
The TERRIBLE Claw Blade Nerf | Wagasa Buff | Wild Hearts 

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24 сен 2024




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@MysticChrome4k Год назад
The combat and how the weapons felt is what pulled me away from monster hunter to wild hearts, aside from the bow the claw blade was one of my favorite weapons. They did a soft nerf to the bow a month ago which I was ok with, but this nerf to the CB was too much when they could have just nerfed the glider/claw combo which was broken. The CB isn't fun anymore now. At this point I think I'm gonna stick with playing Monster hunter.
@viperstryke78 Год назад
Devs, I can live with less damage or the extra hits to use Ultimate, but the gauge depletion is stupid af. I actually use the ground game to build my gauge and dodge around attacks but I can't use the Ultimate b/c of it, total BS. I WANT MY FULL 40 SECONDS!
@thenore1986 Год назад
Yeah just played the game they ruined claw Blade which was the only class I played now i'm going back to monster hunter
@CG_Prime251 Год назад
👋 nobody cares
@thenore1986 Год назад
Yeah one does me 🖕
@BBBerti Год назад
The nerfs make zero sense, every other weapon could achieve fast kill times than claw, so now nerf all the other weapons too?
@TheBlakamon15 Год назад
Bow got double nerf on damage two patches ago and got the dodge nerf twice today. So I think bow is good on nerfs.
@NuggetWrestler Год назад
That’s definitely not true, the claw blade had some very very competitive kill times, only really being edged out by bow and staff (staff op). The weapon was brain dead easy and way too safe, but I think the nerf was a little much
@rodriquezdaniels8706 Год назад
It was the glider that made it op. You could easily get finishers off while being extremely safe. Not only does using the glider feel terrible with claw blade now, there’s no reason to use ir because you can’t build enough gauge to do the finish. I might be my imagination but the weapon just feels more sluggish now. I didn’t use the glide loop because it’s it gets stale but right now claw blade feels bad. We need to be able to chain the light attacks without doing the dash at this point for it to be effective.
@khaild7856 Год назад
​@@TheBlakamon15 im sorry what? 😂😂😂 We're talking about fast kill time aka speedrun and literally every weapons are in a good place except for the staff. No shit needs a nerf except the staff. Tell me you dont play the CB without telling me so
@Reaper1Reaps Год назад
@@NuggetWrestler staff most brain-dead class in the game please miss me with that also what monster are you hunting that you think the claw blade is brain dead seeing as I had to avoid the tree trunk ass hitboxes in the air while fighting the camera, while having maybe 10s to do 2 full rotations of attacks while having to be anchored on a weak spot for max dps.................while in comparison to other classes that are turrets by comparison ie every class but the umbrella which has a get out of jail free parry mechanic. claw blade losses in dps to bow, staff, cannon, umbrella and now nodachi since its now the 2nd best weapon in the game.
@SkySenseiVB Год назад
Update: The devs have acknowledged claw blade needs a rebalance!!! They have addressed this on their twitter! OUR VOICES WERE HEARD! twitter.com/playWildHearts/status/1644409167803998208?t=3_u5RnSOzFKslwsOdGUKWw&s=19 Be sure to LIKE the video to support everyone
@regingnik5892 Год назад
I left a like but it’s my last one bro good luck on the game
@SkySenseiVB Год назад
@@regingnik5892 See you in Monster Hunter 6 o7 Much love!
@jcruz2255 Год назад
Ahh ok. I was just playing it without paying attention to the update and it seemed like my claw blade gauge was depleting faster and I couldn't pull off the ultimate attack as much.
@SkySenseiVB Год назад
:'( Its crazy how noticable it is. Like you didn't even need to know to notice the difference, you just felt it. That kind of nerf is never a good idea.
