
The Key to Killing Lust 

Desiring God
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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1628
Transcript: www.desiringgod.org/interview...



18 май 2021




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@quentinbringthenumetalchil5125 3 года назад
It’s a coincidence these talks come at the moments you failed or (almost) slip into it. It’s as if God is giving you this as a guide to not fall through.
@jayden12242 3 года назад
God’s perfect timing
@yufengcai6832 3 года назад
I know right.
@AWoolySheep 3 года назад
Learn to LOVE God commandments, and view them as more worthy than 1000 pieces of gold and silver. Get a conscience on wehat is right by learning how good they truley are. Don't do do something you don't want to do but know GOD's commandments are perfect and holy.
@lauraearly7116 3 года назад
Hallelujah! Every time I begin to stray, He leads me back to the flock. Gently and without force, but if I just open my eyes and see, open my ears and listen, He is right there guiding me! It is the greatest blessing and I dont deserve it one bit, not after all of my stubbornness and selfishness. Thank God that my eternity does not depend on my own works, but on the blood of Christ! I would not have a shred of hope otherwise!
@quentinbringthenumetalchil5125 3 года назад
@@lauraearly7116 Amen.
@collegepennsylvania837 11 месяцев назад
“The gospel is that I am so sinful that Jesus had to die for me, yet so loved and valued that Jesus was glad to die for me. This leads to deep humility and deep confidence at the same time. I can’t feel superior to anyone, and yet I have nothing to prove to anyone.” - Tim Keller.
@JasonSchmidt-1979 10 месяцев назад
@yestothetruth Месяц назад
The gospel is that following Jesus is the way to stop being sinful also. So, being sinful is not a lasting condition for someone who turns to God, precisely because of Jesus' sacrifice. That is not highlighted that much.
@AWarriorForChrist 3 года назад
I struggle with lust daily and i ask that you guys pray for me to overcome this
@matthewciappara6506 3 года назад
Indeed, for we have a merciful father, for his mercy's are fresh daily.
@lydiatheglimmermaid 3 года назад
I recommend resources by Sheila Gregoire (blog, podcast, Instagram). She's a Christian woman who uses the Bible and psychology to discuss lust and sexuality. She has more specific and helpful advice than just "pray more."
@kenklein9228 3 года назад
The only way for us to overcome such things is by submitting to God's discipline. Praying more, reading scripture more, rededicating our lives - none of those things help us. God has a process to which He wants us to submit. Through that process, He gets us cleaned up. It's in scripture.
@lydiatheglimmermaid 3 года назад
@@kenklein9228 What process, specifically?
@kenklein9228 3 года назад
@@lydiatheglimmermaid In short it's God's discipline. The apostles all address it. James provides the clearest understanding in James 4:1-10. Paul mentions the process in numerous places, including 2 Cor 7:1. This is accomplished by God through Him allowing trials in our lives which pull up wounds and defilements buried inside. The book of Job provides a good example of the process at work. Even when we know we have an issue of heart (lust for example), we can't (permanently) stop falling to it until we've dealt with the root of the defilement, and that root is almost certainly buried. I had to find a ministry that could help me understand God's discipline with sound teaching and resources.
@mom4christ191 Год назад
“I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman. (Job 31:1)
@mbgrafix 3 года назад
*TO CONQUER LUST* *FIRST* ...it may seem obvious, nevertheless, we should not permit ourselves to *_even momentarily begin_* thinking lustful thoughts, for to do so is to stumble over the edge of a cliff from which it is difficult ( but *_not impossible_* ) to climb out of! Therefore, if we disobey the Spirit and thus find ourselves thinking such thoughts, we must realize that it *_IS IMPOSSIBLE_* to *STOP* thinking these (or any) thoughts, because our conscious mind is *continuously* active...never stopping. Therefore, we can only conquer our lustful thoughts by *_changing_* what we are thinking and *_think pure thoughts instead._* _"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."_ *-- Philippians 4:8*
@vi683a 3 года назад
I feel at my weakest point i begin to have dreams of lust. I believe i am being seduced and tempted, like just this last night. Then I find this video upon opening RU-vid. I KNOW GOD IS GREAT!
@mbgrafix 3 года назад
@@vi683a Indeed! Paul says in Romans 7:23-25... "...but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin."
@RaymondCJV 3 года назад
@@mbgrafix I was studying Romans yesterday, I blamed my confusion over it on why I fell short today, poor excuse. Can you explain what does it mean to be saved by faith and not works? Is it trusting in Jesus to change me, or to forgive me? Isn't trying to not fall short the same as trying to obey the law?
@mbgrafix 3 года назад
@@RaymondCJV People need to grasp the concept of Jesus' analogy regarding good fruit and bad fruit. People read the words in the Bible, but then COMPLETELY miss it! Let me break it down... An apple tree produces apples, because of what it IS...it IS an apple tree. An orange tree produces oranges, because of what it IS...it IS an orange tree. If you hang apples on a pine tree, it does not then become an apple tree...it is STILL only a pine tree...with some phony apples hanging on it. Now that you understand that, apply it to Christianity... Getting drunk does not send you to hell. Committing adultery does not send you to hell. Practicing Satanism does not send you to hell. Being a sinner sends you to hell. Being a Christian sends you to Heaven. You cannot become a Christian by changing your behavior (stop swearing, drinking, stealing, lying etc...) anymore than a pine tree can become an apple tree by hanging apples on it. If you truly are a Christian, your NATURE will change. Apple trees produce apples because it is their NATURE! Christians abhor sin and produce good works because that is their NATURE. This is why Jesus said you must be born again. You must have a new NATURE. The only way a pine tree can NATURALLY produce apples is to BECOME an apple tree. So, if you think you are a Christian, but you commit unrepentant sin without a deep sorrow of heart, and struggle at good works, do not try to remedy the problem by "working harder to act like a Christian". Instead, get born again...have Jesus (figuratively speaking) change you from a pine tree to an apple tree. Then, you will be a new creature, with a new nature, and then abhorring sin and committing good works will be the NATURAL byproduct (fruit) of your new nature...your new birth! Then, just make sure that your new apple tree gets plenty of sun (Son), water (Living Water...Holy Spirit) and nutrients (the Word), so that it will be strong, healthy and bear much fruit!
