
This Shocked Me About Germany (At First) 

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now I understand it better, and it makes sense. Let me know your thoughts.




16 окт 2017




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@WawkaNaPisjune 6 лет назад
They put me in a Hauptschule, but now I'm studying economics at the University of Essen. It's not North Korea, they can switch to a ''higher/better'' school, but the majority sticks to the school they were put in. This system has disadvantages, some may feel discriminated, but in the end it's a good system that we have here, because it works like the ranking system in CS GO, or the Bundesliga, they put you in a skillgroup/league with others that have similar knowledge and it motivates you to improve more, so you can go to a university or make your Abitur
@oisin3495 6 лет назад
A. G. Your English is amazing your you seem like a very smart human being to me
@WawkaNaPisjune 6 лет назад
I know, I'm a good boy
@sandrovlog99 6 лет назад
@dennisfechner9969 6 лет назад
Actually a pretty good example! :D
@kirasternenfeuer6198 6 лет назад
I would suggest it even worse in another view. Gymnasium for example is education on another Level which doesn't mean the Knowledge you gain but the way you will earn that Knowledge. That is something that is not neccessary good but helps you a lot to learn more basic stuff much easier. The Problem with this is basically that you learn so much unneccessary stuff most of all in the senior years of Gymnasium education that it can totally break you. I for myself a good pupil when it came to math ended with 3 points which is basically an E in my Abitur for non other reson than having no clue about curve discussions ^^ This is also a Major Problem because you will barely see anyone in youre entire live that deals with this mathmatic theme anytime in there live but it makes up to 75% of both youre half years grades and the examn in the end. This is what I call the biggest issue of education right now. This is also very important when you realize that there is barely any field you want to learn will get use of it so why you make the live of pupils so hard? Therefore I call the Regelschule the best option for most of ist teaching plans which give you the education you need and prepares you for all paths beyond school. Gymnasium has ist value most of all in the way you learn learning but on the cost of the knowledge that is really important. For example: If I had to say something about Baveria I would get a Atlas with a map of Baveria in it for the Regelschule and of course this makes sense, however in Gymnasium you would not get a map of Baveria for this but instead a map of either southern Germany or Germany in total. The concept behind this is to read the needed informations in a bigger pool of informations which is ok for lerning how to learn but provides so much trouble when it comes to the endresults and actually needed knowledge. P.s.: Microsoft edge is a terrible browser for ist autocorrect function ^^
@RubenKP 6 лет назад
I started on Realschule and did an apprenticeship as electrician at age 16. At age 19 I was a certified Electritian and could have started working and stuff. Only at that point I realized I wanted to get more educated so I went to a 1 year Fachoberschule and now im studying Electrical Engineering with very good grades. No matter where you are at in Germany you can always educate yourself in something you like. The best part about it: Even university, it's for free =) =) To me the schooling system in Germany is very good. You are basically never really screwed because it's all up to you
@tertam72 6 лет назад
I also would like to add that I have two colleagues that started on Hauptschule, but later studied at a university and are now like me employed at the university. So our school-system isn't strict about this segregation at all. AND: Never forget in Germany education doesn't cost 40.000-100.000€ per year at a university - which makes them much more accessible to not so rich families. I met a lot U.S. citizens at the UBC in Vancouver that told me that they couldn't afford such a well-known university in the U.S. and thus went to Canada!
@RFM- 6 лет назад
On average German's are smarter than Americans, ON AVERAGE. Also you don't have to sell your house to go to school in German. People are just directed into THEIR strongest area, you can always move up OR down it's really up to you. In America you go to college or university for 4 years of WHAT, woman's studies or gender class. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT.There is also quota's for minorities that certain colleges have, what that means is a poor black kid goes to Berkley instead of the "best suited school" for their need. After a couple of years Berkley gets their payout and the poor kids gets left on the sidelines. Check out Thomas Sowell on this topic. Please no negative opinions JUST FACTS. Prove me wrong.
@user-pd1en1fd1r 6 лет назад
I don't have a father and my mother doesn't earn much money. But I can go to the "Gymnasium" and I get very good marks, so I can probably go to the university in a few years and get an exciting and well-paid job, although my family is poor. That is why I love the German school system. Those who are intelligent and hard-working can reach everything the want in Germany.
@chloelee5405 6 лет назад
Where did you see any Universities charging 100.000Euro a year pls? xD
@miyu4043 6 лет назад
Best example is my brother's career. We are from a working class family (Father: Painter and decorater / Mother: Supermarket cashier) At a young age my brother wasn't good in school, so he went to the Hauptschule. But he managed to turn himself around, stayed for the 10. grade and got his Realschulabschluss (middle degree). From there he made an apprenticeship as a mechanic, which he ended with a bachelors degree. From there he went to the Fachhochschule (specialized college) which he ended with a masters degree in engineering. Now he is developing airplane parts for Airbus, making a hell of a lot of money.
@ArtMaknev 6 лет назад
What surprises me in Germany is that many people don't even want to go to study to university even thought its free! I guess it is because the income gap is not as high as in US between degree jobs and non degree jobs.
@xaverlustig3581 6 лет назад
An important fact you didn't mention: There isn't just ONE German school system. Each of the Länder (states in American terms) have their own system. So we have really 16 school systems. The basics between them are similar, like the school types you describe, but there are a lot of variations for example concerning auxiliary school types, the age levels when the split takes place, the subjects being taught, and the curricula of a given subject. This is a major hassle when moving from one state to another.
@aumann0452 6 лет назад
you can go to the Gesamtschule too
@Rocky712_ 6 лет назад
Hugo Hackaschlitzer Yes, but there you have G8 (means that you have 13 years for getting abitur (more time, same education) then 12 years like at a Gymnasium).
@FunnyGamerBoy 6 лет назад
Rocky712 - Let´s Plays what is your point?
@larsstern2542 6 лет назад
Auf der Gesamtschule hat man kein G8.. G8 gibt es nur auf Gymnasien ;)
@ZenoDovahkiin 6 лет назад
Rocky G8 -> Gymnasium in 8 Jahren. G9 -> Gymnasium nach 9 Jahren. 4 Jahre Grundschule: +G8: 12 Jahre. +G9: 13 Jahre. Merkste selbst, oder? :P
@BestAnimeFreak 6 лет назад
Deswegen ist G8 ja auch nicht gemocht, eben weil es kürzer ist und der druck auf den Schülern höher °L°
@clare2385 6 лет назад
One of my close friends went to the Hauptschule. She was actually fit for the Realschule I think, but her parents thought the Realschule would be too hard for her. (On the other hands there are much more parents wanting their kids to go to the Gymnasium, even though they would be categorized into the Haupt-/Realschule). This girl then quickly became an A-student, finished with the Hauptschule, made her degree in the Realschule and then, last year, got her Abitur from the Gymnasium and is now studying business administration.
@ZenoDovahkiin 6 лет назад
Would have been nice to put her into Gymnasium from the getgo, since changing down is way easier than changing up. The only factr that is worse about changing down is the psychological aspect if you have demanding parents that make you feel like a failure. But that's still a good example of the system working well in her case. She had every door open to her that came with a good Hauptschulabschluss, but you can get where you want still if you just work hard and have some brains, no matter where you were put initially by your parents. More power to her!
@philalfieri93 6 лет назад
That is very interesting and you did a great job of explaining! What it sounds like is actually a very efficient education path that encourages people to be involved and aware of their children’s interest and abilities as early as possible. This will work as a positive tend only as long as there is the freedom you spoke of, to possibly change tracks and/or realign the child’s training once they find they are more suited to a different line of work or skill. I love the idea of not wasting educational resources that are not going to be utilized however, I am also for one learning as many trade skills as possible! Information is powerful and the more you can obtain the better!
@timlohrer 2 года назад
I just love how the comment section under ur videos is alway so nice and welcomming and acctually comments stuff with there opinion or something related to the topic of the video. Keep it up 👍
@ilmephax 6 лет назад
after realschule you can make 3years silled labor education. than u can do additional stuff like meister or techniker and can have really good jobs. u can also do a bachelor after this at a Fachhochschule and a master and phd later. you can do dual stuff(skilled labor education+bachelor) at the same time. there are a lot of options.
@ilmephax 6 лет назад
after realschule u can do abitur at a bbz(special school) too and go to university. this 3way system has many bridges.
@ilmephax 6 лет назад
+ilmephax parents cant bring you to a higher way while not having the grades you need
@ribaldc3998 6 лет назад
or "Berufskolleg" -> "berufliches Gymnasium" or "zweiter Bildungsweg" ......much possibilities , most of it without schoolfees.
@ansgar8568 6 лет назад
Nowadays yes. I wish I had this opportuities 30 years ago.
@keyboardwarrior0082 6 лет назад
I know many peope who are elektrotechnicans who earn 4000€+
@olivergroning6421 6 лет назад
You got it pretty accurately and we have the same system in Switzerland, where actually about 80% of pupils will go down the apprenticeship route and only about 20% the college aimed route. It is really important to stress, that though the selection is made early (in the 5th grade in Switzerland) you can switch (e.g. a year later or in 8th grade as I did). Also one needs to understand that the apprenticeship (which is a literal translation of the german "Lehrlingsausbildung") is a highly regulated state eduction system where you learn 3 days a week in the company and 2 days in a state school (typically for 4 years). Also the degree you get is a federal diploma and is awarded by the state and not some private institution (like Trump University ;-). 30-40 years back your career chances with an apprenticeship or a college degree where not very different (actually back then only 15% went to college) because of the 9-10 years of industrial experience advantage one had over the college educated system. E.g. Marc Ospel headed the biggest band in Switzerland and started his career with an apprenticeship in the same bank. Today this is not quite so anymore. Also having made an excellent final exam on an apprenticeship allows you to go to a university of applied sciences and become an engineer. Last but not least people having accomplished their apprenticeship take great pride in it and their profession and are definitively not regarded as inferior in any way.
