
The truth about the Trinity (Council of Nicaea) Brandon Tatum is WRONG 

Whaddo You Meme??
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@whaddoyoumeme 3 года назад
"waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ" - Titus 2:13 1 Pet 3:14 Hoodie: teespring.com/do-not-be-afraid-1-pet-3-14-sh?pid=772&cid=103404
@ArtofRobinMitchell 3 года назад
Jesus is god the FATHER... I would love to debate the fact that YOU DON'T BELIEVE JESUS IS GOD... Caps for emphasis only....
@ememman1460 3 года назад
Revelation 1 :17-18 "... Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth and was dead; and behold I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of Death." "First and the last", God, and "liveth and was dead", Jesus. They are in the same sentence.
@browncookies8048 3 года назад
@@ArtofRobinMitchell Wait what?
@MrsFJohnson 3 года назад
@@ArtofRobinMitchell Jesus is not the Father. He is the 2nd person of the Trinity.
@drummerboy737 3 года назад
Lol let's be cool with brandon because we are prolly gonna help win him to Christ and be friends otherwise this will get ugly.
@MikeWinger 3 года назад
Whenever I hear “council of Nicaea” and “Trinity” in the same sentence I’m like, “Here we go again.” It makes me concerned about where people are getting their info. It’s such a myth.
@michaelsayad5085 3 года назад
I think most people just use sources that fit their ideology then what's reliable. That's usually because they don't even know how to tell which sources are reliable. I will not lie. I have sadly fallen into this trap many times. It's due to laziness and a strong emotional desire for your pre-conceived positions to be true!
@coolaleco8568 3 года назад
Is there a good book about what the purpose of the council was?
@josemannyhernandez4760 3 года назад
@@michaelsayad5085 exactly, I say it differently, people are emotionally attached to a person, church or belief. Tatum seems to fit one or all of those three. I remember his debate with Anthony. That was funny 😂
@justaguy653 3 года назад
@@coolaleco8568 I know it's not what you asked for because I can't personally attest to a book regarding the council but a quick and easy google search will bring you to any of the info you need. For people to still misrepresent or understand the Council shows a glaring lack of research. When the factual information regarding the event is so easily found, for someone to believe it's something it wasn't is to show they are merely parroting what they've most likely heard with ZERO research invested.
@justaguy653 3 года назад
Mike, I love what you do, keep it up brother. I know you're still holding it down in CA but I hope, God willing, you eventually make your way to becoming a Texan.
@coldjello8436 3 года назад
It’s clear from “before Abraham was, I am.” that Jesus Christ was claiming to be God. Or “I and the father are one.”
@Closetorouter619 3 года назад
Muslims: nuh we don't approve tht
@IAMexistinginIAM 3 года назад
Jesus said, “I am; and you will [all] see the S on of M an seated [with authority] at the right hand of P ower (the Father), and coming with the clouds of heaven .” Mark 14:62 AMP
@sarahs3988 3 года назад
Right? I AM is the name of God. The pharisees knew exactly what he was saying thus they wanted to stone him.
@albertcovington9942 3 года назад
He also said "ye are Gods."
@BijinMCMXC 3 года назад
@@albertcovington9942 no he said gods (little g) not Gods. That words ‘gods’ refers to people in authority, people with power and influence etc. He was not calling them divine or like God ‘little gods’. You are misinterpreting that.
@brandondunn9007 3 года назад
“You’re not dealing with a rookie main.” Yes.... yes I think we are.
@MACKTV82KINGS 3 года назад
@CamillesEssence 3 года назад
Right 🤣🤣🤣
@Lovewonanother 3 года назад
Rookies know how to play. He doesn't know what he is talking about.
@micahgunnell 3 года назад
Great example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. When you never ask yourself “what if I’m wrong?”, you’re going to be wrong a lot.
@JW-bx8ih 3 года назад
You have to rightly divide when it comes to old or new testaments. Otherwise a Christian that looks at pornograhy who falls into sin should pluck his eye out, or cut off the hand that offends them before God, or when stoning should be done. Do we do that to day, No! We live in the church age and receive our salvation because of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Before that you had to go to a priest and sacrifice the blood of animals and do works to get to heaven. Jesus ended that. Je- Jehovah, sus- saves. JESUS. There are five Crown's in heaven a Christian can receive. Do you know what they are?
@WoFDarkNewton 3 года назад
Calling yourself a Christian while denying the divinity of Christ is like calling yourself a carnivore while refusing to eat meat.
@snowforest4159 3 года назад
Ah terrible analogy but why do you have to believe in the trinity to be christian dude
@kyleharris9456 3 года назад
@@snowforest4159 read the comment again.
@GatekeeperDatuck 3 года назад
@@snowforest4159 Jesus came to reveal the truth to us about God. If we do not believe the truth about God, then do we really believe in God? As the video says, the Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Spirit is God. This is what was revealed to us through Christ. So, part of being a Christian is trusting God is Who He said He is, even if we do not understand Him fully.
@andiakram1829 3 года назад
The Messiah was sent to the Jews to fulfill the Old Testament. Jesus once praised a Jewish teacher because he believed in the God of the Old Testament (Mark 12:28-34). At this instance, Jesus didn't call to trinity. Jesus affirmed the worship of the only true God of Israel, just like the Jewish understanding of God. Not trinity.
@kyleharris9456 3 года назад
@@andiakram1829 “A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:3‬ /// who is capital LORD in the Old Testament? When was this messianic prophecy fulfilled?
@MattPowellOFFICIAL 3 года назад
Jesus is Lord!
@IceLynne 3 года назад
@mb8219 3 года назад
Amen! Our Lord and our God
@rtee4086 3 года назад
Matt Powell Dunn: My Grandfather is Lord! that's not only true, that's official.
@RG-zw5wc 3 года назад
Amen!! Jesus is worthy of praise
@servanthood1 3 года назад
Do you believe in the Rapture?
@lionoffireministries 3 года назад
*The problem with deception is that people don’t know that they are deceived*
@TheLazyEconomist 3 года назад
"It is easier to fool a man than to convince him that he is a fool."- A wise man
@craigcrawford6595 3 года назад
I would argue that many gladly know that they are being deceived but don't care because what they are hearing is what they like and want too hear. Sometimes I think being deceived is really an active part on the one being deceived. Yes, many are deceived out of ignorance, which is what I gather from what you said however, I don't think others are ignorant of the deception and gladly accept it. Why? Because Adam was not deceived only Eve. So why did Adam allow Eve to be deceived? This would be what I mean. .
@revivalord9391 3 года назад
The irony...
@DiBaozi 3 года назад
Satan is the great deceiver
@servanthood1 3 года назад
Do you believe in the Rapture?
@VirtualWarfareRP 3 года назад
"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11)
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! God resurrected the Messiah! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
@Thedisciplemike 3 года назад
@@mitchellc4 Very true
@ilovenoodles7483 3 года назад
@@mitchellc4 Amen and Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. This government that is coming, before Jesus returns we will see a One World Government. It's prophesied and we already see it forming. Allegiance to the One World Government, which is one world religion and allegiance to the one world leader/president/official etc. and rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ, - that is what the Antichrist is is. We will not be raptured before this happens, as it taught in some churches. In fact, the Bible says that we will see this happen before Jesus returns.
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
@@ilovenoodles7483 Jesus is God’s chosen king for the coming kingdom The Messiah the Son of David
@titus2133 3 года назад
@@mitchellc4 Then, surrounded by the Pharisees, Jesus asked them a question: “What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?” They replied, “He is the son of David.” Jesus responded, “Then why does David, speaking under the inspiration of the Spirit, call the Messiah ‘my Lord’? For David said, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, Sit in the place of honor at my right hand until I humble your enemies beneath your feet.’ Since David called the Messiah ‘my Lord,’ how can the Messiah be his son?” Matthew 22:41‭-‬45
@MyelinProductions 3 года назад
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” John 14 Amen
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! God resurrected the Messiah! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
@AstariahJW 3 года назад
So what you bieleve is to get to the father through jesus is getting to jesus again who is his own Father
@micahgunnell 3 года назад
"God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble". Humble yourself Brandon, and you will find the truth.
@jessieanthony8699 3 года назад
Amen, nuff said!
@tinylilmonster28 3 года назад
Sounds like y'all are throwing stones at someone else's glass house with your judgement in Wich only your Jesus Christ or your God should be the ones making.. not very Christian of any of you..
@tinylilmonster28 3 года назад
@OmegaRambo x I don't listen to celebrities. Maybe try a better way of communicating. You pass judgement thinking you are righteous or level headed enough to pass said judgment. Because you didn't like my response. You tried to claim I'm ignorant because you believe I follow false idols. You stated such by telling me not to listen to celebrities. The bible is a guide book. To teach you how to have a moral compass and not be shitty humans. Not to be used as an excuse for us to use as a weapon against others when they are in a different period of learning who they are, then us. When we pass judgement, we also have the responsibility to take the same accusations and hold them to ourselves in the same light. God gave us free will and we accepted the responsibility that came with it. So I'm simply stating. You wanna cast stones cast them at your own house first. Is your house in perfect order? I know I am still a work in progress. Something I learned from reading the bible....
@tinylilmonster28 3 года назад
@@Peace-ht7fp I defended nothing. So stop trying to tell me what I am doing. Grow up.
@tinylilmonster28 3 года назад
@@Peace-ht7fp please tell me where I was offended. You blatantly accused me of two separate things saying and doing which I've never done. I then proceed to give you a logical understanding of why I said what I did and you accused me for a third time of supporting something I never said I supported. Where in all of your accusations without merit or any knowledge of me or who I am. Give you the right to assume anything about me. I'm sure there is a whole lot of stones that could be thrown at you because people's life situations and points of view are different from your point of view based off your life experience vs theirs. Your job is not to judge. It is to help enlighten. By having a centered moral compass. And by way of old testament thinking you just being on you tube or your phone is you playing with magic. Wich if I'm not mistaken is a tool of the devil.
@raitudisong777 3 года назад
Tatum should stick with politics. He is really weak at presenting his thoughts on this topic.
@triplea6174 3 года назад
Yes I like some of his thoughts on politics but here he's lacking. He should study more and come to the correct understanding.
@chrisw8627 3 года назад
He’s pretty weak on expressing his thoughts on politics as well!!! He just talks shit!!
@akuban6067 3 года назад
¹¹a0 q
@divinemaanda5635 3 года назад
@@chrisw8627 True... I've also realized that about him... He repeats the same things he heard from other RU-vidrs like Candice Owens or Fox... He's not what I would consider a smart guy, he just happens to be on the right side.
@ScrappyXFL 3 года назад
@@divinemaanda5635 LMAO That's how Owens got her start, first few years, repeating what others had already said and months behind everyone else.
@crystalbanchor6690 3 года назад
Ohmygosh Jesus is most definitely God!
