
What’s the Best Way You’ve Gotten Back at a Crappy Boss? 

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What’s the Best Way You’ve Gotten Back at a Crappy Boss?
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19 сен 2024




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@davidk.6042 Год назад
Trained as a Pharmacy tech. But no one bothered telling me that most Pharmacists are men, and they like hiring pretty young women as their techs. (I'm a guy.) Anyway, medical institute I went to had an externship program. It's like an internship but crappier and involves a 3rd Party company. You're realistically free labor for that 3rd Party. Almost no one gets hired at the end of an externship. Usually because they have no job openings. This one place I went to started at 11pm, and ended at 6am. Boss was a younger Asian guy. Seemed cool, but was very immature and passive-aggressive. Did a terrible job training me. So one day I overhear him say that he's going on vacation at the end of the week. So, my workload is going to double and he's not going to be around for two weeks to supervise me. Which is a big part of the externship program. I decided that wasn't happening. Came up with a reasonable sounding excuse why I couldn't continue working there. Thing is, didn't tell my boss. I told _HIS_ boss! End of the day, Asian guy waves at me. Seemed genuinely happy. Apparently he had no clue what I did a couple of hours ago. I waved back. Told him I'd see him tomorrow. Never returned there! Guess whose vacation plans got cancelled at practically the last minute. He deserved it.
@tonib.3016 Год назад
1987,I was 17 and worked for a daycare center as a teachers aid. 5 bucks an hour. Worked 3 hours a day ...after taxes it was exactly 4 $ an hour...so 12 bucks a day.Loved the job but it was HARD. Asked the boss for 1$ more an hour, she told me they couldn't afford that. I quit on the spot. Took them over a year to find my replacement haha!!!
@Zack_W Год назад
"Was that the bite of 87'???"
@tonib.3016 Год назад
@Zack W Darling I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Not at all.
@Zack_W Год назад
@tonib.3016 it's fine, so long as I think it's funny, I'm satisfied
@sahd0w Год назад
I once read a story about someone who kept putting pennies in their boss’ desk phone so that over the course of several months the phone was much heavier. The boss didn’t notice and got used to the new eight of the phone. Then one day the OP removed all the Pennies. the boss picked up the phone and smashed it into the side of his head. I would love to be brave enough to do this.
@harrybaldino8955 Год назад
So Jim from the office.....
@thahirshibu5042 Год назад
@@harrybaldino8955 Jim if he feared no one. and had a malicious streak
@BordrKing Год назад
@@thahirshibu5042 no like that's literally a prank Jim played on Dwight in the Office
@Thumper68 Год назад
Yeah that’s fake. A penny weighs 3.11 grams it would take so many of them to make that kinda muscle memory from weight change happen let alone they would be making noise rattling around .
@paulhunsicker8711 Год назад
Oh the images in my head of some guy whacking himself on the side of the head with a phone 😂😂😂
@oldwoman5942 Год назад
Best way I got back at a terrible boss….I quit, leaving LOTS of work and because I wasn’t the first to do the same, some only lasted 2 weeks, his bad reputation became widely known and he had a terrible time finding a replacement. He called me a month later and begged me to come back, I refused.
@pearldragonz Год назад
I have two, revenge against a boss and one against a subordinate. First the Boss. I got hired at a saw mill when I was 25. The boss directly above me was 19. He landed the position because people kept quitting or getting fired and he was stubborn enough to stick around. Anyway, guy took his job way too seriously. Overcompensated with a lot of yelling and nit picking everything. One day another boss stopped by to deliver a message but my boss wasn't there. I took the message, which was something like "Manager wants you to call him." Five minutes later I relayed it to my boss. Cue getting yelled at and warned that if I ever give orders to a boss again I'll get written up. By the end of the week I had enough. I clocked out at lunch and walked off the job. Come Monday I called HR and explained what happened. Said the hard labor wasn't a big deal but listening to an egotistical immature runt all day wasn't worth it. At another job I had this young female employee who hadn't mentally left high school. She still thought that teacher's pet rules still applied to her. If you could variously mess up because you were immature and had a sh---y attitude she probably covered them all. After the 3rd write up she went after my job trying to get me fired. She made up a bunch of BS and went to my boss with it. We both get called to the office. She airs her grievances but had no proof of anything that did or did not happen. I on the other hand opened up my work journal and went back six months of daily entries that showed I documented everything. Both the good and bad. I did not get fired or even warned that day. Not long after she got fired during a downsizing because anyone with a write up got fired first.
