
Ukrainian soldiers clear road in Lugansk region after fighting 

Manila Bulletin Online
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In the Kyiv-controlled part of Lugansk region, Ukrainian soldiers carry out a military operation to clear a road near the town of Severodonetsk. Russia's invasion force is being slowed and frustrated by unexpectedly stiff resistance from Ukrainian troops, a senior US defense official said Saturday.
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26 фев 2022




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@jphalsberghe1 2 года назад
The true meaning of borders is hereby re-affirmed by those brave Ukrainians
@user-rp3hr6vs9n 2 года назад
Ukranian Junta is dead..!!! Greetings from russian city of Kiev..!!
@lewstone5430 2 года назад
Слава Муравьев comrade, time to run back to Russia while you still have a body.
@anthonyhuber-permanentlyre7808 2 года назад
*If only Biden respected the SW US border as much as he respects Ukr orders.*
@19712000remus 2 года назад
@@user-rp3hr6vs9n where is the mighty Russian army? They say will conquer Ukraine in 2 days but tanks stop out of fuel after one day and not even one big city under Russian control after 4 days of the war... 🤣
@user-rp3hr6vs9n 2 года назад
@@19712000remus - idiot.. Look at the map..
@burn_learnearn_welding7101 2 года назад
What's sad is in those tanks are 18-21 years old Russian soldiers that probably just finished training and is now sent to fight in die in a war the could care less about
@turkey0165 2 года назад
I feel sorry for the Russian boys being shot up and blown up needlessly! They don’t want to be there but are forced by PUTLER!
@rickthewelder 2 года назад
You win wars by killing the enemy. I hope the Ukrainians kill every fvcking Russian that invades them.
@khn4812 2 года назад
Russia just want to get rid of those old tanks T 64 and T 72s . F**k Russia
@silentwatcher1455 2 года назад
They don't show hundreds of Ukraine POWS.
@SSPSheiK 2 года назад
those are ukrainian tanks
@slavikpeople3221 2 года назад
Украинский танк с дымовой гранатой, механик-водитель поехал на легковой машине ))))) Цирк.
@slavikpeople3221 2 года назад
@sotuur aeei Ukraine is modern fascists. You will recognize them soon.
@user-tb3ve8kc2o 2 года назад
Финский блогер шокировал Facebook, когда разместил эту статью: Вы спрашиваете о результатах "агрессий" России? Они таковы: половина Европы и часть Азии получили свою государственность из рук именно этого государства. Давайте вспомним кто именно: - Финляндия в 1802 и 1918 гг.. (До 1802 г. никогда не имела собственного государства). - Латвия в 1918 г. (до 1918 г. никогда не имела собственного государства). - Эстония в 1918 г. (до 1918 г. никогда не имела собственного государства). - Литва восстановила государственность в 1918 г. также благодаря России. - Польша восстанавливала государство с помощью России дважды, в 1918 и 1944 гг. Раздел Польши между СССР и Германией - это лишь короткий период! - Румыния родилась в результате русско-турецких войн, а суверенной стала по воле России в 1877-1878 гг. - Молдавия как государство родилась внутри СССР. - Болгария освобождена от гнета Османской империи и восстановила свою независимость в результате победы русского оружия в русско-турецкой войне 1877-1878 гг., которая и имела это своей целью. В качестве благодарности государство Болгария в двух мировых войнах участвовала в составе антирусских коалиций. Сейчас Болгария - член НАТО, и на ее территории размещены базы США. После 1945 года на ее территории не было ни одного русского солдата... -Сербия как суверенное государство родилась тоже в результате этой войны. - Азербайджан как государство оформился впервые только в составе СССР. - Армения сохранилась физически и возродилась как государство только в составе СССР. - Грузия сохранилась физически и возродилась как государство благодаря Российской империи - Туркмения никогда не имела государственности и сформировала ее только в составе СССР. - Киргизия никогда не имела государственности и сформировала ее только в составе СССР. - Казахстан никогда не имел государственности и сформировал ее только в составе СССР. - Монголия никогда не имела государственности и сформировала ее только с помощью СССР. - Белоруссия и Украина также впервые обрели государственность как следствие Великой Октябрьской революции в составе республик СССР. И лишь в 1991 году (также от России) получили свою полную независимость. Также стоит учитывать роль России-СССР в рождении и становлении таких государств как КНР, Вьетнам, КНДР, Индия, Греция (была отбита у турок Россией в далёком 1821 году), Алжира, Кубы, Израиля, Анголы, Мозамбика и т. д... Вот такая странная "агрессия" исторически проявлялась со стороны русских! При значимом вкладе этой страны даже Швейцария добилась независимости от Франции. А точнее это было сделано благодаря Суворову (217 лет назад) и с тех пор Швейцария ни разу (!) не воевала; Также имело место: - Освобождение Австрии от Третьего рейха 1945 г; - Освобождение Чехословакии от Третьего рейха 1945 г.; - Позиция Екатерины II в 1780 г. с созданием Лиги вооруженного нейтралитета и фактическая поддержка Северо-американских Соединённых штатов в борьбе за их независимость от Британии. - дважды за последние 2 века подаренная Россией независимость большинству европейских государств после уничтожения ею Гитлера и Наполеона; - Позиция Сталина в переговорах с США и Англией давшая Германии возможность сохранить государственность после поражения в 1945 г.; - Позиция Горбачева позволившая без лишних проблем в 1990 г. повторно объединить обе Германии; - Помощь СССР Египту, после которой тот смог выстоять и закрепить свою независимость в войне с Израилем, Британией и Францией в 1956-57 г. - Вмешательство СССР в 1967 г. остановившее войну Израиля и Египта (фактически спасшее арабов от разгрома в двух войнах в 1967-74 годах). - Решающая роль Союза обеспечившая завоевание Анголой своей независимости в 1975г. И наконец, главное. Именно СССР после победы во Второй мировой войне сыграл ключевую роль в том, чтобы большинство колоний Западной Европы получили свою независимость в запущенном Союзом процессе общемировой деколонизации. Вся история России говорит о том, что она была последовательна при любой власти и строе в отстаивании принципов независимости и самоопределения наций и народов. Именно она всячески помогала созданию многополярного мира в любую эпоху и во все времена. К сожалению, очень часто при этом, она жертвовала собственными интересами, и если бы политика России-матушки хоть на долю, была бы аналогична Британской, то сейчас полмира находилось бы в составе Российского Императорского Содружества наций, а русский народ купался бы в роскоши, как шейхи Саудовской Аравии, за счет освобожденных от других колонизаторов государств, стран и их капиталов. ВОТ ПОЧЕМУ ПОЛМИРА ОБЯЗАНЫ РОССИИ ПО ГРОБ ЖИЗНИ. И вот почему вы все, так виноваты перед этой великой страной! Этот файл посылаю с целью создания цепочки памяти. В память о 20 млн. советских граждан, 10 млн. христиан, 1900 священников, убитых, замученных, изнасилованных, сожженных, умерших от голода и уничтоженых фашистами! ..Теперь, более чем когда-либо, крайне необходимо сделать всё, чтобы мир никогда не забыл об этом, всегда помнил о вкладе советского народа в освобождение Европы от фашизма. Этот файл должен достичь по крайней мере 100 млн человек во всём мире! ..Присоединяйся к нам и включись в цепочку памяти, помогая распространить его по миру... Пожалуйста, пошли этот файл знакомым людям и попроси их продолжить цепь...
@yuri_russo 2 года назад
Переводить на английский. Люди тебя не понимать.
@citizenwolf8720 2 года назад
Well done to the Ukrainian soldier at 1'30" - lowers his weapon when passing the camera crew. Gun safety is a critical skill, and it's good to see this soldier was aware even in a war zone.
@MrAndyPee 2 года назад
and what makes you a miltary expert 😂
@adrianharrison5208 2 года назад
I missed that the first time around
@100PercentOS2 2 года назад
I had to go back and watch that again. Yes, KUDOS to that soldier that was aware of gun safety.
@snarkymcsnarkles3493 2 года назад
In that situation it might be safer pointing upwards instead of down towards people. But yeah normally pointing down is the way.
@justinhowe2511 2 года назад
@@MrAndyPee you dont have to be a military expert to have common sense? you'd be surprised at how many people lack common gun safety
@elexirghutz9540 2 года назад
No power is greater than the will of the people fighting for freedom, self-determination and most importantly for their love ones future. Hold Strong Ukraine.
