
What Are the Core Beliefs of Christianity? with Krista Bontrager 

Alisa Childers
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Are some doctrines more important than others? What must someone believe to be saved? What are the beliefs we can agree to disagree about? I discuss these questions and more with the "Theology Mom," Krista Bontrager.
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1 окт 2024




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@lionoffireministries 3 года назад
+The problem with deception is that people don’t know that they are deceived* 🤔😢
@velkyn1 3 года назад
"+The problem with deception is that people don’t know that they are deceived* 🤔😢" yep, the thing that every Christian says about the Christians they don't agree with.
@TheBestLife2184 3 года назад
They're dividing & conquering us so billionaires can enslave us all. Why don't we divide & conquer these Dems, billionaires, & RINOs first? My RU-vid name is a dotCom website & you need to go there. Expect your life to likely hugely change in 10 minutes or less.
@joeblue4116 3 года назад
@@TheBestLife2184 Wear your tinfoil hat with pride!
@TheBestLife2184 3 года назад
@@joeblue4116 Stop trying to hide trtuh. Why don't you move to communist China where you can be happier in a plywood hut.
@joeblue4116 3 года назад
@@TheBestLife2184 Why don't you move out of your mommy's basement and live in reality?
@gmacard5478 3 года назад
Don’t agree that we can’t discern a false teacher on our own. We’ve got the Bible!
@NewCreationInChrist896 3 года назад
Ephesians 1:13-14 “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession to the praise of his glory.”
@kennethcadwell2124 3 года назад
Exactly only the Gospel saves which Paul states in 1 Corinthians 15...... Any works done by us only show if our conversion was true or not.........
@thrivewithjesus5216 3 года назад
Yes, progressive church will state the Nicene Creed. It is so scary how easy it is to fall under false teaching as a new believer. Pray, pray, pray for protection, stay in the Word, never drift away from it and God will pull you and put you on the right path.
@shanescott3168 3 года назад
This is a very helpful episode. I will be studying some of the resources mentioned.
@paulinhisprime8440 3 года назад
In the essentials unity In non essentials liberty In all things charity
@alfonsoreynosa8143 3 года назад
Yes, preach that!
@TheBestLife2184 3 года назад
They're dividing & conquering us so billionaires can enslave us all. Why don't we divide & conquer these Dems, billionaires, & RINOs first? My RU-vid name is a dotCom website & you need to go there. Expect your life to likely hugely change in 10 minutes or less.
@Danhartfamily 3 года назад
Yes, while that’s the EFCA’s mantra, it allows for deception and progressivism to creep in and people to head down a slippery slope of bad doctrine.
@Robert-ie8eb 3 года назад
The difficulty I suspect is getting everyone to agree on essentials vs non-essentials.
@exploittheworld 3 года назад
It is this. One must fear the lord, for such is the beginning of knowledge/wisdom. love God with all your heart, mind, body and soul. Believe that Jesus is the Son of the most high. Repent and submit your worldly will for that of the Fathers. Life not only by faith, but of works and humility. Love one another as Jesus loved, for this commandment he gave us. Do all these things and give thanks that the light of Jesus came to reveal the way back to our heavenly Father. What greater joy than to have our Father, God, live through us, revealing his light amongst the darkness. As the scriptures say: In him is life and the life was the light of men.
@NewCreationInChrist896 3 года назад
Demons don’t have faith. Faith comes from God not humans, what we do with the faith we have-grow it or keep it mustered seed-its our gift of salvation. (Only) God knows the heart of every believer. Hebrews 12:2 “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”
@borisvandruff7532 3 года назад
That is correct. “Even the devil believes”, but the Devil doesn’t give God glory.
@joeblue4116 3 года назад
@@borisvandruff7532 Interesting. Is 1 Timothy 2:12 a core belief, because the last time I checked, Alisa Childers and Krista Bontrager are women.
@borisvandruff7532 3 года назад
@@joeblue4116 RU-vid isn’t church.
@joeblue4116 3 года назад
@@borisvandruff7532 1 Timothy 5:12 in my bible doesn't mention church at all. Maybe your progressive bible does?
@brannonomara 3 года назад
@@borisvandruff7532 they are not preaching, they are teaching, big difference.
@petervaichus6978 3 года назад
The foundation is the man, Jesus Christ, and obeying his commands and teachings. The Apostle Peter testified that Jesus is the Son of the Living God. For the Father has raised him to life and given him all authority and He will return to reign as King upon the earth. The Father has appointed him to judge everyone at the proper time. Jesus does not say one has to believe in the trinity or any other doctrines that men say are “essential” to be saved and enter into the kingdom of God. Those whose faith is in the doctrines of men about the Bible and not in Jesus and keeping his commands/teachings will be found to be building a house on sand...when the storm comes it will collapse and its destruction will be complete. Jesus clearly says that he will be judging by what each person does when he separates the sheep from the goats at the appointed time. God wants us to look to his son, Jesus the Messiah, who showed God’s great love for the world by laying down his life. The good news, that just as Jesus was crucified and put to death, that after three days, God raised him to life and He is now seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven never to die again. “because God has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead." Acts 17:31 Jesus the Messiah says these words to those who have ears to hear; “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” Matthew 7:15-27
@anthonybarber3872 3 года назад
And your point is....? The Trinity, at least the word, is not in the Bible, yet it is a theological term to describe what the Bible cleary shows. Creeds are a good tool to clarify what Christians believe. Yes the bottom line is faith in Christ Crucified and Risen, physically. But who is Jesus? That is where creeds come in. Nothing should take place of the Bible itself, but it does not follow that creeds are wrong, unless the creed says wrong things.
@narcissistinjurygiver2932 3 года назад
they follow antichrist Saul of Tarsus, not Yeshua.
@lionoffireministries 3 года назад
Trinity is one that seems to cause a lot of debate although that’s because truth divides!!
@genjigemini8962 3 года назад
@LION OF TRUTH MINISTRIES The truth is not what divides, thinking we know the truth and not realizing our oneness in the Creator is what causes division. If we don't understand metaphysics then we most likely won't understand the trinity. The Father (un-manifested God), sends the Son (manifested God), and the Son sends the Holy Spirit (after ascension) wherein the full realization of the Godhead along with the knowledge of the Spirit of truth is made manifest in human form.
@lionoffireministries 3 года назад
@@genjigemini8962 Jesus said that he came not to bring peace on Earth but a sword. Because the truth is offensive to most. Jesus says that it will divide father and son, mother and daughter. And that walking in the way of truth means that ultimately allegiance is to Christ above any earthly ties.
@genjigemini8962 3 года назад
@@lionoffireministries You always state "The problem with deception is that people don't know they're deceived", you're 100% correct, because "Satan" has blinded the "MINDS" of the unbeliever. Everything in this world has been inverted, including the truth! We don't know who God is and we worship in vain when we follow doctrines and traditions of men. Mark 7:7 "And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men". Mark 7:9-10 "He said to them, "All to well you reject the commandments of God, that you may keep your tradition". Do you understand the magnitude of "Satan" deceives the WHOLE WORLD? In the age of information ignorance is most definately a choice. Time to wake up O sleeper, let the scales fall from your eyes and discover how wonderfully made you truly are!
