
UPDATE Realize After Father's Day That I'm Nothing More Than My Family's Slave & ATM, & I'm Out 

Reddit Cowboy
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Story 1:
Update I am done and I'm am heartbroken. I have no one.
Story 2:
My boyfriend (23M) cheated on me (21F) because "he can choose who has access to his body"?
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23 сен 2024




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@redditcowboy Год назад
Story 1: UPDATE 7:32 Story 2: 14:52
@Knives7777 8 месяцев назад
S1: UPDATE 2 Fast forward to Wednesday. Which was my birthday. Nothing. Literally again, nothing. I suggested plans. They get shot down. I suggested food. Nope, shot down. Ask about watching a movie they are all too busy (they just sat on their phones doing nothing). Now to Thursday night. I'm in bed. My wife is next to me. She rolls over and says in a crappy tone. "Oh, your birthday was the other day. I guess you expect to have sex." That broke something in me(best of my memory of how it went down) I said "no I don't expect sex. At this point, I don't expect anything anymore." Her "what is that supposed to mean?" So I started asking her questions When was the last time we shared a kiss? (Like a week? Nope, it was in December, and it was during her parents' holiday party) When was the last time we had sex? (The beginning of the year? Nope, wrong it has been over a year. She was adamant that we did it in February. I was dealing with my moms health and her passing. So I said something like, "You may have had sex but it wasn't with me.") When was the last time you said you love me? ("I say it all the time." Not to me, check your messages/you don't say it to me face to face. "Well, you should just know I do.") When was the last time we went on a date? (LONG pause) Her: You're being unfair. Emotions turned on fully. I was crying and raising my voice at this point. It asks her how? She can't answer. I asked her how wanting any sign of love from anyone in the house is unfair. If expecting anything for my birthday or Father's Day was unfair. (She got an oh shit look) Yeah, you forgot that as well. I'm not an ATM, I'm not a taxi service, I'm not a punching bag. She asked why this was coming up "out of the blue." It didn't. I have tried to talk to my family and again get dismissed or ignored. I brought up examples. I got an "I didn't know you were serious." "I didn't know it was such a big deal." I left saying something to the point of "If you want to pretend that I'm invisible and don't exist fine, you don't have to pretend anymore." I left the house at almost midnight. On Thursday/ Friday morning. Haven't been home since. I'm not sure what to do now. I'm finally sober enough to think, but I don't know what to do(first time drinking in over 15 years BTW, and i'm not going to drink anymore) I love my family. But I can't keep this up. I don't know what more I can do. I think they would be happier without me. They already act like I don't exist. I can't be the one who is blamed for everything. If I truly am the problem then me not being there should fix it. I can't do it anymore. I have tried to be a good provider, a good partner, and a good dad. Never missed an event of our kids. Never prioritize work. I kept good hours so I could see them more. Took on more responsibility to better our life and future. But, it is never appreciated. It is never enough. I am never enough. I only have one message from my wife "I'm sorry for making you feel that way. We all love you, and we are here for you when you want to come home and talk." That is it. No other messages. No calls. Nothing from the kids. I feel like if they really wanted me there, they would try reaching out more. All of the kids have their own phone. I don't know what she told them. I'm sure they heard me raise my voice. Me raising my voice would have definitely got their attention since i never do. I'm sure they heard me leave. I just don't know.
@Knives7777 8 месяцев назад
S1: Update 3 Eta. Thanks, everyone. I did not think anyone would care. You have given me some hope and advice I'm going to look into. I don't know how to respond to a lot of the comments (I know how to just not in words). I'm going to try to figure thing out more. I'm now 100% sober, so my mind, I clearer. I'm going to start meeting with people on Monday and try to come up with options. Update I am done and I'm am heartbroken. I have no one. - 31st July 2023 I have not been well. But am doing better. You guy's have helped me a lot and it means more than you know. I was able to get help through my work they have resources for both therapy as well as legal counsel. But somehow my boss found out I was reaching out and now won't leave me alone but that's unimportant. I know she only has good intentions. So far, I like the new therapist I was able to get an appointment with (I thought there would be a long wait list). She recommended a family/spousal therapist as she focuses more on individuals. I talked to them as well. I got referred to divorce lawyers. I don't want to use them, but I had a talk with them and got an idea of what that route would be like. I'll be like 70% screwed. But we are an at fault state, so if it turns out she is cheating, I'll be okay ish. My kids did reach out after a few days worried. I told them I'm fine, do truly love them, and miss them but needed space and time. For the first time ever, I missed some of their extracurricular activities. I think that is what made them understand something was really wrong. Some other family members/"friends" noticed and started asking questions to all involved. My kids also mentioned how things were not the same without me around, and my wife was struggling. My wife reached out a few times just checking in, "apologizeing," giving me updates on things, and a couple of the times, she asked about the 4th of July. We usually host a party/BBQ. I said I wasn't interested. But, I said that her and I needed to talk alone in person. That happened the weekend after the 4th. Apparently, she was planning the 4th as a surprise bday party for me (after I had left) to make up for forgetting my birthday. But I ruined it as I didn't go and wasn't interested.
