
The SIN of Sodom and Gomorrah was NOT what you think! 

Tablets and Temples
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@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
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@StorytimeJesus 4 месяца назад
Judges 19 has a very similar story. Man comes into town with his wife/concubine, has no place to stay the night. A townsman welcomes them into his house. The townfolk knock on the door, demanding to rape the newcomers. The host offers his wife, and eventually the visitor ends up sending his wife out to be raped. Everything is fine. She is left the next morning on the doorstop. Everything is fine. She is dead. Everything is not fine. The visitor chops her up and sends out pieces of her body to the twelve tribes, calling them to judge the town. (The town is in Benjamin, The Benjamites defend the town, and are eventually eradicated until only 600 Benajmites remain...) The town is Gibeah, like the place Saul came from. Isaiah may be talking about this town as Geba, and Hosea references this whole fiasco 3 times.
@RoutierNordAmericain 9 месяцев назад
Pedophilia could be considered an abomination. The early German translation of this passage used a word that translates to "boy", as in a male child, so, the passage should say, "Man should not lie with a child as would with a woman".
@chrissmith8198 Месяц назад
Omw someone who actually knows. While it is infact true that the word "homosexual" was not added in the Bible until 1946, when the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) was printed, unfortunately nothing was "mistranslated". What you are referring to is the Martin Luther Bible, where in the Leviticus passages, the German word that is used there is "knaben" which means "boy" and in 1 Corinthians 6:9 the German word that is used there is "knabenschänder" where "knaben" means "boy" and "schänder" means "molester". But unfortunately it does not matter what any German translation says. The Bible in English is translated from the earliest Hebrew and Greek Texts. In Hebrew, Leviticus 18:22 says: ואת־זכר לא תשכב משכבי אשה תעובה הִוא wĕʾet-zākār lōʾ tiškab miškĕbê (miškĕvê) tôʿēbâ hiw A literal translation is: ‘With (a) male you shall not lie (the) lyings (or beds) of a woman. (An) abomination (tôʿēbâ) is that.’ [1: p231][5] The Septugint (Greek) reads thus: καὶ μετὰ ἄρσενος οὐ κοιμηθήσῃ κοίτην γυναικός, βδέλυγμα γάρ ἐστιν. The NRSV translation says: ‘You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination.’ In Hebrew, Leviticus 20:13 says: ואיש אשר ישכב את־זכר משכבי אשה תעובה עשו שניהם מות יומתו דמיהם בם wĕʾîš ʾăšer yiškab ʾet-zākār miškĕbê (miškĕvê) tôʿēbâ ʿāśû šĕnêhem môt yûmātû dĕmêhem bām The Septuagint (Greek) reads thus: καὶ ὃς ἂν κοιμηθῇ μετὰ ἄρσενος κοίτην γυναικός, βδέλυγμα ἐποίησαν ἀμφότεροι, θανατούσθωσαν, ἔνοχοί εἰσιν English (NRSV): If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them. In The New Testament, Paul uses two words in 1 Cor 6:9, “μαλακοὶ” (malakoi) and “ἀρσενοκοῖται” (arsenokoitai) The word malakoi literally means “soft.” & arsenokoitai is recognizable as a compound word which originated in the Septuagint (Greek) translation of Leviticus 20:13 which speaks of a man who lies with mankind as with womankind. In Leviticus, the compound word arsenokoitai word is presented as two separate words - arsenos, derived from the Greek word arsenikos (ἀρσενικός), meaning "male", "virile" and koitēn (κοίτην) meaning “lay.” Again, Neither "יֶלֶד" (child), "נַעַר" (boy) or "בֵּן" (Son) are seen in either of these Hebrew verses and the word "παῖς" (boy, child, youth) is also not seen in either of their Septuagint translations. What you might also be thinking of is one argument that is sometimes offered by Christian advocates of same-sex marriage that the Apostle Paul was not thinking of loving, monogamous adult relationships, and only intended to condemn Greco/Roman pederasty. I’ve been thinking in general about Paul’s historical context and, more specifically, about this argument. First, it’s important to acknowledge that relationships between adult men and adolescent boys or young men were the most commonly attested same-sex relationships in the ancient world. There are exceptions-Plato’s Symposium discusses committed, lifelong same-sex relationships-but this is by far the most common kind of relationship. We should therefore acknowledge that the Apostle Paul was likely most familiar with this kind of same-sex sexual activity. It’s worth observing, however, that precisely because this form of same-sex sexuality was so common, there was standard terminology in Greek for talking about these relationships-the older man was the erastes (lover) and the younger man the eromenos (beloved). If these relationships were Paul’s target, it would have been reasonable for him to use these standard Greek terms. Again, Instead, he used an apparently novel term, arsenokoitai, which either he invented or which he took from Helenistic Judaism. The most logical derivation of this new word is from the Septuagint translation of Leviticus 18:22, which says that you shall not lie with (koiten) a man (arsenos) as with a woman. In both Greek and English, verbs can be transformed into nouns. Thus, in English, swimmers are people who swim. In Greek, the koitai are men (-ai is a masculine ending) who koiten-that is, “lie with” in a sexual sense. So the arsenokoitai are men who lie with other men in a sexual sense. There is an additional reason for thinking that arsenokoitai is derived from Leviticus 18:22. In 1 Timothy 1:8-11, the Apostle Paul writes, we know that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the Law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality [arsenokoitai], enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted. Paul is listing various disobedient groups of people who have been given the Law to tell that their acts are contrary to God’s will. Thus, we would expect the arsenokoitai to correspond to some prohibition in the Law. The obvious candidate prohibition, for reasons given above, is Leviticus 18:22. It’s important not to misunderstand the context of this prohibition. Paul is no harsher in his condemnation of homosexual activity than he is of sexual immorality in general. And just a few verses later, he writes, “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life” (1 Timothy 1:15-16). Anyone who uses these verses either to single out homosexual sin for unique condemnation, or who fails to speak with humility of God’s love for all, is misusing the text. However, it’s also important not to misunderstand the prohibition itself. While pederasty was the most common form of same-sex activity recorded in ancient writings, Paul doesn’t use the common language of pederasty. Instead of condemning age or power differences, he coins a new word which focuses particularly on relationships that involve two men. These kinds of considerations, it seems to me, make the claim that Paul was only condemning pederasty-rather than same-sex sexual activity more generally-much more problematic.
@juzeus9 29 дней назад
the abomination is moloch. homosexuality has never been a sin. god makes gays to care for orphans... ps, don't click read more on chriss's comment or it will fill up your entire screen.
@DhonaTimm 3 месяца назад
you said what the sin was in the beginning, it was about men wanting to have sex with men.
