
The Truth About Immigration in the UK 2014 (BBC, HD 720p) 

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Did Britain need immigrants to keep economy growing?
BBC political editor Nick Robinson examines the public's anxieties about immigration and reveals the facts of an issue that has transformed British politics. With Britain braced for a new wave of migrants from eastern Europe, a subject once regarded as toxic is now at the forefront of political discussion. The programme dissects the decisions which led to the biggest surge of immigration in modern history and asks whether politicians can control immigration as much as they claim, looking at the potential consequences of their pledges.




8 янв 2014




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Комментарии : 5 тыс.   
@lewisfitzjohn 9 лет назад
As an English man from the city of Bristol, I'm definitely feeling the "Impact" of living in a culturally diverse community. I have no choice but to suffer working with friendly, talented, outgoing, attractive and intelligent people from all around the world on a daily basis! I feel as if I'm being punished for the colonial attitudes of my forefathers with this influx of diversity, ideas, interesting shops, beautiful ladies and fantastic food. Only last week did a Polish delicatessen open up in my area; One man working 24/7 selling some of the finest cured and smoked meat money can buy, looking to hire English people and become a pillar of the community. What did I do to deserve such hell? Send em all back! I'm becoming too compassionate, aware and open! I want to be more closed minded and easily influenced by the biased suggestions of the BBC! I want to pay more tax in order to live off of fish and chips for the rest of my life and never speak with anyone from more than five miles away from where I was born!
@jennysmitt6889 9 лет назад
Makes you wonder why all the Americans on here seem to consider it a punishment for colonialism, they must truly despise immigrants
@MrMikeinDevon 9 лет назад
so you support the indoctrintion of our little children by somali/pakistani sex grooming gangs in Bristol? Its happened today and is happening to towns all over our country because of people like you unfortunately who want to live wearing blinkers. That being said the Polish and Europeans don't really pose a problem at all and i like them They are caucasian like us. Bristol is a complete shit hole like downtown Mogadishu these days. I think we should welcome the positive things the fellow Europeans bring but exclude and kick out the non Europeans who are completely different and dont want to integrate unless they are raping and robbing
@sarcasticsugar4466 9 лет назад
***** You DO know that the real Aryans are from India, right? The Nazis stole the terminology, switched the meaning around - just as they did to the Swastika, which is also from India and originally means something along the lines of good fortune. And by the way...Caucasian is not limited to Europeans. It is based on facial features, not skin colour. Look at the light skinned Indians, Middle Easterners. Especially the ones with non-dark eyes. Even if they have dark skin, their features are Caucasian. For a European, all you have to do is darken the hair, eyes (though many naturally have dark hair) and the skin and they can pass as something non-European. They can all without touching the features. For Blacks and Asians - you'd have to change the facial features; eyes, lips, hair, bone structure, noses...etc. etc.
@mickymouse9741 9 лет назад
you're muslim or foreign.
@sarcasticsugar4466 9 лет назад
***** Muslim is not a race folks, just as Catholic isn't for example >_>
@tamastoth-bezeredi7163 6 лет назад
I stayed in England, learned, worked, paid taxes. Now I live in Hungary again.
@suprensa4393 3 года назад
Generally speaking, how does each country compare?
@soros250 7 лет назад
If people come "looking for a better life," why can't they make the needed effort to adapt? If they can't adapt, then they shouldn't come. As for the BBC, it's PC to the core and wont call a problem a problem. To them, it's always Brits getting " richer" due to immigrant labor, "doing jobs we wouldn't do", but for how long? And at what social and cultural costs???
@niznet111 7 лет назад
fuck off you twatt
@KNByam 7 лет назад
I've always wondered that. They want to go to another country and live as they did in their country. You have to assimilate, learn about the country you want to live in, adapt to the language and their way of life not the other way around.
@hobbang2 7 лет назад
like 95% assimilate and many I would say are as British as you can get drinking tea out of china constantly and complaining about the weather every time. Probably because people around me are educated. I personally didn't have any problem with people of different ethnicities until I start a conversation with stuck up religious people or people who are too old to get their head out of their familiarity home country of brutality.
@KNByam 7 лет назад
Peppercorn In Britain I think its different but here in the states its different. The kids assimilate, but the parents spend 20-30 years here and can't speak a lick of English.
@hobbang2 7 лет назад
bigbullbk It's difficult to expect people in their 40s to learn a new language and assimilate perfectly into a community they're not directly involved with. When you're 40 with financial stability without having to know the language, it doesn't attract them to be committed to learning a new language on top of their commitment to their daily routine (Work etc). The social interaction in a different language is just bothersome and doesn't benefit them in much ways. It is also difficult for people who are older to learn a new language. There are places like Quebec in Canada or Korea town in US where knowing English language is not necessary for daily life. It's not needed for shopping, not needed for visiting church. The only reason they would learn it would be if they want to leave the town and venture out or to have conversations with other people who don't speak their language. It's another culture within the country and I see no problems with that just like how New Yorker is different to a Texan; they have different cultures. This does not mean they do not uphold the american values and its constitution. (Although I have seen some stuck up Christian from Nigerian descent asserting his view that homosexuality is condemned by God thus should be condemned by people. This doesn't mean it's because they're immigrant. It's just the religion and obedience to religion which even alot of Anglo Americans believe as well.) Now knowing the language means they just can't be arsed to learn the language because they don't see the direct benefit of learning it. I couldn't care less if someone doesn't speak English in UK as long as they don't commit crimes. In fact, there are people in Scotland who only speak English but not Scottish and vice versa. They're not bashed on.
@sigmuntking8529 8 лет назад
The UK would benefit from immigration from Central and Eastern Europe in small numbers. People like the Poles, Germans and Czechs or the Baltic nations of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and the rest of white Europeans would assimilate easily into the British society and be indistinguishable from the native Britons in one generation. Muslims however for the most part can't and would not assimilate into the British population but likely will attempt to assimilate and replace the natives by mixed marriages and out-breeding the natives. That is why people from incompatible cultures and hostile religious and political system should never be allowed anywhere in UK and Europe. Mishmash of hostile races and ideologies always invariably sooner or later leads to disaster. Multikulti and diversity is another terminology for invasion.
@troje3016 8 лет назад
don't forget to add the eastern european countries.we can blend in just fine.thank you!
@gary-9340 8 лет назад
+Sigmunt King what about hindus and sikhs
@Knapweed 8 лет назад
+Gary - Enough of them died fighting Britain's wars to earn the right. I can't recall Britain asking for their permission, prior to invading their country, stripping it of all assets and murdering them in their tens of thousands.
@gary-9340 8 лет назад
i'm a hindu. I just wanted to know people's opinions
@sigmuntking8529 8 лет назад
Gary - I don't see Hindus trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us. I don't have problem with them.
@jackwing1949 10 лет назад
The issue is not immigration, but mass immigration on an epic scale dictated by the EU in Brussels.
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
75% of LEGAL immigration came from outside of EU.
@JagaimoNeko Год назад
Well, now it's solved, rrright?
@ahmedtaqiyya8361 10 лет назад
What is all this BBC claptrap about Hindu's, Sikhs, Poles, Romanians, Filipinos etc. Those people come to Britain to work and can come in by the lorry load as far as I'm concerned. It's the buggers who arrive yelling Alluha Akbar and wanting set up (more) Sharia Courts I worry about. Strangely they're absent from this "educational" film. The BBC is obviously unaware that unlike the Hindu's and Sikhs (who do appear in the film), our 5% and rising Muslim population have no interest in integrating, are reluctant to work (as that would mean paying tax to the enemy), [Did you see any in that strawberry field?] have a completely alien moral code which approves forced marriage, rape in marriage, under-age marriage, incest, etc., (the grooming gangs are 100% Muslim), and violence toward unbelievers (over 22,000 deadly incidents since 9/11/2001), are impossible to educate as they can't be taught by non-Muslims, and are so touchy and prone to riot they are permitted by our craven establishment to say openly things that would land a Scotsman in jail. As to the idea that importing more Muslims with their medieval ideology would result in an overall enrichment of this country, I've never heard anything so stupid, deliberately biased and misleading in my life. With the exception of Saudi Arabia, which is on a lake of oil, all Islamic theocracies are oppressive, usually brutal, usually dirt-poor. This not as they imagine because of "Western Interference", it’s because of Islam. If you doubt it, take a look at the success of the only modern democracy in the Middle East, Israel.
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
It is wrong to equate Polish immigration with the immigration from outside of EU. Lets not forget that Poland opened their borders for the free flow of CAPITAL AND GOODS from the UK as stipulated in EU Treaty with grave and lasting consequences for their citizens, while Asia remains largely protectionist. English people cannot even buy property in India or set up businesses or work.