@lionoffireministries 3 года назад
@@genjigemini8962 Amen 🙏
@markhorton3994 3 года назад
@@genjigemini8962 It is you who do not understand the Trinity. There is one God in three persons ALL THE TIME. From eternity to eternity. What you described is the heresy called modalism.
@AnaleenAelwyn 3 года назад
Regarding creation: Let me start by saying what you believe about creation is not essential to salvation. You can absolutely be saved, trusting in Christ as Savior, etc, and believe theistic evolution, 6 24-hr day creation, and anything in between. That said, I'd like to present a few things for you to consider. 1. Any view of creation that includes evolution inherently puts death/suffering before The Fall and sin. This is a theological problem as it contradicts both the Old and New Testaments in their assertion of a perfect original creation and the restoration of that creation after Jesus comes again. 2. If, as Ms. Bontrager states, you believe in an old Earth, but not evolution, and it seemed like she also believes in a literal flood, this creates a dilemma of where the rock layers come from. Are they from long ages or the flood? Both cannot be true. 3. While the Hebrew word yom (day) can have multiple meanings, just like the English word day can, when yom is combined with either a number or the word evening/morning, anywhere else in the OT, it *always* refers to a 24-hr day. (Think of Jericho where the Israelites marches for 7 days.) In Genesis 1, every verse that refers to the days of creation uses a number *and* evening *and* morning! Why do we only "not know what yom means" in Genesis, but nowhere else? There are many, *many* other reasons to believe in a literally, 6 24-hr day creation, and I won't break fellowship with a fellow believer over this (though I wouldn't personally go to a church that teaches otherwise), but at least take a moment to consider the things I've mentioned. :-)
@Jarrodjohn2007 3 года назад
I think that Jesus himself says there are core beliefs that, even if you're sincere, if you are still wrong then you will not be saved, _"I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins."_ - John 8:24.
@Fedex52738 3 года назад
If that was the case then salvation by grace would be pointless which is not. Jesus means in that verse that those who do not believe him as the son of God who came for the forgiveness of sins would not be saved as we have to believe in him to be saved.
@Jarrodjohn2007 3 года назад
@@Fedex52738 Agreed. In the context of John 8, Jesus seems to indicate that, at a minimum, we must get who He is correct.
@Fedex52738 3 года назад
@@Jarrodjohn2007 Yes, totally. Also, God bless you!!!
@duncescotus2342 3 года назад
That's it brother, believe that is who is he is.
@jaquirox6579 3 года назад
I just…, really dislike Christian channels hiding content behind a paywall, that isn’t even a separate product. And if you’re bold enough to do that, then be bold enough to say it in your ad speech. Don’t skirt the topic and try to dress the pig up. Because if you’re limiting content behind a paywall qualifier, then surely you believe you are justified. So then why would you avoid simply saying it?
@cristinabivins2240 3 года назад
You're saying, "pro tip, if you found an analogy for the trinity, stop. It's heresy, I promise" but then don't go deeper. I really would like for you to explain it...
@michaelhagerman7829 3 года назад
Great and much needed discussion for us who believe in the bible as the word of God 👍👍
@ThandolwethuSpace Год назад
This is such an important conversation. It should be happening at least weekly❤
@WendyWzOpinion 3 года назад
Love this conversation! I love seeing Mrs. Bontrager in other places that I also follow. It’s so important to know WHAT we believe, but also WHY we believe it. And then, we must decide if we are letting God change us BECAUSE we believe. Really great stuff, ladies!! ❤️❤️❤️
@johnhull3166 3 года назад
Great conversation, Alisa, but tell You Tube to stop putting Stacy Abrams commercials in the middle of your videos. Completely contrary to your topics!
@ginahabig 3 года назад
Lots of good points. Here’s an important question, if you can’t believe Genesis 1&2 is literal history then in what chapter do u begin to believe God’s revelation? This question isn’t just a “hot button” it’s a major reason people fall into progressive Christianity and liberalism. Alisha I love ur stuff but this was surprising considering ur background. I pray you haven’t closed the book on this issue.
@humblejoy3564 3 года назад
i feel like i was in a legalistic cult. online preachers such as finalcall07, warning the people, and more preach(ed) no church, no entertainment, and more...They preach the bible isn't the word of God. i was in that mentality for 3 years. it is so grievable to me, but i don't have all the puzzle pieces together, and i am getting into christian counseling soon
@dahelmang 3 года назад
Wow that's some scary stuff there! Glad you made it out. Counseling seems like a good idea to me.
@alfonsoreynosa8143 3 года назад
I've never been a fan of Creeds, don't hate them, but won't promote them. There are only two kind of issues, Eternal issues and non Eternal issues. Too often we embrace "In-House Debates" as if they have eternal consequence.
@Monpris0590 3 года назад
I enjoyed this video so much I felt like I was among friends and learned a lot. I was challenged and learned some new words that described what I was thinking but couldn't put a name too. I agree that many are so focused on calling others heretics when it just boils down to a denominational distinctive and not a core belief. Thank you ladies!
@HoldFastApolpgetics 2 года назад
So grateful for you both!! You share the Gospel with such loving boldness! I made sure to save and share this on my humble little Wordpress blog in several places. :-)… This video is very important one
@gracehillcolorado2668 11 дней назад
Don't mix LAWS and the OT into our Gospel. Laws are self-righteousness - and bondage. Grace is freedom. (The Gospel) Love is the Command.
@ginamartinez1654 3 года назад
Wow! I was in church since I was 4 in wof movement and never heard any of this. And I love your view on calling out false teachers. It also affirms for me that it was best to unsubscribe from certain channels ive unsubscribed from because all they do is make fun. Heresy heresy heresy is all their channel is for and I started realizing it wasn't being very spiritual helpful to me but I do like channels that say hey this teaching is wrong and show you in the bible why. Those are way more helpful for me rather than dedicating a whole channel just to pick on certain pastors not that these pastors aren't wrong but how many clips do you need to show about the same pastor over and over. It's like ok so their wrong but why and why do you care more about calling them out than just teaching people truth.
@NewCreationInChrist896 3 года назад
Glory hallelujah to King Jesus.👑 Luke 10:27💝
@BeckeyGirard 3 года назад
I just read these creeds. They both mention the catholic church. I'm not Catholic. The creeds seemed reasonable until they went "There"
@tedduby2346 3 года назад
catholic just means "universal", it is not referring to the Catholic Church.
@nothanks4469 3 года назад
Catholic isn't capitalized in the creeds for a reason. Check your dictionary.
