
Tik Tokers Ab*sing Their Dogs for Views 

graysons projects
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6 сен 2024




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@seducedbysasquatch 3 года назад
this applies to cats, too. so many people have told me "i hate cats. they're evil/selfish". Especially regarding black cats. meanwhile every cat i've owned have been complete sweethearts who follow me around the house, kiss me and such.
@sarahlinn4421 3 года назад
Yup! Bad experiences with cats pretty much always occur bc kids or adults purposefully instigate/antagonize them.
@angelaziegler6713 3 года назад
@@sarahlinn4421 I got badly bitten as an 8 year old by a German Shepard because I was being naive and stupid and trying to play with him while he was eating. Even then, I still knew I shouldn’t have done that. I still adore dogs of all shapes and sizes (especially guardian breeds like Rottweilers and German Shepards lol), so I really don’t understand how people can hate cats just because one swiped at them when it was probably feeling threatened or stressed. It’s almost like it’s always the animal’s fault..
@sarahlinn4421 3 года назад
@@angelaziegler6713 for real. sorry that happened to you but glad u learned❤️❤️
@witchyemofurbs8623 3 года назад
Yeah, like my black cat, Pantha, sometimes attacks me out of nothing bc she's playful (and so do some of my siblings' cats) but that's just bc they're young (pantha is only about 2-3). Young cats are like young dogs, they like to play, and sometimes they play a little too rough. Some people just don't get that as long as you give them space and allow them to come to you for cuddles, they'll be your best friend. For example, I got my other cat Rex when I was about six years old, and because I was young I didn't understand that I couldn't just smother him with love so he was MEAN. As I got older and let him do his own thing, he eventually became the sweetest little guy you'll ever meet (unless you try to pet his belly, then he'll cut a b*tch).
@Emma_The_H0ppin_H00ligan 3 года назад
I agree, i'm a cat owner myself (one of which being a black cat) and all my cats are just the sweetest things! They love to sleep in my bed and nag me for attention! Honestly the most dangerous thing about my black cat is that he likes to chew on plastic lol
@emersinw 3 года назад
Glad I’m not the only one who noticed how fucked this was. And just seeing people making their dogs aggressive especially around food is so sad and infuriating Imo.
@kiana9416 3 года назад
I thought you said "lmao" and I was about to ask what about this was funny, but I agree
@Kiputytto_minis 3 года назад
I liked the original "oowa oowa" sound because of the other videos and memes people made with it. When the original finally came across my FYP I looked at the account and got super uncomfortable. On one video in particular I went to the comments to see if anyone else saw what I did and Holy shit! The one comment that said something along the lines of "Hey, that dog looks really upset" got ripped to shreds by fans of Pudgy. I knew at that point nothing I could comment would matter. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one though and that Grayson made this video. I was beginning to think I was the crazy one.
@evekw2448 3 года назад
Exactly I was so confused when I saw the comments on their videos and they were all postive like?? It’s kinda abuse dude??
@ducc0287 3 года назад
Im sad at first that i was manipulated by the tiktok, i should’ve actually thought about it then just blindly be scrolling and just manipulated by the music
@cookiepup3960 3 года назад
When I got my dog her first owner I think was allergic to her and was an outside dog and she’s an inside dog now but she also hates when people try to touch her food / doesn’t like old people- and I got her when I was in I think kindergarten so I’m not really sure what’s really happening at least she likes me now
@lizsun261 3 года назад
that girl saying “you are a stressor to your dog” made me almost cry. that was so sad. those dogs see no out. they’ll probably get put down for biting, which was entirely the owners fault.
@kam5908 3 года назад
Exactly, i know someone who put down their dog bc it bit a little girl. The dog left a mark or maybe scar where it bit. Which is bad, but the little girl kept poking the dog and playing with it when it wasnt comfortable. It was super sad bc the dog was clearly just defending itself or mad. And they put it down :(.
@player_8008 3 года назад
i wish the dog wouldn't get put down in cases like these, it makes more sense for the person(not a child because kids don't know better, but probably the parent for not teaching them) to get punished and the dog to get rehomed or get therapy
@ilovme000 3 года назад
@@kam5908 reading that almost made me tear up :(
@@kam5908 dude wtf is wrong with people
@@ilovme000 IKR??
@argyleuberfhart9963 3 года назад
I've always noticed a similar issue with cats, where owners prod or provoke cats until they lash out. I guess a distressed, hissing cat is supposed to be funny?
@marchplusone 3 года назад
yes! as someone with two cats, when my cats meow or growl or meow in an obviously distressed way, i remove whatever is upsetting them. i can’t imagine upsetting them to be “funny.”
@midnxghtxx6390 2 года назад
@@marchplusone My sister has a cat who came from an abusive home (my uncle) she has behaviour issues she climbs my sister's mirror and scratches at the curtains. She's not my cat tho but my sister never has time for her cat she's always at work or spending the night at her boyfriend's or at school. She never wants me to let her out of our room since I can't "take care" of her cat when i take care of her more than i do. I feel bad because she's always crying to go out the room (my grandparents don't like cats and my grandma is allergic)
@theeliblog4559 2 года назад
But when a Pittie or rottie does it the dog gets put down! Small dogs and cats aren’t toys, they are living creatures that need to be respected.
@Em_Elizabeth 2 года назад
I always thought hissing cats were scary. My aunt had a cat, probably was a rescue but I'm not sure. She would hiss at anyone within three feet of her. My sister and I wouldn't dare to climb the staircase if Lily was sitting on it.
@trans_panda 2 года назад
MY DAD FUCKING DOES THIS AND It PISSES ME OFF I always tell him to stop because my cat's literally swatting at him and hissing but he doesn't stop! *_And then he fucking wonders why he doesn't fucking like him!!!_* He even encourages our dogs to chase him which causes him to get scared and obviously run away AND HE STILL ENCOURAGES IT. It pisses me off so much! I always respect my cat's boundaries and I don't bother him unless it's petting and I make sure he sees me first before I pet him so he can let me know when he doesn't want me to pet him. But everytime I tell him to stop he's always "Oh he doesn't care" and "I'm just messing with him" MORE LIKE CAUSING HIM STRESS. I want him to leave him alone but why would he fucking listen to his child? edit: spelling
@littlesisterisback 2 года назад
As a student studying to become a zookeeper, we have had entire lessons watching these “funny cat and dog videos” and dissecting them in group discussions and assignments about them being animal abuse. I fully agree with you and my heart goes out to all these poor animals.
@hannahreed2451 2 года назад
Once you take the time to learn about animal behavior and their non verbal communication a lot of these videos aren’t so “cute” anymore. I don’t know if her account is still up or not but if you can go back and watch her videos you can clearly see her dog is stressed and anxious before she comes near her. This page is a perfect example of “surviving instead of thriving” 😞 she’s so old too and clearly has no teeth. Can you imagine how painful her gums are? At this point I’m not even bashing the “owner” I’m just upset for Madi. No dog deserves this.
@littlesisterisback 2 года назад
@@hannahreed2451 you’re so right, no animal deserves to go through something like this. 💔
I have to ask you a question, is it normal for a puppy to bite while playing? My sister has a puppy that's almost 1 1/2 years old, and she bites while playing. I just wanted to make sure that we don't have to get a trainer for her!
@littlesisterisback Год назад
@@FigmentPigmentCrosserTosser from a stranger to another it usually depends. What breed the dog is? How violet the biting is? Is it a particular person it always bites? What does the rest of the dogs body language read? Does it bite other dogs while playing with them? Most of these questions can only be answered by observing the dogs behavior irl over some time and trying to differentiate aggressive from playful behavior. Which only a dog trainer can accurately do. Sorry for a long and not direct respond. But it just depends. And considering something made you ask this question it might be good to look into it. If you have a feeling you should contact a professional then do so. But if not, just observe and learn to read the dogs body language. Hope things check out and that you and your dog is healthy and doing well. Lots of love form - your stranger 💚
@@littlesisterisback Shes a german shepherd, its usually little bites but sometimes the bites can be harder, she bites me and my sister ( my sister is 17), for body language shes still wags her tail and jumps around like she does when playing, and yes she does bite other dogs when she's playing with them, she mainly bites my other dog because my oldest sisters dog doesn't like to play. I know that's a lot of information and you probably won't read it but i figured i'd send a reply back answering the questions.
@fernaldacandas 3 года назад
As a owner that had problems with their dog due to things they didn't know were wrong, those videos make me really uncomfortable. I think about all the times I literally cried after my dog reacted in a negative way because I did something wrong. I learned a lot from professional help and now my dog is so much better due to training and anxiety treatment. I would never do things that make her aggressive.
@sarah-michellemease5622 3 года назад
I relate to this. My parents were not good dog owners and pushed my pup to her limit a lot. She passed away a few years after we were forced to rehome her, and I still tear up at the thought of how much we failed her, and how we could have done better. I completely agree, people need more professional education around handling their pets!!
@ari3lz3pp 3 года назад
My husband grew up not knowing how to handle cats. When we started dating he had a kitten that he mistreated because he didn't know better. But he felt like crap about that and I even learned not to scare the cat for fun. We didn't think it did long term harm but it does. There's a difference between accidentally and on purpose. We noticed knocking made her go nuts and hide, "was hilarious" until we realised it's because Everytime people visiting at his grandma's (where the cat was), they were his niece and nephew that would mistreat the cat. So the cat had PTSD, once we put it together of course we stopped. Felt terrible. I still get very upset about seeing them mistreat our cat and also that we contributed to her PTSD. Also the cucumber videos make no sense to me..I've grown up with tons of cats and tried this on at least 6 different places and nothing happens. I'm suspicious that people hurt the cats or scare them with it so obviously the cat will be scared.
