I was SO scared. And SO grateful for decent results from my surgery. Just yesterday I realized this summer will be the 20 year anniversary of that ordeal, and although I've had significantly limited mobility all these years since, I can dress myself and drive a car and walk and hold a job, and I'm SO grateful. What became of me? I moved to a town I've always loved, and married the most wonderful man- who also knows struggle and gratitude. We're so thankful for each other and the life we have now, every. day.
@ghostratsarah 2 года назад
I had a neurologist tell me that I'd probably been having a non-stop migraine for at least 2 years. Still going almost 10 years later. It fluctuates but never goes away- yay overactive nervous system! Edit: Advice on treatment is not helpful. Please, just don't. I appreciate the concern and am very happy for you if you found effective treatments, but every situation is unique and you don't know my backstory and treatment history. Feel free to share your experience, I'd love to hear what you have gone through, but don't make suggestions for treatments or diagnosis. If you're just curious what I have tried or been/haven't been diagnosed with, I will answer happily (if I get the notification), but suggestions are demeaning.
@Fluffy_Beanietv 2 года назад
Hang in there. I hope there is something that helps a little.
@Life_Improbable 2 года назад
I am SO sorry
@papervulture 2 года назад
ayo? i've had the same shit for over half a year now. neurologists keep blaming it on anxiety. fun times.
@tildey6661 2 года назад
Do you know what the condition is called?
@belgadog99 2 года назад
Have you tried to look for a headache specialist ? Some neurologists are really good and some are not so good...my father suffered with migraines his whole life, he told me, some migraines last for days. the one medication that helped him : Maxalt. it is prescription only. Otherwise (for many many years) he would take tons of 222s (over the counter medication with tylenol+caffeine+codeine)
@LeftieLoosie 2 года назад
I just had this happen to me while pregnant. I convinced myself I had a rare pregnancy complication called Cholestasis. The doctors were like no, you don’t have it. I was not even having many symptoms but I was CONVINCED. So they did the tests to shut me up…. Turns out I HAD IT….. and it was the worst thing to ever happen to a hypochondriac, because now I will always assume the worst. 😂
@catlinboy 2 года назад
As an enormous hypochodriac, with a chronic illness that resulted in liver failiure as a teenager, I feel this video hard. I am both people, but in my head.I joke loudly and ironically about my fears that the slight sniffles I have could be TB or the unexpected weight loss last spring was me losing another organ, however, my brain deeply remembers when I was sleepy and had dry skin, which turned into lifelong medication and twice yearly check ins with a specialist. My sense of proportion in my own health is wildly off at all times, in either direction.
@tablelegz 2 года назад
Aw im glad you survived, wish you well
@simplesimply3753 2 года назад
I’m sorry to hear this but your not alone. I have Crohn’s and it’s hard to be like ‘I’m in pain but am I?’ Cause you get use to it but your also traumatized.
@MsTerrieLynn 2 года назад
Ya the pandemic was really tough..,2 years of OMG I could die!!
@yomamatoo6743 2 года назад
Well 💩! Sorry that has to suck!
@uwubro8911 2 года назад
@@simplesimply3753 yep! My family told me my whole life I was a hypochondriac (yet I was right about every diagnosis) but I just got a pots and lupus diagnosis after telling them for a year that I knew it was that. I'm glad I switched docs cause the one I have rn took me seriously and did all the testing I requested and I got my diagnosis. My previous doc also thought I was a hypochondriac and said it was just joint pain from me being over weight and my fainting was from anxiety but alas I was right all along.
@TheRealityfades 2 года назад
Reminds me of House. It’s never lupus. Except that one time…
@Doc_Schmidt 2 года назад
@Bitchthatssarah 2 года назад
All my life I have had doctors just tell me I’m anxious and that’s the reason for the issues I have. I finally found a doctor who does tests to double check everything and makes me feel like I’m being heard.
@laurietown7773 11 месяцев назад
You won dthe dr lotto
@JeviPachingan 7 месяцев назад
I want that doctor asap
@austinhall3937 2 года назад
For the GI docs. I had the Hershey squirts for almost a week, I got so fed up I went to the Dr, when he asked the consistency etc I thought of your stool chart but decided to go with "Its like I'm sneezing mashed potatoes out of my ass" I'm glad he had a sense of humor.
@NomadicPariah 2 года назад
Lol have you ever peed poop out, the consistency is so watery its like peeing out of your bum.
@jessicariggi4482 2 года назад
@@NomadicPariah that's also known as colonoscopy prep 😂
@jep9092 2 года назад
Hershey.... squirts Interesting choice of wording but alright
@msbronoske482 2 года назад
Gastroenterologists have to have a good sense of humor, especially since they are always the butt of the jokes...