@thebibleformula Год назад
Surprise yourself by looking at all the occurrences of the words "sodomites" and "abomination."
@allankhoyi 7 месяцев назад
Are you justifying homosexuality bro?
@Danigxxiii 7 месяцев назад
Sounds like he is. Earned the dislike. Doing a lot of mental gymnastics to try and justify it
@halley222000 7 месяцев назад
I don't think he is justifying homosexuality, but correctly interpreting passages with context, history, and correct analysis.
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
Christianity will pass. Homosexuality remains forever. Just accept it. Homosexuality is here to stay. It always has and it always will be.
@maxamahnken7325 3 месяца назад
​@@heinmolenaar6750Homosexuality is a sin which must be repented of.
@maxamahnken7325 3 месяца назад
​@@heinmolenaar6750God does not accept homosexuality.
@RudolphEnzocurtislaval 7 месяцев назад
obviously you gay bro😂
@DeanoScousekopite84 2 месяца назад
Genesis 19, 5 and they called to Lot and said to him, 'Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them.'
@juzeus9 29 дней назад
"so we may KNOW them". stop using trash translations
@icesport2107 11 дней назад
That sounds like homosexuality to me.
@juzeus9 10 дней назад
@@icesport2107 that's because of prejudice and false translations. anyone with a modicum of common sense would know even in this badly translated version, the sin would be rape not homosexuality.
@lulusanchez483 3 месяца назад
They wanted to have sexual relationship with the angels. whether you like it or not.
@sgm4545 4 месяца назад
Leviticus is clear on it. It’s even called an abomination
@HTTC4life1981 4 месяца назад
You on here misinterpreting scripture clearly STRANGE FLESH IS HOMOSEXUALITY
@magcase2127 4 месяца назад
The word of God is eternal! It is not affected by tlime, nothing has changed and never will!!
@paneraemployee12 Месяц назад
GOD’s judgements in Isaiah 1. 1. Corrupt 2. Unjust 3. Indifferent to the needy 4. Thieves 5. Murderers 6. Ruthless 7. Hypocrites GOD’s judgements Jeremiah 23. 1. Leading people astray 2. False prophets 3. Adulterers 4. Liars 5. Facilitating evil 6. Lead sinners away from repentance GOD’s judgments in Ezekiel 16 1. Unfaithfulness 2. Idol worship 3. Pride 4. Gluttony 5. Corruption Edit: I might have missed a few, but I literally just read them through and jotted down what I saw.
@erikjohnson6269 Год назад
I feel like dude gay and wants it to be about something else…people being gay wasn’t the whole reason but it was part of it
@devin5381 2 месяца назад
Was this video sponsored by GLAAD?
@greenleopard49 Год назад
(1 Corinthians 15:39-40) describes the distinction of different flesh. That is what Jude 6 -7 is referring to. "39 Not all flesh is the same, but there is one flesh of human beings, and another flesh of animals, and another flesh of birds, and another of fish, 40 and heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. But the glory of the heavenly bodies is of one kind, and the glory of the earthly bodies is of another kind."
@niandral104 Год назад
@LOOKandLIVE365 Год назад
It’s interesting how well you took the time to misinterpret scripture to support the sin of homosexuality. I will make a respond video to this to point out where you have gone wrong.
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
Can't wait to see it.
@RandyRoyea Год назад
The word of God is timeless. We all know that homosexuality is wrong
@erastobanda4937 7 месяцев назад
God says homosexuality is wrong but gives a green light to incest. What a perfect deity.
@bhavinmehta1490 6 месяцев назад
What are you talking about? Being gay is not a choice unless you yourself can choose to be gay. But more importantly the video is about the narrative which factually models other stories of ancient world and parallels Judges 19.
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
We all know homophobia is wrong. It's a sin.
@bhavinmehta1490 6 месяцев назад
@@heinmolenaar6750 why might you say that though, that is, based upon what? And if it is a religious text, through what basis do you reach this interpretation; and furthermore what is the basis for the claims made by any such text to be valid or truth?
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
​@@bhavinmehta1490 if you're not completely immoral, then you just know homophobia is a sin.
@pappapiccolino9572 Год назад
Great work Lachie. And an Aussie to boot, which is another plus. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that this presentation won't make any difference to people's opinions. Society seems so bifurcated these days, and people's opinions are so entrenched, you'll have folks like me who will back you 100%, and then you'll have others lighting their torches and sharpening their pitchforks, condemning you to burn in hell for all eternity. And never the twain shall meet. At any rate, keep up the good work.
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
G'day. It does feel that way sometimes. But I do think there are lots of people out there open to learning new things :)
@5TTT129 6 месяцев назад
Agreed. 👍
@bradfleck9458 3 месяца назад
Actually, the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was exactly what it's always been. Genesis 19:4-5 Now before they lay down, THE MEN OF THE CITY, THE MEN OF SODOM, both old and young, all the people from every quarter, surrounded the house. 5 And they called to Lot and said to him, "Where are THE MEN who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us THAT WE MAY KNOW THEM." This clearly points to homosexual desire and thus God's extreme judgment upon them. In Hebrew, to "know" in this context, and others in the Old Testment, refers to sexual activity, e.g Adam knew his wife. The same situation is seen in Judges 19. Verse 20 says, "...certain men of the city, perverted men, surrounded the house and beat on the door. They spoke to the master of the house, the old man, saying, "Bring out the man who came to your house, that we may know him." Again this is clearly refering to homosexual activity. Just the facts....