@metalhead6548 3 года назад
My parents and brother don’t understand this. They think slapping our dogs thighs in any situation will fix the problem. They make excuses like “I have had dogs before I know what I’m doing.” We have a puppy and I asked them nicely if we can train him better than THEY made me train our last dogs. They took it personally and said I was accusing them of abuse (it is tho). My father has slapped our puppy from a chewing he did on the furniture that he did chew on a MONTH ago (our puppy hasn’t chewed on it since the first time he chewed on it). They say they have asked “professionals” on how to potty train a puppy. The VET who they say was a “professional” who obviously doesn’t have any knowledge on dog training told my parents to slap the dogs nose or butt. I’ve done so much research, and they don’t at all and it hurts me to see my puppy run away TO ME after my parents slap him or yell at him. They try to force me to do what they do. I rlly hope once I move out and take my dogs, they won’t get another dog after because I’m not gonna be able to sleep at night knowing that my parents will slap that poor puppy for doing my something it doesn’t know is wrong.
@SmooshGoo 3 года назад
Some people don't see animals as family, they see them as accessories.
@player_8008 3 года назад
i almost had this happen to me but luckily i realized what i was doing was wrong and stopped making my dog angry because my family had just adopted him but he came from puerto rico and he seemed like a very anxious dog anyways so i'm pretty sure the flight and the new environment stressed him a lot so he barely even wanted to be pet, but now he is so loving to me and seems happier by a lot.
@Pinkiechan123 3 года назад
If it was ppl doing this to big dogs ppl wouldnt find it funny so why would you think doing it to a small dog? Its so disgusting and upsetting i feel awful for these dogs. Im glad im not the only one who was uncomfortable with like the pudgy shit
@graysonsprojects 3 года назад
yep! a good example of this is @brickthestaffy , he’s a very sweet bully breed and they always have comments about how he’s dangerous and should be put down when he’s never shown an ounce of aggression on camera. imagine if his owner posted the type of content that simpingforpudgy posts, their account would literally be removed
@theoddbox 3 года назад
Because if it was like a big german sheperd she was doing this to she would do it once and then be sorry. I hate how little dogs acting agressive is seen as funny/cute bc its just a little defenceless dog when if a big dog Instead you wouldnt be laughing, youd be getting stitches.
@miufere 3 года назад
It’s not funny with big dogs because people know that they can seriously maul a person if they continue to antagonize them. They do it to small dogs because they know they can’t cause significant harm, they don’t take them seriously. It feeds a sick kind of sensation of power and control in the human over the dog. It’s fucked up.
@sweetfern6222 3 года назад
@@graysonsprojects agreed. For some reason some people thing bulldogs are dangerous even though usually they are friendly
@kloncey 3 года назад
@@sweetfern6222 bulldogs actually have super strong jaws, saw on the news once where an english bulldog ripped off someones limb!! dangerous, but all dogs are "dangerous" unless trained right. i have 2 bulldogs myself and they're wonderful
@Toxic.Mangaka 3 года назад
Most chihuahua’s I’ve met have acted “demonic” but I dont fault them for that. I blame the owners for not training them properly. I have however had one pleasant experience with a chihuahua and his name was Chico. He was my friends dog and he was super sweet. Rip little guy😇
@mollydonahue6068 3 года назад
aw thats the name of my grandmas chihuahua, hes a sweetheart
@silverstream3531 3 года назад
All the Chihuahuas I have met are very afraid of new people, it took a week for one to warm up to me, I know they're easy to stress dogs so I always kept my distance and when he came up to I offered food but apart from that I knew I had to let him warm up to me on his own
@remaious 3 года назад
i have a chihuahua and shes a sweetheart !!!
@LumaEclipse 3 года назад
All the Chihuahuas I know we're excently trained and are well behaved, the one was abused so when you look him in the eyes he shows aggression occasionally. He has grown to trust some people now so he's gotten so much better
@novembergrace3590 3 года назад
I used to have a long haired chihuahua (he was my ex step moms and she took him to make my dad mom so we dont have him anymore😔) and he was sooo sweet. I will say he had his aggressive behaviour every once and a while but never like that. his "aggressive behaviour" was just him barking or trying to nip at anyone that came near me. he would also get upset when I would be screaming and play fighting with my siblings he would nip. I of course told him stop or would take him away so he could relax. he was such a sweet puppy and I miss him so much. I love you my little gus gus🖤💙🖤
@freelemonade9695 2 года назад
Literally TikTok is such a hub for animal abuse oml. I'm not too familiar with the dog/cat abuse so I'll add that there's a lot of people on TikTok who will also do absolutely fiendish stuff to animals like axolotls and fish (like throwing them in a blender). Since I'm enthusiastic about the whole fish scene that's mainly what I'm acquainted with, so thanks for also covering this. Gotta take like 50 showers after watching this now
@Melodymellomel 2 года назад
@ParsureArts 2 года назад
@freelemonade9695 2 года назад
@@ParsureArts If this is about the blender thing, I saw a tiktok video where someone chucked their fish in a blender and turned it on. Idk if it was edited or what but either way that's unnecessarily cruel to be putting your fish under that much stress even if you weren't gonna do vile shit and blend them alive
@freelemonade9695 2 года назад
@@Melodymellomel maybe it was on an episode of fish tank review or sth I remember it was something like that though, it was a small fish like a betta (replied to th other commenter clarifying what I saw)
@kittysoftpaws3677 2 года назад
Do people not realize axolotls are literally endangered and there are only a few thousand of them left in the wild
@transjesus3454 3 года назад
this video touches on something I’ve experienced. My ex (who was also a toxic asshole, not surprising) had a pit bull puppy, and she was put down before she was two. They constantly said she was violent and aggressive when they abused and neglected her all the time! She was always a sweetheart to me and I loved her. Now she’s dead. I was disgusted with Nd appalled when I found out what happened to her, all these dog breeds deserve better.
@Aliana-Lee 2 года назад
People suck.We are awful.
@Tetzyu 2 года назад
Reminding me of how my mom told me about my stepdad’s roommate. The roommate had a pet dog who was a sweetheart but the roommate kept abusing him so the dog could be mean and a “good guard dog”. My mom tried her best to help but really couldn’t. I don’t know what happened since my mom didn’t tell me and I was possibly 3-5
@frogo- 2 года назад
I hate how people abuse pit bulls! I had one her name was Muffin and she loved wearing clothes! I currently needed to give her up because of how my home was and I hope I can try to find her again! And I forgot to add that Muffin has the hugest heart and all she wanted was to love up on people but sometimes I irritated my dog a bit too much but I’ve learned! Summary: pit bulls are the biggest sweethearts and they are the best nanny dogs. I type too much 😅
@Aliana-Lee 2 года назад
@CrowBro It’s the way life is,and it really sucks
@thecaptainsnark 2 года назад
i always question pitbull attacks where the owner says there was absolutely nothing that could have predicted what would happen. I'm not saying it's not possible but in all likelihood the owners were ignoring previous instances because the dogs controlled themselves until one time they didn't. 'i antagonize my dog all the time and he's never done this before!'
@mudbucket1354 3 года назад
my chihuahua is a literal angel. i hate how whenever i mention her everyone immediately jumps to calling her names and saying things about her. of course it's not a big deal at the end of the day but it still hurts
@erikdaniels0n 3 года назад
My friend has a chihuahua named Charlie and I jokingly refer to her as a rat dog bc she has a rat like face, but I do so affectionately and not as an insult
@mariaelena9369 3 года назад
@@erikdaniels0n my dog is a mixed breed and has a smaller head that doesn't match her body and all my friends call her rat/mouse and i find it adorable hehe
@ahousecatwhohasacellphone 3 года назад
i love chihuahuas! give yours lots of love! :-) my brothers gf has a chihuahua named cuca and she's such a lovely little lady
@amazinglyamara7850 3 года назад
No bc my chihuahua has never even bitten anyone. We were getting robbed once and my dog gave the man kisses😕
@camila-fx6bz 3 года назад
@skiddadle8245 3 года назад
The singular soundproofing pad in the corner feels like the definition of, "Well... That's... Technically correct-"
@graysonsprojects 3 года назад
@skiddadle8245 3 года назад
@@graysonsprojects OH-
@ari3lz3pp 3 года назад
@@graysonsprojects it's a good start 😆 You look great btw!! Thanks for sharing this important knowledge too. ❤️ People need to be accountable for their pets welfare.
@MrStoopypoo 3 года назад
Different sound frequencies reflect off specific areas and walls and return back to a source (such as a mic or ears) in different ways. If you want to minimise reflections it would be far more efficient to tune the room and dampen only highly reflective areas as opposed to dampening the entire room.
@iam4mark852 3 года назад
@@graysonsprojects Grayson, your Piper Rockelle video was featured in a Insider article
@misseselise3864 3 года назад
you wouldn’t repeatedly trigger a person to make them “get over” their trauma so why do that to the dog?
@teletubbiesharvest5615 3 года назад
Exactly! Like even exposure therapy isn't like that 😦
@ari3lz3pp 3 года назад
Well sounds like that chicks family might work that way and she's continuing the cycle. 😞 And no it doesn't work. For people at best it makes them a mess of anxiety and overly vigilant, and maybe will form sociopaths. Vs with pets it's ...well probably actually very similar. Lol
@metalhead6548 3 года назад
Bc ppl like them literally see dogs as slaves of their own entertainment. They don’t give a shit abt them except that they are able to make them act a certain way for views and to tell ppl how bad their dog is. What makes it worse is that when those videos are out, people in the comments make so many excuses for the owner with dumb none researched shit. “It’s not a abuse” “ur so sensitive” “obviously the dog isn’t mad?” Like why would u watch a dog being abused for fun and views and then make excuses for the owner when u have absolutely no knowledge on a DOG AT ALL? So many ppl in this world should not have dogs, or any sort of animal.
