
Todd Bertuzzi Segment 

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Segment aired during the 3/24/07 HNIC pre-game where Todd Bertuzzi talks about being traded to the Detroit Red Wings. Mike Babcock talks about Todd, as well.




24 мар 2007




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@aibiwashere 17 лет назад
Thanks for uploading this... I always miss these clips ;)
@NawDawgTheRazor 13 лет назад
I like Todd and I believe he did not intend for what happened. I believe he was sorry. I admire his skill and the way he skates and handles the puck. Still... what is done is done. The truth is, forgiveness is something that none of us can give - it's not in our place.
@canadaconman 12 лет назад
Todd, you are and always will be remembered for being a hockey player! I am and always have been a Canucks fan since the Bure ERA! You and Naslund provided Nucks fans with plenty of good memories on the ice. That one incident alone should not define who you are and what you have accomplished as a hockey player. Every once in a while I even take a look at what you're doing out in Detriot and tell my girlfriend who is a Redwings fan "Now Todd' that good because he was a Canuck!" Go Todd Go!!!
@marrow089 15 лет назад
did anyone notice that the hit at about 0:38 is illegal and from behind
@TBertuzzi 17 лет назад
he's gonna help Red Wings alot
@bdejong7 12 лет назад
@duffy31311 bertuzzi almost KILLED him. dude, naslund was fine compared to moore. you are just a too-biased vancouver fan who can't see that what bertuzzi did was worse than what moore did, even though crawford told bertuzzi to do it
@Agt43 17 лет назад
@PCGaming300 10 лет назад
is it just me or does todd kinda look like nico from gta 4? lol
@marrow089 15 лет назад
i see how your playin in the NHL
@kcocgibkcusuoy 13 лет назад
Steve Moore was offered a spot on the Ducks roster last season; he turned it down. He said it was because he couldn't be cleared medically. I think it's either because he barely had the talent to make it to the NHL before he got his neck broken - which is infinitely more hockey talent than I have, and I'd assume 99.99% of the morons posting on this video - or that the ongoing lawsuit that Moore filed in 2005 would have lost a bit of its edge if he were able to suit up and play. The smart money
@ThePope19861 13 лет назад
bertuzzi is the man, the hockey player.
@pacemaker2point0 12 лет назад
@duffy31311 You're actually comparing a blindside hit to a sucker punch from behind to Moore's neck? Wow.
@Bah56 12 лет назад
It wasn't even Todd's punch that did it. It was the 600 pounds of hockey players that piled up on top of Moore after it. Yes, the punch was a cheap shot and everything, but to blame him for something that could happen at any pile-up in the crease or during any retaliation to a hit is just stupid.
@MrGoodweedindeed 12 лет назад
I'm so happy to see Bertuzzi getting a chance in Detroit and he is doing good. I've hit bottom myself and I know how hard it is. Trust me Bertuzzi is truly remorseful, when you go from missing 4 years and no one wanting to touch you due to your past and getting a second chance to clean the slate, he won't screw up. Mike Babcock is a good coach. I like what he says at 1:25 Need to forgive
@goldendome10383 13 лет назад
if i had done what bertuzzi did, i think there would be some kind of mental block that would prevent me from being able to go out and play in the same way.
@calvin0416 14 лет назад
agreed. not that what he did was ok, but the injury was unfortunate for moore and bertuzzi....something like that usually just turns out to be a mild concussion at worst not a broken neck. Bertuzzi play tough and hard but everyone knows he's a good character guy with a lot of class..he owned up to suffered a lot for this.
@bigrocker7119 14 лет назад
i think that bertuzzi has actully had a really good season in detroit. being a wing fan i wasnt happy when they picked him up. but hes surprised me and has played very weel.
@duffy31311 12 лет назад
@Ash23hockey it was great to see moore, who tried to get away with it all, see his day in court.