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
***** you are either a perpetrator or a victim of especially misleading propaganda my fried (or more likely - fiend). No wonder everybody is weeping about the state of education in this country. If you even have 'english' heritage, which is unlikely.
@ahmedtaqiyya8361 10 лет назад
***** Aw, does it matter? He's right about Indians fighting and dying for Britain in WW2 of course, (despite the Japanese offer of independence if they refused to fight with the British). This is off Wikipedia so it's probably not a definitive list of the VC's they won, but it gives the idea. Fazal Din - 10th Baluch Regiment Bhandari Ram - 10th Baluch Regiment Karamjeet Judge -15th Punjab Regiment Gian Singh -15th Punjab Regiment Sher Shah -16th Punjab Regiment Ram Singh - 1st Punjab Regiment Chhelu Ram - 6th Rajputana Rifles Richhpal Ram - 6th Rajputana Rifles Kamal Ram - 8th Punjab Regiment Parkash Singh - 8th Punjab Regiment Abdul Hafiz - 9th Jat Infantry Yeshwant Ghadge - Maratha Light Infantry Namdeo Jadav - Maratha Light Infantry Nand Singh - Sikh Regiment Two things leap out at me; 1. Very long on Punjabi's, (well done, boys). 2. Very short on Muslims. Sikhs (from their independent kingdom in Punjab, North West India ) fought side by side with the British in the First Afghan War in 1839 as well. (like the current shambles, not a noble campaign, but they were on-side with us). By then they’d already had plenty of practice fighting Muslims, as the Mohguls (from Iran), were their historic oppressors.
@avnindersinghsangha9398 10 лет назад
basted punjabi is the best language to say u musla sala gay teri musli chak ke punjab cb ch mujra krava ge
@bodweenalex8645 3 года назад
@@ahmedtaqiyya8361 so your Ancestors fought with their Oppressors and by the way why your name is Arabic name
@Corrupt5358 8 лет назад
Nothing great about Britain anymore, these people don't integrate they hang around in their own groups and don't even speak the language , we should NEVER have joined the EU. We have ALL of the disadvantages and NONE of the advantages.
@die4europa280 8 лет назад
+Sir To You We should never have handed the jews victory in ww2 *
@dennisstephen6716 8 лет назад
+White guy who loves justice and black people How did the Jews win ww2?
@davidjose1253 8 лет назад
+Sir To You -
@williamsanchez4506 8 лет назад
you are a fuckin racist
@davidjose1253 8 лет назад
@dejabu24 10 лет назад
I'm an immigrant my self and what I see that most immigrants do wrong most of the time it's that they bring their whole culture with them including their customs and habits, as an immigrant I try very hard to speak the local language with a native accent , and more important I do not impose my old customs into a foreign country if you are an immigrant you have to adapt your self to the natives customs and habits, in other words you have to embrase the local lifestyle and habits , this will make your integration to the local society more simple and easy
@lucilledelorme 10 лет назад
I think if more newcomers to this country had your attitude only the truly bigoted would find a reason to object but then some people will always feel like that regardless of how you behave. I admire your mindset and hope you find the UK a more welcoming place because of it. I'm glad you're here.
@bigjazzer9888 10 лет назад
Well Jeffrey its people like you who are welcome and are appreciated for the fact that you came to be part of a culture and not try and change it - try to get a native accent - give it up mate you will never talk like a cockney!!!
@sunxet 10 лет назад
basically like the British in the British colonies... this is just the same thing, just reversed and the immigrants are not exploiting the British people ;)
@bigjazzer9888 10 лет назад
sunxet I don't agree, the British didn't live in the Colonies on benefits, in fact they brought with them a better quality of life and education - well at least that is what the people previously affected told me when I worked in India and Bangladesh + nobody has said immigrants exploit the British people, but some do exploit the British system
@garibaldiamy 10 лет назад
sunxet THE EMPIRE CAME TO AN END AND THE BRITS LEFT. When are the 10 million legals and the 2 million illegals going to leave ?
@18T220 10 лет назад
Once you get to know the immigrants they are mostly nice people... Apart from the Muslims.
@marinangelov 5 лет назад
...and the gypsies.
@louisepatricia1019 Год назад
Idiot !!!
@BrightRomeo 10 лет назад
What i don't understand is why talk about the Romanians and Bulgarians emigrating to England when there are Africans and Indians a lot over triple the number causing a lot more serious trouble/crimes ? It's a bit like.. ignore the huge other worrying numbers and focus on the smaller ones. Not intelligent at all.
@kynaan09 10 лет назад
Romans Still/ shop lift, even more dump there waste to the streets.
@kynaan09 10 лет назад
Blacks and Indians never BEG IN THE STREET.
@GETTHEDEUCE 10 лет назад
The trouble is the UK is small & we don't have enough jobs, houses, schooling for the British people so why do they think we can help the Eastern Europeans, if we didn't have a health service paid by the taxes & a social security hand outs would they still come here, maybe they would to commit crimes
@BrightRomeo 10 лет назад
keynaan gentelman LOOL, i assume that your opinion is based on judging 2-3 of those nationalities. You're making it sound like puking in the street, consuming drugs, self depriving/destructing/harming, been anti social with no morals or ethics is more Eco Friendly. Honestly, you sound like you read only a few pages of a book.
@GETTHEDEUCE 10 лет назад
It would be so much easier if migrants were like a box of chocolates keep the nice ones & throw out the toffees
@tomthomas9708 10 лет назад
Immigration for economic reasons such as skill and labour shortages makes good sense but open borders into an already overcrowded, overstretched country with an estimated 1000 or more migrants arriving per day while unemployment still stands at well over 2 million follows no sensible logic whatsoever. We still have nearly a million unemployed young people in Britain not to mention shortages of school places. Commonsense has to prevail sooner or later. Before you liberal leftie Guardian readers start hurling insults at me, please firstly consider the logic in my comments. I have nothing against anyone.
@TheChannelThatTimeForgot 10 лет назад
Fantastic post. Wholeheartedly agree with you. Get ready for chants of 'racism'.
@koppatroppa2002 10 лет назад
How come all British media start to given out about emigration only since romanians and bulgarians got free movement and full EU rights which qas 01/01/2014 but all gossips and defame actually started in middle of 2013 ?? What makes you thing Tom its the reason of all this because im so confuse about british politic in past decades oe so? Look back in 2004 when 10 countries enjoyed free movement and full equal rights ehat happened: Poles where waiting in old rusty busses at the Uk border and not only, queuing for miles, waiting midnight hour bang, ready to over take the hole island UK & Ireland and start to work for as little as 2.50€/hour !!! Not so much on media about it in past 10years but learning from past the hole UK feared that everything will happen again now, and what happened ???? Only 25 thousands of romanians and bulgarians came in since 1st of January! Your politicians fuc.ked up again and show again how drunk they are..as for no one surprise. You have over half million poles in UK registered at the moment. Maybe you should talk about this issue more!!
@talboters44 10 лет назад
koppatroppa2002 Its not the europeans that bother me. its the muslins who cant be content with the life here but want to change it to what they escaped from
@clemalford 10 лет назад
Thank Blair, Brown and New Labour!!
@derdriui 10 лет назад
Paul Morris ... where did you get that from? This documentary said that it was for economic reasons. Jack Straw, Labour Home Secretary, apologized; David Blunkett didn't. But nobody said it was for any reason other than economic. In fact, what other reason could it conceivably have been?
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
A banker, a Daily Mail reader and an immigrant are sitting at a table. On the table there are 12 biscuits. The banker takes 11 of the biscuits and says to the Daily Mail reader, "watch out, the Eastern European immigrant is going to take your biscuit!"
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
No squabbling, its a daily mail free zone !
@technomad9071 5 лет назад
you forgot the part where the banker sent the reader to eastern Europe to destroy there country
@calpatus1149 5 лет назад
@@BelfastBandit there goes your workforce
@core-nix1885 3 года назад
"Mail reader" (evil gammon) takes 1 Immigrant takes 3; one for each brother Banker takes 8 Taxpayer pays the bill
@pierrzmalaka 10 лет назад
I'm not from the U.K but notice that when he mentions the origins of the immigrants (Afghanistan, Iraq) don't forget the Indian and the Arab people which weren't mentioned in the movie, those are all countries which were invaded by the U.K or have been attacked by troops that were sent from the U.K after it joined forces with the united states. So it's only natural for those people to immigrate elsewhere after their countries have been demolished and continuously being occupied by allied forces till this day. They shouldn't be blamed for migrating in my opinion.
