
Tyranids vs Imperial Fists Warhammer 40k Battle Report - Beat Matt Batrep Ep 83 

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To watch the Zone Mortalis Battle Report, go here: www.miniwargaming.com/content/...
Matthew and Trevor game of Tyranids vs Sentinels of Terra, with some new Tyranid terrain!




14 сен 2014




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@Zizzlebit 10 лет назад
This was the hardest batrep for me to watch. How many 1's and 2's can this guy roll! I think it's time to sacrifice those dice and get some new ones.
@daniilosudin290 10 лет назад
and keep these for leadership tests only :D
@madw1lly 10 лет назад
Yes, those dice! Wow...that was pretty aweful!
@MirandaWeed 9 лет назад
Yeah seriously. Is that guy me? It felt like watching myself play a game.
@daemonprince505 9 лет назад
Who are you sacrificing them to because I know a.... Guy
@bonniethebunny9060 9 лет назад
grapesman515 me...>:3
@Tommonius 9 лет назад
I gotta admit this was hard to watch, never have I seen such cruel dice rolling, my sympathies to the Space marine player, hope you guys play again.
@jacksonstewart2970 10 лет назад
This was such an awesome bat rep that even though my internet crapped out on me half way through, I persevered and continued to watch it despite near constant stoping and starting of the video. Good job Matt.
@vemethh3110 10 лет назад
Great game Matt and Trevor!!! Very close and great sportsmanship on both sides, keep Trevor coming to play! His army was really fun!!!!!
@omgkuren 10 лет назад
Mother of god, those armor saves D: I feel your pain, dude.
@willbourner 10 лет назад
Also I don't like when matt removes other peoples models from the table, if they're your models you should remove them
@craigling567 10 лет назад
I've always thought that. : /
@mikepictor 10 лет назад
I am guessing he got agreement for that before filming, to keep things moving. Otherwise the camera has to back away while he other player comes around to that side of the table.
@InformationPollution 10 лет назад
That's one of my bad habits.
@WarBoy87 10 лет назад
I wouldn't mind people touching my models as long as they're not careless with them. I would def. make an agreement before the game about this though, and I'm sure they did.
@zizzy8462 10 лет назад
willbourner He already said in previous videos that he does make it known to the opponent that he would remove models himself to speed things up.
@dyansis 9 лет назад
imperial fists are yellow
@veesturgess9603 9 лет назад
dyansis This
@liamdraper3383 9 лет назад
If you create your own paint scheme you can take what tactics you want
@CastelDawn 9 лет назад
dyansis like piss
@Tonnolin 9 лет назад
Vee Sturgess this... and?
@Fishman573 9 лет назад
dyansis yeah, for more dakka
@Narokh 10 лет назад
These dreaded days when your power armor seems to be made of paper and every other of the few missiles that hit seems to be a dud... I feel your pain, fellow space marine player!
@VelikiHejter 10 лет назад
Best and most exciting batrep I have ever seen!
@robertcarr6858 10 лет назад
Firstly that was a great bat rep, liked how back and forth it was. As for willbouners comment... Just grow up can't you see there mates and it's not done maliciously! I feel so many people commenting seem to miss a key thing about 40k, which is of course it's sporting spirit! Please keep them coming Matt and team!
@Zepharus7 10 лет назад
That was a really good intro, I liked that it had a bit more info on weapon stats etc
@craigling567 10 лет назад
@josephzanes7812 9 лет назад
Awesome game! Keep posting new videos - both of games and other related subjects. I love the nids! :)
@Wwesongboyz 9 лет назад
Absolutely awesome video!!
@hattenborough809 9 лет назад
I never would have thought a game of 40K could be so suspenseful!
@italiaplaya925 10 лет назад
Great video, guys!
@brillow8096 10 лет назад
Really good game! I have never seen so many failed saves, to hit, and to wound...and I should re-watch and count how many 1's were rolled because it seems like a lot.
@horhevamp8890 10 лет назад
I dont like the idea that a based ruin (a ruin that basically just has 2 minuscule pieces of wall but a HUGE base) is NOT difficult terrain and yet gives 4+ cover... either model it so at least it has some good LoS blocking and is actually difficult or well... make the base smaller.
