
This Thanksgiving, Say Thank You to "Private Property” 

John Stossel
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Did you know that the pilgrims almost starved after they arrived at Plymouth Rock? That's because they were forced to farm "collectively."
The corporation that funded the expedition said, "grow food together. Divide the harvest equally."
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This is a terrible idea. It creates what economists call the "tragedy of the commons." When you share property and the results of your work, people farm until the land is barren, don't work as hard, or steal food from others.
Young people from Students For Liberty take part in an experiment to demonstrate this "tragedy of the commons." It shows the solution is private property, which is what saved the pilgrims.
Governor William Bradford finally decided to "assign each family a parcel of land." Once the pilgrims had property rights, they became much more productive and brought in huge harvests -- which they were then able to share with the Indians.
So this Thanksgiving feast, don't forget to say "thanks, private property!"



15 сен 2024




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@jl9205 Год назад
This little experiment should be required in every school on earth.
@joycechuah6398 Год назад
I wish Bernie could have taken part, would he grab everything like everyone else ?
@Bob_Adkins Год назад
@@joycechuah6398 He would have grabbed the coins before they hit the floor.
@bostonphotographer20 Год назад
@@joycechuah6398 He's grabbed three houses and millions of dollars so far.
@mikewurlitzer5217 Год назад
Marxist controlled Teacher's unions would vehemently oppose any such experiment/instruction.
@CarbageMan Год назад
That might happen if the school systems weren't run by commies.
@kenthawley5990 Год назад
That failed collective aspect of the original pilgrims is almost always overlooked. Thanks for bringing it to light.
@quatreraberbawinner2628 Год назад
That's because it's ahistorical
@theophrastus3.056 Год назад
“Almost”? It’s never taught, and the reason is that leftist run our schools.
@3sc4p1sm Год назад
The modern fake patriots would have called george washington a FED in 1774 and cowarded to britain
@MichaelCGatesMusic Год назад
Many others have been banned for trying to share this information.
@theBear89451 Год назад
"small groups" - If those 7 kids were allowed to talk, they would form a agreement to wait. I think the demo would have been more accurate if it was done with 30 kids, but the kids were given 10 minutes to make a plan. Then, we would see who the cheaters were.
@iloveschicken6527 Год назад
We stayed in a long term community campground for a year to save money. We all decided to do a community garden. Everyone was to help maintain it. It didn't take long for many to lose interest in helping with the maintenance but they sure helped themselves to take most of it... so I know the feeling. We now own just an acre and raise chickens and have a small garden. I share eggs and certain things with my neighbors and they either pay me for my eggs or trade for pumpkin bread, veggies that I dont have or whatever. Works out well!
@maidenminnesota1 Год назад
The barter system came about from that. You grow something that failed for me, or I didn't plant, and I have something you need, so we trade. That way we both have what we need or want. It's a win-win.
@baronvg Год назад
I can tell you right now that if I was a part of that community, I would’ve just flat out declined to participate in that garden. Then when it inevitably fell apart, my conscience would be clear lol
@johnmicheal3547 Год назад
The best way to destroy socialism is to enforce it's rule exactly. The corrupt will distroy it because socialism breads corruption. Socialism help to thieves and robbers run amuck. It promotes the most evil.
@theophrastus3.056 Год назад
And Biden and the Democrats would compare you to Hitler. Then tax away your nasty, selfish profits for “the collective good”. Then they’d expect to be praised for their superior moral values. That’s how evil works. It’s rarely running around in a Jason-style hockey mask.
@katie7748 Год назад
The Little Red Hen comes to mind...
@loviatar9 Год назад
This is how our kids should be taught in schools. This is also WHAT our kids should be taught; history and facts.
@mikewurlitzer5217 Год назад
Marxist controlled Teacher's Unions would riot against any such suggestion.
@davezul4396 Год назад
shhhhh..... we need to erase history so it can repeat itself.... keep the little sheeple numb and dumb...
@CarbageMan Год назад
Our socialist schools… 🤔
@southcoastinventors6583 Год назад
Only effect way to teach this lesson is with hunger if do not work, you do not eat so doing at school is not feasible. Schools are not parents, they have no vested interest in the outcome of your child.
