
What Does It Mean To Blaspheme The Holy Spirit? 

Sean McDowell
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#shorts #apologetics #jesus #holyspirit



21 окт 2024




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@carolledger8047 Год назад
Thank you so much for clearing this up! I was so worried that I may have done that unknowingly that I was even afraid to watch this video. I finally decided that maybe I should know. Whew! I did not do anything like that! Thank goodness! 🙏
@marianne.grace.espiritu4674 2 года назад
Thank you Dr Sean. This gave me a relief because I get anxious to this sin. Who would want to commit a sin without forgiveness?
@MrAuskiwi101 2 года назад
Don't get anxious about things that don't exist
@RoyceVanBlaricome 2 года назад
@@MrAuskiwi101 - Don't be speaking falsely for God and bearing false witness against Jesus Himself. He said it DOES exist.
@RoyceVanBlaricome 2 года назад
The fact that you are anxious about committing it is a good thing in that it shows you still have a conscience and a fear of the Lord. If you had committed it that would not be the case. However, contrary to what Sean says you CAN commit it today. Guard your heart, mortify the Flesh, take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and test the spirits.
@RoyceVanBlaricome 2 года назад
@Luke Crawford - Your OPINION is duly noted and summarily dismissed because, well, it's just that and MORE IMPORTANTLY God says otherwise. Jesus Himself says otherwise by His own mouth in the passage that Sean cited. Call Jesus a Liar at your own peril.
@RoyceVanBlaricome 2 года назад
@Luke Crawford Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent. (Pro 17:28) A fool does not delight in understanding but only in revealing his own mind. (Pro. 18:2) A fool's mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul. (Pro. 18:7) He who answers a matter before he hears, it is folly and shame to him. (Pro. 18:13) "Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say something" - Plato A wise man once said it is better to keep your mouth shut and not show your ignorance than open it and remove all doubt. You should work on your wisdom a bit. 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒: Leave to those in the Flesh and the Posers to make a matter of eternal significance a laughing matter. Smh
@HopeKuhn 2 года назад
Sean! You need to block links on your RU-vid channel, there’s some gross 🤢 channels posting their links here! You can block links and block words on your RU-vid channel so there’s less garbage and scammers!
@HopeKuhn 2 года назад
All you do is go into RU-vid studio, click on “Settings”, then you click “Community”, and then in that section you can add words to block etc. and at the bottom is where you select the “block links” ✅ option (if you want!!).
@SeanMcDowell 2 года назад
Thanks. I’ll look into this…
@clarekuehn4372 2 года назад
Not just of Jesus while alive. Any time one knows better, is told a deep truth about God, and willfully rejects it.
@MrAuskiwi101 2 года назад
Jesus was never alive
@davidjanbaz7728 2 года назад
@@MrAuskiwi101 LOL 😆
@MrAuskiwi101 2 года назад
@@davidjanbaz7728 Your denial is exposed.
@DevonB-fz4tx Месяц назад
I said “the Holy Spirit is not real” and I heard “I’ve departed” afterward, now I haven’t felt the presence of God since then and am scared …. I feel no conviction or remorse over sin now … have I blasphemed the Holy Spirit and made God leave me?
@AnHebrewChild 2 года назад
It clearly states why Jesus says it in verse 30, Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: *Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.* Brother McDowell, I might word your explanation here a tad differently but you do get at the core of what the sin is. Thank you. This was refreshing. _ Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is calling the Holy Spirit "an unclean spirit." It's plain on the page. Yet there are so many teachings and sermons out there calling the blasphemy of the Spirit, "not trusting the gospel," or "resisting the work of God," or "a persistent state of unbelief." These are all concomitants to the sin of Holy Ghost blasphemy, no doubt about it. But the sin is: "because they said, [Jesus] has an unclean spirit." SIDE NOTE: I personally find verse 28 to be so very underrated. It is a most POWERFUL promise uttered by the King himself. He was in the midst of warning them, and yet Mr Jesus (Full-of-Grace-and-Truth) manages to speak such a merciful promise with it. I can't convey how meaningful that verse has been to me in my struggle of a Christian walk. verse, 28: All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, AND (even) blasphemies wherewith soever (!) they shall blaspheme. I love the famous WHOSOEVER of John 3:16 and equally love the WHEREWITHSOEVER (!) of Mark 3. blessings Sean
@smyrnachristianchurchkokomo 19 дней назад
Nobody has ever committed the unforgivable sin at this time. It can only be committed when Satan is here on earth as the false Christ. When the elect are delivered up to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them at that time, if they were to refuse the Holy Spirit from speaking through them, that is unforgivable. That is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Mark 13:9-11, Luke 12:10-12)
@ethanhahn6043 2 года назад
I would love an hour-long version of this video
@sunny_lis7135 2 года назад
@SilzyzAfton_ 6 месяцев назад
So I was just in Confession and the priest told me that it was Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. When I was in Confession just like 2 days ago, I was ignorant and didn't want to do my Penance. Once time passed, I forgot to do it on the day I was going to Confession again. I didn't say it. So I told the priest that I forgot to pray my Penance. He I think said that it is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Have I commited the unforgivable? Will I be Forgiven by God? Please tell me. I do not want to stress anymore. Please tell me. What if I really am sorry?
