
What Cures in Therapy Is Truth 

Jordan B Peterson Clips
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5 окт 2024




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@PistolaoBR 2 года назад
Clinical psychologist here, and I can tell you in 20 years of practice this is what I found too. Thank you JP... For talking about psychology outside the post modernism spectrum.
@arthurgrisharivera7885 2 года назад
wow, this is profound
@archlich4489 2 года назад
Help him all you can, Mr. Muniz. Respect.
@Bolpat 2 года назад
Wow, this is the first time I hear someone in the comments section saying he's a psychologist. After that sentence, I expected a critique, but it's pure agreement.
@LilmeMusic 2 года назад
I want to be a psychologist but aren't ya'll usually underpaid? That scares me
@LilmeMusic 2 года назад
@@romanmajcher531 No way that's in dollars😨
@scottretford366 2 года назад
Once I tweeted part of a song including the lyrics "nothing really matters". I had moved my mom into my home and observed her behavior was becoming similar to that of my grandma when she developed Alzheimer's. "Nothing really matters" represents not caring about the stigma of a 50-year-old man living with his mom, and not allowing the little things that annoy to affect the bigger picture. I will not comment on social media again until I complete a college level English course and develop a better level of sophistication. I just started the 3rd chapter of 12 Rules for Life, thank you sir. I am many things in this world, for the past 10 years or so a liar is not one of them.
@sarahhussam2759 2 года назад
@Razear 2 года назад
The truth always emerges whether you like it or not, that's what makes it so beautiful. You can run and hide, but only for so long. Eventually, it creeps up on you and bites you in the ass, but most of the time, that ends up being the best thing that could happen because it feels like a weight being lifted off of your shoulders. You avoid something for so long that it begins to haunt you and once you're forced to confront it, you feel a sense of overwhelming relief.
@dagifelner9298 2 года назад
No it doesn't
@dagifelner9298 2 года назад
@@romanmajcher531 you are right. Not a civilized conversation. It was not related to your comment. It's just a different statement to the naive statement on the top. It's just not true, that it always comes out. Most of the times I would even say the lies stay manifested in the universe. As people are lying all the time. Not only to others. More often to themselves.
@thefountainhead6175 2 года назад
The truth is, is right there staring you in the face,whether you can see it or not...
@theparadigmshift74 2 года назад
@@romanmajcher531 if you hit someones dog with your car, and they asked you if you did it and you said no i did not. That would not be the truth, and it would bother your concious if you have a moral sense of accountability, if you said Yes i did and im sorry. It would be difficult but you would be telling the truth. A lie only complicates and compiles pain , the truth is a fact of what took place in reality or even just your own reality. Truth in connected to your own concious
@theparadigmshift74 2 года назад
@@romanmajcher531 wether you wanted to hit the dog or not is irrelevant. The truth is that you hit the dog
@wowEdge 2 года назад
The amount of value in this clip alone is life changing
@fadesola2002 3 месяца назад
i agree completely. Just 15m of pure truth. I guess this clip is an example of its inherent power.
@TruthBTold-bh9gt 2 года назад
The truth will set you free. God, I love him!!!
@freshliving4199 2 года назад
Simple as that🤙
@tracystreet8338 2 года назад
Amen. Well said and described Dr Peterson. Glory to God Hallelujah. We can run from the truth many times but it' will always return to us until we face it
@seankim2743 2 года назад
Ah... the last part where he recites what Jesus said - "the truth will set you free." - perfectly in line with what he was explaining in the history of psychology and its developments throughout.
@smhollanshead 3 месяца назад
The truth is much more frightening and difficult than people realize. I have met people who value peace and don’t pursue the truth. Their belief is the lie will maintain peace at least in the short term. The truth is just too difficult and frightening to accept! The response I often hear is: what if I don’t want to know the truth?
@Robert_H_Brown 2 года назад
Thank you Jordan Peterson
@josevanreyes 2 года назад
Don't understand how anyone can hate on this guy when he's offering golden nugget after golden nugget of wisdom that can liberate our souls. I can't tell you how hopeless i would have been if i didn't discover Jordan Peterson. Never have i been more willing to work my butt off, to sacrifice, to take responsibility and the fate of my life in my own hands than i have been in recent years. My whole life was just waiting for things to magically happen in my life, i was self entitled and believed i deserve fulfilment by divine right but i now understand at the deepest level possible that i have to win the battle of the internal war and war is full of pain, suffering and death but on the other side of that i hope to be transformed..
