
What Gluten-Free Really Means 

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It's the newest food fad out there: gluten free. Trace explains what gluten is and if there's any actual science behind all this anti-gluten rhetoric.
Read More:
Gluten-Free: Is it a Fad, or a Healthy Diet?
"A recent survey showed that 29 percent of Americans are interested in either giving gluten up altogether or vastly reducing their intake."
What is Gluten-Free? FDA Has an Answer
"People with celiac disease can now have confidence in the meaning of a "gluten-free" label on foods."
Is It Really 'Gluten-Free'? FDA Sets New Limits
"People with celiac disease can now trust that foods labeled "gluten-free" are safe for them to eat, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says."
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@hallestrausser9189 10 лет назад
not going to lie, I love how being gluten free is a fad diet right now. Why? I'm gluten and dairy free for medical reasons. All these people trying to loose weight are making my life easier by helping put stuff I can eat on the shelves! Down side is a lot of restaurants wont take me serious when I ask if something has flour in it now. Which has ended up with me being very sick several times.
@sliceinher 10 лет назад
yeah.. you gotta tell them that you have severe allergy to gluten. This way they will be scared that you will sue their careless asses, and serve you properly :D
@starleejiles7955 10 лет назад
Actually, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle that is forced upon you, unless you want to die from liver disease. Just saying.
@MustachioFurioso9134 10 лет назад
Starlee Jiles It's a diet...and a fad... Unless you have a medical reason to do so, there is literally no reason to eat gluten free foods. As Halle mentioned, he has medical reasons to not eat foods with gluten...people that don't have medical reasons, they are only doing so because it's a fad diet.
@starleejiles7955 10 лет назад
Actually,Jesse Huber, you are kind of ticking me off.I didn't even say it wasn't fad! It's so much healthier than all that processed junk. I'll try to be respectful, but the problem is you don't know that there is a reason to go G-Free, even if it's not for medical reasons. I apologize only to you, because I wasn't talking to you, I meant for that message to get to the ignorant people out there, who think a diet is a choice. A diet is a medical term, like a problem with your cholesterol, you have to avoid certain foods. I only apologize to those who know what a real diet is. Another reason is that it's genetically modified, Sir. GMO's, (Genetically Modified Organisms). All because of this processing to the gluten, my cousin died of Liver disease. I recently found out that I have Celiac, along with my mother who now has Celiac, and liver disease, stage four, to be exact. (Last Stage before you Die) Another interesting factoid; Gluten sensitivity is so common, that about fifty percent of Americans have it. Celiac. When they fing out, it's too late. My other cousin had gone Gluten free, (for no medical reason) and lost a ton of weight, and is just overall so much better. She feels happy and healthy. No more depression. It's not that successful for everyone, it depends on genetics.
@MustachioFurioso9134 10 лет назад
Starlee Jiles there is no scientific proof that eating Gluten free is any healthier than eating regular foods. So whatever you say, its all circumstantial and anecdotal... Unless you have celiacs disease, there isn't a scientific reason to actually switch to a gluten free diet...sorry I pissed you off, BUT that's the truth! People that don't have medical reasons to switch are 9 times out of 10 only doing it because its the new diet fad that's going around.
@Celticninja011 10 лет назад
I am gluten-Intolerant, and trust me when I say this... the food is dry as heck... Most of the time I just avoid anything that is a substitute for wheat, and end up eating vegetables, meats and non-gluten grains mostly.
@skad4 10 лет назад
Same boat... Did your intolerance recently start up too?
@Celticninja011 10 лет назад
***** its been 9 years or so? been a while.
@myj0urney 10 лет назад
I love some gluten free products. I get this bread from a bakery made of quinoa and pumpkin seeds
@Kay-mc1uj 10 лет назад
***** Same with the dry bland foods... except for this gluten free cookie dough I found. It's the BEST probably better than normal cookies. But mine has recently started up. Well about 6 months ago. Not sure if it is gluten intolerance or sensitivity, but I'm trying it. hope it works.
@skad4 10 лет назад
Kamryn Randall trying what?
@bendover9097 10 лет назад
My aunt has been taken by the anti-gluten craze. She gave me a book called "wheat belly" and it tells of how gluten is poison, among other things. Now she won't eat any gluten at all. All the gluten-free food she has is awful.
@bendover9097 10 лет назад
She seem to be of the opinion that because of recent changes to things like bread, the gluten particles have somehow changed their chemical makeup (which would make them not gluten) into something bad. me: "You don't eat ANY gluten? Not even just a little on special occasions?" her: "You wouldn't eat just a LITTLE rat poison, would you?" ಠ_ಠ
@scottemily00es 6 лет назад
God that rat poison thing is something that was started BY celiacs to help us cope with not eating something that’s glutenous Your aunt sucks
@cheeow 11 лет назад
I have a son who's celiac and it was rough going at first. He loved pasta and bread but we have learned to work around it. Quinoa and tapioca flower have been our two biggest saviors. There are lots of options out there these days.
@visibilityshift 10 лет назад
This is skewed with a lot of disinfo -- first of all, it is not "1% of the US" who have Celiac disease. The number could be as high as 1/3 of all Americans with undiagnosed Celiac disease. The medical doctor I consulted with says she believes it is more like 20%. If people weren't feeling better, healthier and pain free on gluten-free products, believe me we wouldn't make the sacrifice! We all miss bread, pizza and cake. But I feel so terrible when I eat these things, there is no way I will ever take another bite of wheat.
@stanssparrow4937 10 лет назад
omg gmo . wtf
@tuckersmoak6632 8 лет назад
+Giselle Bisson oh shut the fuck up. I have celiac and have never heard that. It is estimated about 1% of the population might have it while only about 13% are diagnosed. There is only about 400,000 people in the US that are even diagnosed. Stop spreading lies.
