
What's the worst thing you've ever been accused of while being completely innocent? 

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@joshsmith8715 18 дней назад
My dad was once accused of pepper spraying another neighbor’s dog while he was out at dinner. The kid (maybe around 19-20) rode a dirtbike through the yard and was SCREAMING at my dad (after he got home from said dinner) saying “YOU PEPPER SPRAYED MY DOG AND NOW ITS DYING, WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?” My dad, who is a pretty built/big guy, told him to get the f out of his yard (he is very proud of having the best yard in the neighborhood, so having a dirtbike ridden through it kinda pissed him off) or there’d be consequences. The guy eventually rides off to his house. Turns out they’re terrible people and they don’t supervise their dog (which is a pitbull mix) and it got out and wandered over to our next door neighbor’s while they’re having a cookout outside with little kids and so when a big, mean looking dog comes into THEIR yard approaching younger kids, they pepper sprayed it and it ran back home. The neighbors that pepper sprayed it are super nice and that’s about it. The terrible neighbors still live in the neighborhood but I hope they move out or get some karma. There’s more bad stories about them but this is one that fits the prompt for this video
@ShadowSkyX 18 дней назад
19-20 years old is no longer a child. He's an adult allowed to keep acting like a child.
@The_dark_commenter 17 дней назад
Wow. You leave your dog unsupervised outside and it gets pepper sprayed… shocker
@tracythompson3695 17 дней назад
9⁰⁰ no
@alinashirinian2485 17 дней назад
​@@The_dark_commenter and not just any dog, but one strong enough to delete a grown adult, let alone a child. Yeah, these people are garbage.
@pequenaesposa3286 12 дней назад
You have to be a kid to think this lmfao at 21 you're still extremely under developed physically and emotionally don't be delusional
@lauranowak3632 17 дней назад
Accused of lying to my family that I was sick, I know this isn’t criminal or anything, but I’ve never been more heartbroken. I’d been feeling pain for about a year in my left arm. No doctor could determine the reason. My family dismissed me, and just said suck it up, and go to work. I was a 911 dispatcher. Finally, a full MRI spine series determined that my cervical spine was shifting to the right. I needed surgery urgently to avoid paralysis. My mom, and brother still didn’t grasp the seriousness. I lost my job, forced to resign under duress, and they still blame me. I have other incidents where I was accused of stealing when I didn’t, and so forth. However, accusing me of lying about my own health was absolutely the most heartbreaking 💔
@SunnySlays101 3 дня назад
go no contact, please.
@mikukurisaki3413 17 дней назад
Don't you love how many of these are stories where parents use the "well, I'm the mom/dad and I don't have to apologize!" Card
@mikukurisaki3413 17 дней назад
Also of note: all the cases where a person in power have no repercussions aside from that they couldn't prove what they accused you of... just... grrrr...
@Buddha23Fett 18 дней назад
I was accused of graping someone. I didn’t do it. The prosecutor was later fired for withholding evidence because she withheld a video interview with the alleged victim who admitted I didn’t do it. Sadly it was actually her dad who was doing it to her. I spent two years in jail before my attorney found out about the interview where she admitted I was innocent. I lost most of my friends over it and I’m okay with that. It just showed who was a fake friend. Now I’m free and working on getting custody of my son back.
@jaregg 17 дней назад
Same, although it didn’t get to the point of me going to jail. It was for character assassination only by my ex. I lost a lot of supposed friends over it though.
@Buddha23Fett 17 дней назад
@@jaregg I’m glad you didn’t have to go to jail. It was miserable.
@robsonsilva2544 18 дней назад
Principal of my middle school accused me of SMEARING SHIT ON THE WALLS OF A BATHROOM STALL. Dude even stepped out and said to the secretary "i got the kid who smeared shit in the bathroom in my office rn". I said "lets watch the security footage and see who else was in and out around the time they think it happened". I see one other kid come out. I say bring him in and ask him too cause i WAS in that bathroom but there definitely wasnt no shit on the damn wall and I was just on my phone in there. The SECOND dude walked in, HE SMELLED LIKE SHIT AND YOU COULD SEE IT UNDER HIS FINGERNAILS. I didnt even get an apology.
@Contentfarmercam 17 дней назад
This didn't happen to me but someone else who actully did it got in soooooo much trouble and smearing ahit on the wall is gross I was the one to report it seeing someone else's ahit made me puke on the spot and then go find a teacher
@BitzerDogTaylorsVersion13 9 дней назад
@abiestar261 18 дней назад
That mother is crazy, the child is 9!!
@Milkyway109 18 дней назад
There are nine year old drug addicts all over the planet, unfortunately
@dandymaiden 17 дней назад
A lot of times kids are unknowingly being raised by parents with undiagnosed mental illnesses
@leileyaravencroft 11 дней назад
My mother did the same thing to my younger sibling when he was just 10. To this day despite the fact that she was arrested for drugs, she still blames them for her lot in life.
@BitzerDogTaylorsVersion13 9 дней назад
@matthewhearn9910 18 дней назад
Took acid with my best friend, no tripsitter around, and he started having a real bad time. After I stopped him from getting in his car and driving away at 2 AM, he started thinking I was the cause of his bad time and then thinking that I had poisoned him. Eventually he ended up puking red Gatorade outside a convenience store and pleading strangers to call an ambulance, while wanting me nowhere near him, so I bailed. The next day he had blocked me on all socials and his story had shifted to me trying to kill him with ceremonial magic, presumably since the doctors at the hospital told him he hadn’t ingested any sort of poison except the LSD. It’s been five years now and he still hasn’t spoken to me, and our entire friend group basically sided with him (while expressing to me that they didn’t really believe his version of events) because I lived a county over and his apartment was our main hang space. Had to rebuild my whole social life almost from square one.
