
What Do Con Artists and Religious Leaders Have in Common? With Maria Konnikova | Big Think 

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What is the difference between a cult and a religion? Perhaps not much. There are a lot of questions in this world, and people start asking at a young age. When a baby with a rattle bangs it on the table, it learns that the rattle makes noise. The baby is fascinated by cause and effect. That’s why they like to pull your hair and feel the tension in the strands. It’s why they are always throwing things from their high chairs.
Not everything is quite as simple - the older you get, the larger and more complicated the world becomes and as psychologist and writer Maria Konnikova points out, cause doesn’t always link up with effect. The world is often arbitrary in its motions, and there isn’t always meaning to be found. This gap in meaning is where con artist, cult leaders and spiritual advisors walk in. Konnikova has spoken before about con artists, and how they work. One big thing she pointed out is that con artists listen, and "solve" people’s problems by giving them what they desire.
That is a cult leader’s method too. These are people who seek out opportunities in others. Cults are as scary and as morbidly fascinating as it gets, because rather than losing mere money in a scam, people who fall into cults can lose everything about themselves - and then a fair amount of money, too.
Konnikova points out that organized religion works on the same psychological principles. People in the world have questions. Big ones, that have been around for thousands of years. And the scoundrels of the worlds have been around just as long, coming up with the answers, getting rich and powerful thanks to the hard-wired trust within humans. Surely many of the world’s religious and spiritual leaders are honest and good, and they truly believe in their cause. But the foundations of religion may be where one can find the deviants, who are still swimming around in organized religions up to this day.
Maria Konnikova's book is The Confidence Game.
Maria Konnikova is the author of two New York Times bestsellers: The Confidence Game , winner of the 2016 Robert P. Balles Prize in Critical Thinking, and Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes , an Anthony and Agatha Award finalist. Her new book, The Biggest Bluff , will be out from Penguin Press on June 23, 2020. While researching The Biggest Bluff , Konnikova became an international poker champion and the winner of over $300,000 in tournament earnings-and inadvertently turned into a professional poker player. She is a regular contributing writer for The New Yorker , and her writing has been featured in Best American Science and Nature Writing and has been translated into over twenty languages. Maria also hosts the podcast The Grift from Panoply Media, a show that explores con artists and the lives they ruin, and is currently a visiting fellow at NYU's School of Journalism. She graduated from Harvard University and received her PhD in psychology from Columbia University.
Maria Konnikova: I think humans really have a deep desire for meaning. And it's something that is really hardwired into us. So if you look at an infant who is just learning about the world, that infant needs to learn rules of cause and effect. What happens - you sometimes see babies and they keep dropping objects so you think it's so incredibly annoying. You say stop dropping that, you know, I just picked it up for you. They're learning about physics. They're actually really curious to see that every time they drop it it falls. That is a totally amazing and mesmerizing new concept if you think about it. So we start looking for cause and effect right away. That's how we make sense of the world. And as you grow older you're still looking for that cause and effect that same if I cry mommy comes back. Cause leads directly to effect. An event leave directly to what that event causes.
We are really uncomfortable when that's not the case. And the world is really, really messy. It's not all about the dropping a ball and it falls. The world really is all about uncertainty. It's ambiguous. Causes don't lead to effect, things just happen without any action on your part. Sometimes you take an action and nothing happens, even though you want it to happen. So there are lots of gaps in meaning because that meaning that we want to be there it's not there and we still search for it. And so we still want that meaning to be there. We want certainty.
To read the transcript, please go to bigthink.com/videos/maria-kon...



21 июл 2024




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@LexBlazer 8 лет назад
Once you establish that organized religion is a con....which, of course, it is.....then you have to address the next question: why are these con artists operating in a tax free environment? It's long past time for that to stop.
@LexBlazer 8 лет назад
***** ? How are those related?
@7kurisu 8 лет назад
sadly, our cultural evolution lags behind our technological progress.
@smartcatcollarproject5699 6 лет назад
Religion is kindergarten compared to politics !!! Who wouldn't fall for the commies vs nazis, or globalists/Soros vs Putin/Lubavitch fake opposition ?
@OpenSourceCitizen 6 лет назад
because most gov is religion. they use to be in the same building. then they evolved to keep the rule by violence and rule by shame as two separate corporations. They both exploit ignorance, fear, uncertainty, control of education, identifty-politics, and apathy
@bbhfjdy9175 6 лет назад
What mean of life if there no God what the point of it ... why not just start killing stealing whoever annoys u and taking whatever u want . Everything is grey now... without God there no boundaries who makes up boudaries and why the fuck shouldn't there just civil war and let the strongest smartest ppl rule
@spaceless.timeless1607 5 лет назад
"The commoner views religion as true, the wise view religion as false, and the powerful view religion as useful."
@ThatGuy-zu7ze 3 года назад
Odd only wisdom comes with age, and it's the elderly who believe most in religion... so that would make your "quote" innately false lol
@spaceless.timeless1607 3 года назад
@@ThatGuy-zu7ze I don't think wisdom is exclusive to age. You can be wise and young or wise and old. Its up to your perception. But wisdom in itself defined doesn't relate to age, it relates to knowledge... the problem with the statement in an of itself is implying that there aren't wise people who are religious. I would go with that next time. Lol
@Grandpa_Boxer 3 года назад
Hence, Donald Trump- perfectly used religion and it's followers. He laughs behind their backs and they don't have a clue!!
@spaceless.timeless1607 3 года назад
@@Grandpa_Boxer Yeah, I remember his inaugural speech... very absolutist. Slightly terrifying
@wecanworkthisout7834 3 года назад
@@ThatGuy-zu7ze It couldn't have anything to do with the demise of religion in the last 60 years, and the mass of infomation available to expose, and question religious lies in todays world . It has always been the case the more educated a person is the less religious one is, and people are more informed today, if not better educated. I also think as you get older, and you have to face your own mortality your more inclined to except Pascal's wager.
@roblovestar9159 3 года назад
And a corollary: "It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they are being fooled" - Mark Twain
@callicordova4066 2 года назад
Mark Twain was a wise man.
@georgielancaster1356 2 года назад
That has been proven, over and over again, in America, especially over the last 5ish years. And again with cvd...
@Kanassatego 2 года назад
@@callicordova4066 Perhaps the wisest of wise Americans of his generation.
@mattcero1 2 года назад
Yup! Man made global warming is a perfect example fools! The beaches of FL are just as dry today as they were 30 years ago and the polar bear population is greater now than it's been in 60 years. These were the two main items they used to scare the *%)$ out of you to start the con. You've been fooled fools.
@JGLy22086 Год назад
Wow! That is really true!
@sabofx 3 года назад
When a cult grows big enough people will start calling it a religion 🤔
@timothypachonka8642 2 года назад
The difference between a cult and a religion is the person who knows it is all BS is still alive in a cult.
@sabofx 2 года назад
@@timothypachonka8642 Do you mean that religions have a worse reputation for killing the so called 'infidels'? Historically this would be true (thinking about the Christian crusades). But in modern times religious killing seems limited to Muslim extremists.
@timothypachonka8642 2 года назад
No, I meant that once a cult leader dies, however the reason, if the followers continue to successfully recruit new adherents and perpetuate the ideology, it can turn to a religion. I don’t mean this as a knock on those who seek something deeper in life, but remember most people early on in the region thought of Christianity as a cult. When did the Mormons shift from one to the other? What did the Zoroastrians or Akkadians think of the Hebrews originally? I wasn’t implying violence perpetrated by a cult.