@moonhoney1904 7 лет назад
You probably feel sick after eating pizza and cake and stuff because those things are super high in fat, sugar, etc., which makes EVERYONE sick if you overeat them. Not necessarily because they have gluten. Don't jump to the conclusion that the gluten is the villain when there're multiple other possibilities.
@domestic_sausage8643 9 лет назад
my cousin has celiac disease and i feel so sorry for her. i mean, not being able to eat the extensive lists of foods that she can't eat would be the worst, not to mention the 'gluten free' versions of things like bread are just.. bland and gross
@NihonKitty 10 лет назад
I've recently been experimenting with going gluten-free. For my entire life I've suffered from digestive issues, and they seem to only be getting more serious as I age. I started on a gluten free diet three days ago and I'm already seeing some AWESOME changes. I'm more -regular-, I don't need to make nearly as many -cough- emergency trips to the bathroom, and the most unexpected side effect is it has drastically reduced some stomach bloating that I didn't even know I had! I woke up this morning and my stomach protruded a solid inch less than normal! Even my high waisted skirts and pants fit looser. I guess gluten causes me to bloat, and since I've always been a big gluten eater I just never noticed that it wasn't right? I hope that I'll continue to see even more positive effects as I continue on the "diet". In any case, I think that the gluten-free fad works to the advantage of people like me who probably wouldn't even know what gluten was if it weren't for the -fad diet-. I have no idea why you'd want to cut it out if it wasn't a medical necessity though, it's so costly and inconvenient!!
@icancommentnow 10 лет назад
When I was diagnosed with celiac I didn't know of all the "gluten free" products available, so I was pretty much just eating produce and chicken. I got much better. Then as I began discovering all the products labeled gluten free I was very happy. Some of those things are almost as good as the typical versions, but guess what, I started getting sick again. Now I've cut all that crap back out of my diet and I am starting to feel better again. I have done the cutting slowly enough to know of many different ingredients that I am sensitive to other than the specific type of gluten that all the labels are referring to. I have found that some studies indicate many of these foods as being cross-reactive: foods that can, in some people, cause the same auto immune response as gluten. So while some people may be fine with these foods, I find that the gluten free labeled products usually are of no use to me, and since this has forced me to learn to cook with healthy foods I have developed a much larger passion for food.
@ursilaminor6447 10 лет назад
I just started exploring gluten free. what other ingredients did you find you had reactions to?
@icancommentnow 10 лет назад
Nakijma Nelson I had actually cut out dairy before I found out I had celiac. Later when I had felt as though I was healed I tested dairy and seemed to be fine, but after having dairy a few times it started making me sick again. Yeast makes me violently ill. The most annoying thing though, is corn, because it is in just as many products as gluten, including the majority of products labeled gluten free. And, like gluten, it can fall under different names (some types of dextrose, some types of maltodextrin etc.) It has taken me a long time to realize that corn was effecting me because I didn't realize it was in so many products. I didn't know what was making me feel bad. Another thing is potatoes. A lot of people say they are bad for people with auto immune issues or gastric issues because they are part of the nightshade family, and that all nightshades are bad for us. I haven't noticed much of a problem with most nightshades, but white potatoes do make me feel odd enough to not want them, so I generally avoid all nightshades as well. I am sensitive to eggs as well. Yeah, the list goes on and on. I think the longer you eat things like gluten that do so much damage, the more foods you become sensitive to. I never would have guessed that I had any issue with eggs until I did an elimination diet. When I added them back to my diet I had terrible stomach pain. Hopefully you don't have problems with all these foods. At this point I am free of all grains, dairy, eggs, yeast and nightshades. Apples, raisins, grapes and some other similar foods can be a problem for me as well. I believe the fad diet term for those foods is the fodmap diet.
@Twistshock 9 лет назад
A decent and well-spoken presentation of the subject. I have no issues with consuming gluten however, and have no reason to avoid it.
@TheWolfHowling 10 лет назад
I commend the increase in the availability of gluten free options for people with a gluten intollerance. However, I think most of it is part fad and part mass hysteria. An example of a food fad is non lactose intollerant people drinking soy milk or people eating organics because it's somehow better for you even thought it usually has about the same amount of nutrients as conventionally grown food. An example of mass hysteria is if you had eaten a large amount of gluten containing bread & pasta and then started feeling ill, you might think that this means that you have an intollerance instead of that you just ate too much food.
@renoloverxoxo 10 лет назад
A lot of the non-lactose inolerants that drink soy milk are vegans, though. Veganism (when it's not practiced by idiot college students trying to rebel against their parents) is a lifestyle choice, not a fad diet.
@TheWolfHowling 10 лет назад
OK, you have a good point to which I will yield. However, I still mantain that a large proportion of people that eat these special diets don't need them
@renoloverxoxo 10 лет назад
TheWolfHowling Lol 80% of the world is lactose intolerant though!
@TheWolfHowling 10 лет назад
I know but lactose intolerant can vary person to person so not everyone may need a dairy replacement
@setoman1 10 лет назад
That's not a very good comparison... While I agree on organic and gluten-free foods, soy milk is healthier in general. Personally, I drink it because I prefer the taste and not for any other reason.
@justineceliacslife8623 9 лет назад
in 1 sense im glad people are obsessed with this gluten free weight loss diet fad, as i suffer from celiacs disease it gives me more options, however it makes it more difficult to eat out as people think you have choice. most times restaurants dont understand the serious effect it has when they make a mistake with your order.
@danheidel 11 лет назад
A little of both - it's made it hard for the growers to afford their own crop but it has also brought a lot of money to the region. They are also trying to cultivate it in Colorado and are breeding a variety that grows at low altitudes.