@RaymondCJV 3 года назад
@@mbgrafix beautiful and well said. It’s makes sense. Some pastors say we will be tempted forever. I don’t know if that’s in line with being reborn or not. What needs to take place in order to be reborn? Is it more so accepting that I already am and the sins that I commit are nothing to worry about? Or is it somethings that I need to grow out of? Is putting faith in Jesus pretty much saying to myself “Yes I’ve sinned but Jesus will forgive me and as well help me to repent from this.”
@tommysuriel Год назад
The way to overcome lust is to try to get to a point where you have no interest in it. No interest in porn, masturbation or sex outside of marriage. You can achieve that by abstaining as much as you can, be relentless about it, and then focusing on other things that are more important. And Finally we need to pray to God constantly on this and trust that he will help us.
@tommysuriel Год назад
@simonomis The thing is, most Christians don't have that special experience. But yes the more we depend on Jesus, the better.
@yoditshenegelegne8140 Год назад
Months ago I fell down the hole of lust. But god gave me a ladder out of that hole. He made me lose interest in lust. And have faith in Jesus and god
@tommysuriel Год назад
@@yoditshenegelegne8140 Praise God. Congrats!
@arabena19 2 месяца назад
This is a wild oversimplification and it’s not biblical. You said to pray to God last. That’s literally the ONLY way to overcome it. Talk to him through it and ask him for a way of escape. All the other efforts are futile as they rely on your own strength. If you could do it on your own, you wouldn’t need God.
@tommysuriel 2 месяца назад
@@arabena19 why is it wild? I'm just giving practical advice, I never said you can do it on your own.
@Boeingx-sr8pb 3 года назад
I'm single and waiting faithfully, I love my future wife and it greatly motivates me to save sex and become pure as the best gift I will give to her when my wedding day comes. Sexual immorality does not only dishonor God, the person you lusted to, or your body. It dishonors the person God has made for you.
@NoTaboos Год назад
The best gift you can give her is being good in bed. It takes practice. And there is no god.
@datboi6066 Год назад
hi friend, your comment inspired me a year later. Hope youre doing well
@madisonblake1134 Год назад
I wish i could of read this a year ago... i got impatient and jaded that i was single and alone believing lies... i felt like you at one time if only i had a reminder and didnt follow my own selfishness... I hope you have continue to live this way and have found a wife. thank you for this though it will help motivate and to stay on the narrow path. God bless.
@datboi6066 Год назад
@drakejoseph913 What if there is a god?...You missed out on eternal life with your creator. I think the what if is much more concerning than your 12 year old idea of "fun".
@salvadormunoz8922 11 месяцев назад
@drakejoseph913You don’t miss out. Sleeping with someone to fulfill ones lustful desires as a meets to an end is plain carnality. There’s no respect to oneself or the other person. Your under control by your own biological mind and body. Seek spiritual growth with The Lord and Creator.
@justinwest1234 3 года назад
Guys the key to killing any sin in your life is the presence of God (Read Psalm 91) ,iv'e experienced this in my own life, my flesh would start running rampant with sin and all that stuff but the moment i go into Gods presence He (the Holy Spirit) plucks sin out of you and casts it away from you, and His presence just absolutely kills the flesh and the all of a sudden i realize as i come out from spending time in His presence that sin is just dead and i can literally feel how that sin gets plucked out of my heart and then my heart feels clean and pure again!!!,God is so good!!!!!!THANK U JESUS!!!!!
@nadacolic7775 3 года назад
Amen, hallelujah!!!
@Fabian7227 2 года назад
I want to hear more of your testimony because I’ve been messing up so much!
@LTNYstudio 2 года назад
Without Gods WORD we can’t do anything. Gods WORD is our sword. But yet we are supposed to put on the FULL armor of God. What did Jesus do when Satan tempted him? He said for it is written… thou shalt not tempt the LORD Thy God.. and so on. He used the WORD of God to fight the devil. If your not in scripture daily then there’s no way you’ll know how to pick up that sword. Paul said we need to meditate on the WORD of God DAILY!!! Also, God needs to have presence in ur heart not in the room. If Christ was in the room with you then that would mean he’s already come back and that’s heresy. But he left us the Holy Spirit to help guide us and strengthen us. If someone preaches that they feel his presence in the room u should run as far as you can from that “church”. Do not be deceived, for Satan disguises himself as the angel of light. They can seem very nice and enticing but so do temptations when the devil tempts you… I’m just saying this because of what you stated about his presence and there’s a lot of people that are deceived by “churches” like bethel music and hill song United… and the like. Hope this was more constructive criticism then anything and this is SOULY based off what is written in the WORD OF GOD. NOT my personal opinion. God Bless :)
@justinwest1234 2 года назад
@@Fabian7227 Amen, Jesus is so good, He has changed my whole life, i was 16 when i walked into a church called faith city witch is now my church witch i am rooted in, and i was a sinner and i did call my self a christian but i was living in sin and i didnt know Jesus intimately and i was not born again, but the Holy Spirit just flipped my life upside down, and before i knew it i stopped swearing and the desire for drinking and partying just disappeared and just experience a love and a joy and a peace that surpasses all understanding and He just started using me and He's so good and He will never leave you nor forsake you, since that day He was just my best friend and the most important person in my life!!! Just stay close to Him, spend time in His presence and His word and just let Him fill your life, and submit yourself to God and the devil will flee from you. God bless you, i love you and Jesus loves you !!!!!. Check out my vid i believe it will really help you: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-mAXM8dsa4PA.html
@LTNYstudio 2 года назад
@@justinwest1234 but it’s not all love, peace, and joy. I mean yes there is that but don’t stop explaining there. As Christians we are called to suffer. Jesus said that we need take up our cross and follow him daily! If all you experience is peace and joy then you are not save (not saying you aren’t but just stating for those who might not understand). I love what you said and I’m not hating just adding to what you said. ❤️ God Bless
@nobodysfaultbutmyown492 3 года назад
Jehovah and Jesus please Love me and don't let me destroy myself and end up in hell I don't want to betray you ever
@timmchale8057 3 года назад
Jesus loves you, you don’t ever have to doubt that. He chose to die for you and your sin because of how much he loves you. If you believe in Him and trust Him for the forgiveness of your sins then you are free from the punishment your sin deserves. Your obligation after you accept His free gift is to, with His help, start killing the sin in your life. Get help/counseling/accountability from your local church, brothers and sisters who can help you to grow in holiness. Sanctification is a long road with many bumps, but Jesus’ love for you will never fade. Blessings
@jesuslovesyou5384 3 года назад
@@timmchale8057 how could I even talk to woman about sin of flesh in pornography films and the like with sisters in Christ ?
