
The Real Reason Why Society is Hysterical Right Now (Douglas Murray) 

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Douglas Murray, author of "The Madness of Crowds" asks this question & the reason why people are behaving in contradicting ways in the current times.




3 авг 2021




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@katehampstead6024 2 года назад
"How to talk about the thing without tripping the algos" By Richard Grannon. Brilliant!
@gman5846 2 года назад
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
@banaa.h.rajjoub2140 2 года назад
We have a Syrian Arabic proverb that says: if you want to mystify someone, give them choices إذا أردت أن تحيّره، خيّره
@gardens2b7 2 года назад
Thank you for posting that beautiful proverb
@veronicav1779 2 года назад
the narcissist that almost broke me is Syrian . Arabic is beautiful language. I think it was invented for romance, religion, and love.
@ellebarratt5522 2 года назад
The world needs more Richard Gannons and more Douglas Murrays 💙
@Gooblu-xxx 2 года назад
I like the idea of that! My own personal Richard! :D)))
@janed7774 2 года назад
Lol 😂 ... I understand your point but it isn’t what we actually need ...
@Gooblu-xxx 2 года назад
@@janed7774 Speak for yourself!🤣😍🥰🤣
@janed7774 2 года назад
@@Gooblu-xxx explain yourself?
@Gooblu-xxx 2 года назад
@@janed7774 I will politely decline. Thank you.
@sallyb1689 2 года назад
Science trained PhD here and I’m at a loss to explain how Richard is able to cogently understand and explain the scientific method better than my peers with science PhDs who are all cheerleading for the SAGE “experts”. Since this whole mess started I’ve come to realise that the only “science” that matters to them is the version that suits their inner technocratic superiority complex.
@juanvaldez5422 Год назад
Well said !
@UnexpectedAmy 2 года назад
I had been considering getting vaccinated for my own personal reasons. Asked a few people for help to make that decision, they attacked, harassed, shamed, and insulted me for daring to not have gotten it already. Called ableist, racist, and other slurs. Some people are so controlling yet so bad at discourse they can turn people who agree with them against them. Can only imagine how demoralising it is to consistently snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and still keep pushing on with the same failed techniques. Authoritarians who were once liberals can't afford to admit they've become authoritarians, and that denial will lead to worse and worse outcomes for everyone.
@archer125 2 года назад
Don't take the poison hold firm 👍
@djkymaera 2 года назад
not your friends.
@catsmeow3478 2 года назад
@Unexpected Amy I’ve experienced similar aggressive reactions from friends who recently cancelled me because I haven’t been vaccinated, even though I had Covid and have similar immunity to them. They are liberal and becoming rabid and authoritarian but can’t see it. Just as you and Richard said. Crazy, scary divisive times.
@alessandrajouberteix4663 2 года назад
I have had your experience since I decided not to vaccinate my children now 16 & 19. It requires strength from out part to stay true to our decision without caring about the good opinion of others.
@nectar5212 2 года назад
I am sorry that happened to you. I am seeing this shaming coming from all sides. To me this is what is the hysteria. The polarization and the illusion of sides. We need compassion and unity more than anything.
@ikayobion 2 года назад
I've followed Richard for 6 years now. He has been very instrumental to my interperpsonal growth. Thank you for the goodwork Richard!!!
@Laurenishful 2 года назад
I’m in Australia and this applies here maybe more than anywhere else atm.
@blurglide 2 года назад
Australia is no longer a free country.
@janed7774 2 года назад
The awful truth is every nation has been born of slavery... Australia being the prison for the voiceless
@NCrdwlf 2 года назад
I feel for what you guys are going through . As a former soldier I can’t imagine being put in the situation the govt has put your soldiers in. Its pretty horrible .
@janed7774 2 года назад
@@NCrdwlf It’s martial law and ugly
@nicolesalter2726 2 года назад
Canada is horrible too except for one province. They have admitted there is no return to normal even after 90 percent has double V the masks will stay on. What's with the colonies lol. I never thought we could survive without hockey but they found a way...propaganda and beer.