@TheBluegoatman 3 года назад
If that's true who is the being setting on the Throne in Revelation 5? And Acts 7? Why would God stand beside a Throne reserved for Him? In fact how could anyone force God to stand beside a Throne that rightly belongs to Him? While I don't agree with Tatum on many points he's correct when he says people ignore verses of scripture that oppose their presuppositions.
@BirchKST 3 года назад
@@TheBluegoatman You're confusing Being and Person. God is One in Being and three in person. Christ standing next to the throne is the person of The Son. The person seated on the throne is the Person of the Father but they are both, along side of the Spirit, God.
@jasminesmith5447 3 года назад
@jasminesmith5447 3 года назад
@@TheBluegoatman Jesus is God incarnate.
@TheBluegoatman 3 года назад
@@BirchKST you are playing word games to argue there is more than one God. The Bible clearly states that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established. So......... why do you ignore all the places in scripture where Jesus Christ and God the Father are separated? Even Jesus Himself claimed to have a different will than that of the Father. How can God have a different will than God? It doesn't make sense in its face. If we are to rightly divide the word all verses on a subject should be considered even if you disagree with them. If Jesus is God don't you think it will be a bit awkward when they are both in the City of Heaven as described in Revelation 21:22 and 23? Are you going to be the one to tell God to vacate His Throne so that Christ can have it? The Bible clearly that at the end of time both the Father and the Son will be inhabitants of Heaven yet 99.9% of the people in this comment section keep saying they are the same being. The Father used the Son the create all things. The Bible states that multiple times. But the Bible also says the Father had to give the dominion (authority) that the Son possesses to him in Daniel 7 and Hebrews 1. How could God have anything given to Him as being God He wound have already had it? It just amazes that so many verses of scripture can completely be ignored by so many people. Why do those verses not matter?
@christisgodd 3 года назад
If Christ is not God why should all knees bow by mentioning of his name
@happytobealive8461 3 года назад
You bow before the judge (Jesus Christ) whom God has set before us to judge us. "And He (God) also gave authority to him (Jesus) to execute judgement, for he is son of man." John 5:27 It is written you will be confessing to God. "Every knee shall bow to me (Jesus), and every tongue shall confess to God." (me is not capitalized in the Greek text, while the word God is capitalized in the Greek text. Romans 14:11 Anthony Aboh, this is why knees bow. People bow before kings and judges. This is why even a judge's seat in our courtrooms is higher than the floor the accused stands on. This is not worship.
@kyleharris9456 3 года назад
@@happytobealive8461 not even close to how first century Jews would have interpreted it. They would have instantly recognized this Isaiah reference. This same passage applied to Jesus is applied to YHWH alone in the Old Testament. ////“By myself I have sworn; from my mouth has gone out in righteousness a word that shall not return: ‘To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance.’” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭45:23‬ ‭
@TheBluegoatman 3 года назад
@@kyleharris9456 how many first century Jews do you know? Jesus was given authority in Daniel 7:9, 13&14. Jesus can't be God because He stands beside the Throne that God sits on. Jesus had to be given authority. (Daniel 7). Was appointed by God. (Hebrews 1) Claims to have been commanded by the Father. (John 10) Has a different will than the Father. (Luke 22) Stephen saw Jesus Christ standing at the Right Hand of the Father. (Acts 7) If Jesus tried to usurp the Throne of God he would be no better than Satan. How could Jesus exalt Himself above the Father when He was given His position by God Himself? Jesus Himself declares "the Father is GREATER than all" (John 10:29) Was He lying? Jesus literally said He could do NOTHING of Himself (John 5:19) Was He lying here too? The Lamb once again approached the Throne in Revelation 5 while God set on the Throne. Why didn't Jesus take over that Throne, since being God, it belonged to Him? Finally, both God and Jesus will be in the City of Heaven. Revelation 21:22-23. Are you going to tell God He must give up His Throne to the Only Begotten Son to you make you happy? I bet not.
@kyleharris9456 3 года назад
@@TheBluegoatman because I can read in context. “This was why the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him, because not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.” ‭‭John‬ ‭5:18‬///“The Jews answered him, “It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God.”” ‭‭John‬ ‭10:33‬///these are Jews who recited the shamal daily....”Hear o Israel, The Lord our God the Lord is one”.
@BBFaith-Channel 3 года назад
Every knee bows at the mention of Jesus because God has so highly exalted him. Please read the surrounding context my brother. The reason why every knee bows at the mention of Jesus' name has nothing to do with Jesus being God but because of God's exaltation because of Jesus' humility. The scriptures even make this clear. Phil 2 5Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men; 8and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross. 9Wherefore also God highly exalted him, and gave unto him the name which is above every name; 10that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth, 11and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father Pharaoh and Joseph are a type of God, the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. It is for the same reason, all knees had to bow to Joseph whom Pharoah made "Lord" all over Egypt but this did not mean that Joseph was the Pharaoh or coequally Pharoah of Egypt. There was still only one Pharoah in Egypt and that Pharoah was not Joseph, despite the fact that Joseph was exalted by Pharoah to his "right hand". and every knee had to bow to Joesph even as they also bent their knees to Pharoah. It is that simple brother. Now My argument is not that Jesus is not called "God" in the Bible or cannot be seen as "God" in a secondary or representative context. My argument is that the scriptures do not teach that Jesus and the Father are coequally the one God because the Father is exclusively "God" in a unique and supreme context that the Son is not and that was why Jesus Called the Father ALONE "the ONLY true God" (John 17:3) and distinguished himself as "And Jesus Christ whom you have sent". Paul, the apostle also made it clear in this same regard that we have only one God and he is the Father. 1 Cor 8:6 International Standard Version yet for us there is only one God, the Father, from whom everything came into being and for whom we live. And there is only one Lord, Jesus the Messiah, through whom everything came into being and through whom we live. Contemporary English Version We have only one God, and he is the Father. He created everything, and we live for him. Jesus Christ is our only Lord. Everything was made by him, and by him life was given to us. Shalom
@cbfbmc 3 года назад
This is a person like Steve Harvey that went for the bag and now had their own religion beware of false prophets
@IceLynne 3 года назад
@alstroemeria227again4 3 года назад
Wow! Good comparison.
@90ejb 3 года назад
That’s exactly what it is!
@servanthood1 3 года назад
Do you believe in the Rapture?
@honeyoyinfalola6870 3 года назад
@@servanthood1 yes do u?
@Renewed85 3 года назад
Preaching to the choir when I say this, but THIS is why we need to know the Bible for ourselves.
@GlennRiccobono 3 года назад
Very true. It's honestly kind of sad, because we would all probably say But by the grace of God that could be me... It's just so frustrating on a doctrine that's so easy to read, I mean it's literally reading the words coming out of Jesus' mouth.. I and My Father are One... If you've seen Me you've seen the Father... To discount the words of Jesus is so bizarre to me.
@kurtdawkins253 3 года назад
We also need to know that context affects the meaning with everything we read, say and act on
@halffull5384 3 года назад
Agreed , but there are athiests who know more scripture than many "Christians". So its not just knowing scripture, Its about our submission to God. The Holy Spirit reveals truth. Seems Tatum knows scripture. But, it seems his pride is in the way of that being revealed to him.
@kurtdawkins253 3 года назад
@@halffull5384 I think you mean “most” Christians” lol. It took 1600 years to write the Bible. Which contains 66 books, 40 different Bible writers from all kinds of backgrounds. Not one scripture contradicts the other. Second Timothy 3: 16,17. The Scriptures are definitely from God because it’s impossible for man to do that on his own. There are so many people that misrepresent what the Bible says, knowingly or by accident. Jesus no doubt died for our sins. But that’s not the only thing he Accomplished he came to bear witness to the truth also, there’s so much more to know then what this conversation entails. I’ve studied the Bible from cover to cover many times, and you can see where people try to make scriptures fit, try to force things into the Scriptures that just aren’t there. or thoughts and intentions the Bible writer had that just doesn’t make sense. I hope what I say in this reply doesn’t offend anyone it’s not intended to be that way it’s just my honest hearted observation of what the scripture say
@kurtdawkins253 3 года назад
@@GlennRiccobono The Scriptures also say that the man and the woman will become “one flesh” does that mean they actually become one flesh or are they completely one in agreement with everything, With the same reasoning in line of thought on everything.
@2corinthians5-19 3 года назад
Let's just be honest, Tatum just likes to hear himself talk.
@RG-zw5wc 3 года назад
Unfortunately I believe pride is his downfall. He comes off as the type not to listen to any criticism and he's always right no matter what
@risenyeshua7935 3 года назад
@abaneyone 3 года назад
Yeah, he knows everything. Right. 😕
@ACloudWithoutAir 3 года назад
its not only that, hes just batshit insane.
@klc3416 3 года назад
He just love to talk! The sad thing some people will agree with him, he is nothing more than a tool of Satan.
@ElijahRock92 3 года назад
1:39 I almost laughed myself to tears when John overlapped Brandom reciting the verse with the actual verse. lol
@TedEhioghae Год назад
God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are not 3 separate beings. They are One and works in 3 ways.
@JoshConder 5 месяцев назад
God is one being, and three person. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
@JG-id5vi 3 месяца назад
​@@TedEhioghae No one says they are 3 separate beings. They are 3 distinct persons of the same Being.
@cab6273 3 года назад
Brandon appears to be a good example of a well intentioned person trying to educate themselves on a complicated subject via the internet.
@roberttrevino62800 3 года назад
exactly. Some things you need teachers, mentors, and deep historical study. Not just quick internet searches from the SAME media Tatum says is evil !
@OfficialKennyRivers 3 года назад
@Mont-nr7pj 3 года назад
@@roberttrevino62800 I agree with you on that
@pexuluiviti 3 года назад
@TheAnnoyingBoss 3 года назад
I agree and we're technically just like him. That's why only jesus can get us our of darkness. As soon as we start trying to figure things out ourselves we mess it up, even great people like Brandon
@IceLynne 3 года назад
I quit following Tatum before he started this nonsense about Jesus not being God. He has issues beyond his blasphemous beliefs!
@russholly 3 года назад
Yes! Me too. His angry outbursts and swearing during his rants, all while saying he is a Christian just bothered me to my core. He seriously needs prayer to see the plank in his own eye.
@IceLynne 3 года назад
@@freedomslunch @Russ Holly same here!
He seems like he has anger issues. I wondered if i should follow him a few years ago but instead subbed to amazing lucas. Smart decision. Tstum is selling t shirts ab Christ being God even tho he doesnt believe it. We flooded his page and all he could do was dance around the subject and he hasnt commented since😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@alstroemeria227again4 3 года назад
I stopped following him because he made it seem like Trump was perfect, the political right was perfect and he never criticized the Republican Party. That to me was really insensible. Too many right wing RU-vid channels refuse to admit that there are big problems within what is supposed to be the Conservative party. Tatum also became too crude for me.