@BeckeyGirard 3 года назад
@@nothanks4469 rude
@nothanks4469 3 года назад
@@BeckeyGirard Lol, not rude. You made an inaccurate, uneducated claim about the creeds. I encourage you to read more, particularly about church and Christian history, and expand your vocabulary. Also, it's obvious that "Catholic" in regard to the RCC would be capitalized.
@jotunman627 3 года назад
Apostles Creed also includes the communion of "saints" as in "I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints".... just as the Nicene Creed "In one holy catholic and apostolic Church; we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen" They are both statement of beliefs of early Christian teachings. The Apostles' Creed is so called because it is considered to be a faithful summary of the apostles' faith. I would say it does refer to the Catholic church and its communion of saints in heaven. They do not mention the bible because it mentions the church. - to believe in the one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
@annestoll7230 3 года назад
I’m a young earth creationist, but I’d like to understand Krista’s view better. If you read this Alisa, would you consider putting together and episode about young/old earth creationism?
@kennethcadwell2124 3 года назад
I wanted to answer this as a belief in young earth or old earth is not a salvational matter, and thus nothing to cause division or argument over...... We all know that the only thing that saves is belief in the Gospel. Any works that follow only show if one's conversion was true or not.......
@CorinthPastor 3 года назад
agree with Kenneth, old or new creation isn't an essential issue.
@jeanniestaller797 3 года назад
I've noticed a movement of believing in Jesus only but truly loving God. Are they doomed or is there grace for them?
@kennethcadwell2124 3 года назад
OMGosh.......1 Corinthians 15 is not just a creed.. Why are you ladies watering it down like that......Oh I see your Catholic...... Paul is clear what 1 Corinthians 15 is, and it's not just a creed. He says clearly it's the Gospel........ You do know adding to that means you follow a false gospel??? I don't like this talk about essential verses non-essential, because God's Word is clear one only has to believe the Gospel to be saved...... Paul states what the Gospel is in 1 Corinthians 15....... Thats the essential as that's all that is needed to be saved.... Anything we do from there like getting baptized, forgiving one another, showing mercy, and any other works only determine that our conversion was real.........
@racheljones9848 3 года назад
Thank you so much for this video. Can’t wait to see the next one!
@williamfranz6639 3 года назад
Besides the thief, Jesus prayed for the forgiveness of the men who beat and crucified him. Theybwere Pagan reprobates.
@Jimbob-hj6qp 2 года назад
I'm starting a follow-up group to Divorce Care for people who have gone through a divorce but aren't ready to enter a regular small group or just want to grow more. This is one area and video I'll be using.
@brannonomara 3 года назад
I believe that you also need to believe that the Bible is the inherent word of god, sand that all paths do not lead to God.
@saxmanjpr5092 3 года назад
"Inherent," yet every denomination has a different interpretation of what the bible means and if you do not follow THEM, then "you are going to hell," and "rebelling against authority." And there are no errors? Come on!
@narcissistinjurygiver2932 3 года назад
you believe that because of indoctrination, not from your own research
@martarico186 3 года назад
What do think about William Lane Craig's recent perspective on the Adam and Eve with his new book.
@anselman3156 3 года назад
Just started watching, but my first thought is, start with the Creeds-Apostles, Nicene, Athanasian. edit-Happily, Krista has now said just that!
@WhereWhatHuh 3 года назад
Well-said, but the Pre-Pauline Doctrine of 1 Cor. 15:3-8, 24-26, is even more fundamental.
@markhorton3994 3 года назад
@@WhereWhatHuh How is that Pre-Pauline. Those words of Scripture were given through Paul. They were true before Paul wrote them but it Was Paul who wrote them.
@WhereWhatHuh 3 года назад
@@markhorton3994 1 Cor. 15:3, Paul tells you, "That which I received, I passed on to you, as of first importance." Then he recites the creed. It did not begin with him, therefore it is pre-Pauline. For the story of how he acquired the Pre-Pauline doctrine, read Galatians chapters 1 and 2.
@markhorton3994 3 года назад
@@WhereWhatHuh Now I understand your thinking but I disagree. To me Pre-Pauline Cbristianity would be the time between Pentacost and Paul's conversion. Most of what Paul tought he got directly from God with some history and possibly that creed from Peter and James in Jerusalem. Also some from the Christians in Damascus wherePaulstartedpreachingassoonashewasbaptized. You cannot say that Paul did not originate the wording of that creed only that you and others think it is earlier.
@thekingdomway3473 2 года назад
Would you consider the trinity and the baptism associated with it to be a heaven and hell issue?
@sandratagaban5541 5 месяцев назад
I really really loved watching how you interact with each other.
@nutricoach7947 3 года назад
Thanks for this thoughtful conversation. Appreciate you both!
@thatk.t.a._flow 3 года назад
What is the national statement called?
@BelindaTN 3 года назад
What is an atheist New Testament scholar? Why would an atheist study our Bible? If they do not believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or the words in our Bible, why would they waste their time studying it? Why would they even care?
@jotunman627 3 года назад
Deep inside them...everyone knows that God exists even if they claim to reject that knowledge - so most people would do their best to justify their non-belief...by arguing against it or flatly denying God.
