
This Gun Doesn't Belong in Apex Legends 

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►While the Charge Rifle isn't terribly OP, I do think it's super annoying and shouldn't have ever been added to Apex, since it's a hitscan sniper in a projectile based game. That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing it in the care package..
►Come watch me live and I'll say hi - / kandyrew
► / kandyrew
►MUSIC: mostly epidemicsounds




27 апр 2022




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@CrispyTheCongueror 2 года назад
“It’s in the game and we all need to grow up” Proceeds to complain about controller players
@kabir2077 2 года назад
Nah he's talking about a specific type of controller that is bannable if it's found out your using it.
@kabir2077 2 года назад
No normal controller has aim-assist as strong as the one he refers too.
@juliushuegel23 2 года назад
@@kabir2077 He was making the obvious joke that makes everyone (even most controller players as well) pissed off about Aim-Assist. Boom wasn't talking about any specific controller.
@kabir2077 2 года назад
@@juliushuegel23 Oh my bad, last time I checked there was a modded controller going around that at one point made the game unplayable if you ran into a user.
@MisterUkuboy Год назад
Satire isn't dead
@Mokeysniper 2 года назад
I see you with your Reload Transitions, i see you. That doesn't mean i will accept your Charge Rifle tainted Soul tho....
@kandyrew 2 года назад
wait what reload transition 😂 i’m a bit sick so i edited this in a slight fever dream
@softbrewed 2 года назад
​@@kandyrew 3:40 it's easy to miss but surprisingly clean if unintentional
@kandyrew 2 года назад
@@softbrewed lmao whoa that’s kinda neat- real talk it was unintentional 😂
@kylefauncd-davis9011 2 года назад
Love to see this "friendly" commentary between a couple of my favorite streamers. 😂🙏🏽💪🧡
@wingsofthunder170 2 года назад
God damn that's smooth.
@dergus8833 2 года назад
When people are using a charge rifle I hate it, when I'm using it I love it
@pingouin452 2 года назад
I hate it either way
@redthorne1129 2 года назад
That's how you know it's a problem - the only good compromise is the one where everyone leaves unsatisfied XD
@CGingerbreadman 2 года назад
I hate both. I never use it because I dislike it so much. I’ll melee before I shoot that thing
@DeeLuccket2 2 года назад
Hate it PeriodT😓😓
@janrobertdeleon2657 2 года назад
More of a long bow guy it's more satisfying to hit someone with it
@weirdoalgorithm3163 2 года назад
I love when boom is my own internal monologue for like 5 second's..."you know what I haven't had in a while?... Hibachi." And then the ppl around you are just like".... Ok....
@NotoriousVIN 2 года назад
I never get tired of a kandy video with boom saying random things lol
@joelconolly5574 2 года назад
After one point I stopped using the charge rifle entirely. I like the Sentinel's more satisfying, shots. It does however means we need a new Sniper now.
@ferdithetank7535 2 года назад
Actually, we need it now more than ever, since after Longbow was put away into crafting, there are only 2 floor loot snipers. Also, with Triple Thonk being moved back to energy ammo, sniper weapons are the least represented class, all this while being the least popular one.
@ethanshuey9758 2 года назад
Love the sent but I wish it was in the crafter rather then the longbow
@pennysantana247 Год назад
for real, we need a new original sniper
@saaros Год назад
@@ferdithetank7535 longbow no longer in the crafting though
@Goberino 2 года назад
In a game all about managing your time wisely, the charge rifle actively wastes everyone’s time while you use it
@lildaiki7629 2 года назад
Kandy: I need our squad to use the same rare weapon and ammo Loba: so that brings you right to me... as always
@chuxmecha6513 2 года назад
3:47 One of the cleanest transitions I've ever seen.
@ROSIEISOR 2 года назад
“it’s in the game and we all gotta grow up” factssss - if a gun is op ima use it lmao
@eldannavor6513 2 года назад
Exactly! 🥰
@Boomrazzle 2 года назад
@davidmalone7069 2 года назад
Skill issue
@katrez. 2 года назад
@@davidmalone7069 it do not matter
@-juicy_boi- 2 года назад
When I see a charge rifle user I immediately wish the worst upon them I just go "why?"
