
The Surprising Benefits of Astral Projection (and how to get started) 

Mindvalley Talks
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Get started with Astral Projection with leading altered states teacher Jade Shaw 👉go.mindvalley.com/bdz28uaJ
Transcend the limits of body, space & time: and ascend to the ultimate spiritual experience with astral projection.
From soaring through faraway lands and alternate dimensions to discovering your life’s most important truths and answers: astral projection opens you to a multiverse of life-changing experiences.
In this stage talk, Mindvalley altered states trainer Jade Shaw will help you discover the easiest, most rewarding way you can start exploring reality beyond your body - and the surprising benefits of Astral Projection you've probably never heard about.
To go deeper in Astral Projection with Jade, take her 28-day training 'The Art of Astral Projection' 👉go.mindvalley.com/bdz28uaJ
Jade Shaw is a globally recognized expert in astral projection and altered states. Her classes, body of research, and contributions to various high-profile media projects have been instrumental in bringing astral projection into mass consciousness as a tool for personal growth and spiritual discovery.
Jade takes a holistic approach to astral projection. In addition to numerous Western qualifications like an Msc in Transpersonal Psychology and a foundation degree in Movement Psychotherapy, she also studies with Eastern spiritual institutions - including a five-year stay in a Buddhist monastery to study dream yoga.



19 янв 2023




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@MindvalleyTalks Год назад
Get started with Astral Projection with leading altered states teacher Jade Shaw's 28-Day Program 👉 go.mindvalley.com/bdz28uaJ
First to reply. :3
Out 6 days ago. :3
True about the fast food place, especially if not a vegan spot, or if no vegan options. #GoVegan 💚😻🔥🔥🤝 :3
@patrijiaudiobooks6264 Год назад
Michael Raduga teaches AP in 3 days😁 But excited to check this out for extra info🔥 Already love the shaking technique before total body relaxation 💕
@Rama_Rama_Rama Год назад
Have pity on the scoffers and all who are still strangers to spiritual life. Do not be angry with them when they become sarcastic; for they are only to be pitied. They stand before the great Work of Creation, which offers us so much, like drunkards, like sick people. Like blind men who grope their way through life on earth without seeing all the splendor around them! These poor people are confused, they are asleep; for how can anyone still affirm, for instance, that only what he can see exists? That where his eyes perceive nothing, there is no life? That with his physical death he himself also ceases to exist, all because in his blindness he could not, up till now, convince himself to the contrary through his eyes? Does he not already know from many things how very limited is the capacity of the eye? Does he not yet know that it is related to the capacity of his brain, which is bound to time and space? That because of this he cannot recognize with his eyes anything rising above time and space? Has this logical, intellectual reasoning not yet become clear to any of these scoffers? Spiritual life, let us also call it the beyond, is after all merely something that stands completely above the earthly division of time and space, and therefore requires a similar nature in order to be recognized. Yet our eyes do not even see all that can be classified within time and space. Think of a drop of water, which appears immaculately pure to every eye, but which on examination under the microscope is shown to contain millions of living organisms mercilessly fighting and destroying each other. Are there not sometimes bacteria in both water and air that have the power to destroy human bodies, and that are imperceptible to the human eye? But they become visible by means of powerful instruments. Who then will still dare to maintain that there is nothing new and as yet unknown to be seen when the power of these instruments is further increased? Increase their power a thousand fold, a million fold, and there will be no end to what may be seen, but ever new worlds which previously you could neither see nor feel, yet which nevertheless existed, will unfold before you. Logical thinking also leads to the same conclusions about everything the sciences have hitherto been able to collect. There is a prospect of continuous progress and development, but never of an end. What, then, is the beyond? The word confuses many. The beyond is simply all that cannot be perceived by earthly means. And earthly means are the eyes, the brain and all other parts of the body, also the instruments that help them to do their work still more accurately and precisely, and to extend its scope. Therefore one could say: the beyond embraces all that is beyond the perceptive capacity of our physical eyes. But there is no division between this world and the beyond! Nor any gulf! All is united, as is the whole of Creation. One power streams through this world and the beyond, everything lives and works from this one life stream, and is thus quite inseparably linked. Thus the following becomes clear: If one part of it sickens the effect must be felt in the other part, as with a physical body. Through the attraction of homogeneous species, diseased matter from this other part will then flow across to the sick part, thus further aggravating the illness. But should such a disorder become incurable, it will absolutely be necessary forcibly to sever the ailing member, if the whole is not to suffer permanently. And the danger compels healthy reciprocal action which, through a wrong mindset is made more difficult and sometimes inconceivable. For this reason change your attitude. There is no such thing as this world and the beyond, but only one united existence! The idea of a division has been invented solely by man, because he is unable to see everything, and imagines himself to be the center and focal point of the surroundings visible to him. Yet his sphere of action is greater. With the erroneous idea of a division, however, he forcibly limits himself, hinders his progress, and allows his imagination to run riot and conjure up grotesque pictures. Is it surprising then, if as a consequence many only smile incredulously, while others adopt an unwholesome form of worship that becomes servile or degenerates into fanaticism? Who can then still be astonished if some people develop a nervous fear, even terror and consternation? Away with all this! Why these torments? Break down this barrier which human error sought to erect, but which never existed! Your past wrong attitude also gives you a false foundation, on which you vainly endeavor continually to build up the true belief, that is, inner conviction. You consequently encounter points, obstacles, which must make you waver and doubt, or compel you to tear down the whole structure, perhaps abandoning everything out of despair or resentment. The loss is then yours alone, because this is not progress for you, but standstill or retrogression. The road which in any case you must follow one day will only be lengthened thereby. - Grail Message by Abdrushin
@LoveGrowsAdam Год назад
The superpower you get from meditation is realizing you are separate from your thoughts. You are the observer.
@user-kr1pl7mk6e 11 месяцев назад
"In meditation the observer is the observed" J. Krishnamurti
@brendanmcphee5785 Год назад
Best advice I can give to anyone trying OBE, is turn fear into excitement because they are close in frequency and it's all about matching frequency with the astral realm.
@sydismine Год назад
I discovered this feeling of “bounding” a full long stride, into a soaring feeling, then my right foot lands perfectly into another stride. The freedom there. As soon as I felt it was in my control, fear moved into feeling safe and JOYOUS. 🤗😌😮‍💨❤
@bluj78 Год назад
Thanks, that's a great point
@AzuriumOfficial Год назад
Right. One note of fear enshambles the preparations wholly. Overturning it to excitement should do the deed.
@secondsyth6227 Год назад
Thanks for the tip, whenever I feel myself detaching from my physical body I feel fear and it ruins the whole thing for me
@singularity528hz Год назад
@@secondsyth6227 same for me I've only came close the one time and then the fear keeps me in my body. I now have learned so.ething new. So ima keep trying. Much love my friend we got this 😂
@robertb2059 Год назад
A good technique to get out of the body is to eat a light meal for supper, then meditate before going to bed. Focus on someone or something you love. Set your alarm for 4:00am. Get up and meditate for 15 minutes on the someone you love again and go back to sleep. Lightly focus on the images of someone or something you love!
@Shiro_Sora Год назад
Thank you
@e.d972 Год назад
@robertb2059 is that it? What should happen..?
@squirrelattackspidy Год назад
@@e.d972 You go to work and grind away in the Matrix.
@Sevenwords777 Год назад
"FOCUS"???????? OMG
@lightdweller1 Год назад
Thank you - and that was free guidance.