@jimyost2585 3 года назад
Some of you might find this to be interesting, which are replies I wrote a few days ago to two different people, the first being a false prophet whose RU-vid name is "Prophet Bradley" who said in his defensive and argumentative reply: "I AM CHOSEN AND ANOINTED BY GOD ALMIGHTY." The second is a reply I made about an hour later to a lady named Kelly Powell who said she believes that the spirit of Elijah has been poured out. Here's my (edited) reply to "Prophet Bradley": Prophet Bradley ~ So, you're "CHOSEN AND ANOINTED BY GOD ALMIGHTY" eh? That doesn't equate seeing as how you're posting religious videos on RU-vid, which is a Satanic medium like TV that has been set up by the kingdom of darkness overlords (aka fallen angels/principalities per Ephesians 6:12 in the King James Version) for the purpose of deceiving and controlling millions of Christians who are devoid of spiritual discernment (people like yourself for example). About four years ago a Christian prophet ( a real one) posted a comment in reply to a RU-vid video that was posted by a so-called 'prophet' saying that the Lord had just recently said to him: "No Christian prophet will post a video on RU-vid, or will allow himself to be interviewed in any RU-vid video, or will go on TV for any reason." In case you may have some difficulty figuring it out, what this means is that all of the so-called 'prophets' who are posting videos on RU-vid are false prophets (people like yourself for example). The reason Christian prophets (real ones) are so often ignored, opposed, ridiculed, vilified, rejected, and sometimes killed, is because their messages are so opposite of the sweetsie-sweet and nicie-nice 'prophecies' so many Christians have been being weaned on for years and years and have become addicted to. You can tell the truth of that by reading the comments to the false prophets' worthless videos. Sometimes when I look through the comments people post throwing roses at the false teachers and false prophets and lauding them to the skies, it almost makes me wonder if most Christians in Western Culture have lost their minds (besides having lost their spiritual discernment long ago, or never had it to begin with). You're obviously totally convinced that you're anointed by the Holy Spirit. You're delusional. The spirit you're dealing with, who you think is the Holy Spirit, is in fact a religious spirit who has been carefully groomed by the kingdom of darkness overlords to know how to mimic the Holy Spirit, and you have swallowed the deception hook, line, and sinker. The worst thing about it is that the religious spirit controlling you has rights to blind you spiritually so that you can't be told about your spiritual condition. In other words, you're permanently stuck in one hell of a mess spiritually. I'd hate to be in your shoes. End of my reply to him. Here's my (edited) reply to Kelly Powell: Kelly Powell ~ Dear Kelly, I assume you meant to say "Spirit of Elijah move poured out..." If you think that then you've obviously never seen an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. You might find this to be interesting (probably not, but oh well): One night back in the fall of 2017 at around 11:00 in the evening right as I was getting ready to turn off the light and lie down to go to sleep, I prayed and asked the Lord to please send the end-time outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and he immediately replied to me speaking to me in my spirit and he said: "Many of my people are praying and asking me to send renewal, but when the outpouring comes they aren't going to like it." That was all he said. I waited to hear if he would say more but he didn't. But he did open my understanding to understand that the reason they aren't going to like it is because it is going to be so totally different than the milquetoast spiritual atmosphere they've been being acclimated to for most of their lives (and which they love) that they won't be able to relate to it and will be afraid of it and will reject it. Also because with much Holy Spirit power comes much spiritual responsibility, and even though hardly any of them would admit it, most Christians want nothing to do with serious spiritual responsibility. With their ears itching profusely (per 2 Timothy 4:3-4 in the King James Version) they opt to run to 'professionals' (i.e. so-called 'prophets') to do for them what they should be doing for themselves spiritually which leaves them totally powerless spiritually. Plus the outpouring will expose where everyone is at spiritually, and most Christians want none of that. The end-time outpouring of the Holy Spirit (that is foretold in scripture) is going to be so radically powerful that most Christians won't be able to relate to it and will be afraid of it and will reject it. That is exactly what happened to millions of American and Canadian Christians during the mid-90's outpouring of the Holy Spirit (what became known as "The Toronto Outpouring of the Holy Spirit"). It was so much more powerful than anything they had ever seen before that it frightened them and they rejected it (and many of them vilified it saying it was "Of the Devil" thus blaspheming the Holy Spirit and possibly sealing their fate). Then after they rejected it they went on with no anointing of the Holy Spirit on their lives to engage in all sorts of religious soul power do-gooder agendas to try to compensate for the feeling of spiritual powerlessness they were feeling (on a subconscious level mostly). But what they inadvertently succeeded in doing was to create the spiritual atmosphere (vacuum) that made it easy for the religious spirits to walk into and to prop up this battalion of false teachers and false prophets on RU-vid. It's all very sad. End of my reply to Kelly. One last thing, having to do with the prophecy the Christian prophet posted denigrating and exposing RU-vid: About seven years ago on a hot summer day at around 2:00 in the afternoon I came in the house and started digging around in my desk drawers looking for a piece of paper with someone's phone number on it (I think maybe it was my auto mechanic's phone number), and as I was digging around in one of the drawers, out of the blue the Lord spoke to me in my spirit and he said: "Prophecy isn't for everyone. Most Christians say they believe in prophecy, and they think they do, but they don't really." That blew my mind because at that moment I wasn't thinking about anything having anything to do with spiritual things.
@bretnye6228 3 года назад
Ezekiel 36 24-27 vs 24 gathering to the Land to to the Cross Mount Sion for sins (hebrews 12-22 numbers 21-9) not mt sinia the law Vs 25 THEN washes our sins away thru vs 27 puts his sprit in us and regenerates us It's a parrelel to John 3 you gotta be born again. Nicodemus kept asking vs 4 and 9 and finally Jesus answers in vs 14-16. Salvation is simple you look to Christ sacrifice for sins thru his sacrifice. Then he John 6-63 makes us alive and he saves you to the uttermost hebrews 7-25. 1 Peter 2-24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. 2 Corinthians 5-7 Were a new creation Psalms 22-31 were born again with imputed righteousness Matthew 19-28 were regenerated gotta read kjv for this 1 John 3-9 born of God does not commit sin...., 1 John 3-8 were not perfect
@williamfranz6639 3 года назад
They wouldn't have placed substitutionary penal atonement into the Nicene Creed because Ransom theory was the predominant theory for the first 1000 years of the Church. Substitution didn't arize formally until Saint Anselm of Canterbury.
@jackmahkimetas8694 3 года назад
Funny you'd say that Krista (@ 52.00), as a Progressive myself I'll go on record by saying that I reject evolutionary dogma in favor of special creation. Point is, and I know I'm not alone, not all Conservatives or Progressives believe the same things, nor are we in any way obligated to swallow the whole enchilada from either side.
@martarico186 3 года назад
Keeping a speaker accountable is most important. They are the teachers and leaders. Whether I'm a female, leader, male, teacher or other member of the body of Christ I have the right to call them into account so things can be reviewed and clarified. That is our role.... it will affect the body of Christ sooner or later. It's a must.....
@kristyleavitt8007 2 года назад
Another helpful episode! Alisa, your podcast has been and is such an amazing resource to me. It has given me a greater understanding of the evidence supporting Christianity. Thank you so much for starting your podcast! 💛
@nancyyoung9799 3 года назад
Christianity is pretty oh lightweight for how we practice it; for if we are always discussing over this stuff, like this. Cuz myself as a dude i take on God into my life in a different way than here others do. Even i differ from like minded types. Let alone those who R no where near me; they claim God as for what they want him to be in this.
@hybrid-american7772 2 года назад
I really enjoyed this.
@richardfrerks8712 3 года назад
Great show...
@RaptureReadyPam 3 года назад
I do think there’s a very heretical end time view. We are not as humans going to enter all the government systems and prepare the earth so Jesus can come back. Jesus will come at His perfect time.
@duncescotus2342 3 года назад
Core belief? In the core of the apple is the seed. That's how it works. That's how sin works. And that how Jesus works.
@ivorytickler99 3 года назад
In the video, in mentions not having the authority to call out a false teacher. What is meant by that? Shouldn't any Christian who recognizes a false teacher, be able to call out that teacher as false?
@GratiaPrima_ 3 года назад
Catholic here, we recite the Nicene Creed every Mass. Our stained glass window images depict it too. Lovely, and definitive of authentic essential Christianity.
@barkwahlmerg 3 года назад
too bad you have just about 1000 other false doctrines added to it
@fireandworms 3 года назад
@@barkwahlmerg Regardless of what you think of Catholicism, this isn't the right way to interact with a brother or sister.