@claytor28 17 лет назад
@Barbaro2012 12 лет назад
Since he's been in Detroit, Bertuzzi's been a model hockey player. He stands up for his teammates when needed and is a constant force on the ice. I don't have a problem with him playing for my hometown team, he fits well and plays like he should. It's time for everyone to move on, it's not like he did anything to you personally. Todd has been nothing but admirable here in Detroit, and I think that he's found a niche here that he never had before. He has my respect, and obviously his teammates
@NawDawgTheRazor 13 лет назад
Now obviously, Moore got most of the damage from this ordeal, and as a former high school player, I know how carelessly violent people can get. The truth is that that kind of carelessness and hatred is not what hockey is about. Hockey is about skill and determination, not payback. In the end, if you kill someone, what have you gained? Being sorry doesn't make the other person any less injured or any less dead. Some choices stay with us forever.
@MHaberer 14 лет назад
I don´t believe that anyone deserves something like that, and I also don´t think that moore wanted to injure naslund (in fact i don´t even think his elbow hit him) but of course Bertuzzi had to fight back but not in this way. In the end I hope he´s going to be happy in detroit. (So far I think he is)
@Zachypants97 12 лет назад
I feel bad for him now
@DirectorTurnerable 12 лет назад
dexter needs to find todd bertuzzi
@3AA2 14 лет назад
@calvin0416 yeah dude its a shame cuz that incident all but ended a future hell of a career and maybe the best power forward the nhl has seen in years.
@kjason725 17 лет назад
i seriously hated bert. 1) hes just such an impact player that you hate to play him 2) the incident w/ moore, but now, i fuckin love the guy. He plays with so much heart and determination. Its hard to hate anyone in the winged wheel when you're a red wings fan. GO WINGS!!! PAV + ZATA ARE THE SHIT SON!!!
@mhcblues22 15 лет назад
no, moore was going for the puck and tried to guard himself from the collision.
@MitchL17 13 лет назад
it doesn't matter if steve moore sucked. If you kill a homeless guy, it doesn't matter that they didn't contribute to society, it's a crime and you are punished. Bertuzzi got a slap on the wrist and should have been more severely punished.
@andrewbunce5747 10 лет назад
I hope you guys realize Steeve Moore is still in a wheel chair.
@waxingartistic 15 лет назад
Not since the sucker punch. It put an end to his career.
@MrGoodweedindeed 12 лет назад
It was a bad move on both Moore and Bertuzzi. Each did a dirty thing that changed both their lives forever. I'm sure if they could take it back they would. In my opinion I don't believe Bertuzzi wanted to permanently injure Moore but rather to give a stern payback for the dirty Naslund hit. It was hard on Bertuzzi's conscience as you can see from this video. He was almost in tears over the guilt. Even visited Moore in the hospital at his bedside. People do make mistakes.
@EdGringo78 13 лет назад
@Michlimania Yeah I agree. I've seen lots of interviews of Todd since that incident and have heard his side of the story. I truly think that he is sorry that this happened. I know what he did was VERY wrong but, like you said, forgive him and give him a second chance. He really does sound like a nice, sweet guy. Hearing him talk kinda makes u wanna go up and give him a hug :-)
@duffy31311 12 лет назад
@jstackhouse100 at least we dont have to see moore playing. he got owned and never returned thankfully.
@MitchL17 13 лет назад
@Michlimania You can assault someone or even kill someone, without intending to do any real damage, but it doesn't matter. The reason people think Bertuzzi should get a second chance is because he's a good hockey player. If he were just some guy on the street people would be disgusted that he wasn't put in jail. To the people who think "oh he served his sentence..." so do people in jail, but their criminal record ruins their lives forever. Everything isn't forgiven, thats not how life works.
@84hotshot84 14 лет назад
great hockey player, great man, he will never play the game the same again. you can see in the way his play has changed that he always at one point during every game that he has that incident on his mind, it is truly a curse
@8hockeybeast 13 лет назад
prothrope was a prevois high school hockey player he knows what hes talking about . "In the end if you kill someone..." wtf Moore was a third line goon Bertuzzi was a sick All Star More requested 20 million in the courts that guys a joke
@grimetime55 17 лет назад
the pens will sign bertuzzi in the offseason and crosby will rejuvenate his career
@bre6505 14 лет назад
wow...i dont know why there is such hate for him...i think his interview was very touching...i do feel really bad for the guy
@Vitryss101 14 лет назад
I like Todd, he was my favorite Canuck, right after Näslund. He played really good this season and is on the way back, I think he's a lot more humble now than he was back before the lockout season. Todd will lift the cup and when he will, I'll salute him!
