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The Story of Tom the Golden Eagle - Chris Packham 

Chris Packham
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5 сен 2024




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@cenninbach 4 года назад
Horrendous and heartbreaking. The people doing this should be found and prosecuted but they're not. The Scottish government needs to do more.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
I personally think that Eagle Persecution UK should have their members set up camp around the fields where the Driven Grouse shoots take place and set up CCTV cameras around these fields so they can make more than one arrest. For as the Americans say "You start a war, we will finish it"
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@dtaylor4552 What a dork, fields, LOL LOL LOL
@sprouticus2881 4 года назад
A deeply disturbing and tragic event. A further example of the ever growing persecution of raptors in this area of Scotland. Shame on all those responsible.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
I personally think that Eagle Persecution UK should have their members set up camp around the fields where the Driven Grouse shoots take place and set up CCTV cameras around these fields so they can make more than one arrest.
@deniseprice933 4 года назад
Introduce grouse shooting licence that is revoked if suspicious disappearance of raptors occurs on or adjacent to grouse moors. Why is it that these land owners feel that money gives them entitlement to dictate our natural world?
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
They are the keepers of the land and all that is on it. They far from dictate what is on that land what makes you think that,they are very proud of the wildlife they have on their land,many places are havens for very rare iconic species thanks to their stewardship. Un like the RSPB.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
I personally think that Eagle Persecution UK should have their members set up camp around the fields where the Driven Grouse shoots take place and set up CCTV cameras around these fields so they can make more than one arrest.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
Too open to abuse as ruled by the Scottish Courts.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@dtaylor4552 LOL LOL LOL
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
"If it's a war the Gamekeepers want, THEN WAR THEY SHALL HAVE!!!!!!"
@barryoakley8299 4 года назад
Surely the location gives a clear indication of who owns the land or shoot - Investigate and bring about prosecution!
@SimonWattsWILDPresentationsUK 4 года назад
That right there is the stumbling block. Never a witness, only the technical data and proliferance of incidents in tight geographical areas tell of foul play. No trace of eagle and/or tag. Doesn't ever indict a person or body and thus no way to prosecution.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
I personally think that Eagle Persecution UK should have their members set up camp around the fields where the Driven Grouse shoots take place and set up CCTV cameras around these fields so they can make more than one arrest.
@SimonWattsWILDPresentationsUK 4 года назад
@@dtaylor4552 If only they weren't that savvy Daniel. Thre is no way on earth they'd risk this behaviour when the commercial side of the business is live and in full swing. This happens at all other times. Any point in time other than that actually which makes specifying or forecasting virtually impossible. The only success I've known is when a notable raptor set's up home and authorities are alerted early enough to infiltrate and either monitor or set camera-traps. But the great majority of these incidents are fly-overs, or as with Tom, a chosen roosting spot and 'management' become aware of it. They act quickly and don't dither. In and out. Covering their tracks and removing all traces so that the often lauded trope relating in some way to malfunctioning equipment can easily be dished out again (and again). It's a nigh on impossible ask to pin these guys down consistently - which is why they seem to be gaining confidence.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
@@SimonWattsWILDPresentationsUK And since I am also a qualified Falconer myself, I think it is downright criminal that the authorities are supporting this illegal persecution.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@dtaylor4552 LOL LOL LOL best one yet a qualified falconer, I have never heard of you, If your a qualified falconer why are you talking here, the Falconers know the score and don't back up Packham one iota, so you have been busted or you don't speak to other falconers !!!
@rebeccacovey6899 4 года назад
The Scottish Government need to do more! These scumbags need to be found and punished accordingly! Heartbreaking 💔😢
@Nigel-nar53 4 года назад
This truly is getting beyond a joke. It's time to ban Grouse Shooting once & for all, right now!
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
Why,do you want to get rid of endangered species ?