@andreadecker2472 Год назад
My first driving job, I was a courier driver for a contracting company that delivered multiple different companies consignments and picking them up too. I worked an industrial area route which was good and fast paced. I would work through lunch and run my ass off. The leading hand (my boss's/owners friend) took a dislike to me soon after starting. Everyone liked me but her. I worked hard, worked well in a team. Customers called to sing their praises of how efficient I was, I would help out my coworkers with their runs and also sort and pack pallets. She would tell me that I'm sorting the freight out wrong and that she wanted me to do it her way, it was slower. Me and the 3 others that worked in that area had designed the way we sorted freight together so it was fast and efficient, usually I would do it solo anyway. She would yell at me, in front of the boss, finger in my face about to most stupid shit she would blame me for, he did nothing, he just sat there and let it happen. So I decided to work on my exit plan. I built the run up to the biggest run in the whole company, I organised my customers well and worked through my lunch breaks. I got all my holidays paid out to me then quit with no notice. It took 3 people to replace me on that run. Months later, the boss finally figured out that she was driving away his staff and she wasn't pulling her weight. He fired her and they were no longer friends. Don't piss off the hard workers, they'll work hard to screw you over and have the last laugh
@sej04 Год назад
I knew the hiring manger at movie rental store and one of my managers at my old job (2004-2005ish) had put in for a management position at the rental place. I heard him confess to screwing over one of the other managers by switching shifts claiming he was going to help his brother fix his car when he was actually wanting to go to a party. It was the screwed over manger's birthday and he was supposed to go out with his wife. AH manager was a friend of mine before his promotion. After his promotion he tried to be everyone's manager outside of work. Since he wanted to be like that, I went to my hiring manager friend and spilled the beans all about AH manager and he looked me dead in the eye while he sent AH's application through the shredder and said "AH manger who?"
@phlushphish793 Год назад
I had a manager like that. Had to tell him, "You can tell me what to do at work. Outside of work, no."
@albertocabezas282 Год назад
This is silly. My abusive and liar karen boss wasn't a computer competent woman. She threw us under the bus telling GM we screwed something (she was the culprit). GM demanded a full coverage of the incident and all of this was via e-mail. I managed to corrupt the program (very basic) they run at the company as internal mailing. She waited and waited for days and days for those mails and how she tried to reply. She made frantic callings to IT and when the IT guys came it was too late to send the mails. That woman was severely yelled by phone. I listened to that and yes, it was very satisfying.
@pinkanimositygaming Год назад
So I got back at a crappy supervisor. He would always show up an hour late, said “I’m a supervisor. I can do whatever I want.”, would use his phone to text and call random friends while in front of clients, was caught sending nudes to an employee beneath him, broke the x ray machine and abandoned post, frequently ditched new hires and made them do all of his duties, and faked going to the hospital so he could play hooky and hook up with the employee he was sending nudes to. I compiled a whole document listing dates, actions, time stamps, and admissions from our boss that she knew about it but refused to take action. He quit bc the mounting evidence against him was undeniable. She’s getting fired this week and I have a new boss now.
@elliottryan13 Год назад
Worked at a Mellow Mushroom run by idiots. After asking for a raise promised I was asked to help a shift with dishes the following week (I was a cook). Looked at the schedule 6 days of all dish washing and no raise. Never came back on a truck day. Soon after employees checks began bouncing.