@GratiaPrima_ 3 года назад
@@barkwahlmerg yeah, I thought that once upon a time too. Until I experienced what’s really taught for myself. Check out a Mass (you can livestream anyone’s now days). Check out Catholic Answers on RU-vid or their website. Check out the Catechism. We’re not hiding what’s actually taught, but it isn’t exactly what Protestant ministers tell you it is.
@toomanymarys7355 3 года назад
@@GratiaPrima_ I've found that most people who call themselves Catholic reject the doctrine of the Treasury of Merit and the associated teaching that your good works plus indulgences from the Treasury of Merit are needed to avert suffering to pay off your sins in purgatory to make you fit for heaven. The RCC teaches that the Treasury of Merit gets filled up by people so holy (saints) that they are able to not only pay for all of their post baptismal sins but also have left over good works to help out other people.
@narcissistinjurygiver2932 3 года назад
is that before or after killing thousand of children and burring them in that mass grave in Canada?
@missymurphy9996 3 года назад
I heard Chicago and Nashville statement. What was the creed she was talking about? I am hard of hearing and had s hard time understanding the word.
@geneparadiso6258 3 года назад
Just read the Nicene Creed.
@julietraeger377 3 года назад
But these were just men with their traditions and their thoughts. God is the one to follow and obey, that's why we have the scriptures. It's His way not ours, or am I received in this ?
@nancyyoung9799 3 года назад
I don't come like that i come quickly and i do not let the devil get a foot hold. If i am wrong i will oh apologize later and give them a cookie. I call em heretics as easy.
@tinacheng231 3 года назад
Two of my favorite ladies!!❤
@triciabarnes268 3 года назад
How can I learn catechism? I’m not sure exactly how to ask the question. I like to have this foundation. My church doesn’t offer it. Everything I’ve found is Catholic. Thanks so much!!!
@ChristieJo 3 года назад
There are Baptist Catachisms.
@gmacard5478 3 года назад
Try getting the Truth and Grace books by Ascol
@jotunman627 3 года назад
The Nicene and Apostles Creed are both statement of beliefs of early Christian teachings. The Apostles' Creed is so called because it is considered to be a faithful summary of the apostles' faith. It does refer to the Catholic church and its communion of saints in heaven. They do not mention the bible because it mentions the church. - to believe in (teachings -catechisms) the one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
@jotunman627 3 года назад
The bible was complied around 400 AD, and even in the 1500 the bible was not yet available to the masses, it was still written in Latin. Except for the rich and clergy, almost everybody remained utterly illiterate for over 1000 years, but in general, the public can begin to access to the Bible after 1600, or even later. So most people would not know about the bible, for a long time, they depended on the catechism (a summary or exposition of doctrines) of the church
@leonpope861 3 года назад
The HOLY SPIRIT help the repentant Thief to recall the Law, and the Prophet. Both would have been familiar with the Law, and the Prophets. They would have been familiar with PSALM 51. They would have been familiar with ISAIAH 53 . They would have been familiar with DANIEL 9. The repentant Thief was redeem because of this recall of cognitive content. The unrepentant Thief was only concerned with his personal survival. He was concerned about escape for the moment. He was concerned about self end, not about atonement. They would know about PSALM 22 . They would have known about this Scripture ; I will stand at my guard post and station myself on the lookout tower. I will watch to see what HE will say to me and what I should reply about my complaint. ADONAI answered me: Write down this vision; clearly inscribe it on tablets so one may easily read it. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it testifies about the end and will not lie. Though it delays, wait for it, since it will certainly come and not be late. Look, his ego is inflated ( obscure ) ; he is without integrity . But the righteous one will live by his faith [ faithfulness ] . One Thief continue in his Id , Ego, and Superego, one let go, and let ADONAI be ADONAI. 🕯🙏✝️⚓🛐🤲💡
@dahelmang 3 года назад
And yet none of that was mentioned in the Bible. Only his faith is mentioned.
@nomadicrecovery1586 3 года назад
@@dahelmang no kidding. Wow. That IS. The point
@jotunman627 3 года назад
The bible was complied around 400 AD, and even in the 1500 the bible was not yet available to the masses, it was still written in Latin. Except for the rich and clergy, almost everybody remained utterly illiterate for over 1000 years, but in general, the public can begin to access the Bible after 1600, or even later. So most people would not know about the bible, for a long time, they depended on church teachings
@dahelmang 3 года назад
@@jotunman627 yep that's how they added so much to the Bible without the masses realizing it.
@jotunman627 3 года назад
@@dahelmangThe Nicene and Apostles Creed are both statement of beliefs of early Christian teachings. The Apostles' Creed is so called because it is considered to be a faithful summary of the apostles' faith. The Apostles Creed: "I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints".... just as the Nicene Creed: "In one holy catholic and apostolic Church; we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen" They never mention the bible but they do say to believe in the one holy catholic church....in its holy traditions and its true interpretation of the scriptures'.
@juanitadudley4788 3 года назад
WOW! A Thief in the Night. I remember that one. They had a whole series of 4 or 5 videos. "...and you've been left behind. I certainly remember seeing that a few times.
@SV-mr5ux 3 года назад
What is your opinion on the Episcopal church? I attended an educational class series at a local Episcopal church … to me it felt as if they are not under Scriptural authority at all … Am I mistaken to think that? I’m thinking of attending another church … I just need some guidance on whether my feeling that the Episcopal church is now moving towards apostasy is true or not?
@annb9029 3 года назад
I would say a lot of Episcopal church’s are liberal not all but a lot just look at their website , if you are wanting a Traditional conservative Mass go to a Catholic Church or A Lutheran Missouri Synod (LCMS) or Greek orthodox or maybe the church your at is a conservative biblical Episcopal church lots of churchs have split into two groups , like the Evangelical Lutheran is Liberal , you can also check their website liberals will state that their liberal and conservative will state what they are as well. Go to their website and click on beliefs on their site it will state on way or the other. Unfortunately all church denominations have split into two groups.
@toomanymarys7355 3 года назад
Most Episcopal churches have fully apostasized and are now teaching theosophy or Gnosticism.
@toomanymarys7355 3 года назад
Go to Lutheran Missouri or Wisconsin for traditional liturgy and sound teaching.
@SV-mr5ux 3 года назад
@@annb9029 Thank you!
@SV-mr5ux 3 года назад
@@toomanymarys7355 Thank you!
@clsmithent 3 года назад
Apostles Creed & Nicene Creed are a great place to start 😀
@narcissistinjurygiver2932 3 года назад
what apostle made that creed?
@jakeroberts6274 3 года назад
this is soooo great, thanks both
@chantellecunningham8899 3 года назад
Can’t wait to listen to these two together!
@jackmahkimetas8694 3 года назад
In my opinion, both old Earth and young Earth creationists chase Chimeras, and as Childers pointed out, some young Earthers try to make it a deal breaker as to whether or not you're a Christian. Space itself (with time as an afterthought) is not the nice neat Euclidean box we're taught to believe, it's as folded and compressed as the steel in a Katana.
