
We need to talk about romantic love and why it's so horrible 

Anya Turnbull
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There are a lot of problems with the concept of romantic love. For starters it doesn't f**king make any sense. If you liked this video please subscribe, you guys. You can also support me on Patreon and and I will worship you forever. / anyaturnbull
Script editor: Sean O'Neal.
Original track Vadim Zotha, Untitled 30:22
Thank you to Sasha Zapoeva as always for help with this video.
Fleabag, Hot Priest: "Love is awful. It’s awful. It’s painful. It’s frightening. It makes you doubt yourself, judge yourself, distance yourself from the other people in your life. It makes you selfish. It makes you creepy, makes you obsessed with your hair, makes you cruel, makes you say and do things you never thought you would do. It’s all any of us want, and it’s hell when we get there. So no wonder it’s something we don’t want to do on our own.”



6 сен 2024




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@Artorius19631 Год назад
English literature: “I will die for honour.” French literature: “I will die for love.” American literature: “I will die for freedom.” Russian literature: “I will die.”
@AnyaTurnbull Год назад
@duckyduck3379 Год назад
in Russian literature it's usually either honour or responsibility
@LaDaviDaDuda Год назад
as a russian - a little correction: they`ll send me to war and i will die
@bhoenix3213 Год назад
@@LaDaviDaDuda But that's nothing a quick bout of war won't fix. (/reference)
@Artorius19631 Год назад
@@LaDaviDaDuda 😢
@dt5092 3 года назад
My early lesson on Eastern European love: Me: "Hey great-grandma, how are you still alive at 99?" Her (Bulgarian): "My husband left me when I was 22 and never came back, merci."
@Daeva83B Год назад
lol.... ain't that the truth.. i've read about this scientific paper claiming that women live longer than men. Single women live longer then married women and married guys live longer then single guys. I am sorry girls.. i love you all, i truly do, but i will take you down with me.. hehe. Shortening your life... 😅😅
@ozymandiasultor9480 Год назад
Well, you chose the wrong nation...
@kidluna Год назад
Why do Zoomers love the "Merci" you attached at the end of your comment? because it's the wrong nation so funny?
@dionysus1394 Год назад
@@kidluna ​ idk what gen z has to do with this but Bulgarians adopted the term merci from the French. Instead of taking a moment to check why they said that, you chose to remain ignorant unlike “gen z” does apparently.
@jennab.6723 Год назад
This is the most iconic thing I’ve ever heard.
@spacevspitch4028 Год назад
The real issue is that _occasionally_ two people that really do fit together perfectly DO find each other and really do last the rest of their lives together and stay in love and make it work. And the rest of us just have to stand by and feel jealous even if we also feel happy for them. We know that it'll likely never be that good for us. I'm speaking of my dad and my step mom. 35 years, still in love. They're like PB&J.
@maayanabutbul5976 Год назад
It pains you to see an evidence to good, actual love that happens around you but not to you
@no.6377 Год назад
Do they have any advice? Maybe that could help.
@horsepuncher95 Год назад
My parents made it to 40 years and then my mum fucked some dude and they divorced now lol
@mindbent7556 Год назад
Anyone can find love so long as they don't raise their expectations so high only fictional billionaire men can meet those standards. There were plenty of men to choose from, but now they're afraid of us. I wonder why 😒
@anhedonianepiphany5588 Год назад
Long term commitment and respect, though admirable, are considerably different to “romantic” love. One can endure, whilst the other is inevitably fleeting.
@whateveryousay8510 Год назад
Honestly? I always thought love was having a best friend who you also find attractive. I say to people my parents age and above that I think a relationship needs to also be a friendship to work and they act like I'm stupid for "armchair love theories" (never had a bf and they looove to joke about that). But I'm rather stand by my theories than have the type of messed up relationship I see around me. If THAT is love I'm better off single
@JelloBeanzer Год назад
Honestly, your "armchair love theories" seems pretty sound to me. I've always felt that a relationship should be a friendship since before I was double digits, and it's kept me from drama and has made going through rough times in a healthy manner much easier for me.
@ary3901 Год назад
I've been happily in a relationship with my partner for four years, everyday more in love than the previous day. I can assure you, it's 100% like this. He's my best friend and my chosen family before anything else.
@nunisthathigh4825 Год назад
Honestly? Sounds like you're describing friends with benefits
@nunisthathigh4825 Год назад
But also honestly, though it sounds like friends with benefits that's not a bad idea. Whatsoever.
@gchungus Год назад
@@nunisthathigh4825 not really because realistically most people's "friends with benefits" are acquaintances with sex, I guess close friends who have sex w/o romantic feelings might exist, but most FWB situations are not heavy on the "friendship" side of things
@WolfxxBite Год назад
Everyone idealizes love, and yet is unwilling to put in the work and effort to manifest those ideals. Basically everyone wants the fun parts of romantic love, without the responsibilities and hard efforts that it takes to keep it going. Our society wants instant gratification, so they treat relationships like disposable dating app profiles that they can just swipe away when they get bored or when things get a little tough. Until people realize that THEY are getting in the way of their own happiness, I guess they'll just keep blaming everyone else and endlessly swiping.
@itsyaboydanno7143 Год назад
Mainstream media tells women to distrust men, alternative media tells men to distrust women. In the end. Nobody trusts.
@user-vx3wc8yc9v Год назад
You say this as if genetics aren't playing a factor, there are people who the good and bad of it but will never get the opportunity because of their appearance.
@thesmatorexperience Год назад
it's sad but you're right. The way we go about love is problematic, we are inherently just problematic
@naomistarlight6178 Год назад
Because it's a fantasy. People don't have to put in work to fly in a dream either, it's similar to that. We fantasize about some other person swooping in to save us, take us out of the mundane and into another world entirely, a better world where we fit in perfectly. That's why even romance stories set in the modern world tend to have this dream-like quality to the setting.
@TheSpecialJ11 Год назад
This is something I realize. Everyone loves to be loved, yet so many people don't seem to be willing to put in the work that makes it easy to love them and wonder why they go so many years unloved.
@bhavanibhamidipaty5851 2 года назад
"In ancient India falling in love before marriage was seen as a disruptive, almost antisocial act" In modern India falling in love before marriage is still seen as a disruptive, almost antisocial act :)
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
haaa. sorry I know the reality is not funny but this phrasing is v funny.
@bhavanibhamidipaty5851 2 года назад
@@AnyaTurnbull Not at all, it is morbidly funny :P
@myself2noone Год назад
Yet people still do it. Weird that. It's almost like it's a natural impulse or something.
@SoVidushi Год назад
But it's getting more normalized, I think fortunately. More people can be antisocial and disruptive now.
@NaeemJigsaw Год назад
Ironically, the vast majority of Bollywood's plotlines center around tales of forbidden or unconventional love, often featuring characters who break societal norms and traditions in pursuit of their romantic desires.
@cybercriminal3110 Год назад
Romantic love isn't awful, the majority of people's perception of it is.
@wanded Год назад
thank you for saying in about ten words what i was about to clumsily portray in several paragraphs
@cybercriminal3110 Год назад
@@wanded I'm sure you would've said it better and in a more compelling way.
@duskcheri6754 Год назад
Underrated comment right here, speaking facts
@julianmorrisco Год назад
I wish I could be so concise. My thumbs are the size of my feet from the ridiculously long posts I seem to always make…
@mr.blueguy7648 Год назад
this is the onnly comment that gets it
@martianpudding9522 Год назад
I feel like the problem is just the unrealistic expectations? Like if you defined friendship as a lifelong bond where you never ever disagreed with one another and did everything together in a group, real friendships would probably suck.
@NidusFormicarum Год назад
Right. But I have never understood why "we" make such a fundamental difference between romantic love and friendships. It seems to like friendships are not valued highly enough and so often are in the way of people finding romantic partners. "If you'll excuse me, I need to pass here to reach beloved ..." We tend to value romantic and sexual relationships more and worse of all: we take for granted that other people must understand that your being with your romantic partner is now number one in you life, which is of course completely unreasonable. Dispite all this, you might be able to tell things to your clsoe friend that you can't tell your partner because they might feel jelous, not because they are particularily jelous by nature, but soley out of socail conventions. Why so black and white? In reality you might have some romantic feelings for you friend in some situations, but you would never descibe it like that or else you are a bad person. If you have some, then maybe you should be with that person instaed - it's all so unrealistic!
@thinkpink6796 2 года назад
This video is absolutely amazing! I’ve been trying so hard to un-do my weird obsession with romantic love. It’s like I find myself desiring it for no reason. Just cause. I’ve been praying for deep platonic connections. People truly overlook platonic love and valuing friendships. 9/10 when romance fails, your family (if functional) and friends will still be there. Friendships and family usually outlive 95% of any romantic relationships
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
@ModernConversations Год назад
Yes this is ingenious work
@mr.ambientsounds1291 Год назад
They do. And yet they're systematically undervalued in service of romance.
@darlalathan6143 Год назад
Best advice for the lovelorn, ever!
@analogueapples Год назад
as an aromantic asexual I have never understood why do people only create families around sex and relationships but not friendships. Friends are someone that you meet for a couple of hours to go back to your family that are either your sex partner or blood relatives.
