
This Is Why I Quit | The Players Are Broken, Not Just The Game 

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Don't worry, I'm not quitting Legends! I may not stream as much as usual for a couple of weeks, but there comes a time when you've played with something so much you get a little bit bored with it as it just gets tiresome and repetitive. Wallet Gaming have certainly got this nailed with the current state of Legends!
If I'm not streaming, I will be online so keep an eye out for me and we can jump into a division and play some games together.
I've been on a rampage with the Daring over the last few days, taking it out on all the spuds that have ruined the game over the last month hunting the requirements for Legendary modifications , who have no interest in playing for the team or playing for a win. So many Yamato's, it's like a turkey shoot!
I've got some great replays scheduled to drop over the next few weeks to keep you all entertained. There's a couple of big hitters as well as some more tactical games, talking through and hopefully sharing some tips and advice on bringing home the victory.




28 фев 2023




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@baofc2609 Год назад
This game has so much potential, but the players ruined it. Instead of attacking, they'd use hide behind islands or runaway, just pathetic. I played a game in tier VII, a Prinz Eugen could've shoot at an incoming cruiser, but he instead decided to hide behind an island and tried to torpedo the other cruiser. Missed every torpedo and he just runaway, leaving me fighting 2 BBs and a cruiser on my own
@madhatterstudios966 Год назад
I'm also finding higher tier matches to be over for me quicker than they should. Between being abandoned by team mates, left to fight an entire side on my own and getting focus fired by everyone, I'm going back to lower tier play where its more fun and people generally work better.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I've got a video to do from today. Legendary tier, capture the base. I literally sailed up the middle and took the cap. The game lasted a total of 5m18s and 3m of that was taking the cap. The rest was the time it took me to get there!
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
We did a shits and giggles legendary match in 3 Shimmies. We got capture the target. Our goal was to get the least damage possible. We jumped into the center and sent our torps out 360°. The whole red team kited. We capped with only one ship( a enemy) being sunk. We laughed all night over it. Unfortunately I had the most damage at 2k. But we'll do things like that once a night to remind us the most important thing. That's to have FUN
@goldengrain9851 Год назад
Once you're focused fired by the entire team it's over. This happens to me a lot except one game where I full reversed out of the spotting range and stayed out of the spotting range which gave me time to get into better positions.
@chrisphillips3759 8 месяцев назад
It’s a great representation of todays culture, generation, etc…no community, no teamwork, no collaboration! All me, me, me!
@Phantasystar77 Год назад
I agree about the player base getting worse. While I can understand people not going for B, I routinely get ditched by teammates on A, and C.
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
I always go for B, especially in a DD. If you capture it, you'll be in the middle to run to the side that needs the help
@tonik_tzw Год назад
A lot of people have preferred ships and humans are creatures of habit. If they get a map they know we'll, in a ship they play often, they will more than likely head for a spot that will hopefully allow them to make the most of their game. Unfortunately, when everyone else had the same idea, we end up with clusters of ships that, without a DD out doing all the spottng for them, they're blind.
@shikikankillzone4239 11 месяцев назад
You gotta love when you're the only DD in the team, your team starts dry-humping islands and don't offer support at all. Then you get reported for not playing the objective when the enemy DD has 2 CAs backing him while your BBs are busy firing at 24km targets
@AcePilotX2 Год назад
I’ve started my transition to destroyers simply because I can carry in them, when I originally mained battleships, I was constantly on the weak side with people leaving the flank, with destroyers I don’t have to worry about it that much, anyways in the end it’s Wargaming’s fault
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I really enjoy playing destroyers as they are much more dynamic in controlling the battle. I've got to the point now where if I'm playing for the team and don't get support, I'll just back out as far as the guys at the back are to show them that I can sit there doing nothing helpful too.
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
@@tonik_tzw 💯 I'm trying to help boost your algorithm, hope you don't mind 😇
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I play a lot of destroyers, yesterday I had 10 straight wins in Daring. 5 MVP. 5 second place. Destroyers are certainly the key to most battles and a lot of players fail to see that. I enjoy the dynamic play and my mantra has always been 'Spot, Capture, Kill'. I've still got about 20 hours with of content saved that I need to work through and get online. What's surprised me is how some BB mains have struggled to get through the legendary mod missions. I was consistently in the top 3, often MVP after switching to BBs for a couple of weeks. The only thing that really took a little time on some ships was getting the 10 kills fine as quickly as the rest because of people taking the 'opportunity' to take the last few HP off a ship I'd taken 90% of the HP from already if you know what I mean ;)
@AcePilotX2 Год назад
@@tonik_tzw ya I can completely relate to everything u said
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
@@tonik_tzw I took advantage of the Yudachi in Ranked. I got a Kracken and ranked out with a 2.83 kills per game. Unfortunately I don't trust anyone play a DD because the dictate the game. If you lose there's a very slight chance of losing a star
@James-oo1yq Год назад
I pretty much have quit! When I fancy a game and get on, only to see that the team doesn’t understand the game, I turn the game off. There’s only so much I can take. I saw a post on Legends Facebook group, asking why his Minotaur isn’t starting fires, while the Minotaur he’s fighting is constantly burning him down! Another post asking why ships just disappear in front of him! Very few players understand more than 20% of how the game works.
@sirharoldcat Год назад
I saw and commented on that post.. Jokingly I wrote that you get HE if you choose a radar build. Someone messaged me (not the author) asking how you stick radar on it. I honestly don’t understand how these people end up with Legendary ships, the Minotaur campaign was 15 months ago!
