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Valaam orthodox chant - Lord of hosts (EN) 

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Pictures of the st.John of Shangai and San Francisko, Seraphim Rose and st.Nikolay Velimirovic.



4 сен 2024




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@thelastshallbefirst3653 6 лет назад
I listen to this while I'm in the gym. The guys ask me where my strength comes from, and I say from the Holy Spirit. Poor things laugh as if I'm playing. They have no idea how serious I am being. Without God's grace I could not climb out of bed.
@vuk87 6 лет назад
They laughed and spitted at Jesus Christ as well. We win through Christ only. Let them laugh as long as they want. Pray for them, and yourself.
@thelastshallbefirst3653 6 лет назад
ASMR Island Amen! I pray for even those that hate Christ, that the Holy Spirit may soften their hard hearts! God bless you friend!
@christopherhogan691 4 года назад
I thank you for your honesty. I am living as a hermit. No present music is pure enough to give to the LORD JESUS and to help us meditate on His beauty and love, suffering and forgiveness and goodness . This is the only music that I can listen to.. The world is going topsy turvy, The Lord has called you and is holding you tightly until the day of His return... Who will re-emberse everybody.. He loves you and told me to write this to your humble soul
@predraglazic7985 4 года назад
ots true my friend! god give us power! in work and burn over 4000 kcal daily! i am a scarefoulder. and between the sun and wind and stress i not eat meat and milk and drink alkohol. in my hands goes minimum 3-4 tonnes material of steel. and my koleges say me wow! you are unbelivable! i say no,you dont understand me! that i am not! this os the holy spirit ❤ its gods hand,and i stand on his hands!!
@MikhalisBramouell 3 года назад
"And the men said to Lot, Hast thou here sons-in-law, or sons or daughters, or if thou hast any other friend in the city, bring them out of this place. For we are going to destroy this place; for their cry has been raised up before the Lord, and the Lord has sent us to destroy it. And Lot went out, and spoke to his sons-in-law who had married his daughters, and said, Rise up, and depart out of this place, for the Lord is about to destroy the city; but his sons-in-law took him to be joking." (Genesis 19,12-14) "Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness!" (Matthew 3,2-3) "And he cried in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, The judgment of the city has drawn nigh; and each had the Devices of Extermination in his hand... And he called the man that was clothed with the long robe, who had the girdle on his loins; And said to him, Go through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark on the foreheads of the men that groan and that grieve for all the iniquities that are done in the midst of them. And he said to the angels in my hearing, Go after him into the city, and smite: and let not your eyes spare, and have no mercy. Slay utterly old man and youth, and virgin, and infants, and women: but go ye not nigh any on whom is the mark: begin at my sanctuary. So they began with the elder men who were within in the house." (Ezekiel 9,1-6)
@OrthodoxAnswers 8 лет назад
Truly there is nothing more beautiful than Orthodoxy! As a former protestant I can not thank God enough for showing me this Church! The One True Catholic and Apostolic Church!
@silouanmathew6599 7 лет назад
Slava Bogu! Doxa tou Theou! Glory to God! i was formerly protestant (for 28+ years). i was baptized into the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church this Saturday (Dec 3rd). Orthodoxy is Beauty. Orthodoxy is Truth. Blessed be the Lord God who desires the salvation of all mankind, and the repentance of sinners, of whom i am first. please pray for me, your brother in Christ, Silouan.
@OrthodoxAnswers 7 лет назад
Glory to God my friend! Welcome to the Holy family! + ICXC + NIKA +
@michalgregoryhol51 6 лет назад
Christ founded a visible society, the Church, which has the vocation to continue His mission and to gather all men in the truth until the end of time. Our Lord in fact said to Saint Peter, in the presence of the other Apostles: You are Peter (which means “Rock”), and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Mt 16:18). This Church is placed under the authority of the Apostles, who received a threefold mission from Jesus: - to teach: Go, and make disciples of all nations (Mt 28:19); he who hears you, hears Me; and he who rejects you, rejects Me; and he who rejects Me, rejects Him who sent Me, says Jesus (Lk 10:16). - to govern: Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound also in Heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed also in Heaven (Mt 18:18). - to sanctify, principally by means of the Sacraments: Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19); do this in memory of me (Lk 22:19). This Church is a monarchical society of which Saint Peter is the head. Jesus Christ said to this apostle alone: You are Peter (the Rock)... (Mt 16:18 - see above); I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail (...) strengthen your brethren (Lk 22:32); feed My sheep (Jn 21:17). The prerogatives of Saint Peter and the Apostles have passed to their successors, the Pope and the Bishops, according to the words that Jesus spoke to them: Behold, I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world (Mt 28:20). Only the Catholic Church preserves all these characteristic elements of the Church of Christ, and in the first place, submission to the Pope
@TheZeroSbr 5 лет назад
@KING OF ALL TRADES You're going to have to provide adequate evidence and reasoning to back this claim that the RC dogma replaces the Holy Spirit with The Bishop of Rome. Since you've currently not provided any, your claim can be dismissed.