@cloudenvying Год назад
The tragedy of early 1900s convict leasing isn't taught either, wish I was taught about it then.
@CommentFrom Год назад
Today we give thanks to John for being such a great unbiased reporter!
@brainkill7034 Год назад
@lollipopsfordays3610 Год назад
I dunno, I think he’s biased, and based…he’s biased toward common sense, facts and a desire to see and spread knowledge of what provides the best outcome for everyone rather than the liberal woke way which is pretending you want the best outcome for yourself without having to struggle and earn it because you think you’re entitled to it.
@BigSlickNuts2 Год назад
Weird, I remember him back in the 80's as the opposite. Funny , how age & wisdom unite.
@MojoRisenesq Год назад
Lol you mean this moustache man grifting to extremists?
@Bob_Adkins Год назад
@@lollipopsfordays3610 Bad John! Truth and common sense are bad!
@mommakimmins5554 Год назад
Once more a beautiful condemnation of communism. Thank you for the informative video.
@dennisharvey7899 Год назад
Wish we had more John Stossels.
@chuchev4405 Год назад
Dedicate one day a week to spread the message.
@gringo6362 Год назад
@@chuchev4405 we have a guy like John Stossel in Russia. (well *had*. he left because the government wanted to put him in jail)
@Bob_Adkins Год назад
@@gringo6362 What country did he flee to?
@gringo6362 Год назад
@@Bob_Adkins to Latin America. Changing countries from time to time
@chuchev4405 Год назад
@@gringo6362 Then we must work even harder.
@Bsnsobscuregames Год назад
I used to hear Rush Limbaugh tell this story every year. Thanks for continuing this tradition Mr. Stossel
@abradolflincler726 Год назад
RIP Rush
@robertortiz-wilson1588 Год назад
I was always so used to hearing his voice growing up, it was like hearing a familiar uncle or grandfather 😢👍🇺🇲
@janesawyer3495 Год назад
Unfortunately, our private property rights have been greatly diminished.
@chuchev4405 Год назад
Nicely put. Sadly, all who watch this video don't need it because we already know. Those who NEED to see it are immune to facts.
@plzhd2 Год назад
The sad truth. I know if I forward this video, it won't be watched or if watched, there would be lots of bs thrown at me.
@ThePinkerton1776 Год назад
@Bob_Adkins Год назад
I invited a Lib, everyone should.
@Bob_Adkins Год назад
@@plzhd2 Tell them it's only 4 minutes long and has a cat walking in the background.
@vrclckd-zz3pv Год назад
I thought it was a useful video. I was already aware of Tragedy of The Commons but I oddly had never associated it with private property before, even though the metaphor is named after property ownership. I had always interpreted the meaning as being "if there's something and we only have one of it we better make damn sure we all discuss it and think it through before we all ruin it by being greedy"
@TickedOffPriest Год назад
The tragedy of the commons, is a lesson that has been forgotten many times.
@southcoastinventors6583 Год назад
More like tragedy of humans since so few people actually maintain the society we live in.
@buckjones6334 Год назад
This exercise should be shown in schools. Better yet just show John’s video! Thanksgiving everyone!!
@markregev1651 Год назад
So the exercise is advocating for a central authority that should have all the power and make everyone wait? There is also an authority in the second part, just not clearly stated - you can only take from your own land.
@walfordhome2635 Год назад
@Mark Regev The central authority enforces property rights so neighbours can’t steal others’ land or crops. A central police and military are essential for private property rights to be upheld. It is open to individual plot owners to consume all their seeds and not plant some for next year. A foolish thing to do but only they and their families lose out from that. Thanks John Stossel for such a clear explanation of such an important piece of learning.
@thegeneralist7527 Год назад
​@@markregev1651 There is no central authority. Each individual has a choice under the property model. In the commons model the only choice people have is to be greedy and take what they can immediately. You can see this in the Russian oligarchs and the Chinese communist party. There is no incentive to create wealth. The only incentive is to take wealth.
@markregev1651 Год назад
@@walfordhome2635 but in this exercise they don’t show how it would work if a central authority controlled the usage and access of the coins. It only shows anarchy.