@sabofx 2 года назад
@@timothypachonka8642 You assume that the cult leader 'knows it is all BS'. I'm not sure this is always the case. I think, that some of them suffer from a serious messiah complex.
@simonpearceuk 2 года назад
Exactly! Look at the Mormons… total outcasts from “mainstream” until they grew in membership size, financial assets and political power. Then they are considered Christians by the big power aggregators in our society. This is glossed over with “rank and file” and dealt with at the top only.
@phishfearme2 6 лет назад
"religion emerged when the first scoundrel met the first fool" - a brilliant line
@BreadLightPray_EWFMgtr 3 года назад
God already had you figured out long ago.... 1 The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that does good. 2 The LORD looked down from heaven on the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. 3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that does good, no, not one. AKJV - Psalm 14:1 - AKJV - Psalm 14:3
@phishfearme2 3 года назад
@@BreadLightPray_EWFMgtr what does he say about the majority of the people in the world who don't know anything about this god? does he have them figured out also?
@BreadLightPray_EWFMgtr 3 года назад
@@phishfearme2 yes I highly recommend 'Conflict of the Ages' series of five books by Christian Author Ellen G. White..... "Patriarchs and Prophets" "Prophets and Kings" "The Desire of Ages" " The Acts of the Apostles" "The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan" Ellen G.White, 1888, rev.1911
@phishfearme2 3 года назад
@@BreadLightPray_EWFMgtr yes?? really?? how exactly do you know??
@BreadLightPray_EWFMgtr 3 года назад
@@phishfearme2 in the End.. there will never be a good excuse to feign Ignorance.... 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork. 2 Day to day utters speech, and night to night shows knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them has he set a tabernacle for the sun, 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices as a strong man to run a race. 6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit to the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. 7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. 8 The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. 9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. 10 More to be desired are they than gold, yes, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. 11 Moreover by them is your servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward. 12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse you me from secret faults. 13 Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. 14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. AKJV - Psalm 19:1 - AKJV - Psalm 19:14 Read my recommended writings ❕
@gregoryfrancis3899 3 года назад
As a 12 year old Roman Catholic altar-boy I already had serious doubts about religion. I mean, within 1 square kilometre of my suburb in Kimberley, South Africa, there were a dozen-odd churches, temples and mosques and it all appeared totally nonsensical to me, observing every adherent walking around with a sense of superior religious bearing over others. Thanks to Galileo's recantation under threat of death by The Inquisition - during an assignment on astronomy in my 10th Grade - I completely gave up on religion. I believe every person should find his/her own relationship with God/Nature/Providence. This way nobody can bag and label you. All that matters is that you find a spiritual construct that works for you, that makes you live a meaningful and useful life. People should be judged on their societal behaviour and not on their spiritual beliefs. Children are possessed of this free spirit, until their parents coerce them into their religious system. Religion is a big scam.
@ronwright6870 2 года назад
You seem very wise.
@buckbenelli8 Год назад
That’s about the age when most children realize the hypocrisy, the lies and outright insanity of teaching hate via religion. Don’t teach your children to hate the other and follow the golden rule. Now someone please incarcerate maga lardo.
@gilamonster237 Год назад
Very thoughtful comment! 👏🏿
@larryscarr3897 Год назад
Hmm good start.. But what is a spirit? You still got some nonsense in your believing stuff. 😉
@wetcrow_com Год назад
Your doubts about religion are reality. If there was a real God, he would love us; not punish us. We would not suffer with wars, famine, accidents, sickness, etc. Money would be abundant and we would have robots do all the hard work for us.
@dhutch71 2 года назад
The last time I attended a church service was in 1967.... when I was eighteen. One Sunday morning, our Minister was a no-show. The congregation was getting anxious to know what happened to our preacher. We all found out about a week later. The church's building fund account at the local savings and loan had been zeroed-out. Our preacher was gone and so was $250,000 ! He was apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol trying to escape into Mexico. Talk about a con artist.... this guy had over 150 people totally convinced that he was truly "a man of God".
@markbeale7390 Год назад
Did you get the money 💰 back.
@dhutch71 Год назад
@@markbeale7390 - don't know the outcome of this case... I had moved to San Diego by then and never asked my parents what happened to the $$. This preacher had been siphoning off money from the Savings & Loan acct for years. I do remember that they said he was indicted and prosecuted. There are so many bad apples in organized religion that nobody ever hears about..... it''s nearly always about the "big fish" - see my comment below....
@wetcrow_com Год назад
What a surprise? I remember in Conyers, GA, the Church in the Now, was like a movie theater. I went there because my neighbor invited is to go. Next thing you know my neighbor was writing a check to the church for 10% of her last paycheck. I had a bad feeling about the preacher. Long story short, 3 years later, the preacher resigned after a scandal where he was having sex with several women in his parish to heal them and sav them. I only go the the Greek Orthodox church at Easter to get to see all the luxury vehicles parked outside the church. Inside the church, the owners of those cars only put in $1.00 in the tray that is passed around. Most don't pay dues or tithe. The church makes most of their money from the annual Greek Festival, so all we need to do is put in 6 hours of our time to help once a year and all our expenses for the church are paid for. Plus, our church looks nicer than all other churches in our town. Greeks are financially savvy. Americans should learn from that. The Greek church is a social hall, ha ha!
@Slo-ryde Год назад
There are bad actors in every walk of life… bad cops, doctors, lawyers, firemen, accountants, and politicians…..clergymen are no different. There are lots of anecdotals of bad clergy, but scientifically it is not a measure of the entire cohort. Just like with any walk of life, most of the practitioners are as genuine as they can be, however there is a smaller but significant percentage of faulty actors. Thus, there are misconceptions among the many ppl postings here; meaning that whether or not there are crooked clergymen does not argue for or against the existence of a higher being. One is independent of the other.
@chrisantoniou4366 Год назад
So, why are you surprised that "a man of god" is a con artist? I thought it was one of the prerequisites.
@stews9 Год назад
Don't automatically be polite and always ask, "Why is this person saying this to me, or doing this?" Trust is earned only by consistent actions over time. What's astonishing is how many people who'd divorce their spouse at the first betrayal will accept endless betrayals from their church or cult leader yet remain utterly loyal and devoted.
@chrisantoniou4366 Год назад
Well said!
@briaf3370 Год назад
@druid139 Год назад
Sounds like followers of Qanon and Drumpf.
@WildwoodClaire1 8 лет назад
Are you sure that "con artists" and "religious leaders" are not synonyms?
@TheIamthefogg 4 года назад
Yes, I am sure they are the are the same. Close to 50% of clergy have been known to make sexual passes toward a member of their congregation.
@PraiseIommi 4 года назад
I'm not so sure. Maybe the religious leader fell for his own trick?
@bingo1232 3 года назад
Spirituality is cool... but religions are (mostly) a crock of sh*t..
@domeonce9006 3 года назад
Bad, corrupt religious leaders have a long, dark history feeding on the carcasses of their followers. But that says nothing about the root of religion. All the religions of God were pure and good at their start. They became corrupt and rotten because man added his own crap to it.