@YoMateo. 2 года назад
Whoever's reading this, i pray that whatever you're going through gets better and whatever you're struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen
@alchemyseal9400 2 года назад
Amen 🙏🏼
@theohuioiesin6519 2 года назад
@danielosullivan3110 2 года назад
Same to you brother ✌️🎈
@justinjex1 2 года назад
You are a good person
@bernadettesavage4786 2 года назад
I love these little 10 minute videos that expand on meaningful questions .
@izawaniek2568 2 года назад
Thank you for a brilliant talk.
@zoshida 2 года назад
Truth will set you free 🕊️ "Se procederes bem, não é certo que seras aceito. Se todavia procederes mal, eis que o pecado jás a porta, o teu desejo será contra ti, cabe a ti dominá-lo" *Genesis 4:7*
@alphalogos3942 2 года назад
I’m yet to come across someone in this present day who can so well speak about, truth, meaning and what is to be human. 👏🏼
@passthesause3557 2 года назад
Love is what enables you to see the truth.
@jihyelee7140 2 года назад
@@areuaware6842 love always brings to light. You might have a different definition of love than what OP is talking about.
@passthesause3557 2 года назад
@@areuaware6842 love is the perspective that enables you to see the value in things, otherwise you'd think God doesn't love creation
@fadesola2002 3 месяца назад
This is incredibly accurate. wow.
@happylatter-daysaint3503 2 года назад
The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a Moment. 💚 Proverbs 12:19
@johncondon4647 2 года назад
4:07 "The way that you protect yourself against the tragic consequences of self consciousness is by organizing yourself into a state. But then what happens is that the state itself begins to reveal its pathologies and as those pathologies begin to mount, the state becomes unstable and collapses and rises up and becomes unstable and collapses and then it rises back up. After it does this a number of times - this is primarily from Northrup Fries interpretation, people start wondering if theres not something wrong with the idea with the state itself is the place of redemption. That theres something wrong with the idea." The auto immune disease of the soul. Yes. One thing that humanity as not been able to handle is wealth. The crack of the whip of your belly has kept humanity going for millennia. It is when wealth is attained to degree that they don;t have to work if they do not want to, is when humanity gets into trouble. The end goal - and humanities most natural state, is the state of play. But to get there, work is required. Due to the entropy of the universe all things need the vigilance of maintenance, thus work will never completely be eradicated. The state of play has an addictive quality to it, that, if you do too little work in your life, you will not do any work at all and thus the decline. Thats it: The addictive quality of play, without the firm structure of a work ethic, starts the slouch towards decline and fall. .
@JaketheJust 2 года назад
It’s better to live in an offensive truth than a lie
@Kane-ib5sn 2 года назад
that was great at the end. Dr. JBP freed me from his grasp with that one final annotation.
@marcuslong9761 2 года назад
Getting into problems bc you're acting out a life lie. So you are having issues bc you are being something that you were not created to be. Man that sounds logical. And taking that even further, if you were created to be something specific, that would mean that you have a creator. That sounds even more logical. And if you act in defiance of that creator, you are basically acting out a life lie. And if you are acting out a life lie, that would mean that you are probably listening to someone who has the opposite intentions of your creator. That sounds even more logical. So being what you are supposed to be would make you healthy, and being the opposite of what you were supposed to be would make you unhealthy. Welcome to the truth.
@davidcrowley1951 Год назад
When I was in college I had a long conversation with someone I now understand to be a nihilist. She understood that I was a Christian. Her response was that she held herself to no higher power or rule; because: "We are so small. And life is so short." Her point was that in a vast eternal universe, her short life had no bearing. It simply did not matter how she lived and there was no cause for her to be mindful about what God commands because our lives do not really matter. I disagreed but now understand the importance of being made in "The image of God." that is, our tiny short life has eternal significance and the daily things we do or neglect are more important than we now understand. Her excuse that she could do as she wanted because life is short was simply an attempt to get out from under the authority of God. This talk helps me understand, even though I disagree with her, I too am looking for ways to get out from the responsibility of hearing the voice of God and obeying that. As a matter of honesty and truth, I confess that.