@tomhato5523 Год назад
As a lovesick young man, who has become an insufferable person to be around, I really needed to hear this. I saw a lot of myself in Young Werther, or whoever that Goethe story was about. I don’t think this video was cynical or depressing. I actually found it cathartic and helpful to understand that there’s more to life and self worth than a romantic relationship.
@App.ollo_ Год назад
Good on you king, learn and grow :)
@shaunhumphreys6714 Год назад
me too
@Feber2001 Год назад
@your-username-here2308 Год назад
""l to understand that there’s more to life and self worth than a romantic relationship."" I would disagree with that. Atleast for me. Thats like the only Goal that is truely worth to work towards. Building a uniqe and special Thing/connection with someone brings me more fulfillment than other worldly things there are to waste one's time.
@ghoot Год назад
@@your-username-here2308that's the point of the video you idiot. just proves that you like almost everyone else i the world is deeply alienated by this romantic bullshit. "oh only thing worth in live is to only make a strong connection and intimacy with only one chosen person who needs to be exactly what I expect or else I need to find another one to fulfill this lack of affection"
@JustJen1386 2 года назад
In fairness, courtly love was invented by Eleanor d’Aquitaine because all the knights were assholes and she wanted them to not act like brutes towards her friends, so she popularized rules they had to follow in order to be considered “good” knights/men - pretty brilliant strategy if you ask me ETA I did my honors thesis on Plato’s theory of the cave in the works of Francis Bacon and I am DED from SIMPosium
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
@Scarlett59319 Год назад
I just love Eleanor, and it’s so exciting to find new facts about her, thank you!!
@lolcandyyy Год назад
@fzee990 Год назад
@a.1962 Год назад
"Courtly love found expression in the lyric poems written by troubadours, such as William IX, Duke of Aquitaine (1071-1126), one of the first troubadour poets." Eleanor was not even born when "courtly love" was "invented" , she just adopted it.
@scaredsanty857 2 года назад
Me having hundreds of hundreds of 2d crushes: *ah yes i am a deeply spiritual person*
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
haha exactly
@Featheryfaith7 Год назад
Same here.
@whiskeybravo5567 Год назад
Idk if this is at all related to your intent with this comment, but the first thing that came to mind reading this was anime waifus and relevent content lmao
@Lupsies Год назад
LOL same xd but honestly you get stuck there and can develop anxiety from any romantic interaction later
@Featheryfaith7 Год назад
@@Lupsies Yeah, you'll just get more worries later on. At least we can control our dreams.
@invertedv12powerhouse77 Год назад
I think the problem is wantjng/needing to be over-romanticized to maintain a relationship. Its exhausting
@notyourplasticdoll Год назад
My fav part "people are too focused on someone to love instead of focusing on how to love."
@lemsip207 Год назад
There are lots of people who need to stop dating or having hook ups and take time off to work on themselves. If they can only get with someone who is drugged or drunk then that says a lot about themselves. The person you are with is probably ace or gay or more likely because they aren't into you. Because you look bad, smell bad, aren't kind, aren't polite to them and/or have bad sexual techniques from being ignorant about sex or being drunk at the time. Maybe avoid the opposite sex altogether for a while. I often wonder if the UK went through a prohibition period on alcohol and other mind altering drugs other than caffeine like the US did a long time ago then all sex would cease apart from the teetotallers who were having sex anyway. The food they eat is libido killing anway. You can't get a libido from eating certain foods if you are destroying it with the high carb diet and highly processed food most people consume. The high carb diet is being pushed by the NHS anyway.
@notyourplasticdoll Год назад
@@lemsip207 You Hit the nail on the head👏🏽 Lets be real: some people don't deserve to be in relationships. Theres no rush in being in a relationship romance is optional.
@lemsip207 Год назад
@@notyourplasticdoll I lived in a military garrison city in my twenties and into my thirties. Probably why I never settled down and was put off men because of the military culture that affected even the colleges there. They simply do not have a clue about sex and women and I feel sorry for military wives and what they have to put up with. One friend of ours married for money and to have children as she was sick of working. She was very broody and enjoyed being a stay at home mother. But soon after the wedding she became obsessed with pormography and forced us to watch it with her. Looking back I think she got into it to find out how to please her husband who must have been into it before her. I think eventually she sought revenge on him by emotionally abusing him. She wanted more money to compensate for her terrible sex life so put pressure on him to get promotion at work but the recession hit and he got made redundant. She told me that her husband was rough with her in bed at first but he learned not to be. I think instead she got used to the roughness and she learned to perform in bed like a porn star. At the time we thought she was the dominant one in the marriage but looking back she was being sexually abused. Marital rape wasn't considered to be a thing back then. More than once I've had to escape from a first date when normally I prefer to sit one out until between 10 and 11 pm out of politeness and then end it a day or two later. I turned ace though it wasn't called that then. I tried escaping three times for a year to two years at a time but the damage was already done. Now I am happier where I live as they aren't as war and military obsessed.
@lemsip207 Год назад
Divorce is high among military couples. The men in the armed forces marry young and the bride is usually under 20 at the time but within a few years the wife would have started proceedings for divorce. That's because they want to trap a girl into marriage before she gets older and she realises abuse isn't normal. Many military wives will have cheated on their husbands when he is away at sea or doing a tour of duty. Not just because they miss the sex but because they are unhappy in the marriage and can get away with cheating while he's away from home. They look around and realised that they could have got better. Then they start thinking of leaving their husbands. It means giving up their military home though.
@notyourplasticdoll Год назад
@@lemsip207 Wow you really done your research but that aside Im sorry you had to go through that traumatizing experiance but im proud that you have moved on and now you have a happier life i wish you nothing but the best💛
@johnwill8467 Год назад
I must be the luckiest guy in the world. My beautiful wife and I have been together 33 years - crazy in love - neither of us like being apart from the other. We are business partners (martial arts business) and each have separate roles ... but we both love what we do - so we share a passion. Unashamedly, we praise each other at every opportunity - and never fight/argue. I have never seen a more alluring creature in my life - according to her, the same (I dont know why). I can o nly wish what we have on other people. I only post this (as we are fairly private people) to let people know - the 'fairytale' IS possible. Many people 'settle' for the life they lead - neither my wife or I ever considered doing that. I am not qualified to give relationship advise (not many are) but I re-iterate - the fairytale is possible! Don't look for the perfect partner - instead, BECOME the kind of person that would attract the perfect partner - if that makes sense. Best wishes all ... design and create your best self.
@zetristan4525 Год назад
Where there's a Will, there's a way💞
@pleasureisgood5957 Год назад
That's cool,It worked because you share passion for the same thing. I think the mistake people make is getting in love with looks,then realizing they're too different after.
@smokinghighnotes Год назад
there is a tremendous wisdom in this comment bro
@blanchegreco7201 Год назад
This is giving me hope
@dylansearcy3966 Год назад
I don't think you're the luckiest guy in the world. Romantic love can be a beautiful thing if both of you know how to manage it. That goes for everybody.
@cloroxholic 2 года назад
I first saw this video while being in a "stable" relationship. Watching it now makes me look back on many expectations and prejudices that we both had and that blinded us from enjoying the mere company of the other. He didn't focus on the little things at all and I focused on them way too much. We're much better now without romance involved, but the connection we had as people, not lovers, is what I will always treasure.
@SvalbardSleeperDistrict Год назад
"He didn't focus on the little things at all and I focused on them way too much. We're much better now without romance involved" Does presence of romance necessarily involve a lack of focus, or too much focus, on little things? What does romance bring that ruins connection "as people"? What is there in connection "as lovers" that ruins anything?
@nothere_5176 Год назад
​​​@@SvalbardSleeperDistrict maybe a fear of commitment involving the expectations of romance? From what I've seen so far is an elevated importance of romantic relationships over platonic (friendship) relationships. Not only that, romantic relationships also tend to leave a person more vulnerable since there are things you are expected to do as lovers than as friends.
@cassettetape7643 Год назад
​@SvalbardSleeperDistrict External expectation. I've seen it too many times to count. One partner putting too much weight on familial, or societal, or even fictional (all of the above?), expectations of what "an ideal" "romantic" relationship is supposed to be like, look like, or feel like. While the other person doesn't care one iota about those things, & might even take some things they should care about completely for granted. There's a whole lot of external expectation (particularly I think in western society) put on couple's to fulfill certain milestones in a relationship; the *declaration* of love, the proposal, the dream wedding, moving in together, having children, and those are just the BIG ones that are supposed to signify *the entrance into a new 'phase' of your relationship.* That's not even mentioning all the smaller "gestures", i.e. gifts and dates and seductions and the memorizing of anniversaries of even the most arbitrary things that seemed sooo significant at the time.... And all this is supposed to culminate in the ideal picture of two very old people still madly in love after decades of devotion. When the reality, at least in both my personal experience as well as what I've observed is that ideal end goal is really only achieved by those who subvert those external expectations, learn to properly communicate on each other's level & make their own rules. One of which quite often being that romance, be it "traditional" or self perscribed, is supplantal at most, & very much a thing that can evolve & look different over time. Romance has the potential to get a relationship off the ground, but it will not a lasting relationship make
@SvalbardSleeperDistrict Год назад
​@@cassettetape7643 I have no objection to your characterisation of how relationships fail when the effort put in by the two sides is unequal. But that does not lead to the universal statement of "Romance has the potential to get a relationship off the ground, but it will not a lasting relationship make".