@hoymejorqueayerrgr5444 Год назад
@@markregev1651 You didn't understand the analogy. The "central authority" is Reality. If you delay gratification you reap greater results. When you have no property the incentive is to take as much as you can from whatever system you are in, out of fear if you don't somebody else will.
@markmcflounder15 Год назад
I was taught Social Loafing in both my psych class & social science class in college.....and, yet no one in academia ties that with socialism
@valdivia1234567 Год назад
The overwhelming majority of academics are completely useless to society. How many of them have been out in the world designing or producing widgets?
@mcoo465 Год назад
All’s one has to do is look to the “commons” of current Streets of San Francisco to see this live , in action
@raphaeldelute9912 Год назад
Lol, don't forget Portland, Seattle, L.A, N.Y, Detroit, and Austin
@B.Mega.D Год назад
I am a transplant in this country and I love our holidays! Thanksgiving is my top pick along with Independence Day. Every year we meet, we read, talk and meditate on the history of these awesome holidays. This year we will add another aspect to the pilgrims experience. Thank you Mr.Stossel for making the history more complete.👍🥰🇺🇸 LET'S GIVE THANKS !🙂🙏
@alastor8091 Год назад
I love you, brother. Make our country great. Let's resist these inborn traitors together. I'll take a transplant with the heart of a true American over any natural born that hates this country.
@Jlk6532 Год назад
Many people weren’t taught how their collectivism failed so terribly that they realized that personal initiative was how they were going to survive
@southcoastinventors6583 Год назад
It fails because people are inherently dishonest or bad at the job they are assigned. Besides farms are themselves small collectives it just small enough in size to usually operate but often far from being optimal.
@Skitdora2010 Год назад
Even with private land you still get the bad people coming onto your land and stealing things. They steal anything left out and will steal your harvest, they will even kill the mother plant itself while they are at it. Usually it is teenagers but you will find adults doing it as well.
@dislikebutton1799 Год назад
Same reason house renters are usually a nuisance to the neighborhood while homeowners invest in their property.
@xler8226 Год назад
This is a lesson that should be taught in all schools , to educate these young people that socialism does not work !!!!! It's been tried many times and it's failed every time !!!!!
@IvanEliasPinto Год назад
This reminds me of that teacher that graded his students' test with points 1-100 then distributed the total points equally, then the next test he didn't and very few students actually passed because they counted on him doing it again and just expected to get points from the people who studied
@stevenscott2136 Год назад
In engineering school, we had a group of Chinese students (actual Chinese citizens, not just people with that appearance). They ALL copied the work of one girl who was apparently some sort of genius -- I personally observed eight guys standing around this girl, openly copying everything she wrote down. We all knew about it, and a couple of professors told me that school administration wouldn't allow them to fail those guys, even though they clearly were not earning degrees -- they couldn't answer the most basic questions when asked. The rest of us, a mix of white, black, assorted Asian descendants, an Indian, a Kenyan, a Phillipine, and I'm not sure what else, all did our own work.
@KP-nm1ko Год назад
I’d love to be a teacher and tell the kids we’d be trying out the distribution method. Do it for 5-6 more tests. Watch the scores go down, then tell them I was just kidding and that all their past tests would be graded on just their scores. I think that would be a good world lesson. Since we seem to be passing everyone nowadays regardless of their scores on tests, no one would really be affected.
@psycomutt Год назад
@@stevenscott2136 This is actually very common in their culture. Parents flipped out when school tried to ban cheating in China. Cutting in line, etc. Is also normal over there.
@stevenmacmillan2493 Год назад
Those kids learned fast I'll bet. Awesome!
@philobetto5106 Год назад
@@stevenscott2136 Sum Ting Wong,wit dat
@jamiepeterson5843 Год назад
Thanksgiving really didn’t become a national holiday until the 30’s as a way to spend with family. It also started to be recognized by President Lincoln after the tragic battle of Gettysburg and he marked the day by giving thanks.
@davezul4396 Год назад
Ahh. Another one of Honest Abe’s fabulous ideas, like instituting the Instant Robbery Service to find the war of northern aggression.
