Richard Grannon Content
Israel - The People Of The Book - Dr Paul Taylor
4 месяца назад
Richard Grannon Is on ACID Sensation
6 месяцев назад
The Ego and The Shadow
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The World of Form Vs Formlessness
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You’ve Been Brainwashed!
2 года назад
@moshiachhasawakened6781 3 дня назад
Spill down the toilet instead. Get rid of your shyd.
@Helen-cl8hl 6 дней назад
😂😂😂 omg 🤣 just listened again the last 10 mins or so of this video, after rambling on in my comment below, and fuck! You crack me up 😂😂😂 just love it! Do you ever think to visit Australia 🦘🦘🦘🦘 ??
@Helen-cl8hl 6 дней назад
Yeah....hmmmm. hmmm 🤔 organised religion has never appealed to me to partake in, I think because as the name suggests its "organised" ...and where there is an organised belief system, it surely puts limitations and/or influences how a person experiences and percieves the world they live in, and maybe in its own way, can potentially reduce if not remove or limit an induviduals freedom of thought, and sense of curiosity. 😅 Because its our innate sense of curiosity and willing to explore and wonder, our openness, realising we dont know it all, and that's what underpins our humility and grounds us, and as humans, we need to be grounded, as humans, we really are still just babes in the wood. I just get gobsmacked and sit in awe when I look up at the stars, (especially if shrooms are involved😂) and also when they arent, when nature reflects nature, when aspects of our human body is reflected in nature, when you meet people who you feel youve met before energetically speaking, yet as far as you "know" you haven't, when I have mystical experiences that expand my consiousness and blow my mind, when the basic principle of quantam physics just feels so natural yet I couldn't explain it if my life depended on it. Why is it that I can look at an animal in nature, yet its energy/personality can seem just like my dogs energy, her energy, Marley energy, its like they are the same, but in different forms....when my body responds with a physically felt vibration sensation to certain truths that Im discerning and confirming. As though my body has it's own consciousness or rather is a condute of consciousness... I think its all a journey, and depending on how our mind -body -soul connections are travelling, ultimately determines our purpose being on track, and our level of joy and happiness and our interconnectednes with others. Call it faith, call it God, call it the Universe/s....but something is definately going on that we just cant conceptualise and maybe, just maybe, we arent supposed to ....maybe its all just about a state of being, and trusting, remaining curious without over intellectualising, and instead, just embracing all that is wonderful, apprecitiating and being grateful for the good stuff in our life, and protecting and nurturing this awesome planet we call Earth.
@Helen-cl8hl 12 дней назад
Oh and for fucks sake, never stop swearing !!! 😂😂 That would be a tragedy...
@Helen-cl8hl 12 дней назад
That was so fucking good!!! thankyou,... same page...so refreshing to hear, and who gives a shit if you rub people up the wrong way, only those who feel challenged right? Philosophy/ Spirituality in the sense of working out one's purpose in life, having clear solid boundaries, practising self reflection, developing effective discernment, figuring out your values and what you will, or will not tolerate, eyes open to consumerism, stepping away from the "establishment" and consumerism, moving towards nature's wisdom, and for filling your purpose, yes absolutely preparing ourselves for the next ten years, remaining grounded, resilient and strong. Because yes, it's going to be a rocky ride, and those who are still heavily entrenched in the robotic and neverending insatiable thirst for more money, more stuff,more materialistic distraction, are going to feel it 10 fold. And those who rely heavily on the system are in for a shock. Saying NO to anything and everything that is of shit intent, that intuitively you have any ??? I think psychology, the way you and Sam explain it, is important for understanding narcissists and psychopaths etc so people are well informed, because that in itself is protective. I also have had three abusive psychopathic relationships, and until I found you and Sam, I really didn't have the level of understanding, and the dynamics that co-exist that I needed in order to protect myself. Surely if we as a collective of non- NPD ers, are all aware and have excellent boundaries, strong yet humble sense of self, and are on track with our purpose and self care, then Narcasssitc supply will run very dry, the more awareness, knowledge education the less supply for them. Surely they will all eventually starve, self destruct and be a dying entity ? Seeing through all the fake bullshit that's marketed " with so called good intent for the planet and our health". Most of its a lot of wank. Some of it is for the betterment and is of good intent. But the Narcs are onto it, and marketing so much brainwashing bullshit. So yeah, inform inform inform....
