
They Said I Was Bad For Ham Radio, That I Was Freakin' Out. None Of That Is True Jim W6LG 

Jim W6LG
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Jim W6LG responds to others who made unfortunate statements. Watch the video and see who is right. Bullet points from the ARRL filing about RM-11953. Watch it closely and keep in mind the amount of money that must have been spent on the response.



25 сен 2024




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@stolz5573 Год назад
The great work that you do for ham radio is very appreciated! Glad that you are home and doing better.
@ham-radio Год назад
Thanks. I am out of the hospital again in two weeks and feeling better. Although I am really weak. I am working on a video. If I can generate the energy, I will record it tomorrow. 73 and thanks, Jim W6LG from my bed
@robincross4625 Год назад
You are a true Gentleman in a sea of chaos.
@txfotog Год назад
Sorry to hear about your medical issues Jim. Glad you're better. I watched your original video (in it's entirety) just after you posted it and I didn't think you were "freaking out". Sounding an alarm? Yes. Getting people to think? Yes. Let the haters hate. And just like the lids that we have to deal with on-air, ignore them and they will eventually pipe down, give up & go away. Opinions are like...noses...everybody's got one. 73! And thanks for all the GREAT WORK you do for us & this hobby!
@ham-radio Год назад
Thanks. I have been in the hospital twice since then. I am in Kaiser Roseville hoping to be discharged today if blood tests come back okay. Thanks for writing. 73, Jim W6LG
@Cbro-621 Год назад
I noticed everyone who said it’s cool are bitcoin miners! Not surprised at all. I’m with you on this Jim. Good to see you I really hope you come out of this on top! Keep fighting buddy. Have a good day
@BrianFields Год назад
I don't think you were freaking out at all. In fact I was shocked Dave had the response he had. Your points were well thought out, and were along lines of what I had come up with myself. The fact that these 'tests' were conducted at a FRACTION of the proposed power was a huge red flag. And with no real notice of what they were doing and when they were testing so that anyone could observe or even connect the dots. We've all experienced seemingly random QRM on the bands that comes and goes, so who knows if it was this test system or not? I also feel sorry for anyone who is nearby or in the path of these 20KW beams. Best wishes and thank you for all you do. 73
@RedNeckSurgeyTech Год назад
I like both your videos... that is to say yours and Dave's, I don't know the young guy in Florida your talking about. Also I don't remember Dave saying anything about you specifically. Glad your okay 73 KF0ALT
@ThisADHDLife Год назад
Just came here to say basically the same thing. Dave didn’t reference anyone in his video.
@624radicalham Год назад
Dave Casler is a tool for the ARRL. Nothing more. Watch him struggle to explain even the simplest of things to new hams
@Ron-x1e Год назад
Jim, sorry to hear about your blood clot, sounds like a close call, you have been through a lot! WRT your take on RM-11953, you were very rational and objective about it -- no sense of panic at all. You framed the potential danger well and it sure woke me up. I immediately went off and read the filing, I found it to be complete rubbish, and purposely deceiving frankly. I filed a complaint with the FCC and alerted members of my local HAM club. I was also very disappointed in Casler's response. Wow Dave, did you bother to read the filing. IMHO Dave completely blew it and left a lot of HAM's sitting on the fence when action was necessary -- I posted my thoughts on Dave's channel, he has gone silent on the topic. Hopefully this goes no where or is sufficiently neutered. Cheers Jim.
@ham-radio Год назад
I have seen how money can move decisions at the local level as a Commissioner many years ago. It did not take much money at all. You are right. 73, Jim
@mewrongwayKOCXF Год назад
Dave certainly dropped the ball on this one!
@Frank_K4FMH Год назад
Very calm, reasoned, and factual response, Jim. Glad you are feeling better and that your previous video is back up. 73 Frank K4FMH
@ham-radio Год назад
Thanks you Dr. Frank! I did buy a Zoom account while they were on sale. Such a deal. 73, Jim
@jamescady723 Год назад
Jim, I'm a new ham and also a cancer patient. I understand the stress thing! I've found your videos and advice extremely helpful. One of my favorites is that miracle antenna video you did. I laughed my behind off--love dry humor. Also, you give advice and a viewpoint without ego. I, for one, am appreciative. 73 N8JVC
@ancientbutstillhere6570 Год назад
Best guy on ham radio advice. I ran a com stay in usn with neat stuff. He is a real good man.