@bl1429 Год назад
I had a supervisor who'd right me up for anything minor, that everyone else was doing. She had worked there for twenty years, and I saw her doing a lot of underhanded things, which I started keeping logs of. After she fired me, I waited three months, and sent the information I had on her, to the HR director, and the Head of the company, including the reason why there were no investigations on her favorites, because of her, with my proof, including pictures. There was also two investigations into the company because of her. I sent the info on a Sunday, and she was fired the following Tuesday.
@Dylius01 День назад
Sounds like you had a potential lawsuit
@bl1429 День назад
@@Dylius01 hater the place anyway.
@Backyardmech1 Год назад
Had a micromanager type supervisor. He was good in the sense that he backed me and 2 to 3 others up when work was slow and we were getting paid overhead. Even balanced our schedules out. If you were stuck under his supervision though, he would drive you up the friggin walls with his coffee/cigarette driven ambitions. When I left and turned in my company phone, his contact name was SHITHEAD. 😂 A previous employee did the same and he called the number, answered his phone, hung up, answered again, then the gears started in his head.
@phlushphish793 Год назад
Had a boss that was a real jerk. Yelled at us, called us names, etc. Finally I got out. 2nd to last day a fax comes over. I read it. His dickhead manager made a mistake costing the co. $300,000 (He once yelled at me/threatened to fire me over a mistake I made costing $30). Gee, John, did you threaten to fire Walt, "...in a New York minute?"
@jwb083 Год назад
simple, got a new job and left them with absolutely no one that knew how to do anything right at all. After I left the only other person left was the delivery driver that couldn't read a English or French( o he got lost alot because he never knew where he was at)
@PinkiemachineStudios Год назад
My dad was the IT manager for his company and he really liked it there when he first arrived, but after a few years, they started to expand, new management came in, and the environment started to change. Became a little more serious, with a little bit of job-security anxiety thrown in. My dad finds a new job at a different company and on the last day of work-since he has a lot of access to the computers-creates a false account on the company messaging system and he named it “Hugh Jass.” Never got to hear about what became of that account-if anyone ever called around asking who “Hugh Jass” was-but I like to imagine it was funny…
@chasefrost1401 Год назад
That first story sounds like an amazing justice dream. I wish I could've told a few bosses off.
@dianecheney4141 Год назад
I look completely different when I do my makeup and hair. I had a particularly bad boss at one time so I did my makeup and hair and dressed a bit. Got the rest of the time the supervisor chased me around the manufacture floor. I didn’t have to complain, some else did. He had to go take a harassment class
@artfuldodger7838 Год назад
I had a roommate who used my toiletries. Gathered mine up, took them into my room. Set out dog shampoo and soap. He got really mad at me. So what.
@nullhazard7569 5 месяцев назад
That's ruff.
@felicitybywater8012 Год назад
I tricked my crap boss into paying me. He kept putting it off & off & off & I had bills to pay. So I coached my bf into making my boss show up to get a bog (fictional) job then I turned up & put my hand out for my pay. I'd brought my very large boyfriend to loom behind me. I got my pay then I just walked off & never looked back. I do not miss that unwashed boss nor his fire hazard workplace.
@kathywaterson9017 Год назад
I was sitting in a operational meeting My boss said."Get me my cigarette! " I replied, " Get it yourself!" This is were I lost it. His reply was,"" That is the last time I hire a woman. I will hire a black before I hire a woman!" I want to sue him. He said this in the early 90's.