@kevcoolkev25 3 года назад
Yes, since a con artist is seen as an awful person while the religious leader is a terrific person
@williamlouie569 6 лет назад
"God all powerful can't seem to handle money. Always need more". From George Carlin.
@denisemcdougal6445 3 года назад
So true lol
@andrewwenner2781 3 года назад
You would think God could use math, apparently not
@bradleymosman8325 3 года назад
"God all powerful" doesn't handle money at all. Human beings do. Likewise, Science does precisely nothing by itself. It takes a scientist to weaponize microbes and develop ways to incinerate millions of people.
@jamesdaniel1376 3 года назад
Nope. The Bible sets a standard of a tithe, ten percent in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, the standard is to be generous, not just to the church but to the poor, the sick, and the helpless. And the giving is voluntary. Government on the other hand, uses force and always has its hand reaching deeper into your wallet.
@jamesdaniel1376 3 года назад
@@TheBeverly7 Obviously you aren't either a Bible reader or a giver so why do you care? Giving to a church, like any other nonprofit is a voluntary activity. Before you get all self righteous, you should actually check out the budgets of churches. There are s lot of things that churches support outside of the Sunday morning sermon: homeless shelters, food pantries, battered women's shelters, hospitals, orphanages, schools, universities, drug rehab programs, and a at least a couple of hundred other ministries.
@rayschoch5882 2 года назад
“Religion has actually convinced people that there is an invisible man, living in the sky, who watches everything you do, every minute of every day; and the invisible man has a special list of 10 things he does not want you to do; and if you do any of these 10 things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry, forever and ever, until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you. He loves you and he needs money.” - George Carlin
@ramaraksha01 2 года назад
And these are the top religions of the 21st century - with Gods who act like Putin, Saddam - "Support me I will reward you, do not, I will make you suffer" Imagine that - in the 21st century the top Gods of the FREE WORLD are Putin & Saddam! The very same words coming out of Putin's or Saddam's mouth and bright minds say, "What a disgusting person" The very same bright minds when they hear these same words coming out of religious people say, "Praise the Lord!" So much for all our education, intelligence and morals
@ianbradford772 2 года назад
.... And he is apparently particularly interested in what you do with your genitals....
@nikolayilyin1819 Год назад
Yeah? I don't know about the "he needs money." part, but the other parts of what he said aren't that crazy.
@susanrhodes7960 Год назад
@@nikolayilyin1819 Carlin was being sarcastically honest. Religions are always asking for money for their god as apparently this "all knowing and all powerful" diety is always demanding money from its followers. These gods always demand money for admission to their cults. Really the money is used to support their "spokespersons" many times opulent lifestyles. Televangelists are some of the biggest con men and women in the world.
@joyabia682 2 месяца назад
U guys are killing it today with George Carlin quotes
@paulmakinson1965 3 года назад
The way to escape con artists is when you are offered some "great opportunity", think "how does he profit from me accepting this great opportunity?"
@ramaraksha01 2 года назад
Don't you think religion is the best and longest-running ponzi-scheme? "he loves you and he wants you to join his religion, then he will reward you with pleasures of the flesh for eternity. But if you don't support him, he has to burn you in hell! Do you want to end up in hell?" Amazing to see so many not get incredibly offended that their life means nothing, who they are means nothing - only their religion matters So we have billions of Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists - old people, children, even babies? pregnant women - all set apart based on belief and dumped into gas chambers in hell That is exactly what happened to the Jews under the Nazis Who they were as people did not matter - all that mattered was their belief & that got them dumped into gas chambers But religion can PROMOTE THE SAME NAZI IDEAS OPENLY! Simply amazing! NOT ONE MEDIA MEMBER OR EDUCATED PERSON ASKS WHY IS GOD ACTING LIKE A PUTIN, A SADDAM? "VOTE FOR ME I WILL REWARD YOU, IF YOU DO NOT YOU WILL SUFFER"???? AMAZING! NOT ONE PERSON!
@spacetimeaboodmaxwell931 8 лет назад
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.” ― Richard Dawkins,
@JordanBeagle 6 лет назад
SpaceTime AboodMaxwell Yes, I'm excited to see him talk this October : )
@sleepyearth 6 лет назад
lol. Can you PROVE GOD? Till then go cry for mommy in your own corner. P.s. You have to show ur ass for us to dig it. Dummy.
@davidlafleche1142 5 лет назад
He's one to talk! Evolutionism is the worst delusion of all! "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1:1, KJV).
@BestoftheBestz 5 лет назад
Ivan Drago can you disprove unicorns; fairies and leprechauns? See the fallacy here?
@BestoftheBestz 5 лет назад
jriden I think is extremely difficult and frustrating but not impossible. We have to at least try to get them to reason
@simplynano18 8 лет назад
I read a book in college called "The Evolution of God". Long story short, the book goes into a deep analysis of the origins of religion. Something that I took away from is very similar to what she is saying. Religion was and is manipulated by humans to reap some advantage wether that is political, financial, or emotional.
@hicham5770 8 лет назад
no not really you should read more books,but it's true in some cases
@darthgzuz 8 лет назад
don't blame religion if a con artist used it to manipulate humans :) its like blaming democracy for more taxes n end of civil liberties ...
@hicham5770 8 лет назад
Darth Vader you are my hero, don't blame the religion on the mistake of it's followers
@simplynano18 8 лет назад
Matthew Morton The bible lol I used to be really into religion (Evangelical Christian) before college. As much as even leading bible study groups. I guess i grew out of it. The evol of god book was for a philosophy class that focused into the idea of god. I think that when you follow a religious dogma it can be taboo to even mention other ideas or beliefs.
@simplynano18 8 лет назад
Darth Vader Lord vader, your logic is sound. +1
@Salty_Knuckles Год назад
I’ve said for a long time that “Man’s fear of death is what allows religions thrive.” Remove that fear and need or desire for religion completely collapses.
@dr.jamesolack8504 Год назад
You are spot on, Lonnie.👍
@CarolynsRVLife 2 года назад
great video. Very thought provoking and I recognized many parallels between religious con artists and the con artist who held office recently. he made people feel better. he gave a waning majority meaning and importance again and they're willing to burn everything down for that meaning and feeling. Also, you said we need bonding and trust for a healthy society. Many in power are working to undermine that American bond and break us up to create an unhealthy society that will keep them enriched and in power. Well done!
@AtamMardes 5 лет назад
"Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool." Mark Twain
@viadharmawheel 3 года назад
Long ago con artist and fool were joined :)
@ixlnxs 3 года назад
No, not a Mark Twain quote at all. It was used long before him. Voltaire is the earliest known source.
@AtamMardes 3 года назад
@@ixlnxs "It (Bible) is full of interest. It has noble poetry in it; and some clever fables; and some blood-drenched history; and some good morals; and a wealth of obscenity; and upwards of a thousand lies." Mark Twain
@ixlnxs 3 года назад
@@AtamMardes I was talking about the earlier quote. That was used long before. But Americans are like that: if they don't know who said something, they will atribute it to Twain. The rest of the world uses Gandhi.
@hesavedawretchlikeme6902 3 года назад
Mark Twain also said, it isn't what I don't understand about the Bible that bothers me, but what I do understand.
@Na0uta 8 лет назад
one big con? Yes, yes it is.