@jesuslovesyou5384 3 года назад
@@timmchale8057 and are you saying brothers and sisters talk to one another about pornography and sexual sins ?
@jesuslovesyou5384 3 года назад
@@timmchale8057 and are you saying it's ok to talk coed to brothers and sister in Christ about porn and sexual sins ?
@iiFlexedd 3 года назад
@@jesuslovesyou5384 ofcourse it is okay to talk about that brother/sister. We should talk about that because sexual sin is a really big thing that brings alot of Christians down and into even more sin. Be blessed in Jesus name. Amen
@pamelarenee8314 3 года назад
May any doubts be deleted from my mind and my heart Lord I don’t want to perish Lord Jesus
@KikatzuMusik 3 года назад
What doubts do you have? "And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand." *John 10:28-29* God bless you :).
@maryannarodriguez7016 3 года назад
2 timothy 1:7 "FOR God has not given us a Spirit of fear but of power, love, and self control." A voice of doubt, of anxiety, of stress is OF FEAR , and God's Word states that God does not ever give that spirit. It's not from him. God is of love. GOD knows you have those doubts. And He will help you. Remember to ask and trust him to answer those prayers. Lord please protect this child of God. Let them know surely that they will be in Heaven with you. Let fear not come between them and You. In Jesus precious Name, amen!
@theadaezeigboanugo 3 года назад
@@maryannarodriguez7016 Aww you're so kind
@marlonticas5215 3 года назад
You won’t perish. Pick up your cross and follow Jesus. DENY YOURSELF. Repent and be Reborn, Give your life to Christ. Pray and Read the Word daily. Ask him for a hunger and thirst for his Word. The word will never return VOID. GOD BLESS YOU.
@NoTaboos Год назад
So, your whole life is based on fear of perishing?
@richardyoung4400 3 года назад
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. GALATIANS 5:22-23
@flynnrider2871 Год назад
I need prayers everyone. I keep slipping back into lust. I feel like Paul when he says “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do…For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing.” in Romans 7 I want to please God and Jesus but I keep falling back in and I feel broken inside. I don’t wanna be lost to this sin. I want to be able to have control of myself and live for God the way He wants me to.
@SavedPotato Год назад
My brother, I myself have struggled greatly with lust and I still do. It's been 7 months since you posted this but I want you to know you are still loved by God and that your sins past, present, and future have been covered with the precious blood of Christ our Lord and Savior. I myself have also found some comfort in that passage. It helped me know I was not alone with my constant struggle against my flesh, and that even a great man like Paul who spread the word and had a vision from Christ himself still struggled. From my brief searches on the internet looking for aid in my own fight with lust I can tell you thousands if not millions of our brothers in Christ battle with lust. So take heart in the fact that you are not alone. If I were to offer any advice, though I myself still struggle, I would suggest removing any and all media which causes you to have the slightest lustful thought. For me that was anime and asmr as well as many video games I enjoyed. It's hard and saddening to toss away something that brought you joy but the joy you will find in Christ without this evil in your life is a thousand times better. The second piece of advise is one you've likely seen; and that is read the Bible and pray everyday. I personally read 4 pages from an NIV study bible, but even a single page a day will help, and time spent in earnest deliberate prayer is key for me to have any success. If I grow lazy and neglect my studies, prayer, or allow myself to enjoy those things which spark lust in me I am almost assured to lapse into porn that same day. If I allow myself to entertain a lustful thought or gaze for more than a few moments I've already lost. That said, I still struggle and am far from perfect. What helps me may not aid you the same way. Just keep trying and moving forward, never relegate yourself to having already lost to lust. When you stumble get up and cling even tighter to God, and hopefully the next time your grip will be strong enough to not loosen again. May God bless you, and I hope you are well.
@antoniosilvestrojr. Год назад
@TheKunarion Great advice Brother. I couldn't agree more.
@flynnrider2871 Год назад
@@SavedPotato I love the reply. While I still slip up my battle against lust is getting better. I now can go even longer without falling back into lust. I set goals and try to not only keep them but exceed them. For me what helps is keeping eyes on Christ, reading the word, and giving my thoughts to other things that bring joy. Things that are good and fulfilling. The God is my greatest fulfillment of course. I know good work won’t save me. That’s why I put my trust in Christ. Doing good works is a byproduct of my relationship and salvation found with Christ. When I sin, I come back to Jesus with confession of my sin and asking of forgiveness. To reconcile with Christ and to have my sins washed away continuously by his blood which was spilt for me.
@SavedPotato Год назад
@@flynnrider2871 Amen brother, keep up the fight! 😁👍
@noahwbarker Год назад
I want to share with you this most convicting sermon by Paul Washer. It really puts into perspective the severity of sexual sins, and I hope it may serve as a reminder when you are faced with temptation. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-KDLyJLK2Fpc.html
@jamalparrott5749 Год назад
I’ve been practicing this practical tip to fight lustful thoughts You have maximum 5 seconds when a thought come to Rebuke and change yo mind and it will soon change your heart the Fear of Yah is amazing HalleluYah!!
@jamalparrott5749 Год назад
Lol nah I’m married bro but unless you battle with something u wouldn’t understand
@itstoasty7089 Год назад
@drakejoseph913 sensing a bit of hostility with your comment. Can you prove me wrong? You can be honest my friend. No one will call you out :)
@brontek5146 2 года назад
This was so powerful. Puts things into perspective when we understand how great and sovereign our God is, and how we are designed to be intimate with God. It’s empowering to know that our struggles were never designed to overcome us completely when we are Christian. Though we stumble, we do not fall.