@thisisachannel.780 16 дней назад
none of those people were your friends to begin with, but you probably realized that by now
@AngiShy 16 дней назад
My mom accused me of stealing $440 from her. I was at my bff's for a week that time. She found the money later. Never apologized. Sums up my relationship with her. The less i see her, the happier i am. Also, i live with that bff permanently now 🤜🤛
@Abi-j1t2n 18 дней назад
i was once falsely accused of spraying whipped cream all over the bathroom of my middle school
@Contentfarmercam 17 дней назад
Some kid smeared poop on our mirror in 6th grade another time in 6th grade someone set paper on fore in the restroom got my special educator swearing that woman even though I hated her has imaginary balls of steel and to make her say the f bomb was crazy
@CASA-dy4vs День назад
Some kid in my school dumped an entire bag of flaming hot cheetos in the toilet and everyone was just staring at the massive lump of red dust in our only toilet on that side of the school
@darkstarr984 17 дней назад
Story 98: Fellow aromantics, for what is considered flirting vs what is actually being nice… the horrifying truth is that there is no difference! Any friendliness can be misconstrued as flirting by someone.
@kassard1 17 дней назад
Yeah the amount of times I've been accused of flirting when I was just being nice/polite/helpful REALLY used to piss me off that I didn't want to be nice/polite/helpful to anyone. But the anxiety/people pleaser made that so hard coz I felt guilt any time I was mean or uncaring as nice/polite/helpful is one of my core behaviours.
@Rainbobirb3735 17 дней назад
That’s so painfully true
@thelazarous 17 дней назад
Some people flirt by being nice, some people just like being that exact same kind of nice. It's a hard world for your average person trying to figure out any intent behind words, autistic people are living in hell at times from it
@xanithdegroot5407 17 дней назад
I got falsely accused of being sexist by some guy in my science class in highschool because I avoided a certain group of girls in our class. That "certain group" was the mean girl cliché that bullied me every time they got an opportunity, which eventually escalated to acts of violence from them. Imagine my mood when I am having to be pulled out of class into the SPO's office to explain that I, raised by my mother (somewhat) and my sister (primarily) who hated just about every male role model I had for being awful people, was in fact not sexist against women, and in fact had a note on my IEP to prioritize giving me female teachers as I responded better to them due to the trauma I had from my father never even attempting to love me. Some people, man.
@byereality7492 17 дней назад
God, i hate when people take "I dislike this one specific woman" to mean "i hate them BECAUSE they are women". It's just a thought terminating argument. Wish you well
@EmbalmerEmi 17 дней назад
Two instances: 1. I was accused of stealing another students gold chain in 2nd grade,he took it off while in the bathroom for some reason and I was the next person to go in. I was searched and I didn't have it,no idea what happened to it. 2. My mom accused me of shaving my legs when I was in fifth grade,I was born blond and even though most of my hair had gone dark brown my leg hair was still blond/transparent.I wasn't in any rush to grow up and had never even thought about shaving before that incident.
@irtehmrepic 18 дней назад
I've told about it before, but I was once called into the office because I had supposedly threatened to shoot up my school on Instagram. Several problems with that. One, I didn't have ready access to any kinds of firearms. Two, I loved doing my school activities and had no motive. Three, I didn't even have a freaking instagram! After talking with the vice principal about it, they believed me and I was allowed to wait for my indoor drumline practice without incident. No clue who accused me or why, though.
@Contentfarmercam 17 дней назад
I said some edgy shit on a phone call once a kid doing the proper thing told me he knew I was joking but was still gonna call the school to get ot dealt with wicth in hindsight made us closer
@ಠಎಠ 18 дней назад
Ràpe, in college. Girl that everyone knew I had the hots for (and was not talking to because she wasn't interested) barged into my room one night, too drunk to know where she was or even speak. Looked like she was gonna puke. Told her I'd let her puke in my trashcan except it's full so lets move to the bathroom. I guide her into a stall, then go looking for her brother since his room was nearby. Then I see her barge out of the bathroom and into another guy's room so I follow her and there's a few guys we know up late partying. I told them what happened, and that she's their problem now, and go back to my room. After a few minutes I get a knock on my door "What did you do to her? Then why were her pants undone?" I didn't even notice that. I think they believed me but it became a sick joke and kept calling me "deadhorse". I talked to her brother (who already didn't like me) and he said she doesn't even remember being in my room, and he's not sure what to believe. 20 years later I still have a wound from the accusations and jokes, but I was used to people making disgusting rumors about me. I feel much worse for her, and hope she hasn't been going all this time thinking she was possibly ràped.
@lydiapetra1211 17 дней назад
I feel so bad for everyone who was falsely accused...
@swichedagamer 17 дней назад
When I was in 3rd grade, I was pushed down at recess onto a pimple like thing on my leg because I asked some kid to stop hand balling in soccer. The pain was immeasurable. I cried, and as recess ended I was seen by my teacher and was sent to go get ice with the kid who pushed me at the principal’s office. We have a big container like thing for getting ice in the cafeteria, but we were sent to the principals office anyways. The assistant principal just assumed I had yelled at the kid, so we were “both in the wrong”. I had to write an essay on what I had done wrong and what I could do next time (this took like 15 minutes minimum and was about 1.5 pages long), and then she told me I had to REWRITE it because I had, “bad handwriting”. after I rewrote it she finally accepted it. Then I had to do busy work in the principals office for the rest of the day and finally got back to class like 10 minutes before dismissal. There was a big project that’s due date kept getting delayed because nobody would finish, but I was ready the first time and was so excited to present. They had presented the project without me and that kid. I was so sad the moment I realized. Time like personally stopped because I had to process what happened before I broke down into tears. This was the last week of school. We left the school that year. Never gonna recover from that goofy assistant principal.