@austinhall3937 2 года назад
@@msbronoske482 fucking bazinga. Idk if its cause I'm extremely messed up after a Hippie Sabotage concert or not but 11/10 on that one.
@noirfire 2 года назад
That anomaly powers every single hypochondriac 😂😂😂
@elizabethmayberry3414 2 года назад
But the truth is some people labeled hypochondriacs are simply high anxiety with undiagnosed medical problems. I was a “hypochondriac” for years until my acoustic neuroma ( benign brain tumor requiring surgery) was diagnosed. I was then a “hypochondriac” again when I started having palpitations. Turns out I was having runs of SVT and had two cardiac ablation. About the time that ended I had shaking, severe anxiety and sweating. First Doctor I saw started down the “it’s just anxiety from your health issues” road. A few visits later they discovered I had Grave’s disease (hyperthyroidism) and my PCP admitted she had mentally labeled me a hypochondriac but was wrong. Well no shit…
@aliciarousey7815 2 года назад
The mitochondrial power house☺️
@Kefka2010 2 года назад
@@elizabethmayberry3414 Unfortunately you can't just go looking for zebras for every little issue especially from people claiming, what typically looks like, a minor issue should be treated as the end of the world.
@elizabethmayberry3414 2 года назад
@@Kefka2010 I don’t think you should, but I also didn’t intimate, at least in my case, that was the case. Personally I had multiple appointments over 10 yrs being told I was anxious and a hypochondriac multiple times before I had a basic neuro exam by an ENT who ordered a MRI. A basic neuro exam, something multiple physicians missed. I was just “anxious” and a hypochondriac. This is unfortunately not rare, I’ve had friends diagnosed with EDS and MS after being given a brief exam and being told they’re anxious and depressed. Maybe most Physicians aren’t lazy and do proper assessments but I assure you many do not.
@jyjaeskz Год назад
I'm a hypochondriac and let me tell you this video and comment section are definitely making it worse
@ytbaccount5513 7 месяцев назад
i know bro, hang on we will survive
@stay-zerose-swith 7 месяцев назад
@jyjaeskz 7 месяцев назад
@@stay-zerose-swith what up fellow stay
@stay-zerose-swith 7 месяцев назад
@@jyjaeskz ohhh damn heyyy you being a stay makes me feel seen even more
@ayushiranjan2276 7 месяцев назад
RIGHT i was here to look for a solution 😭
@elizabethmayberry3414 2 года назад
I used to do that Kindergarten Cop tumor joke with my work partner due to my headaches, head buzzing, ataxia and tinnitus/hearing loss. Yeah, it was a tumor. Coincidentally I was told I was a hypochondriac for 10 yrs by Drs who told me I was middle aged, fat, depressed and the last two symptoms were just normal aging. I WAS all those things but turns out those are not mutually exclusive. Finally a kind through ENT did a actual neuro exam ( my first), frowned and ordered a MRI. I was just there for the hearing loss and hopefully a hearing aide order. Had surgery for an Acoustic Neuroma 2 months later.
@LeeStJohn-ym4df 2 года назад
Good for you sticking it out!
@kaylalamers950 2 года назад
Consider yourself lucky lol. I have a condition where you have all the symptoms... plus more but no tumor. I became bedridden at 21. Still that way at 33. There is no cure or successful treatment unfortunately.
@elizabethmayberry3414 2 года назад
@@kaylalamers950 I’m so sorry Kayla, that’s awful.
@jewelsgrl 2 года назад
Lol I was thinking of the Arnold impression just before he did it
@tristonayter78 4 месяца назад
Haha, me too.
@NancyW82 2 года назад
My Aunt (in 2003) told her boss she had the worst headache she ever had in her entire life. Before he could finish the sentence "Go ahead and go home, we'll be fine." She collapsed. She had a brain aneurysm. She was brain dead by the time they got her to the hospital. She was an organ donor and saved a lot of lives. I have a cousin (same side of the family, different Aunt's son. In 2007) who was laying in bed with his wife talking, had complained of a headache earlier in the day, taken a few Tylenol and just ignored it. In the middle of watching TV, suddenly stopped talking & collapsed. He died of a brain aneurysm before the ambulance got there. I've gotten migraines since I was 12, since both of these happened I have to have an MRI twice a year because my neurologist wants to make sure I never develop anything we miss (I have visual disturbances w/ my migraines, I guess that's bad).
@saipat9118 Год назад
I’m so sorry about your aunt and cousin.
@brooke9928 2 года назад
Me when I found out I had ovarian cancer at 28. Except I’m a PA and new it was very unlikely to be a tumor. Whoops.
@shanacharlie9940 2 года назад
I hope you are doing ok
@Neelilovesislam 2 года назад
What were your symptoms if you dont mind me asking? Wishing you a full recovery!