@jrdm2015 6 лет назад
would like to add: One of the major advantages in germany is, that it doesn't require much money to decide for either this or the other way. Even studying /higher education isnt a big issue. Furthermore, after having studied what you realy like, you do not end up in high debt to be paid back which is quite common over there in the US (unless you are granted a scholarship or your parents pay).
@mimileni 6 лет назад
After the Grundschule i went to the Gymnasium. I was good in the subjects i wanted to be good in and i just did enough to pass the rest. It was enough until grade 12 (i was in the G9 course, which means i would have gotten my Abitur after 13 years of school education), but i couldn't finish the Gymnasium with an Abitur. Of course it felt like the end of the world, but it really wasn't. After that i went to the Berufskolleg (Vocational Business School) for 2 years where I got the Fachhochschulreife (Advanced Technical College Entrance). I could've gone studying BWL (Business Studies) or something like that at a Fachhochschule (University of Applied Sciences/Advanced Technical College), but I went on to finish an Ausbildung (apprenticeship) in retail. Now I've begun advanced Training as a Handelsfachwirt which qualifies as a Bachelor of Trade and Commerce. So, what I'm trying to say is: You can become whatever you want, in the end, if you put some effort into it. The German School System isn't all that bad as some are saying.
@UrbanClimber 6 лет назад
nope you cant when youre not interested in boring af jobs
@mimileni 6 лет назад
Well, someone has to do those "boring af jobs" and in the end you'll always find someone who loves his "boring af job", so... what do you consider to be a "boring af job"? But anyways, I stand by what I wrote. I have the possibilty to get into higher and higher education either on my field or I can still get my Abitur and become a Biochemist or something like that. It all depends on how much effort one is ready to put into it... and if I put every last ounce of effort into it and should I still fail, then maybe it's just not for me to be a Biochemist, Doctor or Astrophysicist and I shall accept my fate of not having the needed brains for those jobs. I could also become a painter if someone is willing to pay money for my stick figure paintings.
@UrbanClimber 6 лет назад
yep you can definetly become a painter to be poor. you can´t even paint because you need to be in school, you are not allowed to do what you want to do and thats against our nature. How many perople do you know that do their job just for money? You are right, some people fit in this system but too many people do not. In a few years you will no longer need people for the "easy" jobs bcause machines will do them. Why do you think "people are not having the Brain for these Jobs"? Its most of the time because our school system failed and they missed to learn important stuff outside of the school. Youre Raise is etremely important for youre finaly intelligence so we should make it more efficient instead of calling people stupid. Do you like to work when you get always punished with bad grades? No, thats why you should be allowed to learn what youre good in after 4th grade.
@mimileni 6 лет назад
First of all most people I know do their job for the money... my job pays my bills even if I don't get paid the amount I'd like to (I work in retail after all) and even if it isn't my dream job, I like giving it my all... Secondly most industrial processes are already mechanized except for some "few" assemply line jobs of which most consist of watching the robots... People have been saying for YEARS that robots will take more than half the jobs in Germany away... do you really think that is possible? Who the f*** would pay for all those unemployed people??? The whole social system would collapse... I know that our politicians aren't the most humane people in the world, but even they wouldn't allow for such a thing to happen, because they would get lynched after all... Thridly yes, some of the German School System's teaching methods ARE somewhat archaic, but they "just" need ONE real reform to arrive in our "modern times" and make it more "efficient" (whatever THAT means). But I don't know what you're expecting of our schools, like, how did "our school system fail and missed to teach important stuff outside of the school"? Because schools don't teach how to do your taxes? What are our parents there for then?
@UrbanClimber 6 лет назад
I know it sounds funny to you but in a few years we need an income for everyone, even when you dont work or half of our citizen will starve in your and our country. Schools should teach everything thats important to know. It shouldn´t be just a qualifikation that people can see you can do stupid work. It should help you to fullfil yourself and get happy to work efficient and live a happy life. You can teach that in schools but nobody does it because we have people ruling this country that don't like to have too many intelligent citizen. That would mean that it would become a country for the citizen and not for big companys.
@zugdsbtngizudsgbnudsdsoiu 6 лет назад
You arent locked at when be put in Hauptschule or any other. When you finished Hauptschule and your grades are good enough you can continue with realschule and the same with Gymnasium. I went to the Gymnasium then to Realschule then continued with Abitur (class 11-13) and after class 11 I went to Fach-Abitur (class 11-12). So you have enough opportunities if either you are not good enough for example for Gymnasium to change to Realschule and vise versa.
@David-cy5zu 6 лет назад
Ab der 7 klasse kann Man nicht von der realachule aufsteigen, lüg woanders.
@triggeredcat8735 6 лет назад
Fachabitur 😂😂 Obwohl die Bezeichnung korrekt ist halt ich sie für einen schlechten Scherz wer kein Abi geschrieben hat , besitzt somit auch keines, und vom Niveau her sind die Unterschiede doch gewaltig 😅
@grandtheftauto7534 6 лет назад
Andreas Launer Ja das ist so. Ein real oder hauptschüler schafft meist echt kein abi
@stanisk.942 6 лет назад
Nur weil du niemanden kennst, das heißt nicht dass deine Meinung richtig ist. Ich kannte sehr viele Realschüler, die Abi geschaffen haben, weil sie davor faul waren. Abitur ist nicht besonders, es ist nur einfach mehr Quizfragen und die sind im Gegensatz zum Universitätsstudium ein Witz.
@speedybomb18 6 лет назад
i was in the Hauptschule and i´m now an Ing.
@speedybomb18 6 лет назад
The good thing in germany is that u can be what u whant to be if u work hard
@petergal9490 6 лет назад
André Soares 😂😂😂😂
@rupertmittelstaedt4889 6 лет назад
This is exactly as it should be! Congrats!!
@isJustWachtchingYa 6 лет назад
same I was in Realschule, then i did an apprenticeship at Bosch as a Mechanic and next year I will start to study Humanmedizin :))))
@AK-hi7mg 6 лет назад
But your English isn't that good right ? What's an ing ? Do you mean engineer ?
@arnekrug939 6 лет назад
After Grundschule I got the recommodation to go to Gymnasium and I'm glad that I'm there. My siblings are going to a Gesamtschule a mixture of all three schools and the students there are (almost) all unmotivated. Even at the Gymnasium I often feel like some other students are unmotivated and slowing the whole class down so I'm glad that there's a distinction.
@Dukhanstmichmal 6 лет назад
After watching so many of your videos i just have to congratulate you on the song choice. I have no Idea what song it is - who made it or where it came from and I also dont want to know because for me this has just become the NALF Song and in my oppinion it does perfectly reflect you in the way that we see you in your videos. While most people these days go for some trap meme - or hype stuff you chose this very friendly and open piece of music to be playing while we watch you curiously learning about our country and enjoying life in the swabian woods (well you were at least). We need more people with a positive vibe like yours and you are an example for everyone around you. I wish you all the best in all your future endevours and hope to see you back over here soon!
@DerGrueneBaron 6 лет назад
a good school certificate from a Realschule can actually be better han a bad certificate from a Gymnasium, it depends on the company you want to work for
@steffik.5904 6 лет назад
das Dilemma Many are saying that but in fact its not true! You need Abitur to go to University and having a bad Abitur doesnt make you a bad University student. I always knew I want to study, I was not too interested in most of the stuff being taught at school, I was very lazy...I had bad grades....but I was allowed to go to University and now I am the best there....
@schoelwurst3249 6 лет назад
You can go to university without Abitur! But you need a professional qualifications like a "Meister" or a "Techniker"
@steffik.5904 6 лет назад
Schoel Wurst That takes forever...the point is that you cant do it right after school.
@brokkrep 6 лет назад
Here are talking Germans to Germans in English... was zur tatsächlichen Fick?
@Narabedla4 6 лет назад
to he honest depending on the specific cases i think this shouldn't be a thing, as it is (in general, there will be exceptions.) way harder to get good grades in a Gymnasium than in a realschule. i've seen more than enough people leave gymnasium (because they had really bad grades almost failed math etc.) and go to osz and instantly went to writing ones (even in math) without doing anything.
@moo6432 6 лет назад
I was put in Hauptschule. But I did a test to show that I am “good“ enough for Realschule. After Realschule I was three additional years in the Gymnasium. To continue in the gymnasium your grades have to be pretty good, but it’s not that difficult. Now I study law. Being sorted into a certain school doesn’t mean that you have to stay there and don’t have other possibilities to go your own path.
@lexmole 6 лет назад
Dito xD
@Xgckl 6 лет назад
It is sometimes criticized in Germany how students aren't changing tracks as often because the intention clearly is that you can change at any time. I myself changed from Gymnasium to Realschule and back to Gymnasium but I also went to a "Gesamtschule", a school where we had every kind of student with different classes for the different school systems.