@luisalonsogonzalezgarcia4365 2 года назад
Just get close range, they're complete bots always
@burgbass 2 года назад
@@luisalonsogonzalezgarcia4365 oh yes please do get closer so i can pull out my re-45 with hammerpoints and shake hands with you ;)
@luisalonsogonzalezgarcia4365 2 года назад
@@burgbass lol that's the "I'm loosing in arenas so I'll spam the shut out of it" weapon
@OwNid 2 года назад
I mean, free damage and safe third party from a distance in ranked, it's a viable strategy
@-juicy_boi- 2 года назад
@@OwNid In other words "I'm a jerk" strategy, yes?
@hunter9231999 2 года назад
Everyone complaing about aim assist on controller: Me: misses 3 whole clips worth 🤦🏾‍♂️🤣🤣
@Gods_Realm 2 года назад
yup, it's all in the low sens
@eggy4248 2 года назад
Nah fr💀💀
@Muslim-goku 2 года назад
10:59 it's so painful seeing the change rifle used more then the sentinel
@mattheffelfinger8263 2 года назад
When we have 4 snipers and only 2 are ground loot
@Muslim-goku 2 года назад
@@mattheffelfinger8263 and 2 are good and the other are doodoo
@Muslim-goku Год назад
@@mattheffelfinger8263 doses the triple take count
@daniellamy1585 Год назад
@@Muslim-goku that's a marksman
@Muslim-goku Год назад
@@daniellamy1585 yeah I asked
@squirtpoke101 2 года назад
charge rifle headshot sound is soooo satisfying
@iOrekii 2 года назад
Favorite Apex creator is back, I never get bored of watching your videos Kandy you’re the goat
@jeanvila5941 2 года назад
Oh How you and boom have fallen! Just kidding 😂, this was hilarious. Thanks for the amazing content per usual.
@ExpertTerminal 2 года назад
It's actually meant to be an anti-Titan weapon in Titanfall, and not necessarily a sniper, so I can see the sentiment here
@holzbruch 2 года назад
Just for the gun sound I loved the havoc in rail gun mode. I sorta wish they would bring something like this back and maybe make it a care package/crafter thing.
@Mob-tq7gv 2 года назад
1:52 Not the octane escaping from the fight in the bottom left corner 😂
@quantez78 2 года назад
Boom and Kandy are the teammates you want to play with in Apex.
@krypticrook8181 2 года назад
Best thing is now I'm hopping on and using the charge rifle, thanks for the inspiration
@soupysoup931 2 года назад
the point blank charge rifle and the punchies killed me
@MerciBrandon 2 года назад
The meowing was soooo funny 😭
@stevennwachukwu 2 года назад
Ayo. This is a great video. That intro was amazing.
@jdw_oleole Год назад
Kandy and Boom the most fun duo of all time
@joekim9790 2 года назад
I honestly don’t mind people using it. I don’t use it because I’m bad but I also use the Devo in Arenas. I kinda agree with the thought of “if it’s in the game, so be it”
@dr_awesome_1010 2 года назад
I sometimes use the charge rifle but I usually use it to weaken them before a push, not to sit on a mountain and just pick off 30 damage at a time lmao
@s3an_rtp509 2 года назад
kandy: dying from seer boom: *sings duel of the fates*
@s3an_rtp509 2 года назад
Thank you for the love Kandy ❤️ , you got me into apex and I rly appreciate it
@MoreOhDough 2 года назад
LMFAO, boomrazzle was going off in the first minute
@muffinhunt 2 года назад
7:50-9:30 was gross and shameful. And the funky music made it that much better 😂
@jessie06_ 2 года назад
Kandy making his thumbnails clickbaity will always be hilarious lmao 😂 *putting the charge rifle and sentinel together*
@aqn01 2 года назад
evil boomrazzle is the awesome energy for video
@mrmigs3817 2 года назад
How many times does razzle change his name loool...love the charge rifle reminds me of being ironman in vs fighting games
@Itazyo973 2 года назад
I guys i just had a question .. does anyone knows how can i get the weapon caustic trap charm that Kandy has on his 301 ? Can i still get this ?
