
The Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law Conflict in the Luxembourg Royal Family 

Royal Fashion and History
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We've talked about so many royal stories on our channel, but we've never introduced the Luxembourg royal family. Today, let's discuss it. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a landlocked country surrounded by Belgium, France, and Germany. Since it's called a grand duchy instead of a kingdom, it means that the monarch's title in this country is Grand Duke instead of King. Luxembourg is also one of the wealthiest countries in the world, with abundant iron ore resources and a steel industry, as well as a developed financial sector. Its area is just over 2,000 square kilometers. Despite being such a small country, its head of state, the Grand Duke, is quite prominent.



24 мар 2024




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@Luciasantos-by9np 3 месяца назад
Cuba lies in the Caribbean Sea , not in South America.
@japanjack62 2 месяца назад
Sounds like Princess Josephine Charlotte was right about Maria Teresa.
@ctfh1236 2 месяца назад
Absolutely, Grand Duchess J. Charlotte was a wonderful Belgian Princess, well loved all over. But that pushy domineering feminist narcissist her son married did never fit into the royal family
@danielaxivitz6188 2 месяца назад
Maria-Theresa was not well judged after some scandals regardjng a lifestyle too expensive and some behaviors not very polite with her co-workers in Louxembourg , not abroad.
@robertmcnamara5407 3 месяца назад
There is one very good reason for the initial disinheritance of Louis and his family. It's called the church and it still has an iron fist behind the scenes in European royal families. By marrying and letting a small amount of time elapse their titles could be quietly bestowed again.
@ladyagnes9430 2 месяца назад
Choosing to have sex outside of wedlock and therefore making one's child illegitimate can be avoided. Being born without royal lineage ( as in Maria Theresa's case) is not something that she nor her family could have "avoided". The two situations should not be seen as equivalent.
@orosiaabadias5876 Месяц назад
María Teresa criticó a su suegra cuando esta ya había muerto y no podía contradecirla y defenderse , eso estuvo feísimo...es un comportamiento horrible...
@lowesonia8551 Месяц назад
It was the elderley Grand Duchess mother to Prince Jean husband of Josephine Charlotte, who refused to assist the wedding. That at the time made the Headlines. She was revered by the people as having stood up to Hitler even from Exile. It was also considered a bad choice as Cuba and Nazis were greatly helped by bankers in Cuba to gain passports.
@user-ce8sg2vx9f 3 месяца назад
Interesting how someone who previously found herself on the wrong end of elitism can thrust the same prejudices on someone else. Good video though. Thank you and best regards.
@truecynic1270 3 месяца назад
@Jan-ss9tm 2 месяца назад
Everyone is assuming her background was an issue for J-C, maybe it was her character?
@carlosv1366 7 дней назад
@flaviajaubert7919 3 месяца назад
Cuba is not in south america !!!!! 😂 get your geography right please
@jacqueline6926 3 месяца назад
its difficult to compare both situations. Maria Teresa is the highly educated daughter of a wealthy banking family. Louis'wife is the daughter of a roofer and was driving trucks for the Luxembourg army when they met. Its hard enough to fit in a royal family and when there is such a discrepancy in background its much harder even if Louis is far from the throne. But based on what we saw while they were married, it seems there was quite a close bond between the grandduchess and Tessy.
@luga718 3 месяца назад
They divorced already.
@vickysuarez2534 3 месяца назад
No importa si la esposa de Louis es hija de un camionero o de un chofer o de un carpintero, lo que importa es el amor verdadero, real y sincero que sienten dos personas, por Dios ya no estamos en las épocas medievales ni de la colonia, basta de prejuicios absurdos !!!!!
@lugano1999 2 месяца назад
Is that background music really necessary, especially when people are speaking?
@hauptmannbalalaika Месяц назад
No it is not. But some people used to do this thinking they could prevent the voice over being pirated.
@karenkratzer7036 3 месяца назад
Maybe Josephine Charlotte was correct in her feelings. But you don't air your dirty laundry in public.
@JM-gu3tx Месяц назад
in fact, it's very boorish, rude, low class and disrespectful to boot.
@josemafabian5601 Месяц назад
Princess Josephine Charlotte was right about Maria Teresa...
@nikolaiho 28 дней назад
She did not know who he was?! I dont believe that for a second.
@TheNotrac 2 месяца назад
Prononciation of Jean is not Jean as Jean Harlow but more similar to Jon.
@paulcorrigan3753 2 месяца назад
I think you might find that Grand Duke Jean (pronounced 'Jeen' in this video) is pronounced as 'Zhon'. French, I believe.
