
What Do You Think of Sheep Sorrel and How Much Do You Eat / Use It? 

Discover Permaculture with Geoff Lawton
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This Q&A is pulled from a collection of questions posed to me by students of my Online Permaculture Design Course (PDC). Learn more with my free four-part Masterclass series, here:
My research into sheep sorrel suggests that we shouldn't eat it so much and especially not eat it raw. Wikipedia says "it is not very nutritious and is toxic in large amounts because of oxalates". With it growing wild in my garden I have been eating it but only rarely. Would you share your opinion of this plant in more detail and how much you eat and use it?
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About Geoff:
Geoff is a world-renowned permaculture consultant, designer, and teacher. He has established permaculture demonstration sites that function as education centers in all the world’s extreme climates - information on the success of these systems is networked through the Permaculture Research Institute and the www.permaculturenews.org website.
About Permaculture:
Permaculture (en.wikipedia.o...) integrates land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies - imitating the no waste, closed-loop systems seen in diverse natural systems. Permaculture applies holistic solutions that are applicable in rural and urban contexts and at any scale. It is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting and hydrology, energy, natural building, forestry, waste management, animal systems, aquaculture, appropriate technology, economics, and community development.
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@speaklifegardenhomesteadpe8783 2 года назад
Missed opportunity to show up close and the difference between the two sorrels, health benefits etc, with up close images. Would love an updated video!! Thanks!! ❤️🍀☘️🌻🕊️
@Ftiaxno 4 года назад
OXALIC ACID One of the mysteries of the human anatomy is that function which is known as peristaltic motion. This motion, or action, takes place in the alimentary canal, in the circulating and generative tubes, and in the eliminative channels in successive wavelike motions, forcing whatever matter is present therein, onward on its course. It is a series of contracting and relaxing of the nerves and muscles'successively- a function which takes place involuntarily so far as our own voluntary controlling powers are concerned, and apparently is entirely automatic. The efficiency of this peristaltic action, however, is very naturally dependent on the tone and healthy vigorous condition of the nerves and muscles of these channels. Organic oxalic acid is one of the important elements needed to maintain the tone of, and to stimulate peristalsis. It is perfectly obvious, of course, that any motion of the body which takes place by the “involuntary” action of its organs is predicated on there being life in the cells and tissues of such organs. Life is active, magnetic; whereas there is no action in death nor in dead matter, and this applies definitely to cells and tissues of our anatomy. If the important organs comprising the alimentary and eliminative departments of our system, or any parts of them, are moribund or dead, the efficiency of their function is impaired, to say the least. This condition can result only from a lack or deficiency of live atoms in the food nourishing the cells and tissues concerned. Live food means that food which contains live organic atoms and enzymes found only in our raw foods. We have in previous chapters, covered this important question of organic versus inorganic atoms in our food. It is very vital to stress this matter in regard to oxalic acid. When the food is raw, whether whole or in the form of juice, every atom in such food is vital ORGANIC and is replete with enzymes.Therefore, the oxalic acid in our raw vegetables and their juices is organic, and as such is not only beneficial but essential for the physiological functions of the body. The oxalic acid in cooked and processed foods, however, is definitely dead, or INORGANIC, and as such is both pernicious and destructive. Oxalic acid readily combines with calcium. If these are both organic, the result is a beneficial constructive combination, as the former helps the digestive assimilation of the latter, at the same time stimulating the peristaltic functions jn the body. When the oxalic acid has become INORGANIC by cooking or processing the foods that contain it, then this acid forms an interlocking compound with the calcium even combining with the calcium in other foods eaten during the same meal, destroying the nourishing value of both. This results in such a serious deficiency of calcium that it has been known to cause decomposition of the bones. This is the reason I never eat cooked or canned spinach. As to the oxalic acid itself, when converted into an inorganic acid by cooking or processing the food, it often results in causing inorganic oxalic acid crystals to form in the kidneys. It is worthy to notice that the minerals in our foods - iron, for example - frequently cannot be assimilated and used completely if they have become inorganic through cooking, and often prevent the utilizing of other elements through chemical and other action. Thus, the iron in fresh-raw spinach juice may be utilized 100%, but only one-fifth of that, or less, would be usable in cooked spinach. It is well to bear in mind, therefore, that as the organic oxalic acid is so vital to our well-being, the fresh-raw juice of the vegetable containing it should be used daily to supplement the eating of these raw vegetables included in our daily salads. The most abundant supply of organic oxalic acid is found in fresh¬raw spinach (both the common variety and the New Zealand spinach) Swiss chard, beet greens, turnip and mustard greens, kale and collards, and the broad-leafed French sorrel. When spinach is the subject matter of discussion, one generally associates it with its effectiveness as a laxative. The underlying cause for this effectiveness is the high oxalic acid content in this vegetable. This is such an important element involved in the activities of our intestines that it is worthy of very special attention, and we have given a whole chapter to the subject of oxalic acid. Spinach should never be eaten when cooked unless we are particularly anxious to accumulate oxalic acid crystals in our kidneys with the consequent pain and kidney trouble. When spinach is cooked or canned, the oxalic acid atoms become inorganic as a result of excessive heat and may form oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys. Taken from the book "fresh vegetable and fruit juices" by N.W. Walker D.Sc.