@chrissmith8198 Месяц назад
Jude 1:7 speaks of “Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh” (KJV). In context, Jude is assuring his readers that God has punished sin in the past and, therefore, He will continue to do so in the future. Jude gives a list of incidents as evidence of God’s judgment, and one of the incidents that he cites is the case of Sodom and Gomorrah. The King James Version and the New American Standard Version are similar in the translation of Jude 1:7, and both use the term strange flesh. “Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire” (NASB). The ESV has a more interpretive translation: “Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.” The ESV includes an alternate translation, “different flesh,” in a footnote. The NIV provides the most interpretive translation: “In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.” The traditional understanding of this passage is that the “strange flesh” refers to homosexual desire similar to what was exhibited in Sodom in Genesis 19. Two angels (appearing as men) visited Sodom. Lot, not knowing that they were angels, asked them to come into his home. The men of the city learned of the visitors and mobbed Lot’s house, saying, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them” (verse 4). In recent years, there has been an attempt to legitimize homosexual desire and even to look for ways to make it compatible with biblical teaching. Some have challenged the traditional understanding that the pursuit of “strange flesh” refers to homosexual lust. Jude 1:7 begins with “in the same way,” which calls our attention to the situation in the previous verse. Verse 6 says, “And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling-these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.” This has often been understood as a reference to Genesis 6. The first verses of that chapter highlight the wickedness that precipitated the flood. Many interpret the Genesis passage as referring to angels who in some way had sexual relations with human women. According to some, the logic in Jude 1 runs this way: in verse 6 angels have sexual desire for human beings, and in verse 7 human beings have sexual desire for angels. The conclusion is that the desire for “strange flesh” in Jude 1:7 refers to human-angel relations, not any kind of human-human relations. This interpretation has several problems. First, it is far from clear that Jude 1:6 is a reference to Genesis 6:2-4. Second, it is far from clear that “the sons of God” in Genesis 6:2-4 refers to angels or that human-angel sexual activity is what is in view. Third, the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah warranted judgment before the angels ever showed up (Genesis 19:20). In fact, pending judgment was the reason the angels went to Sodom in the first place. It is not as though angels were being assaulted on a regular basis in Sodom. And, finally, the men of Sodom had no idea that the “men” visiting Lot’s house were angels, so the issue could not be an unnatural attraction to angels. The next issue that needs to be addressed is the term translated “strange “ in the phrase “strange flesh.” The word translated “strange” is hetero, which means “different.” The issue is complicated by the fact that we use the term heterosexual to refer to attraction to the opposite gender and homosexual to refer to same-sex attraction. Jude 1:7 says that Sodom and Gomorrah were judged because of hetero attractions. However, the context is clear that hetero in this case does not mean “different gender” but “different from the norm,” as in “strange.” Romans 1:26-27 calls these urges and actions “unnatural”-that is, they are different (hetero) from the God-ordained design. Finally, some have charged that the sin of Sodom was not homosexuality per se, but violence and attempted homosexual rape. They claim that Genesis 19 has nothing to do with loving, mutual homosexual desire. Certainly, the violence of the men of Sodom adds an additional layer to the problem. It may account for why Jude describes the incident in Sodom as one of “gross immorality,” but it does not explain why Jude says they desired “strange flesh.” Furthermore, it was not for the single incident with Lot that Sodom was judged; rather, that incident simply demonstrated and confirmed the kind of immorality that was rampant in Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding areas. When all the evidence is considered, the traditional understanding is still the most consistent with the biblical data. Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding areas gave themselves over to all sorts of sexual perversion (rape would be included in this), but homosexual attraction and activity, described as a desire for “strange flesh,” is also included. Jude describes homosexual desire as a desire for hetero flesh because it is “different” from the God-ordained plan for sexuality. Jude says that the men of Sodom were judged for this and stand as an example of God’s willingness and ability to judge such actions in the future.
@lifereviews74 8 месяцев назад
Homosexuality is one of it..
@Danigxxiii 7 месяцев назад
Absolutely it’s clearest day that was one of the wicked acts of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. Dude in the video is clearly trying to cope. No other way to put it.
@edhen143 7 месяцев назад
​@@Danigxxiiithen why do people only focus on that?
@Danigxxiii 7 месяцев назад
@@edhen143 Sorry it looks like my comment was deleted for some reason, do you know what I said by any chance?
@HappyBooks-rq7im 3 месяца назад
Love from India🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 sir may God bless you
@beatmelodics 3 месяца назад
Woe to you dude twisting God’s word 😢 A man does not lie with a man the way a man lies with a woman -Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13
@juzeus9 29 дней назад
do me a favor - get your bible, throw it in the garbage. the villagers said "so we may KNOW them".
@JayWalker-tk2pr 29 дней назад
Didn't St Augustine say something along the lines of quote Lord lead me not in temptation but pray not today.."
@altairtheeagle 2 месяца назад
Homosexuality was the main reason, but not the only reason, im shocked you would come to ANY other conclusion
@michaeltodd7983 6 месяцев назад
I mean they got other scripts for homosexuality like Leviticus18:22-23, 1 Corinthians 6 9-13, 1 Timothy 9-10, Romans 1:26-32 and Hebrews 13:4 when they defined marriage only being between a man and woman
@stevenrobinson8263 Год назад
You brought out some interesting points. But God did NOT destroy the Cities on the Plain because of whatever later Biblical Scholars taught! Further, the most "abominable" since in God's understanding from the very beginning was anything that violated God's VERY FIRST command to living creatures and then to Man: "Be Fruitful and Multiply" and fill the earth. Sodomy, by its very definition is a violation of this command. Further, the Genesis account describes the IDEAL situation is that a Man & a Woman be united and become "one flesh". Homosexuality also violates this plan of God. From the very beginning, Satan has been working to thwart God's plan for the world. To this day, there are people exercising Satan's plan by violating marriage, prevention of children's birth, etc. Homosexuality is indeed a "detestable" act; which is also confirmed in Romans 1:18-32. God's wrath will be revealed against man for suppressing the truth with their wickedness.
@RandyRoyea Год назад
Beautifully sad
@JeffersonMatimtim-eb1lo Месяц назад
Very well said
@josiasvalencia6366 Год назад
It was homosexuality, without question.
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
Something close to "Homosexuality" wasn't mentioned in relation to Sodom and Gomorrah until Plutarch who lived around 500 years after the story in Genesis was produced. And there are at least four earlier ancient interpreters make no mention of anything close to that.
@Danigxxiii 7 месяцев назад
It’s clear that was one of the things done in sodom and Gomorrah along with a bunch of other wickedness, sexual immortality is a broad term that includes homosexuality and is wickedness
@FeministCatwoman 4 месяца назад
"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me."
@B.BarbaraBrodbeck Год назад
I think that evil people did go after the holy angels of God they deserved the punishment that they got.🎉
@harveywabbit9541 Год назад
There are multiple divisions of the year in the bible. One is Winter (Shem/Nahor), Spring Japheth/Abram), and Summer (Ham/Haran). Typically Winter = Flesh, Spring = Bread, and Summer = Wine. Genesis one divides the year into Winter aka the six nights/signs of Libra thru Pisces (autumn equinox - spring equnox) and six days/signs of Summer aka the six signs of Aries thru Virgo (spring equinox - autumn equinox). This gives us 180 days of "summer" or light/day and 180 days of "winter" or night/darkness. Some of the myths use a modification where the first night/sign/month (Libra) is moved above the equinoctial line and added to Aries - Virgo to give us 210 days of summer and 150 days of winter. This 150 days of winter is expressed in Rev. 9.5, where Scorpio is the leader of the five months that can harm man aka winter the season of hardship and hunger. The sodomites are nothing more than these evil winter months whose signs are Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Sagittarius, the first "rainy" month is Gomorrah and Scorpio (cursed throughout the bible) is Sodom. These five "evil" signs/months are also the five sons of Ha Shem who is also Pluto, Hades, and Maha Bhagha (Magog) and of course Vishnu.