@jimwerther Год назад
@@davezul4396 You Lost Causers are something else
@southcoastinventors6583 Год назад
Plus venison was the real Turkey.
@jimwerther Год назад
@fosterpainter Only when astronauts come riding in on elephants
@bryanb3352 Год назад
Rush Limbaugh used to tell the true story of Thanksgiving every year. It's worth a listen if you haven't heard it.
@georgiacopperhead4947 Год назад
I'm thankful for our 30 acres of peace and quiet. 😊✌️💚🇺🇲
@cablekiller Год назад
All thoroughly documented in William Bradford's journals. Recommended reading.
@carnakthemagnificent336 Год назад
The MahaRushie used to relate this history every Thanksgiving week. You are missed Sir. Great job Mr. Stossel. There is a difference between self interest and selfishness.
@aceknowledgable9403 Год назад
Collectivism doesn't work thanks to an incentive known as laziness. Thanks for the video, John Stossel.
@johnpglackin345 Год назад
Property tax should be abolish.
@kennethnichols7263 Год назад
We need to forward this video to the WEF. “You will own nothing and you will be happy”.
@BM-qc6ds Год назад
Please don't. If the WEF catches wind of this, John Stossel and all of his published work might "disappear". The WEF and agencies like them are unfortunately very powerful!
@CookieKrispWizard Год назад
The WEF said that in regards to private corporations making everything a subscription service ya doofus
@tpep1693 Год назад
Very GOOD, and VERY informative ! For all you folk's who voted democratic, they don't want you to have private property, and that's a FACT! Do NOT forget it.
I am thankful for John Stossel and his free RU-vid videos.
@erniewinn2415 Год назад
Ever heard of Adsense???
@DadBodDrumming Год назад
They aren't free. They cost John time and money to make. And they cost you time to watch. What this tells me is you have no concept of what time truly costs and taht you are probably underpaid for your job because you don't value your own time.
@@DadBodDrumming I’m self employed and listen to videos multitasking. I listened to this video while processing payroll. Please tell me some more facts about myself and life in general…
@momo_genX 9 месяцев назад
Thank you John Stossel for continuing to be the earnest and respected journalist that I remember from my youth.
@mph5896 Год назад
We have a communal load of work at my place (healthcare with hourly employees). You take the work you are able to do. This leads to some people being lazy and doing 1/2 the work of others. I have worked at other places in which you are assigned a set amount of rooms. This also lead to people sandbagging and sitting on work so they would not get more work. Lazy will be lazy. 😉
@valdivia1234567 Год назад
Yep, the overwhelming majority of people will always try to get over on others. It's human nature.
@davezul4396 Год назад
Sounds like civil circus. I mean, civil SERVICE.
@stevenmacmillan2493 Год назад
True, Lazy will be Lazy, but in the old days you could fire Lazy.
@JulianDale94 Год назад
Proud to call William Bradford my ancestor!
@robviousobviously5757 Год назад
Thanks private property... and the Constitution that let's us keep some of it..
@vic8695 Год назад
From romania: happy thanksgiving to everyone from America.
@traviswall1982 Год назад
THANK YOU private property. 🙏
@victorblack6995 Год назад
Ye speaketh the Truth Mr. Stossel. Thanks be for your fine work once again! 🏆
@Bob_Adkins Год назад
To understand the benefits of privately-owned property, one has to look no further than government-run housing projects and compare them to privately run housing.
@davidcox3076 Год назад
I already understood the basics of private property vs. government housing. But it really was brought home by a trip to Jackson, MS. We toured the city's federal enterprise zone, which was set up to invest in the poorer part of the city. We passed a housing complex that was a few years old but it was already showing signs of decay. On the next block were two single-family houses. Both were in immaculate condition and literally had white picket fences out front. Someone remarked on them. The tour guide noted that those weren't housing projects, but had been built by Habitat for Humanity. They were about 20 years old. Sweat equity in their construction and private ownership made all the difference.
@JJones-gw9vy Год назад
Stossel is a paragon of integrity and freedom.