@ham-radio Год назад
Thanks. The chemo has made me very ill. My WBC was almost zero for a time. HGB was down to 6.6 for a while too. Thanks and watch for a new video about antennas. 73, Jim W6LG
@jamescady723 Год назад
@@ham-radio Hang in there, you'll beat this!
@dreupen Год назад
Jim, you are a BADASS ELMER, and don't stop doing what you do (unless you want to). I again thank you for you input, efforts, and honesty. I guessed right about who the young guy from Florida is. I could tell you why I stopped watching him a long time ago, but after watching his recent video, I am embarrassed that I did watch him. I wish you good health. Paul k0oke
@WW5RM Год назад
Yeah i unsubscribed years ago! Listen close to his words and reasoning.
@ham-radio Год назад
Thanks Paul. I am in bed recovering from my hospital stay where I was in guarded condition and somewhat incoherent during admission. I remember almost nothing after arriving by ambulance. Perhaps that is good. Anyway, I am getting better. 73 and thanks, Jim W6LG
@Servant-of-Christ-net Год назад
Since hearing of your illness, I have been praying for you. In regards to HamRadioConcepts hit piece, many of us wonder why he would rush home to make a video. In either case he has lost a lot of respect from all the hams that I have talked to. Thank You for all that you do. You are more respected and loved then I believe you are aware of. God Bless.
@WW5RM Год назад
I unsubscribed from his channel years ago! Listen close to his words.
@waterhead1027 Год назад
I watched one of his videos. I just don't like the guy. No other reason.
@ham-radio Год назад
Thanks for your prayers. I have been in the hospital twice since you wrote. I hope to be out today if blood tests are better. 73 Jim W6LG
@lowcountryhdrider7644 Год назад
Thanks for all you do, and keep the faith Jim.
@paul.phillips Год назад
You are appreciated Jim, thankful for your expert analysis and information. Thanks for looking out for the younger generation.
@jberk8529 Год назад
Praying for a healing Jim. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!!!!! I have learned so much from you.
@mattarnold6229 Год назад
Much respect, Jim, thank you for your example of grace in the face of adversity.
@seeharvester Год назад
I don't know anything about this, but going with my gut, I'm going to trust you over some kid in Fla. Hope your health improves rapidly.
@waterhead1027 Год назад
Good choice. Florida man has an unimpressive character. Or put crudely, he thinks his dick is a lot bigger than it is.
@n4hnhradio Год назад
Jim, I appreciate you and your sensible approach to any subject you cover. I don’t get to see every video, because I get busy attending to my own RU-vid channel. But I enjoy every video I get to watch. And I can certainly relate to the attacks. I get them too, and my channel is nowhere near as successful as yours. I will be praying for your health. We need you, Jim. 73, de Doug, N4HNH
@ham-radio Год назад
Doug, great to hear from you. I need YOUR help. I am doing something wrong when trying to make a "SHORT". Today I may have to go back to the hospital. But if you have time to chat on Zoom, I would appreciate it. I am stumped about shorts...not the kind I wear. 73, Jim
@IndyMagi Год назад
Jim, glad you are doing better. You are quite possibly the best Elmer on the net. Please continue to take care of yourself and heal up.
@kumasu Год назад
Agreed. He's the best online elmer.
@rickbattle5706 Год назад
Glad you bounced back. Very happy you are doing well all things considered. Hang in there your voice needs to be heard. KB3NG
@ElPasoTubeAmps Год назад
Jim, you are an tremendous asset and valued Elmer for all of amateur radio. You speak your mind on your RU-vid platform in a constructive and confident manner and anyone that might say you are bad for ham radio is either threatened by what you say or just trying to get attention for themselves. In any case, Don't let it slow you down one bit. The more you ignore the naysayers, the more time you have to do your good job. 73 David WA4QGA
@FromthehamshackwithNJ4Z Год назад
You had it dead to rights Jim. I am the ARRL section manager for SC. It was a strategic move to file late. Ed did a masterful job.