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I had a great run today in Daring. 10 straight wins at legendary tier. Top spot in 5 games, 2nd in the other 5. The issue this month has been legendary mod missions. People are playing purely for themselves with no regard for what else is happening around them. I don't regularly play battleships or cruisers but managed to get everything finished over a week ago by playing first to win and then to tick something off the list. If I am getting MVP in a Japanese battleship at T7 three games in a row, then surely there had to be something wrong with the players!! WG need to look at what might encourage better team play. I feel that they want to make changes, but are holding back because they don't want to upset people and lose their revenue stream.
@James-oo1yq Год назад
@@tonik_tzw Yes, that would explain some of the crazy gameplay. If you’re grinding the mods and the campaign it’ll certainly not help the type of winning gameplay you would want to see. I’ve never been at the stage that I play one game and quit, but I am now!
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
@@James-oo1yq HI my name is ****************, I to am addicted and I can no longer hide my addiction.... Blahaha
@wolfflighttzw Год назад
I feel your struggle. Good play by play and explanations.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Oh it's certainly cause a stir Wolfy :)
@reggielavoie5048 Год назад
There is alot of children that play the game, they have no sense of tactics.I had 2 matches with squeekers on blue team. I just remind myself of that when my team is doing bs things.
@CLRoby Год назад
I wonder if the decline in player base quality is a function of the decline in WoW itself. I stopped playing for over a year . . . just jumped back in and already am not happy with the changes made in my absence. Perhaps the player base left after the shenanigans started with Wargaming. That, or they play strictly amongst themselves in clan battles.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Clan battles isn't yet a thing in legends but 'it's coming'. If it's a separate mode altogether, then I think standard battles will just become a quagmire of bad play, worse than it is at times now as those that actually play for the win and coordinate in divisions leave standard in droves.
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
@@tonik_tzw you mean WE HOPE IT'S COMING 😇
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
I really think it's because people lack common knowledge to think for themselves
@animegamesmoviesandotherst3037 6 месяцев назад
I feel your pain, when I spawn in I play the cap I get unless it is like B on this map, As its a good away to get crossfire on you then I move more towards another one, but still try to keep B in my sight to move in on if it looks good. And also as you repair cost, if I get sent back to port with out covering the cost of repair as see that as a lose even if my team wins, I also see to many players these day run to caps on the other side, or do not go forward at all or worse runway. DD's that do not spot, or cap a base, CL that do not attack DD's when spotted, or BB that do nothing. We lose then I lose money because the match was over to fast, Now thanks to this growing bad player base these days I play more AI why because if teammates suck no matter the mode at least in AI it is more even, I use my tier 6 or lower because above that I could lose cash, but becase I stay 6 or lower I still make money, also most players well at lest move forward and fight in AI because AI. But I have seen that even AI is starting to look bad. Becauce before team of 9 on my side in AI unless you got an AI ship on your team who crash most times, we lose no ships most times unless it was a new player, in a tier 1-3 as that to me says new player as that is the first two CL, 1st BB, 1st DD, and 1st CV. But now I have had games were I am the last one left or second to last, and AI has 3 ships or more left, most of the team went down an none were AI on my side. Why is it because AI got better maybe, as it seems to be, or that players are getting so bad AI can now beat them I think that is it. Now I have lost to AI but not one on one, one on two, hell one on three I only lose when I get 4 or more ships on me and they are a higher tier that also overmatches me, because my teammates ranway or just doing the crap they do in standard mode, or got wrecked leaving me alone,
@andrewprice9309 Год назад
I think you should make a clan. This game is best in division. Set some ground rules for the group, decide how folks get to join and what will get them kicked etc etc. I know I need more good people to division with.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I've played with different groups on and off over the last couple of years and often parted ways because of differences. I've got a long list of friends and division up with them every now and then for a new, a chat and a few games.
@andrewprice9309 Год назад
@@tonik_tzw same but my list is getting less as people have left the game and got busy with life after covid. Clans are coming and I hate ranked when not in a division. I assume people will create more clans during 2023.
@andrewprice9309 Год назад
Also wanted to say I hate when people abandon the flank they spawn on. I sometimes get cranky about it. Tbull also did a vid on playing your spawn.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
@@andrewprice9309 In a lot of my videos I say to play the cap you spawn on, at least contest it so that the other team don't take an early advantage. So many people refuse outright to play centre cap it's a joke.
@thelaborpeasant Год назад
You are doing God's work sir This issue has been having me ripping my hair out for a long time. I was actually hoping Wargaming would've patched the stupid in this last update 😅 It's just so tiring game after game after game watching the worst kind of stupid. Battleships turn their ships around at the start of the match and sail away literally because using reverse doesn't get them away fast enough. Destroyers sit idle for a solid minute or two before suddenly waking up and deciding to piss off to another cap to damage farm and the entire time both of those classes are saying "Hey cruiser, YOU go spot. YOURE the logical choice for this assignment" 😆 and all the while whenever you mention this they get all huffy and uppity saying they died because you left them to go do silly things like contest caps and counter flanking maneuvers. No no, if I'm not in a fight that's 6 on 3 or 4 on 2 or 2 on 1 so I can adequately damage farm then my team has already failed me lmao. I swear I could hear the captain of that Queen Elizabeth yelling from the bridge "WhErE dId My CrUiSeR gO?!? He RaN aWaY aNd LoSt Us ThE gAmE!!" 🤣🤣
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Check this tweet out I sent the other day. Myself, a div buddy and a cruiser spawned on B, then this happened. twitter.com/tzw_tonik/status/1632666364614791170?t=PKwmaZrP9gn-pLIYpiNqbw&s=19
@thelaborpeasant Год назад
@tonik_tzw 😆 jesus "alright men, you know the drill, BALL UP! COME ON BOYS JUST LIKE NELSON AT TRAFALGAR! BALL! BALL! BALL! "Sir, but..but sir. I don't want to ball sir" "LAUGHABLE GOOD SON! DO YOU NOT VALUE YOUR LIFE?! NOW SNUGGLE UP TO ME LIKE A SWEET LITTLE LAMB SO WE CAN CRACK ON BOY!" 🤣
@armouredreaper9050 Год назад
To be honest after 3 years I haven't noticed the playerbase getting worse it just seems the same to me. The only difference being carriers destroying the fun. I used to be a 69% win rate and am down to 66%, but i play solo mainly. Are we now crossplay with mobile? I have no idea if they are part of the game now as see so many people go AFK now.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Had this issue the other day. Two ships at T7 just following each other around, not shooting at targets that literally needed a tickle to finish and instead taking huge damage. Messaged one of the two after, he said he and his friend were on mobile and kept losing connection as they were riding the bus around the city! Never mind crossplay, mobile is something I want to be able to turn off.
