
Trails in the Sky The 3rd: Part 61 - I Accept Your Request (Star Door 12) 

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Richard's Colin Firth wet shirt fanservice moment. This is actually a really good door, though.




7 мар 2022




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@neond6740 2 года назад
Colonel Richard is exactly how you do a redemption arc right.
@jsilvuh6194 2 года назад
"I've chosen the path I now walk believing it to be right, certainly... but even I don't know for sure if what I'm doing is correct. Even now, I'm terrified of the possibility that I might be making the wrong choice. I worry that the road I walk might be the makings of yet another grave mistake..." 14:03 I love how the thunder booms when Sender asks the hard-hitting questions to Richard. 29:40 Yooo, the Red Constellation! Even back before I played the post-Sky games, I had a feeling that those guys would become a bigger deal later in the series. I really enjoyed this Door. It demonstrates why I enjoy the way Richard's redemption was written. He makes a genuine effort to do better and to use his skills in a way that he feels best serves the country, but we see that not everyone agrees with the path he has chosen. Sender even calls him as a coward and says that they'll never meet again. Despite his own self-doubts also, Richard strives to keep going. Richard's pretty cool... so can we see him in another game, please? As in, a proper on-screen appearance?
@TheJaredPunch 2 года назад
That quote is me, it can be anyone for that matter…
@nachohangover5104 2 года назад
Richard never is super important after this but they do call back to this door and have R&A show up later. *Crossbell and CS4 Spoilers:* Red Constellation was revealed to have been fighting Heiyue in Calvard prior to Azure. Not really important but they do say what they were doing. At the end of Azure you can find out in a hidden event that Reins, Grace's assistant from the Crossbell Times is secretly from Liberl, works for R&A, and used to be in the Liberl Intelligence Division. In CS4 you can talk to Reins and Grace and it shows that Grace has more or less figured out what's going on with him by now and he fully comes clean in the Eventide section.
@danielm.5078 2 года назад
I'm going to say it: Richard should be a Divine Blade because he displays maturity, dignity, and acumen closely following Cassius himself and deserves it far more than the other actual Divine Blades we've seen in the series. This door doesn't do anything too new itself, but what it does do is firmly establish Richard's regret and desire to repent for his actions. The discussion of patriotism and the nature of information is also fairly nuanced and something I really liked to see. In general it just elevates Richard further while doing some interesting things on its own, which I'd say is what the Doors in general do at their best. 39:08 And Azure. Red Constellation is noted as moving around its main base of operations with some frequency, so it being located in Calvard at the time of the Sky games isn't *that* out there at least. Given Liberl explicitly disapproves of current going-ons in Calvard (and how much the Calvardian government is trying to do) there's room to work in Richard if they really want to, but as-is my expectations are low. It'd just be really nice IMO to have him pop in in a semi-meaningful capacity to show that he's still got his position and drive.
@BigKlingy 2 года назад
I don't think Richard canonically ever took the "final exam." I didn't mind a certain someone getting the status in CS4, after all they'd been through. But the one from Crossbell... yeah, that one's questionable. Richard showing up in Calvard could work, but he seems to have fallen by the wayside. On that note, there was a 40th anniversary survey from Falcom, apparently. What is the first Nihon Falcom game you’ve played? 1. Sky FC 2. TOCS 1 3. Zero No Kiseki 4. Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana 5. Ancient Ys Vanished 6. Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch 7. TOCS III 8. Dragon Slayer 9. Nayuta No Kiseki Kai 10. Xanadu Which is your favorite game from the "(The Legend of Heroes)" series/ Trails/Kiseki. 1. Trails in the Sky FC 2. Trails of Cold Steel Thors Academy 1204 (That's 1+2 I think) 3. Trails in the Sky SC 4. Trails of Cold Steel IV 5. Trails from Zero I'm surprised to find that Sky still ranks highly, and Crossbell doesn't do as well. A lot of the Crossbell love in the west seems to come from the general allure of unlocalized games.