@ham-radio Год назад
I really don't know how these things work. So the last minute filing was a head scratcher as to timing. The narrative was also 'different'. But the attorneys and the ARRL staff are the experts. They know what to do. I do not. I would not want to pay the bills for that filing by the ARRL on our behalf. I am sure it costs many thousands of dollars. With respect to Ed Hare, he is the best. No one can top his experience and knowledge. He is recognized around the world as an expert. I am just an amateur happy to learn from guys like Ed. Thanks for writing and letting me know. 73, Jim W6LG in Rocklin, CA
@ComoxSardog Год назад
Jim, I am a Canadian amateur radio operator - VE7XFA. Us Canuck Hams interact a great deal with our brothers to the south on the air for emergency communications, various nets, and other linkups in the Ham bands. I was wondering what your thoughts are on these rules changes with regards to international implications?
@patrickbuick5459 Год назад
Ditto the opposite coast VE9ES, also VE6PDB.
@KO4TDA Год назад
Jim, first off, good to hear you are doing better!!! 2nd, Ignore the idiots!!! You never “freaked out”. You brought light to something that most of the rest of us never knew about. Keep getting better & can’t wait to see more videos from you!!!
@aj2isotadxing Год назад
Glad you’re back jim. You’re an asset to the hobby. Keep moving forward
@jerryKB2GCG Год назад
I am so sorry you have been and continue to deal with so much. May you have a full and speedy recovery!
@Scott_AI5EF Год назад
Jim, you are loved and respected.
@hankhalbert6542 Год назад
Thank you Jim. We all appreciate your concern and choice to “break the news.” No one else did. You are a Hero, Jim. Thank you.
@ham-radio Год назад
That is very kind. Thank you. I am currently in the hospitlal. I have been in twice in two weeks with sever sepsis and organ failure. I am struggling a bit. Thanks. 73 Jim
@hankhalbert6542 Год назад
Adding you to our Prayer List, Jim. Thank you again for your valuable content and “Elmering.” Your effort is appreciated by the Ham Radio Community and radio hobbyists worldwide. KD4VJO
@dannylane6241 Год назад
Jim, Thanks so much for bringing this up, and having the courage to respond to the haters in such a graceful manner, you are a true gentleman that we all should learn a lesson from
@dans115 Год назад
Jim, right or wrong, you explained it in the most professional manner I have ever heard! Anyone throwing harsh words is using emotion rather than logic. I'll always trust the logical side of any argument. Well done, sir, and our prayers are with you for an expedient recovery. !
@stevekrueger3928 Год назад
I don't believe everything I read, much less what I see on YT. However, my research backs up exactly what you stated. Thank you, I appreciate your work furthering the art of Ham radio. I am glad ypu are dong better, hang in there! Steve K9SJK
@GordonHudson Год назад
Hello Jim. I am glad you are still with us! You and i have been around long enough to remember all the other intrusions in, or near to, our bands. Every time people say its not going to be a problem, but it is. Over here we have ADSL equipment operating within the amateur bands causing massive noise in many homes and its very difficult to deal with. We also had a ludicrous decision to put the Ministry of Defence UHF system in the middle of the 70cm band. It was also used by the intelligence services. FM, no encryption. It didn't last as they wouldnt use it because of security concerns. We also had our CB band ending at 27.991 MHz which caused difficulties in the 10m CW section when CB was popular here. And we have car door keys and wireless house alarms in the middle of 70cm too. DE GM4SVM
@ham-radio Год назад
As usual, I appreciate your comments and advice Gordon. 73, Jim W6LG in California
@d3w4yn3 Год назад
Jim, this proposal involves money, and you just can't underestimate what some people will allow to happen to even global communities (like us HAMs!) for money. To think that nobody would sell out is a naive, uninformed, unrealistic happy thought. Glad that people are optimistic, but blindly assuming that all humans are impervious to the corruption of money, that's a self-harming victim waiting to happen. People that know humans are all with you on this!
@josephhacker6508 Год назад
A lot of hams are corrupt, especially the club leaders. My club went through a mass destruction because of financial fraud by the higher ups. And let's not forget the recent Remote ID Fiasco the FAA imposed on a hobby community with ZERO fatalities, all in the same of safety. It's honestly amazing that we have any band space at all. Enjoy it while it lasts! People get more corrupt and evil as time progresses.
@nicholashpitts Год назад
There is no globe. You would need curvature for that. Time to wake up.
@brianyoung9014 Год назад
Jim I for one support everything you said, and more needs to be revealed as to the testing of this newly proposed service. Ignore the newbys comments, we know where your heart is to this hobby. Thanks for all that you do for us.