@Alec0124 2 года назад
my favorite part of the bible that I've read is when pilot asks Jesus "what is truth?" and it is left as rhetorical.
@mosin9105 2 года назад
@Livingsamsara 2 года назад
MY ultimate desire is to see Gangaji and Jordan Peterson to have a summit. It would be outstanding!!
@brunoel-khoury6060 2 года назад
Mentor of work clinical psychologist here since 2015 and I can tell you that once we go too deep about themselves they don't want to continue...
@soulstorm8806 2 года назад
He’s a genius logician. Inspired. Thank you Jordan Peterson! We can either make peace with the Truth now and it can set us free forever or we can deny the truth until we die and then we will face the Truth as our Ultimate Judge. I choose to make Peace now. The Truth can open the Path to Immortality. Quite literally. Perhaps the Truth is also the Way. “I am the Way the Truth and the Life no one comes to the Father but by Me.”- Jesus Christ The Logos of GOD aka The Lord of spirits.
@lancelotdufrane 2 года назад
Incredible…… as usual.
@vjm3 2 года назад
Question for anyone: What's a good book on suicide? Specifically, how can I _somehow_ convince others who're suicidal not to follow through with it? It can be religious-based, or preferably non-religious based (I imagine people who're more suicidal don't have religion to prevent them from succumbing).
@pamdelaney5149 2 года назад
Hello... I am sorry for your friend.. I hope they find peace! I will recommend a book that was recommended in my sorrows.. "Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers" by Dane Cortland. I have to tell you, as a Christian, suicidal and obsession with being dead still happens. I wish that were not true. I guess the thing that holds me back isn't the thought of being in Hell, it's the idea of disappointing my Father. It's also, the hope.... The hope that comes in faith...that I will never be perfect, but my savior, Jesus, is..and that's what we're judged with at death.. Christ"s perfection and not our own. Also, your friend is amazingly blessed to have your love and friendship. I will mess this quote up, but some one said, "Those that dive in the sea of affliction, sometimes bring up rare pearls". It's so true, but hard to see until after the fact. God bless you and your friend!
@BalconySofa 2 года назад
Honestly, Alan Watt's teachings helped me when I was most depressed, and it was sort of a sentiment of, well, suicide is a viable option, and so why not set it aside and keep living for now because you can always do suicide later... But that's just what I remember from it, but his stuff is very therapeutic
@csmoviles 2 года назад
Russian here, just to point out ...Tolstoy was NOT a Christian. He rather clung to syncretism .
@0ptixs 2 года назад
To those who are reading this, I don't hope you get everything you want right now, I hope what you get is the strength to stare your demons right in the eye and begin the battle. You know they're there, waiting. Good luck
@mikemol5995 2 года назад
Don't wish to oversimplify but...."You will know the Truth and The Truth will set you free". No coincidence Christ said," I am The Way and The Truth and The Life". As for the necessity of childlike innocence and a return to the beginning in order to enter The Kingdom of Heaven, how many "great" people spent most of their lives denying God's existence only to reverse their positions completely immediately prior to their "death"? - eg. Albert Einstein.
@bennyhogan6326 2 года назад
To live life well is to carry our own cross and walk patiently with Jesus, loving along the way.
@jackoply7406 2 года назад
Jp has seen a tool that can be used in mental health patients"religion" and I applaud him for identifying that
@smhollanshead 3 месяца назад
I have a question: do you have to be broken in order to see? Do only broken people see?
@joeroganpodfantasy42 2 года назад
0:08 We are not the only animals that know that we die. The mourning process is is a recognition that life ends , it's not only mourning for the dead relative, and a lot of animals have that too. (even what we consider like dumb animals like donkeys do mourn, so they realize they will die too and their relatives/friends die ) It's a big mistake to make that as a distinction between humans and animals or defining is consciousness, especially with AI becoming part of the equation lately. We don't yet know if we even are unique at all. We assumed the earth was the center of the world because simply of our ego, we again are assuming there's something unique about us we call it soul consciousness etc , when we realize any neural network as complex as ours can produce similar results we will need to identify that as sub human as something lower than us then realize it's just like us. 200 years ago we did it with people too, nothing new
@arianschnabel6814 2 года назад
how the hell am I watching this for free.