@rpsoltau 3 года назад
"When I look at the beheadings, and I hear someone ask, “Where is your supreme Christ?” my answer is really easy: he is in heaven storing up almighty wrath in fury to pour out on all those who commit such sins. That’s where he is. And you better get right with him and repent, or you will all likewise perish. That’s not a hard question to answer biblically." Favourite part 🙇🏾‍♂️
@willstevens9405 3 года назад
I need prayer that I may surpass lust and porn and live life in a way Jesus wants. Thank you in advance, those willing to pray. 🙌❤️🙏
@gerlandkent6377 Год назад
prayers for you in Jesus name 🙏
@emiliovalladares9000 Год назад
Have u done it😅
@mattr.1887 Год назад
I pray that you will gouge out your eye, like Jesus told us to.
@n1njawaldo17 Год назад
Iam struggling with porn and lust. Iam weak, I keep falling into a cycle of it. God I need you!!
@alexlewis4331 Год назад
​@@n1njawaldo17 same
@ByGraceThroughFaith777 Год назад
This gets me sooo pumped up to kick the devil and his minuscule demons you know what in the name my All Mighty LORD Jesus Christ!!! Thank you Pastor!
@nobodysfaultbutmyown492 3 года назад
Jesus increase my faith please
@frankrivera8226 3 года назад
This is so good reminds me of the great and mighty God we serve. How i forget so easily thank you Jesus for the reminder!
@darellpeters1037 3 года назад
God is sovereign! Hallelujah! 🙌
@johnpiper8306 3 года назад
Beloved ❤️, I don't know if you have a child or you are looking to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD. If you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awareness to the foundation, this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message.... Please donated in life of a baby's suffering through cancer in Goodness motherless foundation. Those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened. Their situation is getting worst each day by day in life of motherless home 👏🙏🙏🙏 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most Of the children. Children are all battling for their life now 😭😭😭 I couldn't get requested amount needed. You can join hands together for this donation now 😭, please help the motherless baby's. Nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven. As you help this poor children your child will never witness this in life. With faith, as I Rise my hands toward heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Contact or WhatsApp the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details +2349029856116 tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by power but of the spirit saith the lord (Zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God blessing will never depart from you and your family. God bless you
@NoTaboos Год назад
How fucking original.
@Srman1999 2 года назад
Don’t have pleasure from lust but from love and loving God. He first loved us. ❤️
@guugu90 3 года назад
From my teenage until an adult life, this is always a problem for me. Dealing with lust is my biggest challenge to deal with. I have beem trying on praying earnestly, reading bible, fasting, hearing out podcast but the truth is I still have the same desire and wanting to cut this sin loose. I really strugling to deal with this problem. So far I cant find the concrete answre yet
@votreami6635 3 года назад
keep fighting, the answer is near, you need to fight to preserve that good energy, to do things your soul wants, sin is inflicted, it's not us, yet we stick to it cuz it feels good, look around, little by little try to see what you really love, see what your soul needs, praying for you friend
@joyson7 3 года назад
@@votreami6635 Pray for me as well brother struggling to overcome this sin.
@Kirinimusic 2 года назад
@@joyson7 I just prayed for you and @guugu90. Thank you both for being vulnerable to share here.
@joyson7 2 года назад
@@Kirinimusic bro thanks for the prayers i really appreciate it. I've finally overcome this sin although I struggle but God gave me strength to overcome. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 1john 3:9 This verse completely changed me, God spoke to me through this verse and ever since I've seen a great change in my spiritual life. It made me think that I'm a truly born again? I questioned myself and prayed i surrender my self to almighty, now I feel peace i tried to quit on my own but i couldn't do it but when I surrender myself to God he transferred me and changed me from inside. I want to serve God all my life and i want spread the gospel. I hope you are doing good brother.
@Kirinimusic 2 года назад
@@joyson7 Praise the Lord for how you have overcome this sin through God's Word and strength! What a joy to hear that you have the assurance that you are truly born again. I'm reminded of Hebrews 4:14-16, may that encourage you as it has for me. Amen to 1 John 3:9. I struggle with various temptations and it seems hard to overcome sometimes. Thanks for asking. I have been very encouraged by your sharing. All the best in sharing this beautiful gospel!
@karabog7460 3 года назад
I needed this. Thank you 🤍
@BRO77TX 3 года назад
This is perfect timing!!
@ellenmensah6624 2 года назад
Amen! What a wonderful and magnificent sermon pastor! Absolute truth all the way!!!
@conduit68 3 года назад
Blown down by the power of Joh Pipers delivery. Absolutely amazing!
@candid_scene Год назад
this channel is such a blessing 😇
@theblackbabygoat6876 3 года назад
Praying for Pastor John and his family. May all his family members can become God's tools to bring His kingdom onto the earth. May God give us all the strength that we need.
@Richie016 3 года назад
Like an unblemished lamb of God, Jesus Christ stood up for chaste living and righteous conduct as a torchbearer of ways of God.
@jameshawthorn9274 3 года назад
I really needed to hear this...
@An_Idiotlel 5 месяцев назад
Just fell to this sin tonight. While scrolling by please pray for me 🙏🙏
@yestothetruth Месяц назад
Make sure you approach God the way He expects you to with the right mindset. Prayers work together with what you need to have a resolve to do yourself. You must submit to God. That is essential: James 4:7-8 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. That's what your attitude needs to be when you are going through the process of *repentance* and committing to be obedient to God for the rest of your life (that's the kind of "change of mind" God wants to see). You must sincerely regret having sinned against God, and come to the point of hearing and agreeing 100% with Jesus' message saying, "I do not condemn you, now go and don't sin anymore" (John 8:11). Your obedience as you choose to follow God's ways is key--that's how you show your faith to God (John 3:36, Luke 6:46, Hebrews 3:17-18). That opens the door to receiving his *forgiveness* for your past sins (2 Peter 1:9), *healing* (Luke 5:31-32), *freedom from sin/addictions* (John 8:34-36), and the gift of *a new life* that you will live for God and no longer for sin and the passing things of the world (Romans 6:4, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15). That is the salvation you must make sure you have experienced: freedom from sin (John 8:36, Romans 8:1-2) versus bondage to sin (John 8:34, Romans 7:23). Approaching God in genuine repentance will lead to you receiving the Holy Spirit to lead you to "walk by the Spirit" (Acts 2:38, Galatians 5:16)--with a pure heart and self-control, which is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Any habit that controls you reveals idolatry in your heart. You have to choose to be done with that and it will be part of your past. That's one thing that will come out of your commitment to be obedient to God for the rest of your life. Please see 1 Peter 4:1-3 and 1 Thessalonians 1:9. James 1:21-22 21 Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls [that's repentance]. 22 But be doers of the word [that's faith, which implies obedience], and not only hearers, deluding your own selves. Hebrews 5:9 And having been made perfect, He [Jesus] became the author of 👉 *eternal salvation to all those who obey Him [...].* Please stay in the word and obey it (James 1:21-22). The word of God is fuel for your faith. To live as a follower of Jesus you must go out of your way to put the word of God in your heart and keep it there, rejecting all distractions. It's a fight and that's how you need to stand to not fall down. The truth will set you free from all sin (John 8:31-32, 36).