@sabias3932 6 лет назад
As an american, this is really interesting to hear. when i first heard you explain it i was also shocked and thought it was kind of messed up but after you mentioned that the kids can change tracks at some point that made a lot of sense. That way, if a kid realizes they are on track for one thing and they want to be on track for something else, they will actually WANT to pursue that other track and probably work harder to be allowed to stay in the track they want.
@Gileadean 6 лет назад
Going to a Gymnasium and making the Abitur is not the only path to a university. There are two more ways a) finish Hauptschule/Realschule (both end after grade 10) with good grades and visit 2 or 3 years (depending on the state) a Gymansium and get the Abitur b) finish Hauptschule /Realschule -> finish an apprenticeship > go to college Also, while doing an appreniceship, you would still visit the Berufsschule (trade school) two times a week.
@MegaCookieCrafter 6 лет назад
Or c) Go to Fachoberschule (A bit different than Gymnasium) and go to a college after that. After you finished college you can go to University as well.
@friefrie7314 6 лет назад
Oh yes, there are two kinds of Abitur- Fachabitur and Abitur.It's crazy. Nach Hauptschule, u can make Berufsschule and finisch it with Fachabitur.And then study in Fachhochschule.
@Jumogoh 6 лет назад
"Fachhochschule" and University. When you complete "Fachhochschule" with a subject that matches with that you will study, than you're able to go to an university instead of "Fachhochschule". "Fachhochschule" means "University of Applied Sciences".
@JinsanSama 6 лет назад
Or you can go to Fachoberschule FOS after Realschule or comming from Gymnasium and get your Fachabitur and Abitur there....or you can go to Berufsoberschule BOS if you already have an apprenticeship and get Fachabitur and Abitur there. Only difference between those schools is that while at FOS you can choose the Branch you want to take (but maybe you will have to do an acceptance test) and that you need a valid "Mittlere Reife" (So not the one you automatically get when you, say, finish apprenticeship or got it from Wirtschaftsschule without Maths...) at BOS you will be sorted according to your apprenticeship, which is the requirement to go there.
@Gileadean 6 лет назад
No, not at all. It is possible to get a Hauptschullabschluss after year 9 in some states, but Hauptschule ends after 10 years.
@CrimzonStarz95x 6 лет назад
Omg I never thought about this. How th can all children in America go to the same school?! I live in Germany and I was sooo happy when I could finally switch from Grundschule to Gymnasium because my class was terribly stupid and I was bored all the time.
@mau3304 6 лет назад
CrimzonStarz95x wie bei mir
@mau3304 6 лет назад
Leider sind die in meiner Klasse immernoch so dumm. Wissen nicht mal wie die Theorie von Einstein heißt.
@mau3304 6 лет назад
Und wollen gefühlt alle bis auf ein paar Ausnahmen Influenzer werden
@ZenoDovahkiin 6 лет назад
Die Gymnasiale Oberstufe ist eine Tagesstätte für übergroße Kinder die glauben, sie verstünden die Welt. Einfach überleben und auf euch selbst achten. Die Idioten brauchen euch nicht jucken, einfach an sich selbst arbeiten und lernen, sich selbst einzuschätzen. Außerdem: Werdet euch schnell sicher, was ihr machen wollt, das war mein größter Fahler am Gym.
@laflamezz1907 6 лет назад
ZenoDovahkiin wie kann ich mir da schnell sicher werden? Bin momentan in der 12. und schreibe in paar Monaten mein Abi, aber bin mir immernoch nicht zu 100% sicher was ich studiere.... wahrscheinlich Chemie
@sailspo 6 лет назад
I went to a Gesamtschule, were the three branches are combined. My primary school teacher thought that I should go to a Realschule, but I got my Abitur, and now I'm at university. So if you work hard you CAN definetly make it and study. You don't have to be in one system forever. But I've always thought that it was very cool that you guys have such an amazing school spirit in the US. We don't really have that. And we don't have as many clubs, either. I'd prefer more posibilities in the afternoon, like in America or Japan. I was really shocked when I first got on campus and they had like dance lessons, exchange programs, parties, poetry slams, tai chi, swimming, rugby, a radio station, theatre club, orchestra, or a choir. We just didn't have so many posibilities back in school.
@spitymaeh 6 лет назад
Hey NALF, just found your videos in the recommended section. Pretty interesting topic. I just wanted to add I went to a Realschule first but after finished 10th class I went to another school and made my Abitur and then studied BA computer sciences. So it's still possible to study for people who went to a Hauptschule or Realschule in case they improve during school time. Also there is the possibility to study later during work life.
@justanobody864 6 лет назад
I as a German was in a "Gesamtschule" where the Stundents a dividet by there Grades in certain classes. For Math, Deutsch (reading, writing, grammar and also Literature and stuff) and English we had diffrent Types of Classes. A (Hauptschule), B (Realschule) and C (Gymnasium). You can graduate from Gesamtschul with each of those Schools just depending on how your grades are. For some Classes i was in the A Classes but later on i got better i switched to B Classes. Also if you would get a kinda bad Report Card for Gymnasium they can make it to one for Realschool and it turn out better. (If you have a 2 (b in USA) on the report card it would be a 1 (a) for Realschule)
@hohu1374 6 лет назад
There Are also 2 or more ways what you could do after school. The Ausbildung to get like a skilled worker most times. Study. Or you could do the dual study thing. (Most interesting ways for me.)
@danasober5715 6 лет назад
Isn't it interesting to see how one can change opinion? At first it was strange to you and you judged it to be bad. Then you had more time to ponder about it and you started also to see the good points about it. I do believe that this is a natural process. If only we allow us to ponder about things and to give them some time before we judge other behaviors to be wrong, it will enrich our lives. I have experienced to come from a different place gives us the opportunity to see the differences in ways of live. If we take some time, we might be able to improve things; whether abroad or at home. On the other hand we might find peace in the differences that exist. I think you have made a tremendeous experience. I believe you have learned a lot living in Germany. Congratulations!
@timecrayon 6 лет назад
Many people think it's too early to separate kids at the age of 10, but I think it's actually really good from a social perspective. At my grundschule and the one my cousins went to, nearly every friendship fell apart in 4th grade. I don't know why that is, maybe it has something to do with starting puberty, but it helped me and many of my classmates to change schools at that time. I also remember two boys in my class that could never quite pass a 3 (a C in the US) in tests, but are nearly top of their class in the hauptschule. I think it's also important to remember that you can switch schools after every school year. There are people that got sorted into the gymnasium but are now in the hauptschule and vice versa.
@viralshortssport 6 лет назад
Awesome Keep on going!
@henningbartels6245 6 лет назад
I'm German and I don't think it will hurt pupils if they stay together in the same school to 6th or 8th grades - quite the opposite. There is more than gaining different quantities of knowledge - its about gaining social skills as well.
@brokkrep 6 лет назад
Meiner Meinung nach wäre eine Gesamtschule darin gut, da es die Elite ein wenig auf den Boden bringen könnte. Letztendlich kann jeder Abiturient dann noch ne 1 schreiben.
@SvenjaKL 6 лет назад
Man ist noch lange keine Elite, weil man aufs Gymnasium geht. Vielleicht sollten da eher andere ihre Ansichten ändern..
@mlsasd6494 6 лет назад
Dazu muss ich leider sagen, dass die Trennung in der 4. Klasse (zumindest meiner Erfahrung nach) zu einer verstärkten "Elitisierung" führt. Durch die Trennung wird der Kontakt zwischen Gymnasiasten Realschülern und Hauptschülern doch eingeschränkt, wodurch nur noch die schlimmsten einen Eindruck hinterlassen, was zum gegenseitigen Bild des abgehobenen Gymnasiasten bzw des assozialen Hauptschülers führt, auch wenn dies auf den Großteil der Schüler gar nicht zutrifft.
@m4zaka951 6 лет назад
Johann Schuhmacher Gesamtschulen schaden bloss, die Schlechten ziehen die Guten runter. Gesamtschule funktioniert einfach nich, war ne scheiss Idee
@SvenjaKL 6 лет назад
M4zaKa ähm, auf einer Gesamtschule hat man nur manche Kurse mit allen Schülern, ansonsten wird man auch in 3 Niveaus eingeteilt. zB Sport, Kunst, Musik etc sind für alle gleich. Aber in zB Mathe oder Deutsch wird genauso in gymnasial, realschul und hauptschul Niveau eingeteilt wie sonst auch.
@marlajacques6947 6 лет назад
Doesn't matter which country u live or study in, ppl r still totally awed n impressed by someone with stamped papers over a kind, humble soul
@behemothswarden8862 6 лет назад
My story (as someone from germany): Grundschule -> Hauptschule -> Gymnasium -> Realschule -> Fachoberschule (FOS, similar to Gymnasium but more practical in my opinion) -> Universität (didn't like it so I stopped after 3 semesters), now I'm a carpenter apprentice, much more fun ^-^ So I can tell you that our education system is very flexible and gives you multiple chances to get where you want to be.
@hat-eating-cthulu-goat3221 6 лет назад
You did explain it perfectly.
@levim.3505 6 лет назад
I'm currently a junior at a "Gymnasium" and have really put some effort in school over the last couple of years. I am a good student. I always thought: "Oh well, after I graduate, I'm gonna go to college, have my degree and start out in a well payed job and live my life!" Well, turns out life ain't like that. There are just too many highly educated people out here in Germany, all trying to attend university and become successful in life. I always thought my good education would be a "one-way ticket to disneyland", and now I feel really deceived by the government / ministry of education. I mean, I'm put into a "Gymnasium", I get some of the best education in Germany, to in the end, either having to wait half a decade for a place (I'm a good student, still not fucking Einstein though) at university, force myself into an "Ausbildung" or become independent at a young age without any experience whatsoever. Nonetheless, I still have a lot of opportunities, and really appreciate what I was given in life. But to me it seems like many young people feel the way that I do, and don't really know what to do with their lives if in 10-15 years there will be a freaking overload of prospective CEO's.
