
what do you call a person who has too many interests and can't commit to a single path in life? 

a life in multiplicity
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@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
There seems to be a mistake in the summary section with our scanner visuals missing :( Hopefully it doesn't distract too much from the content, and my apologies, still learning! This is my scanner self, haha, still an amateur but pushing through anyways :)
@jeffsmith9384 5 месяцев назад
"Jack of all trades, master of none, still always better than a master of one"
@bendadestroyer 5 месяцев назад
Being a scanner is sooo difficult. It's hard to find someone interested in your niches (or ideas at all) and even harder to adopt a subject in which you're not interested, let alone find a lifes passion. I'm inside my head so much that it can be challenging to be present for others. When I am present, I'm very factual and almost robotic, but that may stem from another issue. It's all something I'm working on. Today was day one of turning down the filter in my head and just saying whatever comes to mind.
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
I know right?? When I first learned about the term scanner I was excited but then also felt like... "uh oh, this means life ain't gonna be easy for me" haha I'm trying to do the same! Turning down that internal filter isn't easy, especially when you're used to analyzing and overthinking things (if you're anything like me), but it can open up to more authentic interactions and even allow you to connect with others on a more personal level! Each small step taken is progress :)
@Aqua_the_meek 5 месяцев назад
I've been at least a decade in therapy talking about excessively filtering myself, and it seems that might be an adaptation behaviour. I mean you (or we?) likely have it for some reason
@Aqua_the_meek 5 месяцев назад
And some filters are more useful than others, so far my conclusion is that the absence of filters just becomes another filter in the end, but that might just be a higher level of self consciousness instead of a less authenticity (Which comes from authority so just choosing your filters might be just the cathartic thing here in terms of acceptance)
@bendadestroyer 5 месяцев назад
That's a good point; I've been trying not to filter for the last few days, and now that you mention it, it does feel like a secondary filter. 1) That's not worth saying... 2) Say it anyway. Fake it till you make it I guess. That said, aside from a couple of awkward moments, I feel like people have a more jovial well-informed impression of me. People seem more eager to talk. Sometimes, my mind is empty after someone starts a conversation, and I feel like I'm searching an empty white room for words. It will take practice.
@Quadrant14 3 месяца назад
@@Aqua_the_meek careful they may say you have Adult ADHD
@d3j4v00 5 месяцев назад
I always used the term Renaissance Man until I found the word Polymath. Now we just call it ADHD.
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
In the book on scanners the author mentions that it’s likely most people with this personality type have some form of adhd haha
@reaganwiles_art 5 месяцев назад
A Buckminster Fullerite
@leonrehctelf 5 месяцев назад
I've been really enjoying all of your videos! I found your videos when I realized I had so many interests and got angry at some radio host I saw telling a caller to just pursue one interest. I'd just like to suggest, as someone in audio engineering school, how to get cleaner dialogue recordings for not much money, as your recordings are good, yet a little wishy-washy. For a lav mic (shirt mic) to match the audio quality of something bulky yet affordable, you have to pay hundreds of dollars more, compared to the merely $30-50 you would have to spend bare minimum for something bulky but clearer. And you'd only need to use a USB connection, nothing fancy. lav (or "shirt") mics are very tricky and not worth the hassle when you spend an entire video sitting in one place. They're designed for complex situations with people moving around and an inability to predict where larger microphones would next have to follow or hide. In your situation, however, you can stick a shotgun mic *just* off camera, as an example, and be perfectly fine. That type of mic would be much cheaper and easier to use. I'll either reply or edit this comment with a list of affordable mics you could use in a bit, even though I don't know how you're recording your videos (i.e. will you be able to plug a USB mic into a nearby computer? Or are you just limited to your phone/camera's charging/headphone jack?)
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for your advice!! That’s good to know, I know next to nothing about mics haha. I had another comment on my sound so I’ve been researching some good shotgun mics to purchase, so I’d very much appreciate your suggestions!! Oh and I’m using an iPhone to film everything
@blackcitadel37 5 месяцев назад
I'm more like a polymath type. I have a few well defined areas of interest that I want to develop as much as I can.