@SpectacleSpark 3 года назад
@sadfurby2376 3 года назад
@@metalhead6548 I would assume it's a misinterpretation of exposure therapy. Youre intentionally assuming the absolute worst and its not needed
@yooniecorn3682 2 года назад
it’s hilarious how she says, “how everyone perceives madi vs what they don’t see,” as if she’s not the one that chooses which videos to post of madi. she purposefully aggravates her to get a reaction for views. if she actually wanted her viewers to see madi as a sweet dog, then she’d only post those types of videos. she knows exactly what she’s doing.
@ereuthrophobia5722 3 года назад
as a very young autistic child i was so unaware of actions i did that could possibly hurt my pets as i viewed it as including them in my imaginary games, treating them as a person but not as an animal who didn't know what was happening. seeing people who are able to function do this stuff on purpose truly makes me so upset and angry. there is no excuse for people like this. (for anyone who wanted an update for my previous actions, i am now very much older and have a loving relationship with my childhood cat to the point i've become her favourite person, because i learnt how to treat her properly as a cat.)
@ky4083 2 года назад
Sorry for turning this on me, but I have a similar experience with my dog. As a child I would play games with him making him stand on two legs and things, he did bark sometimes and I'd get scared and stop, maturing more I realize he didn't like it and I should've known sooner than continuously going back to do it like a minute after he calms down. Like you, me and my dog have a good relationship now and I really wish I can go back and stop causing him discomfort.
@pissip 2 года назад
Same here! I'm ashamed of how I treated my cat when I was a child. Just because I didn't understand what I was doing. I'm 19 now, had my cat for 6 years. Our relationship is amazing now, she's very social and sweet. I'm so grateful she was able to forgive me (that's how I view it)
@joeymills5827 3 года назад
finally someone's discussing this. angering pets for entertainment is just so fucked up.
@suburbaneverest9838 3 года назад
so gross bruh you gotta have the most boring ass life that you would go so dirty like that just for a reputation of an angry dog
@user-sg4ov7ng4h 3 года назад
i always taught people just didn't learn their small dogs not to bite since it's so small and "doesnt" hurt
@YamiTheEevee 3 года назад
My niece doesn’t film it, but she’s so mean to their yorkie sometimes. She aggressively shakes the dog’s head until it growls, and then she laughs like it’s funny. And then she wonders why the dog likes me better than her.
@suburbaneverest9838 3 года назад
@@YamiTheEevee she has major problems, ask her to go see therapy😐 my dad was like that too but he changed smh? im glad tho because he really loves our dog now, i really goddamn hope your niece will change too
@YamiTheEevee 3 года назад
@@suburbaneverest9838 Yeah, she says she wishes they had a cat instead and that’s why she doesn’t like their dog, but I’m more of a cat person too and I’m not being mean to it. It’s a shame because their dog is really loving
@thedinkster_8048 3 года назад
everybody say "what the dog doin" but not "how the dog doin"
@livcaitbff 3 года назад
Everyone asks "who's a good boy" but never "how's a good boy" 😭
@mysticxjuice 3 года назад
It's always, woof woof, but never woof woof 😭
@Sadie-rai 3 года назад
This thread devolved real fast
@absolutebeauty7753 3 года назад
Woof...Woof (。•́︿•̀。)
@shutupjetta 3 года назад
It's always owa owa but nobody ever asks why the dog is screaming in anger...😔
@renezra4886 3 года назад
the notion about a large portion of small dogs being angry little shits is largely true but it's not the dogs' fault, it's the fact that a lot of people don't properly train small dogs because they for some reason don't think they have to. i know 3 chihuahuas and they're all the absolute sweetest and most chilled out dogs because they were raised correctly. it's the same as with pitbulls, german shepherds, rottweilers etc; if you put in the time and effort to train the dog correctly, it won't have behavioural issues.
@patch8932 3 года назад
It's because small dogs acting up gets the "haha lol tiny angy dog" reaction instead of people actually seeing it as a problem. A bigger dog could rip off somebody's face so they take that seriously, but a small dog that can't do too much damage, they don't care and it's absolutely horrid.
@georgehutter339 2 года назад
Yeah can confirm
@scarlettsibis5351 2 года назад
@@DancingAngelz did you read the comment correctly? They never said those dogs are predisposed with behavioral issues. Those are just another example of breeds people think are aggressive, but falsely so.
@exyzt9877 2 года назад
@@DancingAngelz No they don't have a predisposition, but they DO often get mistreated into being aggressive, causing people to see them as naturally aggressive and mistreat them for being aggressive causing them to be aggressive. It's a cycle, a self fulfilling prophecy of humanity's creation.
@TheReZisTLust 2 года назад
Then IM the bad guy for playing Kick the can with little taquieto taco bell shit stain nipping ay my laces smh 🤧
@What-thaW 2 года назад
Humans: “pitbulls, chihuahuas are such aggressive beasts” Also humans, for no reason: *shoots, dismembers dog*
@jessdoritowhale 3 года назад
I used to believe the “Chihuahuas are demons” trope alot until with got two little babies ourselves. Ive been in dog training for 3 years and so I just treated them like our other regular two dogs, one a lab mix and the other which is a Papillion and since then they have been the sweetest little chuihuahuas in the world and very playful as well. I dont have to antagonize them to see how funny they are because they all do rly goofy things like playfight, “meow”, and both have very unique personalities that i find entertaining. Seeing these videos now of these small dogs being destressed is honestly so upsetting and weird to me now, these owners are missing on out how enjoyable these small dogs can be by essentially poisoning these tiny guys with fear and anger.
@Sickofurpoop 2 года назад
Chihuahuas scare the shit out of me😭 My step dad used to have a chihuahua and she died of cancer☹️
@bunnythedestroyer3610 2 года назад
I remember my uncle has a 12 year old Chihuahua and she's so sweet but she's a bit aggressive to people and other dogs due to abuse and neglect and I feel really bad for her and since she's small the other dogs take her food so my uncle doesn't even feed her anymore
@ky4083 2 года назад
I agree wholeheartedly. Sorry for dumping this, I want to share my experience with chihuahuas too. I have a chihuahua mix and he is the sweetest, hyper and gentle dog I've known before my grandparent's dog. I was deathly afraid of dogs when I got my dog back in 2014, especially chihuahuas, but that quickly changed when I actually lived and cared for him. They aren't usually this aggressive unless they're being abused.
@nuecesgobbler 2 года назад
I have 3 chihuahuas, 2 of them are twins (chihuahua and shih'tzu mix) and they are the sweetest dogs ever, they only ever growl at my cats. But one of the two will play with the cats, and the cats are both really sweet too. Now my third chihuahua (Pomeranian-chihuahua mix) will get angry pretty easily, but he loves my mom a ton and also loves me too. Like if me and my brother are coming back from a school day, they all will run to the door and be so happy. The one who growls at the cats will follow me around and loves me. The Pomeranian will get so excited if my sister/grandparents etc like he gets angry some times if he has a bone or food or if he's sleeping but he's still so sweet. My older cat is super sweet, but she just doesn't like the younger cat. And the younger cat is also very very sweet. I just love them all.
@frendlycriptid6168 2 года назад
Nah the issue is people put the “there demons” standpoint onto legit stressed dogs. I have 2 Little dogs and yes they definitely are demons but not because there out of control or snap or anything it’s purely just how they are as a breed. They’re cute little demons in the best way possible
@grcparis 3 года назад
Sadly pudgy did pass away a while ago, I definitely do feel for his owner considering that the owners probably don’t see the harm in what they’re doing until it’s brought up, owa owa in peace little man
@orangejuixce8869 2 года назад
@Quesoquantum 2 года назад
Yeah. It was hard to see the account owner talk about it
@edgaranalhoe7678 3 года назад
I mean, the dog sounds funny when he is angry ngl BUT it shouldn’t be used to gain clout online. My cat also makes funny sounds when he is angry at something (like brushing) but I’m not gonna pull out camera and make him stressed for some dumb likes. I’m just gonna laught a little and leave him alone (and later brush him again cause damn that mf do be shedding)
@misseselise3864 3 года назад
the dog sounds funny when he’s angry but someone shouldn’t be going out of their way to deliberately piss off the dog
@edgaranalhoe7678 3 года назад
@Grace Furrow girl I’m so jealous 😩 I have two cats, one likes brushing-the other one hates it with burning passion. It doesn’t help that the one hating it has long fur lmao that’s my luck
@unnaturallynormal 3 года назад
@@idalismedina8486 yeah that's actually good, not a cat expert or nothing but it makes them think "oh, i got a treat while this and that happened, i wanna do that again" that type of thing, im not good at explaining jsjsj
@BobRossCat 3 года назад
@@edgaranalhoe7678 I disguise the brushes by petting them at the same time, so it feels like I'm only petting them lol
@Hana-yu1fj 3 года назад
my cat sometimes lets me brush her, especially the top of her head and sides of her face. but she usually hates getting her body brushed and she'll try to bite/swat the brush :')
@thereallofigirl 3 года назад
“Small dogs are so mean” no you just annoy them until they snap
@tomnook1061 3 года назад
Small dogs ARE mean, because owners don’t feel that they have to train them. But they aren’t mean by nature no
@ninaphan7196 3 года назад
yup just because of how cute they are, these owners will ignore their behavioral issues and think “they’re just like that”. it’s so odd
@robitherat8182 3 года назад
Small dogs can be mean, but I think the tendency for it has more to do with people seeing "small" as meaning "not dangerous" which leads to a lack of training for both the dog and the owner in "correct" or at the very least, safer behavior for all parties. While some breeds are designed for certain things, and can be more prone to aggression because of it (one I've heard of recently is Akitas, which are like Shibas but much, much larger and tending to be more prone to aggression.) But this does not make the dog "bad" on its own. Dogs are products of their environment, and while some might need more attention and training to get their, either because of their breed or because of their past experiences, I think all dogs have the capacity to be very loving and loyal. Dogs on their own are morally neutral, and we can't really blame them for being the products of their environments.