@Avvisoful 6 лет назад
Franz Liszt depends in what you want to study. Im studying physics for example and it is no Problem at all to get a place in a really good university
@BB-ft1rs 6 лет назад
Gymnasium ist einfach nix besonderes mehr. In meinem Bundesland gibt es ja nicht mal Hauptschulen, die Schulpflicht endet zwar nach 9 Jahren, aber dann muss man noch 3 Jahre auf die Berufsschule. In meinem ehemaligen Grundschuljahrgang sind zwei Drittel aufs Gymnasium, von denen werden wahrscheinlich auch 90 % studieren. Sieht man ja auch an den der immer größeren Anzahl an Studenten in Deutschland. Der Arbeitsmarkt für Akademiker wird deswegen leider auch immer schwieriger, da es immer irgendwelche schlechten Studenten, die 10+ Semester für einen Bachelor brauchen und seit einem Jahr auf Jobsuche sind, geben wird, die sich von ihrem Arbeitgeber ausnehmen lassen.
@hohu1374 6 лет назад
Steady Red das ist fies.
@XMaster340 6 лет назад
It really depends on what you want to study. We have far too many economist because everyone with no clue whatsoever studies economy. But if you study the right subjects and have enough interest you won't have any problems whatsoever
@Rooo8 6 лет назад
You probably mean business (BWL), not economics (VWL). But if you look at unemployment statistics, Business graduates are still well off. That doesn't mean they are all getting appropriate jobs for their qualification and effort they put in though. Also, I hate the argument that my degree is now worth less because today there are more people with that degree, namely for the following reason: Based on the educational history of my parents, grandparents and so on, I would have definitely been on track for a high degree even if there would have been just 20% high school graduates or 15% university graduates in a cohort. So my degree gets worth less although my capability is the same as it would have been in a more restricted society. So thanks to all the mediocre students who inflate my degree and value on the job market. I just hope we don't get to a point when the people on the decision-making level start to get more mediocre and won't even recognize anymore who is talented and who is not.
@stefanpfannstiel2283 6 лет назад
Hey there. What i like about your videos is the fact that they seem so unscripted and deeply honest. As a german with not the highest grade of education, i'm more than glad to now actually able to study, just because a made an appreticeship and have some work-experience. Thats a point i absolutely love about germany.
@locheriminnenfutterderchev84 6 лет назад
I love your vids! As a german in gymnasium i really found it hard to get taught with kids of lower qualification (abstract thinking wise) so i really enjoyed getting split early (im studieng the law now with an abitur of 1.7 my worst grade was english lol)
@musicformed 6 лет назад
Well school sucks everywhere, Germany is just a bit shittier
@AdezZRelo 6 лет назад
I think it‘s a good educational system, but I think it‘s too early to split the children at that young age at 5th grade. Maybe 7th or 8th grade would be fine too.
@jumpie1111 6 лет назад
I don't think it's a problem since you can switch schools at any time. If Gymnasium is too hard you can switch to Realschule and if Hauptschule or Realschule is too easy and you feel like you can do better, you can climb up to Realschule or Gymnasium. Also the Gesamtschule gets more and more popular. It's a school where the kids are not devided into different levels of knowledge/intelligence. Everyone can go there and they are all put together in one class.
@paulbonath6158 6 лет назад
Actually most states don't do it like that anymore. There is a trend to just make one school (gesamtschule) where you can graduate on all three levels like the hauptschule realschule and gymnasium. So all kids can go to one school and it depends on your grades
@alicjakrumpi8060 6 лет назад
Ist ja auch in einigen Bundesländern so, dass die Grundschule erst nach der 6. Klasse endet.
@giannastruck1258 6 лет назад
I actually go to a "gesamtschule" where you can change to in 5th or 7th grade
@leenaliee 6 лет назад
In Hessen geht man bis zur 4. Klasse in die Grundschule und dann von der 5. - 6. Klasse in die "Förderstufe" und dann wird man aufgeteilt.
@SlimTony 6 лет назад
There are also different school graduation levels in germany outside of Hauptschule/mittlere Reife/Allg. Hochschulreife. You can visit the "Berufsschule" (which is arguably way easier than the gymnasium) and still study most subjects in university (The only ones requiring the Allg. Hochschulreife from Gymnasium are those that will get you a state exam, i think)
@maxderheld 6 лет назад
I think that is a great video, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this super complicated topic. Actually at the end of each of the shorter paths: Hauptschule and Realschule, you can decide to go to a interims highschool: Fachoberschule where you get a college allowance aswell. you can also go to highschool after the tenth class in hauptschule or realschule and simply do the last missing two years there and then you can study, too ( of course). Hauptschule is just a biiig lot of easier so you might have to re-learn physics and proper english ;), i have been to all of those schools in my messed up schooling career but finally went to college (other story) so if you want to, everything is possible and for free in Germany no matter how old you are or how much money you have.. however if you can afford it, then there seem to be way better super expensive universities in the U.S like stanford which make people successful simply because these Unis have both huge amounts of money (to let students experiment with) and connections, i think :)
@wodkatiten97 6 лет назад
@DatRafael 6 лет назад
Wod Katiten Typischer Klischee Hauptschüler,gibt dort natürlich auch kompetente Schüler.
@PatrikTothMaster 6 лет назад
@Simsfly12 6 лет назад
Oha... wieder mal ein Quotenpeter
@ZenoDovahkiin 6 лет назад
Als Besitzer eines Abiturs finde ich es abstoßend, wenn Gymnasiasten auf andere herabblicken. Die meisten sind überall bescheuert, und die besseren Haupt- und Realschüler zeigen den Idioten vom Gym am Ende noch, wo der Hammer hängt, wart's ab.
@Noodles.FreeUkraine 6 лет назад
Education is one thing I prefer the German way. Pupils are divided according to their respective skills and there is a strong educational system for skills and trade. Don't take it personal, but after seeing American installations (electrics, plumbing, etc.) I wasn't surprised those folks merely do a bit of on-the-job training and take a couple of courses instead of going through a solid 3.5 year apprenticeship combining school and actual work. In the U.S., your abilities are moot if your parents can't back it up with their wallet, which is kind of sad really. Yes, there are scholarships, but that requires a good portion of luck as well. Over here you can make it even if your parents got nothing to spare if you're intelligent enough. One has to remember that the entire system is completely different, though - take sports alone as a football player. Professional sports play absolutely no role in our schools whatsoever and going to college has nothing to do with becoming a top soccer player for example. That said, at least your favorite pastime isn't a girls' ball game, so you win the debate after all LOL.
@HeinzArsch 6 лет назад
It has pros and cons.. Forcsome professions you don't need a 3 year training to do the everyday jobs. That way clever people and autodidacts can show their skills, learn what is being needed on the spot and still be valued as an equal member on the trade. I've also heared, that a lot of the trainees currently in education are being used as cheap labour for the first two years. Like I said, ups and down in any system. If you have a great skilled master in an complex trade as your boss tho, the german way def pays out.
@HeinzArsch 6 лет назад
It has pros and cons.. Forcsome professions you don't need a 3 year training to do the everyday jobs. That way clever people and autodidacts can show their skills, learn what is being needed on the spot and still be valued as an equal member on the trade. I've also heared, that a lot of the trainees currently in education are being used as cheap labour for the first two years. Like I said, ups and down in any system. If you have a great skilled master in an complex trade as your boss tho, the german way def pays out.
@chrispetets3683 6 лет назад
Andre W. We make more money than you though..... Lol
@barjekold7140 6 лет назад
that may be true but if i have an accident at work that will crippel me to an extend that it won´t be healed i get an invalid rent entirly paid from the BG (Berufs Genossenschaft) wich will last the rest of my life, also evry injury made at work will be entirly paid from the BG to the point where i can work again.
@CrniWuk 6 лет назад
As an child educator who's working at a school, your point of dividing children acording to their skill would have some merit, if that is what actually happend. When they make the decision, you can not really see what child is suited for what school at that young age. Some children perform very well at that age, while others take more time and others would perform just as well, if they had more support. It's simply put stupid to even attempt something like that, before they reach adolescence. Hell, I think even teenagers are not in the right age to make all those kind of decisions and in my opinion makes absolute zero sense to leave that important questions to 10, 14 or 16 year olds. Infact, they should not make such decisions before they are 18 or 19 even, giving them time to make their own experiences, without preasure before they eventually decide on a career.
@JMNTN 6 лет назад
someone in my class went to the us to go to school for a few months and she found everything very easy, a much lower level than here and i do a technical course which you can kinda say is 'mid range' but you have different courses within that too and i did the 'highest' difficulty course in the technical course so that's still kinda hard for most (it's hard to explain the system in english to me)
@mariomulder3153 6 лет назад
I am from South Africa and I worked with a few germans from Voight hydro on a contract basis. All I can say is respect, those okes knew their job and it was a tremendous pleasure to work with them, always knew what and how...In my minimal experience of their education system I would say it works great on the practical side.
@karind7513 5 лет назад
In the US you have to go to college for skills that you would learn in an apprenticeship in Germany.