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
I personally think that Eagle Persecution UK should have their members set up camp around the fields where the Driven Grouse shoots take place and set up CCTV cameras around these fields so they can make more than one arrest.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@dtaylor4552 Who off ,themselves ? It's Raptor Persecution.uk ,LOL Get the whole twisted bunch of them at the same time,. Packham, Avery and Tingay and as many of their mates as possible.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
@@normanmurray3659 There are some in Government who support these gamekeepers and they still allow this illegal persecution to continue which is why Raptor Persecution UK should take the law into their own hands to bring down these criminals.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@dtaylor4552 Are you right in the head, Raptor persecution are pure anti's all they want to do is stop all shooting full stop, they as is Chris are a danger to wildlife with their idea of protecting corvids which back fired and an embarrassment to Wild Justice their mate tony jumped the gun and while they were celebrating on day one they were back pedalling like mad on the second day they didn't get the reaction they thought thy were going to get. . Take the law into their own hands, did they not dirty their hands enough with their set up of the cock hen harrier caught in the trap by his legs and another not set beside the nest, a comedy of errors ,monitors patrolling twice a day, Chris and Tingay shot their bolt before that by saying they would produce a video that would shock the game keeping world. Unfortunately it didn't as it was so obvious it was a set up from the start, also the vandalised traps in the same area at the same time. They break the law the whole time, I hope their caught and serve a long time in prison, Oh and the useless vet that couldn't sort a broken leg, then Chris was roaming round with the so called evidence sticking it in as many videos as possible. That was the end of it ,the Police were not interested as Chris had made a mockery of the Justice system and reduced it to a circus. Get a grip for Gods sake !!!
@cat-yf5uz 4 года назад
Let's hope, at some point, a similar sudden ending befalls those responsible.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
Eagle Persecution UK should start setting up campsites around the areas where Tom and many others of his kind have dissapeared and set up CCTV cameras around these fields where the Driven Grouse shoots take place so that they can make more than one arrest.
@chrisdaniels3929 4 года назад
It's not revenge but justice that's needed.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
@@chrisdaniels3929 But there is no justice because there are people in Government who support gamekeepers and they still allow this illegal persecution to continue which is why Eagle Persecution UK should take the law into their own hands as Judge, Jury and Executioner to bring down these criminals .
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@dtaylor4552 Who to hell is Eagle Persecution UK ? Some case you are you write the wrong name multiple times !!!
@normanmurray3659 2 года назад
@@dtaylor4552 LOL LOL LOL.
@jonreed5510 4 года назад
Absolutely disgusting that this is being allowed to happen
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
Nobody is allowing this to happen,but it still happens,by who we don't know.
@shakeybeatz Год назад
@@normanmurray3659 Gamekeepers mate.
@janethoptroff6081 4 года назад
8 satellite-tagged Golden Eagles now 'disappeared' in the same area, a raptor persecution hotspot!! What more has to happen before Nicola Sturgeon takes action!? It is sickening to watch these birds being wiped out one by one near driven grouse moors, and beyond belief to watch the Scottish Government do nothing to stop this appalling organised crime. When are they going to ban driven grouse shooting!?
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
Why are they going to ban driven grouse shooting ???
@SimonWattsWILDPresentationsUK 4 года назад
I think the very same thing that happened on the invernesshire DGM to Thelma (April '18 - Jul 22nd 2019) the White-tail Eagle I was lucky enough to handle whilst she was tagged by Roy Dennis and Ian Perks in the Abernethy reserve. He, like her, had the tenacity to wander over a decimated landscape that sadly contains a massive unnatural concentration of viable prey. Though probably still dependent predominantly on carrion at such a young age it would have intrigued him. He roosted nearby, continuing his search when the updrafts were right the following day except now his intrigue, that had kept him within a small territory, had led to intrigue of a different kind among the heather and grouse monoculture. Intrigue with a steadying hand, not only on a pair of binoculars but the trigger of a shotgun. Intrigue fuelled by a cash-in-the-hand bonus from grateful parties who do not tolerate seeing anything, anything, that might come between them and an increased bag of dead Red Grouse come August. That's what I think Chris.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
You have a fair imagination,so who do you think did anything if indeed it is dead.
@SimonWattsWILDPresentationsUK 4 года назад
@@normanmurray3659 Someone who doesn't troll these feeds for kicks, they've got 'better' things to do.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@SimonWattsWILDPresentationsUK So no answer, why were there 3 of you, the number of people are meant to be kept to a minimum and licensed, how many photos did you take ,did you have a picnic with you.it seems to be a free for all when fitting tags and trackers.
@SimonWattsWILDPresentationsUK 4 года назад
@@normanmurray3659 What are you massaging, when you get all warm with a misguided self righteousness?
@SimonWattsWILDPresentationsUK 4 года назад
...your maggot(s)?
@HelenaMikas 4 года назад
Shame on Scotland It allows the slaughter of birds / hares/ anything that lives where grouse shoots are carried out .I can never comprehend the amazing footage you had using infra red of the slaughter of snow hares .WHY please tell me WHY can't such evidence go in court .All this to enable rich ,rather stupid people 'shoots' ..Raising birds for shooting is vile enough .To add insult to injury by allowing gamekeepers / 3rd parties to shoot wild birds is on disgusting ...
