
The Rebbe Melech haMoshiach Instructs Us to Say "Yechi" and Accepts That He Is Moshiach 

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In this video the Rebbe Melech haMoshiach instructs us to say Yechi and accepts gifts and a signed proclamation from ladies who clearly pronounce him to be the Moshiach. The Rebbe Melech haMoshiach accepts and encourages this



15 сен 2024




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@stop-terrorists 5 лет назад
Moshiac is in all of us. A spark of Moses exists in each and every Jew. "Arise Israel, awaken the spark of Moses!" Return to Hashem! Adon olam ascher mo-lach b'terem köl y'tzur niv-rö. L'ays na-aso v'chef-tzo kol, azai melech sh'mo nikrö. V'acharei kich-los ha-kol, l'vado yim-loch norò. V'hu hö-yoh v'hu ho-veh, vhu yih-yeh b'sif-öröh. Vhu echöd v'ayn shay-ni, l'ham-shil lo l'hach-biröh. B'li ray-shis b'li sach-lis, v'lo hö-oz v'hamis-röh. Vhu ayli v'chai go-ali, v'tzur chevli b'ays tzöröh. Vhu nisi umo-nos li, m'nös kosi b'yom ekro. B'yödo af-kid ruchi, b'ays ishan v'ö-iröh. Vim ruchi g vi-yösi, adonöy li v'lo irö. A kiss from Hashem 1. www.mechon-mamre.org/mp3/t1055.mp3 2. www.mechon-mamre.org/mp3/t1303.mp3 3. www.mechon-mamre.org/mp3/t08a16.mp3 Hashem judges the heart and does not look on outward appearances. Therefore all Jews must remember the appointment of David and his anointing. We must remember that just as the heavens are higher than the Earth, so too are the ways and thoughts of Hashem. I charge you as a student of Torah, to accept this report as something special. Memorize everything in this kiss from Hashem and speak it out loud three times a day for 40 days. Miracles will appear in your life as they have in mine. If you would like to support our small growing jewish community, you can donate a gift of any amount in preparation of pesach to ChabadBali.org In the entirety of the Tanakh, Moses of blessed memory is mentioned 770 times. Like I said before, all Jews have a spark of Moses in them. It only makes sense that moshiach will arrived through the merits of the rebbe. Most people think of 770 as a singular physical location; however this is not true. 770 has International branches in every country of the world.
@jeremylindsey94 Год назад
Stories are fun.
@piscagherila9981 3 года назад
The rebbe elaborated upon these actions to Reb Groner and said that he did not affirm or deny his being of Moshiach because he believed that these Hasidim had the intention to use his image to spread Chassidus. He then said to Reb Groner that “in the meantime I have received nothing from above telling me that I am Moshiach”
@piscagherila9981 3 года назад
See: stump the rabbi, Rebbe Moshiach part 1
@TheTobiFreed 10 лет назад
@National Rivera: Incorrect, as Jesus didn't meet the requirements. .
@jamieduncan4055 10 лет назад
What a joke. Of course He met every Messianic prophecy He said He would. Schneerson never fulfilled a single prophecy and Jews dare to say he is Mashaich? What a laugh! Yeshua is returning soon. many yahudin are turning to Yeshua if you do not you will be lost.
@Mttlevine7 10 лет назад
***** I'm sorry but your little buddy Yeshua is not gonna return because he's dead. He did nothing to help the Jews nor the Christians. You might think he did with his whole dying for your sins... i'm sorry he just died that day... nothing more.
@jamieduncan4055 10 лет назад
Mttlevine7 Well I have heard the voice of God and the Ruakh is manifesting in my life so I'll continue the way I am going thanks - regardless of your unbelief.
@Mttlevine7 10 лет назад
***** Why would Hakadosh Baruchu speak to you. Your not special. You're just spewing lies right now. In every incident in the Torah, G-d only spoke to the Bnei Yisroel under Moshe. This is because Moshe was classified as a true tzadik. The Gemarah notes Jesus as a apikoris.
@jamieduncan4055 10 лет назад
Mttlevine7 I have Elohim in my life. It is very clear you do not. Isa 9:6 (9:5) For a child is born unto us, a son is given unto us; and the government is upon his shoulder; and his name is called Pele- joez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom; Isa 53:1 'Who would have believed our report? And to whom hath the arm of the LORD been revealed? Isa 53:2 For he shot up right forth as a sapling, and as a root out of a dry ground; he had no form nor comeliness, that we should look upon him, nor beauty that we should delight in him. Isa 53:3 He was despised, and forsaken of men, a man of pains, and acquainted with disease, and as one from whom men hide their face: he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Isa 53:4 Surely our diseases he did bear, and our pains he carried; whereas we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. Isa 53:5 But he was wounded because of our transgressions, he was crushed because of our iniquities: the chastisement of our welfare was upon him, and with his stripes we were healed. Psa 22:13 (22:14) They open wide their mouth against me, as a ravening and a roaring lion. Psa 22:14 (22:15) I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is become like wax; it is melted in mine inmost parts. Psa 22:15 (22:16) My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my throat; and Thou layest me in the dust of death. Psa 22:16 (22:17) For dogs have encompassed me; a company of evil-doers have inclosed me; like a lion, they are at my hands and my feet. Psa 22:17 (22:18) I may count all my bones; they look and gloat over me. Psa 22:18 (22:19) They part my garments among them, and for my vesture do they cast lots. Read these scriptures and learn your own Tanach before making Racha of yourself.
@nathanielrivera7829 11 лет назад
Yashua or also known as Jesus the son of Yahweh is our one and true savior. Stop blaspheming and get right with our savior before his return to lift his church and claim his bride. I am praying for you. Yahweh Bless you all!
@akivatalansky 5 лет назад
Worshipping three gods and a dead man is blasphemy.
@TheEvilno 5 лет назад
Using G-d's name in vain is blasphemy
@stop-terrorists 5 лет назад
For those of you that are still confused about JC Penney. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-zmEScIUcvz0.html
you know me Moses Jesus of king David house i love you do what god told US
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