@danielm.5078 2 года назад
I had it pointed out that he isn't even technically a proper student-- he just applied himself to Cassius' teachings. The Crossbell one doesn't particularly display... anything in regards to ability or acumen and the whole character in general feels like an awkward tell don't show of "welp we're going to power creep Cassius now". CS my issue basically comes down to the entire reason they become a Divine Blade is directly tied to finishing up a character arc that they already went through before... and then proceed to go through again immediately in Reverie. Crossbell is essentially the "neutral territory" in Japan, to paraphrase from interviews; it makes sense that people aren't quite as passionate about them, and honestly Zero in particular legitimately has very little to actually talk about because it's got both the most straightforward gameplay in the series and a relatively by-the-numbers inoffensive plot. I'm more interested that it's regarded higher than Azure, when in the West Azure is generally up there for best game in the series (and honestly I probably would say it's the "best" in terms of encapsulating both the highs and lows in one game). Ys VIII brought on a legit newbie boom for the series in both Japan and the West, so it being the most "started" game in the series makes sense. (I meanwhile am one of three people in existence whose first Ys game was the Xbox One port of Ys Origin.) That's the PS4 re-release subtitle for CS1. Sky in general still does pretty well in the polls, probably due to those targeting the dedicated fandom and such.
@BigKlingy 2 года назад
Repeated character arcs always suck, I did a late-game quest in CS4 that updated Joshua's profile to say it "helped him put the past behind him and move on", which SURELY he'd already done by now. I feel like it existed as a "refresher" for people who didn't play Sky. It did pose some interesting Zemuria lore questions though, as it resulted from Loewe's sword being re-activated by the Twilight and triggering a mini-Phantasma in the real world. I'm sure that's hinting at stuff. I knew about the Ys VIII newbie boom, so I wasn't surprised to see it there. I knew about that PS4 re-release's name.
@Percival917 2 года назад
Office lady Kanone.
@Delta_dragon. 2 года назад
I don't have much to say since you covered most of it, but I find this door to be amazing in further exploring Richard's character and providing teases for future arcs. I will say that them mentioning the Eastern Quarter in Calvard (which BTW is where Sun Door 4 takes place) and also mentioning the Red Constellation is pretty funny because while it is certainly possible for them to be there, you'd expect them to mention Heiuye which is headquartered there. Though it's possible for Heiuye and the Red Constellation to have a secret confrontation there as well.
@btu1734 2 года назад
Richard is such an interesting character to me. He’s great. I really didn’t expect them to name drop the Red Constellation, but it is a shame that Richard’s request didn’t really go anywhere, well at least in CS. I hope that Richard and his company get development in future games, but considering that he’s been virtually completely absent from the games so far, idk if he will show up which makes me sad
@BigKlingy 2 года назад
He might show up in a future Calvard game, possibly? He gets named-dropped a lot in CS4 but never appears in person.
@MongoIndyleo 2 года назад
Pretty off topic, but I feel like this is probably the last time we will see Sieg in a cutscene. I don't why but I really like Sieg. Every time he shows up and just does the cute "Scree!" I get so happy. Like it's to the point where I also "voice" all of his lines with my own and just shout Scree! and make myself laugh haha. If this is his last appearance, I'm glad he got a little cameo send-off. And if he does appear again either in this game or others, I'm definitely going to hold it a bit closer to my chest.
@BigKlingy 2 года назад
Sieg will show up in a door I show later!