@PhilLesh69 2 года назад
Putin did not realize that this only ends when there are no Russian soldiers in ukraine. Same way the Iraq and Afghanistan wars only ended when American forces left those countries. Of course, they don't have to *_leave_* but they will need to be gone from the Ukrainian lands in order for it to end. It looks like the Ukrainian military is going to help them along.
@nisarglobal 2 года назад
@stefanalbu9227 2 года назад
We shouldn't be ashamed to be gentle. We are strong even if we are gentle one with another. Please don't be ashamed to be good
@sign6555 2 года назад
No one there is fighting for freedom. Contaminated in war crimes do not give up and hide behind the backs of civilians, women and children, others (sly assholes) flee across the border with the EU, receive refugee status, for simplified emigration. That's the way things are.
@user-uo4up8bs7e 2 года назад
В Донбассе тоже самоопределение.
@Romario-777 2 года назад
Я - Горловка! Я вся в слезах. Я - в клочья сердце, в клочья душу. Я - жуткий стон, ужасный страх. Я - крик, просящийся наружу. Я - Горловка. Замерзший пес, Рычащий, раненый судьбою. Я - дом, кричащий миру SOS, Я - снег, залитый детской кровью. Я - Горловка, я - чей то враг, От взрывов, спрятался в подвале, За поднятый Российский флаг Меня из градов убивали. Я - Горловка, я - весь Донбасс! Я жизнь, тонущая в печали. Я прошу Мир:"Спасите нас!", Но Мир молчаньем отвечает. Я - дочь, которую страна От сердца мамы отлучила, Родные узы порвала, И на майдане застрелила. Я - сын, попавший под обстрел, Без рук без ног, с лицом в осколках. Я - дед, который не успел Уйти от взрыва с остановки. Я - мамочка с дитем в руках … Застывшим взглядом в небо смотрим. Я - бабушка с лицом в слезах, Мой дом снарядами разгромлен. Я та семья, что не ушла От взрывов спрятаться в подвале… Я та Одесская душа, Которую весной сжигали. Я - Мариуполь, я - Луганск, Я - Волноваха, я - Стаханов, Я - горе, что пришло от вас, Скоты, набившие карманы. Я - плач детей, я - сон под град, Я - боль погибшего народа, От пуль украинских солдат И президентского урода. Непокоренная, жива! Седая, хриплая от воя, Родная Горловка моя, Достойна Города - Героя! www.inpearls.ru/ © Елена Борисовна Светлая 3
@nataliamelnik4576 2 года назад
И стал я на песке морском, и увидел выходящего из моря зверя с семью головами и десятью рогами: на рогах его было десять диадим, а на головах его - имена богохульные. 2 Зверь, которого я видел, был подобен барсу; ноги у него - как у медведя, а пасть у него - как пасть у льва; и дал ему дракон силу свою и престол свой и великую власть. 3 И видел я, что одна из голов его как бы смертельно была ранена, но эта смертельная рана исцелела. И дивилась вся земля, следя за зверем, и поклонились дракону, который дал власть зверю, 4 и поклонились зверю, говоря: кто подобен зверю сему? и кто может сразиться с ним? 5 И даны были ему уста, говорящие гордо и богохульно, и дана ему власть действовать сорок два месяца. 6 И отверз он уста свои для хулы на Бога, чтобы хулить имя Его, и жилище Его, и живущих на небе. 7 И дано было ему вести войну со святыми и победить их; и дана была ему власть над всяким коленом, и народом, и языком, и племенем. 8 И поклонятся ему все живущие на земле, которых имена не написаны в книге жизни у Агнца, закланного от создания мира. 9 Кто имеет ухо, да слышит. 10 Кто ведет в плен, тот сам пойдёт в плен; кто мечом убивает, тому самому надлежит быть убиту мечом. Здесь терпение и вера святых. Откровение Иоанна 13 глава - Библия. Вот что я могу сделать? Все от Бога. Развратилися народы.
@user-kc8yr5me8t 2 года назад
It is the US and NATO fxxking Dogs who are trying to provoke a war between Ukraine and Russia. Stupid politicians should not let the Ukrainian people wipe their asses! How could two ethnic groups with stronger cultural identities fight without the instigation of the US and NATO
@ohiampuja9246 2 года назад
@Slird 2 года назад
@@ohiampuja9246 In detail, Russian soldiers look different.) Now looters, deserters and nationalists are rampaging in Ukraine. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-FG1fuhKwXVA.html
@user-yh7qf6qj4r 2 года назад
Как остро! Слёзы
@patches6309 2 года назад
Sad image at the very end. No combat soldier would ever abandon his "wooby" on the road unless he had perished. Salute.
@neone4759 2 года назад
Ukraine, and it's People's Sacrifice and Bravery will Definitely Encourage World again . 🙏 Nation Above all 👌 All the Best , from 🇮🇳
@stoopeed1195 2 года назад
PUTIN'S GIRLFRIEND ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uiI09qkaWAo.html
@farhathussain9533 2 года назад
But u support ruasia right
@hyy3657 2 года назад
reminds me invasion of Iraq, no more war...
@uttamlimbu8449 2 года назад
Pakistan jindabad !! India murdabad !! 🤣
@lewislewis6938 2 года назад
@Mike Hobbs hopefully we can get some serious kit into the west of the country. More than anything they need mobile Anti aircraft equipment and more Anti tank weapons..
@senpaidxplorer6064 2 года назад
Rest in peace to those soldiers who lost their lives by following the orders of their leader. Russian, Ukrainian all lives matter.
@stoopeed1195 2 года назад
PUTIN'S GIRLFRIEND ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uiI09qkaWAo.html
@superlumbagoman9370 2 года назад
A sensible message. 👍🏿
@jingbot1071 2 года назад
Not to mention the Russian citizens brave enough to protest against their dictator. The message of peace isn't lost. We know it's the elite who are waging war, not the people!
@spiritmoon5998 2 года назад
Hopefully the invasion is deemed as a failure and Putin pulls out of Ukraine. Unfortunately that might not happen, it is simply the best case scenario from what I can tell.
@bigcatfishmk3966 2 года назад
I agree entirely, but sadly choosing a side is inevitable and personally I have to support our brothers in Ukraine. Solely because, who is getting invaded?
@carrie7557 2 года назад
I hope the war will stop as soon as possible😢 People have lost their home, families, friends. 🙏🏼Be Safe!
@StSwallow 2 года назад
@elenamedze21 2 года назад
Good morning)) Ukraine has been killing oun people in Lugansk and Donbas for 8 years, and the West has just woken up. funny . Enlightenment will come quickly, as soon as the unfortunate people zombified by Goebbels' propaganda come to the west. Then we'll all have "fun" here. oikeasti katasroofii
@andreaskilander8742 2 года назад
@@elenamedze21 For someone who has the guts to talk about Goebbels and propaganda, you sure ate your whole full serving of desinformation shitpudding and said "Thank you" on top. Russia is a bully nation, and thats why its neighbours doesnt like it. Genocide in Donbas is a russian LIE made up as casus belli by the Russian government. Have a nice day, creature of the dictatorship.
@konstantinkudryash2887 2 года назад
@@andreaskilander8742. Apparently your informational crap you like better. It is worth learning to discern the truth. If you need it of course.
@andreaskilander8742 2 года назад
@@konstantinkudryash2887 Unlike Putins useful idiots I dont need to sit and make up conspiracy theories to explain why Russia is bombing their neighbours and reducing their cities to rubble. The ruthlessness of the dictatorial regime in the Kremlin is obvious enough. But you know, go ahead and continue making your "oooh the evil west is encircling pooor innocent russia"-excuses for murdering kids in artillery barrages. The ukrainians will hate Russia forever and they have every reason to. Sad thing to see slavic brotherhood destroyed, but at least UA has their Polish brothers to look after them.
@androniani 2 года назад
Российский солдат смелый и храбрый .Мы победим !
@user-so1sx7kh8o 2 года назад
Один мат да агрессия, сколько злобы и неадеквата, запад постарался.
@user-im5tp1io2z 2 года назад
да они такие есть и были во вторую мировую 3 года фашиков кормили за них воевали своих же убивали кто против .
@user-vd4uj6bb9k 2 года назад
@@user-im5tp1io2z ни че -перевоспитаем !!))
@cryptodillery119 2 года назад
Ты серьёзно?
@cryptodillery119 2 года назад
Запад постарался?
@NelsonRead 2 года назад
No-one fights quite like a countrymen who's country is being invaded by an imposing force.