@vuk87 5 лет назад
He does not have RC dogma in mind, but orthodox one. The word,,catholic,,here means universal.
@seronymus 6 лет назад
“What I see around me would drive me insane if I did not know that no matter what happens, God will have the last word.” - Saint Elder Paisios
@paulwilliams9207 4 года назад
@normalbuerger 4 года назад
Let's be happy about this!
@Stardustpunk24 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing, I needed to read that
@killmeister2271 3 года назад
@artdanks4846 2 года назад
@adonisgaidar900 10 лет назад
Valaam monks sing like angels. This is real Orthodox Christian singing, devoid of any unclean passion, the voice of pure spirit contemplating God.
@ECSH0315 10 месяцев назад
Unclean passions? God called for a new song, and king David answered with wild leaps and undignified worship and it pleased God. I don't think that was "unclean". Just because worship is monotonous or monotone I don't believe that makes it any better than more emphatic or energetic cries for God.
@mariorizkallah5383 9 месяцев назад
Liturgical worship, is different than King David leaping in Dance. Understand this, that the early Christians prayed and read the Psalter daily, Bishops even had the psalter memorized, as well as most Christians, and they had an ordered form of Worship. not chaotic dancing that modern day protestant have. you have to make distinctions as to where dancing and praying take place. you cannot mix, confuse and divide needlessly. There is distinctions to be made here because you dont dance in temples where God is present and descends, be awestricken, silent. Paul reminds us that every thing we do should be done in order. @@ECSH0315
@jmv8925 8 месяцев назад
​@@ECSH0315Singing shouldn't turn into a concert
@manbad-xc1os 7 месяцев назад
​@@ECSH0315the point is worshipping God not trying to show off your vocal chords
@ECSH0315 7 месяцев назад
@@manbad-xc1os David "shouted" during worship. Infact, the ancient Israelites were commanded to make a joyful "noise" to the Lord with shouts of praise. I think if the focus becomes "showing off your vocal cords" then God sees the heart and the intention isn't what it should be. But who are you to judge the intentions of a Christian who happens to sing in a different style than your traditional songs? I know many people who God has called out of darkness by reaching them using pop and rock sounds that happened to have His Word preached in it, and those people were saved. I believe God will use whatever means He wants to do what He wants. He isn't conc about the style or instrument.
@Cezili 9 лет назад
Lyrics O Lord of hosts, be with us, for we have no other help in times of adversity, but thee. O Lord of hosts, have mercy on us. Stichos 1: Praise ye God in His saints, praise Him in the firmament of His power. Stichos 2: Praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him according to the multitude of His greatness. Stichos 3: Praise Him with the sound of the Trumpet, praise Him with the psaltery and harp. Stichos 4: Praise Him with timbrel and dance, praise Him with strings and flute. Stichos 5: Praise Him with tuneful cymbals, praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. Let every breath praise the Lord. Stichos 6: Praise ye God in His saints, praise Him in the firmament of His power.
@Eman1900O 8 лет назад
Thank you
@HeyImLucious 7 лет назад
(continued) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Were not Thy saints our intercessors, O Lord. In Thy goodness be merciful to us. How could we have dared, to praise thee, O Savior, Whom the angels glorify ceaselessly? O Thou who knowest the secrets of the heart, spare our souls. Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Greatly have mine iniquities multiplied, O Theotokos. Wherefore, I take refuge in thee, O pure one, seeking salvation. Visit mine afflicted soul, and intercede with thy Son our God to grant me forgiveness for the evil I have done, O thou only blessed one. O holy Theotokos, throughout my life forsake me not, O protectress of mankind; but help me and have mercy on me. In thee, O Mother of God, I place all my hope; keep me under thy protection.