@truth0077 3 года назад
@@alstroemeria227again4 Trump is not perfect by far. But compared to the other side he just about is perfect lol. I've never seen evil like the Democrat party. Under Trump the Republican party actually came to stand for what there platform says. The Democrat party as a whole is not just sin or imperfect it is utter evil, I have not seen such evil or read it in history. I wonder how many babies they murdered just this year alone.
@nooblet1322 3 года назад
Guys, let's just pray for him. Pray fervently, fast if you feel it's called for. Tatum is lost on this but not so far gone that God can't reach him. Show him love and pray
@redhedhik-chik2510 3 года назад
Ty. Love your love in Christ.
@PrincessAfrica3 3 года назад
@ericculbersonjr3654 2 года назад
With much respect I would say he’s farther gone than you lead on. But you are right God can reach him. He’s no different than the scribes and Pharisees who challenged Christ
@TedEhioghae Год назад
God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are not 3 separate beings. They are One and works in 3 ways.
@gerrydean7696 3 года назад
Brandon embodies the phrase, "..a little knowledge is a dangerous thing "
@dowlabombzofficial7556 3 года назад
Foreal. He's a hustler in the worse sense of the word. He gained support and followers by identify with conservative whites that dislike black and brown people secretly and some very openly. He's a traitor not because of what he believes only but because of how he weaponizes it against black and brown people to gain money. He does what Trump did. He knows that white people, most, feel black people are at fault for EVERYTHING wrong that happens to them and he plays to that. All he does is find ways to agree with them on things that they'd be furious about had it happened to them or any white person that doesn't agree with saving brown lives.
@woundedangel3189 3 года назад
@@dowlabombzofficial7556 You're wrong, He's a conservative real or fake but he do makes good Videos exposing Woke mobs
@dowlabombzofficial7556 3 года назад
@@woundedangel3189 if you think so. Do more research.
@TedEhioghae Год назад
God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are not 3 separate beings. They are One and works in 3 ways.
@BrianGallagher-v8z Год назад
@@woundedangel3189He do make? What the hell does that even mean?
@tre6442 3 года назад
This is exactly why the Holy Spirit is necessary and this is exactly why Jesus said I will not leave you as orphans but will be with you and in you. The human brain cannot come close to figuring out God or the things he does or why so let's just pray that the Holy Spirit reveals Himself to Brandon amen
@raygsbrelcik5578 3 года назад
The LORD HAS "Revealed" the Truth to Brandon; With respect, it's YOU good people who are deceived. Sorry---it's True. GOD be Praised.
@Navii-05 3 года назад
@@raygsbrelcik5578 You literally cant prove that Jesus is not God. You also cant refute evidence that He is God
@raygsbrelcik5578 3 года назад
@@Navii-05 Actually, Scripture provides ALL the evidence one needs. It's that "Trinitarian delusion" that has so many con- fused, and screwed up.
@Navii-05 3 года назад
@@raygsbrelcik5578 Prove your point
@raygsbrelcik5578 3 года назад
@@Navii-05 Have you not Studied this issue? If Jesus himself has actually DECLARED things like; "I can do NOTHING on my Own.." Or, "I only do the WILL of my FATHER.." Or, "I only speak the Words my FATHER gives me.." Or, "The FATHER is GREATER than I.." Is that NOT enough? But there's more---MUCH more. GOD the Father KNOWS the, "Time of Christ's return," and yet, Jesus does NOT! Well goodness...Would he not KNOW this if he was Literally GOD? Furthermore, Jesus, at Gethsemane---Prayed to his FATHER, and even inquired as to the "FATHER'S" Will. And, Jesus perspired drops of blood, because he was in Severe STRESS. At Golgotha, Jesus Cried out, "MY GOD, MY GOD, Why hast THOU Forsaken me?" Question: Does GOD "Forsake" HimSELF? And this is but a SMALL part of the proof that only the FATHER is the, "One True GOD.." In fact, Jesus himself Proclaimed that VERY fact, my friend. If all THAT isn't enough...Then there's a BLINDNESS in the Hearts of men. GOD bless.
@TNP33 3 года назад
I had to stop listening to him because of this. I have to guard my heart and what I allow in my life
@Breauxmann 3 года назад
Me too
@Keepthefaith116 2 года назад
Lol same here
@RuslanKD 3 года назад
Jon McCry back with the smoke 💨 Would love to see you guys discuss all of this publicly. The scripture or the history just isn’t on his side. It’s wild that videos like this even have to be made yet I think it’s extremely helpful.
@The_Archivist_84 3 года назад
"Christ is God, He is my Savior and He Died On the Cross for the Forgiveness of Sin" Me, Catholic on the internet
@keithjones2194 3 года назад
AMEN! You speak the truth! Me, Protestant evangelical on the internet
@The_Archivist_84 3 года назад
@@keithjones2194 Nice to see your protestant brother agree with me for once. ☺️
@johnalexander4940 3 года назад
Amen brother continue sealing your bond with the Lors and bless all the Saints out here with you striving for his righteousness. Amen ✝️
@crisalcantara7671 2 года назад
Where in the bible does it say that jezus said that he is God 🤔
@fmo94jos8v3 Год назад
@@crisalcantara7671 It doesn't. It says Jesus is God.
@hitman6773 3 года назад
False teachers are like weeds in my backyard, springing up everywhere.
@servanthood1 3 года назад
Do you believe in the Rapture?
@raygsbrelcik5578 3 года назад
Tell me about it. Ever since the ancient Roman Catholic ( Pagan) Church created this false doctrine...False teachers have been Springing up everywhere.
@RG-zw5wc 3 года назад
When I found out he was actively telling his subscribers that Jesus is not God I unsubscribed from him. He is misleading alot of Christians. He already got owned in a debate about it on you tube. He has a very bad interpretation of scripture. If u believe Jesus almighty is God I would encourage you to unsubscribe to him as he is stating heresy on his channel
@jesus.is.god.forever.bless2047 3 года назад
Nice job! Standing for the Lord
@XiaoFury 3 года назад
I did the same...and I need to double check a few more of my subscriptions...
@kelvyquayo 3 года назад
Would staying subbed and preaching the truth until he Blocked be appropriate? Serious question
@RG-zw5wc 3 года назад
@@kelvyquayo if u feel the Holy Spirit is leading you that way to witness and speak truth then that's between u and God. As for me I couldn't take any more of the blatant disrespect he says about my Jesus not being God. God bless u bro
@Gutslinger 3 года назад
So you would only encourage people who believe that Jesus is God to avoid hearing him trying to argue that Jesus isn't God? They don't need any more saving.
@paulperry1489 3 года назад
I hope Brandon will just stop. I pray for him. He has a huge platform and he passionate, but he is full of pride. I hope he finds Jesus.
@lauraowen8142 3 года назад
INDEED, AMEN ❣️🕊️🙏✝️🪔
@woinblue8541 3 года назад
Pride goeth before a fall.
@servanthood1 3 года назад
Do you believe in the Rapture?
@umiluv 3 года назад
Everyone has their own path. You shouldn’t assume that he is full of pride just because you disagree with him. Sounds a bit like the left.
@paulperry1489 3 года назад
@@umiluv Thank you for the response and please note I am not left. I am speaking from a bible stand point. Brandon’s debate with Anthony was a clear indication that he was full of pride. He failed on multiple occasions to admit his faults and misunderstanding of the Greek language. Secondly, Johns Mcrays exposition of Brandon’s Mis biblical representation shows that he is full of pride. Proverbs tells us “ Pride comes before the fall”. Lastly, as far as politics. Please be aware there has never been or will be a political savior, so let’s hold off on the left and right comments and stick to biblical unity in Christ. Have a blessed day
@shika1975 3 года назад
Brandon's ego is the one thing that's going to cause him to humble himself. He's just loud and wrong.
@whatzittooyah 3 года назад
That’s why I don’t like watching him. Even if I agree with his views sometimes. He’s too loud. Needs to be humble
@ehleroo 3 года назад
@@whatzittooyah I watched him debate with some people online. I don’t agree with his views, but to me, he does come across as a dude who is earnestly seeking. He was much more polite than the people who debated him.
@dawnmoxley8370 3 года назад
In order to be humbled you have to truly believe. God does not chasen those who are not his true children. We are dealing with principalities of the air. I have watched Brandon curse a man out and tell him that when he sees him he is going to beat his a** while using other derogatory and inflammatory words. If he truly wants to understand why won’t he debate on this platform??? We are all sinners. To me this is deeper than that. I unfollowed him a long time ago. His presence reminds me of what second Timothy 3:1-9 speaks of.
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! God resurrected the Messiah! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
@sosuapimp8449 3 года назад
Brandon for President
@patriciagrant6687 3 года назад
Brandon does not know the Bible even I have had to correct him with scripture, so I am glad you and others are reaching out to him in a kind and loving way, I pray that he will be willing to be taught and realize that we are all being taught what we do not know even when we read the Bible every day. God Bless!!
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! God resurrected the Messiah! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
@AstariahJW 3 года назад
Trinitarians dont know there bible and only focus on proof texts that doesn't prove anything. They take alot of scriptures out of context
@AstariahJW 2 года назад
@Rawda Youssef trinity is an apostate teaching and so is immortality of the soul and heĺlfire Catholic encyclopedia even says trinity is nowhere found in scriptures. In old and new testament But yet false religion dont care about truth and rather cling to traditions of men . They don't want to change there bieliefs Trinity dogma developed 300 years after apostles died It was not taught in any first century congregation by jesus and apostles Jesus warned of a great apostasy that would developed and crept into the churches
@TedEhioghae Год назад
God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are not 3 separate beings. They are One and works in 3 ways.
@BrianGallagher-v8z Год назад
@@AstariahJWBut apparently you do know better then everyone.
@nathanaelculver5308 3 года назад
Speaking from personal experience, when one becomes attached to one’s opinions, it becomes a matter of pride to defend them. Letting go of them becomes difficult.
@servanthood1 3 года назад
Do you believe in the Rapture?
@nathanaelculver5308 3 года назад
@@servanthood1 Depends on what you mean. If you mean do the Scriptures teach some sort of Rapture event, I’d say yes. If you mean do I adhere to any of the evangelical schema, then no.
@servanthood1 3 года назад
@@nathanaelculver5308 I would beg to differ, can you show me where in the scriptures?
@nathanaelculver5308 3 года назад
@@servanthood1 I’m sorry. Can I show you what in the scriptures? You mean “some sort of Rapture” or do you mean one of the evangelical variants?
@servanthood1 3 года назад
@@nathanaelculver5308 I don’t know what you mean by evangelical variants. Are there different Raptures circulating? If so what are the differences?
@jdub6909 3 года назад
Anthony Roger's gave Brandon a good workout.
@russ4862 3 года назад
Yes, in fact I would say that Anthony Rogers mopped up the floor with him.
@thizz707gr 3 года назад
@@russ4862 for sure
@candacem6932 3 года назад
I saw that video, Brandon definitely got a butt whoopin. Problem is, I don't think Brandon he has his arse handed to him. His head has gotten very large lately.