@horhevamp8890 10 лет назад
for example the ruin in 27.45... big base (a whole unit can get 4+ cover for basically no minus whatsoever...
@Suneki 10 лет назад
I agree, if they get the 4+ for being in a ruin, it should also count as difficult terrain
@jamesgander6552 10 лет назад
I totally agree with what is said about the terrain here.
@keymer91 9 лет назад
Common knowledge at my local store is that only true line of sight counts, so none of that would have counted as cover, I'm going to check someone's rulebook next time I'm there.
@TheSuburbanScumbag 8 лет назад
I'm pretty new to warhammer and I may have picked it up wrong but at 1:21:15 Matt says the whole ruin isnt classed as cover but at 13:35 Matts calling 4+ cover on his exocrine cause its on the base of the cover.
@TNTLotLP 10 лет назад
"Close to stealing initiative!" Naw son, Coteaz don't care about yo initiative seizing.
@andreasweigand446 8 лет назад
Cool game.....i have no idea how it works tho......but fun to watch all these figures
@heresy8384 8 лет назад
+Andreas Weigand well, if you want to play, you can go to Games Workshop.com and look at the Warhammer 40,000 section, and If you want, buy a rulebook or some models, or search online for any nearby games workshop shops, and buy a rulebook or something there. Before you do anything however, I recomend you look at this. www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwil3LD2pKbKAhUKkZQKHTW0AjsQFggbMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2F1d4chan.org%2Fwiki%2FWarhammer_40%2C000&usg=AFQjCNFrQsurcxKMMEBY7iQ4w8xp3jx1og&sig2=MCLP7NwG0debj_TOU-CEXg
@joshuaneal8239 8 лет назад
I said the same thing! it looks fun,if you can remember & understand the rules
@thedistraction8757 10 лет назад
Dice hate Imperial Fists: CONFIRMED
@mikemckenny1983 10 лет назад
Nice to see the Coteaz + Centurions combo herre. My dad plays that, and it's brutal! I felt that there were big problems with cover in this game. I've commented on quite a few posts now (I know you bank up the vides and wouldn't have seen them yet; but hope you do, as it plagues many games), that you do not get cover of 4+ for being obscured by ruins. It gives way too much cover to the board. It would suit me if you did, as I mainly play Dark Eldar and Tyranids, who need the cover, but it is just too much, makes things too survivable and negates the extra cost that such as marines have to pay for their armour, and AP 2/3 weapons. The rulebook clearly states that you get 5+ if you are 25% obscured - full stop. It then gives exceptions, such as In ruins, it says you get a 4+ if you are IN ruins. This is a change from 6th, that I don't think you've caught. Second, the word IN, to us at least, implies that you can't have 2mm of your Monsterous Creature's base touching and get a 4+ cover. I know that 'IN' is a vague term, and needs agreement between players - so you could rule it that way, but it isn't a given. We find the most fair way to play it is if the majority of your base is in, then you're in (i.e. imagine a ceentre point of a base. Is that in). On a final note on cover, regarding the wording 'IN ruins', if you're going to take a 4+ cover save for dipping your toe in, you can't then ignore the difficult terrain that it would also give. How your termagants didn't charge through difficult terrain to get the devastators, but at the same time your Hormagaunts received a 4+ cover for the exact same thing, to me, is only choosing half the rules for something.
@bucihc 10 лет назад
YAY more BatReps!!
@Solace30 8 лет назад
Thx Matt for making the Imperieal fists and tyranids fight
@rpgtalkout8793 9 лет назад
Real' good paint job on them marines'.
@benja6902 9 лет назад
So fun to watch!
@Killlerofthings 9 лет назад
Matt sure lands the scatter die a lot! Swear it hits more often then it misses when i watch these videos.
@Killlerofthings 9 лет назад
lololol and at 42:00 i see him scatter onto his own guys and kill 6. Still, compared to the damage the Bio's dish out, a few spawned gaunts is meh.
@mikemckenny1983 10 лет назад
Okay, my bad so just saw a comment from below pointing out that on page 108 it clearly states that 'IN' means any part of the model incluuding the base, so that is that cleared up. Thanks for tha; always good to learn things. I think we still might play it the way we have been (majority of the base) but that's good to know. The point about obscured from ruins not being 4+ still stands though. Unless of course you've house ruled it, but like I said, I don't think you should, as it just makes cover too good, anywhere on the board.
