
What Is the ‘Sin Not Leading to Death’ in 1 John 5? 

Desiring God
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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1131
Transcript: www.desiringgo...



3 окт 2024




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@trevorwest28 6 лет назад
A thing that has always stood out to me, about 1 John 5:16, is that it never actually speaks to the individual who committed the sin, but rather to the one who has seen them commit sin. That seems important to me because it indicates who is in control of changing our hearts, to give us life, or repentance. And the way that I've read "to those who commit sins that do not lead to death" is that, as brothers and sisters, we should know where one another are at spiritually, helping one another grow, through our prayers and examples, knowing that the one who is being prayed for still has their hearts set toward God, and not abandoning Him to walk the path of sin. If we have a spirit-filled relationship with one another, we'll know the Spirit-yielding fruit each one of us produce. The sins that lead to death, seems to me, are sins that one allows to completely turn their gaze away from God to serve another master, meaning they wouldn't want to or care to ask for forgiveness. I may be off. I pray God can illuminate His words to me so that I may gain a closer relationship with Him! To God be the glory!
@godgivenglory5842 4 года назад
Agree with you with all my heart
@jacquilinerapsang3754 4 года назад
@benturner1721 3 года назад
very wise words i believe. amen.
@starockprince3163 3 года назад
@ֆքǟռ-m5g 2 года назад
Yet even for the one who for a time continues in sin yet still draws breath there is according to scripture time to repent and be healed, Hebrews 9:27-28. If we assume a man has turned from God, which if he continues till his dying day will lead to condemnation; has before his death fallen out of the possibility of grace, do we not presume that God has abandoned them before their death ? For example we may see a man live as a drunkard who has never cared to hear about sin and salvation or has herd yet spent his life in sin, do we assume that if before his dying breath the Holy Spirit cannot or will not still move ? Have not we all gone astray from our birth until the day the Holy Spirit opened our eyes? We were all children of wrath before being given life by grace through faith friend. This may be a stretch but perhaps John is addressing prayers for the dead as taught in the book of second Maccabees ( Apocrypha). Or perhaps he is referring to the sin that it seems Jesus called out in the pharisees after they said that Jesus who the holy spirit worked through was casting out demons by the power of satan thus committing blasphemy against the Holy Spirit a sin which is unforgivable in this age or in the age to come according to Jesus. So perhaps John is talking about not praying for a person who is actively blaspheming the Holy Spirit because there can be no forgiveness. I may also be off on this but this is my understanding friend, may the Lord bless us both a spiritual wisdom and understanding. 🙏🫂
@justme-dee6888 6 лет назад
I've often wondered about that passage. Thank you for sharing your clarity and insight!
@joyson7 3 года назад
@domlawrence1734 2 года назад
John pieper is a reprobate from hell. We think he is wise he loves that he is being looked at as so wise but is blinded by his own pride. Do you believe Jesus died for all sins past present and future. We are sinners we deserve hell our repentance will not get us into heaven our faith that Christ died on the cross for us to save us from hell. in a sense telling sinners not to sin is like telling a kid not to cry then you punch him. Do you believe in Jesus cool dude have you sinned since congratulations your like the rest of us filthy sinners the only reason to repent is to get rewards in heaven 1 corinthians 3:10-15 it couldn’t be clearer now it’s not a go and sin all you want card but grace is stronger than sin. If you disagree you are pretty much saying the devil is stronger than god. How ridiculous please accept Christ as your lord and savior and quit trying to earn heaven.
@carsonhayes3647 4 года назад
This really cleared up some questions I had and made me understand clearer. Thank you so much and God bless
@joswinnoronha1739 2 года назад
Thank u dear brothers in Christ
@Izzy-sc8sx Год назад
I tried to destroyed two marriages, I confess and I am really sorry. Jesus forgive 🙏 me 😢.
@lhozahoro5788 6 месяцев назад
I just read this chapter and I had this question I thought who is trust worthy that I can depend on to help me understand the nature of this verse and it’s answer and I came straight here ❤️
@wangmary888 Год назад
A very good paraphrasing! Thanks for sharing! May God remember your service to Him!
@Willzyx88 4 года назад
This was the topic of my video tonight. Took me roughly the same amount of time to arrive at my conclusion! Not far off either. I think we'd see eye to eye on this but not much else!