@bunnyteeth365 5 месяцев назад
It's the same with me. I feel like a specialist in multiple areas. Most of those specialties don't interact all that much.
@Omkar3324 5 месяцев назад
i can do almost all jobs that there are in the market. im just not interested in any of them. all of them get boring after some time.
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
Yeah I totally get that! It was actually a really big fear of mine when I was younger, haha, I knew without a doubt any job I picked I'd be sick of given time :( I think it's a common feeling for people like us because we thrive on variety and learning new things!
@mhugman99 5 месяцев назад
Glad that someone is talking about this: we should take ownership of these terms used to define our identity and not let them be defined negatively by others. As someone who is deeply into both philosophy and music and also somehow has to make a living with computers, this is my everyday experience. The desire for depth and mastery conflicts with the lack of time to do it all. What I’ve found works for me is focusing on micro-improvements: the smallest amount of time investment which is actually productive and has long term benefits and also is fun to do. I let go of any desire for absolute mastery of a field and simply enjoy the pleasure of mastering this one incremental thing. It might be just getting the rhythm right on my guitar track. Or just understanding this one chapter of a book. There is a kind of zen to it and I think a community of people with multiple interests can help each other with this. Thanks again, good video!
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
Ohhh, I like this! What a fantastic idea! This method not only helps in maintaining motivation but also in enjoying the journey of learning and growth itself, which is so important. A community of like-minded people is just what I'm looking for. I'm so happy that so many people have commented feeling just as I have, we're much more common than I thought! And thanks for the kind words :)
@Aqua_the_meek 5 месяцев назад
I mean, if you want to call me Nines, it's totally okay.
@AnewForemost 2 месяца назад
¡¡Very good!! Honestly, I've never thought about this, even though I believe that precision when using words is the best we can do! Each word has its nuances and defining ourselves with one instead of another can be very important. My favorites, after watching the video, are: scanner, renaissance soul and multipassionate (I like this one very much because "passion" comes from the Latin "passio" if I'm not mistaken, which would be "suffer". And we really suffer a lot, so I think it fits sooo well with us jajajajajajajajajajj). Excellent job, Genie :D
@lifeinmultiplicity 2 месяца назад
Those are exactly the ones I like, too!! I first was introduced to this whole thing through the word scanner, and while it's definition really resonates with me, the word doesn't seem like the best fit, haha. But multipassionate is such a great word for us :) And yes, multiple passions is all about enjoying many things, but also suffering because you enjoy too many things, bahaha
@philosyche 5 месяцев назад
great video! i feel like i belong to the scanner-multipassionate-multipotentialite groups most of the times, especially currently. but i do get bouts of ambitions to significantly master my skills in some of my more older and deeper interests. and i have had the desire to contribute within a variety of fields for a long time but what always pulls me back is my irregularity in confidence in myself and my abilities, which is something i think is common within people like us. but in any case, i have learned to lean into my interests and i truly believe that if there's one thing that could ever fit within the category of a 'goal' of my life, it is to always keep learning as much about as many things as i can. and perhaps another one would be to find communities and build relationships. loved the video, the presentation, the script, the animations and your shining confidence! thanks for making it! ps nice yamaha thr you got there!
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment and kind words about the video! I'm not very confident at all actually, like you I want so bad to be a part of so many different fields and I feel in my mind have have great things to contribute but my imposter syndrome gets the best of me and I pull back :( And I also want to always be learning! I love pursuing education and learning new things that interest me it seriously keeps me from going insane with the monotony that is life haha
@--36-- 5 месяцев назад
what is a person called that makes videos with 132341 millions cuts and edits?
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
Me! Lol I get it it’s not for everyone:)
@KyInRealLife 5 месяцев назад
Genie!!! This was so informative, but also so fun to watch because of all of the cute edits. I hope you're doing amazing! See you in the next video! ❤
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
Thank you!! Glad we can keep supporting each other :)
@Htleveryday 5 месяцев назад
One thing to add. Do not try to fit into any of these categories perfectly. In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is, you have to engage with your passions first to really find out how you feel about them, you pursuing them and ultimately getting fulfillment from them. A generalist can evolve into a multipotentialate/multipassionate if he keeps investing in his interests for a long enough time whether planned or not. As time passes, some interests will fade, some will become passions, others hobbies, all interchangeable. If you really like a passion or interest you have right now and would like to continue it with absolute certainty, just recall why you like it, consciously. Write it down, or schedule a day, to celebrate a milestone. It is very much possible.