@armouredreaper9050 Год назад
@TONIK TZW yeah I never wanted mobile to be added.
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
I hate it when a DDs go AFK because "I won't play if there's carriers in the match"
@grein545 Год назад
@@tonik_tzw I appreciate that you are making an attempt to see what is up with these types of players. I wish it was done more often maybe it could possibly help things
@JoshuaMitcham Год назад
Most ppl do not observe enemy movements and move accordingly. They have tunnel vision. Its frustrating.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Half the game is seeing what is happening around the map and thinking about what you can do to support your team for a victory. I picked up a Kraken in Agincourt the other day by turning back from a push to defend the cap from two cruisers and a BB. The destroyer and two cruisers that were left on our team refused to come back and assist, instead chasing a very good Omaha player around the map, with the DD and one cruiser getting killed, the other turned and ran his HP were so low. I know a lot comes with experience and time playing, but sometimes, things are so obvious it's like being hot in the face with a brick, yet still, many don't see!!
@sirharoldcat Год назад
Yep.. I said on someone’s post last week that the players have been in slow perpetual regression since 2021, but during this update the standard has taken a complete nose dive and is actually worse than 2019! Someone argued saying it’s because I’m getting better, I just told him to watch old RU-vid vids from 2019 and keep an eye on the map.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I think the downturn came with too many high tier premium ships available to inexperienced players. I didn't play a lot of those premiums until I was at least T6 in the same tech tree as the nation of the premium to make sure if at least be somewhat competent in its play style. Unfortunately bigger ships doesn't make anyone a better player, but like many things in life these days people want something right away and aren't prepared to put in the effort and prefer to skip whatever they can. I've seen people playing legendary or expensive high tier premium ships that are barely into double figures of game time. I can't help but think that's they must be hating the game having dropped considerable money into something like that. But, WG don't really care, they have the revenue seven of that player just uninstalls and never played again.
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
@@tonik_tzw I agree but the Agile Kiting CC reprogramed people's play style. That's why we see 3BBs turn and burn because of a single BB heading their way
@benedettofileti3229 Год назад
I think that Need a training room,with tutorial and basic strategy,not only to maneuver,but with the rules of every kind of ship and how move through the maps
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I'm thinking of doing a series of videos looking at gameplay for beginners. WG will eventually bring training rooms but how that will function is unknown.
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
Tens years later.... We had to work on the color of the water. But don't worry were working on it
@jediknight5600 Месяц назад
I love this game. It helped get me and my sons through COVID. But the losses are piling up, and the win rate is going down by the day. I feel your pain, and im teetering on the edge as well.
@tonik_tzw Месяц назад
This is a really old video but keeps getting popped up on people's feeds. I will always play for the win, or do whatever I can to TRY and get a win. Sometimes teams are just hopeless and as frustrating as it gets, give for to accept defeat. Time and time again, teams will throw games down the drain. The best advice I can give is 'Play to win, but be prepared for defeat'!
@jediknight5600 Месяц назад
@@tonik_tzw It's annoying. I recently had a losing streak so long that I literally lost count. May have even been double figures. And every single defeat was an idiotic throw from a winning position or an absolute annihilation that lasted less than half the game. It makes me not want to play.
@tonik_tzw Месяц назад
@@jediknight5600 I've actually pulled a game back from being 600 points behind. I was in a destroyer and red tran just wouldn't take the win and kept throwing themselves at my torpedoes. I felt so guilty, for a moment anyway. The rest of blue team really didn't deserve that win! That's an example of why win rate counts for nothing. I rate my gameplay on whether I did better or worse than my average for the ship I played.
@theofficialgoth Год назад
Absolutely atrocious the state of high tier. Price to play is too high and makes Legendary unplayable if you don't grind out Premium time and have credit boosters. Yes, it's important for service cost. But terrible when I don't even bother with Legendary because it's player base and idiocy. In addition, I feel this. The sheer insipid potatoes cause me to die more often than not for their incompetency. I'm a DD and CL player, so I know positioning. It's annoying when players intentionally screw you over amid match just because they don't know how to play.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
WG should have had legendary gated from low tier players until they had tech tree of the same branch researched to T7. Although I have bought a handful of premium ships over the 3 years I've played, it's always been at a tier that I had fully researched and was experienced playing in. Servicing costs seriously needs a balance as it's too high to consider playing top tier regularly because of the trains you've highlighted above. There should be a multiplier for earnings based on the level of tech tree you have researched for that ships class similar to camo levels. eg: if you have T7 Japanese BB, then you get a 25% bonus to credits playing Yamato. There are so many suggestions for the community that could greatly improve the hand, but WG only hear the ones that involve money in their pockets.
@iranoverasquirrel2586 Год назад
I gave up on the game 1.5 months ago because of this game support. 4 months after ( wont go ) w.g. stated we building a training plan and nothing.
@tobiasschultz7949 Год назад
Love your content. Do you ever jump on the headphones or comm and try to help your team out?
