
i watched a terrible pro-life propaganda movie | Unplanned 

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21 май 2022




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@pearlsonice6467 2 года назад
Abortion shouldn’t be a privilege, it’s a right! I just wish it wasn’t up for debate but here we’re huh
@litneyloxan 2 года назад
The people who are pro-life aren’t even pro-life. They’re pro-fetus. They don’t care about that baby once it’s born, as evidenced by all of the republicans(except 12) in congress voting against helping the formula shortage. Among other programs they’ve voted against that benefit the system that child usually goes into
@strawberry_shortcake6440 2 года назад
Literally like it's not making you have an abortion it's just the choice of doing what's best and not being forced to do either. Like you would rather have someone have a child and the child not get the things it needs, and then proceed to probably blame the parent even though they would have wanted to get an abortion KNOWING they couldn't provide for the child?
@puddle3551 2 года назад
Ikr. It's also kinda crazy that a lot of people against abortion rights can't even produce children anymore or don't want to have any more children. I don't understand why people care so much about what other people do with their bodies. These people claim to be doing it for the fetus and care about people but then berate strangers who are probably already struggling with the mental strain you have when you give up your child.
@ddjsoyenby 2 года назад
so controversial yet so true....
@crab2195 2 года назад
that’s exactly why you never see any celebrities talk about it! the only celebrity i’ve seen speak out about this right now is bella hadid (i’m sure there’s many others, but not many a-listers) and that’s simply because the rules don’t apply to them. why would they jeopardize their image to defend womens rights when they themselves can fly to any state, any country and pay any price to have one? they don’t care because it doesn’t affect them.
@WolfQueenLydia 2 года назад
Was raped when I was 16, I didn't have any support and it was during my mom's mental breakdown. Getting pregnant afterwards was just just the final nail in the coffin for me, was desperate but knew I couldn't have a kid. I didn't have money, or any idea what I supposed to do, but that doctor was the support I needed so much in that time when I had none. I just remember bawling my eyes out for hours and he put up with it. He ended up doing the proceedure for free as well, and helped me make that traumatic experience something I barely remember and be able to carry on with my life.
@fart63 2 года назад
I hope your life is back on track and you’re doing better.
@lisamatarazzo6467 2 года назад
Why murder your own child bcuz someone raped you? The child didn't hurt you but your only recourse was to murder it, good job.
@lisamatarazzo6467 2 года назад
@@jackie4369 no, disgusting is punishing the child for the sins of the father. It's my business bcuz she put it out there. I had two abortions and I consider my actions to be the worst of myself, I've learned alot in the almost 4 decades since and regret what I did to my own children. I certainly don't celebrating that decision and anyone who does is immoral
@WolfQueenLydia 2 года назад
@@lisamatarazzo6467 Right right, so victims should be further traumtised after their ordeal to be forced to grow an unwanted fetus inside of them for 9 months while still attending school, and then raise a kid they didn't want and all the complications that come after it? Pro-life? More like pro-torture of rape victims. Now that's truly disgusting.
@lisamatarazzo6467 2 года назад
@@jackie4369 what do YOU call it when one human kills another human? Don't we call that murder? The difference is the woman's body? So if you can't see the murder victim, he wasn't murdered? I haven't mentioned religion at all, so it's weird you mentioned MY religious beliefs. What I wrote about sin is a quote, not from my personal opinion or religious beliefs. The baby's body is NOT the mother's body. It's a whole separate human but I'm the ignorant one....
@bri6032 2 года назад
i’m crying my eyes out at the beginning because of the woman being held down. when i had my abortion (october 2020) i didn’t get it at planned parenthood, but at a nonprofit health center near me. i had someone in my abortion who was there specifically to comfort me. she held my hand and stroked my hair (with my consent). talked to me about my kitties. i don’t think i could have gotten through it without her. this breaks my heart they’re fearmongering like this. ALSO, you cant see the ultrasound when you’re getting an abortion, OBVIOUSLY because they don’t have someone standing there doing an ultrasound mid abortion.
@bri6032 2 года назад
ALSO my clinic gave me a nexplanon birth control implant for free a short time after my abortion, so i had a method of contraception. and i obviously have not gotten pregnant since, because of their amazing care.
@Narutalia65 2 года назад
What's even worse, is that irl these fear mongering people will set up clinics right next to legit ones and try to get the mother's to come in. Makes them watch videos about abortion and makes them have people try and talk them out of it. All they do is traumatize people who really need help.
@aIchemizedlemniscate 2 года назад
I'm just curious, how is an abortion like? Do they like, open the uterus and inject something into the baby? Do they give you a pill or something? Sorry if this sounds rude, I've always wanted to know but was too scared to Google it.
@ellieholland8205 2 года назад
@@aIchemizedlemniscate There are two main methods of abortion. Medical abortion is the usual method before 10 weeks and is done by taking two pills, the first blocking a pregnancy hormone and the second causing the lining of the womb to break down. Surgical abortions are generally done after 10 weeks but don't require any cutting as the term could suggest, instead they are done vaginally. Either medicine is used to open the cervix and a suction device is used to remove the contents of the uterus or the cervix is dilated and tools are used to remove the contents of the uterus (this depends on gestation). The fetus /embryo is not injected with anything. Also I wanted to specify I use the term contents of the uterus because the placenta is also removed in an abortion. I hope this helps.
@annoyedshedevil 2 года назад
@@ellieholland8205 Thank you for the thorough explanation, hopefully it can help peoples understanding.
@slavic_bog_warlock 2 года назад
I think the fact that the film changed a black woman from Abby’s story into a white woman says all you need to know about the type of people who made this movie. Also I wish we stopped calling them pro-life and started calling them pro-state enforced pregnancy, because more often then not “pro-lifers” are in favor of war, the death penalty, and cutting funding to programs that help people in life or death situations. Make no mistake comrades, pro-lifers do not support life, they support enforced pregnancy.
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
What's wrong with the death penalty? And there's plenty of pro-choice politicians that have no issue getting us into wars.
@pidgedidge 2 года назад
I dunno man white characters are changed to be black all the time if their race isn’t the focal point of their character I don’t see the issue
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Didn't some television show make Anne Boleyn black?
@christiandidonna8808 2 года назад
@@pidgedidge I think it more that because this is like based on real peaple
@naolucillerandom5280 2 года назад
Yeah, I don't get it. They're like "oh no poor innocent youth must birth him" and then they're like "heck yeah sent them to war to die war is awesome" like ????
@crab2195 2 года назад
i’ve had an abortion before and i can honestly say that the people who took care of me at the clinic were some of the nicest people i’ve ever met. nobody pressured me into making the decision, in fact there were very few questions asked… because it’s none of their business to know why i’d want to have one. they only asked basic questions like “is the father involved” which i’m assuming has more to do with statistics and things like that. i’m fortunate enough to live in the chicagoland area where we have access to a chicago abortion fund that helps women pay for these things. it’s so sad to see people try and twist the narrative that the people who work in those clinics just hate children and love performing abortions when in reality they’re saving womens lives.
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Good for you for getting one.
@theholyllama6950 2 года назад
Thats gotta be tough to go through. Props to you for going through it.
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Exactly, one less bottom feeder that society would have to take care of.
@crab2195 2 года назад
thank you guys for the nice comments😭 truly means the world, it was a difficult decision but it really did save my life!
@shadowcat9402 2 года назад
As someone that had an abortion before. Im really happy you got great health providers and more importantly a safe abortion. I hope the best in your life, I don't know if you need to read this, but: you are worthy, abortion or not, it does not mean you are less than anybody.
@grapeshot 2 года назад
I've noticed a lot of people who are pro-life they are also very pro-death penalty.
@cringeproof100 2 года назад
Well, people who deserve the death penalty made bad choices. I don’t personally support the death penalty because it’s a waste of money. An unborn child didn’t do anything to deserve death. They’re innocent.
@grapeshot 2 года назад
@@cringeproof100 yeah but it's already medically known that life does not begin at conception. And there is evidence that people have been put to death and they were completely innocent. And the only people who get put to death in the United States is minorities, the poor and the mentally ill. And in the Book of Numbers in the Holy Hate Book the invisible sky wizard says abortion is okay if you feel your wife has been unfaithful.
@ashtons8626 2 года назад
@Emma B even if i buy that a fetus is actually alive, which is extremely debatable, it's still not the responsibility of the person carrying the child to use their own body to continue bringing potential life to term.
@sofypi7493 2 года назад
@@cringeproof100 what about the life of the mother, you know that human that is already a living brething thing on the planet
@givemenameideaspls 2 года назад
@@cringeproof100 no one is grabbing a baby and injecting them with lethal chemicals. its not up to you whether or not a person should or shouldnt have an abortion. if the person knows they cant give the baby a comfortable life, its best not to have the baby, thats just one of the many reasons people get one.
@cocogoat1111 2 года назад
How many kids are still being failed by CPS? How many kids are being neglected in the foster system? How about these pro-lifers worry about taking care of the children who already suffering from parents that don't want or care for them before they start harassing women for what they choose to do with their own body. They won't though. It's not about caring for kids it's about forcing people to conform to their beliefs.
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
How is CPS failing them?
@kei709 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 ignorance of cases, allowing abusive parents to still abuse the child. Putting foster children in under unsafe households
@letsfreakinggoguys 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 By ignoring their struggles and not doing jack fuck when they are so clearly being emotionally or physically abused
@coolhatcanihaveit1440 2 года назад
The foster system should be ashamed. They need a big fix.
@daniboy4153 2 года назад
CPS has failed many kids.
@evastahl 2 года назад
I got a IUD at a PlannedParenthood, obviously not the same as an abortion, but they asked me multiple times if I was being forced to, and, during the procedure, they continually asked me how I was doing, asking me if I needed to stop etc. Some of the nicest doctors I've ever met.
@jackmehoff915 2 года назад
cool story come back when you kill baby
@FiSH-iSH 2 года назад
@@jackmehoff915 what does this even mean bruh (context because the comment keeps getting hidden: they said "cool story come back when you kill baby")
@lemonpaperplanes Год назад
I had to be put under anaesthetics to get my IUD and I got given pills which gave me horrible cramps to prep for it to the point I was crying. My mum had to go do something (maybe move the car?) right before I had to get it done and I remember pleading for them to wait for my mum to come back but they didn't lol. I'm certainly not happy that they did that at all. Granted this was just a hospital rather than plannedparenthood though, at least I don't regret my decision to get it :P
@aashepherd8585 Год назад
@@adriannedeforest8511 What the hell man? the whole point is the CHOICE that YOU make for yourself so cool it Becky.