@extreme978 Год назад
The "guy" in Florida is one of those that's in ham radio/you tube for the money. They don't care about nothing except selling you something.
@billvargo Год назад
Jim, sorry to hear of health issues and hope you are feeling better. One thing been left out of this (as far as I see) there has been no mention of NTIA. The frequencies just above and below the ham bands are first controlled the NTIA and also by the FCC. These frequencies as you know are used mostly be the MARS program but are a few in use by military. So just wondering how this plays into this bill. 73, Jim Bill/N5ODX
@maikerumine Год назад
I am glad you are doing much better, Jim. I am too new to amateur radio to comment, I am still trying to figure out if my belt clip is FCC compliant!
@kumasu Год назад
Wishing you the very best of health. Yours is my favorite RU-vid channel.
@basshorseman998 Год назад
I pay attention to those who speak from experience (JIM)..Never those who form opinions without good foundational basis. Pay no mind to the oggies... Thanks Jimmy, welcome back
@bruehlt Год назад
Thanks for being so thorough with this Jim - and hope you get better!
@brandonzawaski Год назад
Jim, money can and does buy influence. It is pathetic that "they" will sell off parts of the band when we all know nobody owns the airwaves. Glad to see you back. You're one sharp whip that's for sure.
@a2phil Год назад
Around here, seems like everybody ELSE owns the frequencies except ME!!! Gotta get a linear... DE KE8NFK
@brandonzawaski Год назад
@@a2phil how is your antenna setup?
@a2phil Год назад
@@brandonzawaski That needs to be improved also, right now using a modified FeePay special CB dipole on 10 meters.
@fordmustanggtish Год назад
Greetings Jim and thanks for everything you do! First let me tell you that after being a ham for only shy of 5 years, I would never portray to know what I'm talking about lol, above anyone else and I believe your words have a lot of wisdom. Been on HF from the beginning, I build some equipment and I repair equipment but I do not claim to know more than the next chap out of respect because I do not have years of experience. Some of the most trusted and respected hams that I know have 30 40 and yes almost 60 years under their belt. Those are the hams I respect the most because they were more like pioneers than most hams you see today. But with that said, I need to dive into this subject even more than I have because I trust your judgment, and this is a bigger subject that I was previously aware of. I never saw your previous video but I know you are not one to quote unquote freak out. Thanks again for all your work, and very glad you are back home safe and sound. 73s VY2KW
@davidevans6432 Год назад
I am minded that "give em an inch and they'll take a mile" is the danger in this scenario. As AR operators we should remember history.... ' Short waves are useless' (commercial interests) and now we are limited to small segments of spectrum. I think the ARRL response is balanced and technically sound.
@ham-radio Год назад
Yep! 73, Jim
@ww3ok Год назад
God bless you, Jim. 73
@sc20910 Год назад
I heard the other guy who referred to you as just the Elmer and got a clear understanding that he was an example of the arrogance of youth. In my opinion there’s no good way to refute his statements without polarizing him further. Basically, I appreciated your analysis of the proposed rule , which btw is solely for allowing the high speed trading use of the bandwidth, and I found your attitude highly respectful and analytical and welcoming to more information.
@thomas-u6t Год назад
hey jim first and foremost i am big fan of yours and the things you do ...my wife and i pray for you and your health every day ....as to the other ..the fcc and the arrl needs to realy think about what will happen if they start to mess around with the part 90 rules something tells me its going to happen BIG money almost always wins..what a shame....73 ...thomas in north central missouri...novice
@davidquackenbush3957 Год назад
Jim…Thank you for all you do for Amateur radio! I am fairly new, 1 year now I guess. I have always watched your Videos because of your wisdom! So don’t let it get to you! I hope you get feeling better soon! 73
@BusDriverRFI Год назад
Thank you for your content. You are appreciated. Casler is a bully who always plays the victim card.
@santinojozefmiller7721 Год назад
Jim. You look like you’re getting better. I hope this is a sign of the cancer will be out of you soon.
@ham-radio Год назад
Thanks! Blood tests show little improvement. So, I am closely doing what the doctors are telling me to do. Five more rounds of chemo when I get better from the pulmonary embolism and sepsis. Both of which about killed me last week. Thanks for writing. Take care, 73, Jim W6LG
@santinojozefmiller7721 Год назад
@@ham-radio Sto lat, sto lat, niech zyje zyje nam. Sto lat, sto lat, niech zyje zyje nam. Jeszcze raz, jeszcze raz, niech zyje, zyje nam. Niech zyje nam!