@fadesola2002 3 месяца назад
my thoughts exactly. so valuable. so profound. so true.
@yourewelcomeamericathepodc1601 2 месяца назад
I miss this guy
@ServingGodandcountry Год назад
Declare and decree God’s Word! Revelation 12:11 “They overcame him (evil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” NKJV Onward and upward!
@trinabaker3186 2 года назад
Truth is most important. The truth that God discloses to us about him and that he REVEALS to us about his good name his righteousness being called into question by his creation is the most important truth he wants everyone to know. It's not about us ... It's about him, Jordan B. Peterson.
@KEW-pd1jn 2 года назад
Matthew 19 :14
@archlich4489 2 года назад
"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." - KJV
@joeroganpodfantasy42 2 года назад
1:00 You can think about that line of reasoning and find meaning and hope too, all the universe all past events destructive power, planet collision, stardust etc all that has lead to life on earth , and then you are born , it's a gift , you willing to throw that away? And also evolution is not this random process, evolution creates the same things again and again so it has a purpose and it's purpose seem to be to create complex life , and we are that complex life and we too have an intrinsic purpose to survive , so maybe we have a higher purpose , it's the universe trying to save itself , and it maybe has created us to save it, or better we are a manifestation of the universe part of it not separate we are it, you throwing that gift away and not doing your job , we owe to everything that happened to us past generations nature and universe we owe it because we are alive today , we need to pay off that debt to give a chance to future generations like the previous did for us. I think the big mistake that is done in modern society is to separate science and religion, they need to be connected at the core as the same story, forget the mystical fairytales I am not talking about that I am talking about purpose and meaning. Cynical people say that we don't matter cause we are so small etc etc but that's missing the point, or that we are an anomaly , evolution is not an anomaly, if you set the same conditions again and again you will see the same things appear and evolve the same way again and again which hints at a purpose and singularity. We cloud scientific discovery with our own biases . You can be in awe and incredibly grateful at the universe at the reality that there actually is a space time continuum and find purpose in that , or see the exact same thing and say oh my god isn't this horrible and look how small and meaningless and bad we are like a cancer. 2:54 , I agree with that we have everything to do with the COSMOS, we are also part of it. A religious person would say we have a part of god in us, a divine part, a scientific person would say we are made of star dust.
@darrennew8211 2 года назад
Not sure why you'd think other animals don't know they can die. I also think one is unlikely to find as much deep meaning in the Bible if you aren't fundamentally religious to start with.
@Hugex97 2 года назад
Everybody is religious, the connection between humans and metaphysics is a must, that´s why the first hominids kept the skulls of beloved ones, to "keep their spirit" in the tribe. Rejecting that is stupid, "in the name of science". I think it´s better to understand that the universe is complex and maybe god is in that complexity: unexplainable, misterious and sometimes evil, but it is still god, it´s still us, conscious beings. Combining that with science could make us search answers that are actually worth answering. Maybe that´s what the genesis book means: god created us thinking in making us as him: conscious. We are the universe looking back at itself and realizing it does not know what it is. That´s the ultimate question humanity has to answer I think.
@darrennew8211 2 года назад
@@Hugex97 Woo-woo is neither science nor religion. It's just woo-woo. And no, not everyone is religious. Not everyone even believes in woo-woo.
@ericrounce8181 2 года назад
I am wondering if "truth" provides its own trap? I mean if you spend years in therapy and discover the truth of what caused you to be miserable, then you have found only the source, or the make belief source, of that misery. This does not mean that discovering the truth if the cause is going to be cathardic in the least. On the other hand, finding the truth if the cause of the misery may simply be asking you to relive again and again the trauma of it all. You may find the truth of the reasons why the pain and misery is present. Might you also find that the truth is that for some causes there is no cure through truth? I also believe it is much easier for us to express what we no longer want to be truth in our lives. It is often more difficult to express what we would rather have happen instead. So, knowing the truth of where you are, and how you got there, is not a solid gold path to getting to where you would rather be. I also object to the idea of a "cure" for many reasons, but we can leave this discussion for another day.
@clarkkee7457 2 года назад
Belief is a trap. Your words are sincere and new science leans toward your view, but don't get yourself caught up in 1 way. Because that is the trap.
