
Trent Horn - Does it matter which Christian denomination you belong to? 

Catholic Answers
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Does it matter which denomination a Christian belongs to? Trent Horn makes the case for the Catholic Church to a Protestant caller on Catholic Answers Live.
After his conversion to the Catholic faith, Trent Horn pursued an undergraduate degree in history from Arizona State University. He then earned a graduate degree in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville and is currently pursuing a graduate degree in philosophy from Holy Apostles College.
Trent is a regular guest on the radio program Catholic Answers Live, a lecturer who speaks across the country on issues related to the Catholic faith, and the author of two books, Answering Atheism and Persuasive Pro-life, both of which are published by Catholic Answers Press.
If you are interested in booking Trent Horn for an upcoming event, please contact Catholic Answers at (619) 387-7200



2 окт 2024




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@FengShuibyJenScottsdale 3 года назад
Trent Horn is AMAZING. I wish I had his Catholic Apologist brain! Thank you and God Bless!
@avnrulz 9 лет назад
Funny, caller asks if he's a Christian if he's not Catholic, but many 'Christians' don't consider Catholics Christians.
@catholicmilitantUSA 9 лет назад
+Iustin Barnabas can you please elaborate on your comment? I'm cradle Catholic, but I didn't understand your comment about the first seven ecumenical councils. What do you mean? Jerusalem was the first, what was the second?
@MrSheepbro 9 лет назад
+Celegorm Feanorson Typically Jerusalem isn't counted among the Ecumenical Councils (although it certainly was). Here's a list of all 21 councils after Jerusalem. www.newadvent.org/library/almanac_14388a.htm
@bwoutchannel6356 8 лет назад
+avn rulz Caller was very sincere and full of knowledge. And he was continuing to search.
@johnp556 4 года назад
priest took the wafers out of a bag? Uhh, what?
@sklenars 8 лет назад
A little known fact, Jesus was not a protestant nor were his disciples......
@777teamoati 9 лет назад
THank u fo r clarifying BAPTISM (in the name of the father, son and Holy spirit)...otherwise how could u b a christian if not a child of God? It seemed like the first speaker was going to define "christian" without baptism.....
@Bjustis2222 9 лет назад
Catholic answers Rocks!!!!!
@ellahope6494 9 лет назад
Born Baptist raised yet years later the surprising truth was spoke to me Mary was explained especially confession in John 19 23 John 6 51 55 Eucharist Matthew 16 18 it was also told me 7 books aren't in protestant Old Testament scripture.
@Marco85111 8 лет назад
trent horn looks like shia lebuf
@Kitiwake 3 года назад
Have to be baptized in the name of the Trinity with water Trent is the man.
@its4it 8 лет назад
Well said, Trent Horn.
@TheBadTrad 9 лет назад
Nobody better at explaining the Catholic Faith than C.A.!
@jhannarodriguez7791 9 лет назад
One christ one body! The true pillar of truth is church...and only one church built by God himself! (Catholic) church. And thats the only church has the power connected directly from the apostle where God entrusted the key.
@alfonsocorral9022 8 лет назад
to this I will say The only two are Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity because both were founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ.
@j.j.macbocephus6707 9 лет назад
Trent is the man.
@alexchristopher221 8 лет назад
The idea of the Church being an invisible body of believers who are one in spirit albeit the visible disunity of the body is a Protestant rationalisation.
@standev1 9 лет назад
4:29 - 4:51 Dramatic moment.
@alketikevok7689 3 года назад
What of someone who was baptised at his little age on the faith of his parents, later on he /she ceased to believe on that faith of tritarian baptism after becoming conscious
@dallasmcquarrie1937 8 лет назад
It isn't your denomination that gets you into heaven, at least not according to what Jesus says in the Bible. Those who say that only their denomination is acceptable to God have already missed the point of what a 'Christian life pleasing to God' is all about.
@alexchristopher221 8 лет назад
Denominations have arisen through dissension and schism. What Christ founded was one visible and hierarchical Church on Peter and the Apostles. There were no independent and autonomous denominations in the Apostolic age nor in the early centuries until the Oriental churches split after rejecting the definitions of the Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D. These churches recognize only the first three ecumenical councils. As the Father and Jesus are one, so our Lord intended his Church to be one in faith with his Vicar, the successor of Peter, as head in union with all the bishops who represent the college of the Apostles. Unfortunately, Satan has tried to destroy the Church through the machinations of contumacious bishops filled with the lust for power and authority.
