
THE REAL JEWISH MESSIAH 2: Can 2 Billion Christians Be Wrong? Rabbi Skobac Jews for Judaism so be it 

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THE REAL JEWISH MESSIAH Part 2: Can 2 Billion Christians Be Wrong?
THE REAL MESSIAH Part 2: Can 2 Billion Christians Be Wrong?
By Rabbi Michael Skobac, Education Director of Jews for Judaism
• Session #3 of a 12-part lecture series entitled the "Counter-Missionary Survival Seminar", which responds to the 2,000 year-old claim by Christian missionaries that Jesus is the Jewish messiah. Using the Jewish Bible, where the concept of the Jewish Messiah has its foundation, Rabbi Skobac explains how two Billion Christians are wrong and that Judaism is correct in rejecting Jesus as the Messiah. Questions should be directed to RabbiSkobac@JewsForJudaism.ca



4 окт 2024




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@nodiscord6768 11 лет назад
After watching this video I now want to become a Jew. I've been a Christian for the past 2yrs and this really gave me the Truth I've been searching for. It's been on my heart lately to move to Jerusalem and be in the mist of ISRAEL. I pray this will happen soon
@babychubs15 9 лет назад
I was raised in a Catholic home to parents who where not religious, thankfully. But unfortunately I did grow up with basic catholic beliefs, such as Jesus, sabbath on Sundays, saints and crucifixes. As I entered my adolescent stage, I realized that saints where not for me. And since I live in America where lots of Christians live. I decided to become a Christian, it was a similar religion to the one I grew up in and I found facts in this new religion. Like the sabbath is actually on Saturday proven by the bible, crucifixes are useless and saints are against God, also proven by the bible. But throughout all these discoveries I found it hard to believe God and Jesus where one in the same. As catholics teach God, Jesus and the Holy spirit all 3 separately. I tried extremely hard to believe this (God+Jesus=God) in my head but my heart would not accept it for some reason. And one Sunday afternoon as I was reading the Bible I said to my self. Who are these Hebrews? Why are they so special to God? Why does God Separate them from Everyone Else? Why are these Israelite's so important to him? So I got on the Internet and educated myself for the first time on jews, Judaism and there existence. I then wanted to know what the difference between Christians and Judaism was. And to my surprise it was Jesus. So i started to dig for the reason they (the jews) don't belief in the ultimate savior???... And to my shock I came across all there reasons for denying to accept Jesus. And in that moment I changed my beliefs.i am No longer a Christian thanks to the truth of the jewish people who shared there truth theirfor enlightening me with facts and a better understanding of God and the bible. P.S, [To: the jewish people] Thank you so much for guiding me and showing me the actual truth and the false teachings of this world. If it wasn't for this man (Michael) I would still be following the lost and blind souls of this earth. I forever walk with the Jews.
@Chrisoula17 6 лет назад
I'm Christian and I was taught by my church, the Greek Orthodox Church, that Jesus was showing His human side when He was crying out to His father. Jesus is God or God in the flesh, so when He was crying out to God the Father, Jesus was just being human at this time and was suffering just like any other human suffers. This is how the church has explained this to me. BTW, I really enjoy listening to the rabbi. He makes sense even to me.
@jesanil 11 лет назад
Rabbi as a christian I was never aware in the past years of my life, that I was disobedient to Gd almighty, its simply not taught to us, even if you take the first law seriously you just have to do away with this additional Gd we have created for ourself. Its so heart wrenching how people do not have a clear humble heart just listen to what our creator and almighty Gd is telling us to listen. He is looking only for obedience and here they turn out to be rationalists easily deceived.
@lisamcneil3470 11 лет назад
Thank you, Thank you, and Bless you. I had so many unanswered questions. I am now on a new journey.
@aliataie101 9 лет назад
Thank you Rabbi. I don't totally agree with you, but your scholarship is much appreciated and badly needed.
@blaisewhite2046 3 года назад
Thank you Rabbi Skobac for this insightful and informative lecture. I moved away from Christianity because I found it so confusing I thought I was loosing my mind! You have articulated perfectly the reasons for my confusion. For which I’m very grateful. Judaism is a beautiful spiritual path that leads me closer into a relationship with God. Once again many thanks for your hard work. Shalom.