@cassettetape7643 Год назад
@SvalbardSleeperDistrict I was interpreting OP's sententiments to mean they were previously under the impression that romance should be the foundation of their relationship with their SO, but have since changed their mind, & as such their relationship has improved. Perhaps I have misinterpreted. But even if I have, I stand by my assertion that in my personal experience as well as everything I have learned & observed about real life, I have yet to see a 'romantic' relationship last on romance alone, or even as the foundation. Perhaps the terminology is what needs changing... In my experience, aligned values & goals alongside healthy communication skills and an ability to have fun together are the true foundation of an enduring relationship of this kind. Romance is secondary to all of these
@snipping.thorns. 2 года назад
"The moment we were like 'hey, maybe God isn't real,' was the moment we were like 'omg the girl next door is a heavenly angel.'" 💯 😂😂😂 This is so well said! I'm kinda sick of people thinking a romantic partner is "their purpose" in life
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
( ^◡^)っ ♡
@tomsmith6513 Год назад
When Jesus told people to "seek first the kingdom of God" (Matthew 6:33) and to "put your treasures in heaven," (Matthew 6:20) he told them to find their fulfillment in the next world, not this one. He tells the woman at the well, "whoever drinks from this well will thirst again." (John 4:14) If we focus on fulfilling our desires in this world, we will most likely find disappointment. When people believed in God, they focused on the next life. If they didn't get what they wanted in this life, maybe they thought they could still get it in the next one. Without God, however, this life is the only shot you have.
@snipping.thorns. Год назад
@tomsmith6513 I actually disagree with you if i understand you correctly. I do consider myself to be a spiritual person but I also think the idea that you can't fulfill your desires in this life was used as a means to control the underprivileged population. Saying "it'll be better in heaven, but dont kill yourself" was a way to exploit people and make them accept their suffering instead of asking for more from their government. You should practice gratitude, but it's okay to say you're dissatisfied. Especially if youre being exploited. The way I interpret "you can't fulfill your desires in this world" is more about materialism. Worldy things only bring fleeting moments of happiness, not long term satisfaction. The only way to truly feel fulfilled, in my opinion, is through spiritual growth and truly getting to know yourself. That CAN include romantic love, but it doesn't have to. Sometimes it's more spiritually fulfilling to be alone because you get to know yourself better. In The Alchemist, the boy gets married but he can't stop thinking about his treasure. So he leaves home for a little while to go find it. He finds it and then he comes back home. I think it's a metaphor for how you are responsible for your own happiness and you have to "find your treasure"/do the things that make you feel full before you can truly feel satisfied in a relationship. You need to walk your own path in this life. My boyfriend encourages me to work on my music when I get into a funk because although he loves me and we walk together, he knows my "treasure" is the thing that really fuels my spirit. I do think of my art as both a spiritual practice and as part of my purpose. I think you have multiple purposes in this life.
@shepberryhill4912 Год назад
@@tomsmith6513 Evangelism is by definition unethical and disrespectful. The constant attempt by evangelists to turn every discussion into a rationale for conversion detracts from a valid consideration of the topic and shows the agenda and disrespect of the evangelist. None of 'Jesus' (not his actual name) words in the bible are valid, the gospels weren't written for at least three generations after Ye'shua died (and stayed dead) in an illiterate society. All the 'Jesus' stories in the new testament are Greek folk tales with the names changed. The bible is not a valid historical document, and Christianity is a huge fraud perpetrated by Rome. All documented history you can easily find yourself.
@cristalido3640 Год назад
@@shepberryhill4912 Are there sources for that?
@timmysharp9572 Год назад
True love is like your favorite sweater. Stained, falling apart, smells weird, but comfortable and you'll never get rid of it. Romantic love is that new outfit you bought because you looked great in it, but in a year it will probably be in the back of your closet gathering dust.
@stevethomas74 Год назад
That's a great analogy!
@amber8921 Год назад
so what is the difference between true love and romantic love?
@iiCounted-op5jx Год назад
@engelberthovel8566 Год назад
@@amber8921 I think it’s that true love is long term, comfortable affection and dedication, while romantic love is passionate and exciting but ultimately is often immature and allows people to be a lot more selfish and thrill seeking. True love isn’t exciting but it’s stable and is a sincere appreciation of the other person, while romantic love is fun but fleeting.
@noam3226 Год назад
romantic love is just infatuation, which goes away
@regiousfilburn771 Год назад
my family is slovak and hungarian and my aunts, female cousins, and grandmother always said “boys are like bus stops, there’s one on every corner”. i feel as though in eastern european culture, women are supposed to be seen as incredibly independent and capable but it’s always created a weird feeling when you actually feel love. i’ve been taught by my matriarchal family that being in love is for the weak and not for independent women but sometimes i feel like this notion makes me personally incredibly lonely. just because i’m independent doesn’t mean i don’t want someone who enjoys my company and my laugh
@lovelyhomeboy1584 Год назад
At the end of the day we all want someone to love.
@Hejirah Год назад
I am slovak and honestly I have never heard anyone ever mention that women need to be that way and that love is for the weak here, it's the same as everywhere else in the western world maybe your fam is just a bit different
@prouddegenerates9056 Год назад
Nobody on this planet is independent, even language is inherited. Your matriarchs are narcissists.
@MELLMAO Год назад
​@@Hejirah yeah, I'm croatian and this is just very dependant on family. Lots of eastern european countries are still very patriarchal as well
@wanded Год назад
your family is screwed up lmao
@VXMasterson Год назад
"The Greeks thought lovesickness was a type of insanity" I think a lot about the fact that the Greek Goddess of Love and the Greek Goddess of Marriage are two separate Goddesses.
@user-jq1mg2mz7o Год назад
yeah because marriage was a social contract to suborn women under the male household. i dont think we should be taking cues from that society that was built on the highest slavery rates in the ancient world and treated women as less then human and that normalised pedophilia
@Belen-08 Месяц назад
You dont know anything about the Greeks : in our Cosmology, Chaos and Darkness gave birth to the Cosmic Egg. From the C.E. three Emanations came out : Eros (Love), Spirit (Mitis) and Intelligence (Phanis). Eros is called the Prince - means in Latin "first born" ! Love is bigger than Spirit, bigger than Intelligence, and as Dante Alighieri wrote in his Divina Comedia, Love is the ruler of the Sun and the other stars ...!
@baxterjaye3984 Год назад
As an aromantic person, I began this video hoping to understand what romantic attraction is. I end more confused than when I started, but now with a new RU-vidr to watch.
@rupture2315 Год назад
Love is not easy to understand if we can't experience it ourselves, like colour to a colourblind person can only be explained through certain vague metaphors that will try to give a close representation but still fail. If one were to try to define love, in its pure sense it means a willingness to sacrifice everything for someone, something, or God. Love has been reduced to a feeling of wanting someone, a desire to be close to them in EVERY aspect and a deep hunger to know more about them, A notion that this feeling is worth any suffering and sometimes even a purpose to cling onto. Love is simply, controlled madness aimed at a person.
@monmusuaficionado2132 Год назад
Basically the argument is that "true love" is closer to a platonic relationship but with intimacy, something like a QPR I guess, while the idealized image of romantic love propagated through the media is actually closer to a mental illness, severe enough that it drives plenty of people to suicide.
@neomawzz Год назад
Same! Im aroflux, and i was wondering if id see a fellow aro here ^_^
@gljames24 Год назад
@@monmusuaficionado2132 I don't know how much I agree with that. I'm aplatonic, but still feel romantic and sexual attraction.
@jermfanaccount Год назад
i'm demiromantic but i rarely experience any strong romantic attraction (it's more of a "i want to be closer to you) kind of thing) and like,,, i know jack shit about how romance works i think i'm in a similar boat to your situation,,
@niloticnya Год назад
“i can’t even tell if i’m falling in love or having another hypomanic episode” you’re so real for that
@healingv1sion Год назад
Limerence is one of the worst feelings one can experience. I avoid it at all costs. Makes my skin crawl 😨
@darlalathan6143 Год назад
It sounds like something you put on sore muscles, lol! It's a form of love, isn't it?
@judethedudeisrude16 Год назад
I second that, felt like the best and worst feeling at the same time. Like I was literally sick with infatuation but the hormones were like “Shhhhhhhh just take it”
@tcrijwanachoudhury Год назад
@@darlalathan6143 loll I think its a kind of longing, when someones gone but idk
@st0ny242 Год назад
​@@darlalathan6143 More like an obsession, if I got it right. Or that is to say, I first heard about limerence as an obsession but I don't know if it has another meaning. I got limerence for some months last year and in a mild form, I kind of always had it. It has nothing to do with the other person, so it is kind of the opposite of real love. You get so obsessed with someone for no reason, that you literally can't function. It's just a horrible thing for everyone involved.
@marijamihailova7627 Год назад
Limerance is heroin.
@rivendells_shona Год назад
I saw a statement the other day that summed up what my experience of real, grounded romantic love is like: “It’s like a good cup of coffee. Sure, it’s the same thing every morning. It’s not very exciting, But I still relish it.”
@bigdiddyzp1762 Год назад
True love requires being able to accept an imperfect person who is accepting you as well, then growing and improving with/for each other. You won't find that love if you're petty or arrogant or noncommittal, which almost all of us have become. Letting ourselves believe we don't need something solid and sacred with another person will only ruin our lives. It's sad that one day we could have no one who loves us for who we were, are, and will be.