@Cozydrone Год назад
Mr stossel I think you're the most intelligent journalist out there you're practical you read between the lines I am 56 years old and I seen so much garbage journalism in my life and I know you seen way more cuz you're in the industry but that idea about people commuting together that works with some groups of people like the Amish and the Quakers it works well with them because they all have a common Bond that's their religion you have a community of people they're going to have different thought processes and you explained and showed that people that don't own the land tend to not take care of it it's sort of like renters renting an apartment if you want a house yet you're more likely to take care of it cuz you own it and you're more prideful
@bobgteen6496 Год назад
You're a nutter
@davidbogovich8533 Год назад
Brilliantly simple...that's our John!! Thanks, Mr. S!!
@MrMcgooOG Год назад
The pilgrims were like a 60's commune. Thanks Stossel for setting me straight.
@brynnaandersen7739 Год назад
I’m thankful for my multi-great grandfather, William Bradford. What a king.
@routereyes6408 Год назад
Just shared with my four kids, great explanation John.
@jeffcox6539 Год назад
Every one who was involved with school projects where you were divided into teams should know this already.
@sandys2672 Год назад
Will share with my grandkids! Thanks John.
@daisymae749 9 месяцев назад
Thank you 🙏 Mr. Stossel for educating us, and have a Happy Thanksgiving! 😊
@johnsullivan937 Год назад
Thank you John Stossel, you are one of the last few investigative journalists with actual integrity left. You are so influential, I remember my senior year highschool english teacher back in 2011 would show segments from various news stories you would cover, in order for us to learn and invoke discussion. That teacher also introduced us to 1984, brave new world, and other very important books. I didnt realize at the time how lucky I really was to have a teacher that was not just trying to teach us knowledge, but to expand our minds to new ideas that even some grown ups still dont grasp. Just want to let you know how appreciated you are out in the world man, seriously. Our entire class loved when we'd get to watch another segment of yours, and we all cheered for the mustache.
@FilamentFriday Год назад
Well done!
@KeepingItKeith Год назад
I love my private property and protect it at any cost.
@mikewurlitzer5217 Год назад
The commie gestapo in NY State would not allow you to protect what is yours "at any cost"
@KeepingItKeith Год назад
@@mikewurlitzer5217 2 places I would never live. NY and CA.
@MrGlenbo357mag Год назад
That is the best video I have ever seen. I'm spreading this joy around! AATW!
@ericp0012 Год назад
I am thankful for my family and my community.
@sanniepstein4835 Год назад
I had such excellent teachers that we actually learned this.
@e020443 Год назад
Thank you for this. Limbaugh made a huge deal of this and recounted it every Thanksgiving. You appear to be carrying on the torch.
@michaelquaid4679 Год назад
I'm so glad you're getting these good messages out there
@robertafierro5592 Год назад
I read Stossels book!! Very good book! He was a real Big Deal when I was young. I remember how handsome he was! His hair was always perfect!
@Dawnsdelightsart Год назад
My husband and I have ancestors that were on the Mayflower. His ancestor died by January. Was a signer of the Mayflower Compact. Nothing was easy for them, and they did take sides on an already conflict by the natives. The idea of being thankful for what you ave is lost in modern times.
@indee105 Год назад
To bad we have to pay taxes on our paid for "Private Property"....
@diemme568 Год назад
it's a shame that young people do not understand these BASICS of economy; if they did, they wouldn't vote leftist nonsense.
@caster863 Год назад
Economics should be the another core subject in schools.
@Savvynomad225 Год назад
Females prefer leftist policies because they sound comforting and supportive and safe.
@valdivia1234567 Год назад
@@caster863 What about the transes? What about White supreme pizza? Those are far more important than learning how to be a productive citizen. I can't read above a third grade level and can't do simple division, but I know White people are devils and I know kids who are 3 years old can be "gender confused". See? I'm ejumuhcated.
@EthnosSynergyEnergy Год назад
@BaroqueBlues Год назад
Too bad there isn't "Private Property" in America anymore. You can only list your property as "Commercial" or "Residential". There needs to be a restoration of "Allodial title" the truest form of private property. Then once again there would be no more taxation on what is rightfully yours.