@debbieallen2564 12 дней назад
Magnificent pearls of wisdom
@bethpage6696 14 дней назад
Very helpful, thank you ❤️
@Helen-cl8hl 15 дней назад
😂😂😂 sorry I can't help it! 😂😂 I haven't even started listening to you talk on this video yet, because the moment I opened it, I totally lost it 😂😂 I sooooo recognise that look you have going on! I went to South America in 2018 and drank for two weeks with Taita Juanito, Finca Ambiwasi, Colombia. Best and one of the most challenging things I'v ever done. Not for everyone, feel like it's more of a calling. ( They call you, and say " you think your fucked up now! Wait till ma Aya works her magic !). Nah only joking ! I don't regret a minute of it. Well the minute I remember anyway 😂 ( again jokes )
@FrancescoCaban 19 дней назад
Any way to make the breathwork public again. If not no worries. Thank you
@melissahutton2586 20 дней назад
“You gingerbread latte sipping fuck!” 😂😂😂
@jaredmclaughlin7806 25 дней назад
Man I F-ing love you Richard
@tracyrose8437 26 дней назад
Wow I see what you mean, the poetic descriptions carry you like a trance through the horrific scenes. I know there's worse to come but I've got to read this book now purely for McCarthy's writing. Damn you Richard! (But also thankyou for your lovely rendition with the voices)
@nomadiccleric5672 Месяц назад
This was a good listen. I appreciated the emphasis on yin and yang and reflecting on how yin lends to anxiety. I think you're both a bit whacked about thinking there's no taboo to modern sexuality when BDSM has such high engagement, but I took a lot of other good thoughts away.
@felixiana Месяц назад
Parietal part of the brain help us make inside sense of the outside world. It is connected to our eyes, tounge, hands, fingers, feet.. What we see, smell, taste, feel (with our body parts) on the outside makes our inside presentation of the outside world. In that sense we could connected it with cave Art that deep inside brings pictures of outside world.
@piyakear3049 Месяц назад
👌👌👌👌 Would love to hear more from you on this.
@serenaanderton2597 Месяц назад
Wtf....ive only seen your videos about narcissists. These are fantastic too. Just blew me away. Thank you for sharing your food I was starving.
@callumtew2693 Месяц назад
Hello Richard I love wearing shorts I am infinite consciousness having a experiences called human I am really autistic I have really bad aspergers I know you are only joking but I would wear shorts I play by my rules like David Icke I love David Icke I know David Icke is telling the truth because everything that come through Betty Shine the psychic medium has turned out to be true she said not one man can save the world but one man can give the message that can save the world and that man is David Icke I am a conspiracy researcher like David Icke I have a Bitchute Channel and a RU-vid Channel I talk about the nature of reality spirituality the paranormal call it what you will people need to wake up and stop cooperating with the system people need to wake up infinite love is the only truth everything is illusion we are infinite awareness in awareness of its self we are all one consciousness having different experiences
@ecb1979 Месяц назад
Awesome video. I've come to these conclusions myself after a particularly bad time. It's nice to see someone else cross my screen who has done the same.
@Cleanse1126 Месяц назад
i'm an academic person who likes to read engineering and physics theories, etc, formally, for teaching and tutoring...and no disrespect to this video at all, but I kdisagree on the point about physical exercise being independent of mental rigor. I think proper physical exercise should involve just as much mental rigor as academically or philosophically exercising the mind. The quality of our body compostion, our gut health, our posture, diet and exercise are all informed by mental fortitude, it's the whole picture and should be more a way of life. I don't think physical exercise should be separated from mental exercise.