@isenhobbitz 3 года назад
This was weirdly therapeutic. Thanks for a great analysis!
@ForeverMasterless Год назад
It took me a long time to realize the only thing I actually want out of a relationship is the obsessed limerence phase at the beginning. I don't want kids or "to build a life" with someone, and I enjoy being alone most of the time and not having to worry about anyone else. Once I realized I was basically just chasing a feeling I briefly had for a few months when I was 17 and stopped dating and focused on my own interests and my two close friends I became much happier. I still yearn for that limerence from time to time, but that's how it goes right? An alcoholic never stops craving alcohol they've just found the willpower not to drink and the skills to avoid temptation as much as possible.
@yeehawneehaw5215 Год назад
God, yeah. Felt this. Couldn’t imagine ever living with someone, let alone getting married, having kids, growing old together… it’s all so alien to me. I just crave the beautiful little moments that happen in romance and a separate life of my own.
@thedog5k Год назад
That sounds like an awful existence “ I’m gonna work a career and do hobbies sometimes till I die” Wack
@WaterAirandZinc Год назад
​@@thedog5k they also mentioned focusing on their two close friends. so they do have love in their life, not romantic but rather platonic. and that's totally fine.
@thedog5k Год назад
@@WaterAirandZinc you don’t have kids with your friend Or sex with them It’s not as intimate That’s not the same kind of love More casual friendships often fade It’s not the same thing
@WaterAirandZinc Год назад
@@thedog5k i mean, yes some friendships are casual, but others are very deep; some people stay close friends for life. and yes friendships are by nature different from romance of course, but that doesn't mean they are automatically less intimate on an emotional level. really it all depends on the individual person and their needs. i believe most people need some type of love in their life-from friends, family, a partner, or a combination of those. but not everyone needs all three to be fulfilled.
@lindenbree9188 Год назад
Idk, it sounds to me like a long-standing romantic relationship that isn't toxic would classify as a "pure relationship." The concepts aren't mutually exclusive. But I don't personally consider most your examples of romantic love to be love at all, rather, they're infatuations. An idealised obsession with someone isn't what I would call love. Still an interesting history lesson though, and I love your dry humour
@lemsip207 Год назад
Yes it's not the romantic feelings that are wrong but having them with the wrong people is so you don't see their toxic side. It's OK as long as it doesn't consume you and as you get older you find ways not to let it do that. By listening to different types of music for example. Marrying someone for the old reasons such as sharing wealth when you don't love them is wrong though. I don't think infatuation, limerance and romantic obsession have taken the place of religious ecstasy. Rather the other way round. They have always been there since humans first evolved & probably present in other animal species and before there was organised religion. They have been projected onto gods and goddesses away from other humans to keep people in line and from having sex at too early an age and from cheating on their spouses.
@chesspiece4257 Год назад
i think she’s using romantic as in romanticized not as in non-platonic
@yummydragon8533 Год назад
these infatuations have become the common perception of love. people are hopeless
@mateaukalua4426 11 месяцев назад
If she was a little bit less bitter this video would be a 10/10.
@beesmcgee4223 Год назад
I feel kind of weird when I see all this talk of romance being chaos and pain because my experience is the opposite: meeting someone online (before Tinder. I didn't have a profile pic and he still started a convo), we got along super well (both nerds), and we've been together 12 years now. There has been a couple of times of turbulence, but those made our bond stronger. We both strive to make things fair between us, always saying thank you if someone does something in the household. It did take a while to learn how he communicates differently to me, but I think I was just lucky to find someone I am compatible with. And we aren't having kids so that will definitely help keep the relationship strong! All this Tinder stuff seems kind of soulless, advertising yourself and trying to "compete" which implies some people have more value than others. So to sum it up, from my perspective it feels like "fairytale come true" kind of thing, but I was lucky. Edit: to clarify, having kids was best for us as neither of us want kids, but I'm sure some relationships can be strengthened by having kids.
@xx_amongus_xx6987 Год назад
Some people do have more value than others, it's just that the value is up to the individual to gauge. Maybe someone values certain looks, maybe someone values money, maybe someone values someone who is funny, or maybe someone values someone who is mature.
@newworldlord643 Год назад
the point is your experience is the exception not the rule.
@catjuzu Год назад
Les go. Your relationship sounds great.
@Hendur Год назад
Why does it make a relationship stronger not to have kids xD Shouldnt it (from a logical standpoint) be the other way around?
@slothrop9345 Год назад
@@Hendur I imagine becoming parents would suddenly turn your relationship a lot more into a job. For some people, that can really introduce a lot of tension into a relationship.
@lonelylittledot Год назад
Wow, the "thinking of a relationship like it's an art project you work on" is actually such a beautiful idea that never crossed my mind before.
@taniaojr 3 года назад
Commenting for the algorithm because your videos are always so researched and esthetically pleasing
@AnyaTurnbull 3 года назад
thank you Tania!
@indfnt5590 2 года назад
@@AnyaTurnbull are you still active?! Really liked your Middle Ages video. 😂
@stang9806 Год назад
@@AnyaTurnbull happy to have stumbled upon your channel
@ralphtijtgat3233 Год назад
I like your stuff.
@nickpastorino5370 Год назад
Yeah, but so are many other youtube channels...
@melissas7980 2 года назад
I found your channel via One Take, and wow...I'm at a loss for words right now. I am almost 60 years old, "educated"...have led a full life including a variety of diverse conversations and experiences. But right now, I am feeling for the first time in my life I have found like-minded people. Thank you! I'm so grateful that people today who march to the beat of different drums have a vast variety of drummers to listen to and follow. Wish I had found my comrades earlier in life....I know they were out there, always. Better late than never! Much non-romantic love to you and your subscribers!!
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
Hey Melissa thanks so much i appreciate this
@spiderscurry5614 Год назад
Love youuu
@gewreid5946 Год назад
Yeah, the ideas an tropes in romance stories can be quite harmful to actully trying to make a relationship work. The notion that a partner should understand you without words is the worst offender there, communication is key. Not telling someone your needs and getting angry and passive aggressive at them for not respecting them is the worst poison ever. It should be pretty friggin obvious but it was still very hard to overcome that pattern.
@lemsip207 Год назад
I agree. The rom coms have some harmful tropes in them of stalking the love interest who eventually gives in to the stalker. Communication is the key with someone who isn't toxic as we are all capable of misunderstandings and want different things. There are some people you cannot teach how to treat you though as they mistreat you on purpose so will punish you when you define boundaries. But you can try. I tried to assert personal boundaries with someone and only found out that they were toxic because they were ignored.
@arandomcatheehee Год назад
Living in such a romance focused society is so weird as an aroace person... like, I genuinely thought I had feelings for my best friends... because I cared about them a lot and thought about them all the time. Nope, that was the BPD and also just platonic love. I would think about living with a best friend, and then think I was in love with them.
@neomawzz Год назад
I am also aroace.. its so strange. Even stranger considering how much i love romantic content
@ms.anthropia Год назад
just a (or at least i believe myself to be) aro person too. yeah, it took a while for me to break free of some of these thought patterns. in certain contexts, they are too ingrained inside our thoughts. it's some panopticon shit lmfao
@dandelionhood4508 Год назад
As another aroace person myself, THIS! I hate how certain activities such as cuddling, holding hands or, as you said, moving in together and maybe even co-parent a child, is seen as inherantly romantic. Like, no, I just crave touch and affection, I don't want that romance stuff. It also took me ages to realise that I wasn't crushing on my best friend (now queer platonic partner, yay) but just wanted to run off into a forest with them to live in a treehouse and befriend squirrels and have friendly neighbour tea with Baba Yaga each Saturday
@arandomcatheehee Год назад
@@dandelionhood4508 Congrats on your qpr!!!
@dandelionhood4508 Год назад
@@arandomcatheehee Thank you!
@aguynamedscott11 Год назад
Love often fails and hurts until the day it doesn’t.
@HCosta1001 3 года назад
True love only happens when a weird stranger you never seen randomly compliments your beard.
@SvalbardSleeperDistrict Год назад
I have so many issues with framings in this video, I don't even know where to start. Just because some idealistic notions of romantic love from 18th century poetry involve proclamations of your partner as an ideal creature and not an actual person with actual flaws, doesn't mean romantic love, as such and by definition, means that; the fact that lots of people today miss their own needs and self-fulfilment in chasing a notion of someone saving them, doesn't necessarily, and by definition, mean that all who believe in romantic love see their life that way. The special connection between you and someone who shares your worldview, principles, interests and emotional interpretation of the world, the one you share life's moments with based on that common basis, is the most real thing I've seen in life. And it can be practised in a healthy manner that doesn't sacrifice your time for other needs and other people in your life. And yes, that connection and chemistry, those moments of you looking at one another with a spark in your eyes, just like you did on your first date, can last throughout your entire relationship as long as you both keep putting the effort in. And here is someone who scientifically studies this subject and says the same: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-YfOd_1apOfU.html And then also what is the opposing scenario of that? The postmodern world's focus on individual self-promotion, the cynicism about romantic experiences, self-sacrifice and building of something special together, the rejection of the idea of taking some energy you have and placing it into giving something to someone - all this is a model of the kind of society I would never want to be a part of. It is also a mirror image of the transformation of politics and social life from the dreams of mutual solidarity and self-emancipation of the working class in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to today's postmodern, neoliberal hellscape of promoting your individual self as a brand in the marketplace of competition, and building your life on the ruins of others' - the ideology that is being promoted by the capitalist indoctrination. Why would I want to have anything to do with anyone in that sort of universe, or what would be enjoyable in that kind of anti-human life experience, I have no idea.