@darkstarr984 17 дней назад
I was accused of shoplifting after I picked up a drink, looked at it, then set it down and walked outside the convenience store. I have an ostomy pouch that was very bloated under my shirt at the time, and it had *already* been clearly visible when I entered the store.
@PsRohrbaugh 18 дней назад
In elementary school, we had desks with cubbies (little storage areas) underneath the top. Sometimes I would fidget inside mine (play with stuff inside). When I did this, I had to turn my desk around, which was mildly embarrassing. Anyway, one day I was actually working on something and not screwing around. The teacher said "Paul, you're fidgeting in your desk, turn it around". I said "no I'm not! I'm working on the assignment!". She said "I don't believe you". I felt a rage I've never felt before - I had many problems but I was no liar. So instead of turning my desk around I pushed it over. I got a "referral", my first ever disciplinary action in school, and had to go to the principals office. This was 30 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday.
@locrianphantom3547 2 дня назад
I feel your rage. Teachers like this…
@binitaroy8038 18 дней назад
About 3 years ago,one of my maternal cousin got married.Before marriage, i would jokes around with my would be brother-in-law in online as we live in different town.i jokingly asked him that how he's feeling about getting married.i didn't attend the marriage nor did i have time to talk to him later as i having competitive exam.Few months later my maternal uncle and aunt accuses me that i liked him romantically, also that i asked him to marry me manipulating my words.They said it in front of our relatives and families.My parents and me wasn't there.i heard it from my aunt, i was so angry and disgusted by it.i wanted to smash everything.till then i don't talk to them anymore.i seriously hate them I also pissed at my parents cuz they said i shouldn't make a big deal out of it.i also don't to talk them properly since then
@ushiocheng 18 дней назад
9:41 story 20 actually says something I love to say often. When someone make an assumption or accusation of you without evidence, good chance they are describing themselves 😂
@tobi936 17 дней назад
Story 13 reminds me of thing Mary and Ann are playing with dolls. Ann leaves the room, and while she is gone Mary puts the dolls away in the toy box. When Ann comes back where will she look for her doll? She'll look where she left it, of course. Although some people's instinct is to say she would look in the box. Remember this when you relocate something or something is missing
@cathyvickers9063 17 дней назад
Wanting to unalive myself that night when I was in a bad mood, having dark thoughts, and wanting to sleep it off. When everyone poured into my room ahead of the paramedics was a surprise to me, as as the accusation that I had scissors in my hand & planned to use them that night. The only scissors were across the room from me, nowhere near my hands. Two witnesses were with me talking. All I wanted to do before they came in was curl up & take a nap, sleeping it off! Still so upset I had trouble using this channel's terminology.
@Adrienne-i1m 18 дней назад
Mom and step dad accused me of stealing wedding rings from house we were cleaning (3 times!)
@cosmonation1840 18 дней назад
2:17 “I love my dog- we were the same age-she was like a second mom to me” Wait…what? Your dog was like a second mom to you? What in the world?
@thelazarous 17 дней назад
You never had a sentient dog I take it. Some dogs are just little people inside, kinda like how most cockatoo's mature in to the equivalent of human toddlers. Not super rare, but I've only met 3 in my life so far, so not too common either.
@silverthehero1295 17 дней назад
It’s amazing how many people immediately believe the accuser, but won’t believe the accused when they deny even when neither side has proof.
@G-force_GD 16 дней назад
Yeah, it seems like the *HUMAN RIGHT* of “the right to be innocent until proven guilty” has just been swept under the rug
@kyototomokui6676 17 дней назад
My neighbor called the cops on my nephews over a noise complaint. They were on vacation at Disney at the time of the complaint.
@tiniepuppie 16 дней назад
i worked at a daycare for a year, and they fired me with an accusation that a parent claimed i told them "my day is worse when your child is here" (absolutely not true, i make minimal small talk when parents pick up, mainly saying stuff like "we had a good day!" or "we did bite a friend again today, but we are working on it"). i was so upset and confused that i just signed the write up and ran out of the building. i loved that classroom :( now i work at a different daycare for a couple months now!
@Asmodis4 15 дней назад
accused of indecence exposure. what happen was that my landlord put new "frosted" glasses into my bathroom with the frosted side to me. I thought "cool, frosted on both sides". NOPE. the glasses was installed INCORRECTLY. you could see INTO my bathroom but not OUT. since this windows go from the ceiling to the ground and my toilet was in one corner of this, you could see me peeing WITHOUT me knowing this. a family with kids strolled down the street when i was peeing and shaking him for the last drop. The Karen interpreted this as me rubbing one out looking at her children. cops where called, much yelling from the karen and the cops and i got booked. 4 month later and my lawyer begged my to confess but i said no, i didnt do anything. this windows are frosted NOBODY could see me and my lawyer said, good, if you are so determined that this is the truth, we look into it. he took photos from outside my bathroom and from the inside of the bathroom (something the cops didnt do), got statements fom the window company and a week later ALL was fine and dandy, no charges but also no "sorry". ALL of that could be avoided if this "cops" went into my bathroom AND LOOKED THROUGH MY WINDOWS. cops are lazy ah.
@victoriasalcido2099 17 дней назад
I was also accused of saying racist things back when i was in the 7th grade. And recently being rude to a guest back in june and the supervisory chef Kurt, believed that damned lady after i tried to explain to her that i experience sensory overload as an adult with autism, but took it as "telling her kids to be quiet" i cried in the back so much, that i had to go home early because i was emotionally hurt.