@aszdfxbhjlkm.3570 10 лет назад
I'm doing more of a 'low' gluten diet rather than gluten free. My boyfriend had Hypothyroidism, candida , leaky gut syndrome and a hypersensitivity to most foods. His doctor recommended a low carb, low glycemic and low gluten diet.and it's helped a lot! Since we are doing low carb any way most high carb foods have gluten in them so it's sort of a 2 for 1 diet. I've been doing it alongside him (mostly bc it's easier than making separate dinners) and the low glycemic and low carb end already helped me a lot. My stomach is less upset throughout the day and we do find other resources for vitamins B and D and iron. My complaints are that it is a really expensive diet. What is cool about it tho, if you like cooking, is that there are a lot of alternative home-made versions of those snacks you might crave. so it's a new experience trying to experiment with making new treats and such. Overall really, it's up to whether you can commit to eating that way. it's not easy but it does provide benefits.
@lokustic 10 лет назад
my motto is: just eat and drink and smoke whatever you want. everyone dies eventually so why not have fun while youre at it.
@3ds12Game 10 лет назад
You're partly right. You can do what the heck you want! But is it it a nice thing to do. I.e. By smoking. You could but should you? An addiction makes me feel less free, you're just stuck at smoking stuffy rolled in paper forever. Yes you can stop by therapy or spmething, but i don't call that fun. I rather smell bad than smoking! XD
@502deth 9 лет назад
amen!! you can be miserable eating nothing but dry lettuce all day, and youre still going to die in the end.
@502deth 9 лет назад
information in a computer is not life.
@henrijeanlamour4459 5 лет назад
@@3ds12Game I advice you to check on Jesus & you can be fully right on your statement.Peace of God be with you!
@l1fe1s0dd 10 лет назад
My wheat allergy reactions are painful, annoying, and increasing in severity. I am absolutely grateful for all the attention being put into the gluten free food market.
@yaboyclear 11 лет назад
ive taken an opposite route and decided to venture on an all gluten diet, its been 3 months since ive started, i've been hallucinating constantly and have only passed out 3 times a week so far. the results are pleasing
@omgsockss 10 лет назад
I recently saw hair conditioner that had "gluten free" written on the label. When I read it I was annoyed and confused that such a thing would be advertised in a hair product. Its just capitalizing on the trendiness of gluten-free foods and the stupidity of people who will buy things that follow this fad even if it has nothing to do with the product.
@pker22999 10 лет назад
actually its for health reasons my mom and my brothers have celiac and even shampoo and conditioners with gluten in them bother my families health
@annikadalley7397 10 лет назад
Ryan Kuhn Why would shampoos and conditioners even HAVE gluten?
@pker22999 10 лет назад
i dont actualy know i havent researched anything about but gluten it might be used to thicken it so the shampoo doesnt pour out like water
@starleejiles7955 10 лет назад
Annika Dalley Well I wondered the same thing! Isn't that crazy? But scientists have added more gluten to Wheat, barley, and rye, which traps the air bubbles, so it grows faster, and the bread cooks faster. That means they get money faster, so they try to put it in everything they can.
@RTMarx 11 лет назад
My mom and her sister have both been tested for celiac disease/sensitivity. Both did not suffer from it, but they are gluten-free because they feel physically better. Sometimes their stomachs swell after eating gluten.
@AnthonyWhitted 11 лет назад
I was put on a gluten free diet for Fibromyalgia after my cancer treatment. Not only did it make the pain better, I have more energy, I sleep better, my digestive system improved, I'm hungry less often, joint pain is almost totally gone, etc. I was prescribed oral and injectable vitamins to ensure I was getting what I need. Our wheat is not what it used to be and the current variety is harder to digest and causes inflamatory response in many people.
@zipperhead53 9 лет назад
I am not Celiac, but I've had full blown colitis including bloody stools, acid reflux, and nutrient malabsorption. When I get rid of wheat, barley, and rye products my problems go away.
@jessicaabernethy9738 10 лет назад
I've been on the diet because my mom believed I had ciliac disease. Back then, about 10 years ago, they hardly had any foods that were labeled gluten free, so I had a fun time reading labels before I ate it. Not a fun diet then, but it does not seem that bad now for all of those gluten free people out there. To answer the question, I love the Notta Pasta rice noodles more than any other noodle.
@reaginmx 10 лет назад
Even a minute trace of gluten causes me great discomfort, I suffered for some time before I really found out what the problem was,I had so many crazy systems, constipation,aching wrist,fingers swollen,knees aching, ankles swollen, indigestion, Inflammation from head to toe,skin cells growing hyper on hands and feet,I literally sand my hands and feet with a file & pile on the ointment socks plastic bags/rubber gloves. after seeing my medical Dr. and 2 specialist and they all had different diagnosis, It was my Dentist that actually told me what the problem was.I was wearing gloves, he asked why, I explained my symptoms, and he spent the next 30 min. educating me about gluten,I didn't know very much about gluten, it never interest me because it did not affect me up until now. After 2 years and a whole lot of ups and downs I came to the conclusion that to be totally gluten free I must stop eating all forms of wheat, barley, & rye. I detoxed,& avoided eating gluten for 2 weeks, I felt great, a week later I ate a tuna sandwich on so called GF bread,and became sick all over again. We are spending mega bucks on organic and gluten free foods, But are they really what they claim to be? One thing for sure I can say that all of the so called GF foods I've consumed are NOT totally GF. So save your money, buy a farm and plant/grow your own foods.
@mercatorpsi 11 лет назад
My BFF has a son who has Celiac Disease, and you're right, it's not easy to diagnose. However, once I found he liked Japanese food, I hipped them to Gluten-free shoyu, which really does help.
@dmitrik 10 лет назад
Gluten free food where substitutes are used is (and not just the food being inherently free of gluten by itself)... horrible. I don't know why people who don't have a condition would willingly eat that.
@VideoSuperMaster 10 лет назад
Hipster assholes ran out of dumb things to spend their trust fund money on.