@dallasmcquarrie1937 8 лет назад
Hi Alex: One needs to remember that the man history knows as 'Jesus of Nazareth' was born, raised, and died a practicing, observant Jew. Indeed, Jesus stated quite clearly (Matthew 5:17, Luke 22:37) that he had not come to abolish or breakaway from the Mosaic Law that was the basis of Judaism but, rather, had come to fulfill the law and was, in his person, that fulfillment. Jesus and his disciples never considered themselves anything but Jews, and remained observant Jews until they died or were put to death. The Jesus sect or movement within Judaism that Jesus inspired never contemplated separating from Judaism, but were forced to 'go it alone' when they were, in fact, expelled from Judaism several decades after Christ was crucified. When Jesus sent his disciples out to proclaim "repentance and forgiveness of sins to all nations ... beginning from Jerusalem" (Luke 24:37), he sent them as Jews operating within the framework of Judaism." The process of Christianity emerging from Judaism as a separate religion did not really begin until well after Jesus, Peter and Paul had all been executed by the Romans, and it took a century or more to fully complete in practice. Of interest from a historical context is the fact that there were several bishops at work shepherding 'Christian Churches' in Rome long before Peter arrived, and well after he left to. It is anachronistic in the extreme to imagine Peter functioning anything like a modern pope because the emergence of the papacy as we think of it today was a process that took several centuries. Immediately following Jesus' crucifixion, it was his brother 'James the Just' who was the first leader of the sect Jesus had established. James, of course, was martyred in Jerusalem and it was at that point Peter emerged as the primary leader - the first among equals, as it were - of the Jesus sect whose members often referred to it as 'The Way.' Members of that Jesus sect were first called "Christians" in Antioch late in the first century by those outside the movement. Christians have no worry about Satan destroying the Church, whether by "contumacious bishops" (to use your term), apathy, or other means (e.g., ignorant representations of the gospel such as the so-called 'prosperity gospel') because Christ promised (Matthew 16:18) that "the gates of Hades will not prevail against it [the Church]." What is required for Christian unity is for all denominations to practice and proclaim in thought, word and deed the two 'great commandments' (Matthew 22:36-40 & Mark 12:28-31) that Christ declared essential for those seeking eternal life. Even if all denominations were to somehow 'unite' with the Roman Catholic Church, that would simply produce a 'Christian unity' in name alone. The disunity that blights Christendom is rooted in the fact that all members of all denominations of the 'Church militant' on earth "have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). The flawed nature of human beings (attributed to 'original sin' in Christian theology) also produces disunity within the Roman Catholic Church. There will only be Christian unity when Christians themselves conform their lives to the example set by Christ, daily put into practice the two great commandments given by Christ, and open themselves to the transformation that Christ brings into the life of each one who repents of, and turns from, his or her sin. Jesus was at pains to stress there is no salvation without walking the way of cross in imitation of him (Matthew 10:38, 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23, 19:27), for "the Son of Man came to serve, not to be served" (Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45) .
@alexchristopher221 8 лет назад
Much of what you say evades the main point. The Church Jesus founded is one, visible, and hierarchical, with a central teaching and ruling authority, which does not consist of thousands of independent denominations believing in different things. The Reformed Presbyterians, for instance, believe in the necessity of infant baptism, while the Baptists do not, etc. The idea that the Church is invisible or pneumatic is a Protestant rationalization. I suggest you study the Patristic Fathers on how they define the Church, which is in keeping with what is revealed in the NT Epistles and the Book of Acts.
@dallasmcquarrie1937 8 лет назад
"When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 22:34-40) Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. If you do these two things, you will lead a life pleasing to God, and you will have nothing to fear on 'Judgement Day.'
@BassicLapp 8 лет назад
Our unity is pleasing to God. The bible calls us to be in unity of mind with the Church as our foundation of truth. God bless you :)
@BronxCat 8 лет назад
yes!gotta love my faith!
@f1sfingb0at 9 лет назад
@paulhudson4254 Год назад
@stephanieburton9074 7 лет назад
There is only one Christian denomination-THE CATHOLIC CHURCH-All other religions are NOT CHRISTIANS. Get it straight. Protestants reject the Catholic Church and will never return if you tell them its okay to be protestants. You are a hypocrite if you don't stand up for what Christ taught and His Church. There is only One way. There is only One Church. Stop pandering to these people and beating around the bush and tell them, There is no salvation outside of The Catholic Church.