@Meowch3 Год назад
She isn’t saying romantic love itself is impossible or bad, just that history has played its part in creating wildly unrealistic expectations of it. That special connection between two people is no doubt real. But that flame eventually burning out is among the realest things I’ve seen in life, too. It’s sad. Those people that have kept the spark alive probably had a good grip on relationships and reality to begin with. Personally though, I think words like “spark” and “chemistry” are too vague and only add to the unrealistic romantic mystique. They make it sound like there’s this energy between two people that either exists or it doesn’t. From my experience, it’s less woo-woo and more of a deep appreciation that your partner is still here by your side. Just plain old gratitude.
@SvalbardSleeperDistrict Год назад
​@@Meowch3 "She isn’t saying romantic love itself is impossible or bad" I don't know - all the approving comments are about how bad it is and how we need to unlearn it, plus the author's comments in the video where it seems to be the idea of it that's seen as bad, and then there's the title. "Personally though, I think words like 'spark' and 'chemistry' are too vague and only add to the unrealistic romantic mystique" They can be, but not if you use them to refer to bonds you have through specific things, e.g. your common ideas on society and politics.
@joaor3357 Год назад
No offense but that just sounds like a bunch of fucking commie gobledygook.
@SvalbardSleeperDistrict Год назад
@@joaor3357 OK clown
@samsonquies7922 Год назад
I agree with all of this
@IDoNotFeelCreative 3 года назад
You are WORKING those costumes girl, I really hope the channel takes off
@pleasureisgood5957 Год назад
Love can be painful but also can cure pain,it's contradictory and chaotic,and that's why it's beautiful. Order is for people who are afraid of doing something because that might hurt,I rather accept the pain and chaos that come with risk than to never be able to love.
@crim-jim6814 Год назад
Beautiful comment!
@illvminatvs3194 Год назад
This, omg, nuff said 🙏
@ladyreverie7027 Год назад
Romantic love isn't horrible. This is a ridiculous premise. Sure many romantic relationships are toxic but that doesn't mean romantic love as a whole is bad. Sure people sometimes overlook platonic love and only focus on romantic love, but it's possible to have a deep romantic love while also having many friends. I'm in a long term romantic relationship (6 years) with someone who was my friend 5 years beforehand, and it makes our lives better and inspires us to be better people. I am more true to myself than ever, because of this love. Because he's the place I feel safe and encouraged to be my truest self. And that gives me courage to express myself more fully to the world.
@spicynoodles2742 Год назад
I mean she never said that romantic love is horrible, she said that it gives us unrealistic expectations, and if you watched the video until the end she mentions how romantic love helped to have healthier relationships .-.
@ladyreverie7027 Год назад
@@spicynoodles2742 she literally says it in the thumbnail of her video tho
@spicynoodles2742 Год назад
@@ladyreverie7027 And if you watch the video you can see that she specifies her points and mentions specifically why she thinks it's horrible, but only up to a certain point, maybe don't stick only with the title of the video.
@sleekyissleepy Год назад
that's based, yeah. she doenst say that in the video, but there are some comments in here that do say its horrible, for some reason.
@illvminatvs3194 Год назад
​@@sleekyissleepy closeted arom/aces or people who had really shitty relationships probably
@hoibsh21 Год назад
What is love? Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me No more.
@anjachan Год назад
@blorkpovud1576 Год назад
I couldn't care less about romantic love. Happiness is what I long for.
@AnotherSkyTV Год назад
@thedude8526 Год назад
For me it's being content. Happiness is fleeting like any other feeling.
@jeeeeeeeeeeems Год назад
@@thedude8526 This is why you are the dude.
@iiCounted-op5jx Год назад
@@thedude8526 yep
@Mollycrimey Год назад
I don’t believe you. You wouldn’t take the time to comment that if it were true. Romantic love is what you care about most in the world.
@Frosting1000 2 года назад
I loved your writing about euphoria on the take’s channel and I’m so glad I was able to see your own content. It’s really great stuff!!! Keep it up!!
@spencer3699 Год назад
She is single-handedly dismantling my mental complex around love 😍 I’m entering my solitude and celibacy era now ☺️
@adreadnought56 Год назад
What the hell did you just say
@jan_Masewin Год назад
@@adreadnought56 other people be different to you
@cae2525 Год назад
Sad that a single RU-vid video has such an effect on you
@coreycox2345 Год назад
Be careful not to overdo it, Spencer. Years may be too long.
@namedrop721 Год назад
Why solitude? Have friends, we were designed for it Fuck me y’all are weird Gen Z
@emilyanne9513 Год назад
I hate when guys describe girls as “angels” or weird shit like that. Like, we’re just girls, with all our strengths and flaws. We need to stop looking for perfection - it just creates unattainable expectations that no real girl can possibly meet.
@cristalido3640 Год назад
I always interpreted that view as the guy thinking that the girl is an angel in his eyes because he loves her virtues and flaws, he's unable to find flaws in her even when looking at what she considers flaws or what society considers as such... So it's not so much that he expects the girl to be perfect, he feels she's perfect and that strong feeling is what makes him consider her an angel, because there's no other person that makes him feel the same way.
@Willie_Wahzoo Год назад
Most men don't think of you as angels. Just deluded s!mps. Most of us understand that y'all are damn near demonic.
@alexanderl9721 Год назад
I agree. As a guy I never understand this strange notion growing up. I've never seen women or girls as angels. Just flawed human beings like everyone else, that I have no intention to date.
@fwwaller Год назад
I've been with enough abusive girlfriends to know girls are far from angels.
@Relhio Год назад
When guys say you look like angels it just means they find you extremely pretty/hot, you look too much into it. They just really fancy you, it has nothing to do with perfection, you just check a lot on their list at first glance.
@scaredsanty857 2 года назад
It's actually so sad to watch for me 'cause i'm a big fan of romance It's so, so sad to realize that even a healthy romance relationship ain't gonna give you thing you expect romance to give
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
I guess I think that you just get bits of romance & passion throughout a longterm relationship, they just aren't continuous. so the problem isn't with wanting that but just with expecting it all the time. that's my theory (I should probably have said this in the vid.)
@Lil_Yuri Год назад
The goal is to have realistic expectations. It's totally worth it if you realize that your fantasies are just that :)
@quinnhusband749 Год назад
@@AnyaTurnbull I get a very different impression of your opinions on love from this comment than I do from your video. Have you considered revisiting this topic in a video? I’m sure it would be interesting to see
@christopherpaul7588 2 года назад
That's crazy you mention the story and the hero related to romantic love!! Before that I was reminded of a lesson my Cervantes teacher taught us when I studied literature in Madrid,. He said that literature is necessary for us. We need fiction to understand reality. Which is kind of a similar idea.
@rafora_ Год назад
As an aromantic, it's so interesting and nice to hear about romance from this point of view, a scientific one if you will. It also makes much more sense to me now, before that I couldn't find any explanation of what love feels like that I could understand. I get what it means to be drawn to someone's personality and looks and enjoing each other's company, but the whole idealization and obsession thing is so... hard to comprehend for someone like me. Personally I'm thinking about getting a partner one day to marry, but only for legal reasons and to have someone around. That's why old type of marriages don't seem as cold and sad to me. I mean, forced marriage is bad obviously, but what's wrong with marrying or partnering with a nice person for mutual benefits? I'm sorry if it doesn't make a lot of sense, it's hard to put my thoughts into words in english. I don't want to sound rude to everyone who does experience romantic attraction. I find romance cute and I love romantic stories about my favorite characters, it was just hard for me to see it like more than a fictional trope. Так что, да, огромное спасибо!)
@mad_scientist5597 Год назад
I think the idealization and obsession is more characteristic of limerence, cause limerence seems to be just that, a huge crush that consumes your thoughts all the time, maybe not necessarily unrequited, but it's really annoying. I used to have those a lot as a kid and with time, I got so sick of it that I doubt I'll be able to ever experience it ever again, even if it is under healthier circumstances. With the marriages, I think there's a line. It's not that people expect to feel obsessed with someone in order to marry them, but that obsession is like a twisted extreme of "love" if you will. I believe what people want to happen in order to get married is to build a connection with their partner which is reinforced by what one would call "romantic love" as in a type of attraction that's pretty much exclusive to whatever you're sexually attracted to. If this attraction is missing, then it's like a friend, and you're marrying a friend. Personally, I'm a guy, and I feel like I love my friends, but since my friends are also guys and I'm not attracted to them, I feel like that imposes a hard limit on the intimacy and connection that is possible between us, if that makes sense. For romantic partners, people do not want this hard limit to be there, and marriage is associated with romantic partners typically. I'd say the obsessive limerence should either not exist at all or it's like a phase in the beginning. But it's totally real and fighting it is sometimes like trying to walk straight when drunk. Maybe it's coincidental, but some people will hold onto those ideas even after the "limerence phase" passes, or it just doesn't, which creates toxic relationships, which I think is the point of this video. And by the way, I understood your comment pretty well, I think your english is really good.