@rinalds637 8 лет назад
*Internet high-five*
@shipwreck9146 8 лет назад
*Internet high-ten*
@igotkeyzzz 8 лет назад
+james wasda awesome
@jacobcalabrese2220 8 лет назад
@damianorobbiani8095 8 лет назад
I'm not religious but I think that actually religion has helped giving humans a way to control our instincts and our worse behaviors and helped to promote compassion and altruism
@auseryt 2 года назад
History, one of the most important courses in school but sadly also the most neglected one. It exposes so nice the many lies people have invented to achieve and hold power.
@dhutch71 Год назад
If DJT had not been propped up by the voters on the extreme right wing and found himself in the office of POTUS.... he could have opted for a Televangelist (he almost achieved that status on his Apprentice show). But.... failing politics.... he could just go back to Real Estate Development in NYC.... where he had a 50 year record as COofNYC.....!
@Puschit1 Год назад
Most courses say that of themselves. There is just too much to learn.
@auseryt Год назад
@@Puschit1 i disagree. in all courses i heared the teachers agreed that history is the most important. And I am not an historian as well.
@Puschit1 Год назад
@@auseryt I am pretty sure you can cover a lot of issues with, for example, philosophy. It is just a different approach. History, as we all know, is about to repeat itself. Knowing about it rarely helps, otherwise we would not still have wars etc. That's mainly because a bunch of information isn't doing anything yet, you also need to interpret that, conclude from that and work out alternative paths. That's a LOT of brain work and usually nothing of that is taught in history class. You actually need many of those other courses, starting with your language and ending with things like philosophy and ethics. Virtualyl everything else will be used as well, for example knowing geography helps understanding what advantages and disadvantages countries have which shapes their geopolitical motivations. Psychology plays ALOT into decision making, perception and whatnot and that's a class you don't get offered in school at all. No single class will ever be more important than others in a world where everything is connected.
@auseryt Год назад
@@Puschit1 i am pretty sure philosophy of one of the most overestimated in human history. The only philosophy with use so far is mathematics.
@LowenKM 2 года назад
Outstanding, thx! Actually most anything that gives folks a sense of 'meaning' and purpose' is fine... the 'problem' starts when they *_demand_* that everyone else must also have the same 'purpose'.
@kurrie3280 2 года назад
Except that some movements, beliefs, etc are not fine because they can have very terrible meaning and purpose.
@ramaraksha01 2 года назад
Don't you think it is disturbing that NOT ONE MORAL OR PHILOSOPHER ASKS WHAT THIS PURPOSE IS? Philosophers constantly wonder why we are here, what is the purpose of life, but NONE ask what is the purpose of an eternal existence sponging off a Sugar daddy being - sitting about doing nothing NOT ONE ASKS WHAT THIS GRAND PLAN OF GOD IS ALL ABOUT There are more than just religious nuts pushing these ideas - that is frightening
@geraniaceae4470 Год назад
I agree. I have met people who are exemplary on so many levels because religion is their rock. I admire and envy them. BUT, when I see the atrocities many people suffer, even at the hands of their own religion or someone else's, I can't believe a kind, omnipotent being can allow these atrocities because there is a greater spiritual motive that we don't understand. Saw Jim Baker on some religion channel hawking survivalist supplies. What a grifter.
@LowenKM Год назад
@@geraniaceae4470 Have come to the conclusion that 'Freedom' scares the hell out of a lot of folks... so they actually *_want_* a 'Strong Leader', a kinda 'Daddy' figure who'll make them feel 'safe & secure'. And so much the better if he can also boost their self-esteem by making 'em feeling 'Special'... Saved, The Chosen, Winners, whatever.
@rcreative1 8 лет назад
Every skeptical conference needs to invite Maria to speak.
@jourdan4am 8 лет назад
The fact that there is no meaning, is the greatest gift. It allows us to create our own. But many will allow there gift to be robbed.
@bobs182 2 года назад
Most of the meaning we "create" comes from innate subconscious propensities within us.
@thebigbean8783 2 года назад
@@bobs182 you're not allowed to use logic or real words against religious people
@bobs182 2 года назад
@@thebigbean8783 Every time I engage a religious person I regret it.
@Cheese-is-its-own-food-group 3 года назад
So now I sort of understand why t-Rump has gained such a cult following. He’s a huge con!
@Lifeistooshort67 2 года назад
And the best part is he is not the least bit RELIGIOUS. LOL
@KNKLHEAD 2 года назад
Agree. I've said, the following he has developed is amazingly cult-like. He said it himself and we laughed "he could shoot someone" and not lose any followers. Absolutely TRUE. Nuts, but true.
@thomahammer9581 2 года назад
Trump is a HUGE con! Literally as well as figuratively.
@dhutch71 Год назад
@@Lifeistooshort67 Greed and Power are his religion.... and, he has been practicing his religion for the past 50+ years developing Real Estate in NYC and elsewhere..... and developing his narcissism personality disorder....
@greyngreyer5 Год назад
Oh please. Leftism is much more of a religion than anything Trump created.
@mrabaddon7712 2 года назад
I once spent an entire year in a Christian rehab. And I asked my counselor, "So, if you die without claiming your allegiance to Jesus, you won't get into heaven?" His answer was, "No. No, you won't." And then I asked him, "Well, what about tribes who have never been exposed to Christianity? Even though they were created by God they have never ever seen the bible." His answer: "God needs to fill Hell with somebody." Unlike the bible, this is a true story.
@ArchReverend 2 года назад
And an answer like that is one of the many reasons I could never follow a God that does not reward good souls and good deeds simply because they did not believe in its specific religion. And considering there have been an estimated 80-100 billion people who have ever lived and possibly a good half of them having existed since before Christianity, that's a lot of humans in hell because God waited until a little over 2000 years ago to create the ONE TRUE FAITH. Also, that's a douche answer from that counselor no matter which way you look at it.
@OpenBiolabsGuy Год назад
Such a God would be unjust and should not be worshipped. He would be burning billions people for all eternity for a crime they didn’t know they were committing. What’s more there are 45,000+ denominations of Christianity today (and one more tomorrow), most of whom are saying they’re the only ones that are right. So not only is such a God burning people for a crime they don’t know they’re committing, he’s burning billions for a crime they are actively trying not to commit, but don’t know they are doing it wrong! Live a good and virtuous life. If there is a God and he is good, then he will not care how pious and devout you’ve been, but will welcome you to heaven when you die based on the virtues by which you’ve lived your life. If there is a God and he does care which denomination of which religion you belong to, then he is an unjust God who burns billions for not worshiping him in exactly the way he wanted to be worshiped, and you should not worship him in the first place. The ultimate proof against the propaganda of such a God’s goodness would be to send an otherwise virtuous person to Hell for not being a sycophant. If there is no God, then when you die you will be gone, but you will be remembered by those who knew you when you were alive, those who live in after you die. Your legacy will be shaped by the values by which you lived your life. Don’t you want your legacy to be a good one?
@joanfregapane8683 Год назад
This is the same issue that started my disassociation from organized religion. We (as Christians) we’re charged with spreading the Word to the world, but if we failed to reach someone in Africa or Asia, that someone would pay the price by going to hell for eternity. That disgusting and illogical reasoning made no moral sense.
@wizardsuth Год назад
@@joanfregapane8683 The very idea of Hell makes no moral sense. It's an infinite punishment for finite offences. And what's the purpose of punishing people who can never atone, be forgiven, or be rehabilitated? It's pointless cruelty.
