
This Christian TikToker is DECEIVING People (TikTok DEBUNKED) 

Daily Disciple
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@bronwen803 2 года назад
I really like that last bit. "We don't need new; we don't need more; we only need what God has already given us." Beautifully said.
@stevenbackus3778 2 года назад
With WW3 seemingly at hand we need truth more than ever it's alot of talk that America is mystery Babylon n will be destroyed kinda makes me wanna skip town I get mixed opinions but I've got my passport ready what are your thoughts any biblical references I should look at
@eclay805 2 года назад
The only flaw with this belief is that people actually have supernatural experiences like this, and those who put God in a box and believe that God doesn't speak to people anymore dismiss it or claim it's false or irrelevant. Who are we to say what God needs to tell us or how much He needs to say? The Bible says that in the last days, we will have dreams and visions and prophesy (Acts 2:17), so it aligns with the Bible. When we're skeptical about things like this, we are to test it is by the Spirit and pray about it. (1John 4:1-4) If you're in communion with the Holy Spirit, He will let you know if what you're consuming or doing is of God or not. It may be subtle, but He speaks, so have your ears ready to hear. Well, that's all I had to say. Just be aware that God can do whatever He wants, and the Bible doesn't put a limiter on His actions, saying "anything claimed to be from God outside of this book is of the devil" - unless...I haven't found it yet😅 Good day/night!
@awembaweawembawe6116 2 года назад
if so, why do you still believe in the bible when it has been changed a lot already (and no christians seem to give a damn) over the course of centuries by different kings?
@stevenbackus3778 2 года назад
@@awembaweawembawe6116 so do you question God's ability to preserve his word - you comment implies exactly that friend
@awembaweawembawe6116 2 года назад
@@stevenbackus3778 the bible has obviously not been preserve, i cant believe you're denying this. do yo know why there's a lot of contradictions in the bible? yeah, its because of that
@mathystah6451 2 года назад
You're one of the few reliable Christian people on this platform. God bless you.
@KingNazaru 2 года назад
He really is indeed.
@jedijudoka 2 года назад
@@KingNazaru indeedy*
@c.p.1010 2 года назад
Another one is "the Supernatural life" check it out
@JVTRUTH 2 года назад
Check out Smart Christian or Revealing Truth. It's good content for the most part
@myrealnameisjohndoe116 2 года назад
If you haven't checked them out yet, I highly recommend Doreen Virtue, Spencer Smith, Chicktracts, Apologia Studios, Melissa Dougherty, and Red Pen Logic. It definitely isn't easy to find reliable Christian RU-vidrs, but it seems the more you find and like, the better RU-vid's algorithm gets at recommending more you're likely to like.
@Web-Line_Studios 2 года назад
We have Elijah & Elisha that were taken to heaven rather than out right dying. Many people are given vivid dreams that can show them things, several people as they are in their final days can even see Christ. I had a family friend die a few years ago, but a week before he did, he say a vision of God asking to turn back to Him, see he was a believer. I was present when he asked God back into his life, on his literal death bed. Revelations is a vision from God given to John. So since the first guy never said anything against scripture, I think he could very well have seen what he told us
@angiedixon8017 2 года назад
Agreed. I was brought back to Christ thru hell testimonies. Best thing that could have happened to me. All my friends think they are fake. I do not. I think people with these experiences are courageous and loving to share their experience. I hope they will bring many more to God and wish them all well. I’m very passionate about this topic and I thank you for your comment. To God be the glory🙌🏻
@myrealnameisjohndoe116 2 года назад
@@angiedixon8017 I think it's certainly possible for people to have those experiences, but it's also important to ask the question of the motive behind different people talking about those experiences. Sadly, there's a lot of people who talk about experiences they've allegedly had, and it turns out they're just the latest serpent in the garden twisting God's Word.
@angiedixon8017 2 года назад
@@myrealnameisjohndoe116 agreed. Years ago, I saw a show called I Survived on Hulu and all the people talked about Heaven. I was living in perpetual sin with no repentance. That’s when I searched RU-vid for hell experiences. I found five that I know in my soul were genuine. As a direct result, I now attend church, Bible college, disciple class. I began to pray and read the Bible. I need much improvement, but I’m set on growing a relationship with God. I cannot thank those five men enough. I was pulled out of a life of depression and hopelessness. The Bible mentions hell 162 times in the New Testament alone. Many of those are by Jesus. The Bible states clearly that men and women will have dreams and visions. I have no doubt that God uses people in this way, just as he did in biblical times. I certainly say these things with humility and gratitude. For me, telling people about the gospel is so hard, but showing someone a testimony of hell… and then sharing the gospel may be more effective. I have not tried it yet. I definitely have my 5 favorites and would not deviate from them. I’d be happy to list them for you if your interested. I think they all became ministers or at least evangelize. Let me know… they are really interesting. God Bless you😊
@sunithagirish2139 2 года назад
Yes. It's sad when Christians don't realise God can do anything and if it's scripture- backed it's the person's testimony. Take it or leave it. Listen and appreciate or don't comment.
@orenfishman6504 2 года назад
Btw, it’s not Elisha and Elijah, it was Elijah and Enoch
@questianityinteractivebibl9830 2 года назад
Short answer: No Long answer: “And besides all this, between us and you a GREAT CHASM has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you MAY NOT BE ABLE, and NONE may cross from there to us.’” Luke 16:26
@fivebrosstopmos 2 года назад
Isn't there also a verse to believe no further revelations, even if it comes from an angel of light?
@questianityinteractivebibl9830 2 года назад
@@fivebrosstopmos Yes, that among other verses too 👌
@ashflint23 2 года назад
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:1‬
@lilchristuten7568 2 года назад
@@fivebrosstopmos No. Nowhere in the bible will you find any verse that talks about an end of revelation until completeness has come.
@lilchristuten7568 2 года назад
This has nothing to do with God taking someone to hell. This is a description of the situation that made up the gave/sheol/hades/the world of the dead before Christ's resurrection. The dead could not pass from one part of hades to the other. However we know that living people(mediums) could call fourth the dead back to earth for a short time just as the one who called fourth Samuel for Saul. God is far greater than mediums.
@brookiebroke856 2 года назад
“Yes indeedy! I’m back!” 😭 that was way funnier than it should’ve been 😂
@Rayne1bow 2 года назад
Lolll, I was like how underwhelming
@nondumisondhlovu9181 2 года назад
How about "the only hate speech is from you...who doubt"🤣🤣
@Jmac1493 2 года назад
That's why I like Bill Wiese and his testimony because everything he saw about hell is 100% from scripture. He even says how it's not important that anyone believe his experience, but to be persuaded by the scriptures.
@endofsight9841 2 года назад
I would agree that most of his vision is accurate but the demons ruling in Hell is off. Nowhere do you find in Scripture that the Devil or His Angels are in charge there, in fact they are afraid to be sent there.