@CryingPanSFX 9 лет назад
excellent game. very interesting to watch. Record number of dice failures.
@hotsauz5588 9 лет назад
Those dices know who they are working for....
@Svejir 10 лет назад
"Coat-EZ, it's Spanish." My sides. XD
@Haufen110022 10 лет назад
Nice Battlereport, but DAMN! THOSE GAUNTS DID BETTER ARMORSAVES THAN THE MARINES!!!!!! Really epic, that they managed to almost win. Good Job, Marines
@mikeybear4875 10 лет назад
Great Batrep, though Matt did forget his sporemines from biovore misses, they can be game changing at times.
@13ane 9 лет назад
Great battle rep! haha this same thing happened to me with my wolves, opponent only wounded me a few times, but I failed 90% of my 3+ saves over the course of hte game hahah got destrolished, eventually got into combat and killed a huge chunk of his army but it was a bit late. Was playing against necrons.
@MrBadgers 10 лет назад
Don't want your Carnifex to kill many in combat? Smash. Only 1 attack now :)
@blazing1shadow2drag3 10 лет назад
Love Mortis Dreads. : D
@ChrisNihilus 10 лет назад
That was so damn painful! So frustrating!
@iurhviusdfavhi 9 лет назад
As a new player, I want to play that drop pod Space Marine army so bad, it looks freakin sweet.
@FrankenSteinsGate 10 лет назад
I'm amazed at how close this game managed to be given how awful the Imperial Fists player's dice were. I seriously don't think I've ever seen anyone get such poor dice rolls.
@christopheraaron1255 9 лет назад
Matt was claiming he would get cover from the charge against the devastators, but then claims they didn't charge through cover the same combat. Also one of the rolls against a drop pod was a 4 which matt claimed was a 5 result, but the creature hitting it is a 2 and the pod is open topped. This actually meant it didn't die and worked against him, but still it's wrong.
@matthewsheppard4120 10 лет назад
This game would've been so different if Trevor hadn't failed so many 2+ and 3+ rolls that I was actually baffled by the end.
@Adjuni 9 лет назад
Roll the dice away from you. Don't drop them straight down. >_< It won't make the dice roll enough. Remember that dice obey the laws of mechanics, not chance.
@grimsbeast 9 лет назад
Small correction, Bolter Drills, even the Sentinels of Terra supplement, works for ALL bolters regardless of unit type so the storm bolters on the drops also get the benefit. Checked it when he said that only his marines get it.
@NightmareAntiPaladin 9 лет назад
Sadly that is not the case. Only modes with the chapter tactics special rule would in turn have the bolter drill rule for being Imperial Fists. And Drop Pods do not have the chapter tactics special rule, ergo can not have bolter drill.
@grimsbeast 9 лет назад
Trevor Engel You are right sir! Totally overlooked that.
@larry10101010101010 9 лет назад
I really have to say this right here to get it out of my system - WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THE SPACE MARINE DICE ROLLS???
@bonniethebunny9060 9 лет назад
Might take up warhammer, getting the shield of baal for christmas hopefully
@benriddle5487 10 лет назад
Wonderful video! But am wondering, I thought the imperial fists chapter tactics was just re-rolling bolt gun hits of 1.
@NightmareAntiPaladin 9 лет назад
I was using the Sentinels of Terra Supplement, it adds some cool personalized relics, warlord traits, an additional named HQ and changes the IF bolter drill rule from re roll hits of 1 to re roll all failed rolls to hit at half range.
@NurglesRott 10 лет назад
Great game, really good opponent knowing the rules very well. Wondering if you could please make the argument for me as to why monstrous creatures can get cover by having their "big toe" in cover. I'd like to be able to argue that rule intelligently to my group. :) Also, why didn't that drop pod in the back score objective 5? Was it wrecked? I don't remember.
@CsarPetertheGreat 10 лет назад
Area terrain, i.e. getting a save just by standing in terrain, doesn't exist in 7th edition with only one exception: ruins with bases. If you are standing at all on the base of a ruin you get the ruins 4+ cover save.