@lapislazarus8899 2 года назад
@@Neelilovesislam probably pain. I love how pain is almost always a symptom of a serious problem, but when you go to the Dr and tell them you have pain... They roll their eyes 🙄 and tell you to take ibuprofen I just had a BKA five weeks ago cuz a year ago I went to the Dr with severe foot pain and without even looking at my foot told me to stay off it for a few days and take Advil. Was probably dismissing me thinking, "Fucking junkie wants painkillers"
@waffles3629 2 года назад
@@lapislazarus8899 yep. I had a doc tell me "You don't have endometriosis" less than two minutes after meeting me. Like yes, you can only diagnose that with a biopsy, but sure, go ahead and definitively rule it out without even having my medical history. Like yes, my cramps are so bad I PASS OUT, but yeah, I'm sure the ibuprofen I've already tried will be plenty. Oh wait, you just watched me pass out from the pain while there was ibuprofen in my system, and then tried to kick me out of the ER because "There's clearly nothing wrong with you".
@LeeStJohn-ym4df 2 года назад
@@waffles3629 Wow. I've had my share of bad, bad medical experiences but yours is horrible. I hope all us well now.
@hazeld8016 2 года назад
Me, a "hypochondriac" with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Postural orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, and IBS-C
@sofiapatrao2796 2 года назад
Same 😅🤣😭 and some
@BranMuffin365 2 года назад
I have these all too. Its such a weird feeling when you find out your intuition had been right. It's not even a "gotcha" moment. It's actually quite a sad feeling for your former self and all the shit you went through😔
@audreydoyle5268 2 года назад
Same here, but still undiagnosed. Autism (ASD), ADHD, Dyslexia, C-PTSD, General Anxiety and Depression. Oh yeah, and Delayed sleep phase syndrome and insomnia. I'm doing great 😊😅(😥)👍
@TheRealityfades 2 года назад
I have pots, avnrt and mitral valve regurgitation/murmur. All can be tested for quite easily and no one has ever called my a hypochondriac, thankfully.
@Anonymous-54545 2 года назад
@BlameStross 2 года назад
I had almost the exact conversation with a neurologist once. Just my answer to "how long did it last" was "Yes". Found out 4 years later I had neurological defect in my heart that caused PSVT and my blood pressure was constantly going up and down. That was a fun 8 year long nonstop migraine.
@Nol. 2 года назад
“You’re just being a hypochondriac”, my mom would say. Here’s a list of some of the things wrong with me that my mom thought I was just being a hypochondriac about: - Asthma - Anxiety - Depression - ADHD - I ran incorrectly, which messed up my muscles and joints and stuff causing pain - I’m double-jointed, which sometimes causes me pain - I also had a lot of problems from being underweight, which just added to how awful I felt I was also told by her that I was feeling pressure, not pain, when getting my toenail removed from an infection (as she made me wait to go to the doctor, and the antibiotics wouldn’t work so I had to have the toenail removed), despite me telling her it was pain. Turns out, it was pain, and the numbing solution actually didn’t work the first time because the infection was so bad. Also, was told I didn’t need to go to the doctor after tripping over a dog (it ran in front of me while I was running). I insisted. Turned out I fractured my arm. She always thinks she’s the better authority on how I feel, as though I’m not the one with my own brain and body. It sucks.
@MaryCumbersnatch 2 года назад
Ever seen genetics for Ehler-Danlos syndrome? The hypermobility, especially if it runs in the family, is a concern. Dislocations, subluxations, GI issues, skin issues, and many other issues tend to crop up in us zebras.
@DembaiVT 2 года назад
"I keep blacking out, slurring my words, falling and tripping from sudden vertigo, getting confused in the middle of my own thoughts and forgetting things!" Twenty tests later, ruling out seizures, brain tumors, MS, sleep apenea, anemia, heart issues, "silent migraines", and getting clearance from a psychologist that no, this really, really, really isn't faking... ...and a test comes back: during my narcolepsy test...I was awake the whole time. When I was sure I was asleep. I have DID. All of us thought we were the original. DID can cause significant physical symptoms, blood pressure/heart rate fluctuations, confusion, loss of balance, distortion of vision, loss of consciousness, cooridination loss, and ataxia. The fact all the folks in my head all assumed they were the original, meant no one really noticed how often we switch. It's weird as hell, but very possible!
@trainablemonkey9912 2 года назад
My late spouse had DID. The alts switched much more slowly. I might deal with Jessie in the morning and Kurt in the afternoon. The alts had different illnesses similar to your experience but not as extreme. They also had a range of ages (about 4 to calendar age). Medication for psych issues didn't seem to help - one alt was diagnosed with psychosis, another was diagnosed with ADHD, etc.