@levi7187 6 лет назад
I was raised evangelical Christian but more and more I find myself drawn to Judaism, I don't agree with everything the Rabbi says but I can sense that he is a sincere man. Everyday I become more skeptical of the many claims of Christianity.
@wimm1392 5 лет назад
I have been lied to for most of my life. Thanks for a very good explanation it’s much appreciated Rabbi.
@Fgautreaux1962 11 лет назад
Outstanding! As a matter of fact your exposition just made realize that if Jesus resuscitated, just for the argument sake off course, and he was really the mashiah and walked among his followers, why he didn’t take the opportunity to fulfill what it is written in the Talmud about the messianic era. Why to postpone it for a third comeback, and I mean third because according to the Christian book, after his death he showed up to his followers, did he come back or not? Shalom!
@QuaidiNoCharSoChar 11 лет назад
I'm a Muslim and After watching this video .. I feeling more respect for Jews now..... We both religion have same belief in God Almighty.....here is what Quran says about God Almighty... Say: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.
@xxSanjoxx 11 лет назад
I dont know why I feel exactly the same as 17thNationEnt. I believe the truth is within the Judaism!!!!!!!!!!
@vamperus 12 лет назад
thanks, I've been waiting for the second part :P Great info!
@adamdaniel4700 5 лет назад
This guy is a pro
@EmreSevelin 10 лет назад
Well said , who is this rabbi , where is he from ? He should have some debate with christian and muslim scholar .
@jeanneamato8278 4 года назад
You are a treasure!
@janesmith5052 11 лет назад
I've watched and listened to part 1 and 2. Thank you!
@rutbrea8796 7 лет назад
What is this about the Christians who say that Catholics are not Christians. It is the same doctrine, except with the saints. Catholics pray to saints. Dead people who the Pope "sanctified them." Because the Pope was believed to be a "god" or second to god who can make saints out of people. But Christianity is the same doctrine in every Christian church. It is the same belief. False belief in a deity or demi god who is god incarnate in a man. Zeus, the Roman god impregnated a woman and had a son named Hercules, Perseuz in the Greek mythology which is the same thing. Many different gods, saints, who people believe in as for different situations in the life of men. Exactly the same thing as the Greek/Roman mythology. What happens is that most Christians only read the bible, but do not study the Middle Eastern mythologies. People need to educate themselves. The Roman empire have been deceiving the world for the past 3,000 years. And from this doctrine came the other 20,000 Christians denominations. I remember growing up as a Catholic because of my ancestors massacre in Spain during the Inquisition. We were forced to become Catholics or die. Many of our people flew to the Americas, and other countries running away from the Inquisition. Later on the Crusades, it has been one killing after another of the Jewish people. And they claim to have the love of JC who said to love your enemies as yourself. That is they have considered the Jewish people as their "enemies" and have crucified them for the past three thousand years, in different forms. The last pastor I spoke with a few months ago told me that the Jews killed JC, I said really? They still calls us Christ killers, without mercy. The, most of them wish we were all dead because we killed their god. How ironic. A "supposedly loving people in JC who was a Jew and if he really existed was a true Jew who taught Torah and the love of the Most High G-d his father, and father of the children of Israel, Jacob. But the Romans in their own interest changed the Holy Scriptures, brought their idols to the Holy Temple, and claimed that the Jews killed JC. It was them. Maybe there were some Jewish traitors who joined the Romans for their own benefit, There are traitors in every race, religion, and faith. And I don't think this evil will ever stop unless the Almighty G-d stop once and for all the evil that have been going on in this world. The Almighty is already vomiting many evil out of his mouth and the end will come in which the Almighty G-d, Creator of the Universe will reign for ever and ever. Amen. May he stop already all idol worshipping in the world and bring to the knowledge of his Might and Glory already.
@Bertelet1 3 года назад
Intelligent and honest. Thank you ( I am not jew and admire jews observing the Torah).
@phyulaysusuannemgmg5063 2 года назад
Thank you !!
@moshedanielgreen 12 лет назад
Great video!
@adamdaniel4700 5 лет назад
Another great lecture
@alisonmurphy-maley8957 6 лет назад
Thank you for your Tutorials, i find them interesting and enlightening.
@sylviasolomon8557 5 лет назад
thank you for telling the true.verry smart rabbi he know the old testament and the new .The Jewish doesnt force peopel to convert .