@nefariouspersephone9447 Год назад
the left would cry if we tried to do this because public schools and city councils etc
@bradhaines3142 Год назад
@@nefariouspersephone9447 nah, both sides would have issues. dont act like both sides arent full of their own flavor of garbage
@johnpglackin345 Год назад
@@nefariouspersephone9447 that's too bad. It has to be done.
@analogkid4557 Год назад
Become a state national and you will own private property free and clear.
@prissylovejoy702 Год назад
@@bradhaines3142 yup! I’m a conservative and I’m willing to admit that. No matter how good your position there are always people that muck it up. My biggest pet peeve- people that call themselves Christians while living their lives in complete and blatant opposition to Christs message.
@maidenminnesota1 Год назад
I need to save this video for when my grandkids are old enough to understand it. They and their mom live with us, and everyday I have to de-program them from what they "learned" in school.
@mickym.6711 Год назад
What specifically do they "learn" that needs deprogramming. 99% of the time people say this nonsense it isn't rooted in reality.
@johnpglackin345 Год назад
You should offer to homeschool.
@mikewurlitzer5217 Год назад
@@mickym.6711 Marxist controlled Teacher's unions would never allow such a demonstration to be shown as they would rather promote the lie of CRT and Grooming.
@mickym.6711 Год назад
@@mikewurlitzer5217 Nice. Newsmax bingo card?
@thadrepairsitall1278 Год назад
All Americans need to see this.
@phukyerpheefees Год назад
I'd be more thankful for private property if anyone actually owned anything instead of merely renting it from the government.
@analogkid4557 Год назад
Become a state national. You will own private property free and clear.
@throatwobblermangrove8510 Год назад
Thank YOU, Private Property.
@RadioHamGuy Год назад
This was great, thanks John. Kind of how Rush used to tell the story every year on his show the day before Thanksgiving. This summed it up very well.
@justincase2281 Год назад
It all makes sense. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!🦃
@darthhodges Год назад
It's my understanding that the voluntary charity of the Indians made a difference in how many Pilgrims survived that first winter which is why the Indians were invited to share in the harvest feast. But in both cases it was mutually voluntary charity. Showing that in a free market society profit/greed is not the only motivation.
@francisdhomer5910 Год назад
Not yelling at you but wanted to say this. I'm getting sick of the word greed/greedy. I do know there is such a thing as wanting to much, more than what you may be entitled to. We are all "greedy" If not you wouldn't want a raise at work. You wouldn't want more money for something than what it cost you to make. Greed or whatever you want to call it is a motivation for you wanting to do or make something. It also can tell us how much something is valued at. Myself I think $5,000 for a pair of shoes is too much, but you might feel that is a good deal for the shoe made of real leather harveste once a year during the high moon of the vernal nox while the animal has been fed top grain for the past month. If people think someone is being to greedy and asking to much for their product don't buy it. Look at the price of a PS5. I feel that they want too much and haven't got one. Others have and the whole time complained about the cost. It's not greed its the company/person/groups getting the most from others that they are willing to pay.
@maggiejoe932 Год назад
Came here to share this info too. Thank you!
@stevenmacmillan2493 Год назад
So True! I have no problem with VOLUNTARY charity. We give to St. Jude's regularly and I'm proud we do. But when the government comes in and takes your money to "help the less fortunate" that's thievery plain and simple. If they wouldn't take so much of my money I could give more of it to more and better charities.
@francisdhomer5910 Год назад
@@stevenmacmillan2493 And you giving to your choicemeans you are giving to something you believe in or possibly you're not giving to one because you don't agree with their fund raising or what they support.
@dafunkmonster Год назад
The reason the pilgrims went from starving to flourishing is because the governor parceled out the communal land. That was the decisive change.
@brownell10 Год назад
I just want to point our your impeccable choice in socks. Refuse to compromise, you're the best John.
@joekelley5121 Год назад
It even happens at a place of employment. The first manager was very strict, held everyone accountable, or at the very least, everyone perceived this. The next manager that took over was much more lenient. Some workers caught on very quickly that they could get by with doing less, as the manager was "nice". Eventually the majority of the workers did much less while a couple of the other workers took up their slack. And, yes, I'm one of them that takes up other employee's slack. I learned from my father at a very early age, say around 9 years old, that there would be consequences for not doing my work. It's stuck with me throughout my adulthood. My original manager said I have a strong work ethic. I knew what work and ethic meant, but didn't know what they meant together. I suppose I do, and I believe that has sustained me throughout life in more ways than just at my place of employment.