@n3bruce Год назад
I saw a lot of fundamentalist recruiting back in my College days (Campus Crusade for Christ), and I argued with them about people who shared similar views about the unconverted, even if they lived a good and moral life. I wasn't particularly religious, but my parents attended church on a semi regular basis, and we went to Sunday School as kids. I saw several of my high school friends get sucked down the rabbit hole and the results were premature marriages, educations cut short, and in general missing out on the richness of life. A lot of them were like me, bright but socially awkward, and I seemed to be the target of everyone on campus looking to "Save Souls". I felt guilty about not being a True Believer, but I knew enough about the history of religion and of all the wars and atrocities committed in the name of organized religion. After being away from church for years, I gave church a couple of tries, but each time the once familiar rituals of my mainstream Protestant upbringing seemed more strange and alien looking in from the outside. I also saw the hypocrisy, and how it seemed the most faithful were the ones most screwed over by fate.I also saw firsthand that the church wasn't the altruistic institution it tries to make itself out to be. I saw examples of scholarships going to well-off families that contributed heavily to the church, or to students going to Seminary rather than the deserving and needy, but I think the last straw was the Sunday after September 11, and the thoughts and prayers and platitudes being offered. I was devastated as anyone by what happened but after reflection of my own thoughts I gave up trying to rationalizing it in a religious context. In 2008 I had what people call a Near Death experience coming out of brain tumor surgery. Against all odds I recovered mostly intact, and stayed cancer free, now going on 15 years. I really found it hard to thank God for my recovery, if he was so merciful why did I get this scourge to begin with? Everybody offered their thoughts and prayers I was polite and indulged them and I admit I said a quite a few to myself. My Mom had gone through a similar experience when she had a miscarriage prior to having me saying she thought her soul was going to heaven but God told her to go back and finish her work. All I know is I blacked out when my heart stopped, and as I came back to, my consciousness slowly returned as blood fresh blood made its way into my brain. I wish I could believe, but pretending to believe is being dishonest. I am afraid that God is Dead, and I grieve over that.
@webkilla 8 лет назад
A good example of Con artistry and religous leadership: Scientology
@AZOffRoadster 3 года назад
@@domeonce9006 No. All religion is silly, but I do like Ra. Ra rocks. Well, Thor and Zeus are pretty cool too. Abrahamic religions kinda suck. Mostly just ripoffs of previous religions with very little new material. Boring. I prefer mythologies that are original. Scientology is like a really lame sci-fi story (surprise?), but at least it's all new material.
@abtimehi1200 3 года назад
I think Star Trek is a great religion. Spock is the only religious leader that is not a con artist. Heck, have you ever seen his cartoons on fallacious arguments? Trumpers need to be reprogrammed with these cartoons.
@MikeKoss 3 года назад
@@domeonce9006 I don't think she's saying religion is "bad". Just that it's not true - a con. Religious belief is actually good for many people. It makes them happier and guides them to make better life choices. It's just not providing true (reality-based) answers to questions of causality.
@joseacevedo8314 3 года назад
@@domeonce9006 false ideas=bad ideas
@Kraftbrew 3 года назад
And all cons thrive in environments of unquestioning faith.
@hiwayM9 8 лет назад
Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned. "Most sermons sound to me like commercials - but I can't make out whether God is the Sponsor or the Product." ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
@kokofan50 8 лет назад
God is definitely the product.
@darthgzuz 8 лет назад
interesting indeed, everyone sells some meaning n purpose ... everyone has a commercial made for his product ... some even sell "there is no purpose and there should be no purpose" ... orange is new black
@amojak 8 лет назад
god is not the product, god is the martketing tool. the product is money, lots of money and power .. it always is.
@kokofan50 8 лет назад
amojak Churches are selling power or money to people; they're selling God for those.
@amojak 8 лет назад
kokofan50 they are taking money from the people they sell god to. same as any cult.
@johnking6624 2 года назад
At the age of 14 I read all the words of the hymn "All things bright and beautiful". It convinced me that the Church of England is one big con. I have spent the last 63 years researching religion and looking for God. All I have found is liars and fools who believe the lies.
@primus7776 Год назад
At age 66, I live for the sort of Truths that this woman expounds. Thank You.
@MendicantBias1 8 лет назад
"Religion is the outcome of unresolved contradictions in the material world." Hitchens
@theboombody 2 года назад
And the material world has a surprising amount of those. Weird paradoxes abound in science and everyday wisdom. Example - the best way to help somebody with a continuing alcohol problem is to stop paying for their daily needs.
@MendicantBias1 2 года назад
@@theboombody terrible advice repackaged as 'everyday wisdom'. Religion in a nutshell?
@PqV72MT4 2 года назад
No it isn't.
@joeblack4436 6 лет назад
I stopped being religious from being raised that way the moment I learned about cults and put 1 and 1 together. It's really not that hard. Nowadays I see people going over the deep religious end mostly when they lose a loved one - They might have been hard sinners before, but the moment they just can't accept that the person is gone - There's the preachers telling them: "Hey! It's okay - You will see them again in the next life. Now give me your money!" And then of course they completely and utterly reject me if I express my own opinions. They just can't let go.
@LesHaskell 2 года назад
I learned about cults and cultism in bible college. Talk about irony. Seriously, if more people talked about irony I think they would understand it better. We should have irony colleges.
@markbeale7390 Год назад
Well said sir .
@nancyaustin9516 Год назад
Makes me curious why one person is susceptible and another is not. I lost my only child and religion's nonsense about seeing him again in the afterlife has no pull on me whatsoever. I know religion is a con and would rather live in the real world--how can some people swallow that crap?
@markbeale7390 Год назад
@@nancyaustin9516 you are a sensible woman.
@dhutch71 Год назад
Humans are born empathetic creatures. And... they need to be nurtured by parents to bring out those empathetic qualities. If the parents don't do that, they risk raising psychopathic or sociopathic children. The "Golden Rule" many assume is in the Bible for a reason. But it is also what needs to be taught to children at the youngest ages..... to bring out those natural empathetic qualities of youth.
@chuckscs379116 3 года назад
The “trust” part of this strikes hard. I have a daughter that was taken from her bio mom at an early age. That she will not “trust” is such a huge (and understandable) fault in her maturing. Don’t trust mom, dad, sibs, teachers, therapists, ... Imagine
@neeper27 3 года назад
What do con artists and religious leaders have in common? EVERY THING!
@phishfearme2 6 лет назад
how does a religion differ from a cult? VOLUME, VOLUME, VOLUME. numbers matter - if only a few people believe supernatural crap, it's a cult. millions believing makes the same supernatural crap a religion
@paganphil100 3 года назад
My favourite definition of "cult".......Scholar Megan Goodwin defined the term cult, when used by the layperson, as often being a shorthand for a "religion I don't like."
@FactStorm 3 года назад
Fucking naive religious people..it astounds on a daily how they continue to operate the way they do their entire lives
@billgreen576 2 года назад
@ramaraksha01 2 года назад
@@billgreen576 It doesn't - small numbers and the dominant religions of today that preach hate against any other faith quickly dub it as a cult & start abusing their members We see it happening with Tom Cruise and Scientology Meanwhile an organization that looked the other way as its members abused young boys is a religion & it is gets a lot of respect If this was a small religion, everyone would be avoiding the top guy instead of giving him respect
@TK-593 Год назад
@@billgreen576 In a cult there's always somebody at the top who knows it's a scam. In a religion that person is dead.