@smartchip Год назад
He had a point, me thinks,
@RealJasonBehrens Год назад
TLDR: When I worked in fast food I had a supervisor who was both lazy and childish. From the time he got hired until 6 months later when he got fired, he always missed work or when he was working with us he was always leaving to go to the bathroom for 30 minutes and sometimes for up to an hour. I'd forget he was there most of the time. He had something wrong with his shoulders and wanted to get surgery to get his shoulders fixed, so on the day he was supposed to get his surgery, he postponed to compete in a Yu-Gi-Oh trading card tournament. Mind you this is a grown man in his 20s. Anyway, when it came to closing, me and sometimes even another coworker would have to close with this clod. Whenever we gave him something to do he'd complain that he couldn't do it because we were quicker and better than him or I'd give him something I knew he was capable of doing but would still complain that he couldn't do it because of his surgery and he'd usual dip to the bathroom for 30 minutes to an hour. We were always stuck an at the store for an hour or 2 because he'd sit in the office and "check emails" on his phone. It got to the point I had enough and left as soon as we closed because I wanted him to understand and man up but it all backfired when he complained about me to general management and general management took my side and finally fired the supervisor. He was fired for not only that but also because he kept failing our monthly health inspections due to his laziness
@phlushphish793 Год назад
Got a job as a bartender. The manager would keep us there drinking (he was an alcoholic) after work, when we all wanted to go home, so he wouldn't have to drink alone, I guess. Bar closed at 2. One night he kept us there til 5. One of the waitresses' boyfriend got jealous & showed up, accusing her of sleeping around. I had to tell him, "Look, we're all still in our clothes!" He needn't worry. She looked like Broom Hilda.
@Queenofdragons6 Год назад
Glad the GM took your side.
@AMindInOverdrive Год назад
Regarding the salaried person not being paid for overtime. I always mention in interviews that our agreed upon 'salary' is based on me doing 40hrs per week, since that's all I want to do. An extra hour here or there 'on rare occasions only' is ok, but if it becomes a regular thing, we will need to renegotiate. I say it in a friendly way, and most are fine with that. I now have a job where I actually get paid for extra hours if I work them (which is rare in my job because most are salaried)
@The_Mimewar Год назад
I called OSHA. Place was dangerous as hell
@phlushphish793 Год назад
I worked at a hotel where a meal was included. Thing was, they used left over banquet food. Like, WAY left over. You were lucky if it didn't make you sick; so, I quit eating them. The manager of housekeeping told me quite frequently 1/2 her staff would go home sick after eating lunch.
@The_Mimewar Год назад
@@phlushphish793 oh man!! I worked material handling in a shop where the American bosses made Bosnian immigrants climb dangerous shelves to patch them back together, you’ve seen a collapse of this place’s shelves on youtube for sure. Safety switches defeated or taped down,
@poisonedivysaur Год назад
I worked at a truck stop in the food area. I had a fresh out of college parents' money fcuk boy boss. Anywho, he wouldn't know what to do. Well, one day, he thought he was being funny. And "fake" fired me. I was prepping food. He called me from the office and told me I'm fired. I looked up at the monitor that had a video feed to the lobby. We had a rush. I smiled and said "bye enjoy your rush." Walked out and sat in the lobby and watched him get burnt. When the rush was done. I walked up to the register. I looked at him and said, "I reconsider coming back if you get me a two dollar raise, and I want it in writing." Got it and still left 2 months later for a better job with no notice. I had zero loyalty to that company. I just wanted to squeeze them for a few extra bucks until my next job was ready for me. The best part. I pulled that same stunt again. Except i walked out for real.
@EllpaFox47 6 месяцев назад
“She burned jello” HOW THE HELL DO YOU BURN JELLO?!
@CNinjaa Год назад
Remember! Let the Statute of Limitations expire before discussing your antics, should they apply 👉😎👈
@soulezwan266 Год назад
i quit from my last job, he quit 3 week after that. wasn't a satisfying justice, my body has health issue now thanks to them the dead weight boss/dumb management. the only satisfying thing i can say is the management used to call me, asking for me come back since the one that is left can't get shit done. never look back and now i got a much easier job with better pay.
@no1bandfan Год назад
Not sure if you can kill someone with X-lax but I’m pretty sure you can make them wish they were dead.
@stampede122 Год назад
How do you burn jello?