@Knives7777 8 месяцев назад
S1: UPDATE 4 When we met up to talk, she wasn't alone and brought the kids. I was happy to see them. They seemed happy to see me as well. But I asked for my wife and I to talk alone. When I pointed this out, she said the kids missed me, and it was fine. we can talk with them here.(I believe it was more of a manipulative move). I explained that this was another example of how my feelings or wants get ignored and cast aside. How I have been ignored for a while and how that is not right by anyone. She kept apologizing. I said while I acknowledged the apologies, I don't accept them. Most of the apologies, to me, feel like they are not real. Such as her initial "apology" of "I'm sorry you feel that way." Or they asound forced/just sayong what she thinks i want to hear. Actions speak louder those empty words. I also said that she is setting an example and expectations on how I'm treated and how our daughters will see and treat me and their future relationships. As of now, no one should be treated this way. I think at this point, my wife regretted bringing the kids. My 14 year old took my 11 year old for some snacks. My 17 year old stayed. I flat out asked if there was anyone else. If she was cheating physically/ emotionally or otherwise. She looked like I had just slapped her. She said she would never do that. I asked why she was so adamant about us having sex if February (daughter left at this point) when it has been longer. Why has every part of our romance died within a year span from her part. She didn't know. We talked for an additional 20 min. I finally took out two folders I had with me. One was a separation document (not quite a divorce, but halfway to it). The other was therapist referrals for individuals and couples. I needed her to understand how serious I/this situation was. I asked her to look over each other and ask herself what she wanted. But she had to make the decision and schedule the appointments. I explained that I'm done living this way, and if she chooses to stay with me, then there are going to be major changes occurring both in our relationship and at home. I love the woman I married, had kids with, and built a life together. But I don't know where she went. My kids came back, and my 11 year old was mad I wasn't going back with them that night. I gave my wife time. She contacted me the next day, saying she has made appointments for herself and for her and I. She explained that she set up some bi-weekly individual therapy and we have our first couples therapy early next month. The reason for the wait was so she could establish/work on herself first. I have been using the "Gray Rock" method towards her since the initial incident per yours and my therapist's recommendations. So, it's still a work in progress. I'm not in as dark of a place as I was when I first posted. Some things are better than it was. I'm willing to put in the work, but it won't be one-sided. There is a plan moving forward, so that's a plus. I have been home for a week now but am sleeping in a different room. Some changes have been put in place already, but time will be the real test. As a side notw on the second night of me being back she actually tried to initiate sex but I said no that it wasn't the time or place for that. We had a lot to work out before that can happen. As always, piece, love, and chicken grease
@Knives7777 8 месяцев назад
S1: UPDATE 5 I'm alive. And have an update. Trigger warning talk of suicide. If you are feeling like attempting or having thoughts of it, please contact a medical professional, family, friends, and hot lines if your county has them. [988 in the US] After the first post, I planned and almost committed to ending things that night. I think they would be happier without me. They already act like I don't exist. I can't be the one who is blamed for everything. I can't do it anymore. I kept going over and over in my head. If I was gone, then their problems would be solved. They could move on with a new dad/husband who they would love more than me. Who they would show more love than they have showed me. I was the cause of everything that went wrong in their life. My wife probably has a replacement that could just step in and be a real dad and husband to them. Something snapped me out of it. It still sounds weird, but it was as if I could see/hear my 11 year old. She has been the one who has made me feel loved, wanted, and cared for throughout most of this. Both before and after I left. From what I now understand, my wife was pushing for them to "give me space." But my youngest wouldn't accept it. She kept pushing for them to reach out, track me down, and find me. She had a weird feeling. I initially hid the fact that I was to the point of ending things to my therapist. After my last update, I told her. She could tell I wasn't as open with her until that point. That changed the tone of our sessions. I have a better understanding and more tools I can use to reconize and help deal with those negative and dark emotions. With that came some diagnosis. On to my wife. She did commit to her individual therapy. I started to see some changer in her. She has been treating me better. Things were going in more of a positive direction. I still shut down forward advances from her. I found out her therapist was also telling her to stop and earn my trust and that we had to rebuild up to that. But that makes her feel unloved and unwanted. Ironic. I looked into it if she was cheating, and I found nothing. No text, messages, emails, unexplained expenses, weird locations, absences, photos, apps, nothing. So she is either really good at covering her tracks or she didn't cheat. I expressed that if it ever came out, she did cheat on me it was over. The first couples session was a long one. The first hour was individual with me. Then my wife. Then both of us. It was useful and helped, but not much. Same with the second session. Which was 2 hours together. The 3rd was a shit show. This was just after I opened up with my individual therapist about my self-harm thoughts. I just opened up to men and told them everything. Where my head was at. My thoughts at the time. How close I came. What stopped me. How long I had thought about it. Everything. My wife looked at me with a sense of horror. She looked at me and started yelling and kept repeating, "How could I(me/OP) be so selfish?" Theripist calmed her down, and I started talking again. I went deeper into how badly my wife and kids hurt me. That there is no way she didn't know about fathers Day or my birthday. How I still suspect that she has been cheating on me. How the dark thoughts started after my mother passed away and my wife stopped being my wife. I don't know what happened to my wife. The woman I loved disappeared. She has been gone for a while/checked out. My wife was loving, playful, honest, trustworthy, a fantastic partner, and the love of my life. I can't be with this stranger she became. I just went off and unloaded. The therapist said we needed a break to cool down and meet back in 5 minutes. I walked out. I it was being immature, childish, and an AH move. I when I cooled down enough, I saw I had a bunch of missed calls and texts. My 17 year old ended up picking me up since my car was at home. It was the first time she saw me actively cry. I think that got her to understand how much weight was crushing me. How much their actions have caused me pain. We ended up parked somewhere and just talked. We talked for a long while. More than we had in a long time. I got more out of that conversation that I have in the last few years. We got back home, and my other two kids ran to me and hugged me. Not like the side hug. But an actual hug. That felt so good. My wife approached me slowly and asked for a hug as well. I gave her half of one and she started crying. We, as a family, hung out for a while, and when bedtime came around, my wife asked to talk. She did say that she thought she was losing me around when my mom passed. That I had checked out of our marriage. But didn't go in to detail. She said she is still working through some things and when she has a better understanding her self she will bring to the table. She then broke down. She said that she really didn't know how bad it was. She is sorry. But vowed to do anything she can to make it up to me and be a better partner. She is trying. I do see improvement. But why did it have to get to this point? But now I'm so numb that I keep asking myself if she really ment that or if they are just empty words. I dont know if that is the medication talking or how im thinking now days. Some days I feel like my mind is like when an old TV has the static because of bad signal. My kids overall are doing better. I still question the older ones sometimes, but I think it is me overthinking. School and activities are keeping them busy. But one thing that keeps bothering me is I can tell they are walking on egg shells around me. It bothers me. Its like im a jack in the box and they are waiting for me to pop out at them. Therapy(s) is helping over all it just takes time. My therapist said it is like I have been an actor playing a character for so long that I don't know how to be myself. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else, but I feel the truth in it. I need to find myself first and then work on other relationships. My wife and I did go on a date. She planned it, and it was fun. I had a genuine smile. But in the back of my mind, I was wondering if this was for me or for the US? I am not sure what will happen in the future. Time will tell.
@Archelaus42 4 месяца назад
@jamarr27 Год назад
Story 1: There's no way in hell she cut him off from sex, ignored his birthday and other holidays, but wasn't cheating on him. She neglected him and thinks her emotionless apology was supposed to reel him back in. Her blatant disrespect is clear indicator the she dont really love him.
@anthonym6119 Год назад
Giving her options was a bad idea
@thelimey351 Год назад
_she dont really love him_ Love him ? That isn't even on the horizon, she has nothing but contempt for him - he is the poster boy for a walking ATM...
@jamarr27 Год назад
@@thelimey351 yup, it just took him a long time to realize it.
@bbjjbb61 Год назад
​@@jamarr27 And though he recognized it he's still willing to work it out. She doesn't deserve him
@McBruce999 Год назад
Awesome comment, you nailed right on the head. I was just about to comment the same thing. All four are of them are nothing but leeches. OP is going to regret getting back with them. His update sounded like "You all have to respect me so that I can be a better leech in the future".
