
This is a RARE penalty in the NHL 

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After a snow blizzard cancelled plans for last night, today, the Chicago Blackhawks came into Buffalo. A game that saw 10 different penalties - from holding, cross checking, tripping and a controversial 5 minute boarding call as Philipp Kurashev hit Erik Johnson hard into the boards. But we also saw a penalty you very rarely see in the NHL after Rasmus Dahlin played the puck while still in the penalty box. While rare, this is technically an interference penalty as we saw 10 years ago with Ryan Carter. A year later, with Dougie Hamilton as well as Patrick Kane at one point. I explain the rule and cover everything else from this game in todays NHL hockey video!




29 июл 2024




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@288theabe 6 месяцев назад
I called that penalty in minor hockey late last year, except I called it as “ineligible player,” not interference…because who the hell would think that’s the traditional “interference.” lol
@StevieWicks 6 месяцев назад
I like that, and if it still needs to OFFICIALLY be interference or something for any reason, they could just add a hyphen.
@StonedSpagooter 6 месяцев назад
Thats dumb dont do that again
@adammckenzie6074 6 месяцев назад
Makes sense .
@adammckenzie6074 6 месяцев назад
@@StonedSpagooterthats smart u are a ineligible player if ur not on the ice... its not traditional interference. Why chirp people trying to at least be a good ref .
@FactsMatter 6 месяцев назад
As a ref, I commend you for getting the call in the first place. Much of the rule book is logical, this a little less so. We always have more to learn.
@nomadicnovels 6 месяцев назад
ngl getting put right back in the box is kind of funny tho 💀
@CarnageJesterX 6 месяцев назад
As a defender, you cant just launch yourself at a player close to the boards & call it a hit... That's how it's boarding. The defender falls over since he put all his weight launching himself into the hit, & plays it off like it wasnt in the numbers or on his back. So yes, if he continued skating behind the net, perhaps he could have shoulder checked him or "rubbed him out" against the boards, but thats not the play we are seeing. STOP!! Saying, "oh but, he turned & then I hit him in the numbers, he shouldnt have turned." Any player can turn at a dime at any split second & change direction, just because you cant react fast enough & are probably CHARGING, with a full force unable to react fast enough. That isnt the fault of the player with the puck. That's like skating down the ice with my arms out like the letter "T" , then if somebody gets clotheslined like a wrestling move, you are gonna blame who?? .... The responsibility of the collision is on the defender who is issuing the contact. They go in full speed charging & still throw themselves into the boards like you just witnessed & then wonder why they get a penalty.... Where you make contact is all your responsibility. So stop pushing guys in the numbers, stop cross checking guys in the back when in the crease. Get back to clean open ice hits where your shoulder goes through their chest or shoulder to shoulder, NOT their face or chin, it's called bending your knees if you are tall (for you dumb defenders out there.) This is a call that needs to be made 100% of the time instead of idiot players just launching into players in the end boards, their skates usually leave the ice, they take more than 2 powerful strides to line up the hit, & they hit you 5 feet away from the boards, so when you fall, your head goes straight into the boards. These hits need to be out of the game, this isnt intelligent hockey, its stupid players trying to make a highlight reel play with a big hit for ESPN, they just arent thinking.
@CJPostal 6 месяцев назад
The thing I’ve seen this year is everyone thinks there’s a difference between a 2 and a 5 minute, yet the only thing I can find in the rule book that distinguishes a difference is “referee discretion” which means almost any boarding call can be 5 minutes if the referee’s decide it ‘looks’ bad enough.
@asphotographics 6 месяцев назад
Yes, judging the severity, and therefore the length of the penalty, is entirely at the discretion of the referee in the case of boarding. However there is an important difference between a minor (2 minute) and a major (5 minute). If a referee calls a major penalty (other than fighting) they have to do an on-ice video review. Based on the review, they can downgrade the penalty to a minor, let the major penalty stand, or apply a match penalty if they feel there was intent to injure. You may know this already, but I think it’s important to note that a major is also a tool refs can use to get a second look.
@SetsunaTheAngel 6 месяцев назад
The reason it's left up t the referee's discretion is that a 2 minute minor for boarding is meant for a player who follows through on a check that was ill advised but hard to stop..... but a 5 minute major is meant for a player who follows through on a check despite having ample opportunity to stop. There's no metric for deciding the truth so it's up to officiating to decide what's just over the line and what's too much to tolerate.
@asphotographics 6 месяцев назад
@@SetsunaTheAngel Interesting rational for the minor/major differentiation, and makes logical sense to me, but I’d like to see a SOURCE for what you are saying. I don’t see any of that in the actual rule book. Maybe that’s how referees are trained to apply the rule (I’ve never refereed anything in my life so I don’t know), but that’s not explicitly in there rules. Basically, the rules state that the severity of the penalty is based on the severity of the impact with the boards. From the Official Rules 2023-24: “The severity of the penalty, based upon the impact with the boards, shall be at the discretion of the Referee. There is an enormous amount of judgment involved in the application of this rule by the Referees. The onus is on the player applying the check to ensure his opponent is not in a defenseless position and if so, he must avoid or minimize contact. However, in determining whether such contact could have been avoided, the circumstances of the check, including whether the opponent put himself in a vulnerable position immediately prior to or simultaneously with the check or whether the check was unavoidable can be considered. This balance must be considered by the Referees when applying this rule.” EDIT: I guess your summation is based on the DEGREE to which “contact could have been avoided”, which I can see, but my reading of the rule is that whether or not contact could have been avoided is more binary and simply helps determine whether boarding is to be called. In both the minor and major penalty sections it simply states “The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a [minor or major] penalty, based on the degree of violence of the impact with the boards.”