@CameronBowen1 2 года назад
I'm genuinely curious & mean no offense, have you heard about Moon Night the coming Marvel series & what are your feelings about it?
@CameronBowen1 2 года назад
Only asking because the character has DID
@GLGC688 2 года назад
This sounds a lot like dysautonomia
@Witchy-Wonderland 2 года назад
I wanna read more about this when there's more comments. Someone like this in a couple days? 🙂
@cyp2d653 2 года назад
I managed to convince myself I had zollinger Ellison syndrome at pharmacy school, was simply acid reflux
@ZebraLuv 2 года назад
Can we convince ourselves we're billionaires? I wanna diagnose myself with richness.
@Kris-cu1vx 2 года назад
On a side note, I imagine at some point, it's really worth getting the imaging done to ease the anxiety of the patient who isn't comforted by being told that their symptom is almost definitely not a sign of X-deadly-disease
@jfat4 2 года назад
Yes and no. Studies show that over imagining patients can lead to more problems. You find things that don't actually need to be treated and the patient ends up getting more procedures than they need, leading to worse or comes than if they just didn't get an MRI. Unless the patient is displaying red flags, its often better to not image and wait.
@nishok938 2 года назад
Also, the imaging rarely reassures them - they just start thinking that they have some other problem or that the imaging can't pick it up.
@erinbanana22 2 года назад
Exactly. If they are having phantom symptoms it doesn't hurt to ease their minds so those can stop. Especially if its as easy as doing simple blood work or an ultrasound even, those are great tools
@unchained_wings 2 года назад
Insurance companies don't want to pay for things unless they are medically needed. My patient thinks they need something but as their doctor I don't won't get it paid for.
@Kefka2010 2 года назад
@@erinbanana22 Would it be actually easing their minds? Have you ever seen someone fall for the most obvious scam and when their friends try to show them the truth they come up with every excuse under the sun why they're not wrong? I think I'm just cases of a hypochondriac you would just be emptying their wallet.
@ecf9327 2 года назад
“Worst headache ever” is a red flag tho 👀
@brittanycook5132 2 года назад
for a subarachnoid hemorrhage, those patients don't present to outpatient clinic 8 months later
@PavlinaStoyanova 2 года назад
Yeah, but he went to check it out 8 MONTS LATER.!
@kdubs1126 2 года назад
Only symptom of my cerebral aneurysm.
@ihavegrosspubes Год назад
this comment section is making my hypochondria worse rn(im convinced rn im having a brain aneurysm with the side of the c word)
@wendydarling8730 10 месяцев назад
for real. I'm currently dealing with horrible fear of stomach ulcers. earlier today it was stroke. I'm so stressed that I'm sick which makes me more stressed. vicious cycle but helps to laugh about it. psychiatrist hasn't picked up my phone in weeks x_x
@VanK782 2 года назад
I hate when doctors refuse to run tests because they don't think you need it. I know my body and medical history better than a doctor seeing me for the first time without reading my file
@waffles3629 6 месяцев назад
Yep, and especially if you are still a minor. For one issue I had the first doc ran like four blood tests (three of which were just basic run of the mill blood tests), then told me to stop being dramatic. Three doctors later the offending organ was evicted.
@dorafiko4514 9 месяцев назад
All of those people who were told hypochondriac by their family and they got real diagnoses , i hope that you all are doing well and it's so sad that how people negate your pain. But the thing with hypochondriac people is they arent stressed out or anxious about one sensation. Their mind lets their body all kind of diseases. They would feel like their heart is weird or they aren't breathing properly, even though they are not feeling out if breath and their body is warm. Hypochondriasis refers more to freaking out on every sensation that feels odd. I hope we all can get out of this fear.
@dorafiko4514 9 месяцев назад
Sorry for the typing errors I hope you get what I am trying to say 😂
@ZebraLuv 2 года назад
Doctors: "You're fine." Get another scan done. Doctors: "your tumor hasn't grown any since your last visit." Me: "You didn't tell me I had a tumor, you said I was fine."
@kylerae9196 2 года назад
In fairness, I've personally never had a headache - much less a migraine - in my life. Like... I just don't get them, period. Even for hangovers. So if I got a 10 minute, excruciatingly painful headache, I would assume something was deeply wrong.
@thegoat-ishere4414 2 года назад
I never got headaches before the last 6 months but because my blood test results are good and my mom gets headaches my doctor thinks it’s nothing. Even tho I was in bed unable to move much, I could feel my spine pulsing in pain. 3 ER trips later and all they do is blood tests lol
@simplesimply3753 2 года назад
Yeah I had that happen to me. Only with stomach and they thought I was a druggie when I’m fact I had an abscess in my small intestines and all my labs came back clean.
@MsFanpireProductions 2 года назад
How did you get them to listen when all your labs came back clean?