@jaredfilbrun1507 Год назад
The unforgivable sin view of Sean seems off, if it was attributing Jesus’ acts on only on earth in the flesh as demonic, then we basically no longer have the unforgivable sin. I could be wrong but that seems to be Sean’s view? The unforgivable sin was and is attributing the work of Jesus through the Holy Spirit as evil. If you reject faith in Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in your life then that is the only unforgivable sin. Chuck Swindoll has a great commentary on the unforgivable sin.
@beautyrefinment 4 месяца назад
the bible says, "neither in this age nor the age to come". This means even when Jesus is NOT in the flesh. I need some truth that does more than tickle my ears and actually provides some biblical context
@dslmodem9014 2 месяца назад
No because when he said „Neither in this age“ he meant his first arrival and with „Or in the Age to come he meant the millennial Kingdom we are in the church age at the moment watch Robert breaker video on this topic
@eimisavageofficial9196 2 года назад
amen from india
@acpren 2 года назад
My big question is why Jesus said He came to sew division, to turn daughter against mother and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law, etc. Well mission accomplished in my family. My children claim to be atheist and will not discuss anything approaching a perspective akin to divine creation. And also, forget bringing up the subject of Jesus. I am heartbroken about it. So why was that His goal?
@mrhandman4543 2 года назад
annie i am so sorry that this is happening to you. i dont think i have any wisdom to offer you but just know that God's plans are greater than ours. know that the hope we have in Jesus is greater than any despair we may face in this life. do not lose your hope, faith or love for your children. trust in the Lord and keep following Him even in these hard times. we do not know but it might be the case that He uses you to bring them back to Him. Much love and God bless ❤️🙏🏽
@davidm4566 2 года назад
He never said it was his goal; but said that was what was going to happen. The Bible also says that God wants all to repent and believe. However, he knows that some won't and it will cause division.
@branlan895 2 года назад
when you live in a world with good and evil, God and satan. there's going to be division. nothing you can do about it
@acpren 2 года назад
@@davidm4566 Somehow Matthew 10:34-36 reads that way to me, no matter how I try to see your point of view.
@davidm4566 2 года назад
@@acpren It helps to look at other parts of the Bible to get a big picture. But we all interpret things differently and there should be no problem with having a discussion with someone that sees things differently :) I know on the internet that is an EXTREMELY rare thing to disagree with someone and have them be civil.
@Myjesus-1 10 месяцев назад
When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, he made a new covenant for his true followers. He was able to send the Holy Spirit to transform us to righteousness and conquer the flesh nature to set us free from the practice of sin, and it's desires. I think it is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit when people deny the power of the Holy Spirit to transform us to righteousness. The Apostle Paul said that we are not in the flesh if the Holy Spirit lives in us. 2 Corinthians 10:3 Paul also tells us that we have been set free from sinful desires: "For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh." Isaiah 53:5 says: "But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed." Before Jesus came, the law that people lived under could not conquer the flesh nature. That is why people had to sacrifice animals repeatedly. The cleansing that God provides is not temporary. It is permanent. Hebrews 7:27 says: "He (Jesus) has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself." Many Christians mock the Holy Spirit by saying it is impossible to conquer the flesh nature. They don't believe. They don't have faith, and they contradict the Word Of God. They are diminishing the power of the Holy Spirit in their own minds & in the minds of others. They are mocking the sacred miracles that bring Salvation. If people admitted these things were true, they would have to give up their sins. People flock to false religion due to the corruption in their hearts. 1 Peter 2:24 confirms that is possible to stop sinning: "He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” Scripture describes these false converts as continuing in sin, because they deny the power of the Holy Spirit. 2 Timothy 3:5 "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." They have rejected the work that Jesus did for us on the cross.