@MongoIndyleo 2 года назад
@@BigKlingy :D
@nikoladedic6623 2 года назад
After arriving to their old landing location, the landing party made few last arrangements with the crew and then went on their way. While they had travelled the road to Onrac before and could have shaven off few days of travel in normal circumstances, the added weight and people slowed down their travel. It took them again one week to reach the city. No disturbances during the travel made the journey smooth. Warriors of Light took this in stride as chances were that threats ahead might have been as strongest they would encounter so far. Once back in the city, they went straight for the warehouse where the submarine was being held. Belinda was glad to see them again. She was also glad to hear that the journey was success when Noelle showed to her the magic bracelets she made. The oxyale was crystalized and attached to small armbands that anyone could use. Everyone was curious on how exactly they worked so Lianna volunteered to show everyone. She put on one of them and went outside to test it out. While she and Noelle were in the water, Belinda explained to others what the process was. The bracelet created a small bubble of air to surround the user while they were underwater. As long as the bracelet was active, it would allow them to breathe and act underwater as they would on land. After experiencing it for themselves, they were glad that their effort weren’t for naught. And so they were set for tomorrow’s expedition. Belinda told them that she tried to get more support for this expedition, but as expected of her reputation, everyone had called her crazy and ignored her. They didn’t mind no support. They needed to prove themselves to the city anyway. Other than Lianna sneaking away, everyone had spent their evening in the inn. Everything was ready next day. While others were loading supplies into the submarine, Noelle, Lianna and Belinda were conversing among each other. Noelle: ”I wonder what my sisters will think when they see me. Much older than they remember me.” Lianna: “I am sure they will treat you the same as before.” Noelle: “Hah, I can just picture it. Kanone telling me off for taking so long to save them. Don’t you agree, Mom?” Belinda: ... Noelle: “Mom? What is it?” Lianna: “Have you been feeling sick, Belinda? You have been that look since yesterday.” Belinda: “I am alright. It’s just...” Noelle: “It’s finally time. We get to see everyone again. Isn’t that exciting?” Belinda: “... Yes.” Lianna: “Then turn that frown upside down. Be happy.” Belinda: “I am. Trust me. I don’t want to give bad impressions to my future daughter-in-law.” Lianna: “Then what’s wrong?” Belinda: “I am afraid my mission is over. I finally managed to finish this. And now I entrust this to you all. Please take care of my daughter, Lianna.” Lianna: “I will.” Noelle: “Wait, what’s with this talk all of a sudden? It seems as if you will never see us again.” Belinda: “I am sorry.” Noelle: “Sorry? Sorry for what? Wait, what’s happening to you? Hey!” While they were in the middle of the conversation, Belinda started glowing and going translucent. Noelle: “Nonononono, not yet! I still need you! Please, STOP!” Belinda: “I am sorry, but my time on this world is over.” Noelle: “No, it’s not! Kanone and Kithra aren’t here! They haven’t said goodbye!” Belinda: “I am sorry for doing this, but I have no choice. He is finally calling me on the other side.” “What’s going on?” Others have appeared to see what the ruckus was all about. Belinda: “Ah, the Warriors of Light. I am sorry that our meeting is already cutting short. Could you do me one last favour? Please save everyone.” While the Warriors were too stunned to speak at the sight of this, Noelle was crying at her mother’s feet. Noelle: “I beg of you. I need more time. Please.” Belinda: “I am sorry I wasn’t a better towards you or your sisters. I can promise you this though. I will be always be there... for... you...” With those words that sounded like whisper, the life of the last queen of Granbelos ended, leaving behind her grieving daughter who couldn’t stop crying. While Lianna and Rosch tried to comfort, others could only watch in silence. Once she finally stopped crying, Noelle looked up to Rosch. Noelle: “Promise me something.” Rosch: “What?” Noelle: “Promise me that you will save everyone. Promise me that you will slay that monster. Promise me that this suffering will end today.” Rosch: “I will. As Warrior of Light chosen by Goddess herself, I swear your mother’s effort won’t be in vain.” Noelle: “You better.” Lianna: “I will be waiting for you all here. I will accept nothing else than victory.” With the determination in their hearts, Warriors of Light boarded the submarine and together with Noelle, who was escorting them outside the vessel, departed for the sunken shrine.
@neond6740 2 года назад
In reference to the video description... "Manners. Maketh. Man."
@bilditup1 26 дней назад
Beating Cassius on Nightmare...even on Hard with all my ppl at least 130 on the Evo version this was a challenge. Until now I figured I might return on Nightmare but it's too much, imo. I just watched this door earlier today on my own playthrough-found it fascinating. Glad to see him begin to move on, especially in such a healthy, self-aware way Anyway, thanks again for these, appreciated!
@BigKlingy 26 дней назад
I freaked out when Richard's redemption arc was alluded to early in Reverie.
@Percival917 2 года назад
Kansai dialect... Oh, that's how Asuka Kazama speaks in the Tekken series.
@user-ln4so5fp5r 2 года назад
This star door is one of my favorites doors in the game. Richard will always be in my top 5 trails in the sky characters, and my top 10 trails characters. I love everything about his character and his redemption arc, in my opinion works. Also, he is a diciple of this series coolest sword school, so that will always be a plus in my notebook.
@B_A-tr 2 года назад
This was an intriguing insight into richard
@SomeAsian 2 года назад
How to make a sympathetic antagonist work: Make them think of themself as irredeemable moreso than anyone, AND make them work to address their mistakes. ...That's pretty much what I got out of Richard overall. So, does Richard show up again in future games, or..? edit: =(
@BerserkerRohan 2 года назад
I wonder if these are the clothes that Richard was actually wearing before he got transported to Phantasma. Anyways, this is a pretty cool door and does give some nuance to Richard's atonement which is pretty cool to see. Too bad that message that Cassius gives Richard is not fully resolved yet but you never know. I am looking forward to see what happens next since the next dungeon should be pretty interesting.