@limyarplane1991 6 месяцев назад
@@asphotographics i refed minor league hockey for a few year's, the rules are a bit different then for the nhl but in short its more or less up to the ref, might consult what the linesmen think and what they saw (keep in mind the is like 16-18u rec hockey so nothing major) idk how they do it in the nhl of course but at least at the level i played at it was up to us to decide and alot of the more senior ref's just kinda had a natural feel to this kinda stuff after a while.
@brothaman007 6 месяцев назад
50 years of life, and had no clue this was a thing
@tnt8583killer 6 месяцев назад
23 for me always learning something new everyday
@HannahFellAgain 6 месяцев назад
That boarding penalty kind of reminds me of Eberle’s hit on Cogliano in last years’s Avs v Kraken playoffs series 😅 probably unrelated but I do kind of wonder if they’re taking these calls more seriously since it fractured his neck and there was so much backlash that the department of player safety received on Twitter
@FlyingAces 6 месяцев назад
That's my thought. I'd rather have refs be a bit more strict on the more serious calls like these. Whether it's intentional or not, accident or not, the player is responsible for how they skate on the ice.
@tomfrasz7311 6 месяцев назад
As a Canadian playing in Minnesota in the 20 aughts. I witnessed minor hockey coaches and highschool coaches teaching kids to turn away from checks. It's more and more common every year. I'm not saying it started in America, but if never seen it before then in my 20 year career. I saw highschool hockey player was paralyzed during my 4 years down there. I don't know why this is a thing. When you commit to a check there's no way to stop when the guy bails.
@chrismdb5686 6 месяцев назад
They teach them this to try and get a penalty call at the expense of their player's safety and health. Also prevents their players from learning how to properly take a hit.
@toddlauretteHabsFan 6 месяцев назад
I just made basically the same comment, it sucks when players put themselves in that position, just to get a penalty call, and they usually do get the call. There should be some accountability.
@CarnageJesterX 6 месяцев назад
That's why you shouldn't teach people to commit to a check where you are launching your own body into the boards, that's not a check, that's a charge & an attempt to injure if you just hurl your body towards the player to expect a hit... Yet, the player turns to outplay the guy, & still gets a shoulder or push on his back because some idiot is "unable to stop". Nobody in the history of any sport has said, "You aren't allowed to turn your back or deke behind the net because you'll get hit from behind & it's your fault". Simply because some idiot bruiser will charge at you unable & unwilling to stop his forward momentum. It's the player giving the hit that is the problem, not the turning towards the boards, even if he hit his shoulder, it would still be boarding because of how far he is from the boards. So unless he controls the skater rubbing him out on the boards or poke checking the puck away, there is no need to shove his back in any manner other than he got outplayed, yet still followed through on the check because he was committed to the check, so a forearm push is necessary to finish the check. Responsibility is on the defender to not commit aggressive hits to the back. It's not on the player to never have his back toward the defense or hits from behind happen. Stop blaming offense for their agility on skates while dumb people make dumb decisions to almost cripple people to make a check. ...Put STOP Signs on their backs like they do for house league kids with no hitting, since dumb NHL players dont seem to understand until someone in the NHL breaks their neck & is paralyzed, perhaps then will they crack down on this.
@CubeInspector 6 месяцев назад
​@@CarnageJesterX that's not a charge. Charging involves not stopping your legs prior to a hit. But hey at least you tried
@gregbush8573 6 месяцев назад
terrible take imo, you're expecting the defensive player to know 100% which of the thousands of decisions the offensive player is going to take in order to initiate and complete contact in a "legal way" while the offensive player can change his mind and move as quickly as his body is capable, and the defender has to react and adjust to every change faster in order to remain legal... that's like saying you're at fault if you're driving on a 3-lane highway at the speed limit in the center lane, about to pass the only other car on the road, when that driver out of nowhere lane changes in front of you, slams on the brakes for no reason, and you rear end them, with dash cam footage, and stopped traffic in the other direction all watching the crash happen. Any NHL player should be aware of the dangers they risk playing the sport, and have an innate understanding of how their actions affect that risk. Johnson can be as mad as he wants, but he knew that contact was already initiated, cut the defender's space off using the net, and made the move that turned that from a nothing contact along the boards into a dangerous play. If players continue to do that as the pace of the game increases, injuries will continue to be more prevalent and career/life altering.
@N11Ordo 6 месяцев назад
I could've missed a video but I feel like this is the first time I've even seen the Sabres mentioned in all of hockey RU-vid this season. Which is fair since, well, not historically bad like the Sharks, not really aiming for playoffs like everyone thought they'd be, though they got a little winstreak rn. Just in time for another disappointing season. Tho hopefully not.
@danevertt3210 6 месяцев назад
It’s because everyone thought Buffalo would be the scoring powerhouse they were last year…….and everybody predicted playoffs for Buffalo….. And none of that is happening
@benjaminallen6469 6 месяцев назад
We're notoriously inconsistent, that's Buffalo's trademark. I am praying to God we don't send Dahlin packing or quitting like we have pretty much all of our good players for the last 15 years. Look at Eichel, our GM made it VERY clear from the boot that he wanted McDavid, then we refused the kid's need to fix his damn back. Even Briere didn't want to leave and now he is a permanent part of Philadelphia. We always find a way to send our loyal boys packing.