@conniegarkow4680 2 месяца назад
Can a born again believer commit this sin and become reprobate?
@velkyn1 2 года назад
it means nothing at all. No god, no holy spirit, and nothing happens.
@bradvincent2586 Год назад
Sounds really contrived. Now that the earth has an increased measure of the Holy Spirit, it simultaneously became impossible to blaspheme Him? Asking for a friend
@shadowmist1246 2 года назад
That is quite the spin however that is not exactly what the scriptures teach though is it?
@mugglescakesniffer3943 2 года назад
It means to attribute to the power of the Holy Spirit to a "devil" or "demon".
@RoyceVanBlaricome 2 года назад
Ding ding ding ding ding. BINGO!!
@dadedreamin 2 года назад
Dr Sean McDowell, excellent teaching and I’m convinced that many Christians would be relieved to hear this message.
@RoyceVanBlaricome 2 года назад
Yes, MANY will be relieved and happy to have their ears tickled. Even some Christians.
@dadedreamin 2 года назад
@@RoyceVanBlaricome Ears tickled? What are you talking about?
@russellcraddock3529 8 месяцев назад
It's pute this where the rubber meets the road;! The only ones that can commit the blasphemy of the holy spirit is found in Luke chapter 12 V 10 and the following where the elect and very elect when brought up before the ANTICHRIST and doesn't let the holy Spirit speak but the ones that are brought up to the ANTICHRIST the elect and very elect and those who know the truth of Mathew chapter 24 Mark 13 and Luke 21. Use THIER own opinion on who the ANTICHRIST is tell them what they think about him then that won't be FOREGIVEn by God those are the only ones that can commit that the unforgiven sin! Open your Bible study study study study study the word of God!
@gusolsthoorn1002 2 года назад
Disagree; you added the words, "while he is in the flesh" but this is not in the context. This sin has to do with attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan. Doing so, not only insults God but leaves the person in the position of not being able to recognize the work of the Holy Spirit through whom we have the new birth in Christ. It is tantamount to Spiritual suicide, and yes people do this today.
@zacsimillion 2 года назад
Are you sure?
@Expeditehistory 2 года назад
Very good video. I love that you stay within scriptural bounds to defend your position.
@RoyceVanBlaricome 2 года назад
Nope. He added to Scripture. That's NOT staying within Scriptural bounds. See Pro. 30:5-6 for more on that.
@Mr.C-Mister 2 года назад
Love the message. Not the devil dancing in the background. Could have easily placed Jesus Christ above your right shoulder. I feel we find it easier to use images of evil then of Christ. That's something I see quiet too often with Christian youtubers and on tiktok.
@jonathanwilliams6922 2 года назад
Very cool very true
@jonathanwilliams6922 2 года назад
@*Uncle Joe* thank you very much God bless
@calebdillman8462 2 года назад
Its a short clip so context is reduced
@MrSturdystratus 2 года назад
That’s exactly why you go into your Bible and check the those scriptures yourself. Don’t just take everybody’s word for everything… do research read your Bible and get the context yourself and then compare to the video this way you understand if it really lines up with the Bible or not
@Nathanatos22 2 года назад
I love how “in context” always means “my personal interpretation that makes personally makes me most comfortable and that most other church leaders don’t agree with”
@azophi 2 года назад
I mean… yeah I guess. That doesn’t seem like an orthodox reading of the scripture. But also like … Why would 3 gospel authors and Hebrews include it if they knew it was just referring to something that ended 30+ years ago? Seems like the gospel writers found it important enough to include that in there so presumably they thought it meant something else.
@JohnMarksQuickBibleTips 2 года назад
@@azophi Actually, he used "in context" correctly here. I disagree with him on his interpretation but that was the subject being discussed. The reason I think he is wrong is because, while that is what they were discussing it doesn't seem to fit with the other statement made that says "And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him" doesn't seem like it fits with what Sean is saying. I actually think it is the opposite. Those that blaspheme (reject Him) Jesus in the flesh could be forgiven, but if you blaspheme (reject) the Holy Spirit after Jesus is ascended, there is no other hope for you. Those religious leader who were rejecting Jesus would have still been around after Jesus' ascension, could have accepted Jesus after He was gone through the Holy Spirit. If they missed that boat, they were toast!