@tonyraceva 3 года назад
Love from Fiji 🇫🇯
@johnpiper8306 3 года назад
Beloved ❤️, I don't know if you have a child or you are looking to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD. If you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awareness to the foundation, this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message.... Please donated in life of a baby's suffering through cancer in Goodness motherless foundation. Those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened. Their situation is getting worst each day by day in life of motherless home 👏🙏🙏🙏 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most Of the children. Children are all battling for their life now 😭😭😭 I couldn't get requested amount needed. You can join hands together for this donation now 😭, please help the motherless baby's. Nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven. As you help this poor children your child will never witness this in life. With faith, as I Rise my hands toward heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Contact or WhatsApp the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details +2349029856116 tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by power but of the spirit saith the lord (Zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God blessing will never depart from you and your family. God bless you
@akgo2684 7 месяцев назад
This video came up on my recommended just when I needed it most. How great is God
@ck5196 3 года назад
This is incredible!
@yves.9mil 8 месяцев назад
One of the most powerful sermons of all time.God bless you John
@r.jclark4641 3 года назад
John sounds so young in this.
@john78tv 3 года назад
He is on fire!!
@user-rb5cu2ek4d 8 месяцев назад
Wow. Speak to my soul and my spirit with conviction and edifying.
@joshrobertobaob6633 3 года назад
This is so timely. Praise God.
@johnpiper8306 3 года назад
Beloved ❤️, I don't know if you have a child or you are looking to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD. If you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awareness to the foundation, this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message.... Please donated in life of a baby's suffering through cancer in Goodness motherless foundation. Those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened. Their situation is getting worst each day by day in life of motherless home 👏🙏🙏🙏 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most Of the children. Children are all battling for their life now 😭😭😭 I couldn't get requested amount needed. You can join hands together for this donation now 😭, please help the motherless baby's. Nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven. As you help this poor children your child will never witness this in life. With faith, as I Rise my hands toward heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Contact or WhatsApp the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details +2349029856116 tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by power but of the spirit saith the lord (Zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God blessing will never depart from you and your family. God bless you
@leeneyM Год назад
Praise the LORD! He reigns forever and ever!
@esauponce9759 3 года назад
Wow, thank you for sharing this!
@natestein5988 3 года назад
Although it's not the main point of the message, the phrase where he said that Jesus is supreme over deadly viruses is an absolute encouragement during this time of a global pandemic that has persisted for over a year now. I am eager to check out the whole message, as it is relevant to my ongoing struggles with lust, temptation, and sexual sin.
@johnpiper8306 3 года назад
Beloved ❤️, I don't know if you have a child or you are looking to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD. If you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awareness to the foundation, this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message.... Please donated in life of a baby's suffering through cancer in Goodness motherless foundation. Those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened. Their situation is getting worst each day by day in life of motherless home 👏🙏🙏🙏 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most Of the children. Children are all battling for their life now 😭😭😭 I couldn't get requested amount needed. You can join hands together for this donation now 😭, please help the motherless baby's. Nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven. As you help this poor children your child will never witness this in life. With faith, as I Rise my hands toward heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Contact or WhatsApp the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details +2349029856116 tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by power but of the spirit saith the lord (Zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God blessing will never depart from you and your family. God bless you
@NoTaboos Год назад
So, why did your god release the virus in the first place?
@reubenregler4663 2 года назад
If you search for reasons too hate me, you will find them.. If you search for reasons too love me, you will find them also If you search for reasons to sin, you will find them If you search for deliverance, you will find it also You will find what you’re seeking, make sure you seek right
@christsavesjesusforgives8331 3 года назад
Thanks for your message
@CCitis 3 года назад
The biggest struggle for many of us men, me included.
@NoTaboos 3 года назад
Without lust, you are not a man.
@yournewfarther 3 года назад
@@NoTaboos shut up
@chandanrock8782 3 года назад
@@NoTaboos it is just a part of life when u get married. But if u make it whole life it take everything from u everything. So u should control urself. Even me fallen down in this battle we should win and we will win
@NoTaboos 3 года назад
@@chandanrock8782 So, don't make it your whole life. Nothing to do with religion.
@chandanrock8782 3 года назад
@@NoTaboos thank you
@RaymondCJV 3 года назад
Wow, he made this today?! Right on time. Thank you Jesus, Pastor John's sermon got me to repent once before and now I've fallen short again. I want to put the nail in the coffin!
@RaymondCJV Год назад
@drakejoseph913 what does this mean?
@RaymondCJV Год назад
@drakejoseph913 I’ve said things that spoke death but I’ve always had belief that it’s always God will that’ll be done. So I believe grace will be given to me even if at time I spoke death. But even in this instance I’m not even speaking death, I mean nail in coffin as in like putting a demon or sin to death. Killing my selfish desires. This comment was two years ago and I thank God I can see how far I’ve came.
@RaymondCJV Год назад
@drakejoseph913 true. I just hope others understand that because I don’t have time for unnecessary enemies just because I didn’t get along with them completely or if we agreed to disagree.
@francisbaranquel6075 2 месяца назад
Amen...thank you Pastor John... God bless
@tylerbeckwith6815 Год назад
That’s called overflow of Him Holy Spirit Yessss!!! ABSOLUTELY INEXPRESSIBLE! GLORYYY BE TO GOD ALMIGHTY!
@HearGodsWord 3 года назад
Very helpful as it's a big struggle for many.
@KarenEstfny 3 года назад
God bless John Piper and desiring God, Glory to Jesus Christ! Thank you for this!!