@Bess1201 5 лет назад
could someone please tell me the name of the song in Cyrillic with the cyrillic text?
@paulwilliams9207 4 года назад
Thank you 💛☦️💛
@TheCorazonPawprint 4 года назад
Thank you!
@willtheperson7224 4 года назад
Nothing seems strangely more beautiful than Russian monks singing in English. May the monks of Valaam pray not just for Russia, but for all people who love Christ, and above all those who wish for peace. Especially for Americans wanting such.
@anastasiatsatsakouli6181 3 года назад
Please pray for me and for my husband Paul ( Anastasia and Paul Williams). I am hoping and praying to become orthodox please pray for our feet to be guided along the right path. Paul isn't quite ready to make a commitment to this but I feel sure my feet have been guided this way for almost 18 months. We don't have a church in this area I am watching a lot of livestream etc your prayers would be so welcome. I wish everyone a blessed and fruitful Great Lent.🛐☦️🕯️🙏
@adiluiza3716 3 года назад
Lord have mercy! May God help you and your husband. I was in your shoes 2 years ago. Finding orthodoxy is the best thing I have ever done in my life. Even tough I was born orthodox I had abandoned the faith in my youth and have found it a couple of decades later. Orthodoxy is life. Orthodoxy is holiness. Orthodoxy is the kingdom of God. Welcome home!
@anastasiatsatsakouli6181 3 года назад
@@adiluiza3716 thank you 🙏❤️☦️
@TrollDemN00bs 3 года назад
@@anastasiatsatsakouli6181 ☦️❤️
@user-oy9fu9db8c 2 года назад
God bless you for this. It's always beautiful to see a family trying to convert, Glory be to God!
@Dumhorse 7 лет назад
Beautiful chant. Pray for me as I go on my journey of conversion to the most Holy Orthodox church, brother.
@vuk87 7 лет назад
ASouthernCavalier For whom shall we pray? Your name, please.
@Dumhorse 7 лет назад
Trevor Patten, a sinner.
@vuk87 7 лет назад
+ASouthernCavalier We pray for you, daily.
@anastasiatsatsakouli6181 3 года назад
@TrollDemN00bs 3 года назад
@@Dumhorse how are you now ? ☦️
@theodrethecoptic2 13 лет назад
please pray for the Coptic church in this hard time as the Egyptian army vehicles ran over and killed 25 Christian protesters who were protesting for the demolition of a church on the hand of Islamic terrorists the church is now fasting and praying for three days plzzzzz pray for us O Lord of hosts, be with us, for we have none other help, in times of adversity, but thee. O Lord of hosts, have mercy on us.
@seronymus 6 лет назад
It is an absolute tragedy that I did not notice that this comment was 6 years old, yet it is still perfectly relevant today. Lord have mercy.
@Gabsboy123 3 года назад
@@seronymus It's been now 9 years. Pray for the persecuted Christians in the Middle East
@seronymus 2 года назад
3 years later now, but thank you for the heart :( God bless
@theodrethecoptic2 2 года назад
@@seronymus God our lord ended the persecution .... And the muslim brotherhood are now in jail ... the army leaders revolted against them .... Now we live in peace 🙏
@tinttiakka2028 2 года назад
@@theodrethecoptic2 wow good to hear! God bless
@christiantheonlyway5010 9 лет назад
I listen to this when I drive my car.. very calming and peaceful. Jesus Christ is the Lord
@michaels775 2 года назад
I don't like leaving comments. But this particular chant has been a rock I lean on anytime anything seems to 'go south' in life. I'm almost immediately reoriented towards God, and make it through. I share almost anytime people ask for prayers over some hardship in their life as well. God Bless Valaam Monastery, now and ever and to ages of ages.
@Warlord993 7 лет назад
This is beautiful,respect from Serbia to all Orthodox brothers!