@progshark 6 месяцев назад
People keep delivering hyperbole like "Sharks historically bad" when they are probably not even the worst in the league this season. Unless they go like 3-31 the rest of the way, they won't even be in the bottom 10 all-time season records. Keep in mind that they are trying to rebuild by gathering picks. They were supposed to be bad.
@TheGreatBoomy25 6 месяцев назад
I went to the game. When I saw this, “That’s a rare call” were my exact words. I’ve NEVER seen that called before in all my years of watching Sabres hockey.
@Krutov2 6 месяцев назад
How do you find all the penalty clips?
@chrisprobablybangedyourmom 6 месяцев назад
Favorite hockey youtuber 🙌💯
@SourBuddha 6 месяцев назад
I'm sorry officer, I....I didn't know I couldn't do that.
@just-dl 6 месяцев назад
Yet to work for me. Been driving 40 years. Best of luck with that line! (Also “at these speeds sir, it’s not safe to take my eyes off the road!” is apparently the wrong response to “do you know how fast you were going?”)
@bluebear1985 6 месяцев назад
I recall seeing this in a junior A game I called a while back in Thunder Bay. The player was in his last year of juniors, but I guess even he wasn't aware of the rule.
@sizzlepopbacon7406 6 месяцев назад
It is always the responsibility of the player delivering the hit to do it safely and legally. Thus is does not matter that the other player turned. Rule 7.2 - Boarding. Right call considering the degree of violence and the resulting injury
@tomhull1276 6 месяцев назад
Nice review of the strange penalty. I've been watching hockey for 50+ years and that's the first time I've ever seen that call made. And of course I didn't know such a call existed but when you think about it, it only makes sense that such a play by a player leaving the bench or penalty box would be committing a penalty by interfering with the play by playing the puck before they are fully on the ice.
@user-we2yt5on9b 6 месяцев назад
The boarding call was very clear. To dispute it is a homer call. If a Buffalo player does the same thing, you would call for a fine or suspension.
@marcor815 5 месяцев назад
I've seen this kind of penalty once before on a world championship game of the swiss team, but can't remember when and agsinst whom it was
@rddubs 5 месяцев назад
I can't remember which player said it, but an older player was talking about the rise in injuries and boarding calls and was saying that it's because players don't know how to take and anticipate hits anymore. A old school hockey player in Johnson's shoes wouldn't have turned like that because they would have known they were gonna get laid out. The theory is that because younger players are hitting later and later and there are so many more protections in the rules, they don't have the sense when a big hit is coming and they don't know how to protect themselves.
@tiffanyjessee 6 месяцев назад
Even if I didn't already know about the penalty, it makes sense. To me anyway. You can't play the puck if you aren't on the ice. As for the boarding call.....I am probably in the minority here, but I would rather them call it a major when it could possibly be a minor than the other way around. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like some of these hits this season are unnecessarily/on purpose harmful. Maybe they don't mean for them to be that bad, but they aren't gonna stop doing it if they don't get penalized for it.
@WWYD0 6 месяцев назад
In cases with boarding and similar penalties, it is always better to call a major, because then it can be reviewed. If the hit is not as bad as first thought then no problem, downgrade it. But if it is as bad, or worse then though then you were right to begin with.
@davidcarp1034 6 месяцев назад
Pivoting by the boards while you're being pressured is just dumb and asking for an injury. This is why they need to bring hitting back the way it used to be. So many players getting injured because they don't know how to assess the danger and protect themselves
@colinyork2215 6 месяцев назад
I remember the Patrick Kane one since 10 yo me was pissed as the Hawks were on a 10 or something game win streak at the time and we lost by 1 that night
@3banger955i 6 месяцев назад
Happened to Tatar a few weeks ago coming off the bench, not out of the box.
@Dale-mo1pe 6 месяцев назад
Defiantly a boarding. As a player especially at this level u should know that the player is going to turn back to get themselves some space to move the puck. Besides, the reason that everything is reviewed now is because of the gambling. Oh, by the way…… It is nice to see those sweaters again. Been a while!
@RLSteffler 6 месяцев назад
Yep, "turning at the last second" is nothing more than good skating. Like blaming a knee on knee on a guy shifting past you "at the last second" lmao it's called being unpredictable. Responsibility is on the hitter.
@ikespacef1574 6 месяцев назад
and its also their own fault if they suffer season ending injury@@RLSteffler
@noahcaplan7681 6 месяцев назад
I had a similar penalty. It was middle school hockey and we had 1:30 penalties, which was odd, and my coach and I forgot that it was 1:30 instead of 2:00, so I didn’t leave until after the penalty expired, and I just hopped over the board between the bench and box and got a penalty for it
@dougr550 6 месяцев назад
So funny. Played hockey my whole youth. Never had any idea about that rule.
@theBoonarmies 6 месяцев назад
as a Sabre fan, I am of course biased. That said, I would rather see that boarding call made than not. making it a major to go to review was the right call but I do think it could have been downgraded to a minor because, as you point out, Johnson absolutely made his own bed, as it were.