@ancientbutstillhere6570 Год назад
Try CL O2.
@ezzz1109 Год назад
Jim. Thank you for your comments you make perfect sense. hope you feel better fast.
@realgonzo1 Год назад
Jim Get better Buddy, great to have you back, hope to hear you on the air again soon. Bill WA2OOO.........
@SPLTDP Год назад
You are what’s Great about Ham Radio!!!! You have taught so many people including me so many great things about Ham Radio Jim!!!! God Bless You!!!
@MrJohnBos Год назад
I'm all in with you Jim. Thank you for your amazing service to protect the future of Amateur Radio. I wish you a successful recovery.
@Ekanselter Год назад
Jim, please don't fret over rude and demeaning comments from people that make such comments in an effort to display their self-perceived superiority on the subject matter. You, like all of us, are absolutely entitled to your opinion. If we disagree, great - but lets discuss it in a manner that does not disrespect the other person, especially in a public setting. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to helping others.
@ham-radio Год назад
Thanks for the good advice for me and for others to follow. 73, Jim
@tpobrienjr 10 месяцев назад
This sounds a bit like the handwaving that was done when Broadband over Power Lines was proposed.
@NickFrom1228 Год назад
You "freakin' out"? No way. Just practical analysis. Been praying for you Jim.
@peterokeefe9960 Год назад
Peter VK3YF. Thank you for your determination to make the most of life's challenges!!! I've been around AR since the 1960's and licenced since the late 70's. I had been inactive for some years and came back on the bands about 3 years ago. I have been surprised, no shocked, by some of the views expressed on the air. That includes both technical and life views. I says "views" becuse they would not stand up to any fact checking. Once again the problem is that some people think all there is to know is what they know . Maybe a sad inditement of our times. Hang in there and continue to fight the good fight.
@richardeverest1946 Год назад
Jim, sorry about the rude people but moreover so glad you are doing better !! Keep up the great work Richard, WD8KMW
@n2rj Год назад
It’s really unfortunate but shocking stuff sells and I’m sure Eric knew what he was doing - being a RU-vid shock jock. The ARRL is fortunate to have Ed Hare still around in his retirement and he does this as a labor of love. Their attorney, David Siddall also does this as a labor of love (but he does get paid). Despite their governance issues which do need to be fixed, they are spot on with this. Getting Siddall to do the FCC advocacy for the ARRL was one of the things I’m most proud of in my tenure on the Board. Because had I and the three others not won our elections we wouldn’t have had him. They absolutely do file last minute for strategic reasons. This is common practice. Anyway my video that I’ve done on this topic goes through ARRL but also a couple of others including Comcast who has suffered actual interference due to the high power and splatter which affected their services. Among other things this has the potential to interfere with the ability to place 911 calls which is a serious problem.
@ham-radio Год назад
Thanks. I was taken by ambulance to Kaiser and was in for 4 days. Then back in a day later for another 4 days in guarded condition with severe organ failure. So I missed your comment. If Ed and the attorney are dong this work for free, that is wonderful. If the latter is a result of your effort and others on the Board at the time, you all deserve recognition. As members, we need to express our sincere appreciaion for their work. They should be on the front cover of QST and honored. Instead, read the CEO Editiorial for that month. Amazing. From my recovery bed and on very strong medications, thanks Ria. 73, Jim
@n2rj Год назад
@@ham-radio They're not doing it for free. But the attorney (K3ZJ) is motivated by his love of ham radio and not monetary consideration as with his credentials he makes a lot more than what the ARRL pays him.
@ham-radio Год назад
From my hospital bed at home, thanks. I hope to be up and walking around tomorrow. Take care, Jim
@FrederickHamrick Год назад
Jim I’m glad to see you back. Prayers going your way. I saw your video and think you were very clear and fair. It caused me to do my own research. This was also a very well balanced response video. Your definitely an asset to amateur radio. 73 de KK4SMM
@verystupidhandle Год назад
Agree! You were FAR from Freaking Out! Thank you for info on RM-11953. Be well Jim
@digyourrig3800 Год назад
your experience shows when you break it all down. Be well 73's
@johnpeterson7264 Год назад
Our thoughts and prayers for your speedy recovery ! Your assessment will almost certainly be proven correct . Thank you for all that you do for amateur radio and the HF spectrum !