@user-xb2el6ko8z 2 года назад
@paulgregory4102 2 года назад
Yes putin thought it would be a pushover but didn't release Ukrainians would fight like they are doing God bless everybody world wide and hope peace will prevail
@udontknowme7798 2 года назад
Yemen, Somalia,Palestine, Syria, you dont care about them a second
@someoneyoullknow4077 2 года назад
@@paulgregory4102 God doesn't support neither cause he us neutral in every war
@richardjohnson8114 2 года назад
@@someoneyoullknow4077 Yeah, that's why a tiny little nation of 8M people has been able to survive 3 all out attempts by coalitions of it's neighbors, who vastly outnumber it, to wipe them off the map. Not saying God is taking sides in the Ukraine - Russia war, I'm just saying he's not neutral in every war.
@P.V.E.shnyk9 2 года назад
в кювете лежит танк дымящийся с красной меткой на стволе,типа рф танк.А следом показывают такой же танк едет всу.Блять где логика?Ребята я все понимаю,но эта фигня на первоклассников расчитана.А где же метки типа "Z" или "V"?
@user-vc6yq3nz7v 2 года назад
ОЙ, проеб*ли))
@obovsem3531 2 года назад
I was hitting the city with Grads, And my enemy treated me, And comforted: "It's necessary." Mom, I'm a monster. Sorry. I saw the city bombed. Mom, what has your son done! I am a monster, hardened by the idea. We were taken through the cities, By the villages that we bombed, And we couldn't believe our eyes: What have we done with Donbass! Hospitals are full of people, Everything is flooded with tears there, There are mutilated people there Without arms, without legs, he appeared before us, the child was crying in his arms. The girl is barely a year old, And we are her parents On a mine, Mom, they blew it up. Mother I am a monster, an executioner. And there are no terrorists here, Mom. And we who came with the war, For them, the likeness of fascists. We, moms, were thrown straight ahead, And they threw us into a terrible hell, And in the backs, our own fighters, the Detachments were exposed. And we all went to the death fight, Shoulder to shoulder with my brother, And the militia man shouted at me: "Get down, brat," and he was swearing. He didn't want to shoot me, Wanting to cover me in battle, He offered me to duck Saving my enemy's life in battle. Mom, I'm a prisoner, but don't cry. Your poor son is quite healthy. I was treated by a Donetsk doctor With a tired, stern appearance. He was doing his medical duty. I, burning with shame before him, For the first time I thought to myself: Who needs such a war?
@mhmidmhmid8477 2 года назад
پوتین معتاد شده
@anatoliyzatonskiy8753 2 года назад
This is another lie of the US State Department. Like Colin Powel's test tube and other Psaka nonsense. Watch more videos and learn more!
@mimusicamicancion 2 года назад
My heart and prayers to Ukrainian families and militares
@user-pz5gj7ji8k 2 года назад
А Данбас не жалко?, 8 лет бомбили?
@kassimchuo5290 2 года назад
Aamen aaamen
@kassimchuo5290 2 года назад
Hellow Rita Cruz are you ok
@SeaJay_Oceans 2 года назад
Do you pray for the women and children of Iraq or Afganistan ?
@sergiydy2820 2 года назад
@@user-pz5gj7ji8k Russian propaganda.
@jayanthhr4331 2 года назад
4days holding war - when fighting against World 2nd largest army. Really Great... Ukrainian peoples and soldiers deserves huge respect.
@WarthunderClipsAndShorts 2 года назад
I mean.... Ukraine has Europe's 2nd largest army, next to russia
@PhilLesh69 2 года назад
I think even Putin believed the myth that Russia's army was the same as the former Soviet union's massive military. We may be watching Ukraine teach them a new lesson in martial humility.
@PhilLesh69 2 года назад
Hopefully he will let your forces back out before they get decimated and slowly ground into dust.
@rinato7757 2 года назад
World 1st military.
@user-jl1ds1df1d 2 года назад
@@PhilLesh69 haha but still the Soviet Union could not fight against a country without an army Finland I can hope what happened to those Russians is still in their heads
@user-zf9zu9fc6g 2 года назад
Filmed on different roads and where did you take your sooty tanker?
@user-vo7di1cq6b 2 года назад
Крах фашистской банды, полицаев, лакеев Запада, изменников Родины неизбежен, а вы умники смотрите и мотайте на ус, раскудахтались.
@macthc2492 2 года назад
Fuck russia
@peters6591 2 года назад
What a brave people. Ukrainians do not tolerate trespassers.
@bartekmajewski2305 2 года назад
The internet is used extensively to spread false reports using old footage and other backgrounds to create anti-Russian sentiment.
@sergiydy2820 2 года назад
@@bartekmajewski2305 Russian propaganda.
@oleksandrdrapailo2926 2 года назад
@@bartekmajewski2305 Be aware of this russian troll.
@Veldtian1 2 года назад
@ziher123 Yeah Sovreign state invented by commies in the 1920s, a bit of Romania, a bit of Poland, an bit of Russia and presto.
@Jupltus 2 года назад
@@bartekmajewski2305 Poor russia, ever the victim.
@cecilwilson5442 2 года назад
Strength and honour to the Ukraine forces and the people fighting for the freedom of their country,, and against the oppression and dictatorship,, ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️from Northern Ireland
@gwynenoevealfonso3177 2 года назад
@@user-gm4ow6iw7d Atleast the US didn't try to take it over by force, Unlike your precious Putin who didn't just declare war but subsequently affected the lives of Millions of innocents
@MrDICKHEAD28 2 года назад
@javierpaffen 2 года назад
@@user-gm4ow6iw7d USA hasn't a dictator leader like Russia, much less genocidal
@kristinajendesen7111 2 года назад
@@MrDICKHEAD28 Stop shouting. The people in the North already have the right to rejoin the Republic of Ireland if enough of them vote for it. At the moment the government in the South realise that it will be quite a financial headache like when East and West Germany reunited. There is also the chance of more sectarian violence but that's stupid religion for you.
@Veldtian1 2 года назад
@@gwynenoevealfonso3177 The USA/Soros backed coup in 2014 was the way to go wasn't it.
@Petr0vi4Kirill 2 года назад
0:39 - ukrainian tank in the sidelines. 1:19 - the second (the same as the first) Ukrainian tank drove up. 2:38 - ukrainian BMP "Sturm" (БМП "Штурм"). 2:44 - ukrainian military jacket (ukrainian camouflage coloring). Тhe russians army, have a sign painted (Z or V) on their armor.
@andreydomovec2390 2 года назад
Поскорее бы Русские очистили Украину от фашистов! Бедный народ... 8 лет Путина просили что бы он помог. Наконец то!!!! 8 лет фашисты донбас терраризировали... Скоро всё закончится. Россия заплатит высокую цену, но зато Украина будет жить спокойно! Слава Украине! Слава России!
@christopherbranham4493 2 года назад
Hope Russia gets dealt the hand of death by Ukraine 🇺🇦. Seems that Russia is losing more men and equipment every hour. We support you Ukraine 🇺🇦
@V43xV1CT15 2 года назад
Old and outdated equipment.. also most of the forces are most likely disposable according to Putin. News keeps saying “special forces” killed but we don’t know for sure. Let’s hope it’s true though
@user-cl6bu7vo9l 2 года назад
hope is the last to die
@valorgaming7114 2 года назад
Yeah but they weren't trying yet this is just to soften Ukraine up before they send in the real wave
@walterarredondo3516 2 года назад
It Will, for the hand of the Most High is with the helpless!
@CARBONHAWK1 2 года назад
Russia has about 150,000 still waiting at the border, for their call. Both sides are pumping out propaganda
@tuomolaitinen4335 2 года назад
Keep fighting Ukrainian brothers and sisters 💪💪💪 🇫🇮🇫🇮🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
@forrestgump5959 2 года назад
Our hearts go also to you Finland! Heard Russian-Moscow-Hitler-Putin threatened Finland in case Finland wants to join Nato. Remember how Finland beat the Russian Communist invaders. Guess Russia wants revenge for that. Remember that Finland did not do anything wrong and still Russians in hitler-style invaded Finland. We remember Fins how bravely they fought the nazi invaders from Russia.
@butbutmybutt 2 года назад
Ur fighting for USA, u fool
@adineatha9766 2 года назад
Finland acutally lost Karelia to the Russians.
@ilkkak3065 2 года назад
@@adineatha9766 Yes we had to give land to Soviets, about same amounth their dead bodies covered. So they could bury their casualties. And it seems that Ukrainians are killing Russians same amouth per Day.