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I'll often ask at the start of a match if anyone is on Comms. Some people will listen, but not speak. I think the majority of them just turn yeah chat off altogether.
@teenboy661 Год назад
Yup happens to me all the time and honestly I'm about to quit playing,also everytime I see my team mates leave my side to join the other ships I'm the only one defending my right or left side of the map.and the worst part is my team dies last than 4 minutes and boom u r the only one left of the team.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Couldn't believe it yesterday, every ship abandoned the flags and came into B! I had a good have so saved the replay for the channel.
@wastelander89 Год назад
If u want to quit this game .that's okay .it happens some times annoying things in a game or bad players ruin the experience. So I totally understand .do what makes u happy
@tonik_tzw Год назад
It's selfish to say that I'm just going to play my own game every time from now on as I always try to play and position to give my team the best chance of winning. I've still got a lot of content to go live which I'll put on schedule. I've had a lot of positive feedback on the videos I talk through the game play in different ships, so that something I might look at putting some time into for her players.
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
What's up Thomas? Sometimes a vacation is needed
@julianjames2899 8 месяцев назад
Lol it's nice to see that the title was made out of frustration and that you're still playing. I'm always looking for new wowsl content
@tonik_tzw 8 месяцев назад
For some reason this video keeps getting recommended as a follow on to others, but it's from a while ago. I don't have as much free time as I used to and I don't have £££ to their at the paid for content, but I try to entertain with what I have!
@julianjames2899 8 месяцев назад
@tonik_tzw your grievances with the game are the same as mine...but for some reason I love it still. It's an abusive relationship lol
@tonik_tzw 8 месяцев назад
@@julianjames2899 Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of people don't even seem to grasp the basics of the game even though they've played and progressed to the higher tiers. I've often called red team tactics at the start of a game just by looking at the team list and knowing how people tend to play a map. Sometimes it makes it easier to play and position, but only if your own team have half an idea about what they're doing!
@julianjames2899 8 месяцев назад
@tonik_tzw preach brother. Honestly I had to find channels like spartan, A ARON, let um peek, and hipper to really understand how to play, as the game itself does a very poor job teaching you how. If it wasn't for the CC members and content creators videos I wouldn't be very good at this game that said, people have to want to be good at it and seek that knowledge out . My biggest pet peeve is people abandoning B right at the start and not even contesting. The thing that calms me down is knowing for a fact that a lot of the dumb dumbs that play this are just kids who really like ships.
@julianjames2899 8 месяцев назад
@tonik_tzw preach brother. Honestly I had to find channels like spartan, A ARON, let um peek, and hipper to really understand how to play, as the game itself does a very poor job teaching you how. If it wasn't for the CC members and content creators videos I wouldn't be very good at this game that said, people have to want to be good at it and seek that knowledge out . My biggest pet peeve is people abandoning B right at the start and not even contesting. The thing that calms me down is knowing for a fact that a lot of the dumb dumbs that play this are just kids who really like ships.
@bobmccurdy8881 Год назад
Thank you
@guyincognito1560 Год назад
Given that CVs and subs were introduced to shorten matches and make credit earning more of a grind, mission accomplished. I think it changed the play style where half the players wait for their teammates to be sacrificed with the hopes they thin out the ranks then farm as much as possible without much regard for winning the match. This eliminates the players trying to win the match too early, leaving the farmers to.........well, uh farm. Much more emphasis should be put on winning the match as opposed to personal accolades.
@timorre3971 Год назад
Maybe encourage more headset and mics? Comms is king as we all know. In COD everyone does callouts because theyre a TEAM. Also, the most fun ive had in this game in the last two years was a Tier 2 all cruiser match. SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!! Yeah im staying tier 5...maybe 6 sometimes
@russell7852 4 месяца назад
Yeah just corral chickens and train your cat to do tricks. Too many ofp and squeekers
@timorre3971 Год назад
I swear they manipulate the way shells land in that ive seen shells actively avoid a ship landing around the boad without a hit. A cluster of 12 shells falling and seeing some of those shells move out of the way to land around it. Maybe im wrong but who feels it knows it. Also, ive managed 1ooK + damage games, top of overall leaderboard (even scoring higher than thewinning enemy team) AND STILL LOSE!!! Also, i hate the fact that cruisers and destroyers feel safe enough to "dock" next to a battleship and engage knowing they wont get hurt. W.G. needs to give this game to someone who cares.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Lots of complaints have been made about dispersion, accuracy and fall of shot. WG asked people to provide evidence but brushed off the majority of it as 'RNG' and it being the mechanics of the game. I've fired a full broadside at another battleship at 6 km and literally every shot dived into the water 2km from it even though I was aiming half way up the ship to compensate for the dispersion. Without tools to visualise how captain's or inspirations affect dispersion and grouping or even show us the ellipse that RNG will calculate the fall of shot within, every pull of the trigger is literally a roll of the dice.
@user-to6mh5iy1z 9 месяцев назад
IT’s October of 2023 now and I’m must say it’s worse. There needs to be more videos like this to explain the stupidity, and actions of these broken players. I remembered how I had to grind for knowledge to get to the next tier and ship. Now I’m like how do you guys make it to tier 5678L….. wallet Warriors 🤦
@tonik_tzw 9 месяцев назад
The game will always be shored up by those with money. You just have to look at the number of different type of crates and costly event items and commanders to see that. With each new thing, the game is power creep. Ships that used to be the top of their class are no longer seen in game because something new has taken its place that totally outclasses it. I've had an idea on how to explain this but need to put it together when I have time.
@user-to6mh5iy1z 8 месяцев назад
@@tonik_tzw I agree, but that’s the least of my worries. It’s the play style of players, and how easy it is for them to get things without knowledge. Complete bots
@user-to6mh5iy1z 5 месяцев назад
Please make more videos like this. There’s so many people that just do not know it’s 2024 it has gotten way worse.