@Little.R 2 года назад
Growing up in a chaotic home I know this "body taking over" feeling. You act on instinct, fight/flight/freeze sets in, and your executive functions are reduced.
@victoriavanwolfen4160 2 года назад
Absolutely. When you don't understand what's happening, you get pissed at yourself after the fact. "WHY did I DO that?"
@philipjohn3262 2 года назад
Hysteria usually precedes total breakdown which I hope isn’t going to be a macro human event.
@4Mikes4Mindset4 2 года назад
I'm hoping too
@veronicav1779 2 года назад
Must break down to build anew but not in the way of the globalist NWO which is why we must create an alternative every moment
@A_T__ 2 года назад
A Calm headspace and energy is the only real way to live..
@NoComment374 2 года назад
Could it also be the fear generated by realising that WE are the adults now, yet have clearly not collectively grown into that role as we should have? - Ergo, there's nobody left to guide or save us, & yet we have no idea how to do so for ourselves?
@richardgrannonphilosophy 2 года назад
Interesting angle and I really think it has legs to it. We’re responding with terror and indignation in the face of a problem we are no longer strong enough to shoulder properly? Perhaps something like that…
@robhulson 2 года назад
I’m 40 years old and I’ve only just begun introducing myself to my children’s classmates as _Mr. Hulson._ I feel like the lead character in the story, _Rebecca,_ where she finally has enough about hearing about the former Mrs. DeWinters and exclaims, “I am Mrs. De Winter now!” I’m of the generation who has a name for actually taking on the responsibility of life: “adulting.” Much of the misery of my life was owing to my need to look to other adults to rescue me, rather than the pain of stepping into my own adulthood. Yeah, your idea’s got legs.
@YouTubeAddictcreatedbyGoogle 2 года назад
Taking that idea further - us - as in humans as a whole - getting to this point would be 99.999% in the lap of America. I'm American, so.... I feel entirely free to dis my own country. The U.S. has really twisted civilization and society into something it was NEVER meant to be. We have this culture where everyone is supposed to be happy and friendly all the time. Ok, that's nice, but it's also very fake. You end up suppressing your emotions. If you are at all sensitive, you get bullied and harassed for it - that is NOT acceptable in America. Well, it wasn't in the 70's. Then there is the whole men are strong, women support their man thing. Who says I want to support a man? Maybe I want a man to support ME and I'll make the big bucks? I actually did when I was married, lol. Finally, I have to mention that consumerism, advertising, propaganda, public relations and psyops all began right here in the good ole U.S. of A. We know psychological tools. We MADE them and cranked them out for the rest of the world to use. Propaganda.... sure that was around a long time before the U.S. We just perfected it. Our propaganda is so good, we don't think we HAVE any propaganda. Lmao!!!! Excuse me - but how else do you think Biden got elected? He was hand selected and PUT in office by media manipulation. It was brilliant, I'll give them that. People saying he's got dementia. Really? Talk about people who parrot whatever they hear from someone else. As for what is said by the MSM - I'm operating under the assumption that it's ALL propaganda at this point. Better to err on the side of caution. I stopped watching any MSM over two years ago. It's all race-baiting and fear-mongering, all the time. Nope. Got better things to do. Like watching Richard's videos!! ☺️
@fireflymary9269 Год назад
Ah-save yourself
@bodymindsoul60 2 года назад
Thanks for this Richie. I never thought when I started with you back in 2012 we’d be living under the circumstances we are now. I feel so much further ahead than most around me. Grateful for your dedication to TRUTH to POWER. So happy I found you 9 years ago, your like a distant brother and I find that comforting in this day. 🧜‍♀️✌️
@bodymindsoul60 2 года назад
If I may add; I just finished “BECOMING BULLETPROOF “ Evy Poumpouras ( ex secret service agent)… it’s a phenomenal read!