@jorgemtds 8 лет назад
She is absolutely correct.
@jan2000nl 3 года назад
Of course it is. If you need proof loot at how evangelical have taken to Don the Con; serial adulterer, cheat and liar. 10 commandments; huh?
@MariaMartinez-researcher 3 года назад
She is a writer with expertise in psychology, Sherlock Holmes and poker, not in religion nor history. As she has a hammer, she only see nails. Martin Luther King Jr., the Dalai Lama, Pope Francis, anyone? The Rohingya people?
@MariaMartinez-researcher 3 года назад
@@jan2000nl Aren't you aware that many people opposing Trump are religious, including pastors? That the only GOP senator that voted for his conviction did it for religious reasons? And most of all, that Trumpist evangelicals aren't the measure of all the American Christians, and NOT the measure of all religious people in the world?
@starpowerglobaltv 3 года назад
@@MariaMartinez-researcher exactly
@starpowerglobaltv 3 года назад
Thats true too
@deankaraniya7422 2 года назад
"Is organized religion a con?" A self answering question.
@soniabayer578 2 года назад
Excellent presentation on religion and cult mentality… Very true.. spread the knowledge and the truths! Thank you!
@marquamfurniture Год назад
"...spread the knowledge and the truths!" ...... I believe that same line has come out of many churches, too.
@TestMeatDollSteak 8 лет назад
I don't think she's wearing a bra, and I found that meaningful.
@vejymonsta3006 8 лет назад
There is a good way to test whether the answers for your questions are legitimate. Ask yourself, "Does this answer pave way for new ideas and more questions, or does it close me off from new opportunities?" If it closes you off, then it's wrong.
@mikethek5494 2 года назад
As someone raised as a Catholic, I have to say that if I ever need spiritual advice, I would talk to a Rabbi first.
@JohnWaaland 2 года назад
If you decide you don't need that spiritual advice then maybe you'd be better off talking to a rabbit 🐇🐇🐇!
@avjake 2 года назад
If Maria starts a religion, count me in as a believer.
@tompinion4138 6 лет назад
This is very well thought out and presented.
@newfoundlanderonthego8729 3 года назад
Religion began when the first scoundrel meet the first fool” Love it .
@lillianbowles9902 2 года назад
Excellent! I would add that once your realize you’ve been coned it’s okay to feel shame, sadness, and anger. It is then, you can move on and learn to trust yourself and help others to be aware of cults, cons, and religions.
@ramaraksha01 2 года назад
I have tried with spectacular failure! I keep asking - What does one DO In Heaven? Is heaven like one vast Retirement Home? People just shuffling about, chatting with angels - and what exactly does one chat? There is nothing going on! And then what about the people down here? Their loved ones - could they be suffering/starving/homeless/jobless/sick? Do these people not care anymore? And when I ask these questions, theists just run away! They prefer to remain blind to these questions! prefer to live in a fantasy! WHAT IS MORE SHOCKING TO ME IS THAT THE MEDIA & THE EDUCATED AS WELL AS THE MORAL ARE IN THIS PONZI-SCHEME! NOT ONE MEDIA PERSON WILL ASK THE QUESTIONS THAT I AM ASKING! They ask questions that religious people are happy to answer - will we be happy in heaven? Will i see my loved ones again? Just 2 questions asked over and over!
@chrisbarber3531 3 года назад
Religion, and it's precursor Spirituality, have existed for at least ten millennia. These have been the way that leaders have been able to control and subjugate the minds of those they want to rule. Hammurabi and Gilgamesh were both smart enough to know that most minds are pretty simple and endowed themselves with a Divine Right to rule and that set the tempo for societies to come.
@dr.jamesolack8504 Год назад
Well said, Chris.👍
@flamechick6 8 лет назад
the difference between cults and religions are the number of followers. There is a Web that religion has, it needs to evolve beyond beliefs and more use as religion is on the decline
@flamechick6 8 лет назад
until religion has a replacement
@cncrim1 8 лет назад
+Amanda Vadon religion kind of on decline. the thing about religion is they are make more babies than rational people.
@PazLeBon 8 лет назад
Ahh, I have none
@locutusdborg126 8 лет назад
Science. Logic. Reason.
@AvangionQ 8 лет назад
Slight correction: the difference between cults and religion are the number of *living* followers, as we call ancient religions whose followers have died out mythology.
@Beevreeter 3 года назад
"you don't get ahead on your own..." You just explained my life
@briaf3370 Год назад
even if you have to depend on a made up entity
@timothykeech7394 Год назад
I gave up on religion in my early teens when I realised I was being told a pack of lies. None of it made sense, none resonated with me in any way related to the world I was living in, I was profoundly bored with the rituals of the Church and refused to go and sit through it each week. It appeared, and still appears, to be an attempt to control me, to keep me in my place. I began to question 'who benefits from my compliance' and the whole edifice crumbled. I have remained a convinced atheist for over 60 years now and firmly believe that the world would be a better place without it.
@WunHungLo99 3 года назад
Excellent concise statement. We are inquisitive creatures and when we can't explain something, especially about our purpose, destiny or the finite nature of our existence, rather than give the honest answer ie I don't know, we gravitate to supposed explanations which have literally zero evidence to support them.
@ramaraksha01 2 года назад
Those that asked questions were killed off in the past - they still do in Islamic countries like Pakistan and most recently in Bangladesh God is viewed much the same way prostitutes/gigolos/leeches/freeloaders view their rich Sugar Daddy - their ticket to an eternal life of ease & comfort Any threat to such a Sugar Daddy is a threat to such a life & so they rape, torture and kill! What a sad statement of us that these are the top religions of the day Doesn't say much for our intelligence, education and morality
@TraderJason1 Год назад
“If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion.” ~L. Ron Hubbard
@geraniaceae4470 Год назад
If I had followed his advice years ago, I would have had income property by now.
@terryharrison8669 8 лет назад
Douglas Adams covered all this in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, nothing new here. So long, and thanks for the fish.
@american-professor 2 года назад
It's hard to be religious with a PhD in Computer Science.
@ikskrag3375 Год назад
As a young adult it became apparent that the church was focused on money. Every week they printed what their collection was and what they required to pay their bills. Every time they made their goal, the requirement went up. I went to a church where the largest donors were mob. It cemented this money centric idea. Then I started studying history and saw that religion was used to control the masses with fear. When I questioned war, capital punishment, etc.vs. Thou shall not kill, I was told that's different. I then looked at other religions and found the same cash and control theme. I don't need anybody telling me how to be a decent person. If there is a god like in religions then it will judge me by my actions and not some man made arbitrary set of rules. Fear turns off rational thought.
@chrisantoniou4366 Год назад
Being a decent person by following your personal "moral compass" makes you a better person than someone who is only decent because he fears going to hell.
@DogsRNice 8 лет назад
Can you fix your thumbnail designs please? The video length covers the text on it
@SecretEyeSpot 8 лет назад
she started this off wrong.. whenever you have a discussion, presenting first the facts objectively is not only preferable.. it's strategic, because you never give your audience a chance to rule you out based on the position you hold.. for example, if she had started out making the comparison between child learning and what religion provides, rather than pulling the 'con artist' card so early.. she would have been persuasive in her argument..