@lightcyy 8 лет назад
All of us who search for the true Christianity should turn their head, mind, heart and soul towards the Orthodoxy and do a little research about. The blessing and connection to Father, Son and Holly Spirit that comes through Orthodoxy is indescribably huge..there is no words.. it is the One absolute blessing, it is the true Christianity. and Salvation. It is the eye, heart and soul opening, it is the ultimate protection from evil, it is the ultimate GIFT from dear God to us humans. Once you decide to convert to orthodoxy, remember many temptations and uncomfortable events will follow you. Do not be afraid. God Bless. Thank to God. Former Roman Catholic
@Jame243 8 лет назад
+Bii Bii Orthodox Christianity= Greco-Roman Catholic Christianity! A schismatic do not recognizing the Apostolic Roman Catholic Christian Church..is not Orthodox at all! Only those you recognize ALL the Apostolic Churches are true Orthodox!
@vuk87 8 лет назад
+Cornelius Krissilas Why should the Orthodox Church be recognizing anything else than the decisions made on seven holy apostolic councils? It was the Roman-catholic church that changed some decisions adopted there. Filioque, pope's infallibility, inerrant birth of Mother of God from her parents. It was you who made yourselves gods on earth, not us. We stick firmly to our holy fathers that paved us this road to kingdom of heaven.
@lightcyy 8 лет назад
+Cornelius Krissilas Orthodxy for me is source of absolute truth and love and it is not about any conclusions, opinions, historical events, wisdom, control, desires, rules that are from this world. Stop for a second and open your mind and ears towards Orthodox Church and you might see
@Bytedesigning 8 лет назад
I'm not sure how I feel about "true" Christianity, as all Christians no matter what sect have something wrong with their beliefs, but I think also do have something right as well. We are imperfect sinful humans after all. I'm not Catholic nor Orthodox (and normally lump them together, though I understand there are a few differences) but I think there is something I can gain from both, though I come from a sub sub sub group of Protestants. I can only say I believe grace covers for what we do not know, and what ignorance we may have. It is nice to see other's point of view and reflect on how it fits into the bigger picture. While I do believe in absolute truth as well, I think the truth is far more simple than either of aspects of those religions (Catholic/Orthodox) makes it out to be, but judgement is not something I can do, for only God can judge, and his will, will be done. I continue to work out my salvation and I think God continues to see how people respond to him. I appreciate this music but felt compelled to say my peace on the matter before I left.
@tommasocianti9308 7 лет назад
that is my same path. i'm italian and now also Orthodox. at the time i decided to give energy to search the real Cristianity, all sorts of bad things happened and are continuing to happen to me. Little and big bad things , that tries to makes you nervous and tries to get you out of focus, but with prayer and concentration on the Narrow Road, the earthly "powers" cannot harm us... Slava BOGU! Glory TO GOD!Gloria A DIO!
@znovosad555 7 лет назад
Orthodoxy is the only way. When we say we are the true church we mean it. We haven't changed and we've been worshipping for thousands of years. Not just over a 100 years or 200 years or even 300. Other denominations haven't found true salvation. They have not found the light. Our prayers come from the holy gospel and sometimes personal prayers from the heart. We've suffered through and survived conquest battles from evil Islam, we've survived communism and we will continue to prevail. Even if that means dying a martyr, never denying Christ. God bless the world with holy orthodoxy.
@christianfreedom-seeker934 5 лет назад
"Rolls eyes at that" Both Orthodox and Catholics are guilty of repression and bloodshed and are not His true Church. The True Church consists only of those who go out to the sick, the needy, those in prison etc and preaches the Gospel to them. THAT is the True Church. It is those who OBEY Christ. No, you Orthodox and Catholics will be cast into the Lake of Fire if you are not Born Again and start to obey Christ.
@willtheperson7224 4 года назад
@@christianfreedom-seeker934 We do. By your language you must be a Protestant, so what kind?
@johnzamer3142 3 года назад
@@christianfreedom-seeker934 fool scoffers will be punished, you have no connection to the church of acts. Orthodox are born again in baptism obviously
@GloryToParadis 3 года назад
@@christianfreedom-seeker934 Funny how you have the gall to make such a slander against the Orthodox Church yet you named yourself after an ideology that promotes immorality, materialism and selfish hedonism.
@basslinekickit 2 года назад
This chant literally calms me down & takes my pain instantly. Idk how to explain it. Thank you Lamb. I love you.
@MalankaraSyriacOrthodox 13 лет назад
Greatly have mine iniquities multiplied, O Theotokos. Wherefore, I take refuge in thee, O pure one, seeking salvation. Visit mine afflicted soul, and intercede with thy Son our God to grant me forgiveness for the evil I have done, O thou only blessed one. O holy Theotokos, throughout my life forsake me not, O protetress of mankind; but help me and have mercy on me. In thee, O Mother of God, I place all my hope; keep me under thy protection.