@ploverspam 13 лет назад
Funny, he didn't mention Steve Moore. How many games has Steve played lately? What are Steve's chances of a Stanley Cup Ring? Almost 7 years later and Bertuzzi still makes me sick!
@Fuhgawz102 15 лет назад
did you compare bertuzzi to hitler?
@MrGoodweedindeed 12 лет назад
It's nice to see how classy Bertuzzi is now. He really went through the wringer but sometimes you need to fall hard to get back up on top.
@KyleighLynnsMama 13 лет назад
He meant to do every part of what he did. He is a monster and proves it time and time again! He is a poor liar and didn't convince me at all with his so called "apology". At least Naslund was not takin on a stretcher thinking he might die.
@out2dryproductions 13 лет назад
@hockeyfanredwings getting sucker punched and driving someones skull into the ice is a clean hit?
@duffy31311 12 лет назад
Moore should be in jail for that sucker hit on naz.
@jpb282 15 лет назад
Everyone makes mistakes. Ragging on Bertuzzi for his mistake and not considering that you have made mistakes yourself makes you idiots.
@edwardperkes 13 лет назад
no body would ever wish to end someone's career he did it because his coah told him to dnt believe me? well watch the coaches reaction right after it happened i am not defending him just stating the facts
@Barbaro2012 13 лет назад
We love Bert in Detroit, he's been nothing but beneficial. He's a good leader and has a great sense of the game. For example, he had two goals tonight and two goals only two games ago. He's been great for us all around, not a "malicious" or "dangerous" player
@dontbehatin2727 13 лет назад
@bre6505 .... i feel bad for the guy whos fuckin neck he broke
@chuock 17 лет назад
well it was f-up what he did to steve moore, but you have to be just an asshole if your intentions are to end someone's career, and i doubt thats what he intended.. Hope he brings his career back and wins the cup, go wings!
@tylerdurdonxx 13 лет назад
@hockeyfanredwings lol wut do u mean? All naslund had to do was explain that he got checked and injured. Enough said.
@duffy31311 10 лет назад
Todds hit was clean. go wings
@pardyanimal240 15 лет назад
Bertuzzi just punched him and the guys neck broke. It could have just as easily not have broken, its just unfortunate that it did.
@19shanedoan19 14 лет назад
@hockeyfanredwings Naslund took an elbow to the head. Big fucking deal, its a part of the sport. He didnt jump him from behind and bash his face into the ice.
@bestfriendmarshall 12 лет назад
EVERYONE LISTEN.im a big Bertuzzi fan and i do agree that it was the wrong thing to sucker punch steve moore but get over it c'mon hes still really talented. And everyone that says he should be in jail should shut up.Even today in 2012 people are sucker punching too in the NHL not severely injuring them but still do you really think he meant to ruin steve moores career.and to bertuzzi i still think of you as a hockey player not a really dirty player.
@thepopeofmope 11 лет назад
People act like Bertuzzi skated up behind Steve Moore and twisted his neck until it broke. It was a stupid decision that led to an a tragic, unfortunate accident. It's obvious he's remorseful. People just want to pass judgement. How many stupid decisions have we all made that could have led to something far worse than what actually happened? Every single one of us. The only thing that separates us from Todd is that the absolute worst happened. So everyone needs to look at themselves first.
@bunktuzzi44 16 лет назад
love you Bert!!!
@zhesandman 13 лет назад
i miss bertuzzi in vancouver
@arocca861 13 лет назад
How on earth can you feel an ounce of sympathy for him? He is a vicious man with malicious intent..And you know what? It is truly sad because he is/was a very talented hockey player, I will be the first to admit that he could have been a consistent 70-80 point a season guy but when you do what he did it ruins that.. I feel no sympathy for him i feel he should have be banned from the NHL and i hope the absolute worst for him.
@1337Marci 12 лет назад
Bertuzzi just needs a turnbuckle hit from chara like Pacioretty get and he would't cheap shot anyone else anymore for sure .