@Sky-hd4ji 2 года назад
Although I agree with you on the horrific truths that in one’s life would be best forgotten, when I look back at my own horrors I’ve lived through and survived, I realize I am so much stronger in mind than many others who not having been through an 8th of what I have, would rather wither and die at the slightest cloudy day, rather than say: I have overcome the unsurmountable, I am stronger than I used to be, and way much stronger than the average person, I can handle some real storms in life, and more. But it’s only because of where we’ve been. It’s like a pastor that wants to preach to me, who hasn’t been through anything. Don’t preach to me unless you’ve crawled to China and back 10 times. I want to listen to those who’ve been through some real pain and some real storms, just like you and, myself, and many others. There’s no learning and building strength in life without pain. That’s when the real strength training begins. If you can learn from your past, and lay out the honest truth with yourself, you can do ANYTHING! You are all that’s and a bag of chips!
@ericrounce8181 2 года назад
@@Sky-hd4ji When I read your reply, and I do not wish to minimize the lessons you learned, I simply hear a voice if revenge. My point is, why would you harbour your pain as your most cherished truth? What you continue to resist, will continue to persist. I am suggesting removing the valence, the charge from the painful experience, but keep the lessons. I mean you have already paid the price for the lessons, why would you insist on keeping on paying it? Or why insist on others paying it? Why do you now continue to live in a "less than - better than" subjective reality? Answer? You may have survived (although that part of you does not know that), but you have not overcome. You are like the person sober for years, who confesses daily they are drunks to satisfy some historic attempt to create some new variation of a religion (the history of the al-annon movement). When does your past become past at last? Here is another truth. Everybody has taken some sort of hit. Not everyone choses to continue to suffer, as if suffering is some badge of merit. Face it. There is a world of difference between enduring, coping even, and some magical idea of "cure" through simply dwelling on the pain continously. Keep the lessons. Discard the pain.
@Flaco712 2 года назад
@@ericrounce8181 The cure is not dwelling or making pain a prize. It is learning how to not fall like that again. And doing what you can to help others not fall the same way you did.
@TheChadPad 2 года назад
Why do you think that one does not live out trama "again and again" on a day to day basis anyway, through small, almost indiscernible associations that draw back to that pain in your subconscious? We are often unaware of why we feel anxiety or why we do what we do, and it is these feelings, deep down, that I am proposing to you, that work on us. So you advocate for not seeking the truth that explains our childhood trauma in order to avoid the pain that is associated with it, but where is the evidence that you CAN avoid that pain and its ill effects by doing what you suggest?
@joedavis4150 2 года назад
No no no. The big problem is the initiation of force on thousands of good, peaceful people by those in power... as in the extremely harmful war on drugs.
@ericrounce8181 2 года назад
The so called war on drugs was most likely started by the opium wars, and then much later by William Randolph Hearst with his war on marijuana. Both were large business, relatively 'private' enterprises. The first originated as a balance of trade effort between tea enchanted British and China, who in turn needed little of what the British could offer. With Hearst, he had backward integrated into the pulp and paper to feed his powerful and extensive newspaper presses. He feared to loose out to new technology which promised to produce paper from hemp at a fraction of the cost of paper from wood. Hemp had been used by all nations for centuries. Hearst had to demonize it. He had to stop it in its production. His fortune and fortunes depended upon that stopping of production. I am not going to have to argue on the evidence of the economic and therefore political motivations behind the elitist war on drugs, as many have already torn the lid off of that can of slimy worms. You have struck to the core, however, as to this seeking after 'truth'. It may well be expressed as "cherished truth".
@donaldfrederick501 2 года назад
Experience has repeatedly not shown me that exposure to truth = improvement, just no avenues left so just attempt suicide more. Now this could simply mean on knowing when it's safe to expose one to truth (first of 3 issues I have on this video but first I thought of).
@mariagarced1013 2 года назад
Hi Donald, I'm Maria. Your response, sounds truthful. Is suicide wrong? Yes, it is. You know this to be true. And so do I. So enjoy your life. You ALREADY know the Truth. You must learn more, and live a long life. That is True. You are needed. As I am. Take care!
@donaldfrederick501 2 года назад
@@mariagarced1013 wasn't my point on if suicide is wrong (and to be clear it's situational - sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't). That said I hope you have a good rest of the week.