@Lemonz1989 11 лет назад
The connection between stomach ulcers and stress has been disproven a few years ago. The most common cause for stomach ulcers is Helicobacter pylori and can most often be treated quite successfully with the right antibiotics in 90% of the cases.
@kitkat2829 10 лет назад
I went gluten free 15 months ago as a way to ward off arthritis and I'm never going back to being in pain 7 days a week again. Its more than just a fad it can really help people. I see people who can't walk or who have enormous guts or many many health problems and I know a gluten free diet would help but most people have a closed mind and they don't want to believe that the problem is something they are eating. They could literally change there health and there whole way of life
@renoloverxoxo 10 лет назад
My aunt's mum had breast cancer, would going gluten free would have saved her life? No. Because she had the genes that increased her risk. And since when does going gluten free return your ability to walk?
@renoloverxoxo 10 лет назад
***** That makes sense if you have Celiac, but for someone that can process gluten it makes 0 sense.
@ashliberry5495 10 лет назад
If you are on a gluten free diet, please inform yourself of what you can and cannot eat before you go out to eat. Your waitress isn't obligated to know what is or isn't gluten free (it's a new fad and like 1 out of every like 300 customers that come through the restaurant I work at are gluten sensitive. that's just a guestimate). YOU should know. YOU are the one with the special diet... It's only smart to know these things if it is beneficial to your health...
@renoloverxoxo 10 лет назад
FUCKING THANK YOU! Seriously, people get angry with me when I don't know every single ingredient in our food.
@RubyWeapon614 10 лет назад
While every waitress or waiter by no means has to know every single ingredient, if an establishment is selling food to people for money, it should at least have someone working there who does know and can help people that have Celiac's disease. You can't tell someone in a wheelchair to find their own way into the building because most people can walk up stairs. You build a ramp. This is the same idea.
@ashliberry5495 10 лет назад
No it's not the same idea. Most restaurants have Gluten free menus. It's not that hard to ask for one. Just like it's not that hard for people in wheel chairs to use the ramps built for them. Waitresses have to memorize everything else about that restaurant, we don't have the time to sit there and remember every single ingredient in every single item on the menu. People expect way too much from waitresses and it's really funny because about 75% of you don't even know that you're supposed to tip 20% because we only get $2.60ish an hour depending on what state you are in. Half the time we don't see our checks because of taxes. We make a living off tips. We don't get paid enough to worry about memorizing another thing (i.e. what does and does not have gluten in it). If eating gluten is life threatening to you, I would expect YOU to know. How do you eat when you don't go out and you don't have a waitress to tell you what's okay to eat? Do you just take a risk? It's YOUR diet, you need to depend on yourself for that kind of stuff.
@RubyWeapon614 10 лет назад
Ashli Berry Did you read at all what I said? haha, I said SOMEBODY should know. Not you or any one person in particular. And if you have a gluten free menu, why not offer that to them when they ask? Most people would be appreciative of that. I don't see a need to be standoffish.. But the way food is made can be just as important as what is in the food as to whether a person gets sick or not, which we have no control over. Living with a disease is not easy, don't make it worse than it has to be for them. And customers need to be courteous as well, but I get it that some people are not reasonable. Just don't generalize that to all people with the disease... that's all I'm saying. :)
@renoloverxoxo 10 лет назад
Ruby Weapon It's still rude to get pissy at the waitress for not knowing every ingredient.
@annadios 11 лет назад
I'm not entirely convinced. My good friend used to be pretty overweight even though she ate fairly healthy and exercised regularly. She just couldn't seem to lose weight. She does not have celiac disease as far as she's been able to tell, but she cut gluten out of her diet (and didn't change much else in her diet) for like 6 months and, BAM, she lost something like 40 lbs. And she stopped having mysterious headaches, stomach aches, and bloating that she used to experience frequently.
@szeszolszeszol 11 лет назад
My mom has celiac and my sister has a wheat sensitivity, so we shop at trader joes, we get this pasta made from corn flour instead of wheat, it the the most amazing noodle I've ever had
@ajquick 11 лет назад
Thanks for this video. I've got what I suspect is Gluten Intollerance (Celiac runs in my family). Having more options is really better for us all. Thank you for also being accurate about carbs / weight loss. Eating foods that are naturally gluten free is better than eating foods that are made gluten free (such as breads, donuts, pizza.. etc). Eat a bunch of gluten free donuts? Its the same for your weight as eating a bunch of gluten filled ones.
@sharpnicolecatherine 10 лет назад
And if someone chooses to go gluten, good for them, I won't judge or stop them. What bothers me is when people try to force others to do the same and make wild claims about it
@JackhammerJesus 11 лет назад
There is a quite detailed article on wikipedia about the "Environmental impact of meat production". And when you google it you will learn that it is hard to estimate how much damage the production of meat causes exactly, but there is no controversy that it absolutely is a huge strain on our environment. PS: Don't even ask about fish.
@warrenmcdonald8170 10 лет назад
Wow, as somebody that has Celiac I am astounded by how accurate this report is. It's unusual to see somebody that does good research and get all the facts. Good job DNews, I'm impressed.
@starleejiles7955 10 лет назад
I disagree. This video showed a little research, but, they weren't really supporting you in any way. Do you even know why you can't eat gluten? You can digest it, I don't know where that idea where you can't came from, but do you really know why? And you also spelled CELLIAC wrong. C-E-L-L-I-A-C.
@cryofpaine 11 лет назад
As someone with a gluten intolerance, I'm really grateful that there are better gluten-free. And they've gotten much better quality. When I first was diagnosed about 8 years ago, there weren't a lot of options, and most of them were some variation on either cardboard or chalk. Now, there are enough good options that I rarely feel like I'm missing out. About the only thing I haven't found is a good substitute for a thick crust pizza.
@jsdsparky 11 лет назад
I have celiac disease, and it's really annoying when I hear about people going on gluten-free diets just because they think it's healthier. Thanks for making this video.
