
Thor’s Dumb Phoenix Mom Arc 

Thor Talk
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Thor’s mother is Gaea, the elder goddess of the earth, but a recent story by Jason Aaron put this all into question. The Phoenix force came to earth and claimed that it was Thor’s true mother. This was a shocking reveal at the time that was widely criticized and mocked by the fans. As the story progressed, it was eventually revealed that things weren’t so simple. When the dust cleared, Gaea remained Thor’s mother and the Phoenix was added as a third parent. But just because the story didn’t take away something as essential as Thor’s own mother doesn’t mean that it’s beyond criticism. On this episode of Thor Talk, we’ll be looking back on this story and exploring the many reasons why it did not work.



1 окт 2024




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@KamiTenchi Год назад
Thor's mother has always been Gaea. What Jason Aaron did to Thor was unacceptable.
@mazz9487 Год назад
If you've read his Ghost Rider run (don't, because it's not worth it), you'll find he doesn't care about any "official" canon but his own.
@RJ-xh4xb Год назад
I think you meant to say "unacceptable".
@KamiTenchi Год назад
@@RJ-xh4xb Yeah lol
@asssassyn Год назад
Yea he's always writing fanfiction.
@UltimaXzero727 10 месяцев назад
Tbh, knowing his previous works with Thor god of Thunder and all Gorr arc, I should say I’m utterly disappointed with Aaron’s avengers run. Because he has the potential to make a great story (even in Avengers forever he demonstrates that he can write a good Thor) but this kind of things like the Phoenix being his mom, and the whole development of the Avengers run was something I didn’t expect to ever come to see
@J1283-s1k Год назад
Gaea being Thor's Mum was awesome. It tied him back to Earth that much better.
@BovineDesigns Год назад
They really can't help themselves with retconning Thor's and Venom's origin can they?
@sauron6299 Год назад
Why does jason Aaron hate odin the Allfather was once a noble god That cared about the nine realms & humans he truly isn't what he used to be i miss the old odin
@jreese7436 Год назад
Because writing a comic book about his daddy issues is cheaper than real therapy.
@sauron6299 Год назад
@@jreese7436 & i though loki was the only one with daddy issues but honestly i hate what he did to odin in his comics
@MinscFromBaldursGate92 Год назад
He probably doesn’t “hate” Odin, or any of the Asgardians, he just has a different opinion of how things should be regarding them. It's debatable if this is a problem or not, and it’s a much larger issue if you look at the big picture. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. Ever since Marvel editors became more lax after the departure of Jim Shooter and continuity cop Mark Gruenwald, every writer is given the freedom to write their story regarding the characters they are assigned, or choose. The problem is, these are well established characters that have been around longer than the writers themselves. The previous creators have given our favorite characters a well established history, well balanced, well told, and as the years pass, that history becomes concrete, and is accepted as the gospel. When these new fangled writers alter that history, into something THEY think works better for their “hot of the moment” storyline, many fans get upset…rightfully so. could be here all day with stories that have been changed or altered: Small alterations to well established stories probably wouldn’t turn many heads, but these aren’t small: In Thor #300 from 1980, it was revealed that Elder Goddess Gaea, was Thor’s biological mother. This entire Thor storyline was incredibly fantastic, lasted many issues, years, and is well regarded as among the best of all time. Odin’s battle with the Celestials in the Destroyer Armor is still talked about to this day. And Jason Aaron decided to add to this big history, and unmake Gaea as Thor’s mother. All for a brief story in Avengers. It’s obvious today’s writers are inadequate, compared to many classic writers of yesterday. It’s unclear if this will stand, many times if fans reject a story, Marvel will simply ignore this new addition, or retcon it. Jason Aaron, and Donny Cates in particular, obviously don’t give a hoot about history, and how much it’s regarded. For some reason, Jason doesn’t agree with ANY of Thor’s history, from changing his mother, to also creating Jane Thor. To making EVERYONE ELSE (including Moon Knight and freaking Venom) worthy of lifting Mjolnir EXCEPT the God who created it, FOR the God IT WAS CREATED FOR!!! Ridiculous. Much of the problem, is that Thor and Odin are so disrespected along this new journey. Odin himself has been reduced to a weak, pathetic fool now, who spends all his time drinking. But the problem is FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, should the editors at Marvel limit the freedom of new writers, or any writers for that matter? Should Jason Aaron’s, or anyone else’s stories be proof-read and approved BEFORE publication, to check for continuity? This can be done because the characters are owned by Marvel, and NOT the writers, so Marvel can express to the writers that certain things cannot be changed, like their history for instance. But even THIS is debatable, if it’s a great idea, why can’t their history be changed? Me personally, I don’t think history should be changed…..added to, but not altered. It’s a matter of respect for me, respect for the creators of Marvels history, in particular Jack Kirby. I don’t think Jason hates Odin, he just doesn’t agree with the existing Asgardian continuity, and that’s a problem. He’s changing history because HE thinks his alterations are a good idea, obviously ALL writers think their ideas are awesome. But obviously post-Quesada Marvel doesn’t agree with me that this “freedom” is a problem, and are letting their writers express theirs.