@asdsdjfasdjxajiosdqw8791 3 года назад
American university is at the same level as the last year of secondary school in Europe. It is why a lot of companies reject American applicants over European ones, even if on paper they have the same degree.
@SimonB. 6 лет назад
Your path is not determined. I went to a Hauptschule from class 5-10 and then to Gymnasium 11-13 and made my Abitur :)
@PlasmaHH 6 лет назад
I think one of the major advantages of dividing into skill levels is that you can then more appropriately teach the kids according to their skill level. If in a class there is too much deviation you always loose some, either you are teaching too advanced stuff and loose the slower kids, or you are too slow and annoy the faster kids.
@MrLoborus 6 лет назад
Hey Nalf :) at first, good video :) im from Germany like many ppl here in the coment section i think. we actually have a fourth school called Gesamtschule. there all 3 types of schools are mixed. When u leave the primary school, you get, like u said, recommendations for which school u should go to. But every time they say for ex: Hauptschule OR Gesamtschule. i personally think, gesamtschule is the best school form, because u can get the same education as the ones on the gymnasium BUT the teacher help u more with ur all-day-school life. Also after 10 years, all have the chance (no matter what school ur coming from) to join the gesamtschule to get ur highest school graduation possible in germany, which will take u 3 years. But BY FAR the best thing in germany and its education is, that the education really is free. Sure u have to pay small amounts of money (0-185€ at max in NRW), depending on how much ur parents make a month. But also the College or University is very cheap. I, for myself, pay 263€ per Semester. If u nor ur parents have enough money for u to move away from home to ur university, we have smth named BAfÖG. BAfÖG is smth from the State itself where u get money monthly to help u pay for ur school stuff, ur rent for a flat or smth. It also gets calculatet by how much ur parents make a month. I, for example, get 550€ from BAfÖG a month + 200€ from my Minijob and i can live a fine life away from home, without my parents rly need to sponsor me. btw, u gained a new sub :p
@peteraugust5295 6 лет назад
unfortunately it is getting more and more american here, at least in public perception. They tell people that you need to go to university, which turns a great labour educaton system into a billion wanna be CEOs...
@Avvisoful 6 лет назад
Yeah BWL is overflowing everywhere and no one even knows who needs these people
@peteraugust5295 6 лет назад
its all university degrees, especially in the social sector. There was no need for anyone to go to university to become a teacher in kindergarden, now they all have university "degrees" and want to earn as much as engineers which is ridiculous...
@peteraugust5295 6 лет назад
@Goar5: Maybe because they provide 55% of the north american population?
@HeinzArsch 6 лет назад
+Goar5 We're called and call ourself this way, because we literally have it in our countries name: United States of AMERICA. People are usually indentified by their nationality, which would be American, not by their continent, which in this case would also apply. Those are different states united in one, maybe one day we'll add more and make it the United States of Earth. Time will tell...
@UrbanClimber 6 лет назад
please not, youre government is too dumb
@ESlevia 6 лет назад
what you described here was the basic idea behind the system how it was 50 years ago. These days, its completely different. Every idot get an Abitur these days. Most people go to university just because they dont want to work and the sociaty treat you like crap when you just have gone to Hauptschule or Realschule. The Hauptschule was once known as "Schmiede des Handwerks". A thing in which we germans excelled. These days its more like "Hartz4 Schmiede" So it is basiclly a lot more like the US system now, which doesnt even surprise me, because sooner or later we get every stupid US thing. And MOST times, the bad ones.
@bts-trash829 6 лет назад
Lol yeah that's so dumb. I know a few people in really different situations. 1 - Had a Realschulabschluss but didn't get a Ausbildung on time even tho she wrote over 50 Bewerbungen and she really wanted an apprenticeship in a competitive system, not anything else, so she tried it for 3 years until she got what she wanted. She found a job after 3 months and gets still asked about her Lebenslauf because of that little slip up of 3 months. Arbeitsamt told her she was "really old already and should think about getting something" at the age of fucking 21. 2 - Had a Realschulabschluss and got instantly pregnant because she didn't want to work. 3 - Is studying BWL like everybody else, is most likely not going to find a job because so many people do it and in total studied for 12 years because he didn't want to work and Mama had enough money to pay the costs. 1 is getting all the crappy social shit from people, but they are all fine with 2 or 3. BULLSHIT! 2 is getting Kindergeld and 3 Bafög but people would've been pissed about 1 who was really trying and eventually would've ended with a few months of Hartz4 or 6.
@sophiewuhrl4791 6 лет назад
Ich weiß ja nicht, ob du einer von den Menschen bist, der vor 20 Jahren Abitur gemacht hat und der Meinung ist alle Kinder heutzutage sind dumm oder das Glück hattest in einem Bundesland Abi zu machen, in dem es etwas leichter ist, aber es kriegt sicherlich nicht jeder Idiot sein Abitur. Mein Abitur vor 3 Jahren war wohl um einiges schwerer als das meiner Eltern.
@TCGill 6 лет назад
Great learning video. Thanks for sharing :)
@luluhk8345 6 лет назад
in some regions there is some kind of 4. way, which is called Gesamtschule. I've been there and its a good thing when it comes to the point to decide which path is the right vor your kid. It's a school which starts at class 5 and ends with class 10. Most of the kids there where told to go to Gymnasium after elementary school, and like a third havent. So the kids who seem to be better in school can help the others in class. After a couple years for some subjects like math, english or french the class is split into two groups. One is for those, who really had problems in these subject and profit form easier test and a teacher who can take better care for a now smaller group. the other group actually keeps going on the way before. Whenever the student or the teacher thinks, the kid is ready to go back to the "original" level, they can come back, or just get the same tasks as the others, cause sometimes these two groups a taught together in the same room at the same time, so the sudent can see what the others are doing and decide if he wants to try the "harder" tasks if he wants to. This is a very good way to give the students who are'nt that good in something the time to learn in the time they need and to understand the basics they might have missed so that they don't just sit there for years in a class, not unterstanding what is going on. In my experience, it motivates the students and gives them the time they need to learn something they struggeled with. At some point you can decide if you want to learn another language like french or spanish or if you want to do classes which prepare you for work life or classes where you can learn something about things you might be interessted in, like arts or radio production for example. At grade 9 most of the students do the final test vor Hauptschule, so that nobody leaves without a graduation, because after 9th grade you are allowed to leave school and the ones who decide to do the 10th grade aswell and dont pass the final test for the graduation for "realschule" still have something with they can apply somewhere. After 10th grade Gesamtschule ends and the ones who want to have an Abitur can go to an Oberstufengymnasium, which is a Gymnasium but only for the last 3 Years of school you need to pass in order to get the Abitur. Sorry for that long description, but I really like this kind of system, because I think that its really hard to decide what kind of way your kid is capable of at an age of ten, eventough there are still ways to get an higher education even if they put you in the Hauptschule. It is a way of showing AND giving students all opportunities and letting them help each other. I know, this kind of school is not that common, but its a nice way of learning together. In my class there where so many kids struggling with school and never thought they could get more than a degree for Hauptschule but because youre allowed to learn in your way and in your tempo and because teachers help you to prepare for every career you might decide for, in that school most of the people at least graduate for "Realschule". But eventhough the Gesamtschule is kind of a special thing, I still think, that the german school system is very good ;)
@samtheguardian7549 6 лет назад
in germany you dont devide people in to categories, everyone CAN go to REALschule and Everyone gets the chance to Get to the Gymnasium! if u have been on a "hauptschule" and u were/are good enough, you can go to Realschule, and if u go to realschule and you are good enough you can go to gymnasium, so its possible for everyone to go studying if they want.
@PrettyGirl-uj8oi 6 лет назад
1.Hauptschule 2.Sekundarschule 3.Realschule 4.Gesamtschule 5.Gymnasium
@friefrie7314 6 лет назад
Pretty Girl 6.Sonderschule
@DrachenKaiser 6 лет назад
Fachoberschule :D
@lexmole 6 лет назад
Förderschule, nicht Sonderschule XD
@felix2375 6 лет назад
It's acutally very effective not putting low educated people together with high educated people. It pulls everybody down. To give those, who grew up in a difficult family without much education, a surrounding they fit in. But you can still make a good living even If you went to Hauptschule or Realschule. You can even study at unsiversitys, if you're good enough and have a lot of patience. The german education system might seem a bit weird at first, but actually makes a lot of sense! LG Felix, german living in Northrhine-Westfalia.
@ShadowMisha 6 лет назад
I'm also one of those who changed tracks later. I started out at Hauptschule, then did the 10th year for the middle degree, and then did two years on a gymnasium for abitur without second language. I didn't go to uni but I started an apprenticeship and two years later I became a shop manager, and thats what I'm still happily doing.
@ulrichlehnhardt4293 6 лет назад
I think it is too early to divide children. It is an anachronism of the old class-system. I myself went to Gymnasium, so I profited from the system but I would say it is cruel for other kids who are not as lucky as I was.
@MarcellusAugustusGermanicus 6 лет назад
It's not luck, that got you onto a Gymnasium and other kids not.
@ulrichlehnhardt4293 6 лет назад
I call it luck because I was born intelligent.. it is not the fault of others if they are not .. I did not have to work for it. I always had excellent notes without any work.. I have to be honest, so I would say that i was lucky..OF COURSE the fact that you go to a Gymnasium has no influence on your personal happiness in life. You can have a good and VERY wealthy life without going to a Gymnasium..