@colegest9742 3 года назад
This is a type of prayer that should be to God alone not Mary. We find refuge and protect and guidance in God alone. The Spirit intercedes for us.
@Stephen-uz8dm 3 года назад
@@colegest9742 this is a heretical teaching of modern protestantism
@colegest9742 3 года назад
I got chrismated yesterday. I know Protestantism is way off. I still don’t understand fully some of the prayers to Mary but I do believe in giving her honor and blessing her
@Stephen-uz8dm 3 года назад
@@colegest9742 that's fantastic God bless you
@Crazyhorse994 12 лет назад
Salute orthodox brothers from Serbia!!!! IC XC NI KA
@MalankaraSyriacOrthodox 13 лет назад
O Lord of hosts, be with us, for we have none other help, in times of adversity, but thee. O Lord of hosts, have mercy on us. Stichos 1: Praise ye God in His saints, praise Him in the firmament of His power.
@TheaWeaver55 Месяц назад
Valaam chants brought me to Othodoxy! May they be blessed unto ages of ages, amen ☦
@anewlifeinchrist77 10 лет назад
''Worship'' the ''One'' and only ''True'' God!! Jesus Christ!! the Father,Son and Holy Spirit!! Are One!!
@paulwilliams9207 4 года назад
My wife really loves Valaam chanting May the Lord be praised always and everywhere for He is Good and loves mankind Kyrie eleison Kyrie eleison Kyrie eleison 💛💖💙💖💙💛
@felipecardenas-tamara 2 года назад
Valaam Orthodox Chant - Lord Of Hosts Lyrics O Lord of hosts, be with us, for we have no other help in times of adversity, but thee. O Lord of hosts, have mercy on us. Stichos 1: Praise ye God in His saints, praise Him in the firmament of His power. Stichos 2: Praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him according to the multitude of His greatness. Stichos 3: Praise Him with the sound of the Trumpet, praise Him with the psaltery and harp. Stichos 4: Praise Him with timbrel and dance, praise Him with strings and flute. Stichos 5: Praise Him with tuneful cymbals, praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. Let every breath praise the Lord. Stichos 6: Praise ye God in His saints, praise Him in the firmament of His power.
@thepatriarchy5 9 лет назад
Christ is risen!
@slawyanskibogatyr3468 7 лет назад
God Bless you brothers!
@user-nq1kg1em4q 8 лет назад
Truly beautiful! Valaam brings all Orthodoxy together! I am Greek Orthodox from Australia! Orthodox Brothers: Greece - Russia - Serbia - Armenia - Bulgaria
@harrialinna 7 лет назад
Μακεδονία πάντα Ελληνική Don't forget Finland!
@user-nq1kg1em4q 7 лет назад
Harri Linna OMG yes! Absolutely love Finland! Beautiful country, beautiful culture and beautiful music! Greeks do not regret supporting Finland in their independence!
@valentinpopescu98 3 года назад
@@user-nq1kg1em4q greetings from Romania, friend.
@mariorizkallah5383 Год назад
armenia is oriental orthodox, not Eastern Orthodox, they are non chalcedonians unfortunately
@TheAyeAye1 10 лет назад
This is amazing beautiful.
@radamladenovic2053 8 лет назад
Божанственоооо!! На енглеском певате!!! Сјајно! Бог вас благословио браћо и сестре у Христу ма где били!!! Амин +++
@MalankaraSyriacOrthodox 13 лет назад
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Were not Thy saints our intercessors, O Lord. In Thy goodness be merciful to us. How chould we have dared, to praise thee, O Savior, Whom the angels glorify ceaslessly? O Thou who knowest the secrets of the heart, spare our souls. Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
@jennifermcdaniel9531 6 лет назад
Amen from Eastern Catholic
@thepatriarchy5 8 лет назад
repose st. john maximovitch. pray for the Orthodox Church.
@lorddoof3370 2 года назад
I bought my baptismal cross at St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Washington D.C., founded by St. John Maximovitch, the Cathedral holds the original icon shown at 2:21. I feel blessed to have witnessed these originals. There is plenty of Orthodox holiness to find in the United States if you know where to look. Glory to God!