@nathanaelsungte8326 8 лет назад
@RapidCycling07 9 лет назад
PROTESTants are not Christian. If you are protesting what the Church founded by Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ teaches for Christian belief, how can you call yourself a Christian? The Catholic Church is the one TRUE Church.
@lasercolony4499 8 лет назад
+RapidCycling07 The idea behind Protestantism is that they are protesting the aspects of the Catholic church that they believe to be unbiblical. Protestants tend to believe that the Catholic church strayed in doctrine through the years. I, of course, say this as a protestant. Based on how I interpret the scriptures, I disagree with some of the Catholic beliefs. But I would agree that the Catholic church is the original church, founded by Chirst.
@tysonguess 8 лет назад
Hey rapid, The Catholic church teaches that persons baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are baptized into the Catholic church. This means, by definition, that protestants are Christian (which is exactly what the Church teaches). Protestants are simply not in full communion with the Church but that doesn't mean they are not Christian. This is important to avoid human nature of making divisions that are not healthy among brethren or healthy in creating unity.
@jacksmack77 8 лет назад
How To Be Simply Saved. 1. The bad News. We are sinners. (Romans 3:23.) We deserve to be punished in hell for our sins. 2. The Good News. Jesus Christ who is God’s Son died on the cross for all of your sins. He was buried & rose again to give you eternal life in heaven as a free gift. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4. Romans 6:23.) 3. How am I saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. (Acts 16:31.) 4. Once saved, always saved. Jesus said in John 6:47. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. Do you believe that you are saved by grace and promised heaven because Jesus died for you? Yes_ No_.
@Vedioviswritingservice 7 лет назад
Why didn't Trent look to the Orthodox Church ? They have just as much historical claim to be the true apostolic church as the Catholic Church does.
@drhesslen 7 лет назад
Catholic Answers is nothing but watered-down 'Catholicism'. Stop sugarcoating our doctrine and tell them to convert. There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.
@2ndTim3_1-6 7 лет назад
The first Christians lived and practiced like Christ. Catholicism lives behind Roman paganism, Gold , riches. Plus we appear to hold a Pope above other men, this is not right to me. I am a Catholic turning more Christian.
@MGS45 7 лет назад
That statement you made is absurd. There is only one Christian church, and it is the catholic one. Don't buy into that Mumbo jumbo you hear online. Read the church fathers they were the first Christians and practiced the same faith we do today. "Roman Paganism" "riches" "gold" ??? First off, the Catholic Church is the worlds largest provider of free education and free healthcare. The Catholic Church is so full of miracles, and there are missions to help others and spread the true faith. There is only one God that the church worships. None others. Reverence and respect and intercession and prayer is not the same as worship. Read revelations it says the prayers of saints are like incense to God. Don't turn away from the church God established.
@keithfuson7694 4 года назад
True believers don't pray to Mary or the saints. We pray to God through Christ.
@josephho3099 8 лет назад
The true teachings of the Catholic Church is that there is no salvation outside the church. Because the Catholics believed that Peter is the true church of Jesus. Jesus said I have sheep in other sheep pen, so what does this mean it means there is more than on physical church, but there is only one true church. The true church is the spiritual ones who follow Jesus not the ones who follows the Pope. That is not what the bible says. Catholics do not believe in the 2nd commandments of God; which is strange since it is the true church. The 2nd commandment says, do not worship statues and graven images which the Catholic removes. The catholic also worship the Queen of Heaven which is a pagan goddess in the Book of Jeremiah, so they do not worship the one true God. Jesus is still an infant in the catholic church who has to listen to his mother. This is all not biblical at all. Indulgences was never taught in the bible, this is a tradition of man. Can anyone buy their way to heaven? If so only the rich will enter into heaven. How is it that the Catholic kills William Tyndale who translated the Latin vulgate into the English language so that everyone can read the bible for themselves. They also punish Galileo for speaking the truth about earth and the universe, the world is not flat and the catholic church who claims to be the one true church punish those who opposes them and yet they were wrong. These are but 2 examples of their insanity. By the way from approximately 380AD to 1798 when Napoleon sacks the Pope, they killed all Christians who possesses and read the bible is proof that they want absolute dominion over the Christian world yet they do not obey the laws of God nor the bible who says that Jesus is the only Mediator between Man and God, they change it to Mary the mediator. Catholics being Christian should be the light of the world but they were called the dark ages by history. Catholics do not comply with the Holy Bible which is the word of God. They are not Christians at all. This Catholic church kills over 68 million true Christians who do not follow their rules and regulation. Jesus said, Thou shall not kill yet the Catholic church kills more Christians than Hitler the Jews or Islam the Christians. Thank God, history cannot be changed it is already written od the atrocities of the Roman Catholic church which is a political system it is not a religious system. They are not the Apostle of Peace, at all and Pope Innocent was not innocent of shedding of innocent blood, he is guilty in the Spanish Inquisition, there were tools of torture in display in the Museums of the world that is solid proof of the cruelty of the Apostle of Peace...................Jesus said by their fruits you shall know the tree. Guys their fruits are evil. Not good. They need salvation from their sins through Jesus and not Mary. There is no more deception as the Internet exposes all these lies from the past works. Evidence and facts prove that the Catholic Pope do not have the Holy Spirit of God......................... God be the judge.