@jcruz2255 Год назад
@@SkySenseiVB Yeah, I'm farming Grimstalker for parts and every little bit helps. My timing was completely off so the first few tries, I would do a combo and not get an ultimate and just float in the air, lol! After the hunt I checked my gear, armor and what I ate to figure out why it was different and I found your video. I kept at it and it's an adjustment but I agree with you, it's just too much. It was a lot of fun staying in the air, dodging/strafing and waiting for the perfect time to strike. Now, I just divebomb it because I need to get as many hits in as possible before I detach. I don't bother strafing or orbiting the kemono anymore, just dive and pray I hit something. It'd definitely not as fun as before. :(
@mattericarichards8462 Год назад
This nerf is really dumb this was my favorite weapon and only reason I play the game I never understand nerf in PVE games makes no sense
@lukebarton4609 Год назад
Claw Blade still feels fine and fun to use tbh. I think this is being blown out of proportion a little bit.
@Tech_D3mon Год назад
It definitely is. Apparently the devs are planning to change it again with the upcoming patch. I just really hope they don't revert it to how it was before. How it was before could literally trivialize hunts.
@khaild7856 Год назад
​@@Tech_D3mon like staff is doin? Like nodachi is doin? It it's normal for casual players, but for speedrunners? Nah It feels terrible compared to other weapons in speedruning.
@Tech_D3mon Год назад
@@khaild7856 yeah but not everybody is a speed runner
@Reaper1Reaps Год назад
@@khaild7856 can't speak facts to people that try to apply their own logic I would have been cool with a damage nerf but they literally changed the mechanics of the weapon..........
@Reaper1Reaps Год назад
@@Tech_D3mon yea doesn't changed the fact that you can 4-5 shot any monster in the game at full charge with the staff.......... And now can cast the ultimate move on the nodachi at fkin will... please make less sense..
@collegekids15 Год назад
Nothing needs nerfs...IT'S A PVE GAME!
@Reaper1Reaps Год назад
fuckin facts
@xkwazy_cruising7741 Год назад
Louder for the back…. Imagine if this game had Pvp…
@matthewcook4236 Год назад
Damn, I just got all my talismans too. Gonna peace out until they unfuck clawblade, and yes I play other weapons but the claw is by far my favorite play style. Players enjoy new content not constant nerfs .
@SkySenseiVB Год назад
Yeaa its a sad change to see. Wagasa is so much fun though after this change if you like it! :)
@aimibrahim1561 Год назад
I dont understand why they nerf something on PvE game.
@draco4826 Год назад
I've adapted to the nerfs, but yeah, looking forward to the rebalance. It needed a nerf, but it does feel to heavy when all of these are out together. I don't think it's game ending or unplayable by any means, and it's still my main. But I can see why it became unfun for a lot of people.
@jasonarnold9347 Год назад
The QoL is amazing with this patch. The nerf hammer is a little much for the claw blades. But it feels good to be an umbrella main!!!
@saiter6010 Год назад
claw blade now is such a headche to manage, gonna stay with staff and katana for now.
@djsamuelpessoa Год назад
This game is done for me after This patch. Rip claw Blade !
@lara602_ Год назад
Imagine only learning and depending on one weapon 🤡🤣
@TheBlakamon15 Год назад
​@@lara602_ I mean not everybody wants to play multiple weapons.
@djsamuelpessoa Год назад
@@TheBlakamon15 my case!
@kevo300 Год назад
Unless your speedrunning its not that serious
@-uta806 Год назад
​@Lara not everyone likes all the weapons in the game. Some people only enjoy one because the other playstyles aren't fun to them.
@tonguepunch88waffles22 Год назад
Why nerf weapons in a pve game makes no sense
@aimibrahim1561 Год назад
I hate it when they change the celestial shield sequence. my muscle memory really messed up after the change
@koidrew Год назад
@welovegamestv1207 Год назад
Don't call it nerf, it was a destruction
@yngdo3867 Год назад
claw blade was one of the reasons why i kept playing the game this is sad af, the new updates and new kemono are kinda meh. I think its time to quit this shit def not worth $70.