@stephenbarry14w 10 лет назад
Nonsense. These countries were poor. We brought technology, medicine, and all the benefits of the modern world. Every country and people was aggressive and selfish back then, we were just better at it.
@kkkk-yd2zx 10 лет назад
stephenbarry14w Technology was not brought to improve lives, say example railways were brought in to carry the wealthy resources back to britain. And those countries were not poor, do u think if they were poor britian would build colonies ?? though benefits were also there .... the loss is heavy !!! To know how it would feel ..just wait and see when british would be colonised by others... yeah benefits.. offcourse u can see them as well !! So that day you ask yourself and you will get the answer whether brtish really helped or not :) No offense its the past ...but truth is ugly ;p
@steamknife1 10 лет назад
stephenbarry14w LOL. British brought opium to China. You need to think more thoroughly about this of controversial issue.
@karlslicher8520 10 лет назад
***** We brought the 21st century to the entire world. Good and bad, you like being alive? You most probably owe that to the British empire. With the opium and the slaves as with all the greed, all Britain did was beat the competition. China had no problems getting opium before the British globalised trade. I would think that seizing Hong Kong island and killing 250,000 people are probably more contentious events.
@karlslicher8520 10 лет назад
Blah b That is why we blocked the attack on Syria. No one wanted it and nearly as many were 100% against it. Since the gulf we here in the UK have been getting to know what our government is doing at home and aboard. We now know we have a US style corporate "democracy" and we really don't trust anything they say anymore. No one wanted our lads dying to make corporate shareholders more money. I doubt you will ever see UK-US invasions of oil nations again.
@blackiesun 8 лет назад
Problem is they tend to form large communities and don't integrate with the Brits. Some don't even know a word of English. They want to live like they live in their country but with the benefits living in the UK guarantees. I say this as an immigrant from the EU myself who has not claimed a single penny in benefits lol
@blackiesun 8 лет назад
It's a fact Eastern Europeans and Asians etc tend to stick with their own
@solymi 7 лет назад
like Britons do?
@6thi874 7 лет назад
All of our inner city areas are run-down and scruffy. Tourists are dropping off because our cities are not multi ethnic, they are muslim. London and Birmingham look like Pakistan. Chinese Airlines warn tourists about the massive amount of muslims in our cities, as a matter of course. Personally I hate seeing those grotesque pink edifices they call mosques that they stick on our very British streets. If I want to build a shed, I need building permission and it has to fit in with the local surroundings. How the fuck does a big, gross pink building with fucking palm trees, fit in Lancashire? its ridiculous.
@blackiesun 7 лет назад
***** Brits are in their own country. Can't mingle with Muslims anyway because Muslims want you to change and become a Muslim to fully accept you among them. French, Spanish and so on don't create ghettos like Muslims. Find me an area in London where it's all French or Spanish. Go to east London. It's Pakiland.
@helenoftroy9621 6 лет назад
david gn...that's the problem....legislation to accommodate this are the new laws....and the law is an ass.....eg...it's ok for polish to say in UK only employing polish & ok for others to do same...but not the british...they are not allowed to do that because the change agents are in place. ie phillips of equality and human rights commission...what is he? who is he? what's his purpose? Who do you think is funding the thousands of handcar washes on every town & city exit...& yet the same corp funding that is putting other businesses out of business with crap new policies or ridiculous council taxes. So your last sentence is crap if you are a real brit..you truly are now a second class citizen. I feel sorry for the youth of today...those born in the 50s mostly were able to have a good life not for the youth of today. anti depressants are handed out like sweets and this is all social engineering - don't like to even go to the suicide rates of 17-29 yo males....THAT'S SO WHAT
@wisequeens 8 лет назад
its not the polish people that worry most britons its the tide from non EU countries, russians, pakistani, indian, african. the recent happenings in Syria have opened the door to millions in the middle east and far east, britain is going to be swamped and the NHS and schools just wont cope, they already are struggling. They have lost control.
@SystemzOverload 5 лет назад
maybe the right wing should stop cutting NHS and education budgets then? perhaps tax the rich instead of cutting it all the time? damn, if only we didnt lose all them NHS nurses from the right wing cuts, and the fact they're stopped the benefit to people learning to become nurses... ohh shit... your wrong.
@margo3073 3 года назад
@pjdsa Polish are NOT related to Russians,look things up before you start to make any comments.
@kamrankamal9429 8 лет назад
So if the British people got off their asses and took any job going regardless of how little it is viewed in the peoples' eyes (or in their own eyes), then foreigners wouldn't be needed to fill that economic gap. Sounds like a plan!
@paulnolan8454 8 лет назад
But if they took a job they wouldn't have any time for youtube and facebook!
@robicenco1 9 лет назад
Mr Strawberry Farmer says British workers won't pick strawberries. They will, if you pay them a fair wage. But you don't want to do that - you prefer to undercut them with imported scab labour. That's the reality of it.
@danielcarter5654 3 года назад
They have to pay the minimum wage to supply red tractor grade food products whilst I would not work for 8.50 if people on the dole did there would not be a needful migrant workers
@robicenco1 3 года назад
@@danielcarter5654 That's assuming that we would only ever want to pay people the bare minimum for doing work that is quite hard and physically demanding, and valuable. If we were prepared to pay a little more, it would be a viable job for people in a society that likes to think it has decent living standards. We only need migrant workers for this kind of job if we insist on it always being as low-paid as possible.
@bartvertrees4626 8 лет назад
Just wanting to improve the life of your family, by JOINING British people in their workforce, is no reason to be against them. However, when THEY want to CHANGE your laws, disrespect your government, to make things just like they were in the country they left? That's the time to resist immigration.
@henriquemateus5479 8 лет назад
I´m Portuguese. This means I´m one of this migrants. However I fully agree with all the measures to control migration. Not only in UK but in all Europe. "In Rome be Roman"... I'm working hard, paying my taxes, heating, sleeping, and living like a British... This should be the main rule in any country. And if necessary to fight for this country I will do it as well.
@MadIslowlygoing 9 лет назад
The idea of hiring translators is to be honest ridiculous. I moved from the UK to Mexico with two young daughters of school age. They had no choice but to learn the language here, and have integrated really well. One has just finished her degree, and the other is top of her class in University. Not insisting on them adapting would have been a disaster for them.
@suprensa4393 3 года назад
What prompted a migration from the UK to Mexico?
@TheJbrFan 2 года назад
Economic migrant 😂
@Fantom6400 2 года назад
So you left the UK for similar economic reasons. Mmm, strange!.
@karaloca 6 лет назад
The video title is contradictory, it says “The Truth...”, then says “BBC”. Truth and BBC don’t belong in the same sentence.
@scottmorrison8593 4 года назад
@wansichen3743 4 года назад
the amount of bigotry needed to say that is astronomical
@rickmorty9861 3 года назад
It was literally impossible for them to lie, all he did was state facts and go around asking people about it in different areas
@karaloca 3 года назад
Rick Morty seems you don’t understand how a lie works.
@Traveler-jv7jt 8 лет назад
Worth watching it! Many thanks for the upload m8!
@AFGuidesHD 10 лет назад
BBC... already know where this is going
@jakemyhill4985 3 года назад
Nice to see you here
@valentinfarias7134 3 года назад
What do u mean?
@Clichet8 9 лет назад
I'm a Finnish guy who visited London for the first time two weeks ago. Was shocked to see how diverse it actually was. The streets, stores etc were all literally packed with immigrants. What have you guys done? At times I felt like I was the only white guy around. The only places that actually felt English were the few pubs and restaurants that I visited. I just never see this happening to my country. We are patriotic enough to keep the scum out. Sure, we take immigrants too, but with moderation.
@michaelhill5272 9 лет назад
Clichet8. 30 years ago one Sunday morning I drove from where I lived at the time, in south London, through Lewisham, Deptford, New Cross, Peckham, Camberwell, Herne Hill, Brixton and Stockwell and even then I played "spot the white guy". Almost all the people I saw were black and of the whites, it's anyone's guess how many were English. I used to know Balham, Tooting and that area well and went back there, and it was little India. They had taken over completely. Whites are now a minority in London, and actual English people an even smaller minority. It's been a dozen years since I went to Finland and I think one or two black faces was all. Then again, you don't have Britain's ridiculously generous benefits system where immigrants who have never worked and never paid a penny in taxes can get free money, a free house, and more benefits to live in than most working people.
@Clichet8 9 лет назад
Michael Hill Interesting post. The words "taken over" indeed came to my mind when I was walking the streets of London. I mean the architecture etc was there to remind me that I was in one of the most historic cities in the world. Yet every single person I could see was a muslim, indian, black or something. The pubs I visited only had white English people though. The immigrants here in Finland get the same ridiculous benefits unfortunately, and especially the muslim immigrants are 99% unemployed, and just spend their days hanging out downtown, shopping, buying new clothes etc. But like I said, our immigration policy is strict for a number of reasons.