@katarinaj.6830 Месяц назад
Toto je super ! 😉👍
@jaygrambling79 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this video which is far ahead of most of not only society's but the professional addiction treatment world's understanding of addiction. Thank you for not using the word 'using' but instead the proper terminology which is 'taking.' The word 'using' as so widely and wrongly applied implies a moral degeneracy and is incredibly condescending. Soo..thank you again for what to me was a very deliberate pepper articulation using the word 'take.' If we're not asked by our primary care Doctors if we're still 'using' the drugs they may have prescribed us, then why on earth is the word just magically apparent in the 'substance abuse treatment' community? What kind of geniuses decided that doling out condescension and shame implied or otherwise would be a great first step and introduction to the recovery process???
@redballoonluke 2 месяца назад
Paul looks like you in disguise.
@DrPaulAT 2 месяца назад
More like “in a Halloween mask” 🥺
@redballoonluke 2 месяца назад
@@DrPaulAT haha nope- I see two brothers chatting
@stv625 2 месяца назад
I love it how all the masks now have fallen. Et tu Richard Grannon.
@DrPaulAT 2 месяца назад
Ironically, it’s the Hamas supporters who seem to wear the masks on all their demos …
@stv625 2 месяца назад
And no more views for the hypocrite Grannnon hier from me
@DrPaulAT 2 месяца назад
@@stv625 yes, it’s a terrible thing to engage in rational, non-sheep like discussion. Shame on him and me also!
@SchreckmolchInc 2 месяца назад
I love it when Richard bursts🤪 into laughter😆🤭😂🌞💌🤸‍♀️
@juliekoopmans3023 2 месяца назад
Pre amble 1hr 36mins. New record set I believe, : )
@juliekoopmans3023 2 месяца назад
I'm glad I didn't need cheering up today... Take home: Read books and explore the dark side of culture to be a tough spartan. Grow your resilience to the reality of society. Flex those dark side muscles and learn that woman are the tortures of the tribe. Check please from the Persian Restaurant at the end of the current fall of society. May I find a brighter reality next time round thanks! : )
@DrPaulAT 2 месяца назад
Hi Julie, can I employ you as my press agent? - that’s a very accurate summary! 😂
@nazarightproductions 2 месяца назад
@annabelwalker2154 2 месяца назад
Interpretation is interesting. I don't know how you do this recently haha. Mark Watts would be a great guest, or Brian Wheeler who writes alot on Alan Watts and has published work for/with. He's actually pretty cool and easy to contact. 🤷🫶
@annabelwalker2154 2 месяца назад
Wait. I'm in the town of Hammos what logos happens next 🙏🏻😴
@annabelwalker2154 2 месяца назад
Princess Bride vibes haha. Loved it.
@annabelwalker2154 2 месяца назад
I think it's a great misconception that our young generations have no idea of God or religion. Of course they do, only a completely different feed and experience of it. Through films, media and culture, parental and family beliefs, they understand the primary religion most commknly associated with them. Christianity would feed through strongly to our young people growing up in Cornwall even if they reject the concept, they most certainly aren't growing up without it. My son has never attended a church service but yet he spoke of a metaphorical "God" a couple of days ago in relation to a personal situation. Belief has never left, it has only taken on different coats and labels.
@DrPaulA.Taylor 2 месяца назад
Hi Annabel, thank you for the comments although I suspect we profoundly disagree. It may well be the case that young people have some inchoate "belief" that they've cobbled together from the sources you mention, but, it won't be text-based and therefore it falls back into "relation to a personal situation" (i.e. personal feelings) rather than any systematic engagement with centuries of philosophical and religious discussions and arguments. We're all in a pile of trouble if our first source of information about profound human questions comes from films and media! If genuine belief was alive and well amongst the young then there wouldn't be the epidemic of mental illness, insecurity, gender confusion etc. etc. as they scrabble around for real meaning in the hall of mirrors represented by social media. A central argument I make in various videos I've done with Richard is that, as a society, we are moving into uncharted territory as the first post-literate culture dependent upon personal feelings and non-institutional beliefs - I taught at universities for decades and have observed these trends at first hand, I don't think it is going to end well ... Very best, Paul.