@Stonerville1 4 месяца назад
Just don’t read it literally
@romerjohncaday8703 11 месяцев назад
don't forget about Romans 1 26 to 27
@JamesDavid-yt4ec 10 месяцев назад
Did Abraham make the same MISTAKE Sodom made ? (and Lot's wife had to indemnify Abe's err) ? The more important query is : what was ( continues to be e sin of Gomorrah ) .... forcing Sodom's judgement Take II :: WAS THE FRENCH REVOLUTION A BETTER "EVOLUTION [application] OF THE LAW" ?
@phillipjames5365 8 месяцев назад
The same sins God destroyed other cities such in the days of Noah , Nineveh etc . There are NO ranks with sin which fosters hypocrisy.
@JamesDavid-yt4ec 8 месяцев назад
@@phillipjames5365 murder, then. Unbridled and uncontrollable. Hence the attempt at "judgmental sodomy" over Gomorrah ... Too bad for the Sodomites that the GomMorans were biologically weaponized. Banishment (to the outer spaces didn't work) -still isn't workable- ... And look what Abraham's compassionate bargaining got him .... Query: if Abraham had the audacity to question the judgement of GOD, then do you "believe" GOD gave Abraham the opportunities to "finish" the job ... with the example of Lot's wife's foolishness as guidance? Lot's Family was "without" though Abraham brought them back from the "outer realms" of Sodom & GOMORRAH (sin [is a place by then knotted to the actions of the sinners]). Therefore, tell me your [dystopian] planer Earth ... Are the people the problem or the place?
@JamesDavid-yt4ec 8 месяцев назад
@@phillipjames5365 also & BTW: NINEVEH just entered a ancient alibi ... "D.BA." as Mosul ,NOW. ... Similarly, " Braintree , MA - d.b.a. "Quincy, MA - U.S.". Hypocrisy? WHO is making that civil war, WHO governing that SLAVERY. (I DON'T LIKE IT.)
@MM-eq7sw Год назад
Wow, amazed that you leave key verses that explain the sin of S&G was homosexuality. Amazing how you use certain words to device and twist the meaning of scriptures. It was difficult for me to watch this, it’s difficult to listen to people blatantly lying while smiling. Have you no fear of God?!!!!
@gingerty9628 Год назад
Agree, people want to justify their sin any way they can, even by twisting scriptures.
@yohannugraha2869 Год назад
Behold there shall be many false prophets
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
Thank you for calling me a prophet, you're too kind 😊
@rc.... Год назад
​@@TabletsAndTemples a false one no less
@toniwhy8415 Год назад
@@TabletsAndTemples” You false prophet,if anyone twisted the word of God will not be unpunished. Repent and return
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
@@toniwhy8415 No twisting here, just good ol' fashioned cultural context :) Thanks for your support! Like and subscribe.
@thestove6765 Год назад
@@TabletsAndTemples I agree. Doesn’t sound like twisting, more like honest dissection and research of the texts. Great job! Don’t listen to simple minded folks who choose sloppy faith over careful reason.
@quesostuff1009 5 месяцев назад
Insightful video. I liked how you made it a point to show how Sodom was used as a literary device regarding pure decay/ depravity. People sometimes are too narrow with the sex ethic the Bible holds. I would like to ask while Sodom’s sin may not be what we thought are you suggesting the Bible itself has no say on the matter? Your language sure seems to imply that. I look forward to a response or a new video
@chrissmith8198 Месяц назад
Jude 1:7 in Greek: ὡς Σόδομα καὶ Γόμορρα καὶ αἱ περὶ αὐτὰς πόλεις τὸν ὅμοιον τρόπον τούτοις ἐκπορνεύσασαι καὶ ἀπελθοῦσαι ὀπίσω σαρκὸς ἑτέρας, πρόκεινται δεῖγμα πυρὸς αἰωνίου δίκην ὑπέχουσαι. In English: just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the around them cities - in like manner with them having indulged in sexual immorality and having gone after flesh strange are set forth as an example of fire eternal [the] penalty undergoing. What the strange flesh that is mentioned is (σαρκὸς ἑτέρας), is where the question comes in. Among those who agree that the Bible prohibits homosexual practice, there is a disagreement about whether the story of Sodom and Gomorrah should be used in support of this conclusion. Traditionally, the sin of Sodom has been considered, among other things, the sin of pursuing same-sex intercourse. Hence, the act of male-with-male sex has been termed sodomy. More recently, others have maintained that attempted homosexual gang rape is hardly germane to the question of committed, monogamous gay unions today. Sodom had many sins-violence, injustice, oppression, inhospitable brutality-but same-sex intercourse per se is nowhere condemned in the Genesis account. Some conservative scholars, while still holding conservative conclusions about marriage and homosexuality, have concurred with this line of reasoning, arguing that when it comes to deciding the rightness or wrongness of homosexual behavior, Genesis 19 is irrelevant. There are many important considerations to weigh when trying to make sense of Sodom and Gomorrah. Obviously, the Old Testament context matters. Knowing something about the Ancient Near East may help too. Looking at literature from Second Temple Judaism is also important. Most critical, however (at least for those with an evangelical view of Scripture), is how the New Testament understands the sin of Sodom. Which is why Jude 6-7 is so important. And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day-just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire (sarkos heteras), serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. (Jude 6-7) There is a case to be that Jude’s comment about sarkos heteras (“other flesh”) is a reference to sex with angels not sex with other men. Verse 6 is likely an allusion to the sin of the angels in Genesis 6:1-4, which according to Jewish tradition, involved angels having sex with the daughters of men. So it is not far fetched to think that the “other flesh” in verse 7 is a reference to the men of Sodom trying to have sex with Lot’s angelic visitors. If this interpretation is correct, it makes it less likely (though not at all impossible) to see the sin of Sodom as being, at least in part, the sin of homosexual practice. Which, of course, would do nothing to invalidate the other verses that speak on the subject, but it would set aside the most infamous account of homosexuality in the Bible. Having said all that, I still see good reasons to accept the traditional interpretation and conclude that Jude 7 is a reference to the sin of homosexual behavior. 1. This interpretation is in keeping with prevailing Jewish norms in the first century. Both Josephus and Philo not only condemn relations that are “contrary to nature,” they explicitly understand Genesis 19 as referring to homosexual acts. 2. As a striking example of sexual immorality, it would certainly be more relevant in a first century Greco-Roman context to warn against homosexual behavior as opposed to the non-existent temptation to have sex with angels (cf. 2 Peter 2:6). 3. It would be strange to refer to attempted sex with angels as pursuing other “flesh.” Of all the ways to reference angels, the very physical, human, and earthly sarx seems an odd choice. 4. The men of Sodom did not know they were trying to have sex with angelic beings. Even if sarkos heteras could be taken to mean a “different species” (and I don’t think it does), the men of Sodom had no idea that that is what they were pursuing. Isn’t it more likely to think they were guilty of pursuing sex with other men (as they saw them), then that they were guilty of pursuing sex with angels (which they did not understand)? 5. If pursuing “unnatural desire” is a reference to seeking out sex with angels, how do we make sense of the beginning of verse 7 which indicts Sodom and Gomorrah *and* the surrounding cities of this sin? Were Admah and Zeboim guilty of trying to have sex with angels? It makes more sense to think that Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities all had a reputation for sexual immorality and that one flagrant example of such sin was homosexual practice. This is why the parallel passage in 2 Peter 2:7-8 can depict Lot as greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of these cities. They had a reputation for lawlessness which did not rely on angels to be manifested. In short, the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah and the whole region was not just a one-time attempted gang rape of angelic beings, but, according to Jude a lifestyle of sensuality and sexual immorality, at least one aspect of which was exemplified in men pursuing the flesh of other men instead of the flesh of women.