@micheleparker3780 Год назад
​@@MsFanpireProductions She means clean for narcotics/illegal drugs.
@KiritoNoiharaQuartz 2 года назад
I became a hypochondriac in probably 2018 or 17 when I was experiencing stomach aches, chest pain and slight breathing problems. I searched my symptoms online, read some things I probably shouldn't have, and installed 2 meditation apps and watched many different meditation videos to help my breathing. Nothing was wrong with me, it was just normal getting sick and normal chest pain feelings with hypochondriac breathing issues caused by reading symptoms online. It is now March, 2022, and every since June 2020 I have had severe anxiety. Thanks, me.
@JeviPachingan 7 месяцев назад
Hi I'm currently struggling could you help me?
@KiritoNoiharaQuartz 7 месяцев назад
@@JeviPachingan I could try
@garbagegremlins4707 2 года назад
Throwback to when I was in high school and thought I was dying and had a breakdown for weeks and eventually went to a neurologist and was cleared
@aasmabhat6281 11 месяцев назад
You increased my anxiety
@isasantos8577 2 года назад
The fact that I actually saw this once.
@MamieCee 2 года назад
It's the oft mentioned, oft ignored zebra! Love this collab!
@KM-rt5jj 2 года назад
Who is the other guy?
@KaitCervi 2 года назад
Now known as "illness anxiety disorder", more logically descriptive I suppose but as if there isn't enough to know in medicine they constantly say "hey, change of name but you should know both names for the time being"
@XanderGreebes 2 года назад
i was called a hypochondriac my whole childhood bc i got stomach sick constantly, ppl thought i was faking. turns out i had awful anxiety and GI issues that arent being addressed until now. ive been right about almost every dx i have. i hope doctors stop assuming ppl are exaggerating, bc the # of ppl who do exaggerate is nothing compared to the # of patients ognored by doctors.
@brighteyes962 2 года назад
I ignored my massive migraines (like the world was floating through my eyes). I ignored the mussel twitching thinking ok well I’m turning 30. I’m old now. Then I had my first of many grand mals. Italians, we don’t go to drs lol. Nonna fixes everything. . Nonna made me go to the hospital. 😂
@NickanM 2 года назад
_Thank God for your side kick; Nonna!_
@emily4gov922 2 года назад
Grand mal seizures must be gnarly. I’m the one that has epilepsy, but I lose consciousness. The horrified looks I wake up to tell me everything I need to know. I usually try to lighten the mood with a “hey, what did I miss?”. It usually doesn’t work.
@brighteyes962 2 года назад
@@emily4gov922 I black out or drop fall. When I come back most of the time I’m drooling and not able to speak the best. Blurred vision. Really nauseous. But yes the jokes are always a good way to bounce back after.
@suzbone 2 года назад
Mad props to you both for your sense of humor ❤️
@NickanM 2 года назад
Jokes are a savior, people who doesn't know anything about epilepsy usually gets extremely upset / frightened. It's a great way to calm them. My childhood friend had it so I know what it looks like and how people react.
@chantelwilliams6985 2 года назад
I literally just had an MRI yesterday concerning my migraines…. Some of these comments got me freaking out about what my results could be.
@redshot3223 Год назад
What are your results I am 16 and I have severe health anxiety
@chantelwilliams6985 Год назад
@@redshot3223 my results were normal. She claims that I’m just prone to them but I’m in a different state now so I’m going to see if they say the same where I am.
@Mercyoui3234 Год назад
​@@chantelwilliams6985I don't want to die 😭
@emilymulcahy 2 года назад
Omg I did the "it's nodda tuma" in my head just before he did it
@AubreyMichele 2 года назад
When my mom tells me im a hypochondriac for year’s and then one check up shows i have severe sleep apnea and also really bad scoliosis 🤗
@Amanita._.Verosa._. 2 года назад
Papercut. Hypochondriac: I'm bleeding to death.
@Planclanman3 2 года назад
Recently blacked out on a plane for at least 20 minutes. Primary doc thinks I fainted from something, neurologist is sure it's a seizure, cardiologist has no idea. All test/head mri came back perfect. 🤷🏻‍♂️. Sometimes not knowing is a fate worse than getting diagnosed.
@Life_Improbable 2 года назад
As a cancer survivor, I always default to tumors. I HATE it.