@davidd1688 2 года назад
A big thing to learn in apex is trying to figure out the bullet lead/drop with different guns, especially snipers. When you include a hitscan weapon into the mix, it loses the fun in that.
@user-fn7ds4wf6u Год назад
As I am a charge rifle connoisseur, I appreciate this vid
@SaintOh 2 года назад
"Kandy has gifted Boom an armour swap!"
@braydenlacey4765 2 года назад
Tbh im kinda sick of people always shitting on controller because of aim assist. Coming from someone who has played both mnk on pc, and controller on pc and xbox, aim assist is nothing compared to a mouse in almost every single gunfight. ESPECIALLY LONG RANGE, if its so Over powered, you should try playing it for yourself. I dont understand how people can constantly complain about aim assist, yet continue to use mouse and keyboard. Everyone has god tier accuracy occasionally whether on mnk or controller, quit acting like controller players can only hit shots because of aim assist✌
@mrbrightside4u 2 года назад
To be fair, Boom is playing on both MnK and controller too. Even in this video you can see him on his "Rollerrazzle" account. Also, the problem with aim assist is mostly close range encounters which is a lot of what these higher paced, aggressive Battle Royales are, like Apex or Warzone where most players complain about it. While I do agree that the general opinion on aim assist is way too harsh, there are definitely a lot of situations where it is very powerful and kind of "bails you out" in a close situation, where both players weren't expecting someone to be there.
@Josh-sn7en 2 года назад
"yet continue to use mouse and keyboard" respectfully, what do expect those people to do? most mnk users really can't use controllers so I don't think it's as easy to just stop using it.
@SebastianV294 2 года назад
Especially for sniping most games dont give aim assist for zoom more than 3x or 4x
@whytry4682 2 года назад
You literally have assisted aim... the thing im sick of is people not shitting on controllers.... and not everyone uses keyboard and mouse expecially these days, its like 80% controllers in expecially in pred lobbies. also i can say the same to you.. if keyboard and mouse is so good then why is everyone using controller......... why do most preds use controller??? roller players can die in a fire. sorrynotsorry
@SebastianV294 2 года назад
@@whytry4682 cry about it
@Kekoa.surf808 2 года назад
Did you know if you hold the tether for ash down longer and let it spin up, it flies faster through the air?
@thomasway0320 Год назад
I don't know if this makes it OP or not, but I desperately want the TF2 version of CR in Apex, removes the unique aspect sure but it add the "half charge" mechanic back, which I personally just enjoy edging the charge rifle.
@DeprivedJuice 2 года назад
Agree it should be care package gun. It sort of invalidates any kind of long range-sniping duel, since the hitscan and no bullet drop basically means that the team with the charge rifle will always be able to outshoot the other team every time. Makes the other snipers and marksman weapons look subpar.
@blue_bands6342 2 года назад
Yes anyone doing this should deff feel ashamed.. charge rifle users eater burgers with no buns 😂
@11202 2 года назад
You know what they're worse, they the dudes who pull out a knife and fork and take it to the burger.
@bobsandwich2712 2 года назад
@@11202 eating beef ribs with a spoon👀
@braytonhougland8505 2 года назад
Charge rifle is my favorite sniper to use. I used to hate it but learned to use it and love it now.
@tremason5493 2 года назад
If that was boom he was a menace in the beginning. He was fed up
@Lessen0 2 года назад
I've been seeing so many shit clickbait vids recently that I feel genuinely grateful that this vid actually had a lot of charge rifle footage (as implied by the thumbnail) rather than just having one or two charge rifle scenes and a ton of unrelated stuff.
@banishedpotato2268 2 года назад
The most ridiculous fact about my entire Apex career is that my most damage I've ever gotten was done with a Charge Rifle and a Repeater, two guns that most people wouldn't want to keep on them at all. Just landed at the gondolas on World's Edge and kept getting pushed, and since it was working somehow, I didn't bother picking up other guns
@AngelPineda-ec2jm 2 года назад
The seer is a paid actor
@pingouin452 2 года назад
Bro in every apex player I watch there is a moment where they shoot trough door or wall 3:06
@naylor7495 2 года назад
It’s the latency. The bullets connected when the door was open. Just didn’t register till after it was closed.