@duncescotus2342 3 года назад
Well said, bad science does not good faith make.
@Joshua-um4er 3 года назад
Repentance must come a change of mind of who you are in the sight of God realizing you can not be justified by your works but instead its through Faith in Jesus christ what he did at the cross paying for our sins and we believe Jesus took them away at the cross !! Man can repent change there mind But God Grant's it 2 Timothy 25-26
@duncescotus2342 3 года назад
Hi brother, your definition of repentance is very Calvinist, in that it works like this: Repentance, a thing we call X, has requirements to be valid: 1. A change of mind (this one I would say is valid, and the true meaning of repentance, and is the correct translation of the Greek "metanoia") 2. Understanding WHO you are in the SIGHT of God (Ok, helpful, if one can really do it--how can a sinner put himself now in God's place to look back on himself?) 3. Realizing a set of beliefs: A. you cannot be justified by works B. you must put faith in Jesus Christ 1.) what he did on the cross a.) paying for our sins aa.) taking them away Great. Spoken like a lawyer. Brother, I hope you realize there's plenty of believers who don't really appreciate the full impact of these truths. You're probably one of them. P. S. When did Paul get saved, and did he do all of these first?
@narcissistinjurygiver2932 3 года назад
nope. repentance means you stop breaking the 10 commandments which made you a sinner in the first place. you keep Sabbath and the other 9 commandments is real repentance.
@duncescotus2342 3 года назад
@@narcissistinjurygiver2932 Says who? You're breaking the Sabbath right now by my clock, Saturday 5:21 PM.
@narcissistinjurygiver2932 3 года назад
@@duncescotus2342 not breaking Sabbath as I am not working. So you are lying and breaking 9th to make your argument that we do not have to obey the 10 commandments. that is your whole argument that you do not have to keep the 10 commandments. ohh please do tell me how you do not have to keep the 1st commandment and can worship a false god
@duncescotus2342 3 года назад
@@narcissistinjurygiver2932 You're working very hard, my brother. Take a rest. You're NOT under the law anymore, but IN Christ, the LAWGIVER, and He in you.
@trulytservices8028 3 года назад
Is discernment taught or is it a gift from God?
@MultiSignlanguage 3 года назад
Most people teach that when King Solomon asked for wisdom in 1 kings 3:5-15... they teach it as just generic wisdom. But if you use the kjv translation and especially a Strong’s concordance, you will find that it is literally translated in verses 9 and 11-12, Solomon had asked God for a discerning or understanding heart....and it was for the express purpose of being able to judge between good and bad/evil. Which seems like too many christians think this is a bad thing, being judgmental. 1 Kings 3:9, 11-12, "Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people?... And God said unto him, 'Because thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thyself long life; neither hast asked for riches for thyself, nor hast asked the life of thine enemies; but hast asked for thyself understanding to discern judgment"... *understanding (8085-shama) - to hear, give ear, hearken, discern, listen, obey... heart (3820- leb) the heart; feelings, will, and intellect; midst, center of anything discern (995- biyn) to separate or distinguish, to understand, consider, perceive, have intelligence... If you read 1 Kings 3: 16-28, it actually gives a very specific example of what that "wisdom"- discerning heart- looks like in practice. He was called to discern and judge between two prostitutes who were fighting over a surviving son when one of their son's was dead. King Solomon had to discern which woman was lying. This chapter shows that Solomon asked God for this gift/ability. And God was pleased that he asked for it. Discernment between good and evil is also mentioned in Hebrews 5: 14, "But solid food is for the mature who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil." (ESV) KJV- uses "discern" instead of "distinguish". This doesn't say that it is a gift from God, but I'm going to presume that it likely is, and it is something that we can train and practice to get better at with time.
@jonathandavid9720 3 года назад
@freegracetruthembrace7188 3 года назад
Alisa Childers has never affirmed the objective guarantee of unending life that Jesus certified (John 3:16,5:24,6:28-47,11:4-27) . Her Calvinist soteriology demands a never ending resort to purely subjective criteria to take a 'best guess's that one might possibly be saved . Whereas , this stops shy of assurance of eternal life - which is entirely clear in the very promise of Jesus . Certainty of everlasting life is the constituent element of this message of life . This is absent in every video I've seen from Alisa . Her message is thus a gospel of fallible and unknowable fruit inspection/works righteousness borne of an equally unknowable Theological determinism . Ergo , her message cannot regenerate .
@joeblue4116 3 года назад
Interesting point of view. Can't say I disagree with you, but I think she is worse. She is really just grifting for the GOP. This Christian thing of hers is just an act.
@freegracetruthembrace7188 3 года назад
@@joeblue4116 Thanks for weighing in . I have no idea whether your contention is factually true , or not . What I'm certain of is that her message concerning life's most important question is absent any objective basis . It is a necessary concomitant of a Calvinist soteriology , which is the worst of all possible worldviews . It renders the free and unmerited guarantee of Jesus (John 3: 16) , null and void .
@joeblue4116 3 года назад
@@freegracetruthembrace7188 Kind of like the GOP's revised version of Jesus in my opinion.
@freegracetruthembrace7188 3 года назад
@@joeblue4116 I do not care about the GOP or Democrat parties . I care about what has eternal value . If anyone - including Alisa or yourself - simply believe in Jesus for what He objectively certified , then you have everlasting life . Not to be convinced of that proposition is to forever miss the only message of life . There cannot be a more transcendent issue ever to confront anyone born of a woman .
@joeblue4116 3 года назад
@@freegracetruthembrace7188 So Alisa rebukes other Christians for being progressive, but her rebukes are ok with you?
@DF86NZ 3 года назад
Very interested in why you no longer agree that women can be Pastors?
@phil4_8 3 года назад
Because the Bible clearly states this.
@genjigemini8962 3 года назад
Because they misinterpret the scriptures!
@toomanymarys7355 3 года назад
The Bible has zero knowledge of women pastors, and there is not one denomination that has female pastors and does not also embrace deadly error. So the simple reading of the scriptures excludes it, and the fruit doubly excludes it.
@yjk5737 3 года назад
To acknowledge that we are sinners seems core but it also seems to assume a common understanding of what sin is and what things are sin, and I'm not sure that really exists anymore. Not saying that I don't think there is truth about what sin is and what things are sin.