@leighb.8508 3 года назад
I have two relatives that I have prayed for on and off (weeks of prayer followed by weeks of leaving them out), because it is so odd to not pray for someone. But I am starting to leave them out more and more because the fact of the matter is that God will not give them life because they have decidedly rejected Him, and He, apparently, has decidedly rejected them. They are not confused or struggling or fighting the sin. They don't even think it is sin. One of them is my female niece, a l-bian, who lives with a woman, professes Christianity, and plays the organ for pay (on staff) at their fake "church" every Sunday. The other is my male nephew, an h-sexewal, who turned from God after a strong Christian upbringing, to "marry" the man he's been living with for 15 years. Instead of praying for them, now I pray for their moms, that they would wake up and stop catering to their children out of supposed "love," and turn them over to Satan as God instructs, and get their own selves right with God. Also that the moms, my sisters, might be saved from their own sin in helping their children go to hell by loving them more than they love God and Jesus. They have ruined their children, now adults, as well as the rest of the family, while they monopolized the conversations at family gatherings, which I quit attending years ago for this and many other reasons. I did speak the Truth about this to both families, and the head of my birth family, and they all responded with astonishment that I would come against "love," and I was accused of "judging." I quit praying for my niece and nephew myself because they KNOW that this sin is an abomination to God and that it is worthy of death, and because "reprobate" literally means "failing to pass the test, unapproved, counterfeit." It's hard to think about this but my niece and nephew are going to hell and God Himself, in His Word, has said not to pray life for them. This is the way I'm understanding the scripture: they have knowingly turned their back on God in favor of a human idol and God has rejected them for salvation, just as He rejected Sodom and Gomorrah, and just as He rejects all those who continue in unrepentant idolatry, especially this particular sex-ewel sin. I pray against idolatry in every form. I hate it. I love Jesus and I want to be with Him SOON. May I be presented spotless and blameless. I pasted all of Romans 1:18-32 because it is all so relevant and telling of the days we're living in: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 'Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." Romans 1:18-32
@JohnGodwin777 Год назад
I had a fairly strong Christian upbringing but in midlife I stopped believing in Christianity, became a new age mystic and led a lifestyle that a lot of homosexuals would even look down on. But by God’s grace he came after me and revealed the truth to me and saved me. I don’t know where the line is to say someone is beyond redemption, or if it can be known, but I know that God’s grace and mercy are infinite for those he chooses to save.
@M.L.7 Год назад
@@JohnGodwin777 Jesus said in Matthew 7:6: "Do not throw your pearls to swine." It takes a lot of wisdom, at times, to know where we're wasting our time, and when we need to speak up." I would encourage you to pray for that wisdom. Whether you feel the need to speak up or not, please don't ever stop praying for your loved ones (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17). And along with what John G also shared, always remember the life of Saul who was later named Paul. And most beautifully, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 which tells us that the church in Corinth was filled with new believers who formally were sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, thieves, drunkards, slanderers, swindlers, and folks filled with greed. Godspeed.
@cryptic8836 3 года назад
Thank you for this I really appreciate it I was hearing 1 John chapter 5 today and I got confused but thanks for clearing it up
@trustenbaker8766 4 года назад
This makes my brain hurt, honestly.
@comowibibliawhatthebiblesa6562 2 года назад
Revelation 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
@ItsAllLuv 2 года назад
All u gotta do is jus stop sinning
@jchan810 2 года назад
Good!! It's nice when you're forced to think as a Christian.
@JordanGordon8 2 года назад
@@ItsAllLuv Amen
@Dire808 Год назад
​@ItsAllLuv you can't your always be a sinner
@vvlogs8822 4 года назад
I love pastor John, times I would love if you just Got to the point.
@gavinveee7625 3 года назад
Trust me I understand your annoyance 😂😂 but one of the marks of great teachers is his or her proclivity to unpack or explain to all level of hearers hence why he takes so long sometimes 😅
@jacobpina8859 3 года назад
How do I know if my repentance is genuine or not? What if I’m Esau!? I’m scared of hell! There’s a part of me that wants to hold on to sin(more specifically Porn) but there’s a part of me which is scared and wants to let go and I’m willing to let go completely but I don’t know how the temptation is just too strong and it had me for too long while I was Christian and still does. I need prayer or advice or something! You have no idea how scared I am
@bobbysime7332 3 года назад
Throw away everything that tempts you, for example get a porn block app that helps block all porn from appearing on your phone.
@rasheedrasheed1974 3 года назад
You know you truly repented when you willingly make and effort to walk with God and fight the good fight of sin!!! There’s two types of sorrow Godly sorrow which leads to Godly repentance and Worldly sorrow which leads to worldly repentance. Repentance means to turn away from sin and give it to God look at Peter he denied Jesus 3 times and felt very distraught about it and he was sorry and repented and there was judas who betrayed Jesus and did nothing but hold onto the guilt and shame and killed himself!!! Don’t belike Esau or judas because we live under a covenant now that’s full of Gods grace mercy and forgiveness. Dose that mean take Gods sweetness for weakness and sin because you’ll be forgiven NOOOO!!! But what that means is what that comment above me says get rid of everything even the music the tv shows the conversations you’re having and being real with God about the triggers when you’re lonely and yes we should be scared of hell but God has called into the light hes holy and pure and he sent his son who died and rose again and once you really understand that he’s alive and living inside of you then you have power over porn or anything because jesu defeated all those things doesn’t mean you won’t struggle or be tempted by you don’t have to give in!!! Also porn is not the only thing that’s probably keeping you from God sometimes its other sins that we don’t confess because we think it’s too small or not that bad.
@skybong9850 3 года назад
These should always be in your prayer: "lead me not into temptation", for Eve would not have sinned if she was not tempted, and "deliver me from evil" because all sins are governed by an evil spirit which enslaves a person deeper into sin, and they can be cast away by the Name of Jesus.