@louisabuchanan754 10 лет назад
I agree that being on a GF diet isn't healthier. I'm coelic and I I've found that I have to be careful what gluten free foods I buy. I've found store bought gluten free foods can be less healthy that the gluten version. Foods that are made with potato starch and white rice flour can be high in GI and low fiber whereas wholegrain wheat bread is low GI and high fiber. Also a lot if normal breads and cereals have folate and vitamin D added which I miss out on with the GF bread. So I have to be careful to get enough veg and dairy to make up for it.
@TheFilledk 8 лет назад
thats probably gluten talking mmmkay
@chefisbusy7164 8 лет назад
+TheFilledk best comment, hahaha
@Irishgirl116655 10 лет назад
I was diagnosed with Celiac 7 years ago and to perfectly honest I have no urge to go back to eating wheat. Even if science found a way to make it possible. I have grown a accustom to my diet and I know in the long run staying on the gluten free diet is the best for me especially since my celiac reactions are quite severe.
@Strongerxthanxall 11 лет назад
I strive to not eat gluten because it makes me bloat and feel terrible. I've started eating more organic rice and legumes. Rice only has a small amount of gluten and fills me up the way high-gluten pastas do. There are ways to avoid gluten without going insane. It's difficult sometimes but obviously totally worth it.
@oolong2 10 лет назад
You can get plenty of iron, calcium, fiber from VEGETABLES which people should be eating anyway. I limit the amount of grains in my diet and consume "gluten free" or sprouted grains for the occasions when I do eat them because I don't like how gluten filled grain feels. I don't know if I have "gluten sensitivity" or not, but I can live without the consistent bloated feeling I get from all that "glue" coating my intestines.
@oolong2 10 лет назад
***** No, why?
@myj0urney 10 лет назад
If you are getting bloated it usually means you are sensitive. That was my first symptom
@oolong2 10 лет назад
joshua miller You can get plenty of nutrients from animal products, unfortunately most people stay away from the parts of the animal which contain a lot of those nutrients (organs, bones, cartilage, etc.). Gluten is largely indigestible.... So whether you know it or not, it IS coating your intestines and DOES inhibit absorption of other nutrients to a degree. The fact is a high grain diet from agriculture is fairly new to our diet. And the high gluten, high phytate grains from the industrial agriculture we have today is even newer to our diet. I'm not sure how gluten free products can make you "feel" a certain way. There are hundreds of thousands of edible things in this world and only a handful of plants that contain gluten. So in actuality you are *severely limiting* your choices if you feel you must eat something with gluten for every meal... If the "gluten free" products you're referring to are highly artificial and using lots of additives to create a certain taste and texture then yeah I'd stay away from that like the plague, but otherwise there are tons of tasty foods besides just wheat. Wheat just became a food toy to us and like "Play-Doh" we found that we could shape it into all sorts of things and store it for long periods. So because of that utility and versatility it started dominating our daily diet and became the basis for fast foods, desserts, etc.
@oolong2 5 лет назад
@Pedro Gonzales Do you somehow think that there's no scientific evidence for iron, calcium, fiber in vegetables? LOL... Whatever dude.
@oolong2 5 лет назад
@Pedro Gonzales Which claims? Not being clear with your arguments and calling people names doesn't somehow make you more intelligent.
@ghoover6770 5 лет назад
I think that things labeled “gluten free” should be free of all gluten because if I eat any amount of gluten I throw up no matter what so if it’s labeled “gluten free” I should trust that it’s gluten free🤦‍♀️
@pauljackson5903 11 лет назад
Actually, gluten has no taste at all. That's one reason food manufacturers added it to so many foods without changing their taste. But, what gluten does have is a chewy or thick texture. That's why manufacturers use it as an emulsifier, thickener, etc.
@monical2681 8 лет назад
My doctor tested me for Gluten intolerance through a blood test, it came back negative. However over the past 5 years or so I have suffered with undiagnosable or treatable mouth ulcers (I get 3-7 at one time), I get recurring diarrhoea, stomach pains and constipation after consuming products such as pasta, bread & wraps, ice-cream, Chinese food, some cereals or breakfast drinks. After a lot of research I've decide to take up a gluten free diet to see if this helps.
@edeldaly1677 8 лет назад
You should ask your doctor to have a gastroscopy and biopsy done. This will tell you if you have the disease or not. I had symptoms the same as yourself. Got my bloods checked and one came back positive and one negative, so was sent for a gastroscopy and biopsy and from this I was diagnosed with celiacs disease and I haven't looked back.
@LoriWolfcat 8 лет назад
Has ANYONE ever met a person who can't ingest Gluten?? To me, it just happened one day with no explanation.
@maxmartikainen8190 8 лет назад
@bettyleague2798 7 лет назад
Lori Wolfcat I've met multiple people who are celiac including myself
@Chris47368 7 лет назад
Lori Wolfcat One of my best friend's has celiac disease....
@SaSiSamurai 11 лет назад
from my earlier understanding, i thought a gluten free diet was good because modern day wheat has been modified to the extent that cutting out gluten will lead to a better diet. I heard gluten makes you feel less tired throughout the day as well.
@maxplays3446 10 лет назад
Eat or not every one will die after the end ..... eat veg, drink alot water,go exercise burn fat, live happier no any concern make life a little longer.....make life have a meaning something good ....
@meganbeer2048 8 лет назад
I have celiac disease (can't eat wheat or gluten) I'm 14 this year and had it for 8 years and it's actually quite hard as you can't eat what all of your mates eat so when you sleep round your stuffed for food, plus I find it embarrassing when I have to say I can't eat it and then every one stares at you like what are you staring at I have a dietary problem and there's nothing I can do about it!