@petriburgian 3 месяца назад
Oh dear, it's a pity you can't pronounce The Grand Duke's name correctly!!!!
@danielleporter1829 3 месяца назад
The narration is most likely Ai generated.
@mairim4578 3 месяца назад
Viva la cubana,she comes from a wealthy family. Cuba is not in South America,is in the Caribbean.
@magdalenadacunto888 2 месяца назад
La cubana maltrataba bastante al personal, de buenota, nada
@ComtesseRochefort 17 дней назад
I met the Grand Duchess Joséphine Charlotte in Luxembourg, about 34 years ago. Even though it was only a few minutes, I liked her immediately. She was very easy to talk to, warm and charming. When she died and I was quite upset about it, even though I only met her once.
@Abby-00 3 месяца назад
Ok this was a great story, thank you
@jacquelinefickis1734 3 месяца назад
Royalty are just like commoners and they have their misunderstanding as well ❤😢😮🇱🇺
@annehersey9895 Месяц назад
Judging by the press regarding how Maria Teresa treats those who work for the couple, she sounds like quite the Diva! In Josephine’s day, if you did NOT marry another Royal, you were out of Succession so I see why J-C felt that way. Look at King Charles III of Britain. He was forced to marr😢Diana because Camilla was ‘unsuitable’- noa Virgin OMG! So Charles did his duty and look how many lives were ruined because of a tradition 100 years out of date by 1980. Good for Henri for putting his foot down. I wish Charles had been that strong then and you can see why William and Harry were allowed to marry who they loved!
@esperanzafanercoll7341 3 месяца назад
La Cubana , lo debió pasar Muy Mal con su suegra . Es muy doloroso sentirse vejada . Ella ahora ya es la gran Duquesa . Por muchos años
@fernandodc5146 2 месяца назад
y ahora la acusan a ella de vejar a sus colaboradores, menuda lianta debe ser jaja.
@terrywier5877 3 месяца назад
Please do more videos on royalty. They’re really interesting.
@carlosv1366 7 дней назад
Maria Teresa through her father is a descendant of black africans, that her mother in law didn’t like that and also the terrible character that the Cuban lady has.
@sharondamongeot1439 2 месяца назад
Excuse me !!!! Cuba is NOT in South America !!!😳🙄🙄🙄
@Luciasantos-by9np 3 месяца назад
Princess Sibylla of Luxembourg is great great granddaughter of King Alfonso XIII.
@juliovinuesa8954 Месяц назад
Es bisnieta.
@annakoronaiou 3 месяца назад
I think that the present Grand Dutchess shouldnt had been shared the private bad moments of herself and her mother in law,especially after she had passed away and wasnt there to defend herself.It was an act of cowardness.Why she didnt do it when her mother in law was alive?Because she was afraid of the reactions of her in laws.
@nolaughingmatter 2 месяца назад
Just don’t know why there are so many narrators of history on YT. They often know little about geography, languages, and especially about the subjects of their videos. They also don’t bother to learn the proper pronunciation of their subjects’ names.
@AroundTheWorldWithEase Месяц назад
It's all AI, that's why.
@philippegarreyn7919 Месяц назад
Since you can't pronounce "Jean" half decently, why don't you call him "John", his first name in English
@terrywier5877 3 месяца назад
Please make more videos on royalty. There are a lot more interesting.
@juliovinuesa8954 Месяц назад
La Gran duquesa Carlota que fue soberana de Luxemburgo entre 1919 y 1964 asistió a la boda de su nieto Enrique celebrada el 14 de febrero de 1981 en la capital ducal. A su lado estuvo la que fue reina de Italia, María José de Saboya tia abuela materna del entonces heredero.
@JamesMcCown-yf3qf 2 месяца назад
Please get your facts straight...it is not the "Royal Family of Luxembourg." It is "The Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg." Similarly, there is no "Royal Family" of Monaco...It is the "Princely Family of Monaco."
@MarcodeLuxembourg 2 месяца назад
Princes of the House of Nassau who have concluded a marriage with the consent of the Head of Family, as well as their spouses, are qualified in the manner provided for in Article 1. The descendants of these unions bear the title of Royal Highness and Prince or Princess of Nassau.