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
@@aashepherd8585 And let's just ignore the fact that abortion kills an innocent baby, shall we?
@rebekahdrummond2818 2 года назад
My mom straight up told me that I was a scheduled abortion, and only exist because she missed her appointment and her evangelical ass thought it was fate. If I'm able to be prochoice after that then that just shows how closed minded prolifers are
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Shame she didn't miss that appointment.
@CharlieTheSupersaurus 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 If I were an Acrocanthosaurus, not even I'd eat you. Why? Because I don't eat shit.
@edgaranalhoe7678 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 lmao such a pro-life 💀
@KxTKx 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 you're over here getting mad at all the pro-choice comments, spitting your venom everywhere without providing many arguments. Maybe it's time to go outside and touch some grass
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
I'm Pro-Choice though. What's the problem? People like you, people like her, are the reason. If you're tbe type that believes in vaccine mandates, wearing a mask outdoors, in the privacy of your own vehicle, you're on section 8, welfare, food stamps, etc. Then you probably should have been aborted. If you get knocked up, you should probably get one.
@cathlynncadaver5429 2 года назад
Grayson, I honestly just wanted to say that I've noticed a HUGE change in your demeanor since you've started making content about what you're truly passionate about, as apposed to covering whatever drama is relevant. While I've always enjoyed your content, regardless of what topic you're discussing, I just thought I'd let you know it's awesome to see you so happy and truly passionate in your recent uploads. 🖤🖤🖤
@noviered 2 года назад
ive noticed the same thing! grayson just looks so much happier and more encouraged.
@hidden._.artist8108 2 года назад
@muffinsdawg 2 года назад
The glow up is real 💯🔥
@april4524 2 года назад
agreed and i love these videos even more
@g-l-o-s-s 2 года назад
Yup I gotta agree! Love to see it :)
@monikorasort 2 года назад
My parents took me to see this in theaters when I was 12. I didn’t realize it was meant to be anti-abortion, because at the beginning the main character becomes an abortionist, and she gets a family and a nice house and helps people, so halfway through, I lean towards my (conservative Christian) mom, and ask “Do you think I could be an abortionist when I grow up?”
@FiSH-iSH 2 года назад
based child
@audrainia 2 года назад
This is awesome lol what was her reaction?
@monikorasort 2 года назад
@@audrainia she was more disappointed than I’d ever seen her before
@audrainia 2 года назад
@@monikorasort omg 😭
@ParsureArts 2 года назад
Lmao nice 👏
@Catinthecosmos155 2 года назад
As a victim of s/a if I had gotten pregnant and wasn’t aloud an abortion I can tell you with 100% certainty that I would have killed myself. The first time I was s/a I was 9 and then 13 and then 14. I was not mentally stable as I have mental problems that at the time I wasn’t getting much help for, I have a terrible pain tolerance and I would never be able to put a now child into the foster care system I’ve had friends that where foster care kids and there is a lot of abuse. I would have killed myself while pregnant or from the guilt of knowing I added another child into the system of abuse, I really hope people will take people like into consideration when they try to get rid of abortions. I am actually planing on talking to my local planned parenthood and becoming a clinic defender or a escort! I want to help people seeking an abortion feel safe and comfortable
@brigc7755 2 года назад
Hope you're in a better place now and I'm glad you didn't get pregnant. And good look I cannot deal with pro-lifers and their "just put it up for adoption" like people's first choice is adoption :L
@3SCAPER00M13 2 года назад
That's terrible. No kid deserves to be assaulted. Nobody deserves to be assaulted. I hope you are doing well as of now.
@SuperUmizoomi 2 года назад
But because supposedly 1% of abortion is of rape pregnancies you're a sacrifice they're willing to make
@3SCAPER00M13 2 года назад
@@SuperUmizoomi I'm sorry.
@Catinthecosmos155 2 года назад
@@SuperUmizoomi which isn’t very “pro life” of them
@nicolehughes7020 2 года назад
As a women in Canada who was able to have an abortion under 18, I feel extremely lucky, knowing my mother would never accept me and kick me out if she knew. I was able do all of this myself without the government informing my parents. I feel so much for the girls and women who are in places where they don't have as much choice over their bodies, idk where i would be if i didn't have this option and and support of my health care system.
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
And hopefully you keep getting them.
@cleorikki2145 2 года назад
@MaryJane-tp3qd 2 года назад
I really wish it was an option because they’re kids and some just don’t know how their family will react
@monikorasort 2 года назад
That sounds insanely easy, I hate that we don’t have that in America
@midnightshadow1491 2 года назад
@@MaryJane-tp3qd And that's the saddest part about it. Nobody is perfect, and when there is an obvious solution to a problem, the family should be supportive regardless of personal beliefs on the matter. I'd imagine that this is stressful situation to be in, even if everybody was 100% on your side. Having to go through this alone, I can't even imagine what that'd be like. (Side note: As a man, I humbly apologize for the actions of the men who are trying to interfere in a women's rights issue.)
@twizzler46 2 года назад
My boyfriend's parents had him and I watch this movie in order to be allowed to be alone in his room. I knew this was stupid but I didn't know that the whole story was a lie! Also don't forget about the "pieces of children" room!
@ashblu3 2 года назад
i’m am so sorry that happened both you and your boyfriend. the fact that they chose to make you watch this movie (seemingly under the guise of it being a true story) instead of actually having an open and honest conversation with you about sex and pregnancy. they could have taken to opportunity to make sure you both were safe (knew where body parts were and choices of contraception on both sides- sex ed is a joke.) and happy (your feeling on sex as a whole, if your ready, even if they left that as an open question for you and your boyfriend to talk about) but chose to scare you? i am so sorry. i hope you’re doing well :)
@twizzler46 2 года назад
@@ashblu3 Wow, thank you so much! My boyfriend's father is a doctor and he did admit that it is very religious and dramatized, but I guess he did think that the depiction of the chemical abortion (extremely, extremely gruesome) was accurate and common. But my boyfriend and I have spoken about sex before, and we have boundaries and agreements set in place. I don't know if his parents knew that. But thanks so much 😭
@thatrandomchick4004 2 года назад
Bro I had to watch spy kids
@theholyllama6950 2 года назад
@@thatrandomchick4004 same. But I went through that whole series with no thoughts, head empty
@ashikjaman1940 2 года назад
@@theholyllama6950 as lord Machete intended 😤
@rwbyafton6857 2 года назад
Being a living unplanned child isn't a gift from god, it's traumatizing bc you're treated like dirt and it shows
@fart63 2 года назад
I seriously don’t understand how “pro-lifers” act like a life of poverty or abuse in a household that clearly didn’t want you is somehow a miracle.
@blackqweenmars 2 года назад
Fr The reason a lot of people get abortions is because they literally can’t care for their child properly so if they’re forced to keep the unplanned and unwanted child the child is likely going to grow up extremely accomplished possibly to a family full of abuse likely getting mental problems and just living off all that horrible life
@lauren3173 Год назад
10000% true. I was unplanned, internationally and transracially adopted. My adoptive family is great but I still have to deal with the trauma of being ripped away from my family, my country, and my culture. Adoption isn’t a miracle. It’s an endless cycle of grief. I wish my mother would have had the option for an abortion. Even if she didn’t choose it. I just wish her rights would have been respected enough so that she wouldn’t have had to go through the trauma of carrying me, birthing me, and signing me away literally just after birth. I can’t even imagine it.
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
So we should kill any unwanted children walking around today to end their suffering? Seems evil
@clouds7834 Год назад
So just asking not trying to be rude but would you rather be dead? And if your not an unplanned child yourself you can’t be talking for them.
@cogimyunnn 2 года назад
As someone who had a miscarriage by the time I was 14, this just sickens me that people- particularly men- think it's their right to decide whether a preson with a uterus can have an abortion or not. I'm now 16 and couldn't be much happier now as I am atm. During my 5 month relationship with my abusive ex-boyfriend, I came to a realization that if I stayed there, I would've became trapped with a child that I didn't want. What makes it worse is that I grew up in a Catholic setting, so everything I thought/did was considered a sin by most of my family. Being forced into something as big as pregnancy is never to be questioned in a environment where laws are made; abortions should only be put under health law, and thought out by practiced/licensed medical professionals. I really hope that overturning Roe Vs Wade will just flop, and every person with a uterus can have some relaxation from this crappy ordeal that we call politics.
@FiSH-iSH 2 года назад
genuine question, are you okay? because miscarriages and fourteen year olds should never have to coincide
@metaknight115 2 года назад
It really is. I don't even see why people get all but hurt when the earlier and mid stages are aborted. It's just a clump of cells. I hope you are doing good after the miscarriage
@cogimyunnn 2 года назад
@@metaknight115 I am! Thank you for being concerned with my health. It's been at least 3 years since it happened, and I've since gotten therapy for it. I'm in a healthy relationship with my new boyfriend, and I couldn't be happier. :)
@metaknight115 2 года назад
@@cogimyunnn That's amazing, I'm glad you are doing great.
@edcrouse3211 Год назад
@@metaknight115 explain to me how there are LIVING single cell organisms that we accept as alive but be can accept a clump of living cells a alive. No one SHOULD have to deal with something that isn’t their fault but guess what… that’s a part of life. I’m glad my broke parents didn’t stop me from being born because after 7 years things got better and now I’m 18 and doing fine.
@ashblu3 2 года назад
everyone in the comments that were forced to watch this movie without any context of the real story in school by teachers, parents and churches- i cannot fathom being treated like that. it’s made me realise how lucky i’ve been in being allowed to form who i am on my own merits. sending big virtual hugs to everyone 🫂
@grace-4072 2 года назад
thank you!!!
@kyandaila 2 года назад
@monus782 2 года назад
@@eu6744 so am I, I’m sometimes tired of pretending to be someone I’m not anymore to most people left in my life (I already lost most of my friends I made in church after my apostasy) and I sometimes wish I could move far away to start a new life in a less religious environment. All I can say is to hang in there, hopefully there’s the light at the end of the tunnel soon even though some days I feel I’ll never see it.