@rodericksg1880 2 года назад
Goggle between Doctor Doctor : It just a normal cough, its ok Goggle : You are gonna die in under 24 hours
@HmmmmmLemmeThinkNo 2 года назад
People know themselves better than anyone else, and even if a patient can't describe what's going on well, or struggles to remember, trust them to know themselves. Any safe, noninvasive test is one you should be willing to perform it or send a referral to someone who can. Yes there are occasionally people who truly are hypochondriacs, but what if it's not? This sketch shows it really well tbh. MRIs don't even have radiation, so i'd hope a dr would be like "if you're worried we can double-check with a scan." This sketch shows so many things really well, and i'm really impressed. Thank you
@Zero-Zero-Zero-Zero 2 года назад
I've been to the doctor for chronic headache before. They basically said 'okay, good luck'. No tests or follow up. I've had a headache every day for the past 10 years. Sometimes it's so bad I can't move, other times it's bearable. But it never goes away and it affects me daily. I just wish they gave me anything at all.
@VanK782 2 года назад
You just gotta stand your ground with doctors
@ReesieandLee 2 года назад
I just walked in the house from getting an MRI…
@LeeStJohn-ym4df 2 года назад
I had mine last Tuesday (to see if my cancer has returned) and expected the results that day or the next and now tomorrow is Monday...
@ReesieandLee 2 года назад
@@LeeStJohn-ym4df isn’t it nerve wracking? Thank goodness mine isn’t looking for cancer, I broke my neck last year and became 100% quadriplegic. My Dr used a piece of hipbone to repair my neck. I got function back in both hands and one leg so YAY we are kinda hoping to see something that can be repaired to get more use back but in reality I am just so happy to be able to wipe my own butt! 😜 I hope you get some good news.
@Karismir 2 года назад
My doctor told me my health issues "definitely wasn't cancer." But to shut me up he got me every test he could. Long story short I had stage 4 rectal cancer with liver mets. I just finished my last round of chemo so fingers crossed
@Mercyoui3234 Год назад
Hey how are you Are you good?
@Karismir Год назад
I am since all clear, thank you for asking 😊
@Blockyraps 6 месяцев назад
What were your symptoms
@Karismir 6 месяцев назад
@@Blockyraps constantly tired, sick and in pain. The final straw was filling the toilet with blood.
@hermitofswords 2 года назад
This is pretty much exactly what happened to my mother. Also had many Dr's dismiss what you're saying, symptoms, and suspicions that turn out to be completely right and not surprising.
@curiousKuro16 2 года назад
This is always my fear with anything medical. It's PROBABLY nothing, but it COULD BE SOMETHING and the longer you wait the less treatable it is! Hope you're rich!
@supplegrey3613 2 года назад
I can relate to this. I wish Doctor listen more to their patients.
@celestabelleabethabelle7551 2 года назад
As a hypochondriac, I relate
@ghoghzilla 2 года назад
I was couple of seconds into the video and was deciding to send this to my aunt who has worries about headaches of this sort I fortunately saw the whole video bfr sending or she would have freaked out 😂😂😂
@suzbone 2 года назад
Hahahahaha WHEW!
@thehighone268 2 года назад
This reminds me of when I was diagnosed with a prolactin tumor in my pituitary gland. Before the MRI I was like "mom I think it's a tumor" and I was right! Lol yah for a lifetime on meds! Lol
@rossigrace5031 2 года назад
I was screaming "its not a tumor!" In my head 🤣
@Evilvillain666 2 года назад
had me in the first half im ngl. ive heard countless people being denied medical service or having their pain downplayed and then it turns out its something serious... its better to be safe rather than sorry.
@dead-immortal 2 года назад
And then there's me who's had the headache once and it started 10+ years ago and hasn't stopped since🙄
@jennifertustin6629 2 года назад
I was told I was a hypochondriac for YEARS because I had random pain all over, headaches, craved salt and water all the time got dizzy, blanked out and forgot what even happened after. Kept insisting something was wrong with me. I was tested for everything from diabetes, thought I had really bad ADHD but like weird ADHD (I can’t explain it) got tested for lupus, literally got tested for everything and everything came back negative. I had “growing pains” in my 20’s. Turns out I have Ehlers Danlos, Dysautonomia, Mitral valve prolapse and Epilepsy and found out when I had grand mal seizures in a cluster and woke up in the ER at 29 and turns out my weird ADHD symptoms were absence seizures that I’ve been having since I was born and no one caught on to any of it until I got the right tests in my 20’s. I literally thought I was insane because the doctors I had convinced me I was insane or making up symptoms for “fun” when I’m terrified of needles.
@mae388 2 года назад
He got one headache and it never went away haha
@CatKat4008 2 года назад
I was gonna laugh but the ending caught me off guard and made me real sad, people definitely died due to doctors telling them to not worry, people trust doctors to a real extent, and when told nothing’s wrong then they shrug it off. Same thing happened with my mom on several occasions
@DL-rl9bd 2 года назад
At age 30 my brother-in-law went into the ER with strange headaches and for feeling “spaced-out”, all week. We all thought it was from his new job and recent influx of hours worked. He was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor that day, and died at 37, leaving my sister alone with four children. My view of health radically changed back then. I realized we are mortal and not promised a long, healthy life. I did go on to develop health anxiety, and it is no laughing matter. It can be debilitating and all-consuming to your daily life - definitely no laughing matter. Though, I can try to see the humor in it, and thankfully I’m much better than before.