@steviemichelle7271 Год назад
I have had OBE’s my entire life. They seem to happen during times of stress. The saddest part of my life was when my 22 year old dog died. She saw me through so much, and at several times in my life she was my only friend. When she died, I felt her energy zap through my chest, and I thought my heart had stopped beating. Later that night, I fell asleep wondering where her soul was. As I drifted off, I took off flying aimlessly into darkness, screaming her name. I couldn’t see anything, and I felt completely alone in this darkness. This was unusual, because there’s always been a glowing light source in these dreams, as well as an awareness of where I was going and I was never alone. The next thing I know, I open my physical eyes to see myself falling face first into myself. It was so fast! My face looked sad, like someone who is so exhausted from crying that they are numb. My body was shapeless, like a blanket with tattered edges. I had no color, just varying shades of grey. I definitely was not dreaming, because I purposely left to go find her. When I came back, I did not have sleep paralysis. Everything happened instantly and I never lost control of my physical body. I ended up having a beautiful visitation from her the following night. She has popped into my dreams several times, always being escorted by the same man. Over the years, since this started, that same man has come into my dreams both with and without her. When he brings her, he gets her to me, then he steps (or swims) away and remains in the background while I play with her. When he’s alone, he has a message. I believe he’s an angel. My spiritual life and compassion for myself and others has improved immensely 💖
@bw6138 Год назад
Thank you. This helped. My dog is almost 12 and I don't know how much longer I have with her. She's been my bestfriend and my only friend. It's going to kill me when it's her time to go.
@Ladybirden Год назад
@@bw6138 I feel you
@supdawgtt94 Год назад
For those who might be afraid of astral projection, rather than thinking "I'm a human with greater potential", realize that "I am in-finite-ness having a human experience of finite-ness". This mindset, if accepted, instills in you the sense that there's nothing to fear. Most people's fears are related to the idea of dying, possession, deception, loss of identity, loss of control, etc. These fears are due to the belief that you are "just human". Limitation is simply an opportunity for you to expand your ability to use consciousness. Unlimitedness is the realization that you are the creator of literally everything including consciousness.
@jj_397 Год назад
Wow... I'm new to all of this and it sounds so surreal but yet fascinating! Did these manifestations actually work for you? What are your personal experiences? (I am so curious!)
@supdawgtt94 Год назад
@@jj_397 I would not say I personally had a full OOB. I tried to have an OOB when I was 16 or 17, but when I got into the hypnagogic state (body paralyzation) and started to hear voices, that freaked me out and I struggled to make my body back awake. After that, I did not want to try it again, but I kept finding myself getting into the vibrational stage whenever I started to fall asleep. During this time, I was a Christian by belief and my fears really prevented me from going any further. 20 years later, I found myself become aware of more than my religious beliefs. You could say I become more aware of my own intuitions, and my beliefs changed dramatically. From that point on, my fears went away, and my beliefs changed, which is why I wrote my comment. I've had several very interesting lucid dreams, but I wouldn't say I've had a full OOB. Even when I try to get into the vibrational state now, I end up falling asleep. My suggestion, if you're getting into OOB, is to learn first about who and what you are from a metaphysical perspective and try to better understand how religion fits in. From the religious perspective, they try to reject anything that contradicts their fundamental beliefs. I see the religious teachings (not Jesus') as an elementary understanding, and the only way to grow in understanding is to expand the perspectives from other sources without fear. Until this happens, when you come to your own realization that "you" and "God" are One thing, I wouldn't try OOB while living with a fear-based belief system (not just religious, but anything that creates fear).
@supdawgtt94 Год назад
@@jj_397 Of my lucid dreams, two memorable ones I've had was realizing I was dreaming, then choosing what I wanted to do. I decided I wanted to meet my "higher self". When I thought that, I found myself "flying" in darkness past millions of little colored lights. I instinctively knew the lights were other individual consciousnesses. I eventually found myself in a white area, but when I turned around to look, I saw my bedroom, and then I woke up. Another interesting "dream" was when I found myself on a train. I looked up into the clouds, and looked at the sun peaking through intensely. It sent a surge of joy and happiness to me that I ended up waking up crying in joy. A less clear, but still interesting vision, I saw myself on a spaceship, looking at a planet that was "evolving". I was watching over the growth of new life on the planet, new plants, new animals. I also had a minor lucid dream where I flew over a dark planet with cities on water. Most of these I've had in the early hours (3-4 am) just after waking up for a few minutes, then falling back asleep, telling myself I will be consciously aware. If I was able to focus more of my waking consciousness on my dreams, it most likely would have turned into an OOB experience, simply because I would be more conscious.
@PlayStationFifaPro1 27 дней назад
​@supdawgtt94 Thanks for sharing.
@dilip.rajkumar Год назад
What a great answer "The universe is all about Love and we come from a place of Love"! 😇
@nick9254 Год назад
Now that’s what it’s all about ❤
@LuigiCotocea Год назад
Our soul is always in Heaven ❤
@Loenthall88 Год назад
Have you taken a look at the planet you live on lately?
@RuinedTemple Год назад
@@Loenthall88 The Universe "being all about" love (which is open to interpretation, btw) & us coming from "a place of love" (also interpretable) wouldn't necessarily mean that our consciousnesses will remember that information after being born into human bodies upon this planet. And once it's forgotten, our developing minds can become affected by a multitude of things (generally the lessons, beliefs, info, wounds, & damage that others give to us) in such ways that lead to the eventual manifestation of a vast number of negative, dysfunctional, unjust, unbalanced, & unhealthy circumstances the world over that seem to become irreparably entangled & attached to the very detrimental systems that appear to allow our modern life as we know it to function.
@teddyf.2925 Год назад
"The Universe is all about Love and we all come from a place of Love!" so good.
@jodiezammit333 Год назад
I taught myself to astral project when I was 14, from reading a book about astral projection. Been doing it ever since. I’m in my 50’s now. Initially, I rose out of my body and got a fright, then slammed straight back in. Every night when I went to bed I practiced. The worst thing was to have Shirley Maclean’s idea in my head, that you had to have a silver cord attached. I gave up on that pretty quickly, and then I really took off. The first time i successfully rose above myself, I looked back and could see myself laying on my bed. Then I turned and went out from the earth until I was looking back at it from the moon. In my first contact experience I arrived a couple of feet off the ground and fell the rest of the way. I had also arrived without my clothes. The one I met with was expecting me, and he laughed and wrapped me in a blanket. Then I learned I could bring clothes. From that point on I had tremendously, exciting, and enlightening experiences.
@bugrist Год назад
That's impressive. I'm 48 I don't know if I can still learn it but I kinda had some awesome experiences long ago. Have you found answers to existential questions? Could you meet Jesus or God? What tools did you acquire for daily life? Cheers!
@liveuser8527 Год назад
Can you tell me where the cryptocurrency markets will be in the nest 18-24 months?
@kevingrant404 Год назад
Please, share some of the experiences!
@jodiezammit333 Год назад
@@kevingrant404 I visited a cave where a Sasquatch family lived and they let me stay the night as it was snowing out. It was communicated telepathically that I had to keep my distance. I ran with wolves for the sheer joy of it. Over a long period of time I was given thirty-two life lessons from an Indian elder. I was shown several past lives. You can go back in time. So I viewed it as it was happening and learned much about who I am now.
@jodiezammit333 Год назад
@@bugrist I think I was just open as a kid and it was easier to take it on. You can learn. No worries at all.
@forestsnow6508 Год назад
I used to have involuntary obes when I first started yoga. Best one was while playing fetch with my golden retriever in the backyard. I threw the ball and suddenly was 200 feet above my cul de sac, saw the surrounding neighborhood, cars parked in the front, my dog running for the ball. As soon as he returned and put it in my hand I slammed back into my body. Felt sick and "trippy" for a good ten minutes afterwards.
@MsHumble4 Год назад
My motivation is to save Humanity from all evils.
@LT-gc6kd Год назад
@JS-Justice4All Год назад
Team up.