@leighb.8508 3 года назад
If you know it's sin, your repentance is genuine. The part of you that wants to hold on to sin is your flesh and the part that wants to let go is your spirit; they're warring against each other. If you're scared, it means the Holy Spirt is convicting you and when you confess your faults and ask for prayer and advice, as you have done, you're exhibiting some of the "good works" that God pre-ordained for you to walk in. All this means, my brother, that you're a Blood-bought, born again Christian, the Holy Spirit lives in you and you ARE going to overcome. You cannot have the thoughts you have except that God gave them to you. This is FAITH. It's a gift from God. "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." 1 John 5:4 I will pray for you, Jacob, and I will also give you advice: (1) Talk to God constantly, in your spirit. Thank Him, praise Him, ask Him for help -- constantly, every day, all the time. When/if you succumb to temptation, tell Him, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to stop this, please help me, I don't want You to see this (because He does see it and He hates IT, but not you.)" Don't be ashamed, but do allow God to deliver you. It might be quick, it will probably take time, just keep talking to Him (thanking, praising, asking), in the name of His precious Son, your Savior, Jesus Christ. (2) Ask the Holy Spirit to help you tear down this stronghold and do what He says. (3) Get your bible and a high-lighter/pen/pencil and study the passages below. Highlight/circle/underline/star what stands out to you. Meditate on the passages (think wisely about them). Get some index cards or cut up some pieces of paper and write down the verses that are most helpful to you, and their references. Read the passages in your bible often. Use bookmarks or tape so you can find them easily. Read the verses you wrote down every day, and work to recite them aloud when you are tempted. Consume God's Word like you eat food, at least 1/2/3 times a day. After you are very familiar with these passages and the context surrounding them, search for something else related to your needs. God supplies every need. His Word is your daily bread. Praying and reading and learning God's Word is how you abide in Christ, and how you overcome. Apart from Him you can do nothing, so cling to Him like the branch you are. Learn the Truth, love the Truth and use GOD'S WORD to defeat Satan himself, who has taken you captive to do his will. Then one day you will be able to help others. Here are the passages: Galatians 5:16-25 Romans 7:14-25 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 A video that I have watched many times, which brings immediate relief and continued comfort is: Video: David Wilkerson - How to Overcome All Sin - Entering the New Covenant | Must Watch Channel: Ahava Jerusalem Link: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-LSltfA7H9Z8.html Time: 50:15 Here is a bible program where you can search for things and read commentaries: biblehub.com/ Here is "The Book of Pslams," narrated, which is invaluable to listen to while in bed at night, if you are able: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-I765FFw1Rpc.html Jacob, we are being changed from glory to glory, which means we are being delivered from the outworking of sin one day at a time, and being made holy so that we can be ready for Jesus when He comes. You want to be ready. So keep walking this narrow path, keep going and do not stop talking to God, and listening, and learning and fighting. In a month or 3, after 6 months and a year, you will look back and see yourself a changed man. Then one day it will simply be something you used to do. It is this way for all of us, some more than others. Satan will try to get you to neglect God's Word and prayer. Don't fall for it. You're a sick man and God is your Healer, healing you with His Word. If you have a problem one day, look for God's mercies, which are new every morning. Talk to God and ask Him for new mercy and grace. You can boldly approach the Throne of Grace because of what Jesus did for you. That's where you get mercy and grace to help in time of need. Jesus loves you. God is with you. You are loved and prayed for. In Christ, Leigh
@PS-wz9fc 3 года назад
Make a habbit of praying daily and increasing the time spend with Jesus.. Spiritual weapons: prayer, thanksgiving, worship, fasting will ultimately lead to victory over addiction.. Porn addiction is finding fulfilment and satisfaction in response to the stress, dejection, fear and depression in our life.. No addiction will go away all at once..IT IS A BATTLE the Lord has promised to be with us.. More spending time with Jesus , less and less of world and it's affection..
@emmanuelajiboye9747 Год назад
Thank you so much for this Great exposition❤
@jpaul1599 5 лет назад
The sin unto death is referred to in Mark 3:28-30. Seems quite clear.
@TheGdqueen 4 года назад
I'm not sure about this. I have always been told that nothing is impossible for God.
@shanesantos8209 3 года назад
Please pray for me.. I think I have reach that point 😢
@sprescott20 2 года назад
Praying for you!
@shanesantos8209 2 года назад
@@sprescott20 thank you😭❤️
@jofellagramada1142 Год назад
How can we know it...? I have same problem....
@kokoro.theheart Год назад
To what level can a Christian sin and still be a Christian? I felt like I sinned tremendously from the heart and can't call myself one
@spacecoastz4026 Год назад
We are all sinners. The fact that you understand that you have sinned "tremendously" is actually a good sign, not a bad one. Accept Christ and let God change your life.
@darlanlima1234 4 года назад
Scary to think that you can sin to a point where it’s over for you. Pray for me please.