@maymay5600 3 года назад
the mighty ankle bitters
@expiredmayoteeth5615 3 года назад
To me small dogs will always be demons
@TheButtCaptain 3 года назад
imagine spending a chunk of your life in a shelter waiting for your new family to get you and you end up in one of these peoples homes or in a home where youre shot and killed the NEXT DAY. breaks my damn heart. some people dont deserve dogs.
@harrisonm.2313 3 года назад
My friend worked at the shelter that rehabbed Nala. She was absolutely heartbroken. This poor dog had gone through so much, they had put so much work into her to get her to be adoptable (health reasons, etc, idr exactly all the details). Shit like this is absolutely evil.
@neztanizaki2346 3 года назад
I'd like to toss in my opinion here as somebody who has two pitbulls and is actually kinda scared of chihuahuas. I know not all chihuahuas are mean, I love the way they look, but they make me nervous. I get tons of people asking me why I let my dogs near my cats, why I bring them in public, how could I ever trust them blah blah blah and it's because I trained them. I've had one for 7 years and the other for 4 years. They're well trained by me and they're the sweetest dogs I've ever had. My pitbulls love my cats, they cuddle and clean eachother and act like one big family. One of my dogs came from a puppy mill, she's horribly anxious and even though I've had her for 90% of her life that 10% I didn't have her STILL has a massive impact on her even 7 years later. Training is key, and there's no excuse not to train your dogs anymore either because there's SO many videos and programs online to learn how to properly do so
@philipksick6810 3 года назад
It really depends on how they are treated. My chihuahua is a year old and rarely barks and is super gentle and shy. If they’re respected and cared for properly they will feel secure and they won’t try to intimidate other animals or people. They won’t be afraid of everything and try to attack and bark constantly.
@bella7278 3 года назад
my case is almost the same, ive had my dog for 11 years but hes 12, his old owner lived in an apartment and couldnt really take care of him so my dog was constantly left at the apartment by himself so still to this day hes scared of being left alone even if you're only in another room
@randomuserwitharandomname6183 3 года назад
The problem is exactly that, (most) people don't train their chihuahuas. Not only that, they are rewarded every time they show aggressive behavior, which obviously makes the dog think that what they are doing is okay. Add to that that bites from these breeds go unreported (even though they can cause a lot of damage, I knew a woman that was bitten by one and the dog broke her nose) because even after that, since most of the time a bite doesn't require to go to the hospital or is not seen as dangerous as being attacked by a larger dog, these attacks are never taken into account when collecting data about dangerous breeds. TL, DR: I'm also more scared of chihuahuas and other lap dogs because their owners do terrible damage to them, all because they see their snarling and aggressiveness as cute. A dog will be as good as their owner. PD. I'm not even taking into account neurological issues that come with "problematic" breeds.
@basil6060 3 года назад
Dude people say the exact same thing about pit bulls and I literally am a pit bull owner. Stop the little dog hate, regardless of breed it’s how you raise them. 💗
@CJ-qg7de 3 года назад
The number one euthanized breed are pitbulls, the number two are chihuahuas. They are both breeds with terrible reputations because of bad owners.
@oli7554 3 года назад
i had a pitbull (he passed recently) his name was slater and my dad picked him out himself at the shelter but my mom was super nervous because of that stigma and i was very young when we got him, he only ever lashed out once at my dad but never again! he would let me ride on his back (when i was very young and weighed not a lot) he would let me sleep in his bed and id let him sleep in mine, he understood i was a kid so he wouldn't pull on the leash as hard as he did with my parents. Slater was the best dog ever and i miss him very much. Its not the breed its the owner
@sarahlinn4421 3 года назад
I’m so sorry abt ur dog!! U seem like a great owner!!
@oli7554 3 года назад
@@sarahlinn4421 thank you i appreciate that :)
@waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9739 3 года назад
Slater sounds like the best dog friend ever, may he rest in peace. And I used to ride my parents' Afghan hound like a horse when I was little as well. She had her puppies around the same time when I was born and she thought I was one of hers, she would sometimes try to steal me out of my crib at night so I can be with the rest of them. Dogs are the most fun babysitters lol
@oli7554 3 года назад
@@waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9739 AWWWW THATS SO CUTEE!!!!! and thank you slater was the best! :)
@oli7554 3 года назад
@Julia Dudziak thank you! :)
@mollymcmackins8311 3 года назад
I've never understood the "humor" in distressing animals, imagine the damage to their blood pressure too. I've kicked people out and been shaking mad over guests trying to antagonize my cat bc somehow scared stressed cat = top teir humor somehow Also my cat did come from a bad past she was found near the woods line shot and was barely alive, vet had to operate to remove the bullet bc it was next to her stomach sack and could rupture it and she had a fear of people and that sickingly encouraged people to feed on her fear for "funny reactions" but I immediately would put a stop to it. After about a year or 2 I got her to feel confident with people and she's no longer fearful (at this time I've had her 13 years) and even sits on their laps
@yellow_hearts1723 3 года назад
i hope ur cats doing better! and yeah i dont know why these ppl thing thats funny
@suburbaneverest9838 3 года назад
poor cat!:( im so glad you helped her with her journey, plase take care of her more🙏
@jasperrose1930 2 года назад
I can't tell you how many times I get irritated family/adults, when I tell them to leave my cat Oliver alone after he's showing clear signs. Like no, you're at MY house, we're BOTH adults, (Doesn't matter if you're 20 years older) And you're not gonna sit here and stress/scare/bother MY cat because you feel like it and it's "harmless fun" Leave my cat alone, and get the fuck off my porch lmao.
@catpoke9557 2 года назад
My perfectly normal, un-abused cat was antagonized to the point of becoming anxious and even aggressive toward strangers because they thought it was funny to kick her, hit her with objects, yell at her, and trap her in rooms when she started 'acting out.' This was COMMON with guests. Not only is that cruel, but what the hell? The AUDACITY to do that to someone ELSE'S PET, without even asking or anything. Just DOING IT as if you own them. If you're gonna be cruel at least keep it to your own pets!
@NoodleOrgans 3 года назад
i have a pitty, she fell down a mountain as a baby and got a bit cut on her front chest looking spot, so many people fear her because they think she’s a fighting dog, but she’s the most sweetest baby ever, she doesn’t even bark!
@Clowniebee 2 года назад
This honestly breaks my heart so much and hits SO close to home 😭 When I was little, my family ended up adopting a surrendered (abused and neglected) chihuahua that was shy, skittish, and would roll over and pee herself in fear if you tried to touch her. She also had a heart condition, and was only expected to live 6 months. It was painful to see that you could see her ribs under her skin, and it took SO long to even get her used to being pet. Slowly but surely she began to put on weight and trust us, and was thriving since we loved her and took care of her. We made sure to RESPECT her and understood that if she needed space? She needed space. We understood that there were some things that would be difficult to her (ex: being picked up, hearing loud noises), but because we made sure we didn’t stress her out or try to force her to do things she was not ready for, she ended up being one of the most loving dogs I have ever had and one of the fondest memories I have of her is her willingly jumping up into my lap and cuddling with me. She lived 6 YEARS, and was an absolute angel despite her situation.
@goldia_dieheilige 2 года назад
i feel so bad for you and your dog :(
@freshbling7096 3 года назад
I hate how people now think that all small dogs (especially chihuahuas) are aggressive when that’s not true, they just don’t know how to treat their dogs and keep them anxious 100% of the time. There’s been a bunch of chihuahuas in my family and they were all such sweet cute dogs that never hurt anyone, it’s all about how you train them and it applies to all kind of pets
@yanirafonseca8013 3 года назад
When I first got my first dog her name was blackie, I was way to young to take care of her so me being a toddler, I make her angry. My parents gave her to another family because I was stressing the poor thing. My second dog was another chihuahua, she was the sweetest girl ever, I was like 5 when I picked her up from the streets. She ran away due to my mom accidentally leaving the back door open. My third chihuahua that I was given as a gift, my father told me that I must treat her with respect and all, thanks to him my chihuahua is super sweet.
@Apes_TogetherStrong 2 года назад
Yeah,my Aunt's chihuahua was the sweetest thing ever She would roll on the floor and junp on you if you walked trough the door (She is still alive and well,my aunt had to give her to her relatives due to Work and also too many animals)
@nitrofairywing1541 2 года назад
I remember a lady with a very pretty pomeranian, but she did say that if anybody got close or too close for the dog I guess she would end going crazy and barking, but she loved small dogs, and I remember thinking "...Maybe you should correct that...." cause the dog might end up biting somebody if she wasn't in that backpack for little dogs that kept her from possibly going at somebody.
@TheReZisTLust 2 года назад
Theres a reason those poor dogs shake like a can of jumping beans
@rosestea5896 2 года назад
My Chihuahua is soo sweet. She has NEVER barked at me (unless we're playing) she has never been aggressive towards me at all. The only time I've seen her be loud or barky is when I am bothered or threatened. Chihuahuas are very sweet unless they are bothered. Its really hurtful for these dogs when they are mistreated like this. I would never do this to any dog, dogs are the best!
@kiiyann0 3 года назад
I’ll joke at my cat and dogs like “oh you guys are so dumb” or “stinky boys” but I could never EVER agitate them on purpose, let alone for tiktok views????? how could you ever do that to any animal??? it’s disgusting. animal abuse is not for clout.