@JohnVelez-7 3 года назад
@NoTaboos Год назад
Don't worry; I'm sure nobody lusts after you.
@user-ot8mw9zm1j 4 месяца назад
Thank you for this
@baronpowers1564 Год назад
Thank you. I needed this. Glory be to God, Jesus Christ the righteous, Amen. 🙏
@ilovegodandjesusjohn316 3 года назад
Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
@Shorthairification 3 года назад
But how can I grasp the Lord's infallibility? His wisdom? His knowledge? His patience? I'm a human. I cannot even grasp worldly wisdom of knowledge then how can I grasp the Lord's? It's very difficult for me. Pray for me to understand through the Holy Spirit.
@StallionFernando 3 года назад
Seek and ye shall find, tbh this video didn't help much, and you'll gain wisdom and divinity by eating of of the word of God daily.
@theburlyburrito 3 года назад
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)
@fearitselfpinball8912 3 года назад
My friend, my cat does not know where the cat food comes from. My cat cannot operate theautomatic canopener - knows nothing of electricity or the grocery store, the supply chain or logistics. If I could speak cat I would tell my cat, 'An immeasurable gap in levels of intelligence separates and distinguishes us us from one another.'. I would say, "As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts---we are not on the same level!'. But I can also sit quietly beside my cat and stroke it's head. I am speaking to my cat *in it" s own language* and nothing I mean to tell it, or convey or want it to know or feel has been lost in translation. It really can know me and it' s a part of being me - I"m being like myself - when I communicate with my cat just as it is in ways it can fully understand. It knows me and I know my cat. My friend, your humanity is no obstacle to knowing God or to being known by God. Which psalm says, the eyes of all look to you - to give them their food at the proper time... What's remarkable about the Bible and the incarnation is that God's desire to know us and be known by us survives the process of being translated into our own terms. He knows you. He loves you. He speaks the language of your own human soul.
@fearitselfpinball8912 3 года назад
I will add something else. Read psalm 131. This goes really well with my cat illustration... It's about being still and not thinking on things too wonderful to comprehend. To. Elaborate, When God asks Abraham to look up and to count the stars if he can I think He's expressing what JP is aiming at here. We can obey God by looking up and being astonished, overwhelmed - we are in touch with the limits of our own understanding and touching the edge where we are baffled by the incomprehensible nature of God. I don't think though that we obey God by returning a number. He doesn't mean us to really wrap our heads around how many stars there are in some kind of final, total comprehension... He means for us to wonder at what we can never comprehend... We aren't obligated to 'get it' but in looking up to know some fractional part of the extent to which we will never get it. God is beyond us. Be still and know that I am God is a statement that combines the consolation of the Holy Spirit - His comfort, with the incomprehensible greatness of God. Psalm 131 expresses this too I think.
@danielfrank1669 3 года назад
My brother, it's all what you ask for, you must want to know more of god ,of the world, you should check what you consider to be important, if you are dating someone you find out all the info on that person, and you arrange yourself to suit that person, if you want a relationship. It's like that
@nobodysfaultbutmyown492 3 года назад
My God Jesus I am having panic attacks thinking about how powerful you are I don't want to be Evil
@richendaw.2277 3 года назад
God is powerful, God is perfect and just, but God is also love. Repent and turn to him and know he loves you and wants to hold you close. God wants to draw close to you as you draw to Him. Rely and trust in Him, not in yourself, that's how we overcome our sin and our flesh and also our fear. In Him we are victorious, we are covered, we are forgiven, we are clean. He loves you, so let your conviction, guilt shame draw you to Him, recognizing your need and His suficiency don't let it turn into paralysing fear, anxiety and condemnation that is from the enemy who wants to destroy you. God loves you and wants to clean you and walk with you.
@RaymondCJV 3 года назад
@@richendaw.2277 "Rely and trust in Him, not in yourself, that's how we overcome our sin and our flesh and also our fear." Relying on yourself would be considered trying to follow the Law aka works. But faith in Christ is to rely and trust in Him. Fear, "I know God is in control, He's sovereign and knows all what is going on." Flesh and sin, I don't understand too well. Do I keep falling short because I'm relying on myself? What does relying on Him to repent from my sin look and sound like?
@richendaw.2277 3 года назад
@@RaymondCJV We overcome the guilt and shame of our sin through trusting in Christ, in His sacrifice that forgives us and His blood that saves us. We overcome the temptation to sin and the desires of our flesh by Trusting in God and believing that He is enough, that He loves us and desires what is best for us and trusting that His Word is true. We sin when we choose to trust in our hearts, our emotions, or flesh and we doubt God's Word and His sufficiency. When we trust in Him with all of our hearts and in His understanding (Proverbs 3:5,6), we rest knowing He is enough, He is good and His Word is true as a result we want to honour Him with our lives and we want to trust the One who wants to keep us safe and protected from evil. When we believe that God is all we need and He is truly enough, sin, temptation, flesh looses it's power over us. So, now, how would you phrase all this into 2 sentences, as you did above with your response to fear, but now concerning flesh and sin?
@sandragambrel9721 3 года назад
@@RaymondCJV Listen to what Paul says in Galatians 5:24, "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts". Paul says in other passages that we must reckon our old man as dead. Dead to fleshly desires, and, lusts. We use to use our feet to run towards sin, now we use our feet to run from sin, turn our backs on it, it's dead to us. We now live a new life. Christs' life, that lives in us. That's why reading scripture is so important. Our mind is renewed. Our way of thinking, and talking changes. Our way of looking at sin changes. The war is within our selves. The old man, wrestles with our new man we have become. It is a continual waring, wrestling. As you get more skilled in applying scripture, in a more practical way, it becomes easier to stay dead, and, to start using your mouth, your hand, your feet, etc., to praise God, to help a brother, or, sister, or, speak to an unbeliever about Christ, and they get saved. Paul is the Apostles to the Gentiles. That's what we are if your not a Jew, or, Hebrew, or, proselyte. Study his epistles, they all start with his name, Paul. If you are born from above, you have the Holy Spirit living in you, and, your spirit is now alive to God. He will teach, and, instruct, you on how to walk like Christ. Trust Him, His purpose is to reveal Christ to us. We change from the inside out by the work of the HS in our spirit, and, soul. The soul prospers as we walk in the spirit by the Spirit. I pray this helps clear a few things up for you. It's all about what Jesus did. Keep Him always in focus. Use His faith to trust the Father like He did. Jesus was always drawing on His Father for what He was to do next. Jesus prayed a lot to the Father. He wants us to ask Him for what we need to live this life we're living now for Him. He will lead you all the way to Redemption, Hallelujah!!!! Put everything you got on the inside to seek Him, believe Him and, trust Him. He knows what to do with you. He has a plan, and wants to share it with you. Learn to listen to Him, then follow Him. Basically, imitate Him till it's more natural than anything else you know to do. God bless!!! Jesus says, His sheep hear His voice, and, follow Him. Seek to hear His voice, and, you will. The Word of God says so!!!!!