@pgm960 4 года назад
That's what I did😢😢😢
@Slidehhy Год назад
Pray for me too please 🙏🙏
@OzMo410 Год назад
​@pgm960 why do you think that
@bilboswagginz2808 Год назад
This is so horrible! It’s so horrible when John Piper injects his determinism and false doctrine of divine, unconditional reprobation into the Bible where it does not exist! Esau couldn’t find repentance to get his birthright, the thing that made Jacob the next man in the lineage of Christ. That’s what Romans 9 is all about: the lineage of Christ, not unconditional election and reprobation. God wants all the be saved, actually. Yes, He actually wants that. God is not bi-polar.
@erickainyahyalleyjunior3699 4 года назад
Sin that does leads to death is not accepting God and his commandments hence they realize the don’t sin making the word a liar
@Snowdog856 2 года назад
So you are saying my forgiveness depends on my efforts? No way. Jesus died for my sins.
@ChirstInTheDistance 3 года назад
This kinda has me at a lost, he said "It's not that Esau repented repeatedly with tears in God wouldn't forgive, but instead he reached a certain degree or persistent in a I'm guessing s particular sin that true authentic repentance and confession became impossible" The part that confuses me is he says "It's not that God wouldn't forgive him" so which is it, if God was willing to forgive him I mean he had tears in his eyes was it that he was so bound up with sin his confession and repentance was insincere like he was just saying he would turn from it but the reality is he really wasn't planning to. Or was it, God wasn't willing to accept his repentance because God just knew he would relapse back into sin in he was just fed up with constantly forgiving him knowing he would just go back to his life of filth and debauchery. Like which was it, what did Esau do? and to what degree did he persist in this particular sin, or sins that God was like I'm done with him, in what does it mean that God gave him up. What does it mean any sin you can authentically repent of and confess by God's grace you'll know you haven't reached the place that Easu have. Like how do you know with certain that you've achieved this state of sin that leads to death, how did Easu realize he sinned beyond repentance did God tell him was God not responding at all when he called out , how do you know you've become irredeemable?
@lenafreeze7131 2 года назад
Piper’s point there was that Esau was not capable of getting to the point of actually being repentant. So He believes Esau maybe wished to be sorry but wasn’t actually… Not that he had repented and God regretted his repentance because that wouldn’t be biblical!
@ChirstInTheDistance 2 года назад
@@lenafreeze7131 So are you saying Esau was insincere in his repentance, or it was physically, mentally, and emotionally impossible for Esau to genuinely repent like at a heart level. Because I don't quite get that, if Esau sincerely with tears was crying out to God in sort with tears God's forgiveness by way of repentance. It just seems like God is done with Esau in no matter how much he pleas, or desires reconciliation with God, God has Closed His ears to Esau crys as if their's no place of repentance to be found with God for Esau in God's heart anymore. In all Mr. Piper is saying is well that's because Esau is just in some way insincere that we don't quite understand but God does in we can all suffer the same fate as Esau so watch out because you can be condemned in cut off from God while you yet live if you're not careful. That's goes against so much scripture about God's nature and character, just the very nature and attributes of His love as described in the Bible would have to be changed and rewritten in grace would have to be redefined if that's a truthful interpretation of this passage.
@lenafreeze7131 2 года назад
@Ra'Heem Baines not sure what I believe about the subject, I was just clarifying what John piper meant. Because yeah all the things you said! I do find the comments somewhere here I read that said maybe the definition of repentance here used and is referring to is to change your mind and he was seeking for his father to change his mind about the blessing. Im not sure myself but seems to explain the whole situation better then Mrs piper’s explanation
@dalt992 Год назад
Ra-Heem, Esau was the rightful heir to the line of Jesus. Jesus was to be born under the line of Esau and not his brother Jacob because he was the older brother. Esau SOLD (traded) his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of soup! Since he did that, he could not reclaim his birthright back and Jacob now became the heir to Jesus's family line. Jesus now comes from the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not Esau. No matter how much pleading or repenting, once Esau had traded away his heir, God had placed it on his brother Jacob and it was final. Genesis 25:29-34. This is as far as I understand it.
@ChirstInTheDistance Год назад
@@dalt992 Okay, but you're not explaining anything, or giving an actual interpretation; at best you're just quoting scripture, none of what you said gives an actual spiritual understanding of the text. John Pipers interpretation is more of an interpretation then yours, even though I don't feel he clarifies his meaning that well. Like for instance I can read the text for myself and understand what you just explained, but there's a deeper spiritual meaning behind it, I believe.
@dallasfortworthmarketplace1599 4 года назад
What about verse 18. We know that anyone born of sin does not habitually sin. But he who was born of God keeps and protects him from the evil one. Is he saying habitual sin makes you lose salvation?
@pgm960 4 года назад
I lost it😢😢😢
@bv6592 3 года назад
@@pgm960 Jesus loves you!!
@christopherbillings6978 2 года назад
@@pgm960 you can’t lose salvation. If you put your faith and trust in Christ you are sealed with the Holy Spirit forever
@alexanderjosephross 6 лет назад
I love your work John but I have to disagree with your interpretation about Esau ‘not finding a place of repentance though he sought it diligently with tears.’ The writer of Hebrews is obviously referring to scripture, specifically this: “And when Esau heard the words of his father, he cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry, and said unto his father, Bless me, even me also, O my father. And he said, Thy brother came with subtilty, and hath taken away thy blessing.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭27:34-35‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Esau wasn’t seeking his own repentance ie to repent of sin; rather he sought his father’s “repentance” ie changing his mind. With tears. To no avail.