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
I wasnt forced. But babies are forced to stop living during abortion and its tragic for everyone involved. Abortion doctors are evil. They know what theyre doing to these poor women. Dont be deceived by planned parenthood
@Considerthisplease Год назад
@anahirintarou6693 2 года назад
Im a 14 year old in 8th grade, in my schools health class we were shown this movie. My health teacher is an old white man who is very openly transphobic. When we were shown this movie we were not told it was going to be about abortion, he just put it on since we were “behaving well.” When the scene of the abortion itself was on I was in shock and extremely traumatized. I started to cry and continued to cry even when going to my next class. All of my class was very traumatized by what they had just seen and most of my class was crying as-well. My health teacher is obviously pro life and decided to traumatize half his students by this movie just to prove his beliefs. That scene is now forever in my head but seeing this video and finding out that it isn’t accurate what so ever makes me feel so much better! Thankfully I’m graduating this year and will never have to see my health teacher again.
@usernotfound.......1918 2 года назад
No one told the principal about it??? If my mom found out about that should would probably sue the school lol
@anahirintarou6693 2 года назад
@@usernotfound.......1918 no, but we did tell multiple teachers. My health teacher has gotten multiple warnings before by the district but he has never been fired.
@usernotfound.......1918 2 года назад
@@anahirintarou6693 you mustive in a Bible belt town then
@anahirintarou6693 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 nope, he’s a very religious Christian man.
@queenicedcoffee4217 2 года назад
Well just know the movie is completely unrealistic and is not how abortion works at all lol
@momomo1312 2 года назад
Abortion should be legal, safe and free, if someone disagrees they can first look at all the children in the foster system and care about them since they're already here and suffering.
@seaweed7511 2 года назад
@@3SCAPER00M13 What about the 9 months of horrendous pain those woman who are having the baby have to go through? Do you not care about the woman? Say she was raped, you still want her rapist to still be able to hurt her? You want her to have to go through so much trauma and pain even after she was raped? Say another person was only 12. You know how traumatic and hurtful it can be for a young pregnancy? Say it was insect, you really think that should go through? You don't care what happens to the child after, what if that family is horrible to the kid? Come on now. Edit: Spelling Error
@menow. 2 года назад
"Abortion should be legal, safe and free" What happened to "rare"?
@jayliezambella 2 года назад
@@menow. really... Ur clearly anti choice if ur going to get upset bc they didn't include rare
@jayliezambella 2 года назад
@@3SCAPER00M13 wat if they don't want to go thro pregnancy? Wat if they don't want to tear up their body? Wat if they don't want to loose their teeth, eyesight, and the many other complications that come with pregnancy? Wat if they don't want to risk dying for something they don't want in the first place? The US has the highest mortality for pregnancy of any developed nation, I believe we might actually be lower than some developing nations.
@menow. 2 года назад
@@jayliezambella So "rare" is no longer even a consideration? Abortions all the time, as birth control?
@registeredpyromaniac 2 года назад
My mother forced me to watch the abortion scene by pinning me against the sofa and forcing my head to face the screen. I was screaming and begging for her to stop, and she just said that the fetus was screaming too and that this is what would happen if I ever got an abortion. Needless to say, I'm still haunted by the vile images to this day.
@soph0861 2 года назад
That's horrible, are you alright? I'm so sorry you had to go through that:(
@registeredpyromaniac 2 года назад
@@soph0861 It'll never leave me, but she's done far worse. Now I'm terrified of abortions in general, but funnily enough her actions turned me pro choice when before that incident I was pro life. So her plan backfired
@xxx-ie9ic 2 года назад
I'm so sorry. I hope you are or can get far away from her and receive therapy :(
@abby9435 2 года назад
I am so so so sorry that this happened to you...I hope you are living happily away from her
@marcohidalgo1101 2 года назад
Jesus this sounds like a real-life version of Matilda. You know, that scene where Mr. Wormwood forced Matilda to watch that sticky-money game show.
@eliasdevyn909 2 года назад
Im 22, nonbinary and 24 weeks pregnant. When i went to Planned Parenthood for hormones they counseled me on safe s*x, then when i wanted my birth control implant removed to try for my baby they were happy to do so, the doctor was really excited for me actually. None of my states PP offer any kind of abortion, they literally are just helpful for preventing harm. Being pregnant has made me even more pro choice, dude this sucks if you want it, let alone if this was unwanted.
@xxx-ie9ic 2 года назад
I'm about your age and nonbinary too! I'm not interested in having kiddos, but I fully support people who do!! You rock! Congratulations on your baby! :D
@laylaevadestaxes788 2 года назад
I have a friend named Elias!! (ik nobody asked lol)
@margesimpsond 2 года назад
so happy for you!!
@jayaswati1505 2 года назад
@@laylaevadestaxes788 😂
@ameliasellers6396 2 года назад
Holy crap congrats on your pregnancy! I'm sure you'll be a wonderful parent.
@juliasz.1017 2 года назад
don't really like calling them prolifers bc they don't care about life truly.
@normalizenatalie 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 wow good one buddy, keep practicing maybe you'll get a laugh one day. try out a eugenics subreddit, sounds like that's your audience
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
What's the problem? Is that the wrong reason to be pro-choice? There's a ton of you mutants out there, that definitely should have been aborted. There are people out there that are nothing more than a burden on society.
@ddjsoyenby 2 года назад
pro birthers.
@normalizenatalie 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 yeah sounds about right
@normalizenatalie 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 i can't tell if this is a genuine question or not but no, no you can't. eugenics involves believing certain groups of people shouldn't reproduce, which is just as harmful as forcing people to reproduce based on personal beliefs. true freedom means body autonomy for grown adults.
@riv247 2 года назад
I think a lot of ppl forget planned parenthood doesn't only do abortions, they help ppl with the whole category of sexual health
@iatemycat5320 2 года назад
A friend was harrased by pro lifers when she went to pp She just wanted to get her birth control
@riv247 2 года назад
@@iatemycat5320 yeah u see that's messed up :/
@blackqweenmars 2 года назад
Are used to think that they were a horrible company that was all for Horrendously killing babies
@abigailsmith1947 Год назад
Oh how caring, they murder AND help those in need.
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
The majority of what they do is abortions. Thats why a lot of them closed after roe v wade was overturned
@Eyedunno 2 года назад
One thing is true though: Abby Johnson did have a life-changing experience that changed her into an anti-abortion activist. That event was that people from the anti-abortion movement offered her a boatload of money when she was pissed off at her job. Edit: Yeah, I typed this after only watching the first minute or so. But it's all here in the video. :)
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
I wonder why she was pissed at her job which was literally to help people kill babies
@artastic_friend 2 года назад
Duuuude my mom made me watch this movie with her in theaters (yeah she’s a pro-lifer) She treated it like a documentary and was saying shit like “how can you not believe abortion is wrong after seeing this??”
@pembrokelove 2 года назад
“Because I recognize unscientific, garbage propaganda when I see it.”
@oWoUwUoWoUwU 2 года назад
Propaganda at work. Pro-lifers are really no thoughts, head empty people and it's fucked.
@KxTKx 2 года назад
Mine did the exact same thing. However I was like 13/14 back then and I actually belived everything in that movie. Only years later I'm realizing how fucked up it was
@olliewithab1926 2 года назад
Very offtopic lol but your pfp is me but you would need to add a greyromantic heart border around the pan heart
@STOP.musick 2 года назад
maybe next time you should show her a movie like "It's Alive" and ask her
@allisonford5461 2 года назад
Just a small point regarding the “blood-splattered shoes” scene: assuming that blood or other biohazardous materials were to spill, spray, or otherwise contaminate people present in the operating theatre/any other abortion-related room, there is absolutely no way any organization not wanting to be shut down for incredible health and safety violations would let contaminated articles of clothing or other objects to leave without being thoroughly sanitized and almost definitely sterilized, probably using an autoclave. If that was not possible, it would be necessary to dispose of the contaminated objects with the biohazard waste. No employee in any place where biohazard exposure is a possibility would be allowed to walk around spreading biohazardous material with their shoes, or with anything else. The only reason I can see to include this extreme oversight is either out of having no knowledge whatsoever of how biohazards are dealt with, or to make Planned Parenthood look incompetent and dangerous. Such a scene could and would never happen in any real-life scenarios, and if somehow it did, I think whoever had the contaminated item would be rushing to clean up and decontaminate everything, not just casually accepting it.
@otakasensei 2 года назад
As a nurse, I cringed so hard when she said Abby went home with bloody shoes lmao Don't you have protection gear to use during procedurr, woman? You didn't wash the contamination of bodly fluids imediatly after it splatted on you? Are you not aware, as a director, about the risks the jobs at the clinic face? For fuck sake
@steveker5084 Месяц назад
Go ahead. Write an entire book. Abortion kills a baby in the womb. Truth doesn't need the word salad you just offered. It is short, and to the point.
@Fatima-mz6zu 2 года назад
My school actually had ALL OF US watch this movie, on a freaking teather, when we were 13-14 year olds, and obviously, SO many people were horrified by how abortion was depicted in it, i heard girls cry in the bathrooms after we finished and it was honestly so heartbreaking. I am pro choice and the way it depicted teen pregnancies made me so uncomfortable, like the girls were "stolen" the option of becoming mothers, something they shouldn't have be to begin with. The scene where the protagonist talks a young girl out of getting an abortion by telling her about her experience made me so angry because they made it look like she accomplished something but they never showed what exactly happened to that girl, was she actually able to raise the kid in an appropiate envornment? With the basic necessities a kid needs while also being able to live her own life? Did she even made the birth or did she have any complications because of her age or her access to medical care? No, obviusly they didn't show it because it would ruin their image of "saving lives" when the only thing they do is put them in unnecessary danger and social pressure to do what these complete strangers want them to do to support their campaign.
@whatever5401 2 года назад
wow that's messed up
@fart63 2 года назад
In the most morbidly ironic way, them not showing the future of the girl or the unborn fetus is perfectly in character for “pro-lifers” who don’t give a rats ass what happens to the person or her cell pouch after the pregnancy is over with.
@Fatima-mz6zu 2 года назад
@@fart63 Exactly
@whatever5401 2 года назад
@@fart63 omg ikr?
@janelbbuck 2 года назад
America is so ironic, you have people yelling about free speech, but some of these people are against free choices to do with someone’s body, romance, race, sexuality, etc. They can be against so many things that seem like basic human rights but they still yell about freedom.
@eleasy1976 2 года назад
free speech is different from morality
@TetsuroKuroo3798 2 года назад
This is so true its scary.