@Jmac1493 2 года назад
@@endofsight9841 Yeah, that’s true. Thanks for pointing that out. I just like how he brought those scriptures to life for me because I never knew it was in there. Even with the amount of times I’ve been through the Bible.
@endofsight9841 2 года назад
@@Jmac1493 Luke 8:31 31 And they begged him not to command them to depart into the abyss. If demons ruled in Hell, why would they beg Jesus to not send them there? This part of Hell called the Abyss is also referred to as a prison as well. 2 Peter 2:4 4 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment Jude 6 6 And (A)the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day From these two passages we can come to the conclusion that there are some fallen angels who are currently chained up in Hell as well. Matthew 25:41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. If the Eternal Fire is prepared for the devil and his angels as punishment, how does it make any sense for them to be in charge of the same fire that was created to torment the devil and his angels? Nowhere can we find in Scripture where it says that the Devil and his angels are in charge of Hell or torment people there. In fact, the Bible seems to indicate that Satan and his angels are on this earth right now. They will all be thrown into the Lake Of Fire in the future.
@stevenbackus3778 2 года назад
@@endofsight9841 that passage is proof that you need works as well as belief I mean heck even the demons believe rite
@nanyummyify 2 года назад
@@endofsight9841 That's what I used to think too but it's actually that they are afraid of the lake of fire. Sheol is the place of the dead where people are destined for the lake of fire at the end of the age on judgement day. So I think for now it makes sense that demons are able to torture for now until they meet final judgment. I hope this makes sense.
@sandrac9520 2 года назад
Thank you for this video. We live in a time where because of social media, deception is rampant. People with platforms use scripture strategically and place yokes upon people. Taking God's word out of context and using it in a manner that is tying people to this idea that you gotta do this, you gotta do that, and you need be careful of this, and be careful of that, and if you don't do this, then this will happen... In reality, we just gotta simply read The Word. Christ said, "It is finished." It's done. Revelation is in the Word for a reason. God used who he wanted to use and because He is PERFECT He does not need to reaffirm what He ALREADY SAID. With videos like these it is as if God might've said, "Hmmm, I don't think My Word is enough so let me reaffirm what I already said." It just doesn't make sense. Aside from having the Word we have the Living Holy Spirit in us. If we really desire truth we are always invited to seek Him and thus, we are promised to find Him. Read the Word yall!
@Loctician 2 года назад
I do believe that God can show us visions like this also why would the enemy deceive someone to turn to christ ?
@AAmazing_Gracee 2 года назад
People do this with the Antichrist and the mark of the beast
@discipleJosh 2 года назад
The first one, I have reason to believe is in fact real. Hell is real and those who don't repent and accept Jesus will end up there. So I cannot see anything in his dream that contradicts scripture. In fact, oddly enough, He said in one of his videos that he himself asked God to show him hell and it looks like God answered His prayers. Whether that dream was from God or not, I don't know. But there is nothing unbiblical about what He saw. The second guy is definitely false no question.
@vincihui222 2 года назад
the thing is for the first guy, he didn’t say it was a dream, he stated that “his soul left his body”, he was saying that he physically went to hell and not j a dream, that’s why it’s false as like the verses says, in John 3:13, “No one has ascended into Heaven except He who descended from heaven, the Son of Man”, the Son of Man meaning Jesus. If the guy had said that it was a dream rather than his soul leaving his body, then there might be a chance that it is true but then again, we should always look back on the Bible, check it with the scriptures. Cause what we say and think does not mean it’s entirely true. Only God’s word is the truth.
@haachamachama7 2 года назад
@@vincihui222 2 Corinthians 12:1-4. Paul literally says he went to Heaven. John 3:13 isn't saying "no one will ever enter Heaven.". I honestly don't know what it means. NLT says "No one has ever gone to heaven and returned. But the Son of Man[e] has come down from heaven." Keep in mind, A: This is in past tense, does it say no one CAN go up to Heaven and return? B: What does it mean? Jesus says specifically that John the baptist is Elijah, (Matthew 11:14). I believe He says elsewhere John has the spirit of Elijah, so maybe he's saying no one has every, by their own volition, gone up to Heaven and come down again? Keep in mind, Enoch and Elijah both ascended into Heaven. So all verses of the Bible aren't meant to be taken word for word, I don't understand what John 3:13 means, but it's in past tense, so it's not saying no one can in the future ascend into Heaven(otherwise, there's no rapture? lol) Lastly I would say... there's no Scripture that says anyone went to Hell and come back(except Jesus), but... there's 0 Scriptures that say it is impossible. So why disbelieve? Lack of evidence is not evidence.
@haachamachama7 2 года назад
Btw OP, I agree with you. I've heard many accounts of people going to hell and coming back, or just seeing Hell in a vision(my best friend did, though he didn't know it was hell). We have no reason to just blindly doubt this account, doesn't mean it's 100% true for sure but... I think Daily Disciple is being a bit of a doubting Thomas here lol
@bowiev9701 2 года назад
@Vinci Hui in his full testimony he says it was a dream ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-KpEQ72DwwS0.html
@MA-yc7pz Год назад
I agree
@genieinabong4202 2 года назад
Hey hun! I really enjoy your videos. My mom when she was about 18 years old she wasn't very well-versed in the Bible. And she had fallen away from her beliefs in Christ. She became a topless waitress at a strip club and was running around doing all kinds of debauchery. One night she felt her soul leave her body. She went into a dark place couldn't see anything. She realized she was naked and laying on a stone slab with her arms and legs chained. Then a deep cackling voice said you are a prisoner of our strongholds. She felt something slithering in her womb like a snake she said it was very painful. Then she started calling out to her father, suddenly a pinpoint of light shined. Immediately taken up into this light she knew she wasn't in heaven but she was in the presence of God. She said in a different language Lord Lord what a joy it is to be here. She looked down and saw an angel bowing to God with the most beautiful golden hair and she realized that she was also bowing to God on one knee, wearing a white robe with a gold wrap around her waist. She's never felt so clean. She felt the holy Spirit searching in her heart. Then she saw an image of a very expensive car, basically showing her that she had idolatry in her heart putting worldly things above God. God sent her back down to the world and as she went back down towards the world she saw how chaotic it was. She didn't want to go back. Halfway there she felt a barrier she couldn't get through and next thing she knew there was a creature standing behind her. very very very tall creature. She told me it was the grim reaper asking her if she really wants to leave. It was mocking her, she screamed yes before she came back to her body she saw a group of hoodlum kids running around, one of these kids stood out to her he had a very specific look he was around 14 with a dreaded Mohawk very steampunk look, and he seemed lost. Shortly after this experience she kept having pain in her womb. Doctor said she had such immensive scar tissue in her fallopian tubes and that it was weird that she didn't come to the doctor sooner and it must have been painful. She didn't tell the doctor when her pain started because who would believe her that she went to hell. Around the age of 23 24 my mom had her first son. In fact she had three kids total even the doctor said it was a miracle when she got pregnant the first time. she was supposed to undergo surgery that was only like 50/50 chance that it would work. years later my mom realized that her second son was the same kid she saw in that vision many many years ago. I don't think she would lie but I know sometimes I wander.