@-uta806 Год назад
God man the claw nerf was unnecessary. I feel like I don't even have a finisher anymore. You dodge once then you might as well unhook the kemono cuz you won't get it off. They literally killed claw. Sucks were being punished cuz of how speedrunners were playing it. They nerfed in the wrong way completely. Sadly ima peace out of wildhearts till things change ):
@SkySenseiVB Год назад
OMG YES. You're completely right. They tailored this nerf for speed runners meanwhile everyone else DOES NOT PLAY LIKE THAT. It was in a very comfortable spot and as I said in the video, one of the nerfs was okay, not both. :(
@Reaper1Reaps Год назад
@@SkySenseiVB i play the CB EXACTLY like that I don't speed run but it's literally the best way to play it since it minimized the amount of down time you had doing no damage while allowing you to target exactly where you'd do the most damage....... now anyone with a great sword is going to be spamming torches why? because it'll get them the most damage..... it makes sense but instead of completely changing the mechanics they could have just nerfed the damage even though to me claw blades best hit, hit for like 1400 to 1600 on a weak point fully buffed at most........ hardly the hardest hitting weapon.
@JCFRESHNO559 Год назад
Dam that’s bad I felt it when I was finding a new monster today in the morning I was like what is this? Why is my gauge running out so slow? It seems like I’m not doing any damage it’s completely useless now this was a big mistake they took steps back instead of making steps forward. You don’t Nerf things you put everything else at the same level so everything’s good
@SkySenseiVB Год назад
I think nerfs are okay if there's a range of dmg they want to meet for all weapons but this much for this weapon is just wild. idk if this nerf was tested properly cause most people I'm seeing here instantly felt the change way too much hard.
@JCFRESHNO559 Год назад
Yes this was way too much. I mean I literally felt it as soon as I hooked onto the monster. I was like wait a minute somethings not right do I have the right set up or the right claw blade then I checked my set up I’m like yep Hopefully the community comes together. Lets this developers know that this was too far for the weapon. It’s not usable anymore. They need to go a different route and not be so extreme as they did on this update for this weapon does honestly made me want to quit because the only reason I was playing this game it was because this weapon was really fun.
@quelldieu7263 Год назад
clawmaster feels like its useless coz we lose meter on atk, clawmaster's effect shud b lessen the decrease of meter consumption on atks
@bjon130896 Год назад
I was just starting to get used to the Claw Blade, it was the only reason I was able to Beat Amaterasu, they killed it.
@Skyleth9 Год назад
Hey, I don't know if you realize but you can chain multiple normal attacks together while your hook onto the monster more than before, like spin down spin left spin right then power attack and boom ultimate attack
@xelthos2051 Год назад
At least the Devs already said they are going to fix it. They admitted to thr nerf being too much.
@GrimAdventures. Год назад
Shame look how they massacred my boy. I think that the gauge nerf was the worse part for me. Claw blade just doesn't feel good to anymore. Welp guess I'll move back to one of the other weapons now. Shame too, because I had the most fun claw blade.
@liptontbaggin2098 Год назад
Claw blade is pretty much unplayable now unless your just super sweaty. I’m assuming they nerfed it so hard cause it had all the best speed runs but that’s just their broken timer system start the timer as soon as you load up. I’d much rather them limit 1 chain trap per player or some sort of CC immunity on the monsters for a short period so it can’t be triple trapped ( granted I always play multiplayer ). It’s not even possible to use the glider and hook now cause you’ll only get 1 spin attack off. On top of that wether you main a Claw Blade or not it was probably the most hyped and interesting weapon they offered due to how unique it is. The insect glaive on monster hunter is like a candle trying to outshine the sun by comparison.
@neobirb8597 Год назад
I don't think the number of hits required to unleash ultimate with Claw Blade went up actually. Prior to this patch, it always took me 5-7 successful strikes before firing off the ult. But now, it only takes 3. Hell, 3 plunge attacks is all I can get in one claw grab now 😅
@MrIcykoz Год назад
Whats ur graphics settings? Texture looks so good
@SkySenseiVB Год назад
Pretty much maxed out on most things expect for particle effects, procedural density, shadows, and reflections. Motion blur and DOF disabled. I also have Nvidia contrast settings at 65% from the control panel which makes the colours popout. I think the last one though does depend on your monitor :)
@exohunter8420 Год назад
They literally killed claw blade. used to be fun play claw blade...now its just a pain in the ass. i already dropped the game just for that reason alone. might sound stupid reason for some people but for me killing my main weapon is a bummer and a reason to stop bothering with the game in general. ALL those nerfs are just TOO MUCH.