@221522 6 месяцев назад
I was going to correct some people arguing about what charging is, but I can't find the comment thread anymore. Charging is not simply about "not letting up on your feet" or "leaving your feet" those are factors, about it's ultimately about "distance traveled" to make a "violent" check. From the NHL rule book: "Charging shall mean the actions of a player who, as a result of distance traveled, shall violently check an opponent in any manner. A “charge” may be the result of a check into the boards, into the goal frame or in open ice." And, for clarity, here's the NHL rule book on Boarding: "A boarding penalty shall be imposed on any player who checks or pushes a defenseless opponent in such a manner that causes the opponent to hit or impact the boards violently or dangerously. The severity of the penalty, based upon the impact with the boards, shall be at the discretion of the Referee. There is an enormous amount of judgment involved in the application of this rule by the Referees. The onus is on the player applying the check to ensure his opponent is not in a defenseless position and if so, he must avoid or minimize contact. However, in determining whether such contact could have been avoided, the circumstances of the check, including whether the opponent put himself in a vulnerable position immediately prior to or simultaneously with the check or whether the check was unavoidable can be considered. This balance must be considered by the Referees when applying this rule" So, yeah, boarding is a highly nuanced call with a lot of factors that go into determining the severity of the penalty, and an "enormous amount of" discretion on the part of the referees. Which is exactly why there is so much room for us to all argue about the calls.
@HHh-ej4rl 6 месяцев назад
That's an easy 5 minute for boarding, it's weird you don't see it like that
@paterson90 6 месяцев назад
I saw that penalty live and was like WTF? You have to feel double shame for that, getting a penalty then trying to sneak up on the play and penalizing your team again! Good thing they still won 😂
@richhackney 6 месяцев назад
3:00 yes, that is boarding. even though you could argue it as accidental... those types of hits can be career ending.
@deew_knird_reeb_ekomS 6 месяцев назад
I’m cool with that being a major boarding too
@user-pg5sz2vn1w 6 месяцев назад
whether ej turned or not it was a hit from behind..
@thenickster015 6 месяцев назад
Weirdest penalty I've seen. Leafs/Penguins back at the old Mellon Arena. That arena didn't have the tunnels to the dressing rooms behind the benches like is common today. A Pens player took a check, and jammed his wrist. The play happened near the doors that lead to the Penguins tunnel, so the injured player opens the door and goes down the tunnel while play is still going on. But apparently you can't do that, Pittsburgh got a penalty for making an illegal substitution.
@nick30brodeur 6 месяцев назад
What’s even weirder is that this technically counts as a bench minor served by Dahlin, I only know because I didn’t get my fantasy points for this happening
@n3twork727 6 месяцев назад
... just curious, has anyone ever heard of a hockey period being called a frame? 2:30
@SeizingSheldon 6 месяцев назад
Skill and speed, along with youth hockey coaches not teaching proper ways of hitting. The speed and time it takes at which the buffalo player decides to turn back and not skate behind the net is so fast kurashev has close to zero time to react, let off and not hit the other player. Close to impossible to think all that thought when it’s at full speed. It’s a penalty and a major, the right call yes. Dangerous, yes. But absolutely unintentional. When he starts to go for the hit he’s looking at the guys chest and then boom he’s looking at his back and plowing him into the boards.
@DizzyDez613 6 месяцев назад
You see that red semicircle at the box doors? It used to be that the player exiting the box could not play the puck until he was outside that zone. Now I think you just have to have both feet on the ice. Which begs the question, why does that semicircle still exist on the ice?
@WWYD0 6 месяцев назад
AFAIK, now it's used mostly as an area for officials to gather for discussion and captains are only supposed to be allowed in. Technically, with the way the rule is written you could play the puck before your skates hit the ice. You just need to jump in the box, and not have the puck when you land XD /s
@DizzyDez613 6 месяцев назад
@@WWYD0 Oh yeah! I forgot about the ref’s circle of protection. A magical barrier that protects them from players without a mysterious letter on their shoulder.
@stevencooke6451 6 месяцев назад
I'm not sure why you don't think it's major for boarding. I assume you're a Panthers fan. It's not a penalty, it seems, if you play for Florida. He turns and Kurashev shoves his from behind into the boards at that magical distance where it can be a devastating neck, back or facial injury. I'd love to see boarding and cross-checking eradicated. For those who wish the Hunger Games were real watch the movie.
@CJONES16 5 месяцев назад
That major penalty is B.S. The league needs to realize that nobody can read someone's mind in a split second because that's as long as the defenders have to analyze and assess the situations when trying to check someone. The bigwigs and refs of the league need a ton more driving experience, because there are people that won't use their turn signals or will turn their turn signals on at the last second and that's pretty much what happened but with people.
@kevinmorrice 5 месяцев назад
is it just me or did the ryan carter on look like the puck just happened to hit his skate while he was coming out, he clearly moved his body like he was showing hes not doing anything
@therealhotdog 6 месяцев назад
one other was Leo Komarov of the leafs he got one for not putting his visor down all the way
@TheHungryHobo 6 месяцев назад
3:45 amongst players drafted in 2018** - players like Letang and Makar have more goals than Dahlin since 2018-19 season but among defense drafted the same year as him, okay...