@Ftiaxno 4 года назад
According to Webster, the word inorganic is described as - 1. Not organic; not endowed with, or subjected to, organization; devoid of an organized structure, or the structure of a living being; unorganized; as rocks, minerals and all non living chemical compounds and elements are inorganic. 2. Pertaining to, or embracing, substances or species; as inorganic chemistry; inorganic forces; the inorganic kingdom. The word organic is described by the same authority as; - pertaining to an organ or its functions; consisting of organs or containing them; as the organic structure of the human body or of plants. It will be seen plainly wherein the difference lies, but it is necessary to go a step farther in order to fully grasp the real difference. The end product of combustion of organic matter particularly, is largely carbon dioxide and both animal and human metabolism is considered today, to be a slow process of oxidation. The human body always contains much more oxygen than any other element. The word OXYGEN is derived from the Greek, meaning "to bring forth." The only breathable oxygen produced by nature is from the leaves or lungs of plants and given off to the atmosphere in abundance. Carbon dioxide does not and cannot support the life of the human or animal cell, but it is absorbed into the organism of the plant. The carbon being used for structural purposes and the oxygen being breathed out. The very breath of Human life is, therefore, dependent upon the vegetable or herb kingdom. Holy script says, "The fruit thereof is for meat and the leaves for the healing of the Nations" and modern science verifies that fact. We know well that the Herb can and does assimilate inorganic mineral matter and that through some mysterious and unknown alchemy convert this inert and lifeless matter into living organic material, which, when presented to the animal or human cell is hungrily absorbed, sustaining and renewing its life process. We also know that the life process of the human cell cannot be sustained by any element or compound obtained directly from the inorganic kingdom. Even oxygen in the air we breathe, is diluted with 79.07 percent of nitrogen. That is, by volume, or 77 percent nitrogen by weight. If pure oxygen is inhaled for more than a comparatively short length of time, it will destroy the tissues by burning them. If a mouse be placed into a large jar of oxygen, he will frisk about and be excessively active for 20 or 30 minutes, and then he will drop dead. But, the oxygen from plants, used as food and medicine does not so destroy. Here we shall give one or two examples of the effect of organic and inorganic compounds or elements upon the human organism, in order to prove beyond doubt, the destructive effect of the one, and the beneficial effect of the other. Example No. 1. Oxalic Acid(C-2O4-H2)+2H2O does not occur free in nature, but is found in combination with sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and manganese in the juices of many plants, such as Rhubarb, Sorrel, Oak Bark, Cinchona, Yellow Dock, etc. Oxalic Acid is prepared artificially by oxydizing sugar and starch with Nitric Acid (H-N-O-3), and in this form is one of the most powerful escharotic poisons known. One dram will quickly prove fatal by destroying the organic structure of any tissue it touches; literally eating away tissues of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, and finally perforating the peritoneum, and in approximately 30 minutes after swallowing and after great suffering, will result in death. The very self same acid in the form of iron oxalate, potassium, sodium or calcium oxalates as found in Rhubarb, Sorrel leaves, etc. is quite harmless and these Herbs are consumed in great quantities by both man and animals. They are grown and freely distributed to all ports of the civilized world and no one claims they are injurious, in fact, Rhubarb is one of our best laxative and blood purifying Herbs, while Sorrel leaves in the fresh state are extensively used in salads and highly recommended by both ancient and modern Herbalists for Scurvy or Scrofula. Sheep Sorrel, as it is commonly called, has also been used for reducing adipose tissue, in treatment of foul and sloughing ulcers and for cancer. It belongs to the family known as Polygonaceae or the Buckwheat family. Several of our very best therapeutic agents are members of this family, such as Yellow Dock (Rumex Crispus) and several others. All of them are iron containing and each and every one of them contains oxidates from 2 to 40 percent. Taken from Advanced Treatise On Herbs-Shook, Edward E. soilandhealth.org/copyrighted-book/advanced-treatise-on-herbs/
@Zoe-sj7of 4 года назад
@@Ftiaxno So, what is the best way to get spinach and how often? I used to juice spinach a lot, l wonder if that's why l suffered from adrenal/ kidney pain?