@thekingsson1757 2 месяца назад
@wtrvdg81 Год назад
In the early 2000's I was part of an online community called Astral Society. It was huge, over 9000 members. It had a massive database of knowledge that was lost unfortunately. I learned so much about techniques over there and it had amazing people sharing experiences. I would recommend the work of Robert Monroe and Robert Bruce. Bruce is still alive and it boggles the mind this guy has remained so lo profile. I left the practise and stopped having conscious obe's after I started working. Recently started going though the Gateway Experience tapes from the Monroe Institute and the wild lucid dreams are back. The strangest thing for me is how easily you can just ignore these extraordinary experiences and just go about life like nothing happened when you're out of it for a while. Though every time I encounter a vid like this I just go..right! let's get back to wonderland!
@GoodVibesOnly1914 Год назад
I can relate with that heavily. The work grind sucks the spirituality right out of you.
@VictorBerumen Год назад
Astral projection should be taught as part of the educational system in schools.
@inthevortex-de1rh 22 дня назад
@jackieburns8878 Год назад
I had a spontaneous out of body experience when I was in my early 20s. I found myself rolled up in a ball looking down into my bedroom saying what the hell. And I shot back into my body. it was so exceptional for me. It gave me the sense or I should say the knowledge that I am not my body laying down there I am of being complete and full with my whole personality and all of my senses intact. I knew from then on that I was a being of energy. It has made a huge difference in my life including losing my fear of death and realizing that this body is only temporary. That one moment has served me so well in my lifetime. And I feel very very blessed that even though it was a short experience it wasn’t just a hint, it was a real experience and it was a spiritual miracle for me. I’ve had a couple other experiences later in life as well during spiritual practices that came spontaneously. I think it’s time for me to learn how to do it on purpose.
@thepresentmoment369 Год назад
Her theory makes perfect sense because I had a long time ago what I thought was a dream but as I learned more about metaphysics the more I realized it was an astral projection because in that journey I was flying above different towns and could see various places. The places that stuck in my memory were actually parts of the town I'm living in now. It's amazing because the first time I drove past one of those places I had a sort of deja vu feeling and that astral projection memory came flooding back into my mind. It was one of those moments in my life I'll never forget. I've had a few more experiences involving astral projection but not like that. Usually if I meditate long enough and get the brain waves just right I can shift my awareness and float above my body. I'd say the #1 factor stopping people is fear. Fear is responsible for holding so much potential back from us as a species and individually.
@YOUARESOFT. Год назад
i had that too, it was a dream, nothing more
@Bigjay88888 Год назад
I watched my surgery when I was 4
@suzanneismail3160 Год назад
Yes,I agree. I was coming out of my body but then,saw a dark image right by my side that frightened me and I went back in. Wasn't able to get there again.
@snugglypichu6881 Год назад
​@@suzanneismail3160 This has never happened to me personally but I'm always afraid of it when I become conscious in my sleep
@Bigjay88888 Год назад
@@suzanneismail3160 I've had a bad experience before one was holding me down it was another one giggling and stuck me with something I felt fear and the person sleeping next to me I could see I was calling there name once I realized it couldn't hurt me I went back in my body
@mattbates6887 Год назад
Fascinating video! I have Astral projected myself and it certainly is a fantastic experience. You gain a new understanding in the physical form, when you know you have crossed over to experience your vibrational energy. The power of the subconscious mind is truly amazing, when you learn how to control it. Some years ago, I met a person who told me, that whenever he Astral projected, he always found himself in this same strange city ,with cars and buildings etc. He found himself in the form of another person there, with people who knew who that person was, he was experiencing. An experienced Astral projector I knew once, told me that before he Astral projected, he arranged to meet up with another AP friend in Europe. When they both met up with each other in the Astral plane, they proved they were really there. In my younger childhood years as I remember, I had a dark shadow form, who would sometimes follow me around and made me feel very scared. Not sure how long it was, before this shadow form left me alone, but it eventually went, which was a huge relief to me as you can imagine. It wasn't something my imagination made up I'm fairly sure, it had an unfriendly energy all of itself, which I could sense. Yes dancing is a great way to loosen up your vibrational energy for sure, I have done this many times over the years. 👍
@Leoji67 Год назад
I was 8yrs old the first time I "popped out" of my body. I remember it vividly. It was in the afternoon, I had been playing hard and went to an upstairs bedroom for a little nap. The windows were open, and a lovely summer breeze was blowing in. I remember getting really relaxed, and I sensed a tone, a vibration. Then suddenly their was a physical and audible "pop" and I open my eyes and my face was against the ceiling. I turned my head looking gown at my resting body. I noticed a silver cord coming from my awake body to my sleeping body. I thought "I'm flying!" I saw the window and out I went! I saw my neighbors outside and friends and my brothers playing but I was high above then. Suddenly I felt a jerk and a sudden rush back to my body. I woke up to my younger brother shaking me awake. I remembered the vibration that proceeded the "pop," I've always called it the "yellow tone." Whenever I want to project out, I call up the yellow tone. It's just how I do it.
@NamesJohn21 Год назад
I felt the vibration, how do i "pop" and what fo you mean by Yellow tone?
@s.m.5483 5 месяцев назад
​@NamesJohn21 this person said they call the vibration the yellow tone. It's their own personal reference name for the vibration that's all. You may just call it the vibration.
@bobbieisawizard 22 дня назад
Interesting because I also almost "call" a certain feeling as well. It's like there is a certain feeling or vibration that will bring you there and if you've ever experienced leaving your body you can always refer back to the feeling to help you get out of your body again.
@DeAnnaJNunez Год назад
I’ve been a practicing Professional Hypnotist since ‘99 and this happens regularly for people. It’s amazing how we can change our lives, beyond the labels we give ourselves, beyond our bodies.
@Cheryl_Frazier 10 месяцев назад
Hi DeAnna - I'm glad you replied. This happened to me in my 20s and I had no idea what had happened - I still don't, really. It was a very real and very pleasant experience. Do you personally believe people can MAKE it happen?
@raqueldurand7224 9 месяцев назад
Hi Deanna, I believe in hypnosis. I'm looking for a hypnotherapist.
@eliezersosa5218 Год назад
I've only had one experience with OBE, however I was very high on cough medicine at the time during my rough teenage years, so I chalked it up to the drugs. But listening to this brought back those memories. I remember staring at the top corner of my room and blinking my eyes while I was dazed and relaxed, after blinking I was staring at my own body while floating in the corner of the room, seeing it clear as day, then blinking once again I was starting up at the corner again.
@OutOfBodyExperiences Год назад
I started having out of body experiences over 25 years ago in the mid 1990’s. Back then most of my experiences were in my home. I did have an experience with my flatmate who was asleep in the next room. I awoke one night to find both of us in the loungeroom floating about half a meter from the ground. She looked like an apparition and she was wearing what she wore to bed that night. I was experiencing such an heightened state of awareness and her and I were having a conversation telepathically. She then started to leave the room by floating out through the wall. I asked her where she was going and she said she was going to check up on her brother in Niagara Falls. Now we are in Australia but her brother was backpacking around America and Canada at the time but she had no idea where he was (no email or internet back then!). The next day I told her about the experience but she didn’t remember a thing! When I told her she checked up on her brother in Niagara Falls she rang her mum to see if she’d heard from him. She said she had and he’d just arrived in Niagara Falls! That experience changed me. Up till then I thought I was the only person that was having obe’s as everyone thought I was nuts. But I knew after that everyone is having them just not remembering it. Also on a higher level she knew where her brother was. Another experience I had I awoke one night to find myself floating up near the ceiling looking down on my sleeping body! I was in awe of what I looked like in bed. I thought to myself ‘I wonder what I feel like’ and the next thing I knew I was sitting next to myself touching my arm. I felt like a corpse it was so weird. Normally when I’m out of my body I can’t get too close to my sleeping body as I get sucked back in but on this particular time I didn’t and I could watch myself sleep. My experiences since then have taken a massive turn. I had an experience when I met up with a friend who had passed away six months earlier. He wanted me to pass messages on to his grieving mother. Ive also had multidimensional experiences where I’ve met up with spacecraft, gone into outer space and met up with other worldly beings. I’m currently trying to have a self induced OBE during the day. I’ve gotten close where I get out of my body but only a meter or so above then I get sucked back in. It’s hard during the day as the astral body is not so strong. I’m also trying to meet up with my beautiful staffy Rocco who passed away Nov 2021. I’ve seen my other staffy Maggie have an out of body experience (she came out of body whilst asleep and followed me to the toilet, I saw her as clear as day!). And then after Rocco passed away she had an out of body experience and was playing with him in spirit form. I saw it in a clear vision whilst meditation. Because of that I want to meet up with him too 🥰 I miss him so much!