@vincentwood8858 9 лет назад
how dare you I love my country its the dam governments fault ive joined edl and had a lot of fights with eastern Europeans and Muslim extremists
@michaelhill5272 9 лет назад
vincent wood The people are not happy with politicians. In Britain, UKIP are giving the three main political parties trouble by promising to do something about immigration.
@vincentwood8858 9 лет назад
I meant David Cameron
@silversurfers7 6 лет назад
...I like the presenters questions, straight to the point, best questions ever! Truly well thought out! Well done Nick Robinson and all others that helped in!
@hannahelvete 9 лет назад
When business owners say 'Immigrants work much harder than UK people' what they really mean is 'We don't want to pay minimum wage to our workers nor do we want to treat them like people'
@sigmuntking8529 9 лет назад
***** Comrade Putin, the artificially high minimum wage is one of the reasons for mass immigration from third world countries. Another one is generous wlfare that the Brits and immigrants alike can avail themselves, so why work?
@sigmuntking8529 9 лет назад
TheCashistrash You get no argument from me. You are correct, the government is there to protect people and national interests and not to enforce multiculturalism which sets up all those diverse groups at each other throats and sooner or later leads to problems. If there is shortage of workers in any developed country their native people should simply have more children and not import hostile people from third world countries and 7th century cultures.
@Zidar4561 6 лет назад
Another One when they say immigrants works much harder than UK people they really mean that immigrants works much harder that UK people so stop crying because its true
@dareczek63 10 лет назад
4:45 there is the full answer. I work for an employment agency and this is a full truth for hundreds of farmers, food production plants, construction sites and many others which offer a simple and low payed jobs. I remember in 2009 our agency was offering a job in a food packing plant near Berwick upon Tweed - a place affected by a very high unemployment, one of the highest in Britain and it was recession this time. We wanted to offer a job for the locals first and we asked the Berwick jobcentre for help. They sent us a whole bus (40 people) of young local jobseekers and you know what? After 3 days there was only 1 person left. We also employed other locals directly and there was the same problem. The money we offered was absolutely the same for everyone.There are whole industries in this country depend on immigrants because they can not find workers among the British. Send them home and stop food production, construction, transport and logistics and many others.They will never pay much but someone has to do these jobs anyway. I don't belive that this businesses will find employees in this country.
@tomdrowry 10 лет назад
All Britain's food production ,construction sites & farms were working perfectly fine before Tony Bliar opened the door to Mass immigration. Then bosses had to pay a fair wage that Brits could live on then. Now Britain is getting poorer , dependent on dirt cheap foreign labour. & there is a massive housing shortage, schools & doctors surgeries are overcrowded.
@dareczek63 10 лет назад
Yes, maybe you are right. I just say what I know from my experience working 15 years in recruitment business in the UK.
@Mortifrog 10 лет назад
I don't doubt that what you say is true, however, to just open our borders, was complete madness and a quick fix solution that will ultimately cause many more problems than it solves. The problem of British people refusing to work or do certain jobs has been caused by a completely lax and over generous benefits system combined with a failure of the education system and possibly many more factors. We should have addressed the root problem which is an underclass of people who are happy to stay home and smoke weed, drink and procreate at the taxpayers expense rather than attempt to fix it by importing people to do the jobs that the lazy Brits won't do. In many ways, I don't even blame the lazy people because their families have been sold down the river by arrogant politicians for decades and whole communities have just been left to rot. Quality of life for all Her Majesty's subjects should be the number one priority, not the balance sheet of Britain.
@marieantoniacowan8000 10 лет назад
I would like to point out a lot of british companies like employing non british workers. due to one simple fact cheaper labour resulting in bigger profits. so what I am basically saying is " brits are being sold out, by there own"
@alexandrebernard8672 6 лет назад
this is a very informative documentary. It explores this issue in great depth. Well done. And thank you.
@urungu21 6 лет назад
simply awesome documentary, great work!
@bozbicinicolae9656 10 лет назад
You cannot call it good or bad, you can call it moving forward.... I am born in Romania and I still live here but it's not my home. My home is Planet Earth, we are all humans and we all share a planet. I hate when people label one another by any criteria like skin color, religion and even the place you are born. Sure, economy, culture and many other things differ but I think that is a good thing because we can learn from one another. I also think we have to help changing bad ideas trough education. The lack of education leads to bad and anti-social behavior and that is the real problem and avoiding this problem is not going to solve it. Thanks, Nick, 23 years old romanian dude who wants globalization.
@grai 10 лет назад
if your country was successful and was invaded by foreigners your feeling would be different - of course you love UK immigration you have been rescued by it! The Londoners are a minority in their own city! don;t say to them "think global" you'll get fucking lynched mate
@bozbicinicolae9656 10 лет назад
grai I am not saying it's good for the locals, It's just the way things go and it will happen sooner or later. I do not love and I have not been rescued by UK immigration. I live good enough in this country you seem to hate and if I ever choose to relocate it will not be because of the money. One more thing since you probably missed it from the documentary, usually the immigrants are grateful for jobs that UK citizens try to avoid. For better jobs there is more competition indeed but that leads to better results usually. Are you afraid of competition? if a foreigner that comes from a country with worse economy that probably had much worse education than you takes your job, is probably better at what he does. I do not deny that there are some issues but immigration improves your country's economy and that means that the lifestyle will improve.
@grai 10 лет назад
you are dreaming if you think immigrants are doing all menial jobs in the UK!! there are more menial jobs than there are immigrants!! And guess who is doing them! THE "LAZY" BRITISH!! you immiogrants have been told a lie that you are holding up Britain ans its entire economy! It's insane - we do not need you here amd we do not want you here 77% of Britisj believe immigrants are bad for the host society they do not worry about money alone the way the politicians do you do not benefit this country you benefit yourself and yourself only If you have not been resued by the UKeconomy what are you doing here? Go home and build your own country the way the British did after the war - and when people like you invade it and call you lazy you will understand
@bozbicinicolae9656 10 лет назад
grai oh dear.... I do not need to go home, I am already home, I said before I am still living in Romania. You might be right about some things but I will surely get more info on the matte but I never said it's pleasant for the UK citizens. You should blame your government for the way they deal with the situation instead of blaming an immigrant. Of course they move to UK since some make like 400$/year at home. What would you do? In my opinion you are a scumbag for thinking like that since you did not choose where to be born, you were just lucky enough to be born in the UK instead of India or other low economy country.
@dchubad 10 лет назад
listen to al those EU countries complain when we say we are full, now how big are their countries compared to the UK? yes we are just a tiny island and we are way too full
@robbertschuiling9164 10 лет назад
Are you serious now? Tiny island? The UK is the 10th country by size in whole Europe.. Look at our country (Holland)... 10 times smaller and way more immigrants...
@voice.of.reason 10 лет назад
Robbert sCHUILING That may be but compare the UK to France, Germany or Australia with regard to population density
@GETTHEDEUCE 10 лет назад
Germany France Spain Holland etc send the migrants to the Uk because it is an Island & they want to dump all the trash on us, we are a dumping ground for their waste
@GETTHEDEUCE 10 лет назад
Robbert sCHUILING How many Africans muslims Asians in Holland?
@GETTHEDEUCE 10 лет назад
Why compare countries idiot? If the Uk take in more migrants where will they live, what about schooling for children or jobs, we can't support our own people so get real & answer my questions Housing Jobs Schooling Health care social security will wait for your answers
@RonWylie-gk5lc 6 лет назад
It is not rocket science, the Tory's has stripped staff from the very service needed to fight illegal immigration, of course they have, cheap labour for their supporters agencies and factory owners. Everyone knows it has been out of control for years now and we will struggle to ever get back the way we were. These tories have sold our streets out for cheap labour, and you can bet these people are NOT living on their doorstep.
@TheMabes69 7 лет назад
I'm sad for what the UK once was.
@JamesJones-id1fk 5 лет назад
very true.
@stephenlewis2124 10 лет назад
You often hear the catch-phrase "We are a nation of immigrants" get bandied about as a defense for letting anyone and everyone inhabit your land. This is a ludicrous comeback. The human animal is inherently migratory. The Indians migrated into North America just as the Vikings did and the Spaniards and eventually the rest of Europe. The Indian is no more "native" than the European. Where this whole "We are a nation of immigrants" fails tremendously is that it does not account for the distinct and unique character of various waves of immigration. In other words, the immigrants that entered America in the early parts of the last century are not the same as the waves of immigrants entering the nation today. So to generalize all immigration is a not-so-cunning defense of what is in my opinion a corrupt policy that has been allowed to degenerate into a social illness. People, just because it's human nature to migrate does not mean I should allow every miscreant, criminal and root digger to convert my suburb into a ghetto. That's just stupid and I'm surprised people have tolerated this excuse for so long. No, what makes a nation is cohesion and strength. That's what defines a nation, people. Not this "we're just a diverse blanket made of many fabrics" horsepucky. No nation was ever consolidated and rendered mighty by that line of logic.