@theorthodoxradical6330 7 лет назад
Soothing Orthodox Chant! A Look Into Ancient Christianity
@lyralong 3 года назад
glory be to God
@lisaconnor4948 2 года назад
Very beautiful spiritual hymn, pray for me!🕯☦🌹I am looking to buy my first home, very stressful time.
@ww2expertchannel343 2 года назад
Ancient gospel music right here
@toniorta3691 3 года назад
A family that prays together stays together Amen
@Chapsu911 4 месяца назад
O Lord of hosts, be with us, for we have no other help in times of adversity, but thee. O Lord of hosts, have mercy on us. Stichos 1: Praise ye God in His saints, praise Him in the firmament of His power. Stichos 2: Praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him according to the multitude of His greatness. Stichos 3: Praise Him with the sound of the Trumpet, praise Him with the psaltery and harp. Stichos 4: Praise Him with timbrel and dance, praise Him with strings and flute. Stichos 5: Praise Him with tuneful cymbals, praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. Let every breath praise the Lord. Stichos 6: Praise ye God in His saints, praise Him in the firmament of His power.
@AECJ1 4 года назад
אדון ישוע המשיח, בן אלוהים, רחמני עלי, חוטא. תיאוטוקוס הקדושים ביותר, הצילו אותנו. אמן + Господи Исусе Христе, Сине Божий, помилуй ме, грешник. Най-светата Богородица, спаси ни. Амин + Senhor Jesus Cristo, Filho de Deus, tende piedade de mim, pecador. Santíssimo Theotokos, salve-nos. Amém +
@petergriffin278 2 месяца назад
I swear orthodox chants just can not be compared to normal music because it is just that good.
@servantofChristMichael 3 года назад
Oh lord of hosts be with us, for we have no other help in times of adversity but thee. As True now in 2021 as it always was. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit both now and ever and unto ages of ages.
@rahelendale370 11 лет назад
This gives peace to mind!
@marykfilms 11 лет назад
I was there 2 1/2 years ago for a month. I visited 52 monasteries and churches from Achara to east Georgia I plan to go back in late spring to film more interviews.
@ChiccinTendies 3 года назад
Awesome! Subscribed
@MalankaraSyriacOrthodox 13 лет назад
Stichos 2: Praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him according to the multitude of His greatness. Stichos 3: Praise Him with the sound of the Trumpet, praise Him with the psaltery and harp. Stichos 4: Praise Him with timbrel and dance, praise Him with strings and flute. Stichos 5: Praise Him with tuneful cymbals, praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. Let every breath praise the Lord. Stichos 6: Praise ye God in His saints, praise Him in the firmament of His power.
@sevenloaves 6 лет назад
Stunning. Just stunning and reverent.
@mutsuzawa 11 лет назад
Thank you. This brought me to tears.
@brentgarner3143 4 года назад
Glory to the Father Son and Holy Spirit for this chant thank you for putting on RU-vid
@Cennedi 11 лет назад
Orthodox for ever!
@alexandrasophia24 5 лет назад
The truth of Christian faith and I yes, I respect other faith's of Christianity, but they are missing the whole faith and what the true faith means. I am also feel blessed and that I was shown the way to going home, to the true and Orthodox Faith.
@Zek-nc5tr 10 месяцев назад
This is so exceptional. Fills my soul with faith.... bless all 🙏🙏🙏
@tinafugere4886 5 лет назад
This feeds my soul! Glory to God and for his healing Orthodox church!
@perun5984 7 лет назад
Best version
@TinaICXCNIKA 3 года назад
AWESOME! Thank you so much for uploading this...my first time hearing Chant in English.
@andrei_porumbei_hey_hey 5 лет назад
God Bless us.God Bless all Christian Orthodox ppls all around the world. Amen !
@biniamzerai3104 11 лет назад
orthodox for ever!
@anewlifeinchrist77 10 лет назад
''Jesus'' is the ''Only'' ''True God!''! who came in the Flesh!!!
@nathancurtis9779 3 года назад
@ylian34 9 лет назад
superbe, ce chant.
@jomathew4941 6 лет назад
Our God is great ... Thy will be done
@shayncyprowski7247 8 лет назад
I 😍 this great song
@Hallowed_Knight 4 месяца назад
POV: you're watching Church of the Eternal Logos
@nikosalexopoulos6542 Месяц назад
Beautiful psalm
@NUSRPKINA 14 лет назад
O Boze daj nam spasenje i pokoljenje tvoje AMIN!