@ugaladh Год назад
This story also reminded me of the one where the man hadn't had sex with his wife for 13 YEARS! When she was mad at him once, she threatened to withhold sex and he told her that was an empty threat. She asked what he meant by that, and he told her that they hadn't had sex in 13 years. She denied this and was adamant that they had had sex more recently than that. He finally understood that the only way she could possibly think that was she was confused because SHE had had sex more recently and that's how he knew she had been cheating.
@girl1213 Год назад
Yup. It's like with people with second families and call their kids the wrong name constantly. She can't even remember *who* she had sex with.
@mrbeastvlogs9635 Год назад
Can you tell me what the story is so I can read it?
@NineM_YorHa Год назад
​@@girl1213read a story where OP's dad had a second family. OP and her brother met his other family after told her she should meet them. The OP found out that OP's dad called her half sister the same nickname her grandfather from her mother's side have them in a different language. One commentor mentioned he probably called the half sister that name by accident sticked with it.
@brunovirginiodasilva Год назад
Where you saw this story, i want to read it lol
@ugaladh Год назад
@@brunovirginiodasilva It was on RU-vid, one of these channels that post Reddit stories, but I can't recall which one.
@georgegarvey7338 Год назад
1st story ~ Divorce all of them & then ghost them all. She's cheating & your daughters know it.
@annabordelon6663 Год назад
@drkittyphd6205 Год назад
I'd be surprised if they were actually his daughters.
@danacarter9147 Год назад
​​@@drkittyphd6205Well, not only will karma catch up to OP's wife, karma will catch up to his three daughters, and especially his three daughters; they'll end up being taken for granted and cheated on by their boyfriends/husbands, and if/when the girls have kids with the skirt-chasers, they'll have to prepare themselves to be single mothers.⚠️
@cpaul9269 Год назад
S1 - "My wife hasn't kissed me in 6 months......she hasn't said she loves me in 1.5yrs." WHY ARE YOU STILL THERE?! WTF more do you need?!
@packergeek10 Год назад
I see men all the time that will break their backs to keep their marriages going. It's hardly ever the reverse.
@jasonrustmann7535 Год назад
For real. My wife tells me multiple times daily she loves me, kisses me everytime i leave the house and get home. She does not love him at all
@Vipre- Год назад
He says in the post why he's still there. Divorce will ruin him financially. He's effectively trapped.
@jyvben1520 Год назад
@@jasonrustmann7535 Yeah, each time it could have been the last ! Accidents happen.
@jasonrustmann7535 Год назад
@@jyvben1520 for real. It can be a little tiresome sometimes, she is insanely affectionate lol but but whenever I'm at my wits end, i hear about someone who just died out of nowhere, car accidents, illnesses, hell your brain could just be like "we're done here" and have a blood vessel pop like a party snap on new years. Or ill hear about woman like this, and think how lucky i actually am.
@Jason-hm1sc Год назад
Story 1: The guy should have hired a PI. There is no way she wasn't cheating.
@jamieboer3466 Год назад
tbh wouldn't even matter for me, the way she treated is despicable, anyone that can treat a human like that, let alone their spouse, should not be alive tbh.
@Jason-hm1sc Год назад
@jamieboer3466 Agree, but the evidence would help during a divorce
@thepsychicspoon5984 Год назад
I wouldn't even bother. She is obviously already checked out. It wouldn't matter if she was cheating or not. What he needs is a divorce lawyer.
7 месяцев назад
@@thepsychicspoon5984 Yeah but divorce would destroy him, so he needs a PI to find evidence of cheating because at least if there is that, he has a chance in court to not get divorced r@ped
@tallyp.7643 5 месяцев назад
He still could have even after the confrontation. He could've hired them, gave his ultimatum to her to improve or divorce, and get the PI to see what she did next. Odds are if there was a current AP, she would've had to do some placating or" we'll have to stop seeing each other a while" honey-baby-sweetie crap. That would at least get some info and a starting point to do some digging while they 'worked things out'.
@user-me7iw6ft8z Год назад
"I'm sorry you feel that way"
@tallyp.7643 5 месяцев назад
After enough of these stories, my blood boils when I read that. She'll never accept or care about his feelings. I feel sorry for the dudes who will end up dating the daughters if they take their relationship cues from this cold witch.
@carlrood4457 Год назад
To say the kids take their cues from their mom, while probably correct, isn't a valid reason to completely skip out on Father's Day and never acknowledge the screw up. As a commenter said, they'd see friends' posts on social media about it. They'd KNOW they missed it. The oldest is 17, well at the age to be keeping a calendar of her own. They're past the point of even making the appearance of caring
@praveenmandal2491 Год назад
All kids are 10 plus and if I am not wrong your kids looks older then there actual age starts every thing early They forgot birthday father's day and ignored him In return he still spoiled them this kind of parenting leds to stupid bimbos growing in college they will become toxic feminist Btw his wife is cheating
@McBruce999 Год назад
Well pointed out the flaws of those narcissist kids.
@kisstune Год назад
@@praveenmandal2491 Dude needs a paternity test. I doubt they forgot father's day they were out with the kids REAL father celebrating father's day.
@benjin3993 Год назад
As someone who was married to a narcissist trust me, the kids can 100 percent begin to treat the father like the mother does. My daughter stopped listening to me and asking me for permission. When I told her things to do, or not do, she'd ignore me like her mother did. After I basically had to shout that out infront of them both while yelling at my ex that she doesn't listen to anything I say and how it's effecting our daughter, did my daughter start listening to me as a parent.
@skillet7805 Год назад
I don't like when people say "kids" when talking about a group of boys or girls Yes mixed group are kids OP has 3girls.... girls don't "forget" Birthdays or Father's day Neither do women a wife knows husband's Birthday
@user-me7iw6ft8z Год назад
She is a 100% cheating and likely the kids aren't his and they know it, this is why they didn't reat him as a father.
@TeemoTeemosson Год назад
The wife in S1 is definitely cheating.
@imaniislander755 Год назад
Yup totally
@m37pw Год назад
And worse, at least two of the daughters definitely know
@Impostor39890 Год назад
Their "spa day" is probably a family time with AP.
@sbradley3008 Год назад
@@Impostor39890 Exactly. Spending "Father's Day" with one or more of the children's bio dad.
@user-me7iw6ft8z Год назад
Women want intim time just as much as men, if she doesn't touch you for months then she is getting it from elsewhere.
@evanashby6032 Год назад
Never cry in front of her...just file for divorce and move on.
@BlackBrisingr4 Год назад
One of my least favorite responses to being upset is "I'm sorry you feel that way." It's so disrespectful. It's basically saying that the reason your upset is your fault and is like an emotional slap in the face or worse, a kind of emotional blackmail. If someone uses that against me, it makes me go internally volcanic and I instantly dislike that person FAR more.