@Jackson12303 13 лет назад
moore may have cheapshotted naslund but bertuzzi took the cake with his near fatal cheap shot on moore
@bdejong7 12 лет назад
love 0:11 and 0:35. too bad people freak out about that now
@Slipknot5301 13 лет назад
@bre6505 fell bad for bertuzzi? are you fucking kidding me? he's still in the nhl, making millions of fucking dollars, moore had his career deestroyed in his first season
@kovalevisgod 13 лет назад
Love Bert. What he did to Moore was bad. If he could take it back, he would. However, Moore was a fucking fringe player who was gonna be on the next plane to the Italian League after that season ended. He took a cheap shot at Vancouver's best player and captain and basically went unpunished. Personally, I say shame on that no-class assclown Bob Hartley for putting Moore on the ice with time winding down in a 9-2 win on Vancouver's home ice. Everyone knew Moore was a marked man.
@gologabob 14 лет назад
@Michlimania Half of what you said was the truth
@duffy31311 12 лет назад
@DanCurtin4 12 лет назад
Bertuzzi should be kicked out of the league. GO AVS
@tool987ja 13 лет назад
I actually really like Bertuzzi. Besides pavel, he's my favorite red wing.
@TiredVigilante 12 лет назад
Any scrum could end this way. Shea Weber could have broken Zetterberg's neck this past year's playoffs. Why isn't he being crucified? Truth is, you have no fucking idea. What about Richards, on the Kings? Or Doughty? What about Crosby? He pulls some classless shit. Any one of those guys breaks somebody's neck, would you immediately start squalling about how gutless and shitty they are? It was a fucking accident. Grow up.
@chaingang90 15 лет назад
oh well, lots flames fans love him now..... hopefully he'll get back to where he was going with the flames
@MrZkellis 12 лет назад
@DirectorTurnerable hmm i rather see jigsaw find him :P
@gologabob 14 лет назад
Stop talking about this like if you knew shit. Bertuzzi is the most sorry guy iv ever seen. Plus if you followed this people you would understand that bertuzzi did about 1/20 of the damage most of the damage was done when the AV's player decided HEY LETS JUMP ON BERTUZZI WHO IS CURRENTLY TRYING TO GET OFF MY TEAM MATE ADD SOME WEIGHT YOU KNOW?
@MrBrostradamus 12 лет назад
Bertuzzi had no intention of breaking 3 vertebrae with a punch. Anyone acting holier than though can't look at the situation and know for a fact you wouldve acted differently. It's been 7 years, and he was essentially suspended 2 seasons for what he did, get over it.
@duffy31311 13 лет назад
@GeeTARnugget agree. bertuzzi's hit was clean.
@duffy31311 12 лет назад
@trashbar03 love what he did to moore thou. trash be gone
@duffy31311 12 лет назад
I love what bertuzzi did to moore. took out the garbage
@duffy31311 12 лет назад
@daniboi195. love what bertuzzi did to Moore. took trash out
@duffy31311 13 лет назад
@nab742423 Moore didnt say he was sorry to naslund. moore ruined naslund's life with that cheap assault.
@duffy31311 13 лет назад
@ghoul10100 Moore had no interest in the puck. he just took a second to assault naslund. If anything, moore should have been suspended and spent a day in jail for assault to make him think twice about assaulting guys. besides, what bertuzzi did to moore is just hockey. part of the game.
@vancouverbc69 13 лет назад
@Michlimania hay, lets not forget that it ruined Berts career too
@duffy31311 10 лет назад
moore should be in prison for the naslund sucker hit
@duffy31311 12 лет назад
@Turbanman101 who doesnt like bertuzzi. love what he did to moore.
@duffy31311 13 лет назад
@Jackson12303 I loved it. it was nice to see moore lying in his own blood.
@duffy31311 12 лет назад
@GBGOGA8 moore was fine 3 weeks after the incident. he just sucks.
@arocca861 13 лет назад
@bre6505 How on earth can you feel an ounce of sympathy for him? He is a vicious man with malicious intent..And you know what? It is truly sad because he is/was a very talented hockey player, I will be the first to admit that he could have been a consistent 70-80 point a season guy but when you do what he did it ruins that.. I feel no sympathy for him i feel he should have be banned from the NHL and i hope the absolute worst for him.
@duffy31311 10 лет назад
I love with Todd Bertuzzi did to Steve Moore
@duffy31311 12 лет назад
@GoalieTributesHD moore isnt playing cause he sucked
@dloc999 12 лет назад
man I hate that guy
@duffy31311 12 лет назад
@W1fox love what bertuzzi did to moore. trash out.
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