@1spikelet 10 лет назад
Stephen dont let the propaganda shit take us of the real question and that is were we ever asked??? did you ever get any post through your door asking if you wanted immigration? Nothing !!!! Not even a democratic vote on it. But you have a point on clever brandishing us a nation of immigrants this saying comes from the 1st generation of migrants. I dont and will not ever reckonise that bullshit phrase. Its like talking to me in pakistany ha ha
@450celtic 10 лет назад
Argue that foreigners, no matter how nice or productive or pitiable they may be, should not be allowed to immigrate to the extent that it alters the local culture, race, language, ethnic identity, and so on. Whether or not this is “nice” is irrelevant. This removes the ability for the left to appeal to compassion or equality, and without their emotion-based footing, their arguments become unpersuasive.
@1spikelet 10 лет назад
Jersey I totally agree.
@theuglykwan 10 лет назад
USA? China?
@stefo2000 10 лет назад
It's worse here in Vancouver Canada. Every 3rd citizen is of non western descent!
@stefo2000 10 лет назад
Rick Ramirez I am born in Canada you fucking third world piece of shit! My background is Serbian
@stefo2000 10 лет назад
Rick Ramirez It kills me to see third world immigrants like you in the west. When i speak, i speak for all of the western world regardless if im Serbian or not. us westerners should unite as one against you people.
@stefo2000 10 лет назад
Rick Ramirez Wrong! Serbia is a second world country and still rapidly growing... Mexico Is growing, but not as rapidly growing as it did a few years ago.
@stefo2000 10 лет назад
Rick Ramirez Oh plus, Europe is one continent not really corrupt between East and West like most south American countries are. But good try..
@MrSailoruk 10 лет назад
Stefan Visekruna i hate to judge people but these is what i really had to say, you suffer from superior complexity in your personal life, this thread here is just nothing but a mirror that reflects your problem. people had have been moving throughout the history for their betterment. Most of those scientists who has helped us to live in peace, technology even this internet that you are using at this second is hard work of an immigrant who didnt and was not ashamed what they were or to make themselves superior to any even generalised any geographical areas that could use their research.
@sirfanrehman 8 лет назад
great show. good job ☺ on topic
@D.von.N 9 лет назад
One thing was not presented correctly in this documentary. They call gypsy people Slovaks like if this was their main trait. No, they are first gypsies and then Slovaks. They live in many other EU countries and they basically act similarly everywhere - most of them, not all. Slovakia is a beautiful country with very good people, which struggles with gypsies of its own. It is them who are typically known for lacking social skills, basic hygiene standards, often a will to work and only expecting money flowing to them for nothing. For many of them to work is a shame and they seek any other ways of getting money. I appreciate the film makers tried to avoid labeling people based on their skin colour, in a bid to avoid being named as racists, but things have to be presented correctly. Most white Slovaks are not acting like what you have seen on the streets of Sheffield, but most gypsies do act like that anywhere. It is an ethnic with its specific traits, which really does clash with general European standards of culture. If you ever came to Slovakia and see its true face, you would understand how misreporting this documentary was.
@ad8369 10 лет назад
England is a small old country and it is not a good idea to encourage immigration like Canada and USA.
@OfficialFatLip 10 лет назад
but ok to immigrate romas, africans, asians right?
@ad8369 10 лет назад
Fat Lip USA has ample land area for people who want to immigrate.
@OfficialFatLip 10 лет назад
FEMA camps?
@american37 10 лет назад
***** Native Americans allowed their country to be overrun by immigrants and look what happened to them. And now the liberals and progressives want Europeans to make the same mistake as did those Native Americans. That would be the height of idiocy --- a failure to learn from history.
@lovinghope5741 10 лет назад
Adrian - could you be any weaker in your position? I mean it's ok to love your race and culture and want to keep it from being destroyed..
@sayantandasgupta9605 10 лет назад
These guys were everywhere in the world, They were in India illegally for 150 years, now facing illegal immigration is nothing but a taste of their own medicine.
@tot66661 8 лет назад
I really like the video, I want to show it in my class but I was wondering if you know where I can get the subtitles for the video? Thank you.
@TheMasterTMTheMaster1507 8 лет назад
Click on the setting symbol and look for automatically generated subtitles. I don't think there is a other option of getting the subtitles... English subtitles can be generated by RU-vid as I said. The setting symbol is the small ''round'' one. ( Same one for changing the Video quality ) Maybe that helped you :)
@ahmedbaig7279 7 лет назад
It is an exhaustive documentary. In 2000 I travelled to Canada enroute to London Great Britain where I spent few days and to meet my elder son who was studying business and living with a relative. The heatro airport was too congested. The metro looked me old fashoniond and I had to change two trains to reach my destination in Eastern London.The next day I wondered the Oxford street, Trafalgar Square. My relative took me to South Hall to his jewellary shop in his car. He told me that he was paying taxes yearly 45000-50000 pounds. Travelling in metros and double deker buses with my son as a guide, I enjoyed a lot. It is worthwhile to go to England.
@TheVirtualny 10 лет назад
Viktor Orban Hungarian president said, "that it's time for Poland to seek for being a superpower". Do you know what I mean? In the Middle Ages, Poland was the richest country in Europe. It was also one country in the world which conquered the Moscow and stay there for over 5 years. Poland was a very open country for immigrants. Many immigrants were coming to Poland at that time including Scots and Englishman. Even one district in Gdansk today called a New Scotland. Ii will be good if the BBC interviewed with some people as Norman Davies. He has a lot of knowledge about Poland. He also wrote a good book "Goods playground" with one I Recommend to everyone. You could find him on RU-vid too. The German historian Hans Henning Hahn said that in the 19th of century the same opinions about the Germans have in Europe as today about Poland. What I Will wrote a lot. Poland today is a much better country than it was 10 years ago, and if you polish people return today with all your experience, education and other things with did you get in GB Poland will be a superpower in Europe again.
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
Poland does not need hordes of American and English historians to lecture us about our history. I find your proposal highly offensive. Unflattering associations about Poland you are alluding to are pumped day in and day out to the public sphere by the media, in an attempt to forge the 'enemy' myth, thus diverting the attention from the crimes of the bankers and from effective handover of Britain to Asia and to the Middle East. Indians are running English Banks and Telecoms. Chinese are diverting their phoney, ill gotten riches into viable real estate, businesses and utilities in the UK. I much hope that the public will soon realise what is really going on.
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
We know that you are German. We do not need Germans to lecture us on our history either!
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
Blah b Thank you for demeaning my country (surprise, surprise!).
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
That sounds very interesting and I appreciate your candour, but you are completely off topic.
@adrborn8127 10 лет назад
Remember that England means Land of the Angles, a Germanic tribe of immigrants. The English language is a fusion of German and Norman French. Genetics prove high levels of Viking and Roman blood. Britain appears to be a Celtic name, from Gallic French immigrants. The earliest known name was Albion. How many can claim to be 'Albionese'? The real problems here are the instability of the boom and bust economy, belief that expectation/rights are some kind of privileged birthright and imbalances in education/welfare/employment/pay etc.... If those problems were sorted out, there would be few complaints. Immigration would hardly be an issue. Nor would emigration.
@DonegalRaymie201 10 лет назад
Wrong! The Angles & Saxons were NOT immigrants, they were conquerors, who arrived after the Romans left, and you're talking absolute shite about Genetics; the Romans left no more than traces in the population here, despite ruling southern Britain for nearly 400 years... They simply didn't breed with the Native Britons. And 'Britain' is a cognate of "Pretanni", they oldest known name for the inhabitants of these islands, in their Native language. There's feck all "Gallic French" about it!
@adrborn8127 10 лет назад
***** 'Albion (Ancient Greek: Ἀλβίων) is the oldest known name of the island of Great Britain,' en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albion. Pytheas's 'Pretanni' was 320BC but Albion was 6th Century BC. HOwever, there is around 9000 years unaccounted for.... Even Dark Ages history is still in the dark ages but modern historians are moving towards the belief that the Anglo-Saxon 'invasion' was more a process of slow settlement after initial raids but whether this was conquest or settlement is irrelevant to the question of whether migration occurred. Migration did occur. That is beyond doubt. There is even a theory that the first Anglo Saxons where brought here by the Romans. Yorkshire has a particular Y chromosome cluster attributed to the Roman Empire. Certainly the languages and culture of the Britons when the Romans arrrived and history started were Celtic.