@flamemojis 6 лет назад
Alex Parer hmm....
@20july1944 6 лет назад
Alex: The verse you cited doesn't make the point you're making: there is no reference to repentance by anyone in that verse, Esau or Isaac.
@sarahdorman517 6 лет назад
I see what your saying. I feel like the scripture is correlating Esua's moment of regret, giving up his birthright blessing for temporary satisfaction. That in the same way when we stand before our heavenly father, if we likewise do the same (give up eternal reward for temporary satisfaction) That no amount of tears or begging will change that moment! Now is the time to choose!
@20july1944 6 лет назад
Sarah: *Can* we choose, or did God *elect* who can choose rightly?
@sarahdorman517 6 лет назад
That's getting into a whole other discussion!
@vincentguthrie1471 6 лет назад
The sin that lead to death is found in Jeremiah7:1-16 say's" The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, 2 “Stand in the gate of the Lord’s house and proclaim there this word and say, ‘Hear the word of the Lord, all you of Judah, who enter by these gates to worship the Lord!’” 3 Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, “Amend your ways and your deeds, and I will let you dwell in this place. 4 Do not trust in deceptive words, saying, ‘[a]This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord.’ 5 For if you truly amend your ways and your deeds, if you truly practice justice between a man and his neighbor, 6 if you do not oppress the alien, the [b]orphan, or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place, nor walk after other gods to your own ruin, 7 then I will let you dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers forever and ever. 8 “Behold, you are trusting in deceptive words to no avail. 9 Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery and swear falsely, and [c]offer sacrifices to Baal and walk after other gods that you have not known, 10 then come and stand before Me in this house, which is called by My name, and say, ‘We are delivered!’-that you may do all these abominations? 11 Has this house, which is called by My name, become a den of robbers in your sight? Behold, I, even I, have seen it,” declares the Lord. 12 “But go now to My place which was in Shiloh, where I made My name dwell at the first, and see what I did to it because of the wickedness of My people Israel. 13 And now, because you have done all these things,” declares the Lord, “and I spoke to you, rising up early and speaking, but you did not hear, and I called you but you did not answer, 14 therefore, I will do to the house which is called by My name, in which you trust, and to the place which I gave you and your fathers, as I did to Shiloh. 15 I will cast you out of My sight, as I have cast out all your brothers, all the [d]offspring of Ephraim. 16 “As for you, do not pray for this people, and do not lift up cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with Me; for I do not hear you. I had a sibling an oppressor, via pride, and was told not to pray for him in my spirit, so I stopped and thought and next day I thought surely this was not God. When I prayed again for him, my sibling, all I hear is Jeremiah 7. They repent not of their sin like the democrat that says he in a christian yet an abortionist. Prov. 17:15 He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord. lts not postille in heart to be pro abortion, nor an idolater, and the oppressor are all spit out of his mouth. The rapture is found in the promise of the church of Philadelphia, Rev.3:10 Because you have kept the word of My [g]perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of [h]testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole [i]world, to [j]test those who dwell on the earth Luke 21:36 But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
@bobbysime7332 3 года назад
So what's the sin specifically?
@vincentguthrie1471 3 года назад
@@bobbysime7332 What you can't read?
@vincentguthrie1471 3 года назад
@@bobbysime7332 Your just to lazy too read.
@vincentguthrie1471 3 года назад
@@bobbysime7332 Try Message translation bible
@donaldsandersonjr 10 месяцев назад
That was not an answer. That was circular reasoning. I cannot believe I wasted a few minutes of my life listening hoping that he would eventually answer the question. I forgive you.
@sophielesher8002 Год назад
this is really helpful! thank you pastor john
@jimvick8397 4 года назад
So damn confusing... one RU-vid teacher is talking about death of the flesh, another is talking about damnation which is death of the soul... What I mean is, there seems to be some mincing of unrepentant sin, with blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, with death of the flesh, and death of the soul depending on who you listen to. It is my understanding is that any sin apart from blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will be forgiven by Jesus if indeed true repentance is sought. The "sin leading to death" (which one can only assume is death of the soul since flesh isn't even mentioned) that wasn't up for praying for nor up for discuss is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Which is basically telling the Messiah to his face after witnessing a bunch of miracles that the works of God are the works of satan. Which means the limit of God's grace is really astounding if you think about it.
@MUNEAnAwakenedAustralia 5 лет назад
Wow John, you’re right. Unfortunately I’ve reached that place.
@jospergaming6504 5 лет назад
Adam Davis you only reach that point when you say you have, then god can’t help you
@bonitamac363 5 лет назад
Confess your sins, don’t give up. Praying for you.
@bobbysime7332 3 года назад
@Mystery Truth what did you do?
@bobbysime7332 3 года назад
@Mystery Truth I try to believe He can forgive me for what I've done and I'm in terror because I read through scriptures and it's as if I'm done for it, but still I'm trying to repent and to cry out everyday for forgiveness and the more I do the more terror I feel but I'm hoping that one day God can forgive me. My disobedience got me here sadly.