@NCrdwlf 2 года назад
Man, are you getting it done. Beautiful.
@raynewell6371 2 года назад
We reap what we sow.
@djkymaera 2 года назад
we get the society we deserve.
@brunolatsis1105 2 года назад
Too late is when you are dead. We are not dead yet and we still have some time to get it right. First, let's start fixing our own lives! Richard can help us to understand, but not fixing for us.
@dmc1806 2 года назад
@socialdistancingon8333 2 года назад
I literally just ended therapy sessions with my current therapist for this very reason. I was put under so much pressure by a job coach - he was trying to incept my brain to go down a path that has never worked for myself in the past. And somewhere along that way, transference occurred between myself and my therapist. Not only was I reacting as if I needed her approval to a situation that would have been best for myself that she didn't agree with, but she was assuming that I was doing what I was doing as if I was trying to please her. In fact, I had stopped sharing things with her due to a long standing personality conflict between herself and myself. And while transference had been used as a therapy method in the past, from what I understand, it was the only option available at the time. It's also not much more than a short term solution from my perspective. Once I realized that was occurring, I knew the healthiest thing I could do was to make the choice for myself, to let go. I want something healthier in my life. And I want to make sure the validation I do receive isn't based on desperation.
@gardens2b7 2 года назад
Thank you for posting this. I needed to see it.
@socialdistancingon8333 2 года назад
@@gardens2b7 you're welcome.
@gardens2b7 2 года назад
My therapist wants me to see that my "paranoia" about the outer world is just that- my "paranoia". As she is thrilled about her new System-bestowed bribe that she can work from home on Tele+ health and be "$afe" from the scary world and still be paid by insurance. Sure she may have had a valid point in other days, yet sometimes.they tptb really are out to get ya! Lol . No common ground on that one.
@socialdistancingon8333 2 года назад
@@gardens2b7 I hear you. It sucks. As I was ending my session, my therapist was trying to talk me into continuing with her. Using scare tactics like I could be waiting a long time for another therapist to talk too, and how it's so difficult to start over from scratch. I told her I knew the risks when I made my decision and I was totally okay with it. I even had to end up playing therapist at the end of the conversation to quell her obvious insecurity about a client rejecting her. Rejection is a part of life. And I'm not the one being paid here...
@nicolesalter2726 2 года назад
When a therapist helps reparent you, it is difficult not to give them undue power. I would have a third child right now if not for her influence and fear of not pleasing her when she sided with my ex husband's wishes. The wound has yet to fully heal years later. I am so happy you took your agency back and had that courage because we cannot let other people, whatever their titles or expertise or even compassion, make our decisions for us.
@FFTS 2 года назад
I always enjoy the way that you lay out these very important ideas. We can't let society become an idiocracy. People who do absolutely no research on any given topic are definitely the most certain of their position and their narrative. They engage in black and white thinking and are quick to insult anyone who presents them with an alternative view and actual data to counteract their beliefs. It is beyond frightening what is happening. Over the last couple of years it has become quite clear that we are living in dystopia. Good is bad and up is down. The fact that speaking up with common sense has become a brave act is a bad sign. You and I are in the last generation that grew up without the internet and cell phones, I worry for what will be lost in humanity because of this. Please keep posting and fighting the most noble fight, the fight for human consciousness.
@darbow7646 2 года назад
No need to enslave those who give up both safety and freedom for imaginary self determination.
@jasonuren3479 2 года назад
What did they start in 2001? The War -On- Of Terror.