@GTA5LanGamers 9 месяцев назад
And youre wrong again, if your true intent is to help your fellow, you will never ask your viewers to support you or help you through any means.. So it's safe to say that you don't even know that the lord of this land is upon you.. just saying
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
Christianity will pass. Homosexuality remains forever. Just accept it. Homosexuality is here to stay. It always has and it always will be.
@420Yako 6 месяцев назад
"King James Bible is truth in this world of Satan's", filthyness is homosexuality. Biblical definition is the truth -Jesus.
@texaslocoman1 8 месяцев назад
You can understand by the offer of Lot that having sex with his daughter was lesser sin than having abominable homosexual sex with those male angels.
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
Christianity will pass. Homosexuality remains forever. Just accept it. Homosexuality is here to stay. It always has and it always will be.
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
A father who literally was ready to offer his two virgin daughters to the mob instead of himself and he was let go by god?
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
A father who literally was ready to offer his two virgin daughters to the mob in steeds of himself and he was let go by god?
@emanuelbugaj7078 6 месяцев назад
It seems you didn't paid attention in this video. Willing to rape these "strangers" wasn't committed to sexual lust like if they raped women, they probably weren't attracted to them, they only wanted to hurt and humiliate and hurt someone from outside their community. It wasn't worse because of preferring man, it was worse because of xenoforbia. It wasn't the point of wahat was giving sodomites more pleasure, it was about what will hurt and humiliate someone who'se not alike them. Probably
@ManuMiAS 5 месяцев назад
so Angels are MALE and have penises?
@diannecox7187 7 месяцев назад
The speaker here is showing how ignorant he is and trying to twist scripture 😩😩😩😩
@Danigxxiii 7 месяцев назад
Very true he is questionable
@niltondomiciano1153 8 месяцев назад
I rather stay with the Holy Bible! Of course;God’s words will always be consistent! Unchanged. His Is Holy, righteous, trustworthy!
@freddysoto5424 6 месяцев назад
May b your not familiar with the story,jeremiah is talking about Israel, because Sodom n Gomorrah has been destroyed already. N in leviticus it says its ,it is an abomination. Read the story.
@vgovger4373 5 месяцев назад
It meant not being welcoming.
@mungujakisajeremy6399 Год назад
Man do you support LGBTQ or you don't. Or is it a right thing or not
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
Homofobia is a sin
@chrissmith8198 Месяц назад
It's not and I don't
@johnguenther856 5 месяцев назад
Yes, it does give address, give a description of sexual sin.
@quintanmosoro1773 Год назад
A man will not lay with another man.
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
Christians don"t live according the acient jewish laws of leviticus. The laws of leviticus are outdated and idiotic. But christians love to quote leviticus to attack homosexuals. Leviticus: when a man lie with a man as with a woman......I shall lie with whomever I please. It's n'one of anyone's business.
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
I shall lie with whomever I please. It's n'one of anyone's business
@michaeltodd7983 6 месяцев назад
And I agree with them doing other bad stuff to
@mungujakisajeremy6399 Год назад
Be careful of false prophets 😢
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
Indeed, that's why we're all about seeking the truth through evidence based research ;)
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
All religious teachers and leaders are false.
@adiraisurrounding9412 11 месяцев назад
اِلَّاۤ اٰلَ لُوْطٍ اِنَّا لَمُنَجُّوْهُمْ اَجْمَعِيْنَۙ‏ “லூத்தின் கிளையாரைத் தவிர, அவர்களனைவரையும் நிச்சயமாக நாம் காப்பாற்றுவோம். (அல்குர்ஆன் : 15:59) اِلَّا امْرَاَتَهٗ قَدَّرْنَاۤ ۙ اِنَّهَا لَمِنَ الْغٰبِرِيْنَ‏ ஆனால் அவர் (லூத்) உடைய மனைவியைத் தவிர - நிச்சயமாக அவள் (காஃபிர்களின் கூட்டத்தாரோடு) பின்தங்கியிருப்பாள் என்று நாம் நிர்ணயித்து விட்டோம்” என்று (வானவர்கள்) கூறினார்கள். (அல்குர்ஆன் : 15:60) فَلَمَّا جَآءَ اٰلَ لُوْطِ ۨالْمُرْسَلُوْنَۙ‏ (இறுதியில்) அத்தூதர்கள் லூத்துடைய கிளையாரிடம் வந்த போது. (அல்குர்ஆன் : 15:61) قَالَ اِنَّـكُمْ قَوْمٌ مُّنْكَرُوْنَ‏ (அவர்களை நோக்கி எனக்கு) அறிமுகமில்லாத மக்களாக நீங்கள் இருக்கிறீர்கள்” என்று (லூத்) சொன்னார், (அல்குர்ஆன் : 15:62) وَجَآءَ اَهْلُ الْمَدِيْنَةِ يَسْتَـبْشِرُوْنَ‏ (லூத்தின் விருந்தினர்களாக வாலிபர்கள் வந்திருப்பதையறிந்து) அந் நகரத்து மக்கள் மிக்க மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் வந்து சேர்ந்தார்கள். (அல்குர்ஆன் : 15:67) قَالَ اِنَّ هٰٓؤُلَاۤءِ ضَيْفِىْ فَلَا تَفْضَحُوْنِۙ‏ (லூத் வந்தவர்களை நோக்கி:) “நிச்சயமாக இவர்கள் என்னுடைய விருந்தினர்கள். ஆகவே, (அவர்கள் முன்) என்னை நீங்கள் அவமானப்படுத்தி விடாதீர்கள்;” (அல்குர்ஆன் : 15:68) وَنَجَّيْنٰهُ وَلُوْطًا اِلَى الْاَرْضِ الَّتِىْ بٰرَكْنَا فِيْهَا لِلْعٰلَمِيْنَ‏ இன்னும், நாம் அவரையும் (அவருடைய சகோதரர் மகன்) லூத்தையும் அகிலத்தாருக்கெல்லாம் பரக்கத்தான - பாக்கியமுள்ள - பூமியாக நாம் ஆக்கியுள்ள (பைத்துல் முகத்தஸில்) ஈடேற்றம் பெறச் செய்தோம். (அல்குர்ஆன் : 21:71) وَلُوْطًا اٰتَيْنٰهُ حُكْمًا وَّعِلْمًا وَّنَجَّيْنٰهُ مِنَ الْقَرْيَةِ الَّتِىْ كَانَتْ تَّعْمَلُ الْخَبٰٓٮِٕثَ‌ اِنَّهُمْ كَانُوْا قَوْمَ سَوْءٍ فٰسِقِيْنَۙ‏ இன்னும், லூத்தையும் (நபியாக்கி) - நாம் அவருக்கு ஞானத்தையும், கல்வியையும் கொடுத்தோம்; அறுவறுப்பான செயல்களைச் செய்து கொண்டிருந்(தவர்களின்) ஊரை விட்டும் அவரை நாம் காப்பாற்றினோம்; நிச்சயமாக அவர்கள் மிகவும் கெட்ட சமூகத்தினராகவும், பெரும் பாவிகளாகவும் இருந்தனர். (அல்குர்ஆன் : 21:74) وَقَوْمُ اِبْرٰهِيْمَ وَقَوْمُ لُوْطٍ ۙ‏ (இவ்வாறே) இப்ராஹீமுடைய சமூகத்தினரும் லூத்துடைய சமூகத்தினரும் (பொய்ப்பிக்கவே முற்பட்டார்கள்). (அல்குர்ஆன் : 22:43)