@bobbysime7332 3 года назад
@Mystery Truth Thank you so much friend.
@dashriprock5720 12 дней назад
I don't think you can bring Hebrews into this explanation.
@20july1944 6 лет назад
Pipey says Esau was so bound in sin that he *couldn't* repent. *What* horrific sin did Esau commit? He *foolishly* sold his birthright for nothing -- I wouldn't call that "sin" at all. He was angry that his mother and Jacob arranged to cheat him -- not necessarily a sin, he didn't take vengeance on them, and later forgave Jacob. I'd say Esau is a pretty normal, reasonably kind and forgiving person with the character flaw of impulsiveness, but that could be said of even noble Calvinists and other lesser breeds.
@godgivenglory5842 4 года назад
Imagine a father giving a son valuable gift and one day he needed money, and he foolishly went and sold the gift his father’s gift to get the money. What his father feel about it??? Blessings comes from God through the patriarch ,, very much he sold, deny , disrespect God’s Glory. Glory be to God for ever and ever.
@leighb.8508 3 года назад
The lesson I learned from from Esau (awaiting hell as we speak) is that being born-again gives me a "birthright" to salvation, so if somebody offers me a bowl of chili if I will simply deny the Savior who bought me I'm going to have to turn it down, even if I'm literally starving, because Jesus is THAT important, and so is my salvation/birthright, which He paid for with His Blood. === @20july1944 ...you responded to my comment, above, and then muted me before I could reply, which implies that you are unwilling to carry on a conversation with anyone except yourself. That is unfortunate, but I will post my response to you anyway, so that others may read, and respond, if they desire. God bless you.: God Himself says that Esau was profane (godless) for doing what he did, and that he was rejected for the inheritance and denied grace for repentance (Hebrews 12:16-17). I hope you will study the subject of Esau using the bible and commentaries because the story is there as an example to us of someone who thought little of blessings and inheritances and eternal things and was rejected for heaven, by God, because of it. There are many, many examples of people in the bible who were/will be rejected concerning the faith because they gave it up for something fleshy and temporal. Here is the commentary page from BibleHub on Hebrews 12:16-17: biblehub.com/commentaries/hebrews/12-16.htm God's wrath is coming on this wicked and unbelieving world and part of that wrath includes food deprivation and one day people being offered that food (the ability to buy and sell) in exchange for the mark of the beast and worship of Satan (Revelation 13:16-17). So you see the same fate of Esau awaits those who, during the tribulation period, make the same choice of food over faith. -- Read God's Word and believe it for what it says. Don't try to work it out based on what you think it means. He clearly tells us what He means. God bless you. I hope you will study God's Word about it. "Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.) For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself." Philippians 3:17-21
@20july1944 3 года назад
@@leighb.8508 I don't think Esau "betrayed" anyone -- God or his brother and mother. The latter betrayed Esau through deceit. I hope and believe Esau is in heaven because he was forgiving rather than taking vengeance. He was a simpleton but the world is full of them and it isn't a vice.
@20july1944 3 года назад
@@ChirstInTheDistance What was Esau's sin? Foolishness? Is foolishness a sin?
@nobstompah4850 Год назад
@@20july1944 he despised his birthright (Gen 25:34.) He is much like a "convert", who views Christ and His Kingdom as less than dirt, and is willing to sell Him at a similar price. When the real value of His Kingdom is shown to him, however, whether it be upon some preacher's revelation, his deathbed or in the Second Coming, he seeks to receive Him with tears, but finds no more place to repent, for he sold Him and give Him to another. Really a similar story to false converts vs real ones. Although Esau was the firstborn in his father's eyes, in God's eyes Jacob was always the firstborn, and Esau was just a pretender. (this is my view of it, nothing theologically proven to my knowledge)
@dalt992 Год назад
The sin that leads to death. What is death in the bible? Those who have the Son, have LIFE. 1 John 5:12 - Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. If you don't have LIFE, you have DEATH. Therefore the SIN that is leading to DEATH is the sin of unbelief in Jesus Christ.
@emmanuelajiboye9747 Год назад
This exposition completely kills those who preach once saved forever saved....
@bobbyrice2858 Год назад
The hebrews example is off because easel later followed Jacob and God. Its nOt like he lost salvation.
@gabrielabianchi1809 3 года назад
When we become desensitized to sin?
@Vincent-we6wn Год назад
Through no Fear of the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom, Proverbs 9.
@Jack-bd4ep 4 года назад
Confusing..wages of sin is death,much easier to understand.
@comowibibliawhatthebiblesa6562 2 года назад
2 Corinthians 9:6-8 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
@jcjamlig 3 года назад
Now, what is true repentance?
@Vincent-we6wn Год назад
Change your mind. SHALOM Not repeating the same offense, again and again. Luke 13:13 Without repentance we shall all perish. Sin unto Death 1JOHN 5:16 is not ABIDING IN LOVE WITH ONE ANOTHER 1JOHN 4. Mark 12 LOVE the Lord with all your heart mind and soul and likewise love your brother as thyself.
@Vincent-we6wn Год назад
Walking in love with one another.