@sandragambrel9721 3 года назад
nobody's fault but my own Grace, peace, and, love, from the Father, and the Lord, Jesus Christ, amen. Are you born again? Do you believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, His perfect life, His death on the cross for our sins, His resurrection, and His ascension into Heaven? If you believe these things the Bible teaches, you are not who you used to be. Your old man is dead. Dead men don't sin. Mortify the deeds of the flesh by reckoning your old self, as dead. Start living the new life you have begun by believing what the Bible says about you, now that you live for Christ. See Pauls' epistles, they all start with his name, Paul. The Bible says you are now the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. If you are in Christ, and He is in you, you are not the same person you used to be. Don't see yourself as a sinner anymore. As He is, so are you in this world. Don't see yourself as a failure, but, as a success, an overcomer. You have overcome the evil one by believing in Jesus Christ. Don't stop believing now. Start believing every thing the Bible says about you, and, Him. Quit thinking wrong, and speaking wrong. Speak what the Bible says about you. You have been set apart. You are a member of a body of believers that follow Christ. Your identity is now in Christ. Be who the Bible says you are, and, discover how much God loves you. He says He has given you authority over all the power of the enemy. You, You, have authority over all, all, all, the power of the enemy. Start resisting the enemy of your soul with force. God doesn't love us because we're so terrific, or, perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, lol. But, just because He is LOVE, and He laid down His life for us. He wants a human family. He loved you first, so you could live in Him, and some day, live with Him where He is. What an awesome gift, Eternal Life. Wow!!!! None of us are perfect this side of Heaven. But, Christ is. So, stay in Him, and see things as He sees things. Talk to the Father, and Jesus, like who they are, your Father, and, your Brother, best Friend for ever, and Savior, with all reverence of course. But, direct request, petitions, and, questions, to the Father, as Jesus told us to do. He loves us more than we will ever be able to love Him, as long as we are in these bodies. What the Father wants, is for us to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, and become like Him. Finding out how much God loves you will humble you above what you ever thought possible. God bless your growing in the knowledge of Him, amen!!! It's what it's all about. And, of course being a witness to others as you work out your own salvation, with fear, and, trembling. The JOY of the Lord is our strength!!! Focus on what He has done for you, and, you will rejoice, and be full of Joy in Him. He gets all the glory, amen!!!! Let Him love on you, so, you'll know how to love Him, and others. With all my love, Sandy
@lanepywell1390 3 года назад
God told me to watch this today and boy was I needing this!
@michaelpack7591 3 года назад
I love you, pastor!
@imgoldenwhiskey8575 Год назад
I've needed this. Praise Jesus Christ the lord 🙏
@MrK67017 3 года назад
Thank you for this.
@WilliamBranhamsermons 3 года назад
God bless you pastor
@SD_Chosen 2 года назад
I Have Fell to This at the Lowest Point I Am Praying, But I Need Deliverance, to Overcome I Understand God's Greatness and His Love, I Still Have Issues Changing My Life I Hope it's Not Too Late I Pray it's Not I Need a New Start God Please Grant Me Grace For Living in an Abominable Way
@Cool_Papa_Funk Год назад
Praying for you.
@SD_Chosen Год назад
@@Cool_Papa_Funk thank You ❣️
@samuelrogel4575 7 месяцев назад
Recently I've been listening to "the Beveres", listening to them I've learned to surrender these thoughts and many more in prayer to "the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord" and from experience I can say those thoughts won't submit to me but they'll submit to the "Spirit" fasting is like "tier 1" but intentionally surrendering to "the Spirit of the Lord" that's "Top Tier"
@yoooo1358 5 дней назад
If you know all bloodiest wars that took place in the world, nothing is comparable with the spiritual battles that spells either doom to destruction, or victory through Christ...
@willstephens3053 3 года назад
Wow, this is really deep.
@gerlandkent6377 Год назад
thank you for you're video Brothers in christ 🙏
@debbiewareing1178 Год назад
The key to killing any type of lust for me was an abusive sexual predator called dad! Thankfully, I now have a true loving faithful father in heaven. I’ve been fruitful and born 4 gorgeous offspring. Two sons and two daughters! I have had my share of tribulation, but it was all part of Gods amazing plan to redeem and restore what He created. Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus.
@thnrrtr 3 года назад
Thank you Desiring God, I love you guys. Jesus is Lord, He is supreme
@graysonmacarthur7769 2 года назад
thats powerful message man
@biblicalchristtv5717 3 года назад
Wow!!! The supremacy of Christ is the solution! Glory to God who is able to help us to stay away from sin and not stray away again. Glory to God!!!
@Eric-oz6dh 3 года назад
Absolutely awesome!! The supremacy of Christ alone!
@Arm2tr0ng 3 года назад
Pray for me that I can be strong in my faith and have freedom from lust
@lindamaecanete1778 3 года назад
Great sermon
@changeamerica1168 Год назад
Read God's Word. Pray for deliverance when tempted. Ask God to obliviate the lust. He will.
@likenl4508 Год назад
I don't know if this will help anyone but whenever lust comes at the door I imagine the lake of fire and all those souls who have died and are waiting to be thrown in. Christ saved me from the lake of fire and freed me from sin not so I could go back to it but to rejoice because I've been saved from hell. Cling to Christ through all temptations
@fishingforcandyBW Год назад
@calebberens9692 3 года назад
I need prayer to constantly fight this
@James5877 3 года назад
Learn to love God and hate sin. Be thankful to God for His goodness and grace. See sin for the ugliness that it is, and how it grieves God. And have a healthy fear of the coming wrath of God. Declare war on your sin. Know that sin brings death, but the Spirit brings life. And most of all, learn to love God more than anyone or anything.