@NurglesRott 10 лет назад
ArthemistheSwordsman good to know... can you site page number in rules?
@Nolcro 10 лет назад
Nurgles Rott Page 108 "When one of the following rules refers to a model being 'in cover behind' a piece of scenery, and therefore eligible for a cover save (pg 37). On the other hand, when one of the following rules refers to a model being 'in' a piece of terrain, this means that the model or some part of it, is actually standing on the piece of scenery, whether it is obscured from view or not." Same page, "RUINS Ruins are difficult terrain. Models in ruins receive a 4+ cover save, regardless of whether or not they are 25% obscured." IMO, I don't think this should be a thing but it is what it is.
@amorongaming3947 10 лет назад
terrain datasheets in BRB say that they give cover to models in/on the base, regardless of being 25% obscured.. custom terrain, it's down to the rules given to it by the builder/players.. if you want to play it that models need to be obscured to get cover, then just agree at the start of the game, but if your opponent wants to play RAW, then he/she technically gets his/her wish unless you choose not to play them
@FulgrimTG 8 лет назад
This game was ridiculous. Honestly, if the Space Marine player had even average dice rolls he would have won. Least lucky rolls I've seen.
@MikeKoopmans1984 6 лет назад
Wow that guy has such a load of bad luck rolling! If he would have rolled only a tad better, the Nids would never had a chance.
@Internetbutthurt 10 лет назад
Space Marine players saving throw and to wound rolls made me wince. Enjoyed the watch tho.
@xXThePanzerXx 9 лет назад
you know when you are watching football and one team is doing much better than the other team but the referees are blatantly handing the game to the other team, not even trying to hide it, might as well be wearing the other team's jersey? well that is what the dice did this game. I love both tyranids and space marines, they are my main two armies but this game made my stomach hurt. The space marine player handled the game so much better, his army preformed so much better and he had good tactics, but those dice and the cards were just like "nope". and to think that some people have the balls to say that if you are a "good player" then the it doesn't matter if you role good or bad, it's a dice rolling tactics game, that means the two most important concepts are tactics and dice rolling.... -.-
@MrWhymetoo 9 лет назад
Is there tactics with a death-star?
@xXThePanzerXx 9 лет назад
MrWhymetoo there is tactics with everything, sure a death star unit can fuck shit up. but where am I going to put this? where does it need to be? what do I need to take out with it? what is my priority? what is going to give it problems? what is going to tie it up? what can take it on? same questions you have with everything
@amorongaming3947 10 лет назад
naughty naughty matt... tervigons spawn gants at the end of the movement phase, not after it moves
@bagobones 9 лет назад
I wish they had a franchise of stores so we can have one in Houston texas. It wont be the same without dave or matt but still it would be awesome sauce
@soulburner11 8 лет назад
Houston does have a games workshop
@iamonlywill 10 лет назад
Matt seemed to be picking and choosing his rules for cover a little too much in the BatRep. When Matt placed a model even ever so slightly within the base of those pieces of ruin terrain he was claiming a 4+ cover (see Tervigon positioning near start) but then he seems to freely move over the bases, treating it as non-difficult terrain - which all ruins are classed as - and thus doesn't affect his movement or charge distances as much as it would, and should have. I know you White Knights may cry "he agreed beforehand" however I think that the guest player in this situation will tend to defer to Matt in an effort not to appear as rude/stick in the mud or argumentative.
@danielvangool1461 10 лет назад
i think for tac objectives, you guys must put a little score counter on your vids, to keep track of who is leading etc :)
@supersoilder112 9 лет назад
Imperial Fists! But wait where is the yellow. All I see are Grey Knights colors.
@nightlord_5796 9 лет назад
actually its the iron fists colour scheme
@Lord_Jamesinatre 9 лет назад
It is the Imperial Knights (Space Marine Chapter of course)
@porkchop4401 9 лет назад
dang that nid first round hurt.
@Skodab 10 лет назад
Mortis Pattern Dreadnoughts can only be taken by The Dark Angels and their Successor chapters. Take that back, i guess they made it to where Code: Space Marines can take them as well....