@mod321 2 года назад
It's my freedom to own a killing machine but you can't do a medical procedure.
@eleasy1976 2 года назад
@@mod321 a medical procedure is a course of action intended to achieve a result in the delivery of healthcare. someone sticking tools in your body to pull out a living child (or yanking off the babies body parts to kill it and pull it out) is murder.
@evabecerra1800 Год назад
But aren’t babies humans too? Shouldn’t they get human rights? Can’t the baby feel pain after a certain amount of months ?
@intscm 2 года назад
i remember my mom took me to watch this movie with my sister in theaters so we can ‘see what they REALLY do to babies’ and i remember seeing so many moms with their daughters and most of them were really young. me and my sister were one of the only ones that were teens in the theater. and in the scene where the baby was supposedly trying to stay in the womb i felt sick to my stomach. but not because of how ‘sad’ it was or whatever but because it was so insanely gruesome and weird??? all the moms in the theater were crying and it just felt so uncomfortable. i felt so nauseous coming out of the theater and my mom felt so proud of herself because she thought this really sealed the deal for us to think that abortion is murder. if anything, it just made my phobia of blood even worse LOL and i completely wiped this movie out of my memory. i’ve been pro choice even before my mom took me to watch this movie but thank you so much grayson for showing the true colors of this movie and movie maker. fuck you abby johnson !
@kyandaila 2 года назад
i had a really similar experience. i remember going to see it in theatres with my mom and a big church group of moms and their daughters. i felt physically sick while watching it and my mom (and all the other moms) were full sobbing. it was super manipulative and i’m only in the last couple years unlearning all the shit. i’m still told that pro-choicers are murders and compared to the holocaust. super disturbing. thank you grayson for speaking up about this movie!!
@lemonadebi 2 года назад
that's literally sick wtf.... imagine showing graphic blood and gore to your young child to scare them and thinking ur doing the right thing?? so sorry that happened
@kittykittybangbang9367 2 года назад
people need to be educated on what actually happens during an abort1on
@daniboy4153 2 года назад
Wow great parents y'all have. (Seriously just cut them off so you don't have to deal with their ways)
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Your solution is for her to cut her parents out of her life? Also, she probably still lives with them, so now what?
@luigiboyinblu 2 года назад
Grayson literally 5 seconds after posting this video: “THE PRO-LIFE PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO COME THROUGH AND I CAN’T STOP THEM”
@ddjsoyenby 2 года назад
"SO YOU SUPPORT BABY MURD3R YOU K1LL3R!" i mean you support forcing people to give birth.
@paigemosher8697 2 года назад
They invade and infect sneakily and silently, like an aggressive cancer. Granted, I'm pretty sure botched (forced) pregnancies kill more people a year than many forms of cancer with the added bonus of being COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE. Pro-lifers are MURDERERS. End of.
@chameleon1015 2 года назад
@loopyfuntime2684 2 года назад
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
We will fight for the right to life. Murder is wrong (are those things I just said controversial? I hope not)
@2nd3rd1st 2 года назад
Ugh, we shouldn't call them "pro-life" and give them the satisfaction and legitimation. Forced birthers should be the correct term for them.
@abigailsmith1947 Год назад
yea i'm down, being called forced birthers makes ya'll look even worse tho. our community would own it, how bout you try "murderers"....It has a nice ring to it.
@kittykittybangbang9367 Год назад
@@abigailsmith1947 How many kids have you adopted or helped in foster care?
@abigailsmith1947 Год назад
@@kittykittybangbang9367 I grew up with two foster brothers and an adopted cousin. The system can be pretty messed up but that is because people are messed up. Every kid has the right to life. Abortion has nothing to do with kids for most pro-choice, it's about not wanting to accept responsibility and wanting to just sweep your problems under a rug, you can't tell me abortion is for the kids best interest. And what's strange is it goes against all anthems we stand by today- equality for all....except unborn children, black lives matter, asian lives matter, disabled lives matter ect....except for the only people, yes people, who can actually fight for themselves.
@kittykittybangbang9367 Год назад
@@abigailsmith1947 that's a lot of text just to say... none
@abigailsmith1947 Год назад
@@kittykittybangbang9367 It's a lot of text that you didn't read. I'm still a teenager and obviously cannot adopt or foster yet, but I do plan to. If you actually read my paragraph you would see how it doesn't even matter because every kid has a right to life and it's not our right to take it from them.
@clxsev8185 2 года назад
Seeing how many people were forced to watch this at a really young age kinda sucks :(
@FiSH-iSH 2 года назад
hi im one of them, i probably wont sleep tonight because of the trauma this resurfaced in me :(
@clxsev8185 2 года назад
@@FiSH-iSH I'm really sorry that happened to you, I hope you are doing better and and make sure to take care of yourself.
@ticcitoby4evurr Год назад
i watched this when i was...15-ish, i didnt get whatevers going on but since ppl around me was taking it seriously and im too tired to get yelled at so i just kept my mouth shut the whole time, all i could ever think abt is thats not how it works cuz i did a research on how abortions work, if only i could tell them that abortion clinics literally dont allow a whole baby with limbs cuz theres certain requirements for abortion though
@steveker5084 Месяц назад
I'll bet you're OK with Queer Story Time at the public library, though?
@eloha3556 2 года назад
I was literally forced to watch this movie in highschool and smelled that it was bullshit but didn't know a lot of the information that this video had
@normalizenatalie 2 года назад
gotta love classic american education
@ashblu3 2 года назад
the fact that *a school* didn’t do their research- or didn’t want to.. these people are the first to claim that people fighting for human rights have “an agenda”. i can’t believe the world we live in.
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
And where are you from?
@rutha2403 2 года назад
I fear I would have done the exact opposite as you and believed this movie if I saw it when I was in high school. I was raised strictly religious and was pretty much a sheep 🙃
@monus782 2 года назад
@@rutha2403 I watched it because then friends in one of the cultier church groups I was part of convinced me to watch it while it was out, at the time it pretty much felt to me that it was preaching to the choir because I was already very much against abortion as I believed the nonsense fed to me (and I was pretty hostile towards feminism not because I’m a guy but because I saw it as a threat to the church I was deeply loyal to) but by then my faith was already crumbling for other reasons and my deconversion would happen not too long after. Definitely wouldn’t watch it again.
@theunbearablejuan 2 года назад
1.- PureFlix had a fit over the film getting an R rating. You know, the same film showcasing a fetus being mutilated in graphic detail with tons of blood flowing everywhere at the OR. What the hell were they expecting? 2.- Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, the mere fact that the woman behind this film was going to get fired little before she decided to pull a 180 and go pro-life is extremely sketchy. 3.- As with most pro-life people and activists, they ignore how fucked up the adoption system is. Most kids end up there for their entire childhood and then what? They've grown without parents, support and even parents trying to adopt have to go through insane hoops just to be able to do it. And that's in the States, the less said about the adoption system in Mexico (where I live) the better. And besides, what else is the alternative? Banning abortion altogether? Which will only increase illegal, risky abortions and open the doors for monsters like Gosnell to resurface. 4.- Unlike the God Is Not Dead films, Unplanned barely has any unintentionally hilarious scenes so it is unbearably boring.
@arbol262 2 года назад
The third point is really something that needs to be talked about more, the great majority of kids don't get adopted, as you said in Mexico, there's only around 10 kids getting adopted every year in the entire country and the rest of the unwanted kids end up in the streets asking for money and having an extremely bad quality of life. This is why the "don't get an abortion, just give the baby to the adoption system" argument is extremely flawed.
@gansz_lol 2 года назад
@@arbol262 that's just the truth. I know a few people who grew up in a foster family and still have contact to the mother's etc. but i also don't live in the US so maybe it's better with us. Kids who have parents after turning 18 is soooo important as when they need whatever even financial help they at least have one and I'm talking about normal families and not with @bUse or a disfuncional family. These kids won't have that and are literally on their own once they are 18/19. I just read about how female students can get financial help for their kid when they fulfill certain things as in being a full time student. Non student mother's don't get that kind of help. Maybe they live in a woman's house until their child is 12-16 weeks old After that they have to go through the legal stuff like a jobless person, despite the baby being so young. Even in my country on shows pro lifers say they can get help during pregnancy and after birth but ONLY until like max 6 months. We have children's money were a parent gets financial help every month which is max like 150$ or so. They only care about pregnancy and birth maybe up to one year past birth and after that.....the go shame teenage moms and single moms who had s€x before marriage. I love being a atheist cause at least I can think and do stuff without having my Bible in the back of my mind.
@theholyllama6950 2 года назад
@@gansz_lol Right! Christians can be so hypocritical. Like they preach "don't have abortions, think of the children" but after the child is born they do fuck all to actually help the parents. And when the kid grows up messed up, they get huffy and say "they're satanic. They strayed from God". Like literally HELP THEM!
@haydenkey07 2 года назад
I’m a Christian and I’ve always heard how as a Christian, I have to be pro life. My best friend got pregnant at 14, and she and her grandparents whom she was living with at time decided that she would get an abortion. She miscarried really early on and I can’t imagine the pain she had gone through. While I think it’s important to face the consequences for your actions, I respected my friend’s decision, and I stood by her despite the judgement I faced from my Christian friends just for supporting her. But as you’d said, I feel like banning all abortion would be way more dangerous for the woman than allowing it. All of my friends disagree, but I’m still confident in my faith and myself enough to stand by my opinion and know that it’s ok
@twinkiestar6538 2 года назад
i cant speak for any other country, so the following is regarding America. there is a *long* waiting list for people who want to adopt newborns. it isn't newborn babies who stay in the system their entire lives; it's children who were raised in druggy households until the age of 8 or 9 with fetal alcohol syndrome and severe emotional trauma. out of all of the arguments for the pro-choice group, this is quite possibly the least thought out.
@maewilson479 2 года назад
My grandmother forced me to watch this movie. We were the ONLY people in the theater and that scene traumatized me for a while. Not because of the scene itself, but my grandmother screaming at me and holding ME down, making me hear, and watch it.
@grace902 2 года назад
Jesus fucking Christ
@steveker5084 Месяц назад
If seeing an unborn baby being dismembered didn't bother you, what does exactly? OMG.
@beatrizn.5278 Месяц назад
So, supportung death penalty is easier than watching it? BTW, the doctor in the scene is a REAL doctor, former abortionist, and the scene depicts how it looks like.