@ALTAIR2 Год назад
I always wondered this since family matters
@rogerramjet6429 Год назад
Water burns like a fuel when heated to around 300C under pressure. It's been used for water injection in cars to increase the combustion under compression. I installed it myself in two of my own cars. Oil industry just doesn't like it because it improves efficiency, resulting in less fuel consumption.
@chasefrost1401 Год назад
You don't put jello into the pot. It's hot water then the cold water in a bowl or glass pan. There are a few people I've heard of putting the jello pack into the hot water in the pot. That's how you burn jello.
@chasefrost1401 Год назад
@@rogerramjet6429 so big petroleum is anti jello?
@foxymetroid Год назад
@@chasefrost1401 Makes sense. Anything to get people to use petroleum instead of alternatives.
@_esmeralda_5112 Год назад
I worked one lunch shift with my boss where I was going to learn to train to be a manager. I made a couple bit fixable mistakes and he lost his tempter on me and yelled at me infront of coworkers and guest. Very humiliating, I respected myself enough to not get yelled at and resigned that same day. I was respectful about the whole situation and he only replied with a very immature text. 1/10 And yes I’ve had upper management experience in the food industry and have never yelled at someone in that way or have been yelled at like that by someone. Glad I was able to recognize that it was more so him being a bad boss then me being a bad worker.
@brianplunkett4002 Год назад
I was able to get the company owner involved in the situation. The owner called his HR person on a Friday afternoon after working hours. He made her verify my employment with the company and recommended me for a future job. And I know she was embarrassed because it was all done through conference call She protected people who were hostile to other employees in the company. Knowing it was wrong. The owner knew as well because he just doing damage control to save face. Very bad people.
@taurnguard Год назад
I didn't think you could get a meal at Outback Steakhouse for $20.
@cyberdelicxp9125 Год назад
When I was up for review and passed for a raise, for a dumb reason .I remembered it. And during the busiest time of the year I quit and left em hanging. I openly did the least possible amount of work. "No talk send money" was my mantra along with "you pretend to pay me , I pretended to work, were square"
@marshallsotta9883 Год назад
I work in a group home and that story at around 14:00 is hilarious and sounds like something I’ve heard before
@dannythompson1948 5 месяцев назад
I had a manager reprimand me for calling him 'Dude' when i was 18 and i worked at crappy minimun wage job. He said, i am your superior, i will not be called 'dude' or 'bro' yada yada yada.. after i walked around the corner, i thought about gow incredibly petty that was. I turbed around, walked up to him and said 'You know what, DUDE. I don't think this job is working out" he said 'Is this your two weeks notice?" And i said 'No, this is my 2 seconds notice. Ill be back at noon for my check." Lol Now I'm an engineer, and I call my Boss who's the cheif engineer and a millionaire, Dude and Bro all the time. Screw you, jaime. Haha
@reedlamb3321 Год назад
Here's my question HOW THE FUCK DO YOU BURN JELLO?!
@ledam2654 Год назад
30:08 💀 Doing the most for the least.
@demonsdown Год назад
She burnt jello.... how it doesn't even go on a stove.
@FerreTrip Год назад
Ya gotta boil the water first. I'm thinking she kept it on the stove.
@AMindInOverdrive Год назад
My best revenge has always been just get another job and leave. Be successful without them is the best
@Feisty_Elfgirl_5258 Год назад
I quit. It really threw them for a loop
@digitalclock Год назад
the "food-man" sounds disgusting
@yewnguyen3942 Год назад
Bertie boys every flavor jelly beans. Left in break room with no label. They look just like jelly belly
That cow head story sounds fake.
@yestfmf Год назад
Maybe, but i laffed my tail off. The EET MORE CIKIN sign was the funny part.
@laurenbrook348 Год назад
Some of these stories 😂😂
@Queenofdragons6 Год назад
Second-to-last one made me laugh.
