
The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism Conference: China, AI and Human Rights | Day 1 

Hoover Institution
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15 сен 2024




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@pennedarts 4 года назад
Authoritarians giving a lecture on Digital Authoritarianism. High quality authoritarianism right here.
@GenXGal 4 года назад
Love that the Hoover Institute makes these conversations public. This should be the discussions in government, instead we get the partisan clown show for all our taxes.
@jennyzhang3511 4 года назад
welcome to Brave New World, a global collaboration result.
@alixetal2399 4 года назад
Thank you, Hoover Institute. Very timely conference on issues shaping governments' use or abuse of human flourishing.
@Featherfinder 4 года назад
We are already living in an Orwellian nightmare here in our country. It is indeed a World Wide Web.
@krakenmcbubble6275 4 года назад
Maybe the one redeeming quality of the internet is that we have free access to this kind of knowledge
@orcpeon4520 4 года назад
as long as youtube doesn't censor it.
@DevinRSanto 4 года назад
Have you read or watched George Orwell's 1984? There is a centralized control mechanism where all other views can be suppressed or censored and all available information is continually changed so that only "the party line" is portrayed to the people.
@pennedarts 4 года назад
The curse of Active Measures: "Despite of abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions" might be a problem..
@kurojorm5301 4 года назад
Untrue, we currently have access to this particular yt video. For now. But someone might think it's racist, misogynistic, anxiety triggering, etc..., then it will be gone. Or just unlisted silently. And the system is abused to silence. So much internet media is already being blocked, memory-holed, deleted, de-listed so it can't be viewed unless you already know the EXACT url, and other things. ALL of the data sources and social media avenues are already selectively gatekeeping and censoring what you are "allowed" to see.
@sdtsai3744 4 года назад
@@orcpeon4520 they have being censoring independent Chinese news sources. cutting ads, traffic flow and out right deleting videos.
@hugomaritz692 4 года назад
Sorry i tried to listen to Condoleezza but all I kept hearing was 'patriot act, patriot act'. So we should trust the US government and associates (google, microsoft, amazon) to have authoritarian levels of invasive data gathering but if China does it it's bad. I don't think anybody should be doing it. At least not without an open and fair referendum. When she said that if the government wouldn't debate it the press would I pretty much fell off my chair.
@renemartin5729 3 года назад
The genie is already out of the bottle...
@tnekkc 4 года назад
Imagine if youtube was the government. They would cancel you physically.
@biggusriggus7150 4 года назад
CorbettReport has suggested that China is the model for technocratic government in Western nations
@greenbeanfroggy3177 4 года назад
China has a far superior system to US, and that explains why China grows so fast in the past 70 years. If US keeps devaluing its scientists and engineers, it will soon become a 2 tier country in the world.
@ThomasRonnberg 4 года назад
China is a very intimidating threat.
@BridiesMammaG 4 года назад
Absolutely correct
@SheWhoRemembers 4 года назад
@@greenbeanfroggy3177 China advanced so fast because US workers paid for it, and dual nationality traitors sold them our secrets.
@BridiesMammaG 4 года назад
China? What about UK 2020!! I can't get a meal without an app. 6 months ago this was unthinkable
@isabellaliu8409 4 года назад
Before the maxism landed in China, China has been a feudal and imperial nature country for thousands years, that has never changed until the modern times about a century ago, Chinese like sun yi Xian, these ppl went abroad to study western civilisation and thought that China needed to become a democratic and rule of law country, thag was a short period of time where China aka (republic of China) ruled the mainland at the time, but after the regime being hijacked by the CCP, and CCP brought Marxism into its governance that’s how China became a communism country other than a free democratic country. But even after China rule by maxism, big certain imperial nature still remained. With this nature, China has no rule of law at all!
@theredscourge 4 года назад
Actual discussion starts at 8:40.
@isabellaliu8409 4 года назад
I think the key here is the west engage China into the international community hoping that China will become more democratic and open not only in economy but also the other aspects such political system, human rights and freedom for the society as a whole. But China in fact did not turn into this direction, instead China take advantage of the freedom and openness of the society reaping off all the benefits and advantages and interests that the western world given but continue to practise a more strict surveillance on its ppl by using advance technology. What’s even worst is that when tian snd men square massacre occurred, the west continued the engagement policy yet China had not receive any consequence for its violation in human rights, hoping that China will change with its economic development. China did not meet this expectation. I think the key here is the west engaged China but did not think that china would one day bite back with its economy strength without any changes in political system. I think it’s very critical now for the west to adjust this engagement policy and be unified together in combating the large and rising power continue to ravage freedom and democracy and human rights on its ppl.and stop this county now using its ideology to influence the west and be dominant with this ideology all over the world. But I think the west as a whole still have the capacity to make China change in deeds.
@listener523 4 года назад
Really interesting description of the threat Jack Dorsey poses to democracy....
@isabellaliu8409 4 года назад
The authoritarian political system contributed a major part to this because this is a power without any power transition, they don’t need to take accountability for they do, they don’t need to gain consensus from its ppl, the CCP have absolute power in everything over its ppl, and the ppl fear to oppose because the high pressure oppression, all these make the CCP no need to do any political change or reform in the past several decades because they have the absolute power!
@2221936 4 года назад
Interesting topic. Thank you
@isabellaliu8409 4 года назад
China doesn’t need a AI ally to advance its technology. In the past several decades, the wto, the open and free trades, the international engagement has made China reached out to any possible places and companies snd organisation to get all they want in technology. Like through joint venture cooperations, western companies have to give away intellectual properties, or overseas think tanks and students study abroad programs, all these are the sources make a technological China and be able to use these technology on surveillance in its ppl.