@donag1115 7 месяцев назад
You sir are very wrong about THE HOLY WORD OF GOD GOD Help you
@ImNotSorryInc Год назад
@paradigm-wx6bn 6 месяцев назад
@freddysoto5424 6 месяцев назад
@freddysoto5424 6 месяцев назад
1cor 6:9-10
@Elvengem 3 месяца назад
Lot ,abraham's nephew knew his fellow city men that they were not fully homosexual. He said in genesis 19: 8Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them to you, and you can do to them as you please. But do not do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.” The sin was not homosexuality but the sin of trying to have sex with angels. It says strange flesh in Jude 1:7. this was the sin of genesis 6:1 too where even angels were never to have relations with humans either.This time it was the vice versa.
@tiffanytaite6663 Месяц назад
The men that were trying to have sex with them didn't know they were angels.. and let's say if they did know they were angels those men still wanted sex. So either way they wanted to have homosexual relations with them. And they also told lot that he was next after they finished with them and lot wasn't no angel.. I believe you need to go back and read it again.. because that was nothing but homosexuality.
@Elvengem Месяц назад
@@tiffanytaite6663 it was a situation of one incidence of homosexuality but the two cities were not destroyed for that one sin and that one incident. Those two cities had many sins like idolatry and mistreating poor people.
@feaokautai7354 8 месяцев назад
The word of God is Truth and changeless against time and academic intepretations.
@judylakin Год назад
😏 "PromoSM"
@wannabe_scholar82 Год назад
Ahh, that makes so much sense!!! So Sodom and Gomorrah is kind of like how Egypt was an all over the place cultural memory that stood for freedom in earlier parts of the bible. Also, if Sodom and Gomorrah was used as a symbol for various kinds of evil before the story of it was written in Genesis why didn't it list the various evils of the earlier sources or make them a bit more apparent, also do you think the story floated around as an earlier cultural memory before being composed? Sorry for all the questions, all around amazing video!!!
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
It's fairly well established that "places" can evoke certain feelings, emotions or social stigmas. For example, I grew up next to a suburb that everyone would joke about being crime-ridden. You only had to say the name of the suburb and people would laugh or scoff - it evoked certain perceptions and feelings. I think Sodom was something like that, a place that evoked negative emotions in the cultural memory of Israel. While I do personally think the Genesis story probably was written after texts like Isaiah and Ezekiel, it's not certain - and there may have been an older core to the Genesis story. I suspect the Genesis author didn't feel they needed to be specific - if everyone already knows this is a bad place, imagination does a lot of the heavy lifting. There's lots of plausible literary reasons why the Genesis author wasn't more specific, we can only guess.
@chrisshelt4506 Год назад
Of course he doesn't think that's out of them go Moorhead anyting deal with homosexuality cuz he's a homosexual himself. Where do you think the word Sodomnity came from.?
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
@@chrisshelt4506 Easy tiger
@wannabe_scholar82 Год назад
@Chris Shelt The fact that it's literally explained in the video how the name Sodomy became associated with homosexuality tells me all I need to know about you 🤦🏾
@matthewsainsbury2367 Год назад
​@@TabletsAndTemplesthanks for youre take on sodom and gomorrah ,theres a series from the history channel called the bible secrets revealed they also explained it was inhospitable to strangers a place of pride and ruthlessness and cruelty and most of all they wanted to gang rape strangers who they should be caring for as they told lot We will do worse with you than we plan to do with them !thats not consentual sex thats gang rape in the ancient near est hosiptality especialy among bedouin cultures was highly regared even when God and the 2 angels visited abraham he washed their feet and feed them all he had the scribes who composed this story seem to have had at times a bias against cities as they seem to see them as places of pride and corruption ,but its clear this crime was cruelty to guest not homosexuality as people think theres a story in judges 19 called the levite and his concubine 🙄boy thats something it shows how gang rape accourd when the benjamites wanted to rape a levite priest the only thing is that theres no angels in this story the priest throws his wife to these crude men who do to the woman what they intented to do to the man rape 🙄uhh what a story
@zubemoodyuo226 Год назад
yes, go on justifying.