@Bh9140 Год назад
Wow surprise to hear valaam chant in english!😊
@AstonMediaMadness 7 лет назад
What CD is this from? I've never been able to find it in English and I'd love to have a copy!
@christianfreedom-seeker934 5 лет назад
Wow, I bet if the author of the "Gulag Archipelago" could see the blossoming of Russian culture again! Tragically like Moses he did not see the Holy Land.
@32ivan23 5 лет назад
the gulag archipelago is a big lie. Do not believe it, it was written by a psycho
@brotheraugustine 3 года назад
What album is this on?
@ChiccinTendies 3 года назад
Cool seeing you here! Somewhere else in the comments someone said it's from "Taste the Fountain of Immortality, " which is apparently entirely in English.
@brotheraugustine 3 года назад
@@ChiccinTendies great thank you 🙏🏻
@stevekovacevich3011 3 года назад
Re: Clairez's comment (see below) that the Roman Catholic Church "is most clear that the pope is not God ...," consider the following blasphemies of these "infallible" would-be dictators of the world have made: "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty" (Pope Leo XIII). "The pope is not only representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Himself, hidden under the veil of the flesh. Does the pope speak? It is Jesus Christ Himself Who speaks" (Pope "saint" (???) Pius X). "You know that I am the Holy Father, the representative of God on earth, the Vicar of Christ, which means that I am God on earth" (exact words of Pope Pius XI). "To make war against the pope is to make war against God, seeing that the pope is God and God is the pope" (Moreri, Roman theologian). I could go on for an hour in this vein. To make a long story short, the satanic blasphemies got me out of the schismatic and heretical Latin church. When I read Orthodoxy's history of the Great Schism, I knew immediately that it was/is the ancient Church established by Christ and the Apostles. I was then baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.
@abrahamalexander4369 4 года назад
Lord of Hosts have mercy on us. I pray for everyone whos time has come. Apocalypsis.
@TrollDemN00bs 3 года назад
What happened to this channel? The recent posts are weird
@grahaLukavac 11 лет назад
Слава Богу и свецима +++
@WedgeBob 11 лет назад
Good jazzy chant here.
@adomalyon1 5 лет назад
He is Risen!
@adrianp5968 7 лет назад
How to give joy to God Matthew 25: 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ That is whatever you do for a homeless man you do for God, that is if you invite a homeless man to dinner you invite God to dinner, if you give food or drinks to a homeless man, you give it to God. So in the same idea, if you make a homeless man happy giving him joy you make God happy. So weekly or monthly go to a homeless man and ask him what is that his heart desire and if you do what he says you made God very happy. If you are asked for too much put a limit you want. Whatever you give to a homeless man you give to God and people coming from near death say that they had found in after life things that they have given to a poor person. They also report people in aafter life need food, drinks, clothes and a house. Orthodoxy is the church that the gates of Hell will never overcome. Never. Teach your children how to give joy to God. Teach others to do joy to God and God will reward you. We have the power to make Hell empty. The book Evergetinos shows how to transform a fallen angel into an angel of light. By creating a department like the army to serve God that is to serve homeless people that is to give food, drinks, clothes,medicine and housing to homeless instead of every human that ever existed, every human can fulfill the good part of story of goats and sheeps in Matthew 25 around verse 40 and be in a good position thus entering Heaven.
@reformedstoic1320 6 лет назад
Sounds like the truth.
@davidhodges5162 11 лет назад
Good polyphony.
@christinedamo2974 11 лет назад
@camilletiyochi6263 Год назад
please were can i have the text of this song
@EdMcF1 Год назад
I didn't realise for a few seconds that this is sung in English. It is astonishing to hear it in English, but I have to say this form seems to lose some magnificence and perhaps mystique when sung in English.
@vuk87 13 лет назад
@hartmanalen Adevarul a Inviat!
@kristyz3585 3 года назад
Can anyone please help me find the music for this, so I can do it with my choir? I can't seem to find this version in English anywhere.
@theosebes9975 3 года назад
Where’d you get this? I’d like to listen to it on Apple Music.