@pasa9296 7 лет назад
Don't stress dog, Eat what you can dude...Those people staring at you are stupid/Ignorant. If someone gives you a hard time, Don't be afraid to call them out about it. :)
@SadeMetsavirta 10 лет назад
my acne cleared completely after I cut gluten out, people can say what they want but it did wonders for me
@anothercath 6 лет назад
Sade Metsävirta me too!
@Ebstract12 8 лет назад
had gluten free pizza it was terrible. That is all
@ianlombardo9758 8 лет назад
I enjoy gluten free and regular pizza
@thatshortnerd 11 лет назад
I have to be on a gluten-free diet and the worst bit is not having pasta as much as I used to. Gluten-free pasta has a very strange texture so I don't eat it a lot. Gluten-free granola on the other hand, is delicious!
@kitkatgirl1224 10 лет назад
i'm actually sadly one of the 7% of people that has a gluten resistance.... it sucks that i have to keep regulating it, but i actually found a good brand of gluten free food to use that makes breads softer somehow at least.
@akamaster09 10 лет назад
you mean gluten intolerance... not resistance.
@kitkatgirl1224 10 лет назад
akamaster09 no, not really, because i don't react every time i eat gluten
@akamaster09 10 лет назад
kitkatgirl1224 you're on another level of stupid -_-
@kitkatgirl1224 10 лет назад
akamaster09 ....how?
@FillYouWithMe 10 лет назад
kitkatgirl1224 resistance is an antonym for intolerance, to say that you're resistant is to say that your body just kinda passes it through without absorbing any of it.. or that you can eat it without your body reacting differently than without it
@Adrastia 10 лет назад
I have gastroparesis. It means my stomach muscles are very slow. It takes me forever to digest a meal and I get full very fast. My stomach capacity feels too small and certain foods have become impossible for me to eat without getting sick. I've been tested for celiac disease twice. It was part of the routine tests they did during an endoscopy. Wheat has started to give me a stomach ache much of the time. So I cut it mostly out. Luckily I hate bread so that doesn't matter. But it's hard to find things like pastry without wheat in them. My stomach feels better. Pretty sure it's not a gluten problem. Wheat in particular is just too hard for me to digest on a regular basis. Right up there with red meat, turkey, fast food, straight cow milk and rich dairy deserts. Ice cream is also becoming an issue.
@orahlith 11 лет назад
I went gluten free when I realized how tired and bloated grains make me. A little here and there isn't so bad, but I certainly appreciate the rise in gluten-free options.
@Javierm0n0 11 лет назад
thank you for covering this. All of a sudden a shit ton of people i ran into at work were swearing by eating gluten free and giving kraft services shit for not having gluten free items.
@JorgCAlexander 11 лет назад
It's been interesting since my mom has developed a gluten intolerance. Favorite recipe i've innovated so far has been pumpkin rye spice cake.
@suckmyartauds 11 лет назад
My uncle has celiac disease and when he goes to restaurants and asks for gluten-free, a lot of times they just think he's just doing it to lose weight and ignore it. At least there's more awareness now, but that's sort of a blessing and a curse.
@JustinMorgan105kg 7 лет назад
Americans don't over eat grains. They under eat whole grains which should comprise 1/2 of your grains and over eat refined grains which make it easier to consume a much higher daily calorie intake leading to weight gain.
@PetuniaandAngel 10 лет назад
One of the main reasons that gluten free foods aren't as healthy for you is due to so many of them being made with rice flour, which is equivalent nutrition and texture-wise to cardboard. Some gluten-free products are made with healthy grains, but those are few and expensive. Also, gluten free cupcakes typically have just as much sugar and fat as a regular cupcake.
@thethe6232 8 лет назад
Tried a Spelt grain loaf yesterday, Spelt is an old unrefined grain. It was amazing. It was beautiful. It didn't give me any side effects, what so ever. There has got to be some truth about modem grain and the link to Celiac's.
@CarryMeToSea 11 лет назад
I was gluten free for about 6 months because my doctor agreed that I should give it a try as I might have had some gluten sensitivity. Truthfully, gluten free breads cost a lot of money, so I just ended up cutting bread all together. Now I am not strictly GF, but I definitely gravitate towards naturally GF foods like rice, meat, dairy, sweet potato, corn products, vegetables, fruits, etc. I can't say that GF made a huge difference except introducing me to new foods I wouldn't have tried before.
@thx4noticingme 10 лет назад
By the way my doctor said Metamucil is a great way to get the fiber you need. Instead of drinking a full glass, make a shooter with 7up. Then make sure you drink more liquid.
@CitrusCircus822 8 лет назад
my aunt is gluten free for a HEATHY DIET, once she gave me a gluten free dish (forgot what it was) but it made me sick for a week, 5 minutes after I ate it, I got sick!
@Henryandginger 11 лет назад
I am gluten intolerant but tested negative for celiac. Meaning gluten violently upsets my GI tract but doesn't trigger an auto immune response. To anyone who can eat gluten but choose not to I suggest that you don't bother with the diet. Its rather crummy (pun fully intended). But i do suggest to those with frequent GI unrest try to stay off gluten. (you might be sensitive or celiac and unaware, this was my case for approximately 5 years).
@annikadalley7397 10 лет назад
Oh, and gluten is not an allergen. You are not ALLERGIC to gluten, you are INTOLERANT or SENSITIVE to gluten.
@pauljackson5903 11 лет назад
Not all societies rely on wheat as heavily as have the Western ones. The Chinese, who rely primarily on rice, have maintained a civilization for much longer. Millet and rice are staples in India. In addition to these, sorghum and teff are staples in Africa. Here in the Americas, Native peoples have based their civilizations on maize ("corn"), amaranth, Montina, and quinoa. Westerners introduced few to them a few centuries ago, and I can't say Native peoples have been living well on it.
@lactarius7781 8 лет назад
now, im not saying gluten is bad for you (as it obviously isnt) but, the overconsumption of gluten is most likely one of the reasons allergies have become more common. in bread, the big factories/bakeries have started using added gluten instead of yeast, leading to people eating to much gluten.