@thesongbirdky 2 года назад
doctors listen to your patients for once challengeee 🙃
@willsham45 2 года назад
That first bit. I had an excusiating headache 8 months ago. Makes me think of NHS none emergency appointment waiting times.
@JSJSpeaks 2 года назад
“I think I have lymphoma.” “You can’t know that. Your white blood cells are elevated constantly, but is probably all of your other ailments.” “What if those ailments are symptoms of lymphoma?” “You read too much.” 2 1/2 years later: “there’s an 8.5cm tumor surrounding your superior vena cava; it’s probably some type of lymphoma.” “You need to do a CT scan before the biopsy.” “We’ll do images after the procedure.” ***SLICES JUGULAR*** “Huh, the vein must have been scarred down to the lymph node. Wish we’d known that.” I will share more with you, Doc. Conversations need to be had!
@Mercyoui3234 Год назад
Are you fine
@maxfitfocus Год назад
How are you?
@Anniecormac 2 года назад
This makes me think I might need an MRI for my daily headaches 😂😂😂
@Undomaranel 2 года назад
Gotta love it when docs don't trust their patients... I mean... WE ALL FREAKING HATE IT. This is our body and life, not yours, and you brushing our concerns off because you think we're being a Karen over our health... I can't speak for men, but not everything a woman experiences is because of menstruation, nor is her every physical goal to be able to carry a pregnancy, yet the amount of times my health has been reduced to that. That's how my ortho justified my necessary lateral releases, was so I could walk when pregnant. I'm a sex abuse survivor (thanks dad), never wanted kids or family and the doc knew that, yet he still intentionally triggered my PTSD as a teen by making my ability to walk and run and do stairs all about carrying a pregnancy... Mental health is a thing too doc, and you lost all trust I had in you as a person, especially when it was the same hospital I'd been going to for years wondering why my throwing workouts made it so I couldn't walk yet everyone chalked it up to growing pains, despite remaining 5' and change since I was 12. And then they wonder why so many people are legit anti-vax/ homeopathic and what not... maybe because we can't trust you lot on the basics or to treat us like people instead of animals.
@kelgreen99 2 года назад
I NEED THAT doctor in my life now.🥰
@Cagedbird1988 2 года назад
I've struggled with OCD my whole life, but my younger years were especially rough (regarding hypochondria). This reminds me of a time when I was about 19 I was convinced I had a brain tumor. Somehow, I convinced the ER doctors to give me an MRI and they actually did find something. A little fatty lipoma smack dab in the middle of my brain (it eventually disappeared on its own). When they came in and started of with "well...", I immediately pulled a Linda Blair to look at my mom and said "see! I told you I was dying!". In the moment I was scared shitless, but looking back, it's really funny how that worked out. Universe was like "aight, you want something? I'mma hook you up". 😅 I've amassed quite the collection of medical encyclopedias and such over the years because of how bad my hypochondria was, and still kind of is regarding certain diseases. But I actually do just get pure enjoyment out of reading them like some people enjoy reading Harry Potter. 🤷 Autoimmune diseases are especially fascinating.
@eamoncrawford 2 года назад
Aren't we all "dying?"
@bellevoor 2 года назад
Everything I've self-diagnosed has been accurate. But I'm always scared my doc will call me a hypochondriac so I don't tell him my self-diagnosis
@Tarotiste 2 года назад
What's great is when you have a Dr really on top of things, who catches things other doctors might not. I had recurrent cluster headaches. My psychiatrist told told me to have my PCM evaluate. My Internal med Dr, did send me for an MRI to rule out an aneurysm, but he *also* had me start to wean off my Effexor. Because he identified that as a side effect . That's what it was. And weaning off Effexor? That was a nightmare!!!
@SusanWillful 2 года назад
Oh jeez I keep hearing that about Effexor. I miss one day and my head feels like it's short circuiting with all the zaps and buzzes. Guess I'm taking it forever.
@HmmmmmLemmeThinkNo 2 года назад
WAIT EFFEXOR CAN CAUSE THAT! My neurologist was concerned af about my migraines, but he said effexor is a common first-try drug for them, and to stay on it. I hate being on effexor for how bad the withdrawal is, and my insurance won't let me pick my meds up more than a week in advance x.x
@HYPOESSTESS 2 года назад
The doctor in this has the most gorgeous eyes! 😍
@janetgraham-russell4476 2 года назад
We had a temp who had a nose bleed, freaked out, went home and never came back.