@CryingPandabaer 6 лет назад
but thats excactly the reason why you should split the kids up: BECAUSE they are not all born with the same intelligence. This allowes everybody to learn at a pace that works for them. The "smarter" kids aren't dragged down *BUT* the less intelligent kids are not left behind and get a good chance to catch up. Edit: I agree that dividing the children after 4th grade is too early. But in some ""bundesländer"" (like here in Berlin) kids get split up after 6th grade which is fine IMO.
@LtksK 6 лет назад
I think the fact, that so many people change their road later on, as you can see in the comments, shows how flawed this system is, since it shows that the actual potential of someone can't be determined at such a young age. While most adults understand that the school you were in as a kid doesn't define who you are and what you are worth, it's a way bigger deal for kids in an age where they start to develop an own personality. This system may have some benefits, but it does more harm than good for the development of childs and their future.
@Tearnofear 6 лет назад
Noone is born "intelligent"... you have the ability to become intelligent in one or another way. The thing is that childs/teenies brains change all the time. So it's better for shure to have some options, you just can't expect everyone to be the same. I mean, take a look at traffic. There are thousands of skill-levels. So states need to find a good balance between one school or one teacher for everyone. And, everyone can go to university and learn. Even as a senior (and there are many to do so in europe). So there is never just that one way, there is always a possibility to graduate on a higher level. Saying that it is way better than college or bust.
@paradoxar 6 лет назад
Lived in germany since i was 4 months old, going to the Gymnasium (the higher school), and basically everyone I know hates our school system (including me). It's rather stupid to categorize kids at that age, it really doesnt work. There are people who are baaarely able to pass the class and if so, only cause of very generous teachers, and then theres people who dont need to learn anything to get an A in the same class. The categorization simply doesnt work and is unneccessary. Students who go to Real- or Hauptschule are *instantly* classified as stupid, simply because maybe their parents were to cautious. I lost a ton of friends when I went to Gymnasium, because a lot of them didnt make it and we just couldnt neerly keep as much contact as in school. Some people trried to tell me that they should simply do it stricter, so that there are no people at Gymnasium who "shouldnt be there", therefore increasing the number of Gymnasium graduation and "devaluing" the Realtschulabschluss, but that cant be it either tbh. In my opinion you should stay in a class and THERE individually treat the students, so that whoever needs more time has it, and whoever is perhaps more skilled can move on faster. I dont see the benefits of literally dividing students after 4th grade and putting them into closed off boxes. I prefer a lot of things in germany over, for example america, but the school system is really inefficient imo
@pykra8496 6 лет назад
Paradoxar Du meinst die Kinder sollen alle in eine Schule/Klasse gehen und die Kinder, die mehr zeit brauchen sollen die bekommen etc. aber ist nicht genau das ein Grund für die Aufteilung für Sekundarstufe/Gymnasium? Und wollte erwähnen, dass man erst nach der 6. Klasse auf Sekundar oder Gymnasium geht. Nach der 4. ist freiwillig. EDIT: Mein Fehler dachte, dass es Deutschlandweit so ist Grundschule 1-6 ist aber wohl nicht so.
@Flur3x 5 лет назад
If you don't go to College in Germany, you can still qualify for University later on in your career. I've done that. Started as salesman in a apprenticeship (paid by the company from the first month on, around 600 € and 200 more with every year) and after a few years I could study Computer Science in a normal University due to my work experience. It was really easy and is quite common. And there are many different ways to do that. Needless to say, I had to pay nothing for the University apart from the 300 € fee every 6 months which also includes free public transportation. On top of that, as most students, I've got enough money from the state (~700 € per month) so that I haven't hat to work during the whole time - I did it in the last year though, to gain some experience and also because I had to take an internship. It's actually not free money, because you have to pay back half of it (in any case not more than 10k €) - starting 5 years after graduation in form of an interest-free loan. It can be cut down to 7,5k € if you pay it back at once after 5 years. For me, it's basically means "free" money. You'll never have high debt after graduation, except you take an optional student loan with about 3-4% interest if you want to live a higher standard ... And no, it's not "socialism", it's a more social form of capitalism. I really like the system for the most part! :) Now I earn enough money as a Software Engineer and don't care if the taxes are a little higher than elsewhere.
@FleX-tv9zh 6 лет назад
Wow what a nice video and it just impresses me as a german that its just sth really strange thing for americans that we have 3 different schools. Thank you for that grat video and sorry for my bad english🙂
@sadbuttrue666 6 лет назад
Most of the comments make me sad. Talking about how they climb the ladder from Hauptschule to university and get a well payed job. But that's not the matter, nobody has said that you are locked up into the categories, sure you can switch. But it's not the normal way, most of the people stay into there categories and categories is the right word add this, because it's dominating the rest of the life of the kids. Because as Hauptschüler you hear (and feel) all the time you are not worth to "invest" in, you are silly, go play with the stupid. And so they stay with the stupid and do stupid things and never have a chance to get a job. Even if we have an over educated system, where every average pupil (it's not be meen as mad) go to college and do the bachelor. As Hauptschüler try to get a job or apprentice for a work where you are enough educated for, if some gymnasium or college breakup students also apply on. You will fail. and fail hundreds of times and some day you give up and do the bad paid jobs, that change every 2 weeks. you never get the chance to study because you have no rich parents they pay your college live. The German system sticks into they roots in the old Prussian military education system. aim of the system is to make a working soldier. Not to think, just to work as a gear in the system. Suck in facts, spit it out on exam and for get it. Even in college with the Bologna process. Some pupils are good with this and they can climb the ladder, but most are try to do some valuable with there life and there skills, but put into the category Hauptschüler and will fail the rest of there life because everybody say there are stupid and the system say there are stupid. Our system is more about to protect the "better" from the poor and divide them, so that they never see each other, as to make more diversity and mix the different human beings because there different and stimulate the strenght of each other, maybe with courses. Sorry for the long text, I'm into that topic and Iam little angry about it. Your first thoughs where right, the system is crazy! (But the system in the US is worse even :-p)
@mlsasd6494 6 лет назад
I'm really interested how you come to this conclusion, because from my point of view ( in a Gymnasiast in 11th grade), you always hear that there are tons of apprenticeships free because everyone wants to study + you are expected to go to university and even considering not to is a "mistake", so it sems there have to be opportunities somewhere. I'm not trying to devalue your comment, i'm trying to start a conversation because i can't understand your opinion which i think is really important while talking about this topic
@Falco2Itachi 6 лет назад
Actually, I think that your experience is backing up Servaus comment, because it's mostly about expectations. Not to forget the history of our educational system, which's prurpose is pretty well explained.
@Falco2Itachi 6 лет назад
Well, this maybe what you think, but this doesn't mean this is how people feel. So you arent't describing the reality of the people you talk about but merely your imaginations about their possibilities.
@MsJavaWolf 6 лет назад
I am a German and I think the ducational system is horrible. You can not realisticaly change from Hauptschule, Realschule to Gymnasium later. Of course you can, if you are Isaac Newton level genius, but who is such a genius? Kids who are on your level and got into better schools first will stay there, while you have to actualy be much better that they are, just to get into the same school. Parents have a say, but many parents are also uneducated, there might be a good student, but maybe the parents are very poor, and they feel insecure, they will not pressure the elementary school to give their kid a place at a better secondary school, because they themselves do not see the talent of their child, or they are scared. Or maybe the child really has some problems, there are many immigrants in Germany, a child might be gifted in mathematics and natural sciences. the kid might even have a talent for languages, but because he was only in Germany for 3 years he doesn't speak perfect German yet, so he has to go to a bad school and he will never get out.
@lightsideofsin8969 6 лет назад
That depends on the schools you go to and in which state. I went to school first in Baden Württemberg and went to Realschule. It was hard and I never would've made it to Gymnasium there. I wouldn't have graduated at all there. Then I moved to Niedersachsen after 9th grade and everything was better. The teachers had more time for me and I graduated just fine. It was still not good enough to go to Gymnasium but I learned that there are other ways to reach my goals. Some of my classmates in 6th grade were upgraded to Gymnasium because they were really good. Most people from my old Realschule did Gymnasium afterwards and there is no shame in climbing the ladder instead of going to Gymnasium in the first place.
@jaydenfoxx2409 6 лет назад
MsJavaWolf you're wrong,you can have bad grades and can still change to a Gymnasium
@lightsideofsin8969 6 лет назад
You still have to qualify. Your grades need to be good. You don't need straight A's in everything but your grades need to be good in order to qualify for Gymnasium.
@paparomeo4235 6 лет назад
Problem is not with the kids being to stupid to go to a decent school. Problem is with the parents not valueing being good. Kids want to be liked by their parents. So they take the things into account the parents like. Someone I know didn't go to Gymnasium simply because his father told him so....Maybe because he was to dump to even be considered going to Gymnasium or to study. Also you don't need to change from Hauptschule to whatever. In Germany you have to go to school until you graduate or are at least 18 years old. No home teaching no nothing. Since Hauptschule ends when you are about 15-16 you need to go to Berufsschule (job school) after that. Then if you have a "Meister" in a labor you can go and study in the field of that labor. Graduating from Gymnasium only gives you "Allgemeine Hochschulreife". Thats basically the thing you need to go study at an university. On paper the system Germany has is good. But with everything theoretically it goes wrong at the point where humans come into play.