@RedemptionMinistries77803 3 года назад
Ty Pastor John. Another thing that helps me is letting my phone die every night and only charging it during the day. Its simple but it's efficient. #Audiobible #Jude3project
@JayDUB213512 2 года назад
Amen Amen Glory to the Lord
@crystalbritt1119 3 года назад
@christophersedlak1147 3 года назад
God bless!
@johnpiper8306 3 года назад
Beloved ❤️, I don't know if you have a child or you are looking to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD. If you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awareness to the foundation, this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message.... Please donated in life of a baby's suffering through cancer in Goodness motherless foundation. Those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened. Their situation is getting worst each day by day in life of motherless home 👏🙏🙏🙏 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most Of the children. Children are all battling for their life now 😭😭😭 I couldn't get requested amount needed. You can join hands together for this donation now 😭, please help the motherless baby's. Nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven. As you help this poor children your child will never witness this in life. With faith, as I Rise my hands toward heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Contact or WhatsApp the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details +2349029856116 tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by power but of the spirit saith the lord (Zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God blessing will never depart from you and your family. God bless you
@joelchavez61 2 года назад
Tremendous sermon. God saves by the righteousness of Christ alone. Those outside of Christ are hellbound.
@crocuscreekwoodworks Год назад
Amen. Powerful!
@jvanniekerk1 Год назад
This is like a Godly poem! Wow
@nobodysfaultbutmyown492 3 года назад
Jehovah I am so afraid of you your poweful please lead me right Jesus Jesus help me
@CyborgNinja7 3 года назад
Please do not be afraid. "Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced His perfect love." - 1 John 4:18. There is a "fear," or reverence, of God, and then there is being afraid of Him. We must not be afraid of Him, for He loves us.
@nobodysfaultbutmyown492 3 года назад
@@CyborgNinja7 what music we do read talk read and listen to the bible day and night? Like Joshua 1 8
@CyborgNinja7 3 года назад
@@nobodysfaultbutmyown492 Meditating on God's Word is great. Keep doing it. But know that God loves you and His salvation is for you.
@nekaylasmith Год назад
Thank you ❤️✝️
@deanpatterson2010 3 месяца назад
Love it...Jesus Christ makes quantum mechanics and everything that Steven Hawking knows and has written like a first grade reader. Praise God. And may the Lord Jesus give me more understanding of the Masters degree I got in the subject, but most importantly, more understanding of His Precious Word and the practice of It. I ask the saints to pray for me, too, for my walk with the Lord Jesus. Amen.
@JeannieZM Год назад
Hallelujah hallelujah
@brimcd Год назад
Every knee will bow, every moith will confess, Jesus is Lord.
@busybody1474 Год назад
Four words that will free you from lust.. STOP HIDING FROM GOD when you finally realize God is watching you, you will stop sinning against him. If you're watching porn, you are literally watching it in front of your ultimate judge. You have zero privacy, nothing is secret or hidden and every thought and deed will be brought into the light on that terrible day. Whenever you are tempted say these three words from now on.. NO MORE HIDING your chains will be broken sooner than you think and you will be joyful again ❤️
@rickyryanmusic 3 года назад
True Poetry, Amen.
@matthewforrest5795 Год назад
I'm asking my fellow Christians to please pray for Me....I struggle with lust and porn so bad and I need God to transform me.
@busybody1474 Год назад
Stop hiding from God.. that was my breakthrough. When you finally realize that God is watching you, he sees everything you do.. you will finally stop sinning against him. If you're watching porn God is watching you.. nothing is secret, nothing is hidden and every thought and deed will be brought into the light. Say these three words every time you're tempted.. no more hiding. Ask Holy Spirit to strengthen you and give you a new heart with new desires, you will soon be free and be joyful again.. praying for you ❤
@matthewforrest5795 Год назад
@@busybody1474 appreciate it
@blackblackblack7773 3 года назад
This is a good thing. Amen 🙏
@vico100 3 года назад
@100briancooper 3 года назад
Hallelujah Jehovah🙌 Hallelujah Jesus🙏
@johnpiper8306 3 года назад
Beloved ❤️, I don't know if you have a child or you are looking to get a child please don't skip this message without donating anything to the MD. If you can't make support or you don't have just share will help create more awareness to the foundation, this may not be the first time you are seeing this kind of message.... Please donated in life of a baby's suffering through cancer in Goodness motherless foundation. Those children are so much ill now they have tried alot of medication, treatment and consultation still nothing happened. Their situation is getting worst each day by day in life of motherless home 👏🙏🙏🙏 doctor said he needed to go on a surgery most Of the children. Children are all battling for their life now 😭😭😭 I couldn't get requested amount needed. You can join hands together for this donation now 😭, please help the motherless baby's. Nothing is too small your assistance will be rewarded in heaven. As you help this poor children your child will never witness this in life. With faith, as I Rise my hands toward heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Contact or WhatsApp the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details +2349029856116 tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by power but of the spirit saith the lord (Zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God blessing will never depart from you and your family. God bless you
@votreami6635 3 года назад
God saves. Keep going, keep fighting Your fight, keep Love holy. I love you.
@newyorknight 3 года назад
You need to kill the sin or the sin will kill you- John Owen. The work of the Holy Spirit is very important in the life of the believer. We need to take to heart Romans 8:13
@elmyrvl 2 года назад
this left me speechless and ashamed of how shallow my confidence in the supremacy of Christ. 😭
@NicholasPaulFranks 3 года назад
“The love of the world cannot be expunged by a mere demonstration of the world’s worthlessness. But may it not be supplanted by the love of that which is more worthy than itself?” - Thomas Chalmers, Edinburgh
@Aiden-ly6ru 11 месяцев назад
@greganderson2239 Год назад
Don’t entertain the lie of lust because it will imprison you and condemn you. James 4:7- Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. I was able to overcome my porn addiction through Gods word, prayer, and obedience and carrying my cross. This means denying your flesh and pleasing the flesh. You please the spirit through reading Gods word, praying and obeying. Mathew 16:24- Then Jesus said unto His disciples, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.
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