@richardterry3000 Год назад
I'm 68 and have been in and out of ham since 1990. I've read and scrutinized the proposal and did a check into the groups involved in SMC. It consists of groups and people involved in the stock markets around the world. They buy and sell billions of dollar's worth of stocks every day and they essentially want instantaneous control of the worldwide economy. My problem with them is money corrupts people and the proposal is already asking to break all the rules and have very dubious harmonic controls in place. It's bad enough at 20,000 watts bleeding into nearby bands, but the harmonic will be very much multiplied across bands farther away. That and the fact they want nearly all frequency on both sides of each band used by other services as well as Amateur bands. For instance truckers and people who still use CB, will not be able to find clean channels after the SMC fires up their equipment and run it 24 hrs every day from then on. Mind you, it will be continuously operating. 73 KF0MXG.
@stevehildreth1934 10 месяцев назад
I am fairly new tech licensee, looking to increase my knowledge and ability to operate on the air. I look to you, Jim for knowledge. You are the one that gives me facts and good advice that I can use. Most others posting videos on RU-vid seem opinionated and much less knowledgeable.
@ham-radio 9 месяцев назад
Wow, thanks! I did look around and found that many had no knowledge. Those who claimed to be knowleable were in many, if not most cases just plain wrong about what they were teaching. I have been ill again but hope to produce several videos soon. 73, JIm W6LG
@busterhyman6638 Год назад
First ,thank God, you are doing better and at home ,doing what you love ! I want to thank you for bringing this information to the other ham operators that did not know ! I also watched your post and thought this is something we hams SHOULD BE aware of and concerned about ! They will not send you a letter of intent or inform us ! So, When you see a fire you don't just set and watch , you ring that bell ! The government and that includes FCC are slowly taking our freedoms away , thank you for not just setting there and watching the fire !
@handwand Год назад
Great video. I always trust your insight. You’re a very intelligent guy. Wishing you all the best!
@HellOnWheels63 Год назад
Jim, you are one tough SOB! Thank you for sharing with us your years of ham knowledge even though I’m sure you’re barely up to it! God Bless.
@ham-radio Год назад
I appreciate that. Yes, some days I can't do it even though I want to do a video. It is a performance and I have to be somewhat "up" for the camera. Thanks for the wishes. 73, Jim
@HellOnWheels63 Год назад
@@ham-radio 73 Jim KB3ZWR
@tomm899 Год назад
Behind you 100%. Get well. Praying.
@tubbysailor Год назад
Thank you for your continued calmness of manner. Your reporting of ARRL’s comments reflects the ongoing concern you have. Your example of planning commission processes may be over simplified but is still good example of how the process works.
@CamilleCullen-ow6qj Год назад
Hi Jim, I'm very sorry for your health problems and the stress that other rude jerks have put you through. I think Dave Caster and Eric at 'Ham Radio Concepts' were just plain wrong and did not offer even a shred of evidence behind their opinions. Your quick back-of-the-envelope calculation reducing the 200 KW effective radiated power by the decibels stated by the companies showed even if they do what they say they will do a lot of power is still left over to radiate into the Amateur bands. This is simple math that Dave Castler and Eric apparently don't understand. For the record, I sent in my comments to the FCC opposing this change. Dave Caster was rude to you and Eric was EXTREMELY RUDE AND WAS A TOTAL JERK. I used to subscribe to 'Ham Radio Concepts' and have now unsubscribed and will never, ever watch one of his videos again. Frankly, Eric is a RU-vidr want-a-be and does not even come up to your ankle bone in his knowledge of ham radio. Both Dave Castler and Erik made themselves look stupid. I will say my prayers for you and I hope you will be making RU-vid videos for many, many years. 73 my friend, your loyal subscriber, Robert Cullen K5TPC.
@ham-radio Год назад
Thanks Robert. I feel the same as you do about those two guys. I spent much of yesterday again in bed after some tests at the hospital. The home health nurse will be here today. I did get on the air and work some long path ZS in the morning and R5AJ at night. Conditions were not great. Thanks again Robert, 73, Jim
@bdinnocenzo Год назад
I watched your video regarding RM-11953 and I would in no way categorize it as "freaking out". As other's said I think you are trying to raise awareness of the problems and ring the alarm so the right people take the appropriate action. Kudos to you sir, kudos to you! As for your ongoing and most recent health problems, I do hope they are minimized or resolved and for that you have my thoughts and prayers.