@dfggf9885 2 года назад
If this experience caused her to change the trajectory of her life then it must be truth
@LostinParadise03 2 года назад
False prophet
@jsensei402 2 года назад
God lives in the future, he wanted your Mom for a reason. That is, if she is telling the truth, but I believe her because God lives in the future and he chooses how much effort he puts in towards guiding souls towards the light. Not everyone requires the same effort.
@ghosttheprogram6973 2 года назад
@@dfggf9885 well that's not necessarily true but hey
@LostinParadise03 2 года назад
@@jsensei402 imagine believing something without any proof. You’re a lost sheep and believe everything people tell you
@jennifermcculloch5324 2 года назад
I heard something really cool from one of Nabel's lecture and it makes sense as to why people are getting dreams. Muslims feel like they can't communicate directly with Allah. They can pray to him but he can't talk to them except in dreams. So they base a lot of their choices in life off of the dreams they have. so many muslims right now are having Jesus appear in a dream and reveal himself and that is why dreams are so important in the middle east and why we are seeing the movement of dreams bringing people to christ. thought it was a cool thing to share.
@carlawilson2931 2 года назад
Wow, that is pretty interesting 🤔
@myrealnameisjohndoe116 2 года назад
Hmm... If those dreams truly lead them to Christ that's awesome, but I really hope those dreams don't lead them into the trap of replying more on their supernatural experiences than The Word of God. It's amazing when those kind of events happen and they can be backed up by scripture, but I think those experiences can be a bit of a double edged sword.
@mobolajiade-aina8643 2 года назад
@@myrealnameisjohndoe116 yeah, spot on.
@stevenbackus3778 2 года назад
@@myrealnameisjohndoe116 well said and biblical references you can suggest would be appreciated 👍
@misstell7645 2 года назад
That’s so cool !! One of my Christian friends had a dream about a Muslim guy he knew. He was directed by the Spirit to tell him about it, and the Muslim guy believed it really was a message from God, even tho Muslims can’t communicate with God.
@lacey92 2 года назад
What's your opinion on people who have died, been resuscitated, and say they went to heaven or hell?
@isabelmarguerite5560 2 года назад
Exactly, they must have went somewhere according to christian faith.
@dktn8080 2 года назад
(Proverbs 25:21-22) 21 If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink: 22 For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee.
@angelicagalabuzi1131 2 года назад
God must have led me to this. It has been a while since I last watched your content but I landed on this first tiktoker's videos yesterday night. I admit I even tapped like on 3 of them. Thanks for being a watchman! May God Bless you and keep you as humble as you are or even more.
@remiadesulu4645 2 года назад
Respectfully, I would have to disagree with the first video. The statement that God doesn’t take people to heaven, contradicts what is written within the Bible. Paul for example was “snatched up” to the third heaven in a vision, some of the Old Testament prophet were taken up as well, like Elijah. I believe it is realistic for God to take people to heaven or hell in visions, especially since it is found within the Bible.
@oxrea 2 года назад
exactly this guy is a hater because he didn't get his own experience!
@devanneschalkwyk9255 2 года назад
Why is this comment underrated? I respect him too and love his videos, but before saying they are deceiving people he should really check up on his facts because he has influence and those experiences could really lead someone to repentance and even strengthen our hope of everlasting life and what God has prepared for us!
@Sarah-ln4qc 2 года назад
He’s coming down from a cloud so I don’t think we will mistake him for someone else lol.
@lance9249 2 года назад
I sure know I won't be fooled sadly many will though.
@crewscotton 2 года назад
“Yes indeedy!” Hahaha this is great 👍🏼
@stevenfreebairn2553 2 года назад
Appreciate this video. I know that I myself, and many others, have received inspiration from dreams. However, I disagree with some of your points, specifically the "if it's new, it ain't true" aphorism, because it's basically putting God in a box, and we've decided He can't call prophets to speak to mankind anymore. But I am so glad you're on this platform to help direct people to Jesus Christ. My question for you, then, is... where do you believe the spirits of the dead go if they haven't yet ascended to heaven or descended to hell? Sincere question. I personally believe in a spirit world, almost like a waiting area, where the spirits of the dead await the resurrection and final judgment.
@stevenbackus3778 2 года назад
No they all go to God and then return are my thoughts read "Ecclesiastes 12:7" let me know what you think
@kuzybungz3767 2 года назад
I think coming from the belief that the Bible covers all aspects of life. So anything outside the Bible is not a revelation from God..
@mollyjames9534 2 года назад
I know others disagree with this based on the denomination of Christianity, I know we all love Christ though☺. However, I believe in a place where basically most people go before heaven to be cleansed. Essentially you are purified to be "white as snow" as Jesus says. Essentially it is because God says nothing unclean can enter heaven, thus if we are unclean with even a few sins, then how can we enter heaven? It was put to me this way, sin is like a stain or a bit of filth on your body. If in heaven, you gained a new glorious body as said in scripture, then sin or filth would still cling to that body, would still be attached and connected to you. You would not be able to enjoy heaven or all its great things, because you would be too busy looking at that filth on your body. Everyone else including angels, heavenly beings, and more would be glorious, blemish-free, white as snow, whereas you would have some filth. Thus purgatory is there to cleanse you and take away that filth through God's grace. This is so you can truly enjoy heaven and truly be white as snow as Jesus said. Now, this gets way deeper, of course, (i.e. Catholic moral theology). If I am wrong then correct me, but in regards to some, not all Protestant beliefs there is the belief that God's grace covers the sin. Essentially like a cloak, it covers and hides the sin. It isn't necessarily that God refines and removes the sin, but rather his grace envelops you like a cloak to bury the dirt of sin. Thus if one enters heaven in this manner, the dirt of sin is not visible to others, but you know it's there, just covered. In purgatory, you are refined with cleansing fire to remove the sin and to truly make you white as snow as Christ intended.
@mollyjames9534 2 года назад
If you want specific Bible verses, I will be happy to provide them.