@Cyberspace318 2 года назад
1:41 Hello again, Ruan! 1:59 Okay, something I find interesting is that the house where R&A Research is based is the same house that Norman and his family lived in back in FC and SC before Norman became mayor of Ruan and moved into Dalmore's old house. 2:26 If you wish to learn more about the Erebonian capital, play Crossbell or Cold Steel. 4:11 "Timid" my ass, Mr. Former Colonel of the Royal Army And Broken Party Member! 4:50 Huh, I didn't know that. I know Kevin speaks in Kansai-ben in the Japanese version, but I didn't know Mirano also speaks in it. 5:24 If you wish to know a bit more about Ored State, play Crossbell. 6:45 If you wish to meet one of the Reins brothers, play Crossbell or Cold Steel. 10:26 Oh, I forgot that they outright said that. 11:42 You know, I've always found the idea of encoded messages and ciphers really interesting (unrelated, but in one of my computer science classes, we learned how to make a program that could encode and decode messages with 3 different types of ciphers, and I thought that was really cool), so I would be interested in learning how exactly the Intelligence Division used this method of communication. 14:39 Yeah, it is interesting how the former members of the Intelligence Division who have rejoined the military aren't as high ranked as they should be, due to their association with Richard and his coup. While the horrible things they did were out of love for their country, they were still following orders they should have known were wrong, and while they were drawn in by Richard's natural charisma as a leader, Richard himself admits that he was essentially manipulating them. 16:22 Holy crap, can this guy manipulate the weather on command or something? 24:54 ...And cue Paths That Will Never Cross. 28:59 As usual, Richard will never live down his former status as a colonel. 29:42 If you wish to learn more about the Red Constellation, and why they're in the Eastern Quarter, play Crossbell. 33:06 Hi Sieg! 35:47 If you wish to hear more about R&A Research, play Crossbell. 38:31 Actually, the Red Constellation's time in the Eastern Quarter is referenced in Azure, so that's something. 39:06 Yeah, no, you are VERY wrong about that, since you meet one of their members in the Crossbell games. 40:15 This Door is amazing. I don't have much to add to what you said, other than saying that Richard is one of my favourite characters in the series, and THE best reformed villain in all of fiction.
@TheIvoryDingo 2 года назад
You know how I said yesterday that I would be taking a break from FFXIV? I kinda went back on my word as I decided to not progress the main story for a little while to go level up a different class (specifically Archer which becomes Bard later) as I felt it was an appropriate enough time to do so. 16:37 This honestly feels like a mirror of how the conversation between Richard and Cassius after the Ten-Day War must’ve gone. 33:26 As someone whose mother owns multiple birds (specifically parrots), they will most certainly perch wherever them please. 37:41 Still not as wild as multiple concepts in Metal Gear Solid 2 STILL being relevant to this day despite releasing in 2001. 39:55 I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t expect to have the Cold Steel arc be four games long AND to also have a Crossbell/Erebonia epilogue game in the form of Reverie.
@andresalasthemessenger 2 года назад
Very Interesting about Richard going on the path in a sense even knowing the difference between the nature of information & patriotism also confronting to discuss with his... known agent within the military... Sender... (If he comes in the same path as his former Colonel, then... Yeah... In time he'll understand he has done... Who knows) Also, it was a nice of change of Kanone being around with him so... touching. (Course something hasn't changed her when Julia's sending Sieg for Richard. Same old envy but she'll get used to it. Anyways, I can tell who he's meaning about the Brigadier General.) Red Constellation? Hmm... Sad that it just shows of where just he might get an invitation to offscreen & heading... (Strangely mention in the later games I see... Never R they in here yet or not... Aww. Would be cool. Oh well.)
@galladeforce 2 года назад
I don’t know how popular Richard is with the fanbase but considering his importance to the Sky Arc and the fact that characters from that arc have reappeared in later arcs it seems weird that in a series with a very expansive and connected world he hasn’t reappeared since, despite having an arc set up for later as an important character and due to his job has some freedom to appear in locations far from Liberl Thinking about that and considering that the Erebonia Arc has just ended I wonder how many characters from that arc will show up in the current one. Since a lot of its main cast are very busy people in employment or leadership positions that would tie them to Erebonia most of the time.