@carlasghost656 Год назад
It's deflection. She's shifting the blame for being upset back on him, not her fault.
@danielbob2628 3 месяца назад
The exact words were "I'm sorry *for making you* feel that way." 4:35
@Kal_57 Год назад
Story 1 : If I was OP, I would decide to act not as a father/husband, but as a simple roomate. Meaning no sex with wife, no gifts to anyone, not paying for anything except the bills, etc... And continue to do so until either all the kids turn 18, either the wife ends up making a mistake that could be used against her in court. Once one of these 2 things happen, divorce.
@terickastidbits2342 Год назад
@MaryTheresa1986 Год назад
Even if he files after the oldest turns 18, he'll still save money on child support.
@404Kiwi Год назад
I think the 11 and 13 year old are salvageable. The 11 year is def since she may be following the rest and think it's the norm to act this way.
@MaryTheresa1986 Год назад
@@404Kiwi Nah. OP should cut his losses, sign away his rights and move on. If he finds a good woman to remarry he can have children with her.
@tallyp.7643 Год назад
This story is the most blatant example of "taking him for granted" that I've EVER read. How can the DAUGHTERS be this bloody clueless about their dad and what he does for them and has done? Only when he stopped did they see a difference. He was wallpaper to them and kept the bank account flush. THEY NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT HIM AT ALL! That punched me in the gut just imagining it. This guy could have either punched his own ticket or did that what one Redditor did when he found out his kids weren't his because his wife cheated their first decade of the marriage (after 30+ yrs together). He tried to keep it together for the family and then had the mother of all midlife crises--just left work one day and started driving. Scared the hell out of her, but he was just tuned out and cared about nothing as he went across the country.
@terrybeasley5931 Год назад
Past time for you to leave. Even if she isn't cheating, you don't need this. Divorce her and see a counselor for yourself. Life can be so much better than this.
@terickastidbits2342 Год назад
He shouldn’t leave before he finds proof that she’s cheating or he’s going to be screwed in the divorce
@davidkermes376 Год назад
if he can stand it, don't leave. that would mean a divorce court automatically giving the house to the mrs, while he would still have to pay the mortgage. been there done that.
@sparkeyjames 5 месяцев назад
He didn't mention a prenup but he did mention he lives in an at fault state. So if she's cheating he'll fare much better in court. Need to hire that P.I.
@sbradley3008 Год назад
Story 1: I hope in addition to everything he's doing that he hires a PI to verify if she's cheating. I would best most of my savings that she's been cheating for a long time. She has no respect for that man and doesn't love him. Like he said. All he is, is an ATM. More than likely, they spent "Father's Day" with one or more of his kids bio dad. Get DNA tests done immediately. As soon as those kids are 18 she's going to be out the door so fast he'll think they were a figment of his imagination.
@davidkermes376 Год назад
i like the idea of dna tests. even if they are his kids they need to experience the feelings of potential abandonment and loss.
@k70freeman Год назад
op is waving some red flags. "I was so perfect but now i'm sober" and the " i'm not wrong they're just using me as a punching bag". When someone says " i'm finally sober enough to think now". That means they are not a a reliable narrator. Going to games and buying things but abusive parents also do that to look good in public. Op sounds like he is try to BS is way to look good. notice the time line. Op literally was an alcoholic for the start of thier marriage. 12-13 years of that crap. Op goes well i buy them things on big events and etc. So his sober days. But nothing about the rest of the year.
@thatwelshman2713 Год назад
​@@k70freemanhe literally said first time drinking in 15 years, he had a moment of weakness when he was at his lowest. If you can't see all the red flags and how his family are the problems you may need to look at yourself
@k70freeman Год назад
@@thatwelshman2713 your logic make no sense. "how dare they not forgive him for being a drunk". A huge red flag - i bought them gifts for holidays and birthdays. Also went to thier events. YEAH DRUNK or HUNG OVER. Also he stooped drinking after 15 years. He started after he got married. Alcoholics will always have a reason to drink. This is clearly a biased post of " i'm the victim". Think about not once op asked them why do they hate him. Oh.wait he knows the answer but wants to hide it. Op" i don't know why?". instead of asking them why and who to fix things.Op needed to go " what where my wrong doings towards them/". Instead of just blaming everyone else.
@greyscaleanon7551 Год назад
@@k70freeman Where are you seeing the timeline of his drinking? The only mention I see in the video is that this was his first time drinking in fifteen years, so he's apparently been sober since before the second kid (14 years old) was born.
@imaniislander755 Год назад
Oh boy she is so cheating 🙄 💀
@imaniislander755 Год назад
55 minutes in
@shawnmendrek3544 8 месяцев назад
@WardenSpectreCommander Год назад
This is heartbreaking 💔. That b***h is definitely cheating on him and those ungrateful little trolls he calls kids are 100% aware. Hire a PI, get your evidence ,divorce her and just pay CS and don't bother with visitation. Cut them off when the last one turns 18. Move on with your life.
@chinesecovidanalswabs4752 Год назад
If this is a true story(I'm thinking it's not) then he should cut them off for his mental health.
@smorphous8928 Год назад
Story 1: the wife is a true narcissist, she’s teaching her kids to treat their father as a ATM and not a true human being, I hope Op signed a prenup before marriage.
@tallyp.7643 11 месяцев назад
I shudder to think of the daughters' future marriages if they internalize what mom's been teaching them so "well".
@TheDeathmail 8 месяцев назад
It should be noted that it seemed to have been a recent thing... And part of the reason also seems to be that the wife didn't realize a full year passed... This is an actual serious problem happening more nowadays. People are not realizing how much time is slipping away and don't realize stuff until it bites them in the butt.... It seems the wake up call for how bad she was only happened when he wondered if she was cheating..... that seemed to make her realize how bad she's been.... __________________ I was actually guilty of this myself towards my own parents a few years back... I got so hooked on my computer and buying stuff online when I was younger to the point I never realized how much money I spent and how I didn't show affection to my parents (and I was the affectionate one). This seems to be happening to people more and more and we need to spread awareness.... _________________ It's probably less that she's narcissistic and doesn't love him and more to do with the fact that she's being distracted by the fun and enjoyment and seriously didn't realize how much time passed and how much she neglected her husband....
@TheDeathmail 8 месяцев назад
@@tallyp.7643 Saddest part is that mom doesn't seem to be doing it on purpose.... like, she didn't seem to realize she was neglecting her husband... that a full year passed....
@tallyp.7643 8 месяцев назад
@@TheDeathmail Definitely a clear case of her taking him for granted as the best scenario (cold cheater at worst)
@pfalky2k 3 месяца назад
Lesson: Human interaction 101. COVER YOUR F**KING BACK. NO ONE is going to have your back 100% The ONLY human you can FULLY trust is your own self.