@truvids 7 лет назад
This response from Joseph Ho shows the fruit of listening to anti-Catholic propaganda. I do not mind you disagreeing with what the Catholic church teaches, but please get it right! Don't say we believe this when we clearly don't. If you tune in to Catholic Answers and read books written by Catholic authors who faithfully represent what the Church teaches then the Lord can begin to reveal truth to you. 1Tim.3:15
@clarissapacker1537 7 лет назад
U pray to the saints & marry. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one enters into heaven except through me! the ten commandments tell us we are not to build idols, pray to idols or worship them. we are only to pray to Jesus/God. however I have nothing wrong communion, baptism, lighting candles, holy water. (I grew up with these things) I believe that the Bible is the word of God! & most holidays originated as pagan holidays that the Catholic Church adopted and made holy to get more pagans to convert to Christianity, the Catholic Church also committed mass murder (the witch trials) I bet you that 4/5ths. of those accused of witch craft were actually just inocent people. old, disabled, poor, homeless, refugees,etc. & most were probably Christian's themselves. not to mention Pope's who committed adultery, idolatry, murder, bearing false writtness, blastfamie & scams. purgatory is a scam U can't buy your way into heaven!...
@deliveranceministry 7 лет назад
Clarissa Packer You are so right in everything you have written here. The Catholics blatantly break the 1st and 2nd Commandment. I have a hard time believing what this gentlemen had said because I feel he doesn't know the Bible well enough to defend his belief. He tends to be quoting more of things found in the Catechism. This gentleman has no understanding, that the church of God is not a building or an institution, it is Jesus. Once we are born again, we are in Him. Read Ephesians chapter 1, and He is the head of the Church.
@idontknow5249 7 лет назад
Clarissa Packer Just because we pray to the saints does not mean we commit idolatry, idolatry is committed by worshiping statues and other things related to that. We don't do that, we don't worship saints, we venerate them, and veneration is much different compared to worship which we reserve only for God. Our holidays may have similarities with pagan one, but that does not mean that it makes us pagan in any way. Regarding the less than saintly moments of the Church and bad popes you must remember that the sins of man do not equal Church doctrine, our doctrine is still sound and pure. Regarding Purgatory, you say it's a scam and that you can't buy your way into heaven, I know exactley that your referencing to the indulgence problem that Martin Luther revolted against. While some corrupt priests and other local churches and parishes may have taught this the Church itself never officially taught this and in fact condemned it, the guy who even taught this heretical notion of buying your way out of Purgatory and into heaven actually repented later in his life.
@idontknow5249 7 лет назад
Miguel Bustillos My friend, what does it mean to be born again? Also, we don't deny that Christ is head of the Church, if we denied that we wouldn't be Christian, we are onky saying that Christ established the Church and built it upon Saint Peter, this is simply believing that Christ picked a leader and that he had successors. Also regarding your blatantly false statement about Catholics breaking the 1st and 2nd commandment is simply not true, we don't break the 1st commandment because we do not practice polytheism, and we dom't break the 2nd commandment because we don't make graven images.
@jameshopkins1954 8 лет назад
I never get to answer the question of why I am protestant and the answer is why are catholics afraid of the Bible
@tommy-jy5ig 8 лет назад
It will make no difference in the end. We all end up in the same place regardless of what we believe or do.
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