@fraxtorgaming Год назад
Was looking for a video for a persuasive presentation on why Online Dating is just bad, ended up getting a reality check on my previous outlook on "love". I've been idealizing romantic love for a good while, so I am very grateful that I got a reality check on a Thursday afternoon. Thank you once again.
@lemsip207 Год назад
I knew someone who used Plenty of Fish often for dates to take to country dances with her. But she was wise to those only wanting sex and made sure she was never alone with someone on the first date. There was pressure to get her alone though. They wanted 'romantic' moonlit walks on the beach or to go out into the countryside. Something I had to wise up to. I refused to go to someone's house even though it was very cold outside. So I cycled home in the freezing cold after using the excuse that it would get colder even later.
@somethingedgy2185 Год назад
Love isn't awful, it is polarizing. It can make you feel on top of the world and it can also make you feel like you want to unalive yourself.
@MilaBelen Год назад
Well isn't that awful?
@ghoot Год назад
you literally didn't seen the video.
@ghoot Год назад
and probably is psychologically unable to understand this concept.
@somethingedgy2185 Год назад
@@ghoot I watched the entire video and am entitled to my own opinion about it.
@somethingedgy2185 Год назад
@Mila Belén It can be but when things go well it's worth the heartache. I'm in a relationship right now that makes me feel both and I wouldn't trade the world for it.
@DGenerationX1311 3 года назад
I'm here after the recent Oedipal video from The Take. Happy to be here haha. This idea of romantic love is actually ruining a few people I know and causing them to almost justify acting like a douche to potential romantic pursuits just because they don't instantly fit their narrow idea of the 'The One'. Also, takes away any notion on them and their self-improvement if that makes sense. Kinda why in any rom com the protagonist is also a douche but we're supposed to overlook that and route for them. But hey you gotta let people experience these train wrecks for themselves eh
@royalreveluv Год назад
Tbh, at first i thought this video would make me feel invalid in my own romantic relationship But i realized that i no longer put romantic love into this spiritualy ecstatic ideal. Everything between us is actively intentional so i actually feel better lol
@lemsip207 Год назад
Romantic feelings, infatuation or limerence came long before organised religion and even polytheistic pagan religions. It's how we ended up breeding. The religious ecstasy is just what humans can naturally feel for each other projected onto some sky entity. Probably other animal species feel those emotions as well other than the religious ecstasy.
@markigirl2757 Год назад
same i was nervous watching this a bit nervous since i am in a fulfilling marriage but it only confirmed my true feelings of this obsession in romantic love and wish the nay sayers here (many who are hopeless romantics) to wake up and be more realistic with their expectations but i know some folks need a bit more thinking and processing when dealing with the opposite agreement of their ideals
@EclesysGalaxy Год назад
Pain or not, there's beauty behind romantic love. When I look behind, i do that with joy. Because, those intense feelings were still a beautiful experience. As a psychology major, i do understand how love works, so at the end of the day I know that love can last only when you have built a strong and healthy relationship (just like with a best friend). But, this doesn't mean that we need to resent the strong feelings of passionate love.
@chickenelafsworld7105 Год назад
*laughs in aromantic* But also seriously, the focus on interpersonal love has always caused tension in my life from so many people expecting it from me. And the shift of marriage (which I could get behind for myself as a platonic endeavor for fun and to get legal benefits) into purely romance makes it feel icky. Like, I love people platonically, I’m down to live with them, hang out with them, cuddle them, encourage them, care for them while they’re sick, etc. but it isn’t “good enough” to be a “real” marriage to a lot of people. So-called “real” love seems so horrible too? Like, maybe I’m biased, but the descriptions of “being in love” remind me of anxiety? But people like it? And I can’t possible imagine being monogamous if you were alloromantic either, it always seemed weird to me that people in stories could never understand why people would be “torn” between two options when you could do both and no one is sad? I’m definitely biased but it always made very little sense to me.
@fedoramcclaren4294 Год назад
Oh my goodness, yes!!! I have no issues with intimate acts such as hugs and cuddles, as long as they are devoid of "romantic" intent. Said intent feels as if it aims towards obligation, and that obligation makes me feel violated and anxious. I am often told i have commitment issues, however, i always knew this wasn't it. When i researched and discovered about the spectrums of aromantic culture, i felt relieved, because i found it quite difficult to describe what i was experiencing.
@MGSVxBreakpoint Год назад
@@fedoramcclaren4294 "Said intent feels as if it aims towards obligation, and that obligation makes me feel violated and anxious." Yes. It's all about you.
@PuertoRicanGrinderX Год назад
Being interested in more than one person will cause those said person's emotional turmoil because that suggest they're not good enough
@chickenelafsworld7105 Год назад
@@PuertoRicanGrinderX yeah, I can understand in theory, but in practice I can’t fully wrap my head around it. My bias as an aromantic person is that I don’t understand why it’s okay to have multiple close friends but a lot harder to have multiple romantic partners, because I haven’t felt why it would be different to some people. But the fact that polyamorous people exist and have healthy functioning relationships is at least more understanding to me, because of multiple people *can* make you feel good and do better, and maybe multiple people can do the same for them and so on, I don’t know why you wouldn’t go for it. Though I’m not trying to shame monogamous people or anything lol, it’s just the weird ways being aromantic changes how you think of romantic relationships because you can view them from a more outside observer perspective than as someone who’s got a lot emotions wrapped up in it.
@PuertoRicanGrinderX Год назад
@@chickenelafsworld7105 Friends and romantic partners are not the same or comparable. The point of relationships is expanding on infatuation and exclusivity, friends are just people you get along with in a platonic sense. "polyamorous people exist and have healthy functioning relationships" That doesn't actually happen and those usually fall apart even worse than monogamous relationships for the reasons I stated before.
@paulilorenz3039 Год назад
"I can't even tell if I'm falling in love or having another hypomanic episode" describes my personal experience to a hauntingly accurate extent
@wendyarneson3556 2 года назад
“Love … is like a Jedi force that exists within everybody and needs to be put to use.” - you’re so bright and insightful! Thank you for making these videos!
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
@auntiekayla2068 2 года назад
My aroace butt has never clicked on a video so fast... but also, you make really great videos! I love how well researched and put together they are
@indi-go1868 Год назад
My fucking lonely ass, hopeless romantic, but also pessimistic about love, asexual self clicked on this vid as soon as I saw it on my feed 💀. TLDR I can somewhat relate.
@IndustrialParrot2816 Год назад
Another arospec I see
@ventisupremacist6965 Год назад
@pelicanpleasant550 Год назад
@@indi-go1868 ME!!!!!!
@amber6329 3 года назад
This is the best video essay I've seen in a long time. So happy to have found your channel
@AnyaTurnbull 3 года назад
thank you so much!
@aff77141 Год назад
One issue I've seen people say is that modern society treats falling in love as something that just happens and happens once, when it's just like a friendship or family. You choose to love someone, every day, and they might change or frustrate or enchant you differently every time you're with each other, but if the two of you care about each other, you just have to put the work in
@peterkerj7357 Год назад
choice might be necessary but you can't seriously claim it's sufficient
@DeadBoyHK1 Год назад
I think love itself, is a real thing. When you love someone, you are willing to sacrifice for them. If you don’t love that person, you won’t. “Romantic” love…it’s a fever dream, for those who have too much of a sense of whimsy in their personal lives. I don’t believe that marriage should be based on romance, but rather sacrifice.
@orenjidance 2 года назад
You’re back, Cue! Glad to see you back, and I’ll always look forward to your videos! You’ve just made an anti-love video about modern love and where we need to take it, and I thank you for that. I am still reeling from my strong belief of romantic love (it is taking years) and it helps to find a video that can help me articulate it. I felt there was something wrong with unrequited, soulmate-like romantic love the more I examined it, and over the years it became ok for me to say, “this doesn’t have to be the way it is.” It really doesn’t. As a society we are always constantly learning and adjusting to better our circumstances, and in that journey we must also examine the way we perceive love. You have given us a starter version on how to better define it, and for that I thank you dearly. Thank you for always gracing us with some difficult topics and making it not-so-difficult. It’s why I always look forward to your posts! Keep it up, keep it up
@megsley Год назад
I'm so glad I'm happily married (since 2011!) - we're probably happier and more in love now then we've ever been! and look we've also been some pretty bad times, once or twice came real close to walking out the door. but I want to live the rest of my life with this man, and he with me. we choose to keep moving forward together. love is a choice you make every day, over and over again ❤
@wanded Год назад
best comment, a shame most of this broken generation is anti love
@mateaukalua4426 11 месяцев назад
Some people were anti love before they got broken.
@justicethedoggo3648 10 месяцев назад
​@@wandedthis generation? Most marriages are not based on love . But based on contract .
@wanded 10 месяцев назад
@@justicethedoggo3648 there was more love on the past because this generation confuses love with lust and is too spoiled to really love to begin with
@justicethedoggo3648 10 месяцев назад
@@wanded men who fall in love with women are the weakest of men
@pdzombie1906 2 года назад
If love is so awful, how comes it feels so good to love your channel? Great video!!! Funny how much we learn in school about the world, except about emotional intelligence... Thanx!!!