@DonegalRaymie201 10 лет назад
Adr Born And Alba is still the name for Scotland in Gaelic.....but 'Britain' is named after the PEOPLE, who called themselves 'Pretannoi'! "The term Britain is a linguistic descendant (reflex) of one of the oldest known names for the island currently referred to as Great Britain. The terms Briton, British and British Isles, similarly derived, refer to its inhabitants and the smaller islands in the vicinity. Britain is the only ancient name for these islands to survive in general usage. Its first written appearance was by Pytheas of Massalia in the 4th century BCE. It originates with a group of P-Celtic speakers, resident on the island, who referred to themselves by the earliest known form of the term British." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britain_%28placename%29 Like I told you, there's feck all 'Gallic French' about it!! And 80% of the population of these islands are STILL descended from the earliest settler's who recolonized Britain & Ireland after the last Ice Age!
@grai 10 лет назад
so what are you saying? Britain as a national identity as a history as a monarchy as a culture doesn't exist because 900 years ago there were some Danes here? for fuck's sake if that wasn't so funny I would be offended
@DonegalRaymie201 10 лет назад
grai The very idea, of a 'National Identity' is a modern 1, ANYWHERE in the World! The idea of 'Britishness' was invented only in the 17th Century, when King James VI of Scotland inherited the throne of England & Ireland...... He wanted the English to become the 'Southern British', the Scots, the 'North British', and the Irish the 'West Brits'!
@DanielAbrahamMystery 9 лет назад
Never underestimate the ability of people to hide problems.... :/
@levasn7596 8 лет назад
Australian prime minister Turnbull said: “It is not compulsory to live in Australia. If you find Australian values, you know, unpalatable, then there’s a big wide world out there and people have got freedom of movement,” He is a man with backbone and a sane mind. Not like the foolish liberal European leaders.
@Viscontius 9 лет назад
The amount of immigration in UK and other western countries reached mad level. I myself am from Czech republic and dont like this; I believe UK has right to restrict immigration even if it would include Czech people (who actually rarely immigrate to UK). I think Czech republic has good luck of not being so much populated by immigrants and I think we have opportunity to learn from UK mistakes - provided that UK will not try to force us to repeat them in act of solidarity or support of multicultural ideals. Globally, I believe immigration is damaging economies at least in eastern europe. If Mr. Brooks, the strawberry farmer, wanted to have his strawberries picked, without cheap labor of eastern european immigrants he would have to pay much better salaries to locals to motivate them to come picking strawberries to his farm. That would increase his cost and would create a good opportunity for farmers in Romania, who could start their own farms and export strawberries to UK. This would result in establishing local businessmen in Romania and jobs for Romanians in Romania. However, the current model using immigrants to pick strawberries has simple effect: Mr. Brooks has no need to increase salaries, he can keep low price of his strawberries, so for Romanians in Romania, no opportunity arises, just misery and hope to become UK immigrant. If a farmer in Romania would have started a strawberry farm, he could not hope in selling his strawberries to UK, because UK has cheap strawberries due to work of Romanian immigrants. The only Romanian businessmen are those who organize import of goods from UK and other countries, because local economy does not provide opportunity to create local businessmen running farms or factories - local people are very poor, so goods would have to be sold at very low price to people and return of investment in building farm or factory would be very bad, whilst import from UK is much more efficient than starting local factory: the goods imported from UK are so cheap - no wonder, because they are manufactured by low paid immigrants, many of them from Romania! The circle of misery and no exit closes...
@Viscontius 9 лет назад
So in the end, balance between economies in europe is blocked by immigration - first, due to underpriced work of immigrants in West, second due to missing oportunities in east to establish own businesses to improve quality of life - partially because of decreased capability of companies in east to compete because of cost in west decreased by immigrants and partially becaus of missing workforce and buying power in east (they became immigrants). It might appear beneficial for UK, but in long term it could destroy national identity of UK. And by the way - immigrants from Poland or Romania are the least threat to UK identity, its mostly about immigrants from outside EU.
@ryanbadgerheart 10 лет назад
I am surprised English people seems to have forgot the massive contribution Polish and Czech\Slovakian soldiers have given during WWII. Many of them died for the Union Jack...
@tomdrowry 10 лет назад
The British who went to war to defend Poland , the Poles should be thanking the British sacrifice, not the other way round.
@ryanbadgerheart 10 лет назад
Thomas Drowry During WWII after Poland was defeated by Germani in 1939 many Polish and Czech/Slovakian soldier volunteer to join the British Army and the Royal British Air Force many Polish and Czech pilot they made a massive contribution to protect British skies from the Luftwaffe and avoided a German land invasion that would have cost Britain a lot more that already had.... Those soldiers were given 20 days to leave after the War ended when they returned home majority of them were jailed by the Soviet System they found in the country... there is a beautiful movie and a beautiful book I suggest you look up :en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Blue_World
@phenny100 9 лет назад
I wonder what's the name of the song at this moment 28:00?
@MrCorneliusful 9 лет назад
From my experience the Poles who settled in Britain after the 2004 EU economic migration are diverse in many ways. They include farmers, skilled workers, unskilled workers, middle-class, and intellectuals; Catholics, Converts to Islam, and atheists; Silesians, Cracovians, and Warsawites; socialists and conservatives; racists and politically correct; rural dwellers and townsfolk; rich and poor; decent folk and criminal anti-social scum; ones who's grandparents fought for Poland alongside Britain in WW2 and those who's grandparents actively collaborated with Nazi Germany. They differ in mentality, views, customs and physical features. A majority had been from farming stock in Poland, and most arrived seeking economic opportunities.
@miyynxxx 10 лет назад
once apon a time the british colonised most of the known world.... now in a strange twist of fate, the world is now coming back to colonise Britain... dont know about you but i call it Karma.
@ukrevolutionaryarmy5044 10 лет назад
no Korma
@kellsfreeman8008 10 лет назад
You think the Brits have it bad? Try living in California or Texas....
@franzschmidt3227 10 лет назад
Yes, but Britons live there for more than thousands of years and dont want to extinct like "Indians".
@ianbillingham7183 10 лет назад
Freeman sounds like an English name to me!!
@jasper5016 10 лет назад
Hi Kells, you said try living in California or Texas, I know most of the immigrants are Asians. Now my question is, how many Indians, Chinese and Japanese people did you see doing illegal activities or make noises ? I am sure NONE. They are hard working people who mind their business. Just don't blame them. Good luck in life.
@450celtic 10 лет назад
***** yeah and I guess Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull were racists.
@450celtic 10 лет назад
You will find out.
@cfcdomino 7 лет назад
To sum up, what is the main meanings in the film. Is it fore or against the immigration?
@scootjockey 8 лет назад
What a fucking mess we are in ..
@johnybecool2810 8 лет назад
Yeah. Brexit will prevent people from bangladesh, india, africa, pakistan comming to the UK. =)
@scottamon8908 7 лет назад
tali x As an educated person were you thought to write "u" instead "you" in school?
@scottamon8908 7 лет назад
tali x so, tell me how is he uneducated if he is expressing his opinion?
@Celevie 7 лет назад
WELL INDIA IS A ECONOMIC POWER HOUSE!! if the population of India was divided in entire europe., THEN THEY WILL COLLAPSE
@annabatarowicz 10 лет назад
if immigration is good for the economy then the economy needs to change
@cmloz 10 лет назад
Nick Robinson knows if he wants to keep alive a career at the BBC, or broadcasting in general, the program has to come down in favour of mass immigration. Dissent is forbidden. To paraphrase Voltaire - if you want to know who your true masters are, think about who/what you can't criticise.
@rasheemreid8945 8 лет назад
at 44:19 I thought hello was gonna play 😂😂😂
@laurielanninster7554 6 лет назад
I can't watch this any longer. So sad at how the UK has been shafted by our politicians.
@666SunTzu666 10 лет назад
If the BBC says its the truth then it must be the truth.
@Fantom6400 2 года назад
I ♥️ BBC
@mirastolp 9 лет назад
I am a specialist in the metallurgical industry. I've never had a problem finding a job in Europe (Germany, Belgium, France, or Germany too), but never in my profession met a representative of Muslims. Why? If they do not want go to work, someone fills this gap. Indeed, East Europe, flooding the UK. But first take back Muslims benefits , then either return to home or will go to work. Problem solved !