@erikdaniels0n 3 года назад
Like we jokingly say my sister’s dog has a total of two braincells (she acts like she does sometimes) but we also love her to death
@absolutetrash8118 3 года назад
the closest I get to antagonizing my pets is lovingly calling my dog mean names and watching her get all happy bc shes a sweet baby and will wag her tail if we so much as breathe in her direction nothing like calling her a stinky lady while giving her tons of pats
@L-sillybrained 3 года назад
I call my dog a stink man because he is stinky and rolls in the dirt, but I love him and I’d never ever hurt him????? like wtf
@suburbaneverest9838 3 года назад
HAHAHA i also call my dog like that including "ugly doggy"😭💀 she's really goofy sometimes and makes me laugh a LOT which makes me love her so so much more, i would always love my little goofy ball
@ophilianecr 3 года назад
I call my cats my "stinky babies" and make fun of them for being "so ignorant". Or when they punch each other I say "just because Obie has a stupid face doesn't mean you can punch it." But it's crossing a line when people stress them out or scare them ( like the cucumber and toy snake pranks), just to get views and likes online. That's not just abuse, but exploitation when you have a large platform and make money off it.
@Vewign 3 года назад
I used to volunteer at an animal shelter and it was awful seeing “chihuahua like” dogs (some didn’t even have chihuahua in them) get stuck in the shelter because of how they look- and then, because they’re stuck in such a stressful environment for so long- develop fear issues that just perpetuate the cycle. (We’d foster but some dogs had to spend some time at the shelter bc there just wasn’t enough room to take them all home at the same time.) Just imagine what it’d be like for 30 foot tall creatures picking you up off the ground or touching you with hands that are almost the size of your entire body, even when you tell them to stop. To them, everything is louder, bigger, and more threatening. It’s scary! But the more you respect their boundaries, the more they learn they don’t have to try and protect themselves when you’re around.
@erikdaniels0n 3 года назад
My dog is a chihuahua/miniature pinscher cross, and she is literally the sweetest, most adorable little peanut.
@squidvink 3 года назад
i’ve had my chihuahua mix since i was a baby and he is the grumpiest most jealous old man i’ve ever met but we still love him and listen to his boundaries. the only time he’s ever bit one of us we took him to the vet and suprise! he needed some liver meds and he felt bad. bc dogs lash out for a reason
@Kamarixx555 3 года назад
My grandma had a chihuahua named Gracie and she was so sweet I loved her, I want to get a chihuahua and name him Cheese lol. My big cousin Ryan and his girlfriend also have a pit bull named Lola and she’s so sweet too. Every time I say I want a chihuahua ppl judge me and call them demon rats, but they aren’t at all they are so sweet and I think when they act mean it’s bc of the owner.
@d3vilish_angelx 3 года назад
i want a chihuahua they can be so cute and sweet so tiny
@kiwi_trucks 3 года назад
I went to a shelter once and it was so sad. I saw this little black and white chihuahua shivering and shaking into the corner of her kennel, when I came in front of her she would press up further to the back of the kennel. It just makes me so sad 😭
@avianafuchs8483 2 года назад
As someone who’s raised a dog who was rescued from an abusive home, the videos of people irritating their most likely traumatized dogs purely for the sake views always upset me. It only furthers the narrative that rescue dogs and smaller dogs in general are “aggressive and unteachable,” which isn’t true at all. It sickens me how she can just continually antagonize her poor dog just so she can get views and likes :(
@GlochidsandGelpis 2 года назад
I was a veterinary assistant for 3 years and my stance is this, any dog has the potential to be aggressive. The circumstances surrounding a dogs behavior are, how a dog is treated, genetics, and environmental quality. It broke my heart to see dogs be euthanized due to behavioral issues, I spent many nights crying and just wondering why. Never antagonize your pets, they seriously love you and trust you way more than you’ll ever know.
@cognizant3252 3 года назад
I rescued a cat who was abused. She hated everyone and was terrified. She always reminded me of the other cats at the shelter I worked at. Dont push your affection on an animal that doesnt want it. It took years of just letting Poppy come to me before Poppy eventually kind of recovered. Shes still scared of most things and is traumatized. Poppy and I are best friends now and inseperable. She's the kindest, most loving creature Ive ever met. So when I work in the shelter and I see a scared cat go to a good home, I hope their owner gives them space. Ive had a bunch of success stories since helping at the shelter and teaching people about how to interact with cats properly, especially abused cats. Trust your animal and listen to it. In time, theyll do the same for you.
@talkingraccoon525 2 года назад
i think probably the biggest (and only) issue is the tenacity. they are very stubborn and diligent and very passionate. this can make them extremely affectionate and clingy or guard dogs that will rip your nuts off
@clumsyox6078 2 года назад
this is so sweet omg
@JE-ys9oh 3 года назад
She hasn’t recently adopted madi, her vid from 4/30 is captioned “old video of madi from 4 years ago”….. so she’s been abusing this dog for at least 4 years
@jiminseyesmile5055 2 года назад
She said she had her for either 10 yr or since she was 10 can't exactly remember.
@hattarapilvi 2 года назад
this makes me so fucking sad… that poor little angel :(
@linn12345ju 2 года назад
She said in a recent video that she has had madi since she was 1 year and it’s been 9 year since she got her
@alexrose20 3 года назад
I would've never thought ppl could be so evil as to adopt and kill an animal. It is so important that sellers do proper background checks and trust the buyers bc this is so sad.
@Crystix 3 года назад
Exactly why i dont like humans
@KendallM0219 2 года назад
@@Crystix finally! someone who gets me
@Em_Elizabeth 2 года назад
Yeah, why would anyone do that?
@fluffypuffypoop6682 3 года назад
I studied animal psychology and dedicated my whole life to animals and working with them and I can say you are 100% not overreacting
@hannahreed2451 2 года назад
I know this will never happen but I wish it was mandatory to take an animal behavior class before owning a pet. I’d even go a step further and say a species/breed specific class. If more people understood their animal’s non verbal communications these accounts would not gain the support they have or had. This applies to cats, fish, birds, reptiles, literally any animal. Too many people don’t know enough about animal communication to understand how harmful this content is. It’s sad 😞
@-chloe-8728 3 года назад
my dog is part chihuahua. whenever someone makes a "funny" joke about how they "love dogs" but "chihuahuas aren't REAL dogs, they're ugly little demon rats haha" i'm just stunned... if you only love the purebred, wolf-like, majestic, long haired dogs and hate the small, patchy, awkward "mutts," you don't love dogs. period. edit: everyone in my replies stop misrepresenting what i said challenge!!!!! :D you’re allowed to prefer a certain breed ffs...these replies are so defensive i feel like i just told a boomer it’s racist to say the n word
@TheAveragePalico 3 года назад
Well said
@tubian323 2 года назад
True, a family friend has a Chihuahua that we watch for her and he's the sweetest little guy.
@bong_water 2 года назад
Idk i hate tiny dogs still wouldnt do this shit
@IdrinkSoup-phrog- 2 года назад
What lmao, I get not hating an animal for being an animal but how does liking bigger dogs rather than little ones mean you don’t love dogs???
@spr_ite 2 года назад
I mom is kind of like this, She prefers much larger, stereotypically "tougher" dogs, But when you talk to her about small dogs, she'll usually reply with something along the lines of, "Ew, I hate tiny dogs." "Why?" "Because, they're mean and like little **Insert some kind of rodent**" I think it's because all her life she always grew up with big dogs like Rotieler's and Pitbull's
@speccysquaregolike9629 3 года назад
*Finally!* Somebody gets that Chihuahuas aren't actually evil dogs. I have a Chihuahua that's mixed with some small terrier and I rescued him. He used to be jumpy and was scared of men, but now, you wouldn't even think that he was ever a victim of abuse and he's obsessed with my boyfriend lol. Such a docile lil man, he is. Also, his name is Beau.
@MEOWMIX3DS 3 года назад
woah!!! i have a recovering trauma cat named beau!!! im glad our little buddies are doing very well!!
@speccysquaregolike9629 3 года назад
@@MEOWMIX3DS Beau is such a friggin cute name for pets, right? I bet your dude is as sweet as mine hehe
@summerkerr 3 года назад
breed discrimination is so true, in the uk staffies are kinda like pitbulls (stigma wise, pitbulls r banned). my old staffie was the cutest girl ever, she was deaf, had never hurt anyone and only wanted hugs. people crossed the road whilst walking her and one time someone tried to run her over with a bike whilst i was waiting outside with her. my current dog is a mixed breed and i’ve noticed the people who crossed the road before came up to pet her despite her showing signs of being scared(she’s very scared of strangers, we are working on it). there’s been wayyy more people talking to me when i walk her. it’s so unfortunate.
@rowanheart8122 3 года назад
I believe staffies and pitties are the same breed, it's just in some places they're called staffies to avoid the ban
@patch8932 3 года назад
TLDR; People will also try to pet unassuming pets without asking. My dog looks like a teddy bear but he's a rescue and terrified of men and younger children. People won't ask and will assume he's friendly, then have the audacity to get angry with me if I tell their kid they can't pet him or they ignore my warnings and get barked at. Meanwhile they cross the street when they see the nicest dog in the neighborhood, a pittie. Long ass version: Also the fact that people automatically assume "cute" dogs are all friendly and feel entitled to petting them. My dog Balto, bless his soul, was severely abused (Left in a crate in a field, in the Texas heat, no water, no food) by his previous torturers (I REFUSE to call them owners!!!) so he really doesn't like children or taller men, he's only really fine with young women (early 20's) and older women (50 to 60 or older), I'm the only person he truly trusts. I tried training him for years and he's gotten better, but some things can really set him off, like dudes that are out jogging and are heading towards us, or men wearing hats and sunglasses. Anyways, he looks like an absolute teddy bear. He's got the long fur, shepherd markings, a pink-spotted nose and floppy ears (he's a mixed breed, shepherd/collie/chow) so people automatically assume he's nice and run towards/reach out to him without asking, then get mad when he barks real aggressive-like. This one PARENT TOLD THEIR KID "Go pet the dog!" WITHOUT ASKING ME. BITCH COULD HAVE GOTTEN HER KIDS FINGERS BITTEN OFF. But meanwhile neighbors cross the road after seeing the NICEST dog in the neighborhood, a pittie. This will never cease to piss me off.