@russ4862 3 года назад
@@candacem6932 I think you're probably right about that.
@servanthood1 3 года назад
Do you believe in the Rapture?
@crcb4 3 года назад
The word rapture isn't in the bible yet when in revelation its talks about being taken up....the word rapture in Greek means to be taken up. So just cause it doesn't say the word doesn't mean you can't use it. The bible is clear who Jesus is Brandon. The " trinity" is spoken about if you read all of your bible.
@raygsbrelcik5578 3 года назад
With respect---Not a very good Apologetic, dear friend. The Rapture is CLEARLY defined...the trinity is NOT. The very Term comes from the ancient Roman Catholic church. You need to know your History. GOD bless.
@crcb4 3 года назад
@@raygsbrelcik5578 it says father son and holy spirit. It is very clear in many scriptures. Matthew 28 :19...Go out into all the nations and baptize them in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit. God clearly identifies Jesus as the son of God and God in other scriptures or Lord... and the holy spirit as being the spirit of God. Matthew 3: 16 and 17
@eddiedilbeck 3 года назад
Name of the Three titles = Jesus. How many times does the Bible show someone being baptized in the three Titles..Acts 2:37,38 when they asked the apostles men and brethren what Must we do?? Very clear...Not be baptized in the titles but the Name...
@lordofhostsappreciator3075 3 года назад
Rapture is not a biblical concept.
@crcb4 3 года назад
@@lordofhostsappreciator3075 in 1st thessalonians 4:17. Luke 17:34-37, the words rapture is not in the bible but the word in Greek for being taken up is rapture. That's why it's used. The bible talks about 2 men walking together and one is taken the other left behind. Or the dead in christ will rise and we will be caught up the air. There are others I don't remember them all
@smartchristians 3 года назад
Your best bet is to simply leave him alone. Unless he is willing to listen, it would be a fruitless debate
@brethrenjc.3606 3 года назад
"Tell me what's really goin' on" Drizzy back up in this thing, I'm ready, what's hannenin'? Gone for surgery but now I'm back again
@brethrenjc.3606 3 года назад
yeah True it would be a fruitless debate unless he is willing to let go of self righteousness and pride :)
@wendelynyoung8609 3 года назад
His subs need to hear the truth.
@Diallelus 3 года назад
@@brethrenjc.3606 Word Series attitude Champagne bottle life
@smartchristians 3 года назад
@@wendelynyoung8609 I agree they need to, although many have come out against him. He has ignored the challenge by many (including mine). He has debated Anthony Rogers and the overwhelming consensus (even by his supporters) that Brandon was shown to be wrong. He is closed minded on this issue. And he wouldn’t dare have a debate on his channel. So while I agree with you they need to hear it. If he has anything to do with it, they won’t. But thank God, there are many outlets to get the word out.
@rickdugmore 3 года назад
Brandon is getting eerily close to Islamic doctrine. The Trinity is what separates the one true God of Christianity from the gods of other religions including Allah.
I said this before and someone attacked me for that
@nickspitzley8539 3 года назад
Or perhaps BHI influence?
@@nickspitzley8539 exactly. Hes well on his way to that. And then that straddles Islam. My dad is BHI and he left one of the churches bc they denied the messiah
@SpaghettiNoob 2 года назад
I was thinking the same thing, But there God, Allah is the same God, Muslim means submit your self to One God. Muslims believe, you cannot be Muslim if you do not believe in Jesus as a prophet. He is the 2nd most important prophet next to Mohamed. They believe in all his miracles and believe in his resurrection. They do not believe Mohamed was resurrected and they have his burial site in SA. Yet, they unfortunately do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God and or the Trinity or is God. That is why they think Christians are idolaters and another word that I can't remember at this time. So maybe Brandon is not Muslim as even they believe and love Jesus, (they also love Mother Mary). I think Brandon is just lost, anyone know what denomination he is? Which Christian denomination does not believe in Christ though?
@beckc.5084 3 года назад
ah yes the good ol' "the word Trinity isn't in the Bible!" argument... the word "Monotheism" isn't in the Bible either, and yet...
@stevenwbaker56 3 года назад
You got it. And the Word Bible isn't in the Bible either.
@michaeldeo5068 3 года назад
beck c. The word God, isn't in the Hebrew or Greek manuscripts of the bible either. Elohim and Theos are used and neither carry the meaning of the Supreme Being. Elohim and Theos are not restricted to the Father or the son as can be shown by scriptures. Other beings are called by these terms. To be clear, Yahweh the Father is the only eternal source. The son was begotten by Him before the creation. Yahweh the Father is the true Power and authority. He caused the son to be and has given him all authority. The Son was the first of Yahweh the Father's works. Through the son by His own power, Father Yahweh made everything else. The Holy Spirit is Yahweh the Father's spirit! The son is truly a unique being but the Father is greater. There is no Trinity as taught today.
@bboywolf 3 года назад
@@michaeldeo5068 this is so clear its hilarious that people would believe that God sent himself down to be beaten to prove that we too should follow in God's footsteps? Makes NO sense. Jesus HAS to be God's son as a separate being because we too are God's children. Then they use scripture that says God and Jesus are one but ignore when it's used for God and mankind. How are God and mankind one and that doesnt mean the same thing as earlier? Bunch of contradictions need to be for the Trinity to even exist. The bible does NOT contradict itself. Jesus clearly states he is not equal to the Father. If God came down in human form He would still be God and all powerful, but Jesus wasn't because he was a man in the flesh with perfect spirit and had to be blessed with the Holy Ghost.
@servanthood1 3 года назад
Do you believe in the Rapture?
@michaeldeo5068 3 года назад
@@bboywolf That was very well said! Shalom/Peace
@bcministry4537 3 года назад
Holy Spirit speaks so eloquently through you brother, it’s amazing to see. Thanks for all these great videos!
@Ron-SA 3 года назад
The trouble he is going through to try to remember his stuff is so painful just watching.. Like he crammed word for word for a History essay exam and is relying on memory and not any actual understanding or wisdom.
@russ4862 3 года назад
Great analogy, Ronelle!
@unashamedandbold1708 3 года назад
Totally agree Ronelle. Sadly so many have no real idea what the word says because they rely on others instead of the Holy Spirit teaching through the word. It is so clear in scripture that Jesus is God in flesh. Trying to think that our wisdom will be on the same level as God is pure foolishness which is what Brandon is trying to do. Our minds will not understand how the 3 could always exist and we won't until we are face to face with Jesus in Heaven. This is just another sign of the times we are living in and deception is thick these days.
@DanielApologetics 3 года назад
Anthony Rogers wiped the floor with him on this topic..!
@russ4862 3 года назад
Yes, indeed he did!
@lordwilling1139 3 года назад
That’s why he hasn’t invited him back or anyone close to him like: Sam Shamounan, David Wood, Vocab Molone, or go on “What do you meme !” He definitely doesn’t wanna be like a berian & “see if these things were true !” I pray he sees the light, as it seems TD Jakes has recently, so he doesn’t arrive for judgement in this heretical error ! Heb.9:27; 1JN. 2:23
@comeandreasontogether2383 3 года назад
Can you send a link? I'm not familiar.
@servanthood1 3 года назад
Do you believe in the Rapture?
@dsanders74 3 года назад
Brandon doesn't want no smoke. He just needs a solid seminary school! He has a lot of influence to get this wrong. Praying for Brandon!
@jesusislord9707 3 года назад
He needs salvation not a school. No Holy Spirit filled believer could deny the deity of Jesus.
He dont want no smoke but theres tons of it and ash where hes headed 😳👀😳👀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@sherriew36 3 года назад
The enemy always had influence, he convinced eve to eat the fruit.
@TheEMC99 3 года назад
You summed it up in the first line! Lol that's why no callback! And yes, we should definitely keep praying for him. 💗
@katherinepitts2961 3 года назад
@@THEDOORIZCLOSED I know I should not have laughed at that, but I did and I laughed hard. REAL HARD! LOL!
@jesuschrististhetruth2762 3 года назад
Stay humble. I pray for Brandon for him to open his heart. God can use him for Jesus Glory.
@kristalvibes774 3 года назад
How do you read the gospels and not know that Jesus is God? 🧐 Maybe I shouldn’t assume he has read them .
@DonEkz21 3 года назад
It's beyond me bro 🤷‍♂️ it takes a special kind of blindness not to see that.
He said he read the whole Bible and came to that conclusion
@@DonEkz21 ironically stevie wonder believes in Jesus as God😂😂😂😂😂😂
@DonEkz21 3 года назад
@@THEDOORIZCLOSED noo stop it! 😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Kelle0284 3 года назад
Many a muslim have read the gospels. They don't believe that Jesus is God.
@1891mosin 3 года назад
He works so hard to deny the truth
@tiffanyarrrr782 3 года назад
That's exactly the problem. It seems like he cares more about proving himself right than he does about finding the truth. Just pride. Plain and simple.
@karricompton 3 года назад
Yes! I wonder why he doesn’t want to believe Jesus is God? Why? How could it possibly threaten his faith, unless his faith is misplaced.
@rickmcq6905 3 года назад
As a Catholic , I appreciate your explanation based on historical truth. In addition to correcting his misunderstanding and misrepresentation. May God Bless you.
@nomis_10 10 месяцев назад
Where in the Bible does it say that you have to believe that Jesus is God to be saved
@jjorgecuevass 10 месяцев назад
⁠@@nomis_10 “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭ “The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand. He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”” ‭‭John‬ ‭3‬:‭35‬-‭36‬ ‭
@YoanetPedraza-zi4gy 9 месяцев назад
​@@nomis_10on the cross when the guy asked to be remembered by Jesus and then Jesus said he would be with him in paradise
@laceymariesmith 3 года назад
I hear idiotic “doctrines” from fellow “Christians” but none make me so angry as saying Jesus is not God. Jesus being God is basically what all of scripture is about.
@stevenwbaker56 3 года назад
You absolutely got it right. Like Jesus said in John 5:39 "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me."
@mb8219 3 года назад
@CamillesEssence 3 года назад
@sarahs3988 3 года назад
Until you see it you can't be a Christian. John 1But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. John 1:12‭-‬13 It's literally what being born again entails. I was one of those "Christians" too until God revealed Jesus to me.
@jonathanterol4528 3 года назад
If Jesus is God, then what is God to you?
@patticarey9016 3 года назад
Humility is the key word that Brandon needs. He's continuing to dig his heals in to save face.
@ScrappyXFL 3 года назад
lol And his face just keeps getting smacked left and right, should put that face away to save it....
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! God resurrected the Messiah! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
@samuelbishop3316 3 года назад
@@mitchellc4" Before Abraham was I am" book of John words of Jesus. "Prince of peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father" book of Isaiah when speaking of the names of the Messiah. "Baptizing them in the name of the Father, son, and the Holy Spirit". One name, not in the names of, in the name of. Even the Jews recognised what he said. The apostles did, even a doubter like thomas. Anyone who says Jesus is not God hasn't been reading or doesn't want to open their own eyes.