@tonik_tzw 5 месяцев назад
This one was a while ago and I completely agree that the player base is worse much, much worse! When I'm pushing caps and getting zero support, I've been turning round and going to where all the rock huggers are and telling them on mic that unless they support, I won't spot or cap. You'd be surprised at how many people discover they have a mic then and start giving me trash talk. It works both ways.
@digitalcareline Год назад
Honestly it is more fun at T4,5,6 where there are ships that can carry (Gorizia is fantastic Fubuki is my best ship) At T7-* I just have nothing so fun - I cannot play the game for everyone else so I just concentrate on what I can achieve with or without support - the problem is the grind - the last T7 ranked was unplayable so I did not keep trying. Still enjoying but accepting some of my best games are in losses - Most of my Krakens confederate and High caliber come from a loss - where an achievement needs a win (Ranked) then it is not so fun
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Thanks for taking the time to watch listen and reply. Mid-tiers do certainly seem like the best ones to play and I have a lot of fun down there. Most games are about progression and the skill increases as you get further through a game, however I think WG completely broke that by giving access to so many store bought, T7/8 premium and Legendary tier ships to inexperienced players. They've made changes to counter their past mistakes but that's closing the stable for after the horse has bolted!
@digitalcareline Год назад
@@tonik_tzw Training room would be good but you can only do so much here
@neener461 Год назад
I've been playing for 3 weeks and i believe that they put bots in ever lobby.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
If you're playing AI, They're DEFINITELY bots :) Standard battles, yes there are some suspiciously strange found on.
@3adgamd3r Год назад
I can confirm there’s no bots in Standard from WG’s side, just dumb players
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
Bots drive slow and run into everything or turn out when aiming torps, you don't even need to fire then
@kenn1643 8 месяцев назад
😎i hear you brother.
@drakenhunter5281 Год назад
For me the worst is: Dd faking afk or stay behind to not spot shit. Carriers refusing like yours not only move, starts planes late not in second one and or not shooting enemy DDS caping!!! And people left spawn A and/or C to go B...
@bigt3041 8 месяцев назад
Truth is After about 3 + years of consistent Gameplay of WG I Quit WOT 2 years ago and Been a veteran of Both WOT and Wowsl and ive also had enough too, as of last night i made the decision to stop for a while to save my sanity for a while 😂. Got as far as I could in Halloween event then also quit. Ended my losing streak at nightmare circle 4 prize, played one standard match to warm up first and 👀 half our team crumble like coffee cake to come back to carry the team with my friends in a 3 division 😂😂😂. Then headed over to event to get crushed after winning 1 match with Queue lines about 1-3 minutes long to be last one standing was a big letdown for sure.😂😂😂😂 bye bye WG 👋 👋 time to chill to other disk games for a while.😊
@jjstuartonwriting8150 Год назад
I quit over a year ago but stuck around on RU-vid to watch the game crash. Yet, despite being a dumpster fire of a game developed by greedy criminals, people keep opening their wallets.
@daviddelaet8116 8 месяцев назад
I'll stick with my Arizona. That's pretty much it for me anymore.
@gentjankuta6598 5 дней назад
i always get bad teamates, out of the 10 games i played in the new mexico, i won 2 games
@tonik_tzw 5 дней назад
I think I need to hide this video for a while. It was published a long time ago and was in reference to playing to support. At some points in a game, You've literally got to call it quits and just take what you can from it!
@Volgan16666 10 месяцев назад
Feel for you brother. Feel the exact same - game after game of dick play and dick teams.. The first point for example. I see players start in front of A and then stear their ships toward C - they cross the map from one side to the other. Now I know why they do this - to stay alive and undamaged longer - but man is it a noobish move and god damned well frustrating. Just dont seem to understand they have to push and be prepared to take damage.
@tonik_tzw 10 месяцев назад
This was about a while back. I still always try to play for the win but on some occasions, if the support isn't there, I'll pull back and wait for the team to move. I've got some good videos coming this week, just need to get them scheduled. Currently grinding the Charles Martel and it's painful!
@BigworkWal 2 месяца назад
Yup thought that today again. Got deathstruck because team brokenness I've has enough again....😢 but 👍. Carrying teams is not fun at all. Since mobile launch its gotten bad....
@tonik_tzw 2 месяца назад
This one was posted quite a while ago and it got a lot of views and a lot of feedback. Somehow, I think WG are possibly too blame for some of the so called 'balancing' on match making. A large part of it is also down to the casual approach many take to the game. They don't care about winning, only about how good they can do themselves. If they were to combine this two things, doing well and trying to win, then I think the standard of gameplay would be much better. Nobody joins to lose a game surely!!
@drakenhunter5281 Год назад
And Finally people is so stupid even when play against IA the shoot to BBs, use that games as day warm up shoot DDs from long distances, I feel your pain bro, peace.
@PhantomMenace. Год назад
I quit wow Legends also. Standard is non-playable, Service Cost is BS, Ships has 0 reload time Capt. Or cheaters idc at this point the game is self is boring and not actual FUN anymore.
@Tbone272 6 месяцев назад
I truly don't understand why the place constantly leaves there cap when every single wowsl cc preaches staying at your cap
@tonik_tzw 6 месяцев назад
I always try to play the ball I spawn on. This was a great example: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-wn1fpJdD8dQ.html
@samuelhakansson6680 Год назад
It's usually ok to not contest B pretty hard, because whoever gets it is in a crossfire trying to defend it. Especially so if you are in a DD with poor concealment, or there is little cover for cruisers. The flank caps are the ones that can lose you the game if you don't contest them. Sincerely, unicum.