@ham-radio Год назад
I am back in the hospital after being out just one day. Sepsis returned and I had a high fever. So I am back in ICU and the doctors are good. They cannot find the source of the sepsis. So they are gain giving me all kinds of strong antibiotics. Hopefully they can stop the sepsis this time. Being in the hosptial is not good. Thanks for writing and the prayers. 73, Jim W6LG
@bdinnocenzo Год назад
@@ham-radio infection control is part science, part art and a whole lot of love and compassion. I pray for a speedy and full recovery…🙏
@TheRdeanpeek Год назад
appreciate you...feel better soon...
@Dstew57A Год назад
Praying for your health and recovery. Bless you..
@threadripper979 Год назад
Forget the haters, Jim. Your concerns about HF interference are justified, confirmed by Ed Hare's analysis. Keep fighting the good fight.
@marksantana4150 7 месяцев назад
Hope your recovery goes super well. I saw your original video, and you did not freak out. Keep up the good work. Get well ASAP> Best Wishes.
@muzic3966 9 месяцев назад
Keep up the great work, Jim. I appreciate your content. Thank you. Praying for your full recovery!
@alanjames4526 Год назад
Don't worry, Jim, & hang in there! I agree with you! Alan KZ6B
@Bobbert153 Год назад
It's comforting to see you back working. I actually HEARD you talking on the air, two days ago! You were getting an infusion while you chatted. Great to hear you! Bobby de KM6PAX
@Bobbert153 Год назад
I could hardly hear your side of the conversation. I must have been exactly behind your signal direction. (northwestern Sonoma County)
@NomadicLiving Год назад
It absolutely raises alarm bells. Corporate/Wall Street will take everything it can grab and pushes the public out all of the time.
@ham-radio Год назад
Yes it does. 73, Jim
@Barney23-h5e Год назад
Jim, you are entirely correct. Thank you for all you do and God Bless!
@jeremycole3008 Год назад
Kinda reminds me of a buddy I know that would phone his insurance agent about damage to his vehicle or house, even before he even seen the damage himself, cause he wanted to be "first in line" when dealing with the insurance provider. Agent would say, " call me back when you find actual damage" 20 years ago, a coal mining company wanted to starting mining in the neighborhood. The old-ladies from swim class wanted nothing to do with THAT, even though NONE of them lived anywhere near the site. The 80 year old women formed a legal entity Just to fight the coal mine in court. Few years of fighting at the county courthouse, and find raisers for the attorneys, project was dropped, and the women literally died. They raised objections, just for the he'll of it. My buddy's insurance agent wants video documentation before he even starts any paper work
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
Thank you for everything you do, Jim.
@richarde735 Год назад
BTW, that young whipper snapper in Florida doesn’t have an Elmer Award!!!
@ham-radio Год назад
Thanks that is very kind. I would give him an award for his ignorance. He knows very little and has a big mouth. For example, watch his video on the Zoom antenna analyzer. 73, Jim
@stevehall6539 Год назад
You’re looking good Jim , so first off you didn’t over react just stated the facts . The guy in question in Florida is a complete idiot . I can’t tolerate more than three seconds of his videos, and Dave isn’t far behind. We all stand behind you Jim . Anyway forget all that nonsense , and concentrate on your health. Hope to catch you on the air soon ! KE2AZK
@waterhead1027 Год назад
Like I said above, It took me one video to not like the guy. I picked up an elitist "legend in his own mind" vibe.
@EddieVfgi Год назад
Hey Jim, always enjoy what you do for the ham community. I saw your video then I went David's video, then I looked at the comments he had on his video. There were plenty people that didn't agree with him. And I like what the ARRL analysis concludes that it would not just threaten to cause harmful interference to ham radio communications but would cause widespread disruption to amateur and other communication services on multiple band spectrums, you were spot on. This company wants to transmit using 200000 W of power, and I know they didn't use 200,000 W of power in their experimental license. This is not good for ham radio, you give them an inch still take the yard, and people with money like that do not play by the rules. It's all about the money, they don't care who they step on. They will not care what they do to ham radio operators we are nothing to them but an obstacle in the way. One thing about those who create RU-vid videos to help others, there's always somebody that knows better, and they don't take the time to appreciate the effort that goes into creating one of these videos to help others out. Keep doing what you're doing, you're helping a lot of people that are just starting out in ham radio and others that have been in it for years.