@dorotejadnb 2 месяца назад
Severe childhood trauma can kill us spiritually, diminish our capacity to be in awe and to trust into something beyond this existence. I was a rabid atheist, very much a fan of Richard Dawkins. Until four years ago I had an experience some might call mystical. It changed me profoundly even though at first I tried to dismiss it as some sort of hallucination. But it was more real than this realty, it’s hard to explain. I experienced “God”. Higher power, The Beloved… whatever you want to call it, they all come short. It took me several months to admit to myself that I no longer can say that there’s no god. It’s not like I believe in god either. I know God. Nothing anyone can say to change that. It’s an intimate thing. Not about religion at all although I do think religions have some good pointers and practices to find or maintain that “relationship” with god but have many faults just like people who put them together do. Life is different for me now. It feels like I’m not alone carrying burdens of life anymore. I’m kinda incredulous how I managed to carry it all alone (or with perception I’m all alone) for so long. It was so much harder to live. I think there’s a good reason why AA programs emphasise relationship with god. Regrowing our spiritual side is vital for a human to truly flourish. Sure, religion has cultural, social, moral aspects added to it and I’m not really talking about that. For me higher power has nothing to do with religion just like it has nothing to do with science no mater how much that can inspire awe. God is something far more intimate and it’s not about belief.
@SugarFreeVegan 2 месяца назад
No way out but through. Yes! Face the mountain and start chipping away.
@sarahwible5214 2 месяца назад
What your saying about anger causing cancer reminds me of a book on anger by Thich Nhat Hanh. He talks about anger being like a rope inside you all tightly wound up and either getting added to or eventually released, the sooner the better (the release that is:)) I believe he connects anger to sickness as well.
@unfriendlyatheist616 2 месяца назад
Get Vaccinated
@annscott866 2 месяца назад
Thank you ❤
@lee_s1487 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this! ❤
@ReflectorCara 2 месяца назад
Oooo so sad I missed the intrigue… (Not really though - they aren’t very skilled at subtlety are they?!) All they’ve done is expose how vulnerable & desperate they actually are when you’re hitting too close to the truth. Forced to resort to control & censorship tactics from the dark ages that these dinosaurs are still stuck in. Selfishly - and not very loving-kindly I must admit - I’d love to watch them start a bonfire of their own vanities IF they actually tried to delete your channel… silly fools… apparently it was all bravado & just being annoying - flying monkeys can be so pesky… keep up the good fight brother! 💪🏽🏹🥷
@zettad5267 2 месяца назад
Thank you for the guidance on my journey. May God bless you.
@whadis404 2 месяца назад
I have Bipolar 2 disorder Interestingly my “low” episodes happen every year AFTER winter has finished and its warm I hate summer (in Australia) hate feeling hot Love feeling cold I was born in December in Liverpool and came to Australia at age 2 I think my lows after winter are a grieving of the family I lost as a child by moving away to the other side of the world
@1pierosangiorgio 2 месяца назад
Great sequel discussion! and now I can understand northern welsh!
@agotahorvath 2 месяца назад
Our Shipibo Maestra and Maestro were absolutely incredible and my experience was out of this world , nothing like what you describe here . I received tremendous healing from my four ceremonies . People really need to do their research before attending a ceremony.
@MrDblStop 2 месяца назад
As the chat went quickly from Abraham to the violence at the foundation of American culture, I had Bob Dylan running through my head, 'Abe said where do you want this killin' done, God said out on Highway 61.' I think Dylan was pre-empting that part of your conversation.
@DrPaulAT 2 месяца назад
Thanks for that - great example! Best, Paul.
@MrDblStop 2 месяца назад
@@DrPaulAT Thanks for the reply! Thoroughly enjoyed the video.
@alicequinn505 2 месяца назад
Reading doesn't fit the physical fitness analogy, I think, but it can be a way to do it. Reading itself has a completely different value as well however.