@prettybrowneyez3338 2 года назад
Arnold impression: priceless! 🤣🤣🤣
@jatryas 7 месяцев назад
looked up hypochondria up because every time i lied about being sick, like a headache or a stomachache or migraines, i would end up a few seconds/minutes actually having one. now it makes sense
@WatsonAndDaughter 2 года назад
I'm actually very anxious over my health for this reason. When I was younger I had several medical visits where a doctor would tell me I was fine, and then I would very much not be fine. Once, I had strep for over two months and developed giant holes in the top parts of the back of my throat. Told me it couldn't be strep because I didn't have a fever until I literally couldn't swallow from the pain. Another time, I went into septic shock because the antibiotics I was taking for a spider bite infection weren't working, even tho Urgent Care reassured me I was fine and just tired.
@allblack4777 2 года назад
These two are adorable
@MehWhatever99 2 года назад
I had gallstones after I had my first baby, and because I didn’t describe my pain right (?) I kept getting the brush off. In the end I read about another mother who had had gallstones and I figured out that was it, and insisted on getting scanned for it. You see, I was describing my pain as shooting pains in my back, whereas I should have been describing pain in my side/abdomen. It started in my abdomen, but shot around to my back, and that’s where I felt it most. So that’s what I was focusing on. Once I got the scans, they said my gallbladder was completely blocked. And the surgeon who took out my gallbladder said it was filled with 100s of small stones (2-3mm).
@Chelseyandfam 2 года назад
Honest question.. is hypochondria basically just a physical manifestation of a fear of death? My MIL seems to fit the bill and that’s the only explanation I can come up with. She also has untreated depression and anxiety. She has seen counselors/psychiatrists and she hates them all. She tried meds for like a month but didn’t understand she needed to take the medicine every day, kind of just took them when she felt bad I guess, which made the issue worse overall. Then a friend gave her some essential oils and she declared herself “healed”. Oh, and prayer. This was all before the pandemic hit in 2020, so it’s been a fun 2 years.
@christinepuente9910 2 года назад
I’d love to see a video of how this patient should be handled in the real world (definitely not labeled ‘hypochondriac’ I hope - that word needs to go). Let’s see some clinical interview skills. Is there a family history contributing to the patient’s anxiety that we should consider? Recent or current major stressors or medication changes?
@RosesSanctuary 2 года назад
I thought he was gonna say he'd had the headache for the past eight months-
@KiiKiiMC 2 года назад
This is so true 🥺 those crazy hospital Doctors
@JasonB808 2 года назад
When enough of unlikely events happen, one of them will eventually be likely.
@calicocritterscrafts886 2 года назад
I legit still have a headache from 4 days ago. CT says nothing serious. At least I’m not a hypochondriac lol
@fli_grl8p278 2 года назад
Yes!!! I was doing the Arnold voice in my head right before he did it!
@renereid6455 2 года назад
The Arnold Schwarzenegger impression was dead on 😭🤣. Also, the whole skit is hilarious
@koconut12 2 года назад
The comedic timing at the end killed me
@stefe5149 2 года назад
My girflriend is just like this, she got an MRI, it was nothing, but then she was like "what if they checked it wrong" 😐😐
@simonecutie6230 2 года назад
The black haired dude looked exactly like my pe teacher back in hs. Except younger and dressed better lol
@tiffanybrown1001 2 года назад
Dark hair and blue eyes 😍
@Matts0_11 9 месяцев назад
A couple months ago I started getting this really bad pressure on the right side of head I’m a diagnosed hypochondriac so obviously when I felt this I immediately oh well that’s it I’m dead… I had such a huge fear of going to the doctors and telling them they truth about how I’ve really been feeling… I have this pressure pain everyday… it SUCKS!! Going to get a MRI Monday… facing my fears head on🙏 if you ever feel symptoms that you think aren’t normal go get them checked out IMMEDIATELY don’t wait… GOD BLESS🙏
@astroanima9965 2 года назад
I'm so glad that he did the Arnold impression. That was the FIRST thing that came to mind
@brycebarfield1049 2 года назад
I got a headache the second I finished watching this
@billbombshiggy9254 5 месяцев назад
diagnosed hypochondriac here and this is spot on. I thought I had a nose bleed once and I panicked because I never get them. turns out the air was just dry and when I stuck my fingernail into scratch, I cut the inside of my nose. wasn't a nose bleed. also had a heart flutter once and was more than certain I was going into VFIB
@akkorosie 2 года назад
i felt a big lump in my shoulder and ignored it until a checkup when i mentioned it and they say “you have scoliosis”. but also i’m the same person that if i feel anything on the left side of my chest i constantly check my heartbeat.
@TheDarkDiamond76 6 месяцев назад
As a hypochondriac person. I can confirm this is how I act
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