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
has thank you! ( ^◡^)っ ♡
@angrylozenger Год назад
Love or rather romantic relationships, are can be whatever you make it. It's HARD. It takes work from both sides for it to be successful - it takes communication, trust, mutual respect, patience, breaking of some preconceived notions/expectations (if you haven't been in one before), realisations about yourself and behaviours you didn't do/know before and not to mention the fear of being with the wrong person or fear of them hurting you or fear of them abandoning you. So it comes down to this: what do you prioritise? Yes, of course you can live without being romantically involved with anyone and if you're happy, go for it. And then on the other side of the coin, how about if you were to go through all this, to go through life with someone who can lift you up, being able to express things to someone in a way you couldn't with no one before or to simply go about your days saying "yeah damn, I want this person around." What do you want out of a partner?
@ScenariosOfDrea 2 года назад
As a Romanian American I laughed so hard when you said "You can tell that I'm Eastern European!" lol
@peterc.1419 Год назад
But she's not. She's an American. She's in the US culture. I can see the typical angry emo teenager there with pseudointellectual musing. Hypomania? So eros is now agape? Russia itself is a mix-European/Asian country. So not sure that fits there either.
@yamataichul Год назад
@@peterc.1419 Strange of you to put it like this... She's born in the USA but raised by Russian parents. Also I never felt I truly am Romanian and get the Romanian spirit even through I'm born and raised here, so the "opposite" can be true
@Mate_Antal_Zoltan Год назад
@@yamataichul you never got the "Romanian spirit"? what, so your parents never taught you how to shoplift?
@mateaukalua4426 11 месяцев назад
I know a lot of emo American Gen Zers because of different jobs and they have her views on romantic love.
@ShinUkyo 3 года назад
I was so happy to see a notification for a new upload! This was fantastically researched and presented as always, the costumes and humor were on-point, and it was well worth the wait. This is a subject I think about often. The ideal of romantic love, while it has good intentions such as sparking hope and consistency in an otherwise chaotic world, results in mostly misery for people. Like many old concepts, despite our modern minds knowing it's objectively not realistic, the majority of us still chase it or find solace in that unrealized concept. No matter how much pain we might find in that search. So many people spend their lives hoping for one ideal partner to fulfill every need they have, to validate their existence, etc. A symbiotic relationship without struggle or need for outside influence. Often neglecting chances to share pure, simple, real love with so many people in their life that actually deserve it. Be those family, friends, physical lovers, etc. Chasing an ideal which seems so much easier in theory, but for the most part can't possibly exist. There's also the issue, I suppose, of people not feeling okay in safety and routine. They hunger for something they can long for, even to the detriment of what they have already. I won't drone on longer, but in any case I agree with so much of the conclusions you found here. It also sparked me to think in some new ways about something I've already thought about so much. Thank you. Going to share this video in any way I can. Be strong, and another comment I read below here was right. In feeling depressed, we often find our most introspective, powerful, meaningful thoughts. Even washed in among so many negative or worrying ones. And through the tough times comes something better than we could have possibly discovered in simply remaining in uninterrupted joy.
@AnyaTurnbull 3 года назад
thank you so much for this thoughtful comment and your support
@Margo_key 2 года назад
I've never seen anything better than this! Your video is a masterpiece in every way, ranging from light and outfit to amazing work on the research. You seem to be some above-human creature, who saw how empires were born and fell apart, who wasn't brainwashed by our culture and social concepts. I would never question such a fundamental for modern society things like the concept of romantic love... But I definitely needed this. Thank you!
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
wow thank you so much I really appreciate it
@mateaukalua4426 11 месяцев назад
😂 giving too much praise is how you don't get romantic love. Great job.
@TheStealthyOne6 Год назад
as an aro/ace, this makes me smile uncontrollably. thank you Anya.
@Butterflywings011 9 месяцев назад
I wish there was more media that was about adult friendships... No sex, no romance... I've honestly given up. Now I watch gameplays, anime here an there but that's it. I'm married, but I'm sick and tired of romance, people ending up with someone, sex all being a major central point. Like wtf... I understand there's people who are romantics, and this is basically the media made for them.. But what about asexual's, or someone like me who is just tired of it. I've seen it so much on TikTok, where people automatically pair up two characters together, where they "HAVE" to become together... Like wtf... No everyone thinks or believes that way. Ome thing I valued growing up was friendship, sometimes much more than romantic love. Thank you for addressing this, because I thought it was just me thinking this.
@Ax3L8008 Год назад
Love is honestly like a mental illness; it makes you go insane and you disregard everything you know, yet it is normalized. In fact, it's common for others to cast away those who do not suffer from it. It's batshit insane in all honesty, but it's immensely addictive. That is probably why most come back for more.
@Belen-08 26 дней назад
Love is the ruler of the Sun and all other stars ... Dante Alighieri, Il Paradiso
@claytonthechemist 3 года назад
I don't know what's better, finally getting another insightful video from you, or you getting the chance to wear the chain mail thingy again. Also I've read that the depressed brain thinks the most realistic about things. It's the yin to the relentless optimism's yang (The Take did a great video on relentless optimism). This video is good food for thought when thinking about the various friendships and relationships I've had throughout the years. Great work.
@AnyaTurnbull 3 года назад
ha yes I love that chainmail. "
@TheSonicstar Год назад
I have to dissagree with your second take (The chainmail one was spot on). I don't think a truly (clinical) depressed brain thinks realistic. It's obviously tends to add a negative spin to everything. I think depression/relentless optimism are two extrems of a spectrum and realistic would be somewhere in the middle. I think if you look at bipolar disorder that makes this even more clear.
@claytonthechemist Год назад
That makes sense
@Lil_Yuri Год назад
"The depressed brain thinks the most realistic about things" I disagree, most people shouldn't just give up and kill themselves.
@melchizedekbabatunde6195 3 года назад
I think everyone of us can relate to the things you said, glad to have you back!
Romance is a beautiful thing. I think its less obtainable today but the solution isn't to throw the whole concept out. Its a vital part of existence
@svvmaq_ Год назад
but why
@@svvmaq_ you will go crazy trying to answer. Don't be so arrogant to think you can rewrite the rules
@jacksont9455 Год назад
It’s not a vital part of our existence. I think it’s dumb when people act like loving your partner is just as necessary as food and water. Our platonic friendships and our care for our relatives is all we really need
@@jacksont9455 I don't think anyone is comparing psychological needs to physical necessities. Monogamy is extremely prevalent in social animals, romance might be a simple extension of this and I don't think that makes it any less special
@svvmaq_ Год назад
@@chickenandksivideoreviewer9739 yea.. i never assumed i was i wanted to hear ur reasoning lol
@UtenaXenite Год назад
The description of the "pure relationship" sounds like the kinds of relationships a lot of Queer folks I know have: one that requires introspection and consensual invention of the relationship apart from societal/romanticized ideals. Pretty interesting!
@maexr Год назад
yes, but queer relationships aren't devoid of romantic love, either! you can have a romantic relationship and it still be healthy and invented consciously and consensually.
@Envy_May Год назад
being queer can kind of act as a catalyst for mentally separating from any and all societal norms and concepts
@Nemamka Год назад
@@Envy_May it almost makes everything easier. (apart from your identity literally being illegal in many places) like, I am seriously, profoundly confident in who I am. The straights out there are running around like headless chickens, it would be funny if it weren't so sad.
@myself2noone Год назад
2:25 People might have been "pointing it out" for some time but it's complete horse shit. There's a tribe in South America that completely suppresses children form playing. But that's not evidence that children don't have a natural "play" instinct. If anything it's proof that we do. As this culture puts a considerable amount of effort into suppressing there natural impulses, and they still have children playing. In the past there was a lot of cultural pressure to avoid romantic love. I'm looking at you Shakespeare. But if anything that disproves this idea that in the past people weren't motivated by love. You wouldn't need to consistently grandstand about how your truest love is for Jesus if that was actually true. You wouldn't have one mistress over the thousands available if sex was just an action. And Homer wouldn't have wrote about Troy if love wasn't invented for 1000 years. This idea that romantic love is a recent western invention is itself a recent western invention.
@cookiecaroline1355 3 года назад
Welcome back. Where does love for this channel fit into the discussion? You deserve more views.
@AnyaTurnbull 3 года назад
Hah thank you!!
@thoughtfuldevil6069 Год назад
Being in love isn't terrible. It's the search that's terrible.
@yarn1471 Год назад
This is really facinating, never thought about it like that. But the way you talk about love, is idealising someone you don't know yet. What about the people who have known eachother for years, and talked about everything when it comes to themselves, and still want to and really prefer spending time with eachother over others? Not because of security, not because of them having the best traits imaginable, just because they are alot like eachother and share many passions together they can explore those with eachother? Watched further into the video: Oh, what I had in mind about what you were talking about was the pure relationship to begin with. Never mind!
@Aprelknight 5 дней назад
This is an awesome video. I love the content that you create please keep making content like this you mentioned about being depressed. There’s something beautiful about what we call depression” she usually comes after finding out truth. Depression is a dark road to an open path.
@evasage14 Год назад
the irony of me getting a tinder ad before watching this. but seriously this video is blowing my mind, THE catalyst for a paradigm shift-wow.