@davidcox3076 Год назад
Your father was a wise man. And the consequences weren't only yours to bear. I suspect that the team was much more productive under the previous manager.
@joekelley5121 Год назад
@@davidcox3076 granted, there was more work back then, so we had to be more productive. But there was one person who created turmoil because of their disposition and attitude. The manager would allow this go on, and either ignored it or was oblivious to it. Only they knew how to do things properly, because this person was all knowing, or something like that. It only takes one to make it difficult for everyone else. It was pure hell for me.
@600SubsNoVidsCha11enge Год назад
It’s honestly uncanny how people today undermine how things ended up back then when people actually didn’t acquire something.
@ronhamm Год назад
This should be mandatory school curriculum.
@mikewurlitzer5217 Год назад
Public school Marxist controlled Teacher's Unions would never allow it.
@billbergquist4722 Год назад
No one ever owns property, just stop paying the tax and see who ends up with it.
@peachykeen7634 Год назад
Unfortunately it’s true. We HAVE to end property tax.
@maidenminnesota1 Год назад
Or discover a precious resource like oil on it.
@josealexi5141 Год назад
I have a friend from Kenya who once asked me: "If you _OWN_ land, why do you have to pay the government for it each year. We don't do that in Kenya." I laughed soooo hard! I told him every "freedom" and item we own is an illusion that can be easily taken away from us by the government.
@nefariouspersephone9447 Год назад
property tax is also relatively new since it was only imposed in ww2. they just never got rid of it cuz surprise surprise, its the govt. it needs to be gone
@zeehero7280 Год назад
@@josealexi5141 It's not an illusion its a natural right. a bloated overreaching government taking it away changes nothing. all it does is make the government the criminals.
@davidporter4162 Год назад
Exactly right! I work in renewable energy and agriculture in Ireland. The common land is always overgrazed and under managed and is therefore minimally productive compared to privately owned land. I have tried negotiating with the owners as any change of use of the land must be unanimously agreed. I havent been successful yet!
@RealEthanHaze Год назад
Great video John, keep up the great work!
@rich4444hrsm Год назад
This is important, Rush used to cover Thanksgiving every year, and I think Stossel would be a good guy to take that place :) Perfect video!
@thedavischanger Год назад
We played a similar game in middle school. Depleted the play space of fake fish immediately.
@leadershipisaphilosophy Год назад
This is just excellent. Happy Thanksgiving everyone (and Mr. Stossel)
@stivenstivens Год назад
People who don't learn on their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.
@JohnSmith-jp6sc Год назад
True about private property, while I am getting ready to write my 5 figure check for property taxes to the government!
@Savvynomad225 Год назад
There's no such thing as private property, we are all renting it from the government. Anyone who's had their property taken because the government needs it more knows exactly what amount of private property actually exists. In some states, individuals are not allowed to defend their property either.
@stevenscott2136 Год назад
@@Savvynomad225 True. As Frank Herbert pointed out in "Dune", everything belongs to whoever can destroy it.
@dafunkmonster Год назад
@@Savvynomad225 There's no such thing as private property in the absence of government. Property rights are a creation of the state. In the absence of police and courts, your property belongs to whoever possesses the greatest means of deploying violence to control it. And that probably isn't going to be you. Possessing property will always cost you. Always. Regardless of whether you've outsourced its defense.
@Savvynomad225 Год назад
@@dafunkmonster cool story bro. You sound like a military brain. Private property that is not allowed to be defended, isn't private property, whether by the government's blessing or not. I don't outsource the defense of my property, I keep cameras active and dogs around. Play the psychological game first... If someone still gets brazen, then they might find out. However, I don't think it's a huge threat. Most Americans are civilized.
@dafunkmonster Год назад
@@Savvynomad225 "I don't outsource the defense of my property" Yes you do. When somebody steals your car, you call the police. When somebody murders you, somebody else calls the police. When somebody signs a contract with you, and then violates it, you go to court. All of that amounts to outsourcing the defense of your property, bud. It doesn't take that many psychopaths to completely destroy all semblance of civilization in the absence of a legal system.