@dcg590 Год назад
I’m sorry you feel that way is NOT an apology. It’s a narcissist response, with zero regard for the other person. Also, the ‘planning the party for you but you ruined it’ is gaslighting. Don’t fall for it. She’s a pos who has coached your children. Also, the ‘work on herself first’ is complete BS! She’s just trying to use you because she doesn’t want to lose what you provide.
@yozarahirvi4750 Год назад
"I'm sorry you feel that way" is a way to put to blame on you, they're sorry, right, but because YOU feel bad ...
@xphiles2345 Год назад
I told my brother-in-law that I was sorry that he felt that way when I called his wife being controlling in a horrible person but I was right and everyone knew it. And 3 years later he divorced her because she cheated on him with guys and girls she was a very controlling and manipulative evil woman and I was right as I stated. I'm not afraid to call someone out for what they are and if someone criticizes me if it's valid I take it to heart if it's not it just goes over my shoulder I don't care
@dcg590 Год назад
@@xphiles2345 you are correct I what you said but you were not the abuser ! If you had done bad things and someone confronted you and you said it then it would not be an apology. In your case, you are absolutely right because you were calling someone else out! WTG! Don’t put up with anybody crap especially when it comes to the kids!
@thelimey351 Год назад
Why is this man giving his wife a second chance? *_Absolute contempt_* for him barely covers her actions, of course he's married (signing a marriage contract is *ALWAYS* a dumb move) & now he's learning how Family Court will try to destroy him. He needs to talk to his kids all together & without her & ask them why they treat him so badly, get them to recognise their behaviour. The parent-children relationship can be saved, the marriage cannot, she's a piece of excrement. NOTE: The correct course of action would have been to keep quiet & hire a PI to try & catch her cheating if you are in an 'At Fault' State - but that is still nowhere near as good as not signing a marriage certificate...
@tallyp.7643 11 месяцев назад
Even though he's tipped his hand and she may not be cheating now, a PI can still dig into the past phone records, purchases, stuff like that and ask around. Doesn't matter if she's not cheating right now; if she ever did, she could be held to account. And odds are, since her behavior never improved, she's had more than 1 on the side the past few years. May not catch the initial AP from when things turned cold, but there will still be at least 1 to catch from the present.
@johnkochen7264 Год назад
Her first reaction was to blame him. Typical.
@candypettynettie487 Год назад
S1- she's cheating. She doesn't even care about him at all.
@Takisan111 Год назад
She seriously brought the kids to a "We need to talk" discussion? That is messed up on so many levels.
@SnowyWolborg Год назад
In my opinion, it actually makes perfect sense. It sounds like she has trained the daughters to be her orbiters.
@sgv0719 Год назад
St 1: Sucker should never have confronted that witch. She was obviously cheating for a while, and he screw his best chance of having a good divorce.
@WardenSpectreCommander Год назад
Not yet, she's arrogant AF and will slip up. A decent PI would be able to get him squared away.
@sgv0719 Год назад
​@@WardenSpectreCommander You may have a point there. And arrogance aside, since there were barely any real consequences for them, it's quite unlikely they internalize and change their aweful behaviour for good. It's human nature. But the guy seems so lost. Unless something shakes him to the core again I doubt he even entertains the possibility.
@WardenSpectreCommander Год назад
At this point, he should get his evidence , divorce her, and just send CS and cut them off.
@sgv0719 Год назад
@@WardenSpectreCommander I agree. Cheating or not, she is an awful human being and he should run away asap.
@michawilliams1521 Год назад
1st story: Oh boy, brother did you marry my ex because, this happened to me almost exactly. I left her while she was traveling with a note and wedding ring on the table and never looked back. I hit the gym more and went back to school to earn a different degree. Got into fixing up houses and renting them out. I kept myself busy. Got a great job overseas and traveled for 12 years. Bro leave and don't look back. Live your life. A good woman is out there in the world somewhere. I have a beautiful spanish sista who has treated me like a king for 10ys. Don't regret a damn thing.
@yeetnama9094 Год назад
a "Spanish sista" oh and lemme guess: she wanted to come to America instead of you living in HER country
@michawilliams1521 Год назад
@@yeetnama9094 that is so damn ignorant to say. Puerto Ricans don't need a visa idiot. Why do some of you women think that if you date outside the country all the women want to come America? Some yes, but most no. I've been blessed to travel to and work in over 23 different countries and most people love their country and don't want to leave. Phillipines, Thailand, Brazil and Germany to name a few. Most love their country and want you to stay. Not to TAKE CARE of their family but to have a good man stand by them. Yes some just want you for your money but, we have PLENTY of them in America. Yes? I'd suggest getting out of the country and see for yourself and stop listening to the other idiots on the web.
@brianbarber5401 Год назад
Story 1: it’s a given she’s an absolute failure as a spouse. But the “he ruined the bday surprise on the 4th”? Even if she actually was trying to do that, as a “save her ass” attempt, a person not showing up for a surprise party is NEVER that persons fault, and it’s not them that ruined it. It’s kind of like the people that completely ignore someone all day on a special day, then think a evening surprise party will make it all better. It doesn’t, and odds are they won’t show, because they want to do something with people that are there for them, instead of go where they’re expected to trudge along to with people that have shown they don’t care.
@marktwain2053 Год назад
My daughter did that for my 70th birthday, but had set up an elaborate ruse making me think I was doing something for my granddaughter. When I got there she surprised me with a large group of family, and some of the guys from my old band that I hadn't seen in fifteen years. She also made sure my ex (her mother) wouldn't show up and ruin everything with her presence. My other two daughters, who were brainwashed by my ex, didn't even text me a Happy Birthday. You can bet they will be shocked and surprised to find that they get nothing in my will. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
@DrownedInExile Год назад
S1: I'm glad OP is taking action, though I wish he'd done it much sooner. But the couples' counselling is a waste of time. There's no communications issue. The wife is getting exactly what she wants: a pack mule. And there's a very good chance she's getting D on the side. Dude should be hiring a private investigator.
@floraposteschild4184 Год назад
S1: well, I don't understand what OP gets out of this. Not even sex. This situation has built up over many years. And should have been dealt with at the beginning of the relationship. If OP wants to continue these relationships, go to counselling for the marriage and the family. He only has a few more years to build a relationship with his children before they are gone. And yes, he should pamper himself as much as he has his family. ETA: wife is acting like an asshole; it almost doesn't matter if she's cheating.