@ChiomaChinedu714 8 месяцев назад
True repentance is when we have admitted to our sins, confessed in prayer, repent and be converted (means U turn)
@Goldtaker23 6 лет назад
I'm scared I'm an Esau I keep repenting of pornography but keep going back and back and the lust and temptation is always there :(
@rk5782 6 лет назад
Mike Hill don’t give up. Keep pressing in and continue to repent and seek him. No one is beyond his grace to change as long as there is breathe in their lungs.
@a45williams 6 лет назад
You're already in a good place for deliverance because you're just being honest and transparent, which's the first remedy for deliverance; cry out to God. Keep pressing in--you will be delivered, God's faithful!!!
@KOIFishcat 6 лет назад
Do not despair, repentance is changing your mind about believing in yourself to believing in Him, for it is He who is faithful, not you, and it is trough His faithfulness that you are saved by his blood. Even if your flesh is pulling you down, it is not you, but the sun that is in your flash, for those born of God do not sin in spirit, for they are a new creation. Do not listen to the accusers, but be renewed in your mind.
@oliverzanier8202 6 лет назад
I struggled with this because I was deceived into thinking that it was not sinful. I prayed and got out of it earlier so I did not get addicted, the sooner you stop, the better it gets.
@jester7736 6 лет назад
so you might have found something that helps but for me it was protecting my eyes ears and thoughts
@Vincent-we6wn Год назад
We are commanded in Mark to LOVE the Lord with all your heart mind and soul and likewise love your brother as thyself in this we fulfill the letter of the law. 1 JOHN 4 God is love and we must have love for one another or we have no relationship with Christ. Therefore a righteous Democrat Believers is a true Oxymoron. Likewise with the idolatorers and the narcissistic oppressors like King Saul. 1 JOHN 5:16 All sin is sin but there is a sin unto death, I'd have you not ask of this. Jeremiah 7 defines the foolish five virgins who are kept behind after the Restrainor DEPARTURE very soon. I am a Eagle Prophet NUMBERS 12:6 of the tribe of Simeon 144,000 future Governor of His Kingdom on Earth. SHALOM
@desiretheKingdom 6 лет назад
So sexual sin for the Christian is unforgivable and there for will lead to eternal damnation?
@TheGeorgMYR 6 лет назад
If you confess it to our Father and repent from it God will forgive you. You can overcome it for sure, God doesnt allow challenges in your life that you wouldnt win. He doesnt want you to go to hell, but to grow in strength!
@Queen-iw4cu 6 лет назад
I want to encourage you with the opportunity for salvation that I see in Scripture with regards to sexual sin, but I am also praying that this will not be misunderstood for an encouragement to sin. Your question was specifically about the Christian who falls in sexual sin and I want to be faithful to that, but for the sake of anyone who is not Christian and reading this response, please read John 8. As for the Christian who falls into sexual sin, one chapter that comes to mind is 1Corinthians 5 in verses 1-5-dealing with a specific case of incest in the Corinth church. As for the unforgivable sin, you can read Luke or Matthew 12 where Christ talks about it. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that the Holy Spirit would guide us in all truth.
@oliverzanier8202 6 лет назад
All sins that believers commit, are forgivable, that’s what’s so great about God!
@pgm960 4 года назад
Yes! For me
@pgm960 4 года назад
This is what Kim did😢😢😢
@DelandJohn 8 месяцев назад
I think this I such a bad interpretation 😅
@RoseSharon7777 4 года назад
Sin that is performed unknowingly is sin that does not lead to death. These are the sins that Christs righteousness and obedience saved us from. We are responsible for willful sin. We must overcome willful sin. Easu rejected his birthright. If Christian's willfully reject christ and sin after they have known the real truth (not deceived) they too will not find a sacrifice for sins. (Hebrews). Christian's dont fear falling into the hand of a holy and righteous God. Because they follow after false teachers. That's why I John 5 says we must tell the brother who in sin because they may be deceived. If hes deceived, he doesn't realize he is sinning. To those whose eyes are open to a particular sin should quiety tell a brother in love. We should all listen to other brothers when they correct us because we might be deceived.
@RoseSharon7777 3 года назад
@@ChirstInTheDistance Thats the point of Repentence Ding dong. You MUST overcome all sin unto death. Rev. 3:21. Clealy listed in Revelation. No one who sins will enter the kingdom. Im guessing the state "pick up your cross DENY YOURSELF and FOLLOW AFTER ME" is lost on you? Maybe I John 3:9-10 might be something you should read QUICKLY.
@ChirstInTheDistance 3 года назад
@@RoseSharon7777 But I'm asking if you have never committed any willful intentional sin after coming to the true saving knowledge. Because according to your own explanation if indeed you have this true saving knowledge in you have sinnedafter the fact, you're now condemned eternally. In if you say you've never lied, cheated, stolen or lusted wilfully after receiving this knowledge, you either lying or putting on a front because only God would know that truthfully.