@harveywabbit9541 Год назад
When Lot arrived at Zoar, the Sun had risen upon the earth," i.e., it was the beginning of summer (Gen. 19.23). It was then the Lord overthrew the cities of Sodom - winter was succeeded by summer, and the Lord (atmosphere) rained down from heaven "fire and brimstone" (thunder and lightning, these usually making their appearance at the close of winter) upon Sodom. But Lot's wife (Iscah = who looks back), poor woman, looked back (Virgo setting headlong, and facing the earth), she couldn't help it, and was turned at once into "a pillar of salt," i.e., she went down into the briny sea. After this, Lot (the hidden one) and his two daughters (Virgo at the two equinoxes) dwelt in a cave in the mountains (the night hemisphere in summer), for he feared to dwell in Zoar (Gen. 19.30). Here, following the example of his illustrious predecessor Noah, he got drunk. His two daughters, very unlike Noah's two pious sons, took a course the opposite of theirs, and the result was two sons - Moab (Aquarius) and Ben-ammi = the son of Aries = the summer solstice, being the same as Ishmael and Isaac. The two visiting angels were Zeus and Hermes who also visited Abraham and Sarah. The third angel was Neptune.
@michealbobby5510 Год назад
WTF is this??? Couldn't even read it to the end. Arrrrrgggghhhh
@halley222000 7 месяцев назад
WTF is right...😮
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
Hey babe, sodom and gommorah never really existed. All stories from the old testament are myths. Nothing really happened. The bible is iron age mythology. Christians don"t live according the acient jewish laws of leviticus. The laws of leviticus are outdated and idiotic. But christians love to quote leviticus to attack homosexuals. Leviticus: when a man lie with a man as with a woman....i shall lie with whomever I please. It's n'one of anyone's business.
@SouthernBushmeat 6 месяцев назад
@Zailaz 6 месяцев назад
Homosexulaity is a sin , this guy is twisting the plot to hes liking . Plz see another video on the subject that explains this story objectively .
@Zailaz 6 месяцев назад
Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
@TabletsAndTemples 6 месяцев назад
Yes everyone plz see another video, maybe instead watch "dan mcclellan: what was the sin of sodom and gomorrah?"
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
​Homophobia is a sin.​@@Zailaz
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
​@@Zailaz christians don"t live according the acient jewish laws of leviticus. The laws of leviticus are outdated and idiotic. But christians love to quote leviticus to attack homosexuals. Leviticus:- when a man lie with a man as with a woman......i shall lie with whomever I please. It's n'one of anyone's business.
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
​@@Zailazsodom and gommorah never really existed. All stories from the old testament are myths. Nothing really happened. The bible is iron age mythology. If you believe all that nonsense really happened then you have the mind of a 10 year old child. Grow up man.
@larrygriffin447 7 месяцев назад
You conveniently left out 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 where it specifically says that "homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of God" therefore, out of the will and grace of God. In addition, you utilize other resources outside of the Canon. It's best to use canon to explain canon.
@doughawkinson1918 Год назад
This is a classic example of cherry-picking to support a predisposition. You have completely ignored 2 Pet 2:6-9. Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed for constant (day after day) and highly visible (Lot saw and heard it) defiling passion and despising of authority. We know that the defiling passion was homosexuality because that is what they attempted to do to the angels (even in the face of being offered Lot's daughters). The made up notion you offer of humiliating an enemy is laughable in virtue of the fact that there is no textual support to indicate the men of Sodom saw them as an enemy. They wanted sex with the pure and simple. That is the only inference you can legitimately infer from the text. But we also know that it had nothing to do with what happened in Gen 19 because those were mere attempts at defiling passion and there is no indication that either Lot or the men of Sodom had any idea that they were angels, so cancel your interpretation of the Jude passage. And further the angels were on their way to destroy the town in Gen 18 before any of the events of Gen 19 happened. Sodom & Gomorrah were ALREADY under sentence of destruction for constant indulgence of defiling passion and despising authority.
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
Respectfully, 2 Peter says nothing about homosexuality, or even anything sexual. You have just inserted that yourself.
@doughawkinson1918 Год назад
@@TabletsAndTemples All I can say is wow.
@gingerty9628 Год назад
​@@doughawkinson1918he's so blind, and leading the blind. Bible speaks of that. All we can do is tell the truth and oray for them, but if they don't listen thats on them.
@clutchgene9151 Год назад
​@@TabletsAndTemples Deuteronomy 29:4 2 Corinthians 4:4
@heinmolenaar6750 6 месяцев назад
​@@doughawkinson1918 sodom and gommorah never really existed. All stories from the old testament are myths. Nothing really happened. The bible is iron age mythology. If you believe all that nonsense really happened, then you have the mind of a 10 year old child. Grow up man.
@raifcluster 8 месяцев назад
I find it interesting that this guy conveniently reduced "sodomy" from being intimate relationships between members of the same sex to being something as simple as being treated "inhospitably" by an employee at a fast food restaurant. He conveniently left out Romans chapter 1. Enthusiastic try..... but no cigar. Doesn't pass the smell test.
@TabletsAndTemples 8 месяцев назад
You're conflating two different passages. Paul in Romans 1 doesn't use the term Sodomy nor does he make any reference to Sodomy and Gomorrah. Romans was also written around 500-800 years after Genesis 19. So it has no bearing on what the author(s) of Genesis has intended.
@Danigxxiii 7 месяцев назад
⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@TabletsAndTemples you absolutely do reduce the acts of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah to just being inhospitable. And Genesis. It clearly says they were looking to have sex with the angels. The men of Sodom and Gomorrah referred to the angels as men. This is one example of the wickedness that consumed Sodom and Gomorrah. And probably the most disgusting. The sins of Sodom and Gomorrah were abundant and diverse Genesis makes that very clear
@js1423 Год назад
I appreciate it your passion, but I thought that the likes Joel Baden and Bill Loader have also made it quite clear on what the Old and New Testament authors think of gay relationships.
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
Sure, but we can't assume that all authors had the same view, particularly across the two corpuses (corpora?). Each passage should be dealt with in its context. This video is focused on ancient interpretations of Sodom and Gomorrah. I'll get to other passages in due time.
@overlord3810 Год назад
So, in the original Hebrew there are two different words that both would translate to be abominations. Leviticus, provides an example of each. For instance, eating pigs would be an abomination because while it did have split hooves, it did not chew it's own cud therefore making it unclean to eat (an abomination). However, the other form of abominations included child sacrifice with homosexuality listed right underneath it. To be specific, it is worded as 'if a man lies with another man as he would a woman, that is an abomination.' I have also heard the argument that the NT does not say anything about homosexuality. However, Jesus talked a lot about sexual immorality constantly pointing back to the OT. Remember, back in the day, the people would have immediately known all of the sins associated with sexual immorality without having to spell out each sin. The Bible is very clear on its stance on homosexuality.
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
The same word (toevah) is used for both dietary violations as well as the sexual sins of Leviticus 18 as well as a whole host of other things like collecting interest on a loan and violence. The fact of the matter is, Toevah refers to something that is culturally taboo.
@harveywabbit9541 Год назад
The pig represents the evil winter season. Remember the black boar who killed Adonis?