@hajeralanazi8379 Год назад
I've never had an OBE experience I hope I do one day, did yours come naturally or did you think about having one before you had one?
@OutOfBodyExperiences Год назад
@@hajeralanazi8379 those experiences came naturally. Back then I’d never heard about Astral Projection. I’d just wake up during the night to find I was out of my body. Everyone has these experiences at night, the only difference is I was remembering them. I tried to stop them from happening for years because everyone thought I was crazy when I’d say my soul comes out of my body at night! And I did start staying quiet about my experiences. But now I do practice to have a self induced OBE. And it does take practice, even for me that’s had lots of spontaneous experiences. My advice to anyone wanting to Astral Project is to set a clear intention as to why you want to have the experience. And to really desire it. The best time to practice is an hour or two before you’d normally wake up in the morning. Listen to some binaural beats, nothing with music playing as that’s too distracting, something like the Gateway Experience with no talking. Anything that can help get your body in a deep state of relaxation, and that give you a buzzy tingling feeling. When you get to that state focus on a point above your body. Feel yourself floating, don’t overthink it or your heart will start racing, just feel floaty and focus on how amazing you feel being out of your physical body (I love it! I prefer being out of my body than in lol). You may float out of your body slowly or you may come out quite fast so have no expectations. You also might come out through your head, or through your feet, or just come out all at once. Just surrender to the process without analysing it while it’s happening. On a deep level you know what to do. When you are able to float slightly above your body you can start focusing your attention on moving away from your body. That’s when you’ll start to to ‘see’ from your astral eyes. And you’ll be able to see yourself lying in bed. Once you get this and are able to move away from your body you are set to do whatever your heart desires! You’ll have times where you are experiencing such a heightened state of awareness you can get the answer to almost anything (life purpose, health etc). Most people give up too easily so persistence is key to being successful. Robert Monroe took 18 months to have his first self induced OBE. And to this day he’s the leader in this field. Incredible man if you haven’t listened to him yet. He’s the founder of the Gateway Experience meditations that you can find here on YT. All the best on your journey ☀️
@thornyturtleranch6152 Год назад
Thanks for sharing. What were the other beings and space craft like? Did they communicate with you and recognize you? Ive heard that when they encounter a astral spirit in their craft, its kind of surprising to them.
@hajeralanazi8379 Год назад
@@OutOfBodyExperiences thank you for the tips and sharing your experience, I have one last question: when you are out of your body and looking at yourself lying in bed how does the thought not cross your mind that you could be dead and your soul has left for good? I worry if I have OBE this will be my thought and I panic is there a way to know you are still alive and breathing do you still feel your bodyz temperature and your heart beating to know? I haven't heard of Robert Monroe I will check him out immediately thanks again
@OutOfBodyExperiences Год назад
@@thornyturtleranch6152 yes they know who I am and when I’m out of my body I know who they are too. Ive had experiences with a number of different beings. The first in 2014 was small grey beings. That experience was intense because it was my first encounter with ET’s. I didn’t believe in them prior to that and it took me years to process it. I heard them speak telepathically, like I do with all my OBEs. They spoke in an unusual language and they spoke amongst themselves, I was just listening. They understand English though. Ive had experiences whilst out of body with a tall, male, Gold energetic light being. I feel such a strong connection to him and the last time I had an experience with him I was quite depressed to come back into my body and be on earth. Other beings I’ve seen are benevolent ancient reptilians, angelic beings, and mantis beings. No experience with ET beings is by chance. There is a connection with them otherwise it wouldn’t happen. In the experience with the spacecraft I mentioned above I knew who was in that craft whilst I was out of my body. I was going out through my bathroom window to meet them just as they were coming down to my house. I can communicate with them telepathically in English and they understand me. However I was starting to wake up in bed as I was watching what was going on. As I was waking up I got overwhelmed that a spacecraft was coming down to my house I told them I’m not ready in my mind and they left. That experience triggered a huge spiritual awakening in me because I realised then that I’m meeting up with ET beings on a regular basis whilst I’m asleep. The spacecraft was huge, I mean HUGE, round dome shape and super sophisticated. It was grey in colour but I don’t recognise the material it was made from. Some type of steel or aluminium?? I’m not sure. It was lit up like a Christmas tree with windows all the way around. Just up from the disc part of the craft. There was a bright light underneath in the centre like a spot light. When I was going to meet them I was going to enter the craft through that light. It was the entrance and exit point. The craft is quiet when it’s away from my home however when I gets close to my house the sound is so high pitched, almost like it’s coming straight for me and it’s going to crash!! I did a google search of UFOs to see if I could find something online that was close to what I saw but there was nothing. Most of the images online look quite small and not as advanced/sophisticated as the craft I saw was. The technology is thousands of years into the future to where we are now! I don’t get as overwhelmed these days when I have an experience as nothing shocks me anymore. I feel like I’ve experienced it all. I had an experience when my dad was staying on holidays. When a craft came down to my house again. At the time I was shocked because I realised then my dad is having these experiences too ( he doesn’t remember them which is common) and I’ve since learnt that almost everyone is having them. We all have soul connections and ‘family’ all over the universe in other star systems/on other planets not just here on earth. Sorry for the long answer. There’s so much depth and so many layers to these experiences I feel like I need to get as much detail in so people understand me 🫶
@hokubluesky4989 Год назад
This girl is brilliant.. you can’t stop watching this video before it ends
@wordgirl6267 Год назад
the REAL 1st comment : I had my First Astral Projection expensive approx. 25 yrs ago. I instructed my inner self to project to my hometown which was 75 miles away . I suddenly found myself "flying" over the freeway heading in that direction. The next second I was in my old neighborhood. I saw a friend's house and decided to stop by. I remember seeing a few people standing 1/2 block away, but didn't pay any attention to them . I don't remember how I got in but I was in his room & my friend was relaxing on his bed . I said "hi Manny !" and he looked up to where I was , but didn't reply. He began to look around, with a confused look on his face . I figured he couldn't see me , and I decided I should leave and get back to my body . The next day I woke up and had completely forgotten the experience. Later on my sister called me , although we hadn't spoke to each other for several months. She said "We saw you ! " I was totally unclear what she was talking about. Then she explained "We saw you . . last night! We were right down the street and we all saw you ...going up the stairs in front of Manny's house . Why did you leave ?! We got to his house and you weren't there . . . and when we asked him , he told us that he hadn't seen you , but that's really weird you asked, because for some weird reason, I was JUST thinking about her! When I told me sister "I hadn't gone there last night , I went to bed early last night and I haven't even left my house today " . . . She got really mad , said "why are you lying ?! I saw YOU . I know my own sister when I see her ! and I'm NOT the only one who saw you.". I never told her about my A.P. experience, as she wouldn't have believed it anyway. kinda weird tho, right ? 👀
@sanjaidevil6440 Год назад
😐well if u were AP how come people from this reality see u maybe they were drunk
@truthbetold4178 Год назад
@cornerstone2449 Год назад
Have you had more since then?
@Kaylove1210 Год назад
@omifunkemccloud3362 Год назад
I think you should tell your sister even if she doesn’t appear to believe you. In some level she’ll get it.
@bhuf5275 Год назад
Anything from Mindvalley is quality and worth pursuing as the end result is your quality of life improves to another higher level.