@sauron6299 Год назад
@@MinscFromBaldursGate92 what jason did to odin& thor was horrible even if he doesn't hate them the way he treated them was awful because odin & thor was always ready to die for earth & the nine realms if it was necessary in older comics for example when the celestials invaded earth odin was the one to go fight them in the destroyer armor knowing he would probably die fighting them & yet he was willing to sacrifice himself for the nine realms & jason instead of making odin a wise & brave god that he is made him a fool & weakling i hope someday a writer who is legit passionate about thor odin and asgard shows up and redeem what jason has done
@phallasovithia5550 Год назад
You can see JA's philosophy when writing them and why it ended up the way it did. In the Godbutcher, JA's established that there are two kinds of gods, the gods who harms mortals and gods who does nothing. And these are defined as bad gods, and so all gods are bad. Except Thor, who is the only god who cares about mortals and live among them. Therefore, Thor is the only good god. This being solidified by Gorr saying Thor is only one who knows that he's right. So if Thor is the only good god because he's human-like, then that means the best god must be a god who is human, which is why Jane Foster was complete Mary Sue. And if the best god is a god who is human, then the worst must be a god who is most godly. Which is why Odin being a king of gods must be the worst god.
@jordancannady9242 Год назад
This Is why I stopped reading comic books after 2008.
@ladymarianne9680 Год назад
I do not believe in anything Thor related, written by Jason Aaron except his Gorr Arc. All his works show his total lack of knowledge with regards to Thor's previous runs. It just seems he wanted to implement his own dumb ideas and ignore everything else.
@quarkleptons1036 Год назад
Really hated that arc, especially all this happening after AvX where Thor encountered Phoenix multiple times and this wasn't alluded to a single time.
@asssassyn Год назад
It's so stupid.
@slickchick5811 Год назад
A other reason this was stupid is that Gaea is goddess of LIFE. She could have restored Thor herself! There was no damn reason to even shove the phoenix into this. I hated that 'grandma' version of Frigga...looked nothing like her earlier version.
@giovannavongola3073 Год назад
Glad to see you back, Thor Talk.
@ThorTalk Год назад
Good to be back as always
@romansionis2470 Год назад
Great video as always. Seems like Odin got the worst of it tho. Aaron really made sure to ruin his character even more than he already did in that Avengers 1 million bc comic where they finally reveal Pheonix's role in Thor's birth.
@BovineDesigns Год назад
With the way Marvel is these days, I wouldn't be surprised if the Phoenix went up to Thor held out her arms and said "I guess you are my little pogchamp".
@spykatt 11 месяцев назад
Jason Aaron tries to retcon everything so that a character that has been around for *decades* becomes "his." I know people need to make a living, but I steer clear of supporting Aaron.
@robertrowley4929 Год назад
I never followed this continuity anyway. But if they hinted at Phoenix being Thor’s godmother prior to this run, then it would have made more sense. Besides, it’s the execution that’s so piss poor.
@alextyson7717 Год назад
well, I can see Gaia merge with a Phoenix Become one Being then give birth to Thor. that can make it work like that and make a lot of sense.
@Supremmo Год назад
The overusage of the Phoenix concept is wack. Keep that in the X-Men Comics.
@TheTiger2311 Год назад
I agree, that Thor mother is and always be one and only Gaea!