@beatrizn.5278 Месяц назад
The doctor in the scene is a REAL doctor who did it many times. It is realistic. Watching it just help people realize how messed up it is.
@steveker5084 Месяц назад
If looking away from reality makes you FEEL better, ignore Grandma. But the reality remains. Abortion kills an innocent baby. Facts are facts. Sorry I can't sugar coat that for you.
@upat5am368 2 года назад
My mom wanted me to sit down and watch a certain scene in this movie. Never knew this was the title of it. She said " That's what happens when you get an abortion " This was about 6 years ago I belive. I had an abortion back in July. I couldn't take care of my baby on my own, and me and my boyfriend didn't have a stable job with a good income. Not to mention we live in an apartment complex. I'd rather be more stable before having a baby. Not only that, I've I've struggling mentally. I would not have been capable of taking care of the baby. As much as I miss my baby and how I would've loved to see them, this was good decision. They do not take perform abortions on women who have a fetus that big. Not to mention yes you are correct they do not force someone to get an abortion. And the office I was at. They were very kind, asking questions that were necessary. " is anyone making you do this abortion? " " do you feel safe where you currently live " And a few minutes before getting the procedure they asked me if this was what I wanted. During the operation, they held my hand and told me they'd help me through everything. They did, they were kind and made sure after I was taken care of. I talked to a nurse that was in the room with me who helped me calm down and took care of any needs I had. They were very kind and very attentive. My problem was the people outside of the clinic that were calling anyone that walked out disgusting for getting an abortion and handing out church pamphlets.
@mallorybutler8265 2 года назад
fun fact! this was filmed in my hometown. my classmates were recruited as extras, but they were told it was a christian movie, not a pro-life movie. they made everyone sign a confidentiality agreement to avoid protests.
@mintty6864 2 года назад
That’s so messed up, innocent people are now out on the internet forever paired with this movie, luckily people don’t pay that much attention to extras
@3SCAPER00M13 2 года назад
Are they doing okay?
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
Well you’re definitely not Christian if youre not pro life. The bible very clearly says that murder is wrong…
@rafaguelfand6615 Год назад
@@adriannedeforest8511 it also says not to wear different types of cloth together
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
@@rafaguelfand6615 For the Jews. That was before Christ came. Those Old Testament rules were for the Israelites to distinguish themselves from non believers. Now that Christ has come and after Peter had the vision of Christ after the ascension, Jesus has declared that the Gospel is for everyone, and so we don't need rules like those to distinguish ourselves from non believers. Everyone is able to be saved by Christ. See, this is why it helps to read the WHOLE bible, and not just the first part. But guess which rule DIDN'T change in the New Testament...killing babies is wrong
@katieanne3197 2 года назад
My mom works at a Catholic school and used to show this movie to her students. I never watched it cause I didn’t go to that school but omg I had no idea what this was about. I’m so happy that she stopped teaching religion cause oh my lord, those poor 7th graders.
@kit6561 2 года назад
what did ur mom think abt the film?
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Are you the type that bashes all religion? Or just Christianity?
@rachelhousden3531 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 where did she bash literally any religion?
@bearj7140 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 bruh she's not bashing any religious chill out💀
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Hey, I don't care if she is. Bash them all equally though, don't cherry pick.
@fiyahh13 2 года назад
God, I remember my conservative, catholic, school made us watch this movie for a RELIGION class and I was so fucking disgusted by how manipulative the movie was. Afterwards, we had to write an essay about it and abortion and how it’s bad or something, but I used that opportunity to write about how manipulative this movie was instead and how it should not have been shown in class. Can’t imagine what the other students wrote.
@3SCAPER00M13 2 года назад
What's so bad about conservatives? I was raised by conservatives and they are some of the most sweetest people around. They're very kind to everybody around them.
@sorryoutlandish 2 года назад
@@3SCAPER00M13 idc if they’re “some of the most sweetest people around” because they inhibit my reproductive rights as a woman. I’ve had former friends (who were conservatives) call me and accuse me of horrible things when I opened up about my abortion. Sweet my fucking ASS
@alexruzicka9708 Год назад
@@3SCAPER00M13 conservatives are sweet,of course,well if you fit their image and and do what they want.most of them are extremely manipulative and disquisting people,some of them even act like nazis towards other races or sexualities
@3SCAPER00M13 Год назад
@@alexruzicka9708 Sorry. I'm not well versed in a lot of groups.
@steveker5084 Месяц назад
Of course, you were only able to write the essay because you weren't killed by abortion. You received the gift of life. But you would deny that right to other innocent babies yet to be born. What a waste of a "Catholic" education. Prayers, my friend.
@fried_worms2827 Год назад
Ngl, my medical abortion was one of the most painful things I experienced, but THANK GOD I could get one before Texas straight-up outlawed abortion. Best decision of my life
@liz5465 11 месяцев назад
Wow, so screwing someone and getting knocked up then murdering your baby is the best thing you've ever done? Your life really sucks!
@rategg4407 2 года назад
I worked at a movie theater when this came out and the worst thing was seeing an entire Catholic school be brought to the theater on a field trip to watch this movie. All these kids were just excited to get out of class and eat pizza and popcorn at the movies, and all the adults were excited to really begin their anti-choice indoctrination. I get it, Catholic schools are gonna Catholic school, but yeesh it was not fun to see the theater fill up with young kids going to see a movie so full of misinformation and propaganda.
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
You think I wanted to see Curly Sue at the theater for a class trip?
@username5741 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 No one asked💕💕
@FiSH-iSH 2 года назад
most of those kids probably walked out traumatized,,
@goaway3302 2 года назад
honestly, not all all catholic school are filled with propoganda tbh just saying cuz i've studied in quite a few
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Most Catholic Schools provide a superior education compared to public schools.
@carito728 2 года назад
Calling them pro-life is what they've always wanted and gives them a feeling of power because the term sounds positive. I'd prefer to call them anti-choice.
@ShidoDraws 2 года назад
Better yet pro-life abuse
@kiralonely1307 2 года назад
@@ShidoDraws I prefer pro-forced-birthers
@Funny_in_blue 2 года назад
@@kiralonely1307 me too
@aidyxe 2 года назад
@mi9172 2 года назад
I like calling pro abortion people "anti lifers"
@mythosdove 2 года назад
Soooo funny story my school actually had a assembly where we met abbey Johnson. It’s super funny cause she went into explicit detail about her two abortions and I remember two girls fainted and over ten girls had to walk out. I just say there thinking “huh it’s funny how this isn’t encouraging us it’s scaring us.” (What’s worse is that only the juniors and seniors watched the movie) but our ENTIRE school was there. Which means a bunch 13-14 year olds who don’t even know who this lady is have to listen to this explicit detailed story about this woman’s two abortions. It’s funny I’m pretty sure this what pushed so many girls to be pro-choice
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
She had two??? Why doesn't she just get fixed then? What the hell lady.
@sometimesicrytoooften39 2 года назад
@Molasor Rosalom thats not the easiest option ever :/ my mom had an abortion with twins and a few years later she list a baby she wanted to keep. after that she got fixed and she was hurting super bad for a bit. she even said it was worse than the abortion. that’s probably why 😕
@sometimesicrytoooften39 2 года назад
@blackqweenmars 2 года назад
This is just like the vegan teacher. She pushes the vegan agenda so horribly that she encourages people to eat meat more than she encourages them to become vegan
@steveker5084 Месяц назад
Abortion.... funny stuff. Great generation of kids we've raised, eh, parents? Planned Parenthood, I see you.
@trashpanda3544 2 года назад
The sentence "pro lifers shot a man" is so juxtaposed that this can't be real life.
@kittykittybangbang9367 2 года назад
Pro-lifers are notorious for harassment and sometimes trying to destroy ab0rt10n clinic
@abigailsmith1947 Год назад
"pro lifers shot a man" "pro choicers killed 63 million babies"
@Zoey_767 8 месяцев назад
‘The right to live a life is important and ending it is sinful… until you’re out of the womb’
@_user0037 2 года назад
Everyone's opinions are valued but never the one's whose body is involved in this whole process. Right to choose is a basic right but women can't choose their pregnancies
@Lilmisscostumedrama 2 года назад
But they can though. It’s called having sex responsibly. Unless, you are forced into sex whether it be for profit, abuse etc….
@markus6388 2 года назад
@@Lilmisscostumedrama bro condoms are 98% effective, accidents happen, stop making it seem like all the pregnancies out there are all the woman’s choice.
@lexmortis5722 2 года назад
Or if the protective measures fail, which can always happen
@bobtheball5384 2 года назад
@@Lilmisscostumedrama People who have sex responsibly can still get pregnant.
@EllaMBV 2 года назад
@@Lilmisscostumedrama contraceptives can fail, no matter how responsibly you're having sex theres always a chance you'll get pregnant.
@LunaWitcherArt 2 года назад
For how much religious people claim to be pacifists, they sure love violence and blood in their movies (this one and The Passion Of Christ come to mind)
@puddle3551 2 года назад
I guess it's because the retelling of different scripts from such a long time ago reflects the time periods they were written in. Blood and gore wasn't rare and was sometimes revelled in (think back to ancient Rome etc) so it makes sense that they wouldn't want to dance around the blood and gore in order to correctly retell it. I don't understand why they leave it in movies that are directed at children though. (Btw im not siding with anything this movie portrays about abortion and how bloody and aggressively they incorrectly present it).
@plumsparkles945 2 года назад
@greenthinggg 2 года назад
@sarahline9200 2 года назад
I mean to be fair with the passion of the Christ, the movie (as far as I can remember and for the most part) accurately depicts the story of Jesus’ crucifixion. Crucifixions were so violent and brutal that they literally came up with the word “excruciating” to describe the pain that those were crucified felt!
@quzar3291 2 года назад
passion of christ was amazing cinema tho im not even a christian but i cried after the whole ending
@minaashido3238 2 года назад
I don't see why abortion is even a debate. Personally I am neither for or against it. Like...it's not my body, it's not my problem sooooo Why would I care?!
@Apples765 2 года назад
Same, personally I would not have an abortion but wtf would I care about anyone else's oven.
@metaknight115 2 года назад
I'm all for abortions in the earlier stages, but the later stages are essentially killing a living baby (if abortions on later stages is even legal)
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
Because murder is evil maybe?
@floraposteschild4184 Год назад
@@adriannedeforest8511 Or it's just no fun to have an opinion when you can't impose it on other people?