@jaydenfoxx2409 6 лет назад
MsJavaWolf The school doesn't cost anything in Germany
@ricwalker6600 6 лет назад
As a german i wondered what it was this time people of other countries are shocked at first. I really was surprised to find out it was our school system! You explained it right by the way. I think it has his pros and cons like the american system. Nothing in the world is perfect. But i think our approach to look what type of learner a child is and specialize how the speed and deep the stuff the child learns goes, is the right one. It created in the last century the great engineers and craftsmen germany could be proud of. What my country needs to do now is to overhaul this system. In the last 30 years the tides of advancements in Technology and social live did not make it that much into our school system as it should. the old system needs an update. The difficult part is to find the right balance to keep the old idea but using the tools of our time.
@CEO-of-sleeping 4 года назад
In the netherlands we have these levels in school lowest to highest 1. Praktijk onderwijs 2. Vmbo basis 3. Vmbo basis-kader 4. Vmbo kader 5. Mavo 6. Havo 7. Vwo 8. Gymnasium If you did the first 5 you will go to MBO levels 1 to 4. 4 being for mavo If you did havo you will go to a hogeschool or you can choose to go lower And if you did vwo you will go to university
@amysutcliffe 6 лет назад
The thing is it really destroys you after being divided into these groups of bad, better, the best. I go to a Realschule and people in the higher school so the gymnasium are straight away fed the idea that they are BETTER and they are the bosses . They get taught it's a disgrace to be anything below the best and u will never make it in life if u have anything but a gymnasium education . It belittles you and I met gymnasium students who say I am stupid and unintelligent or have a low IQ. I'm not german and I moved here from England about 6 years ago . I still have some struggles with the language at times and it's cruel that especially foreigners that are thrown into these schools straight away get a lower education and are divided into this low IQ group when they only struggle with the language . I think the system makes people either insecure and feel like they're not good enough or egoistic and obsessed with intelligence . Just from my experience
@amysutcliffe 6 лет назад
@yannish.6222 6 лет назад
Thats not true That in total students in Gymnasiums (like i am) think they are better. Most of us dont care which education you have. Everybody of my grade has ( a lot of) friends in the Realschule or Hauptschule. What i often See is that when i tell somebody go to a Gymnasium they call me "Streber" (u should know this word after 6 Years i think ^^). Thats also not right. Your Argument that without a Abitur u cant succeed in germany is wrong. Germany has many oppurtinities for people with real-or Hauptschulabschluss to climp in the career leader (master etc.) . I dont know how good your german is (probably u r already fluent in speaking) so i cant tell if it is reasonable for you to be in the Realschule.
@amysutcliffe 6 лет назад
Yannis H. I know i didn't say you can't get anywhere if you go to a Hauptschule or a Realschule I meant that a lot of people are believe this idea but of course I know it isn't true because I plan to go to a Berufsschule to get my Abitur next year :) Ich finde es richtig toll dass es doch Gymnasiasten gibt die Realschüler gegenüber nicht so oberflächlich und egoistisch sind ☺️ Aber ich spreche nur aus meine Erfahrung und bis jetzt würde ich als ehemalige Gymnasium Schülerin sehr von Gymnasiasten Lehrer unter Druck gesetzt und auch würde oft von Gymnasiasten herunter gebracht 💗
@amysutcliffe 6 лет назад
* wurde auch
@kellyhoffmann5274 6 лет назад
I don't think that the education is "worser" in realschule or hauptschule The education is just different... the teacher teach on a different way but a the end of the day it's basically the same
@yourdiscoverelaxchannel9422 6 лет назад
our school system is not good, it`s the same like 100 years ago ... this decision is very cruel for the kids at this young age ... but for some reason, the government want it this way ... greetings from a german
@dovahkiin2 6 лет назад
life is cruel sometimes
@UrbanClimber 6 лет назад
no our government ist just stupid, it has no reason just old people that talk some bullshit and dont want any changes
@dovahkiin2 6 лет назад
its good the way it is
@yourdiscoverelaxchannel9422 6 лет назад
it`s shit ... imagine the damage to the childs mind at this young age ... if you are an "A pupil", it`s no problem ... but if you are B or C ... this creates big problems within the society
@dovahkiin2 6 лет назад
why should it be a problem not to be an A pupil Remember everyone can go to the gymnasium, even with bad grades
@jonasklein7260 6 лет назад
We in the "Saarland" (Bundesland) got just ("Kindergarten" ->) "Grundschule" ->"Gemeinschaftsschule"/" Gymnasium" (->"Hochschule"/Universität")
@chedee-chedirichardson9019 6 лет назад
We also have the possibility to visit a 'Gesamtschule' (old term) "Sekundarschule mit integrierter gymnasialer Oberstufe" which means a highschool with an open oppurtunity to acomplish either one of the 3 highschool diplomas. Personally I visited such a highschool and my daughter is now as well, because we tend to know more than we show and my daughter is doing so much in this highschool now, it's amazing! All doors are open and she's already set to go all the way to do her Abitur if she can and will make it. 😃 I live in Berlin, so I don't know if it's like that in every state here Germany, but that is one good alternative for kids who aren't 100% sure or who get better throughout the years, it's a bit less pressure too.
@bearocket451 6 лет назад
Germany got one of the worst education system, it's now over 150 years old and nothing has changed we get overtaken by other countries with a better education system. The system is killing creativity and most of the students are 100% bored.
@levoGAMES 6 лет назад
It's still better than most countries in the world, but of course, you are right. It needs to change and adapt. What I like about Germanys education system is that you can always choose to climb the ladder or improve your education in some way or another. You aren't stuck in a certain place. You can start out in the lowest education and still end up studying anything you want.
@bearocket451 6 лет назад
Education begins with kindergarten ends at Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium and continues at university. In one of the most important phase in a lifetime you are forced to learn a incredible amount of useless facts that doesn't interest you, you are not allowed to learn subjects that interest you and if you want to do something like photoshop you cannot learn it at school you need to do it in your free time because in art class you learn how to draw from 300 years ago with that knowledge you cannot find a job. It's just a time waste and it kills so much potential.
@Mrcreeperdead 6 лет назад
Be A Rocket heul nicht Rum, mir hat die Schule gefallen und ich konnte ohne zu lernen mein Abi machen. Was will man bitte sonst noch?
@bearocket451 6 лет назад
Schön für dich und jetzt?
@Mrcreeperdead 6 лет назад
Be A Rocket wie schon gesagt sollst du aufhören rumzuheulen und ein bisschen weniger eine memme sein. Wir haben schon mehr als genug verweichlichte Opfer in unserer generation
@carolinajimenez2880 6 лет назад
Thank you for sharing, I think this is my favorite video 😊 Keep on!
@disissid06 2 года назад
Where this system succeeds the most is the fact that kids do not look up / down at others in any other whatsoever trade they are in, They grow up treating everyone at the same level of respect and that is such a great thing to do!
@drazman9 6 лет назад
The way you pronounce "Schule" is just so funny to me sorry.. LMAO Also, this is really fun to watch from a Eastern-European standpoint, where our school system is now really struggling too. For (I can say 2 long decades now) our parents told us your goal is to go to University and become anybody who has a "higher degree" - so you don't have to work your ass off. As for me, I figured I wanted to be a car mechanic, but it was too late, I was stuck with my language knowledge and the Univ. degree I had at the age of 26 - wasting about 8 years.. and as far as our system goes, there is no going back - just the "backyard mechanic" you can be.. Also, thanks for the vids!
@HippasosofMetapontum 6 лет назад
it is a bit different :P a bit more options to chose after primary school you can choose between 2 ways but in the 6th grade the Regelschule (Hauptschule & Realschule) splits and the Gynmasium can split into a specific part for languages, Bilingual f.ex. or more scientific way to make your Matura / Abitur (atleast in my town) and we got a language-Gymnasium, economic-Gym, Sport-Gym.
@michaelpfeiffer2073 6 лет назад
Oh, the system spreads out even more and is due to (local/federal states) differences more complicated, but the general idea you nailed pretty well :) I think that's for most of the whole thing all you would need to understand about it already :)
@pendotxl822 6 лет назад
Theres also a 4th school type where pretty much everyone can enter and where you can go study later on (gesamtschule = comprehensive school)
@joekrepke2525 6 лет назад
You can also study if your going to the Haupt or Realschule. After you finished one of them you can go to the Fos and get ready to study, also you can study when your finished your aprentenship but thats a bit complicated.
@liesbethdevries4986 6 лет назад
In Bremen it's the Oberschule and Gymnasium. In the Oberschule you can learn on for each subject on two levels: ground course level and extended course level. The more extended levels you achieve, the more you come close to the Gymnasium.
@Mokrator 6 лет назад
Hi, well i went to realschule (the middle one) that did not allow me to study after school. I learned as technical draftsman in a 3.5 year apprenticeship, where i could have made an additional education to get the ability to study afterwards but well as you might have mentioned not veryone needs to study in germany. And i think the jobs you can learn without going to a university are quite interesting and some are giving you more practical experiance by learning a job instead of going to university that it is good sometimes. Schools are having some problems with a growing underclass and loosing quality of the learned.