@brockk5428 6 месяцев назад
I feel that boarding major is 100% the correct call. The onus is always on the checker and his actions caused Johnson to be sent dangerously into the boards whether he meant for it to happen or not
@robertlehning3691 6 месяцев назад
i watched that live and i knew immediately it was a penalty. dont remember where i saw it but its such a strange rule it stuck with me.
@MinusManGoScore 6 месяцев назад
Dougie Hamilton fell victim to that call in his rookie year
@Daniel-cw8lg 6 месяцев назад
That should not have been a major, and they barely reviewed it.
@deew_knird_reeb_ekomS 6 месяцев назад
Oh yes please, tell me more about how the refs are wrong. Waiting with bated breath.
@yevgeniyivanov9340 6 месяцев назад
Lindblom too
@colin.r.palmer 6 месяцев назад
LOL you made it seem like the players know all the rules 😂
@nster3 6 месяцев назад
As a NJ Devils fan, I see those goalies and cry a little inside...
@JeremyWashington1489 5 месяцев назад
This seems like the most obvious call and rule of all time. I’m surprised it surprises people.
@Im__Your__Huckleberry 6 месяцев назад
I called that this would be the call as soon as I read the video title and no I didn't watch the game beforehand.
@Supadupanerd 6 месяцев назад
I wouldn't even be mad if they were calling those more regularly, the league feels so GD dangerous as it is... just as long as it's consistent
@kevinbadger8030 6 месяцев назад
@jeremykraenzlein5975 6 месяцев назад
One video request: it would be good to have a summary of everything that an NHL penalty could be called for, which most fans are not aware of. In addition to the one highlighted here, I'm also remembering when Patrick Roy once played the puck on the other side of the red line, and Wayne Gretzky was the only person on the ice who knew that this was a penalty (he had to convince the refs to look it up, but when they saw that it was indeed in the rulebook, they called it). How many other possible penalties are there that most of us are probably unaware of?
@just-dl 6 месяцев назад
Can you explain more about the red line violation? I’m new to the game. This stuff fascinates me.
@jeremykraenzlein5975 6 месяцев назад
@@just-dl Apparently they once made a rule that goalies cannot play the puck on the other side of the red line in the center of the ice, nearly 100 feet away from the net that the goalie guards. This normally would never happen anyway, so most people largely forgot about that rule. At the time in the late 1990's, Patrick Roy was the goaltender for the Colorado Avalanche. A very colorful and unpredictable character, he abruptly charged out of his net in the middle of the game and took the puck as if he was going on offense. He played it just past the red line before New York Rangers players stopped him, and some of his teammates were able (just barely) to block the Rangers from shooting the puck into the then-open net. At the next stoppage of play, Wayne Gretzky (arguably the greatest player of all time, who played for the Rangers at that time) asked the refs why they didn't penalize Roy for playing the puck across the red line. Most players probably would have been blown off by the ref, as it seems a bit presumptuous for a player to explain the rules to the ref in the middle of the game. But this was Wayne Gretzky, and it would be very out of character for him to make something like this up. So, out of respect for Gretzky, the refs looked it up, saw that the rule was indeed there, and called the penalty. No one else on either team had been aware of that rule.
@just-dl 6 месяцев назад
@@jeremykraenzlein5975 thanks for the background! That’s a great story for the background. It’s telling about Gretzky that even non hockey fans knew exactly who I was! Did that rule get changed? Or is it still in the books?
@jeremykraenzlein5975 6 месяцев назад
@@just-dl I haven't heard of any change to it, so I am assuming that it is still on the books. There is actually another similar rule that hockey fans are more aware of, which was added in 2005. This one involves not the thick red line at the center of the rink, but rather the thin red line at the goal. Look at the ice and you will see that they not only paint red across the mouth of the goal itself, but they extend that line in both directions to the end of the rink. Before 2005, when teams dumped the puck into the offensive zone to try to trap the other team in there, some goalies (Martin Brodeur of the New Jersey Devils in particular) would often leave their net, get the puck, and play it right out of the zone before the offense had a chance to get there and do anything. So in 2005, they added a "trapezoid" behind the net. You can see the two diagonal lines on the ice going from either side of the extended goal line to the back boards, which along with the goal line and boards form a trapezoid. The new rule is that a goalie cannot play the puck behind the extended goal line except for within that trapezoid, so the corners of the rink are now off limits to goalies just like the half of the ice across from the center red line. This rule makes goalies a lot more hesitant to leave their net to play a dumped in puck, because if the puck stops in those corners, the goalie could be caught unable to play the puck away from an incoming offensive player, and also too far away from his goal to stop that player from scoring.
@just-dl 6 месяцев назад
@@jeremykraenzlein5975 i would think a goalie couldn't get "stuck" unless opposing players were on both sides. And, assuming the opposing team has a goalie in place, that's not leaving a lot of firepower to deal with a puck coming free. is there a true advantage for the goalie to play a shot/pass from back there, that a limit was really needed? I'll have to check the redlines again! I do remember seeing the "thin redline" in front of the goal when I was figuring out the "don't shoot across two red lines" thing (icing?). Thanks for the info! I'm a little surprised it's taken me this long to get interested in hockey. (only been in Maine for 25 years...) 🙂
@dondash8921 6 месяцев назад
It's a rare penalty indeed. I see it as interference as they are not supposed to be involved in the play. I guess, as an alternative, they could call it a "too many players".