@stevenbackus3778 2 года назад
@@mollyjames9534 these 8 short verses should help make things clear molly 👇 (Ezekiel 36:22,25) Therefore say unto the house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake then will I sprinkle CLEAN water upon you, and ye shall be 'CLEAN" from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will "I CLEANSE YOU THE BRIDE (Jeremiah 3:11,14) And the Lord said unto me, The backsliding ISRAEL hath justified herself more than treacherous JUDAH turn, O backsliding CHILDREN, saith the Lord; for I am "MARRIED" unto YOU (Isaiah 61:9-10) And THEIR SEED shall be known among the Gentiles, that they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed for he hath clothed me with the "GARMENTS of SALVATION" he hath covered me with the ROBE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, as a BRIDEGROOM decketh himself with ornaments, and as a BRIDE adorneth herself with her jewels (Hosea 2:15,19) and SHE shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when SHE came up OUT of the land of EGYPT And I will "BETROTH" thee unto me FOREVER yea, I will BETROTH thee unto me in RIGHTEOUSNESS, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies (Revelation 19:7-8) Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the MARRIAGE of the Lamb is come, and his"WIFE" hath made herself ready and to her was granted that SHE should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF SAINTS (psalm 148:14) He also exalteth the horn of HIS PEOPLE, the praise of ALL HIS SAINTS even of the children of ISRAEL, a people near unto him. Praise ye the Lord. (Acts 9:13) Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to THY SAINTS at Jerusalem (the "saints" are the Israelites OT n NT the BRIDE) (Romans 9:3-5) For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh Who are ISRAELITES to whom pertaineth the "ADOPTION", and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the "PROMISES" whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh CHRIST CAME Israelites were promised to be "cleansed" and made "white" with righteousness Paul makes it clear that all promises covenants etc belong to bloodline Israelites not everybody
@davidavendano7737 2 года назад
can you explain acts 2: 17 that talks about young people having prophetic dreams and visions in the last days. Thanks brother
@fivebrosstopmos 2 года назад
In my personal opinion, I believe those verses refer to post-rapture period.
@Justin-fq2vx 2 года назад
@@fivebrosstopmos we are in the last days my boi
@davidavendano7737 2 года назад
@@fivebrosstopmos yeah but when the disciples ask jesus when would we kw when we are in the last days, he said increase in natural disasters and nation against nation, evil being called good and good being called evil, kids against parents and parents against their kids. He said once you 👂 these things it is the beginning of the last days. It sounds like we are in the last days.
@destineeblanco 2 года назад
“This boasting will do no good, but I must go on. I will reluctantly tell about visions and revelations from the Lord. I was caught up to the third heaven fourteen years ago. Whether I was in my body or out of my body, I don’t know-only God knows. Yes, only God knows whether I was in my body or outside my body. But I do know that I was caught up to paradise and heard things so astounding that they cannot be expressed in words, things no human is allowed to tell.” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12:1-4‬ ‭NLT
@haachamachama7 2 года назад
@@destineeblanco I feel like Daily Disciple never read this passage... lol, he quotes John 3:13, but... Jesus says "No one HAS ever ascended into Heaven and come back down but the Son of Man has come down to earth" He never says no one CAN ascend into Heaven... It's past tense lol.
@KingNazaru 2 года назад
We must always be wary of false prophets.
@kayhamilton3947 2 года назад
I’m sorry I’m now just picturing fake Jesus doing a TickTock like.. “it’s your boy Jesus, coming at you with another fire video but first I’d like to thank todays sponsor Squarespace” and I can’t stop laughing
@Jacqueline8 2 года назад
Joel 2, Numbers 12, and Matthew 22:14, are some amazing chapters about prophetic dreams and shepherding. I’m a psychology and neuroscience major and dreams can be a little tricky but never forget God’s sovereignty; it’s all you need. If he’s called you to prophesize, to shepherd his people, preach his word, he’ll start preparing you. I’m sometimes suspect when youtubers consistently upload “prophetic dreams” videos. I agree, God has given us the tools and if claims do not add up, the Bible our reference. People who bear good fruit as well. Always make sure the Lord and the Bible are your #1 source of evidence, not claims because anyone can play the part.
@aidenlavallee5404 2 года назад
Thank you for these righteous videos! I appreciate them a lot.
@tedtod4489 2 года назад
I'm curious about what you think about Bill Weise and his 23 minutes in hell story. Idk what to think about this but would love to hear what you think about his story and ministry
@mrpuddlemrpuddle 2 года назад
(Personal option) Bill follows scripture and never directs any glory away from God. Everything he does follows the word and is never done for his own gratification.
@tedtod4489 2 года назад
@@mrpuddlemrpuddle that's seems to be true from what I have seen. Thanks for the help!
@mrpuddlemrpuddle 2 года назад
@@tedtod4489 Absolutely.
@endofsight9841 2 года назад
Though I do not believe in Bill's vision, I think he is sincere in trying to reach the lost. His Hell experience is almost fully biblical, except the fact that I don't believe Demons are running Hell. Besides that, everything else is spot on. It truly does paint a horrific picture of how Hell could be like.
@mrpuddlemrpuddle 2 года назад
@@endofsight9841 The description is not clear as far as that goes. I know they have free roam until the day of judgment and Satan has a kingdom. It would stand to reason that they would/could IMO. I do know many people have had very close experiences to his almost verbatim in some cases. Seeing how Jesus descended first to claim what was his (keys). Again IMO it would make since Satan and demons could come and go for now as Satan's kingdom is earth (for now) and Hell is here. HOWEVER as long as we all are carful and not speak against His anointed ones (because we can't always be sure). It's safer just to turn them off for now. We can always be safe doing it this way. It's (Thank GOD) the Holy Spirits job to show us and remove the liars. Fruits of the Spirit are always my indication of Truth of someone. If you are interested in some of the other Heaven (my favorites) or hell experiences let me know. Some are very anointed.
@missr5238 2 года назад
I want to say... i used to think these stories are true until each year 50 people will say they went to hell or heaven and each one describes something different. I do not believe it and it takes away from the bible we already have..!
@xanjey17 2 года назад
Kinda off topic but still about dreams lol I can say that God gives us certain dreams for a reason. For example I had a dream that people were running towards this clear wall with a bright light surrounding it and many could not get through. My mother ran right through and I struggled to get in however I made it. That not only let me know that I need to get right with God but it showed me that some will make it into Heaven and some won’t. I also had a dream about a casket which was navy blue looking and not too long after my grandfather passed away and he had the same color casket. I’ve had plenty more dreams but I don’t want to be too long. I know God shows people things but you do have to be careful because some people could very well be lying just for attention
@Desmondenae_ 2 года назад
I can't tell people their hell or Jesus stories are fake, since I had my own crazy spiritual experiences. I'll always hear peoples stories, I'm willing to listen and see. Unless its obviously fake.
@tonyvalenz3175 2 года назад
That first one is interesting and a bit hard to dismiss completely because I’ve also had my share of strange occurrences and “dreams” as soon as I started on the pathway of a Christian. The second one is an obvious no brainer. It shouldn’t take a matured Christian to see the lie.
@haachamachama7 2 года назад
Honestly to me it feels like Daily Disciple put an obvious fake next to a... possibly real? one, just to discredit the first one lol
@RayPopescu 2 года назад
I agree the Bible has final authority on everything, but I disagree of putting God in a box. If he wanted to make someone experience a divine experience in their dreams, he can do so.
@HevanCathey 2 года назад
Your insight is always so awesome Isaac, thanks so much for continuing to be a beacon of truth in a world full of deception! Praise God :)
@diggi3247 2 года назад
"... Focus on what He has already given us...". I love this!
@nataliemarie160 2 года назад
Brother at the end should get in line, we got at least 3 "christs" at the methadone clinic I work in. Hopefully he finds the True Christ soon.