@summerkerr 2 года назад
@@rowanheart8122 oh really? that’s cool to know :D
@summerkerr 2 года назад
@@patch8932 that’s so upsetting :( you’ve probably already tried this but perhaps get him familiar with a male friend/ family member try and “bump” into them in public whilst jogging or something like that or have him become familiar with a hat, get the guy to put the hat on in another room and come in with it on. it might cause him some anxiety but it sort of worked on my other dog who absolutely despised people with big sun hats on (rlly random ik) i think the more positive experiences he gets with people that he is afraid of, the more it becomes less terrifying for him. we just ordered a vest for our dog that says do not approach on it because no one seems to listen to us! an old lady almost got nipped the other day because she came up amd tried to pet her, even though she was barking at her 😓
@patch8932 2 года назад
@@summerkerr Aw tat's unfortunate :( but I'll take your trainin advice!
@avery7070 3 года назад
I have a Chihuahua that we rescued from an extremely physically and mentally abusive home. She has behavioral issues but she is still a sweet dog that deserves to be loved, she’s never acted like the stereotype even after being abused for a majority or her life. This account makes me sick to my stomach, Maddi needs a new home.
@Emily-kd2zv 3 года назад
It's frustrating how if you express these concerns in the comments, you get called a karen or tiktok vet because people care more about laughing at an animal's fear and distress than the well-being of a helpless animal.
@idklol2023 2 года назад
Yes!! I said in a comment that this was abuse and that the owner should maybe train their dog better and everyone called me ‘sensitive’ or a karen and my comment got deleted? I didn’t even do it in a rude way, i was actually being nice and trying to educate the poor dog’s owner :(
@OliveAndJackie Год назад
FOR REAL. Youll get called a snowflake. When idk why they think they are being cool for it. They litterly being so insensitive about it.
@spitepouch 2 года назад
awhile back I saw the owner claiming that Maddie's aggression was a result of having Parvo as a puppy. She said she got parvo and was never really the same after that, which to me would imply she had her at the time of her illness. If she's changing the story now, i wouldn't doubt if she lied about the parvo as well. Seems like she's throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks in an attempt to stop people from calling her abusive.
@banafanafofana6914 3 года назад
Finally someone's talking about this. Intentionally angering an animal for amusement is not ok
@k.b.2808 3 года назад
If a parent antagonized their child the way these people do to their dogs it would be unarguably child abuse. Why is it so hard for people to see this for what it is. It's abuse. Dogs arent toys.
@carolannmac1231 3 года назад
I feel like pudgy and maddie’s situation were different though (just throwing out my opinion into an open discussion) maddie was rescued from an abusive home and instead of getting professional help they clearly terrorize their dog for views. pudgy (correct me if i’m wrong) but the owner had him since a puppy and pudgy is not a terrorized rescue dog because he can clearly go in public and not freak out. also pudgy was rarely pushed to a point of attacking in his tiktoks. it was mostly just the way he barked that gave him clout. of coarse his owner still agitated him in videos which is very wrong, it is in no way comparable to maddie and her owner not repecting her boundaries in any way. a lot of pudgys videos were just him walking around outside too and doing things a normal dog would which is very different from maddies in which all of her videos are her being agitated.
@Itz_Desiree 3 года назад
the owner of pudgy (RIP) explained before he died thst he wasnt always like that. oudhy ran away or got lost and when they found him he would make the noises and was a lot more agitated and instead of putting him down they chose to keep him
@aff77141 3 года назад
Felt that. When an animal gets older, sometimes you have to do things that they don't like, or sometimes you're just playing around with your pet and accidentally push them too far. Versus Maddy, where she's obviously just punishing her dog for HER scaring it
@Olivia-dg4fb 3 года назад
@@Itz_Desiree WAIT HE DIED
@squishyfishy8042 3 года назад
@@Olivia-dg4fb yes :(((
@milkyspjce2101 2 года назад
I dont recall the owner ever agitating the dog. The dog would be food aggressive from what i remember (though im sure this isn't true either, and like you said the dog would just bark a lot), but that's not deliberate agitation. Additionally, pudgy was very pampered so it would be out of character for the owner to deliberately do something.
@jaidynromero1924 3 года назад
I own an elderly chihuahua, despite her double digits which is old for a dog, she loves me and my parents so much. She’s so cuddly and cute and sweet, but she also has people she doesn’t like and will get angry with too. When that happens I try to comfort her and calm her down, because she deserves respect and love and not to be yelled at or hit for barking or snarling instead. She’s a good girl no matter how loud or skittish she is, people shouldn’t treat small animals like toys.
@st4rryed1ts41 3 года назад
I hate the stereotype around chihuahuas. I have met so many nice chihuahuas when they aren't nice its usually ALWAYS. THE. OWNER.
@st4rryed1ts41 3 года назад
Plus I have a chihuahua some people honestly do not deserve dogs.
@scrim1784 3 года назад
@@st4rryed1ts41 yesss, my chihuahua is such a sweet and calm boy. dogs' boundaries must always be respected. they're not toys. and they're not emotionless.
@alyssa-ws7si 3 года назад
wow, nala's story made me cry. i had never heard of it and as someone with a pit bull, it really pains me. people are so cruel. my pit bull is the sweetest dog ever, and is cuddling with me as i write this. poor baby, nala deserved better.
@phaehina 3 года назад
she really did. i have a pit bull mix and he has been so good. i can’t imagine what could’ve happen if i didn’t bring him home. poor girl.. those people have serious issues.
@moonie406 2 года назад
i own a small dog and have never owned a pitbull, but just seeing that picture of nala and hearing what theyve done made me tear up.
@floppa7844 2 года назад
I have a pit and a Labrador mix and he so nice.Most of my dogs have been pit bulls or pit bull mix and I don’t understand why people are so scared of them
@emmamountebank6147 2 года назад
It hurts me to hear about that story. I cant believe people hate pit bulls so much, I never knew that was a thing
@ratscreaturesofsonaria5233 2 года назад
she looked so happy too... i hate people that hate pitties.
@lokinixda1685 3 года назад
I feel like people don’t see small dogs as a “threat”, so they think it’s funny when they get aggressive
@arwen8964 3 года назад
i am SOOOOO glad someone is talking about this omg it’s been pissing me off for soo long!!!!! I always see videos of people aggravating their animals (usually cats and dogs) and allowing the animals to bite them and stuff to be funny and I always think it’s fucked up. I’m so glad i’m not crazy and someone else is seeing this. You’re an angel for using your platform to spread awareness on things like this
@Kiputytto_minis 3 года назад
I know the video focused on dogs but someone needs to talk about the cat videos too! There's one tiktok called something like "Gus from Craigslist" and all the poor thing does is hiss and growl and cower as the owner shoves their phone in his face to get a reaction. There's others to where a cat will bite and scratch someone "out of nowhere" and people in the comments are all "lmao cats just do that". Uhhhh, not mine.. Not even when they have zoomies or are being playful. The body language on the cats is so telling but people just want to say "lol cats are assholes".
@arwen8964 3 года назад
@@Kiputytto_minis Yes! there’s that guy who like holds his cat and sings while his cat attacks him and i’ve literally never understood the appeal? it’s good singing but he’s literally aggravating his cat to the point of attacking him
@emmyily 3 года назад
@@Kiputytto_minis yeah i just looked up that Gus account.. its disturbing honestly. none of my adult cats have EVER attacked me, hissed at me, etc. i will say i just rescued a kitten and he 'attacks' me when he's being playful but i've never had a kitten before (just adult cats) so i'm guessing he will eventually grow out of it ?? and it's never in an aggressive way or hissing ?? idk these people disturb me
@shutitjared 3 года назад
off topic but your hella pretty- sorry sorry i’ll leave now 👁
@arwen8964 3 года назад
@@shutitjared 👁👁 thank u
@annalivingtv Год назад
I always thought the pudgy account was uncomfortable-chihuahuas and yappy dogs are not evil it’s obvious he’s antagonizing his dog, and also encouraging aggressive behavior which can be dangerous. Glad someone is talking about it
@ChiisanaKumori 2 года назад
I have a pomeranian and my brother likes to make him mad a lot. I try telling him to stop, but he just gets mad at me and keeps doing it. Then my mom gets mad at me for telling him to stop. 😡
@alman8908 Год назад
Your poor dog dude. What an awful household.
@JewelCartmanJaty Месяц назад
Your mom is ignorant. You have to tell that dogs bite when you make them pissed.
@Gravve01 3 года назад
When Maddy is happy she’s so cute, I can’t imagine doing that to ur dog for views it’s damaging for the dog and urself like why do u want to get attacked lmao
@kc-eq4tk 3 года назад
This girl: Admits she demonizes her dog for interaction Everyone: this is fine bc its funny
@Bingo4651 3 года назад
Terrorizing your dog because it’s “funny” and they “can’t actually hurt me” is beyond fucked up, making your dogs violent or react violently isn’t funny and I’m tired of people thinking it is. People saying your being dramatic like I’ve seen a lot of already is truly Ignorant, provoking anything for video is disgusting and if you condone it, I think your equality disgusting.