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
I,m sorry your so stupid,but it was legal and still is apart from mountain hares which was an ill informed ban as they will see,the cull numbers were invoked by what used to be SNH for the benefit of the hares and the habitat they lived in. There is no evidence as no crime was committed, read up on the law before making a fool of yourself. Why did you pick Scotland as your target when England does exactly the same as Scotland. Scotland has in excess of 600 pairs of golden eagles,it could have been more if they stopped taking them for relocation projects and white tailed eagles stealing territories and eyries.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@Jimmy Mac Chris will never do that ,he craves publicity and recognition. Now what's this nonsense about grouse being the reason for trackers failing, they are unreliable between 25 and 75 % reliable from the data we have managed to get far from the 98% that Thomson is quoting now he was claiming 99 % but he changed his mind, now go and think that over.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@Jimmy Mac I couldn't tell you that it is a 100 % lie, but it is certainly a huge exaggeration, you always get an idiot in every walk of life ,up to 2014 there were a number of prosecutions, after 2014 prosecutions are almost none. Every tracker that fails they put down to keeper persecution, now some of these birds have reappeared, we don't know how many, some have reappeared in other countries, we get no apology. Birds that have gone missing and they haven't noticed them missing have been found by shepherd, keepers and the public have been reported to the RSPB, there is no thanks. Now birds that have died during the year are then used in the lead up and during the grouse season despite them being told by the Police wildlife crime unit for it to be reported to them at the time it is found, Raptors have a naturally high mortality rate with up to 70 % dying in their first year, eagle deaths are blamed on grouse keepers when eagles are no real threat to grouse because of their speed and Manoeuvrability why are keepers going to kill them, hen harriers prey on grouse yet the highest fledging and numbers of hen harriers are on Scottish driven grouse moors, this year we had a successful year for hen harriers as they had no disturbance because of covid 19. From what we Can make out disturbance and ringing and fitting trackers are why nests fail ,birds fail to fledge and the hindrance of the trackers. Scotland has at least 600 breeding pairs plus non breeders, we have so many eagles that they have been taking them for relocation projects which have been a disaster as they were told before they embarked on their projects, In total we have over 250 000 raptors in Scotland what on earth is wrong with that, we are very proud of our raptors. It was only last year a lot of grouse shooting was cancelled because of the weather in the spring and the subsequent loss of eggs and chicks. You can have the best moor buti can all turn into a disaster because of the weather, this year some areas will have no grouse shooting because of heather beetle destroying the heather. Sorry for it being so long winded but it is a complicated job our management techniques benefit more than grouse, compare an RSPB upland reserve to a keepered moor. We have asked for an official count of reserves and keepered grouse moors to make the public aware of the disaster they have been funding by the millions.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@Jimmy Mac Your welcome.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@Cameron Mills I don't know a lot about the supposed persecution in Yorkshire, could you enlighten me to actual persecution and not his famous tracker suspicious circumstances. Chris's world is being debunked piece by piece thankfully we hope he is completely debunked before he destroys our wildlife in Scotland, the same as his RSPB are doing.
@Derbyshire_bird_tours 4 года назад
We can never be 100% sure what happened to Tom but the odds that it had something to do with Driven Grouse shooting are pretty good. Such a shame a beautiful country like Scotland has to be tarnished with this type of crime.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
What ever is happening is not inclusive to Scotland, why do you think it has anything to do with driven grouse shooting ?
@vickyball3188 4 года назад
This is so compelling, and heart-wrenching. Your ability to articulate your case so succinctly and non-judgmentally never fails to astonish me. From following on wild mornings and hen-harrier day I have taken the steps I can: joined the RSPB and emailed my local MP directly through Mark Avery's website. Plenty like me will do our best to support the people like you who are fighting this urgent cause along with hen-harrier persecution. So appreciative of everything you do for our wildlife. Thank you Chris (and Megs!) and all the others in this film.
@MickeyGibbons 4 года назад
Could you put a sneaky camera on the tracking devices?
@djones3499 4 года назад
Wonderful bird. Keep up the superb work, i'm sure this will just make you more determined. Hope that somebody answers for this crime.
@LondonTreeSurgeons-Camden 4 года назад
Please like and share this video and add a comment, it all encourages RU-vid to promote it. If you run a RU-vid channel why not feature this video on your community page?
@stevem4038 4 года назад
Why not name and shame? If this disappearance is at a location within a known DGM why not say which one? With enough negative publicity to provide momentum those associated with it - particularly those in the public eye - will be quick to disassociate themselves!