@barfrodgers1202 17 дней назад
Pretty much every accusations of racism are this
@cinematographystudio 15 дней назад
My dad cheated so my mom divorced him. Guy got a job at my school just to make my life hell. Worse, I got assigned him as a teacher. One day it snowed, to the point the roads were unsafe. We had to take a bus to get to his class, as it was at a separate facility. But the bus didn't come that day, so me and my classmates went to the school library, explained the situation to the librarian, and she said we could hang out until next period or if the school let out early. I get a chain of texts from my dad asking where I am. I explain the situation and he goes on this tirade that I'm trying to avoid his class, he has video evidence that I walked away from the bus. (Guy was a pathological liar, he had no such thing) He said he would be talking to the principal and have me suspended. I decided to play his game and beat him at it. Talked to the principal before he got a chance to. Told him what went down. Piece of shit never brought it up again. Last I heard, he got his 3rd wife arrested by the chinese secret police by framing her as a spy.
@KodaVersus2023 7 дней назад
Not me, but my mom. She was accused of possessing paraphernalia. Roughly 4 years ago when we still stayed in our old house (have since moved), me, who is mildly autistic, and my mom, who is a diabetic, were each in our rooms doing our own thing when loud knocks on our door graced our ears. The second my mom opens the door, a full armed squad greeted us and shouted for us to step outside. I had NEVER encountered something like this before so, me, 18 at the time, was crying something fierce. Fast forward a bit, and one of the officers that pulled up to our house found my former buddy's rolled up tobacco and automatically assumed it was the devil's lettuce, to put it lightly. Not even 4 days later, my mom gets an eviction notice because after finding that ONE ziploc bag that wasn't even half full, the cops decided to spin a screwed up tale to our elderly landlord that my mom not only had drugs in the house, but most likely had some on her person (she had on a nightgown with no pockets, and there were no female officers to search her, and nobody bothered to search ME, either.). For some unbelievable reason, my landlord not only believed their word over my mom's, even when she physically drove out to her house to tell her, but believed they could take HER house (mom was renting) away from her if we weren't given the boot. Turns out, a near literal wicked witch of the west that hated my mom's guts something fierce used the occupied address of one of our neighbors to make it seem legit that someone in our neighborhood had called the police on my dear mom (she was nowhere near that address). By the time it was all cleared up, it was too late. We were left homeless for a while, stuck in a crummy motel room with an absurd amount of money to dish out just to stay for another week, barely had anything to eat, and no real privacy. We have since moved to my old grandparents home after my grandma passed roughly 4 months after my grandpa, but even then, since that day, I refuse to trust the police to keep us safe. (Note: Me and my mom were the ONLY black family in the neighborhood, so not only were we falsely given unneeded heck behind a fabricated lie, but racist cops made it even worse by twisting the tale to get us kicked out. And to add insult to injury, the new family in the house now? They pretty much messed it up.)
@illiardbilliard2355 17 дней назад
1:17:08 A dude that I don't like is named Derek, and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing his name be said with so much vitriol. He once accused me of being racist, but that's only the tip of the iceberg as to why I don't like him.
@barfrodgers1202 17 дней назад
Racism doesn't exist, I never believe these accusations anymore after being accused myself of calling this guy the n word because he liked my gf at the time.
@varietychan 18 дней назад
The brother story is evil, damn. Punching yourself
@Contentfarmercam 17 дней назад
I got framed after a kid drew swastikas on the wall and tpd it took the blame so he wouldn't pummel me and did something tp make me gulity so I'm not completely innocent but it was for my own good havent seen that kid at all this year (I'm in 8th grade we were in 6th when it happened)
@picklerick2861 18 часов назад
I was accused of being a pdf, groomer and the like by one of my 'friends'. It started around 4 years ago when I was 14 because I like an anime character who is 12 and it has spiralled out of control since then to the point where no-one but me even knows what started it. It is still ongoing to this day. I've lost all my friends, my own sister lost some respect for me and my mental health has gone into the gutter. Nothing legal related has come of it as they don't exactly have any proof and I have nowhere near enough money to take anyone to court. I know I now basically have to live with this because at this point there is nothing I can do to clear my name.
@abigailkondoudis5772 3 часа назад
I got in trouble in elementary school for cussing out another kid in Spanish. I do not speak Spanish, have never spoken Spanish, and I wasn’t even talking to the other kid. I still have no idea what she was talking about.
@sparrowhawk_lastname 17 дней назад
I once got the cops called on me for supposedly shoplifting in a consignment store. Supposedly the person (store employee) who called had seen me put something in my bag (I live in a state where "concealment is theft" meaning you don't have to leave the store with an item to be considered to have stolen it, just hiding it on your person counts) but I had not done anything of the sort. Still had to get searched and the cops told me I was being detained... thankfully I was there with my family (albeit not sticking very close to them as I had been bored and wandering around the store) and they explained to the cops that 1. I'm autistic so my acting normal might look like acting suspicious, and 2. I don't steal. Eventually, after they finished searching my bags and realized I hadn't stolen anything, the cops gave me a sticker and left. (I was in my late teens at the time so the sticker just felt patronizing. Like wow thanks this 'Junior P.D.' sticker totally makes up for the trauma and is definitely something I want to have after this experience.) I'm in my 20s now and I still get anxious in stores unless I'm there with someone and sticking close to them and avoiding doing anything that could possibly look suspicious. It makes doing my grocery shopping a whole lot more stressful than it ought to be. Imho calling the cops should never be the first go-to in situations like that. Or maybe ever, considering the issues with police violence in this country. But especially when nothing violent or harmful has happened and there's a parent right there who you could talk to about their kid.