@donaldforest1942 Год назад
Took grease off a forklift and greased my bosses phone in his office when the phone rang the boss got an ear full of grease in his ear when he put the reciever to his ear. He was pissed but he didn't know who did it to him,made working with the jackass a little better
@brickbreck Год назад
I hate that one post that spread “etc.” in places they didn’t make sense… 🙃
@smithysforge5309 Год назад
The Chick-fil-A AC story I think needs a bit more info. Like did the boss say he just wouldn't get it fixed or was it a it won't be fixed for a couple weeks because that's when the repaired guy can get to us. Not excusing the the stunt with the pay, that was bullshit. But the AC thing was a bit too vague
@JP-ql6cb Год назад
My time's coming soon, can't WAITTTT ahahaha
@smartchip Год назад
One such a channel and topic, Someone brilliant said, 2 weeks notice? I am giving you notice for the two weeks you shall notice I am not here, BYE, Words to that effect,
what is it with bosss hiring people and trying to screw them over?
@lesterfaapaiaga9681 Год назад
Not getting back but the opposite… when I was 19 I worked as a trainee painter for this guy and he wasn’t a good boss.. he made me work and do unsafe practices.. I didn’t know cause I was too young and naive for example one time I erected a ladder 🪜 up 2 stories just to paint a window frame on my own and the ladder was rickety and no one at the bottom to hold my ladder… i climbed up that ladder with a paint bucket and brush… anyways, I left that job after almost a year… some time after I was working security at a ferry terminal and the e last ferry for the night was almost about to leave when I see this car driving fast I’m the car park.. I walk up to the car because where the car parked was private parking and not for public. Anyways, the driver gets out and it was my old painter boss who I hadn’t seen since I worked for him. He didn’t recognise me and he said that he needed to get on that ferry because he needed to go see his mother, she had just recently passed away.. I could see he was hurt and had teary eyes… I thought he about the time he treated me bad when I worked for him as a painter and I admit I had thought about turning him away and telling him to move on… but I snapped out of it and realised that he was emotionally distraught and desperately needed to go to his mother via ferry… I told him I will look after his car which I did all night eventually… but I also told him who I was and he didn’t click… it took him a bit of time because of his current emotional state he was in but then his eyes blew up and he recognised me… by the look of his facial expressions I knew he knew how he treated me when I worked for him and I think he was a bit surprised that I let him through even after he found out who I was after I told him I’d look after his car and let him through on the ferry… I felt good and I hope in someway it made him treat others better then he did with me… I hope he got to see his mother…
@MrAngryMonkey100 5 месяцев назад
the last one is a b-hole worker not a b-hole boss....
@realtalunkarku Год назад
Defacing property for the alphabet community
@komranbehbehani6379 Год назад
@Doc1855 Год назад
I can’t understand this narrator’s English
@s0nnasauras630 Год назад
It's a text to speech bot so that's probably why
@eagle7757 Год назад
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way....
@Thumper68 Год назад
You agree to a salary means you are getting paid 24/7/365 so yes sometimes you work 80 hours sometimes you work 20 hours but guess what check is the same.
@angelsinger4574 Год назад
That varies from state to state. Some states do require some overtime pay to salaried employees. It just depends on where you live…and whether or not you know the law there.
@Thumper68 Год назад
@@angelsinger4574 well for the most part if you make more then $684 a week then you most likely are exempt from overtime pay. Most jobs that wouldn’t fall under salary exemption are not salary jobs but yes it’s possible but most likely not.
@lesleygreen273 Год назад
That's not the case everywhere. In the UK your contract will specify how many hours you are contracted to work for your salary. If you work more you can be paid overtime or take time off in lieu.
@Thumper68 Год назад
@@lesleygreen273 yeah Im not speaking about uk though. Y’all have some crazy laws
@killersatsuma6451 Год назад
Last one was the story of a spineless coward, hope they got fired.
@DarthRedshirt Год назад
Tell him to relax, he'll never get caught now... LOL
@Kame-o75 Год назад
The David story is just...chef's kiss. 🤌 it's so frickin satisfying...
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