@iamd1680 9 дней назад
I got really sick and almost died at age 12 and started to leave out of my body because I didn’t want to be trapped in there. I was too scared to tell anyone specifically in the Middle East. I kept doing it till my late 30s and then one day I couldn’t do it anymore. I’d love to start again now that I know more about it.
@ReeseMalott1976 Год назад
The best explanation about it I have found!!!!
@paulmusyk4lyfe51 Год назад
25:38, 37:14 So glad she mentioned this. This madman scenario is very common and it’s great she knows about that
@ninowhitmusic Год назад
Love her passionated energy!♥️ Shaking and intrusive thoughts. I do that too!
@RosssRoyce Год назад
It’s the energy body, the double. Carlos Castaneda wore his arse off to write the MOST FRIGGING COMPLETE guide manual to dreaming in and out of the body (the book The Art of Dreaming), but virtually no one cares to read or reference this, lost in discourses that simply brush the theme.
@LoveFromtheOtherSide Год назад
This was fabulous! SHAKING with you! 🎉🎉🎉
@vanessay.4892 Год назад
Great video. I just got a tune-up, with the hopes my manifestations will come. I will take this video as a sign 🙂
@Withoutfretting Год назад
This is great thank you so much for the information I had 2 out of body experience both times with voices around me saying beautiful words and harmonic music on the second time I’m trying to get in deeper with this practice because both times it happened so fast. The second time I was able to see the clock before it happened it was 10:01 and when I came back to my body it was 10:07 also before they happened I felt vibrations rolling through my body and deep in my head before my spirit lifted
@gurl2886 Год назад
she made my day today !!!!!!
@user-zz1ec3gi5r Год назад
I Love You Mindvalley. You are my hero...
@susie360 9 месяцев назад
Wow! Thank you, I wish I had been there to join in the work shops but this introduction has been amazing.
@clintjohnston2578 Год назад
My experience with this was I laid down to go to sleep and shortly after I was standing downstairs looking behind my bar looking at the front door. I thought I’m upstairs in bed then I woke up. But I have had several dreams that I have at night and then come true the next day. The most significant one meaningfully one was the creator telling me that my wife was pregnant . Sitting next to me and looking me in the face. I woke up and told her what happened.She took a pregnancy test that next day and she was.
@themacocko6311 Год назад
@TheBlueskyson Год назад
I have been practicing astral projection for years. It's thousands of year old, and a great experience. However Dreamporting is another technique that gets a lot wilder and interesting. You can effectively learn to time travel, with practice. Another ancient technique. Incredible stuff. ty 4 vid.
@turkishdewdrop Год назад
What? Will you please talk more about what you know please, I’m incredibly interested in what you’ve said, thanks
@TheBlueskyson Год назад
Friend dewdrop. You must first begin with preparation to lay the foundations. Begin with at least 12 months of daily morning meditation sessions of minimum 5 minutes plus. Leave your thoughts alone, breath long and slow, and simply tune in to your breath. Come to the gentle understanding that you are eternal. Eat only real food (One 'cheat night' of junk food a week only). Do something good for another everyday, including yourself. Brisk walking, running and/or swim, basic yoga everyday to develop the physical and release the unnecessary. Finally, read a page daily from the great philosophers of the ages. Start from there. Why? You will develop the mental, physical and emotional resilience to handle time travel. As an extra - Go to India. Not many will commit. :) Good luck. ty
@sonystar1727 Месяц назад
Hello man, I'm from India. What's the technique to time travel? Is dreamporting a technique for AP , or time traveling. What's your technique for AP? Please Answer if you are okay with it!
@TheBlueskyson 29 дней назад
@@sonystar1727 Helo friend Sony. Time travel is possible only via one of the 4 portals we know of on earth. At least that's the only route i know of. There are known portals deep in the Mojave desert california, Kashmir, South Africa and somewhere else i can't recall at this point. Dreamporting is as it says. You travel via your dreams. The recommendation is at least one year of clean living as a foundation to allow cosmic energy to flow through you and with you, as described above. Good luck.
@GiacomoMattiazzi Год назад
The shaking part was amazing and lot of joy and fun by only watching at!
@Anderson-lp6hm Год назад
Strangely, I'm tearing up and emotional watching the shaking to the music 🥺
@janicebeare8127 Год назад
This sounds so cool!! Am excited to start the journey
@brokeninternet2569 Год назад
it really is! i got answers for problems in my life from doing it
@aburnazov Год назад
That lady rocks! The best ending of a talk ever.
@williamjeffreys2980 Год назад
The “you” that is able to examine and assemble, to take inputs and assemble them into a coherent perception, is not physical, nor is it dependent on physicality. It is completely separate. That is the big reveal. This hit me like a ton of bricks when I was four. I think everyone knows this as a child but most people don’t hang on to it, they let adults educate and talk them out of it. Think of “you”, your identity, your point of awareness / perception as a ring. Anything that goes through this ring can be assembled into a coherent, contiguous “reality”. There is no hard and fast rule as to which waves / vibrations / emanations (don’t you hate words?) get assembled into a perception. We only view this world the way we do because we have been taught to pay attention to certain ones and ignore the remainder. This is why the reality works so hard to keep our attention focused on it, and why it jealously protects the story, because it knows it owes its existence to our attention and energy.
@Huyennie1675 Год назад
How to get started with Astral Projection: shake your whole body to feel immense relaxation. 44:43
@sallyc.8962 Год назад
Thank you
@Newme4444 Год назад
blessings your way!
@WideCuriosity 7 месяцев назад
That just about sums it up. If you use a very loose definition of "started" that is. Seems to me to most likely be a 'come on' for the course.
@1amSam Год назад
I accidentally started doing it once but got scared that I couldn’t feel my heartbeat so stopped but saw the most beautiful purple and yellow object (the only way I can describe it) and I’ve been fascinated ever since!
@user-tl6ox6be4k Месяц назад
You saw the crown chakra spinning
@superjump.legend Год назад
Enjoy just watching this Lady, so free and elegant in expression ❤
@jwoodhead345 Год назад
Astral projection is natural for everything It’s just another awareness we all have
@joa5739 Год назад
You certainly have a lot of energy and zest for life Ms. Shaw. I took two of the Astral Academy courses so I'm quite familar with your teachings. That is what the world needs now maybe more than ever. To know that we can experience the Astral Worlds and come to know there is much more going on than just this Earth Plane. People will change and the world will change more and more for the better if people can be conscious with VIvid Dreaming and Astral Travel.
@91GT347 Год назад
I’m not sure how well I could concentrate, with her being my teacher.
@paulgeorge9228 Год назад
Why so?
@impartialobserver6604 Год назад
Low vibration……he doesn’t see her as a teacher only as a object of sex.
@paulgeorge9228 Год назад
@@impartialobserver6604 i see, i can learn from anyone even a kid hahaha, she's goodlooking tho so it could be a *bit* distracting hahaha
@91GT347 Год назад
@@impartialobserver6604 nothing to do with sex. I am actually demisexual. Low vibration, is making assumptions about people on things you have no knowledge of. Solipsism is a sin even in Satanism. That’s low vibration. I couldn’t focus on learning during a awesome sunset, fireworks display, Mountain View or anything else beautiful either. Demisexuality is a sexual orientation in which an individual does not experience primary sexual attraction[2] - the type of attraction that is based on immediately observable characteristics such as appearance or smell and is experienced immediately after a first encounter. They can only experience secondary sexual attraction - the type of attraction that happens after knowing someone for a while and having a strong emotional connection.[3]
@schleig04 Год назад
You never actually explained why you couldn't concentrate with her as your teacher? All you said was I'm demi sexual then went on to explain what that was. Explain kind sir. And this demisexual stuff is a crock. You absolutely find her sexually attractive and if you say you don't you're lying. How old are you man?
@saipavan1950 Год назад
I have this habit of going for a jog Or a run the hell out when ever I feel stressed or anxious or ANGRY and after that I feel this kind of sensation and I feel more alive than ever.....