@maxsteiner6985 9 лет назад
Matt you know Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games? Is a great game!! IMO one of the best in the market. I hope we will see videos of it in your channel ;)
@Haggismckilt 10 лет назад
Should he have gotten supremacy on turn 2? If the drop pod was bought for the devastators then it does not have the objective secured rule, because it counts as a heavy support (Dedicated transports count as what unit bought them. Page 82 BRB).
@craigling567 10 лет назад
@daniilosudin290 10 лет назад
no that drop pod was there to only contest an objective. So the tyranids had only one objective and space marines had 3, so he would get the supremacy anyways
@Haggismckilt 10 лет назад
Okay but when matt consolidated the tervigon, he made no attempt to move towards the objective. Was that just a tactical error then?
@Nanometroid 9 лет назад
1:08:56 Matt, I believe you have Cluster Spines and Stinger Salvos mixed up. Both are S5, but Stinger is Assault 4, not large blast like Clusters.
@monstermushroomcloud 10 лет назад
Amazing game! Matt did this just for me! Would someone plz explain what Trevor was using codex wise. Grave cannon ap 2 O.o
@NightmareAntiPaladin 9 лет назад
I was using the Sentinels of Terra supplement book. And yes grav weapons are ap 2, yes it's disgusting, but considering that grav cannons themselves are only available to one unit in the entirety of WH40K (Centurion Devastator's) for no less than 20pts a pop, that unit itself kitted out that way cost me more than a fully kitted out space marine Land Raider by 10 pts
@chivacetana 10 лет назад
The dice gods were not with the marines today, and big toe in cover -_^
@jack1701e 9 лет назад
Looks like Bad Dragon now has a 'Nid range.
@AC130WW 10 лет назад
I've never seen a Space Marine player fail as much armor save. If you had played Astra Militarum I understood. But just to said ;) 10 gretchins shoot 2 TERMINATORS ( Armor Save 2+ ), double 1 .. Morality : 10 gretchins = 2 terminators
@altheaftermath 10 лет назад
if you rolled ANYTHING as much as you did a one, you would have won that game
@atgod6 10 лет назад
Random question ?????!!!!! At around 52:00 why didn't the bikes get sweeping advanced by the hormagaunts after the combat??
@kyleaziz7803 9 лет назад
Because all space marine units have And They Shall Know No Fear which means they cannot be sweeping advanced, and they always automatically regroup after falling back as well as being immune to the fear USR
@atgod6 9 лет назад
ah ok, im still learning some rules especially armies that i don't use. Thanks
@blueragebarz 9 лет назад
Ugh, really miss playing 40k and Warmachine x(
@Papalazarou18 10 лет назад
Are you not supposed to sweeping advance if catching the fleeing from an assault phase or can you decide to just lock them in combat?
@Narokh 10 лет назад
Usually, if you catch them in a sweeping advance the enemy unit gets destroyed, yes. Space Marines however have the "They shall know no fear" special rule, which among other things makes it impossible to be destroyed by a sweeping advance - if they are caught, they simply continue to fight as if they made their morale check.
@Papalazarou18 10 лет назад
ah. thanks for clearing that up!
@solvero6331 10 лет назад
The moral is paint is toughest part of power armor!
@beldonjustbeldon952 10 лет назад
The carnifex would have stayed looked in combat with the attack bikes. He even would have been able to swing at the bikes even though he isn't in based contact with them.
@MrDerBlaue 10 лет назад
Those biovores cant hold objective 6 they are from an artillery formation. please correct me if im wrong
@NightmareAntiPaladin 9 лет назад
As of 7ed, all units score, and in battle forged armies, troops score better, so sadly yes the artillery can hold the objectives, as can drop pods and other vehicles.
@FulgrimTG 8 лет назад
What formation are the Imperial Fists using in this game?
@garethfarrell8146 8 лет назад
+Jordan Sparkes Sentinels of terra codex supplement.
@joshuajury4b 9 лет назад
Also this partially explains the sheer number of ones rolled: www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/That's_How_I_Roll_-_A_Scientific_Analysis_of_Dice Basically the rounded edges and other imperfections in the dice means there is a 29% chance to roll 1s on most common dice. That's almost double what it should be.
@TheBasementCollective 10 лет назад
Forgot about gets hot on the biovore your 1st turn.