@mirastolp 9 лет назад
ufuklarda1gezmisim Religion not, but the people who believe in fairy tales... twat
@ufuklarda1gezmisim 9 лет назад
Miroslaw T. you are part of the fairy tale, muslim, whatever the religion you are a migrant you dumb fuck
@mirastolp 9 лет назад
ufuklarda1gezmisim I am not a migrant, my family lives in Poland. I am a professional and my three months of work (which spends abroad)is sufficient to support my family and build a new home . OK? And you still believe in fairies?
@ufuklarda1gezmisim 9 лет назад
Miroslaw T. you are a fairy, I'm a Turk been here25 years my family has chain of cafe's and we hire Polish as they work and don't moan,not all muslim's are fanatics Ok, happy new year
@ufuklarda1gezmisim 9 лет назад
local people do get hired then fired,lol, HMRC sure exploits people big time, its all nonsense, i'm chatting shit and so is you and most here, crazy moaning people,
@scottawful2094 3 года назад
Ever notice the people who live in places with wonderful weather somehow can’t feed themselves but then in places with the harshest winters and you would think would be nearly impossible to make it, they’re fine
@vingriffin67 7 лет назад
at 32m 48s MP David Blunkett say's "We were on the side of the Angels " Bless !
@rolandhawken6628 10 лет назад
It's all about race , Those who say different are either stupid or afraid .
@TheZEYNUDDIN 10 лет назад
I think, Britain should enjoy their multiculturalism. This gives them very high reputation all over the world. Britain have almost foreign people from all over the world. I am dreaming that one day, my country is also multicultural like UK and USA. This means power.
@stevie6621 10 лет назад
Power my arse. Multiculturalism destroys the native population, it also weakens trust and creates divisions. The western countries are losing power while China heads toward being a superpower.
@stevie6621 10 лет назад
***** China has ecological problems but their living standard has vastly increased over 15 years, there is no denying that. North Korea is following a failed economic doctrine, if not for that they would of been a first world country long ago. As for Germany they were an economic power house long before multiculturalism was a policy. It was the strongest nation before world war two. To think Germany cant survive without multiculturalism is pure nonsense and you know it.
@stevie6621 10 лет назад
***** The Gasterbeiter are low wage workers who have nothing to do with Germany being an industrialized economy. US became the strongest after world war two and as far as the US population goes it was 90% Anglo-European. There in no justification for immigration and it is a tool used by the elites to weaken nations and establish nwo.
@TheZEYNUDDIN 10 лет назад
stevie6621 At the moment, Germany will fucked up if they refuse to be multiculturalism because there are a lot of foreign investments in Germany. Germans cannot force to leave foreigners. Do you know why? Because Germans know very well the impossibility of living without foreigners. They will never ever achieve their future targets. If Germany has a strong economy right now then it is because of foreigners and Germans know this already.
@TheZEYNUDDIN 10 лет назад
stevie6621 China will never be superpower and if you think so then you should go to China and try to live there. Most Chinese people are poor and the life conditions are so bad. Don't believe everything you hear. China cannot run the world and they have never lead the world in the past as well. They have no ability to be superpower. They always make fake products which causes healthy risks. They do not produce high quality. Cheap=poor quality. China also will not take any responsibility for the world's future. There are other developing countries who will be superpower as well.
@brucel10315 6 лет назад
Very interessting and Thanks .
@twist777hz 6 лет назад
The question is not whether Britain has too many immigrants but rather LONDON. Rest assured by venturing outside greater London it's immediately obvious (with the possible exception of certain parts of Birmingham and Manchester) the rest of the country is still predominantly white British.
@johnniejay 10 лет назад
Enoch Powell was a visionary. He must be rolling in his grave at the state of our country.
@unidentified555 10 лет назад
The issue is though that if you were to stop immigration entirely or greatly reduce it in a short period of time it would greatly affect the age distribution of the UK. Unless we're careful, we could findo ourselves in a similar situation to Japan or China with too many older people and not enough young to support them.
@azza2473 10 лет назад
Muslims that are here already are having about 8 kids so don't bring up too many old people
@unidentified555 10 лет назад
The first generations may be having a considerable amount of children however their children, who will have become accustomed to our culture, may just have a few. This is a large jump which would greatly affect the distribution. It's not now that we will be facing these problems, should the event I previously described occur, it's in several decades time.
@ThePathshower 10 лет назад
***** Are they keeping you their nanny otherwise give referance.
@BlinEd1 10 лет назад
Hahaa your profile picture is evil, freaked out thinking there was a spider on my screen then
@unidentified555 10 лет назад
Ed Reid hehehe :)
@GiselleX 9 лет назад
This is a very comprehensive report on British immigration. I wonder how many people in the comment section actually watched this video in its entirety before sharing their views.
@nicoletsanova2963 9 лет назад
I'm just so curious what's gonna happened if one day all of us (eastern europeans) decide to escape UK suddenly, all of us at the same time. What's gonna happen whit the economy here? Regards
@arifnadeem7 10 лет назад
Its a shame that such people exist today, people in Britain are afraid that the foreign workers are taking their jobs, have you guys considered making yourselves employable? Are your children ready to attend colleges? Are you willing to give up the benefits you get from government and wake up early in the morning to work hard for the day or two? I have seen that many young Brits do not want to work hard at school or college, they are afraid of considering subjects like Maths, Physics etc as their main course, while their counterparts from countries like USA, China, India and Brazil are working their asses off to learn the complex subjects and make themselves employable. How are you supposed to fill in talented jobs with such weaklings from Britain who do not know what the value of PI is. I ask have you guys got talented surgeons, scientists, programmers professors etc? Have you? Do you guys really think people in Britain have the balls to consider the above professions? Wake up people, the problem lies within you, being born in a developed country doesn't entitle you to a better job or a life you would have to work hard especially in well developed countries. I imagine that in future the world will be a place where rich countries will have intelligent people from all over the globe and there will be cut throat competition, so embrace yourselves, this has already started in well developed countries and it will spread out to the rest of the world. Intelligent and well educated people make countries and grow economies, your governments might be protecting you now, but sooner or later you are going to see reality in the eyes.
@penguinlivesmatter215 7 лет назад
Rather than blaming the immigrants #Brits should blame their ancestors who followed the path of imperialism. This is bound to happen. What goes around comes around.
@iamcll 7 лет назад
You can't blame someone that's dead and has nothing to do with the problem in this day and age
@penguinlivesmatter215 7 лет назад
They have everything to do with the problem in this day and age. Your ancestors invaded others people home and now see what is happening to your country. Once a Brit said, "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction".
@penguinlivesmatter215 7 лет назад
Brits were worst than Nazis.Go read *Macaulayism*
@allenglack7062 8 лет назад
The question remains: Why is it that a glass blower in the UK earns 6 times what he would earn in Poland?
@carrie2258 8 лет назад
It's not about "we shouldn't fear immigrants", UK is used to having immigrants, immigrants who came to work and assimilate into their new country. It's about immigration being out of control, through a number of factors. Not enough jobs, housing, schools being over-subscribed, welfare system at the brink of implosion and the strain on the NHS. It is insane to think that any country, especially one as small as England, can take in an unlimited number of immigrants and migrants. If there is enough employment, housing, schools, welfare benefits etc., a country still needs to keep a cap on immigration and migration, for the sake of their own citizens and society at large.
@juanluishuertavivar1113 10 лет назад
what I dislike about the imperialist power is that they go to the colonies take their wealth, and then they leave the colony poor and then they get mad when the bees fly to the Queen's Nest.
@kennethslade8468 10 лет назад
What a wonderful thing is hindsight! There were many who could foresee the state of affairs we now face decades ago, but the ruling classes have always made sure of an endless supply of cheap labour. In the days when it was common place for the indigenous population to have very large families there was no need for mass immigration to supply that cheap labour. Once birth control was understood and available we had a never ending policy of immigration,whether the majority of people wanted it or not. We were never asked. It seems politicians and economists can only think in terms of expansion, and never sensible balance. The reason for that I suspect is because expansion allows them time to cover up former errors of judgement on fiscal policies. Where would the Treasury be without expansion. It,s called kicking the can down the road.
@petrsson 10 лет назад
Its all about money and not about native UK people.They said,that more emigrants in UK more money in UK,but for who...FOR POLITICIANS and ECONOMISTS only....regular native people will not get anything and plus they will end up jobless or with less paid.....UK government bullshit their own people :(
@DEMONIKMINION 8 лет назад
The thing about uncontrolled migration......Picture ink relentlessly dripping into a glass of water.Its not going to end well for the initial resident water not to mention the eventual and inevitable overflow.
@DarkBrawlerLink 9 лет назад
How many immigrants are there in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland compared to England?