@rhubiestewart9819 2 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-hFQEyh_mpUU.html 💪🏼👍🏼💪🏼💪🏼
@rael5469 2 года назад
0:48 Holy cow......explosive reactive armor. They should write to the manufacturer and get their money back.
@mirecboban5798 2 года назад
Ой, моє серце кровоточить, тримайтеся, брати українці, ми в Словаччині робимо все, щоб отримати матеріальну, військову та політичну допомогу. А ми дбаємо про ваших дружин і дітей, які до нас прийшли. Слава Україні
@triciag.3735 2 года назад
Ukrainians soldier are indeed well trained and organized. My best salute!!
@PhilLesh69 2 года назад
Think about when was the last time Russia was involved in any serious expeditionary military campaign. The last time was when they invaded afghanistan. They have no recent experience with actual extended combat beyond these border incursions and regional conflicts with other former Soviet states. Meanwhile for more than 8 years the world's most experienced military in the world has been equipping, training, mentoring the ukrainians. They have been trained by soldiers who ha e spent the last two decades in active combat in two large overseas theaters as well as other hot zones around the world. Second and third generation combat tested soldiers have show them all the tricks of the trade. Meanwhile, most Russian armor units still tie a tree trunk to the front of their tracked vehicles like they did in 1943. Some of their vehicles look like that's when they were built, too.
@Zdravstvujte 2 года назад
@@PhilLesh69 Don't hold your breath, this is just a beginning, unfortunately if this last few more days then Russia is gonna really attack, just wait and see.
@sign6555 2 года назад
This is a false statement, the reality is not the same as in the video.
@baton-X 2 года назад
@user-dv5br6mg6b 2 года назад
Фашистские батальоны украинцев, хорошо обучены специалистами США и НАТО, а не украинские солдаты! ✋ Это огромная разница.
@abrahamjan8745 2 года назад
I admire Ukrainian heros! Greetings from Czech
@user-gm4ow6iw7d 2 года назад
Восхищаешься нацистами, которые зигуют? Ну ты упорыш!
@abrahamjan8745 2 года назад
@@user-gm4ow6iw7d какую херню ты несешь ,) Самый бослшой нацист твой путлер
@wvt5825 2 года назад
@@user-gm4ow6iw7d the Nazis invaded Ukraine in WWII...Russia invaded Ukriane in 2022...enough said!🇺🇦
@baton-X 2 года назад
Восхищайся дальше ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-cxaE5YQqOdI.html
@user-gm4ow6iw7d 2 года назад
@@wvt5825 Дебил. Украина - марионетка США. США выращивают нацистов на украине. США и украина не подписали резолюцию ООН о борьбе с нацизмом. Почему? Попробуй догадайся с трёх раз. Сорос высказался, что украинцы - достойные потомки тех, кто сдерживал Красную Армию на подступах к Варшаве. Это были украинские нацисты, и сейчас опять нацисты. Спроси у поляков, любят ли они Бандеру и Шухевича? Это были украинские нацисты, убившие много поляков и эти нацисты вместе с немецкими нацистами не давали Красной Армии войти в Польшу. Мы воевали с нацистким Западом и теперь опять будем воевать со всеми вами, раз уж вам так спокойно не живётся, и плевать, сколько бы вас не было.
@mouloudbrahmi7535 2 года назад
I am a citizen of Russia. Terribly for everything that happens, and ashamed of the government. My friend lives in Odessa, and I'm afraid for her. People should not suffer from the ambitions of politicians. It's scary that we live in a time like this. We don't want this war. Nobody wants. Thanks to the efforts of one person, one country is under fire and in fear, and the other has become a pariah in the eyes of others ... terribly. Peace to all...(and...sory for bad english, yes)
@AndreiAndrei-yu5xc 2 года назад
Severodonetsk is a part of Lugansk People Republic. God bless the locals there.
@gedzenk930 2 года назад
WEST needs to give every possible support to UKRAINA, UKRAINA is fighting for all the WORLD ALONE!!!!
@sleepyretardedbiden604 2 года назад
The west just delivered 600 million dollars worth of advanced MILITARY equipment along with the united kingdom...Go take a look at the UKRANIAN presidents Twitter page and see for your self
@billy6pack887 2 года назад
Just to draw out the war so more people die hey. That's smart Buden and Zelensky thinking. Russia will soon start using their real weapons and this will be over within a week. He doesn't wanna occupy, except the 2 republics in the East anyways. He'll just turn the rest of the country into a wasteland. Smooth move NATO. But probably what they want.
@afaan11 2 года назад
@@billy6pack887 he just said he will prepare the nuke weapons. Best to end this by give Zelensky to Putin. It will end horrible when West keep supporting with heavy defensive weapons to delay Russians invasion of Kiev. The nuke threat is not a good sign now and it may drag Nato into WW3.
@christophero1969 2 года назад
@@billy6pack887 OK, Russian communist BOT.
@aligee5592 2 года назад
@@billy6pack887 well said 👋👋
@frankj.thomas9429 2 года назад
God speed Ukraine. Looking at those destroyed vehicles, I regret those poor very young rssns soldiers sent to nonsense death, without any preparation, goal. Just to drive across Ukraine. I can't imagine who can give such orders. They as always in russia are treated like cannon fodder. Ppl are nothing for sovets warputlords, who care only abut themselves and their wealth stolen to all rssns ppl. Why they tolerate such governments so long. Waka up
@pndnerv 2 года назад
God bless civilians who figth with ucranian nazy and army. Stay strong. Peaceful skies will be soon
@user-tb3ve8kc2o 2 года назад
A Finnish blogger shocked Facebook when he posted this article: Are you asking about the results of Russia's "aggressions"? They are as follows: half of Europe and part of Asia received their statehood from the hands of this very state. Let's remember who it is: - Finland in 1802 and 1918 (until 1802 it never had its own state). - Latvia in 1918 (until 1918 it never had its own state). - Estonia in 1918 (until 1918 it never had its own state). - Lithuania restored statehood in 1918 also thanks to Russia. - Poland restored the state with the help of Russia twice, in 1918 and 1944. The division of Poland between the USSR and Germany is only a short period! - Romania was born as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars, and became sovereign by the will of Russia in 1877-1878. - Moldova as a state was born inside the USSR. - Bulgaria was liberated from the oppression of the Ottoman Empire and restored its independence as a result of the victory of Russian weapons in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, which had this as its goal. In gratitude, the state of Bulgaria participated in two world wars as part of anti-Russian coalitions. Now Bulgaria is a member of NATO, and US bases are located on its territory. After 1945, there was not a single Russian soldier on its territory ... -Serbia as a sovereign state was also born as a result of this war. - Azerbaijan as a state took shape for the first time only as part of the USSR. - Armenia was physically preserved and revived as a state only as part of the USSR. - Georgia was physically preserved and revived as a state thanks to the Russian Empire - Turkmenistan has never had statehood and formed it only as part of the USSR. - Kyrgyzstan has never had statehood and formed it only as part of the USSR. - Kazakhstan has never had statehood and formed it only as part of the USSR. - Mongolia never had statehood and formed it only with the help of the USSR. - Belarus and Ukraine also gained statehood for the first time as a result of the Great October Revolution as part of the republics of the USSR. And only in 1991 (also from Russia) received their full independence. It is also worth considering the role of Russia-USSR in the birth and formation of such states as China, Vietnam, North Korea, India, Greece (it was recaptured from the Turks by Russia back in 1821), Algeria, Cuba, Israel, Angola, Mozambique, etc. . This is such a strange "aggression" historically manifested by the Russians! With the significant contribution of this country, even Switzerland achieved independence from France. Or rather, it was done thanks to Suvorov (217 years ago) and since then Switzerland has never (!) fought; It also took place: - Liberation of Austria from the Third Reich in 1945; - Liberation of Czechoslovakia from the Third Reich in 1945; - The position of Catherine II in 1780 with the creation of the League of Armed Neutrality and the actual support of the North American United States in the struggle for their independence from Britain. - twice in the last 2 centuries, Russia granted independence to most European states after the destruction of Hitler and Napoleon; - Stalin's position in negotiations with the United States and England, which gave Germany the opportunity to maintain statehood after the defeat in 1945; - Gorbachev's position, which allowed re-unification of both Germany in 1990 without unnecessary problems; - Assistance of the USSR to Egypt, after which he was able to survive and consolidate his independence in the war with Israel, Britain and France in 1956-57. - The intervention of the USSR in 1967, which stopped the war between Israel and Egypt (actually saved the Arabs from defeat in two wars in 1967-74). - The decisive role of the Union, which ensured the conquest of its independence by Angola in 1975. And finally, the main thing. It was the USSR that, after the victory in World War II, played a key role in ensuring that most of the colonies of Western Europe gained their independence in the process of global decolonization launched by the Union. The whole history of Russia shows that it was consistent under any government and system in upholding the principles of independence and self-determination of nations and peoples. It was she who helped in every possible way to create a multipolar world in any era and at all times. Unfortunately, very often at the same time, she sacrificed her own interests, and if the policy of Mother Russia, at least for a fraction, would be similar to the British one, then now half the world would be part of the Russian Imperial Commonwealth of Nations, and the Russian people would bathe in luxury, like sheikhs of Saudi Arabia, at the expense of states, countries and their capitals liberated from other colonizers. THIS IS WHY HALF THE WORLD OBLIGED TO RUSSIA ON THE COFFIN OF LIFE. And that's why you're all so guilty about this and great country! I am sending this file in order to create a memory chain. In memory of 20 million Soviet citizens, 10 million Christians, 1900 priests killed, tortured, raped, burned, starved to death and destroyed by the Nazis! ..Now, more than ever, it is imperative to do everything so that the world never forgets about this, always remembers the contribution of the Soviet people to the liberation of Europe from fascism. This file must reach at least 100 million people worldwide! ..Join us and join the chain of memory, helping to spread it around the world... Please send this file to people you know and ask them to continue the chain...