@CASA-dy4vs День назад
I wonder if you still have that sticker lol
@sparrowhawk_lastname День назад
@@CASA-dy4vs Probably not... I left it at my parents' house when I moved out and I doubt they kept it
@oliverkirkland9332 14 дней назад
In 3rd grade, I was accused of stabbing a classmate with a pencil during class. The teacher didn't see me do it -- the kid sat so far away from me that I would have had to get up mid-lecture to do it; but the principal was _convinced_ I did it because the "victim" came to her crying about it during lunch. I had (well, _still_ have) memory issues, thus couldn't mount a sufficient defense to prove my innocence, so I got punished for it -- and for "lying" about not doing it! Turns out that the little sh!t had a crush on me and was mad about it, so he decided to use my memory issues against me and lied to the principal.
@leadfootmeep5541 14 дней назад
I have a WHOPPER for you all. I just turned 18, still in high school. I was heavily bullied and the school did nothing. I got called in to the principal office with the principal and superintendent. They accused me of making violent threats with the graduation ceremony (I was 2 months away from graduating myself). I had no weapons, I was not violent, and it all came from some random girl saying she heard me talking about it in the hallway. I was handcuffed right in front of the office and taken to jail for a crime I didn't commit. The case was thrown out because of lack of evidence but now I'm terrified of police, most likely have PTSD, and was expelled 1 months away from graduating.
@JazzGaming26 16 дней назад
Thanks for reminding me why I keep to myself and don't get involved in anything.
@Hammerite 15 дней назад
Theft of company property. They accused me of it and told me everyone thought i took it. Could not prove it but was fired anyway. The "stolen" machine part later turned up in a garbage can nowhere near my work station. 15 years later it still makes me angry when i think about it.
@iamthekittycat 17 дней назад
@Dj.Chicagohood2024 18 дней назад
Why is the quesadilla guy not narrating the video
@UnderSparked 18 дней назад
@MythicalMystical004 18 дней назад
​@@UnderSparked beesechurger
@cookiealy9684 18 дней назад
@frimchi 17 дней назад
​@@UnderSparkedwhistle dog
@KMHrock89 16 дней назад
This is very mild compared to most… I will never forget being about 11 or 12 years old… My dad and I had gone to an auction we regularly attend because my late uncle was the auctioneer, and my parents used to flea market. I wasn’t interested in the auction and played outside. The parking lot was gravel and there was a ditch with standing water. I was throwing rocks into the water. Far away from cars. About six guys called me over and accused me of throwing rocks at cars. Why would I do that? They even threatened to call the police. I just went and sat next to my dad the rest of the evening, having no way of proving my innocence but knowing I was. Nothing really happened to me after that but I rarely went back to that auction, my choice.
@JervisGermane 4 дня назад
I once got suspended for hitting a girl I didn't hit. She slapped me over something I said, and a teacher saw it, so she said I'd hit her first. She got six of her friends to say I'd hit her first, so it was my word against seven. I ended up with a 3-day suspension for getting slapped.
@monarcal8365 2 дня назад
My greatest fear is being blamed for something I didn’t do. Listening to these stories makes me realize why I have this fear. As a kid I was blamed for everything. One of my very first memories of being blamed I was probably five years old for cutting our cats whiskers. Apparently I was the only one capable of doing it. I was blamed so terribly for it I assumed I somehow DID do it but didn’t remember. I was told I wasn’t getting Christmas presents that year due to it. Long story short, Christmas came and went and apparently they were going to give me Christmas presents but clearly, I must have gotten into the hidden presents and already had them so I was yelled and punished for that as well. Utterly confused, I talked to my little baby brother and he admitted he cut the cats whiskers and showed me where he hid my Christmas presents. I immediately went and told my parents. Bro was just a baby so he didn’t get in any trouble and I wasn’t apologized to. May sound silly but it’s really alienating being accused and then not redeemed.
@definitelynotaroach 15 дней назад
My mom accused me of stealing her gun and shooting it off at some point. She threatened me afterwards and took my money to get it cleaned. I've never shot a gun in my life, even to this day.
@nikkinoodlesoup 11 дней назад
I got accused of spraying perfume on the bus. I didn’t even carry perfume with me. It was kept in my gym locker. Me and the bus driver got into so many arguments until one day I had it. I took my book bag at my bus stop and dumped it out right in front of her then walked to the middle of the bus and pointed out the girl who was actually spraying perfume. The bus driver STILL didn’t believe me. Sorry I smell good. I’m still pissed about that.
@DarkKnightofIT 11 дней назад
Got accused of stealing food that I'm allergic to and would've made me sick. That or when we were swimming at a pool and I got accused of ignoring my aunt telling me it was time to go, when I had my head underwater snorkeling.
@williambrennan5701 12 дней назад
CONSTANTLY being accused of sleeping with a girl half my age (over 18) roommate. One day i had my DAILY ass chewing on speaker getting ready for work I had said nothing to the "room mate" about this . This time it was real bad she overheard it and couldn't believe she was called al those horrible things . She had no attraction to me i didnt think about her like that but she came right back naked i turned off the phone missed work and went ahead and did what we were accused including some very fancy adult film style finishes the ex graphically accused us of doing for months and kept on every single day i was accused of it. i didn't even feel bad as i was already "pre punished" . She had spoke into existence what she didnt want. Still 100% don't feel bad. Come to find out (my ex told me years later) my now ex had been cheating on me for years prior to that. I sound like the "bad guy" but we did this a few months and she moved out meanwhile my was cheating on me way before that and for at least the 7ish years that i know of.