@maas6927 Год назад
We need player lvl in wows and rent severs. Im gonna filter outs the low ones from now on.
@howardbursee307 11 месяцев назад
Don't quit. But take a break.
@tonik_tzw 11 месяцев назад
This was an older video and it wasn't necessarily about quitting the game, it was about trying to be everywhere for everyone, all at once to try and drag a team to a win when they just kept folding like wet paper. I did end up taking a break for a few weeks and decompressing, unfortunately, it seems that many players are just casual gamers and not really interested in playing for the win, playing for the team or learning even the simplest mechanics of the game which would give them an advantage! I try to educate and share through my content and I've had a lot of positive feedback which is a great result, so I will continue to share!
@Jayyskiiii31 Год назад
I just play to have fun I’m super simple fella I work till nights and come home play and hope to fuck shit up I always live by going the way with the most less to try and help that’s about it.
@wastelander89 Год назад
I don't rely on other ppl to win I just do my best and try to.have fun. Trying to rely on randoms is impossible They will let u down 9 times out of 10.so I stopped trying to rely on them.and I do my best for the team and try to have fun.
@bearmegmoo Год назад
You should have use your torpedo later as the battleship got closer
@tonik_tzw Год назад
The early torps were to try and slow the push of the BB and potentially pick up the cruiser at the back of the cap. I don't play the Fiji often and was only playing each day for bureau, but putting myself to the challenge of getting through a standard battle. I'm the first to admit my mistakes, like taking that big hit from the Cali. As I say in the video, would starting on that cap have made a difference, but my training was that two BB and a cruiser with the support of the carrier should have been able to take care of that. I wish we could watch replays from the other ships perspectives to see just what happened there once I'd left to secure the other caps.
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
Using torps to direct a ship to go broadside is priceless
@brandonabc2022 Год назад
It’s just not fun anymore. I think. They need more in game tutorials or something.
@brandonabc2022 Год назад
Usually your team looses in a blowout against a team with all good players. It is the other way around sometimes.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I might take time over the coming weeks to put together some videos on the basics. Tech tree, captains, inspirations, game modes etc.
@ollyvass Год назад
Have a little break, the next campaign dhip is a Shotts cruiser anyway you're not gonna miss nowt
@thecreepynightshiftguy Месяц назад
TONIK TZW: Nobody cooperates in this game. Non-CC Players: Welcome to World of Warships Legends! LMAO XD
@tonik_tzw Месяц назад
This was uploaded a long time ago and was a bit of a rant at the complete lack of even basic teamwork. I' resigned myself to the fact that it's always going to be this way. I'll always try to play for the win over high scores and medals. Those hangers are great, bit of nice to give potatoes some hope that they might make a 50% WR one day!
@thecreepynightshiftguy Месяц назад
@@tonik_tzw Fair enough. Believe it or not, I feel your pain. The sad truth of this game anymore is that whether you're skilled or not, it all comes down to the chuckle-heads you get teamed up with. I've lost a lost of matches, that we really should've won, simply because the team plays it like a deathmatch instead of capturing any bases. Nothing more disappointing than when you just start a game and you've got teammates shooting more interested in shooting at islands or other teammates instead of advancing, scouting, or willing to cover the carrier.
@tonik_tzw Месяц назад
@@thecreepynightshiftguy Have a look at the Republique game I posted last night. The DD plays really well in the opening, taking the cap and then indicating red teams DD which we take out. The rest of the team just cluster centre left. They have a Loyang with them but seeing him after the caps or reds last DD and he flips all 3.
@thecreepynightshiftguy Месяц назад
@@tonik_tzw The glory-hounds nearly lost you a great match. BTW. I get a special feeling deep down inside whenever an enemy battleship burns a damage control with only one fire aboard. Sometimes, I'll even stagger my HE shots to catch them off guard and get some bonus burn damage.
@aaronmorgan301 Год назад
Player base is going to be up and down with new players coming in and old taking a breather from the grind or straight quitting this is a thing for all multiplayer competitive games. Ships you can just see all that faster cause your a giant fucken shit floating around in mostly open waters. Noobs dont know tactics using islands etc to there advantage but they will generally takes quite some time to grasp all that for some so i say you wanna quit thats on you brother i understand your stamdpoint i have somewhat the same outlook at noobseason lol but it gets back to norm within a month or 2
@schumakew Год назад
Hi buddy... I feel you on that one... But yeah... I'm pretty sure that there is some kind of SBMM, Skilled Based MatchMaking... The reason why you feel like you're playing with bots as teamates lol 🤷🏾‍♂️
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I think it deliberately stacks good players in with bad to give the bad players a chance of actually winning something by having others carry them. It certainly DOESN'T find players of an equal or similar skill level / win rate / average stats, that much is for sure!
@kenn1643 8 месяцев назад
keep teaching please
@tonik_tzw 7 месяцев назад
There's a very good video called Cheesing The Cap I released this week showing the ready way to pick up cap flags for missions. If there's anything else you think I need to teach people about the game, let me know and I'll see if 8 can put something together.
@ryanturner2451 8 месяцев назад
And yet on ps the game has a 5 Star rating at 77%
@tonik_tzw 8 месяцев назад
Have you seen some of the stuff on Amazon that has five star ratings :D
@briangulley6027 Год назад
Since Legends is play on consoles not PC you must likely have a lot for teens or younger playing, just a thought.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I played Warships and Tanks on PC for a long time, but I spend all day working on a PC so sitting in front of one gaming n an evening became a bit tedious. I think your right in that PC gamers are generally of a higher age group, but then again, the demographics of my channel shows that most viewers are in the 35 - 55 age range.