@kiraz7471 Год назад
RU-vidrs like Anya and Dr.K should be given the title Lighthouse, they make it so easy to understand this very lonely and confusing membership of society. Describing truth followed by a positive image of humanity is such a responsible way of making philosophy videos in the age of great confusion.
@KateeAngel Год назад
As an aromantic person it is incredible to see how much pain alloromantic people endure due to romantic relationships, and then they do it again, endure the pain again, etc. Repeat many many times. Classic "наступать на грабли" situation
@deemah3602 Год назад
надо попроще к любви относиться, и никаких граблей не будет. я своего парня случайно встретила на улице, начала с ним общаться из-за влечения к нему, мы сдружились, так как было много общего, он тоже начал чувствовать влечение, и в итоге мы стали лучшими друзьями с романтическими чувствами и связали свои жизни. никаких ожиданий не было, никакой стереотипной картинки в голове - и все счастливы. странное видео, конечно 🤨 я к тому, что не только вы такие охуенные эйроэйс можете не испытывать страданий от любви (а именно это высокомерие в твоём комменте и комментах других и читается)
@sonchik6324 2 года назад
I’m aromantic, never been in love with anyone and I don’t think I can grasp the concept of romantic love at all. This will be an interesting watch.
@Zhohan- Год назад
Looking at it from the outside is almost incomparable to how it feels
@IndustrialParrot2816 Год назад
Ay another arospec
@dubbaSteppinKingz42 Год назад
Hearing the surplus of references, leaders in the field and specifically the term pure relationship really hits me in this moment. Thank you so much for the sophisticated and personalized brain breakfast. Coupled with the ending of optimism for those feeling hopeless or alone. Or hopelessly alone. Truly inspiring!
@denim_ak 2 года назад
I could be wrong but from the vibes i feel i might be more accepted for my nihilistic attitude in Eastern Europe. Always felt like an alien here. Good video.
@ti1286 2 года назад
Plleeease keep it going 😍 this one here and contrapoints are the two channels whose new videos I look foreward to the most ♥️
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
high praise, thank you
@greysonjones5429 Год назад
Personally, it sounds like you're super jaded and have had a few bad breakups. This idea of romantic love you have is indeed, horrible, but I think this is just taking ideals, and unrealistically expecting them to be achievable, which is something I've noticed as a problem in a lot of other areas of society. I don't know about how you defined romantic love here, I just know that my parents truly love each other and I want to have a love like theirs. They've been married for 23 years, and I haven't noticed them have more than a minor disagreement, which means major disagreements were resolved in adult and respectful ways.
@snoopy-girl Год назад
Yes, I believe her take came across too foucus on one's self (like many are in this day and age) and had this super cynical lens on for the entire of it 🫤
@just.someperson Год назад
Hi there! What I think she's talking about is our perception of love. Being constantly surrounded by (not-so-great) romantic portrayals of love in media, people tend to seek the things they see in real life, if those things are shows as good. For exaple, just how many times have you seen a show in which two people instantly click once they meet, in which almost nothing us shown after they get together? In my oppinion, most pieces of media with romance-based main plots leave out the conflict that is very likely to happen in a relationship. If it is included, it's usually near the end and resolved quickly. That isn't to say that people can't have a relationship like that in real life, just that it is fairly rare. Also, some red flags in relationship are romanticized in media, making it possible for the consumer to subconsciously seek out those harmful traits in partners if not given enough thought (e.g.: one person being obsessed with the other). Again, I'm not saying this happens to everyone, this is just the message I got from the video. TLDR: Romantic portrayals of love in media tend to lend into the unrealistic and sometimes problematic side of things.
@greysonjones5429 Год назад
@@just.someperson Good comment. I do think we could do better with romantic portrayals in media, as I think they push harmful behaviors, and red flags, as being good. Definitely we need to see more actual conflict in relationships in some cases. It depends, as often media is used for escapism, in which case we want more of a fairy tale relationship without many issues. However, romantic dramas definitely need to work on that as, well, it's in the name. They're supposed to be dramatic, and should draw from the real world. Thanks for being respectful in your comment. Cheers!
@wanded Год назад
@@just.someperson that's not what she said or meant, this is you making a better point than her lol
@maexr Год назад
@@just.someperson and yet the title of the video is "we need to talk about romantic love and why it's so horrible". romanticism is not the issue here, if there even is one. the haters of romantic love need to get over themselves or their bad breakups and stop trying to act like love is a terrible ideology and we need to "unlearn" it.
@gregporter4102 2 года назад
31 minutes, 4 seconds ago: love is a magical feeling :). Now: love is a psychological cope to try and brute-force meaning into my inexplicable and chaotic life.
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
oh no :( noted!
@tcrijwanachoudhury Год назад
Dont be so easily persuaded by RU-vid video made by someone with fancy costumes who talks in an authoritativemonotone . Science can prove what motivates attachment, pair bonding, desire, possessiveness, but love, love is a mystery. To some people love is simply all those things but to others it's something more, largely untouched by science. And personally, I think were all here to figure it out. But that's just me.
@nosiidda501 Год назад
@@tcrijwanachoudhury Understandable, and simultaneously… it’s fake and not. It’s more of a man-made thing and rarely found in nature. However, I do believe way too many people chase after love and don’t stop and think about what they have right then and there in front of them.
@bce6936 Год назад
@@nosiidda501 love is not a man made thing the illusion of an ideal partner is
@ZoomerUnion Год назад
​@tcrijwanachoudhury that sounds really platitudinous.
@aresa8948 Месяц назад
How do you only have 56k subscribers. This video has been the most informative and hilarious piece of content I've seen in a long time. I had to laugh so hard to your dry humor I almost spit out my coffee.
@milesbeler3974 Год назад
Long lasting love is the ultimate year of whether you BOTH have your mental health and attitudes exceptionally explored and mastered. Even if you person has adjusted their attitudes and made sure to deal with their inner turmoil in healthy ways, if the other allows themselves to get bored, undisciplined or doesn't know how to deal with their stress responses, it will fail.
@AnotherSkyTV Год назад
Yeah, I think so, I'd make more sense to be with someone mentally stable (and take care of your mental health as well) than with random crazy guy
@michaelsantangelo6192 Год назад
Romantic love is not love. It's everything real love isn't. It's selfish, competitive, jealous, and conditional.
@mateaukalua4426 11 месяцев назад
I disagree. Romantic Love isn't always bad but yes when in movies and books it is.
@Leocrat 3 года назад
You're seriously funny. I can totally relate to not knowing whether you're hypomanic or actually in love =)
@AnyaTurnbull 3 года назад
high five! and thank you
@ranmanfl5597 Год назад
thanks for enlightening me with your knowledge. i can give you my take on love. we love love because we feel so motivated by our emotions to be our best for someone we want to be close to. yes this positive emotion may fade, another emotion will take its place. let’s not reject the entire experience just because of how it ends. let’s just live (and be existentially honest about life)
@caramelvictim193 Год назад
Loving all the Werther slander. You echo exactly the sentiments I had back in highschool when I read the book, apparently according to my teacher that was not what I was supposed to take away from it.
@ErikAndersonFrost Год назад
"I can't even tell if I'm falling in love, or having another hypomanic episode" hits *hard*
@gorkipork4112 Год назад
A time ago I felt I am lonely without a partner. But the only true love is the live for yourself. A rather non-obsessive kind of love. A kind of accepting love.
@user-ns7dn4if2e 2 года назад
The way I see it, creating your own hero's journey is a method that needs reflection in itself, because worst case scenario - you may wind up immature, narcissistic and detached. The novels made it pretty clear. (I am looking at you, Pechorin) Although I feel sorry for this type of people, I agree with you on your criticism in many respects. You made great and interesting work. It got me thinking in a helpful way. Спасибо)
@ThemFatales 2 года назад
We found you via the euphoria video on the take, your style, both discursive and aesthetic is so incredibly compelling it made one of us question for a second "wait is it worth doing video essays when she does it that well already?" It's an absolute pleasure to have found you and we do so look forward to your next video
@AnyaTurnbull 2 года назад
your channel looks awesome !!! keep on going pls
@SoVidushi Год назад
Your video essays are so cool! Keep up the work
@JONEPUNK Год назад
The timing of this video for me (thanks algorithm)... And thanks to you, marvelous work this one is. Love is horrible sometimes: I met this girl by chance at a party last week. I couldn't get anything but her name (her friend had some emergency that interrupted us) but we talked and had a very deep connection and a lot in common. The idea of maybe not crossing paths ever again still haunts me no matter how I fight it in my head.
@dancingheart6224 9 месяцев назад
I agree. I think many of the reasons why heartbreak and the downsides of love hurt so much are because of unrealistic expectations, as you mentioned, and also because of one big thing: humans are flawed. I often think about how many relationships a person has to mess up in before they become their future partner's "soulmate". I think if more people accepted the fact that we all have so many flaws, they would look at love more realistically and more as a friendship rather than a bond as strong as the bond followers have with their religious idol who can never be flawed because they are either a god or have become enlightened after years of working on overcoming their flaws. I do think the high divorce rates should be seen as a sign of this. Personally, I would prefer to date for the rest of my life, even if it's the same person, because marriage is so infinite, personalities change after years of marriage, friendship is fun because you don't spend the rest of your life and all your home life with them, and no one can be as unflawed as a religious deity and tbh that kind of does make me annoyed at people heheh. Maybe I'm aromantic though.
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