@jaceklubecki7314 2 года назад
Glory to Ukraine, Glory to the Heroes!
@litanquiah8774 2 года назад
Keep it up heroes
@user-gm4ow6iw7d 2 года назад
Земля им пухом!
@davedaniels8211 2 года назад
The soldier resting by the tree and the soldier riding on the tank both carrying anti tank weapons . Didn't realise the forests were so thick . Bloody outcome for Putin .
@user-xb2el6ko8z 2 года назад
Немој смраде превише да ликујеш, СРБИ ће вам вратити за сва страдања која сте нам приредили!!!
@bikerpolirol 2 года назад
Don't listen to anyone, I am a resident of Ukraine, the fascists seized power here in 2012. They bombed and shelled their own cities of Donetsk and Luhansk, which dared to oppose them, they did it for 8 years, there are more than 14,000 dead civilians. Nazi battalions specifically shot at schools, kindergartens, playgrounds and the children's beach. You can see for yourself, just use google.Type in a search: Горловская мадонна(Gorlovka Madonna), всё лучшее детям Донбасс(all the best to children of Donbass).Type in a search: Горловская мадонна(Gorlovka Madonna), всё лучшее детям Донбасс(all the best to children of Donbass). All the best for the children of Donbass, this is the inscription on the shells that were fired at the kindergarten. Here's what the former president of Ukraine said: "We will have jobs - they won't. We will have pensions - they don't. We will support people - children and pensioners - they will not. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, but they will sit in basements. Because they cannot do anything! That's it, that's how we will win this war," Poroshenko said.. I am very glad and grateful that Russia will finally help us kick them out or judge them. Help all the people of Ukraine to get rid of fascists and Nazis, spread this.
@AxaFin 2 года назад
@@bikerpolirol do you have Steam brotha
@bikerpolirol 2 года назад
@@AxaFin yes
@AxaFin 2 года назад
@@bikerpolirol would you want to add me and send me more this kinda shit I'm going deep into the murky waters of the underworld right now.
@rangba2640 2 года назад
God bless us all
@TraderRobin 2 года назад
Yeah, what HE said (at 1:40 )!!
@miguelpalileo3890 2 года назад
May GOD protect Ukraine and its people from the enemies. Hope peace will come soon🙏🙏🙏. Love from the Philippines🇵🇭
@GunnerLegend 2 года назад
Man that russian tank got destroyed by the urakianians and I was right, russian tanks are trash.
@turkey0165 2 года назад
I definitely would not want to be a Russian tanker! The anti-tank Shoulder fired missile is wiping out Soviet armor!
@levkaminsky4685 2 года назад
all enemies of Ukraine are in its government, dude. do you even know where it is? 😁
@MiguelAngelGarcia-ht4kr 2 года назад
@@levkaminsky4685 Russia is done.like Ukraine many Soviet states will be democratic soon.russian tank sucks like Putin.viva resistance.
@azazqureshi5804 2 года назад
I love Phillipines
@ashokmohan6323 2 года назад
72 hours ukraine faced such a strong Russian army. Omg something to appreciate ukraine people . We never expected it .
@elielerman1432 2 года назад
@alex K Russia can fire some nukes. Why Putin uses tanks and soldiers?
@kevzzzzzz 2 года назад
@@elielerman1432 How can they take advantage of the resources if they nuke Ukraine?
@ARTdixi 2 года назад
Ты смешной. Посмотри на карту. Пол украины войска рф заняли уже.
@turkey0165 2 года назад
@Alex if Russia starts Carpet bombing there will be plenty of American made and western Stinger missiles to shoot them down before they carpet bomb!
@HelloWorld-vm9gz 2 года назад
@alex K Ya those flairs do great against Stingers
@Melly-Mang 2 года назад
Sometimes it can very hard to distinguish a Ukrainian tank from a Russian tank. In this case, we can easily determine through data that the tank shown at 1:18 is Ukrainian due to the acoustic from the engine hinting at a liquid combustible material powering the engine.
@golub1001 2 года назад
The color can be easily identified. We, in Ukraine, have camouflage paint like a pixel, but the russian have it just smeared. Pay attention to this.
@sjumpow9818 2 года назад
@@golub1001 Russian tanks have Z marks. Pay attention to this
@andrewsmithphoto 2 года назад
Who did the destroyed tank belong to?
@sampark7568 2 года назад
Respect and love to Ukraine from South Korea!! Stay strong and victory will be yours!! 사랑해요! 우크라이나! 힘내세요! 화이팅!!!
@shirishadhikari5009 2 года назад
Copied from another post. I have family in Ukraine, and I can tell you right now that nobody is being told the truth about what is going on. I have heard the horror stories of what the Ukraine regime is doing there to anyone who does not agree or support them ever since they illegally took power in 2014 with a coup supported by the Obama administration and the globalists in the EU. The new regime are National Fascists, literally. Anyone who is Russian in the country is targeted as the enemy. The regime turned on it's own citizens since 2014 calling resistance "Russian separatists". It was the world Oligarchs and greedy US politicians in the Democrat party that use the Ukraine as a money laundering hub, which is why they make Putin out to be the bad guy for trying to help the oppressed Russians living in Ukraine. They even outlawed the Russian language from being spoken in public, a language most older people only know. Russians are being treated like the Jews in WWII. It has been ignored by media since 2014, and hidden from the public eye what is really going on. So far, Putin has demanded no civilians to be targeted, while the Ukraine president is arming loyal citizens to his regime to fight. This is so when they are killed, they can claim"Russia is killing innocent civilians". All for propaganda! I wish I could say so much more, but it is too much to tell. Let's not forget Joe's son's ties to Berisma, just after the new regime took over in 2014. Reply1 h
@sergiydy2820 2 года назад
@@shirishadhikari5009 Russian propaganda.
@user-ry2gg7if4s 2 года назад
@@shirishadhikari5009 чудО, надо всегда говорить правду.
@oleksandrdrapailo2926 2 года назад
@@shirishadhikari5009 Be aware! Russian troll army started fighting for pootin!
@user-rp3hr6vs9n 2 года назад
@@oleksandrdrapailo2926 -Ukranian Junta is dead..!!! Greetings from russian city of Kiev..!!
@madamada3479 2 года назад
Like always in History Poland was holding our west borders and keeping save Europe, this task belongs now to Ukraine. Stay strong guys!
@rechelieu 2 года назад
True. The Siberian hordes have bled Poland white. Now Ukraine is earning its greatness.
@levkaminsky4685 2 года назад
you also learn history from cnn?
@Tfegjkrdfgjkcdrtuillnb 2 года назад
@user-ny3kz1qj6g 2 года назад
Скоро ваша очередь. Срочно выходите из НАТО
@zhangzy123 2 года назад
@@user-ny3kz1qj6g ahhhahhaahha. Putin=🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮. Да здравствует свободная Россия, свободная от фашиста, военного преступника Путина. 🇵🇱❤️🇺🇦
@cobbvd 2 года назад
6 times you show the same destroyed tank , we need to believe, there are 6 tanks destroyed ?