@KissOfLife24-z4s 6 месяцев назад
😂😂😂 Joe Thornton or was it Ryan Clowe..? of the San Jose Sharks did that once he didnt get caught..We laughed do hard.
@benpasha8845 6 месяцев назад
I may be in the minority with this take but those Sabres might be their best...
@GregR9712 6 месяцев назад
Unlike the law, there is no intent needed for a penalty.
@louispeddiltton47 6 месяцев назад
Boarding has taken a lot of people out with serious injury.
@matthewmiller6987 6 месяцев назад
By the letter of the law it’s up to the player making a hit to not put a player dangerously into the boards but I think if u turn last second it shouldn’t be a penalty
@aegisofhonor 6 месяцев назад
EXTREMELY obvious penalty that should be known to everyone. You're essentially "out of bounds" when you interfere with play without entirely being on the ice. This penalty is very similar to "ineligible player down field" in football when a player goes out of bounds then make a tackle or catch the ball or interact with the play in any way.
@briansmith5725 6 месяцев назад
The boarding is definitely questionable. He was four feet from the wall (unwritten rule) and not defenseless while actively playing the puck. Watch his skates. He edged on for that.
@ITS_ABOUT_HOCKEY 6 месяцев назад
Someone wanna tell Ryan Clowe about this 😂
@18ccase 5 месяцев назад
So If I understand this correctly, you could indefinitely keep a player in the box just by beaming them with the puck the second the door opens. Hockey just became dodgeball boys and I'm all for it.
@SensitiveYouTubeCensorship 6 месяцев назад
Hot take, I don't know, how about hockey players stop cross checking, boarding and hitting guys from behind??? The other reason I don't watch more hockey, regular player makes a clean hit on the wrong guy, he then needs to defend himself from a Goon coming after him. Its stupid. I hate all the shit that happens after a goal as well. Just cause the puck is in the net you shouldn't get a free shot on the guy the scored it, happen way to often.
@thet3504 6 месяцев назад
It's a penalty in house league hockey. This was an oops on Buffalo
@Spivonious 6 месяцев назад
That's clear boarding. Kurashev could have let up.
@bobsch-gd6ze 6 месяцев назад
Boarding id boarding
@AkSamurai69 6 месяцев назад
I thought the rate penalty here would be sime kind of match penalty. Still interesting
@user-we2yt5on9b 6 месяцев назад
All players are aware that is a penalty. They get caught up in the moment and make a mistake, but they know it.
@anonymouspig992 6 месяцев назад
Not even the rarest penalty tonight the Kraken got a 3 minute major at the end of the game. I’ve never seen that before
@reaganharder1480 6 месяцев назад
Pretty sure I saw a 3 minute major a couple weeks ago. First time I'd seen it though, so idk what's up with that, having I'm pretty sure at least two of them in the space of just one or two months
@HomerErectus 6 месяцев назад
It was a 5 min major to Gourde, offset by a 2 min minor to an opposing player. Net of 3 min for power play. Wasn’t a 3 min major lol. You’re funny.
@FactsMatter 6 месяцев назад
You still haven’t seen a 3-minute major. Trust me. When the 3-minute powerplay starts 2 minutes after the major, you need to dig deeper and ask a few questions before saying silly things online.
@HomerErectus 6 месяцев назад
@@FactsMatter that’s what I wrote. Glad we agree.
@techlego 6 месяцев назад
@@FactsMatter The 3 min powerplay started before the 2 minute minor penalty to Ekholm. Had something to do with the major being called before the minor penalty. Not sure how that works, but that's the explanation the talking heads gave it.
@tylerlastarria854 6 месяцев назад
let’s gooo new video
@ProdigyHighlights 6 месяцев назад
1:02 is what you're looking for.
@grayden5334 4 месяца назад
I feel the same about boarding it was a legal hit until he gave up the back. You want to turn your back to a 170lb+ dude skating at you then suck up the consequences.
@rossmontreal4570 6 месяцев назад
I don’t agree with that player as he changed ways at last second as he knew he was going to get hit, what is the player expose to do when he is already going for a clean hit 🤔🤔🤔
@philipdavis2187 6 месяцев назад
They upheld that 5 min penalty ….. used to be if you turned your back on someone you knew was coming then there was no penalty ….
@dooderman8361 6 месяцев назад
The 5 min major is ridiculous, I mean what is the guy supposed to do? Cancel all his momentum the split second the player turns his back? That’s like if a guy does a slide to block the puck and another player sees this, and trips over him on purpose, that’s not tripping, you can’t blame it on the guy on the ice
@deew_knird_reeb_ekomS 6 месяцев назад
They’re on skates. On ice. They absolutely have the ability to stop and turn on a dime. Your take is idiotic.
@darthollpheist1156 6 месяцев назад
I mean.... I thought this was common knowledge. But, they are rare. There was one in a Flyers game this season. I don't remember which team they were playing but someone played the puck as they were changing, after their skates left the ice. So it's the same penalty it was just him getting off instead of getting on. That's the one that should be shown as it's WAY more rare than these. Also, it's sad that there are guys in the NHL that don't know these rules. They are common rules they should've grown up with.
@adambaxter7380 6 месяцев назад
You're explaining a totally different situation (too many men with a player leaving the playing surface). This is a player that's technically eligible to play the puck, just need to follow the order of operations, so to speak.