@donavanboykin9489 2 года назад
😂😂😂I hope he does as well. Though, I must say your comment caught me off guard😂
@artemdronov1538 2 года назад
Mm, no I disagree with you on this one Isaac. I believe God does show people heaven and hell as a wake up call sometime. If you believe in dreams of dreams and visions, wouldnt it be possible that people can see heaven and hell in that way? Oh and riddle me this, Ive heard of stories of people that have died, came back and spoke of their experience. I see how someone could think otherwise but I truley don't think that a person can practically die, come back and cry out for mercy and that Just being fake. Some people that have had their spirit leave their body, See hell then have trauma for a short while. I dont think its fake. Perhaps in this case the guy could have been lying just to have some way to preach the gospel, ( due to the lack of tension in his voice). Many True and trustable Christians also believe that God does this to some people.
@rf7477 2 года назад
@Jacob Raymond What? You believe this nonsense? You think god intervenes occasionally, to remind us that he is not gonna let anyone die? What sort of nasty god are you worshipping? No wonder "christianity" is such an ugly mess.
@artemdronov1538 2 года назад
@@rf7477 let me get this straight... you think we worship a "nasty God" because he gives second chances? Because he gives eye opening experiences to people? A god that sits there and lets people perish without doing anything is not a god we serve.
@rf7477 2 года назад
@@artemdronov1538 You worship a dreadful unethical god who won't let anyone die. Not even his own children.
@artemdronov1538 2 года назад
@@rf7477 Sorry I'm trying to make sense of this... you think our God is unethical, because he doesn't want anyone to perish and go to hell? What you are saying is the same as stating, "the Police force is corrupt because they stop people from dying and stop bad guys"
@rf7477 2 года назад
@@artemdronov1538 Around the time of Noah your nasty god drowned almost everyone including children and unborn babies. He drowned his own creations. Please do not even attempt to justify it. Also, because god is omnipotent he knew in advance that he'd made a terrible mistake and he knew the outcomes but he went ahead and did it all anyway. Now "christians" tell me I must worship such an unethical god otherwise I, and many others, will be condemned to a horrible unending vicious torment in hell. That is, god won't let me die. Apparently a chosen few get some sort of vague translucent eternal bliss. If god wanted to forgive his own children, created in his/our image, why doesn't he just forgive us? What's with the vile convoluted horror story? There is no point in me asking you to prove heaven, or hell, or god. All I will get is endless tautology. Once you invent a god you can't get rid of them. They turn nasty and then have the power of life and death over you. Please do not respond with the dreary old nonsense "you have a choice".
@Tamisvideodiary 2 года назад
It really important that just because we have not experience something does not mean God can’t do it. Maybe we should question our interpretation of God words. The Bible explains that Enoch and Elijah didnot die but ascended into heaven. People in other countries are not so quick to call something fake, because what is the unforgivable sin. Also, they don’t limit God and have supernatural experiences and are open to not condemn other who testify of what they experience. I appreciate you content, but I think it’s important that we’re not quick to call something fake or false just because it’s not something that you see often or have experience.
@fredcourtney03 2 года назад
Good morning bro! I love this video. You speak truth. “The main things are the plain things and the plain things are the main things” - Alister Begg
@core8886 2 года назад
What about: God can do whatever he wants? I mean, if God wants you to go to Hell to see and deliver the message so many can repent because of people saying "well, bible says it but as no one came from there how do we know if its real?", He can do it. He is God, he can do whatever He wants. Lets remember that we are no more than humans and the last word is coming from Him.
@Delta47_11B 2 года назад
He CAN do it, but he WON’T. Reason being is because there’s no need for it. Everything that needs to be said has been said and those who choose against it or to dismiss it are accepting their own peril. Therefore, there’s no longer any prophets because they died long ago. Now, it’s everyone a false claim until Christ himself arrives on his second coming as described by the last prophet. When Jesus drove demons out of a man and sent the demons into a herd of pigs, the townspeople heard and pleaded him to leave, but the man begged Jesus if he could follow. Jesus said return to his family and tell them what happened. The omen here, is that not even a quarter of the world’s population will enter Heaven. Most choose the pigs, as in their Sin, their passions, and their addictions because of the pleasure it gives. Most of us will not reach Heaven and THAT is inevitable.
@core8886 2 года назад
@@Delta47_11B I just believe what God said. You should as well.
@Delta47_11B 2 года назад
@@core8886 Ok? What makes you think I don’t? What I said made no contradiction nor any argument against God.
@mfrmxcv 2 года назад
@hansenhenry5438 2 года назад
Yay new long video!
@JohnDoe-wt9ek Год назад
I had a back to back dream about a week and a half back. The first dream: I was standing on a desolate place, the sky was a blood red hue and there were people fleeing past me. I pointed at one and said something along the lines of "Rapture" but can't remember precisely what I said, but it was in confusion. But there was a sudden moment of realization where I had the harsh reality set in: Left Behind. At that moment of realization, I turned my face towards the rocky crag that one was earth and the blood red sky began to rapidly turn to a deep black, like oil spilling across the heavens. The people I saw fleeing had sheer terror and fear in their eyes. And just as the darkness was about to encompass me, I awoke. The second dream: High on a mountain top, presumably a family trip to go camping, or camping with friends, and all was well and peaceful. Until I looked to the skies and saw a great multitude of aircraft, with large props or turbines, and from their belly holds, black dots were falling on the valley below. And it was close enough to see the explosions and the people below scattering as the indiscriminate bombing turned a once vibrant green valley to ash, fire and death. And then there was notion of the dead returning to life, as we hid in a tent, trying to find some semblance of shield against the onslaught of nightmare unfolding around us. Don't remember who I was with. Then the dream ended just as abruptly. I typically get pretty messed up dreams. Never really get any good ones. But the first one, save for one when I was on deployment in Afghanistan, truly galled me to the core with a deep fear... For obvious reasons.
@hadassahBespokejamison 2 года назад
Just to clarify there are modern day prophets and GOD does communicate through visions as well as dreams BUT... I completely agree about discernment and being careful to believe ppl's testimonies of going to heaven or hell and weighing what they say against scripture, the Bible does also teach us about false prophets
@defvent 2 года назад
"If it's new it ain't true." Yes indeedy!
@LONEWOLF-1970 2 года назад
I read this book one about a lady who said JESUS took her to hell. Fake or not, it scared the "HELL" out of me.
@endofsight9841 2 года назад
A divine revelation of Hell? Yeah that book was terrifying but I think it's unbiblical.