@WhatisReal11 2 года назад
ask Dave id BOwieMAN
@gandfgandf5826 2 года назад
War on Terra
@sanfransoho 2 года назад
This development started earlier. Democracy favors anxious politicians, they are overwhelmed, and react accordingly with control. In an ongoing process, the population is being regulated more and more strictly. Nobody really thinks about what would happen if the legislator simply did nothing? At least only the most urgent and necessary? For the first time in generations, we would have the security of simply living our lives
@paulamalone493 2 года назад
People have been treading water too long. They’ve made a trade with the nanny state, freedom for the burden of responsibility and sense of failure. Sad sad times
@annemarie226 2 года назад
My 88 yr old. staunch catholic mother insists, as she watches the news, that evil is taking over. No, mom, I don’t think it is. I feel we’re evolving beyond the ignorance that allowed the “evil” that has been allowed to occur all along.
@NCrdwlf 2 года назад
The evil is in its death throes as we figure it all out . It’s more visible now that ever, but all we need to do is say no to it , all of us , in the most definitive way.
@annemarie226 2 года назад
@@NCrdwlf I agree. I see so much about the toll the pandemic has taken on people, and understandably so. But I’d really like to see comments on personal positives that people have taken from this state of pause that we were forced into. For me, I experienced a sense of loneliness and depression that shocked me. It also came on the heels of trying to eliminate a lecherous narcissist from my life (which was how I found Richards channel). But it also gave me the space I so badly needed for introspection and to learn. The insights I’ve had time to be enlightened by have been invaluable.
@ljones98391 2 года назад
@Anne Marie. Your mom is correct.
@annemarie226 2 года назад
@@ljones98391 she doesn’t articulate well to me. Maybe I don’t want to think that way? Not sure. From your perspective, why do you think so?
@gardens2b7 2 года назад
It's changing times, that's for sure. I pray for everything in darkness to come to the light. And for peace.
@richardburmeister469 2 года назад
Brilliant, Richard. I believe you are spot on
@nectar5212 2 года назад
I read these replies and feel a glimmer of hope. We need to talk to each other more. We've been separated had fear driven into us and told who are enemies are. We need unity and compassion more than anything. I am seeing some of it as people I know begin to talk to each other in person. Listen to each persons story and stop perpetuating lies that these people are this and those people are that. Whatever story line you believe you need to question it!
@SusanMilner 2 года назад
Thank you. I love how you are able to say what I've been saying but yet say it in a more calm and seemingly lovingly manner versus frustrated 😍
@omarra6781 2 года назад
He does present it in a compassionate way, doesn't he. Unlike myself. I'm sick of those people.
@marianl3447 2 года назад
Susan, you said it...thank you...same for me.
@paulmelton8669 2 года назад
This felt like an important video. Thank you for your wisdom, Rich
@TheMamasilver 2 года назад
YES SIRRRRR. Question everything. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@luxsend575 2 года назад
Love will always dissolve all fear! Let there be Light!
@drukelleher9292 2 года назад
“A warrior may worry and think before making any decision, but once he makes it, he goes on his way, free from worries or thoughts; there will be a million other decisions still awaiting him. That’s the warriors way.
@martine5716 2 года назад
Thank you Richard. Beautifully diplomatic as only you could do and so true. It even has the learned anxiously clawing through their research papers, trying to defend the rights of others against those who seem to think they are above the law they are teaching.
@BarbaraMerryGeng 2 года назад
Clear - succinct - and to the point 🗺 I promise to do my part 💚 “ STAY CALM & CARRY ON “ 💁🏻‍♀️🗺👀
@alessandrajouberteix4663 2 года назад
Truly remarkable speak. So comforting that there are still humans that speak clearly and concisely. You are definitely a gem and humanity would benefit with more of your kind.
@ThePatriotNurse 2 года назад
Solid 🤙🏻Thank you.
@omarra6781 2 года назад
This is one of your best videos and I've watched a LOT of them. Excellent analysis.
@suzybeaman6758 2 года назад
Can't wait to hear your wisdom on this topic. You truly do help me keep a bit of Sanity in my life!! 🙏💖
@jakesleg63 2 года назад
The critical mass has capitulated ...I never thought so many would.... I feel like I live in a different world now
@iankclark 2 года назад
Another excellent, perceptive and helpful analysis. I don’t know what happened to Richard Gannon since last year but he has become my new go-to guy on RU-vid. He’s preaching, and few will hear, but some of us are heeding the signs of the times and heading out of the madness.