@narcissistinjurygiver2932 3 года назад
sin=breaking the 10 commandments. something christians do not even know
@howdyfellas920 3 года назад
Salvation and understanding the deity of Christ
@claudiozanella256 3 года назад
God is not a Trinity but a DUALITY instead, made by the (1) SON and the (2) FATHER WHO IS A SPIRIT ("God is a spirit", this means "the Father is a spirit"), AKA "Holy Spirit". No "Lord who gives life" exists. GOD IS MADE BY TWO PERSONS, this is crystal clearly stated by Jesus: "I am not alone because the Father is with me" "I am not alone, but I and the Father who sent me are one." "I and my Father are one". "The Father has not left me alone because I always do what pleases Him." "Yet, I am not alone because the Father is with me." ONLY JESUS IS IN HEAVEN (apparently): "ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand OF POWER, and coming in the clouds of heaven." "When the Son of man comes WITH HIS HOLY ANGELS, He shall sit upon the throne of His glory." (only "with the angels", i.e. the Father is absent). Why is Jesus "apparently alone" there (even Lucifer was fooled) ? Because the Father is a spirit and Jesus is NOT a spirit. VERSES OF THE GOSPELS APPARENTLY ON THE CONTRARY: (A) Baptismal formula: "Baptize them IN THE NAME of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." They are just three NAMES, not three different Persons. (B) Jesus being baptized: the HOLY SPIRIT IS THE FATHER, who says "...my beloved Son...": only TWO Persons there. (C) In the apostles simply the (2) "Father who is a spirit" (the Holy Spirit) is present: "..not ye that will speak, but the SPIRIT OF YOUR FATHER which speaks through you." For more information see ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-UQKp_lQQ2tQ.html
@claudiozanella256 3 года назад
@@rysloan " I am not alone because the Father is with me.". Please go with this riddle and ask a kid of the basic school "How many are they altogether?". I cannot find in the gospels "...or the Son, but the Father and the Holy Spirit only know.".Also Jesus is NOT co-equal “ I from myself am not able to do a thing”. "like a dove" is of course NOT a dove, rather a kind of halo, how can you be sure to state that voice and halo are positioned in two distinct points of the sky? The "Father" in the baptismal formula is called by me in my video "the Source of the Spirit", no one ever saw Him ("the world has not known you", this means He is NOT here). I am more than fully accountable before God. Hereinafter the Father is WITHIN Jesus: “The words I say to you, I say not on my own but from the Father who DWELLS IN ME.”. But the FATHER IS A SPIRIT, because the Father is God and God is a spirit "God is a spirit". The Spirit within Jesus - to help Him - is thus the "FATHER who is a SPIRIT". Thus, Jesus is filled with the Holy Spirit and we saw that the Holy Spirit inside Him is the Father who is a spirit. This means: the Holy Spirit= the Father (yes, He is a spirit). Thus the Father of Jesus is a spirit and is called by Him sometimes "Father", sometimes "Spirit" (Holy). This is why confusion arises, but He is the SAME ONE PERSON.
@TorchedTv 3 года назад
The core beliefs of Christianity are: love God (Jesus) above all else, love others and live life. That is it...period. If you believe anything else, you’re in a cult and you don’t even know it.
@shanescott3168 3 года назад
No mention of Jesus? Must have Jesus.
@TorchedTv 3 года назад
@@shanescott3168 God is jesus. Lol
@shanescott3168 3 года назад
@@TorchedTv Jesus is God. We have to be specific, though. Many think they just have to believe in a god. Jesus is way, truth and life.
@TorchedTv 3 года назад
@@shanescott3168 welp, jesus is God. I think people know that.
@TorchedTv 3 года назад
@@rysloan yea. I was raised in a Christian home. Probably read through the whole Bible around 30 times. And I still read it, daily...and I use mentors to help me understand. I’m 29 now, and I feel like I’ve never read it correctly. That’s because I wasn’t reading right. I finally know, God wants us to enjoy his creation. The Bible is a novel...I’ve been reading it like a text book. I realized to stop studying it and just read it, to enjoy a good book. He doesn’t want us bickering about who’s right or wrong (like in 1 Corinthians 6:3). We should stop bickering amongst each other, don’t you know we are higher then the Angels? He just wants us (his Earthly Family) to enjoy and know that he did all of this for us.
@mrtruth5952 3 года назад
"Women can't be pastors" Alisha childers.
@markhorton3994 3 года назад
Also the Apostle Paul, inspired Scripture.
@mrtruth5952 3 года назад
@@markhorton3994 the one that NEVER met Jesus. Him!
@markhorton3994 3 года назад
@@mrtruth5952 Paul said that he saw the Risen Jesus on the road to Damascus. He got his theology direct from God.
@mrtruth5952 3 года назад
@@markhorton3994 I saw Jesus yesterday. He told me, tell all the clowns who think I'm a good, that you're an idiot. Would you believe me? I saw him on the road to burger King, when I was walking
@iceman4660 3 года назад
This is special. Thanks ladies
@anthonybarber3872 3 года назад
Great show ladles!
@thejohn17project15 3 года назад
Thank you for talking about how important the Old Testament is. There is a horrible habit to either ignore the Old Testament or to speak the lie that it is no longer valid within the body of Messiah. The words of Jesus should echo in our heads any time this happens. 17 “Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. 18 Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah - not until everything that must happen has happened. 19 So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness is far greater than that of the Torah-teachers and P’rushim, you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Mattityahu (Mat) 5:17‭-‬20
@narcissistinjurygiver2932 3 года назад
well, they totally reject the Torah and the law because they follow antichrist Saul of Tarsus.
@thejohn17project15 3 года назад
@@narcissistinjurygiver2932 Paul was in no way anti Christ. What he taught and wrote was in fact completely in line with the Old Testament. The issue is how he has been interpreted and the lie 9f replacement theology that entered into church theology. Yeshua broke down the wall that sperated Jew and gentile through his sacrifice. Paul speaks about this in Ephesians and Galatians. Satan deceived and built the wall back up not Paul.
@narcissistinjurygiver2932 3 года назад
@@thejohn17project15 evidently you never read the bible
@thejohn17project15 3 года назад
@@narcissistinjurygiver2932 I have many times. Give specific scripture to back up your argument. Don't just throw stones. Anyone can make a claim.
@narcissistinjurygiver2932 3 года назад
@@thejohn17project15 did jesus warn us to not believe anyone claiming to have seen him out in the wilderness? this is exactly what that wicked man who taught humanity that they do not have to keep the law
@prodigalAli 3 года назад
Start with the book of Acts.
@GR65330 3 года назад
I believe the core beliefs in Christianity are found in the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed.
@webpqk7116 3 года назад
peter isnt a christain ! we dont play with golden candal sticks we dont do moses great commission of exodus 4 cut forskin ! we have nothing to do with moses or the law @ nothing to do wit peters messenanic 4 gospels making gentile prostlytes ! we are not abolished sin law flesh works repenting baptised renew rededicating hebrews 6:1-8 tares to be burned ! were not under the law - were under the law of no law of godleyness = where there is no law there is no sin ! the apostels @ nicean creeds only legal untill 4 gospels were abolished!