@Natural2bmii 2 года назад
Jesus said, “There was a certain rich man who was splendidly clothed in purple and fine linen and who lived each day in luxury. At his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus who was covered with sores. As Lazarus lay there longing for scraps from the rich man’s table, the dogs would come and lick his open sores. “Finally, the poor man died and was carried by the angels to sit beside Abraham at the heavenly banquet. The rich man also died and was buried, and he went to the place of the dead. There, in torment, he saw Abraham in the far distance with Lazarus at his side. “The rich man shouted, ‘Father Abraham, have some pity! Send Lazarus over here to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue. I am in anguish in these flames.’ “But Abraham said to him, ‘Son, remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted, and Lazarus had nothing. So now he is here being comforted, and you are in anguish. And besides, there is a great chasm separating us. No one can cross over to you from here, and no one can cross over to us from there.’ “Then the rich man said, ‘Please, Father Abraham, at least send him to my father’s home. For I have five brothers, and I want him to warn them so they don’t end up in this place of torment.’ “But Abraham said, ‘Moses and the prophets have warned them. Your brothers can read what they wrote.’ “The rich man replied, ‘No, Father Abraham! But if someone is sent to them from the dead, then they will repent of their sins and turn to God.’ “But Abraham said, ‘If they won’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they won’t be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.’” Luke 16:19‭-‬31 NLT bible.com/bible/116/luk.16.19-31.NLT
@saradorris3554 2 года назад
My top Christian RU-vidrs: Off the Kirb, Melissa Dougherty, the Beat, What do you meme?, Daily Disciples, and Mike Winger!
@bikkyfofa1199 2 года назад
Back then I was always trying to be good because of heaven But as time went on I grew more mature I try to place my focus on God because I realized that all those times when all I could think about is fear of hell my sinful life never change it just got worst but when I try to focus on God ask him to fill my heart with love for him I began to turn away from my sin slowly
@destineeblanco 2 года назад
“This boasting will do no good, but I must go on. I will reluctantly tell about visions and revelations from the Lord. I was caught up to the third heaven fourteen years ago. Whether I was in my body or out of my body, I don’t know-only God knows. Yes, only God knows whether I was in my body or outside my body. But I do know that I was caught up to paradise and heard things so astounding that they cannot be expressed in words, things no human is allowed to tell.” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12:1-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬
@artesha8077 2 года назад
Acts 2:17 ✝️🕊️ “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;
@timothyjade 2 года назад
Well said brother, Paul went and he said it wasn't lawful to tell what he saw
@baxterbunch 2 года назад
From the age of 15 I was a heroin addict living on the streets, I overdosed one day in a parking lot behind a wall and I remember walking up a big white staircase and a voice said to me “you’re not ready yet go back down” and the second I started walking back down the stairs that’s when I was revived, I had never ever carried narcan (a medication that reverses the effects of an opoid overdose) except for that one day and as soon as my ex gave me the narcan injection my heart started beating and I started breathing again and I jumped straight off the ground and up onto my feet because I couldn’t believe what just happened. I truly believe God wanted me to have that experience and I do believe everything happens for a reason because after that I became a born again Christian, I had always called myself a Christian because I believed in God but I didn’t know Jesus or have a personal relationship with him but as soon as I got to know who he is he changed my heart and I got clean, got married to my husband and we had two boys. I don’t know if it was God or an Angel that was talking to me but I instantly felt comfortable and at ease because I recognised the voice even though I had never heard it before, it was as if I knew who it was… I definitely believe people can have spiritual experiences like mine because when I was in a woman’s refuge (ran by Christian women that were volunteers) my friend that I met while I was living there had a similar experience to mine, she managed to sneak drugs into the refuge and she overdosed straight away because her tolerance was so low due to everyone in there being clean for months at that point, she was blue and she wasn’t breathing and her heart wasn’t beating but she says she remembers walking down the stairs in the refuge and one of the staff members was coming up the stairs, the staff member prayed with her then told her to go back to bed, as soon as she walked back to her bedroom that’s when she was revived, it was so real that she was convinced it happened in real life but the staff member that prayed with her on the stairs wasn’t even working that night! Turns out the staff members that were working found her because they had a weird feeling, they didn’t believe in using narcan so they all sat round her and prayed that God would revive her and he did, it truly was a miracle. When I had my experience it was the most real thing ever and I was 100% aware of what was happening and even though people tell me it was just a dream it felt nothing like a dream. I don’t have tiktok but I see a lot of tiktok videos getting posted on RU-vid and a lot of them are “Christians” saying that they went to heaven/hell and to be honest a lot of them come across as unauthentic and I get the feeling they aren’t making these videos for the right reasons…
@Illuminate_identity 2 года назад
@carljohnson1726 2 года назад
2:32 „I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know-God knows. And I know that this man-whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows- was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell.“ ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12:1-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬
@ACTSOFAPOSTLE 2 года назад
Am I the only one that thinks the first guy was legit and that what he said actually aligned with scripture? In fact my sister often times gets dreams like end times prophecy and hell and I have always checked to see if it matched scripture and it does.
@Shanemccullough9 2 года назад
God sending people to Hell with visions is biblical, brother. He said more people will have visions in the last days.
@kristalynpitts9346 2 года назад
Lawd, i wheezed when the second man started talking-💀💀😂😂
@nocx4592 2 года назад
Luke 16:31 "And he [Abraham] said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead"
@donavanboykin9489 2 года назад
@maddyf.6296 Год назад
That false Jesus guy, even looking past all the blasphemy and crap, the fact that he thinks Jesus would say "Yes indeedy" I find hilarious
@jonathanvaldez2460 2 года назад
That second one, easy. The dead that are in the true faith has to rise first and then the living of true faith will be with the lord in the clouds.
@Tacos-and-IceCream 2 года назад
Wooh! Get 'em! 👏👏 Get in The Word friends ❤️✝️🙏
@katiescherck4061 2 года назад
The church my mom and i go to at the end of the service our pastor says a prayer and in the prayer it says "Come into my heart, I trust you with my future" so yeah i don't think my mom and i have a good Biblical church
@Time4me2 2 года назад
"Yes in-deedy!" 😂
@Just-a-Merican-Girl 2 года назад
What do you think about Akiane the artist who has talked to God since childhood?
@tomxd5840 2 года назад
Praise the Lord
@Really_Roby 2 года назад
Regarding 05:28 and others like that guy: If he was the real Jesus we'd see him coming back in the clouds, not in the clout. SMH.
@CharlotteSmith-kb5zs 2 года назад
Very clever l
@lewisguapo 2 года назад
Ahh the DMT experience, when the ego leaves the body and the answers of the unknown is presented to you... Do thy thou wilt...
@donavanboykin9489 2 года назад
I used to be scared out of my mind from these stories on RU-vid when I was younger! If God really did take this dude to Hell, this dude would be messed up
@quilodinerro 2 года назад
Billy weise said after his hell experience. God had removed the trauma from the experience but had kept the memory. I'm sure God wouldn't want anyone suffering long term trauma from these experience but would rather use these experience to get people to repent.
@Justin-fq2vx 2 года назад
You took John 3 out of context. John was took up in the book of revelation to see end time events
@vantablack7939 2 года назад
I'm curious. What's your opinion on near death experiences? how do those relate to this topic?
@Yipper64 2 года назад
6:00 ah. Yeah... No... Sorry... Not Jesus. Just a weirdo.