@TheHiveHound Год назад
this is what I hate about the community, and no I'm not on about the players it's the attitude, you had a great game but instead of focusing on that, you turn it into hate for the playerbase, looking at the final score it was relatively close and there cali also had a really good game, so did there NOLA. there team just player better and they deserved the win. personally I would have focused on my own achievements in that match, but hate sells
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Hive, I've got game after game highlighting good play of both myself, a division and other individuals (even where my own game hasn't been that great). Can you put your hand on your heart and day you've never been openly critical of another player on your team? I'm sure that you'd be much more outspoken if you weren't in Wargamings pocket where they very likely have you wrapped up firmly in terms and conditions for your CC status. So, you keep toeing the party line, because some CCs, (not pointing any fingers) are actually part of the problem. Hate may sell, but money talks too doesn't it.
@TheHiveHound Год назад
@TONIK TZW I have never and will never put out an opinion that isn't my own, you expressed your opinion, I expressed mine yet instead of addressing anything I have said you get all defensive, and acuse me of being in WG pocket. I openly and often criticise players, and even other content creators for bad takes and wrong information. difference is I also give credit where its due even if its a red team member. I have been sub to your for ages and generally enjoy it, I just can't accept people spreading vitriolic statements that are not necessarily based on facts. go back and watch anything I have ever made even before being a CC was a thought, I have always prided myself on based content, open and honest. hell I have criticised WG multiple times.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
@@TheHiveHound I see I touched a nerve there and it's said that the truth hurts. Like yourself, I've often praised players both blue and red for impressive play, however I'm sure you'll agree that it's the exception, rather than the norm. Perhaps the problem does lie with WGs algorithm for match making. There are casual players and committed players and I got one would belching the opportunity to play on a field where the team mates and opponents are of a similar level. Even in events like ranked battles, there are huge differences in experience and ability that can throw the game in one teams favour. Given WGs experience of providing F2P / P2P games, Legends falls very short of what they've provided to platforms like PC and I feel that they're struggling, or just unwilling to address those issues for the sake of revenue. I've still got a lot of very good content to publish sat on the PS5 and will continue to do so. All we can hope is that the game will be developed with features that promote teamwork, a better balance and through those jeans, a better experience for players. I won't hold my breath though.
@TheHiveHound Год назад
@TONIK TZW have you played on PC? Even though it's been going for 8 years, it's identical with matchmaking. Matches mostly end in blowouts. it almost sounds like your arguing for SBMM, which doesn't work, especially for niche games, there not enough players for one, and personally I don't want to wait 5 mins plus to find a game, that would also turn the game into a complete sweat fest, which just is not enjoyable. them you add the problem of how to matchmake WR XP. it's easy to tank xp for favourable games. and if the top 10% of player only face the other top 10%, they are going to eventually level out, and everyone will be in the 50% category anyway.
@TheHiveHound Год назад
@TONIK TZW and its not so much touching a nerve, you suggested my opinion was not my own. which I addressed nothing more nothing less
@EeeZeey Год назад
If you’re not back at port in 5 minutes you’re in a minority in this game. I stopped playing the game seriously because of the bots and potatoes that populate servers
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I'm still trying to play for the win however, if it's obvious that the team is unwilling to contribute effort to that, then I'll make a decision to play my own game now. I've actually had much better games doing this.
@jorgeguanche5327 Год назад
I notice you only play with Playstation players???...I dont know why, but the worst players I Saw are from the Sony console.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Other people have made the same comment but cross play was definitely turned on. It seems highly unusual to get a lobby where both teams are all on one console!
@asmodeusasmodeus7591 6 месяцев назад
Remember - this is just a child's game. You are taking this way to seriously, Get outside more, get a more wholesome hobby!
@tonik_tzw 6 месяцев назад
This was a long time ago but appreciate the comments.
@liamx6636 Месяц назад
The fact that a grown man is whining about people having different skill sets and abilities in a GAME blows my mind. Hard cringe.
@tonik_tzw Месяц назад
Your opinion and you're entitled to it. The video has had a lot of feedback. It's an old one, very old. Obviously you weren't able to relate to the underlying reasons for the points that I make it the fact that the community and it's efforts have changed very little since this was originally published. Not through lack of want from the community to change things, but through a lack of interest or action from WG to do anything to promote better teamwork that doesn't involve them making money from it. Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment though, I appreciate all feedback on the content.
@kennyhildebrand3299 Год назад
You trashed people for not pushing the center but showcase a game of you spawning on the side. Show me you pushing the center.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Here you go. I always try to play the cap I spawn on until it becomes unplayable. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-wn1fpJdD8dQ.html
@tonik_tzw Год назад
And another that turned into a spud run. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Jw7AGXpiXCs.html
@tonik_tzw Год назад
And here's another for you. This one we move away from the cap to draw red team in before turning to ambush them. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uUh7-_uvDMI.html
@Moros666420 Год назад
I'm an Xbox player, not saying this is true in all cases, but Playstation players are just the worst.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Trust me, there is no correlation between the platform and performance. Unless of course WG could provide us with statistics on the average WR of players from both platforms. Even then, we need to take into account, ship, tier, hours/matches played. It's a big deep rabbit hole of data analysis that will probably show its 50/50 :)
@mimul68 Год назад
Its just a game 😂 Get frustrated in your real life, not here, dude
@garethroberts9310 Год назад
Too serious it's a Game.., pick up your teddy bear and stop paddying.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I left my teddy sat with your Barbie dolls. Can I have it back?
@SRSpoony Год назад
i stopped playing about a year ago. the players are a small part but the game is beyond broken, its so unbalanced its an utter disgrace
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Just look at the most recent 'balance'. Completely screwed French destroyers over. It's like they're trying to change a punctured tyre while someone's still driving the car at times!