@bh6747 Год назад
This system still exists today in the American west where ranchers have their cattle graze on public lands. In addition, if the herd "accidentally" grazes on adjacent private property, the property owner has no recourse for the damage that is done to their property.
@midwestribeye7820 Год назад
Great reasoning!👍
@BigSlickNuts2 Год назад
Thank-you John for the reminder.
@bryanb3352 Год назад
I was taught in school that essentially the indians saved the prilgrims' butts and they thanked the indians. I remember hearing the real story and thinking what else do I think I know that's a flat out lie?
@thomast3570 Год назад
Pretty savagely eventually killed the Native Americans in New England.
@1pcfred Год назад
The Indians showed the settlers the Indian way of farming. That certainly helped out early on. Subsistence farming by hand is a lot different from what the settlers were familiar with.
@bryanb3352 Год назад
@@1pcfred Where is that in William Bradford's diary? What is the "indian way of farming?" Planting seeds in water and putting dirt on them once in a while?
@1pcfred Год назад
@@bryanb3352 you can Google it if you're really interested.
@bryanb3352 Год назад
@@1pcfred The answer of people that are full of it
@orionspur Год назад
This should be required viewing in every public school.
@mikewurlitzer5217 Год назад
No Marxist controlled Teacher's Union would ever allow this TRUTH to be shown.
@Al-Gore-ithm Год назад
Until we discover the cure for greed, no economic system will thrive for everyone.
@marklibby4629 Год назад
we don't need a cure for greed, we need a cure for lazy.
@jmfisher9999 Год назад
Not everyone puts in the work or deserves success.
@johncrocker4209 Год назад
So once life is extinguished.
@Al-Gore-ithm Год назад
@@marklibby4629 The lazy don't make decisions that impact my freedoms and liberties, the greedy do. The greedy are beginning to dictate everything. The lazy latch into the ideas of the greedy because they don't have their own.
@geomancer6894 Год назад
As long as people and groups desire power over one another there will always be economic conflict. Libertarian materialism is a cancerous utopian ideology.
@bowieknife1571 Год назад
Awesome John. This also show the result of Welfare programs and Governement assitance and money for fatherless children.
@ntmn8444 Год назад
I feel like I’ve seen this before. It’s a really good report. But I do feel like I’ve seen it before! I like that activity. It’s a great way to teach people about economics. It would work well with kids too.
@johntobin3235 9 месяцев назад
Stossel you’re a natural treasure.
@TheRiverPirate13 Год назад
I usually get a good laugh at the Thanksgivings table when I tell them the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock because they ran out of beer! The first TRUE Thanksgivings was in St Augustine in 1565. The Pilgrims were late the dinner! Lol!
@DOC6.7 Год назад
Knocked the BS out again! Great job Stossel
@vulcanlogic4480 Год назад
Thank you for your voice of reason in a world that is anything but.
@aaromurtomaki3762 Год назад
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, participants, a new documentary " DIED SUDDENLY ", we'll never forget WHAT YOU'VE DONE, EVER!!.
@traddad9172 Год назад
@jamessmith785 Год назад
Its sad that something as common sense and logically consistent as this has to be explained to full grown adults in the same way it would be explained to a child. America truly is being overrun with dullards.
@thorpeaaron1110 Год назад
Or it could be because they arrived in New England in fucking winter .
@mamaAimEC Год назад
Probably not because Jamestown had the same "common" laws & they starved for more winters than Plymouth they even named winter " The Starving Time". Try comparing the history of the two plantations & you will see the different successes & failures.
@Eukatae Год назад
They had food for that first winter their problems were shelter and disease. Nice try though.
@kjaubrey4816 Год назад
I love you, man! Keep speaking the truth!
@videolabguy Год назад
I am thankful for John Stossel.
@markskeldon1347 Год назад
Simple object lesson of great worth.
@terrypaulson7838 Год назад
Very correct.
@roguesource8035 Год назад
@nooneshome8746 Год назад
1:57 the problem is they did not work together to wait and divide the coin after some time so it will grow.
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