@pingouin452 2 года назад
@@naylor7495 I now but it's funny especially when ur teammates call u a cheater because of that
@N_S_1 Год назад
this is the gaming merchants nightmare
@RonG1996 2 года назад
The only time I pull out the CR is when I'm having a bad day or to counter someone else using it, I'm more of a longbow guy, plus teams are less likely to push when you nearly strip them of their whole shields with one solid tracking hit.
@Boomrazzle 2 года назад
I do think Charge should go to the lootdrops with the Kraber
@RaidenKunii 2 года назад
Either this or rampage goes in, CR and Rampage haunt my lobbies
@saltycomet 2 года назад
That and the rampage/spitfire were a huge misstep by the devs "Fellow cockroach" 🤣🤣
@spicymcgee7337 2 года назад
y'know, I think putting the charge rifle in the care package would actually be a pretty good change. Like the kraber, it would be devastating, but not so common
@InSaNeDefiance 2 года назад
Nah, put it in the replicator for 100 crafting materials so they have to choose between heals or being a degenerate
@sgpoet47 2 года назад
Charge Rifle is in the game so play how you want. ** however I would be curious to see what happens if they put it in the Crafter instead of the Longbow
@sombrero4316 2 года назад
it can go in the carepackage today and not even need a buff to belong there
@Air2theRon 2 года назад
a lil controversy makes things intriguing! hence the Charge Rifle
@seanfrosty7255 2 года назад
6:45 one of the biggest sells I've ever seen. WHAT was Gibby doing bro
@1hughjanus80 2 года назад
I forget sometimes why I watch kandy I've been here for 4 years different acc all subscribed watching this video reminds me why
@crabylegs 2 года назад
Charge Rifle sums up the whole 'Someone who's abused becoming the abuser.' thing.
@idthgas3011 2 года назад
I hate getting beamed by a charge rifle, but love beaming with the charge rifle
@drc022800 2 года назад
One thing to do against against the charge rifle is to push because it sucks up close so they really only have 1 close range weapon
@mimik9193 2 года назад
Great presentation 🎉 Fun to watch
@deluxorian 2 года назад
I only hate the chargerifle because it promotes people 3rd partying from so far away when ur fighting for your life 😭. I would rather them pull up n 5th party than charge rifle me across the map with no fear of getting shot at.
@TristanStClair 2 года назад
Not gonna lie, charge rifle and 301 are my go to setup for ranked this season. Do I feel bad? Not at all. I can't count the number of times that my team has gotten clapped by some level 22 Wraith with a 4K and 20 bomb, so as long as people keep smurfing, I'll keep smacking them with the charge rifle.
@adolescent21 2 года назад
I feel guilty of using the charge all the time in rank 😆
@Axel-uq1de 2 года назад
Candy you can slide through horizons tactical and it wont fling you up XD
@MrYmch1 Год назад
3rd game when he started landing the moving shots i saw the horror.
@coldtrashysalad-2338 2 года назад
When I saw the title I for sure thought this was a devotion video
@ItzSeagull 2 года назад
When my charged rifle goes down to 2 ammo left, I reload to skip that long reload animation.
@afoolishsquire6850 2 года назад
RNGesus will not look too kindly on this toxicity
@supaipai420 2 года назад
I do exactly what you guys are doing height + charge = easy win + kills! We were the Worms in Call of Duty Black Ops 2 😂
i look out my window and see a couple doing the thing while watching this vid
@lilithofthevoid4922 2 года назад
I love the thumbnail rifle
@theblindspot985 2 года назад
If the charge rifle kicked you out of scope between shots like the kraber does then it would be a lot better because as it is you can just continuously track and spam.
@wergraphy4220 2 года назад
I am Master but I'm like always in Diamond lobbies. Do you have any idea why? The last few days it wasnt like that it just started today.