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
@@samuelbishop3316 Hi Samuel Who is Jesus’s God? Who is Jesus repeatedly referring to as “my God”? Rev 3 12 He who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God; never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name. Who is Peter and Paul referring to as “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”? Rom 15 6 that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Cor 1 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 2 Cor 11 31 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, he who is blessed for ever, knows that I do not lie. Eph 1 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, 1 Pet 1 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, -- No Jesus didn’t use Exodus 3 in John 8 Jesus said before Abraham was born “ego eimi” which means I am he Multiple people say ego eimi in the New Testament, but you’re not saying they are God? The blind man who was healed said it John 9 9 Some said, “It is he”; others said, “No, but he is like him.” He said, “I am the man.” I am the man= ego eimi The healed blind man just said ego eimi, did he just refer to Exodus and claim to be God?? Of course not I believe in the Greek translation of Exodus it says “Ego eimi HO ON”-I AM THAT I AM “Tell then I AM has sent you”-tell them HO ON has sent you Had Jesus said HO ON you may have a point, but he didn’t
@truthseeker5777 3 года назад
John 14:8-10 Philip said to Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father!”
@RuthAnnNordin 3 года назад
Perfect verse. I was trying to think of one that fit.
@bboywolf 3 года назад
But jesus literally states you have never heard or seen God. John 5:37 lmfao trinitarians are trying to equate Jesus and God which Jesus specifically does not want John 14:28. Not only that when Jesus asks Matthew who he is, Matthew says SON OF GOD, Matthew 16:16. Jesus is pleased with that answer. This is basic.
@truthseeker5777 3 года назад
Jesus said we are to have faith like a child. It’s not hard. Christ reflects the Father. If you have seen me you have seen the Father. Christ reflects the heart of His Father.
@carloswater7 3 года назад
@@bboywolf there are many problems in your statement And the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me. You have never heard his voice 👉nor seen his form,👈 John 5:37 NIV No one has seen the Divine form of God. That is what Jesus is talking about. But Jesus is God who came in the flesh. He had to be made as one of us communicate with us. God In the Flesh we can see. Also in Matthew 16:16 it is written by Matthew,But Jesus is not asking to Matthew Jesus is Chile asking Peter who is the son of God.
@bboywolf 3 года назад
@@carloswater7 so you just made something up with no scriptural evidence. How can we have not heard his voice if Jesus is God? Jesus is clearly speaking so if Jesus was the Father we would have heard him. The bible does not contradict itself. And you analysis of Matthew 16:16 changes nothing I've said. Matthew does not call him the Father or the Most High God. He answers "THE SON OF GOD" and Jesus is pleased because he did not see him as the Father. Use scripture. I have various scripture in Hebrew and Greek that lets you know Jesus was not the Father. No English mistranslations.
@DinahReviews 3 года назад
😹 when he reads right along with Col 2:9 after claiming it wasn’t in the Bible. Brahhhhh?!
@johnmcafee6140 3 года назад
Brandon's argument is almost exactly the same as Jehovah's Witnesses. I've had many conversations with JW's over the years and every one of them claim the doctrine of the Trinity was "invented" and the Council of Nicaea.
@theservantsresource3565 3 года назад
The Christadelphians say the same thing. I think Brandon is more influenced by Oneness Pentacostals though.
@jacksontran5469 3 года назад
It’s just essentially Arianism which falls under the banner of Unitarianism. JWs are also Unitarians, hence the similarity
@finishingwellthroughchrist5493 3 года назад
@@theservantsresource3565 i watched a live that he did with ruslan and he denies that Jesus is God.Penticostals don't deny the deity of Christ
@theservantsresource3565 3 года назад
@@finishingwellthroughchrist5493 I was speaking of Oneness Pentacostals, who do deny the Trinity.
@rustyshackelford3590 3 года назад
@@theservantsresource3565 oneness Pentecostals are modalitist they believe Jesus is God but that he is both the father and Holy Spirit. So opposite end of denying trinity spectrum.
@jeffrey1950 3 года назад
I would ask Brandon if he would worship christ...if he said no then he is lost ..if he said yes then Would ask why..since we must worship only GOD almighty alone
@jesus.is.god.forever.bless2047 3 года назад
@RG-zw5wc 3 года назад
Ahhh good one
@ochaze1 3 года назад
@michaelraymond1279 3 года назад
Well said !!!!
@rtee4086 3 года назад
Jeffrey Robert; I can't speak for Brandon, but I would not worship A Man, And Jesus was a man, born from a woman just like other men, what makes him God? he Ate and drank, like everyone else, he went to the toilet, like everyone else, again what Makes him God?
@thradom2811 3 года назад
HE needs to do more research. I seen so many Christian youtubers, scholars etc explained to him in diff media sources, he still doesn't get it smh. We can only pray for this brother. Too prideful, lil to no humility. Smh
@missymurphy9996 3 года назад
The veil is blinding him from seeing the truth.
@constancereynolds3110 3 года назад
@@missymurphy9996 Actually it's satan blinding him and also those that refuse to believe on Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ told his disciples if they don't receive you shake the dust off your feet.
@dash4800 3 года назад
For a man who claims to be Christian there really is a shocking lack of humility on his part. He's just insulting everyone else as uneducated and unread when he clearly hasn't even read the things he's citing.
@themadlass5584 3 года назад
He doesn’t need to do more research. He just needs to read the Bible. Preferably the Books Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. And maybe head to Titus where it literally says, “Our God AND Savior Jesus Christ.”
@TickleMeElmo55 3 года назад
Tatum needs a huge dosage of humility and grace.
@kevinrose8568 3 года назад
Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God." John 20:28
@alemtiden1687 3 года назад
I agree with him politically,but i don't agree with him in theology.
@raygrasso1612 3 года назад
same here
@Heard_0f_God 3 года назад
Theology is the only true thing that matters. Politics and theology clearly disagree with each other. If anything or anyone disagrees with God, then as followers of Christ we are to stand apart from it or them. Be careful brother. When the time comes, I hope you know where and how to stand.
@GojoTheHonoredOne9 3 года назад
@@Heard_0f_God U don’t understand what politics are lol Theology is to inform politics. Even the bible concerns itself with matters of government and social order.
@ambermarie8120 3 года назад
@@GojoTheHonoredOne9 thank you. So many Christians keep trying to say it’s wrong for Christians to get involved in government and politics
@Heard_0f_God 3 года назад
@@GojoTheHonoredOne9 I understand exactly what politics are and how they work as well as how they were originally intended to govern the people who reside in its regions and how theology originally influenced all who (feared, obeyed and) were under it. The bible doesn't concern itself with matters of mans government. The bible is the Word of God. Mans government is SUPPOSED to concern itself with the matters of the Word of God. Once the people decided that their idea of theology was more supreme than God and their falsified logics were championed in politics as being the truth, social disorder started being labeled as social order. Anyone who knows and understands the bible would not only know it to be the only true theology that matters but would also know that politics disagree with it.
@mrskitkatlady 3 года назад
I have been diligently praying for Officer Tatum. I like his political videos very much and would love to see him come to the Real Christ.
@tonderaigomo1707 3 года назад
When I saw him with half open eyes trying to emphasize his point and then said "tritity".... I said to myself he had better stop talking soon, for even a fool appears wise when they remain silent.
@tessw9744 3 года назад
Sometimes people get a big RU-vid channel and they forget that they're just a guy with a RU-vid channel. They get puffed up and have to be right all the time. Brandon has been that way for a while now.
@blanktrigger8863 3 года назад
Yep. I started noting the change and dropped off during the covid stuff cause so much of what he said was wrong. It's so sad. He's seemed to learn that he can easily hold his audience through arrogance since arrogance feigns confidence. There's also the problem of trying to save face in front of an audience, which causes him double down within his position.
@blanktrigger8863 3 года назад
@@Usernameblahblahnblah That's my first time hearing that ._. I hope that's just a joking thing.
@ZeroSmoke. 3 года назад
@@Usernameblahblahnblah I don't know much about Brandon Tatum so I can't speak on him, but what's wrong with Candace Owens running?
@Nancy-fm1ie 3 года назад
@@ZeroSmoke. She's a great speaker but does not have enough work experience. There's a vast difference between Trump and Owens. And between Trump and Biden.
@nomis_10 10 месяцев назад
Where in the Bible does it say that you have to believe that Jesus is God to be saved
@kristy3380 3 года назад
Let's all be praying for Brandon and anyone who listens to him.
@georgehey4754 3 года назад
Yes he has an extremely large platform where he could influence many and lead them astray.
@eddiewatersjr8133 3 года назад
Just because you listen to someone doesn't mean that you agree with everything that they say. I watch Tatum as well, and agree with many of his political views. He seems to be pretty rationally minded. But he's no spiritual leader imo, and seems very "worldly". But we all need prayer, because the world today isn't what it was 30, 20, or even 5 years ago. And things were bad back then, but the world today is so so wicked.
@yiyithewuster 3 года назад
@@eddiewatersjr8133 yeah I think he has great points regarding cultural issues... he falls a little when it comes to some of the more sophisticated technical positions and a lot when it comes to spiritual positions
@suzukisixk7 3 года назад
i watch tatum sometimes for police related info and news, i dont want to hear about jesus and either do large portions or people who are/would be your allies (when ya really need them) however...keep me out of your sorcery larping. its not real and i dont want you to waste your time for what you think is my sake.
@justindorsch235 3 года назад
U will never be as good as big Tatum u will never have the followers as big Tatum
@sabatian1138 3 года назад
What is Brandon's fight? What is his aim? Does he even know? Does he believe in the Father? Does he believe in the Son? Does he believe in the Holy Spirit? If he in fact believes in all three, why is it such a threat to him to believe that they are 3 in 1? Any true Christian knows that Jesus IS GOD, because Jesus says that He is. Anyone who doesn't is not a Christian.
@jacksontran5469 3 года назад
Since he’s a Unitarian, he’s essentially a Arian. But more than that, his denial of the divinity of Jesus makes him not a Christian and thus “of the world” and “of the evil one.” He is, for all intents and purposes, “an anti-Christ” (not THE Anti-Christ). Also, his pride is hurt. He is a Unitarian and believed that his political following would not contradict him when he said as much. Then all these people contradicted him and his pride isn’t letting him step down.
@mb8219 3 года назад
Amen @Robert Young very well put
@karricompton 3 года назад
Good questions. He does believe in all three but somehow that there is only one God, the Father. SMH
@unashamedandbold1708 3 года назад
Amen and amen Robert Young!
@raygsbrelcik5578 3 года назад
Actually Robert, Jesus himSELF denies DEITY. He refers to GOD as, HIS GOD---His FATHER! Read; John10:29. John12:49. John14:28. John17:1--3. John20:17 Acts10:38--40. 1Cor.15:24--28, Etc. And there are MORE. "Study to show thyself approved..." 2Tim.2:15.