@TheIvoryDingo 2 года назад
Something of note that was announced earlier is that Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp is delayed due to recent World events.
@BigKlingy 2 года назад
Sigh. I had a feeling that would happen. And now I'm not sure what to do for the channel now.
@Lucas17031 2 года назад
I know this has nothing to do with the door's main point But Richard is a very good looking man in that office wear tbh.
@Percival917 2 года назад
Ouch... Sounds like they should have saved the Red Constellation for Kuro No Kiseki.
@BigKlingy 2 года назад
Eh, I'm glad they appeared earlier. I just wish Richard had too.
@jaredfayette2567 2 года назад
2:32- Interesting seeing Richard at his new job. Nice seeing him being able to find a good job after everything that's happened. Though it is surreal seeing him in civilian clothing. Like I can't think of Richard without his military uniform. 3:10- Listening to it, Richard sounds a bit older than expected. 5:30- Kanone is also surreal in her civilian clothing. Her pretty look as a business woman makes it seem like the overly devoted military officer who nearly went on a rampage in a tank was an entirely different person. 12:16- Yeah, as much as I like Richard, he does present a strong argument against himself. He did cause his men to be arrested for what they did and made them do questionable things in FC. Richard, the man who organized the coup now being set free and allowed to live a normal life. That would certainly rub people the wrong way, even if Richard is 150% repentant of his crimes. 14:39- And here's one of the biggest reasons why I like him as a reformed villain, he NEVER shies away from his past and will take responsibility for it. Though he is forgiven by many, he never ceases repentance. 15:00- This is also another big reason why I really like Richard; He's depicted as a misguided patriot rather than a mad nationalist zealot. I feel like media makes any character who even remotely shows a sliver of love for their nation as some irredeemable ultra-nationalistic monster, which can get incredibly jarring and boring rather quick (and that's just the least of it). With Richard however, he's not villainized for loving his nation, but is rather rightfully called out for doing the wrong ways to serve his nation. He properly gets stopped, realizes how wrong he was, and seeks to better his life, which in doing so actually allowed him to benefit his nation, which culminated amazingly when Richard and the Intelligence Division were recruited and responsible for repelling the Enforcers and their Jagers when they attacked Grancel in SC. There's just a great deal of nuance and complexity with how Richard's love for his nation. 16:59- Sender's VA has put in some good work for what I assume will be his only appearance. 18:46- Though Richard is saying this for its faults, I also think this still plays into his strengths. He still remains deeply caring for his nation and people, which could have been for any similar villain like him to lose sight of (see FE RD's Ludveck). However, Richard now has realized and become aware to stray away for the sake of those goals and approaches his love for his nation more carefully. 19:13- Best way to phrase it Sender, which makes Richard so interesting. He's been forgiven for his actions, but Richard still feels the need and duty to ensure he does not harm his action against in the blind pursuit of protecting it. 24:06- Going back to what I said two point ago, this is what I find so fascinating about Richard, his love for his nation is unchanged, he's now wiser and knows a better way to serve his nation. For a reformed villain/antagonist, it's rare for them to see still having the driving factor that made them do bad things given how most stories will shame/paint their pursuits as evil, but Richard's reform is realizing how he should use that love for something else. (This is also why another antagonist from another game I played is another favorite since they've had a similar arc in that they don't lose their original goal, but realized how horribly wrong they were). 24:58- And now I'm worried about Sender becoming a second Richard... 26:45- And if you of all people were able to realize that, then there should be some hope for Sender then. Kanone was the most devoted soldier to Richard but now she's seen reason and become quite sensible. 29:00- He's never going to escape that is he? 33:29- Ah, there's the good(?) old Kanone murder stare. Xp 33:31- Even Seig needs to worry to not incur her wrath. Xp 35:25- And now I'm imaging when Cassius gets the bill from Richard, he says something like General Pepper does in Star Fox when you get a ludicrously high score (in turn a much higher pay he needs to give to Star Fox). 37:35- Well that message about information has aged far too well... 39:05- *Sad NJ Prick Noises* 40:14- *Increasingly saddening NJ Prick Noises* 40:15- My moping aside, it is a shame they don't so much with Richard, Almthea/Kanone, and their company after this game. Maybe it saves Richard from becoming a character that gets used way too much, but I wished they did more since I would have love seeing how they would expand and continue his story, even barring my obvious bias in favor of Richard. In other news, made some further progress in Triangle Strategy. Overcame the first snag I've ran into, but I found an even more annoying one after, but I thankfully overcame it at the cost of some pride. Though permadeath is not a thing, I did try to reset if someone "dies" for an added challenge. However the last fight, to be frank, was quite annoying to do without those loses, so I decided to roll with the punches. Glad I won, but if you ever see me talking or showing EXTREME signs of hostility towards a certain enemy class and a certain boss, you know the reason why now. Not looking forward to that fight again if I play on hard mode, but I hope to beat it there without any loses just to spite that damn fight. Overall, still enjoying the game quite a bit, but I need to probably start steeling myself and get ready for more difficult fights (and perhaps some grinding if I fail in resisting that temptation).