@sustayne Год назад
I have come to the inescapable conclusion that I am in a manner of speaking, spiritually handicapped. Despite having attempted this many, many times for the past 55 years all I can do is to fail. Congratulations to allnof you who report success. I am happy for you. I think it is high time I accept my shortcoming and live within the skillset I possess. I cannot astrally project. Someday I hope to understand why not.
@susanabaci2800 Год назад
Same here. So frustrating
@geronimo67 Год назад
My first astral projection/lucid dream experience occurred way back in the early nineties. After that for many years I could not achieve the experience again. But several years ago I began to have those experiences again. Some are short and I return to the body very fast. Others are very long and intense in which I find myself walking in unknown towns/cities. In some instances I have had short conversations with the denizens of the astral world.
@houseofblues9016 Год назад
What did u talk about how they looked like
@geronimo67 Год назад
@@houseofblues9016 I ask them simple questions. What their names are or what the name of the town is. Sometimes they don't know sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't answer, sometimes they do. Most of the denizens I have seen look just like us. They are people just like us. Sometimes I do see strange creatures, but not often. The astral world is full of people. It's rare for me to not see any other people but it does happen.
@houseofblues9016 Год назад
@@geronimo67 that's fascinating
@mrbob4819 Год назад
I've had out-of-body experiences during extended meditation, cannabis, and psych3delics, alike. Sometimes my consciousness has merely been outside my body looking at it, other times it has shot me into the astral realm where other entities (conscious energy, sometimes with color, sometimes with an astral body) have communicated with me. Reality is far stranger than most even imagine.
@orangeorchid9067 Месяц назад
Awesome, well explained instruction from an amazing instructor. I love her energy.Yes, I did the shake at the end and felt wonderful!
@9YouthfulAdvisor Год назад
I have videos on this but waking up in the middle of the night and laying back down helps a lot.
@gordongray5132 Год назад
Are you fascinated? Yes? Then ask yourself this: IF, indeed, Jade can project her consciousness beyond her body, WHY is it that she (or anyone else) has NEVER been able to prove it even in the most simple setting?? Well... WHY? Ask Jade to 'project' ; not to a distant planet or city, but just to an adjoining room to view a clear, obvious target and then report it. Should be easy, shouldn't it? She's never done it. How about you? Or someone you know who's taken her training/course? Has anyone of her 'graduates' accomplished such a simple test?
@angeloc3842 Год назад
Happened once 20yrs ago and I almost pooped my pants . When I fell back in my body it was almost violent how hard and fast I went back in.
@schleig04 Год назад
How did it happen? Please elaborate. Where are you and what are you doing that you all of a sudden have an out of body experience?
@Ruannnnnnnn Год назад
@@schleig04 every living being already does the projection naturally when sleeping, what you need to do is try keep councious while your body is asleep in bed, thats how it works
@Sophia00077 11 месяцев назад
Amazing!! 💚 from start to finish 🎉🙀
@md.quaserzahid4391 Год назад
OBEs , Lucid Dream &Yoga Nidra are my Favorite self growth journey
@mariebaggstrom8066 Год назад
I had a out of body experience I noticed my body was vibrating while I was trying to have a nap I heard a noise outside so I put my feet on the floor but I saw my legs on the couch I felt heavy and tired I tried 3 times trying to standup but couldn't because it felt like wading thru water but when I stood up I was amazed I had seen me still on the couch I wondered what to do but I thought no I'm not ready to travel so I stood watching tv lol but as I looked at the wall it opened up like a portal and saw my bedroom thru it after wondering what to do I realized I saw no silver cord and thought I should go back in my body just in case it got taken over by a spirit I layed ontop of my body lifting my leg to see if I was in I wasent I jumped up down on my body afew times I couldn't get in and I was scared but that didn't get me in my body I suddenly layed back relaxed to think of what to do then suddenly I dropped back in and woke up immediately jumping up walking in circles as I was so excited I had been in spirit. I had no one around to tell but I felt so good after
@icyunvme2400 11 месяцев назад
That’s nice:) I heard some people won’t see the silver cord unless really looking for it. (Behind the neck)
@TheOpheltree Год назад
“the universe is all about love” …this is the most important information.
@marcustrebonius3410 Год назад
I have been astral projecting since the age of eight. I don't control it, sometimes, when iam falling asleep, I feel myself projecting through the top of my head, flying upwards. Iam able to see events in the past, dream of future events and even conversed with strange astral entities!!!
@houseofblues9016 Год назад
Can u talk about the entities what you talk about how they look like
@marcustrebonius3410 Год назад
@@houseofblues9016 One type of entity I saw looked like half human and half eagle. I got the impression that they were maybe angelic? Or a higher level of being.
@swifftpurchase6490 Год назад
@@marcustrebonius3410 what did there voice sound like?
@marcustrebonius3410 Год назад
@@swifftpurchase6490 These beings talked to me telepathically, in the dream. When iam awake, I have been lucky enough to hear angelic voices, sometimes even hear them sing!! An angelic voice is very beautiful, high pitched, like a woman's voice.
@johnfalk6139 Год назад
I felt my awareness shift to different universe out then back in then out then back in All while watching one universe form then another and another and another total of 4 brightly swirling around in space. Like I was watching from the pace between me and that universe.
@bobby4894 Год назад
@snezray2324 Год назад
One of the people astral projects to meet his guru astrally, take guidance and gets his blessings astrally
@christinasmile5566 Год назад
I loved watching this. Thank you ❤️ I love her style ❤️ She is beautiful inside and out! Let her wear what she wants without judgement ❤️she is phenomenal and shines so much love.
@OutOfBodyExperiences Год назад
I thought she looked really good. I saw in the audience a few guests wearing cozzie tops and I thought to myself they are having their retreat near the beach. How wonderful!
@christinasmile5566 Год назад
@@OutOfBodyExperiences yes 🙌 ❤️ She is beautiful and being herself. There is nothing wrong with that. We need more people in the world like this ❤️
@rg2665 Год назад
I really loved the shaking it out at the end! It’s fun to allow ourselves to be like a child again. ❤ 😊
It's also somewhat studied in humans, dogs, etc. to relax the body after confrontation. Dogs often do shaking off their bodies after confrontation and it's led many people to be curious into it. Shaking for even just 30 seconds helps relax the mind and body. :3
@rg2665 Год назад
@@ReligionAndMaterialismDebunked Thanks for the info! I just tried it again for 30 seconds. It seems to have made a difference.
@goober7122 Год назад
​@@ReligionAndMaterialismDebunked Mike Chang has a great practice which he repeats small hops (for loosening up the body). The ending exercise reminded of me that
@somebodyelse8893 Год назад
Loved this
@robinjessop6607 Год назад
This was awesome! Xo
@c_fordmike8136 Год назад
Joe Cocker and Jethro Tull had this down pat, lol. I read a book as a teen in the very early 80's ( don't remember the name ) that got me out, but scared the ever living crap out of me when it actually happened. Had nothing like this involved. Had more to do with breathing, lying on your back. Feel a tingling at your feet. Letting it move up your legs, stomach, chest, etc. The obe's that were the most frightening were the ones I didn't see coming. When I was not even thinking of such things. There was always someone or something there with me that I didn't trust, back then. I have not tried for a few decades, but maybe I'll try again without the fear... Maybe. A few were amazing. A couple scared me enough to say, to hell with this.
@dinotrod3181 Год назад
From now on test every entity you meet, to see their true intentions. Or, you can stay away from any entity, just to be sure.
@houseofblues9016 Год назад
@@dinotrod3181 Dino if an entity you feel is bad has your attention how do they respond to what you say to them
@matthewtaylor3734 Год назад
need a inner body experience 😳✨
@laroshi8497 4 месяца назад
Inner, I hardly know her!