@seabreezeblank1513 Год назад
She's definitely cheating and your kids know about it she's probably going out to dinner with the affair partner and the kids together
@sbradley3008 Год назад
The AP is likely one or more of the kids bio dad considering they spent Fathers Day at the "spa" and had no real answers about their day when they got home and also went out to eat at OP's favorite restaurant.
@untiedshoelaces2588 Год назад
Story 1: I believe that OP still needs to get a PI for his wife and DNA tests for his daughters. He's only an ATM that they are trying not to lose.
@Colorbrush21 Год назад
Normally I don't think kids should know about their parent's sex life. But in this case, it was a good thing. These kids took a cue from their mom - it's okay to ignore OP, use him for ATM, ignore his birthday and Father's Day. It was his wife's decision to bring the kids to their meeting. OP didn't mince words and spilled everything - the way he was ignored, the fact they hadn't had sex for ages. Then, the oldest kids got embarrassed and walked away. But they now know how bad their parent's marriage is. They will not be scarred by this knowledge. They will now see that both people have to work to keep a marriage and a family alive. But it may be too little, too late. The wife was so cold and indifferent that I don't think couples therapy will help. She is probably cheating.
@kisstune Год назад
@robertmancuso4383 Which points to the kids were celebrating Father's Day with their bio dad.
@tallyp.7643 10 месяцев назад
Oh yeah, when she was like "oh, it was your birthday. guess you expect sex now.", I was like "who the hell do you think you are, lady?" I'm a woman and I haven't had a relationship in years, so I'm admittedly naïve about a lot of things. But seriously, even a clueless person like me can see how utterly disrespectful and hurtful that was. She cares nothing for him; if I heard her say that, I'd want to rip her hair out and give her a bitch slap with a cast-iron skillet. How DARE she be so flippant and cold? Evil woman, and she's raising young women who will take the men in their lives for granted and act like pampered princesses. OP needs to stop that shit in it's tracks and maybe scale back the gestures of support and affection; they don't seem to appreciate them, anyway, at the moment.
@dianabialaskahansen2972 Год назад
Story 1: OP needs to hire a PI. He should have done so before all this started, because now she has had time to cover the tracks.
@hugoumero9723 Год назад
and he needs to disowned the daughters because they are horrible and spoiled brats
@dianabialaskahansen2972 Год назад
@@hugoumero9723 Maybe not the youngest. They just follow their older sister, who follow their mother. At least I never remembered my parents birthdays or fathers/mothers day at that age, I had to be reminded.
@hugoumero9723 Год назад
@@dianabialaskahansen2972 well the youngest should thought that before taking older sister side
@JessicaCaldwell-ib2sm Год назад
Not everyone can afford that
@ComaLies225 Год назад
Story 1: holy crap this poor guy! I want to give homeboy a hug, that’s truly heart breaking ❤
@Eman-San Год назад
I feel many dads are like this. Just seen as ATM or taxi service. Maybe not to this extreme but very close.
@lakelanddentalarts Год назад
Story 1: OP's wife and daughters don't have a relationship with him. They just use him as a servant and didn't even care enough about him to notice that they forgot Father's Day and then his birthday. The line his wife said about him probably expecting sex since he'd had his birthday recently (that she forgot about) was so frigidly unloving that it broke my heart for him. After the level of objectification he's been put through, the way he's been used as nothing more than a taken for granted servant, and his wife making it obvious that she considered having sex with him to be a chore, I can't help but wonder how many disgusting women will call OP a faithless husband and a deadbeat dad because he left the horrible situation he was living in.
@unclelink Год назад
Story 1: unrequited love. Wife may or may not be cheating but what she and the children are are ungrateful. "Ungratefulness is worse than witchcraft." OP needs to separate himself from that mess, just cut them a cheque until the children become adults.
@AnaSousa-mr4uf Год назад
How can you forget Father's Day? It's allover the TV ,stores etc etc, They didn't care about him .
@goldenagenut Год назад
Happened to a buddy, got married, had 4 daughters, they just used him as an ATM, no love shown. His wife divorced him and got a gf, daughters are screaming for money, he told them all to get fucked.
@GLoLChibs Год назад
S1- Ditch the wife, talk to the 17y/o like the adult she almost is, and take your ass to therapy with the 14 and 11 y/o. Kids are assholes and take their cues from their parents. 11 & 14y/os aren't going to have the awareness of adults that he wants them to. Kids that age, being taxi service is part of being a parent.
@brianbarber5401 Год назад
Story 1: one problem the wife is going to have if we assume she’s not cheating is, everything she’s going to do is going to look like trying to cover up for cheating. And if she can’t understand why it looks like cheating and why he’s want paternity tests, and rages about it, she’s just proving she really doesn’t give a crap about OP. Also, OP should demand some evidence of their spa day - receipts for the spa, the restaurant, and immediate access to all their phones after getting them together and asking for it without warning. If any of them refuse access, for any reason, that’s pretty solid evidence that they didn’t do that, or don’t care about him. Tell them your going to check messages, photos, and location. See who gets a panicked look.
@MarkDurl Год назад
Story 1: I wonder, how many suicide notes sound like this? Sadly, this is how men are treated & regarded now.
@everett894 Год назад
You don’t have to allow it. Men have to teach women how to treat and respect them. Sadly men are rarely taught this
@mouzziewouzzie2305 Год назад
I hope he does. Because he is a loser.
@elski5067 Год назад
@elski5067 Год назад
​​@@everett894no don't teach a women anything just leave.
@TJDious Год назад
​@@everett894 Yeah try that and see how fast you're accused of abuse.
@strategygalactic Год назад
I'm in the same boat. They only talk to me when they want something. I now deny anything that is more the minimum.
@reinaldohoracio2389 Год назад
This is not the only dude who has been in these situation.That's why marriage is a waste of time,effort and finances. I am 6.1 ,never got married and don't miss a thing.Many guys are very stubborn and insist in getting married .My advice:don't do that.Stay single.
@CoraSeby Год назад
Story 1: if she didn't have sex with him She sure as hell had with someone else.
@synren2851 Год назад
Story 1 hurt. Our mom acts like this to our dad, or should I say all of us now. Dad has always been there for us when he was home from work, loving, supporting, and just the rock of the family. I wouldn't know what to do without him. But dang, them not knowing just how much they are loved is frustrating, how they just throw it away.
@Siegfrido Год назад
When people say "I'm sorry you feel this way", they're not sorry at all... The are not holding themselves accountable for their actions.
@ComaLies225 Год назад
Bf in story 2 is just…wow. Since he gives consent to people having “access to his body,” I’m sure he wouldn’t mind a good hard knock upside his head 😊
@SH-qs7ee 10 месяцев назад
I wonder how he would be reacting if it was OP allowing other guys 'access to her body'.