@JamesMcCown-yf3qf 2 месяца назад
@@MarcodeLuxembourg thank you I stand corrected
@nicolasandribet4506 Месяц назад
They hold the style royal highness because grand duchess charlotte married a bourbon-parma prince, which upgraded their descendants from grand-ducal to royal highnesses
@IngeDemmendaal 3 месяца назад
Please use the correct pronunciation of "Jean"
@noenoe1519 Месяц назад
pauvre gourde cette femme , sans etre de sang royal mon mari pilote sur mirages a BX et MT DE MARSAN mais loin de ma belle mere ,nous etions parfaitement heureux ,des qu ont mettez les pieds ds le Nord pour des visites a mes bx parents celle ci me faisait une guerre et uniquement a moi et sans en avoir l air ? tt le monde nous sentait tres heureux et moi je ne disais rien ,mon mari le voyait et nous ne restions que peu de temps ,,,,,,oufff ceci a durer éà ans et qd il a reprit 1 vie civile mon b pere lui a fait miroiter la direction de ses affaires et ca n a marcher que 2 ans jusqu au D C des g parents qui m aimaient beaucoup ,,!ils surtout elle m en a fait voir de ttes les couleurs jusqu a m enlever mes enfants durant 6 mois pendent que j etais partie a Paris voir 1 amie ,,,ils ont force,,,? mon mari a demander le divorce et pris mes enfants ,,divorce qu il n a jamais eu et l a amerement regretter et mon b pere aussi ,,,! celui ci m a fait des excuses moi j ai rcuperer mes enfants et suis partit avec eux avec l appro du juge ,,le divorce n a ete pronocer tres tard en 2010 car il a voulus se remarier mais ca n a pas marcher ,,,et je suis veuve depuis 2019 suis donc revenue da mon sud ouest natal et infirmiere j ai repris mon travail ,,,,,,C EST revoltant des meres ou meme des peres qui entravent leurs enfants ds leur avenir et ca bouscule enormement les enfants car ils partaient p les vacances en avion tres souvent a regrets,,,,QUE CES BONNES FEMMES FICHENT LA PAIX AUX ENFANTS CAR SE SONT LES PETITS ENFANTS QUI SOUFFRENT ET NE S EN SONT PAS TELLEMENT REMIS !
@aldaarraia5239 3 месяца назад
Princess dont exist any more.
@SheelaMarieMVacal 3 месяца назад
Regency Era divide into 3 Reigns.. Monarchy Royal Family.. Denmark Netherlands Edward and Isabel Aragon George and Leonor Toledo Victoria.. Janet.. Andrew Beatrice.. Joane.. Leonard Elizabeth.. Nancy.. Albert Margareth.. Maria.. Vladimir Catherine.. Lidia.. Robert Dinasty Royal Family.. Mongolia Japan China Yamamoto and Masako Naruto and Sasuke Aiko and Kiro Suke and Nina Hiro and Jong Empire Royal Family.. Turkmenistan Royal Family.. Alexandra and Nicholas Tatiana and Mariana Natasha and Natalia Ivan and Igor
@Luciasantos-by9np 3 месяца назад
It is not Edward and Isabel Aragon , it is Fernando de Aragon e Isabel de Castilla.
@jolanda.c 2 месяца назад
Louis was in the public eye because of his lineage. That wasn't a thing he could avoid. They could have handled the pregnacy of Tessy with more love to their son and grandson, instead of shutting them out for 3 years to use his titles. They should know from their own past that support of the family is important. Church or no church and Luxembourg people would understand the care of parents in this situation. He is the third child, the chances are small that he will ever be called to reign. So why? Now they had the press twice; first for taken it off and then for giving it back. That could have been avoided to let him and the baby keep his titles and give titles to Tessy at marriage. And from what I've heard in gossip. Maria Theresa doesn't look helpfull to her daughter-in-law Stephanie as well. Why let a woman that will get your position in the future, wear your old dresses on balls and statereceptions? Stephanie is longer, younger and has a different haircolour/skintone. Those dresses look poor on Stephanie. The pictures last forever, is that a way to outshine your status as grand duchess? In the mean while Maria Therese is accused of spending a lot and is called to be not easy on her staff as well. I don't think Josephine was far off to have her doubts.
@brotcornedenise744 2 месяца назад
Traduction en français svp
@elisa954 2 месяца назад
Le Luxembourg est un merveilleux paradis fiscal. Mon préféré, Louis ...
@annadumnov6737 2 месяца назад
Translate the word correctly into Russian(in this context) . Mother-in-law - *свекровь* (not - тeща )
@taliabustamante4412 28 дней назад
@user-cc7dn9ji1o 2 месяца назад
Très élégants et raffinées
@evatervala4033 2 месяца назад
Maria Teresa Wright about 200 kg.