@BerserkerRohan 2 года назад
Maybe that is why he has the military uniform in Phantasma. His voice sounds really nice. It is good to see Kanone in a better place now considering what she did before. They do add a lot of nuance to Richard's atonement which makes it really interesting. I also agree that it makes him a great reformed villain. Richard's love for his nation is handled extremely well and much better than a lot of other characters. You can feel the emotion that Sender must be going through. Richard does treat what he did in the past with a lot of maturity too. I guess Kanone is still as devoted as always even when Sieg is there. Richard is still really interesting and this door shows why and it would be cool to see more of him in the future. Good to hear that you are overcoming the challenges that are being thrown at you even if you have to take advantage of their being no permadeath. I wanted to ask about what your favourite part of the gameplay is so far and what is keeping you hooked. As for me, I have 100% in Gran Turismo 2 now that I have beaten the Gran Turismo World Championship as well as the four event generator races where the game generates random tracks and AI opponents to race against although those AI will drive cars that are close to your own cars performance. I am not quite done since that completes everything on Disc 2 but I still have Disc 1 and its Arcade mode to go through which has been going well and I should be done tomorrow and that is probably where I will give my final thoughts on the game too. I did want to mention that 100% in Gran Turismo 2 can get funky since in the early NTSC versions of the game, it was impossible to reach 100% due to the drag race mode being cut so 100% for those versions would just be winning all available races. In later versions as well as the PAL version, it is possible to get 100% like I did since this playthrough was on PAL but the PAL version has a funny glitch that allows you get over 100%, Donkey Kong Country style. Basically, the PAL version allows you to pick the language before you start playing and this has an effect on one car brand. So if English is picked, you will have Vauxhalls but if you pick any other language, the Vauxhalls are Opels since Vauxhalls are only sold in the UK. So what you do is complete the Vauxhall Tigra one make race and then change the language so now you get to do an extra Opel Tigra one make race and that gives you over 100%.
@jaredfayette2567 2 года назад
@@BerserkerRohan Yeah between that and Richard's sentimentality for his uniform why he came in with it on. Plus not to bash his civilian clothing, but it also isn't really suited for a RPG/JRPG party member, so returning to the uniform was a wise idea. Her improvement is as shocking as it is gladdening. To address all of the Richard remarks, you can see why I so highly revere Richard as an amazing sympathetic and reformed antagonist. He's such a well written character and I'm glad that this door, barring it suffering "sequel hook-itis" as Klingy described it, did such an excellent job on expanding what makes him so great. There's a very good reason for why I'm happy we actually get to use him here. Focusing on your progress first, congrats on 100% GT2! Even barring the left over Disc 1 stuff, great to hear that you accomplished so much. Also quite bizarre with all of the 100% things about GT2. I know some games being impossible to truly 100%, but it sucks to hear the NTSC versions did so by cutting content. Although it is amusing to hear about getting over 100% in the Pal Versions by changing the languages to influence car brands. Quite an amusing oversight. Would be funny if other games allowed for over 100% because of regional differences (like if you could somehow get the various different products in Pikmin 2 that are not the treasures found in your version of the game normally due to different products for each region). No spoiler warning this time since I think I can speak vaguely enough for Triangle Strategy here. So what hooked me into its gameplay at first was simply how different it played from what I knew. While I still love Fire Emblem, Triangle Strategy was a lot different within how I needed to approach it. You can't rely on one super unit to win, you needed to play more carefully, positioning was a lot more crucial (especially with flanking and how the follow up attack system works), and all of this was able to draw me in because of this new experience. Sure the very first demo last year kicked me down a lot, but it was still a truly fun time. As for what's still keeping me going, it's a lot of that same depth and more. There's a lot of depth and tools you can utilize in this game that makes it satisfying to play. It's very much a mechanic rich game due to many factors ranging from the terrain (height elevations, spells impacting the landscape in certain conditions, etc.), to how differently each character plays, and just how many strategies that can be made from what the game gives you. There will be some occasional moments of frustration and learning pains, but this game really rewards smart and wise plays incredibly well and makes it very satisfying to play because of it. Also once the game gets going, I think it has a great gameplay loop of battles, exploration, and story decisions that make it engaging. Hoping that helps in showing my investment in this game.