@EvilGrin 11 дней назад
Usually I don't talk about this to anybody but my therapist (more for people's sake then my own). In School, at some point I got accused (mind you, with no proof, victim or any hint of evidence) of being a r_p_st. I don't know who started this rumor, or why, but almost over night I became a total outcast at age fifteen.This was in the 1990s, so it's a a way back, but the damage never heals, that's why I'm still having to deal with it today. Also keep in mind, my "peers" were fifteen as well. Nothing I could say, nothing Adults could say, not even anything the police could say about there never being a crime - to my class mates I was guilty beyond any shadow of a doubt. Also it was a comparable small school, so I could not even escape into anonymity. I spend the remaining couple of years in this state of involuntary hermitage, as due to other circumstances could not change schools anymore, growing more and more introvert and coming to believe that it was somehow my mistake, that I must have done something to start all this, so I started to develop phobias and social anxieties. I'm better now, but the scars are so deep that today, at 42, I'm practically completely unable to work and propperly care for myself, despite not being phyisically handicapped. I'm telling this as a mere warning - don't think kids could "be above" all of this and grow out of It. Emotionally, I haven't grown in the last 30 years, and there are dark times when I still wish I took drastic measures back then. I got help now, but the price not only for me but the whole of society is that I'm 42, unable to work, living on permanent benefits and having three medical professionals and two catetakes managing my life whilst I try to put back my ego back together again. That's my story, believe it or not, I don't care, but please take it's message home and keep it in mind - just in case you hear something similar - because I don't want anyone else to suffer my fate EVER. The child you could safe from trauma and decades long social isolation might be your own.
@anracc5302 17 дней назад
so many of these are women falsly accusing people of SA. We need harsher punishments for this, but will never see it.
@RCMN-2024 12 дней назад
A man I knew was accused by his daughter, a suspected narcissist and psychopath of molesting her, she confessed the truth to her therapist, the prosecutor asked to be excused from the case to speak on his behalf, the so called evidence exonerated him, she lied on the stand, judge disallowed the prosecutor and witness statements proving innocence and last year sentenced to 8yrs, out in 6 for good behaviour, based only on her word, she gone to accuse multiple men of same thing, one that she doesnt know that I know is a gay man, who unfortunately in the past week killed himself, leaving behind a daughter and husband, may karma bite her on the ass
@heroman2372 10 дней назад
In high school, we had a sizable goth crowd. I would wear the dungeon master coat from Tripp, which HAD NO POCKETS, and i was almost dress coded for.... having too many pockets. I had six. All on my cargo pants. However, this was because they kept trying to accuse me of wanting to start a school shooting. I'd never even touched a gun at that point.
@SC-750theMarbleMan 10 дней назад
Story 9… that “friend” is absolutely brain-dead. Why would he do such a thing to OP!?
@brianban110 15 дней назад
I have a couple . Stealing from walgreens . accused of following a girl i don't know home in high school (turns out we lived 3 houses away from each other) . Stealing some kids phone (his friend was the one who stole it ) . being part of giant school fight between 2 gangs in high school (i was one of the kids watching the fight and some shit head teacher randomly picked me out and said I was in the fight) . Also in today's world looking at someone's general direction means you're staring at them (both men and women) Life is weird sometimes
@SwagRum76_ 9 дней назад
A teacher accused me of having a hit list once
@lightdragonlunadragnar9868 17 дней назад
I’m an honest autistic person so you can imagine what this did to my social skills Accused of spitting on a kid “on purpose” dispute me saying it was an accident and them knowing I’m not one to lie i still got detention while the lier got away Scot free (are detention was no noise no talking no looking at other kids they even yelled at me for looking out the window) it was the only time I got detention and I was 5 years old i stopped making friends and being social with everyone around me after that I sometimes feel like some (not all)of my autistic diagnosis was misdiagnosed because of this reason at the same time autism is still a new concept in mental/physical health it only just gotten a name in the 2000’s when I was born. So trying to diagnose autism is still very much a work in progress unfortunately if autism has founded sooner in like the 70-80’s I’m sure my life would be little more easier but I doubt it.
@pamelaj3214 17 дней назад
I met my best friend in my first year of college. We’d known each other for about a month or more, and I often slept over at their house even on weekdays, so we’d ride to college together in the morning (bestie had a license, I didn’t). One morning, I went to the restroom to change my clothes (from pajamas to school wear), but I somehow forgot to grab my school outfit pants. Since bestie’s room was right next to the bathroom (literally only a few steps apart), I decided to just run into the room in just my shirt and underwear. This wouldn’t have been a problem, since it was a mostly female household, but bestie had a stepdad. However, I thought it would be fine because again, the room was right there and I ran. But the timing was terrible, because as soon as I stepped out, I heard bestie’s parent’s room open. I didn’t find out whether it was the mom or stepdad who came out the room until later. Bestie told me a day or so after the failed bathroom sprint that their mom was looking at me some type of way. She apparently was the one who saw me sprinting that day and now was questioning if I was “the home wrecking type”, as though I was actively trying to seduce her fiancé. I felt hurt by this, as I thought I’d built up enough of a relationship with her mom for her to see the kind of person I was. I didn’t even have a boyfriend and was a whole virgin even. But I was also confused, because it wasn’t like I just casually walked out the bathroom swaying my hips trying to be seen. I practically leaped into my bestie’s room. We eventually got past the awkward accusation, but I didn’t go to bestie’s house for a few weeks after hearing what their mom said. Now though, I realize I should have just put my pajama pants back on. Even though I wasn’t intending to be disrespectful, it could have come across that way. Though, that didn’t seem to be bestie’s mom’s concern.