@bgail7669 6 лет назад
could you please post the source of the music
@rachiesherlock8963 6 лет назад
What's the difference between all the different churches. Or orthodox and say Catholic or baptist or church of England etc please help me
@vuk87 5 лет назад
+Rachie sherlock Hello, nice to see when someone is interested to know more. I have a pdf brochure and books for you, regarding this particular subject, i.e.dogmatic and eortological difference(s). patriotis11@hotmail.com
@Borgs-gb2gv 5 лет назад
Where can i download the full album?
@jenniferjenix123 2 года назад
Does anyone knows the lyrics? I want it🙏
@rachellockyer640 4 года назад
@brotherwait 8 лет назад
Here is my understanding of the 70th Week so far. These dates are guesses based on study: -19 Jun 18 Start of the 70th Week (Dan 11:13) -14 Feb 19 1st Seal (Dan 11:21) Start of the 2,300 day Countdown to the Revealing of Jesus on the last day. Antichrist "Shall Arise" and be crowned Caliph. -13 Oct 19 2nd Seal -10 Jun 20 3rd Seal -6 Feb 21 4th Seal 1/4th of Earth Total Dead will be reached within 8 months of this date. -6 Oct 21 5th Seal Abomination of Desolation "Appointed Time" antichrist exalts himself as high as JESUS the Messiah. 1,335 days left until Jesus is Revealed at the Battle of Armageddon. (Dan 11:29-35) 1,290 days until the 7th Trumpet blast when Elijah and Moses are seen rising. --5 Nov 21 antichrist now exalts himself as high as the God of Gods and speaks blasphemies. 1,260 days of the persecution of the saints begin. (6th Seal to 7th Trumpet) Elijah and Moses begin their 42 months. 1,305 days left until Jesus is Revealed. (Dan 11:36-39) -1 May 22 "Time of the End" Egypt leads the King of the South Confederation and attacks the King of the North Confederation at the River Euphrates. The South LOSES Big Time. 1,080 days left until Jesus is Revealed. (Dan 11:40)) -31 Oct 22 6th Seal and Day of the Lord start. It lasts for 945 days then Jesus is Revealed. -24 Mar 24 6th Trumpet 200 million man army goes forth to kill 1/3rd of all infidels. 430 days Siege of Jerusalem begins. (Dan 11:42-45) -18 Apr 25 7th Trumpet announcement of the Kingdom being awarded to the Saints. Now the 10 Horns turn against Baghdad and her Bullies. The 45 day Harvest Period begins. (Passover Week) Elijah and Moses are SEEN Rising. All 10 Horn Envoys, messengers and ambassadors are sent out to warn leaders of mistake. -2 Jun 25 7th Bowl Last Day Jesus is Revealed and Forms His Bride Army. He turns them into His Threshing Sledge. By morning the antichrist is no more. (SHAVUOT) www.keepandshare.com/doc4/58711/70th-week-aug-2015-xlsx-40k?da=y
@theM3dic 8 лет назад
Can I buy this song somewhere?
@vuk87 8 лет назад
+James Lepore Why would you wanna buy it? Download it from here. At least in orthodox Christian world money means nothing
@theM3dic 8 лет назад
lol, money is nothing in comparison to this beautiful chant. And I would gladly part with some for this divine treasure.
@Wayne-bd2hx 26 дней назад
Chant not song
@goshomladenoff3037 6 лет назад
oh lord of hosts be with us.another hell.
@goshomladenoff3037 Месяц назад
All quiet on the western front. Various people are asleep. Various people are awake. They come and go in cars, pickups, taxis. Other than that, we watch the air move.
@marykfilms 11 лет назад
Thank you so much. Please see my Orthodox video promotions (shorts and trailers in many languages) of my upcoming documentary on the triumph of Orthodox Christianity (filmed in the Republic of Georgia) on youtube under marykfilms.
@hcl3711 8 лет назад
anyone have lyrics?
@davidfarley1902 3 года назад
Fr. John Maximovich .
@u-shanks4915 2 года назад
@nikolalikic7259 9 лет назад
There's nothing quite apart from the chanting of the Orthodox faith eternal faith famous Orthodox faith righteous anyone over the centuries to put the Church of Christ and the Orthodox faith is not dazzling that he was not a good watch Englishmen Americans Germans and Turks are doing what nehulite to Orthodoxy and the Orthodox temples
@draksson 9 лет назад
Sta si hteo da kazes?
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