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
@@floraposteschild4184 well we should definitely impose the opinion “murder is bad” on people. Or do you think we should let people murder just because they have different opinions than us?
@BesosdeLisbetRuiz 2 года назад
21:00-21:14 PREACH IT! Honestly! They say “ Save the babies “ but once it born, no one cares about it.
@kittykittybangbang9367 2 года назад
"Life begins at conception, and ends in a mass sh00t1ng" - a random internet post
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
Even though pregnancy help centers are pro life and they help women even after they give birth. Not planned parenthood
@steveker5084 Месяц назад
That's false, But besides that, you fail to admit what abortion does. Come on, say it. Abortion kills a human life in the womb. Now, hop on your abortion train.
@beatrizn.5278 Месяц назад
Catholic churches has thousands of orpganages. Planned Parenthood has none. And me adopting or not (although I am asking my husband to adopt a kid) doesn't make ki right.
@beatrizn.5278 Месяц назад
The Catholic church has thousands of orphanages. No feminist organization I know of funds even 1. And altough I am asking my husbund to adopt a kid, what I do or not doesn't make k! right.
@kerp0864 2 года назад
As a child of abuse because my mother only had me to try and trap a guy, I do believe some babies shouldn’t be born. And with over population, babies from third world countries have a better chance of getting loving homes that can give them such a wonderful life. Also just to clarify, abortion should be a right for any woman! It is their body and they need to do what they feel they can.
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Nothing you said made sense here.
@jamieplanes4896 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 He means that some children shouldn’t be born because they might not be born in the correct environment
@pearlngozi2818 2 года назад
Oh Dear God, not the third world being grafted to golden first world narrative
@kerp0864 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 I guess I’m trying to say sometimes thinking you can be a mom to a baby doesn’t always work. So having an option where you can choose to abort early is good.
@kerp0864 2 года назад
@@pearlngozi2818 that’s not what I meant. I more so meant that being able to have meals and a family that can focus solely on them is good. Because a lot of third world counties have big families. Like I crew up in a community where a couple children from Africa were adopted. Not into a rich white community or anything like that. But they got to have a life where they could get fed three times a day and live to their full potential. It’s not about a white saviour complex. ( I’m black and Native American ) it’s about them being a genuine chance to thrive. Both of the people I knew were an Asian mother and a white father and the second couple were Asian and Native American in the situations I was thinking of. So no “white saviour” stuff. . .
@deadvelveteer 2 года назад
Ironic how some people are so "pro life" and yet don't have one
@ddjsoyenby 2 года назад
@motelsinger 2 года назад
That was a good one, yet so true💀
@jayzt705 2 года назад
@sony-.-7642 2 года назад
@@motelsinger nope
@chocolattefeverdreams4228 2 года назад
Ikr. Like stop worrying about what people do with their body and get a life.
@corypowercat7277 2 года назад
The scene where that girl was held down reminded me of this “true story” that this women typed up on a blog. Apparently her boyfriend made her have an abortion when she was early on in pregnancy and she said that the clinicians held her down and didn’t stop the procedure even though she was begging them to stop. And the fact that people believed her when she said that is so dumb.
@TheLorivas 2 года назад
One thing I never understand is why these people make up lies and agree with those lies knowing they are lies
@kitsun3imp0ster 2 года назад
If we're able to pull the plug on braindead patients with a heartbeat, how come we can't have abortions? Just my view on things. These are the same people who say that patients 'shouldn't suffer', yet bring children into a world where they aren't able to eat, get abused, or neglected because their parents never wanted them. This is why I'll always be pro-choice, and why I'll try to be a foster parent in the future.
@MissShembre Год назад
I hope you have a great experience fostering in the future, that sounds awesome! :) As for pulling the plug on brain dead patients, a lot of people will consent to removal of life support before the accident, and medically speaking, the deeper parts of your brain/the oldest part of our brain structures are the parts that will still keep a body "going." The parts that made them a person are on the outer layers of your brain, and those are gone, and they no longer have potential. Some people may make a spontaneous comeback, but that's probably rare. A pre-aborted baby has potential to grow and contribute to society.
@leela8143 Год назад
@@MissShembre we dont need any controbutions to society that makes more problems. We are not an endangered species.
@hayleycailey 2 года назад
I assume the movie also forgets to mention that many abortions are carried out with abortion pills that you just take at home pre 10 weeks or in a clinic post 10 weeks which allows you to pass the pregnancy within a matter of hours. Coming from the UK where you can have an abortion up to 24 weeks no questions asked and without having to inform parents for under 18s, it's crazy to see stuff like this. The UK does offer certain services when someone goes in for an abortion like counselling services, ultra sound visits or an opportunity to discuss different methods of abortion or alternative options but it's all optional, though there are definitely cases of medical professionals pushing an agenda. Plus it's free!
@jayzt705 2 года назад
That's not entirely true...a pill is possible up to 8 weeks or 9 at most. 14 weeks is quite a (visibly) developed foetus they would not have you miscarry by yourself at home, nor would that be medically safe or often even fully succesful. And you do have to go through a couple of assessment sessions before you can sign a consent form, but it's with good intentions, to get an idea of your situation and whether you'll need additional forms of support. There is also a focus to make sure you're not pressured into anything though. An ultrasound always has to be carried out before a procedure but they won't show you or share it with you (obvs unless you ask for it, you do have the right). I think these things are good though - women should be treated in a personal and responsible way through such a choice without anyone pushing their agenda. Sorry but without exaggerating, the US is the absolute ghetto of the developed world in terms of healthcare, it shocks me again every time
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Glad to see someone who knows what they're talking about.
@hayleycailey 2 года назад
@@jayzt705 my bad you're right, I misread the NHS website. You can take the pills from at home up to 10 weeks or slightly after 10 weeks at a hospital or clinic. I was thinking of the types of surgical abortion including suction aspiration being carried out up to 14 weeks which can take as little as 5 minutes after which you'll likely be discharged a few hours later. Then after 14 weeks the pregnancy would be removed surgically from through the cervix in which case people are also sent home the same day. I must say I've never personally had an abortion so I can comment on the experience and I know there are risks envolved as with any medical procedure but it's empowing to know I'll always have a broad range of options which are not under threat. And without any medical knowledge I stand under correction but I'd hazard a guess that no normal abortion is going to more risky than childbirth
@jayzt705 2 года назад
@@hayleycailey oh yeah childbirth (and even pregnancy itself) is MUCH more likely to cause health complications than any professionally carried out abortion.... people can debate about the ethics all they want but that's just a fact lol
@blackqweenmars 2 года назад
That’s good that they have restriction on how long into the pregnancy you can have an abortion because eventually it’s not an abortion and it’s just killing a premature child by ripping it into pieces or leaving it to painfully die from hypothermia on an operation table
@countessspiritclaws5465 2 года назад
it’s truly a nightmare being trapped in texas like so many of us are. it’s incredibly sad that even a genital-repulsed asexual like myself understands the importance of planned parenthood 100x better than allosexual pro-lifers. it’s literally not hard to listen to others, care about their wellbeing, and empathize with them, pro-lifers just choose not to. seriously, they need to get a grip on reality.
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Then get the hell out of Texas, you'd be better off in Portland.
@scarydays6528 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 some people don't have the option to move
@AV-we6wo 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 Is that how you think democracy works? You either say yes to everything or you shut up and leave your home, family, friends, job?
@mlcoffey2 2 года назад
@@AV-we6wo if its important to you, then yes. You leave for your own well being and mental health.
@powdahh 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 Yo, go ahead and log out for me.
@honeypeaches7736 2 года назад
I'm from the UK and I'm honestly astonished that this basic right is still debated in the US.
@botanicalitus4194 2 года назад
The US is literally a developing country that is masquerading as a developed one. It's a nightmare
@amask99 Год назад
It is still murder, bodily autonomy doesn't let us kill other people
@elsakettelkamp2347 Год назад
i go to a catholic school and we have this thing called respect life week and like maybe a half a day is abt suicide prevention but everything else is about pro-life crap and it makes me and my friend group so mad bc for some reason our school thinks clumps of cells are more important than act ppl with feelings and they actually are making us watch this movie too and i’m pissed off
@ryanmarie4461 2 года назад
about the "if you don't want your mom to know maybe you shouldn't be doing it" thing: that feels like an unhealthy relationship with your mom imo, like my mom drove me to get my nipples pierced despite visibly cringing every time it's brought up. she HATES them, and yet she recognizes that its my body, and said welp might as well drive you there so you dont have to get on the bus in pain.
@lizanna6390 Год назад
Once I was 18 my mother pretty much tossed every rule out of the window. Friends were being told 'no tattoo while you're under my roof' and I got 'you're body but please don't get a boy/band tattooed on you.' Pretty good system. Even in my thirties I can talk things out without being told what to do.
@pembrokelove 2 года назад
I am excited to watch this. I’m wondering if it’s the same one that I was made to watch way back in school, where these young girls were put in like forced birthing camps for eternity as punishment after dying during abortions? It was from some Christian film company and it was fucking wild.
@graysonsprojects 2 года назад
W H A T ???????
@lavableacide3330 2 года назад
religion is insane
@astroboystan 2 года назад
Whatbdh 😂 😭 I’m gonna go pass out, what-
@livid1248 2 года назад
@pissonmyboots 2 года назад
WTF do you remember the name??!!? I HAVE to watch it.
@capo918 2 года назад
i remember when my school took the whole class to watch this movie, every girl ended up scared as fuck of getting pregnant and or getting an abortion. I think this movie is so dangerous, the amount of misinformation it contains is so sickening. I’m so glad I didn’t fall for this bullshit
@grace902 2 года назад
@bellamyers783 2 года назад
One time I told my mom that rape victims should be able to have abortions so to make sure how absolutely wrong I was she made me watch this movie. I was like eleven and damn it was traumatizing
@3SCAPER00M13 2 года назад
Rape victims should be able have abortions, that is something I agree with, it is not their child. But those who didn't practice abstinence should take care of the child. It is their fault, they got themselves into that situation, and they need to account for their mistake and be responsible and care for the baby.
@3SCAPER00M13 2 года назад
@@aprilroel Sorry, I'm not good at explaining things, what I meant was somebody who was totally healthy in those ways.
@3SCAPER00M13 2 года назад
@@aprilroel Yeah, it sucks that some kids end up not being wanted. It's a dark, dark world out there.