@BerserkerRohan 2 года назад
@@jaredfayette2567 When you think of Richard, you think of his uniform so it is good to see that he wears it Phantasma. It shows that Richard isn't the only one who moved on from from what he did. Richard does rank very highly for me too since it is so cool to see a villain reform like he did where he regrets what he did and is trying to atone for it. These glitches are pretty interesting so I though it would be fun to share. I would be interesting to see if a cheating device would allow you do something like that in Pikmin 2. That was very enlightening and it is good to see that the game is a fresh of air from what we are used to. Gameplay looks very engaging too.
@nikoladedic6623 2 года назад
Sheesh, I have been writing too slow. Only yesterday did I finish Sunken Shrine in FF1. I better get on cracking before you catch up. 2:12 Finally game puts him in something that isn't his uniform. 33:30 Wow, you are jealous of a bird? 39:02 Maybe in Kuro?
@TheJaredPunch 2 года назад
@Bigklingy so regarding the rant I want to make regarding Melia (mainly the you know what), you were actually the inspiration I needed to actually make this post on my Reddit. I hope you don’t mind if I credit your comment from part 46 of this let’s play. Edit: Truth be told, I’m doing this because I need to get these feelings off my back before XC3 comes out, I’m not trying to hate on Chuggaconroy, be a Shulk X Melia hater or anything like that. I just want to say this out of my personal experience from playing Xenoblade. Does it make me a jerk for wanting to do this? I’m just worried that Melia’s character is likely to be thrown in a dumpster fire by the time of 3. Sorry to be negative about all of this. Also I’m enjoying your Radiant Dawn play through.
@kuraux56s59 2 года назад
Its such a kick in the nuts that Richard and Amalthea's whole thing never became that important. This thing of just throwing Sequel Hooks left and right and just hope that whatever was thrown sticks... Is a MASSIVE recipe for disappointment in my opinion. (THE FOLLOWING SECTION OF THE COMMENT CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE CROSSBELL ARC!!!) SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT Red Constellation... Speaking of those guys, I actually spoiled myself on quite a bit of stuff from the Crossbell arc. And there is a character from that Jaeger Corp that its introduced early on Azure that... Just pisses me off.
@TheJaredPunch 2 года назад
When your favorite canon ship still isn’t canon. That’s what I got from the comment.
@kuraux56s59 2 года назад
@@TheJaredPunch I mean... You are technically not wrong! I was kinda hoping that we could see in the future Richard and Amalthea going from coworkers to lovers. I am a bit bummed out yes, but they aren't a ship I am THAT invested into.
@BigKlingy 2 года назад
To be fair, a lot of the hooks in this game DID go somewhere, but it's a shame something as interesting and potential-filled as this one happened to be one of the few that didn't. Also, I think I know who you're talking about. Said character, if I'm right, is the one who's a brutal murderer and molester, and pretty much gets away with everything because she's a hot girl. There's a lot about her that feels inherently fetishistic too.
@kuraux56s59 2 года назад
@@BigKlingy CROSSBELL SPOILERS Right on the Mira. Shirley, I think her name was. Like, I aint no stranger to female villains that are incredibly bloodthirsty. And also dangerously flirty. Saya from Namco X Capcom is a good example in that, the MC of that game. Reiji, gives her NO sympathy whenever she tries to pull the pity card. But Shirley... I just want Elie to do the exact same thing Reiji did to Saya. Pop a goddamn cap on her head. No sympathy deserved from someone like that.
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