@smallpseudonym2844 8 месяцев назад
It's such a ludicrous statement that attempts to recast fidelity as a consent issue. There's a very obvious rebuttal. "You get to choose people who have access to your body? Cool, so do I, and I've revoked your access to mine. Goodbye"
@sun_chariot6141 Год назад
Reading Story 1 hits me. Especially right now. My father will be gone eight years in late August. And I can STILL remember it like yesterday. These girls need to get their collective butts together. The day will come when there will be no Father's Day, no birthdays they can make up for. At least my dad died knowing I loved him.
@scottsommer9843 Год назад
Story 1: I have seen women file for divorce over less than what this man has been through. No joke. What are people believing that men get satisfaction from being slaves alone? Like being a provider and a servant is some how our idea of heaven? Sorry, but society needs to grow up. "Im sorry you feel that way" the most narcissistic "apology" ever.
@JessicaCaldwell-ib2sm Год назад
The problem is the select few out there who want to be the only provider. So sometimes other men get screwed like this it's very sad.
@elmateo77 Год назад
The first guy just needs to get a divorce. Narcissists don't change, they can pretend to for a while but within a few months things will go back to the way they were. When someone says "I'm sorry you feel that way" instead of "I'm sorry I did that" it's time to leave. And make sure you see a divorce lawyer before telling her you want a divorce, the first one to file has a huge advantage in court.
@moohHa22 Год назад
Oh dear, I’m only 3 mins in but I already heavily empathise with OP. My partner and I have the same arguments ‘this is coming out of nowhere’….. no it isn’t, I’ve tried communicating calmly loads of times but because I wasn’t upset you didn’t take it seriously. Some people make you cry and scream before they believe you mean it.
@frankd5426 Год назад
1 one minute in and i am already hoping op has separate bank accounts! if it was me ...by the end of birthday i would be planning closure of all things. bank, mortgage/rent ...utilities etc then drive to "work" and keep on going til you get somewhere you like and start fresh
@blacksunday4231 Год назад
The kids dont get a pass either, I agree with one of the commenters on the first update. In this social media age, they would've known it was Father's Day, and they didnt even bother to at least send a "Happy Father's Day" text? And how do you forget your dad's birthday? My dad's birthday is ingrained in my brain, any time I see the numbers that match his day and month, I immediately think of my dad. Their mother must've been such a shitty wife throughout their lives, it was too easy for them to forget about their dad.
@tallyp.7643 11 месяцев назад
I have a crap memory with "floating holidays". Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, I have trouble with because I can't remember which Sunday it's supposed to be. But what made me remember? Social media and the threads of folks wishing others well on that day. I would've thought at least the 11 year old would've given him a hug and a Happy Father's Day at some point (they haven't gotten to that "this is too lame for me to hug and get excited about" phase yet). What a mess. I would've been hard pressed not to just walk out the door, go on a road trip and leave them all behind. They were so uncaring.
@jasonrustmann7535 Год назад
After father's day, AND THE BIRTHDAY. I'd have been done entirely, the whole lot of them can figure out what to do without daddy's money, cause he ain't paying for another damn thing
@michaelwoods3651 Год назад
Story 1- the wife is absolutely cheating. If he stays he should do the 180 on all of them. They don’t respect op! Do you and let them handle their own problems!
@STB-jh7od Год назад
"I never raise my voice" led to entire family thinking he's a doormat
@toddharms4740 Год назад
Story one, There is no way they forgot it was Fathers Day. They went to a spa and a restaurant on Fathers Day and it never dawned on them ?🙄 Right. They just didn’t give a damn. And that uninspired/ insulting statement about how he “ probably “ wants sex would have been the last straw for me. That’s a divorce action in and of itself. Clearly wifey has been checked out of the marriage for a long time. She wouldn’t tolerate a millisecond of the disrespect she has put her husband through over the last few years. Give therapy a shot but the first time she tries to make an excuse or tries to make op feel guilty about wanting to be treated with love and respect. Sayonara
@ronchum5178 9 месяцев назад
The biggest mistake on his part was sharing any of his suspicions of cheating with her. He should have kept his mouth shut and hired a private investigator after he left.
@anthonym6119 Год назад
Story 1 I don’t think anything will actually change,she now has time to get her own lawyer and divorce him instead.
@jamestown8398 10 месяцев назад
I'm disappointed that OP gave his wife the choice, instead of just divorcing her. She she's going to backslide into how she was before; nothing changed for her. She was manipulative and uncaring throughout this story.
@kennethboyer2338 Год назад
S1, OP should've hired a PI before meeting with the wife. More than a year without intimacy and forgetting of special events along with her other actions is evidence of possible cheating. It may be circumstantial but speaks volumes.
@malayshamorgan3918 Год назад
Story 2: okay I feel like he’s pulling a “my body my choice” card
@gmac1653 Год назад
Those are calculated words, she told him those words before, probably early in the relationship
@SvarogAristaeusAllen Год назад
This is what an abuser looks like, taking the language of legitimate issues and concerns and using it to justify shitty actions
@zachf748 Год назад
*_Story #2 :_* The fact that OP even entertained her BF’s excuse for one second is crazy. That is one of the most ludicrous excuses ever, and it shows how little that guy think of OP, to even use that. Because you’d have to think someone is an absolute moron to even try that excuse…
@andresmadrid9260 Год назад
This was one of the most depressing things I ever heard, sad that this is probably what most men feel at this point in their life. No sex or love from their wife and the kids only give a crap when it's about money.
@harryking4007 3 месяца назад
This guys story is another example of what will happen 100% of the time when you allow disrespect and disregard for you as a man.
@miamijamil Год назад
Story 1- needs to get a private investigator. She's definitely cheating, and he needs to protect himself with proof for the divorce to go more to his way.
@taz598 Год назад
Last Story YEP he is right he gets to choose who has access to his body and apparently he chooses to give it to any floozy that asks....dump the piece of trash and move on.
@jkosov2319 Год назад
Yeah his actions shows the level of doormat..
@ashleyyoung796 Год назад
He's still a doormat to this day.
@manutd316 4 месяца назад
They retired his jesery
@504problems Год назад
Ole boy really tried to hit his girl with the "my body, my choice" excuse for a side piece. 🤣
@sawsaw2388 Год назад
The “I’m sorry you feel that way “ Ooof narcissism, manipulative, blame shifting to you
@traiantrif7021 Год назад
Story 1 : just file for divorce
@srsh12345 Год назад
Story 1: I feel so broken hearing this story. Wish I had the power to reach through the Internet and offer a hug. Honestly, I think he should have gone through the steps of looking if she is cheating. Hiring a private investigator and any other advice from divorce lawyers. She is just too confident they had sex in February. She claims to say "I Love You" all the time. I think she really is telling the truth. However, those actions and words are not for her husband but her lover instead.