@lilyb1043 2 года назад
years ago, my stepmom showed me this movie. after, she then literally asked what my opinion was about abortion
@jamieplanes4896 2 года назад
So what was your opinion on abortion?
@lilyb1043 2 года назад
@@jamieplanes4896 now that i’m older and more informed, im pro-choice, and have been for a while
@jamieplanes4896 2 года назад
@@lilyb1043 same
@ponykazy3725 2 года назад
I hate it when parents do that like... "gee idk, you gave me your side and literally nothing else to fact check it with, guess I have to belive what you tell me." 😤 Didnt know I had to study before movie night JFC.
@theodor.thegreat3911 2 года назад
"Yeet the child"
@SquirmieWormington 2 года назад
Apparently the guy who played the abortionist in the graphic scene was a real abortionist, one for like 30 years and then became pro-life. Which is sickening that he knows that that’s not how it works and continued to portray this lying fear mongering. Unless he actually did stuff like forcibly hold patients down and in that case he should be fucking tried in court.
@blackqweenmars 2 года назад
I heard a story about a woman in China who was forced to abort her baby
@el-topo 2 года назад
@@blackqweenmars well that’s china and their one/two baby law. not the usa.
@evabecerra1800 Год назад
If the guy was a real abortionist and is now pro life he must’ve seen some horrible stuff
@sammygecko_ Год назад
@@evabecerra1800don’t know if that’s the best takeaway when we don’t know the entire story. Just feels like a false-equivalent that leads to fearmongering
@mariacarrizales6457 Месяц назад
I think this scene has been completely misread , they were not holding her down to force an abortion on her , they were holding her down because she was in physical pain and she had to stay still . I’ve never had an abortion but I would want to think sedation is available? Regardless of our personal views, abortion is a painful procedure and the patient might find it difficult to stay still.
@riotwire 2 года назад
My parents are super pro life. My mom taught me about abortion when I was pretty young and she said basically "stupid women make bad choices and regret it, so they cut the baby into a bunch of pieces and suck it out with a vacuum, it is murdering a child" I've learned most of the time it's just a pill and the fetus is not a baby or aware of what is going on. My step sister had to teach my step dad that the pill even existed. He had no idea and he's like 55 years old. Also I had to go to PP for a non-abortion reason, and my mom found out and started screaming full volume at me.
@dreamart3721 2 года назад
I was forced to watched this at church when I was 12, I'm 15 now and I'm still traumatized.
@FiSH-iSH 2 года назад
same actually, except i watched it at a movie theater with my parents and brother. i had to leave halfway through because it was that bad :(
@Finn_01 2 года назад
Oh my god my ex swore by this film like the Bible. Swore by it MORE than the Bible, actually
@yeokomon 2 года назад
man im glad that says ex
@ashblu3 2 года назад
@@yeokomon amen
@Finn_01 2 года назад
@@yeokomon As am I
@ashikjaman1940 2 года назад
Christians and idolatry, name a more iconic duo
@Finn_01 2 года назад
@@ashikjaman1940 Christians and bad politics
@amberdaze7892 2 года назад
i went to christian school and had to watch it in class i hate this movie with my whole heart it made me more pro-choice out of sheer spite (edit: even many my of pro life classmates thought it was stupid and the acting/writing was laughably bad)
@zammmerjammer 2 года назад
Yuck. I went to Catholic school all the way from kindergarten. If a teacher even SUGGESTED showing this movie in class, my mom would have had an absolute s.h.it fit.
@marcohidalgo1101 2 года назад
@@zammmerjammer Your mom is a smart woman.
@monus782 2 года назад
Just a few years ago I was a hardcore Catholic and some then friends in one of the cultier groups I was part of convinced me to watch it while it was out, at the time it felt like it was preaching to the choir as I already believed most of the nonsense fed to me but thank goodness my faith would fall apart not too long after so that the brainwashing could finally end.
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
Kind of scary that people will laugh at a movie about the murder of children. Did you laugh at schindlers list too?
@marcohidalgo1101 Год назад
@@adriannedeforest8511 People laughed at Mommie Dearest when it first came out despite it being a movie of child abuse.
@korance2808 6 месяцев назад
I remember when my aunt dragged me to the cinema to see this film. I'm still planning my revenge on her.
@Tara-vr3xp 2 года назад
Taking away the right of a person to choose over their own body, means giving that person less rights than a corpse. When someone dies we cannot legally use their body, even if it saves another person, without their permission while they were still alive. Yet people are trying to force other people to use their bodies for another being, without their consent. Make it make sense.
@sansequanimity5998 2 года назад
Let's be honest, the worst crime in this film is Abby's wardrobe That end rant was f^çķiņğ glorious ❤ and your partner's contribution was very insightful lol.
@sophiaclements4918 2 года назад
As someone who has had an abortion, I really appreciate you spreading the correct information about the process and procedure. Thank you!
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Society thanks you for getting one.
@fart63 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 we certainly do!! I’m so glad that this person is taking care of themselves and doing what’s best for their own life
@jasper9803 Год назад
I'm so proud of you for making that choice for yourself ❤ if you are willing to share your story! And spread correct info!
@callmezevi 2 года назад
My catholic school took us to CINEMA for the premiere 💀💀 One girl fainted and one girl vomited 🙂
@geeg 2 года назад
it really should be as simple as if you don’t like abortions, don’t have one. anyone else is none of your business
@randomchick901 2 года назад
I was raised super catholic. By the time I was in middle school, I had been shown so many of these “pro life” pieces of media and fed so many gruesome “facts” about what happens during an abortion. (I even went to some pro life events, which I still deeply regret being involved in). At the same time, I learned nothing about consent, contraception, or even my own body. This type of fear mongering is extremely dangerous
@monus782 2 года назад
It was almost exactly the same for me, however it was around high school when I decided to become more devout (and I think that was the greatest mistake of my life) and by college I was an ultra conservative and fundamentalist type of Catholic so I was already familiar with and believed the propaganda I was fed by apologetics (even prayed in front of abortion clinics several times) when I was invited to watch this film and at the time it just felt like it was preaching to the choir because I didn’t expect the unbelievers to watch it (so like the usual PureFlix movie), nowadays it just shows how brainwashed I actually was. I was greatly hostile towards the feminist movement at the time not because I’m a straight guy but because I saw it as a threat to my faith (all because the Church really doesn’t like abortion) which I ended up losing anyways not too long after watching this film, I’m just glad I got out in the first place. In the Catholic high school I went to all we got for sex ed was some BS called Theology of the Body and I didn’t learn about consent until college, when I first did I didn’t take it seriously as I thought that I’d have to ask every five seconds while doing the deed (and for that I have nothing but remorse for those past views) and I’m just trying to catch up with the proper info now that I’m in my late 20’s.
@abigailsmith1947 Год назад
we do learn about those though, that's like the point. The fact that we can even show gruesome photos tho, I don't agree with this method, but it is murder, you can't get around it. Murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another, just think about it, it's not for you, it's a human being....don't be blind
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
I was raised Catholic but I dont need to be Catholic to figure out that murder is evil
@deathsheadhawkmoths Год назад
i was raised catholic too, and i feel this so hard. i remember going with family and friends to hold signs outside a clinic when i was a small child. makes me sick to think back on
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
@@deathsheadhawkmoths what about the children in those clinics?
@erin8969 2 года назад
This whole discussion of pro-life vs pro-choice has me really scared. My older sister is going off to an Ivy League college next year, and based on the research I’ve done ivies have elevated sexual assault/harassment rates compared to other colleges. It terrifies me that something bad may happen and she won’t be able to get the help she needs.
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Like she'll have to much to drink, have a hook up she regrets, and then accuse the guy?
@miaposamarie226 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 you are a very sad little incel, arent you?
@emileed1326 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 tf? If you're drunk it's not consent
@hoshikanbe8690 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 if ur a guy you have no say in this. gtfo 😐
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
What if I identify as female? 😁
@justrachel4496 Год назад
It's so interesting to me when antiabortionists use tales of women being forced to get an abortion as an argument against abortion, because it shows that they do know bodily autonomy is valuable, and just ignore it the rest of the time.
@TetsuroKuroo3798 2 года назад
The fact that theres still people using this movie as evidence for how abortion shouldnt be legal is terrible.
@vampyisdying 2 года назад
I remember this story when I was fighting with my mom with the “pro-choice and pro-life” argument and she read it to me AND CRIED…cried bro I was tryin so hard not to laugh cause of how dumb the story sounded
@lexiwilcox4406 2 года назад
I honestly believed the story in my teen years. Then I moved out and started questioning alot of things. I learned the pro-life activist is also strongly against birth control.
@beaversfan8116 2 года назад
@@lexiwilcox4406 they are? Wouldn’t birth control prevent abortions??
@lexiwilcox4406 2 года назад
@@beaversfan8116 she believes in Natural Family Planning. No birth control at all. Just keeping track of when your ovulating and working your sex life around that
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
How convenient that the only women pro choicers will believe are the pro choice women
@dani_drawzz Год назад
​@@lexiwilcox4406 fr. So we can’t deal with unwanted pregnancies, but we can’t prevent them either?
@elliot__agares 2 года назад
omg this movie, ive seen a lot of people talking about it now, but I remember watching it years ago (don't remember when) and being like "yeah I'm still pro-choice" and my mom got EXTREMELY mad at me, even said she was gonna tell my dad I was pro abortion, that it was against our religion and yada yada yada (she was the one that showed me the movie, and I tried to explain to her that was not how that worked). Today thankfully shes pro choice and doesn't think abortion is against her religion anymore because various books and important people of the religion have done studies and wrote about how abortion isn't "killing a soul" or "stoping it from coming to earth" so now were okay
@ShidoDraws 2 года назад
I believe in souls and spirits but... how did people study spirits? I'm just really curious.
@vanesadiaz6325 2 года назад
@@ShidoDraws i think it refers to words in the books like the bible and another saints? Like there should be something since the church doesn't do funerals or other ceremonies to miscarriages
@Kolbatsu 2 года назад
What she saw changed everything. A huge wad of cash.
@eviievss 2 года назад
wrote my whole ass bachelor thesis on how factually wrong and borderline propaganda this movie is. im glad more people talk about it. even tho its trashy and horribly executed the message is still incredibly harmful. great video!!
@seorin__ 2 года назад
based hahah
@isabella-mw7ld 2 года назад
"unpregnant" and "never rarely sometimes always" are more progressive portrayals of abortion in film if anyone is interested in cleansing their pallet after hearing about this one. two very different vibes though, mind their synopsis!