@TandZAptLife 3 года назад
It is scary that people can come on and look so confident and what they say is full of nonsense.
@pigjubby1 3 года назад
"For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one." 1 John 5:7 . Pretty plain and simple.
@analauracarrillo659 3 года назад
Hey, I used to use this verse very often to prove the Trinity, however, this verse was added into the Bible by the early Church just to have a verse in the Bible that mentions the Trinity. It doesn’t mean the Trinity it false, because there’s many other verses that advocate it, I’m just letting you know as a fellow Christian that this verse was indeed added into the Bible.
@analauracarrillo659 3 года назад
@@kinsmen8521 look at my comment pls :)
@BBFaith-Channel 3 года назад
@@analauracarrillo659 Greetings, Please provide one single verse of the scriptures that clearly articulates the doctrine of the Trinity. Just one. I did not ask for 2, my brother. I am asking for only just one verse. I believe you will not find a single one.
@kyleharris9456 3 года назад
@@BBFaith-Channel are you Muslim??? Where does Jesus say “I am God, worship me.” In those words exactly? It’s a silly argument. Foolishness. You know better.
@BBFaith-Channel 3 года назад
@@kyleharris9456 trust me, I have dealt with much more smarter Trinitarians and so if you think you can apply cheap strawman responses or arguments to my statements, then you are only deceiving yourself. My response was specifically to Analaura who made this claim in one of the responses. The claim here is that there are many other verses that advocate the doctrine of the Trinity. What I asked was to show me just one of such verses that advocate the doctrine of the Trinity. I never asked the person to show me a statement that must mention Trinity. I have simply asked to show just one single verse that advocate the doctrine. Do not be deceived, there is not a single verse of scriptures that support the doctrine of the Trinity. What Trinitarians do is simply read their own speculations and eisegesis into scriptures. But they can NEVER show any bible verse that supports the doctrine of the Trinity. Unlike we Biblical Unitarians, we can show you very explicit verses that support the Unitarian one God we serve. I can show you at least 4 EXPLICIT verses that show that the one God of both the OT and NT is a Unitarian monotheistic one God and NEVER a Triune One God. Again do not be deceived. There are various respectable religious and irreligious documents that clearly show that the doctrine of the Trinity is an alien doctrine to both the Jewish and Early Christian faith and clearly show that it was a latter invention. Read these and be informed friend. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia acknowledges that "'trinity' is a second-century term found nowhere in the Bible, and the Scriptures present no finished trinitarian statement" (1988, Vol. 4, "Trinity," p. 914). It further states that "church fathers crystallized the doctrine in succeeding centuries"-long after the apostles had passed from the scene. The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary tells us, "The formal doctrine of the Trinity as it was defined by the great church councils of the fourth and fifth centuries is not to be found in the NT [New Testament]" (Paul Achtemeier, editor, 1996, "Trinity"). The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism states: "Today, however, scholars generally agree that there is no doctrine of the Trinity as such in either the OT [ Old Testament ] or the NT [ New Testament ] . . . It would go far beyond the intention and thought-forms of the OT to suppose that a late-fourth-century or thirteenth-century Christian doctrine can be found there . . . Likewise, the NT does not contain an explicit doctrine of the Trinity" (Richard McBrien, general editor, 1995, "God," pp. 564-565). The New Encyclopædia Britannica says: “Neither the word Trinity, nor the explicit doctrine as such, appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Old Testament: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord’ (Deut. 6:4). . . . The doctrine developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies. . . . By the end of the 4th century . . . the doctrine of the Trinity took substantially the form it has maintained ever since.”-(1976), Micropædia, Vol. X, p. 126. In The Encyclopedia Americana we read: “Christianity derived from Judaism and Judaism was strictly Unitarian [believing that God is one person]. The road which led from Jerusalem to Nicea was scarcely a straight one. Fourth century Trinitarianism did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary, a deviation from this teaching.”-(1956), Vol. XXVII, p. 294L. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology points out that "primitive Christianity did not have an explicit doctrine of the Trinity such as was subsequently elaborated in the creeds of the early church" (Colin Brown, editor, Vol. 2, 1976, "God," p. 84). ALVAN LAMSON The renowned Church history scholar Alvan Lamson, who studied the church of the first 3 centuries also noted this fact in his concluding remarks: ""After what has been said in the foregoing pages, we are prepared to re-assert, in conclusion, that the modern doctrine of the Trinity is not found in any document or relic belonging to the church of the first three centuries. Letters, art, usage, theology, worship, creed, hymn, chant, doxology, ascription, commemorative rite, and festive observances, so far as any remains, or any record of them are preserved, coming down from early time, are, as regards this doctrine, an absolute blank. They testify, so far as they testify at all, to the supremacy of the Father, the only true God, and to the inferior and derived nature of the Son. There is nowhere among these remains a co-equal Trinity… no undivided Three, - co-equal, infinite, self-existent, and eternal. This was a conception at which the age had not arrived. It was of later origin."" (Alvan Lamson, The Church of the First Three Centuries: Or, Notices of the Lives and Opinions of Some of the Early Fathers, With Special Reference to The Doctrine of the Trinity; Illustrating Its Late Origin and Gradual Formation, pp. 466-7, emphases added) Now notice this part of his findings “…They testify, so far as they testify at all, to the supremacy of the Father, the only true God, and to the inferior and derived nature of the Son. There is nowhere among these remains a co-equal Trinity… no undivided Three, - co-equal, infinite, self-existent, and eternal…” Summary: The doctrine of the Trinity has no place in scriptures. The problem is that many of the lay Christians who even think they believe the doctrine of the Trinity do not eve really understand the doctrine. They think it is just about defending the deity of Jesus Christ or a mention of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. By the way, please note that I challenged Anthony Rogers to debate me on this: "Trinitarianism - Biblical Monotheism or Tri-theism" but he declined. Now I am not suggesting that he declined because he is not up to the task. I understand he may have declined because he had other engagements. However, if you are so sure of your position and you believe the doctrine of the Trinity is Biblical monotheism, why don't you take up this challenge and let us have a formal debate. If you are not available for this, you can elect any Trinitarian of your choice to debate this topic. Do you accept?
@hlokomani 3 года назад
I gave up on this dude after he was schooled by Anthony and still was too prideful to admit that he was/is out of his depth.
@lauraowen8142 3 года назад
@jirensentry7609 3 года назад
My apologies. Brandon is one of those dudes that learn a word like Nicaea and thinks he knows what he's talking about, yet twisting everything.
@ScrappyXFL 3 года назад
He's proud that he learned not to say it "Nickayeea" anymore. So he pronounces it so others will hear it too. =\
@shawnemiliojones843 3 года назад
I always turn off his videos when he be talking about God cause his opinions about God don't be true at all
@IceLynne 3 года назад
In that case why do trust him on other topics?
@jacksontran5469 3 года назад
@@IceLynne because someone is wrong on one thing, doesn’t make them wrong on everything. I do agree that I’ve lost respect for him as a public figure and see that he doesn’t think very carefully - certainly not about theology.
@ScrappyXFL 3 года назад
@@jacksontran5469 He's wrong on the law. Even when handed statute the joker doubles down (oh, he shadow bans your comments too, wrong and a coward).
@86lanzo 3 года назад
The problem with Brandon is the level of confidence he has in his uneducated views..
@jhamilton1007 3 года назад
Man, Brandon is lost on this. I'm just wondering who he believes God is talking to in Genesis, when He says "Come let us make man in Our image." We should be praying that God would give him clarity and the truth on the Trinity and whatever else he might be misinterpreting.
@mariohumberto3397 3 года назад
I think he says it in the debate with Anthony Rogers, I thinks he says it's the angels or somehting like that. Better to check it out.
@jhamilton1007 3 года назад
@@mariohumberto3397 Ya, but the Angels aren't made in the image of God. Only us humans are.
@mariohumberto3397 3 года назад
@@jhamilton1007 Oh I know, I was just answering to your question. I believe in the trinity.
@TheRastacabbage 3 года назад
So who is us? Our?
@jhamilton1007 3 года назад
@@TheRastacabbage The Trinity
@UM-ku8rk 3 года назад
He's worst than atheists . Debating scripture with another Christian is worst than debating with an atheist. This man is unreasonable
@jesusthetruelivinggod.2193 3 года назад
You are absolutely right bro
@TGuard00014 3 года назад
Debating scripture is how we figure out who is wrong or who is right. If debating scripture with Christians is worse than debating atheists then the great Schism was wrong, the Reformation was wrong, even the council of Nicea was wrong. In fact Paul, James, and Peter had a debate on the meaning of certain teachings as detailed in both Acts and Galatians. We should all be either Roman Catholics or Orthodox believers (depending on who you believe) and we have to accept all the apocrypha as belonging in the Bible. At least now people who are deemed heretics are just made fun of on the internet, for most of church history they were killed, often burned at the stake. Coincidentally if we took your beliefs and transported you back to Germany in 1500 you would’ve been burned at the stake as a heretic.
@jelly7310 3 года назад
He's also an ex cop and a lot of them can't stand being wrong.
@minxymuffin4331 3 года назад
You must know a lot of cops...
@joelofori5565 3 года назад
@@minxymuffin4331 been there done that
@2corinthians5-19 3 года назад
Alot of cops are freemasons too
@BlackMist123 3 года назад
@@2corinthians5-19 facts glad you know that.
@2corinthians5-19 3 года назад
@@BlackMist123 thanks bro. I try to stay in the know
@alstroemeria227again4 3 года назад
I just have serious questions: if Jesus ISN’T God, does this mean that Tatum believes Jesus was a mere man? How did Jesus bear all the sins of humanity and the wrath of God as a mere man? I will not be worshipping a mere man.
@sorenpx 3 года назад
I suspect that he believes that Jesus was a glorified man, infused with supernatural power and ability by God. So he was made more than a mere mortal by God, but he started out as just a man. His view seems somewhat similar to the Mormon view.
@soldierofchrist4ever 3 года назад
@@sorenpx Mormons believe Jesus, to be YHWH (they usually say Jehovah) of the Old Testament, and the Father, to be Elohim. Mormon doctrine has a lot of flaws, and inconsistencies, because it has never been "officially" systematized, and they always want to leave room for plausible deniability. That's why it usually varies Mormon, to Mormon, for example Brigham Young, believed in, and taught, what is called the Adam - God doctrine, which makes the very claims the title suggests.
@siriseriez2570 3 года назад
@@soldierofchrist4ever They also believe that Jesus Christ is the brother of lucifer. I was completely shocked when I learnt that, there’s people walking this earth that believe Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour is the brother of the devil....
@sorenpx 3 года назад
@@soldierofchrist4ever This sounds like you know more on the subject than I do, but I have seen multiple Mormon sources that say this: As Jesus once was, we are today. And Jesus's fate can be our own. In the same way that Jesus became a god, we also can become a god and will even be given our own planet to rule.
@lauraowen8142 3 года назад
@@soldierofchrist4ever Mormons revere their own book over The Bible. They're deluded by FALSE DOCTRINE.