@nikolatasev4948 3 года назад
As an atheist I absolutely agree with some of this. People need meaning, and religion appears spontaneously all over the world. But she makes it up that religion itself is a con, and its leaders are con artists. This is not always the case. Religion as metaphysics is inadequate to explain the world around us, an as a power organization it is often violent in protecting its power (Crusades, Inquisition, etc.). But the religious community if can foster can be really beneficial to society - especially before the modern law enforcement and safety nets. Religious leaders can help with that, when they are emphasizing people helping each other to get through hard times. Sure, this does not scale well when it grows. Inevitably religion gets tangled in politics when its power grows. Conmen find megachurches, religious TV shows and so on lucrative. But on a small scale it is not always a con.
@marvinmartion1178 3 года назад
From childhood to present I've always questioned things, beliefs etc. But there are people that don't and that always baffled me. Why would you let others have power over you?
@gospeljoy5713 3 года назад
Questioning things does not mean a person logically comes to the conclusion there is a God.
@gospeljoy5713 3 года назад
This is just an opinion she says . How do you all muslims having dreams and switching to christianity or jews recognize jesus as their messiah?
@PazLeBon 8 лет назад
It does bug me when people put 'we' as in 'Why We Fall for It'. Less of the 'we' more of the 'some' ;)
@Silverspy97 8 лет назад
considering that 85% of the world has some religious faith... it's pretty safe to use the word we. We are most definitely susceptible to what religion has to offer, so much so that we renounce logic and fact in exchange for peace of mind.
@sorcereo 8 лет назад
"We" is indeed correct. It takes the wisdom of experience or observant knowledge for us to look past such cons. Sure, have pride if you, in particular, haven't fallen for some. However, don't let hubris be your downfall. The idiom of "only human" exists for a reason.
@PazLeBon 8 лет назад
not me, therefore it's 'you'
@PazLeBon 8 лет назад
lol, now that just sounds like a Brexiter :p
@Silverspy97 8 лет назад
+Medical Cannabis Spain you are applying your view point universally as if atheism is a majorty, but it's not. Religion is an integral part of human history and speaks volumes about our needs and susceptibilities to such things as false prophets and promises of an afterlife, etc. We seek explanations to everything and the gaps of our curiosity are often filled with that which explains the unexplainable...faith. This is not an argument of atheism vs religious belief, it is about human psychology and the fulfilment/meaning that religion offers us as humans. We may be hard wired to blindly step in this pitfall we call religion. Hence its appearance in very early human history and it's reoccurrence to this day.
@edsmelly 8 лет назад
I'm not sure that I've gotten all I can from this video. I need to watch it a few more times.
@astronorthwet636 Год назад
I was never someone who bought into religion. From the 3rd grade on I always felt uncomfortable singing religious Christmas carols about Jesus. But at one point when I was unhappy with my life I decided to try becoming a believer. At the same time I started writing a book. One day I would be in a Bible study group, the next I’d be writing my story and the two were at opposite ends of the spectrum of possible beliefs. But the book was my rational mind and the Bible group was the opposite. One night during a study of Romans, it hit me. I told my wife “I am not capable of suspending my rational mind and believing this. That was the last time I worried about “faith” which is another word for “they can’t prove it, but believe it anyway”.
@jeffreyagornbein2002 3 года назад
Would one call Martin Luther King a con artist when he advocated for social justice in the name of "religion"? One can con people also by pretending to be a scientist. There is no exclusive link between being conned and religion.
@woodygilson3465 Год назад
No one said anything about the religious being con artists, only that they're the victims of the con of religion.
@SusannaBarrett Год назад
@@woodygilson3465 Actually, she did. The first priest she described knew there was no meaning, etc. She implies no religious leaders have any genuine faith.
@woodygilson3465 Год назад
@@SusannaBarrett After more than a week, I'll have to take your word, but sounds logical. And con artists play a role, they needn't be religious to work a religious con. I'm 48 years old and until just a couple years ago, I was a total believer, lifelong preacher and clergy. Started preaching as a kid, did some time in seminary, went from Southern Evangelical to Messianic Jew to Noahide, studying for more than a decade for conversion to Orthodox Judaism. I studied Talmud, Rabbinic literature, Chassidus, Kabbalah, Mussar... I believed God was with me, spoke to me, usually through signs, had two theophanic experiences, more than a few shared experiences. Then one day, quite by accident, dots connected all at once and I saw it for the delusion it was. Shattered my whole fkn reality. I'm in a good place now, and that's taken so much work, and it's been worth it. But that's the thing about delusion, isn't it? The deluded are the always the last to know. Far as I knew, God was as real and present as anyone. I didn't just believe that. I "knew." Of course there are con artists and predators among clergy. That's a no-brainer. The rest, however, are not. For better or worse, they're just people living their lives according to, what is in their minds, "reality."
@dr.christopherdiaz4473 5 лет назад
Religion is the greatest piece of art ever made. Thousands of years later, it still engages giant swaths of those looking for entertainment.
@justaddmusclecom 8 лет назад
In for the controversy in the comments section. *{Grabs Popcorn}
@MrMrabaunza 8 лет назад
grab a bigger tub.
@ztrinx1 8 лет назад
There will be no controversy because most subscribers of Big Think agree on this issue.
@DLFfitness1 Год назад
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” ― Carl Sagan
@johnmcnulty4425 2 года назад
What I find so irritating is that we still have this notion that to be considered a ''good' person, you're supposed to go to church and at least act like you believe the big con of organised religion. Remember when George HW Bush said you couldn't be a 'real' American if you weren't Christian? Could you imagine someone running for president who an atheist? Even if they were, they would never say it..
@briaf3370 Год назад
yeah and when Bush Jr. said Putln was a good man as he saw into his soul. What a maroon.
@Fa1c0 8 лет назад
listing the differences would take less time.
@robertclarke71 8 лет назад
But the man in the sky really does want you all to send me all your money !
@garysergeant9086 3 года назад
The fairies at the bottom of my garden ask the same question. I tell them to piss off.
@christopherbibb6000 3 года назад
@@garysergeant9086 you should ask the fairies if when they run does the grass tickle their balls let me know what they say lol
@garysergeant9086 3 года назад
@@christopherbibb6000 no they just screech in pain as there's no grass .only stones
@briaf3370 Год назад
all religions accept all denominations of $, no problem.
@tombenson9357 3 года назад
If I tell you why there is thunder and lightning, you'll hunt and gather for me.
@francisalanwormald6328 2 года назад
@THESPATHARIOS 8 лет назад
A word of advice from a designer. Don't put your thumbnail title in the bottom right. It's getting covered by the vid duration box. I've noticed that in almost all of your vids, but this vid made me intervene cause the question's most important word was located right behind the "4:54" frame.
@AtheosNous 8 лет назад
Brava for telling it like it is. Most people want certainty in an uncertain world. "That's what con artists do, they sell meaning and they sell purpose."
@thevindictive6145 2 года назад
I love seeing 2 priest from 2 different religions arguing on who is right. Is like seeing which con artist have the better con.
@johnmcnulty4425 2 года назад
Did you ever notice how preachers, pasters, priests, etc. and con men never take questions? They just talk and talk with circular logic and that love of money.