@Ftiaxno 4 года назад
@@Zoe-sj7of The answer to your question is written and explained on my first post Spinach should never be eaten when cooked unless we are particularly anxious to accumulate oxalic acid crystals in our kidneys with the consequent pain and kidney trouble. When spinach is cooked or canned, the oxalic acid atoms become inorganic as a result of excessive heat and may form oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys. When the oxalic acid has become INORGANIC by cooking or processing the foods that contain it, then this acid forms an interlocking compound with the calcium even combining with the calcium in other foods eaten during the same meal, destroying the nourishing value of both. This results in such a serious deficiency of calcium that it has been known to cause decomposition of the bones. This is the reason I never eat cooked or canned spinach. As to the oxalic acid itself, when converted into an inorganic acid by cooking or processing the food, it often results in causing inorganic oxalic acid crystals to form in the kidneys.
@TheVigilantStewards 4 года назад
So you wouldn't eat Swiss chard cooked? I can't imagine eating it raw, or big thick kale raw. Or is it just spinach
@Ftiaxno 4 года назад
@@TheVigilantStewards yes you can chop them fine and eat it like letuse sallad or you can put them in boiling water only for 1 minute
@saucywench9122 4 года назад
Thank you for this. I haven't eaten sheep sorrel before, only wood sorrel and I love it. Everything in moderation is wonderfully beneficial and now I need to look up sheep sorrel and why I might make a tincture from it so I can put it with the rest of my store. Unless you can save me the time and tell me what you take it for, heh. Lots of books to go through.
@donnadaly3303 3 года назад
Sheep sorrel root is the ESSENTIAL ingredient in essiac tea for the curing of cancer. Without the sheep sorrel root the tea will not work.
@saucywench9122 3 года назад
@@donnadaly3303 thank you so much. I love working with roots. I started learning with yellow dock, so fantastic in tincture and as a tea.
@CRHall-ud9mq 4 года назад
Brilliant, and thank you very much Geoff Lawton, I learnt a valuable lot from this :-)
@speaklifegardenhomesteadpe8783 2 года назад
I love it.
@TheVigilantStewards 4 года назад
I don't even know what sheep sorrel is, will have to look it up... guessing it's like comfrey a bit
@cassieoz1702 4 года назад
Horrid stuff that infests your garden from the paddocks. Anything that spreads by seed as well as runners will take over the place. I find it grows in my heavy clay soil. I spend a lot of time pulling it out because mulching has no effect on it
@monkeymanwasd1239 4 года назад
Geoff have you checked out the carnivore diet? I learned about it about 3 or 4 years ago and thought it was too unusual to be ligit, but now I'm the one spreading info about it.
@SydamorHD 4 года назад
No...just no for the sake of the enviroment. Please think.
@saucywench9122 4 года назад
@SydamorHD. I don't understand your comment.
@SydamorHD 4 года назад
@@saucywench9122 What a surprise...
@laughingcedar 4 года назад
@@SydamorHDThis is the kind of answer that dictates that your previous comment is not meant to be effective or teach anyone anything &/or you don't actually have an answer. What's the point of even saying anything then? If YOU actually cared about the environment then you'd actually try to answer Saucy Wench, if you even have an answer, but instead you simply chose to be judgmental & disrespectful so the only thing you accomplish is getting out some apparent anger, which quite frankly just comes down to selfish muttering with no actual effectiveness. In essence, you said nothing. Nothing to contribute. You might as well just talk to yourself.
@SydamorHD 4 года назад
@@laughingcedar k
@honestlee4532 2 месяца назад
Lime and lemon juice break up the stones that are formed by a large amount of oxalates.
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