@sharingthegoodnews5500 3 года назад
Whoever is reading this Jesus loves you. Whether you believe it or not he is the true living God. Go to him before he returns and before you die. He died for each and every one of you on the cross for everyone’s sins and was buried and rose from the dead 3 days later so we can have the free gift of salvation which is eternal life in Heaven. He is the only way to Heaven. We are saved by his grace through faith. Go to him he loves you and I love you🙏🏽❤️✝️ I don’t want you to die in your sins and perish in Hell.
@Corinthians--ek4kt 3 года назад
Can you please explain 1 Corinthians 8:6, AlsoGalatians 1:1 says Father raised him from the dead. Thank you.
@michaal105 3 года назад
@@Corinthians--ek4kt He did raise Jesus from the dead. And in John 2, Jesus says that He will raise His body from the dead. In one of Paul's epistles (can't remember which one) it says that Jesus was raised by the Holy Spirit. All 3 members of the trinity were involved in Jesus' resurrection. And Jesus claimed to be God, received worship reserved for God, and was called God by others while affirming they were right MULTIPLE TIMES John 20:27-29 - Then He said to Thomas, “Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing.” Thomas answered and said to Him, “MY LORD AND MY GOD!” Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.” Mark 2:27-28 - Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man IS LORD even of the Sabbath.” (We know Yahweh (Old Testament title for God) is the Lord of the Sabbath; Jesus calls Himself Yahweh) John 1:1-2; 14 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS GOD. He was in the beginning with God... 14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 5:18 - For this reason therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself EQUAL WITH GOD. John 10:30 - “I and the Father ARE ONE.” John 14:8-9 - Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? HE WHO HAS SEEN ME HAS SEEN THE FATHER; how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Isaiah 9:6 - For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, MIGHTY GOD, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. (Even the Old Testament prophesied that the Messiah was God). Who is the ‘I AM’? It is God’s revealed name in the Old Testament book of Exodus: Exodus 3:14 - God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” John 8:58 - Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM.” 1) He identifies himself with the name of God. 2) He doesn’t say I was, but I am. So he was pre-existent before Abraham and has not changed his Godly essence since then. Who is the ‘First and the Last’? Isaiah 44:6 Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: “I am the FIRST AND I AM THE LAST; BESIDES ME THERE IS NO GOD.” Revelation 1:17-18 When I saw him (Jesus), I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I AM THE FIRST AND THE LAST, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades. Who is allowed worship? Deuteronomy 6:13 - You shall fear only the Lord your God; and you shall WORSHIP HIM AND SWEAR BY HIS NAME. Matthew 28:9 - And behold, Jesus met them and greeted them. And they came up and took hold of His feet and WORSHIPED Him. Matthew 14:33 - And those who were in the boat WORSHIPED HIM, saying, “You are certainly God’s Son!” Luke 24:50-52 - And He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them. While He was blessing them, He parted from them and was carried up into heaven. And they, after WORSHIPING Him, returned to Jerusalem with great joy Who did John the Baptist prepare the way for? Matthew 3:1-3 - Now in those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” For this is the one referred to by Isaiah the prophet when he said, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make ready the way of THE LORD, Make His paths straight!’” - John had prepared the way for Jesus, THE LORD (which is the title applied to God in the Old Testament)
@Corinthians--ek4kt 3 года назад
@@michaal105 Thank you so much...what do you think 1 Corinthians 8:6,does it contradict? Thank you. And Thanks again for the scriptures I needed them.
@Corinthians--ek4kt 3 года назад
@@michaal105 l Appreciate more than you think.
@michaal105 3 года назад
@@Corinthians--ek4kt No it doesn't contradict. One of the prayers in the book of Acts has the Father being called Lord. This verse clearly says there is one Lord who is Jesus. So then it's clear that the Father and Holy Spirit and Jesus are One God and one Lord. God is one being and three persons
@sherriew36 3 года назад
It"s interesting how people who love Jesus believe people who don't know Jesus but agree with them because of politics. The enemy sure is crafty.
@conanlabiche 3 года назад
hath God said ?......
@lboden7239 3 года назад
I just started listening to your channel and love it and am so grateful for you and your responses to wrong theology. What a blessing! Your not nasty, not a know it all, and not the "Bible Answer Man" thank you Jesus! You're wise and communicate perfectly! Thank you again Jesus!
@nomis_10 10 месяцев назад
Where in the Bible does it say that you have to believe that Jesus is God to be saved
@Ron-SA 3 года назад
Aiy sometimes you gotta wonder if these guys are for real. or looking for attention. And worst part is the number of followers they have.
@IceLynne 3 года назад
Imagine wanting to be judged by God for misleading all those followers!
@greenghost6416 3 года назад
He's a grifter.
@Gutslinger 3 года назад
He didn't gain his following from preaching the Gospel...or his belief of what he perceives to be the Gospel.
@Ron-SA 3 года назад
@@Gutslinger Granted. He might not have gained them from doing what u 've just said, He has however taken to himself to discuss these things. He is in an influential and opportune position to plant weeds of subtle and obvious/brazen error in the minds of those who follow him. Dangerous for those who do not seek truth and aren't able to discern. Many perish for a lack of knowledge...But there are also some who accumulate to themselves these false teachers.. And the worst part being , him and others like him leading them astray and into error.
@ScrappyXFL 3 года назад
@Samuel Jennings He is a grifter, just like Candace Owens is/was. Don't keep up with her anymore.
@Abraham-bs6bo 3 года назад
Im not impressed that Brandon dont get it, this knowledge is not revealed to everyone just a few that God wants to
@Latinissima 3 года назад
Bingo! Many people don’t understand that insight is a divine gift. Reading scripture, debating, these displays of self-righteousness and intellectualizing aren’t the necessary conditions for the right questions or answers. God and God alone, has and gives insight of who He is to humans. That being said, I respect that Brandon is willing to contend with these ideas publicly. Many of us are too afraid to ask questions and be wrong, so I respect him for speaking about what he thinks and feels.
@Abraham-bs6bo 3 года назад
@@Latinissima You got it. I used to think that it was me not explaining the gospel accurate enough for people to get it, but later on my journey in Christ realized that I was given this ability of understanding and loving God, this wasn't my own intellectual effort but rather it was born in me from the spirit as the scripture says. Greetings from Mexico sister, you have a brother in Christ here ✌
@claytong9291 3 года назад
This is a great example of why we are called to explain the true gospel to our loved ones. As hard as that may be sometimes.
@nosmoke247 3 года назад
Seems Brandon was digging deep then took a wrong turn. Great job lovingly reproofing RIGHTEOUSLY 🙏🏼💯👏
@Gutslinger 3 года назад
Him arguing on the basis of the Bible not specifically using the word "trinity" is equally as idiotic and simple minded as Muslims using the argument of, "Show me in the Bible where Jesus says, 'I am God. Worship me.'" 🤦‍♂️
@kisskatt4009 3 года назад
So you are basically aknowledging that you are a follower of a blind man-made faith based on no holy scripture. And you dare to qualify other humans as stupid ? 🤦‍♂️ Your believe is against what Jesus himself said in the Bible about who is The Only True God. If you wanna know who is really stupid and hypocrite you just have to look in the mirror 😅
@williamkesler2373 2 года назад
But yet, Jesus does explicitly say “I am God. Worship me”. I’m paraphrasing of course, but that’s the whole point of the New Testament after all. That’s not so idiotic in my veiw.
@mccalltrader 3 года назад
I used to really like Tate Now I lost respect for him
@nildameers3772 3 года назад
Don't lose respect.. just pray for him.. He's lost like you once was
@Sketchfox 3 года назад
I wouldn't say that this guy never does actual research. But, his recent blunder at the expense of Karlyn Borysenko shows that there are times when "research" is clearly a relative term when it comes to Brandon Tatum. He wound up apologizing over Karlyn Borysenko. Hopefully some day Tatum can accept Jesus for who He is.
@Mindyobusiness89 3 года назад
Karylyn didn't accept his apology cause Tatum was talking crap about her friend, which had nothing to do with her
@Sketchfox 3 года назад
This is true. But he gave it a try at least, haha
@Gutslinger 3 года назад
I saw the thumbnail for his video, but I couldn't bring myself to watch what that was about because I figured that it would make me cringe too hard. Lol
@retrictumrectus1010 3 года назад
Tatum said before that Karlyn is a liberal, and now said he now knows she is a conservative after the apology video. He used her looks as one of the reasons why she is a liberal. I am like, he is incorrect on the latter since she is still a liberal, but he is also incorrect on the former because despite being actually correct, he used a faulty method to judge, comparing her looks to a stereotypical liberal. His jugment about Karlyn's leanings just went from bad to worse. (Or Karlyn actually became conservative, which I dont think so.)
@Gutslinger 3 года назад
@@retrictumrectus1010 Man, that gives me secondhand embarrassment.. Sounds like people who I see in the comments when anyone gets "red pilled" and they automatically assume that person is a conservative.. Sometimes even the red pilled person thinks they might be conservative just because they were red pilled. They don't understand that it's your stance on certain policies and the constitution that indicate whether you're a conservative or not. This is why Ben Shapiro made a distinction, years ago, between people who he refers to as liberals and leftists. You can have conversations with a liberal, but you can't with a leftist.
@brymichmom 3 года назад
It sounds like his sources come from the Watchtower.
@traildisc155 8 месяцев назад
Or islam
@shannonrae9955 3 года назад
“You’re not dealing with a rookie man.” Maybe not a rookie, but more like a bust.
@servanthood1 3 года назад
Do you believe in the Rapture?
@samuelbishop3316 3 года назад
A veteran charlatan.
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! God resurrected the Messiah! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
@DSBac 3 года назад
As soon as he said, “contradict”, I knew anything that followed would be a mistake.
@ScrappyXFL 3 года назад
That passages in the Bible contradict is a great atheist talking point!
@DSBac 3 года назад
@@ScrappyXFL yup. It’s a standard argument.
@SirBitingBen 3 года назад
Heres my question: If Jesus isn't God, yet is the son of God, then what is he? We are told there is only one God throughout the whole bible, so is Jesus just a man? Is he another God? In my mind, he has to be God simply from the fact that the bible hinges our salvation on faith in JESUS
@IceLynne 3 года назад
well said.
I mean its a no brainer...
@jesus.is.god.forever.bless2047 3 года назад
Exactly! And the Bible is replete with proof that Jesus is God! That Antichrist spirit is permeating.
@90ejb 3 года назад
Right. The whole Old Testament eludes to the fact that Jesus was coming, most of the New Testament eludes to salvation through Jesus and that he’s coming back. Why can’t they accept Jesus is God?