@WhereWhatHuh 3 года назад
The core beliefs are the Pre-Pauline doctrine: 1 Cor. 15:3-8, 24-26: 1. Jesus died for the sins of mankind 2. And was buried 3. And rose again on the third day, as predicted by the scriptures, 4. And was seen by many, including above 500 at one time, 5. And shall return at the end of days to judge the living and the dead. This is expanded in the Apostles' Creed: "I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic* church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. *that is, the true Christian church of all times and all places This is expanded even further in later creeds, including the Nicene Creed: We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, begotten from the Father before all ages, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made; of the same essence as the Father. Through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven; he became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, and was made human. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate; he suffered and was buried. The third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures. He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead. His kingdom will never end. And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life. He proceeds from the Father and the Son, and with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified. He spoke through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church. We affirm one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and to life in the world to come. Amen. This is expanded even further in the Athanasian Creed, which more fully spells out the trinitarian aspects of God, and cetera. Those are the core beliefs. You can learn these by reading the Core teachings, i.e., the New Testament.
@Jarrodjohn2007 3 года назад
So, then, are the Orthodox unsaved since they disagree with you on the _filioque?_
@WhereWhatHuh 3 года назад
@@Jarrodjohn2007 Personally, I would extend grace to them on that point. I would consider their agreement on the remainder of the Nicene creed to be sufficient cause to extend the right hand of fellowship...
@Jarrodjohn2007 3 года назад
@@WhereWhatHuh What about me? I believe in the Trinity in that there is one God who exists as three distinct Persons. The Father is God, the Son is God, the Spirit is God, but the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Spirit, the Spirit is not the Father. But I view all the rest of the stuff, i.e., procedes from the Father or Father and Son, consubstantial, monarchism, etc to be a whole bunch of speculation, based on Greek categories of thinking, that goes *way* beyond the Biblical data. I neither affirm nor deny it. I am ignorant on it because Scripture never goes into it.
@WhereWhatHuh 3 года назад
@@Jarrodjohn2007 Would you agree with the Apostles' Creed?
@Jarrodjohn2007 3 года назад
@@WhereWhatHuh I agree with the Nicene Creed.
@Newseason392 3 года назад
I find this conversation is useless. People can't convert if they aren't preached to properly. The problem then doesn't lie on people but on the preacher. Sorry, I don't agree at all.
@JesusisGod 3 года назад
@Mind for God. Yes, but you needed Scripture's message told to you in some manner (i.e., by one of God's instruments): "But how can they call on Him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about Him? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who announce the gospel of good things!" (Romans 10)
@Newseason392 3 года назад
@@JesusisGod Drop her. She's just a fool. Let her in her foolishness.
@gloriapichardo3310 3 года назад
This was a good conversation
@maluwa6957 3 года назад
Unless biblical literalism is challenged overtly in the Christian church itself, it will, in my opinion, kill the Christian faith.
@maluwa6957 3 года назад
@@rysloan God's truth can be found only if you demythologize the bible stories and make a journey in to the minds of the people who wrote them and try to understand why they wrote them.
@timothytrudgen8881 3 года назад
Creeds are about control. Trust and relationship is the source of truth.
@robertdouglas8895 3 года назад
Believing in sacrifice of Christ and others and yourself is the antithesis of what Jesus taught as the way to see all of us from a state of being guilty to innocent or saved. We can only do that with our minds, not with actions that bodies do. That shift of mind, called metanoia in the New Testament Greek refers to both repentance and forgiveness. That's how we make the Kingdom of Heaven at hand, right now, bringing "down" the purity of God's creation within us by seeing everyone forgiven instead of sinful. Jesus made this clear when he said, " If you had known what these words mean, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice,” you would not have condemned the innocent."
@toomanymarys7355 3 года назад
You've clearly not actually read the gospels, and you are lying about Christ. What do you think God will do to those who repeat the first lie of Satan and so make themselves the children of the devil? "You shall not die." Christ said, "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
@robertdouglas8895 3 года назад
@@toomanymarys7355 I've read about such a cruel god, but that's not the one I know. God is merciful.
@robertdouglas8895 3 года назад
@@rysloan You are correct. Gods don't exist. There's but one.
@euston2216 3 года назад
8:23 _"If you don't have the Trinity, you don't have Christianity."_ When the "Second Person of the Trinity" came down from heaven, he either: (1) literally vacated heaven, or (2) remained fully God in heaven while simultaneously walking this earth. If (1) is true, then the Second Person is not coequal with the First and Third Persons. If (2) is true, then there is no need whatsoever for the First and Third Persons.
@toomanymarys7355 3 года назад
The beliefs of the Jews and their deep reading of the Old Testament necessitated Trinitarian theology with the revelations that Christ brought. It was not something that started with human suppositions about an appropriate kind of God to worship. Your goofy attempt at determining God's nature by your view of "necessity" should frighten you with its presumptuousness and arrogance.
@euston2216 3 года назад
@@toomanymarys7355 You do have a point. Let's instead turn to the final page of the final book of the greatest literary work in the history of the world...and apply simple, irrefutable logic to it. Consider the genealogy of David: 1. One who _precedes_ David in the genealogy *is the father of* one who _succeeds_ David in the genealogy. 2. The root of David _precedes_ David. 3. The offspring of David _succeeds_ David. 4. Therefore, the root of David *is the father of* the offspring of David. 5. The root of David is Jesus. 6. The offspring of David is that same Jesus. 7. Therefore, *Jesus **_is the father of_** Jesus.* *REVELATION 22:16 (KJV)* **I Jesus** have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. **I am the root AND the offspring of David,** and the bright and morning star. Jesus is _his own_ Father. And _his own_ Son. THAT...is the _revelation_ of the nature of God.
@euston2216 3 года назад
@@rysloan Points 1 through 6 are all true; therefore, point 7 must be true. The root of David is a Spirit - God the Father. The offspring of David is that same Spirit - God the Father - manifest in the flesh.
@chardo24 3 года назад
Do not be deceived by false teachers, the doctrine of the Triinity is not Biblical..Biblical Christian doctrine in the New Testament all agree that Jesus is the Christ, what is human is divine, the temporal is the eternal. It is not true Jesus did not die for your sins. Jesus is not Superman. Salvation is there but you have to do as Jesus did. The apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians 3:26 said "For through faith we are all sons of God in union with Christ." It's that clear! Paul does not full around here. This is New Testament Christianity not popular evangelical progressive Christianity.
@markhorton3994 3 года назад
Repent before it is too late. Jesus is fully God and fully man. He died to atone for my sins. He rose again the third day. If you reject that you are rejecting God. If you reject God He will allow you to spend eternity where He is not. That place is called Hell. You won't like it.
@chardo24 3 года назад
@@markhorton3994 Nonsense!
@joeblue4116 3 года назад
@@chardo24 By your definition and 1 Timothy 2:12, Alisa Childers is a false teacher?
@toomanymarys7355 3 года назад
You believe Gnosticism, not Christianity. You are literally agreeing with the second lie of Satan, that men are like gods, and you think you will not be punished with him? Repent, my friend, and turn away from destruction.
@chardo24 3 года назад
@@toomanymarys7355 your world is full of fear you are mocking God by saying God is a punisher. We reap what we sow. And in your case is fear. Have a good day.
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