@prowarslamable 8 лет назад
i'd rather suffer and be poor most of my life then live in a country where im a minor
@trollbay6774 3 года назад
Sounds like a ego problem to me 😂🤷🏿‍♂️
@sdprz7893 3 года назад
Then that's a you problem, I won't suffer just because you're a weirdo
@randomdude3500 10 лет назад
Here in the us is not as bad as in the uk. Most of our immigrants are from central america but they're not violent.
@GirlyEnglishGamer 10 лет назад
hahah Americans are immigrants themselves hahaha you guys make me laugh. You're a NATION of immigrants what are you talking about ?!!
@billybaroo975 10 лет назад
***** they're not american, therefore immigrants. pull your head out of your ass!
@Harvester236 10 лет назад
***** Exactly. There's no point in arguing with an American though, they think they know everything.
@kalpamonx 10 лет назад
***** yeah a nation of immigrants which is now so much better than the UK. Hell, even Australia, which was once a place where all the residents were criminals has a lower crime rate than UK now. Shameful, isn't it? Peace without victory was suggested by the Americans after the First World War. But noooo, all these countries like Britain and France wanted Germany to suffer and pay the price which caused the Second World War. You called upon your own destruction. The Second World War resulted in Britain losing most of its empire.
@GirlyEnglishGamer 10 лет назад
Erm ... What?
@twingoliebhaber1873 3 года назад
Irgendwer me Zusammenfassung davon?
@RavynSkye617 6 лет назад
I see arguments about strawberries, curry, etc., and I hear, "If we can't exploit cheap labor and people from third world or developing countries, WHAT WOULD WE DO?!?"
@postcardterry 8 лет назад
"The people of the country weren`t asked about it or told about it" Well said Michael Howard ! Never a truer sentence spoken.
@supervinny53 7 лет назад
Immigration done legally is acceptable. Any other way should have a death sentence
@Thisisahandle701 7 лет назад
Really Vinny? You think people who are desperate enough to illegally relocate their families and still wind up living in abject poverty should be put to death? Seems a bit harsh?
@raphaelbendor1596 5 лет назад
who watched this 2 minutes before the lesson @elliot
@wetheeuropeans6582 8 лет назад
Germany, Spain and France have the largest “positive net migrant stocks” with the rest of the EU (which means they host more intra-EU migrants than they send). Romania, Poland and Portugal have the largest negative net migration stocks with the rest of the EU (which means they send more intra-EU migrants than they host). The UK has a small net migrant stock with most individual EU countries, with the notable exceptions of Poland (net migrant stock of +518,497 meaning many more Polish people live in the UK, than British people live in Poland) and Spain (net migrant stock of -340,299 meaning many more British people live in Spain, than Spanish people live in the UK).
@Perno007 8 лет назад
cheap immigrant workers for maximization of share holder's profits, yuck...
@melanodawido 9 лет назад
i'm not british i'm canadian and i lived in london england in 1992 i loved it was great when i came back to london in 2008 i couldn't find one white proper english speaking person it's like london has turned into this big pile of garbage from all around the world immigrants ruined london britain is a great country it is the birthplace of the gentleman and monty python's holy grail lol any way i love england and i hate to see whats happening to it now and i can only imagine how the english people feel about this
@iris7301 9 лет назад
Im sorry but Us Native Americans where in America first
@kamilahakhtar2339 7 лет назад
Why do utube put up certain people's comments on a video iv neither watched ???
@kynchan3332 6 лет назад
There are plenty of skilled British people in the UK coming from the old manufacturing industries. I learned to blow glass from an old British glass worker. He lost his work when the local factory closed down but his skills are still there. All I had to do was find some facilities and ask for instruction. He could have been hired along with so many foundry workers and welders.
@Angus1966 10 лет назад
I am an unemployed Englishman who would love a job on the farm , i cant get one
@ceaky1984 10 лет назад
For working on the farm you will receive 6 pounds per hour. This means a salary approximately of 1000 pounds per mount. You trying to say that a British can accept work on such a salary ?!?!?! The problem is you do not want to work on this salary and because of hard work. Please do not do stupid propaganda saying that you can not work on a farm because of the immigrants because this is a lie.
@ceaky1984 10 лет назад
***** You said a point of view that I understand it. Finally someone who expresses ideas in a normal way. I agree with everything you said (except with non-working welfare seekers, British government took measures that they do not receive help from the British State). But the essential problem they have is with the British immigrants who do not work they should be sent home. Mostly those who come to the UK without having a job are part of an ethnic group called Gypsies. This group is different from Eastern Europeans. Eastern European countries also have problems with gypsies. Problems that eastern European countries have failed to solve in hundreds of years because they are a closed society that lives by its own rules and customs (Gypsies have their own king, Gypsies have their own courts of law, their children marry at an early age, most Gypsies do not let their children to school more than 4 classes, they have their own language). Western Europeans when a gypsy causes problems, they offend the entire country from where this person comes without specifying that this individual is a Gypsy who also created problems in the eastern European country of origin. Gypsies lately changed their name to ROMA (RROM), all to confuse and trick more and more the European countries. I think it is an insult that this minority to have a resembling name to the city ROME from Italy or with the country Romania. This minority take advantage of the democratic laws we have in Europe. This minority should understand that they need to integrate into the society of the country where they live and they have to obey the laws of that country.
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
You may find it difficult to enjoy it when faced with the targets set by the owners of the modern day plantations.
@TheMaggsy1 10 лет назад
why can't you get a job there?
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
Benny Jurgen That is cast system. Decade of good work of pre Yalta Eastern Europeans went unrewarded. White English Managers are ripping the rewards, while Polish people are suffering smears and humiliation inflicted by British media Gang. Shame on you!
@danherbert202 10 лет назад
UKiP, vote.
@danherbert202 10 лет назад
I think you have your facts wrong there buddy.
@bernadettevanderploeg2479 6 лет назад
Jesus what a mess in the streets!! Unbelievable..!
@MWcrazyhorse 8 лет назад
Notice the merry, cheerful music... Well all is jolly. What seems to be the problem?
@daviechannon4990 9 лет назад
I would like to see an increase in immigration....its enriched the UK immeasurably...of course, the challenge is to make pluralism work ...many of the comments here are just tired old racists who aren't capable of appreciating anything or anybody...
@YvonneWitteratlarge 9 лет назад
Hi Davie ...yay voice out man! LOL
@daviechannon4990 9 лет назад
Yo Yvonne...i've just resigned from this bullshit job and am planning to migrate back to the UK...hopefully, see you soon....
@YvonneWitteratlarge 9 лет назад
Bloody hell!! Wow! Okay see you soon then!! hehehehe I guess you had enough and the UK does need teachers mate xx
@YvonneWitteratlarge 9 лет назад
Phew ..
@bocjagne2878 6 лет назад
How the hell do you expect people to integrate into British society when they're being discriminated against??
@jakubchorazy2604 6 лет назад
Great advice for you. If you don't want all the Polish people to hate you, don't say they are form Eastern Europe.
@Shaun-xq4gj 7 лет назад
I want to move there, anyone know the best places to find well paying welding jobs?
@allanhill7535 10 лет назад
Can I get free housing, welfare and benefits in all the other EU countries if I want to immigrate? No? Well then this is not fair. No one should get welfare benefits, free housing, hospitals, medical care etc. unless they have contributed for 10 years. This is not fair on the indigenous tax paying population. No benefits then the immigrants wont want to come. We have plenty of British people that are out of work and many that live permanently on benefits and don't want to work. There are doctors from countries like Poland that come to pick strawberries for better wages. This is not good as it is draining Poland of professional workers. We are being selfish if we only import them for our own good. Muslims, who want to change our Western way of life, be mean to their women and stop our freedoms, shouldn't be allowed in at all as this is treasonable to our way of life.
@TheMaggsy1 10 лет назад
how is it free,if they are working? if they are paying taxes why should they not get so called free stuff? Non EU immigrants can't get any benefits for 5 years anyway,even if they paid taxes for 4 and half years they would not get a penny.
@allanhill7535 10 лет назад
David Maggs I thought that they could just step off the plane claim for housing and benefits if they claim destitution. Is this not the case?
@TheMaggsy1 10 лет назад
Allan Hill no,they have to wait 3 months+the vast majority are here 2 work anyway,British claim benefits more than immigrants.
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
LOL! you sound just like Common Wealth Spokesperson. There is a vacancy in UKiP, you know.
@MsMos666 10 лет назад
David Maggs Who exactly do you mean by 'They'? The contribution to benefit ratio greatly differs between EU and non EU migrants, even when we exclude the benefit incurred by UK nationals through unrestricted flow of capital, goods and services.
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