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
Yess!! I actually had a whole portion of the video dedicated to labels and why they can help us but also why we shouldn't let them define us haha but the video was over 30 mins long so I cut it. I think that's the beauty of learning all these terms and finding out more about them then just creating your own personal version of the personality type that is entirely you! That of course evolves and changes over time :)
@siddharthyadav9004 5 месяцев назад
thanks, it came at a really time. I have been thinking about this stuff.
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
Good to hear! Keep thinking about it :D
@waterfallfaerie 5 месяцев назад
I much appreciate your video! I have always been someone who wants to understand and experience the whole world and universe and everything that is and could be. (Gluttony, I choose you!) Of course I have accepted that no such goal could ever be achieved by a mere primate such as myself, but that won't stop me from trying to learn about and think of and experience everything from every angle and perspective, pushed to the thresholds, and critiqued out of existence! The only problem is that some of the most interesting knowledge and experiences are only accessible to people who spend a whole lifetime or at least many years or decades dedicated to a certain practice or study... oh dear 🤡
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
I love your enthusiasm and curiosity - it's infectious! Accepting that "gluttony" for knowledge and experiences is a beautiful way to live, even though, as you rightly point out, we are limited by our time and capacity. And the more we know, the more we realize how much there is to know! You have a good point - some experience and knowledge is only accessible to prolonged engagement in a field, but I've found that for me personally even surface-level engagement with something I'm passionate about gives me joy, and can even lead me to other areas of interest I hadn't expected! Or provide me with experiences I wouldn't have otherwise had.
@gallopingmoon 5 месяцев назад
Hi Genie, I still am not very sure how to describe myself, so let's brainstorm a little bit to find some answers, shall we? Have you heard about "effective altruism", as far as I understand: while intending to do good, there needs to be put extra effort to asses all the costs and results, making the necessary calculations and analyzes in all the steps, then only then doing the "good" itself, according to all the findings and conclusions. I am not a huge believer in this, as many critiques point out: it ignores the human factor, empathy, and the emotional side of the whole process, and strips everything to their bare material representations basically. But, here is the thing: If we would direct this method of doing good, to ourselves, what would the results look like? There are so, so many factors: And this question and formulaic approach has been with me since my first thought formations as a child. The first dependable factor I built the base around as a child was: Listening and following adults. But that first theorem falls apart as soon as you are in school, and the the adult teachings clash with the childish ways of your peers. Then slowly you learn the circumstantial adaptation, the system of leverages, observations and opportunities to make use of: Follow teacher when only teacher is around, if you insist on following teacher when only with your peers, you are going to make a fool yourself. So we dip our toes in the confusing chaotic world of being halves, not a straight, always direct and pure entity, but half something half the time, half something else the other times. The factors only build up from then onwards: If you would become very successful biologist, and start inventing miraculous things; if you don't have clue of how sociology or psychology works, you might get taken advantage of, your genius used by others profit. When you look at the comments below videos showing child geniuses, comments like this really tells something revealing: "and when she becomes an adult, she will just be an highly skilled engineer at most, paid a salary to work on things she won't be able to choose, never will become a ceo, she won't have the range for that." And then you master social sciences as well as natural sciences, okay, okay but still: The world has so much lacking, for your invention to reach the most needed places, to be mass produced and be cheap, you probably have to also increase your mastery on applied sciences this time. Engineering, production lines, transportation... And this is just the work related factors, you get and understand all sciences, okay, but you are still a human, a part of a huge social network, that interacts with art and philosophy on daily basis. Now there is music, visual arts, reading, journalism, and more and more, the top twenty on the radio, oscar winners, creativity in latest video games... History, politics, activism... And all this, all this, is not even for others, this is only for yourself, to become the best version of yourself. Even with the maximum knowledge on all there is, you'd still had to apply them, and vary your applying to the times and people, if you want others to benefit from your existence too. And all this, burdens me. I have the power to crush myself under this burden, but not the psychological apathetic power to just throw the burden of off myself. I feel responsible