@MinscFromBaldursGate92 Год назад
I really don't like how asgardian characters are written these days. I'm kind of annoyed by Modern Marvel authors tendency of writing Thor and the people of Asgard either as average joes from the streets with a potty mouth who happen to be from another realm or as condescending parody of viking warriors obsessed with alcohol. This despite that for many years the asgardians were depicted as noble and larger than life people with a hammy shakesperean dialect peppered with thees and thous. Characters like Thor shouldn't say cringe things like ''i'm the god of f\*\*\*\*ng thunder'' or ''give me more Odin-damned giants!'' This is how Thor should talk: ''Mayhap the enchanted mallet of Thor was overmatched against thee before! But when evil doth loom over the light of life, where innocents beyond measure are imperiled, there shall the scion of Asgard be found! For honor, for glory, for Asgard, for life i bid thee FALL!'' I haven't bought a Thor comic since Cates assassinated the character of Galactus, so I'm not here to comment on any specific narrative or story, but the last time I did was Aaron's run on Thor, and while it was entertaining in parts I just noticed that he (and Marvel writers in general) wants to tell a grounded human story using mythological/magical/superhuman characters. Whereas other writers take on Thor (or any other powerful character with a sci-fi or fantasy background) seeking to write a story about Asgardian characters interacting and benfriending regular humans and dealing with uber powerful villains. It's one thing to inject human or humanistic elements in a fantasy adventure story, it's another to treat said characters as basically regular people who happen to have powers. It's how I feel about MCU Thor as well. He doesn't seem like a mystical , godly knight with crazy powers and poetic dialect, but rather a goofy dudebro who happens to be a powerful alien\*. I think Aaron mostly built his run off of Matt Fraction's previous work. Fraction sort of turned Thor and Odin into brutish and thuggish boors with anger issues and a potty mouth, whereas JM Strackzinsky's Thor was a modernized take on classic Thor. Similar proper speech pattern (not quite Shakespearean though), quite powerful and examining the impact of Asgardian gods living among humans. Only issue I had was bringing Asgard to Oklahoma at the time, though we'll never know how JMS would have concluded his run and where he would've taken Thor afterward. Everything after 2010 has made me really appreciate Dan Jurgens' pretty good run on Thor from 1998-2004 that often gets overlooked. Just, ugh, just skip the part with the clone of Thanos (big Jim Starlin fan here). \* It's also how i feel about Aaron's Thanos Rising story. Honestly, i think Odin should have stayed dead. His heroic sacrifice to defeat Surtur in Jurgens run was a great and emotional ending for the character, but ever since Fraction brought him back, he has been portrayed as a douchebag redneck and an incompetent fool in spite of decades worth of comic books depicting Odin as a harsh but fundamentally wise, benevolent and all-powerful king. (his appearance in a recent issue of the new Beta Ray Bill series, working in a tavern with a beer belly and dressed like a truck driver was awful) I think it’s fair to say that Jason Aaron completely, totally, absolutely hates Thor and his world and couldn’t give a rat about Thor’s history and continuity. There are only a couple of times I have ever seen a writer so hateful and desrepectful of a character he is writing: Frank Miller with Superman in The Dark Knight Strikes Again Garth Ennis in every story of him about superheroes (except Hitman and Superman’s crossover) But at least Miller has grown to like Superman over the years (see The Dark Knight: Master Race for details) and Ennis, for all his tasteless and overdramatic hatred of superheroes, always had the good sense of making his own stuff, not using the characters themselves. I mean, I could add Bendis and Slott to the club but those guys do not hate comic book characters, they are just totally ignorant of them. How did we went from Thor being a larger than life and knightly hero to an alcoholic emo barbarian who instantly buys the ''gorr was right'' thing? Thor literally saved the whole freakin universe more times than Jean Grey died and frequently helps humans but somehow he should feel unworthy of any love, gratitude or praise… and I’m totally supposed to buy this s\*\*\* and give my money to Marvel. Kiss my shiny metal \*\*\* Aaron. You and the other post-modern deconstructivism lovers like Rian Johnson hellbent on making every heroic character look like a depressed failure.
@slickchick5811 Год назад
And they're always maimed and missing body parts, or look like scrawny mooks playing dress up, not gods. All this emphasis on 'humanizing' them to the point where there IS no point.
@vaggos2003 Год назад
Thor talk, I have a video suggestion. A review of Thor's 3 Death Battle episodes in regards to entertainment/quality.
@romaricogalvez1024 Год назад
Give Jason Aaron the blame for this nonsensical retcon.
@renatooni-san4404 6 месяцев назад
I don't know why you didn't like it, I liked it, Fenix ​​isn't even Thor's literal mother, she's still Gaia, it's not even a retcon, it's just one more addition.
@SensesReview 3 месяца назад
Could have said milking the cow about selling more comics books
@sharifkelly5883 Год назад
GOD! is it me or does Marvel seem to hate Thor? Didn't Stan Lee make Thor to be even stronger than Hulk? I mean that was his complete reason for his creation! However it seems Marvel has never given him a clear win and they keep down playing him to almost every opponent or new Comer just to Guage their strength by beating Thor! Even now that he has the Odin force and Odin himself in mjolnir! Hr should be O. P. but Hulk and others have still beaten him! I'm sooo tired of Marvel jobbing out Thor and not writing him to his full potential
@AndrewWilliams-v1f Месяц назад
Totally agree I sometimes wonder if it’s because Thor is white , pagan and honourable , all traits which seem unfashionable in the 21st century
@quarkleptons1036 Год назад
Also, this arc was overall useless and added virtually nothing to the lore.