@grahamnancledra7036 2 месяца назад
Jean? as in the woman's name? Come on it's pronounced in the French style.
@victoriafarolan9511 2 месяца назад
@carlosv1366 3 месяца назад
María Teresa also is a descendant on her father’s side, of blacks from Africa.
@normalappas1022 2 месяца назад
Since science has determined that the first woman came from Africa, I guess we all do.
@carlosv1366 7 дней назад
@@normalappas1022 That has to be proven but She is a descendant of blacks.
@janetsides901 3 месяца назад
I wish this person would pronounce names correctly. And know geography.
@clincpb8903 2 месяца назад
The last Photograph shows theBelgian Royal family not the Luxembourg one !
@jenniferb590 2 месяца назад
It shows both actually. The King and Queen of Belgium and the GrandDuke and Duchess, the Hereditary GrandDuke and his wife of Luxembourg. Looks like a state visit by the Belgians.
@MerySandoval-kf7ot 3 месяца назад
For your information Cuba is in North America not South America
@luga718 3 месяца назад
No in the caribbean.
@mariadelcarmenetchevarne9238 2 месяца назад
Cuba no está en norteamericano ni en Sudamérica
@nickm6915 2 месяца назад
The Grand Ducal family, not royal
@truecynic1270 3 месяца назад
Josephine Charlotte's behaviour ( and perspective ) regarding her daughter-in-law reveals the thinking of an immature, selfish and over-inflated self-importance like the commoners/with money who marry into "lots of wealth." And, for Maria Teresa to carry on this 'nasty' behaviour reveals someone not much better. At least, Karma broke the chain........
@cocoaorange1 3 месяца назад
What did Maria Theresa do? Who was she prejudice against?
@truecynic1270 3 месяца назад
@@cocoaorange1 Meddled in her children's relationships. Also thought her children should marry "within their class" . It's mentioned near the end, just before the "her 19 yr old son had a baby out of wedlock......"
@evafitzsimmons3407 2 месяца назад
I can not understand how a mother thinks she can choose her son s wife!
@truecynic1270 2 месяца назад
@@evafitzsimmons3407 Really? This happens much more than you can imagine or it becomes 'the classic story of mother-in-law hating the daughter-in-law and they never get along" There was/is "some truth" to Oedipus Rex
@FCBanes 2 месяца назад
@@truecynic1270 They have already divorced so......
@monchii6468 2 месяца назад
Royal Monster mother in Law
@aldaarraia5239 3 месяца назад
Inuteis bem.vestidos.
@SheelaMarieMVacal 3 месяца назад
Royal Family are.. Elizabeth and Philip has 2children.. Charles and Ana Margareth and Anthony has 2children.. David and Sarah Caroline and Alberto Casiraghi has Stephanie and Jacqueline and Alberto Ranieri.. Diana and Charles has 2children.. William and Harry Alberto and Charlene has 2children.. Jacques and Gabriel Catherine and William has 2children.. George and Charlotte Harry and Meghan has 2children.. Archie and Lilibeth Rania and Abdula has 4children.. Leticia and Felipe has 2children..
@luga718 3 месяца назад
Really?And Belgiun,Denmark,Sweden,Norway,Netherland,etc
@edwinavanasselt2108 3 месяца назад
You don't say "has 2 children", you say "have or had". Also Queen Elizabeth the Second and Prince Philip had 4 children. Caroline and Stefano Casiraghi had 3 children. There are many more things that are not correct in your statement. You forgot other dynasties as well.
@annysavoye3872 2 месяца назад
@SheelaMarieMvacal Elizabeth et Philip 4 enfants et non pas 2. Caroline de Monaco 3 enfants avec Stephano Casiraghi. Et une fille avec Ernest August de Hanovre. Catherine et William : 3 enfants.
@SheelaMarieMVacal 2 месяца назад
@@annysavoye3872 Daccord..
@clincpb8903 2 месяца назад
Stefano Casiraghi, who's Alberto ?
@violar.4663 2 месяца назад
I read that Maria Teresa treats the staff who work for her badly, and that she spends excesssively. Perhaps the mother-in-law wasn't entirely wrong.
@ctfh1236 2 месяца назад
She is a pushy , dominieering Cuban woman who treats the staff as trash
@loveisall5520 21 день назад
Perhaps you’ve been waiting too much of gossip rags. Sounds like you’re quite happy to see the worst in people, whether based on fact or not.
@engelinaschuurmans7648 16 дней назад
Never believe what you read, there are always at least 2 sides of een story.
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