@alyssaakalynn3155 Год назад
Ever since i was a child I've had out of body experiences. I didn't learn until highschool that it was called astral projection. I would do it by accident all the time but one night i felt myself separating from my body and SAW a big white hand do a huge push motion towards me and i was sudden pushed back into my body. I sat up with the weirdest sensation in my stomach radiating from my belly button, like i had hit my funny bone but in my stomach. It lasted for a good minute and i swore to never project again. Well, fast forward 5 years later im slowly falling asleep and think to myself "i could project right now" and instantly i felt myself literally separate from my body and a HUGE noise followed. It sounded like something massive had hit a body of water as soon as i separated. I remember floating up to my ceiling and having no control of where i was going. I really thought i was dead. I was trying to command myself but i just kept floating. Eventually i freaked out and forced myself back into my body, of course i was paralyzed and couldn't move for a minute. I want to master it so bad but anytime i leave i have no control and im also scared of something being able to touch me again 😭😭🤧 i wonder what i would have seen if i just let myself float off...
@ruthbiafora5443 Год назад
Lovely talk ❤
@greendrummers Год назад
What a great lady! Great video and advice! I did the shaking!
@simplysavvylife Год назад
A number of my dreams have felt different and when I wake up it does actually feel like my consciousness just slammed back into my body. It can be dizzying and jarring at times, and I feel like I've just visited another realm as opposed to dreaming. Would like to develop this further thanks for the information.
@melolore1280 Год назад
I was able to do this when I was about 13. Unfortunately the person whom I thought I could trust to talk to about this scared me so bad & warned me to never do this again as there were entities just waiting to jump into my body & my soul would be lost forever? It took many years until I realized that that older,wiser adult I confided in was truly only jealous of her own lack. She was a practitioner Wiccan actually and the idea of a teenager being able to do this by accident caused her to dissuade me of any further growth in that aspect.
@paulgeorge9228 Год назад
It is tru tho entities can enter u possibly, but you can also set a protective energetic shield around your body
@DanThePhilosopher Год назад
@GillAgainsIsland12 Год назад
What's even more astonishing are the stories of people who have had near death experiences.
@juliefoster4648 Год назад
New knowledge for me and shaking was amazing ! ❤️💜👍💯
@greenpilltheory6649 Год назад
Those are some big clothes. No matter what realm you're in.
@jeffreynunez9995 Год назад
I was meditating just 20 minutes ago and I was trying to leave my body I started with a small journey when I start 3mins later I was feeling my body leave it was like lagging on a game of cod but that was because I had the phone on my lap so I moved it away and it worked my body flew up did not travel but let's all be honest you can't become a black belt overnight takes time to start small but that is just my good luck and I hope to run into you people..😁
@siasundu17 Год назад
How did you do it. I will honestly love to experience this phenomenal. I am new this and I have never tried it as I am only becoming aware of this concept this week. Is there anything you would suggest helps. Thank you in advance
@lindacamilleri5307 Год назад
I would rather Be In My Body~ Thats the real challenge for most of us
@datrevianholder6398 Год назад
This saved my life
@grunntalll Год назад
How so friend ?
@alexandramcleod2079 Год назад
I so want to do this 🎉
@susan6437 Год назад
I was sitting in a room with about 20 people and the Philosophy teacher was speaking , next thing I knew , I was standing next to him and looking at everyone in the audience including myself. It was perfectly normal and only when I was integrated with my body again did I start to question with oooos and are’s. A few days later I remembered how I constantly left my body at night as a young child flying all over the world and universe. Literally surfing the light filaments. And still do, but unlike when I was a child, a calm mind and meditative state is required.
@soothingsoundlabs8879 Год назад
I am unable to but I love people who do!!
@Gary-xl4mt Год назад
Even though i've never been consciously aware of myself Astral Projecting, like remembering the experience i feel completely convinced its real from what i've learnt about the abilities of human beings and the occult knowledge that was kept from humanity for aeons until modern times when the internet was finally invented giving humanity access to exponential information. So I believe that every single human being is a multi dimensional spirit being currently having a physical and mental experience in a physical body actively existing on a very low vibrational plane here on planet earth. I just think it's so crazy how probably over 85% of humanity has absolutely no idea that this is so and what we're actually able to do if we learn how to Astral Project and then go visit our past lives etc etc
@ratikaB33 Год назад
I have been practicing letting go. Seeking help from Ram Das and Michael Singer. I see how I was brought here. It seems this is the next step in lowering suffering on this plane.
@brixton740 Год назад
Resonating 100% and Ive died and Ive died to myself lost every thing to gain the power of 1 Thank you for this
@anngeeburns82 Год назад
I had my first oobe a few weeks ago… I had just laid down, and all of a sudden popped out of my solar plexus… I started drifting away from myself slowly and feeling like I was 1000 lbs… I was absolutely terrified… I was screaming for my husband but to no avail… I stopped in the corner of my room and got stuck… I couldn’t figure out how to turn around to get back… after some wild things I saw for a few minutes (like an outer box I was dreaming on the side) I finally was able to pop back in… I jumped out of bed screaming I had just popped out of myself and had NO IDEA HOW!!! My husband 100% believed me… and since then I have felt strange vibrations but can’t seem to allow myself to separate. I think I’m just scared… but super curious! I started investigation… so here I am on this video now too. Lol.
@richardcardinale7152 Год назад
You were at a crucial point. There is many name to describe that step. It's when the mind and body are falling asleep but we are still aware of it. When the brainwaves is low enough but still aware , we experiment that fear , or terror , some call it the ego death , we feel like we will die. In a way it's true , if we can go beyond that fear , we can go to the heaven , it's in a presence of God himself. And you come back but your are not yourself anymore , or not anymore the old you. The terror of the threshold is a really big deal to experiment and go beyond. I'm sorry for my bad way of expressing myself in English, I hope that it will help you in some way.
@Bro3liMor Год назад
Yoooo that is where I had my first obe too ! I felt myself leaving from the solar chakra area and I was in my bedroom. Oh my Godiva this is wild!
@incedofortis Год назад
Good luck
@anngeeburns82 Год назад
@@richardcardinale7152 thank you! I have had so many wild dreams/experiences while possibly in REM… but I never experienced this… I truly did feel like I was going to die… lol. I am very much changed… and now so very curious! I appreciate any feedback and I thank you!
@christinasmile5566 Год назад
Look into Joe Dispenza if you haven't ❤️🙌
@JanSandahl Год назад
Loved the dancing as part of OBE preparation. :)
@waihiga124 Месяц назад
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against PRINCIPALITIES, against POWERS, against the RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS AGE, against SPIRITUAL HOSTS OF WICKEDNESS IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES." Everything in capital letters is what you find in the first astral realm. Most of these demons at first appear like angels of light to seduce you, but in reality they are cruel merciless demons with one agenda which is to steal, kill, and destroy you eventually.
@farshadkarkoo9585 Год назад
I experienced self-awareness twice Once, when I was 15 years old, I saw a soda bottle fall from my hand, but I saw it coming down slowly, so that I could catch it at any moment, but the surrounding time had stopped, everything had stopped. Once, when I was very sick, I fell on the floor in the hospital, my body seemed to be paralyzed, then I saw myself above my head, and I even saw my eyes looking at the nurses from below, that is, I saw myself both from the outside and from the inside.
@lykarabbit3 Год назад
Erkhart Tolle, has put practically every word he's uttered, all his teaching online, so we can access and experience the wonderment of awakening and consciousness. Conversely, seeing this being marketed leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. It reeks unfortunately, of everything those who are awakening, are moving away from. Just an opinion.
@kellycrispin-paulson6669 Год назад
So many modes out there; so many teachers. Eckhart points us so beautifully down the awakened path, but so too can this?
@lykarabbit3 Год назад
@@kellycrispin-paulson6669 can't disagree, doesn't feel genuine to me, but you're right.. If it suits some, why not. Just not for me. All the best on your journey my friend, we're blessed to be on it regardless 💚
@kellycrispin-paulson6669 Год назад
@@lykarabbit3 We really are. So thankful to be alive in this time. Many blessings to you.