@annasstorybox7906 17 дней назад
Funnily enough the worst for me was cheating on a Latin test in school. Not even some important exam but just a graded test. The translation the guy sitting next to me had written was curiously similar to mine... So... For a brief moment it was that "one of you copied from the other"-accusation. I truthfully told the teacher that I hadn't even looked at his writing during the exam. He quickly confessed. Probably because he genuinely felt bad for having me dragged into the matter. I guess the teacher would have believed me anyway since I had zero history of cheating. In the end my translation wasn't the best anyway. Translating Latin poems just sucks as a lot of the sentence structures we had learned before went out to the window... Another time, in elementary school, I showed a friend the middle finger. At this time I didn't know it was an offensive gesture. Little 6yo me just had never seen it used as such before and we were just playing some game where we would hold up a finger and the other squinted to the point of almost closed eyes and guessed which finger we had lifted. I, without any ill intend and without any knowledge about the offensive nature of the gesture, put up my middle finger. My friend was upset, walked up to the teacher and told her that I had just shown the 'stinking finger' as this gesture is called in my native language. I obviously didn't deny showing that finger and explained that I didn't know that it was an insult to do so and that I just picked a random finger to show during our guessing game...
@kathy_beauty1955 16 дней назад
My sister filed A police report that I stole her pain medication so she could get an extra prescription!
@jjlortez 17 дней назад
First drugs, my parents happen to see a text I had sent when quite tired and then assumed my bad grammar was because I was high. Secondly I was excused by younger female co-worker of harassment. This one worked out for me pretty quickly because what she didn't realize was, the places where she said it happened were on both video and audio recording at the time.
@victoriasalcido2099 17 дней назад
Taking pictures in the locker room during my junior year in highschool. I didn't do anything my reputation was torn.
@Corvinwhite 14 дней назад
To 109 I am really sorry I hope you get better you were treated terrible as a kid you deserve better same with every other story that has to do with all of those things I am so sorry for all of you I hope you all get better
@Corvinwhite 14 дней назад
Also really sorry for 111
@Corvinwhite 14 дней назад
There is a lot more I just cannot remember the exact numbers
@Corvinwhite 14 дней назад
115 I think the baby will forgive you
@Corvinwhite 14 дней назад
Yo 122 why do cops have to be there and stare at you that seems wrong on so many levels
@ParallelParadigms 9 дней назад
Being an informant, i was hanging out with a friend of mine, S, and we were meeting up with a friend of his, D, who i was just meeting for the first time. The three of us head back to S’ place to smoke up till we were pulled over by an unmarked police car that was apparently tailing us for blocks and a police van pulls up shortly after. We get searched and D gets arrested for possession with intent to sell, since he had about an ounce of bud on him with a weighing scale and baggies, S and D have been friends for years so D using the power of deduction points the finger at me since to him i was a new face he’s never seen or met before, and he found it reeeaaally suss that within about a half an hour of meeting me, he randomly gets searched and bagged, to this day 10 years later if S brings my name up to D, it’s usually met with “fuck him he’s a fucking narc, don’t bring him around me ever” even though i literally had nothing to do with us getting pulled over, and still have no idea why we got randomly targeted since we weren’t doing anything suspicious aside from walking and talking in a group. Also a side note, I’m from an area where drugs are a big thing so it’s surprisingly common around here for at least one person in your friend circle to be working with cops in secret to get a reduced drug charge or someshit .
@steveon104 8 дней назад
When I was around like 17 I got accused of stealing from a gas station, luckily my friend was with ne( I’m black and my friend is white ) 2 weeks ago one of my bosses accused me of making a mess inside the bottom of a reach in cooler and putting a roach in their… I was like u really think I put that thing in there, I just asked do you also think think I’m responsible for causing the pandemic and the common cold???
@TAXMO 17 дней назад
Got accused a lot for being a terrible child in school by a lot of kids in my grade. Most teachers actually liked me, but the new head of the school had it out for me and believed all these kids- cause if a lot of kids say its true, it must be true. Note im the kid who makes high b-a’s, sleeps in class with permission of teachers, gets excited when an adult was friendly to me (bad parents, i was love starved), and often helped other students with their work if asked. The worst one was being accused of being racist, i wasn’t. I just really hated one specific kid who kept getting me lice cause they always had lice. Unfortunately large majority of the town was in fact racist so everyone just believed it except close friends…which sucks, but i moved, and made friends with a lot of lovely people in a great school that doesn’t want me to commit su-de.
@gltch_4240 12 дней назад
Sleeping with my ex when I actually didn’t. An rumor and didn’t get into actual trouble but still left out-.
@morelemonpledge469 14 дней назад
One time my mom accused me of cutting the eyebrow whiskers off of one of our cats ... I denied it and she kept saying I did and then I look at the cat and the cat has white whiskers on one side and black on the other .. she just couldn't see the friggin whiskers 🙃
@itzweirdlyaesthetic3772 17 дней назад
Around Christmas I was accused calling my aunt drunk by my cousin that came to visit and my aunt who have known me since I was a child have believed basically the stranger and called me the F slur (I’m in the community) and hasn’t apologized since. To this day she still believes it was me even though it was her daughter who said it.
@BLACK_5ABBATH 10 дней назад
my brother scratched my name into the kitchen drawerwith a fork. my mum made us all sit there until someone confessed but eventually she let me go because 1, im smart enough to not do that bs 2, my printing would be more legible and 3, i wasnt home all fucking day i didnt get punished but i did hafta sit staring at a wall because my brother wouldnt confess and it was my name so 💀
@jamesTBurke 14 дней назад
#63 is the reason men rarely approach women anymore
@sechikoto День назад
I have resting enraged/ pissed off face too
@pikachewie81 17 дней назад
The first story made me laugh haha
@alinashirinian2485 17 дней назад
Stories like number 21 amaze me. Where I live, no one would give an f... Half of the people here don't even believe in domestic vïolence, including the police. Sucks for the couple in the story, but an impressive response from the bystanders.