@zerodymek6877 10 лет назад
But the psychic power was denied, wasn't it? So no gets hot...
@SmokeJaguar713 9 лет назад
On the bright side at least he used up most of his allotted bad dice rolls in one game. Next game he should have pretty good rolls.
@MrGwittenberg 10 лет назад
Pleaseeeeeeeee !!!!! NEXT TIME .... ASTRA Militiarum with her New Models !!!
@Undeadpank 10 лет назад
Somebody go back and count how many 1's and 2's the space marine player rolled, it'll be more than successful saves!
@ShadeGrey 10 лет назад
Biovores have Hunt Behaviour not Lurk Behaviour, so on the roll of a 1-3 they go to Ground, not Fall Back
@Isvoor 9 лет назад
30:47 That sounded like Dave!
@richardfoster1288 9 лет назад
One word synapse!!!! Most important rule with Nids, there was no range like at 1:04:11 A carnifex and terms attacking the bike for several turns, Way out of range, plus where was the backlash when the tervigon lost its last wound, how can you just ignore this rule dude
@keymer91 9 лет назад
that was filthy filthy luck that beat the space marine player
@showmemagik1541 10 лет назад
Can't help but feel the turning point was about 38 mins when a cocked dice was re rolled yet the one next to it wasn't which was sat at the same angle. At that point the dice gods justified his terrible rolls
@JustSomeGuy489 9 лет назад
30:46 you are sounding a lot like Dave there lol.
@codyrobertson9445 7 лет назад
Is it heresy to send back power armour that is defective?
@joshuajury4b 9 лет назад
Assault Marines have chainswordand bolt pistol. That gives them all +1 attack so they should have had twice as many attacks. Also I thought you said they had a veteran sgt which would have been Ld9 and thus passed the pinning test.
@Realtitoune 9 лет назад
Jeeze, so... many... bad... Dice rolls in a single game! XD
@irishwarlord100 9 лет назад
the second marine shooting phase was a massacre
@midnight5895 9 лет назад
@brendanrichardi2535 10 лет назад
Doesn't Warp blast require 2 warp charges and the tervigon is ML1?
@Narokh 10 лет назад
The new psychic rules work different than in 6th edition. The required warp charges are the numbers of 4+ you need to roll with your psychic test. You can take any number of dice out of your pool for any psychic power you want. So a ML 1 psyker could manifest a Warp Charge 3 power as long as he rolled enough dice, and could indeed use up all his dice for this one power (with the increased risk of perils, since any double sixes on a psychic test will cause them)
@Zatiltax 9 лет назад
i always wondered what would happen if you deepstriked on top of someone.
@viperking299 9 лет назад
I don t understand any of this...eh....still going to watch it...
@davidmurphy2492 9 лет назад
hey matt, how did you get your hormogaunts to not fall over like idiots.
@curseofgladstone4981 7 лет назад
has anyone done a campaign type warhammer 40k game where after you finish a game against one race of much lesser points you move on to another with what you have left getting harder as it goes along
@OverlordZephyros 9 лет назад
HOLY SH*T !!! What with this guy with number 1's!!! . talk about bad luck!!
@joshuapayne2922 10 лет назад
needs more nurgle cow bell
@lionspride8919 10 лет назад
Are librarians only BS 4? I'd think as an HQ they would be BS 5?
@craigling567 10 лет назад
Stinger Salvo is an Assault 4 weapon.
@andrewj8691 10 лет назад
Holy cow, can I ask how many 1s are on the space marine player's dice?! I could not believe how many 1s and 2s were coming up. With how violently random his rolls were, it seemed they were coming up way too much.
@ianpowell3189 9 лет назад
Painfully bad rolling from space marine guy, couldnt watch it to the end. I find myself constantly pondering what effect human consciousness has upon the outcome of dice rolls, like the double slit experiment or the Emoto water prayers.
@samuelbagnall2593 8 лет назад
To be clear - Feynmann and others showed in 1948 with QED what is going on in the double slit experiment. It makes sense (though is counter intuitive) and has nothing to do with human consciousness. At all.
@samuelbagnall2593 8 лет назад
Additionally sorry if that sounded snarky - I get tetchy about the misappropriation of quantum mechanics.
Maybe a little TOO much gel 😂
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