@darthollpheist1156 6 месяцев назад
@@adambaxter7380 No, it's not. It's wasn't a too many men penalty. It was for playing the puck while on the bench. You can't hop up on the side, then play the puck whether your replacement is on the ice or not (which he wasn't). It's literally the same penalty. Playing the puck while not having your skates on the ice. Whether it's the bench or the box.... it's literally the same call. This was just in reverse. Instead of hopping on. He was hopping off. Had he not jumped up on the boards, he would've been perfectly fine to play the puck as his replacement wasn't out yet..... as I said. But more to my point. This is supposed to be "so rare that the players don't even know it" yet I just explained the same penalty, that's even more rare. But, it's still the same call. So in my opinion, the more rare one should be the one shown. They sit for the same reason. Playing the puck before or after they are eligible to do so. And to finish this..... no..... it's not different because he wasn't "technically eligible" to play the puck. Not at all. If he was "technically eligible to play the puck", it wouldn't be a penalty. I'm not trying to me mean, but how did you not get what I'm saying and worse, literally say that someone that got a penalty for breaking a rule, is "technically eligible to play the puck" when that's the very reason he got the penalty? What are you talking about? LOL. I'm not being a dick. I'm sincerely asking you what you're talking about. Because, it doesn't make any sense.
@adambaxter7380 6 месяцев назад
@@darthollpheist1156 Your initial comment made me think of the puck hitting a player leaving the ice - too many men. Opposing players will play the puck into a line change often, hoping for the call. "Technically eligible" in the sense that their penalty was over, hence the comment about first following the order of operations. It makes perfect sense, you're just trying too hard to look smart and it's totally working, too.
@darthollpheist1156 6 месяцев назад
@@adambaxter7380 Oh. LOL. It's all good. Just for the record, saying "technically eligible" in that situation is confusing because they are 100% not eligible. Thus the penalty. Had they waited and got their skates out first, they would've been. I don't understand how you didn't get what I said though. I literally said that it was the same penalty but that it was from the bench. Not the box. But hey, think what you want. If you think I "seem smart". Cool. Thanks. I'm just typing normal words that make sense. It seems most people are getting it.
@adambaxter7380 6 месяцев назад
@@darthollpheist1156 All clear, gotcha. I couldn't have laid the sarcasm on any thicker in regards to the "trying to look smart" bit. I don't understand how you didn't get it. See, sometimes things on the internet don't always come across as clearly as we think they do. ;) I think we've cleared it all up here. No need to muck up the comment section any further.
@BaronBoar 6 месяцев назад
A lot of these questionable hits, if you want to call them that is them trying to circle behind the net. It's stupid, keep going through or take a step to the boards and stop up and reverse hit. Where, how and why did these guys think this is a good move?
@Popmycherryyo 6 месяцев назад
02:49 wtf is the ref doing with his right foot? at first it almost looks like he is wanting to kick the head of the white jersey player, and then steps on the right foot of the black jersey player? :o And as far as 01:50 could you, IN THEORY, do a jumping motion (so both skates in air I guess :P) or even have one skate on the ice but the other foot in the air (so NOT technically touching the penaltyy floor thingie) and get away with it?
@moroni77nephi36 6 месяцев назад
Paid millions of dollars… every player should know that rule. 😂😂
@nicklutu 6 месяцев назад
That play was called last year
@alias914 6 месяцев назад
Intentional or not, it's a penalty! The same as in rugby. If you tackle above shoulders, yellow card. Intention or not. Players could have easily avoid each other...
@thesandman4434 6 месяцев назад
5 min major was the wrong call, in that the Sabers player change direction, eliminating intent by the Hawks player, should’ve been 2 minutes, boarding.
@uldisbuks8845 6 месяцев назад
I'm not worried about rare penalties but the inconsistency and MISSED CALLS. If I am not mistaken a linesman is an NHL Official, the same as the two referees. So why are there so many penalties missed?? It is also amazing how the ref from the opposite end of the play calls a penalty that blatantly occurs right in front of the other ref. I read an article somewhere and agree that what they should be able to do is have a challenge penalty review after a game just like they do when a major penalty is assessed. If there is a missed call on the ice that results in a player being injured and taken out of the play everything is videotaped. So you take the replay of the incident send it to the Officials Head Supervisor. If they review the missed or controversial call, the referee should be suspended or fined or both. I'm not out to hang officials however when 19000 fans see the missed call there's a problem. This is also occurring in other professional sports and needs to be corrected. It's all about player safety so the officials need to be accountable just like the police are held answerable to public complaints.
@deew_knird_reeb_ekomS 6 месяцев назад
How about you become a ref and show us how it’s done.
@uldisbuks8845 6 месяцев назад
@@deew_knird_reeb_ekomS I was in policing for 30 years so I reffed in the real world and was held more accountable than ever.
@deew_knird_reeb_ekomS 6 месяцев назад
@@uldisbuks8845 You ain’t on the force anymore. Thank you for your service (yes, even as a cop) but youtube is not the place for it.
@Northbaylandscaping 6 месяцев назад
The guy was spinning back around to lose his check and to pass the puck to his open player in the video clearly.
@FightingForceSoulless 6 месяцев назад
Thought it was too many men, not interference, but yeah, it's a penalty, seen this one a couple times now.
@tytn9978 6 месяцев назад
The 5-minute boarding penalty is an over-kill call by the referee. There was no way that the player could have anticipated his opponent turning the way he did. Given ALL of the footage that I saw here, my conclusion is that this referee spends too much effort on being seen! I think it was Foster Hewitt who said that referees should be on the ice, but not be "seen" in any hockey match!
