
Wedding Day Drama: Mom Refuses to Bless Union Due to Past Conflict | HOT TOPIC 

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I'm a lady aged 48yrs and I have 5 kids 4 girls and one boy who is the eldest. I remember 2017- 2018 mwana wangu musikana akamitiswa achangopedza chikoro form 4. Mimba takazoiona takutsvaga nzvimbo ye form 5 she passed all 10 subjects...As the parent I was hurt to find out kuti ndozvaita mwana I was more disappointed when I heard that mukomana uyu ndewe mu line rekuseri he had finished A level and was planning kuenda ku South Africa for university. Vana baba nana tete concluded kuti tinomusiya kumurume wake takaita seizvozvo. Hanzi vasvika ikoko vakagariswa pa gate from 2pm kusvika kuma 6pm ignoring them havo. Tete shared nyaya yevana and mukomana akaramba kutoora my daughter....with the guidance of his elders vakati tinokwanisa kuunza damage...Tete vakamira saying hatisi kuda damage tauya kuzosiya mukadzi wako that's when the guy responded saying yes taisangana nemusikana asi aindi bhadharisa, tete says kuti my daughter akasimuka achida kurova mukomana saying why would you say such a lie pevanhu vakuru....This was a well up family in the area and what he said to my daughter chituko that I didn't take lightly so takaita sekudaro and they paid damage.
I didn't give up on my daughter she went back to school I was taking care of my muzukuru. Fast forward KVG she has a good job at an NGO and is doing very well. So nyaya iripo ndeyekuti mukoma we mwana wangu musikana uyu came to me akanditi mwana wenyu ari kuonana futi na baba vemwana wake .Akamuona kuflat kwake...nyaya iyi yakaita ndinetsane ne my daughter that was in October last year. Two weeks ago I received a call from tete vake vachiti vana varikuda kuroorana mukomana ari kukumbira ruregerero...You know vedare it took a lot kuti mwana wangu asvike paava to have confidence after such humiliation from this guy...I told my daughter kuti yes you can get married but you will not have my blessing...what kind of love forgets the Shame that was brought to us that year. This man is after money from my daughter he will abuse her and talk her down just like he did years back.I need you mutonge nyaya iyi ariwako mwana unga murega here achipinda muwanano nemunhu akadai...I know kusunga moyo wangu is not good for mwana but kutosunungura kwatoramba help!!!



10 сен 2024




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@matamburachabika1560 3 месяца назад
You are right mhoz don't bless such unions and you should distance yourself from them
@NodzaOfficial 3 месяца назад
Momz avo vari right, chete kana uri zera rechisikana-kana unenge uri blind Bartimeus murudo. She is going to be used twice over & under, kwadzinorohwa matumbu ndokwadzinomhanyira. Don't bless the union, PERIOD!
@tafadzwatashaya6602 3 месяца назад
Titsvakirei munhu anoverenga shona kwazvo
@christinme7414 3 месяца назад
Nhai zvako she is irritating
@christinme7414 3 месяца назад
uyu haagoni kuverenga uyu...
@josh_dat-guy4891 3 месяца назад
Ndichizviisawo mutsoka dzaamai...l would let my daughter get married to this guy...chii chaaona nhasi chaasina kuona back then
@emptyyourheart9086 3 месяца назад
Please toda munhu anoverenga zvakanaka kwete izvi.please
@praisemafusire8933 19 дней назад
I wonder if the guy was going to love the girl again if she wasn't well up now uye asina kuzopedzisa chikoro
@gracematsika7304 3 месяца назад
Aaaa soo sory children nothing to do ❤❤❤😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@gracematsika7304 3 месяца назад
Ndai rega vaidanana ndingaite sei varikuonana chokwadi ❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@josh_dat-guy4891 3 месяца назад
Good to have these hot topics on RU-vid...
@1zimbabe 3 месяца назад
This baby daddy future son in law is prideful....dai aiva umwe akauya kuzokumbira ruregerero wekuramba nhau yaaiziva....mwanasikana uyu is also very wrong kumutisirwa mwana orambwa woit a pick up the pieces zvinorwadza uye zvonyadzisa last number aifanira kugara pasi namai vake ovatsanangurira how she feels & where she is coming from before tete vauya....ndirini mama let mwana go if you are not ready kuregerera take your time to heal its your right muchionawo how the marriage is progressing am sure time will tell it all
@kilsonmuchuchuti2075 3 месяца назад
Star FM dzoserai baba vaverenge shona zvakanaka
@christinme7414 3 месяца назад
Aka kanobhowq aka nxaa
@prettinessmutongoreva2914 3 месяца назад
Mukomana uyo akuda Mari ye musikana anakeyi nhasi . Ngasiye mukomana uyo achachema mangwana.
@phillthedrill 3 месяца назад
People are failing to scrutinise, details how it happened ndipo pane answer and solution. Hanzi family yemuface their are well do (most likely pakaita class crush) from parents only. Then moms vemusikana wanted marriage and nothing else, hense she feels humilation. Sure at 17 mototi mwana aroorwe? asi manga machivavo family yemukomana. Family yemukomana yakaudza mwana kuti washaya here vasikana kutitorera from lower class. Parents were supposed to sit down and discuss futute yevana, based on education future yavo and raising mwana, then last thing would be future plans relationship and marriage. Most women are in abuse marriages becoz marriage was indirectly forced. Last moms should openly talk nemwana wavo about her fears chete. If she raised here well by now she is able to make the right decision
@tafadzwatashaya6602 3 месяца назад
How did she pronounce mimba
@joshuamazhandu1095 3 месяца назад
@getrudehombasha6365 3 месяца назад
@priscillandoro4014 3 месяца назад
Saka munoda kuzomupa murume here nhai mhai kunze hakuna varume uko regai mwana awanikwe although zvakaitwa nemukomana zvinorwadza hazvo asiwo ungadinikowo paita kuita kunyura chaiko 🤣😂🤣 Zvinoda iye musikana ega aona ky paita kunyangirana uku.
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