@ham-radio Год назад
I was rushed to the hospital again. this is my second time in the hospital in just weeks. thank you for writing the comments. I very much appreciate it . 73 Jim
@haldensickles3825 Год назад
Hang in there Jim! We are all praying for you. Don’t listen to the guy in Florida. I think he is way out there!
@ham-radio Год назад
Thanks from a Kaiser Hospital bed. 73, Jim W6LG
@ths3900 Год назад
1. Take care of your self first. 2. You did not panic and you were open to others for expertise in the video.
@kellydiver Год назад
First, you are a fighter and survivor. I find you very inspirational. Second, I watch all kinds of ham channels, and I give a lot more credibility to the more experienced Elmers like you. Don’t sweat the small stuff, just keep doing your thing.
@richardcallihan9746 Год назад
Looks like you've had too much to think! Remember, Don't speak out or question. Closed minds STOP thought crimes!. Freakin' Out, Thought Criminal they say you are. 🤣🤣🤣 W6LG, always vigilant always watching our backs. Keep doing what you do Jim, wishing you a speedy recovery😇73
@charlessircy4450 Год назад
Thanks Jim and pray you are doing well. I agreed to many for your comments and concerns after reading the proposal. I was waiting for a response from the ARRL officials and experts, oddly only after your video did we see a reply to the proposal that I was aware of. I was thinking a proposal like this would have to go before the international regulatory committee’s before moving forward. Thank you for staying abreast of issues affecting the amateur radio service.
@ham-radio Год назад
Well said. From my hospital bed in Kaiser Roseville CA. 73, Jim W6LG
@richarde735 Год назад
Casler is full of himself… not a fan of Dave’s!
@ham-radio Год назад
I amhome now from the hospital. Thanks for the comment. 73, Jim W6LG
@MAWazaLLC Год назад
I unsubscribed to both of those ham “experts” when I heard their comments.
@av-ji9qy 8 месяцев назад
Hi Jim…..I’m a long time listener…… glad you much better….keep up the excellent work
@dominodoggy1 9 месяцев назад
I'm just now trying to get back into amateur radio after a thirty year hiatus, and it appears I am late to the party. I appreciate the alarm bells, I am seeing the RC drone hobby being shoved aside for commercial drone delivery systems (which are likely all doomed for failure IMO). Shouldn't let it happen without a heck of a fight.
@WR3ND Год назад
I'm a new ham, but I've been involved with computer systems and telecommunications technology for a few decades. Perhaps the younger or newer folks to the service & hobby haven't seen the changes in technology over the years toward the obfuscation of technical interoperability and capabilities to consumers, and corporate/governmental interests. That, or they're playing baseball, aspiring to be on the inside. Either way, thanks for the update and I wish you well in overcoming your health concerns. 73
@michaelbloomston1770 Год назад
Jim, you are such an inspiration to me. I wish you the very best. I’m studying for my Extra and hope to take the test soon. I came across your videos by chance and am so thrilled that I did! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep doing whatever makes you happy. You most definitely deserve it.
@ham-radio Год назад
thank you . I am dictating this from my hospital bed in Roseville California. I was hospitalized again with just a few days in between the prior hospitalization . I'm glad I was able to help thank you 73 Jim
@WaynePatrick Год назад
Thanks for all you do. I’m hoping for better health for you. I enjoy your videos and have never thought you were freaking out about anything. I saw the video in question and agreed with you. Keep up the good fight. De KK4LBJ
@papalima4528 Год назад
Ohh Jeezzzz. Too many idiots on this world ... just keep your excellent job Jim. Many thanks Sir Sebastian K2SPL
@patrickbuick5459 Год назад
Could you put a link to the original video in the description?
@ronrico2620 Год назад
I mentioned it to the club on the nightly net. Seems most didn't seem worried. I told them to send an email. They replied with the arrl should protect us. One old timer with more time then your 60 years. Told me that we will do what we need to. People started jamming the Russian woodpecker and that might have to be that tactic
@bradbrown620 Год назад
Hang in there Jim.
Pelvic mobility workout !! 🙏
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