@philipwhale8393 4 года назад
It is such sad news when will this end
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@Mark and Eileen Wise LOL LOL LOL
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
Eagle Persecution UK needs to take the law in their own hands to bring down the criminals responsible.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
When they release all the information they hold on their trackers. Then we will get the true mortality above their normal high mortality.
@huntwatchuk6406 4 года назад
It's never ending.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
I think its time that Eagle Persecution UK took the Law into its own hands to bring down the criminals responsible.
@michellemckenzie6398 4 года назад
@@dtaylor4552 yes I agree 100% with you. Time to act.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
@@michellemckenzie6398 "If its a war the Gamekeepers want, THEN WAR THEY SHALL HAVE!!!!!!" ✌
@cherbrowne1637 2 года назад
Heartbreaking. So very sorry.
@watcher4279 2 года назад
We need to act and act swiftly these birds need protecting before there gone.
@madeleinemassey5744 4 года назад
One way or another it looks as though Tom the Golden Eagle has been killed by means and persons not yet known and the satellite tag removed and destroyed. The whole thing deeply upsetting to those who care, and so destructive to our (living) world, struggling to live against these odds.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
What happens if it turns up alive,will we get an apology,not a hope in hell.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
@@normanmurray3659 Eagle Persecution UK should take the law in their own hands to bring down the criminals responsible mission codenamed "Operation Liberty".
@ngc4486diane 4 года назад
How could any1 kill such a gorgeous majestic bird there is room for all surely, maybe a ban on grouse shooting. What's the rationalization of that bird of prey being such a threat they need to kill it.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
They are no threat to grouse that's why we don't kill them as we don't kill any other raptors outside the law.
@JPLamoureuxsTravels 4 года назад
Go Chris! The world needs more Wildlife Warriors like you! X JP
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
No they don't, we need nobody like Packham.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
Eagle Persecution UK should establish campsites around the areas where Driven Grouse shoots take place and install CCTV Cameras all around the vincinity to make more than one arrest.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@dtaylor4552 LOL LOL LOL
@zulu5282 4 года назад
The problem lies with the sitting government in Scotland there appears to be no smarty points gained in taking on these criminals and we know who they are.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
Waken up for Gods sake !!! You know ,do tell who they are, we wait with baited breath.
@zulu5282 4 года назад
@@normanmurray3659 do your own research it isn't difficult.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@zulu5282 Your miles off the mark you fool the Scottish government help us you must be off your trolley, they are killing the salmon and sea trout, protecting mountain hares , trying to close down grouse shooting, and deer stalking, wanting sheep off the hill and trees planted everywhere possible ,how to hell is that helping us, they are trying to strangle the rural economy, it's a modern day clearances and that's helping us is it ,don't be so stupid, they will fill their own pockets while destroying Scotland and it's people and wildlife, get a grip !!!
@zulu5282 4 года назад
@@normanmurray3659 who said anything about me supporting the Scottish government l agree they are strangling rural Scotland but landowners need to take responsibility, you not winning the argument as far as raptors are concerned.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@zulu5282 Show us the proof instead of the innuendo and fairy tales, they won't show the proof that will show the truth one way or the other, we are sick of suspicious circumstances, no apology when they turn up alive, the reliable unreliable trackers, Thompsons line 98% reliable, from the data we have managed to get before they shut it all down was between 25 and 75 % far from his 98% which he changed from 99%, If they would give up the lies we might be nearer to solving this problem, release the data ,why do they not want to show the data, surely they should be only too happy if it shows our guilt, but they won't show it, carcasses lay for weeks and months and no one came looking for them, keepers and shepherds have reported dead birds, silence from them. What on earth is going on with The RSPB and Packham.
@meapantz1983 4 года назад
Shared on my Facebook feed. Deeply angry and upset by this. I understand that I will never understand.
@kevingreen3781 3 года назад
All they will get is community service and a £50.00 fine the justice system is crap
@briancooper1227 4 года назад
Living just a couple of miles from the angus glens the landscape of driven grouse shooting looks depressing and lifeless. How dare these horrible so called guardians of the countryside do this.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
I take it you haven't been watching Bert Burnetts photographs of the Angus glens wildlife which he takes when he goes a walk,the Angus Glens are teaming with wildlife and raptors. I don't know what you are doing wrong that you see them as lifeless.