@jasperrose1930 2 года назад
Preach this shit! Not enough people seem to have common sense and decency
@nataliadurak2944 3 года назад
Breed discrimination is affecting quite a few breeds. I have a young Rottweiler and a lot of people cross the road and pull their dogs away when we walk past even tho she’s so friendly and just wants to play with everyone. She gets so upset about it sometimes 😔
@FluffyEclairs 3 месяца назад
Some people have dogs that are afraid of large dogs.
@paulatrif8606 2 года назад
There is this tiktok account with another chihuahua that I absolutely love. That little bundle of joy is one of the most well behaved, happiest and loved chihuahua I have ever seen on the internet. I think some of you have seen videos of the owner yelling out different colors to the dog in an excited way and the best reaction to a certain color usually results in wearing a collar in that color for the day. Absolutely adorable the way she gets so worked up and starts running around the chair.
@cuppaint 3 года назад
This is really true. My grandma owns a chihuahua and she’s the sweetest little dog. I can literally throw her around and she just wags her tail, I really really like her and i used to not really like chihuahuas
@KysEcstacy 3 года назад
You makin me imagine you bitch slapping it across the room the way you said throw her around lmao
@Crystix 3 года назад
@@KysEcstacy 💀
@decomp0s3dmierc0 2 года назад
I slapped my mouth when you said "throw her around" but I probably read it wrong
@cowboymothman 3 года назад
This needs to be said! People ignore and punish growling but dogs need a way to communicate with us! This content has been around for years and we need to stop supporting it and saying “oh they’re fine”. We need to respect dogs autonomy 😤
@Toothyc4nine 3 года назад
I just went to her account and I see some videos like “it’s hard with madi but I never give up” and it’s madi biting her like several times, she’s obviously agitating her like there’s a reason madi does that stuff
@hannahgray9745 3 года назад
i used to have a black chihuahua named bella and she was never aggressive with me or anyone she came across, and i’ve grown up with pits and they were never anything but so loving. it makes me happy that your spreading awareness on this bc i feel like it’s not really talked about.
@serena8798 2 года назад
this is just sad… the only dogs i’ve ever had were pit-bulls and chihuahuas. i don’t like chihuahuas either, not because they’re aggressive, but everyone has their preferences. not ONCE did our dogs show any signs of aggression unless they came from an abusive home - which was the case for two of the dogs that we adopted. we trained them properly, hired a trainer for them, and it turned out fine. i can’t believe people find antagonizing dogs funny.
@trishw3512 3 года назад
i’m super glad you’ve spoken out on this- i’m a huge cat lover and there are people on tiktok who do this same thing to their cats! luckily people in the comments will point out that stressing out your cat for views isn’t funny but then the owner will always argue back saying there’s nothing wrong with it. it turns my stomach.
@jasperrose1930 2 года назад
Yep, hate when videos get posted of a cat clearly being afraid, or something genuinely horrible going on- And people just comment "aww so cute!" *Heart eyes x100* People are so goddamn ignorant when it comes to animals, and most of them HAVE pets! Really sucks that just like kids, pets is something anyone can have.
@ahousecatwhohasacellphone 3 года назад
on the topic of small dogs (specifically chihuahuas) being labelled "mean" or "demonic", I learned from our vet that little dogs are actually fearful of most things due to their size. big dogs have a hard time understanding that little dogs are, in fact, dogs. you can train anxious behaviors out of your small dogs but its not their fault that they're scared of everything and may react with anger as a defense mechanism. If i was like less than a foot off the ground and weighed less than 10 pounds I'd be terrified too lol!
@mfconejita 3 года назад
honestly this boils my blood to the point im tearing up because i miss my chihuahua so badly & her sweet old self & seeing that person treat her poor chihuahua like that irks me.
@takeyourheart3030 2 года назад
I know this is mainly about chihuahuas but thank you for talking about pitbulls as well. I have a pitbull who is adopted and he’s the sweetest dog I’ve ever owned or met. Stigma against specific breeds is incredibly stupid and horrible. We need to end breed discrimination across the board.
@pantrat3153 3 года назад
Some stuff about animal behavior and tips if you want to prevent or help fear aggression: Disrespecting your pet's boundaries also makes everything in their lives more stressful. It makes the animal expect to feel unsafe in every situation their in. The *only* time your pet should have their boundaries pushed is when it is medically necessary. I've had animals that were deemed aggressive when in reality they just has firmer boundaries than other dogs. As a good owner you should respect these boundaries and work slowly on showing your animal that when you push that boundary they are not in danger (if you do this please consult an animal professional first) and also advocate for your pet when other people begin to push them. Most aggression comes from fear (I have been working professionally with animals since I was 17 and I've met maybe 2-3 animals that were just mean). Working with your pet in a safe environment and modifying care items can greatly help your pet and keep both you and the animal safer. I also suggest if you get an animal prone to fear aggression to desensitize them to being handled at a young age. This would be like playing with their ear, feet, moving their tail, and looking into their mouths before those boundaries mentioned earlier even form. Some breeds that are more prone to fear aggression are- German Shepherds, Chihuahuas, Huskies, Shibas, Chow-Chows, Shih Tzus, and Belgian Malinois.
@pantrat3153 2 года назад
@MushroomsFrogsAndĚÝ˧ k good for you ig?
@evegrace5254 3 года назад
people keep saying "aww ur doing so well" "shes learning to love". its disgusting
@biggestastiest 2 года назад
i dont think its necessarily 100% disgusting, these people are probably really young (its tiktok) to preteens and dont know shit about dog behavior or something
@kanney6490 3 года назад
i followed pudgy and never thought about how this is literal abuse and now my opinion has shifted, i don't know much about dogs behaviour and how they react so i saw nothing wrong with the pudgy videos thanks for talking about this :)
@huh5007 3 года назад
I have an elderly inbred chihuahua that my family rescued from an abusive home. My dog has a previous history of aggression, is extremely territorial, and billion health issues (both physical and mental), yet she STILL doesn’t act like any of these TikTok chihuahuas. Even though she’s been through hell and back, she’s still incredibly sweet, patient, and loving. Chihuahua haters have no leg to stand on.
@highshipper9222 2 года назад
My great aunt had a chihuahua and after you were around for a few minutes she wouldn’t bark at you and would even let you hold her. RIP Bootsy
@kuldipsingh-sk4zi 2 года назад
My friend has a pitbull, and hes so friendly and playful. People need to realise that if you're not going to raise your dog correct, They are going to be aggressive! I'm a German shepherd owner as you can tell, and people think hes aggressive but he has never bitten anyone
@pugtatograce3462 3 года назад
When I had tiktok I had a feeling this was wrong and I always said to my friends “I kinda feel bad for pudgy” but I assumed maybe it was ok because other people were fine with it and I realize that’s stupid reasoning and I wish I spoke up more.
@HYPNOBUGS 3 года назад
seeing people thinking this is funny some way or another is incredibly upsetting. they're not toys or for entertainment purposes. they're living beings!! they can do funny things, sure, but don't purposefully agitate them for clout. ugh it really upsets me 😭😭😭
@StormyBuckets 3 года назад
I have NEVER met a chihuahua that wasn't a sweetheart. The whole "demon dog" thing is perpetuated by people constantly pushing their boundaries also RE: Pitbulls. Pitbulls showing aggression towards humans is REALLY uncommon. Them being bred as fighting dogs means that while they have some aggression issues towards other dogs (which are usually still minor, with proper training and support from owners) but almost never handlers. This is like... a known breed trait. If a pitbull attacks a human, that is VERY MUCH an issue with the individual dog, not the breed
@liz0027 2 года назад
yes my pitbull is an absolute sweetheart and even lets babies hug all over him. There’s not an aggressive bone in his body and i hate when people act like he’s a threat because he’s in public.
@StormyBuckets 2 года назад
@@liz0027 Bullies are good dogs
@dx.feelgood5825 2 года назад
@@liz0027 right? My bully just lays on top of me all day. She's too much of a scaredy cat to attack anything lmao, even a tiny frog or gecko. She's ran away from both
@georgehutter339 2 года назад
I met like one chihuahua that was mean, but ngl i know it probably wasnt like raised good.
@bigbawlzlebowski8886 2 года назад
Pits deserve death
@rainbow_fox_ 3 года назад
my best friend when i was a kid had a cat that she would CONSTANTLY antagonize, frustrate and deliberately upset, and she'd always find it funny when her cat would then lash out and growl or try to run away from her. it didn't sit right with me then even tho at the time i didn't know how to react. i'm surprised this type of behavior is apparently normalized and accepted by a lot more people than i would've thought.
@softlystab814 2 года назад
The pitbull part was so well said🤗 I love love love pitbulls! I wouldnt be the person I am today without my sweet pitbull yorkie mix🥰 Pitbulls are some of the goofiest, loyal, and sweet dog breeds out there, it's all up to the owner to bring out the beauty in a dog instead of bringing out the angry side.
@peenyyt4921 Год назад
A Pitbull brutally attacked and killed my dog when I was was walking it with my family I had to see that when I was seven they're agressive
@mapleshadeeatscats 3 года назад
Honestly I think we should not purposely make dogs angry just for entertainment. My little siblings do it all the time and we have a big dog (American Akita) so he could really hurt somebody if he gets too aggressive.