@RoseSharon7777 3 года назад
@@ChirstInTheDistance when I came the TRUE knowledge of truth (those who sin will not enter the kingdom), and we sin because we WANT to sin, it didn't take long for me to overcome the sins that cause eternal death. When I discovered that no one else died for MY sins and we must all pay for our owns sins, I got in shape in pretty quick. But the holy spirit of God and his Word helped me. My desire for these things left because his spirit filled me with my fathers spirit. As long as people think someone else already covered thier sins. Theres no reason to stop sinning which is a complete misunderstanding of scripture.
@RoseSharon7777 3 года назад
@@ChirstInTheDistance If after 20 years your still committing the sins unto death, you have not truly repentened.
@RoseSharon7777 3 года назад
@@ChirstInTheDistance Matthew 3:3. States it clearly.
@ch0s3nd3r 5 лет назад
Nice attempt. But this explanation is wrong...Sometimes if you don't know something, it's ok to say you don't know...
@believer7682 2 года назад
I was doing what esau was doing and i think i escaped watching pornography i havent watched it in a week ive been praying and reading my bible what state am i in? I didnt think i was going to stop and also a couple days ago God sent me a small white butterfly that flew around me when i went on a walk im confused on what state im in or what im going through
@ChiomaChinedu714 8 месяцев назад
If you have confessed to the Most High God in prayer, and stops that's true repentance and conversion.
@rathoresrishti8034 4 года назад
Why Esau wasn't forgiven but manasseh was forgiven of his sins?
@lisapriola7927 4 года назад
Esau couldn't find repentence in his heart. He didn't want to repent. He loved his sin to much
@hopefaithlove5165 4 года назад
From his mothers womb he was not chosen.Why only God can answer that.
@rathoresrishti8034 3 года назад
I think I need to clarify before anyone assumes anything. God is just in this case. I've got my answer I believe. Actually Esau did cry but he couldn't find repentance bcz he didn't repent. He only cried. Many people cry over things but they never admit what they did was wrong or repent of that. Many people feel bad abt things that they shouldn't do but don't really change to change that or repent. So I think he didn't turn to God and had a Godly repentance.
@Vincent-we6wn Год назад
Attitudes, Esau was ugly, cried for the wrong reasons. Commands us to LOVE one ANOTHER OR WE QUENCH THE HOLY GHOST, THERBY the SIN UNTO DEATH 1JOHN 5:16. Jeremiah 7 defines the foolish five virgins are the abortionist idolatorers and the narcissistic oppressors.
@wongsikiongwongsikiong4296 2 года назад
If a person commits sin that doesn't lead to death he will not die immediately and will be forgiven after repentance. Other believers are permitted to pray for him ,but not for one who has committed sin that leads to death.
@TheSwatmachine 6 лет назад
I have been a supporter of your ministry for years. BUT, I do not understand how you can believe and teach that a genuine Christian can commit any sin that would result in eternal damnation! I think you have forgotten Reformed Theology 101, the SOLAs, the FIVE POINTS, ROMANS 8 & 9, EPHESIANS 2, etc., etc.
@pgm960 4 года назад
It happened to me! It's possible😢😢😢
@77Friction 3 года назад
That was confusing
@ChirstInTheDistance 3 года назад
This too has me at a lost, he said "It's not that Esau repented repeatedly with tears in God wouldn't forgive, but instead he reached a certain degree or persistent in a I'm guessing s particular sin that true authentic repentance and confession became impossible" The part that confuses me is he says "It's not that God wouldn't forgive him" so which is it, if God was willing to forgive him I mean he had tears in his eyes was it that he was so bound up with sin his confession and repentance was insincere like he was just saying he would turn from it but the reality is he really wasn't planning to. Or was it, God wasn't willing to accept his repentance because God just knew he would relapse back into sin in he was just fed up with constantly forgiving him knowing he would just go back to his life of filth and debauchery. Like which was it, what did Esau do? and to what degree did he persist in this particular sin, or sins that God was like I'm done with him, in what does it mean that God gave him up. What does it mean any sin you can authentically repent of and confess by God's grace you'll know you haven't reached the place that Easu have. Like how do you know with certain that you've achieved this state of sin that leads to death, how did Easu realize he sinned beyond repentance did God tell him was God not responding at all when he called out , how do you know you've become irredeemable?
@pgm960 4 года назад
Wullft sinning and blasphemy
@mandolinJo 4 года назад
Is drinking caffeine drinks eg coffee /tea and tea sin ???in Jesus name
@lisapriola7927 4 года назад
@mandolinJo 4 года назад
@@lisapriola7927 my friend pointed out that on wikipedia that caffeine is a drug .>>>?
@lisapriola7927 4 года назад
@@mandolinJo so is Tylenol, but look if you don't want to take the caffeine then don't take it you got it? Your not being forced to but I definitely wouldn't be sitting there rn telling you that it isn't a sin just to have you commit sin. Drinking alcohol bus a sin, masterbateing is a sin smoking weed is a si. Look I wouldn't be sitting here lieing to you if I knew that you would end up going to hell because of it. I drink coffee just about every day. It's not a sin to drink coffee
@mandolinJo 4 года назад
@@lisapriola7927 Thank You so much>>>Lisa >>>in Jesus name rdenoble@cogeco.ca Ray
@vahidm6119 6 лет назад
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