@Aestheticspro 2 года назад
What I love more about you than anything is that you are always going to be true to yourself. I'm glad that your conscience and your intuition always leads you to make the best decisions. Anyway, things have become so tyrannical. People are afraid to reveal their identities and speak their conscience for a fear of character assassination and memory holing. What we are seeing is not America. We thought it was bad then. Well just keep watching...
@annemarie9980 2 года назад
Thank You Richard It is hard to remain calm, breathe, ground....the panic is all around. Your wisdom always helps💖🙏
@staceywebb7740 2 года назад
Thank you Richard I could not agree more. I find it sad watching people I know just completely consumed with terror become rabid Karen's and being consumed by this fear. The scary part is they will not entertain any information that could bring comfort or even question the status quo. We have had a few get together and it is as if people have selective memories,almost as if they have curated who they were before the pandemic and who they are now. I find it frightening watching people panic during conversations that veer towards topics they deem dangerous they literally will walk away just in case someone accuses them of not being woke. I am a woman in my fifties I have always followed my own mind based on many different areas of Exploration I often find my ideas are shocking and controversial to those around me. I try to explain myself but it has frightened them and they can no longer hear me. Richard I love your little philosophy shorts they give me ideas to dig into and my mind loves that.
@NechamaGluck 2 года назад
Oh hell yeah. Thank you gentlemen, in advance!
@keeleyberry7947 2 года назад
Glad I had an epiphany about 4 years ago, someone brilliant sent me quite alot of pychological essays and papers about narcissism, frightening some times as it was my life word for word in places, I cried alot got angry, shouted , but it was the best thing I have ever done, not scared anymore
@sanditeale3632 2 года назад
Oh how interesting. The panic on both sides of 'the arguement' is quite dramatic. Critical thinking required. Thank you Richard
@izawaniek2568 2 года назад
Great observations and depth of analysis. Thank you.
@createart8032 2 года назад
Ive always said that control is an illusion...and those that seek to control us are just people not in control of their own lives.
@michaelw9680 2 года назад
The real mandate should be for everyone to watch your videos.
@jaszi33 2 года назад
Thank you Richard for your calmness & succinctness. I will be sharing this with many others who are awake to what is the current state of play - love n light people 💞🙏
@juanmalugan 2 года назад
Anazing Richard, so well said!!!!, thank you
@banaa.h.rajjoub2140 2 года назад
Mass psychosis was the core of the revolution which lead to a great catastrophe
@soniabernatchez7466 2 года назад
@TheAriyanka 2 года назад
Iv been watching Graham for a couple of years now about abusive relationship. When all madness started it was very clear what monster driving this Madness. Thank you very much for your amazing work
@denisel780 2 года назад
Once again, a breath of fresh air. So appreciate your perspective. Thank you!
@DebbieHappyCohen 2 года назад
Thank you. Please keep these coming! Your words help a lot. They are life giving and they offer messages of strength that I can share with those I love.
@francismadden8561 2 года назад
There is not only the fear but the fool lurking inside as well. Our reality is built on 'thought' and that has a self destruct mode built into it. Today our lives are dominated by thought, thinking , that conditioning never takes a holiday, is rarely silent, quiet. Even when listening to someone , do you really listen when the internal dialogue is chattering. Do you listen through your own noise. That is not listening. With thought comes 'time and control' enters into your consciousness. You've had times when you have been engrossed in something you love doing and suddenly thought butts in and the first thing you do is look at what time it is . And thought says , my God where has the time gone. I'll finish here.
@Makeupchaser55 2 года назад
@StatikFeedBacK 2 года назад
Well done, Richard! I am so grateful and joyful that I found your channel. You’ve helped reshape my personality and boundaries in my recovery. Thank you. You’ve made a positive impact on my life since I got clean.