@mariahelenlobaton4604 2 года назад
Pray that no more war in this world only peace and love
@kagimukasule287 2 года назад
Dear our brothers and sisters in Ukraine the World is with you. Just stand firm GOD is on your side.
@mrpeter4583 2 года назад
I actually think Russia has the better argument. NATO went back on Minks accords, fake Ukrainian gov implement by coup in 2014 by CIA was being brutal to Russian speaking Ukrainians and the Donna's region wants to be a part of Russia anyways so just let them. NATO is the problem.
@TheStockwell 2 года назад
@@mrpeter4583 NATO is the problem? You seem to be overlooking an important fact: Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine. You know - the same way Hitler invaded Poland on 1939. I'm sure he had apologists working overtime for him, too. "The League of Nations is the problem" - is that how you would've phrased it back then? You're most welcome. 😺
@jeremyb3991 2 года назад
@@mrpeter4583 I highly encourage you to branch out from Russian state TV and learn from other sources. NATO poses no real aggressive threat to Russia, we respect your nuclear arsenal and don't threaten your sovereignty in any meaningful way. Invading a country to stop them from joining NATO and getting the security that entails is just opportunistic bullying on the international stage.
@richardjohnson8114 2 года назад
@@mrpeter4583 Sure thing Rasputin.
@richardjohnson8114 2 года назад
@@jeremyb3991 Very well said.
@reyrey7012 2 года назад
The World stands with you Ukraine
@sign6555 2 года назад
Fuck of the World!!
@SheriffofYouTube 2 года назад
bla bla says you from your take off tv news... Let Putin Liberate the Ukrainian people from NATO
@allaivanova3978 2 года назад
@@SheriffofRU-vid НАТО в том виде в котором было больше не будет !
@AwedJR 2 года назад
I'm pretty happy what happened Ukraine government couse the were participated the illegal war against Afghanistan, and now they are suffering I wondered how nato betrayed 🤣 the days are rotating
@carrisasteveinnes1596 2 года назад
Until China attacks Russia, as they might, then world will be with Russia...
@LuizCarlos-pg5ro 2 года назад
Salmo 91 FÉ em Deus!!!
@serguei2773 2 года назад
It is near the kiev
@degolbatuku1831 2 года назад
There you go defend your mother land. Bravo Ukrainians world is with you. We support you. Together we will win. From Ethiopia.
@michaell3711 2 года назад
From Jamaica we say stay safe and strong the people of Ukraine.
@user-ic7uq5uw4d 2 года назад
Thank you)
@thunderedsun203 2 года назад
@JP Supahboy I am Asian so you are racist
@thunderedsun203 2 года назад
@JP Supahboy also you started the war
@thunderedsun203 2 года назад
@JP Supahboy and you are insanely racist
@bradselc3618 2 года назад
Salute to the Brave And TOUGH Ukraine 🇺🇦. God Bless from Texas 🇺🇸
@eboenanrev6108 2 года назад
bravo rusia ✊✊ from indonesia
@BiboyMax 2 года назад
@MrExade 2 года назад
you are writing history right now, will you be infamous like Finland? Let's hope so!
@johngaskell1467 2 года назад
Everyone in the world will know the Ukrainian flag especially the Russians .
@sign6555 2 года назад
These are the last days of the yellow and blue rag!!
@matthew_turkmen7482 2 года назад
@@sign6555 world is behind Ukraine, Russia lost in the moment they attacked, your 2 likes vs his 127 says it all, I feel sorry for Russia and its people, Putin doomed you all
@kingreagen5156 2 года назад
Yyf ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-sxXg5d8vIQQ.html
@user-wq9mw2xz3j 2 года назад
@@sign6555 Ukranian nationalism has never been this high before. Opposite of Putins plan is happening. Ukraine will never integrate with Russia now. Russian army can still beat Ukranian even with heavy weapon support, but doubt he'll have control over the nation long. It's not a small or as weak place as other lands Russia has invaded, and even more, it has support of nato and other european countries
@rhubiestewart9819 2 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-hFQEyh_mpUU.html 👍🏼😭👍🏼🙏
@albestsohtun3699 2 года назад
God bless Ukraine 🙏🙏🙏
@stoopeed1195 2 года назад
TELL THAT TO THIS CLOWN ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uiI09qkaWAo.html
@user-bj6se4sn4s 2 года назад
The President is a Jew, the Speaker is a Jew, the Head of the Office of the President is a Jew, the Prime Minister is a Jew, the Head of the SBU is a Jew, the Ministry of Defense is a Jew, the Minister of the Interior is a Jew, the Minister of Health is a Jew, the Minister of Foreign Affairs is a Jew, the mayor of Kyiv is a Jew, the mayor of Kharkiv is a Jew, etc. Do you really think the Jews will lose? If Jewish Switzerland ended its neutrality to help fellow tribesmen - do you think everything is so simple? Are you fighting for the Jews?
@greg20133 2 года назад
Чёт не заметно) Обосралась Украина, по макушку.
@user-lc3if6zk6h 2 года назад
@@stoopeed1195 Господи сколько дебилов на свете, верящих в непогрешимость своих не буду говорить кого...
@SamiKotiranta 2 года назад
🙏🙏🙏Brave Ukrainian soldiers you guys are legends🙏🙏🙏
@jaedersoares942 2 года назад
So who's gonna stay at home when freedom fighters are fighting ? Robert nesta marley Big up from Brazil
@disgustedvet9528 2 года назад
When both sides use the same tanks , fighting vehicles and trucks it's really hard to tell what we are seeing .
@disgustedvet9528 2 года назад
@Mila Brujic That is obvious .
@disgustedvet9528 2 года назад
@Mila Brujic I believe we have a linguistic snafu here .
@disgustedvet9528 2 года назад
@Mila Brujic I'm sure you are correct , it is problematic for sure.
@disgustedvet9528 2 года назад
@Mila Brujic NATO isn't attacking anyone , it is a purely defensive alliance . Wise up .
@rcm8881 2 года назад
Fight for your freedom and country people of Ukraine I salute you from the Philippines 🇵🇭🇺🇦
@5phutsangtao-iQ 2 года назад
I don't want this to happen and I don't want the children to be affected by the war
@przemo8321 2 года назад
@hell2931 2 года назад
Волинську різню не забув!??!!???
@falagi11 2 года назад
Supporting you all the way Ukraine. All the love from Australia 🇺🇦🇦🇺
@bikerpolirol 2 года назад
Don't listen to anyone, I am a resident of Ukraine, the fascists seized power here in 2012. They bombed and shelled their own cities of Donetsk and Luhansk, which dared to oppose them, they did it for 8 years, there are more than 14,000 dead civilians. Nazi battalions specifically shot at schools, kindergartens, playgrounds and the children's beach. You can see for yourself, just use google.Type in a search: Горловская мадонна(Gorlovka Madonna), всё лучшее детям Донбасс(all the best to children of Donbass).Type in a search: Горловская мадонна(Gorlovka Madonna), всё лучшее детям Донбасс(all the best to children of Donbass). All the best for the children of Donbass, this is the inscription on the shells that were fired at the kindergarten. Here's what the former president of Ukraine said: "We will have jobs - they won't. We will have pensions - they don't. We will support people - children and pensioners - they will not. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, but they will sit in basements. Because they cannot do anything! That's it, that's how we will win this war," Poroshenko said.. I am very glad and grateful that Russia will finally help us kick them out or judge them. Help all the people of Ukraine to get rid of fascists and Nazis, spread this.
@user-dv5br6mg6b 2 года назад
🤦и до вас дойдет война, не передивайте
@user-ly5pl8hi6m 2 года назад
God bless Russia. We are fighting against ukraino-nazi who kill 14000 russian people here. We are fighting for freedom and security. Russian are all unified today, all together with our army. We will never give up.
@marcogarbin2977 2 года назад
you're supporting nazi armiy
@alhagienjie4980 2 года назад
The whole World should help the brave soldiers of ukrain
@baton-X 2 года назад
Вы помогаете нацистов ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-cxaE5YQqOdI.html
@pontiec7 2 года назад
There was a fight on this section of the road. No one was cleaning the road. Hiding and trying to shoot back while running away!
@AxaFin 2 года назад
@jakubbratislavsky9592 2 года назад
2:15 Smartphone instead of the radio. :D :D New era of War.
@terrywelsh4305 2 года назад
We love Ukraine keep going all thinking of you, love from UK.
@user-gm4ow6iw7d 2 года назад
Очередная нацистка.