@---nobody--- 3 года назад
You should help explain to your younger siblings that it's not okay to do that, in whatever way that gets the point across to them. Whether that is explaining how distressing it is for the dog, explaining how to read the dog's body language and equating dogs' recations to the human equivalents to help them realize what a dog is feeling when they react in certain ways, or just by making it clear that they could hurt themselves and/or the dog, potentially leading to having to rehome the dog because of a single aggressive response (which happens all the time, people don't teach their kids, their kids mess with the dog, the dog reacts and they get rid of the dog). I don't want this to come across as judgy or that I'm blaming you for their actions, because I'm not. I just want to remind you that it is also your responsibility as the older sibling to help teach your younger siblings proper animal care and treatment so that you, your family, and your puppers can live long and happy lives together. 🙃
@mapleshadeeatscats 3 года назад
@@---nobody--- don’t worry I don’t think you are judgy. I have tried many times to get them to stop but they don’t listen to me. Luckily they don’t do it as much now as like a month ago. Thank you for the advice.
@JewelCartmanJaty Месяц назад
@@---nobody--- I hate when parents don't teach little kids how to behave well around dogs. They make stupid excuses about child's age like" aw, he's just 3 year old he's doesn't know better". This is why most of dog bite victims are little kids. It's never too young for child for learning to behave around animals even 5 month old babies can teach how to be gentle around animals provide more patience, using basic phrases,adult being good role models and consistent. Not to mention kids must be supervised around animals by adults of all time.
@ChampiVenao 3 года назад
I had my Chihuahua for almost 9 years (her name is Bambina/Bambi for short) and i never understood the angry chi stereotype. Chihuahuas are very sweet and loyal and they do have a strong personality/and temperament but it's not aggression in any way. Like they are very protective of their owners (my doggo gets mad if she thinks someone is hurting me) and get very attached to their main caretaker. Also while now my dog is a senior with no front teeth she has never In her life bitten anyone (once she almost bit the nose of a sister's friend but she was being really pushy and Bambi didn't even know her) Please respect your smoll doggos :(( they are still living animals even if they look like cute plushies :(((
@camille1324 3 года назад
Yeah my parents’ rescue chihuahua will often bark “angrily” for like ten seconds when someone he doesn’t know comes in the door and it’s like. He’s little and a scaredy-cat of course he wants to make a display to let strangers know not to mess with him when he doesn’t know if he can trust them yet. Within ten minutes he’s usually happily sitting in their lap, but some people have this like perfomative “eww demon chihuahua!! breed discrimination is quirky when I do it!!” reaction and of course they walk away with that stereotype still in their head bc they didn’t give him a chance to chill out and made it worse with their loud negative energy. Don’t get me wrong, they’re working on training it out of him and he used to be a lot worse about it, it’s just annoying how some people treat an animal expressing any emotion other than calm obedience as like. Inherently a demon.
@JewelCartmanJaty Месяц назад
In Mexico most Chihuahuas are very chill but in US you will find(many of them but not all) snappy hyper individuals.
@nicolelewis5237 3 года назад
My aunt had a dog that was a rescue that was so severely abused to the point that even going to pet her or any loud noise would make her convulse in fear and pee everywhere, run and hide, shivering under beds or dressers. The fact that this girl is even joking about that is just shitty as hell and not cute.
@LonelySapphireMoon 2 года назад
Great video. As someone who has a pitbull and a chihuahua I definitely know the stares I get. Its always the "oh how can they get along" how come they havent eaten eachother yet" why this and why that, if its not my big girl then its the small one who gets demonized by strangers. Its very sad that these tiktokers and whatevers who abuse their animals also give hateful people a place to spread their hate towards innocent animals and specific breeds.. ☹
@mrfredbasset 3 года назад
Glad to see more people talking about this. I hate how people don't train their smaller dogs, provoke them and then call them a devil dog and laugh it off. You wouldn't do that with a bigger dog. A dog is a dog and needs the proper training and socializing to be happy and healthy
@magickaldust1213 3 года назад
The same people that enjoy this kind of content seem exactly like the viewers of family vlog channels like daddyofive that just love watching things in distress. I will never understand why people like to watch kids crying or a dog pushed this far. People suck sometimes.
@Clownbunnycosplay 3 года назад
I really hate chihuahuas because when I was little I was attacked by one, but I know they aren’t all bad.
@stupidass69420 3 года назад
One stole my favorite littlest pet shop (I’ve gotten it back) but I met this really fluffy one, and she was very sweet
@midnxghtxx6390 2 года назад
@@stupidass69420 it probably got jealous of the little pet shop toy lol
@random_person569 2 месяца назад
You can't hate a whole breed only because one individual attacked you.
@JewelCartmanJaty Месяц назад
@@random_person569 even labrador can attacked you(Cesar Millan have got bitten by aggressive Labrador)
@jessib00 3 года назад
I've been in the professional veterinary world for about ten years and this content has been driving me absolutely bat mad...especially for older dogs who become less adaptive to annoyances/anxieties over time. Chihuahuas and other small dogs do sometimes have more behaviour issues because their owners carry them everywhere which can make them aggressive/territorial
@Skye416 2 года назад
The dog looks extremely stressed when the microphone is shoved in its face like wtf?? The dog is clearly stressed and doesn’t like that at all, this girl doesn’t deserve this dog at all actually Honestly if anyone does this to an animal (to make it angry on purpose) just for views is disgusting. People like that don’t deserve any pet
@soupkabukii 2 года назад
If I could add to this conversation (10 months later), the reptile/amphibian scene on most of social media but especially TikTok is so mind numbing. I’ve seen people keeping ball pythons (which can grow over 4 feet long) in 20 gallon tanks. Many pet stores will say this is okay because they don’t sell adequate tanks and want to make money, but people should be doing their research and talking with experienced owners before buying any animal. There’s also a lot of owners not using gloves when handling frogs on there. I know carefully washing your hands is also an option, but as someone who works at a pet store, I would not give most people the benefit of the doubt by assuming that they know not to handle frogs with your bare hands. Then you have the “experts” who will defend the owners bad behaviour while people who know what they’re talking about are called Karens. There are some people in the pet scene in general who set the bar a bit too high and shame people who don’t deserve it for sure, but most of the time the owner does deserve that feedback and should change their ways. We as hobbyists and owners should be open to having informed discussions about the care of our animals and be open to feedback about things that we might be doing wrong because we want our animals to live the happiest lives possible. If anyone made it to the end, thank you for reading my rant! Treat your pets with respect and have a lovely day :)
@emily-jj9dj 3 года назад
i am so so glad that someone has finally spoken up abt this . this shit bothers me so bad i dont even use tiktok anymore bc all i would get were videos of people screaming at and chasing their animals with brooms or some shit . or throwing their animals . or just putting them in stressful situations for no reason. so fucking gross. thank you for speaking abt it.
@nana1735 3 года назад
Luv the new intro also yes it's so common to see videos of chihuahuas getting extremely aggressive and people think it's funny but most of the time they aren't like that and idk what people do to them to cause that much stress to the dog :(
@anaisbasal 2 года назад
It breaks my heart to see that. I know nothing, like absolutely nothing about dogs and I really loved “simpingforpudgy” ‘s content at the point where i went on her account when I was sad. I feel bad for not seeing this before supporting a creator like this, but mostly bad for Madi who doesn’t deserve this. Really hoping Madi’s owner will realise what she’s (maybe unintentionally) doing. Thank you and other creators for speaking about this :)
@JimmyJ1nx 3 года назад
A phrase I heard a while back that has stuck with me is "Treat small dogs as if they were big dogs."
@blainez_world2242 2 года назад
Am I the only one who was crying after Nala the pitbull!?!?!?!? Poor thing 😭😭💕💕R.I.P
@KatJameson 3 года назад
I've grown up with all kinds of dogs. I currently have a 17 year old chihuahua who is the sweetest bean.. she's never been a hyper or aggressive dog. She's always just been a chill baby. I also had a male chihuahua who passed from cancer at 13, he was also just a friendly sweet boy. Never aggressive at all. Because I treat them with respect and love. We've also fostered several pitties over the years and they have always been gentle sweet babies. Dogs aren't just naturally aggressive. That's a learned behavior.. I wish I had the ability to save all the animals 😢
@imareytard 2 года назад
the only time your dog should be growling at you is when your playing tug of war with a rope toy. the only time your dog should be barking at you is when you get home from school/ work and they're happy to see you. provoking your pets is just absolutely wrong, and it should never happen.
@Catinthecosmos155 Год назад
I have met so many chihuahuas that are just the sweetest dogs, the key to it is TREATING THEM LIKE A NORMAL DOG
@procyonpaw Месяц назад
Absolutely! I'm tired of the misconception that chihuahuas are yappy anklebiters. They are such great dogs when treated like a dog, respected, well socialised and well-bred. Chihuahuas are one of my favourite breeds.
@Catinthecosmos155 Месяц назад
@@procyonpaw i like to think of it like this, Imagine you are a two feet tall in a word of six foot people, I’m sure you would be on edge to!
@mylesfoxx1383 3 года назад
Here’s my opinion on dogs: Pit bulls: I have never met a pit bull that is treated properly that is evil. It is only when they are abused that they are violent, they are truly the sweetest things on the planet. Chihuahuas: sweet babies when they are treated right, lovely babies who like to cuddle. (Still a bit yappy tho but that’s okay.) Large dogs: I have to get to know the dog first. I need to know if they’re hyper and prone to jumping because if they are I will be terrified (because of being tackled by a dog when I was little) Small dogs: again, have to get to know one before I’m comfortable, normally don’t have an issue, again was attacked by a dog when I was little. Not all dogs are bad, and all dogs aren’t born bad, it is taught to them, I’m not a big fan of dogs but they always deserve a chance.
@Vampxiii_ 3 года назад
I appreciate you for making this. Emotionally hurting/messing with someone is consider emotional abuse so why is emotionally hurting/messing with a dog not consider abuse as well? Also not to take away from this important topic but you’re so pretty, and I absolutely love your hair.