@azophi 2 года назад
@@JohnMarksQuickBibleTips so if I were to say “I reject the Holy Spirit” out loud like I just did Am I going to hell or what idk
@JohnMarksQuickBibleTips 2 года назад
@@azophi 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.
@azophi 2 года назад
@@JohnMarksQuickBibleTips hopefully he’s patient enough to show himself after death and allow us to change our mind 🙏🙏🙏
@jamesdewane1642 2 года назад
0:47 "we cannot commit blasphemy of the Holy Spirit." according to Sean "But let anyone blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and he will never have forgiveness; he is guilty of an eternal sin." according to Jesus in Mark Lol! Thru Sean there is no blaspheming the HS, praise be to Sean. But the freaking authors of Mark want us to puzzle out what Jesus meant. Here is what it means for me: if the HS is the guidance by which we become aware of our sins and recover from them, then rejecting that guidance will leave you in your cycles of sin, for as long as you reject that guidance, perhaps eternally. Is that so hard? Sean seems like a Christian so intent on exalting Jesus that he directly contradicts the gospel. Sean feels like he can discard Jesus' words because the words only applied for as long as Jesus was in the flesh. That's not a compelling argument to me. With that thinking you open up all of scripture to cherry picking tailored to any agenda under the sun. I'd rather look for a timeless message. The HS is timeless. Rejecting its guidance, --from Jesus, from anyone else in your life, from life circumstances-- is the only way to commit an eternal sin. I think Sean would call it rejecting grace. I don't understand why Sean would engage in doublespeak to negate Jesus' words. Is the phrase "eternal sin" just too scary? In this little vid all Sean does is replace "blaspheme the HS" with "reject grace." The disadvantages of Sean's change are 1. undermine the gospel 2. introduce an undefined term I just explained what I think "blaspheme the HS" means. Sean needs to explain, in operational real-life terms, what he means by reject grace. If he doesn't, then he's confusing more than illuminating. And his definition of "reject grace" is going to sound a lot like my definition I bet.
@saj6260 2 года назад
I have many questions about this comment, but to be more brief I just suggest rewinding to the 0:32 seconds where Sean defines blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. I was going to leave one question, but it turned into 3. I apologize that they are a bit deep because I am not one to continue back and forth in comments (please don't expect a reply), but just leaving as food for thought: (1) if blasphemy by definition is to speak evil or irreverent things about God than how can simply rejecting the guidance of the Holy Spirit be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? (2) By that logic wouldn't we all be guilty of rejecting the Holy Spirit's guidance at one point or another and all be found guilty of an unforgivable sin (ex-rejecting the Holy Spirit's guidance in decision making when we are enticed by our own desires (as in James 1:14))? I ask because the passage sounds as though a once-committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit results in an unforgivable eternal sin, rather than someone possibly rejecting the Holy Spirit's guidance eternally. (3) Based on question (2) if all are found guilty of an unforgivable sin wouldn't we all be rejected from God and eternally separated from His presence at the end due to being guilty of eternal unforgivable sin? -Just something to think about. I believe the grace that Sean is referring to at the end is the gift of salvation that Jesus offers us through His finished work on the cross, which allows us to be presented blameless before God in the end.
@RoyceVanBlaricome 2 года назад
Your OPINION is duly noted and summarily dismissed because, well, it's just that and MORE IMPORTANTLY God says otherwise. Jesus Himself said otherwise.
@jamesdewane1642 2 года назад
@@saj6260 First, thank you for the very respectful tone and content of your comment, something a bit lacking in my criticism of Sean. As for all of us being guilty of the sin I think Jesus is referring to, and thus eternally condemned, I see your point. All i can say to that is that Jesus' mode of discourse is rhetorical and hyperbolic at times in Mark, and not lawyerly. Look at the end of chapter 9 with reference to a millstone and cutting off body parts. For me the discussion of sin here puts the ch 3 HS comment in context. "For everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is a good thing," The fire referred to is the fire of hell, the result of sin, very clear in the passage. It follows then that salt is the wisdom gained thereby. The conclusion I draw is that sin is inevitable (Everyone will be salted with fire) and something you are meant to recover from, wiser. For me it's a very optimistic view of sin without belittling the danger and pain of it. It is not portrayed as eternal here in chapter 9. The only sin that can be eternal is mistaking divine correction for the spirit of satan, which would keep you in the fire for as long as long you insist on rejecting the Spirit of God. So Jesus in chapter 3 wants to emphasize the grave seriousness of calling evil something which is holy. I understand how other views may be sincerely held and serve God's will. I went back to the New Testament after many years away from it because I saw how well some Christians live. The things they said however didn't make sense to me. Especially exclusivity claims about Jesus. Reading Mark carefully on my own for myself, I found what I am truly comfortable referring to as Good News. My irritation with thinkers like Sean is that they seem to take Jesus very seriously, but they don't take seriously what is in the books. They seem to me a stumbling block for anyone new to Christianity or considering a return to Christianity. My views are not popular or even acceptable in most Christian circles. Every one of us carries the divine spark and IS (at least potentially and maybe inevitably and intrinsically) the Christ. Jesus came into that full knowing of his divinity and seeks to share that experience with all of us. What better Good News? The true virgin birth is in Mark 13. Food for thought.