@ssppeellll 8 лет назад
"I will be able to elicit donations. I will be respected. I will be a person of great esteem." I will get babes.
@Dubov1933 8 лет назад
This is so true. Personally I have not not do I intend in falling into this delusion. People since the dawn of time have search for meaning, ways to explain the universe. Religion give them an easy way out by saying, there is a creator. Never thinking for themselves but rather following blindly.
@donbrown2391 Год назад
The first "religions" came about as deep in our human past we needed to make sense of the natural world. The cataclysms of floods, earthquakes and fierce storms. Life and death. Birth. The con artists came after...
@StephanieSoressi 3 года назад
Its not just religion -- it is also politics, caste, racism, sexism, etc.
@myjeepzia 8 лет назад
Very true and interesting makes lot of sense , love it thanks
@6ixConfessions Год назад
Screw all the religious B.S! My philosophy is: More often than not, sh!t just happens. So, there's no point in trying to find some deeper meaning, just suck it up or deal with it. This has actually helped me through some pretty dark times & I'm still here & still able to laugh.
@arindamghosh4150 2 года назад
As Mark Twain once commented, "Some loony's dream and hallucination often make a religion, and fools start following it in due course." Humanity should be the only faith to save this world from animosity and hatred created and preached by other religions as they only spawn distrust and factionalism in their pursuit of supremacism. "Religion begins when the 1st scoundrel meets the 1st fool"- Voltaire
@raminaghajanzadeh8998 Год назад
beautiful, concise and accurate, I'm totally grateful to live in this era that people like Maria Konnikova lives and disperse their wisdom through the world. Young generation please don't fool by religious; it took thousands of years and innumerable blood shed for humanity to reach here. religious don't have anything to offer, except division, pain and lies in a holy package.
@Trypyyyy 8 лет назад
You are awesome Maria Konnikova!
@leoinsf 3 года назад
Maria, thank you for your silent logic about religion that needs to be said and you do it clearly and very convincingly. Please take on the subject of evangelism in one of your formats. When you talk about con artists and weak followers, you are talking about evangelism.
@ramaraksha01 2 года назад
I still can't get over the fact that even the brightest of minds gets big smile on their faces when these ponzi-schemeres make their promises of an eternal life of pleasure, ease & comfort & all they have to do is join this religion! God is a Putin, a Saddam, a Hitler - support him, he will be pleased and he will let us have have the life of a prostitute/gigolo/leech/freeloader lives down here - sit around doing nothing while enjoying self-gratification Amazing, just amazing!
@leoinsf 2 года назад
@@ramaraksha01 I agree! Man's version of God is the problem! God's version of God is not the God of Christianity. Christianity is a 15th century religion where God is Judge, not our Father. If God is our Father, there is instantaneous love because fathers love their children. We do not need to earn His love!!!!!
@MrPrimoPR 3 года назад
I don’t need anyone around me to pray to God, whatever power that may be , to help me see things as they are and always in a better light.
@maxcool123456789 Год назад
Hearing your voice explain this is great.
@alexrios4064 2 года назад
Religions are 100% man-made, tailored to offer eternal life, forgiveness of imaginary sins and a vague, fable like theory of creation ! Thanks for confirming what we have guessed since childhood !
@dhutch71 Год назад
Fables - are stories. Humans are born empathetic beings - We need love and tactile feelings, primarily from the mother. As we grow and mature in our nurturing, we begin to respond with our own stories.... and we end life with all of those experiences of a lifetime... again, with stories. And it is this need to verbalize with other humans that makes us accept their stories. And.... some of the best story tellers are preachers and "holy" men. We just wanna believe their stories. [see a book by Sara & Jack Gorman - "Denying to the Grave ]
@alexrios4064 Год назад
@@dhutch71 Thanks I still believe in a Supreme Creator, so holly that we may not ever see his form shape or even face , not as the human depictions of God.
@emperorofpluto Год назад
The thing about selling promises about heaven, hell and life after death is that even if you could get get buyer's remorse it would be too late to do anything about it because you're dead
@chiccorealo 8 лет назад
Be Here Now. Sage advice. Thank-you. 🌟👏😘🇦🌻🇰
@Alister222222 Год назад
A religious person is kind to others because God tells them to. I am kind to others because my heart tells me to. Who is the actual good person?
@astrodoug1 2 года назад
I learned the truth of what you have presented here the hard way. But I learned and have survived, so life and learning goes on. Sadly, many people never learn this truth from their experience, and remain wounded and confused for the rest of their lives.
@cleve3731 8 лет назад
We all just need to meditate, take shrooms and acid and liquidate all reserve banks
@KevinP32270 8 лет назад
@claudiaxander 6 лет назад
"Jordan Unfalsifiable Peterson" i give you unfalsifiable meaning and you give me money!
@dr.steelhammer8074 2 года назад
The only difference of religion and cult is the amount of real estate properties
@johnduggan218 3 года назад
The answer to your question is YES
@fretnesbutke3233 2 года назад
A somewhat simplistic explanation of a big,complicated subject. The subtle, sometimes absurd, sometimes profound part that faith has played in human affairs from the very beginning is as central to being human as every other component of culture,as much as language,music,art or social customs. This barely scratched the surface.
@ramaraksha01 2 года назад
Simple primitive ideas of God from Simple primitive people who clearly made God in the image of the most powerful man of their day, the King/Dictator - men who demanded obedience & loyalty(belief) & rewarded(heaven) & punished(hell) accordingly What is amazing is to see today's highly educated &intelligent people not having a clue that they are praying to long dead-kings, to Putin's, to Saddam's of today! Pretty amazing!
@wizardsuth Год назад
How much depth did you expect from a 5-minute video?
@emperorofpluto Год назад
It's not a doctoral thesis and seriously what more is there to know? *Faith is not a good thing - religion has killed countless millions and destroyed entire civilisations from the Aztecs, Inca, native Americans, Australian aborigines, the Polynesian civilisations etc, etc. Faith kills.* "Faith' is belief without proof - which is why it has been exploited by religion to subjugate and enslave the ignorant for millennia.
@susanrhodes7960 Год назад
Read her book then. This was a very brief synopsis. Religion is the ultimate pyramid scheme. People keep putting money into it but only the people at the very top profit.
@briaf3370 Год назад
@@wizardsuth exactly .... Geesh. It continued a conversation and met its goal
@stevendame4404 3 года назад
Thank you, this is the first occasion to hear someone name a spade a spade. Religion is a huge and damaging con
@miguelcolon9203 Год назад
Very well said. Human beings are vulnerable and perhaps intellectually inclined to seek answers that unfortunately are not easy. The desperation and fear become an anguish cry to seek help. Having religious doubts is healthy, falling into one or a cult is pathology. Thank you we need rational approach to talk on these issues, be careful with good intentions, the road to hell is filled with that.
@gamezswinger 3 года назад
I agree that people get ahead through social connections, but in exchange, the majority of those people that help you want to control you. And that's why I pull back.
@vankula 7 лет назад
Who knew a famous tennis player was so smart?
@antichrist50 3 года назад
That's like asking what do water and H2O have in common.
@donaldtrunt2030 2 года назад
L. Ron Hubbard said if you really want to make money you start a religion. What I don't understand is when the government gives them tax free status.
@mrabaddon7712 2 года назад
“Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!” ― George Carlin
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