@jeremyb3991 2 года назад
@@user-gm4ow6iw7d The Ukrainians are led by a Jew descended from a soldier that fought the Nazis, you have been lied to. The Ukrainians are not Nazis, if anything Putin's actions mirror those of Hitler's in the buildup to WW2
@user-gm4ow6iw7d 2 года назад
@@jeremyb3991 Посмотри, вбей, , украинский нацизм,,
@user-gm4ow6iw7d 2 года назад
@@jeremyb3991 США и украина отказались подписать резолюцию в ООН по запрету и осуждению нацизма. Почему? Украина - марионетка США, в которой поддерживают нацизм.
@baton-X 2 года назад
Любите сильнее солдат Украины ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-cxaE5YQqOdI.html
@michaeldaley4160 2 года назад
God bless and let them have it!!!🇨🇦🇺🇦🙏
@Bobbarker23455 2 года назад
Nah ppl need to get putin out of power he us pure evil
@user-fl2bm9rd9z 2 года назад
@@Bobbarker23455 Не мели чучело из 5-колонны. Путин самый умный президент, человек дела и слова.
@oc284 2 года назад
@@user-fl2bm9rd9z К счастью шавки из интернета никак не могут повлиять на исход этой операции. И мне, как украинцу в фиг-знает каком поколении очень приятно видеть, что моя страна выходит из этой пучины безумия, которая длилась эти восемь лет. Я вижу как живет Крым в условиях "русской оккупации" и очень хочу чтобы оккупация уже кончилась, чтобы Украина снова стала Россией, а все умалишенные пусть отправляются туда откуда пришли - на запад через польскую границу
@Igor-us5em 2 года назад
So, friends, what did we see in the video? It's not clear!!! The technique of Ukrainians and Russians is almost identical. On Russian cars there is a sign "Z" or "V", maybe a slash, drawn with white paint. There are no such signs here. This means that the equipment is Ukrainian. So what is this cleaning of the road to Lugansk? This is a lie.
@frenkybigone5641 2 года назад
@PsyphaX09 2 года назад
Go Ukraine!
@user-fl2bm9rd9z 2 года назад
С техникой царя Гороха далеко не уйдут. Дурашка.
@chiquitita777 2 года назад
Keeping Ukraine in our prayers. God bless and keep them safe.🙏🙏🙏❤
@sign6555 2 года назад
Your prayers will not reach the ears of God, he is against Nazism!!
@bikerpolirol 2 года назад
Don't listen to anyone, I am a resident of Ukraine, the fascists seized power here in 2012. They bombed and shelled their own cities of Donetsk and Luhansk, which dared to oppose them, they did it for 8 years, there are more than 14,000 dead civilians. Nazi battalions specifically shot at schools, kindergartens, playgrounds and the children's beach. You can see for yourself, just use google.Type in a search: Горловская мадонна(Gorlovka Madonna), всё лучшее детям Донбасс(all the best to children of Donbass).Type in a search: Горловская мадонна(Gorlovka Madonna), всё лучшее детям Донбасс(all the best to children of Donbass). All the best for the children of Donbass, this is the inscription on the shells that were fired at the kindergarten. Here's what the former president of Ukraine said: "We will have jobs - they won't. We will have pensions - they don't. We will support people - children and pensioners - they will not. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, but they will sit in basements. Because they cannot do anything! That's it, that's how we will win this war," Poroshenko said.... I am very glad and grateful that Russia will finally help us kick them out or judge them. Help all the people of Ukraine to get rid of fascists and Nazis, spread this.
@user-ui9em6zc2w 2 года назад
Unfortunately, neo-Nazi and nationalist gangs are raging in Ukraine after 2014. These criminals have committed great crimes against the Ukrainian people. Because of that, three million citizens of Ukraine sought protection from Russia (RF). These are the inhabitants of today's Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics. In the past eight years, this nation has suffered terribly in incessant shelling. Remember! For eight years, Ukrainian neo-Nazi criminals have killed a large number of children in Donbas. And you are now in solidarity with these crimes. In addition, you are in solidarity with the burning of 40 citizens of Odessa, who were burned alive by fellow Ukrainian neo-Nazis in Odessa in 2014. Think about your actions, because you are responsible for them. Or maybe you think that the population of Donbass has no right to life? Maybe you think that the children of Donbass have no right to the future? Maybe the children of Donbass have no right to life at all? It is your fault that you have turned a blind eye to the crimes of the Ukrainian Nazis over the past eight years. You are also responsible for the crimes of the neo-Nazis. the blood of the children of Donbass lies on your hands as well. Remember that.
@user-ui9em6zc2w 2 года назад
@@bikerpolirol really? A group of Croatian nazis (ustasha) was sent from Croatia a few days ago to help his Ukrainian like-minded friends. Yesterday they crossed the Ukraine border with Poland. These are the admirers of Ante Pavelich. Do you know what these non-humans (ustasha) did during the Second World War against non-Croats in the so-called Independent state of Croatia? Even experienced members of the SS were appalled by their crimes. Relieve some documentation from the Nuremberg trials. Do you know what Jasenovac is? And Jadovno? Or Jastrebarsko? Who is fra Satan (fra Miroslav Filipovich)? I think this speaks enough about who is in the state institutions of Ukraine today. The Ukrainian people are a hostage in the hands of villains who call themselves the Ukrainian government.
@dimamca4842 2 года назад
Не увидел "украинских солдат" и очистки лрорги. Увидел бандитов на джипе. Sorry my bad russian/
@zzbudzz 2 года назад
The fog of war in this conflict must be terrible , both sides have the same equipment and gear. The all look the same at 50 yards .
@melvinjacobs2328 2 года назад
The world will never forget you Ukraine.
@swl1987 2 года назад
Ain't nothing to forget. These people are tough. They'll be standing at the end of all this.
@DiMary_ 2 года назад
Про Югославию уже не помнят .. Японцы уже не помнят кто на них ядерные бомбы кидал. Про Украину забудут ещё быстрее !!
@sjumpow9818 2 года назад
Yes, RIP
@findritesh 2 года назад
Hope and Prayers for people forced into this
@vancouveruzbekistan5350 2 года назад
@ljubapetrusic3778 2 года назад
@robplazzman6049 2 года назад
What was happening with the guy in the red puffer jacket ??
@omarnawabi6344 2 года назад
Best of luck Brave People Of UKRAINE , i lost my country which is Afghanistan . and i hope never happen to any other country Love from USA
@pistolstar4888 2 года назад
@Mila Brujic la NATO è democrazia e libertà! ...ma forse tu non capisci di cosa parlo
@pistolstar4888 2 года назад
@Mila Brujic la NATO non attacca paesi in PACE ....pensa invece di insultare
@rhubiestewart9819 2 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-hFQEyh_mpUU.html 👍🏼😭🙏🙏
@stumpynubs5387 2 года назад
Those Javilin rockets smack the crap out of those 70's old junk tanks
@vertuhi1605 2 года назад
OMG one TANK!!! its VICTORY or not?
@varkulevich78 2 года назад
Что твориться на фондовых рынках, это какой то полнейший ужас! Нефть, газ, лес, уголь, металлы, продовольствие пшеница кукуруза и т д. все эти ресурсы и продукты начали стремительно дорожать. Цена на газ приблизилась к 3000 дол. за кубометр и это по прогнозам аналитиков вовсе не предел. Уверен кто покупает эти ресурсы сейчас, они знают что в скором цена может удвоиться!
@RaviChandran-wm7bj 2 года назад
C.Ravichandran from India:- Really it is astonishing to see the small Ukrainian forces are holding back the big polar bear Russia. So it is a proof that any Nation will fight back the aggression in a do or die pattern. Praying to the unseen Universal God for a peaceful settlement between the two countries Viz; Russia and Ukraine within the norms of fairplay. 🙏🙏🙏
@stoopeed1195 2 года назад
PUTIN'S GIRLFRIEND ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uiI09qkaWAo.html
@lylaclark3977 2 года назад
It's like the Russian Bear trying to eat the Ukraine Porcupine .....🇺🇦 🇺🇦
@Jaysen6740 2 года назад
Ukraine knows exactly how to defend their country even though they are outnumbered. Their military has had a battle plan to defend from a Russian invasion for years. They know all the key roads, bridges, and towns and exactly how to defend them and frustrate the advances of Russia. I personally think Russia will fail, and I hope so. I hope Putin looks even more the fool when he fails and he is ousted from rule by his own people and the Russian people finally have freedom and democracy.