@jamesdewane1642 2 года назад
@@saj6260 0:32 is a form of exclusivity claims for Jesus, which doesn't make sense to me and seems unwarranted. Does not the HS work through us all? Did the HS move exclusively in Jesus while he was on earth? I believe thinking of Jesus as different in kind from us makes Christianity an impossible religion. I understand this view is regarded with revulsion by many Christians. I don't see the exclusively divine nature of Jesus supported in Mark, and John masterfully hangs the question of who is the Christ all over the place. Or else why have Jesus go unrecognized 7 times? Under the table, John is telling you that the Christ goes unrecognized in and out of everyone's life all the time. Good News! Awake to it.
@royhiggins7270 2 года назад
“We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and I say it proudly, we should be Christian nationalists.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) “I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk - that’s not in the Constitution.” Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) Lauren Boebert calls for laws to enforce "biblical citizenship training" in our schools. “We’re not bending the knee to the two percent anymore,” said Andrew Torba, founder of the right-wing-friendly social platform Gab, referring to Jewish people in the United States. Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser, told a Christian gathering last November, “If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion. One nation under God and one religion under God.” The 10-year-old Ohio girl who crossed state lines to receive an abortion in Indiana should have carried her pregnancy to term and would be required to do so under a model law written for state legislatures considering more restrictive abortion measures, according to the general counsel for the National Right to Life. Former President Donald Trump said during a speech on Saturday that "Americans kneel to God" alone, as the concept of Christian nationalism continues to gain traction among conservatives. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is attended a rally in Pennsylvania with state Sen. Doug Mastriano. Mastriano has praised Andrew Torba, the founder of Gab and a self-described Christian nationalist. Desantis is the most insidious of them all because he knows better. The Trump-Republican Taliban and the majority of Christians want to force their delusions and hatred upon everyone! When the Civil War starts will you choose America or Theocracy?
@User_Happy35 2 года назад
I'm glad it's no longer so easy in certain states to murder the unborn!
@royhiggins7270 2 года назад
@@User_Happy35 So which loved ones do you hope don't die in the upcoming war? Will you still be happy when they die? So I am guessing you'll be on the theocracy side of the war?
@hillstrong715 2 года назад
Which theocracy do you want to live under, if any? At the moment, the ruling theocracy is the one being promulgated by the Democrats. There is an alternative being promulgated by certain sections of the Republicans. There are others as well on display in your nation. Unfortunately, some sort of religious belief system will direct your political systems as this will engender what kinds of morality will be legislated. Many atheists want t restrict that directing religious belief system to be the one that they adhere to and yet claim that they have no religious system. This is a problem that often arises. The idea of the separation of state and church in a republic is a good idea but it is prone to abuse as we see in many countries including the USA. In the USA, a political-religious group has been able to gain enough control to ensure that their political-religious belief system has gained ascendancy to the current situation of not allowing religious discussion in the public arena that does not conform to this specific political-religious viewpoint. In fact, what we see is that this political-religious system actually denies that it is religious and this delusion is what is used to obtain this control. I live in a country that does not have the actual constitutional protections that are available to the USA and we are at the whims of those who would deny us the freedom to practice and live within the relevant religious context that we might have. If you disagree with the government position, you will face legal battles up to and including imprisonment. We are a democracy and not a republic and as such we have no protections from "mob rule" from either the left or the right (as these might be described). When you talk of "civil war", this will arise becasue one side will not allow the other side to have an avenue to present their ideas. When one side or the other can gain enough control to "cancel" or make it impossible to speak for their opponents then you will get "trouble". This is on show at the moment to the whole world with the current USA president calling a huge number of the USA citizenry terrorists becasue they oppose his agenda. This is stupidity of an order that is monstrous and will only cause the very thing that a nation needs to avoid. No side of politics has all the solutions and as long as we bicker as we do, there will only be more conflicts. Think deeply about this and not just have a "kneejerk" reaction.