for everything, for everything, because I value the truth most, not my happiness, not my peace, but the core truth that hurts: There is infinite possibility of everything, me changing the world all by myself is not probable at all, but never impossible, never. We hide behind probabilities, the circumstances that slows us down, we become happy by our excuses, but we deprive ourselves of all the infinite potential. So I go on, and on, and on, never stop, never be completely happy or confident. There is always something else to learn and figure out, and my time is still limited, so I learned to be most efficient, like effective altruists are: At this point I instinctively stay away from repetitions, like there would be in a deep dive in math or physics; there are all those formulas that you memorize and repeat again and again... That does not seem the most effective, but that doesn't stop me from watching Sabine Hossenfelder or Angela Collier: there is a fine line to effectively spread out yourself, before gettin too detailed in your learning in single subject to swamp yourself in repetitions. Yes, I want to give everything and everything the same chance and equal space in my mind, to capture humanity in its most objective most truthful state, and bring out the best versions of ideas and myself to effect the world in the best way. What is this called? Since high school I summarized this mind state with the motto of: "For everything". This journey of mine started simply by strong sense of justice, that when I choose over something over others, my mind would always be left with others, I could never find enough reasons to discard others for simply choosing one over the others. In time this developed into its own practical state: The emptiness inside, constant tide on you to feel the highs and lows, and then finding yourself in the same place, just like the appearance of cog from its outline. At its height, this started freezing me for the most simple assignment like writing a three page essay, with couple citations: All the factors would overwhelm like, which subject, which sources to pick, which angle to go from. I had to drop out of college with one last semester remaining. I am writing a novel right now (50.000 words reached, wish me luck). Compiled all my philosophical essays and poems into a book, published, but couldn't sell at all. Not a peddler, never was. I don't recommend this route of mine to anyone, this is the result of an experiment what capitalist world at its height could do to a man that aimed to bring the renaissance man to one step further. I still have my youth, at age twenty six, but for how long? I feel very, very isolated too. I am actually very good at empathy and first impressions, but further contact, and I just show myself as someone that does never fundamentally stop, and people stop all the time in their milestones and dreams and convictions. People first and foremost want to share the common boundaries, not question the boundaries at every opportunity. When you, Genie, said you are a "scanner" and don't get too deep with anything, that actually filled me with hope, for you, and others that might benefit from your works. Social interactions often fall into the category of "too repetitive"; but for a healthy dose of it, I would very like to have people in my life that could understand my journey, and that we could tell to each other freely with sincerity: "we talked too much already, let's not be excessive for today, let's continue tomorrow." Are you aware of any community for people with similar stories to mine? I searched for communities and like minded people a healthy amount, and really couldn't find it till now. At least I had put great effort into my parents, and my relationship with them, even as an only child, I don't feel that lonely on a basic level. And at least I found you. Will watch your videos, I see the potential in you. Thank you for your hard work on this channel and video, Thank you for giving me an inspiration to write about my struggles, And thank you for reading.
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
First off, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! They way you described your experiences is very relatable, and your approach, aiming to give every subject equal consideration and space in your mind felt almost universalist! I love your motto, "For everything", it really has the feeling of someone seeking to understand and contribute to as many fields of human endeavor as possible. Feeling overwhelmed by the endless possibilities, responsibilities, and conundrums definitely leaves one feeling isolated, I get that. But it also places us in unique positions to influence and inspire others through out works! I'm cheering you on for your novel, don't give it up it's going to be amazing. As for finding a community, I hit this same obstacle in my life and it's the main reason I started making these videos! I think we're much more common than I previously thought, maybe people just don't want to talk about it or admit it given our society's focus and better treatment of specialists. I follow some Reddit communities like r/Multipotentialite and r/scannerpersonalities, if you have Reddit you should definitely join them and share your story! Unfortunately they're not super active, I think because outreach is still not so great for this community :/ We have to keep trying! Again, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and your journey!