@duthcrothll3667 2 года назад
I have an I ideas for a video basicly evry time you kill people you swap guns with them not shield not helmet not back pack just guns and attachments plz do this
@thomasdrawdy5449 2 года назад
First glance I thought that thumbnail was the Destiny Gjallarhorn
@ryanjungwirth_814 2 года назад
I’d rather be shot at by a charge riffle than a rampage
@shkylinettv5894 2 года назад
a GOOD charge rifle player is dangerous, a bad one is a meme
@protoman1214 2 года назад
Never liked the charge rifle. I can never keep it on target for the major damage. Its just not my style of aiming. Besides its only really good at hitting unsuspecting enemies in the open. Most decent players use cover well and traditional snipers are way better when they are peaking from cover
@shinoblitz9641 Год назад
Ngl id much rather the Charge rifle change to a heavy hitting rail gun like the select fire havoc and replace the Kraber in the care package. Kraber can be ground loot for a while. Cause maybe it’s me but a rail gun with no bullet drop seems a bit more legendary than a high powered sniper with bullet drop even though there’s other snipers/markmen rifles in the game that do the same thing just with less damage
@iiTzSpectreZ 2 года назад
0:02 that's based lmao
@mazethemercenary 2 года назад
"degeneracy bullets" 💀
@KFWinterblue 2 года назад
All I heard from boom complaining about aim assist is this: 2018: “M&K is so much better in every way and people using controllers are at an unfair advantage.” 2019 when cross play becomes more of a thing: “Controllers are unfair and it aims for them, we shouldn’t have to play against them.” All in all, you’re always going to be salty when you lose to someone, regardless of the platform they play on.
@jasonpaquette2461 Год назад
Love the Charge Rifle in Titanfall and love it still in Apex lol
@ghostcrabman46yearoldgamer 2 года назад
I completely agree with Boom 💥
@HD7970 2 года назад
Last time someone tried to charge rifle me i yeeted him with a charged sentinel
@ferdithetank7535 2 года назад
The stereotype about Charge RIfle is basicaly a fan cannon made real, just like Wraith mains. Once it was OP and thus forever branded as a noob weapon (Rampage, wink wink), now it's mediocre to say the least. It has it's benefits, but IMO the only good use of it is farming damage for Evo shields. What could change and potentially make it really cool is an ability to install Turbocharger on it. Instead of having that weak starting beam, let it shoot fully charged laser immediately, but increase the delay between shots(Skeptation showed something like that in his experiments with r3loaded).
@nejiman12 2 года назад
I see you….. ZAP
@CMDAVISs 2 года назад
I never used the charge rifle until the last two weeks and ive had great games with them and i have been using it so much i think i have affected people in the game because i started seeing like every squad with charge rifles in pubs LMAO It hasnt been used much at all and now im seeing it more often. Im not embarrased what so ever because im having fun because i literally always hated it and never used it .
@zachdude4284 2 года назад
Sooxfar killed you and Boom a few days ago while playing Gibby. Thought I’d mention it.
@ItzSeagull 2 года назад
So I hit diamond my first time as a solo, and I was wondering how do you play in diamond?
@dj_mcfuggernugs507 2 года назад
Considering its an Anti-Titan weapon and this game doesn't have Titans, yeah it technically doesn't belong here
@dougdadronpookiegonda6157 2 года назад
boom is so inspirational man started sing the star wars fight music tell him to be my friend need a friend like him XD
@AnymMusic Год назад
still can't believe this man calls himself a "normal" player whilst being Diamond II
@nickskolsky2560 2 года назад
I seriously love it in ranked although often end up with 2800 damage and 2 kills 😂 Think about when it first dropped and you could put a gold mag on it and shoot like 8+ times before reloading which was also way faster … ahhhhh the good old days 😂🤦🏼‍♂️😁
@HeyDan1983 Год назад
Well if we follow that logic... No weapon below to this game, they are all from titanfall...
@amberwawa 2 года назад
I love the charge. Don’t hate the playa….hate the game.
@slimy_grin1239 2 года назад
at least he didnt pair it with the rampage right
@kirayoshikage1491 2 года назад
I’ve never liked charge rifle. The way I see it, I would have done around 70 damage with a sentinel instead of the 6 damage I did with the charge rifle, since I usually can’t keep the laser in them long enouh
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