@alisahale6017 4 года назад
The Chinese seem to hold “honor” in very high regard. What puzzles the western mind is that the Chinese use of the word does not in any way include the idea of “truth”. Truth is a Protestant concept that has highly influenced our terms such as “honor”, loyalty “, “integrity”, and other character traits westerners hold in high regard. The Chinese admire loyalty and honor, but only in terms that put the family name first. This may be in direct conflict with a western view of such terms.
@DevinRSanto 4 года назад
Didnt Google and Darpa give China the beginnings of their AI program?
@isabellaliu8409 4 года назад
The condition for this collaboration is that China need to change politically. If China continue its totalitarian governance and surveillance on its ppl and possibly that is being applied to other parts of the world. The collaboration is meaningless under this.
@Project_2501 4 года назад
The intro couldn't have possibly been more enthusiastic and improvised.
@williamkincade3940 4 года назад
I see what you did there.
@jennyzhang3511 4 года назад
Digital Currency is not digital payment like Alipay, Digital currency designed for planned economy, to control how to spend your money at individual level.
@ericafiore1624 4 года назад
The CCP use the words often (The People). A clear sign of a childish or mental ingrained institute narrative. Idi Armin used the narrative (the people) a lot.
@carlbyronrodgers 4 года назад
Very interesting and informative.
@gilsgate1992 4 года назад
Impulse to control information is going on now right now right here in our MSM and SM. So let me know when you're having this conversation which is more relevant to us right now.
@mrj4990 4 года назад
Rice to this day still thinks she was right all along, kinda sad.
@ianmcmath92 4 года назад
Thank you!
@fixedstarsrise 3 года назад
"The Ecstasy of Carbon" describes the world after Empire and much of Western Civilization collapse in a cacophony of Identity Politics, polarization and fractious subdivisions. It is a story informed by an Anthropological Futurism that is described from the point of view of the survivors that delves into a rarely imagined possible outcome of our current political climate of tribalism and divisiveness. It is a book that builds upon its precursor from 2010 entitled "Fixed Stars Rise," one of the first books to predict the collapse of Empire and the rise of Gay Elitism with its awareness of the unique evolutionary characteristics and trajectory of the gay male form as that most ideally suited to hybridize with increasingly complex AI who have no need or desire to perpetuate what will soon be the superfluous act of biological procreation with its inherent costs and conflicts, especially with what is feared to be a loss of rationality and personal freedom in a hyper-feminist world. Everything is again open for discussion in this existential moment where the most fit of the fittest must be chosen for hybridization... It probes the riddle of why male homosexuality has continued to arise in the random distribution of human evolution. Concomitantly, it ponders what the role of women and femininity would be in this future society of gay man/machine hybrids who will have no use for procreation. It discusses the evolution of concepts and ideas, especially in accordance with technological developments. It is here where is discussed the gradual and then meteoric ascension of Porno for this new race and this new world, whereby only with the hindsight afforded by these technological innovations can it be perceived to encompass the gist of the deepest ontological meaning in existence, embodying the most vital workings of the energies of chemical reactions in their purest and most unifying forms, revered among the scholarly disciplines. It explores what is unique in the physical and cultural evolutionary history of Western Europeans, particularly Northern Europeans, which affords many of them a capacity---sometimes even a predilection---to feel ashamed and guilty and angry at the historical success of their heritage. It is the proclivity for The Bleeding Heart, which dissipates in the populations of Eastern Europe and Southern Europe and is rarely, if ever, found in the rest of the world's populations. Finally, it discusses the resolution of one of the most profound physical and conceptual dichotomies inherited from the human evolutionary path: the conflict between individualism, which is associated with the European trajectory, and that of collectivism, which is associated with the East Asian trajectory. "The Ecstasy of Carbon" is available now on Amazon in both the hardback and kindle version.
@JochenLLL 2 года назад
I wish I could watch this, but the demagoguery of "we don't want a smoking gun to turn into a mushroom cloud" is still on my mind.
@bloopblooper490 4 года назад
algorithms = intelligence for automatons. What Western academics and industrialists are crucially missing is the fact that China is nurturing ancient culture and tradition as partcularly as innovative industry is supported and encouraged. ☕📖🌱
@isabellaliu8409 4 года назад
I think the citizens don’t have too much say on whether they choose to use it or not, these are government policies, you have to support snd agree. Ppl simply can’t oppose and choose. Like the digital currency that China is going to use is also the national policy without needing to gain consensus from its ppl. We could only say this is the nature of a totalitarianism.
@flcntk3 4 года назад
@asongslove 4 года назад
it is hard to sell the US democratic model to China's generation z nowadays. Especially after Chinese media pan broadcasting yesterday's chaotic debate.
@jstanley011 4 года назад
The speakers should be alone on the screen when talking. Watching the others sit there dumb is off-putting. Pure amateur hour. Does the Hoover Institution realize that, posting on RU-vid, they have a potential audience of BILLIONS? Up your game, fools.
@Browncoyote 4 года назад
Implying this isnt a chinese sim.
@ThomasRonnberg 4 года назад
Digital Agriculture.
@isabellaliu8409 4 года назад
Using advance technology in crime whether it’s a violation of privacy though I think it’s hard to decide but if technology could solve problems that you can’t solve without it back to several decades ago, and therefore citrine s decrease dramatically,!i think technology in that way is a good thing because if somehow provide a more safe environment to its citizens as a whole. I think technology in that way is a good thing. If technology advancement to solve some social problems such as crimes I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
@jillseering.61 4 года назад
I’m unsubscribing.
@allenmiller2071 4 года назад
@jimluebke3869 4 года назад
@keithr4224 4 года назад
Hate TRUMP? Do ya?
@yemail5555 3 года назад
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