@Keke93d 6 лет назад
I went to the Realschule. After that I did an exchange year at an American high school and then I did my Abitur at a economy gymnasium and now I am studying educational science. When I first finished Realschule I thought ‚why did I not went to a gymnasium. It would be so much easier in the end‘ but after my exchange year and Abitur I realized that I am very thankful to my parents that they did not send me to the gymnasium right away. In the Realschule i did not have The same pressure that there is in the gymnasium. So i learn to learn for myself and that I do not have to know everything and be good in everything. For example in grade 7th you have to learn two different languages next to German in the gymnasium. I was never good with language classes. In the Realschule i could pick between a second language or a more practical study like technique or domestic economy. There are persons that are good in learning in a scientific way and there are person who are better in crafts. For the firsts there are the universities for the second kind there is the Ausbildung (Dual System) where you learn your job not only in school but also directly in a company. During my exchange year I realized that if I had been together in school with the kids from the gymnasium I would have wanted to be as good as them and always keep up. I would have probably felt bad about my not being so good. In the Realschule i had the feeling to be intelligent and that I could do whatever I wanted in life.
@TheAdorfer 6 лет назад
My brother was in Hauptschule and now he recently wrote his Bachelorarbeit.
@haze4622 6 лет назад
not only is it common to see all career choices as valuable, but even if you don´t get to go to the gymnasium you are able to get your abitur later on so you still can go to a university or a FH (Fachhochschule)
@rickmoderie4213 6 лет назад
I find that you are very insightful on a subject that your average American in Germany would never even think about, mostly because they don't have german friends or acquaintances and secondly that they rarely leave the military post. I have been in Germany most of my adult life, in the Army and now as a civilian employee of the Army. It is amazing that people who get a free ride to Europe and have the ability to go ANYWHERE in 3 and a half or 4 hours sit inside the military post and venture maybe to the PX instead of meeting the people and even when they have German ancestry, never try to find their "roots." Thanks for the video, you made several thousand Americans ignorant.
@flars1620 6 лет назад
In my place you HAVE to visit the Regionalschule (or Hauptschule, but people aren't that bad usually at that age) after Grundschule. After 2 years at Realschule, you can decide if you want to go to the Gymnasium or not. If you get a "recommendation" by your teacher, you can test it a full year, even with you got bad grades in the first half. If you don't get one and still have bad grades in the first half, you go back.
@shoopdawhoop8730 6 лет назад
Being able to change your mind is a skill most people still have to master, well done sir!
@TotallyNotAFox 6 лет назад
It's also possible to reach higher education ranks anytime. I started at the lowest form (Hauptschule) got the Secondary 1 (Realschulabschluss) and the advanced at business college. Now I'm working on the lowest study path in the system
@AnjuDieQualle 6 лет назад
I went to a Gesamtschule. Thats a school where everyone can go to, as long as they have enough space. I had a recommendation for Hauptschule, went to Gesamtschule and got all the E-Subjects (some subjects were divided into more advanced and basic topics. If you were good, you could make it into the advanced E-Subjects and you needed at least 3 of them, to get the qualification for making the Abitur). I made my Abitur and am studying now at University. Which brings us to the point, where you said that most germans know exactly what they want to become when they study. Well this might be true in your example because it's a very specific subject (you could also just study history for example, which is a different subject and has nothing to do with becoming a teacher) but most Students actually have no Idea what they want to become. Some of the most studied subjects ( because many got succesfull with them but had also a lot of opportunities) is VWL / BWL = bascially economics. There is a joke going around that people, who have no Idea what to do with their life are going to study VWL. And it's somehow true. There are a lot of subjects that just give a lot of opportunities but no safety to actually really get a job later. As for me, I am studying Languages and my only reason in doing so, was because I was just purely interested in different cultures and languages. I know that I maybe have no opportunities later but I just wanted to do it anyway.
@lovegypsy0228 6 лет назад
I used to go to the Gymnasium for 3 years but I couldn’t handle the pressure so I decided to go to a different school so the Realschule or also called Oberschule that’s when Hauptschule and Realschule are mixed into one school. And after my 10th year I can continue to go to school for 3 more years if I want to and and after that I can go to university. So I think the german school system is actually pretty good and fair
@elipa3 6 лет назад
You can change the tracks in school - or go to a university later, after learning for a job. We have something called Abendschule, where you can learn later for getting your diploms, after working some time, it you want to get a better career. The system is not so segregated, as it seems.
@merle.tunichtgut3827 6 лет назад
There are also "Gesamtschulen" in Germany. In this school-type the 3 types learn together but when they get older (7th grade and 8th grade) the get sorted in to "Erweiterungs Kurse(E-Kurs)" and "Grund Kurse(G-Kurse)" the bad students get to learn the same thing as the good students but a lot easier and maybe a bit less but it's much easier for them to learn it and they don't have to stress them selves so much.With 3 "E-Kursen" you can go in the "Oberstufe" and do your "Abitur"."Abitur" is the thing you can do at a " Gymnasium".With a few G-Kursen and 1 E-Kurse you can do a "Hauptschulabschluss" or a "Realschulabschluss" in 9th or 10th grade. (The same things you can do at a Real-or Hauptschule.) After that you can go to "Berufsschule" or in a "Ausbildung". With "Abitur" you can go to college. We don't have E-or G-Kurse in every Subject. Only in the "Hauptfächer". In 6th grade we can choose a mandatory subject. If you wan't to Go in the Oberstufe you should choose a language (Spanish or French). In 7th grade we get English E- and G-Kurse. In 8th grade we get them in German and Math.I'm In 10th grade we get them in physics. ( I'm not sure because I'm only in 8th grade xD) It sounds very complicated but it's very easy if you experience it yourself. In 8th grade we got a whole subject about wich graduation we can do and in wich job we fit in xD Sorry for mistakes but I'm not that good in English and often mix it with German,French or Spanish xD
@Tyrkir100 6 лет назад
Well put !! We're got students in Germany starting to study without knowing what they will end up in too... Once you have finished your Hauptschule with "Mittlere Reife" and have successfully absolved your apprenticeship, finally becoming a Master or Technician in that field, you can go on to study at University... however only in that field. It is called "Fachgebundene Hochschulreife" ... compared to the "Allgemeine Hochschulreife" in form of they Abitur or German Baccaleaureate you would finish your Gymnasium with...
@Inexorablehorror 6 лет назад
Nice commentary on the german education system. It's still a great debate here in Germany, if this separation is good for the children, therefore I really liked your perspective from "the outside" and that you changed your mind about it. THX for sharing.
@Vates319 6 лет назад
Just to let you know, the system differs a little bit depending on where you live in Germany. Because each state has its own regulations. In Berlin fo example you typically visit "Grundschule" 6 years and then split up into the 3 paths. But if you are a very good student you can leave Grundschule after 4 years and go directly to Gymnasium. One of the newest innovation in education politics is the reduction of Haupt- and Realschulen and transform them into a mixture called "Sekundarschule".
@retroTiko 5 лет назад
fun fact: the split used to be 2 years later at age 12 when i was still in school until 2004 (im 27 now and i think my class was the last one that had those 2 extra years before the split) i personally liked that better because if the split had happened for me earlier i would have gone to gymnasium which would not have been the right choice for me and i just fit in better in realschule. also! even if you go to hauptschule and you do well you can continue going to realschule if youre done, and then even keep going to gymnasium later if your grades are good and end up in university and it will take about the same time as if you went to gymnasium from the beginning
@sandrostutz6143 6 лет назад
Here in Switzerland we have a similar system but I think its very human. I mean I went to "Realschule" but I was still able to change the track (here we have even more, and Realschule is lower than in Germany I think) twice so now I'm studying psychology (after I completed my apprenticeship as a metal draftsman). You can almost always climb the ladder if you feel like it.
@gorgonramsey3719 6 лет назад
I am a German and am going to a Gymnasium and actually could choose if i want to a Hauptschule (lowest), Realschule (middle), or Gymnasium (high). Since I want to go to the BBS (Berufs Bildende Schule/ Vocational School) after the 10th grade I need to go to a Gymnasium to have the most accessibility and to graduate, too. (i am not planning to graduate for the first years.) I am planning to go to a Vocational School, because I want to specialise myself onto computer science. You can only graduate on Gymnasiums in Germany (at least in my city). Sometimes there are even mixes of all three school types, which is called an IGS (Intigrierte gesamt Schule/Allround School).
@Mika-ev2dk 6 лет назад
00:43 the way you say "schule" is sooo cute aah >\< yeah I hate our schoolsystem I am at a Gymnasium but its pretty hard actually I had to decide to either go there or to a Realschule at the age of 9! I like the American Schoolsystem way more!
@linus3682 6 лет назад
Well, i think, the german educationsystem is pretty good. I live in germany and that system somehow helped me and my sister. We both went to the same Gymnasium at first but when my sister realized in class 8 that here grades were dropping, she just switched to the Realschule, graduated there and now she is going to Gymnasium for another 3 years. Her grades are way better now. The same some kind of goes for me too. Im in class 9 on Gymnasium right now and im thinking of going to a Realschule, because my grades are terrible right now. And since i dont want to study, i think the Realschule will be good for me.
@Rick2010100 6 лет назад
The German Ausbildung is often very similar to a Bachelor as there are also a lot of theoretic lessons in a vocational school during that firm 3 year education program.
@welltypedwitch 6 лет назад
Actually even if you finish "Hauptschule" you can go to "Realschule" after that and when you are done with that you can do a "Fachabitur" which you can go to college with. This is at least how it works where I live. The biggest problem with the system is that the "Bundesländer" (kind of like states in the US) decide how the education system is and not the German government.
@minimax9452 6 лет назад
In some areas of Germany there are differences when you have to decide wich kind of school your child visiting. In some other regions they have GESAMTSCHULE where you also have three different levels , but it is possible for children eg to be in english at level c and in math in level a. I prefer this system - it is more flexible.
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5 Things YOU DON’T SAY to Germans
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