@Sofia-lu1tp 2 года назад
I LOVED unpregnant, i've watched it three times, such a wonderful portrayal of abortion.
@erikdaniels0n 2 года назад
I’m pro-choice and even I went into Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always worried that it would be too preachy, and yet, what I got was a beautiful, nuanced story that’s stuck with me since I watched it a year ago. It’s SO GOOD
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
Just because theyre more progressive doesn’t mean theyre more accurate. Allowing infanticide would be progressive, but horrible. Dont you agree?
@isabella-mw7ld Год назад
@@adriannedeforest8511 they're pretty accurate too imo, unpregnant does a great job at showing what a bunch of freaks pro lifers are. it's a fun buddy comedy, you should watch!
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
@@isabella-mw7ld the scene where the pro life christians/Catholics (the art in the house and how they acted indicated that the movie makers have no idea what the difference between catholics and protests are) was the most laughable scene in the history of movies. I have not heard one story of pro life catholic/christian strangers trying to kidnap a pregnant teenager. Hilarious
@cosmiric 2 года назад
I remember watching this movie with my mom, and she crying during the whole thing saying "this is gross", "its a sin", stuff like that 💀 she also watches Ben Shapiro so, surprise surprise ig
@grandblue2125 2 года назад
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
And let me guess, you still live at home?
@eilir_adron 2 года назад
welp gotta throw the whole mom away
@litttlepigboy 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 and let me guess, youre a prolife weirdo lurking through the comments?
@jeremylim2421 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 yes, they have a home... A human right.
@geet9830 2 года назад
a little disappointed you didn’t mention that during the horrifically inaccurate abortion scene, the doctor says “beam me up scotty” before vacuuming the baby out
@MissShembre Год назад
I'm pro-life and that sounds utterly disgusting and tasteless in regards to the script writing.
@songbird6414 Год назад
@@MissShembre that was the point, though. Not only is it downright abhorrent, it’s said by the abortion doctor to make Planned Parenthood even worse. It’s a blatant tactic to turn the audience against the pro-choice side, and makes its rhetoric doubtful at best, and comical at worst.
@sowonkim4806 2 года назад
I previously interned at a gynae sector of a hospital as a student nurse. What happens when someone requests for an abortion (in my country, at least) is that they are required to 1. Have consultation twice; when they request it and a week before the procedure 2. Sit for therapy twice; a week before procedure and the day before taking the first pill (mifepristone) - P.S. they send you with the pill, so you can choose not to take it. 3. Admit you in the day after taking the first pill and, before administering the second pill (misoprostol) to expel the product of conception, you have to have another talk with the SN in charged. Yeah, do let me know when do they force people to go for abortions 🤡
@sebastianmartinez652 2 года назад
I worked at a movie theater when this movie came out. The kind of people that went to see this movie were exactly who you think. Old, white maga hat men and their karen wives. I was so glad when this movie left the theater.
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Karen's? The type that would screech at others who weren't wearing a mask?
@lixxielix 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 nah the type who wouldn't
@thepityscene 2 года назад
okay so my parents are fundies lol. and every year a local church holds a “film festival”. my parents always dragged my siblings and i to it and i had to watch it at the festival, it was terrible. and afterwards they had a guy from a “crisis pregnancy centre” (so if you come to them for unplanned pregnancies they just convince you to have the kid anyways) to answer questions
@veloc.raptor9136 2 года назад
Pro lifers motto be like "if we fucked up our lives and our health, and have scarred our children and were scarred by our degenerate parents... then so must you"
@abigailsmith1947 Год назад
what's worse, being scarred or being murdered?
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
Actually its more like we just think Murder is wrong. Really basic wrong thing there. Killing babies, the most innocent among us. Wrong. You talk about children as if theyre a scar or disease or a curse. Toughen up. They’re children. Not rapists. Rapists are rapists. And rapists deserve punishment. Not babies
@rockhistoria2537 Год назад
@@abigailsmith1947 honestly, I'd rather not exist than grow up into a emotionally scarred adult
@kittypeanut4102 Год назад
@@abigailsmith1947 what they said 👆
@isasparadise5954 Год назад
@@adriannedeforest8511 You’re putting the life of an underdeveloped fetus above a living and breathing mother with a body that belongs to her. There are many situations in which abortion is necessary, and taking the choice away completely is taking away the rights of countless women. The decision of abortion should be up to the women and the doctor, not you. Your own morals are irrelevant.
@cvntylicious 2 года назад
tbh this isn't even a discussion on whether abortion will stop or not, but its instead whether we want to allow women to have it be done professionally and safely or diy-ed and dangerous
@ddata7973 2 года назад
i'm from new york and i had a surgical abortion a few years ago. there is no way in hell that the doctors would let someone be awake during the procedure.
@Ethan-rg6db 2 года назад
my pro-life mom made me see this movie in theaters with her and it traumatized me so thank you for breaking down all the misinformation about the fear-mongering medical scenes
@and_then_they_said202 2 года назад
Big ol' Trigger Warning for this: This film reminds me of a 3 hour prolife video my very catholic mother played for me while i was falling asleep when I was 12. It was ridiculously graphic, describing lots of details of horrible contraptions for abortions that were described as torturous, hundreds of bags of small body parts in bins, denying information to the parent so they are forced to have an abortion, etc. it was very traumatizing to hear and i was still firmly pro choice, even at 12, probably because I had recently started my period and could understand the gravity of an unwanted pregnancy. I hated that video and finally learnt about the misinformation some time later, but my mother gobbled up every word. I then had to quite literally fight for my rights with her from when i was 12 till when I was 14 with massive arguments and religious videos being thrown at me, either about abortion or the LGBTQ+ community, several nights a week till 12 or 1 am. All i could think of at that time was wow, if she or anyone else really were prolife or cared for the children, i, an already very abused child, would not be treated like this. I was so tired. She still believes to this day that is how abortions work and wrote several letters to the government about it. If they were really prolife, they wouldn't spread that misinformation and they would never applaud my mother for treating me that way. Firmly prochoice all the way
@alz457 2 года назад
we had to watch this at my catholic all girls school in theology. i was only 14 and i won’t lie, it was almost convincing. my parents quickly put me back in my place, thank god. it’s so disturbing how manipulative and convincing they can be.
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
Ya abortion doctors and clinic workers are extremely manipulative. They convince mothers to kill their children
@ashleyabaddie 2 года назад
A family member of mine was talked out of an abortion from the protesters outside it was her 3rd child she couldn’t afford to have went on to have 5. They showed her inaccurate depictions of abortions and she changed her mind and went home. Her kids saw and still see poverty, homeless shelters, homelessness, abuse, etc.
@pandaboi7724 2 года назад
I remember when I was pro-life and my mother took me and my male cousins to this movie. I fucking sobbed my eyes out. (Edit: I had just turned 14 when this came out and we saw it) I can tell you right now, that pro-life Christians do not encourage research or study. They rely on fear-mongering and rely on emotional responses to get their "points" across. So glad I came to my fucking senses and got educated. Especially since I'm an AFAB person
@vikkipink1288 2 года назад
Imagine being so selfish that you take part in a propaganda campaign that could absolutely devastate the lives of countless women just to get back at your boss for firing you. With everything happening now she really should come out and tell people she lied if she has a shred of decency in her decrepit soul.
@Rosie-nz8jz 2 года назад
at this point, you’re not pro-choice or pro-life, you’re either right or you’re wrong. the whole idea of being pro one or the other almost belittles the entire situation. It’s not a matter of whether you like pineapple on your pizza or not, it’s about whether people deserve autonomy over their bodies or not.
@molasorrosalom4846 2 года назад
Line with vaccine mandates? Or is that "D"ifferent?
@LittleMissDeath 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 You don't have to get a vaccine, and nobody has to let you into their establishments.
@lordskeletor481 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 Well, vaccines protect other people and not just yourself, abortion, in the end, only affects the person who has it, are you so narcissistic that you can't understand the difference between protecting others from a potentially deadly disease and attempting to strip the bodily autonomy away from millions simply because according to you their ultimate purpose is to act as incubators?
@DC_let_the_Waynes_be_happy 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 yes is different, obviously, you know why? Because having or not an abortion will only affect the person having it, taking or not a vaccine however will affect not only you but the people around you,the more people get vaccines the harder it'll be for the virus to spread and/or mutate, is not only inconsiderate to try to compare those situations but is also stupid, if you wanna know more Google it,at this point you should know better than to use this fucking argument, we're going in the third year of the pandemic, grow up and read something that has an actual scientific base
@isabellapowery3321 2 года назад
@@molasorrosalom4846 I mean, abortions aren’t transmittable.
@kkuudandere 2 года назад
wait a minute wait a minute.... you're telling me the coalition of life folks promise ppl they'll adopt their babies if they don't go through with the procedure... but DON'T?? that's a new level of cruelty wtf that real life case is incredibly tragic, but the sentence "pro-lifers killed him" is darkly ironic
@shegoego13 Год назад
I’m Christian and pro-choice. What if a teenager was raped and got pregnant? In Texas, they wouldn’t allow you to get the abortion. What if the child has severe defects? You wouldn’t want that child to suffer! It’s so sad how closed minded people are.
@jaysea2969 Год назад
So if a child is born with disabilities you are saying that people should just give up on them? Because they are unworthy of a chance?
@belugas4life785 Год назад
@@jaysea2969 no, we are talking about the babies that suffer to death hours after they’re born, just to die. It’s horrible, we aren’t talking about a missing arm or Down syndrome or anything like that.
@shegoego13 Год назад
@@jaysea2969 No I’m not talking about that. There are children who are born with disabilities that are able to live normal lives and do great things.
@shegoego13 Год назад
@@belugas4life785 Exactly.
@tyranny809 Год назад
not my psychology teacher showing us the trailer for this movie in class ..... and praising it....
@Brunette_2005 Год назад
Yikes, creatures like this shouldn’t be teachers
@ellen314 2 года назад
Thankfully I never heard about this movie, but it sounds like something a church would force their youth group to watch in a meeting
@adriannedeforest8511 Год назад
Better than forcing unborn babies to die
@w1sperr68 Год назад
@@adriannedeforest8511 Better than going on every single remotely pro-choice comment you see on a PRO-CHOICE video and spreading your opinions. Do you not have something to do with your sad, pitiful life?
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