@ryannoe86 2 года назад
2:20 - Paul says he knew someone who went to Heaven and heard things that cannot be repeated by mortals. 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 3:10 - If we are in the last days, Acts 2:17 is valid and this young man may very well have been given a vision.
@OXSkuldream 2 года назад
The paradox 😮
@jodythi1 2 года назад
My son almost died in his teens and he said demons were dragging him to hell. I do feel that some people do experience this…
@MA-yc7pz Год назад
Me too there are things that don't always are crystal clear ....God works differently with everyone
@lilchristuten7568 2 года назад
"All these other people saying 'I went to Heaven for a quick trip so that God could give me some divine Revelation' it ain't true" I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know-God knows. 2 Corinthians 12:2 NIV After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. Revelation 4:1‭-‬2 NIV You need to be more careful about the absolutes that you say.
@user-nu3sd7zb2j 2 года назад
That man was no other than Paul. And he wasn't allowed to speak of what he saw. And yet we have soo many people say "I went to heaven" "I went to hell" , and they speak details which contradict each other. Some say Angels have wings and some say Angels dont.
@lilchristuten7568 2 года назад
@@user-nu3sd7zb2j That man most likely wasn't Paul, if it was then he'd more than likely would have known if he was taken up in the body or the spirit. Edit: the man was likely the apostle John who wrote the book of Revelation. The words that it is unlawful to utter are the abominations and blasphemies written in the dragon and the beast and what they spoke against God as well as the abominations in the cup of the harlot. That is why he never spoke or even wrote them.
@user-nu3sd7zb2j 2 года назад
@@lilchristuten7568 It was Paul, and to keep Paul from being conceited,he was a given a thorn in the flesh, by God. And do you have a verse which states those inexpressible things were abominations and blasphemies? 2 chorinthians 12:7 "To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me."
@lilchristuten7568 2 года назад
@@user-nu3sd7zb2j First God did not give Paul a thorn in the flesh for any reason. Second that thorn in the flesh was a messenger from satan to keep Paul from being exalted because of the amount of revelation he received, and we know that didn't work because God just gave him another revelation about grace. Third Paul did not write that the things were inexpressible he wrote that it is not lawful for them to be spoken, which means they are sinful for anyone to say not that they cannot be said. If they could not be said then the one who heard them could not have heard whomever said them say them in the first place and Paul clearly said that the man whom he was talking about heard them. Fourth Paul wrote "I know such a man who was caught up to paradise" not "I am such a man who was caught up to paradise".
@user-nu3sd7zb2j 2 года назад
@@lilchristuten7568 First. God did give Paul a Thorn in the flesh, unless you're gonna deny basic scriptures. Second. The agent of Satan, aka a demon was sent by God to keep him from being conceited. "To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. " - 2 chorinthians 12:7-9 This was God's doing. Satan would instead boost Paul's ego , but God made use of Satan's messenger to torment Paul. To keep him from being conceited. Third. the word inexpressible does not mean un-intelligible. Just because something is inexpressible does not mean it can't be heard. And the scripture literally uses the word 'inexpressible' "was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell."- 2 chorinthians 12:4 Fourth. Paul did not refer to himself in the first person because of how humbled he was. He was given a thorn in the flesh, to keep him from being conceited for this very reason. This was Paul. You have yet to provide any actual scriptures for your statements. Are you making them up ? If so, then you must stop.
@SaintDiaz Год назад
This kinda reminds me of my dad, hes an ex-gangster turned born again but with faults such as pedophilia, lust, rape, anger issues, and drug problems. By no means am i shaming him, everyone has issues, even if certain things i brought up about him are horrible things especially to man, because in the eyes of the lord every sin is equally as bad. That being said the reason i bring this up is because something i heard alot from him was his "visions from God". He always talked down on us, stole from us, abused us etc but his "visions" told him he was pure and it was his children who'd suffer enternal damnation. Often times he'd see himself talking to jesus, or in heaven and not seeing us with him. Which for a while gave me a disgust for the word of God and also lead me to stray away from God. During those times I've suffered, faced intense amount of confusion, depression, turned to drugs, thoughts about ending myself, jumped into lust, seeked towards other beliefs, etc. Took me years to find God again. And while i still sin, i now have a drive to re-establish my connection with God, and alot of the things I've went thru during my departure from God nearly half of it vanished, i no longer want to end my life, i no longer am confused, no longer have that intense feeling of depression, got off of drugs except cigarettes but I'll work on it in time, working on my lust issue, still struggle but i know I'll get there, learning the gospel, etc. To me it's not about earning my place with God, but rather just trying to get my life straight with his help. And i have trust that I'll get there in time. Still have doubts about my ability to live up to what God wants me to be but its something im praying to God to help me with. Its hard to live for God when i still live like im Godless.
@danielgreen1628 2 года назад
Love your channel mate! Just one point though that Paul went to heaven and came back so it is possible that people other than Jesus can go to heaven. But agree with your general message though of course ;)
@mrpuddlemrpuddle 2 года назад
Indeed, He is confusing the scripture John 3:13 not understanding that Jesus was referring to man before the resurrection could not enter Heaven.
@jenex5608 2 года назад
Bill wiese encounter was alarming. When I heard his story I decided to rededicate my life to God.
@pointon1403 2 года назад
When you said that God doesn't need our stories, or help to bring people to Him. It made me think about holidays too(Especially Christmas, and Halloween). We use holidays as a way to tell people about Christ or to attract people to church(pastors). For example, Christmas was originally a winter solstice festival that pagan worshipers celebrated. The Roman Catholic Church incorporated this with the Birth of Jesus, so they could continue to celebrate the holiday. Later on, Saint Nicholas became a part of the celebration; due to his "secretive" giving, and good doings is now known as Santa Claus(except with legends). Today we use Christmas as a way to talk about the birth of Christ. Sadly it wasn't about Him in the first place(as a result this causes confusion, which leads people to questioning the holiday or people associated with it.) At this point, would focusing on what's in your heart be what's best in this situation? Daily Disciple, if you could give your word to this comment(or created a video later on), much would be appreciated. Thanks
@emmanuelrufai6471 2 года назад
I firmly disagree with this video, although I know it is by good intentions, it is still wrong, to attack people's experiences...God speaks, to people in different ways
@hippityhoppity6313 2 года назад
Please check out randy kay ministries. People that have died and gone to heaven and hell and were brought back. What they have described lines up with descriptions of heaven and hell in scripture. Same with sarah boyangas testimony and a youtube channel called wisdom and understanding. Ivan tuttles tesimony and brian melvins testimony broke me out of new age deception and I realized I had been talking to demons for 6 years when I thought they were angels. I have also had an out of body experience where I was being pulled into hell and I heard people screaming in the fire.
@MySistersAlive 2 года назад
So you don’t believe that there are people who have been taken to heaven or hell? Umm…there have DEFINITELY been people taken to heaven and hell and have come back throughout the AGES. God can do as he wills and has given people experiences like this, I’m not saying every person claiming to have been to heaven or hell is telling the truth but to say that it doesn’t happen AT ALL is wrong.