@esca8652 8 лет назад
Americans do not overeat on grains. Americans do consume a lot of wheat but it is likely from enriched flour. Enriched flour has the bran and germ removed. The problem is that Americans eat too much processed foods.
@LiberatedMind1 8 лет назад
+consumedbyfire13 Americans eat most all of their grains as refined white bread along with animal products and refined crap.
@gorgeousgarcia29 11 лет назад
I found out last year that I have celiac disease. Upon reaching my adulthood I realize my puberty growing up was much different than the average girl. When I was about 8 the doctors were concerned with me because I stopped growing temporarily up until I was 12. I was diagnosed with a heart condition at 10. I sprouted up from 12 years old until 14 years old & stopped growing. I can't imagine if I had kept growing until I was 16 or 17 like the average girl. I'm already 5'7".
@Fluffpower 10 лет назад
I can't eat gluten, although anytime I go and grab some food. I hear the whisper of "Oh another person trying out gluten free diet" erm... no I get very sick with gluten
@Fluffpower 9 лет назад
My Fav Brand of Gluten Free Foods are Udi's and Vans if you have not tried it, They have yummy stuff!
@aeondolphin 10 лет назад
I had a friend with celiac and diabetes and he made some gluten free, diabetes safe brownies and they were the bomb digity.
@ssholum 10 лет назад
I'm currently testing a glutton-free diet at the suggestion of my doctor (I'm susceptible to sinus and gastrointestinal infections, have acne, and frequently have to take antibiotics), but I've known about it for a while, since a good friend of mine has a wheat allergy and has shared some recipes (well, cooked some) with me. Perhaps my favorite one is pancakes made from oats. They're not terribly hard to make, but do require a good day or so of preparation (soaking and setting, mostly, the actual work takes barely any time). I actually think I prefer the texture to regular wheat pancakes and they have a much better taste (which is good, since these things basically become a bread substitute as well). They take maple syrup really well too (I buy organic here (just Costo's store brand), since I don't like the thick texture or taste of the ones mixed with corn syrup (don't believe me? check the label)). I also had some pretty good biscuits, as well as some not so great biscuits. The not so great ones had a lot of corn-starch in them. As for cake and cookie substitutes, I haven't tried any; I'd rather just stick with fruit salads and other such delicious treats that I liked before than tease and disappoint myself with imperfect substitutes of baked goods.
@thethe6232 8 лет назад
Hi. I'm Gluten intolerant. I can't get it medically diagnosed because the proses would take 5 weeks of Gluten normal gluten intake, before it could be medically confirmed. I work, so I couldn't put my self through that he'll. If some one has a nut allergy, you wouldn't poor a packet of nuts down there throat, just to see what happens? This process for testing celiac's is fucked up.
@TheRandiAder 8 лет назад
+Edwin Obrien I had to go threw the hell month because I needed to stop feeling like I was dying all the time. It really was hell for me. I actually was diagnosed with Celiacs. Ever since I haven't been sick nor felt like death itself.
@JonDrobny 11 лет назад
I hate to admit it, but quinoa trumps bulgur (made from wheat) in a lot of recipes. It's also a complete protein. On the other hand, it's also hella expensive.
@brittmcgowan 7 лет назад
Here's the problem with products "certified" gluten-free that 20 ppm or under of gluten in them: it takes 1/64 of a teaspoon of gluten to cause a reaction (meaning intestinal damage) in someone with Celiac Disease. This means our bodies are able of detecting extremely low amounts of gluten that can still be harmful, especially for those with worse and more sensitive cases of Celiac like myself.
@BleachFan09 11 лет назад
My mentaly challenged sister is Gluten intolerant and we have had to find some foods that she will eat. Since our local grocery chain has been making a gluten free isle its nice to see Pillsbury and other big names give this option for her. I personally like to try all of the gluten free foods but prefer the things with it instead. Some of the food has strange after tastes but I can say Pillsbury has done it right their cookie dough was amazing!
@Jasmine.Philip 8 лет назад
I'm gluten free I cry myself to sleep every night wishing I was normal and I wish I could live a normal life. I dream of a normal life but when I wake up its back to being me. Every day I ask myself again again why why why me? I feel like an outsider to everyone I know and knew. Nothing is fair for me nothing ever.
@skylarhaberman5002 8 лет назад
I hope you're kidding because it could be so much worse.
@MoustacheAlexander 8 лет назад
+Jasmine Gwilliam Try worm therapy. You can buy hookworms online now.
@thethe6232 8 лет назад
I understand. Eat Gluten then, and feel like your have bowl Cancer every day. I would rather not and, feel normal.
@CitrusCircus822 8 лет назад
@MoustacheAlexander 8 лет назад
lol.. Hookworms don't reproduce in the human body so the maximum you can have is the number you infect yourself with in the beginning. Pretty good for males actually since iron levels get high in us.
@richardmoore8613 6 лет назад
I never had gluten free tortillas before in my life. And I love them!!!! I am eating my mole rojo as I am typing ! Oct,4,2018
@olddog2706 11 лет назад
people is signing for GMO/Monsanto free too. Although the process is going slowly, that's really make our diet more healthy
@EvermoreDrive 11 лет назад
I'm 18, and I, too, have just switched to a gluten-free diet. While I don't have Celiac's, my ulcerative colitis, or simply the inflammation of my gut, was really getting worse. So far, it seems like getting rid of the pasta and the bread has helped tremendously. Don't feel like you're alone--you have other teenage, gluten-free friends out there. :)
@Pivitrix 11 лет назад
i think that's mostly becausemost people would avoid gluten related products .. which in some cases contains the things you mentioned above.