@brandisuperstar 18 дней назад
Just today my son accused me of taking one of his kittens because he couldn't find her! Then found her an hour later in her usual spot! He tore apart my whole room and closet and just left it! So rude! I Would never take a kitten without asking, especially from my own child! He's 25 and Mr KnowItAll!!
@withsoysauce8316 17 дней назад
He's 25? That's something an 8 year old would do. What??
@meeapeea 14 дней назад
These videos audio seems to be REALLY low, that I have to turn up my headset to blasting. And when the video changes, the audio is normal and things get loud. Anyone else having the same problem?
@tesladajira178 15 дней назад
From the title I already know most of these will be fake SA acusations
@LyncieBussart 5 дней назад
@Shieldzany 10 дней назад
It’s been 14 minutes AND I HAVE GOTTEN 5 AD BREAK RU-vid WHAT THE FUCK
@darrell3260 17 дней назад
what game is being played in the backround?
@darrell3260 17 дней назад
this looks like a forza game but i only have fh5 and i have not seen any of these locations, races, or cars (except one car) in this video in the game
@Zukoba 18 дней назад
war crimes
@picax8398 17 дней назад
story 10 is just bathsit insane behavior from the parents
@olliexlivi 16 дней назад
so a couple years ago my friends WILLINGLY gave me their school computer passwords just in case they lost or forgot them. I had them in a book that I never opened unless I needed to and it was in the back of my desk. one day my friends were on my best friends computer with her and they were looking up something like “how to get…” and “how to get a boyfriend” popped up in popular searches. they somehow thought that it meant that someone on that account had looked it up on that account 😭 it was a big thing and they STILL DONT BELIEVE ME TO. THIS. DAY. RAUGHHH
@Jurtaani 13 дней назад
1:53:40 darn! that gotta be some kind of a record, i mean, i did not know that people could be 3285 pounds.
@nevtheskid4579 15 дней назад
18:10 I'm visualizing that line art meme format from a few years ago with the guy that went like "haha....yeah...." idk does anybody know what I'm talking about? Maybe I'm still that guy who makes jokes nobody understands because I have PTSD and hang with ex-military guys because they don't think I'm weird.
@TheGodros 17 дней назад
1:17:00 imagine getting that upset as an adult for being called a weenie. then again i got assaulted by my mothers then current partner for saying Kyarroto as a joke cause it means carrot. cue me being assaulted and half crying...... i said carrot...........you *&#W@$*...... like just unbeleiveable. then again he was a child abusing, baby abusing(like kicking, hitting, pulling hair(yes i told people, no nothing happened about it and said baby is now an adult who doesnt beleive that her father (he was her biological father, half sister from mother)would do that and is also a women abusing alcoholic
@brunovladares9714 9 дней назад
@matthewwoods6972 17 дней назад
Story 20 I spent a week in jail for putting an ex in a choke hold for literally 20 seconds tops. She had a cut above her eye idk how she got. But the cops where I live just have a hate boner for me. P.s. a few days after I got out of jail. She got in a fight with the police. It took 4 cops to handcuff her and get her in the car.
@rainjb 17 дней назад
Sexual assault. It was back in high school and some girls were sitting in front of me. Out of the blue a guy walks by and makes a sexual joke to one of his friends. I repeat it to myself laughing and they turn around assuming I was talking about them. I sucked at defending myself too back then so I couldn’t really explain to them effectively why they were wrong. Regardless of anything I said, they kept pushing it onto me.
@OrangeEnergy55 16 дней назад
Why are the videos so long now?
@becauselifts9913 17 дней назад
Story 77: Yet again, proof that cops are never, ever good for anything.
@bensoncheung2801 18 дней назад
@KomajuDraws 18 дней назад
@behindtheveil1221 17 дней назад
These Reddit stories are wild! I’ve got a few up on my channel too if you wanna check them out!
@Biditchoun 17 дней назад
Two hours, please stop doing such long videos. I enjoyed watching the twenty minutes ones everyday, I sometimes watch the one-hours (bout once every four or five days), but I'm not watching two hours, sorry. The content just does not fit that format imo. Make multiple videos on the same subject, it will be better.
@kassard1 17 дней назад
Some people love the long videos just as much as the short ones.
@TheChardygirl007 17 дней назад
And some people know how to save a video so they can go back to it. Just like VHS, RU-vid continues from where you left off unless you rewind the video.
@thelazarous 17 дней назад
Nah, I hate short videos, then I have to stop what I'm doing to find another one. I've listened to 8 hour videos before, perfect for work.
@CharlieMcLaughlin-di7cv 2 дня назад
18:13 I feel this. One time I made a “your mom” joke to a classmate (don’t judge me, it was fifth grade) All the conversation ceased. I mean, dead silent. He looked me in the eyes with the most serious look on his face. The kid’s mom had died a few WEEKS ago. People still think I’m a bitch and honestly, if I only saw that one incident, I’d think they were right.
@bobbiscub 17 дней назад
Falsely accused of child SA, all because I was a male in my 20's babysitting my friend's kid and taking him hiking. People suck.
@sapphirewingthefurrycritic985 5 дней назад
8:22 What the fuck?!
@phlushphish793 8 дней назад
Had a friend in college that was a girl. Not a girlfriend, just a friend. I tried to kiss her once; but, she wouldn't let me. So, that was that. After awhile, I realize 'well, this relationship isn't going anywhere' so I stopped calling her. After a few days, I start getting all these hang up calls. Oh, well. Then I come to find out that she's telling all our friends that I'm doing that to her!
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