@adelineboswell6791 3 года назад
Wow praise God for giving you the wisdom and courage to respond to Brandon with compassion and truth, not just looking to put him down, but looking to understand where he is coming from with his heretical belief about Jesus
@nomis_10 10 месяцев назад
Where in the Bible does it say that you have to believe that Jesus is God to be saved
@adelineboswell6791 10 месяцев назад
​@@nomis_10 The scriptures themselves take up a lot of space, so I'm only going to give the references and the explanations, and you can find the scripture on your own. That way this reply won't be as long as a book. The short answer is the phrase "believe in Him" implies the belief that Jesus is God. If Jesus was not God, then Jesus' sacrifice would not make sense and would not have fulfilled the prophecies which required a righteous person to die. First, let's verify that Jesus claimed to be God, and that others affirmed Jesus' claim to be God. John 3:13-18 tells us that the Son of Man came from Heaven, and that everyone who believes will have eternal life in him (the Son of Man). It also tells us that the same person is God's one and only son. So the Son of Man and the Son of God are one and the same. John 3:31-35 tells us that the Father (God) has placed everything in the hands of the Son. It also gives us a contrast, that whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son has God's wrath and won't have (eternal) life. John 1:1-5 tells us the Word of God was with God from the very beginning, and that the Word of God was life intended to be the light of all mankind. John 1:14-16 has John explaining that the Word of God became flesh (human), and that he had seen the glory of the one and only Son of God. A direct quote from the NIV translation: "No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known." So above, John directly claims that the Son of God is also God Himself. Then in John 1:49-50, a man addresses Jesus as the 'Son of God,' and Jesus replies with acknowledgement and refers to himself as the Son of Man. So if Jesus is the Son of God and the Son of Man, and if the Son of Man came from Heaven, and if the Son of God is also God Himself, then we know that Jesus (and those around Him) acknowledged Himself as God. Now we know that Jesus claimed to be God. There are other passages, but this is enough for now. So the next question is "do you have to believe that Jesus is God to be saved?" Going back to John 3:16, we are told that eternal life required "belief" in "him" (Jesus). Jesus claimed to be God. If someone does not believe that Jesus is God, then they do not believe in Him since they do not believe that He is who He says He is. Romans 10:9-11 tells us that to be saved, we must confess that 'Jesus is Lord' and believe that God raised Him (Jesus) from the dead. Acts 4:12 tells us that salvation is found exclusively in Jesus, and there is no one else who can save us. Romans 5:19 For as by the one man's disobedience (original sin of Adam) the many were made sinners, so by the one man's obedience (the sacrifice of the Son of God) the many will be made righteous. 2 Corinthians 5:21 "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." The phrase 'knew no sin' means 'has never sinned/is morally perfect.' 1 Peter 3:18 "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit" Christ who was righteous suffered for those who were unrighteous. In Mark 10:17-18, a man calls Jesus 'good,' and Jesus responds by saying that only God is 'good.' Romans 3:10-12 tells us that no one is righteous, and all have turned away from God. If no one is righteous except for God, and if the Son of God is called righteous, and if Jesus is the Son of God, then Jesus is called righteous and therefore Jesus is God. We could go into more about the prophesies of Isaiah, but here's the summary: God promised to send someone who was righteous to be punished and sacrificed for the sins of God's people, to atone for their sins and make them right with God. The Old Covenant prescribed many different offerings to God, but an offering of atonement for sin was always a blood sacrifice of an unblemished (perfect) animal like a lamb. In the New Testament, Jesus is called the "Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world." Jesus was righteous and had no sin, just like the unblemished lamb. Since Jesus is perfect, and only God can be perfect, then Jesus must be God. All that to say the phrase "believe in Him" implies the belief that Jesus is God. If Jesus was not God, then Jesus' sacrifice would not make sense and would not have fulfilled the prophecies which required a righteous person to die.
@iceman4660 3 года назад
Only the Holy Spirit can help him
@jamiebonilla6239 3 года назад
How can anyone claim to be a Christian while denying Christ's diety?
@OnTheThirdDay 3 года назад
I wish someone could comment on this.
@nobleprince1238 3 года назад
Still beats me!
@nobleprince1238 3 года назад
@@raygsbrelcik5578 Please tell me what you think of 1 Peter 1:2. Thanks
@jamiebonilla6239 3 года назад
@@raygsbrelcik5578 1 John 5:20 "And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life."
@jamiebonilla6239 3 года назад
@@raygsbrelcik5578 Jesus refers to Himself as the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End in Revelation chptr 1.
@tawanda34 3 года назад
Thank you for your continued faithfulness and clear teachings- praying you are blessed. We are losing the ability to properly reason in public discourse. Your voice will be a guiding light in the power of Christ for so many. I doubt we’ll meet this side of heaven- but I am looking forward to meeting you there.
@ramonpooser2434 3 года назад
God bless you. Praying for Brandon.
@trevorbates5016 3 года назад
Sounds like he has made some new Muslim friends and is repeating what they told him.
@interpretingscripture8068 3 года назад
If im correct...i believe he has ststed he has Muslims in his family...so that may be a source of conflicting theology he is getting.
@christianrowell1081 3 года назад
Lol yeah that's what it sound like
@servanthood1 3 года назад
Do you believe in the Rapture?
@interpretingscripture8068 3 года назад
@@servanthood1 isnt that a different topic?
@trevorbates5016 3 года назад
@@raygsbrelcik5578 " sounds like " Do you understand that phrase at all ??? If you ever debated with Muslims you would know they say the same things. Jesus said " I AM " and that's enough for His sheep who know His voice.
@steveandsarahrutledge9105 3 года назад
Thank you for taking the time to research and offer this in a meek way. As Christians we have to do better than what we see in the outrage-entertainment industry. We have do .... what you did here!
@itsmax2358 3 года назад
I'm not deep into these religious arguments of what is what but I love the way you explain things; Short, simple, and factual.
@eundoparkmusic 3 года назад
At this point Brandon is sounding like the Christian equivalent of a flat earther
@PreachTheWord1 3 года назад
Bible DOES teach the Earth is flat. Reference scholar Michael Heisner.
@servanthood1 3 года назад
Do you believe in the Rapture?
@carloswater7 3 года назад
@@PreachTheWord1 the Bible doesn't Teach the World is Flat. It teaches the world is round. Reference the Bible itself.
@angelmartin7310 3 года назад
That was a stupid comment considering the Bible actually depicts a flat Earth
@angelmartin7310 3 года назад
@@carloswater7 round, and flat
@danieldonegan6914 3 года назад
Brandon is probably reading from the New World translation put out by the Watchtower Society.
@jesussavedme4221 3 года назад
lol exactly
@raygsbrelcik5578 3 года назад
No, Daniel...Brandon is reading from the KJV, NAS, NIV, ESV, etc. The trinity is an ancient Roman Catholic creation. GOD be Praised.
@kyleharris9456 3 года назад
@@raygsbrelcik5578 NWT:: In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God, and the Word was 👉a god.👈This one was in the beginning with God. //please find “a god” in any translation you listed. This is what Brandon said it was supposed to say.
@raygsbrelcik5578 3 года назад
@@kyleharris9456 Brandon needs a bit more understanding in his Theology, but he's on the Right Track. Jesus, the "One and Only BEGOTTEN Son," is Not GOD..."GOD the FATHER," is---according to Christ's OWN words, "The One TRUE GOD." Amen! Be blessed.
@kyleharris9456 3 года назад
@@raygsbrelcik5578 “A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:3‬ //// who is capital LORD? When did this messianic prophecy take place?
@truthteller816 3 года назад
Honestly, his argument against the Trinity comes down to semantics which isn’t sufficient enough to dismiss it.
@markwildt5728 3 года назад
Not the case at all... There's nothing scripturally to suggest or back a Trinity teaching.
@emmajp_9385 3 года назад
@@markwildt5728 the word trinity wasn’t around then but that doesn’t mean that the father, son and Holy Spirit aren’t the trinity. All the scripture proves it, we just now have a word to make it easier to understand.
@markwildt5728 3 года назад
@@emmajp_9385 I'm aware that the word itself doesn't mean anything, but scripture in no way teaches the doctrine of the trinity no matter what you call it... It's a false doctrine.
@addajjalsonofallah6217 3 года назад
@@markwildt5728 sure it does it just like quantum mechanics and the strong nuclear forces God Son And holy spirit Are the 3 charges of God as a fundemental aspect of reality I believe in the trinity because of quantum mechanics
@dkodesh 3 года назад
@@markwildt5728 lol thats funny. If I remember correctly many apostles claimed the divinity of christ. Even one of them said to Jesus he is the son of God. I think Peter said that. Then we also have the scriptures of The holy Spirit being a person with a will, conscious, and personality.
@elijahchesterthomas5334 3 года назад
"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the WORD WAS GOD, and the WORD was made manifest in the person of Jesus Christ."
@townsendm794 3 года назад
Jesus is not God. Never was, never will be. One day you may have to stand in front of your maker and explain why you you took Jesus' teaching and then created a polytheistic faith.
@kyleharris9456 3 года назад
@@townsendm794 according to John, Jesus is our maker...“All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” ‭‭John‬ ‭1:3‬ /// so you meant to say is one day you will stand before Jesus and explain why you turned his teachings into a polytheistic faith.
@townsendm794 3 года назад
@@kyleharris9456 Most biblical scholars agree that the gospel of John is not an historical record of Jesus's life or sayings. Sorry, but the trinity is a complete fabrication invented to appeal to hellenistic gentiles.
@kyleharris9456 3 года назад
@@townsendm794 lol
@domhouston7775 3 года назад
@@townsendm794 just sound like you making excuse. If you believe Jesus isn’t God then you aren’t a Christian. You going have to explain to Jesus why you denied that he is God
@rayhernandez5037 3 года назад
He believes as a jehovah witness does, misunderstanding the word of God
@SverigeiSverige 3 года назад
"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." 1 John 5:7
@zoefloreus7066 3 года назад
It's like Tatum's lost his mind. I don't understand how he's misunderstanding scripture so badly.
@Jashley23 2 года назад
I love how calm and levelheaded you remain. I picture a debate with Brandon would not be beneficial considering how hyped up he gets, and I’ve always liked the dude but it seems he’s unwilling to accept anything other that what he already believes
@MichaelWilson-ep8pc 3 года назад
Some words I think of when I hear Brandon speak . Confident , confused , and foolish. Still Love those who we disagree with . It’s just sad to see people walking around with pride, in error spreading false things about Christ .
@Mindyobusiness89 3 года назад
But in the Bible, Jesus even said, "through my father" making them separate but one
@DaveBaldwin1 3 года назад
Absolutely, among many others. I honestly can't understand how someone could read John 1:1-5 and have doubts.
@Serenitymommy10 3 года назад
I and my father are one🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
@bboywolf 3 года назад
@@Serenitymommy10 trinitarians ALWAYS cherry pick scripture then get mad when you point out the same words verbatim are used in other places meaning something completely different. The bible does not contradict but they claim it does.
@Serenitymommy10 3 года назад
@@bboywolf I use to be "apostolic " until God started delivering me from that ideology during this pandemic. I'm glad that he opened my eyes to the error.
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