@oxrea 2 года назад
exactly he doesn't know what he's talking about!
@jonathandamico8552 2 года назад
I don't remember the verse about jesus' office. I though he'd come back dressed in light and on a horse like they say.
@heiresswithchrist3731 2 года назад
For some reason I've always avoided his videos. I don't know why.
@devanneschalkwyk9255 2 года назад
1 Corinthians 2:9‭-‬10 KJV But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, Neither have entered into the heart of man, The things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. It has been revealed to us by God's Spirit clear Bible verse.
@kommissioned 2 года назад
Bill Wiese was legit. Be careful of criticizing some of these, although the tik tok ones are pretty obvious.
@Glotch 2 года назад
Bill Wiese said you don’t have to Tithe to be accepted into the kingdom of Heaven, that sounds like a lukewarm Christian to me.
@kommissioned 2 года назад
@@Glotch The most on fire Christians I know all say tithing is optional since the new testament.
@kommissioned 2 года назад
@@Glotch And if you are such a righteous Christian, why are you judging a brother, especially an elder, on a non-salvation issue?
@Glotch 2 года назад
@@kommissioned I’m not. I’m also struggling with sin but I fear that Christians are not being allowed into the kingdom of Heaven because they did not Tithe.
@kommissioned 2 года назад
@@Glotch That isn't true. Nowhere in the new testament does it say that you have to tithe.
@biellaspointofview2054 2 года назад
The scriptures of Proverbs and John. Was the John one being spoken from past to present (when Jesus spoke it) or is it past present and future (after it was spoken) because didn’t Paul experience heaven and just didn’t talk about it?
@2mo2time 2 года назад
Also john in the book of John and in book of revelation he is taken up also the guy who was teleported to talk to the unic
@THEE_PUMPKIN_LAD 2 года назад
Well, I do know that my dad passed away from ab accident in 2016, and he told me he met God, with instruction, he came back to life and he still lives on to this day. Now it wasn't a trip like most others would say to become famous, that's not my intention. The difference is, my dad actually did die, by all measurements and as far as science went, he was dead, no pulse, nothing. And that's the key difference between people like dad, verse people trying to gain a following
@introvert.7487 2 года назад
This video reminds me of my own granddad's experience. He was blind for close to 60 years of his life. He passed away in 2015. While in the hospital on his deathbed, my aunt and their pastor was with him. They said he was trying to reach out from his bed to something in front of him. They asked him what he was doing and he said "I see Christ". A few hours later he had passed away. It makes me wonder if Christ personally comes to each believer before they pass to take them home. But about the video, I agree that God doesn't randomly take people to heaven or hell then bring them back to share new revealation. I feel like this has been used to make profit and deceive people.
@nellymaisy1250 2 года назад
A famous gospel musician died in my country, several people claimed to have seen her in hell...other in heaven. It gets confusing when others who claim to have gone to hell come back condemning lipstick, hair wigs, make up etc...
@Fruitpunchyearsago 4 месяца назад
Well the Bible never says wearing lipstick and other beauty products will send you to hell so since they’re adding to the gospel it’s obvious that those are false teachers
@sportsking1930 2 года назад
@monicahawkins1388 Год назад
Glory to God. I've been to heaven and spoke to saint Paul. God's will be done.
@desmariahlaureano5882 2 года назад
What do you think about an divine revelation of hell and heaven books??
@naninani2795 2 года назад
@breebree3834 2 года назад
Yes indeed..dee!😂😂😂😂
@tameracoates398 2 года назад
Yes Indeedy! 🤣🤣😂 That was hilarious! I pray no one goes for this. I know there are others that claim to be Jesus as well and they actually have LARGE FOLLOWINGS! It’s insane… We need to stay in prayer…
@duglife2230 2 года назад
5:52. Somehow I do not think Jesus Christ would have to stop and think about what to say next. Certainly not use a bunch of filler words.
@Mineralmining-q9m Месяц назад
Sad thing is that some people believe this
@eclay805 2 года назад
The major flaw with the belief that God doesn't speak anymore, is that people actually have supernatural experiences like this, and because we put God in a box and dismiss it or claim it's false and irrelevant, we miss out, and potentially damage the person who was willing to be a vessel and sacrificed their dignity and comfort. Who are we to say what God needs to tell us or how much He needs to say? The Bible says that in the last days, we will have dreams and visions and prophesy (Acts 2:17), so it aligns with the Bible. When we're skeptical about things like this, we are to test it by the Spirit and pray about it. (1John 4:1-4) If you're in communion with the Holy Spirit, He will let you know if what you're hearing/seeing/doing is of God or not. It may be subtle, but He speaks, so we need to have our ears ready to hear. Just be aware that God can do whatever He wants, and the Bible doesn't put a limiter on His actions, saying "anything claimed to be from God outside of this book is of the devil" - unless...I haven't found it yet😅 Good day/night, and God bless!❤🙏🏾
@rf7477 2 года назад
"willing to be a vessel"? Wow, I couldn't think of a better description of the credulity needed to indulge in bullshit like this. If you believe something you will see it. If you want to hear god he'll talk to you and he'll tell you something creepy.
@juliussalcido7065 2 года назад
2 Corinthians 12:2-4 2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago-whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows-such a one was caught up to the third heaven. 3 And I know such a man-whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows- 4 how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
@SlayingSin Год назад
4:03 So am I wrong for thinking that when I died and felt myself going up, never went to Heaven btw just saw an impossibly white light and ringing, and then being put back into my body? Fact 1, I literally died. I was 100% dead and I came back to life. Fact 2, I never went to Heaven, but I DID feel myself going up, it felt like I was leaving my body. Fact 3, I KNOW God put me back into my body, because NOBODY else could have done that. Fact 4, the doctors present in the room where I died thought that I "brought myself back", but that is again impossible for anyone but God to do. Could you give me some clarification in scripture for me to go off of? Because as far as I am concerned, what I know, is that I died and God put me back in my body. There was no message, I just KNEW it was God. This all happened a Sunday before I was going to be baptized to make my public profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I also know for a fact that nothing was wrong medically with me, because I spent a week in the hospital with doctors trying to figure out what happened, and they ran just about every conceivable test to figure it out, and came back with nothing. I know that Sa'tan had attacked and tried to kill me that day. To top it all off the very minute I left the hospital a tripple rainbow appeared in the sky, AND I still got baptized the next Sunday.
@BrotherEugen 2 года назад
God forbid Paul to talk about things he saw and heard in heaven but today everybody takes a tourist tour through heaven and talks about their tennis game with Jesus etc.... Just deceiving fools that are deceived themselves and make money! Also hell stories... Nobody's in hell right now. The second death is a future event for humans and angels.. No demons in hell will torture humans... 🙄
@emmanuelrufai6471 2 года назад
Although the fake Jesus, is hilarious 😂
And surely the Lord Jesus will make a tick-tock, telling the world that He's back
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