@deew_knird_reeb_ekomS 6 месяцев назад
Buddy. OF COURSE he’s gonna turn. You and all the people saying “oh Kucharev didn’t know he gonna turn” are idiots. Every single player and their mother turns away from the boards there. Otherwise they’d crash into it. Learn some common sense and logic please.
@scottrgarland 6 месяцев назад
The Johnson penalty is so annoying... We see more and more players turning at the very last second for a few reasons, A) in hopes the player about to hit them will turn away and not hit them since they see numbers on their jersey (ie: boarding), B) they're hoping to get a cheap call for boarding, C) they don't know how to take a hit. In reality all this is doing is creating weird penalties and an influx in injuries on these plays.
@RLSteffler 6 месяцев назад
Or they turn abruptly to lose their man? In this instance the player being hit tried to take the puck back the other way. It's called deception. You really too stupid to realise skaters want to be unpredictable? It's called good skating and if a player can't lay a clean hit on a good skater then he is punished. "Come on ref I know I drilled him knee on knee but it was going to be a square hit he just happened to dangle me at the last second. He must have been looking for a call!"
@Roksu95 6 месяцев назад
Yo watsup guys right there you guys just saying if connor bedard appears to be in the ice, this game could turn way or way right there you guys, not exactly sure right there you guys.
@cowscrazy 6 месяцев назад
That’s in the player. If you turn your back that’s your fault. Take the hit for your own safety.
@sinnedsinister 6 месяцев назад
That 5 minute major should have been a minor. Im sorry but the player turned the opposite direction making it worse than it was. The Blackhawks player was committed to action prior to the reverse turn. You can't physically stop mid action to avoid a penalty like this. This isn't the NFL, home of the phantom flags, and blantant miscalls.i can see a minor here. Won't deny it either. Not a major. The acting is Oscar worthy.
@deew_knird_reeb_ekomS 6 месяцев назад
That’s a major any day of the week. But hey, I’m just trying to be good at reffing from my couch just like you. 🙄
@Off-The-X 6 месяцев назад
Roughing penalty in hockey? Im 51, I still haven't figured it out. Am I the only one? Worst penalty called in the sport! ITS F*CKING HOCKEY! WTF!?! Agree?
@THATGOALIE30 6 месяцев назад
I think he pushes on the numbers and saying he’s not anticipating it is like saying he accidentally tripped him so we he wouldn’t get a penalty, it wouldn’t happen just like that’s boarding either way you look at it.
@Sankoz29 6 месяцев назад
no, if he turns like that at the last moment he is putting himself in a dangerous position, if that contact is a major then everyone will just turn their back to the guy that is about to hit them and we will see the NHL truley become the no hit leauge
@nextmanupNMU 6 месяцев назад
I should probably have clarified my opinion a bit more. It’s not that I don’t think this should be a penalty. I do see the boarding call being legit and I completely agree with the tripping analogy. An unintentional high stick would be another example. What I more so disagreed with was it being a major vs a minor.
@Sankoz29 6 месяцев назад
I can see it being a minor, however if he do not turn at the last moment and keeps going behind the net the contact between the players would be minimal. My point is that sure the dude that is laying the hit has most of the responsibility to make sure it is a clean hit but the dude receiving the hit also has to not put themselves in a dangerous position which he does in this case@@nextmanupNMU
@zinny1222 6 месяцев назад
I see your side of that boarding penalty for sure but you also as a player have to anticipate him stopping or turning especially if you are hitting a guy in the numbers from that far away from the boards. Now I do understand as a player you should anticipate what your opponent is doing and try your best not to put yourself in harms way as well. Head also didn't hit like a normal major would but I think this is one of those we don't want to see anything close to this kind of hit anymore type of thing.
@philippedrouin3008 6 месяцев назад
I knew about that penalty.
@MmaFan34 6 месяцев назад
The boarding penalty in the 3rd should have been 5 minutes the other way for the Sabres player being a dumb ass and putting himself in a vulnerable position.
@elliottryan13 6 месяцев назад
Just how NFL made Roughing the Passer an accidental bump into the QB.boarding is kinda the same. These are PRO ATHLETES. Momentum IS a real thing and they can't instantly stop.
@CarnageJesterX 6 месяцев назад
That wasnt a bump, you comparing the two shows you arent intelligent by observing it unlimited times & in slow mode as it is offered in the YT player.
@timyounghands129 6 месяцев назад
This should be nothing more than a whistle to stop play. stupid penalty
@AronFigaro 6 месяцев назад
That 5 minute boarding was a bad call. That is DEFINITELY a hit from behind more than 2 feet from the boards, he should have been ejected
@deew_knird_reeb_ekomS 6 месяцев назад
I think a game misconduct is a little extreme in this case but wouldn’t blame the ref for assessing one there if he had. Kurashev was just not using his brain on that one.
@bjblitz5448 6 месяцев назад
You should be required to protect yourself near the boards. Not turn your back so they guy can't hit you.
@timw4369 6 месяцев назад
the game is so fast now that calls like that have to be looked at as these are not intentional plays. Players have to have more respect for one another hits are meant to slow or impeded not injure others. Intent is a hard thing to call or make a determination on.
What the hell did we actually just witness?
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