@aonyx5270 2 года назад
Russian people have had freedom and democracy for decades, Jaysen.. Its only western propaganda that makes you think otherwise.
@medusaspupil 2 года назад
Like David vs Goliath.
@DarKHorsE84 2 года назад
@@aonyx5270 tell that to the people being beaten by the police and arrested by the thousands in most major cities of Russia how freedom feels when protesting their governments invasion of Ukraine.
@giosoftware 2 года назад
Democracy only exists in books. There are only graduations of tyranny.
@jamegumb7298 2 года назад
@@aonyx5270 As long as you give your judge the dollar for his great singing.
@dmytrokhazanovych7191 2 года назад
Ну а теперь и их самих зачистят, чтобы от этих нациков даже духу не осталось
@allenholman3454 2 года назад
Russian or Ukrainian armor in the ditch? Anyway to tell?
@DaFinzi88 2 года назад
freedom and democratie will always stand .much love and succes to akraine soldiers and citizen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Gospodin_Kurac 2 года назад
much love and succes to akraine AKRAINE?!?!?! can you type bruh?
@8DVIBEZ 2 года назад
@stoopeed1195 2 года назад
PUTIN'S GIRLFRIEND ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uiI09qkaWAo.html
@StevenKeery 2 года назад
@@Gospodin_Kurac : Did you ever stop to ponder why so many of the former Soviet occupied countries wanted to join NATO. Could it possibly be that they have already experienced 'Russian hospitality' and didn't much care for it. I hope the young Russian soldiers go back safely to their families and loved ones. That, if they come to Ukraine again, it is as invited guests and neighbours, not as a thief in the night to steal their brother's lands and goods at the behest of the Dictator Putin. When two elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled. I think the grass is tired of being stomped on.
@Gospodin_Kurac 2 года назад
@@StevenKeery No, it's because they have experienced a lot of exchange for USD $ in return they will join NATO. That's how their machine works. But you will see, when those nazis get apprehended.
@savinliviu8897 2 года назад
SLAVA UKRAINE ORTHODOX BROTHERS! I m a romanian , angry about NATO not joining your defense , brave and beautiful people!!
@MRTLEW01 2 года назад
Nato did join the defense! where do you think there weapons coming from?
@mariannwatt2678 2 года назад
From what ive read wepons are on the way and already ariveing now hold the line god bless dont stop now
@CaputovachceTretiusvetovuvojnu 2 года назад
NATO? Ukrajina it's in NATO!
@tonysa2337 2 года назад
@@MRTLEW01 The EU and Nato did NOT provide weapons and abandoned Ukraine to face the mighty Russian army alone. Only after the Russians invaded and it became clear that Ukraine would resist fiercely on their own, were the EU governments shamed into providing assistance. Lets not start re-writing history already.
@martinwebb1681 2 года назад
@@tonysa2337 ... Take your own advice about re-writing history ... The UK and Estonia supplied anti tank weapons long before the invasion began, 2,000 NLW anti tank guns were supplied from the UK and a small number of troops to train the Ukraine forces in their use, Estonia also supplied Javelin anti tank guns. Also weapons from the US were supplied.
@Gangsta0_0 2 года назад
Glory to Ukraine 💪🇺🇦
@stanleynmezi9221 2 года назад
God will end all wars and i pray that God will remember Ukraine and end this war in Jesus name amen.
@lenisalomon2566 2 года назад
My prayers to Ukrainian people's 🙏🇺🇦💕stay strong Ukrainian 💪💪💪💪
@user-rp3hr6vs9n 2 года назад
Ukranian Junta is dead..!!! Greetings from russian city of Kiev..!!
@user-zl1kl2es3p 2 года назад
Thank you sincerely for praying for Ukraine, Ukraine is defeating the occupier of Russia Glory to UKRAINE TO OUR HEROES GLORY!
@user-rp3hr6vs9n 2 года назад
@stormcloud9081 2 года назад
Go Ukraine 🇺🇦!!!! Im cheering for you from America 🇺🇸!!!
@user-ic7uq5uw4d 2 года назад
Thank you)
@bikerpolirol 2 года назад
Don't listen to anyone, I am a resident of Ukraine, the fascists seized power here in 2012. They bombed and shelled their own cities of Donetsk and Luhansk, which dared to oppose them, they did it for 8 years, there are more than 14,000 dead civilians. Nazi battalions specifically shot at schools, kindergartens, playgrounds and the children's beach. You can see for yourself, just use google.Type in a search: Горловская мадонна(Gorlovka Madonna), всё лучшее детям Донбасс(all the best to children of Donbass).Type in a search: Горловская мадонна(Gorlovka Madonna), всё лучшее детям Донбасс(all the best to children of Donbass). All the best for the children of Donbass, this is the inscription on the shells that were fired at the kindergarten. Here's what the former president of Ukraine said: "We will have jobs - they won't. We will have pensions - they don't. We will support people - children and pensioners - they will not. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, but they will sit in basements. Because they cannot do anything! That's it, that's how we will win this war," Poroshenko said.. I am very glad and grateful that Russia will finally help us kick them out or judge them. Help all the people of Ukraine to get rid of fascists and Nazis, spread this.
@user-ic7uq5uw4d 2 года назад
@@bikerpolirol bot)
@baton-X 2 года назад
Сыновья нацистов ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-cxaE5YQqOdI.html
@user-vo9rg8gx7m 2 года назад
Congratulations! Your taxes went to the right cause and brought happiness to many people around the world. RIP. And more....The ruling circles of Ukraine honor Ukrainians who fought in the Nazi SS divisions as heroes. And everyone who has a non-white skin color is not considered human for them. Ordinary citizens of Ukraine, the military and even the president are hostages of the situation in which they were involved by the Nazis.
@user-dd4rh4bc1z 2 года назад
Умирали на глазах у родителей: истории погибших детей Донбасса ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-j_o2YLMUT_0.html Памяти погибших детей Донбасса посвящается #101 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Z0FR-eLd_xE.html
@AlexPomor 2 года назад
It's a very rude lie. 00:55 "Украина" means Ukraine (the title on the ripped cloth) and this is the direct of tanks movie. 01:25 "Луганщина" means Lugansk region (the other title; on Ukraine they so calls Lugansk people republic). And tanks movie in opposite direct, to Ukraine! So, if they are Ukrainian soldiers, they run out after the fighting from the territory of Lugansk people republic. And, by the way, Severodonetzk isn't in Lugansk people republic, it's on Ukraine.
@jamesw71 2 года назад
how do we know these are Russian tanks burning and not Ukrainian? Both sides have the same type / similar looking tanks and armor and trucks
@brianpetersen2364 2 года назад
They look Ukranian to me
@Don_ECHOguy 2 года назад
The destroyed tank @ 0:48 with all the extra padded armor plates and new paint looks to be a newer top of the line Russian tank.
@shaddapforever 2 года назад
Oh how how beautiful these images are of Russian hubris. Glory to Ukraine May you always prevail.
@ruskiydude9987 2 года назад
You do realized that those are Ukrainian hubris, and their were besieging Lugansk for 8 years and now cleared the roads and civilians ate free again :).
@stoopeed1195 2 года назад
THIS CLOWN SUPPORTS PUTIN ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uiI09qkaWAo.html
@bikerpolirol 2 года назад
Don't listen to anyone, I am a resident of Ukraine, the fascists seized power here in 2012. They bombed and shelled their own cities of Donetsk and Luhansk, which dared to oppose them, they did it for 8 years, there are more than 14,000 dead civilians. Nazi battalions specifically shot at schools, kindergartens, playgrounds and the children's beach. You can see for yourself, just use google.Type in a search: Горловская мадонна(Gorlovka Madonna), всё лучшее детям Донбасс(all the best to children of Donbass).Type in a search: Горловская мадонна(Gorlovka Madonna), всё лучшее детям Донбасс(all the best to children of Donbass). All the best for the children of Donbass, this is the inscription on the shells that were fired at the kindergarten. Here's what the former president of Ukraine said: "We will have jobs - they won't. We will have pensions - they don't. We will support people - children and pensioners - they will not. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, but they will sit in basements. Because they cannot do anything! That's it, that's how we will win this war," Poroshenko said.... I am very glad and grateful that Russia will finally help us kick them out or judge them. Help all the people of Ukraine to get rid of fascists and Nazis, spread this.
@t.sonnenberg8138 2 года назад
Ukraine-heros, you're very strong! Greatings from Germany
@baton-X 2 года назад
@KAZIMIR4626 2 года назад
Это что за постановку Голливуда, я сейчас посмотрел?
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