@djkymaera 2 года назад
Reclaim the lost word: NO.
@globetwig4401 2 года назад
@itchyscratch3829 2 года назад
And remember, "NO" is a complete sentence! 😉
@janed7774 2 года назад
Yes I agree Richard 😊👍🏻💕
@shirleyfrank6280 2 года назад
My fear is you’re preaching to the choir Rich but still so good to have you resonate and confirm my inner thoughts and feelings, thank you ❤️🙏
@djkymaera 2 года назад
when the student is ready, the teacher appears.
@youraveragejo3561 2 года назад
Thank you Richard, humble, concise and honest. You're a breath of fresh air as always. 🙃
@TheAriyanka 2 года назад
Censorship is real and more to come . Beware
@seonar 2 года назад
exactly, and we are being censored by algorithms, machines....bye bye humour :(
@4Mikes4Mindset4 2 года назад
Thank you for the truth spoken eloquently Richard
@ThomasAT86 2 года назад
Thank you very much for that, really great one!
@PiscesinVa 2 года назад
Concise and passionate as always❤️
@ericnelson7877 2 года назад
Well spoken brother!🙏
@SarahHorne1 2 года назад
Thank you Richard! There are only a handful of RU-vid channels with absolute common sense amid this craziness. Yours is definitely a healthy refuge, and a breath of fresh air. 😊
@macavoo 2 года назад
Thanks for bringing the Titanic metaphor to this discussion. "Like rats in a sinking" is the analogy that comes to my mind when I look around me lately.
@BlackJim 2 года назад
Woooow! What a treat dude 👌🏻😍
@jebediahkerman8245 2 года назад
How is this comment 2 hours ago when it came out 30 minutes ago?
@tracik1277 2 года назад
@@jebediahkerman8245 probably from email mailing list.
@janejeffery2615 2 года назад
Yes! Brilliant !
@andreastofa7464 2 года назад
So eye and mind opening at its top! Thank you, Richard! 🙌🏻💜✊🏻🙏🏻
@Meoli55 2 года назад
This is an amazing analysis, just when I think I've heard it all, Richard comes out with a new and even more in depth perspective!! Richard, you've opened my eyes and enabled me to feel compassion for my fellow humans going through this horrible time. The compassion asuages my heart, I was feeling so heavy and heartbroken after being screeched at and clawed at by someone I really love deeply, they want me to just do as I'm told and stop being a stupid flat-earther, because I'm killing people by not takin injection. Anyway, I now see where this is coming from and can feel so much love and compassion, because I as well am terrified and it is understandable that they would claw at me. Thank you Richard for making my life better!
@sandradavies1381 2 года назад
Truth beautifully spoken! Thank you!🤗 Celebrate Uncertainty, Trust the Universe, Expect the Unexpected, and Be Yourself from you Heart of Hearts!🎈🌎🙏
@sandradavies1381 2 года назад
Your ...Heart of Hearts
@bcarnett5930 2 года назад
Ah yes, but then there's those of us when faced with oblivion accept fate calmly , either continuing to play music as the ship goes down or scream into the face of death as we jump into the cold icey depths head first! Lol
@Ikr2025 2 года назад
H’mm - I don’t feel much in control of my life but i’m not trying to control others. I think it may be more to do with self awareness, and knowledge..? All of my friends & people in my family who are strongly pro-govt and govt controls - actually seem to be well in control of their lives. Good jobs, productive, efficient, high personal discipline, financial successful .. but they lack self awareness, aren’t v knowledgeable with psychology, political or history, the immune system or vaccinations and maybe aren’t as empathetic as I am. They are more narcissistic as well as far as I can tell. Also they are not fearful of things - because they deny that bad things are happening. They have concerns about what the govt tells them to be concerned about (global warming or covid) but they think the govt has good solutions for that so they are not especially worried. I’m the one that is fearful. Because I don’t believe or trust the govt and I can see where everything is logically heading as it has a number of times before in history.