@juliearmfield2634 Год назад
Story 2. Nta. He has the choice who has access to his body. 😂😂😂 Well thats a new one 😂😂😂
@kisstune Год назад
OP needs paternity test. I bet they celebrated Father's Day with the kids REAL dad.
@68jroche Год назад
The only thing more hurtful than being cheated on is indifference. I remember reading a book by John Birmingham (Aussie writer) where he compared being in a bed with someone who no longer loves you to having a knife in your heart.
@cloudyboy1756 7 месяцев назад
His wife definitely cheated when his parents were sick in the hospital
@gusarmstrong563 Год назад
The BF in the second story gave the same kind of answers a feminist would give her husband. It's the sickening double standard shining through once again.
@rickraber1249 Год назад
Story #1 - if his wife started acting distant a year ago, that's a red flag that she's in an affair. I'd hire a PI and see what's up. Otherwise, once this little honeymoon is over, he'll be right back in the same sinking boat with these 4 brats.
@ugaladh Год назад
I think just doing the divorce is appropriate. If he does stay, she needs to understand that even if all that counseling helps, it's going to take a very long time for him to believe that any changes in her aren't just fake love bombing to preserve his paycheck. I also think a lot of the people commenting on here and immediately going with "she is cheating" are young people. yes, she may be cheating, but some people do take their partners for granted, believe that once you get married, that's all you have to do and you just stay together and/or they have a child-centered marriage where the Parents are no longer in a romantic relationship (then when the last goes to college, the marriage quickly ends) . This crap happens.
@jacearmor5274 Год назад
I really want to give the first OP a hug. Fathers are really undervalued and underappreciated in our society
@brentkindle6058 Год назад
She's scamming him. She is afraid of losing his paycheck
@greenapetranslord4870 Год назад
Donr waste your time with couples counseling. The counselor will always side with the women.
@prairiepalmetto9378 Год назад
I’m a retired female who was always the primary breadwinner. I worked very, very hard. I wanted to cry hearing your story. My heart goes out to you. Bless your heart, you deserve love and a happy home.
@knine8154 Год назад
The last time I did anything for fathers day was about 8 years ago, I wanted to go to a new restaurant and that was a no from her
@MrH347 Год назад
Story 1: She had no sense of urgency, she was preoccupied with something in her life far more important in the past year than her husband beyond what he provide in money. The children seem to have forgotten how much he provides. Get a private eye, ask to see her phone. She can't be trusted, she can't be relied on for anything. Withholding affection in abuse. She dismisses any and all attempts to discuss anything. She had her chance, now it's time to start separating. Separate finances, assets, investigate everything. What does the wife do all day? Those kids don't get a pass either. All have their own phones and old enough to think for themselves. All of them need to do a lot to win OP's trust and respect back. But the wife as to do the most. No one just detaches from their partner like that without a reason, and she can't explain? Why? What was so important that she forgot the money was attached to her husband who has feelings. Start bringing in real consequences or nothing will be solved.
@gmfan09 4 месяца назад
Story 2: the mental gymnastics that guys explanation took is incredible. Had his girlfriend honestly questioning his logic. That man is a menace
@thesandero2454 Год назад
S1 was such a sad but true story. I've been there and it is crushing. I too layed it out that things needed to change,otherwise i woukd walk away. Luckily it did 8 months later. I wish OP all the best. He need to lay down his law and stop being to nice.
@gecko736 Год назад
I'm really glad to hear that things worked out for you. So many people are jumping to recommend divorce as if that's not a tragic last resort. The wife is in a fog of entitlement, and as of the update, it doesn't seem to have lifted. But that doesn't mean it won't/can't. If/when it does, she's going to have a lot of guilt and shame to face, as she should. I think bearing that head on is the only way the marriage can heal. What did the healing process look like for you and your partner? I found the post on reddit, and the update was 17 days ago. Given it was a month and a half between posts, we might get a second update. I hope OP makes one.
@ace1gl Год назад
S1. 100% she was cheating on him. If he deep dives her devices he will find it. This dude need to bail and move on.
@CensorshipVictim 4 месяца назад
Story 1 NTA: This happens to a lot of men, where they are treated as nothing more than an ATM and workhorse. The wives complain they are never home (because they are working to provide the lifestyle the wife and kids demand), never helps with the kids (meaning he's not doing all of the child care), doesn't provide enough excitement for his wife (i.e. big gestures such as expensive dates and presents (because he does small things to show love)etc. The wife knows she doesn't have to do anything and the kids are being taught the same. The wife probably justified her cheating as "OP isn't fulfilling his husband duties so its his fault I'm cheating" Even though his wife hasn't been doing wife duties for years.
@StarboyXL9 Год назад
"But I said it wasn't the time and place for that." Based. Gigachad behaviour.
@michaeldevlin7747 4 месяца назад
This is how women will treat you if you don't set boundaries
@randomaccount-dq1jq Год назад
Mum was probably dating around when younger and settled down with the most stable guy after finding out she got knocked up and likely not her actual baby daddy. The girls have probably been introduced to there likely actual dad(s).
@therarestphoenix5254 3 месяца назад
Story #1 She's definitely cheating. Her blatant disrespect towrds OP and the kids disregarding their father and not appreciating OP is a learned behavior from their mother. OP should get a DNA test on all his girls. How could his daughters forget Father's Day and OP's birthday? Seriously? My heart aches for OP. He sounds like an amazing father and husband, and that's rare ...
@DragonbornMike-ym2er Год назад
Story 1: Honestly, id be investigating anything, hire a PI to look into cheating, get paternity tests. And dont give in to anything the wife says. That level of neglect in a relationship is beyond toxic. Cheating or not, theres no excuse for any of this. The only thing it would change at this point, is makibg reconciliation at 200% no, and the divorce alot easier.
@Catherine.Dorian. Год назад
The second story, she doesn’t love him still she loves the idea of who she thought he was but the real person doesn’t exist
@richardchase9811 Год назад
story 1. he needs to get some self respect and leave this unloving family. i will bet my lifes savings that his wife is cheating.
@scarecrowbfc6700 8 месяцев назад
Have the self respect to leave this family and show them how much they need you but stay strong you’ll be better off without them
@vidhead85 Год назад
I also think that a paternity test would be in order. If they are not his, make a clean break
@foxlancaster4044 Год назад
As a 48 year old woman, I find it amusing when 20-year-olds try to rationalize the bad behavior of "the love of their LIFE"... Oh, honey. No.
@thepsychicspoon5984 Год назад
I would jave commented, "Never cry in front of your spouse". But I guess it doesn't matter at this point. She is already checked out.
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My Daughter Was Hiding My Cheating Wife's Secrets...