@earlchapman37 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for saying things that make sense.
@lifeinmultiplicity 4 месяца назад
The concept makes sense! But I feel like my delivery needs improvement haha. THanks for watching even so :)
@earlchapman37 4 месяца назад
We can only do what we can until we can do more, even if that more is less and it takes all of our strength to do it. Like when my dad had to agree that being sick or injured required more rest to improve, and the improvement was to a lesser than previous state. Same with myself, and we all grow and relate to things we do that we excel at. Thank you for replying, its good to see what 4 weeks ago to now feels like.
@lifeinmultiplicity 4 месяца назад
@@earlchapman37 Very true :) (and also thought for sure that I replied to all comments but when I checked there were several that went unanswered :( sorry about that!!)
@earlchapman37 4 месяца назад
I'm slowly learning to navigate the intricate specifics myself. I love the ideas of streaming streams or maybe pod planning or simply uploading. So through the variableness of choices and not having experience.... Its a ride and a riot until you get over not trying. Thats a happy keep up to catch up flow we live to learn and then have good easy to brandish tools within us. Again thank you kindly; so very much-anticipated growth we earn to use simply enough to relax/reflex smoothly.
@ChapterTwoLaundromat 5 месяцев назад
Just stumbled onto this video/channel and I'm very glad I did. I had heard of most of the terms you talk about except for the multipotentialite and scanner, and I think I most identify with the scanner. But I do agree with your comment at the end about how someone can be a bit of one and a bit of another. Last year I read, then bought, the book "Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World" by David Epstein, which you've probably read judging by your interest(s) in this subject. The way he describes "generalists" seemed to be a mixture of all these terms, but I think he was going for a broad description of people who do not specialize in one domain. Excellent book, and I will look into the books you referenced for this video. Wonderful video. Thank you very much!
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
Another fellow scanner, yay!! Definitely check out the book on scanners then, you'll absolutely love it. And Range! I knew that sounded familiar and I literally have it, read through it a few years ago haha. I can't believe I didn't even mention it T.T I definitely gotta do a reread though, seems like a lot of the info was still in my brain but I forgot about it haha
@ChapterTwoLaundromat 5 месяцев назад
@@lifeinmultiplicity Yes, you should definitely read through it again. Like I mentioned, I bought it just because I thought it was so fascinating, that and it really emphasized the saying "Jack of all trades master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one." Which made me really happy because, like you and the book mention, our society really pushes the "specialist" role, and not everyone can do that.
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
@@ChapterTwoLaundromat Love that! And yes I found my copy hidden away on my bookshelf I'm gonna start reading today!
@jmeditation 5 месяцев назад
This definitely resonates, I have a variety of passions and seem to always fall into the jack of all trades but master of none. I’m working on it though, hopefully with time and effort my various skills in different endeavors will advance to the next level, until then, there is more work to be done. Thanks for this video, subbed 👍🏼
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and subscribing! While jack of all trades master of none carries the connotation of lacking mastery, the flip side is that having a wide range of skills and interests allows for a unique and multipotentialite approach to life and work! And progressing in various areas might feel slow at times, but each skill you develop adds value and can cross between other fields in creative and unexpected ways, it's our strength!
@Ka_Calitos 5 месяцев назад
Bery gud video
@jakobbauz 5 месяцев назад
An interesting topic, but I couldn't keep watching - your sound is just too bad. Please take this as constructive feedback and don't feel bad about it! 🙏
@FilthyVarmint 5 месяцев назад
Overdramatic much? The sound is fine bruh
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
Ah sorry T.T I'm new to making videos so using basic microphone and editing software haha
@lifeinmultiplicity 5 месяцев назад
@@FilthyVarmint does it sound okay? Unfortunately I don't have studio equipment or anything haha so I know there must be some of level of poor sound quality to it :( I'll see if there's any way to improve it via editing software for the future
@jakobbauz 5 месяцев назад
@@FilthyVarmintIt really isn't dramatic in any way. But the sound is not fine, no.
@romanavr 5 месяцев назад
sound is very ok, I see no problem
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