@sarahgwenable 2 года назад
Thx for sharing! 💚
@FNF_AFV 2 года назад
U couldn’t be more correct in this moment in time…thank u for your awesome point of u!🥰
@teena4rl211 2 года назад
Brilliant summary and analysis.
@antonyliberopoulos933 2 года назад
Thank you Richard. Very thoughtful content
@MDHall2025 2 года назад
Well done, Richard!
@lilithlight3570 2 года назад
Those are the results, of mentally not educated people! It will get worse. I can feel it in my bones... But heroes are created in difficult times. So, I have faith that everything that happens now, happens so things can get better.🙏🏻
@LottieLucid 2 года назад
Love you Richard Grannon. Many blessings to you 🙏
@justlorelle4249 2 года назад
Another great video, thank you for your time.
@Tenzin62 2 года назад
I’m in the UK. I’m a bit of a misanthropic old lady. But during lockdown and inwards wearing a mask and that, I find myself saying hello to strangers on the street.
@Scotts865 2 года назад
Insatiable wants and people feeding off one another has something to do with it as well.
@ewashortnotsofastandfuriou6947 2 года назад
Thank you
@banaa.h.rajjoub2140 2 года назад
Marvelous as usual
@rizfiz4940 2 года назад
Fear is the mind killer.
@trustwithin7188 2 года назад
Yes too much choice is a real problem in the modern world!
@EtherealEncountersUnveiled 2 года назад
Another excellent video. Always spot on..always informative...always insightful. This video should be a PSA! Thank you!
@cosmonautiantroop5961 2 года назад
I love you and what you do! Thank you so much Richard!🙏🤝💜☺️✨we👃!
@sophiaschoice6370 2 года назад
Really great video. Thank you. X
@maryharris9823 2 года назад
And because a poor decision is time consuming and unless you are 8 years old with a probable lifetme in front of you. Each decision you make determines the path for the rest of your life and may have a strong influence on the lives of your loved ones.
@gardens2b7 2 года назад
@indira_germany_ 2 года назад
Oh wow, thank you. I heard what you said but far more important I felt it...
@Cosmogirl014 2 года назад
Excellent video, thanks. 👍
@banaa.h.rajjoub2140 2 года назад
Thanks 🙏🏻 شكراً
@MDHall2025 2 года назад
I found out about too many choices when I moved from a small town to a large city....and now there’s online shopping to boot!
@ivybagatsing5461 2 года назад
"The idea of death, the fear of it, haunts the human animal like nothing else." - Ernest Becker. Another great video. 👏🌟 You are a blessing. Truth to Power . *✌️whistles mockingjay call 😙* 😁😉
@gandfgandf5826 2 года назад
Had his book for many years. Still haven't read it. Must be time.
@flyprincess69 2 года назад
The world needs to delete social media and throw their TVs away. Get out of the Matrix….
@elenanikesha9671 2 года назад
This shit isn't isolated yet. How on earth could they make their magic liquids?
@BennyOcean 2 года назад
The test doesn't work. The whole C-19 situation is fraudulent.
@epictetus9221 2 года назад
Well - it's a RNA vaccine that does not include the virus itself.
@elenanikesha9671 2 года назад
@@epictetus9221 The old vaccine method isn't used here. Everyone with brain doesn't want strange computer RNA plug in by strange vector protein.
@epictetus9221 2 года назад
@@elenanikesha9671 what?
@elenanikesha9671 2 года назад
@@epictetus9221 What do you know about these new vaccines? Their elements, their mechanisms. Here in Russia the rest of Soviet education let us doubt any propaganda and investigate the problem ourselves. What is the cell, DNA, matrix RNA, what for they use the special vector protein etc. By the way all virus theory has many questions. You can see some publications by German microbiologist Stefan Lanca f.e. Look for information about cytokine storm. There will be many victims of it.
@jamesrobertson9149 2 года назад
I saw Richard and David Icke at the vaccination centre rolling up their sleeves.
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