@mmd195401 Год назад
Yet another example of making, quite frankly, feeble excuses for drifting away from God's word. We've been warned about it in 2 Timothy about people having itching ears. That means that we'll listen to anyone who will sympathize with sin and make us feel better about it. It's tragic how easily false teachers are followed. Your explanation reminds me of the scribes and Pharisees who omitted the weightier matters of the law; a blind guide who strains at a gnat and swallows a camel, and ultimately crucifies Jesus.
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
Sir, this is a Wendy's
@mmd195401 Год назад
@@TabletsAndTemples I was confused by your answer at first, but I just now realized that you have no idea what I’m referring to.
@wannabe_scholar82 Год назад
​@mmd195401 Oh no he does, he's just hilarious at the same time 😂
@DrKippDavis Год назад
Nice! I cover this story in much the same way in my online course.
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
Interesting, I'll have to check it out!
@harveywabbit9541 Год назад
The two angels were Zeus/Jupiter and Hermes/Mercury. They came dressed as beggars and were denied hospitality. Ovid's Metamorphoses.
@CarlosSantana-hx9gj Год назад
Your channel is something i have been waiting for a long timee
@TabletsAndTemples Год назад
Glad you enjoy it!
@harveywabbit9541 Год назад
According to ancient Roman mythology and Ovid's Metamorphoses (8.631, 8.720.), Philemon and Baucis had lived out their long lives nobly, but in poverty. Jupiter, the Roman king of the gods, had heard of the virtuous couple, but based on all his previous experiences with humans, he had serious doubts as to their goodness. Jupiter was about to destroy mankind but was willing to give it one final chance before starting over again. So, in the company of his son Mercury, the wing-footed messenger god, Jupiter went about, disguised as a worn and weary traveler, from house to house among the neighbors of Philemon and Baucis. As Jupiter feared and expected, the neighbors turned him and Mercury away rudely. Then the two gods went to the last house, the cottage of Philemon and Baucis, where the couple had lived all their long married lives. Philemon and Baucis were pleased to have visitors and insisted that their guests rest before their little hearth fire. They even lugged in more of their precious firewood to make a greater blaze. Unasked, Philemon and Baucis then served their presumably starving guests, fresh fruits, olives, eggs, and wine. Soon the old couple noticed that no matter how often they poured from it, the wine pitcher was never empty. They began to suspect that their guests might be more than mere mortals. Just in case, Philemon and Baucis decided to provide the closest they could come to a meal that was fit for a god. They would slaughter their only goose in their guests' honor. Unfortunately, the legs of the goose were faster than those of Philemon or Baucis. Even though the humans were not as fast, they were smarter, and so they cornered the goose inside the cottage, where they were just about to catch it.... At the last moment, the goose sought the shelter of the divine guests. To save the life of the goose, Jupiter and Mercury revealed themselves and immediately expressed their pleasure in meeting an honorable human pair. The gods took the pair to a mountain from which they could see the punishment their neighbors had suffered -- a devastating flood. Asked what divine favor they wanted, the couple said that they wished to become temple priests and die together. Their wish was granted and when they died they were turned into intertwining trees.
@Thomas-cx6cb 6 месяцев назад
Hi there - for clarification - no, the word "homosexual act" was not used - however - the bible uses the phrase "to know" in the context of sexual intercourse - compare the story of adam and eve after the fall - and then the story of the men of sodom clearly voicing what exactly they wanted to do with the angels - whom they did not recognize as angels but rather as "attractive men" .... However - allow me a personal viewpoint - the spiritual "state" of Sedom & Gomorrah must have been extremely low - considering that - according to the story - all men, straight and gay and bi were supposed to wanting to rape strangers, visitors and Lot offering his virgin daughters????????????? He must have been a low life then as well - and i better not think about his daughters getting their father drunk and having had sex with him 1st Mose 4.1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. 1st Mose 19.5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
@TabletsAndTemples 6 месяцев назад
This is a great example of your own bias influencing your interpretation. No where does the text say the men of sodom found the strangers "attractive". Yet you have asserted confidently that the reason they wanted to have sex is because they were "attractive men". This bias is the whole reason I made this video.
@Thomas-cx6cb 6 месяцев назад
@@TabletsAndTemples did you seriously getting hung up on the word - attractive? i can´t believe it. Please use some common sense here. If the strangers (angels in this story) had been some ugly creeps the men of sodom wouldn´t have bothered. Why ELSE do you believe wanted the men of sedom have intercourse - YES THEY WANTED IT - again, the phrase " to know" is used for sexual intercourse - if you are familiar with the bible - and i believe you are - otherwise you wouldn´t be studying the biblical stories - then you KNOW IT! Stop acting as if you didn´t and stop trying to justify your thoughts on this subject. It is crystal clear for all to see and read. 😂
@Thomas-cx6cb 6 месяцев назад
@@TabletsAndTemples the bible is clear about anal intercourse - let´s "call the child by its proper name" after all it´s 2024 ....lev. 20.13 - there is a reason why God calls it an abomination - refrain from it at all times - for your health, for your well being. Jesus acknowledged that there are 3 kinds of people NOT FIT TO MARRY - Matthew 19. 12 - same sex attracted people belong to the first group ... (think a little around the edge - not t h a t difficult), now find some peace after you hopefully come to some useful conclusion - and NO - simply by acknowledging that fact of life - Jesus NEVER contradicts his father - now you have the key - open the door and be free and take good care of yourself ☺
@Thomas-cx6cb 6 месяцев назад
did you really get hung up on the word "attractive"? I can´t believe it! If the visitors (angels in this story) had been some ugly creeps, the men of sedom wouldn´t have bothered ... Please use some common sense here! Yes, acc. to the story the men of sedom wanted sexual intercourse- "to know" is the biblical term for it. If you are familiar with the bible - and i believe you are- otherwise you wouldn´t be studying these stories, then YOU KNOW IT. Stop justifying your own thoughts!There is a reason why the bible is clearly outspoken against anal intercourse - let´s call the child by its correct name, after all, its´s 2024 - refrain from it, avoid it - for your health, for your well being, for everybodies well being. In Matthwew 19 Verse 12 Jesus ACKNOWLEDGED that there are 3 goups of people NOT FIT TO MARRY - think a little bit around the edge - it´s not that difficult - and NO - Jesus does not contradict or minimize his fathers command by ACKNOWLEDGING that there ARE people who are same sex attracted. Pauls explanation in this case falls a little short ...but then he is not Jesus. There is only one teacher with divine knowledge and that is HIM - Jesus. . Now here is YOUR key to freedom. Open the door be free and find peace AND TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF..@@TabletsAndTemples
@mnageh-bo1mm Год назад
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