@richardcardinale7152 Год назад
@@lykarabbit3 Ekart Tolle teaching is the supreme teaching , but not everybody crave for it. Many will want to explore the different facets of denser planes and it's alright of course. To me , I want to explore all level without being identified with the self.
@kphilli5 Год назад
Mr Tolle has already made his fortune so of course he now can afford to very generous with his materials. Many other teachers still need to make a living in this world, in this life.
@bobbieisawizard 22 дня назад
A method that has really worked for me is setting the intention to wake up in my dream before i go to sleep. This is a really strong intention. Its almost like if you were to say to yourself im going to wake up tomorrow at 6am for work and then you do because your body knows what 6am feels like and it will make sure you are up at 6am. Usually for me it will happen either that night or i will have to set this intention every night until it happens which for me is usually within a few days. Then i will inevitably wake up in my dream and to me i have perceived these experiences as astral projection. In one particular experience i thought i was waking up. A family member was there waking me and so i got up and went with her and after some time i realized she wasnt really my family member and i wasnt really awake. Another time i thought i woke up to somebody sitting on the edge of my bed. It spooked me a little but i realized i was asleep and i wandered around a little and then woke. I believe if i would have stayed in either of these experiences for longer and trusted the process i would have had the potential to do some mental and emotional healing.
@myvirtualvisions 6 месяцев назад
I have had multiple out of body experiences while dreaming visiting heaven and hell. It is a great gift i have and I have seen these realms multiple times.
@bblueangel2 Год назад
I've had an experience 2 and i went to the Galaxy and met a presence that explains timeless knowledge about the univers i remember feeling so more awake then i am right noe feeling my body in bed.
@mechannel7046 Год назад
What did the presence tell you about the universe?
@bblueangel2 Год назад
@@mechannel7046 thata the iwierd part. it didnt talk, it felt like we were eachouther and it transformed in to wisdom, kind of read eachouthers mind or whatever it wasn't a person or anything a like, it felt like an intelligence åresence with n o form, almost like a dream If it were metamorphing afront of me, it showed me the truth, i cant remember half of it. but i remember that the entity wanted me to know that we are so much powerful then we know, that we are walking in the shadow of our potential. and that there are other entities, people that manipulate us. people in. power. how people in power use psychology and sociology in years trying to learn human behavior to control the narrative. some do it consciously, most do it unconsciously
@greenpilltheory6649 Год назад
Evolutionary - my 48 year old mid life crisis Provoked - near death experience (pulmonary embolism) / medically induced coma Self-Initiated - yoga nidra (usually with Binaural Beats) I've also done an absurd amount of psychedelics (LSD, Mushrooms, DMT) I can vouch for how real & profound this OBE state is. It really is life changing.
@coolchoicebro Год назад
It happened to me for the first time 2 nights ago and i was fixing to get up out of my body but I live with disrespectful people who don't care when I'm meditating or sleeping so the moment I was testing he pulled his bullshit
@robynbanks1394 Год назад
@CoolChoiceBro SAME!!!!!! I don’t get it!! I’m having the same exact problem
@bugrist Год назад
Did you meet Jesus or God? If yes have you asked your questions?
@johnwalsh518 Год назад
I definitely had one when I was 16. I was nearly dead and to be honest I didn't want to come back the peace and calmness was unbelievable. But I was told I had things to do in life and had to come back actually I did have another one when I was in my 40s this time it was more a dreamscape kind of thing and it was battling Evil. This time it was very scary. Since then try as I may I haven't managed it since.
@julialayne7808 Год назад
i love the dancing the shaking i did it in my bed it was fun i was laughing so much, but i enjoy it, thank you you where great, it’s was nice hearing you speak, you where so gentle and calm, great job keep up the great work you are doing 💡🔑💕💣🙏
@bobbystillz222 Год назад
I’ve been trying to astral project in 2006. I haven’t even come close. Same thing with reading the Akashic records. Remote viewing. Or any other supernatural ability that supposedly we can all do. And not for lack of trying.
@christinasmile5566 Год назад
Look into Dr. Joe Dispenza if you haven't ❤️🙌
@KaliKali-hv9bt Год назад
Same!!! Omg
@GoodVibesOnly1914 Год назад
Meditated for 4 years now, had lots of crazy things happen, but usually its more dream like or 3rd eye imagry, but never like the time i let go as i felt like i was falling down a hole then was blasted up into space. The crazy thing about this was I FELT the gforce and was completely awake and aware, as i was flying through space everything got ao vividly clear it was like 5x as clear as my sight. It was too intense for me to maintain meditation and after a few seconds i came out of it. I assume this is what they call astral projection, cuz i was certainly projected into the astral lol. It will be forever burned into my memory. Crazyiest part is went back to meditation and it happened imediatly again, but couldnt stay in it
@angelinalopez828 Год назад
Does astral projection in space feel like moving in water? A RU-vidr I watch said he did
@LT-gc6kd Год назад
Yes, space, it was so beautiful for me it's hard to articulate in words.
@GoodVibesOnly1914 Год назад
@angelinalopez828 not for me, i didnt feel much besides what felt lile g force till i basically popped out into space, then i didnt really hear or feel anything to think of, and it was just incredibly vivid 3rd eye type vision
@GoodVibesOnly1914 Год назад
@angelinalopez828 this is gonna sound crazy but all i remember was really loud sound very similar to when mario gets a coin as i popped out into space, and no, i wasnt tripping lol
@mikelaba7673 10 месяцев назад
I’ve been doing this since I was a kid. I use to get sleep paralysis a lot and than I learned how to astral project From that. It’s been a long time but I want to try to get back in to it
@alwayscuriousalwayslearnin Год назад
it happens with myself many times since childhood, but I dont seem to be able to fully control it . in the mid late 1970s I heard about this and realized it described exactly what was happening to me at times , so I studied tthrough public libraries for many years and well to be honest I cannot self initiate it I can put myself in a state of mind that makes me think I am and i can wander around pretty much everywhere in it but it feels different then when I know I am and cant seem to fully control it , people that have being in different states of mind know what I am talking about, many people think they are astral projecting but they are not and I never said that they were not so to not hurt there feelings they may later on be able to . like I mentioned there is a completely different feeling when Astral projecting then exploring with the mind can tell and feel that I am still in my body but I am also wondering around plus there is also a female presence with me when I am doing this she is giving , I can sometimes feel her with me while astral travelling but she is more in the back ground I have been able to do that since I was a child in the late 1960s and i am very sure that to me isn't astral projection. one of the thing I always get just as i am falling asleep is the Astral chatter, like when you are in a mall there is a rummer of voices in the slight distance
@berryfairy68 Год назад
Just a very long ad.
@dariushober1506 Год назад
I have practiced various Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming techniques with inconsistent results. Worked a few times but not dependable. Using Magic Mushrooms (Heroic Dose) and Ayahuasca though are dependable catalysts-plus there seems to be a "guiding presence" with these Plant Teachers.
@themacocko6311 Год назад
😄👍 more drug addicts, just what we need. I'm surprised with all the drugs your jacked up on that you weren't more consistent.
@dariushober1506 Год назад
@@themacocko6311 There is no "addiction" to either of the substances mentioned-plus NOBODY has ever died from taking them. Your ignorance proceeds your posting. One of the best tool for exploring Consciousness is psychedelics-direct experience of altered states without having to "practice" a discipline or technique. Actually pursued this academically with a Master in Psychology-wrote about "Unity Consciousness" that occurs within group settings. Have the courage to invest an evening and go on a Journey-your position will change!!!!! Have a Wonderful Day!
Monster shops mini mart 👻🛒 #shorts
Просмотров 9 млн
How to Take Advantage of Sleep's Power | Eckhart Tolle