@Loudpacklarryjohnson Год назад
Yeah this nerf was too much
@xkwazy_cruising7741 Год назад
I’m not the best player around so CB helped, I still died a lot… now oof. I can’t survive… Not all of us are super good, I agree they could’ve just made it more hits to do finisher… Aww well…
@slickrick7438 Год назад
Man I've been thinking the same about the claw blade. I really hope they change this.
@stevesand8845 Год назад
they said they are gonna fox it
@B52BoomStick Год назад
You can hit the triangle attack exile doing the square attack to get more off to atleast get the ult hit off
@Reaper1Reaps Год назад
that was always somthing that could be done its also not good since your light attack builds more meter then your heavy attack you did this combo for dps nothing more really. the claw blade is just unviable now with nerfed damage nerfed mechanics it's a shit weapon, now it's down there with the katana which is also shitty. What I do not understand is how the staff which is the most broken weapon in the game was untouched and how the great sword got buffed into being almost as cheap as the staff.............
@anonymoususerhere Год назад
Claw expert is a must now. Spring into heavy attack, into glider, and do as you did before the patch. I consistently have done my special over and over with this tactic. It for sure doesn't hit as hard. I was at 1600/1900 prior, and now it's closer to 900/1100. I still beat Grimm under 5 minutes solo.
@jovsmd8403 Год назад
IMO if something's getting nerfed, i think they should start with the overpowered karakuri staff.. who would get thousands of dmg on its ultimate/super/charge attack.. ive seen staff users who would slay kemonos, without even initiating the hunt..
@regingnik5892 Год назад
Yea just played it sucks. Y’all have fun tho. That had became my 2nd favorite weapon to kill with out of all the weapons.
@aqua_xdakazero6118 Год назад
Should never nerf anything in these games..... they should buff everything up to par
@crashalarm3276 Год назад
But overall you can still use the claw blade to its fullest yes? Just need to adapt and find new angles to strike to gain the finisher?
@Ribbonzarkuraspear Год назад
So they nerf weapons before the fusions 😑
@aqua_xdakazero6118 Год назад
This did not need a nerf it was able to keep up and take part of these speed runs.... this is a joke and I was a loyal player... they destroyed the only thing that made this feel like not another slow monster hunting game.... ill be leaving the game... wagasa just isn't as fun to me
@CSMIC-mf9tn Год назад
Indeed nerf was is unnecessary and Wagamama lady weapon is mega busted and no skill whatsoever to play actually 😂
@Duppy-tq4mg Год назад
All this to stop claw blade’s helicopter spam…
Claw blades is totally useless now ! May as well just take it away ! Wagasa is already overpower now they made it better ?
@tge1134 Год назад
Will claw master helped with the meter depleting?
@SkySenseiVB Год назад
Claw master helps a bit. It was never a huge amount but if you manage it well, its definitely possible. I do believe you need claw master now if possible. Claw expert is nice but claw master is superior with this change.
Makes not nuch different! Waste time to rebuild ! Cawl blades is totally useless !
@skyslayer7660 Год назад
Claw Blade is in F tier worst weapon in game. Bow is in C tier
@TheBlakamon15 Год назад
Is bow really c tier because everbody else's still think it is op.
@SkySenseiVB Год назад
I'm not one to rank - I do think it was a pretty solid weapon before this change dmg wise but indeed it is a very strange weapon compared to everything else out there haha.
@skyslayer7660 Год назад
@@TheBlakamon15 lmao bow is very much not OP and with the additional nerf it's worse. Def C tier
@TheBlakamon15 Год назад
@@skyslayer7660 Tell that to those fools that are laughing about the weapons that got nerf.
@araarauwuuwu2266 Год назад
Idk why people are overeacting over the claw blade nerfs. Like claw blades are one of the safest weapon and easiest to use. Ofcourse its going to get nerf otherwise there would be no incentive to use other weapons for people with no skills on the game. Like 90% of claw users are terrible at the game thats why they use claw, i think wild hearts team nerfed it so these terrible players will finally be forced to use other weapons.
@ozunad144 Год назад
Guys look Twitter claw coming back
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