@bonapartdanny7148 10 лет назад
I admire the way you use knowledge from other disciplines, not only theology, to present a logical serie of arguments. for exemple, the theory of cognitive dissonance. May "HACHEM" enlight your path and reveal to you from his infinit knowledge.
@edwardstanley2195 5 лет назад
I like your analogy.
@safs4929 7 лет назад
thanks for the info Rabbi! may Elohim bless you for a longer and better life!
@noemishawnm3843 6 лет назад
I am not Jewish. Many years ago just thinking about the controvercy in the N.T. "HS" is love and want the best for us. Do not belive in man's miracles Deut.13:1-5 Isa.8:19. Deut. 27:15 .Ask for old ways (not for new ones) Jer.6:16 "HS" is not a human being Oseas 11:9. jesus asked to hate our Parents Luc.14:25,26. Jesus said did not bring peace Mat.10:34-37 jesus said was a son of a man Mat.18:11. Jesus gave his blood for people to drink. Mat 26:26-28 My question for Cristian is: why they keep Sunday? Jesus kept Shabath. Mark 2:27. In the Profet Isaiah says the servant is Yacov !!! His first son is Israel Ex. 4:22,23 Also I can not find in the book of the Prophets that the real Mesiah will come twice. Or to say that his name is Yeshu. Then I was thinking who was Matheo Mark Luke and John ? They were not Prophets!!!!! Christianity is a fake religión. I belive in "HS" the only one. The Creator of the Universe. I am learning more. Doing the best I can. I am very happy and thank "HS" because HE opened my eyes to see the truth. I was in Yerushalaim for one month and went to learned at Aish and Diaspora Yeshiva for ladies.
@ts214121 4 года назад
Oh no! Were we Christians scammed?
@queeneggplant 12 лет назад
i love this!
@Mickmcdonagh28 3 года назад
Yes 2 billion can be wrong only a small amount of them attend church very few teach their children who God is
@avraham6111889 5 лет назад
perfectly Explained.
@TheBlueyedblond 6 лет назад
During the time that Jesus was actually performing 'miracles', were they written down by eyewitness? How can the disciples know for sure 50-70 years after Jesus' death what was fact and what was just oral heresay? Does anyone know?
@juang4u 3 года назад
Rabbi your on the point and your teaching is completely 👌👏💯👍
@MarvinFalz 11 лет назад
Thank you for pointing out Christian fallacies and inconsistencies in the New Testament / the Gospels. I've always felt that the NT is hard to understand and often doesn't make sense while the Old Testament is so rich and powerful and has given me strength even before I was baptized in a German Protestant church. In the Protestant Bible (Luther) I've found a footnote to Matthew 5:43 ("love thy neighbor, hate thy enemies"). The footnote says that it's never said in the OT to "hate thy enemies".
@drprasannasuru 4 года назад
Rabbi you are right. I am hindu. Hinduism is full of miracles. Miracles are there for image building , adulation. True. I sincerely feel Lord God never perform miracle , God demands deeds. God empowers you to execute your righteous duties. Concept of " Karma".
@linkflx 10 лет назад
Christianity is a big giant lie , mainly created by Paul . Thanks to these videos and many more we Christians are now seeing the truth that will lead us all to straight biblical Judaism created by the creator himself . Just like is says in Zachariah 8: 23 Thus saith the LORD of hosts: In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out of all the languages of the nations, shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying: We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.'
@Dianity900 11 лет назад
I really appreciate you speaking rabbi. I have watched most of your videos and they are clear. Have you heard of the 2nd Christ Ahnsanghong? It is a new church who claim he is the 2nd christ because he brought back "salvation".....I would greatly appreciate to hear your thoughts on it.
@avraham6111889 5 лет назад
Moshiyach is the One Who will Resurrect Others, Not that He Will Resurrect Himself.
@jaredt2590 5 лет назад
The number of Christians has only been that high for a short time. If you go back a couple hundred years the number is much lower.
@paweltrawicki2200 5 лет назад
You make the Moshiach to be a right wing nationalist ...as far as i am concern David Ben Gurion could have been the Moshiach because he was more or less responsible for the creation of Israel back in 1948.
@RichardJones-oq3fg 2 месяца назад
This guy is a liar.
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