@DrPaulAT 2 месяца назад
Hi there, can you explain why you think the analogy fails? In both cases your body/brain is strengthened by overcoming resistance/difficulty. No analogy works perfectly (it’s the nature of analogy) but I didn’t think this one was particularly contentious. I agree that reading has a different value, but I was using the analogy to emphasise the similarity of the underlying process, not the ultimate value of the act itself (although, again, the analogy of fitness could be applied to both the body and the brain). Best, Paul.
@alicequinn505 2 месяца назад
@@DrPaulATReading with resistance doesn't always work. "Resistance" to me, means boredom, the inapplicability of the book to your life, or rage-reading. It shouldn't be about overcoming difficulty, it should be about pleasure, or pleasure in learning something, but this is non-combative. The analogy does work sometimes, if you're reading something challenging, like physics, or an unusually written novel that's hard to get through, but has great meaning once you get to it (although, form vs substance). Ultimately, it's probably an issue with the examples I can come up with. I agree there's value in mentally challenging yourself, though, and this _is_ like going to the gym. Reading is just not the way I do that, or would want to. By the time I commit to reading something time consuming, I've already encountered and tackled the issue in a faster combative way to come to the conclusion that I should. Thanks for responding, btw, and I really liked the entire talk, especially about seasonal depression, lol
@DrPaulA.Taylor 2 месяца назад
@@alicequinn505 Hi again, by "resistance" I simply mean that you may need to struggle with a book, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is boring. Even if it is boring, however, someone once said that "we don't find books boring, books find us boring until we grow enough to appreciate them". Additionally, there are examples like Beckett's "Waiting for Godot" in which boredom is a necessary part of the existential truth he is trying to convey. Pleasure - this is where I think we fundamentally disagree. In the talk I spoke about how our society has over-privileged the notion of enjoyment when it comes to reading. Of course literature may be pleasurable from the get go, but this doesn't mean that pleasure is or should be the over-riding reason for reading. Pleasure is one reason amongst several that can be offered for the importance of reading. If people only read for pleasure you risk getting the current levels of public discourse and limited attention spans to name just two negative features. Time-consuming - I didn't really understand your point here. You seem to be presupposing the conclusion you "should" reach in advance. The point about good literature we made during the talk is that, at its best, you cannot make a definite conclusion about it, your conclusion may evolve over time as the innate ambiguity of the work of art grows along with you. Very best, Paul.
@aliciameeks 2 месяца назад
I haven’t read “Metamorphosis” but from the sound of it, the last act happening in the privy (a place where we receive RELIEF) might be a relevant part of McCarthy’s choice of this act. I feel I must read it now. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
@IrishSuzyAM 2 месяца назад
@12:45 ‘Oppositional Defiance Syndrome’ Thanks Richard for verbalizing a term for how I have been since school. Mean kids were enough to make me like this.
@ifyouknowyouknow5618 2 месяца назад
Fine , to understand how it works. To get. Structure and get out is millions
@shephelj03 2 месяца назад
I found this super interesting and that painting 'las meninas' blew my little mind haha. You get to see what the painter is painting as you see the king and queen in the mirror at the back of the room. I guess you get to see what everyone is looking at thanks to the mirror BUT why the fuck is this painted from the perspective of the king and queen. All I can think is that it makes the painting less like painting because it's deleting the actual painter and completely VR haha. I'm talking shit but love it
@saccitygrl01 2 месяца назад
so tired of this society driven by social "science" so called experts. FCS, there are plenty of well read nazis and fascists. Being well read is associated with being well read. Too many confounding factors to say much else. Your guest should have left it at "correlation isn't causation". There IS nothing more to say after that truth.
@ReadersoftheLostArt 2 месяца назад
Did a book case once fall and hurt you? I guess if you were dragged kicking and screaming to a Shakespeare play you would sit there harrumphing and tutting away at all that disgraceful wordiness. Enjoy watching the tumbleweed blow across your mind …
@pickle9753 2 месяца назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣 you killed me with the “giant cocks along the way” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 there’s always an upside to everything hey??!! 😂😂😂❤️🖖🦋