@davidm4566 2 года назад
Unfortunately you're taking a few quotes and applying it to everyone in a group. People that genuinely follow Jesus are called to love others. Jesus said the signs of a true follower (key word is true follower) of him are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, self-control. I don't know about you but I would not mind living in a society where the people act that way.
@royhiggins7270 2 года назад
@@hillstrong715 You have America wrong. As a Republic it is controlled exclusively by the minority. The Democrats aren't a theocracy...they actual respect the constitution. The First Amendment's Establishment Clause prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion.” This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. If women currently disagree with the government position, they currently face legal battles up to and including imprisonment and so do their doctors thanks to the minority and gerrymandering of elections. And this is just the start of the slippery slope...the LGBT community will be next on the freedom chopping block. And forced relgious indoctrination will follow. So if the Republicans have their way they will make America a true theocracy. So yes Civil War will happen if this path is continued because the survival of America is at stake. A large number of American citizens are terrorists and they exclusively support the Trump-Republican Taliban whose mascot is Jesus Christ!! So please stop pretending to know America!!
@JD-ro7xe 2 года назад
There are no demons. Is blasphemy against Holy Spirit worse than a god allowing children to die of starvation?
@junkgum 2 года назад
Well... Blessed is he who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God. And why is the history of Egypt more accurate to non-believers than the Bible?
@filler7149 2 года назад
There is no radiation Is refusing to take a plea deal for murder worse than being poor?
@MrAuskiwi101 2 года назад
@@filler7149 That is a nonsensical reply
@MrAuskiwi101 2 года назад
Yes of course demons are imaginary but then so is blasphemy, Holy sprit and god. Sadly children dying of starvation isn't. But then religion has enough money to solve that issue, but of course it doesn't.
@davidjanbaz7728 2 года назад
@@MrAuskiwi101 you obviously are doing nothing about it !
@monkkeygawd 2 года назад
Neither a literal "Satan" nor any "demon" exist in reality... these are ancient concepts to explain bad things, etc., and are outdated in the modern age. Very superstitious, magical thinking.
@digitalbizfor25 2 года назад
Fascinating. Can you please explain how the universe came into existence?
@monkkeygawd 2 года назад
@@digitalbizfor25 actually, in "reality," there is no Universe... matter/material have no stand alone existence. Are you familiar with nondualism? Advaita Vedanta (nondual Hinduism), for example, shows that only Consciousness exists... the Universe (we included) only exist within the Mind of God, aka Consciousness. We are literally thoughts in the Mind of God. No evil. No sin. No good, either. Just is-ness. Being.
@Black-ui7ff 2 года назад
I’ve heard this said before and people will say it was used to explain things like seizures and such, but the Bible makes a clear distinction between people being ill and having seizures (In one case Jesus healed a boy who has them because he was epileptic). Saying the existence of demons or a corrupted spiritual being would be true if there is no such thing as God or anything that transcends the physical world and matter but I think there is very solid evidence for not only God but the validity of Christianity and the gospels. Could you elaborate on why you think such things don’t exist?
@Black-ui7ff 2 года назад
@@monkkeygawd interesting. So things like murder or children or people being raped, genocide (such as the nazis) etc are not evil? They’re just thoughts in the mind of god? That seems like a very perverse god. And if these things aren’t evil what’s the point of trying to stop them too? Also could you explain to me why you think physical reality does not exist? That seems like a very hard thing to give evidence for.
@Black-ui7ff 2 года назад
@@monkkeygawd also I agree matter has no stand alone existence because the universe is contingent but I would say it’s contingent on God but I’d also say he’s very much separate from the physical reality in the sense that it’s not “part” of him. Otherwise that seems like a very evil god. And to say there is no such thing as evil or good also strikes me as very furious because I’ve never met anyone, including people who hold this view, who can act that out. Everyone behaves as if there is real good or evil in the world and as if there are right and wrong actions to take. For example, if your girlfriend or boyfriend cheats on you then you feel betrayed and you are convinced that is a wrong thing to do, or if you see someone abusing a child you see that as wrong, or even if someone hurts you people tend to act as if what just transpired was wrong, I’ve never seen someone say hey that wasn’t good or bad it just is.
@Bullcutter 2 года назад
Your liberal exegesis is unconvincing!
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