@SRSpoony Год назад
@@tonik_tzw yeah and then you get other destroyers that are just beyond OP and will teabag a battleship from 6k away with HE burn 100k health down as the BB cant find it nothing. then you get some cruisers that can spam like a mini gun and others that sit and cant do shit. the game isnt right at all, i think the only things that are semi right in the game or the carriers to a degree or the Subs. and dont get my startedon the tier system that should be a 7 in a 10 game but does on a regular basis even though they claim they keep fixing that. i played lower tier in the end as that was more fun and more balanced at around 5/6 level
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
I feel for you. I noticed that you weren't playing cross platform. Sony players tend to choose flight over fighting, while Xbox players YOLO. Players refuse to learn, even after three years. I blame a certain CC telling people they need a agile build and to kite. Battleships even flee, even when they have the over match, smh. Best way to counter these games is finding a couple players who can WORK WELL TOGETHER, that includes playing Arena and Ranked. Unfortunately WGing is against skill match making. I cry they need play style match making. They are a business and really don't care bc if they did there would have been TRAINING ROOMS, which we know that they can't figure out how to turn off the algorithms in the roomj which people will call them out on said algorithms, just like in WOTs. Especially when shells fall short, ones that are fired at mid hull. It definitely sucks losing when you have a great game because of doughnuts. Great Game and video as well as the Rant
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Crossplay was and always is on. A few people have pointed out that it's unusual to get a full lobby of a single platform! WG obviously have their secrets and unless they can keep some things hidden away, training rooms will continue to be delayed. We don't even have basic information on dispersion or grouping baked so how can we know whether an inspiration will actually make a difference because RNG will always have its roll of the dice on every shot no matter how you set up your ship, commander and inspirations. The have is a good concept, poorly executed and requiring significant improvement if its to last more than a few more years.
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
@@tonik_tzw the last thing I heard from PrinceBlimp is that they can't figure how to make people individually join the rooms.... I'M CALLING BULLSHIT ON THAT ONE
@tonik_tzw Год назад
It's harder to add something in to a platform that's already developed as the coding may not support it. I've worked in application support for a number of years and things that seem simple can be very difficult. WG are definitely not telling the full story though but would we ever expect them too. When they can't even correctly balance new ships before they're released into the community (Ark Royal), it begs the question as to where their priorities lie (money?). They've had plenty of experience with other WG titles to know what a community expected of a hand and they've taken far short of delivering that with Legends.
@stevejackson3396 8 месяцев назад
CLICKBAIT WARNING. tldr: he didn’t quit, never will. It’s a 10 minute whine-fest, that’s all. He literally describes what amounts to a poor match that we all have from time to time.
@tonik_tzw 8 месяцев назад
It's actually an informative video highlighting a number of issues that many people experience on a daily basis and where the title may seem dramatic, the content and dialogue is an attempt to educate players on known issues of play style, that they themselves hopefully will not fall into the bad habits of, thereby improving the gameplay experience for everyone. Thank you for coming along and commenting, I do try to respond to as many as possible.
@ace09x16 Год назад
Nobody cares if you quit,Your mistake is relying on other people to play to win some people just want to fire guns and torpedoes if you accept that and accept that win rate doesn’t matter the game gets more enjoyable
@danielbernardo2530 Год назад
I understand your point , but at the same time why wargaming put experience players and new players in the same matchmaking, is not about win rate, in cant have fun when most ppl on my team dies in the first 3 minutes , no matter if is tier 5 or lengendary
@ace09x16 Год назад
To get people battered in premium ships to spend money thinking that it will help
@tonik_tzw Год назад
I've got a match to go up from yesterday that I'm simply calling 5:18. It's legendary tier, capture the base, I'm in the daring. I down centre and push out to spot. Both teams have pushed to the flanks and parked up behind Islands. Myself and a shima from the left flank go straight through and take their base in 5 min 18 seconds, completely uncontested. That kind of thing should not happen at legendary tier!
@time4anewsystem452 Год назад
WGing uses psychological games with people. When they do bad they spend and when they do great, they'll spend a fortune. More you spend the better teams you get. I rarely spent money on the game but I make sure that I division up with whales
@ciroc_lobster4052 Год назад
@@danielbernardo2530 oh but god forbid they have to spend 30m or 5k dubs and actually have to grind to pass the TT ship locked segments
@Carvetii 9 месяцев назад
I deleted the game for the final time last month after 6 years of playing. Its far from the game i fell in love with.
@tonik_tzw 9 месяцев назад
I sometimes feel huge disappointment in the way the game is. Often placing top, sometimes with 2000+ BXP on a defeat because teams melt due to a complete lack of understanding on even the basic principles of how the game is played can be utterly disheartening. Wargaming say they will never bring in skill based match making. Why never? Why not give it a try for a couple of months, see how people find it! As much as I love being on with friends and having fun, when you're having to try and carry game after game, it gets tiring and loses the fun aspect.
@piotr6152 2 месяца назад
Sama prawda, już zaczynam mieć dość. Szkoda nerwów.
@tonik_tzw 2 месяца назад
I've started playing Skull and Bones. It's a lot less stressful. I'll still play legends, just not as much as I used to.
@andystansberry2134 8 месяцев назад
It's not just the pc or console versions, wowsblitz the mobile version is horrible with superior bad player base
@boilinwater69 Год назад
carriers ruined this game, your visibility radius is irrelevant with a sky full of planes making destroyers useless.
@tonik_tzw Год назад
Destroyers aren't useless. The introduction of carriers forces a different style of play. It's much more important for the cruisers to be taken out in those games to give the destroyers a better chance at survival, however people still measure their success on the amount of damage they do. WG really need to look at how they can introduce more team focused objectives so that players are encouraged to support each other more. Even with carriers in the game, I've still managed to play some solid games, not always a victory, but always working hard for it!
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