@mariagarced1013 2 года назад
@@donaldfrederick501 Ok, man. Cool. I might be suicidal. Naw. I'm needed. Not my point either. Don't feel like interacting with anyone anymore on RU-vid. Thanks man. Enjoy your week. I'm a bit tired. Take care.
@mikemauck2192 2 года назад
Jordan: "Good" is not "perfect". Perfect in the NT means complete. Complete means the Holy Spirit is needed to make that which is "good" useful to God, i.e. "complete".
@mschenandlerbong8539 2 года назад
What references do you have on that? That perfect means complete? Because one word is very much not the other. And i don't think God simply needs us to be useful to him. Otherwise every biblical prophet would have been "perfect".
@AC-kk3vo 2 года назад
Why am I so overly conscious, like way overly conscious unless I get way to mad about something ?
@AlwaysHini258 2 года назад
Because you are full of yourself. No offense, I had to learn that about myself. Get over yourself and all the BS you lie to yourself about. Again, no offense. Everyone does it to some degree. When it’s bad, as you say, you have to put it beneath you and GET OVER IT (as in take dominion). I don’t even know you and I can tell you whatever you’re doing to yourself, it is truly beneath you.
@BalconySofa 2 года назад
Obsessive thinking isn't really conscious because you can't control it
@AC-kk3vo 2 года назад
@@AlwaysHini258 I'm not sure I agree with that, but thanks for the input,, I'm not even sure a person that was full of himself would be here asking a question like I did, but then again I don't know so that's why I'm asking , if anything I would think that person is unsure of themselves, but I could be wrong.
@AC-kk3vo 2 года назад
@@BalconySofa fact , I sometimes wish I could just turn it off
@davidevans6618 2 года назад
Yes to the headline now realize squirrels don't pay rent because nobody has psychologically groomed them to be servants to inanimate objects other people control rather than be of service to others.
@keithjohnson1983 2 года назад
If the state is a dance, I think it's safe to say it isn't twerking. ("Rhythm is a dancer.")
@jayjaychadoy9226 2 года назад
@fredapel6039 2 года назад
Day 10 of highly recommending berserk to you
@Cinderella227 2 года назад
@DreamingConcepts 2 года назад
@elinope4745 2 года назад
In an objective sense there is no significance. To signify is to represent and representation requires subjective interpretation.
@matthewmiller3745 2 года назад
Not necessarily. Representation can be intended by the writer/speaker. How that’s interpreted is open to the audience.
@fatalheart7382 2 года назад
So I'm supposed to take what you say significantly, but there is no significance? 🥴
@Thewonderingminds 2 года назад
"👁👁'' __Lot's of people reads the bible to find the Truth, and only few to appreciate the Truth.__
@madduckks 2 года назад
Certainly the truth will set you free. What if the Bible isn't an attempt by man to make sense, but God letting us know the truth. John 20:31but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, hand that believing you may have life in His name.
@MrGobsmack 2 года назад
poor mr.p. it's called free will dude. i wish he would stop fidgeting.
@jayjaychadoy9226 2 года назад
In most cases, I/we am/are all Israel, no doubt. Put your name in where Israel is referred to in OT, in most cases.
@brunoel-khoury6060 2 года назад
Jordan Peterson don't you think that the wise person is the one who don't claim knowing all the truth? Do you think that Jesus knew all the truth when he was on his cross...
@jamesbarlow6423 2 года назад
The utility of a line of reasoning for well-being has nothing to do with truth. Peterson is naive.
@danielosullivan3110 2 года назад
Irish, Jews,and many other tribes have suffering in the DNA. It's part of life. Drink smoke dance music and some excitement are blessings. Love God, Jesus and the Holy Spook🙏☘️🚬🥂🖤
@ninaboulton8100 2 года назад
And the drugs that changes the chemistry in the brain plus you take or cripple other human life is unforgettable conscious takes over in emotions
@tjwoosta 2 года назад
No tribalism required, we all suffer in some way. Buddhists say "life is suffering", in my opinion life is overcoming suffering. The default state of the world is hell and its on us to construct heaven.
@ninaboulton8100 2 года назад
Actually i have been in this good place for a long time this is my heaven on earth commonsense tells me not to try those stupid things no tribalism here just pure gut feeling and respect the good life to live out
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Jordan Peterson - Clear Signs Of A Dying Relationship