@DavidJohnson-td5ic 9 месяцев назад
Late take, but I hated the God-Butcher storyline.
@sabithasajan5564 Год назад
It's a good fanfic.
@camaradiop3731 Год назад
Thor Talk, It's nice to see your work again, but I don't understand why you and younger comic book enthusiasts fail to see that Jason Aaron is doing the work of his masters. The degradation of Odin's character, THOR being an ALL-FATHER, but needs the succor of the Avengers (& other heroes that should be FAR BENEATH him in grandeur, power, and strength, even on his base level). I see this nonsense prevalent in media (women able to physically dominate men; men being idiots, with women being the only thing holding society together--it goes ON AND ON). WHY can't you (& others, other than Professor Geek) see that the elevation of women to the detriment of MASCULINE men (rather than depicting them as COMPLEMENTARY opposites) is one of the most important agendas of those who REALLY control this nation, which will ultimately lead to the masculinization of women and the effeminization of men. THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK; I just can't comprehend why so many fail to see what's directly in front of them.
@ANTASIA_07 Год назад
Thor will always be half elder god and son of elder goddess gaea the mother of Zeus 💪💪
@ilyesbendadi2501 5 месяцев назад
Gaea is the grandmother of zeus
@ANTASIA_07 5 месяцев назад
@@ilyesbendadi2501 oh ok thank you 👍👍
@reeseexplains8935 Год назад
Can you do a video on what is the best Thor movie?
@thebigivalbowlski Год назад
They really tried to attack the patriarchy here. Its why i don't buy Thor anymore. I miss the 80s and 90s Thor storyline
@camaradiop3731 Год назад
Someone gets it! Peruse my remarks to Thor Talk!
@zyairrbissoon Год назад
How would you rank the various versions of thor’s hammer?
@dicklemeelmo8401 Год назад
Phoenix being Thor’s mom would’ve made it so that she knowingly date her bio son
Personally I was cool with Phoenix-force being Thors mother. If it meant a huge and noticeable power buff to Thor and his character ark. I’m tired of hero’s beating Thor to prove how powerful they are.
Look at the avengers Cartoons or old comics he was the real deal. Now if he doesn’t something crazy everyone is like omg I didn’t think Thor could do that.
@slickchick5811 Год назад
thor doesn't need stupid cheat codes
@@slickchick5811 huh
@arbiterregnant Год назад
Jörð will always be my birth mother. Sure, my father Óðinn isn't always the moral paradigm that my brother Baldr is, but he's not this evil butthole like he's portrayed in Mærvel.
@camaradiop3731 Год назад
@garrettgriffin4974 Год назад
Hear hear, and Hail Thor on Thursday/Thor's Day
@craigcochrane2284 Год назад
Jason Aaron possesses the hatred of a billion-billion feminists and is the greatest opponent Thor and Odin ever faced.
@pobembe1958 Год назад
Right On. I gave up on Marvel when Thor's hammer rejected him in favor of his ex-girlfriend.
@sharifkelly5883 Год назад
OMG! That was the dumbest thing ever!
@NadeemShekh-uy9zn Год назад
Rank the thor movies
@pobembe1958 Год назад
Woke-ism in comics is all I can say. Jason Aaron hates Thor and to a lesser degree he hates powerful bosslike, righteous Male heroes. He's not happy till he drags them through the mud.
@MinscFromBaldursGate92 Год назад
Don't bring politics here, Desantis.
@carlosbarreto4695 Месяц назад
What exactly is "woke" about Thor being the son the Phoenix?
@imverygerby Год назад
Now this is pod racing!
@BBoldGaming Год назад
Somebody had to do it lol … watch the retcon on this one. Watch this version of thor be in exiles or some crap lol
@harrypandey-dp6vk Год назад
Mcu thors speed feats (highly requested)
@AquaFan1998 Год назад
Im realy confused isnt joro the earth giantess thors mother?
@harrypandey-dp6vk Год назад
Thor son of Gaea
@KeatonWarner1 Год назад
@JKOWJRN Год назад
Does the legend reply?
@ThorTalk Год назад
I’ve been known to from time to time.
@JKOWJRN Год назад
@@ThorTalk holy crap you actually replied bro you are awesome
@ThorTalk Год назад
Nice of you to say so. I do my best
@JKOWJRN Год назад
​@@ThorTalk your best is the best
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