@Astronurd 2 года назад
It’s obvious who’s responsible, it’s the owners/groundskeeper of the grouse shooting area where this happened. I still think that these transmitters are too large and cumbersome to be strapped to the eagles
@taylorosborne3383 3 года назад
Wtf why are people killing raptors?!? They’re lovely to look at
@theotheseaeagle 2 года назад
Their also bio indicators. These rich entitled landowners and gamekeeper gits shoot rare birds of prey just so they can have a couple more grouse to shoot. It’s the landowners fault really for paying the gamekeepers to destroy wildlife just so their greedy arses can have a few more birds to blast into a cloud of feathers
@normanmurray3659 2 года назад
@@theotheseaeagle What bollocks you can speak.
@jo-sully-anne2418 4 года назад
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
Yes, accusations tend to be heart breaking for everyone interested in raptors
@nl4064 2 года назад
that area they even wipoed out all th adders wildcats marterns , the factors must be encouraging ti the keepers get extra commission for each grouse killed they cant see a single gfrouse going to "waste
@jahmah519 4 года назад
They say you reap what you sow but too many of these low lives seem to get away with things alot. Catch them, tie them up, rub the food what these birds like all over them & let the birds do there thing with them
@tonyg-2jz82 3 года назад
This is beyond effing frustrating. These amazing beautiful creatures have already been driven to extinction in Scotland once before due to these same effing idiots ancestors. I pray the UK govt or even vigilantes seek justice for those who don't have a voice and they are either killed an agonizingly slow painful death themselves or given proper punishment that either doesn't allow them the means to hurt another animal or gives them a harsh enough punishment it won't be worth doing again. Makes absolutely no sense why people want to hunt golden eagles or any raptors and my heart aches for these lost treasures of the skies. If it hadn't been for Norway donating some Goldens to help reestablish a growing population the UK would have zero Goldens left. Please govt do something this time to stop this senseless killing. Hope Tom can spread his wings up in heaven and kill some nice prey and find a nice lady golden up in the clouds. Rest in peace little buddy 🦅🕊
@doreendrew6144 4 года назад
We should email Nicole Sturgeon and impressive upon her enough is enough. If we all do this maybe action we be taken
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
Why, they made a big enough mistake with mountain hares.
@kevingodding9316 4 года назад
Great bird, very sad
@kevingodding9316 4 года назад
@Jimmy Mac how does that change the fact that this is sad and that this is a great bird
@harrisonbooth761 3 года назад
I'm in the shooting community, and defend fieldsports from antis but acts like this are disgusting, it's common sense to protect our wildlife
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
I personally think that Eagle Persecution UK should have their members set up camp around the fields where the Driven Grouse shoots take place and set up CCTV cameras around these fields so they can make more than one arrest.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
"If it's a war the Gamekeepers want, THEN WAR THEY SHALL HAVE!!!!!!!"
@chrisdaniels3929 4 года назад
Why not do an O J Simpson and bring a civil claim for damages to recover the cost of the expensive tag and associated losses. If you can't prove beyond reasonable doubt those stats on tags suggest you might prove on the balance of probability civil standard of proof, >50% likely. Bring them out into the light.
@dtaylor4552 4 года назад
Or take the law into their own hands to have gamekeepers caught in the act.
@meapantz1983 4 года назад
I had more punishment in school for dropping my homework book accidentally in a stream!
@roadjoker13 4 года назад
This absolutely stinks to high heaven. Keep at them Chris, keep on their backs, the b*stards will pay one day.
@pavelmiranda2822 2 года назад
Grande Don Pecos Paul Kele
@paulbeech7276 4 года назад
We all know they where poisoned by game keepers. Hard to prove it though..🙄
@tcblue3095 4 года назад
or shot either way every man and his dog knows whos responsible just needs the goverment to grow some balls and do something about these criminal shooting moors
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@tcblue3095 LOL LOL LOL
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
Tom's tracker stopped and that fits well with the unreliable trackers although you say they are reliable,we know they are not,still got your side kicks to back up your story,we all know who it is aimed at but your well off the mark,we are too busy to bother with a harmless eagle, as you say you don't know what happened Tom or Fred, etc, but you'll still try to spin a story much like Fred with no basis or evidence, keepers out in a storm on the off chance of encountering an eagle, ridiculous, only a fool would believe it. But who knew where that eagle was and it's pretty obvious who that was.
@zulu5282 4 года назад
If you can not join in a grown up debate then may I suggest you hold your tongue.
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@zulu5282 Get stuffed, don't you like the truth , touching a nerve is it ,Good !!!
@normanmurray3659 4 года назад
@@zulu5282 You watch your tongue as you seem to have no brains.
@zulu5282 4 года назад
@@normanmurray3659 fighting talk from a keyboard warrior.
@zulu5282 4 года назад
Pipedown now wee man.
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