@soniawebb3025 10 лет назад
I am glad the choices for gluten free food have increased. I have a gluten allergy and when I eat food with gluten my skin turns red and splotchy. My face actually looks like someone hit me...lol. I always thought it was just how my skin looked (Irish decent) until I made a comment about how I react to beer and my Biology teacher said it is most likely a gluten allergy. I cut out gluten and sure enough the redness and puffiness went away. The transition to gluten free has not been that bad. I can tell you that it definitely doesn't necessarily mean healthy.
@SouloftheWolfGod 11 лет назад
My friend has Celiac and I've eaten gluten free foods when we've hung out together, they're really not that bad. Sometimes you can't even tell.
@JustineMertz 10 лет назад
I think more and more people are beginning to realize that they have a sensitivity to gluten. I have not tested positive for celiacs, but when I started substituting things for the "gluten free" version I stopped getting hives randomly, searing heartburn, and gross digestive problems that I won't get into detail here. I also stopped getting multiple sclerosis relapses, and I used to get them once or twice every year. it's been two years now and I have been MS symptom free. it's been remarkable. I am never going back. quit hatin, the majority of us are doing this for legitimate reasons. don't let the few idiots that you know that are doing it to lose weight fool you. gluten free dieters understand that gluten free products have just as much calories/sugar, if not more than regular products.
@Catglittercrafts 10 лет назад
I'm eating a pop tart right now so gluten free isn't even on my radar
@TheSadieCam 11 лет назад
I've been on a gluten elimination diet for almost 2 weeks in an attempt to get a difficult case of reflux and chronic heartburn under control and come off PPi drugs, which cause long-term vitamin absorption problems. So far I see a slight improvement and have cut the dose of acid blockers in half. If a "fad" fixes a dangerous problem I have, I'll gladly climb on the bandwagon.
@heyy13 11 лет назад
Gluten free and i have issues. I have food allergies. Mostly anything related to grass, which means i'm alergic to wheat. Most wheat free products also go the gluten free route and so substitue rice... which is also a grass seed. :| I don't want products to be gluten free, just have comprehensive ingrediants lists with allergy warnings. (lots of things are derived from other stuff so you don't necessarily know from the ingrediants list potential alergens)
@Neuralatrophy 11 лет назад
Their take on milk and eggs is that you are depriving the calf of milk, and the thought that you have to keep the cow pregnant to produce milk, while a little research suggests they only need to be pregnant once and can produce milk for up to 2 or 3 years. Eggs is basically the same, even though most of the eggs taken are unfertilized anyway, they take objection to it.
@KelseyCate 11 лет назад
I do have sensitivity to gluten and dairy. I am not totally "free" of these foods, I just eat them in moderation and certain foods with gluten are better than others. Breads are find(French, rye, ect) but bagels, pizza, and spaghetti are terrible for my stomach. I know it's weird.
@elliepaterson529 11 лет назад
My family lives on mostly glisten free foods (cause my mother has a sensitivity) and we fin it surprisingly easy and adjustable
@itsssbri 11 лет назад
There are certain medical institutions that do not even believe in celiac disease, and as far as it's diagnosis, it's often mistaken as other medical conditions and diseases. Although the resources to obtain a diagnosis have been improved upon by, it is still fresh to the medical community as far as treatment and research go long-term. (I have celiac disease.) Unfortunately the increase in gluten free food for people with the disease has increased the visibility, which led to fad diets.
@Pivitrix 11 лет назад
that's why they make modified stuff that's gluten free .. but that's for the people who's body can't deal with gluten .. not everyone else, as it would be pointless. The condition is referred to as Coeliac disease btw.
@CO2Junkie 11 лет назад
"Tone is a literary element of composition, that encompasses the attitudes toward the subject and the audience and is implied in a literary work. Tone may be formal, informal, intimate, solemn, somber, playful, serious, ironic, condescending, or other possible attitudes. Each piece of literature has at least one theme, or central question about a topic, and how the theme is approached within the work is known as the tone." Not agreeing with KC, but just sayin' - there is tone in literature.
@foxboy430 11 лет назад
i have a gluten sensitivity. its the most painful thing ever. i went on a gluten free diet and went without painful abdominal cramping for two months, until i slipped up and accidentally consumed a whole giant bag of twizzlers without thinking. i paid for that dearly.
@SanguineSphinx 11 лет назад
Agreed! Though that has its negative side as well. Some people think it's JUST a fad and don't realize that some people actually need to avoid gluten (like us).
@11thNite 11 лет назад
Gluten is magical. The reason it took so long for reasonably-bread like gluten free breads to become a thing is because gluten is solid at high temperatures and liquid at low ones. It's weird stuff.
@PeachCrackle 11 лет назад
My little cousin has a problem with gluten so at her birthday party we had two cakes. I actually enjoyed the gluten free cake more than the regular cake, don't know why, just did.
@poe2299 11 лет назад
Another interesting thing, back in the 90's, when the government came out with the whole "food pyramid" thing, starches such as corn and potatoes were thought to be bad, and grains were pushed as the main source of calories. Well guess what the best replacement for carbohydrates are IF you eliminate gluten. That's right, starches like corn and potatoes. So here we go again on the food seesaw.
@ninjaassassinguy 11 лет назад
i totally agree, even though im not vegetarian or vegan, i don't eat meat overly much, i don't go out of my way to eat meat. But what i hate is when people think equate animals to humans. So thank you for not doing that
@JillAlderete 10 лет назад
I have a gluten intolerance, and when I eat gluten it makes SO sick. So I cut it out. It is really unpleasant, I can't imagine someone living gluten free because they want to lose weight.
@BlahBlahRainbowFish 11 лет назад
I couldn't eat gluten for 4 years and there were barely any gluten free options available to buy. Those that were available were basically like cardboard. Over time my health got better and I was able to restart eating gluten but it's frustrating to see so many completely cut it out of their diets. I actually gained weight in those 4 years and due to lack of availability, my diet was poor.
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